Life & Soul — Advent/Christmas 2010

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Complimentary Magazine

angels: Help from on high The Gift of holiness just how good is the good news

advent / christmas 2010

christ in everyday life

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contents Advent, the Garden in Winter ...


A hospital waiting room is gradually emptying out hour by hour. A phone rings every now and then, a name is called, an individual or a family group leaves the area to meet with a surgeon down the hallway and hear the status of their loved one. Is it good news? Is it bad news? Waiting, waiting, there is always this time of anxiety and waiting…


A young father sits in a small kitchen looking at his children as they busily demolish the morning’s breakfast. A calendar hangs on the wall with an “x” marking each day that has passed. Months like this will go by until the last “x” is penned on the calendar and his wife is home on leave…at least for a time… Waiting, waiting, there is always this time of anxiety and waiting… Sr. Jane R. Linvingston, FSP

A teenager walks along the road approaching her family’s home. She has been away for three months living at a relative’s house. How in the world is she going to explain to them that she is pregnant? What kind of acceptance or rejection awaits her? Waiting, waiting, there is always this time of anxiety and waiting… Advent is the marvelous time of year when the entire Christian world celebrates together the mystery and spirituality of waiting. It is like a wonderful garden in winter! Beneath the surface, a time of anxiety and waiting can become the seeds for a strong and tempered hope and trust to grow. An illness can become an awakening to a truer and deeper living of the gift of life. A time of separation from those we love can bear the fruits of greater love and appreciation for the gift of all around us. Even an unexpected pregnancy can become God’s entrance into our human experience. “A great and mighty wonder! A full and holy cure!” There is wisdom to be found in waiting. God is present there. Cultivate your inner garden this winter and help make love grow with daily time for meditation on the Word of God and some good spiritual reading.


IN PRINT Get a sneak peek at our newest book about angels

IN PRINT Sarah Reinhard discusses two of our newest Christmas books for kids involving activities and… sheep, of course.




be inspired


An interview with Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB

Learn about our newest saint from Canada who was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in October

HEAR ALL ABOUT IT A new Christmas album from the Daughters of St. Paul Choir: Treasury of Traditional Christmas Carols!

INK 10 FRESH New books for the season and Christmas gift ideas

KIDS’ CORNER 12 Short stories about the season for

Sr. Jane R. Livingston, FSP Charleston, SC

IN PRINT Sr. Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP, strives to help us through the dark patches in our lives with Holding on to Hope

kids, along with great new titles and gift ideas for Christmas!

DID YOU KNOW? 14 Just how good is the Good News?

advent / christmas 2010 | life & soul | 3

in print

not just another Book on

spiriTualiTy by sr. kathryn J. hermes, fsp

new! holding on to hope the Journey beyond darkness kathryn J. hermes, with healing exercises by helene Cote, pm

dark times come to us all—periods of depression, burn-out, financial disaster, death of a family member, emotional chaos. The pain of a dark time can open us to new growth in our relationship with God and ourselves. We seek a bridge from the darkness to authentic spirituality and healing. penned by the bestselling author of Surviving Depression, this book is that bridge. paperback 160pp. #33959 $12.95 u.s.

This past year hasn’t been easy for a lot of people. The economy, loss of jobs, oil spills, and any number of personal tragedies have created a dark stretch either on our own life’s path or on the path of someone we know or love. Have these past months been a detour? Would it be a mistake to too quickly push them out of our consciousness and get on with our life as we lived it before? If that were even possible…. This weekend i was privileged to listen to two stories shared over lunch. a couple described a seven-week ordeal during which they thought they would lose their twin girls. little miracles, lots of faith, and innumerable prayers helped them to live peacefully and trustfully through the long days as they sat beside their newborn daughters who were fighting for their lives. another older woman was watching, her eyes shining. she told how she had almost lost her son to encephalitis and at the same time their house had burned to the ground.

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They had lost everything except 1,500 family photographs they had managed to find in the ashes. “You think you would be totally crushed after losing everything you possess. but God is there holding you all the way. it’s amazing.” during the dark patches of our lives it is hard to believe that something new could happen. To hold onto hope we need an expansion of soul. We need help to look up, instead of down. To breathe in, instead of out. To be surprised by delight, instead of soured by sadness. a soul that has expanded and been caught up in wonder at the astounding way God manifests his presence has discovered what God can do if we but hope. it is then that we discover that God is always doing something unexpected, something refreshingly, surprisingly new! Holding on to Hope is a companion for those who are ready to move beyond the darkness. This book is unique in that it introduces spirituality with a compassionate and perceptive understanding of what you have suffered, how you are feeling, what you are hoping for. The stories, scriptural reflections, guided contemplative experiences, discussion questions, and practical healing exercises are a bridge between where you’ve been and what you long to become. Holding on to Hope offers a spiritual path leading to healing, maturity, and spiritual transformation.

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Help from on High excerpted from the introduction:

Angels have gotten some bad press. Artists often depict them as chubby babies with wings, flying lazily around clouds dotting a blue sky. but who would ever turn to such creatures for protection or help? Wouldn’t that be like asking a two-year-old to balance your checkbook or change a flat tire? We can’t see angels, and perhaps this is why artists often come up with the chubby babies. Consider instead this description of a mighty angel: and i saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs like pillars of fire. He held a little scroll open in his hand. setting his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, he gave a great shout, like a lion roaring. and when he shouted, the seven thunders sounded (Rev 10:1–3). now that’s an angel to reckon with! The imagery in the book of Revelation is not meant to be taken literally. but it does help us realize that angels are mighty beings. anyone who can snap the seven thunders to attention gets our respect. and God has given the angels to us as our helpers, protectors, and friends. They’re on our side. They’ll help us in all the difficulties that

may creep into our lives. Their main job is to help us spiritually, but they also help us in all of life’s problems. no matter what upheavals we face, we can count on the angels. but who are the angels? The official Church teaching about the angels is actually quite limited. in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, apart from incidental references and summarizing articles, the major teachings about the angels are found in only fifteen out of a total of 2,865 articles—about two pages out of a two-inch-thick book. Yet over the centuries Christians have written many books and scholarly treatises about the angels. saint Thomas aquinas devoted a large section of his Summa Theologiae to the angels. in The Angels: Help from on High we’ll get to know them better and deepen our friendship with them. We’ll explore who and what angels are, what scripture says about them, how they help us, and how the Church prays to them and with them. along the way, we’ll find out some interesting facts about the angels. This book also includes some true stories of people who believe they have been helped by an angel. While these accounts are not matters of faith, the testimonies show us the many ways that angels, like good coaches, help us in tough situations. all we need to do is ask them!

the angels help from on high


Compiled and edited by marianne lorraine trouvé, fsp

scripture tells us of the angels, but what do we really know about these mysterious guardians and messengers of God? pulling from what we know of them through the writings of saint Thomas aquinas, the author pens an approachable and intriguing exploration of the angels. This book contains factual information, along with stories, devotions, and prayers. paperback 144pp. #07907 $5.95 u.s.

advent / Christmas 2010 | life & soul | 5

in print

new cHildren’s Books for the christmas season by sarah reinhard

new! ten Christmas sheep Jan godfrey

hardcover #74329

We have favorite books to read during Advent, but finding the fine line between anticipation for Christmas without going too far is still something I’m learning. Thanks to two new releases from Pauline Books & Media, though, I have a few more winners for Advent and Christmas reading. Ten Christmas Sheep is a board book, but that’s not going to stop my five-yearold from asking me to read it repeatedly. she happened to be standing by me when i opened the review file on my computer, and she demanded that i read it to her.

28pp. $12.95 u.s.

not only is it a delightful story, the illustrations are enchanting and whimsical. near the end, she couldn’t help herself from exclaiming, “Mom! That’s babY Jesus!”

new! the Christmas aCtivity book sally ann wright

booklet #15845

32pp. $10.95 u.s.

it’s okay with us that the sheep in the book aren’t anything like the real sheep in our barn. The ones in the book are way cuter, and what’s not to love about a book that combines cuddly animals, angels, and baby Jesus? The only thing my girls love more than cute animals is a chance to do something.

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advent is a time of the year when i usually overcome my distaste for craft projects and embrace things like Mod podge and paint and buttons and ribbon. i can’t help it: they enjoy the mess—i mean, the creation—so much, and the recipients of their artwork have equal pleasure with the gifts. now, thanks to The Christmas Activity Book, i have a resource that’s perfect for my kids (and any other kids who happen my way!) not only can we share the stories (and more lovely illustrations) that make this time of year so special, but we can complete mazes, color and draw missing pictures, and, best yet, make our own Christmas cards. We just love to make our own cards and send them to people. in this book, there are four full-color cards included, with room for embellishing and personalization. Though we will need to send far more than four cards, these four will gives us plenty of ideas to grow upon (and perhaps impetus to buy a second book?). My favorite part of the book is at the end: the press out nativity scene. it gets to the heart of what this season is all about: getting involved, being part of the action, welcoming the new baby. Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mother, and writer who is online at

faith & Culture

a spiriTualiTy by sr. Joan Chittister, o.s.b.

for the 21st century

1. What first attracted you to the Rule of Benedict? To be honest, i was first attracted to the Rule not by the Rule itself but by the spirit of the benedictine sisters who taught me in high school. all my life i had planned to go to another order of sisters. and then i met the benedictines. it was a matter of “i came, i saw, they conquered!” first, there was something about their very spirit—the way they treated one another, us kids, and people in general. They were so open, so authentic, so simple. i found them always kind in a totally engaging way. i knew that there simply had to be something in their religious life that formed them like that. second, the regularity and beauty of their prayer life fascinated me. i used to stand on the back porch of the high school, under the chapel windows, just to hear them sing matins. There was something divine about that life, and i wanted it to be my life as well. That depth and beauty of community prayer is with us still today, never changes, and carries us from one day to another.

2. What do you love most about monastic living? Monastic living rests on two major pillars, constant contemplation and a strong community life: or to put it another way, immersion in God and the support of your

sisters; the search for God and the love of life. it is from these fountains of monastic life that together and alone each of us then serve the people of God out of our own personal gifts. Those two dimensions of monastic life are unique to it and represent its strength. We live together and pray together all our lives, and i love both.

3. Why do you think the Rule of Benedict is a useful guide for the 21st century? The Rule of benedict is centered on the very values this century most needs: a commitment to human community; an immersion in the God who walks with us through life; the care of the earth; a listening heart; the building of peace; good work for the sake of the world; and a humble spirit that is always open to others.

4. How can lay people live the Rule? lay people can take these values and apply them to their own groups, their family, and their personal lives. in fact, so many lay groups have asked us how to do this that we are preparing materials right now to help them do so.

new! the rule of benediCt a spirituality for the 21st Century Joan Chittister, osb

Today’s major spiritual issues such as stewardship, relationships, authority, community, balance, work, simplicity, prayer and psychological development are all addressed in ths five-hundred year-old classic known as The Rule of Benedict. With extraordinary vision and common sense this rule written by benedict of nursia, guides us into a new way of seeing and living that can transform our modern world just like it did 500 years ago. paperback 320pp. #978-0-8245-2594-1 $16.95 u.s.

advent / Christmas 2010 | life & soul | 7


be inspired


gifT of Holiness by sr. sean mayer, fsp

“… Holiness befits your house, O LORD, for evermore.” Psalm 93:5 This fall the Church celebrated God’s faithful love lived out in the lives of twelve men and women who were canonized or beatified between september and october. Two of these officially recognized examples of holiness are familiar to many in north america: John Henry newman (1801–1890) who was beatified september 19; and andré bessette (1845–1937) who was canonized october 17. You couldn’t ask for two more diverse examples of holiness! newman was a brilliant oxford professor. bessette was largely illiterate up to the age of 25 when he presented himself at the door of the Holy Cross brothers in Montreal, Quebec, and asked to join. newman lived a very public life as an influential anglican pastor and writer, a controversial convert to Catholicism, and, finally, a priest and cardinal of the Church. bessette was assigned the duty of doorkeeper at the brothers’ notre dame College in Montreal. Though both men were sought after by their contemporaries, newman’s erudition and wise counsel drew people’s attention, while bessette’s reputation for healing through the intercession of saint Joseph grew along with the oratory of saint Joseph in Montreal, which he built. for all their differences of education, temperament, and field of action, at heart both men had a simple, direct trust in God’s goodness and God’s direction for their lives. ultimately, saints are proclaimed on the witness of their heroic practice of faith, hope, and love. We may be fascinated by the stories of the miracles attributed to their intercession or we may be drawn to learn what these men will be declared patrons of, but, in a sense, this is the “packaging” that catches our eye. The real treasure lies inside their lives and their examples. The true treasure is Christ’s life lived out once again, “hidden” in the features of each of the baptized, and brilliantly reflected in the actions and words of a few, such as blessed John Henry and saint andré. 8 | pauline books & Media |

life’s purpose wisdom from John henry newman John henry newman; foreword by mary lea hill, fsp

paperback #45337 $6.95 u.s.



saint andre bessette miracles in montreal by patricia edward Jablonski, fsp

paperback #71400 $7.95 u.s.



hear all about it

a king is born daughters of st. paul Choir 2010 Christmas ConCerts

angels among us

By maryann Toth

A chance wandering into a Pauline Books & Media book center, a little religious oasis, was the beginning of a relationship with a new family and new path of spirituality. soon after my first visit to the book center, i attended my first daughters of st. paul Christmas concert—now a family tradition. The music is a mix of traditional carols and uplifting seasonal songs that even includes dancing and audience interaction. Two years ago, with the due date of my grandchild imminent, i thought i would miss the performance in new Jersey. Tradition could not be broken, so my other daughter and i braved our way through a december snow storm from central new Jersey to philadelphia, pa. Why have the early december concerts become a tradition for me? The beauty and deep simplicity of Christmas can get easily lost in our fast-paced and materialistic world—this is certainly not the spirit of Christmas that i want to pass on to my family. Traditional songs, such as found in the sisters newest album, Treasury of Traditional Christmas Carols, remind me of the true meaning of Christmas. listening to these songs brings a sense of calm, spirituality, and peace to what can easily become a stress-filled, hectic religious holiday.

as new family members are introduced to the concerts, they all comment, “it is not what i expected!” a favorite song during every concert is “angels among us,” which the sisters refer to as their signature song. it is about a stranger helping a lost child find his way home. While we all have angels who help us in our times of need, the daughters of st. paul are truly angels among us—helping us find our way and awakening the hearts of people in a contemporary way to the love of God, not only at Christmas but all through the year. Maybe this year i will just have to plan a road trip from new York to boston to attend every concert!

tuesday, november 30 @ 7:30 pm st ephrem Church 929 Bay Ridge Parkway • Brooklyn, New York Ticket price: $20.00 for more information: 718-833-1010

wednesday, deCember 1 @ 7:00 pm our lady of fatima school 499 New Market Road • Piscataway, New Jersey Ticket price: $25.00 for adults; $10.00 for children for more information: 732-968-5555

thursday, deCember 2 @ 6:00 pm benefit for the daughters of st. paul staten island Hilton Garden inn 1100 south avenue @ lois lane staten island, new York Ticket price: $125.00 for more information: 718-477-1200 xt 226

friday, deCember 3 @ 7:30 pm Cathedral of st. John the evangelist 1007 Superior Avenue • Cleveland, Ohio for more information: 216-696-6525 xt 5510 or e-mail:

sunday, deCember 5 @ 3:00 pm st. paul’s Church 214 Nassau Street • Princeton, New Jersey for more information: 609- 924-1743

monday, deCember 6 @ 7:30 pm benefit for the daughters of st. paul father Judge High school 3301 Solly Avenue • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ticket price: $25.00 for more information: 215-676-9494

thursday, deCember 9 @ 7:00 pm st. ann’s by the sea Church 591 ocean street Marshfield, Massachusetts Ticket price: $10.00/children under 12 free for more information: 781-834-4953 e-mail:

saturday, deCember 11 @ 7:00 pm daughters of st. paul Chapel 50 saint paul’s avenue Jamaica plain, Massachusetts Ticket price: $10.00/family rate $25.00 for more information: 617-522-8911

treasury of traditional Christmas Carols sung by the daughters of st. paul

Cd #74280

$16.95 u.s.

*Also available as a digital download. Visit www.pauline. org for more information.

sunday, deCember 12 @ 3:00 pm daughters of st. paul Chapel 50 saint paul’s avenue Jamaica plain, Massachusetts Ticket price: $10.00/family rate $25.00 for more information: 617-522-8911

advent / Christmas 2010 | life & soul | 9

fresh ink

find peace and inspiration in adVenT life’s purpose wisdom from John henry newman John henry newman; foreword by mary lea hill, fsp


Does life have meaning? What’s the purpose of my life? drawing from both his sermons and writings, Life’s Purpose: Wisdom from John Henry Newman lets us reflect with one of the great philosophers of the 19th Century on a problem that continues to perplex us today. find meaning in your life with newman, a masterful preacher, influential thinker, and follower of God. beatified on september 19, 2010. paperback 112pp. #45337 $6.95 u.s.

new! advent wreath prayers marianne lorraine trouvé, fsp

Reflections and prayers for lighting the candles each week of advent. includes a song and meal prayer. pamphlet #07893 $.95 u.s. pk 25 $23.75 u.s.

see yourself through god’s eyes 52 meditations to grow in self-esteem

how to handle worry a Catholic approach

marie paul Curley, fsp

Today’s world is busy and non-stop—one filled with eighty-hour-work weeks and too little time left over. author Marshall Cook offers a practical approach to deal with the worries and anxieties that creep into our chaotic lives. He explains how we can create and maintain harmony in our lives through faith and prayer. paperback 160pp. #33908 $12.95 u.s.

using meditations, scripture passages, stories, and prayers, sr. Marie paul Curley offers a way to develop a personal relationship with God and to discover his unconditional love for us. Curley writes from her own experience, creating a guide to fostering healthy self-esteem and a sense of personal affirmation for even the busiest reader. paperback 192pp. #71273 $9.95 u.s.

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marshall J. Cook

visit your pauline books & media Center today!

n advent graCe daily gospel reflections

approaChing Christmas

daughters of st. paul

discover, in lyrical prose and masterpiece art, the spiritual scope of the season’s festivities, and recapture in your heart the wonder of Christmas. Written in a conversational, relaxing style, Williams creates a dialogue with her readers about the meaning of the season. Chapters are short enough to read in the precious little time left between gift-wrapping, cooking, and gettogethers. hardcover 128pp. #0780X $14.95 u.s.

in this daily advent companion, members of the daughters of st. paul share their reflections and lead readers in lectio divina on the scripture readings for the season. includes reflections for the octave of Christmas. paperback 128pp. #07877 $7.95 u.s.

Jane williams

beginning Contemplative prayer out of Chaos into Quiet kathryn J. hermes, fsp

in this practical guide, best-selling author kathryn J. Hermes, fsp, demonstrates how to begin a life of contemplative prayer. You don’t have to be a mystic to learn this type of prayer, just a person who is seeking a deeper communion with God. sr. kathryn has helped thousands of people through difficult times. now let her guide you in this timeless form of meditative prayer. paperback 192pp. #11769 $12.95 u.s.

see page 9 for our latest Christmas album to listen to samples of the songs on these albums, visit our store at

the season of love Christmas with the daughters of st. paul

Includes: Glory, Glory • When Love Came Down • Carol of the Bells • Sleigh Ride • Candlelight Carol • O Come, Emmanuel • New York Christmas • First Day of the Son • O Holy Night • Angels Among Us • Sing, Angels, Sing • What I Want for Christmas, and more! Cd #74221 $16.95 u.s. Not available in Canada

Christmas favorites Carols that warm the heart

Joy Christmas songs

sung by the daughters of st. paul Choir;

sung by the daughters of st. paul Choir

produced by Jerry barnes

Includes: Joy (to the World) • Do You Hear What I Hear? • Hark! The Herald Angels Sing • The New Twelve Days of Christmas • Sing to the King • All Alone on Christmas • Jingle Bell Rock • Perfect Christmas Night • Happy Xmas (War Is Over), and more! Cd #39817 $16.95 u.s.

Includes: O What a Wonderful Child • White Christmas • Silent Night • Wexford Carol • Hallelujah, The Lord Is Born • O Come, O Come, Emmanuel • There Is Born a Child • The Virgin Mary Had a Baby Boy • The First Noel • Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, and more! Cd #15586 $16.95 u.s.

Not available in Canada

Not available in Canada

advent / Christmas 2010 | life & soul | 11

kids’ Corner

in Time for

cHrisTmas Celebrate the season! twelve short stories for advent & Christmas edited by diane m. lynch


especially appropriate for advent and Christmas, these short stories remind children that Jesus “comes” to us every day—and in many ways—when we open our hearts to him. for middle-grade readers, ages 8–11. Celebrate the Season! includes discussion questions after each story, making it perfect for classroom and homeschool use. ages 8–12. paperback 128pp. #15853 $7.95 u.s.

new! saint andre bessette miracles in montreal

the first noel

by patricia edward Jablonski, fsp

This timeless retelling of the nativity story, enhanced by beautiful illustrations, will quickly become a favorite Christmas tradition in every family. The story remains faithful to the Gospels of luke and Matthew and is told in childfriendly language. perfect for ages 3–6. hardcover 48pp. #26871 $16.95 u.s.

saint andré bessette spent most of his life answering the door for his religious community. Through his extraordinary devotion to saint Joseph and his prayers for those in need, thousands of people were miraculously healed and helped. inspired by God to build the oratory of saint Joseph, brother andré bessette is beloved in his native Canada and beyond. saint andré was canonized by pope benedict XVI in October 2010. Ages 9–12. paperback 128pp. #71400 $7.95 u.s.

written and illustrated by maïte roche

12 | pauline books & Media |

my advent Calendar in preparation for Jesus’ birth, children will love opening the flaps on their very own advent calendar and discovering an act of kindness and virtue for each day. filled with colorful illustrations and festive stay-on glitter, this calendar makes a great gift! includes mailing envelope. tri-fold Calendar #07850 $5.95 u.s.

visit your pauline books & media Center today!

santa’s prayer by mary lou andes, msC; illustrated by patricia mattozzi

Children join santa in praying to baby Jesus for peace, hope, and love throughout the world! Complete with a Cd featuring both the read-along story and a special song, kids are sure to fall in love with this beautiful board book. board book 12pp. #71001 $11.95 u.s.

saint niCholas the story of the real santa Claus retold by mary Joslin; illustrated by helen Cann

Here’s the story of the real santa Claus, st. nicholas, whose unfailing kindness and generosity led to many of the gift-giving traditions of Christmas. This beautifully retold legend features highly detailed and decorative illustrations. ages 6–8. hardcover 24pp. #70978 $14.95 u.s.

gift ideas saints and their stories

saintly tales and legends

by maria loretta giraldo

by lois rock; illustrated by

This illustrated collection of informative and entertaining stories introduces young readers, ages 7–10, to popular saints— st. ann, st. Joseph, st. John the baptist, st. peter, st. paul, st. lucy, st. ambrose, st. augustine, st. benedict, st. francis, st. anthony of padua, st. Catherine, st. John bosco, st. bernadette, and more! hardcover 168pp. #71346 $19.95 u.s.

Christina balit

the bible for little ones

seventeen stories and legends of saints from all over the world are enchantingly told and beautifully illustrated in this book for young readers. folklore, history, and Christian tradition come alive! for intermediate readers, ages 8–10. hardcover 96pp. #70838 $16.95 u.s.

god’s wonderful world Jan godfrey; illustrated by

translated by mary nazarene

peter adderley

prestofillipo, fsp

God made a wonderful world and filled it with trees and flowers, stars and planets, and creatures of every kind. Then he gave it to us to take care of. bright, colorful illustrations accompany rhythmic text that retells the story of God’s creation of the world. ages 6–8. hardcover 32pp. #83174 $12.95 u.s.

a sturdy book for preschoolers with stories from both the old and new Testaments. includes stories about adam and eve, the Ten Commandments, Jesus’ birth, and the loaves and fish. board book 38pp. #11661 $15.95 u.s.

advent / Christmas 2010 | life & soul | 13

did you know?

Just how good is the

good news

By Sr. Mary Lea Hill, FSP

How often do we consider these powerful little words: good and news? Both are among the most overused words in the English language.

Divine Word. She contained the invisible God and made him visible and accessible to men by presenting him in human flesh.” In other words, Mary edited God’s Word in her womb and published him at his birth. And this at what Scripture calls “the fullness of time.” God shows himself savvy about another publishing principle: timing is important.

Classic introduction: “How are you?” “Good!” Classic advice: “I only want you hanging around with good kids.” Classic quote (from G. K. Chesterton): “The word good has many meanings. For example, if a man were to shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a good shot, but not necessarily a good man.” And what about news? If I were a news editor, my idea of good news would be: 1. short: the essential; 2. simple: the human interest; 3. strong: the unique angle. Do the Gospels meet my criteria? Well, they are short—to the point of irritation. We always wish the evangelists had said more. As for human interest: their 2,000 plus years on the best-seller list attests to

our fascination with their simple message. The strength of the Gospels is definitely in the unique angle from which they present their breaking story. Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Pauline Family, was a true disciple of the Word. Among his many writings on God’s Word is this favorite of mine: “The Latin liturgy contains the phrase, Edidit nobis Salvatorem: The Virgin Mother gave us the Savior. The verb edidit is used [Pr 1954 137]. Publishers (take a word), multiply it, and distribute it clothed in paper, type, and ink. On the human level, they have the mission that Mary had on the divine level. She was the Mother of the

14 | pauline books & Media |

As a baby Jesus came to us in weakness and helplessness. He had to grow and develop over the years. His personality unfolded through his formation and education. We see all of this in the pages of the Gospels. Jesus’ life is of profound importance to our own. He is both God’s Word spoken to us and our word of response to God. We now speak to God only in him, with him, and through him. He is always the most contemporary means of communication with God. Paulines by definition are evangelizers. Well, what does that mean? I’m going to spread the Gospel. Yes, but more! I am going to do the gospel, to evangelize. It is the most effective means, as illustrated by God himself, in the incarnation, he is the Good News.

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Joan Chittister, OSB

The Rule of Benedict

A Spirituality for the 21st Century

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