You are You, I am Me

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You Are You, I Am Me Understanding Diversity Written by Cynthia Geisen Illustrated by R.W. Alley


God Loves to Create Lots of Different Things Open the curtains. Look all around you.

What do you see? Clouds floating across the sky? Trees swaying in the breeze? Birds flying through the air? Tall buildings?

Open your ears. What sounds do you hear?

Birds chirping? Dogs barking? Horns honking? Music playing? People talking?

Take a deep breath. What do you smell?

Grass that’s just been cut? Exhaust fumes? The smell of curry coming from your neighbor’s kitchen?

See, hear, and smell all the awesome things God has made. Remember: YOU are God’s amazing creation, too!

We Are Unique AND Alike Did you know that over 7,000,000,000 people are living across the world? But none of us is exactly the same.

Think about your family, your friends,

your neighbors. No one has your smile. No one sings just like you. No other person in the world draws or dances or dreams exactly like you. You are ONE-OF-A-KIND.

BUT, people throughout the whole world are also

alike. Just like you, people everywhere laugh when they feel happy and cry when they feel sad. Just like you, they love and are loved.

We Have Different Talents, But We’re All Good at Something What do you do well? Maybe you can spell big words or add large numbers. You might draw amazing dinosaurs or write beautiful poems. It could be that you run like a gazelle or sing like a bird.

But, there are also things that you might not do so well. Maybe you have a hard time understanding math or kicking a soccer ball.

We all are good at something, but none of us is good at everything. The world needs people with different talents. Where would we be if everyone was good at dancing, but no one could play music?

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