Our Cause Spring 2012

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The Founder of bluephi.net opens up about his passion and committment to preserving Sigma history.

WORLD WIDE WEB  In the summer of 2002, I started

a new experience at

Yahoo! managing software development for their small business product line. We were encouraged to purchase each of the products to gain first hand experience of how customers use our offerings. Each came with its own domain; so after exhausting options like my name, my kids’ names, etc., I registered bluephi.net for a web hosting account. I did very little with the site for the first few years. It was primarily used for work purposes and not intended to be a real presence at all. In fact, the Wayback Machine did not even crawl the site until 2003 and even then it was only because a default “under construction” graphic occupied the home page. As social networks gained in popularity, I started poking my head around

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and re-posting event information, step show flyers, and various tidbits which came across my Inbox. Things finally started to come together in the fall of 2005. I began to participate more and more in various Sigma pockets across the web, finding a wealth of information to cross post. I converted the site to a blog and became diligent about posting recent, relevant, and compelling information about Sigma. I focused less on the parties and step shows, and more on the Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. It was also around this time


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