Our Cause Summer 2022

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Bro. Dion Coward


Bro. Amos Leak

Bro. Brandon Brown

Bro. Occasio Gee

Bro. Sean Miller

Bro. Todd Le Bon

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Ameen Muhammad Alpha Devante Kerr Alpha Greg Pugh Alpha Jaylen Cromwell Alpha Joshua Cole Alpha Mamadou Kouyate Alpha Colin G Smith Alpha Alpha Phi Emmanuel Cano-Garraway Kappa Xi Garon Senior Beta Beta Pi Jordan Boakye Mu Iota Jordan Whiteside-Johnson Iota Phi Michael Borisade Mu Iota Michael Mitchell Theta Gamma Shawn Robinson Beta Beta Pi Zeyad Elbliety Mu Iota Kobe Cheseman Alpha Alpha Alpha Jadarius Pennyfeather Delta Upsilon Christopher Kent Delta Zeta Claude Funn Delta Zeta Maleik Watkins Delta Zeta Marcell Moss Delta Zeta Markus Malloy Delta Zeta Kyle Baine Mu Nu Benjamin Faulks Omicron Iota Craig -Chuck- Rollins III Omicron Iota


Kenyatta Jeusi Omicron Iota Tanatswa L. Sambana Omicron Iota Tjyshawn Mitchell Omicron Rho Hasan Crawford Rho Tau Jaylon Davis Rho Tau Joshua Franklin Zeta Eta Webster Hill Zeta Eta Charles Aborisade Gamma Alpha Phi Isaiah Bobo Lambda Upsilon Ruffus Steward Gamma Alpha Tau Antonio Lopez Gamma Alpha Tau Ariel Ferreras Gamma Alpha Tau Bryce Watts Xi Gamma Bryson Richardson Xi Gamma Demetrius Holliman Gamma Alpha Tau Devin Johnson Beta Alpha Dylan James Earlington Zeta Lambda Katrell Clay Zeta Lambda Albert Norman Gamma Upsilon Charles Brown Gamma Upsilon Vladimil Velez Gamma Upsilon Zion Raeburn Gamma Beta Alpha Kavante Dawson Gamma Upsilon Nazair Williams Gamma Upsilon Tito Gomez Gamma Upsilon




The Brothers of Sigma Mu Sigma Chapter (Ghana Sigmas) located in Accra, Ghana in West Africa and throughout the USA are proud to announce the completion of our third borehole in just over a year of the anniversary of our chartering.

The building of this borehole was made successful through partnership with Mt. Enon Baptist Church, a local church based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania led by the pastor, Bro. Rev. Edmund Sherrill. Aboma Junction community was selected for this borehole in the town of Aboma because it is located off the main road where a new highway is being built. The highway will connect Adukrom to another major community named Koforidua in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

This community has a population of over 1,500 people. The creation of the borehole is also able to reduce the increasing prevalence of water-borne diseases such as malaria and diarrhea that contribute to the high infant mortality rate throughout the country. The commissioning of the new borehole was held on Saturday, October 16, 2021, and was attended by chapter members Kofi Apraku and Kennedy Agyapong, along with local media, Divine 9 representatives, the community Chief, elders, and over 100 villagers who gathered for the ribbon cutting and first flow of fresh, clean running water.


Brothers from the chapter volunteered time and financial support to the African American Association of Ghana to help with the Medical Outreach Project. PPE, including masks, disposable latex gloves, and hand sanitizers were given out to those who attended the event.


from Bro. Christopher Adewale Spencer

“I would like to extend my sincere thank you to the GENEROUS donation made by brothers of the Ghana Sigma’s toward The Ketou Kids Foundation (Bennie Republic). Together we have resourced 100 students for the upcoming school year, Chris Adewale Spencer (4Gamma 200Fa) Ade’ of Educational Development Ketou”

The current and alumni brothers of Delta Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated celebrated their 50th Anniversary of being chartered. The Delta Zeta Chapter was chartered May 7, 1972 at Norfolk State University. The brothers will continue their year long celebration of this milestone.

Bro. Jeffrey Johnson was awarded 2022 Teacher of the Year of Beulah Elementary School. Bro. Johnson was initiated into Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated in Fall 2018 through the Beta Sigma Chapter (South Hampton Roads) and has remained a financial member through Beta Sigma Chapter.

Bro. Johnson graduated from Norfolk State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and returned to Norfolk State University to obtain his Master’s of Arts in Urban Education School Counseling K-12.


Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Lays Wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


Lays Wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Richmond, VA, April 24, 2022 – Brothers from the Iota Sigma Chapter, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and a Soror from Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. traveled to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the memory and sacrifice of all our nation’s military members by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The President of Iota Sigma Chapter, Brother Keith Cook, was accompanied in the ceremony by 27th Eastern Regional Director, Brother J.R. Reeves, Virginia/West Virginia State Director, Brother Rodney Wright, and Social Activities Chair, Military Affairs Committee Member, and Event Coordinator, Brother Brian Mincey.

Richmond, VA, April 24, 2022 – Brothers from the Iota Sigma Chapter, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and a Soror from Alpha Phi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. traveled to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the memory and sacrifice of all our nation’s military members by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The President of Iota Sigma Chapter, Brother Keith Cook, was accompanied in the ceremony by 27 th Eastern Regional Director, Brother J.R. Reeves, Virginia/West Virginia State Director, Brother Rodney Wright, and Social Activities Chair, Military Affairs Committee Member, and Event Coordinator, Brother Brian Mincey.

Brother Mincey, a Spring 2020 initiate of Iota Sigma Chapter, says “his vision for the event was to provide the Blue and White Family with an opportunity to experience the pageantry and solemn nature of the wreath laying ceremony. It is his desire that the event can serve as a template for everyone who wants to visit Arlington to pay respects to those who have served, even if you are not affiliated with the military.”

Brother Mincey, a Spring 2020 initiate of Iota Sigma Chapter, says “his vision for the event was to provide the Blue and White Family with an opportunity to experience the pageantry and solemn nature of the wreath laying ceremony. It is his desire that the event can serve as a template for everyone who wants to visit Arlington to pay respects to those who have served, even if you are not affiliated with the military.”

Iota Sigma Chapter honors and supports our military brothers throughout the year and encourages the public to save the date and plan to join us for the 2nd Annual Veteran’s Day Blue Thunder Memorial Motorcycle Ride on Saturday November 5, 2022.

Iota Sigma Chapter honors and supports our military brothers throughout the year and encourages the public to save the date and plan to join us for the 2 nd Annual Veteran’s Day Blue Thunder Memorial Motorcycle Ride on Saturday November 5, 2022.

Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded in 1920 originally as the Richmond Alumni Chapter. For over one hundred, the Iota Sigma Chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, has played a vital role in Richmond communities and beyond. Standing on the shoulders of the giants that came before us, we strive to be a community-oriented, proactive chapter that truly seeks to fulfill our Fraternity’s beloved motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.” For more information, visit www.richmondsigmas.org.

Iota Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. was founded in 1920 originally as the Richmond Alumni Chapter. For over one hundred, the Iota Sigma Chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated, has played a vital role in Richmond communities and beyond. Standing on the shoulders of the giants that came before us, we strive to be a community-oriented, proactive chapter that truly seeks to fulfill our Fraternity’s beloved motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.”

For more information, visit www.richmondsigmas.org



RICHMOND, Va., May 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Devon Henry said yes to a job that no other contractor had the courage to accept. The story of Henry’s role will likely be told in history books– as depicted in the recent front page feature of The New York Times. Since 2020, Henry and his construction teams have meticulously and safely removed over 23 Confederate statues across the former Confederate South. Henry is now repurposing this history into a charitable CryptoFederacy project that highlights 13 star causes and changemakers via the 13 Stars NFT Art Collection that drops on Juneteenth 2022 at www.CryptoFederacy.com.

“The task of dismantling these statues has literally been monumental,” states Devon Henry, who faced harassment and even death threats, as a result of answering the call to “re”mantle history. “It’s very humbling to be the one who fulfills a 131-year prophecy. But that’s not enough. I feel a responsibility to use these deconstructed pieces of our past to construct a better tomorrow.”

The prophecy Henry references is that of John Mitchell, Jr., the editor of the Black newspaper, The Richmond Planet. In 1890, when the Robert E. Lee statue was erected on Monument Avenue in Richmond Virginia, Mitchell foretold of a Black man one day taking down the statue. “He put up the Lee monument, and should the time come, will be there to take it down,” Mitchell wrote.

CryptoFederacy’s 13 Stars NFT Collection, represents the thirteen stars on the Confederate flag and will drop on the 157th anniversary of Juneteenth– a Federal U.S. Holiday that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved Americans, and marks when the last enslaved people in the U.S. were officially informed they were free– following the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate states in April 1865.

On June 19, 2022, the CryptoFederacy project will mint an inaugural collection of 13 NFTs that represent the dismantled statues. Henry endeavors to sell these NFTs and raise $1 million dollars for 13 different charitable causes that address societal issues that stem from the ideals and actions reinforced by the Confederate Generals whose statues were removed.

Henry and his CryptoFederacy team are finalizing partnerships with established nonprofits and planning launch events in New York, Richmond, D.C. and Los Angeles. Attendees will be able to meet the CryptoFederacy team, view the NFT artwork, meet the artist, explore physical pieces of the dismantled confederate statues and view framed professional photographs of the behind-the-scenes history-making moments from the statue removal process.

Henry hopes that impassioned individuals and foundations will feel compelled to be part of this historic reclamation of ideology, by collecting one of the 13 exclusive pieces of artwork–which will help raise awareness for the charities the NFT artwork represents. As the CryptoFederacy NFT community grows, the team has plans to follow the inaugural NFT collection with a 10,000-piece CrazyStats NFT collection– and appeal to an even wider audience.



Morgan State University, Baltimore Maryland: The members of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., - Gamma Chapter and the Morgan State University – Gamma Chapter Alumni Association (GCAA) hosted the unveiling of the Gamma Chapter Centennial Monument on Friday, September 16, 2022, at 10:00am on the campus of Morgan State University (MSU).

The unveiling included remarks by Dr. David Wilson, President of Morgan State University; Natasha LewisWilliams, Interim Assoc. VP for Student Affairs & Exec. Dir. of the Univ. Student Center & Student Life or Representative; Dr. Danny Molock, Jr. Interim Director of Student Life & Development; Hon. Chris V. Rey, International President, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Hon. J.R. Reeves, Eastern Regional Director, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Jasper James, MD State Director, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.; Courtney Souvenir, Jr., Gamma Chapter President; Elford Jackson, Monument Committee Chairman; Soror Tamara D. Harris, MD State Director, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.; and Dunsin Fadojutimi, Gamma Chapter President, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Erecting a Monument: Capitalizing on the success of the centennial celebration, the brothers of Gamma Chapter and GCAA, with the August 18, 2021 approval of MSU, decided to conduct a fund-raising campaign to erect a monument on MSU campus. The purpose of the Centennial Monument was simply to memorialize the names of those members that sacrificed to maintain and strengthen the legacy of the chapter for well over 106 years. Their service to the fraternity, the college and the surrounding community will never be forgotten. We hope that the monument will serve as a reminder of our fraternity’s motto “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity.” We should never get complacent in well doing. As members of Gamma Chapter, we must continue to inspire future members to uphold the traditions and honor the rich history set forth by the founders and alumni brothers, remembering that all activities should be conducted with the idea of rendering service. The monument fundraising campaign was spearheaded by Bro. Elford Jackson, who served as chairman of the centennial committee. Due to his leadership, the brothers of Gamma Chapter and GCAA were able to raise the majority of the funds to purchase the monument within three months. The monument highlights the names of over 222 Fraternity brothers and the depiction of 49-chapter line crossings.

The monument design was led by Steve Venick, President, Fram Monument Company, Inc., 7020 Reisterstown Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21215.



The brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter appeared in number to participate with a facemask giveaway held at the Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. (DBH) Elementary School in Baltimore City. The event was a well-attended collaborative effort between Phi Beta Sigma Frat., Zeta Phi Beta Sor., the Good Health WINs organization, and the DBH Principal, Sor. LaWanda Wilson. The purpose was to bring awareness about the importance of taking preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Initiated by Bro. Malwan Johnson, International Social Action Director, the grant that he secured from Good Health WINs helped to acquire the mask and other supplies that were distributed to every student and staff member at the school. While an important effort to help combat COVID-19, the location at elementary school contributed to a very significant aspect of Black History Month to highlight the accomplishments of one of our Brothers. Brother Bernard Harris, Sr. was on the “first line” of Alpha Chapter as described in the Spring 1986 Crescent (p.10). As a Howard Graduate, he was a prominent surgeon for over 50 years with a medical office that was just blocks away from the school location. Known to the area brothers for his involvement in establishing both Gamma Chapter and Zeta Sigma Chapter, Bro. Harris’s contribution to the Fraternity during the early years of the organization’s development are thoroughly documented within our Fraternity records. Hence, it was especially rewarding to begin Black History Month at the school named after him for his dedication to civic affairs and education. As such, the brothers decided to use this unique opportunity to launch what will be a series of service projects that will be executed throughout the year to celebrate Zeta Sigma Chapter’s Centennial Celebration that will be consummated on November 12, 2022, at the Centennial Gala.




The Brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter appeared in number to participate with a facemask giveaway held at the Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. (DBH) Elementary School in Baltimore City. The event was a well-attended collaborative effort between Phi Beta Sigma Frat., Zeta Phi Beta Sor., the Good Health WINs organization, and the DBH Principal, Sor. LaWanda Wilson. The purpose was to bring awareness about the importance of taking preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Initiated by Bro. Malwan Johnson, International Social Action Director, the grant that he secured from Good Health WINs helped to acquire the mask and other supplies that were distributed to every student and staff member at the school. While an important effort to help combat COVID-19, the location at elementary school contributed to a very significant aspect of Black History Month to highlight the accomplishments of one of our Brothers. Brother Bernard Harris, Sr. was on the “first line” of Alpha Chapter as described in the Spring 1986 Crescent (p.10). As a Howard Graduate, he was a prominent surgeon for over 50 years with a medical office that was just blocks away from the school location. Known to the area brothers for his involvement in establishing both Gamma Chapter and Zeta Sigma Chapter, Bro. Harris’s contribution to the Fraternity during the early years of the organization’s development are thoroughly documented within our Fraternity records. Hence, it was especially rewarding to begin Black History Month at the school named after him for his dedication to civic affairs and education. As such, the brothers decided to use this unique opportunity to launch what will be a series of service projects that will be executed throughout the year to celebrate Zeta Sigma Chapter’s Centennial Celebration that will be consummated on November 12, 2022, at the Centennial Gala.

The Brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter appeared in number to participate with a facemask giveaway held at the Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. (DBH) Elementary School in Baltimore City. The event was a well-attended collaborative effort between Phi Beta Sigma Frat., Zeta Phi Beta Sor., the Good Health WINs organization, and the DBH Principal, Sor. LaWanda Wilson. The purpose was to bring awareness about the importance of taking preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Initiated by Bro. Malwan Johnson, International Social Action Director, the grant that he secured from Good Health WINs helped to acquire the mask and other supplies that were distributed to every student and staff member at the school. While an important effort to help combat COVID-19, the location at elementary school contributed to a very significant aspect of Black History Month to highlight the accomplishments of one of our Brothers. Brother Bernard Harris, Sr. was on the “first line” of Alpha Chapter as described in the Spring 1986 Crescent (p.10). As a Howard Graduate, he was a prominent surgeon for over 50 years with a medical office that was just blocks away from the school location. Known to the area brothers for his involvement in establishing both Gamma Chapter and Zeta Sigma Chapter, Bro. Harris’s contribution to the Fraternity during the early years of the organization’s development are thoroughly documented within our Fraternity records. Hence, it was especially rewarding to begin Black History Month at the school named after him for his dedication to civic affairs and education. As such, the brothers decided to use this unique opportunity to launch what will be a series of service projects that will be executed throughout the year to celebrate Zeta Sigma Chapter’s Centennial Celebration that will be consummated on November 12, 2022, at the Centennial Gala.

The Brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter appeared in number to participate with a facemask giveaway held at the Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. (DBH) Elementary School in Baltimore City. The event was a well-attended collaborative effort between Phi Beta Sigma Frat., Zeta Phi Beta Sor., the Good Health WINs organization, and the DBH Principal, Sor. LaWanda Wilson. The purpose was to bring awareness about the importance of taking preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Initiated by Bro. Malwan Johnson, International Social Action Director, the grant that he secured from Good Health WINs helped to acquire the mask and other supplies that were distributed to every student and staff member at the school. While an important effort to help combat COVID-19, the location at elementary school contributed to a very significant aspect of Black History Month to highlight the accomplishments of one of our Brothers. Brother Bernard Harris, Sr. was on the “first line” of Alpha Chapter as described in the Spring 1986 Crescent (p.10). As a Howard Graduate, he was a prominent surgeon for over 50 years with a medical office that was just blocks away from the school location. Known to the area brothers for his involvement in establishing both Gamma Chapter and Zeta Sigma Chapter, Bro. Harris’s contribution to the Fraternity during the early years of the organization’s development are thoroughly documented within our Fraternity records. Hence, it was especially rewarding to begin Black History Month at the school named after him for his dedication to civic affairs and education. As such, the brothers decided to use this unique opportunity to launch what will be a series of service projects that will be executed throughout the year to celebrate Zeta Sigma Chapter’s Centennial Celebration that will be consummated on November 12, 2022, at the Centennial Gala.



The Brothers of Zeta Sigma Chapter celebrated Founders’ Day on March 19, 2022. Originally scheduled for Saturday, January 8, 2022, in recognition of our actual Founder’s Day on January 9th, 1914, the event was rescheduled due to the rise in COVID cases in the area. As a lead up to our Zeta Sigma Chapter Centennial Celebration, the theme was presented as Our History, Our Pride, Our Legacy.

Having the event in March, the program name was changed to Rededication Day 2022. In keeping with the overall premise, the program had a structure that presented the three points of the theme. The historical aspects of the organization were described through the efforts and sacrifices of our ancestors and present-day elders. Our pride was exhibited with a spirited dialog between one of our senior most brothers, Brother Willie Nichols (1965), and one of our newly inducted neophytes, Brother Michael Carrington (#6 ZS 2021). Our Legacy was approached from the perspective of our recommitment to the organization that was expressed by each member of the chapter executive board.

Saturday morning, we held a rededication ceremony with a brothers only breakfast that was well attended with just over 80 brothers at the venue. The program also included service awards for outstanding chapter members and a spectacular drum assembly organized the Brother Christopher Gee. Other musical selections were arranged by Brother Orrin Bynum abd Brother Michael Guthrie. The event was held at The Forum Caterers located at 4210 Primrose Avenue, Baltimore MD 21215.


Two and a half years ago during our International Conclave for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in Las Vegas, I was bestowed the honor of being inducted into the highest honor given to a brother of our fraternity, becoming a member of the Distinguished Service Chapter. Due to the pandemic we have been facing these past two years we were not able to officially celebrate this amazing achievement with my Sigma brothers, family and friends. Well, on May 21, 2022, I was finally able to receive my official DSC Pin and Certificate surrounded by family, friends, my chapter brothers and Sigma men from near and far.

The weekend started off with four of my line brothers and a few other Sigma brothers gathering at my home for some delicious food, drinks and laughs as we reminisced about our college days while celebrating our 45th Sigma Anniversary! I realized just how fortunate I was to have these brothers, Adrian, Carey, Michael, Vince and Timmy still in my life for without them there would probably be no me in Sigma! We continued Saturday morning with a Kappa Upsilon Sigma chapter community service project


# 191)

by helping the Burlington County Food Bank distribute food to those less fortunate throughout Burlington County. Saturday evening at the DoubleTree Suites in Mt. Laurel, NJ we came together for an evening of celebration at my Distinguished Service Chapter Reception. With family, friends, members of my Blue & White family and fellow members of the Distinguished Service Chapter this evening was everything I could have imagined and hoped for. The room was filled with 45 years of memories with people who have touched my life in so many ways. I want to thank everyone who took the time to celebrate this very special occasion with me. This was not just a celebration for me because this honor could not have been achieved without the many Sigma men who have touched my life and have had such a positive impact. I tried to thank a few of them Saturday evening but there are just too many Sigma brothers to say thank you to, but know that you are all in my Sigma heart! I must give a big thank you to my Kappa Upsilon Sigma

Chapter brothers for their brotherhood and financial support as well as all those others that made a donation or brought Doublegood popcorn to help raise funds which will be presented to the Alzheimer’s Association in the name of my amazing parents, Dr. Alvin and Harriett Williams.

As I stated Saturday evening, “ People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel”.

Thank you to my fraternity, PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY, INC. and my Brothers for thinking I deserved this highest honor, Distinguished Service Chapter member #191. Thank you again to all that came and to all that have been a part of my Sigma journey over these past 45 years.



DSC #191





As a Navy Chief, we are the keepers of Naval History and Heritage. We safe guard the historical moments that are forever etched into time and ensure that it’s not a fleeting moments but a memory that is heartfelt and understood. My pinning was held in one of the most historic landmarks in history. Pearl Harbor was the place where our country experienced mass devastation and tremendous loss but also exposed the greatest of heroes and individuals who without thought of themselves, manned guns, swam in fiery waters to save the lives of the wounded. Evacuated spaces but stayed behind to make sure others remained safe only to make the ultimate sacrifice. The souls of these heroes live in the air surrounding this sacred and solemn place. These were the lives given so that I can wear the uniform of a Chief Petty Officer. So that I would have the opportunity to serve and continue a legacy of building future leaders in the United States Navy!


Epsilon Nu Sigma Chapter

50th Charter Anniversity

For 50 years, the men of Sigma have supported our motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity” under the name of Epsilon Nu Sigma!!! ENΣ celebrates 50 years of vision and commitment, always leading with the spirit of Brotherhood.


Epsilon Kappa Chapter

50th Charter Anniversity University of Pittsburgh

The members of this groundbreaking Chapter are numerous and have gone on to be leaders Fraternally, Civicly and Professionally.



In celebration of 100 Years of Service to the city of Philadelphia and surrounding communities, on Saturday, October 22nd, 2022, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Nu Sigma Chapter held their Centennial Gala celebration at Live! Casino & Hotel in Philadelphia. The Black-Tie event welcomed over 500 people in attendance and included a cocktail hour, live entertainment by The “Amazin Grace & G.L.B.“ band, and a recognition ceremony honoring several members of the Philadelphia and the fraternity’s community.

During the gala event, State Representative and Democratic Whip Jordan A. Harris, who is also a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Nu Sigma Chapter, presented the fraternity’s newly launched foundation, the Nu Sigma Foundation, with $75,000 from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to support the Daryl L. Coates Sigma Beta Club of Philadelphia. The Sigma Beta Club of Philadelphia is the youth auxiliary group (ages 8-18) to the Nu Sigma Chapter, named in honor of past President Brother Daryl L. Coates. Rep. Harris shared his personal connection to the program, which he participated in during his youth, before presenting the ceremonial check to Sharon Coates, widow of Brother Daryl L. Coates, who accepted the funding on behalf of the Nu Sigma chapter.

The gala opened with an invocation from Brother Paster Jay B. Broadnax of Mt. Pisgah A.M. E. Church. Our 2022-2023 Strategic Marketing Partner, Rachel Ferguson, Chief Innovation & Global Diversity Offer at Visit Philly brought greetings and provided insights on the plans to support Black Greek life in Philadelphia. Councilmember Katherine Gilmore Richardson, who is also a member of the fraternity’s sister organization, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., also provided remarks at the event.

Soror Stacie N.C. Grant, the International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. provided thoughtful and kind remarks, and was so graciously followed by The Honorable Bro. Chris V Rey, JD, 36th & Current

the nonprofit foundation was launched following the event.

From Bro. Dr. E.H. Barnes to Bro. David Richardson, Nu Sigma has seen 48 esteemed presidents take the leadership to give Philadelphia the dedication to brotherhood, scholarship, and service. Nu Sigma will continue to mark history as

President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., whom presented the Nu Sigma chapter’s current and living past presidents each with a custom pin to honor their tenure of leading the chapter.

Today, the Chapter has more than 100 active members, which include a state representative, a managing director for the City of Philadelphia, a police commissioner, teachers, lawyers, and professionals in the legal, IT, medical, and business management industries. With this summer’s launch of the Nu Sigma Foundation, the organization plans to reaffirm its commitment to Philadelphia for the next 100 years. A campaign to support

they reach new goals with their vision for a community center, growth in their chapter foundations, and partnership with local community partners to lead the charge for voting empowerment, program activation, and youth mentorship. Congratulations to the brothers of Nu Sigma Chapter of Philadelphia on 100 years of dedication to our motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”.


In the autumn of 1922, a group of Sigma Men residing in Baltimore City were called together to consider the organization of a graduate chapter of the Fraternity. Up to that time, all the activities of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity in the area had been confined to the undergraduate Gamma Chapter at the then Morgan College. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was hardly known off the campus. At this meeting, it was decided to contact all brothers in the city and invite them to attend a meeting; after the very satisfactory response to this appeal, a permanent alumni organization was formed. Some of the key men attending were Brothers: Dr. Bernard Harris (First Line), Dr. Frank A. Saunders, Dr. George S. Allen, James R. Howard (Charter Member), and Dr. John Emory Toussaint Camper (JET) (First Line), John W. Woodhouse (ZS-President), James R. Howard (Charter Member & ZS-Vice President), George A. Owens (ZS-Secretary), and William Anderson (ZS-Treasurer). Most of them were former members of Alpha Chapter and understood the inner workings of the fraternity and were a great assistance in developing chapter. (The Crescent, Spring 1950, page 56)

In recognition of this tremendous milestone, the members of Zeta Sigma executed a week of celebratory events that had been fostered by 2 years of planning. The Centennial Celebration week comprised of a carefully planned itinerary designed to provide a memorable occasion and historic experience for the membership and our sorority sisters, family, and friends.

All in all, it was an inspiring series of events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Zeta Sigma Chapter. The planning and detailed preparation was rewarded as each event was executed per plan with minimal adjustments required overcome unforeseen circumstances. With the commitment of the members as well as the chapter leadership, we were able to exceed many of the expectations. Finally, it was the support of the brotherhood from surrounding chapters, friends, and family members that contributed to the overall success of the centennial celebration.

“I believe in the unity of Purpose as expressed in the motto, Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”

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