Life & Soul_Spring 2011

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pauline books & media

spring / summer 2011

new books about John Paul II to celebrate his beatification!

Complimentary Magazine


Catholic Book Fair Program • Quality products that highlight Catholic beliefs and values • Books, music, and DVDs for all ages • Everything you need to run a successful book fair in your school or homeschool group “It was so easy and the selection was just great.” — Anne M., Cheyenne, WY

For more information and to request a free introductory packet, email us at 2 | PAuliNe Books & MeDiA |

inside pauline books & media

contents 4

Sr. Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP

My first encounter with John Paul II was through a Christmas ornament my Mom hung in our kitchen, very proud of the newly elected pope with whom she shared our Polish heritage. He was too important to be there only for the Christmas season, so JPII stayed all year long as a guest in our kitchen. With his warm smile and twinkle in his eye, he seemed to watch me grow up.

Years later, as a postulant in the Daughters of St. Paul, I heard for the first time the Pope’s words when one of his recent talks was read aloud by a sister. I was suddenly transfixed. I remember my young heart being moved by what I heard and my eyes filled with tears. I felt a fire being fanned within me—an enthusiasm for life, a love for Jesus. I discovered someone who was real in John Paul II. He was loving and joyful. He told me the truth. He didn’t shrink from suffering, rather he embraced solidarity—we suffer together, with Jesus. He was not afraid to talk about Jesus Christ and invited me to do the same. I was given a mission by JPII: A mission to become holy—to not be afraid of drawing close to Jesus.

5 6 7 8 9

IN PRINT Savor the collected memories of Blessed John Paul II

IN PRINT Guide Catholic children through periods of grief over the loss of a loved one

FAITH & CULTURE How do you watch and discuss a movie with kids?

HEAR ALL ABOUT IT The Daughters of St. Paul Choir serenade us on a brand new album!

IN PRINT Something new for teens … by teens

be inspired Is Catholic media dead?

I felt the truth of his words. He believed in me. He believed that the youth were the future of the Church, that we were the hope of the world: “No difficulty, no fear is so great that it can completely suffocate the hope that springs eternal in the hearts of the young. You are our hope, the young are our hope” (World Youth Day 2002, Toronto).

INK 10 FRESH New books in the Classic Wisdom

These are gifts that I, and my generation, have received from JPII, and now we, in turn, can offer these to the youth of today. And together, young and old, we can follow his invitation:

KIDS’ CORNER 12 Fun and educational reads for

“Christ wants to go many places, he wants to enter many hearts, through you! Do not be afraid to be saints in the new millennium!”

Collection and Everyday Grace series!

kids, including a new Encounter the Saints book on John Paul II

DID YOU KNOW? 14 Stay in the loop with Pauline Kids

via our new blog!

Sr. Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 3

in prinT

blessed John Paul II beatified may 2011! “I find myself before you without notes. I must find the notes within me, because everything that I want and must tell you is written in my heart.” —John Paul II excerpted from rocco palmo’s Foreword:

neW! JoHn paul ii—THe sTorY oF mY liFe Collected memories by John paul ii; Compiled by saverio gaeta

This book collects the memories of John Paul ii and brings you into an intimate “talk” with this beloved pope. These stories have been gathered together into this beautiful volume from John Paul’s writings and conversations with friends, loved ones, and companions. in John Paul II—The Story of My Life, you are invited to listen to the story of one of the Church’s most-loved spiritual fathers, told through his own words. paperback 288pp. #39922 $18.95 u.s.

… five years after Pope John Paul ii returned to the father’s house, what remains most remarkable about his life isn’t its result, but the pilgrimage that … saw him called forth to be his era’s leading witness to the world.

of all, extolling the virtues of love, family, and commitment is never a rote act when your own were gone at an early age. As each of these threads ran through his life, so he passed their lessons forward, that the world he left behind might have life, and have it more abundantly. ... in his wake, the life and witness of this spectacular figure tends to be compartmentalized—John Paul the poet, the politician, the ecclesiastical governor, the “rock star.” still, however one tries to piece it together, every last facet of the man was drawn from the same place—John Paul the Christian, the witness, the priest and pastor of souls. Miss that, and you miss everything.

At every turn, the philosopher-pope… never failed to employ his sizable arsenal of charisma and conviction to call for humanity’s most powerful tools of change, which tend to be the quietest ones and are available to everyone.

for all his many divisions, the pope is not unlike the rest of us—no occupant of the post will ever be perfect, nor be able to invest himself everywhere he would like. He, too, has to choose his priorities and emphases, knowing he isn’t eternal and can’t be omnipresent.

Without knowing his story or hearing the emphasis in his voice, one could simply write off John Paul’s teaching as a political message or “tough talk” to the faithful…. But peace is no mere slogan when you’ve endured wars; the need to respect life and cherish human dignity hit home when you’ve had friends killed, tortured, and exploited under totalitarianism’s heavy hand; hard labor for little reward gives new meaning to the need for justice—and most

And for all that, John Paul chose us—the young people who became his own, the generation he inspired to carry his fearlessness and faith forward. sure, he loved us. More importantly, he looked to us, called out for us—he believed in us—to walk where he couldn’t and to continue the lord’s work of being salt and light in this world.

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VisiT Your pauline books & media CenTer TodaY!

helping children GrIeve over the loss of a loved one a note from the author:

Someone your child loves has died. it’s a very sad time for adults and children alike. sometimes it’s too easy to forget the impact that death and grief can have on a child. Their world has drastically changed, and they are struggling to make sense of all that has happened. They are in need of adult guidance and support to navigate this path. This book can assist your child through the grieving process while helping them to honor the memory of their loved one. Grief is a unique and deeply personal experience; it has no timeline. each child will progress through this difficult experience in her or his own way and own time. i recommend that you spend time with your child discussing the information and activities in this book. Through your love and support, their faith, and the love of God, your child will find peace again. God will be with your child, and you, always. in Christ, kim schuler

“This simple and straightforward text teaches children about grief and affirms that their thoughts and feelings are not only normal but necessary.” —alan d. Wolfelt, ph.d. director, Center for loss and life Transition author of Healing the Bereaved Child

“schuler gives grieving children the critical information they need and a safe place to record their thoughts and explore their feelings. A much-needed resource.” —mary deTurris poust, author Parenting a Grieving Child

“ …a wonderfully written and beautifully illustrated resource that is thorough, thoughtful, sensitive, and richly grounded in our Catholic faith and best professional practices in bereavement.” —david a. lichter, d.min., executive director, national association of Catholic Chaplains

I Will Remember You helps children ages 7–12 to understand death, funeral rituals, the grieving process, and what to expect during the first year after the loss of a loved one. kimberly B. schuler, a certified school counselor with an Ms in Counseling Psychology, gives a reassuring voice to a child’s feelings of loss, and provides a safe space where hopes can be expressed and memories can be treasured.

paperback #37040

144pp. $10.95 u.s.


kimberly b. schuler, lPc, ncc, is a certified school counselor. she has worked at the elementary school level in catholic schools in the Philadelphia area for more than 10 years. kimberly holds a bs in elementary education from saint Joseph’s university and an ms in counseling Psychology from holy family university.

spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 5

FaiTH & CulTure

how to watch movIes with kids by sr. Hosea rupprecht, Fsp

“C’mon, Mom, everyone’s seeing it,” your child says to you. The latest movie is out in the theater, and though other parents are taking their kids, you’re not quite sure if you should take yours.

available may 15

The kids have seen the billboards along the road, the advertisements on TV, and know the characters from the toys in their last fast-food meal. They have heard other kids talking about the movie — and so, says your little one, why can’t i go see it? What do you do? What is your strategy when it comes to your children and their media consumption?


HoW To WaTCH moVies WiTH kids a Values-based strategy Hosea rupprecht, Fsp

How to Watch Movies with Kids offers practical tips, questions to ponder, and resources to help you build your own family strategy for dealing proactively with media influences. paperback 128pp. #33983 $9.95 u.s.

Catholic parents (or anyone raising kids these days) have their jobs cut out for them when it comes to media. The Church calls media “gifts of God,” but the messages presented by the media do not always agree with our core values of love of God and love of neighbor. As a parent, you not only want to pass on to your children good values but also the faith and morals that you believe in. sometimes the media can help, other times it presents a challenge. kids today are born into a world saturated with media. entertainment through TV, movies, MP3 players, the internet, and gaming have, to some degree, taken the place of playing catch, jump rope, and hide

6 | PAuliNe Books & MeDiA |

’n seek. Because media is so prevalent, it is important for children to develop the critical thinking and communication skills they need in order to navigate this media world and grow into discerning media users. This book has your needs and expectations in mind as you raise children in a world quite different from your own childhood experience. Your kids are learning right from wrong, being introduced to values and morals first by observation (especially watching you!) and, when they start school, learning from their teachers and peers. it is during the formative years that they take the first steps to developing moral awareness and letting it guide their actions. Whether your kids are older or younger, developing and growing in the ability to communicate values and question media is appropriate.

“as a parent of four grown children I have always felt that communication is the key to having an enriched and life-long relationship with our children. sr. hosea does a wonderful job of providing tools to help facilitate great conversations with kids when it comes to viewing and interacting with media.” — Terri anne palmer, director religious education, rCia & Faith Formation st. augustine Church, Culver City, Ca

Hear all abouT iT

there can be mIracles an Interview with the choir

it is itical

L&S: What are your recording sessions like?


Sr. Tracey: During our practice days, we learn each song bit by bit—the timing, dynamics, and harmonies. We sit in a row, on metal chairs with our tennis shoes tapping away the timing and pencils in hand to make notes on our music for the actual record.


lly ool, it is e the ss her ng ate te.

The day we went over “Amazing Grace,” we sang through the very familiar first verse and then reached the chorus, singing, “My chains are gone! i’ve been set free! … “ it was kind of funny ... one minute i was fine, the next minute i was a puddle of tears. The only reason any one of us was sitting there proclaiming our redemption was because of God’s unmerited, gracious, salvific love. And to think he chose to draw to himself us ordinary people and then send us out to sing this mystery as consecrated women. i was moved to tears. There are not many good reasons to disrupt the serious business of recording an album. But between us, i think having a heart blown away by gratitude is definitely a good one.

L&S: Which song was the most meaningful for you personally? Sr. Fay: “You Raise Me up.” i first heard this song when Josh Groban released his first album. This song brings me hope, knowing that Jesus is with me always, even during times of suffering. it hit me again after hearing about the 2009 tsunami tragedy in my hometown of samoa, in the south Pacific.

L&S: What do you think people will enjoy most about this album? Sr. Bridget: The variety of songs—some are religious inspirational while others are popular but not necessarily seen as religious. The whole album sings of hope and the love God has for us.

neW! THere Can be miraCles sung by the daughters of st. paul Choir

includes: Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) • You Are My King (Amazing Love) • I’m Your Angel • Light the Fire Within • Pie Jesu • Prayer of St. Francis • The Prayer • Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partiro) • We Are the World (Haiti Lyrics) • When You Believe • You Raise Me Up • You’ll Be in My Heart. Cd #74388 $16.95 u.s. DsPchoir

spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 7

in prinT


something new for teens by sr. emily marsh

What do you think about the Bible? A good read, or too long? Exciting, or boring? Simple, or hard to understand? Whatever our impression of the Bible may be, it is the living Word of God. It changes lives.

gave me hope that the Word of God has a living and powerful role in their lives. it opened me to the action of the Word in my own life. i hope that it will do the same for you and for the young people in your life. “The Word of God can touch us like no other book can. And once we have been touched by it, we cannot keep to ourselves how it has changed us” (from the introduction).

The more than sixty teens who contributed to Teens Share the Word testify to the power of the Word to change lives by sharing how it has changed their lives. “When i read this i remember that God is always going to be there for me,” says one. “These words inspire me, strengthen me, and help me persevere,” writes another. in brief reflections based on different scripture passages of their choosing, these teens convey the impact of the Word of God. The reflections are grouped under different topics, including God’s love, guidance, temptation, forgiveness, prayer, daily life, and more. Teens Share the Word is a testament to what can happen when we pray with scripture. it poses important questions for young people today: Are we aware of the impact that the Word of God can have on our lives? Do we know how to open ourselves to the action of the Word? A special section of appendices details how to look up a passage in the Bible, explains how to pray with scripture using the method of Lectio Divina (“holy reading”), and includes prayers to the Holy spirit. And the sharing continues! The Word of God must always be where people are, and people today are…on facebook! our Teens Share the Word facebook page offers links to the Mass readings of the day and tips and encouragement for praying with scripture. it also provides the opportunity to ask questions about praying with scripture and to share how the Word is changing your life. Visit Teens Share the Word on facebook: teensshare. it was a privilege to read the reflections of these young people as i compiled them into Teens Share the Word. it inspired me and

8 | PAuliNe Books & MeDiA |

neW! Teens sHare THe Word Compiled and edited by maria grace dateno, Fsp, and emily marsh

The Word of God can touch us like no other book can. And once we have been touched by it, we cannot keep to ourselves how it has changed us. We want to testify to the power and love we have experienced. The teens who contributed to this book all have experienced the power of the Word of God in their lives, and now they share it with you. paperback 160pp. #7437X $9.95 u.s.

be inspired

The Re-birth of Catholic media By Rob Kaczmark

Catholic media is certainly not dead, although it may look that way to some people. With the advent of new technology and social media, Catholics now have some phenomenal tools to produce high quality media. Now, you may ask, why is this important? Why is it important for Catholics to use media? The answer is simple: using media is how you reach people today. Sure you can go on a street corner and start yelling: “The end is near, repent!” but who is going to listen? If, on the other hand, you put up a captivating video, or link to an inspiring article in your Facebook or Twitter feed, people will notice.

It can be very easy as Catholics to fall into an “us vs. them” attitude: Catholics vs. the secular media. Some of my most inspiring moments have come watching a secular film or TV show. First we have to remember that God is still very much part of secular media. Does that sound strange? Then stop to ponder whether God loves those who work in Catholic media more than the people in the secular media? God plays no favorites; he loves them as much and continues to work in their lives and their work. Sure some of these people may not have the best intentions, however, even in some of the worst films/television shows, you can still see glimpses of light and God’s work. Does this excuse the negative that is portrayed? No. But we need not always to curse the darkness, but to light a candle and illuminate the night.

Rob Kaczmark is partner and production manager of Spirit Stop to ponder whether God loves those who work in Catholic

Juice Studios, a Chicago-based new media company with

media more than the people in the secular media. God plays no

extensive experience in interactive design, print design,

favorites; he loves them as much and continues to work in their

branding, advertising, videography, event production,

lives and their work. Sure some of these people may not have the

illustration, and typography. Since their inception, they have

best intentions, however, even in some of the worst films/television

designed and developed numerous projects for arts, media,

shows, you can still see glimpses of light and God’s work.

Not only that, but they will be affected by it too. Why? Because we live in an age where we have become self-serving consumers. Now I know that sounds really bad, but its not as bad as one might think. It basically means we like to consume media as we want to consume it, rather than have someone tell us what we should see or listen too.

Catholic and separate commercial clients. Spirit Juice Studios is currently working on a documentary about the founder of the Daughters of St. Paul, Blessed James Alberione, the congregation that publishes under the name Pauline Books & Media. Behind the scenes news can be found on the blog hosted at

spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 9

FresH ink

finding Inspiration this sPrInG




each volume of the Classic Wisdom Collection provides time-tested spiritual guidance for living a CL A S S IC W I S D O Christian life. ComForT in HardsHip Wisdom from Thérèse of lisieux

Compiled and with a foreword by germana santos, Fsp



How do i hold on to faith when my heart hurts so much? in loss and abandonment, how do i cope? in this book, st. Thérèse of lisieux and her family recount some of the painful events in their lives. They walk us into a world of deep love and intense suffering. like an understanding companion, Thérèse shows us that love makes suffering easier to bear. paperback 96pp. #15888 $6.95 u.s. inner peaCe Wisdom from Jean-pierre de Caussade edited and with a foreword by kathryn J. Hermes, Fsp



How do i find peace of mind in my stressed-out life? Caussade tells us not to fret over the past, nor worry about the future—God is at work for our good in the midst of every duty and every event. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675–1704) was a Jesuit priest best-known as the author of Abandonment to Divine Providence. paperback 112pp. #37059 $6.95 u.s.

10 | PAuliNe Books & MeDiA |


paTH oF Holiness Wisdom from Catherine of siena

CO L aEforeword C T IbyO Nlea edited andLwith mary Hill, Fsp

How do i know if i’m living an authentic Christian life? Jesus calls each person to holiness, yet he calls each of us in a unique way. Where can we find the guidance we need as we walk along our paths to God? Catherine is a sure guide along the way of loving service to our neighbors for the sake of Christ. paperback 128pp. #5963X $6.95 u.s. a simple liFe Wisdom from Jane Frances de Chantal edited and with a foreword by kathryn J. Hermes, Fsp

How do i pull all the pieces of my life together? How can i keep my focus on God when novelty and consumerism constantly pull me in different directions? st. Jane frances de Chantal’s steadfast pursuit of inner simplicity of life in God offers rest to our psyches and spirits. Her gentle counsels illustrate how to live in harmony with God’s will and thus find peace. paperback 112pp. #71478 $6.95 u.s.

VisiT Your pauline books & media CenTer TodaY!

neW! praYers To blessed JoHn paul ii Compiled and edited by maria grace dateno, Fsp

This book includes prayers asking for the intercession of Blessed John Paul ii. The prayers and novena center on themes close to the heart of John Paul ii, including the dignity of the human person, the culture of life, the blessings of family life, the importance of connecting with Catholic youth, and more. softcover 32pp. #59753 $2.25 u.s.



ordinary Time is a time of grace, an opportunity to reflect on all the aspects of the mystery of Christ, rather than intensely focusing on a certain aspect, as we do in the other liturgical seasons. let the Daughters of st. Paul lead you in lectio divina on the daily Gospel readings of ordinary Time. ordinarY graCe Weeks 1–17 daily gospel reflections

ordinarY graCe Weeks 18–34 daily gospel reflections

daughters of st. paul

daughters of st. paul

paperback #54425

paperback #54433

352pp. $9.95 u.s.

352pp. $9.95 u.s.

JoHn paul ii my beloved predecessor

leT me go To THe FaTHer’s House John paul ii’s strength in Weakness

JoHn paul ii a marian Treasury

Joseph ratzinger/pope benedict XVi

stanislaw dziwisz and Czeslaw drazek, sJ;

Compiled and with an introduction by

This collection of texts by Benedict XVi, composed both before and after his election to the pontificate, is a testimony to his close relationship with John Paul ii, born of over a quarter of a century of close collaboration by two of the most important religious figures of the new millennium. “May the memory of John Paul ii and the study of his work and his teaching bring you closer to Christ.” — Benedict XVi paperback 144pp. #39892 $19.95 u.s.

renato buzzonetti; angelo Comastri

marianne lorraine Trouvé, Fsp

John Paul ii’s private secretary, his personal physician, and others nearest him during his last days share memories of that precious time in a story of courage, gratitude, and love. incorporates previously unpublished details on the dramatic events of the 1981 assassination attempt. A remarkable tribute to the life of an “untiring prophet of hope.” A full-color photo insert included. paperback 128pp. #45221 $18.95 u.s.

A collection of John Paul ii’s thoughts on Mary: her faith, her holiness, and the gift she made of herself to God—and to us. The warmth of Pope John Paul’s devotion to Mary shines forth in this treasury of inspiration and prayer. Hardcover 144pp. #39833 $17.95 u.s.

spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 11

kids’ Corner

Get into summer


blessed JoHn paul ii be not afraid susan Helen Wallace, Fsp


Growing up in Poland just after the first World War, little karol “lolek” Wojtyla could hardly have imagined the amazing path his life would take. An actor, poet, philosopher, priest, scholar, and pope, Blessed John Paul ii brought the Good News to people of every continent, encouraging us in the words of Jesus: Be not afraid! Ages 9–12. paperback 128pp. #11785 $7.95 u.s.

neW! FamilY maTTers Thirteen short stories

no room For FranCie

sTarring FranCie o’learY!

maryann macdonald; illustrated by

maryann macdonald; illustrated by

edited by Jaymie stuart Wolfe; illustrated by

Virginia Helen richards, Fsp

Virginia Helen richards, Fsp

paul Cunningham

francie o’leary and her friends decide to start a Comics Club and they need a place to meet. The trouble is that francie has lots of siblings, and things are awfully busy at the o’leary house. How will she come up with a clubhouse to impress her friends? kids will love this feisty heroine and relate to her life in a Catholic home and school. Ages 6–8. paperback 64pp. #5168X $6.95 u.s.

francie’s starting second grade, and could things get any worse? she doesn’t have the right lunchbox. And she’s pretty sure her teacher, sister ursula Agnes, is going to be hard. To top it all off, she gets the worst role in the class play. But when things go wrong at the last minute, francie discovers that there’s more than one way to be a star! Perfect for children ages 6–8. paperback 64pp. #7132X $6.95 u.s.

A collection of fictional short stories about family for kids ages 8–11. A daring escape from a skunk … An amazing display of grace and skill—on stilts … A frightening result from an online personality test … As you’ll see in these stories, families and the kinds of things they deal with come in all varieties. one thing, though, remains the same: family matters. paperback 128pp. #26944 $8.95 u.s.

12 | PAuliNe Books & MeDiA |

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blessed pier giorgio FrassaTi Journey to the summit

adVenTures oF sT. paul

ana maria Vasquez and

Vivid full-color illustrations highlight the life of st. Paul in this exciting biography. Adventures of saint Paul is an engaging, educational, and action-packed novel for young readers, ages 7–9, that accurately tells the story of this inspiring saint’s life. encourage children to learn from the best examples—the saints! paperback 96pp. #07869 $9.95 u.s.

oldrich selucký; illustrated by Zdenka krejcová

Jennings dean

Pier Giorgio frassati lived only twenty-four short years, but he lived them to the fullest. His student escapades, athletic achievements, and dedication to helping the poor combine to make this amazing young man a truly contemporary role model for young people, ages 9–12. paperback 144pp. #11653 $7.95 u.s. anna mei, CarToon girl

anna mei, esCape arTisT

Carol a. grund

Carol a, grund

it’s not easy being eleven— especially for Anna Mei Anderson. How’s she ever going to fit in with the other sixth graders when she has an unusual name, an adoptive family she doesn’t remotely resemble, and an unknown birth mother somewhere back in China? she figures she’d better get busy transforming herself into someone who’s less... unusual. paperback 144pp. #07885 $8.95 u.s.

Anna Mei has settled into her new town and she’s found a great group of friends: Danny, Zandra, and luis. The only hitch is that Danny’s acting weird and she can’t figure out what’s bothering him. But while she pushes to find out what his problem is, Anna Mei does a pretty good job of trying to escape from her own. Anna Mei soon discovers what real life and friendship—are all about. Ages 9–12. paperback 192pp. #0794X $8.95 u.s.


an arkFul oF animal sTories

sainTlY Tales and legends

John goodwin; illustrated by

lois rock; illustrated by

Tina macnaughton

Christina balit

Ten short stories full of humor and mischief about the animals’ life on board Noah’s ark, showing that a little cooperation goes a long way. Adorable and amusing illustrations bring the story to life. An Arkful of Animal Stories is perfect for reading out loud and ideal for children ages 5–8. Hardcover 32pp. #07826 $13.95 u.s.

seventeen stories and legends of saints from all over the world are enchantingly told and beautifully illustrated in this book for young readers. folklore, history, and Christian tradition come alive! for intermediate readers, ages 8–10. Hardcover 96pp. #70838 $16.95 u.s.

spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 13

did you know?

New from pauline Kids!

We recently came to a conclusion: we

And now, we can!

have more ideas around here than we

Storyline—the official blog of the Pauline Kids team—launched this spring. It’s written especially for the families, teachers, and catechists of the readers of our books. We’re hoping you’ll find extra helps for using our books with your children and students, behindthe-scenes looks at our authors and illustrators, reflections on using stories—both fact and fiction—to form young readers in the faith, and insights about handing on the beauty of our faith to children.

know what to do with! As our bulletin boards, team meetings, and inboxes would attest, finding creative ways to share the Gospel with kids is our cup of tea. These great ideas eventually find their way into our catalogs, Pauline Book & Media Centers, online store, and into our JClub school book fairs. But there’s always more we’d

We also hope to hear your stories and experiences. Each of us has his or her own story to tell, but as followers of Jesus, we all share the desire of Saint Paul: to see the life of Christ formed in the hearts of all people. We know this is what you want for your children and students. We hope that our books—and our new blog—support you in this. With prayers for you and the children in your lives, Pauline Kids

love to share with you—behind the scenes stories we wish we could tell.

14 | pauline books & Media |

Pauline Kids is an imprint of Pauline Books & Media, the publishing house of the Daughters of St. Paul.






COL L E CTION spring / summer 2011 | life & soul | 15

Daughters of St. Paul 50 St. Pauls Avenue Boston, MA 02130 USA

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Available at your local Pauline Books and Media Center The global war on terror. The breakdown of the family. Continuing economic uncertainty. Natural disasters.

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Now Is the Time for Mercy will help you encounter God’s mercy more profoundly. It is a concise guide to understanding The Divine Mercy message and devotion, the importance of private revelations, and how to be an apostle of mercy like St. Faustina. The updated text includes new material on trust, an expanded Divine Mercy chronology, and a foreword by Fr. Joseph Roesch, MIC — who highlights the sorts of problems we face in the new millennium and how recent Popes have pointed to Divine Mercy as the answer in addressing them. Now, the challenge awaits you, the reader, to fulfill Christ’s call in your daily life to “be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36).

ILLINOIS 172 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601; (312) 346-4228 LOUISIANA 4403 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, LA 70006; (504) 887-7631 MASSACHUSETTS 885 Providence Highway (Rte. 1), Dedham, MA 02026; (781) 326-5385 MISSOURI 9804 Watson Rd., St. Louis, MO 63126; (314) 965-3512 NEW YORK 64 W. 38th St., Manhattan, NY 10018; (212) 754-1110 pennsylvania Philadelphia—relocating (215) 676-9494 SOUTH CAROLINA 243 King S t., Charleston, SC 29401; (843) 577-0175 VIRGINIA 1025 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 549-3806 CANADA 3022 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON M6B 3T5; (416) 781-9131 Please send all address corrections to: Include both the information to be changed as well as the correct information. PROMO CODE: 1102LS











Daughters of St. Paul 3022 Dufferin Street Toronto, ON M6B 3T5

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