Franchise New Zealand - Year 33 Issue 03 – Spring 2024

Page 11

Build a strong family business with a CrestClean Franchise

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A new season can be a time when people are looking for new franchise opportunities that put them in greater control of their own fnancial destiny.

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Optimism is in the air as we step into September, knowing spring is indeed now a thing. The glorious first day of the season, with its Father’s Day flavour, clear blue skies and garden-inviting temperatures – at least in Auckland – made for a decent start.

As an immigrant, my own beloved father is 12,000 miles away. Almost 20 years on from moving to New Zealand, the separation is sometimes hard. Bringing families together is one of the most heart-warming prompts for people to move countries, but the reasons for immigration are as wide ranging and uniquely varied as immigrants themselves.

In this issue, we look at the current immigration figures in this country and factor in what this means for franchising (page 6).

We continue our spring optimism in our article on the state of play of New Zealand’s economy (page 34). As always, through a franchising lens, we share expert views and insights into how the industry is likely to be impacted over the coming months.

There are some fascinating tales, in this issue, of people who have forged careers in franchising: the chemist-turned-carpet cleaning expert, the chef-turned-property care pro, the engineer-turned-landscape gardener...

Just a few of the Kiwis with great career switch stories to share. If you’re tempted, take time to read our ‘no experience necessary’ article on page 25 for tips on Changing Careers

Our top-tier team, below, came together for some valuable in-person learning – and laughter – at this year’s National Franchise Conference in late July. Recent business development recruits, Anna-Marie Staples and Caitlin Chatterley joined myself and Franchise New Zealand guru, Sally Knight, for three days in the Bay of Plenty, along with almost 200 other attendees from across Aotearoa and beyond. The learnings were rich and valuable. The connections made – plentiful and special.

A conference such as ConnectXperience24 , expertly executed by the team at FANZ, provides so many opportunities and experiences to absorb. We hope you had as much fun, learned as much, and connected with as many people, as we did.

Here’s hoping you find spring a time of hope and happiness this year, whatever - and however - you’re wanting to grow.

New Zealand

Franchise New Zealand team: Caitlin Chatterley, Heather Barker Vermeer, Sally Knight and Anna-Marie Staples

Welcome to New Zealand's BUY YOUR OWN BUSINESS magazine


9 Carpets and Chemistry Collide Dunedin Carpet Chemist’s recruitment campaign

11 Glittering Path to Progress

The events cup has been overflowing at Columbus Coffee

13 Hungry for Success? A Fritz’s Kitchen Could be the Answer Kiwis love bratwursts, thanks to Fritz’s Wieners

15 Raising a Million-Dollar Bakery Sri Lankan couple share Bakers Delight success recipe

Latest news from the world of franchising...

Family First Cookie Time franchisee takes a bite at the big time

General Manager

Sally Knight


Heather Barker Vermeer

Business Development

Anna-Marie Staples

Caitlin Chatterley

Writers Glenn Baker

Crispin Caldicott

Ross Lindsay

21 Staying Ahead of Conferencing Curve Inspiring events, it’s what EVT Hotels and Resorts do.

22 Funding a Franchise Business Westpac’s Daniel Cloete’s 12 top questions to ask

25 Changing Careers? Switching industries? Franchising can help you

27 Franchisees Find Family Environment VIP franchisee is 10,000 steps ahead

29 Franchising 101 Answers to five common questions

31 Up for the Challenge Todd Murray on Harcourts franchise ownership

33 Induction Made Easy The Induction App, improving onboarding

34 Spring in the Economy Why is now a good time to buy a franchise?

37 Enhancing Exteriors, Enhancing Lives CrestClean PropertyCare experts’ outdoor lifestyle

39 Working CapitalThe Fuel in Your Tank Franchise Accountants’ Philip Morrison, on getting started

41 Stopping Modern Slavery Wynn Williams on measures to combat modern slavery

43 Responsible Franchising Franchize Consultants on franchising responsibly

45 Brewing up a Beautiful Life The Coffee Club franchisees find paradise in Ōmokoroa...

46 Ready, Set, Open! Nine steps to finding premises for your business

49 Start Strong! Touch Up Guys’ kickstart for new businesses

Westpac Directory of Franchising

50 Connections, Experts and Experiences FANZ round-up of conference and more

52 Strong Roots Big Fig eatery is ready to branch out

53 Delivering for the Community  Caring’s part & parcel of Aramex NZ’s culture

55 Sparkling Sight, Clean and Bright! Speed Queen expands with new Manurewa site

56 Interim Injunctions Stewart Germann Law Office reviews interim injunctions

74 Why Use an Accountant? Winging money matters can be an expensive risk

60 Westpac Directory of Franchising Guide to 275+ franchise opportunities, includes advisors and advertiser index



Immigration provides a vital contribution to New Zealand society; its economy, its resources, and its communities. It enables families to reunite, fills essential skills gaps, expands worldviews, adds capital and contributes to our country in innumerable ways. So, how is immigration tracking in this part of the world, and what impact does that have on the world of franchising?

National media headlines such as, ‘The brain drain continues as Kiwis are leaving the country at record levels’1 this winter, are backed up with official data showing 131,200 migrant departures in the year to June 2024 - the highest on record for an annual period.

Net immigration currently sits at 73,3002. Provisional estimates provided by Stats NZ in August, for the year to June 2024 year, show migrant arrivals at 204,500, down 1% on the previous year, while migrant departures sit at 131,200, up 33%.

This net migration gain is made up of a net gain of 128,500 non-New Zealand citizens and a net migration loss of 55,300 New Zealand citizens. For potential and recent immigrants looking for business opportunities, this points to more competition for opportunities among new immigrants to Aotearoa New Zealand, but the possibility of fewer existing Kiwis looking for businesses.

So, what does this all mean for franchising, here in New Zealand?

Labour shortage was identified as the greatest foreseeable challenge among respondents in the last National Franchising Survey conducted by Massey University. The lack of availability of suitable/skilled staff prompted 37% of franchisors to actively recruit migrants3. As of 2021, migrants or ‘new Kiwis’ comprised 19% (median) of all franchisees. Results of the 2024 survey are expected later this spring.

This year’s culls at media companies Three and TVNZ, and across the public sector, have added to New Zealand’s potential labour supply, particularly in the Wellington region hardest hit by these sweeping cuts. With immigration at already high levels, the fallout from such a wave of redundancies can add to these numbers to create a buoyant labour market. It can also go too far, with supply too heavily exceeding demand.

For franchisors seeking franchisees and for franchisees seeking staff, this could be a boon time; there is more talent to choose from, leading to better-performing franchises.

Being part of a franchise group can offer new immigrants an attractive, well-supported network to belong to; a safety net, which serves as an economic, as well as social support. It allows freedom to ‘create a new life’, while eliminating many of the risks associated with setting up business on your own. It can also allow a smoother path to residency and help overcome some visa hurdles.

Visa changes – the latest

On 29 August, the Government made short term changes to avoid shortages in select sectors ‘while long-term Accredited Employer Work

Visa (AEWV) changes are being decided’. From 1 October, new visa charges will be introduced across almost all visa categories. This may prove a minor deterrent to those considering immigration or be a cost that that will be passed onto, and need to be factored in by, franchisors or franchisees hiring.

“Until now, our immigration system has been heavily subsidised by taxpayers. The changes we’re making are shifting the cost to those benefiting from the system. We’re ensuring it is self-funding and more efficient,” says Immigration Minister Erica Stanford.

“The charges remain competitive in comparison to countries like Australia and the United Kingdom, so we are confident New Zealand will continue to be an attractive destination to live, work, study and visit.”

This follows changes to AEWV announced in April and introduced in June, which were widely welcomed by New Zealand’s franchise sector. These ensure franchisees are now treated equally to other employers in New Zealand when it comes to employer visas.

Further changes announced this winter concern dependents of work visa holders who, from the end of October, will be able to apply for the right to work part-time, provided they hold an eligible visitor visa and are awaiting residence visa approval. This means young migrants who have left high school, and are aged 17 to 24, will be entitled to work up to 20 hours per week during the school year, and up to 40 hours per week over the summer holiday period. This aligns with work rights for available to Year 12 and 13 students on a Dependent Child Student Visa.

These changes should help contribute to an increase in the available seasonal workforce, helping franchises fill part-time and seasonal vacancies in some sectors, such as hospitality and retail.

A complicated narrative

In August, the quarterly Westpac New Zealand Economic Overview brought with it some unexpected labour supply data, which Westpac Chief Economist Kelly Eckhold said, ‘further complicates the narrative’.

“One of the main surprises in this data was in relation to labour supply,” Eckhold said. Westpac expects the unemployment rate to peak at 5.6% next year, the overview revealed. “The cooling economy over the last couple of years is now being accompanied by a more substantial softening in the labour market. Unemployment began rising gradually from 2022 but has picked up the pace in recent quarters.

“Employment growth is expected to turn negative in the year ahead as job losses increase. Slowing net migration will also mean substantially lower growth in the working-age population.

“Departures of New Zealanders to Australia are likely to remain high over the year ahead. Job prospects are relatively more favourable in Australia, and we expect the unemployment rate there will rise more gradually than in New Zealand.

“We expect the balance to return to a net inflow of around 40k a year over the longer term. New Zealand remains a relatively attractive destination for much of the world, and our economic performance should return more in line with our peers once inflation is tamed and interest rates can fall.”

The economic overview indicated the surge in arrivals in 2022-23 reflected a catch-up after the Covid-19 pandemic border closure. And this, combined with the slowing domestic economy, suggests most employers are no longer facing the pressure of worker shortages, it says.

Kelly told his audience at the presentation of the latest Westpac New Zealand Economic Review, on August 21, “We think we are going to go from 3% population growth to 0.4%.

“There has been strong population growth over the past year. It seems we are now past the peak in terms of net migration. We will see the labour market continue to strengthen towards the second half of next year.”

Business sales boost

In the business sales market in New Zealand, an ABC Business report4 on the last quarter showed completed business sales were up 37% at 112 business sales compared to 82 business sales in the same June 2023 quarter. According to the quarterly report, 112 completed business sales is the highest number on record for the first three months of a new financial year, based on 37 years of data.

ABC indicated the key driver for rising business sales is increasing demand, with two distinct buying groups contributing to the elevated demand for business ownership:

1. New immigrants to New Zealand at record levels, with a high proportion preferring to buy a business rather than take a salaried/ employee role. These immigrants are largely Indian, Chinese, and Filipino. 4

2. Increased redundancy levels from corporate and government entities are bringing more people to the market with an interest in business ownership. The job market is especially tight for higher-paid roles, leading these individuals to view business ownership as the most effective way to replicate their lost incomes.

Business prices have remained flat, ABC reported, compared to last year.

Weeding out poor practice

Meanwhile, teams from the Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation (MBIE) have been continuing to clamp down on employers engaging in poor practice when it comes to employing migrant workers. In a joint-agency operation, with the Labour Inspectorate and Immigration New Zealand, 11 hospitality and retail businesses in the Queenstown area were inspected following complaints of breaches of employment and immigration legislation.

Brendon Strieker, Compliance Manager for the Labour Inspectorate’s Southern region, said that while the volume of migrant exploitation identified by the Inspectorate across New Zealand has decreased from previous highs, the retail and hospitality sectors remained areas of poor behaviour.

He said the Inspectorate viewed exploitation among the most serious breaches of employment standards. “Exploitation of vulnerable workers undermines the labour market by undercutting fair competition and causing great hardship to the individuals affected. As well as harming people and stifling innovation and productivity it also harms New Zealand’s international image and trade.”

The Franchise Association of New Zealand advocates for best practice across member franchises and works closely with MBIE in its efforts to ensure safe, fair workplaces for immigrants in franchsing, as part of its wider advocacy and practical work.

Learn more and level up

In the following pages, as well as at our website – – you will find extensive reading on how to find a franchise opportunity to suit you, as a recent or even potential immigrant to New Zealand. And learn how franchising can help support a move overseas, financially and much more.

For newcomers to franchising, or those looking for fresh opportunities, head to our unique directory at the back of this magazine (page 60), and online, to browse the latest franchise businesses for sale in New Zealand. For more on the new immigration levies effective from 1 October 2024, and all the latest New Zealand immigration announcements, see


t’s soft underfoot. Wonderful to play on with kids and pets. Brings a feeling and look of luxury to rooms. New Zealanders love their carpets. But, other than Peter Clinch, who else can say their love of carpet inspired them to study chemistry at the University of Otago?

Ten years after graduating with a BSc, Peter continues to develop high performance carpet cleaning formulations from his ‘garage lab’ on the family farm. He says every day is a day for product research and development.

“It is impossible to recreate many stains in a lab, due to the aging and oxidation process that happens over many years, so all Carpet Chemist cleaning formulas are constantly tweaked and refined to deal with the many unique challenges each job presents,” Peter says.

Peter reflects on the long way he has come. Having tested and proved the effectiveness of his unique products on the Dunedin market, he and wife Wendy are sharing their success by opening Carpet Chemist to New Zealand as a proven high-return, multiple income stream franchise opportunity.

“Cleaning wool and synthetic carpets using our industry-leading proprietary formulations and technologies is just one key income stream,” explains Peter. “This, in itself, is a proven competitive benefit, even before such add-ons as cleaning furniture fabric, curtains, mattresses, vehicle upholstery and hard flooring surfaces. And we also have something that too many New Zealanders can relate to - flood restoration.”

Other key income streams for Carpet Chemist franchisees are unique stain and pet odour guarantee options, and carpet dyeing services, says Peter. “We believe we have created a niche market with our performancebased technology that has huge potential for growth.”

A measure of the couple’s intent is their considerable investment in having highly respected Franchize Consultants assist in creating the franchise business model, setting processes and procedures, defining territories and preparing operational protocols and manuals.

Zero to mortgage free

“Like many people, I left high school not knowing what I wanted to do with my life,” Peter says. “Going to university with no career objectives seemed a waste of time and money. I tried forestry and various jobs, but none appealed.

“Then, thinking I had nothing to lose, I started work with a carpet cleaning business. I found myself increasingly interested in cleaning chemicals, but noticed how it was normal for carpet cleaners to still leave many stains behind. There had to be huge potential for improvement, but if I was to do anything I had to study chemistry.

Dunedin’s Carpet Chemist launches nationwide franchise recruitment campaign.

“We launched Carpet Chemist shortly after I graduated in chemistry, with our bank balance almost zero. Today, we live mortgage and debt free on an 18-hectare farm north of Dunedin with a fair share of toys and things that make life fun. We feel so fortunate to have been able to no longer have to worry about our finances.

“To achieve this level of financial freedom in so few years, in the relatively small and competitive Dunedin market, we see nothing but opportunities for franchisees across New Zealand to grow as big as they want and even become significant local employers. We’ve opted to keep ours a family business, which now includes our 17-year-old son Zach.”

Eco and enviro-friendly

“The farm is where I conduct R&D,” says Peter, “because, for me, developing and improving carpet cleaning formulations never stops, particularly when it comes to being more eco- and enviro-friendly. A unique benefit for all Carpet Chemist franchisees is that only they can buy our full range of proprietary colour repair formulations within their territory.

“We can confidently claim our carpet cleaning products are market leaders – just ask any property manager of Scarfie student-occupied flats! Because of the guarantees we offer, property managers are saving their clients big dollars by recommending us ahead of carpet replacement.”

$25,000+gst franchise fee

The franchise fee is $25,000+gst for an exclusive territory and exclusive access to the complete range of Carpet Chemist’s proprietary colour repair formulations and technologies, branding, advertising and marketing strategies, representation on the Carpet Chemist website and, importantly, initial training and startup support.

“This includes everything from processes and systems to supercharging skills across carpet cleaning, stain and odour removal, carpet colouring and flood restoration,” says Peter. “Training is a passion, and like the development of new formulations, it is ongoing.”

Including the franchise fee, a potential franchisee should calculate a total expenditure of around $45-60,000, Peter says. This covers the purchase of a modern van, signage, carpet cleaning equipment and a shipment of carpet cleaning formulations, which require little storage and can be kept in a lockable garden shed. Depending on various factors, finance may be available.

“The drive to succeed and be unafraid of working long hours are important attributes, but equally we want to see commitment and enthusiasm for Carpet Chemist,” Peter says.

“A franchisee may be someone who has worked in the carpet cleaning industry or simply someone wanting to build their own business. As a first step, contact me ASAP for a link to Carpet Chemist’s online network for videos and a franchise enquiry form.”

Ready for a clean break? Contact Peter at Carpet Chemist today.

Carpet Chemist

Contact Peter Clinch 021 460 760 Advertiser Info

Wendy, Zach and Peter Clinch


The events cup has been overflowing at Columbus Coffee lately, with its recent The Path to Progress hands-on workshop and lavish Gala Awards Dinner, including the crowning of the 2024 Franchisee of the Year.

At the latter, held at the Grand Millennium Hotel and hosted by TV broadcaster Mike McRoberts, the Columbus Coffee Franchisee of the Year Award was presented to Alex McMillan and Johnny Oaten of Columbus Coffee Mitre 10 MEGA Queenstown. The Queenstown team also scooped the Operational Excellence Award at the event and was named finalist in six other categories.

Owner operator Alex said, “Like us, our customers were thrilled to learn we had won Franchisee of the Year. It was very unexpected, given we had won New Franchisee of the Year only 12 months before!

“Customers tell us it’s well-deserved recognition of our food and service quality and that there has been a lot done to improve the atmosphere and ambience in which they’re hosted.

“Our team is a vital part of the holistic pride we have in making our customers’ experience the best it can be in all aspects.”

Co-owner Johnny added, “There are many places you work where recognition of your efforts is not acknowledged in any way, but this is

not the case with Columbus. We are excited to have won the Columbus Franchisee of the Year and Operational Excellence Awards for 2024.”

At the sit-down dinner, high performers from the 29-year-old Columbus Coffee network were celebrated, including 10-year service awards for Tracy Ye of Rosebank Road, Richmond’s Ian Brassfield and Cam Caithness of Columbus Coffee, New Lynn.

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Columbus Coffee

Preceding this, Columbus Coffee’s The Path to Progress event put the focus on practical training in a daytime workshop environment. Tackling areas such as cabinet planning, customer satisfaction, coffee standards, staff training platforms, staff retention and local area marketing options, the programme brought 90 franchisees and staff together to upskill and connect.

If you’d like to join the Columbus Coffee family, contact Jon Hassall to talk through the opportunities available right now!

Contact Jon Hassall 09 520 1044

028 8500 1300

Columbus Coffee Queenstown Team
The Path to Progress workshop
2024 Franchisee of the Year
Johnny Oaten & Alex McMillan
Mike McRoberts
10 Year Service Awards


Every Kiwi knows about bratwursts, thanks to Fritz’s Wieners.

Inspired by the simplicity of a quality German bratwurst-in-a-bun, Bryan Stenning saw an opportunity and partnered with a mate to turn an instinct into an international franchise.

Bryan credits his friend for the initial knowledge needed to get Fritz’s Wieners flying. “I didn’t have any experience running a food business, so I asked my mate Todd Heller to give me a hand. He was very familiar with German bratwursts that sell on every street corner in Germany.

“No-one was doing such a thing in New Zealand at the time, so I wanted to develop the means of getting them into Kiwi hands with a simple and easily duplicated system.

“Now, 20 years on, the thriving franchise business is ready for further expansion.”

Starting with a first mobile food hut 20 years ago at Christchurch’s Addington Cup Day, in November 2004, Fritz’s Wieners has progressed to operate at the majority of large events around the country. The successful business has 23 mobile food huts and is now expanding into fixed site outlets.

Journey of discovery

Bryan describes the past two decades as ‘a genuine journey of discovery’. “I was quite determined that our European-type sausages should be absolutely top quality – we didn’t want to compromise quality. This is something we continue today with all our New Zealand freefarmed meats now supplied by Harris Farms in Cheviot.

“We also felt the quality of design of the food huts must match the food, so the design needed to be top-notch and standout from what was currently around. I had our mobile food huts designed so our customers could see their food being cooked at eye level in front of them. We also designed and developed our exclusive rollers on which to cook the bratwursts.

“They’ve been very successful; we sold our first franchise in 2009 and, today, we have a modest network of 23 units, with a few gaps around the country that are ready to be filled.”

Determined to take Fritz’s Wieners further, Bryan looked for ideas for greater permanence and developed Fritz’s Wieners Kitchen, as a fixed site outlet.

“It’s working very well,” he says. “We opened the first in the Riverside Market in Christchurch in November 2019 and I’m currently identifying other high foot traffic sites around the country suitable for a Fritz’s Kitchen.

“Despite the setback we experienced at Riverside with the Covid outbreak four months after opening, we have hit on a winning formula and have plenty of daily repeat customers.”

Meating demand overseas

Fritz’s Wieners has also gone international, thanks to Bryan’s son, Cameron. He bought one of the mobile food huts in 2009 and operated it in Auckland for eight years before selling his business and taking the concept to Australia, where there are now mobile outlets in Sydney and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.

“There is a lot of strength in the product and brand today – we’re are in every major stadium and large event in New Zealand. And, although many know the Fritz brand with our mobile outlets, there is plenty of growth yet to be had with the Fritz’s Kitchens.

“Our award-winning succulent Spicy and Mild bratwursts in a baguette bun are our staple product. However, we also do a Fritz-Stik for kids, currywurst, bacon/egg rolls, fries and more. I’m very excited about the latest addition - our new Frikadellen. Similar to a beef ‘slider’, these are very popular in Europe and will be a great addition to our kitchen menu.”

Appetite for expansion

As Bryan explains, the experiences of the first Fritz’s Wieners mobile outlets, and the Fritz’s Kitchen in Christchurch, have given him huge knowledge of what works, to benefit the next franchisees. “Energetic, driven, passionate people who want to succeed, have the opportunity to join the team,” he says.

“We envisage a strictly limited number of Fritz’s Wieners Kitchens throughout major points of high foot traffic in New Zealand cities. With our unique, exclusive products and proven systems there is definite opportunity for the right people to have a very successful and profitable business.”

Fritz’s Wieners is ready to expand and has great opportunities for anyone with the right qualities. “We will hold hands all the way through the process; assisting with the all-important location acquisition, operation, fit-out recommendations and anything else the franchisee requires help with,” says Bryan.

Total costs may vary, depending on fit-out and location costs etc, but are estimated to be $250,000 - $300,000+gst.

“We are a people-focused business so, in the first instance, please feel free to give me a no obligation, confidential phone call so we can discuss options.”

Fritz’s Wieners Kitchen

Contact Bryan Stenning 021 427 926 Advertiser Info


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YOU can enhance your business growth by tapping into the additonal retail opportunity that caters to the demand for at-home haircare. When you own a Shampoo 'N' Things store, YOU will have special status access to the world's leading professional salon-quality brands.

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Sri Lankan immigrants Darshana and Nilupa Weerakoon share the recipe for successfully building their Hamilton East Bakers Delight franchise.


For Darshana and Nilupa Weerakoon the journey towards owning their Bakers Delight franchise business has been a dream come true. It’s one that began half-way around the world, in Dubai, where Darshana was a pastry chef and Nilupa worked in a hotel front office.

After a close friend of Darshana’s - a baker at Bakers Delight in Mount Maunganui - informed him of a vacancy at the store, and with assistance from owner Bruce Ingram, the couple flew to New Zealand in June 2007 to take up the employment opportunity.

“I started as one of the front-of-house staff,” recalls Nilupa, “while Darshana continued his passion for baking.”

The couple approached their roles with dedication, treating the business as if it was their own. “We weren’t just employees,” remembers Nilupa, “we were so eager to learn.”

The franchise presented them with new lessons every day, she says. “It allowed us to absorb everything we could about the company’s operations, standards and values.”

Little did they know that they would soon be able to purchase their very own Bakers Delight.

A giant leap forward

Darshana and Nilupa’s hard work and passion for the business did not go unnoticed. And when the opportunity to purchase the Bakers Delight franchise in Hamilton East arose in early 2011, the couple believed it was the ideal path for their future.

“When starting any traditional business from scratch it takes time to build your brand and customer base,” explains Nilupa. “But when you open a franchise with a recognised brand people automatically know what your business is all about, what you provide and what they can expect. Also, it has a lower failure rate.”

Being able to optimise the network for competitive pricing is another plus, she says, and being your own boss enables a good work-life balance.

Darshana and Nilupa knew that making the transition from staff members to business owners would be both challenging and rewarding. It was the trust, support and training from the franchise that helped them achieve success, they say.

The couple has learned that running a business like Bakers Delight has some challenges, including maintaining brand consistency and keeping an eye on competition. Nevertheless, they enjoy their rewarding interactions with the local community and schools, and love to get involved in events. They say they now have full confidence in the security of their future in the country they have been grateful to settle in.

Excellent training and support

From day one, Darshana and Nilupa say they were impressed by the level of training provided.

“The technical baker hosts a monthly masterclass to improve the skills of our bakers,” explains Nilupa. “Our sales team also receives core classes on product knowledge, customer service and merchandising, while the support team regularly catches up with us through one-on-one meetings and group online trainings, as well as in-person conferences.

“If we need help during busy times, such as Easter, it arrives without any hesitation. And the franchise doesn’t just provide advice, they work together with us to achieve our goals.”

High achievers and award winners

A recent refurbishment of their Hamilton East bakery sits high on Darshana and Nilupa’s list of achievements. “This investment not only revitalised the customer experience but also resulted in a significant and consistent 26% average increase in sales since reopening,” says Nilupa.

and Darshana Weerakoon

“Our fresh, modern environment has attracted new customers and delighted our regular customers, demonstrating the importance of continually evolving to meet customer expectations.”

Another major achievement was winning the Franchisee of the Year award at the recent Bakers Delight New Zealand annual conference. With judging criteria including internal operational scores; community engagement via local store marketing; increased store profitability (turnover & operating profit), and excellence in merchandising standards, the couple’s win not only reflects their commitment to maintaining high standards, but also serves as recognition of the efforts and passion of their team members.

Cause for more optimism

Becoming a million-dollar bakery in the 2023/24 financial year has been the icing on the cake for Darshana and Nilupa. Over the past six months, they’ve seen consistent transaction growth, saying this is a clear indicator of their increasing customer base and loyalty.

“We have also excelled in customer retention,” says Nilupa, “significantly surpassing our industry benchmark of 35.5% for repeat customers.”

Revenue for the same period is up 54%, which the couple attribute to both the demand for their fresh products, as well as their ability to successfully attract and retain customers. The major goal is now to boost annual turnover to $1.56 million and, eventually, own another Bakers Delight store in Hamilton.

Do you have passion baked in?

If you have a passion for baking and you want to start your own business, Bakers Delight is an excellent franchise to be part of, Darshana and Nilupa say.

“Follow the system and you will see great outcomes,” says Nilupa. “Running a business is never easy, but Bakers Delight has helped us achieve a lot financially, and socially, for the past 13 years.

“The decision to become a Bakers Delight franchisee was one of the best decisions we ever made.”

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Bakers Delight Contact



Our pick of the top news stories from and our newsletter

Franchise New Zealand is much more than a quarterly print magazine. To keep up-to-date with all the latest franchiserelated news in between print issues, visit our website, subscribe to our free monthly newsletter, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram. Here are some of the latest news stories from the world of franchising...


Work-life balance is now prioritised above salary for 45% of Kiwis, a new study finds.

Recent research of over 2,000 white-collar professionals in New Zealand found that flexibility and work-life balance have become the top priority for employees.

Of those asked, 45% stated that worklife balance is the most important factor when considering a new job, while only 26% emphasised a competitive salary. Career growth opportunities were a priority for 19%, with 10% mentioning other factors.

The research by recruitment specialists Robert Walters suggests a shift in what employees deem most important to their job in 2024. The survey also revealed 63% of respondents consider flexible working arrangements as the primary nonmonetary perk they seek in a new role. Additionally, 28% considered

a four-day work week to be the most important perk, and 9% highlighted training and development opportunities.

CEO of Robert Walters Australia and New Zealand, Shay Peters said, “In the past, salary used to be the main driving factor when people considered new roles. However, the focus has now shifted to work-life balance, with candidates increasingly valuing other benefits aside from salary.”

The study also found that 59% of individuals prioritise finding an employer who values work-life balance when searching for potential employment. Additionally, 21% consider an attractive salary to be crucial, while 17% prioritise career growth opportunities.

Peters noted that despite the current economic challenges and cost of living crisis, it was interesting that individuals are still prioritising work-life balance.


Domino’s has appointed the first female CEO of its AustraliaNew Zealand region, Kerri Hayman.

With more than 36 years in the Domino’s brand, Hayman started out making pizzas as a teenager and this month steps up to the top job in this region.

Former Operations Director for UK-listed Domino’s Pizza Group plc and an award-winning 14-store franchisee in the USA, Kerry became Chief Operating Officer ANZ in 2023. She started her career as a 15-year-old, working as a pizza maker for her brother Don Meij, then a store manager.

Under Hayman’s leadership as Chief Operating Officer ANZ, Domino’s reports it has delivered the highest customer satisfaction scores and product quality scores in more than three years, with improved sales and profitability for franchise partners and corporate stores.

In her COO role, she launched the Women in Domino’s grant, which will support seven young female store managers to become franchise partners. The programme is now being expanded to develop emerging leaders from store managers to entrepreneurs.

Data Drives Profitability for Franchises

Geotech Information Services help inform business decisions based on detailed customer data analysis, to improve the outcomes for franchisors and franchisees. We provide concise, reliable, useful information to give insights that have benefited NZ franchises like Kumon, Nando’s, Ben & Jerry’s, Burgerfuel and Kitchen Studio.

No matter how small or large your network, Geotech can help you:

Gain deeper knowledge about your customers’ behaviour

Improve sales forecasting accuracy

Optimize network performance

Quantify cannibalisation in the network

Plan & map equitable territories

Domino’s ANZ CEO Kerri Hayman

Are your customers ready to embrace facial recognition payment technology?

Imagine walking into a store, picking up your items and paying just by looking at a screen. This is already a reality in China thanks to facial recognition payment technology (FRPT), but how do people in New Zealand feel about it?

A study by researchers from the University of Auckland and Queensland University of Technology explores factors that could make or break this payment method’s success.

Facial recognition payments use biometric data – specifically facial features – to complete transactions. The technology captures your facial image at checkout and links it to your bank account.

For consumers, it can offer convenience and speed. However, the study suggests that widespread adoption faces significant challenges.

The researchers say the success of facial recognition payments hinges not just on the technology itself but on how well it satisfies basic human needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.

Researchers also found that people are more likely to try using their face to pay if they feel it won’t be a hassle, and if they haven’t had previous negative experiences with similar facial recognition tech.

This FRPT technology is certainly one to watch... How closely, if you’re not keen on facial recognition, is up to you!

Consultation on reduction of card payment fees

The Commerce Commission sees potential for over $250m reduction in payment fees for New Zealanders in consulting on costs of using Mastercard and Visa payment networks.

Tackling an issue affecting nearly all Kiwi consumers and businesses, the Commerce Commission is keen to promote competition and efficiency within the retail payment system – the most used financial service in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Commission Chair, John Small, says Kiwi consumers spend approximately $95billion using Mastercard and Visa each year, which costs businesses – and ultimately consumers through higher retail prices and surcharges – around $1billion annually.

“We think this cost is too high, especially when compared to our international peers, and see the potential to reduce these fees by more than $250 million per annum,” says Dr Small.

When someone uses a Mastercard or Visa card without inserting it in

a terminal, the business receiving the payment is charged a ‘merchant service fee’.

Dr Small says the Commission also believes these fees are unnecessarily complex, which could be increasing the surcharges consumers face.

“Reducing and simplifying these fees could reduce surcharges or even remove the need for surcharging altogether in some cases. This would also make it easier for consumers, the Commission and industry to identify where surcharges are excessive. Surcharges should only reflect the costs of accepting these card payments and we are exploring changes to fees which could see surcharges reduced to 0.7% or less.”

This winter’s consultation has also asked questions about other issues the Commission considers may require attention, such as lack of innovation and pace, which may be barriers to new and more secure payment options being made possible through open banking.




Flooring Invercargill embodies local commitment and modern solutions

Invercargill, with its vibrant community and regional charm, now boasts a new hub for modern flooring and window furnishing solutions: Choices Flooring Invercargill.

This store marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for Kelly Churchill and Shane Frieberg, driven by their shared dream of business ownership and a fresh start in Invercargill. With Shane’s extensive experience in commercial fooring and Kelly’s professional expertise, they recognised that Choices Flooring was the perfect partner to bring their vision to life. As proud locals, they found a natural synergy with Choices, a brand that was also seeking to expand, making this venture a perfect ft for both parties.

Shane saw a promising future with Choices Flooring, where the products and systems are proven, and the processes are in place for success. His research on Choices Flooring was highly appealing. Shane recognised the company’s potential on multiple levels, noting, “They have been around a long time, know their market, operations, and suppliers. Having those skills backing me in starting my own business was very comforting and reassuring. Being residents of Invercargill, it was only natural for us to establish our store here, in a town we believe holds tremendous potential within the wider Southland community.”

The first 100 days: challenges & triumphs

The frst 100 days as store owners have been both exhilarating and rewarding for them. “Securing our frst deposit and seeing the store bustling with activity is truly fulflling,” Shane recalled. However, ensuring we had efective people management tools in place to ensure staf satisfaction was maintained led to one of our most rewarding milestones - hiring of our frst apprentice due to forward bookings.” Shane admitted.

Attending the group’s Australasian Conference was extremely benefcial for Shane and Kelly as new store owners. They got to hear success stories and journeys from many other Choices Flooring store owners, learned the importance of networking and gained valuable insights from industry experts such as Janine Allis from Boost Juice and Bernard Salt, who spoke extensively on demographic trends in housing in Australia and New Zealand. “The kick start of our journey with Choices Flooring has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Choices Flooring is a market maker. They are on top of things such as the latest trends and technology. As customers today embrace digitalisation, the group’s unique support system revolutionises the way fooring products and services are provided, and purchase decisions are made. The conference gave us so many new ideas and the motivation to push our business further,” Shane states. The initial days have been a steep learning curve and required adapting, documenting and balancing. Navigating the complexities of business management while ensuring staf satisfaction emerged as a primary learning curve for the duo. “The fun and challenges of entrepreneurship can tempt one to work seven days a week, but maintaining work-life balance is crucial. “Finding the balance is important to ensure we are present for our children. Adapting and being fexible where we can is key, even though a new business always requires time,” Kelly emphasised.

Proven business model and support that makes the diference

Joining an established group provided them with immediate peace of mind. “We seamlessly integrated into proven systems and processes, gaining valuable insights while being fully supported by Central Ofce teams with deep industry knowledge,” Kelly shares. “Their extensive experience in the Australia and New Zealand markets, operations and supplier relationships is invaluable. Knowing that we had this level of expertise behind us as we launched our own business was incredibly reassuring—something other groups simply cannot ofer.”

Embracing Technology

Although the store is still in the early stages, Shane and Kelly understand the importance of technology and digital engagement in connecting with today’s tech-savvy customers. “Our online brand presence is evolving, enhancing our reach and customer engagement,” says Shane. “As today’s customers increasingly embrace digitalisation, the group empowers us with enhanced access to information and personalised experiences through their bespoke cutting-edge technology applications like RoomView and CRM. This not only

Kelly Churchill & Shane Frieberg

streamlines the purchasing process but also revolutionises the way we can tailor our selling process. The group’s unique support system truly sets us apart. “He attributes much of his success to efective communication with clients. “I’ve received numerous referrals and people often reach out to me from the number on our branded Choices Flooring vehicles, or through a radio or local Google ad they’ve seen on Instagram.”

Best practice retail model

The co-operative model of Choices Flooring ensures that all member stores have voting rights for the Board, making it uniquely a member-owned and member-run retail business. Supporting the decision Kelly comments, “As a memberbased group, not a franchise, this is what sets us apart from other franchise models. All decisions are made by the members and for the members. Our exclusive product lines are also a key point of diference; otherwise, it’s just a race to the bottom of the market. This keeps the Choices Flooring brand aligned with the store values, which is the same storeto-store within the group and benefcial to the brand.”

National Advertising and Online Support

Shane expressed optimism about the impact of national advertising and online presence, noting, “Although we haven’t fully realised the benefts yet, we’re confdent that the Choices Flooring brand will gain substantial recognition in Invercargill in the coming months. With the support of national advertising and a well-planned campaign calendar, we expect to drive increased foot trafc, which should ultimately lead to a boost in sales.”

Every aspect covered

Choices Flooring ofers the opportunity for individuals to build a proftable business while remaining local.

“By leveraging an Australasian company and brand, stores can beneft from quality products and service, with strategies tailored more towards members rather than the company itself.” states Kelly.

Advice for Potential Franchisees- Invest in success

“For those considering investing in a Choices Flooring store, our advice is to embrace everything the group ofers. Utilise all the support, tools and people available. While industry experience isn’t essential, having some prior experience or

For those considering investing in a Choices Flooring store, our advice is to embrace everything the group offers. Utilise all the support, tools and people available.

hiring key personnel with expertise can be benefcial. Choices Flooring ofers a turn-key solution, providing everything from premises selection to store layout design, product selection, branding and marketing, ensuring a smooth start and ongoing success,” said Kelly and Shane.

Community Vision

Shane and Kelly are emerging entrepreneurs with a vision to blend their growth with a commitment to the Invercargill community. As they gain experience and expand their business, their focus remains on supporting local initiatives and fostering community engagement. They are dedicated to not just selling fooring but ofering complete fooring solutions. Shane shares, “Our goal is to grow alongside the community that supports us. We’re excited to give back and create meaningful partnerships with local groups.” Kelly adds, “We’re passionate about building a strong apprentice training program through the CTI apprenticeship initiative, which will help us become a leading fooring retailer in the region, while staying true to our commitment to community support.”

Together, they are paving the way for a future where their business and community thrive hand in hand.

Choices Flooring Invercargill

207c Dee Street, Invercargill, 9810 • Phone 03 777 9001

Store opportunities available in – Northland, Auckland, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu-Whanganui, Wellington, Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago, and Queenstown.

Join Choices Flooring and be part of a fooring revolution in New Zealand!.

Andrew Lewis, Chief Executive Ofcer M + 61 400 400 036 E

John Nicholls, GM - Retail Development NZ M + 64 273 228 679



Long-term franchisee encourages others to take a bite at the big time!

Known, loved and munched throughout New Zealand, Cookie Time’s iconic large Original Chocolate Chunk Cookie has always had family as a key ingredient. Founded by brothers, Cookie Time was launched with the delivery of 70 jars of cookies to 70 Christchurch dairies on 7 February 1983. From that day on, Cookie Time has stayed true to its vision – a taste for every occasion, a smile on every face.

In return, families have shown their support of Cookie Time, New Zealand’s top selling and most trusted cookies brand. This brand status has been sealed as multiple, ongoing winner of the Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brands cookie category.

Family is also to the fore for Chris Rhoades. He and his twin sons, Tim and Tony, were named 2023 Franchisee of the Year Prior to the pandemic, the Rhoades were also named Franchisee of the Year, three years in a row.

Operating in an area that stretches from Te Anau throughout Central Otago, taking in some of New Zealand’s most popular tourist destinations such as Queenstown, Chris has been a Cookie Time franchisee for 10 years. The proud dad says that, approaching 60 years old, he couldn’t have managed the large territory, let alone achieved Franchisee of the Year, without the twins.

Although Chris had a long career in FMCG, it’s not a prerequisite to becoming a Cookie Time franchise, he says. Before he and wife Trudy moved into Central Otago, Chris had spent 12 years at Cookie Time’s head office. The first two were spent in supermarket and service stations relations, before 10 years as Cookie Time’s franchise manager.

A margin on every item sold

“Having been franchise manager, I went into the Cookie Time franchisee training thinking I knew it all. I was so wrong! Really, I can’t speak highly enough of the training and training staff,” says Chris.

Territories typically range from $100,000 to $150,000 including goodwill, admin fee, van purchase and office equipment. With income earned as a margin on every item sold, it’s a straightforward business to run, Chris says. But knowing, understanding and following long-developed Cookie Time processes and procedures is the key to success.

“For the first three years, I ran the territory on my own,” he says. “Then, seven years ago, when Tim said he’d like to join me, I welcomed him with open arms.” Tony followed two and half years later.

“Although I’m essentially the territory master franchisee, Tim and Tony have their own franchisee agreements with Cookie Time. This ensures their involvement is recognised and appropriately rewarded.”

So, what exactly does a Cookie Time franchisee do?

“When asked this question, I start by explaining that anywhere food is sold is either a Cookie Time customer or a potential one,” he says. “We represent all Cookie Time cookies, plus other brands that are part of the Group portfolio. These include OSM, the world-first nutritionally balanced bar, Bumper and Em’s Power Cookies and bars.”

This adds up to around 80 separate products, plus one-off products and involvement in the annual Cookie Time Christmas Cookies campaign.

More than just selling product

Franchisees do more than sell product, Chris says. “We deliver and merchandise products, which can take seven days a week supplying our customers in tourist hot spots. This shows that, depending on territory size and demand, having decent storage space is a must – effective stock control is an important part of being a Cookie Time franchisee.

“It says a lot about Cookie Time that that there are so many long-term franchisees, some having been involved for more than 20 years. More than a few have now reached ages where they are looking at selling their territories, making this an ideal time to contact franchise manager Dawn Cleary, wherever you are in New Zealand.”

Cookie Time

Contact Dawn Cleary 027 235 0835 Advertiser Info

Cookie Time’s Samantha Pollock, Chris Rhoades and Dawn Cleary


There is an art to delivering events that inspire, reward and galvanise teams, as the professionals at EVT Hotels and Resorts well know.

To make the most of any event, small or large, you need the right location, the right venue, the right atmosphere and the right support team. Team members want to feel that coming together has a clear purpose and impact, and that it differs from business-as-usual.

That’s where EVT Hotels and Resorts, with their comprehensive brand portfolio comprising of QT, Rydges, Atura, Museum Apartment Hotel, Arawa Park Hotel Rotorua and LyLo come in.

Over the past few years, conferencing and events have seen a significant change in trends. There was, of course, the Covid-19 pandemic. Then, pent-up demand flooded back into the market. Looking ahead to 2025, the EVT team are looking forward to being in full flow, curating events unique to any business’s needs. They know that, by leaning into conferencing trends, they can provide the best experiences.

With a range of properties across New Zealand, EVT can accommodate anything from an intimate team meeting to a large national conference for 500+ attendees and multi-day trade shows. With conference and events specialists at each property, the company has built a strong reputation in the industry for executing high-quality functions, providing incredible service and value. The nature of EVT venues means guests can work, stay and eat on site, with exceptional food and beverage offerings and quality accommodation.

Value is king

Each property in EVT prides itself on offering a personalised approach to event organisers and guests alike, says National Director of Sales & Marketing, New Zealand, Tracy Martin. She says EVT understands that value will always be a deciding factor in decision-making, while recognising that how value looks is different for everyone.

“We’re a company that knows customers and communities,” says Tracy. “We understand and appreciate that no two events are the same, and everyone wants to make sure they get great value from a conferencing partner – and that doesn’t always mean a lean price.

“We work with clients on what’s important to them. Whether that’s flexibility in cancellation or payment terms, a menu designed to keep the brain functioning through complex sessions, special surprises for VIP clients, or a breathtaking Queenstown waterfront location to inspire and reward a team – we’ve got you covered.

“Working with organisations to understand what value means to them, and designing bespoke packages that meets those needs, is what we do.”

Technology is here to stay

While personal connection is still the number one priority, EVT understands that, as businesses grapple with the cost of domestic and international flights, inflation and the increased cost of living, the hybrid model still has a place in the conferencing scene. Excitingly, this means ample opportunity to make events unique and unforgettable.

Having the right technology is now a baseline for conferencing, including having skilled technicians on site. The emergence of AI in this space is something everyone is keeping an eye on, to see how it develops and how it can assist, says Tracy.

Ultimately, whenever technology is being utilised, a venue is only as good as the technology allows, she says. “Not all tech is equal, nor is the training for how to properly use it. Each EVT property has a dedicated IT technician who can be on-call for your event to ensure seamless delivery, whether the guests are beaming in from that city or across the globe.”

Sustainability impacts decision-making

Sustainability is increasingly important in the conferencing space. “Like EVT, many New Zealand businesses are values-driven, and for some, sustainability is a non-negotiable. Many want to make sure that the environmental cost of bringing their team together for a large function is considered by the venue”, says Tracy.

“At EVT, we value sustainability and are continuously making improvements. We are always happy to share and discuss with clients how we can prioritise sustainability for their events to ensure how they bring together key stakeholders is aligned with their values.”

Central point of contact

QT Hotels and Resorts, Rydges Hotels and Resorts, Atura, Museum Apartment Hotel, Arawa Park Hotel Rotorua and LyLo are all part of EVT Hotels and Resorts. This ensures there are options fit for every budget, taste, industry and location. As well having properties in Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown, EVT is an Australasian brand. This means the group can also offer access to sister hotels in Australia and Singapore for conferences, meetings or incentives.

“Whatever takes your fancy, this is your opportunity to put ‘above and beyond’ on the agenda,” says Tracy. “Get in touch! We’ll make sure we create your event – elevated.”

EVT Hotels and Resorts

Contact Sikati Felise 021 496 584 Advertiser Info


In our winter issue, Westpac’s Daniel Cloete looked at Return on Investment. Now, he covers the funding aspects of buying a franchise and how the price of a business affects the ability to obtain funding.

How much money do I require?

Franchise adverts can be very confusing because franchisors don’t all use the same assumptions. If the capital requirement is listed between $90,000 and $120,000, what’s included in this price? Does it include the franchise fee and, for new outlets, the fit-out? Does it include equipment, legal costs and accounting fees? Is this the total cost of your investment or does it only reflect the cash equity needed?

How much can the business afford?

After getting a good idea of how much your new business is going to cost you initially, and the ongoing payments to the franchise system, the next question should not be ‘how much I can borrow?’ Rather, ‘how much can the business afford, while still delivering a decent living and

return on investment?’ This is even more important when the economy is under pressure. Yes, this may present unique opportunities, but it can also increase the risks.

Do I truly understand the figures?

Get professional advice, but understand the figures yourself. Ask your franchise accountant to assist with cash flow projections, which will help you understand what makes the business profitable, and the funding required.

The next questions should be directed at your current or proposed funding provider:

Is my current bank equipped to help?

Does your bank have the franchise system knowledge, benchmarking and strategic relationship with your chosen franchise system to deliver real added-value lending as well as transactional benefits?

Does my bank offer a franchise lending policy?

This is, as opposed to a generalist business manager, normally requiring 100% security. You want your banker to add value with the initial lending, based on their knowledge of the business model and benchmarking. But also show ongoing commitment to the system beyond the initial lending. An example could be franchisespecific merchant payment solutions.

Daniel Cloete

Can you fund against future cash flow when setting up a franchise from a well-established franchise system?

This could lower your equity requirement and mean you could afford a much larger business than setting up a standard small business. How much would be determined by the debt servicing ability of the business and the reputation, and business model, of the franchise system in question?

What is an appropriate term of the funding?

Normally, short-term funding would not be suitable to fund the business and would be more appropriate for working capital. Try to match the funding to the asset and consider when it needs to be replaced. In the case of a retail outlet, consider when the store will need a total refit.

How much working capital will be needed?

This simply means the amount of cash you need to run the business effectively. It is used to pay bills such as wages, and sometimes to carry stock until the business generates income. Very few businesses can operate without working capital.

What are my business’s day-to-day transactional needs?

People tend to concentrate on the initial lending, but forget about the ongoing transactional banking needs that influence their bottom line. What products and services will you need in place to help you manage your cash inflows and outflows?

Rental or stock bonds? Ask early on.

For premises-based businesses, a rental bond may be required. This could increase the capital needed from your side, so it is worth negotiating robustly. Some suppliers (or franchisors, if they pay for stock) may also require a stock bond. Performance bonds can also be required for some service-type businesses.

What are the funding structures, term and security options?

Remember, the lower the multiple you pay for the business (for example, the multiple of EBITDA profit – earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation), the more debt the business can service. This may influence the possible funding structures, term, and security required. Talk to your accountant or banker about options.

One last point to consider is your personal finance needs...

Does the business income need to support my home lending and personal lifestyle? If so, how much is needed?

These are only a few of the things to consider.

Your banker and accountant will be able assist you with all factors involved, including offering different funding options, transactional solutions and suggesting optimum funding structures for your business.

To summarise, you may be paying a lot more for a franchise from an established brand with a good track record, but you also lower the risk and increase the chance of getting a profitable business with a sustainable business model.

You still need to do a proper assessment, with the help of professionals. A franchise-friendly bank takes these factors into account, which may make it easier to obtain finance.

About the author

Daniel Cloete is the National Franchising Manager for Westpac. For more information, contact your local Westpac Franchise and Business Banking Specialist on 0800 177 007 or email:

The information contained in this article is intended as a guide only and is not intended as an exhaustive list of matters to be considered. Persons entering into franchise agreements should seek their own professional legal, accounting and other advice.

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Of course, you still need the right skills, even without industry-specific experience. Your chosen franchise may require you to lead a team, or have sales ability, or practical skills. You’ll need to be able to learn and follow systems designed to help you operate your business efficiently and profitably. And you’ll certainly need commitment and enthusiasm for what you do, determination to overcome difficulties, and the support and understanding of friends and family as you focus totally on your business when you first start out.

So, assuming you have the right qualities, what can you expect as you start a new chapter of your life?

Learning the basics

The nature of your initial training will vary according to the complexity of the franchisee’s role and the degree of familiarisation required with new equipment and/or systems.

For example, a training programme designed to help you run a café franchise – where you will be making product, recruiting, training and

How can you build a business in a completely new industry? Franchising can help you do just that.

there is to know about business management, before taking the actual operation into account. But all the systems are in place to help you –your first task as a new business owner is to learn how to use them.

Running your own business

It’s important to realise that even after you have completed initial training and opened the doors to your new business, as a franchisee, you won’t be on your own. The franchisor will usually supply an experienced field support person to work with you in your own territory prior to and immediately after opening.

They will help ensure you’re set up properly and can apply your training. Once open, expect the field support person to stay with you until you feel comfortable operating on your own. They are not there to run the business, but to make it easier for you to learn how to run it yourself. The amount of time this takes will vary enormously.

In food or retail businesses, a week or two of on-site support before and after opening is usual. In some franchises, particularly service-based ones, training and opening periods may overlap.

After the initial on-site backup ends, you can still look forward to plenty of ongoing support, including:

• Personal visits from field support / specialist team members

• Phone support

• Online support

• Meetings with, and mentoring from, experienced franchisees

• National conferences

• Ongoing training, online and onsite Ways to manage change

Something you need to be aware of when buying a franchise is that it will involve constant change, both for yourself and any staff you may employ. Businesses don’t stand still; customers’ tastes change, and new products, equipment and compliance require constant training. This is where the advent of online training has proved invaluable,

Brad Jacobs of The Coffee Club recalls how the franchise used the restrictive challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic to expediate the move to take its training online. “We used the lockdowns to move all our existing Training Academy modules online,” he says. “These cover things like Good Food, Great Service, Excellent Coffee, Health & Safety, etc. Our team handbook and new team induction programme also went online.”

Brad adds, “The move was made for a few reasons. It wasn’t about removing or reducing face-to-face training – that’s still essential. It’s more about efficiency, easy record-keeping, simple compliance checking for councils, safety for franchisees and team members, reduced printing costs, etc.”

Training checks

So, if you’re looking at a franchise opportunity, how can you decide whether it will offer the training you need to help you succeed in a new industry? Here are some suggestions:

1. Speak to existing franchisees and ask them about their training experience.

Was it well-structured and easy to follow? Did it leave them feeling confident that they would be able to manage their business? Did it seem

to cover the essentials of what they needed to know in the early stages? Was there further training as they became more experienced, and was it appropriate to their needs?

2. Experience the business from a customer’s perspective.

Visit several outlets and see different franchisees at work. Do they seem confident and well-trained? Are they operating consistently? If there are staff, do they seem well-trained and efficient? Is the franchisee visible in the business? Are they leading their team well?

3. Ask how new franchisee training is delivered, who by and what experience they have.

Find out about the trainer’s experience, both as an operator and as a trainer. If there is an online element, can this be carried out while you are still in an existing position?

4. Ask to see some training resources to see how current and thorough they are.

When were they last updated? If the franchise comes from overseas, have the training materials been modified for New Zealand conditions and experiences?

5. Ask if the trainer is certified to ensure trainees can demonstrate their learning.

Is the training linked to any formal training programme or national standard? Is the trainer assessed, certified and up to date?

6. Find out what ongoing training has been offered recently - verify this with franchisees.

Ask other franchisees if they found it well-structured, practical and useful. See if it fits with what the franchisor says is being delivered.

One of the major reasons for buying a franchise is that offers a lower risk way of going into business than trying to do it alone. The training you will receive from the franchisor is a big part of reducing that risk.

By choosing a franchise that offers excellent initial and ongoing training, you will not only make better return on your investment more quickly, you’ll also be better placed for achieving greater success.

Wholesale Distributors Limited (WDL) is the franchisor for the FreshChoice group of supermarkets. WDL have supermarkets nationwide, but are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to expand throughout New Zealand.

WDL is a division of Woolworths New Zealand (WWNZ). WWNZ in turn is 100% owned by Woolworths Limited which is one of Australasia’s largest retailers.

All our stores are locally owned and operated. Our owners and store teams care about building strong connections to the communities they serve, and are constantly striving to inspire and engage customers. We are proud of the passionate people that represent FreshChoice, and they in turn are proud to be advocates of it.

If this sounds like an opportunity you are interested in, please get in touch with Operations Manager Craig Steenson from the contact details below:

V.I.P. franchisee is enjoying fishing and finding himself 10,000 steps ahead.



The dark days of Covid still hung over the country when Joe Ward joined V.I.P. Home Services. “One thing I learned was how well the franchise coped with the pandemic,” he recalls. “We are a very social bunch, as franchisees, and I heard endless stories from my colleagues about how much work the national franchisors Estelle and John Logan put into ensuring franchisees and clients were looked after. This echoed my own experience.

“I’ve continued to be nothing but impressed since. V.I.P., as a business, has the family touch I was looking for.”

Active pursuit

Christchurch-based Joe has an engineering and manufacturing background and spent 27 years in ‘rather sedentary’ jobs. “I always worked in small, family-owned enterprises,” he says. “And, as middle age approached, I began to feel drawn towards doing something different.

“After so many years behind a desk, I was keen to do something more physical to improve my health outlooks. My partner and family were encouraging, too. So, I started scouting the franchise world to see what was out there.

“Like a lot of people who opt for a franchise, I felt there was some security and support within the network – safety in numbers if you like. Starting my own business from scratch seemed to have too many disadvantages.

“After a lot of investigation, I made a formal approach to a large local franchise in March 2020. The next week, the country went into lockdown.”

With his new career on hold, Joe got on with his day job, but the itchy feet remained. “However, the prospect of working with a different company, plus the interview process, scared me,” he says.

Stand-out brand

“For many years, I’d been aware of the distinctive green trailers of V.I.P.. They really stand out and, like the franchise, caught my further interest. I began to look into it seriously. The more I looked, the more I felt it was what I was familiar with in my working life – a family environment.”

Having completed due diligence and put figures in front of accountants and lawyers, Joe felt satisfied about forging ahead. “But was it scary? Absolutely! I was stepping into the unknown. But I figured, nothing ventured, nothing gained! And I’d been very reassured by several meetings with the franchisor and franchisees.”

Estelle Logan who, with husband John, is national franchisor for V.I.P. in New Zealand, says Joe’s feelings on buying a business are not unusual. “We know it can be a huge step for some people, especially if they have

been employed for several decades. But, at V.I.P., we are there to help guide new franchisees through their early days and any teething problems.

“We’re used to it. We want people to succeed, and we’ve been doing it successfully here, in a family environment, for nearly 30 years.”

Building up business

Joe says, “The franchise has been very supportive in the nearly three years I’ve been with them. They help resolve any issues. But what has impressed me the most is the number of leads I get. It took me very little time to build up a substantial business from having bought only a small round.

“My client base has expanded big time! And, although I’m not yet on six figures, which some of my colleagues are, it won’t be long!”

V.I.P. offers two kinds of franchise: outdoor (lawnmowing, gardening and other outside jobs) and indoor (all types of cleaning, both commercial and residential).

“As Joe indicated, he started with a small round,” says Estelle, “but with our leads, word of mouth referrals and V.I.P.’s reputation, it didn’t take him long to build his business. There is a paid training period, together with a guaranteed income. And, of course, you can choose your own hours. The certainty with V.I.P. is that you will always have work!”

Steps to success

As for the future, Joe says he will continue to enjoy learning. “Despite going from a salary to being the boss, the worker, the accountant and the maintenance guy – I’d certainly do it again. You need to be selfmotivated and driven to succeed. But if you do a good job, you will get referrals, as well as build great rapport with clients.

“I’m now shaping my client base so it’s all closer to home and that will allow me a few more weekends away fishing.

“It’s fun being in the growing phase. I’m now doing 10,000 steps a day, which I’ve never done before! And I’m very pleased I have the V.I.P. name behind me.

“There’s plenty of variety, on top of the bread-and-butter lawns. I’m finding I get asked to do a lot of seasonal pruning and other gardening jobs, which all interest me.”

“We’re currently seeking new franchisees for both services,” says Estelle. “Investment levels can always be tailored to your needs, as we have opportunities nationwide. Don’t hesitate! As Joe found, we are proud of being family-friendly!”

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V.I.P. Home Services

For nationwide enquiries call 0800 84 74 96

Joe Ward is loving the Kiwi outdoors with V.I.P. Home Services


We answer five common questions about franchising...

New Zealand is the most franchised country in the world. Figures from the last Franchising New Zealand survey showed there were 32,357 franchised units around the country – and the turnover of the franchise sector was equivalent to 12% of our GDP. So just what is franchising, why does it work and is it for you?

1. What is franchising?

Franchising is a method of marketing and distribution whereby a company (franchisor) expands by granting a person or company (franchisee) the right to operate a copy of its business. The right will usually include the ability to use the name, the business system and the know-how of the franchisor, and is granted for a fixed term.

The franchisor usually gains their income from fees or product markups paid by the franchisee. In return, he or she must provide a variety of services to encourage the continuing profitability and growth of the franchisee’s business. The franchisee pays to set up the business in their area (including, for example, property, leasing or equipment costs) and is the owner of their own business. They receive their income from successfully marketing a desirable product or service under a promotable brand name.

2. Is franchising reputable?

Franchising enables companies who have a good product or service to expand faster because they are using the capital, local knowledge and commitment of individuals who are in business for themselves. It gives those individuals the ability to go into business properly trained and equipped, with the security of a well-proven product and system behind them.

Franchising is a part of daily life in New Zealand. Many of our best-known brands are actually franchises: Lotto, Columbus Coffee, Fresh Choice, Rodney Wayne and, of course, McDonald’s.

3. Why buy a franchise?

When you buy a well-developed franchise, you should enjoy many advantages. These include:

Product or service - The franchisor has already proved that the market exists. Franchisees are not risking their money on a new idea.

System - The most efficient way of delivering the product or service has been developed and will be shared with the franchisee.

Equipment - Franchisees start with the best equipment for the job and only the equipment they need – often specially-designed or developed.

Suppliers - Bulk buying means franchisees benefit from lower prices and better service than independents.

Brand marketing - The company already has a name which attracts customers and makes marketing more effective.

Training - A franchisee can enter a brand new industry and be trained in how to run that specific business to best effect.

Support - The franchisor keeps a watchful eye on the progress of the business to help the franchisee grow at the right speed and avoid errors.

Research & development - While the franchisee focuses on customer service, the franchisor works on new products and techniques to ensure franchisees remain competitive.

4. Is it a fail-safe way to go into business?

No. Franchises may offer you a much greater chance of success than trying to go it alone, but no business venture is entirely without risk.

Franchises are not the same, any more than all shops are the same. Even within the same industry, each franchise will be set up differently. It will have different business systems, different cost structures, different support services for franchisees and, above all, different people – both as franchisors and franchisees.

If the franchise is properly structured, it is likely to be the individuals who make the difference. Common causes for franchisee failure include:

• Choosing a business for which they are not suited or equipped.

• Being under-capitalised from the start and unable to finance the growth of the business.

• Failing to take adequate legal and financial advice prior to purchase.

• Not following the franchise system.

• Taking too much money out of the business too soon.

• Being over-reliant on the franchisor rather than accepting that this is your business.

• Failure to act upon advice or make difficult decisions.

Franchisors can also make mistakes. The most serious ones which inexperienced franchisors make are:

• Being under-capitalised and unable to provide the necessary support.

• Not having properly developed and tested the systems.

• Not having a sustainable business structure which can provide a fair return for both franchisor and franchisee.

• Selecting the wrong location.

• Selecting the wrong franchisee.

That’s why, if you’re looking at buying a franchise, you need to choose carefully and take professional advice from a lawyer and an accountant who specialise in franchising. They may charge a little more than a non-specialist, but they’ll take less time, probably have experience of the franchise you are looking at, know what to look for and give better advice.

5. Is it for me?

Franchising does not suit everyone. It does involve taking a risk, not having the security of a regular income, and being responsible for your own business. Do not rely upon the franchisor to make you successful. The franchisor will help, but basically franchisees are given the tools –the product, the system, the brand and the training – to enable them to get on with the job.

Success is up to the individual. As every successful franchisee will tell you: you only get out of the business what you put into the business. Remember that golden rule and you could have a great future as a franchisee.

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Todd Murray is a real estate sales professional who successfully transitioned to Harcourts franchise ownership and never looked back.



It has been 15 years since Todd Murray first donned a Harcourts tie and began marketing properties across West Auckland. For the born and raised ‘Westie’, bricklayer and rugby enthusiast, the real estate environment was vastly different back in 2009. For a start, it was possible to secure a real estate licence in just one week, which is exactly what Todd achieved.

Despite not realising it was a fully 100% commission position until the end of his first month, Todd nevertheless managed to enjoy quick success in the business. He went on to achieve excellent sales for several years before the opportunity to buy the newly defined Harcourts Northwest Realty franchise arose in 2017, when he was aged 36.

“I was looking beyond sales for something that would provide more tangible value,” he recalls.

Admitting to perhaps being ‘a little naive’ in the early days, without much business acumen, Todd now looks back proudly.

“It was a tough market, but probably the best time to start,” he reflects, “as opposed to launching in buoyant times when you don’t really know how hard things may get.”

He says it took him three years to transition fully out of sales and into full-time management of his franchise team, which now includes a property management division too. Todd had been the top performing salesperson as well as the business owner, but his business partner Diego Traglia was happy to take up the baton on sales, making Todd’s shift to day-to-day management of the overall business much quicker and easier. He says that having his wife Taryn as a full-time salesperson has helped keep him grounded on that aspect of the business as well.

Support when needed

“Leadership from Harcourts has been totally supportive,” says Todd. “The experience that the Harcourts corporate team provides has been a major part of our success. I know I like to row my own boat a lot of the time, but it’s so important to understand that the support is always there when needed.

“Harcourts offer us so much, which is a standout for every Harcourts franchisee. We are able to pick and choose what resources and training we require,” he explains.

“The flexibility and depth of resources they provide is amazing. It’s simply a case of me and our operations manager working out what our needs are and when we need those resources.”

Having such a strong presence for the familiar Harcourts brand in the local market is highly advantageous, he says. It also helps that his region has one of the fastest growing property markets in the country.

Have you got what it takes?

Asked to describe his approach to the franchise, Todd is quick to state he’s not an overly analytical person and never resorts to micro-management.

“You’ve got to be honest with yourself about what skills you do possess, and which ones you don’t,” he explains. “It can be a tough market, and the ability to adapt to any new challenges in the market is also very important.”

Success as a franchisor is all about investing in good people and being totally adaptable to any market fluctuations, Todd says. “A passion for supporting your local community is vital too.” Harcourts Northwest Realty assists several charities and is a long-term sponsor of Massey Rugby – a club Todd has been associated with for many years. Through ‘Gumboot Fridays’ and various events they’ve helped raise thousands of dollars.

Rewarding and satisfying

Reflecting on the past seven years as a Harcourts franchise owner, Todd says making the switch from sales consultant to business owner was a major step, but one that has exceeded his expectations. Considering the economic storms since, they avoided making any staff redundant, which he says demonstrates the resilience of the Harcourts business model.

Todd’s advice to any potential franchisees is to first consider their ‘why’. “Because enthusiasm will only take you a certain distance,” he says. “Consider the structure of the business and the size of the operation you want to create. Have you got the right staff in the right places, and the right amount of infrastructure to process the volume of work generated?

“The admin, management and financial teams must also be heavily mentally invested.”

Perfect timing

Are you a seasoned real estate sales professional keen to invest in your own business? Perhaps you are a successful entrepreneur with a reasonable amount of equity? If you’re 100% focused on securing a solid future in this industry, a Harcourts franchise could be what you’re looking for. There are numerous business opportunities available, including existing franchises and new greenfields locations.

Investment starts from $200,000.

“We have a full support structure to wrap around newcomers,” says Harcourts Network Development Manager Aaron Davis. “Harcourts has all the know-how to help you succeed. The career path is there waiting, and the point of entry is easier than you might think.”

Advertiser Info


Contact Aaron Davis 09 520 5569 027 275 6165

Todd Murray

Benefts of Franchising

In New Zealand we have over 600 franchise systems, making us one of the most franchised markets in the world per capita. There are no guarantees in business, but with a recognised and established franchise like Fruit World, you’re on the right track.

ASB and Franchising

Our specialist franchise team has been proudly assisting franchisees and franchisors in New Zealand since 2003. With three full-time franchise specialists, we have over 25 years experience in franchising combined. The team assists ASB’s Business Managers throughout the country who are ready to listen and help you achieve your business ambitions.

Funding and Transaction Banking

In some cases, ASB can fund up to 100% of the ingoing costs to purchase your franchise. This can be achieved where you have suffcient equity in property that you own, or a mixture of cash, equity and some funding against the business value itself.

ASB will provide a competitive offer that will include:

• A local Business Manager that understands your business to assist with the transaction

• A broad suite of business lending products designed to meet your funding requirements

• Competitive interest rates and fees

• A user friendly online banking platform with excellent functionality and integration with most cloud based accounting software

The Process

1. Discuss your needs with an ASB Senior Franchise Manager

2. Introduction to a local Business Manager

3. Complete a Business Loan Application

4. Credit Assessment process begins

What next?

Simply contact Rohann to get started.

5. Business Manager advises outcome

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Discover a whole new hassle-free world of inducting your new people; an affordable, game-changing platform that makes life easier for both franchisors and franchisees. It’s an all-new onboarding app designed to deliver a two-pronged benefit for users.

“Not only can franchisors use it to streamline the onboarding process by replacing any paper-based processes for new franchisees but, in turn, franchisees can also utilise the platform to onboard any of their new employees,” explains Sussan Ockwell, director of app creators The Induction Company.

“It also means franchisors can oversee their entire network – every person who represents their brand. Franchisees can establish base content and activities for all new employees representing their brand, so everybody is being inducted and trained to the same exacting standard.”

Users of The Induction App are surprised by how simple and easy it is to operate. It starts with a simple link - no downloading required.

“It takes you right from initial contract, through paperwork, induction and learning, as well as engagement and reporting,” says Sussan.

Nothing about the app is overwhelming and the platform is virtually holding people’s hands as they learn the ropes, she explains. “The app walks franchisees through each phase of induction, covering various topics within each stage. The franchisor can see what’s happening as the franchisee progresses, allowing for engagement checkins to determine where any help may be required.”

Making life easier

Hospitality, retail, drivers, home services and other franchises with people ‘out there doing the work’, will benefit from The Induction App, due to its mobile phone-friendly platform. It combines checklists, task lists, interactive content and rich media, such as videos.

The app allows you type your name and details into a digital form once, then populate multiple official forms, which require the same details, ready for e-signing.

It’s all about streamlining processes, eliminating paperwork and making induction easier for everyone, says Sussan, who was pleased by the app’s reception at the recent National Franchise Conference.

Getting started with The Induction App involves a 90-minute setup meeting with the franchisor. In this, structure, flow and pathways are discussed, alongside any branding requirements. Sussan says there are options for franchisors to set the app up themselves or use her team, depending on their confidence and resource. Either way, setting up franchisees with the app can be managed by the franchisor, easily.

If you’re customer focused and in search of a franchise business that can provide stability and consistent returns, now is an exciting time to join Liquorland

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The change of season signals hope ahead, so why is now a good time to buy a franchise?

The shock Official Cash Rate interest rate drop announced in mid-August signaled a change of season for the economy. The Reserve Bank’s reduction of the OCR by 25 basis points to 5.25% blindsided most economists and banks. Yet, it was as welcomed as the early, fresh shoots of spring.

However, with the country awakening from winter hibernation, making a mindset shift from an attitude of ‘austerity’ may prove to be the most likely stumbling block to impact franchises as we make our way to brighter days – literally and metaphorically.

“Consumer confidence is the main issue at play here,” says Philip Morrison, director of Franchise Accountants. “With New Zealand currently in ‘austerity’ mode, there is pressure on household budgets and less money in the economy due to low consumer spend.”

Historically speaking

Franchising has traditionally performed reasonably well during recessions. Testing times for an economy can offer good franchisors a chance to expand; new locations can become available, old competitors can suffer, and there can be a larger market of potential franchisees and staff, as people are moved out of changing industries. The wholesale redundancies across the public sector and in the national media earlier this year are prime examples.

The cause of the so-called ‘cost of living crisis’ that has been affecting Kiwis, and many nations, has been driven by a combination of rising inflation, labour market pressures, and global supply chain disruptions. The cost of everyday essential goods and services has forced people to spend more to keep up their usual standard of living.

Impacts on business

“For SMEs, the cost of living crisis means tighter profit margins, increased operational costs, and a more challenging business environment. Consumers are more cautious with their spending, which can lead to reduced sales,” according to MYOB.

In its Navigating the cost of living crisis: A guide for SMEs published this winter, it reports, “There is increased competition for skilled labour, leading to higher wages and additional costs for businesses looking to attract and retain talent. “Additionally, businesses face higher expenses for everything from raw materials to wages, making it crucial to find ways to operate more efficiently and maintain profitability.”

Moving beyond the cost of living mindset, how will a drop in OCR and momentum shift towards a greater spring in our economy affect Kiwi franchises? Philip Morrison says the benefits are four-fold:

• The current sales contraction will ease

• Greater supply of labour in the market will help businesses to scale again

• Credit pressures will ease, making the cost of obtaining finance lower

• Increased confidence to invest / re-invest in buying franchises, equipment and stock

“Franchising will become more attractive, due to higher confidence to invest in a franchise,” says Philip. “Franchisees will have access to more support to work for themselves, but not by themselves.

“More economic power leverage will mean greater group buying power, as well as more group marketing clout. This leads to stronger brand power and increased consumer trust in a known brand...”

“More economic power leverage will mean greater group buying power, as well as more group marketing clout. This leads to stronger brand power and increased consumer trust in a known brand. And more accessible finance means more money in the economy.”

Timing is everything

So, when will the recent OCR rate drop truly start to positively impact the economy? Some could argue that is already starting to happen, with banks beginning to instigate a creep down of home loan interest rates on the back of the Reserve Bank’s August 14 announcement.

Addressing the time lag issue, Philip Morrison says a positive impact will be felt, “When fixed interest rates come off and lower rates can be achieved. But we need to see continued OCR cuts to stimulate the economy.

“Governors of The Reserve Bank will be restrained, however, so inflationary pressures don’t reoccur. It’s a step in the right direction, yes, with more steps to take.”

Westpac economists tip the OCR to drop to 5% by the end of this year. In his presentation of the Westpac New Zealand Economic Review August 2024 in Auckland, the bank’s chief economist Kelly Eckhold was cautiously optimistic. Among reasons cited for this were New Zealand’s ‘strong

population growth in the past year’ and ‘inflation increasingly under control across the world’.

Growth in 2025 isn’t expected to be stellar, says Westpac, while the global growth environment remains subdued and fiscal policy increasingly restrictive. But lower rates here and abroad will support better times ahead, it says.

“Inflation still has a way to fall to 2% - hence we don’t see the RBNZ cutting either fast or deep. But by early 2026 rates should be close to neutral levels. The pace at which we get there will depend on how rapidly inflation approaches the target midpoint over coming quarters. Almost there.... finally.”

Eckhold concluded, for his audience in Auckland, “Getting towards the second half of next year, is where we should see a meaningful bounce back in the New Zealand economy.”

With economic momentum moving in the right direction, now could be an opportune time to make a move into franchising.

Find out what’s available throughout New Zealand in our exclusive directory of franchise opportunities, in this magazine and on our website.

Read our summary of the latest quarterly Westpac New Zealand Economic Overview August 2024 online at


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CrestClean PropertyCare experts enjoy the freedom of an outdoor lifestyle.

Fancy the feeling of working outdoors? If you’ve felt tied to a desk and a digital screen for too long, perhaps getting into the business of property care and maintenance is for you.

PropertyCare is a division of CrestClean that tends to a wide range of outdoor maintenance tasks. CrestClean franchise owners who love working outdoors can become property care specialists, proudly keeping commercial and business premises looking their best.

Whether customers require regular maintenance, seasonal work or periodic tasks, property care personnel are trained to handle any exterior cleaning task, including:

• Lawns, grounds and gardening

• Building washing

• Moss, mould and lichen removal

• Carpark cleaning and sweeping

• General maintenance and repair jobs

• Pure Water Window Cleaning

Over five years of excellence

Anand Reddy has been the go-to exterior maintenance specialist at the Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) headquarters in Hamilton for over five years. As a versatile property care expert, he handles everything from fix-it tasks to grounds care. Working across three expansive sites, he has transformed the exterior presentation of LIC.

“When I started the work, I nearly ran away because the condition of the properties wasn’t the best,” he laughs.

Before long, Anand had the Hamilton LIC sites looking immaculate and was recognised for his fix-it skills. This led to Anand being moved into the role of Support Property Maintenance Officer for LIC nationally. In this role, he co-ordinates contractors where necessary.

With previous experience as part of a CrestClean cleaning team, Anand has extensive cleaning skills. He can step into different cleaning roles when required, such as carpet cleaning and lab cleaning too. Although Anand loves staying active and working mostly outdoors, what he loves most is being able to help out in so many different ways.

“It’s physical work, which I love doing. But I really like helping people around here and putting smiles on their faces,” he says.

Walking upwards of 16,000 steps a day, Anand is kept busy at LIC. He wishes he’d discovered property care sooner, he says. “I really enjoy what I’m doing. I should have come here 10 years ago!

“I think more people should be taking on property care. It’s very interesting and enjoyable work.”


chef finds fulfilment

Jorge Maturana Franzani has been a property care expert in Tauranga for nearly five years. A former chef, Jorge once worked long hours and late nights, leaving him with little time for his family. “Being a chef was very difficult,” he recalls. “I was working late nights, weekends and holidays. I was looking for a change of career - something that gave me more time with family.”

He was immediately impressed with CrestClean’s supportive franchise model and the financial certainty it offered. The opportunity to work outdoors during the day drew Jorge towards CrestClean’s PropertyCare division.

He says he loves the diverse work that property care offers, adding, “Property care is a wide spectrum. It’s all outside maintenance - from gardening to building washing.”

He quickly upskilled to become a Pure Water Window Cleaning expert, increasing the scope of his services. Pure Water Window Cleaning is a chemical-free technique that uses advanced water filtration to clean windows without leaving spots or streaks. Jorge says it’s his most requested service.

He is consistently amazed by the warmth and friendliness of his customers. He recalls work on seasonal exterior maintenance at a Metlifecare retirement village and being particularly struck by the staff and residents’ kindness. “They were always asking if I wanted a tea or coffee and, at Christmastime, they gave me wine and chocolates! I was just doing my job. Their kindness was amazing.”

CrestClean’s support has been invaluable in helping Jorge build his PropertyCare business, he says. “CrestClean is like a big family; they support me so well.”

For anyone considering a CrestClean franchise, Jorge’s advice is: “Go for it! I’ve made more money in one year than I did in three years as a chef!”

Hitting the heights

CrestClean PropertyCare personnel are often required to work at height, and all are highly trained to do so. Health, Safety and Wellbeing Leader, Ian Noon, leaves no stone unturned when it comes to ensuring safe work sites for CrestClean franchisees and their customers. “We need to know for sure that we have 100% everything covered off,” says Ian.

PropertyCare teams are trained to carry out tasks while minimising risks. As working at height requires more detailed preparation, PropertyCare teams plan ahead to prepare permits and Safe Work Methods Systems, providing comprehensive documentation for customers.

Ian adds, “With CrestClean PropertyCare, we make sure our customers receive a quality service delivered safely.”

Time for a new career?

Contact CrestClean today.

Advertiser Info


Contact Rene Mangnus 0800 273 780 0274 349 934

Jorge Maturana Franzani is a property care expert in Tauranga
CrestClean Health, Safety and Wellbeing Leader, Ian Noon, left
Anand Reddy taking care of exterior maintenance in Hamilton

Reduce the risk when buying a franchise.

Use our new online pre-purchase evaluation platform to fnd out if buying a franchise is the right ft for you!

Enter your details into our purpose-built platform and get a full, comprehensive report, including fnancial and lifestyle evaluations, that will tell you if buying a franchise is the right choice for you. Developed by Franchise Accountants, with specialised franchise experience, this platform is the only one of its kind that compares your data with like-for-like franchises and businesses, along with your personal expectations and fnancial position.

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Philip Morrison of Franchise Accountants explains what you

need to get your business started and keep it going.

People will tell you a lack of working capital is the most common reason that businesses fail. Buying a franchise and trying to run it without sufficient working capital is like going on a road trip without enough fuel to reach the next petrol station. So, what exactly is working capital, and how do you work out what you need?

What is working capital?

When you purchase a franchised business, you’ll first consider the initial capital outlay you’ll need for items such as building fit-out, vehicles, signage, equipment, uniforms and, of course, the initial fee to use the franchise’s system and brand. This is the cost of getting into the business – but it’s not the money you’ll need to run the business.

Working capital is the money that you will need on a day-to-day basis to buy supplies or stock, pay your power bill, meet staff wages and all the other things that a business has to do.

When you first open your doors, you are likely to have more money going out than coming in, so you need to have enough funds available to make up the difference. As your business grows, you may have more money coming in than going out, but you’ll still need working capital because you’ll need to buy more supplies or stock. In fact, if your business is growing fast, you’ll need more working capital than before to fund the time difference.

How much do you need?

The amount you need depends on various factors. For example, is your business premises-based or mobile? Do you mainly make cash sales, or give customers time to pay? Is it a start-up or have you taken over an existing business?

In a typical food and beverage business, customers pay on the spot, whereas the wages and suppliers are usually paid weekly. This type of business is often called a cash business, which is defined as having no debtors (customers who pay on credit terms) and little, or no, stock.

Contrast this to a service business such as a building company, which pays its workers weekly, while providing credit to customers who may take weeks to pay. Or a retail business, which holds stock on shelves, pays rent and wages, yet its customers pay on invoice.

Here’s a diagram that shows how the cash outlaid to deliver the product or service is finally recovered. As the examples given above show, the amount of time it takes to complete the cycle will vary. But whether it’s 20 days or 90 days, the principle is the same.

Cash introduced at the start of the cycle is the working capital. Once a full trading cycle has occurred, the cash will be replenished when the product or service is paid for.

Stock purchased - To make sales, you need something to sell. Stock needs to be purchased, and suppliers paid, often before you start to trade. Lead times for restocking and minimum buying quantities should be considered. Over stocking or slow-moving stock lines can lock up cash and impact working capital requirements.

Wages paid - Staffing levels vary enormously, and you need to pay everyone on time, every time.

Product or service created - Capital required varies according to each business. With product businesses, you need stock or ingredients. For service businesses, you may hold basic parts, pay maintenance costs etc.

Customers invoiced - Do customers pay on the spot or, say, on the 20th of the month? How many pay even later? In tighter economic times, slow paying customers can put pressure on working capital of a business, and this can have a domino effect.

Remember, it’s not until money has come in from customers that you have the cash to fund the next cycle. So, if your new restaurant is fantastically successful, you will need more working capital to fund the purchases for the next cycle, not less. You might be profitable, but profit is not the same thing as cashflow. Even a profitable business can fail if there is insufficient cash to fund its growth.

Finding the money

When you have established the working capital you require, how do you source it? Here are some common techniques:

1.    The owner introducing more cash to the business.

2.    Borrowing from banks via a loan, overdraft etc.

3.    Using cash generated from profits.

4.    Releasing funds locked-up in the trading cycle, eg. money tied up in stock or debtors.

Taking advice

When you buy a franchise, you need to find the money to fund its ongoing operation and growth, too. This requires planning. We strongly recommend every franchisee prepares not just a budget but a cashflow forecast to determine how much working capital they require, and when.

Preparing these is a specialised skill. Engaging a chartered accountant with franchise experience can provide you with insights that are unique to your business.

At the end of the day, it is up to you to make sure you have enough fuel in the tank to complete your journey to business success.

Advertiser Info

Franchise Accountants

Contact Philip Morrison 0800 555 8020 021 22 99 657


VOIDECK® is an innovative new safety product now available in the New Zealand construction industry. It was awarded the New Zealand Workplace Safety Award for innovation in 2020. The VOIDECK® system eliminates the risk of workers falling from internal voids on construction sites. Because the VOIDECK® working platform is suspended off the building structure there are no obstructions or hazards for workers above or below the void. This also

ensures the best utilisation of clear working space, which is often at a premium in small builds.

Since its introduction to the Wellington Region in 2020 there have been no workplace injuries related to falls from heights where the VOIDECK® system has been installed, ensuring that everyone working on our void platforms returns to their families unharmed at the end of each working day.

VOIDECK® temporary void platform franchises are now available nationally.

If you have construction industry experience and are committed to improving safety in the industry, register your interest today to become involved in the growth of this multi award winning, innovative void protection system.


Katrina Hammon, Wynn Williams partner, on franchisors adopting measures to combat modern slavery.

Modern slavery is the violation of fundamental human rights and can take many different forms. These include worker exploitation, forced labour, child labour, human trafficking and debt bondage. By adopting standards and policies in their franchise networks, franchisors are setting a benchmark for responsible business conduct, ensuring that both franchisees and their suppliers adhere to high standards of human rights and labour practices.

Many overseas companies have a strong emphasis on ethical business practices, with increased pressure to demonstrate transparency and responsibility in ESG reporting and compliance. This means New Zealand businesses are often required to show steps they have taken to combat modern slavery when doing business overseas, or trading with overseas entities. Similarly, domestic consumers are more aware of ethical issues and prefer to support companies with strong human rights records.

As a result, businesses are increasingly adopting stringent measures to ensure their operations and supply chains are free from exploitation and modern slavery. Franchises, in particular, are responding to this by implementing robust ethical standards across their networks, ensuring that both franchisors and franchisees adhere to policies that promote human rights and prevent modern slavery.

Many franchise networks are now also adopting modern slavery and whistleblower policies. Although not legally required, a modern slavery policy details obligations on the franchise network to combat the risks of modern slavery. Equally, a whistleblower policy provides an opportunity for someone to raise their concerns about the business through a protected disclosure.

The adoption of these two policies is becoming increasingly common, with franchisors wanting to take steps against modern slavery and not risk any reputational damage, legal ramifications and financial losses, particularly given the increased scrutiny of franchisors in the media. If you’re trading with overseas companies that ask about your modern slavery practices, or if you’re wanting to protect your business, now is the right time to prepare your franchise network to comply with any obligations. The Wynn Williams team will be keeping a close eye on this area of law, so do not hesitate to get in touch to develop relevant policies, or discuss other reporting and compliance that may be appropriate for your franchise.

Advertiser Info

Contact Katrina Hammon

09 300 2647

021 221 8847



Responsible Franchising is an International Franchise Association (IFA) concept to promote good franchising practices. I first heard it at an IFA Convention and World Franchise Council meeting in 2023. The practices, directed at established franchised networks, include:

1. Setting clear goals and expectations during pre-sale period so franchisors and franchisees are aligned in the long-term.

2. Connecting prospective franchisees with the right opportunity through due diligence and validation of all parties in a franchise sales process.

3. Ensuring franchisors and franchisees commit to their respective operational obligations to protect the brand and a franchisee’s equity.

4. Focusing collectively on driving unit economics and profitability for all.

5. Embracing collaboration among the franchisor and franchisees through open communications with franchise advisory councils and independent franchisee associations when modifying standards to respond to changing market forces and consumer preferences.

Adopting these practices will foster better long-term outcomes.

Preparations for Responsible Franchising

Responsible Franchising should start when companies franchise a business, by franchising responsibly. The first critical step is a comprehensive franchising feasibility study assessing the business, defining the franchising structure, and evaluating it financially from a franchisee and franchisor perspective.

Further investment in planning, systems, manuals and executive training lays further foundations for ongoing responsible franchising practices.

How franchising responsibly helps

A strong franchising feasibility study, implementation plan, legal and franchise manual development enables communication of a clear business model, investment and franchise support expectations to potential franchisees. This helps ensure clear franchisee-franchisor alignment presale and clarifies attributes needed by future franchisees, providing better targeting and validation for appropriately matched franchisees.

Initial franchise system development will create clarity on what franchisees and franchisor need to do. Ensuring this is codified in agreements, manuals and management practices will strongly support operational obligations to protect the brand, franchisee and franchisor equity.

Strong franchise system development includes great focus on unit-level economics, and franchisor economics – including how to work with franchisees to plan and support their profit and investment returns. This is an important, nuanced area requiring great franchisor knowledge and leadership.

Strong system development sets a base for effective communication, collaboration and change management – a crucial yet typically challenging area for franchise systems.

Final thoughts

Franchising companies are better prepared to run a franchise system by franchising their business responsibly at the outset, creating a base for Responsible Franchising practices.

Multi award-winning Franchize Consultants has provided small, medium and multinational sized businesses with franchising structure, strategy and improvement advice for over 35 years.

Advertiser Info

Franchize Consultants

Contact Dr Callum Floyd 09 523 3858 021 669 519

Get award winning help at every step

Get the right advice. Talk first with New Zealand’s longest established, largest and most award winning team. Work with a company engaged on major projects with many of the biggest and best emerging names in the franchise sector.

Call Dr Callum Floyd 09 523 3858 or email


Great advice from The Coffee Club franchisors, while franchisee couple find paradise...

Becoming self-employed, under a trusted and respected franchise brand, is an attractive option to those who have previously worked in any profession as an employee, and are keen on a lifestyle change. Whether that be in their home patch, or as part of a move to another region of New Zealand, becoming a franchisee as part of a highly reputable network can be one of the smartest life decisions you’ll ever make.

The Coffee Club New Zealand franchisor co-directors Brad Jacobs and Andy Lucas recognise and respect the diverse range of backgrounds prospective franchisees come from; whether they bring knowledge as an existing customer in their own area or are taking a leap into new territory. Taking that step towards becoming a member of New Zealand’s most recognised and awarded café franchise comes with less trepidation when backed by a supportive, proven pathway to success.

Six Building Blocks

“Regardless of previous careers, we want to hear from individuals, partnerships or family groups or friends who enjoy people, support sustainability, animal welfare and other values shared by The Coffee Club,’ explains Brad.

“Those we welcome on board get a kickstart of hospitality and business experience through our unique and proven Six Building Blocks best practice systems. In just five weeks, a first-time franchisee learns enough to open their own outlet.”

Six Building Blocks includes insights from property experts, outstanding training through The Coffee Club’s good food, great service and excellent coffee academies, operational support with a fleet of business development managers and innovative marketing strategies.

“Once an outlet is open, the franchisee has their own personal development manager as both mentor and coach, working with them to achieve growth and success,” adds Brad.

Easily the country’s best hospitality franchisors

A chef by trade, Kelly Bain’s hospitality career includes 15 years selling coffee to such customers as The Coffee Club. “During those years, I’ve seen just how brilliantly the Six Building Blocks works to transform hospitality first-timers into successful The Coffee Club franchisees,’ she says.

“In my opinion, Brad and Andy are easily the country’s best hospitality franchisors. They’ve dealt with every franchise issue and challenge imaginable. What’s more, their commitment to franchisees is further illustrated by having a young, dynamic 22-member head office team that includes IT, finance, marketing and other support staff.”

Prior to this move, Kelly managed a small, very busy Auckland restaurant franchise. “It was hectic, and I loved it - but it was stressful, too,” she says. “After about three and a half years I felt it was time for a change.” explains Kelly. Feeling Auckland’s sprawl impacting on traffic, schooling and social issues in the Whangaparāoa area they lived in, Kelly, wife Jess and their three young boys were ready for a change.

“About 18 months had passed when Brad, knowing we were getting desperate to move, called to say we should become The Coffee Club franchisees of a close-to-finished outlet in Ōmokoroa. After explaining it was on the Tauranga Harbour, he said he was picking us up in the morning to show us - no arguments!”

The place we pictured in our minds

“I know Brad and Andy will go to just about any length for franchisees, but taking them to paradise is something else again! For us, paradise is Ōmokoroa. This is the place we had pictured in our minds; the café and where it is in The Village development is perfect - on a corner with all day sun, with space for 86 diners indoors and 30 al fresco.

“The Coffee Club head office team carries out thorough due diligence of any potential location to ensure it has the demographics necessary for success, and that no infrastructure plans are on the cards to negatively impact a franchisee. We realised the Ōmokoroa demographic is huge! And, with no detrimental infrastructure plans on the horizon, we signed up the next day!

A few days later, Kelly and Jess’s house was on the market. It sold within six weeks and the family were on their way to their new café, home and life in Ōmokoroa. “Since opening in November 2023, we’ve sponsored our local kapa haka, school’s sports teams and a golf team,” says Kelly.

Licensed café

“To create a feeling of familiarity for The Coffee Club customers, especially when travelling, there are some consistencies of decor and the menu items. But there are also freedoms for franchisees to add their own spin. This is no ‘cookie cutter’ franchise,” says Kelly.

‘There’s also flexibility in the type of outlet you choose: a café with earlier closing, a fully licensed restaurant with longer hours extending into the evening, or a licensed café, which is what we have.”

Kelly explains that, at the higher end of the $300,000 - $450,000+gst franchise cost, their purchase came with many benefits, including build and set-up costs. She also recommends prospective franchisees budget up to $20,000 for the initial months’ staff wages and other expenses.

“Our advice? Easy! Grab Brad and Andy’s invitation to become your own boss, as a member of New Zealand’s most recognised and awarded café franchise. Call today!”

The Coffee Club

Contact Andy Lucas 027 333 3920 Advertiser Info

Jess and Kelly Bain
Paradise found at The Coffee Club, Ōmokoroa



Nine steps to finding premises and getting open for business.

So, you’ve been approved as a franchisee? Congratulations! The next hurdle on your journey to becoming a successful franchisee often involves finding suitable premises. The importance of this part of the process can sometimes be overlooked, writes property leasing expert Marcus Bosch.

Finding premises and getting open for business can be more complicated than you think. Here’s a handy nine-step checklist:

1. Understand your franchisor requirements

Good franchisors will have:

• Location, premises and fitout guidelines / requirements to follow

• Rental ranges and fitout cost ranges

Visiting franchise stores in neighbouring territories will give you a feel for what makes an ideal location.

2. Define your premises brief

Based on franchisor requirements and site visits, summarise your requirements into a single one-page premises brief. This can be circulated to real estate agents, property managers and third parties.

Sales and Installation Opportunity

Poolpac is offering exclusive territories all over the country. Licensees will have the sole agency to sell and install Classic Modular liner pools; fibreglass, tile-lined and fully-tiled pools, Passion swim spas and spas throughout their area. No experience required as full training is available.

Are you practical, helpful and hardworking with good communication skills? Reap financial rewards from:

• Quality, globally recognised pool and spa products.

• Experienced team in support to help grow your business.

• Good pricing, margins and add-ons provide a solid, year-round income.

• $25,000 initial fee + vehicle, trailer and tools, small workshop lease required.

Your brief should include:

1. Overview of the franchise business – show you are a low-risk operator

2. The territory you need to operate within

3. Ideal location criteria – eg. target demographics, locality, nearby attractions, competitor proximity, visibility, access, zoning

4. Ideal premises criteria – eg. size, layout, condition, business specific needs such as ventilation, rubbish, storage, delivery access

5. Ideal infrastructure criteria – e.g. power / water / waste needs

3. Market scan to identify potential premises

Think of the pool of possible premises as an iceberg; the available premises are above the waterline. The premises that could become available are below the waterline.

Ideally, you’ll scan for premises above and below the waterline. Search for premises available for lease on public websites, then dive below the waterline by talking to agents, property managers, developers, accountants and solicitors to identify premises coming to market.

You should then have a list of available premises to consider.

4. Qualify and shortlist potential premises

Qualify your list against the premises brief and franchisor requirements. Rank them in order of preference. Shortlist three qualified premises.

Next, do market research, cost estimate and lease negotiation. If time is tight, do this on just your top two shortlisted premises.

5. Do your market research

Before commencing any lease negotiations, it’s important to understand what the market lease terms are, so you have a baseline from which to negotiate a better deal. Consider: What are the rental rates? What are the incentives? What terms are on offer? How motivated are the landlords?

If you are working with a real estate agent, remember they are incentivised to maximise the asking rent and expedite the process.

Contact Anita Horan for more information under confidentiality.

Manage your own business, determine your own lifestyle choices!

• Well tested franchise

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• Over 30 years’ experience

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• No experience required No

• Ongoing training and support

• Large database of established customers

• Comprehensive marketing support

Be part of one of the largest independently owned rental car networks in the country.

For further information email:

6. Think in terms of lease lifecycle: Entry, Occupation, Exit

Your lease is your second largest business cost. Before you begin lease negotiations, take time to calculate likely costs and risks of:

7. Negotiate the lease

Negotiating a lease deal can be broken down into several stages:

1. Ask for a survey plan, or make the deal subject to a survey plan, which defines the premises area. In paying rent on a per square metre basis, you need to ensure it’s accurate. (Premises area can be overstated.)

2. Prepare a summary of your proposed commercial lease terms with the agent / landlord – incorporating insights gained from steps 5-6, above

3. Negotiate and agree commercial lease terms

4. Document agreed lease terms in a conditional Agreement to Lease It’s important to mitigate risks. Make your Agreement to Lease conditional on risk factors such as:

• Obtaining franchisor approval of the premises

• Landlord’s approval of your fitout & signage

• Obtaining a building consent (if required)

• Validating your fitout costs

• Meeting or upgrading infrastructure services – this can be expensive

• Obtaining finance

• When negotiating, it’s important to always retain the ability to walk away from a deal if you cannot agree on terms or satisfy conditions. Having a shortlist of three qualified premises (from step 4 above) to fall back on, helps prevent a ‘sunk cost bias’ on a particular premises.

• If you do walk away from a lease negotiation, then repeat steps 5-7 for your second preferred premises.

8. Design, consent and fitout

Depending on the nature of the business and the fitout required, you may need to obtain a design then submit that, with proposed use, for building consent. A resource consent may also be required, depending on the building’s zoning and your intended use.

Once you have obtained consents and have an unconditional Agreement to Lease, you will need to engage contractors to fitout your premises.

Lastly, following the final building inspection, you will need to obtain a Certificate of Public Use to enable you to open to the public, while you await the issue of the Code of Compliance Certificate.

Congratulations – you are now open and trading!

9. Document your Deed of Lease

In the excitement of opening for business, don’t forget to organise your Deed of Lease for the premises.

Ideally, your lease should include:

• Survey plan - defining the premises area

• Premises condition – state the premises need to be in on lease expiry

• Landlord fitout, fixtures and fittings

• Tenant fitout, fixtures and fittings –these should be excluded from any market rental assessment.

Working through this nine step process will help you avoid some of the potential pitfalls in finding and leasing premises.

About the author

Marcus Bosch is a lease expert specialising in assisting franchises find premises, negotiate leases and resolve lease issues. He is managing director at Proactive Property Group. For more information contact Marcus on 021 024 76664 or marcus@


Your business is unique. Allow it to flourish with bespoke, targeted legal advice.

We work with a small but select client base enabling us to deliver meticulous advice and strategy designed to meet your commercial objectives.

Harshad Shiba is known for his specialist expertise in franchise law having advised many of New Zealand’s leading franchise brands over his 18-year career.

is the time to negotiate exit costs and risks


Touch Up Guys is offering new franchisees a bonus $2,000 marketing budget to kick off their new business this spring.

When you’re looking for the right franchise business to buy and build, it’s important to take your time and look carefully at the support on offer.

“After 30 years of operation in New Zealand as the market leader for cosmetic paint repairs to cars, vans, trucks, caravans and motorhomes, we know what it takes to build a successful franchise,” says Martin Smith, NZ franchisor of Touch Up Guys. “Many of our franchisees have stayed with us for more than 25 years and they’ve enjoyed the fact that there is always a steady demand for their services.

“A wide range of people and businesses call on Touch Up Guys franchisees to make their vehicles look their best; private individuals, car dealerships, corporate and rental fleet owners. Occasionally, we also get called to touch up the paint on a piece of plant, equipment, machinery or aluminium joinery. We’ve even worked on boats and helicopters.”

According to Martin, every new franchisee needs the backing of a respected brand, with proven business systems. They need effective marketing that brings in regular enquiries, thorough and effective training, and experienced people available to call on for operational or business advice. “That’s what you need, and that’s what we provide to every new Touch Up Guys franchisee.”

Eight-point programme for spring

A strong start lays the foundations for a bright future in your new business. “That’s always important to us at Touch Up Guys. So, this spring, all new franchisees will participate in our exclusive, eightpoint Strong Start programme,” says Martin.

“Strong Start is tailor-made to provide franchisees with world-class training, ongoing technical and business support, a comprehensive, 100-day marketing plan and, importantly, no gaps in income while being trained and during the establishment period.”

$2,000 marketing bonus

“If you join Touch Up Guys this summer, between 1st October and 31st December 2024, you’ll not only get that incredible Strong Start – we’re also throwing in a bonus $2,000 marketing budget to supercharge your launch.

“Combined with our 100-Day Marketing Plan, this will get your name out there and bring in those eager customers.”

Fulfilling your dream

To be a successful Touch Up Guys franchisee you don’t need a spraypainting background. The well-established franchise’s training and support programmes will teach you what you need to know, says Martin.

“The people who join Touch Up Guys come from different walks of life. They are generally looking for the same thing – freedom,’ he explains. “They want the freedom to be the master of their own destiny, to earn what they are worth, and to create a lifestyle they have dreamed about.

“A Touch Up Guys franchise can make your dream come true.”

Take the next step

Touch Up Guys has exciting opportunities throughout New Zealand. “We’re on the lookout for men and women who are great communicators, full of enthusiasm, driven to take the reins of their own business, and who are ready to succeed through providing high-quality work and exceptional customer service.

“If this sounds like you, and you’re eager to explore the fantastic opportunity we have with our Strong Start programme and limited-time summer promotion, I’d love to have a chat with you to share more details,” says Martin.

“Give me a call or send me an email to take the next step.”

Advertiser Info

Touch Up Guys Contact Martin Smith 0800 286 824 021 721 430


On the back of an exhilarating National Franchise Conference in July, the Franchise Association of New Zealand team is rested and raring to go this spring...

National Franchise Conference ConnectXperience 2024 round-up

Opening this year’s National Franchise Conference, psychologist Greg Nathan set the tone for ConnectXperience, inviting thought and connection from the offset at the Bay of Plenty event.

Among the many stand-out keynote addresses, US-based international speaker Mary Kennedy Thompson was a popular highlight. Mary captivated the audience at Mercury Baypark with the story of her personal journey into franchising, her varied past - including her time in the US Marine Corps. Her expert take on leading through change and uncertainty engaged delegates at all stages of leadership.

A rich mix of presentations, panels, sessions, round tables and networking sessions provided something for everyone. The Trade Exhibition zone was abuzz, attracting strong attendance from familiar and new businesses, all ready to support the franchise community.

The outer space theme

and ongoing references throughout

A networking night sponsored by Bunnings Trade gave guests the chance to extend conversations into the evening of day one. On day two, a networking dinner sponsored by Paramount Services – complete with musical entertainment in a theatre setting – wowed diners and provided plenty to discuss on the final day.

Newcomers to the world of franchising and national conferences were quick to express their appreciation for the level of learning on offer, and the warm welcome they received from exhibitors and fellow delegates.

Entertaining elements were added by a Star Trek-styled introduction involving FANZ Chair Brad Jacobs, CEO Robyn Pickerill, and event MC Robert Mignault.
was continued via on-table props
the July 28-30 conference.
Keynote speaker Mary Kennedy Thompson with Stewart Germann, international speaker sponsor
Beam us up! FANZ Chair Brad Jacobs, centre, with event MC Robert Mignault and FANZ CEO Robyn Pickerill

With an attendance of over 200 people over the course of the threeday offering, and a strong showing of franchise systems, the national conference truly was the place to connect with franchising in New Zealand.

National Franchise Conference 2025 will be held in August in Hamilton.

29th Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards

The Franchise Association is looking forward to presenting the 29th Westpac New Zealand Franchise Awards on Saturday 9 November at the lavish Cordis Hotel, Auckland.

These prestigious industry awards recognise and celebrate the very best of franchising in New Zealand each year. They also provide franchise systems, franchisees and specialist service providers with an opportunity to reflect on achievements, identify strengths / weaknesses, and receive feedback from respected franchising and business leaders.

Details of this year’s finalists will be released by FANZ on 27 September. Tickets for the 9 November gala night will go on sale from 13 September.

Look before you sign

If you are looking to invest in a franchise, a reliable way of ensuring it is committed to best practice is to ensure the franchise system is a member of the Franchise Association. Membership demonstrates that they are operating in accordance with the FANZ Code of Practice and the FANZ Code of Ethics and are committed to best practice in Franchising. Look before you sign!

FANZ AGM – New board elected

New faces were welcomed to the Franchise Association of New Zealand board at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting this winter.

Held online on Wednesday 21 August, the meeting saw familiar faces remain and several new recruits take their seat at the table.

New to the board is Julie Evans, shareholder CEO of Rodney Wayne. Julie has been involved in the hair and beauty sector all her working life. She joined Rodney Wayne as a franchisee before moving on to the franchisor team. She is now proud CEO of this iconic New Zealand franchise brand.

The General Manager of New Zealand’s largest home services group, Green Acres and Hire A Hubby NZ, Jason Hill has also been appointed to the FANZ board. Jason owned his own franchisee business for 16 years before joining Green Acres in 2014.

Also appointed is Samantha Pollock. Samantha has been a member of the franchisor team at Cookie Time for 11 years and is now National Sales Manager of the franchised distribution network. Samantha was co-opted onto the FANZ board in 2023.

Darryl King, partner at Jackson Russell Lawyers, was elected again. Darryl leads the firm’s franchise law team, which helps established franchisors and people looking to franchise their business.

FANZ Chair Brad Jacobs, of The Coffee Club, stays on for the year ahead, with Dr Callum Floyd of Franchize Consultants as Vice-Chair, and Scott Jenyns, board member.

FANZ CEO Robyn Pickerill said, “On behalf of all our members, I would like to sincerely thank our departing board members who have put in many voluntary hours to ensure the best outcomes for our FANZ membership, and franchising in NZ, over the last few years.

“A sincere thanks to Dawn Engelbrecht, Michelle van Gaalen, and Greg Paget.”

New FANZ members

This quarter, FANZ welcomes new member LegalVision, a New Zealandbased commercial law firm that assists NZ businesses, startups and corporates with their legal needs.

It also welcomes Pirtek, world leading supplier of premium fluid transfer solutions.

Dates for your diary

Saturday 9 November, Westpac Franchise Awards Gala Dinner, Cordis Hotel, Auckland

Wednesday 4 December, FANZ Christmas Party

For more: 09 274 2901.

If you’re looking at buying into a franchise, look to make sure the franchise system is a member of the Franchise Association of NZ.

This shows that they are committed to best practice franchising and are operating in accordance with the FANZ Code of Practice and Code of Ethics. FANZ encourages you to

branches out With strong roots, BIG FIG


ourishing, nutritious, and not a moment to waste, Big Fig is a café business that doesn’t plan on playing small. The family-owned eatery has been successfully carving a niche for itself in picturesque Wānaka with its ‘slow food, served fast’ approach to cafe dining. Struck by its success, Big Fig owners - three actual sisters and an ‘honorary’ one - Shaz, Chrissie, Karen and Ash are seeking to increase its reach beyond the popular South Island holiday spot.

“Big Fig is about getting comforting, delicious home cooking-style food, with no waiting. Slow food for fast people with a lot on their plate,” explains Chrissie. And a lot on their plate is exactly what customers get. The Kiwi sisters have infused their menu with Middle Eastern treats of the savoury and sweet kind, a nod to their Lebanese heritage. They have been delighted to find their myriads of meat- and plant-based dishes gain great favour from loyal locals and visitors who also return for the cafe’s aesthetic concept, service and style.

The sisters grew up in a food-obsessed Kiwi family of ten kids. They named the café after the fig tree in their Taranaki backyard. “Our food is healthy, delicious and super-fast,” says Chrissie. “Our eatery stands out for its unique ‘slow food, served fast’ concept and distinctive style.”

Growing a Big Fig

Since opening in 2016, Big Fig has weathered the storms of the past few years, and its results show it is now ripe for replication. Compared to other hospitality franchises, the sisters have been mindful of minimising the royalties paid by franchisees, to enable buyers to make the most of their own Big Fig business.

On the back of the Wānaka hot-spot’s glowing reputation, the Lahoods have plenty to offer keen café-owners, says Karen. “The Big Fig package doesn’t just offer a great concept and delicious recipes, but all of the systems, tech and support needed to run and grow a successful food business.”

Karen explains how they brought in the award-winning team at Franchize Consultants to help develop the model. “Now, we’re looking for the right people to share Big Fig with passionate fans across the country. Depending on location, you can get started for anything from $150,000 to $450,000.”

With a visit to Wānaka last summer, Franchise New Zealand staff can vouch for the brilliance of Big Fig and recognised first-hand a franchise opportunity that is indeed ripe for the picking.


Big Fig

Contact Karen Lahood 027 902 6593 Advertiser Info



A proud tradition of community giving and a genuine culture of lending a hand are part and parcel of Aramex New Zealand

When a company’s values resonate with what’s important to you, it brings a strong sense of fulfilment and satisfaction to your work. Knowing you are part of an organisation that gives back and truly lends a hand to those in need can be incredibly rewarding.

That’s why Aramex New Zealand franchisees are proud of the contributions they make in investing in local communities and helping address critical needs.

The impact of community efforts

Aramex’s recently created partnership with Camp Quality, for example, has significantly improved the lives of children living with cancer by providing funding, transportation assistance, and volunteer support. The company’s efforts have enabled Camp Quality to expand its reach, bringing hope to more children and their families at camps that aim to bring fun, hope and happiness into the lives of young people living with cancer. Dedicated camps at various locations in New Zealand welcome more than 300 children and teenagers each year, at no cost to families.

Similarly, Aramex’s support of Cure Kids is helping to raise funds for research for children with serious health conditions. And Aramex courier franchisees volunteer to deliver flowers on Daffodil Day to support Cancer Society New Zealand’s fundraising drive.

The franchise also provided essential help to people in regions affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.

“Supporting local communities is central to Aramex’s values,” says Aramex New Zealand CEO Mark Little. “We are a long-term supporter of Cure Kids and recently pledged to support Camp Quality. We partner with community organisations that have a similar ethos, run by volunteers whose efforts truly benefit those in need.”

Encouraging franchisees to take part

Aramex encourages courier franchisees to volunteer their time and expertise to improve local communities. Involvement is more than an ethical obligation; it’s a strategic opportunity. By participating in community activities, franchisees enhance their local reputation and build customer loyalty.

Involvement has opened many doors to new business opportunities. For example, the Aramex Kiwi Walk & Run Series is a nationwide trail running and walking initiative, which not only promotes the brand but also generates new business.

“Being able to display our new electric vehicle in the Aramex Kiwi Walk & Run Series and make connections with our local community was an awesome experience,” says Aramex Auckland courier franchisees Kelz and Mary Begins. “It’s great to see the Aramex brand out in the community, as it not only benefits our franchise but the whole network of courier franchisees across the country.”


Many ways to get involved


There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to contributing to community initiatives. Aramex franchisees give their time and expertise to support many local charitable organisations. Some sponsor local events, such as kids’ sport and feeding those in need. This not only increases their visibility in their local community but also demonstrates how the franchisee can make a positive social impact.

Participating in fundraising events, such as the Rebel Sport 24 Hour Team Challenge for Cure Kids, is another way Aramex and the Franchise Support Office team contributes to a cause while engaging with the community and other businesses.

As the experts in logistics and delivery, Aramex is often called upon to provide logistical support for community and charity events. It has proudly been there for Kiwis in times of need.

Benefits for franchisees

Aramex’s community involvement has many benefits for its franchisees and business. Franchisees take pride in their contributions to meaningful causes, and this has fostered a thriving company culture. The positive feedback from community initiatives has also translated into tangible business outcomes. The company’s commitment to communities across New Zealand has attracted new customers and fostered fierce brand loyalty in a competitive market.

A bright future ahead

From humble beginnings, with a couple of vans in Hawkes Bay, Aramex has now been part and parcel of the New Zealand business landscape for four decades and counting.

In 40 years, it’s a given that some things have changed. Gone are the days of customers ordering booklets of prepaid sticky labels. Now, online accounts can be opened in a matter of minutes and freight dispatched from smartphones.

As Aramex works towards a more sustainable future, expect to see more electric vehicles in the fleet too. Technology has also allowed Aramex to evolve and capitalise on the rise of e-commerce, delivering for some of New Zealand’s biggest retail brands.

By encouraging courier franchisees to take part in community initiatives, Aramex not only makes a difference to the lives of those in need but also creates a brighter future for all.

As the franchise continues to grow, its focus on community investment will remain, says CEO Mark Little. “Aramex is not only delivering parcels but also delivering positive change to the communities it serves. Franchisees play an integral part in these efforts.”

Aramex Contact 06 833 6333 0508 NZ Aramex Advertiser Info

Bringing the fun at Camp Quality
CEO Mark Little, left, says supporting local communities is central to the company’s



The hardest part of owning a Speed Queen self-service laundromat is deciding how you will spend your “work” day.

If you are looking for a truly passive income with an excellent return on investment, get in touch to fnd out more about Speed Queen laundromats.


Speed Queen has come of age in New Zealand, and the laundromat concept continues to build on its reputation and success, with the opening of a new Manurewa site.

“It was the automation that particularly attracted me to a Speed Queen laundromat,’ says new operator of Manurewa Speed Queen-equipped Sudz Laundromat, Jason Foord. “We run a frozen food business, but we are always looking to diversify our income. The low management requirement through Speed Queen’s automated systems had huge appeal.”

Speed Queen is not a franchise, it must be noted. Owners like Jason operate under their own brand, which can bring advantages to those looking for good ‘hands-free’ investments. “We were quite lucky” he explains, “because we started with a superb site. One of the business partners in Sudz was relocating his operation and wondered what else his building could be used for. When we looked at what makes a great laundromat location, we realised that all we had to do was make it smart, brightly lit and open the doors!”

Not just about machines

Jason explains how he’d first had the idea of opening a laundromat four or five years ago. “Running a full-time business meant I didn’t have much time to put into researching it, however,” he says.

“When we eventually did open a laundromat, what was vital was that it didn’t interfere with our already successful business. We boiled down our equipment supply option to two providers. Speed Queen won the day for two reasons. Firstly, their focus was on helping us create a successful business. It wasn’t just about machines.

“Having said that, the second reason was their equipment. The industrial, American-made, robust-as-blazes machinery could easily last over 20 years, which makes them a very good return on investment. More than that, the machines are incredibly smart. The combination of the touch screen wizard with the payment system makes it very intuitive for customers. We literally have no ‘how to use’ or pricing signage… We don’t need it with Speed Queen,” says Jason.

“Our ability to remotely manage our laundromat is excellent. The combination of cameras, remote capabilities of the payment system and cloud connectivity to the Speed Queen machines means we can do almost everything remotely,” Jason said. “What little we can’t do remotely, we can ask the cleaners to do while they are there.”

Imagination and experience

Having chosen Speed Queen as the supplier, Jason was more than impressed at the management of the process and subsequent fit-out. “We were first timers, but Speed Queen have done it all dozens of times and never failed. They helped us with various applications and consents, and they knew who to approach afterwards to get things speeding along. They were superb!”

The latest Speed Queen laundromat, on the southern side of a main road in Manurewa, has benefited from the imagination and experience of all parties involved. “The site is ideal,” says Jason.

“It’s lovely and bright in the sunshine and we spent money to make sure it is lit up at night, which is vital for 24-hour operation. We’ve gone for a bright, eye-catching blue, which stands out on the road, and there is ample parking.”

Jason explained how Speed Queen helped ensure the space was fully utilised, including 3D design plans to show how the 47 machines would look after installation.

“Most operators go for big local leaflet drops, but our position is so visually prominent that we felt we didn’t need to. The only marketing we’ve done so far has been ads on social media and flags over the footpath.”

Always attractive to customers

Does Jason’s new business do what he hoped it would do? “In a wordyes! It is early days, but my fellow investors and I are really happy so far. It has started off better than we thought, which is amazing given it takes a couple of years for a new laundromat to really reach full potential.”

“It’s been a tremendous experience working with Speed Queen. They held our hands through the process far more than I was expecting. Now that the business is up and running, success is down to us as business operators, but we know Speed Queen is still there to help.

“Provided it is kept clean, bright, polished and always attractive to customers, we are confident it will continue to do really well with the lightest of input from us. That’s exactly what we wanted.”

A medium-sized investment with Speed Queen Laundromats will be between $250,000 and $300,000, says Speed Queen Head of Laundromat Sales, Royce Little. “Automation and fully cashless operation make a laundromat such a compelling investment,” he explains.

“Some of our owners live a long way from their laundromats. With no cash handled on site, there is minimal temptation for break-ins. And you can be open 24 hours a day.

“The return on investment is in the region of, or better than, 20-30%. So, if this sounds like you, why not get in contact with me!”

Advertiser Info

Speed Queen Laundromats

Royce Little 09 528 5600

Sudz Laundromat shining bright at night


Disputes between franchisors and franchisees where the Court is involved do not occur often. However, to protect a franchisor’s goodwill and brand, an interim injunction may be required to be issued against a

Top Ten Group New Zealand Limited v Tasman Tourism New Zealand Limited1

Coromandel Holiday Park Limited (‘Coromandel’) was a Top 10 franchisee in Coromandel under a franchise agreement from Top Ten Group New Zealand Limited (‘Top Ten’) from 17 December 2022. The nature of the franchise is that all Top 10 franchisees are also shareholders.

Coromandel also owned the land where the business operated. The directors of Coromandel incorporated another company, which owned a Top Ten Holiday Park in Cambridge, and wanted to sell the Coromandel Park to finance the development of Cambridge.

On 16 June 2023, Coromandel told Top Ten’s CEO to advise of its intention to sell the Coromandel Park. They were told that if Hampshire Holiday Parks Limited (another competitor) had been approached, it would be the franchisor’s preference to sell to Hampshire. The sale didn’t occur.

On 20 July 2023, Coromandel executed conditional agreements to sell the underlying property and business to Tasman Tourism New Zealand Limited (‘Tasman’). Settlement was scheduled for 29 May 2024. The agreements set out that Coromandel would first try to obtain Top Ten’s consent to terminate the franchise agreement. Or, alternatively, obtain consent to assign the franchise agreement. Top Ten saw Tasman as a competitor in the marketplace; it had previously acquired other former Top Ten holiday park businesses, rebranding them as Tasman.

Emails were exchanged between Top Ten and Coromandel in late July 2023, where Top Ten advised it wanted to speak to the incoming purchaser about staying in the network and it preferred to avoid termination. When Coromandel asked about the costs of early termination, it was told a rough amount. However, the Top Ten Board ultimately did not approve the early termination of the franchise agreement.

On 30 April 2024, Coromandel advised Top Ten that the sale and settlement were scheduled for late May. On 10 May, the Top Ten Board confirmed that it did not approve the sale. On 21 May, after various without prejudice correspondence between the parties, Coromandel’s solicitors wrote to Top Ten’s solicitors with an open letter stating that Coromandel was willing to pay $175,000 to terminate the franchise agreement. Alternatively, it would seek an assignment.

Top Ten’s solicitors said the company would commence proceedings against Coromandel and Tasman, due to a breach of Coromandel’s obligations under the franchise agreement. They sought undertakings that Coromandel and Tasman would not complete the sale for three months. No undertakings were provided, so Top Ten applied for an interim injunction restraining Coromandel from selling the park to anyone without Top Ten’s consent, and to only operate the park as a Top Ten. They also sought a similar injunction restraining Tasman from encouraging Coromandel to sell the business and acquiring any interest in the business or underlying property.

Issues and the Law

Top Ten argued that any sale of the business was subject to prior written approval of Top Ten under clauses that stated the franchisee must seek prior written consent of the franchisor. It said the sale could only occur subject to the franchisor’s requirements, and that any agreement must contain the franchisor’s further terms of sale.

It argued the proposed sale breached other clauses of its franchise agreement, including the obligation to promote the franchise, conduct the park as a franchised operation, not to prejudice Top Ten’s goodwill

STIHL SHOP is a nationwide network of locally owned stores offering a wide range of high quality garden equipment, supported by fully equipped service workshops.

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or affect the consistency or retention of the customers of the franchised operation, and to act in good faith.

Coromandel and Tasman argued the Top Ten franchise was a marketing co-operative and fundamentally different from more orthodox forms of franchise. There was no express provision barring Coromandel from selling its business or land without Top Ten’s consent, so long as it was not sold as a ‘franchised operation’. Finally, they argued the Top Ten franchise agreement was fundamentally concerned with protecting Top Ten’s intellectual property and gave no proprietary interest in land or the business.

The Court considered it seriously arguable that the sale would amount to a breach of a franchise agreement and Coromandel could not sell the business without the consent of Top Ten. However, it agreed the Top Ten franchise agreement was not a franchise in the traditional sense and Top Ten was able to quantify its losses, given the emails from Top Ten setting out the proposed costs of an early termination. The Court heard there was another Top Ten holiday park in Coromandel, so Top Ten would continue to have a park in the area regardless. The Court dismissed Top Ten’s assertion that if Coromandel was permitted to sell, it would embolden other franchisees to breach their agreements, as ‘a step too far’. Top Ten objected to the sale to Tasman but would have agreed to a sale to Hampshire Holiday Park, another known competitor, the Court heard.

Coromandel had signed an agreement in principle to develop new buildings on the Cambridge site. To develop this, it needed the funds from the sale of Coromandel. The Court heard that if the injunction was granted, Coromandel would suffer serious losses as such. It would also be forced to stay in a relationship with a party with whom it had lost trust.


On 10 June 2024, the Court declined Top Ten’s application for an interim injunction. While it agreed that Coromandel and Tasman proceeded with open eyes, potential losses to Coromandel would be difficult to quantify and inadequately compensable through damages. Furthermore, the Court decided Top Ten did not provide adequate evidence to establish that it could make good its undertaking as to damages. The Court said it could not infer whether Top Ten’s shareholders or directors had agreed with an arrangement for Top Ten to honour its undertaking as to damages.

One New Zealand Group (formerly trading as Vodafone New Zealand Limited) v Redfone Limited2


Grant and Linda Knox (‘the Knoxes’) were employed by GSM Retail Limited, a franchisee with Vodafone (now One New Zealand Group). GSM managed stores at airports in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown airports. Vodafone did not renew the franchise agreement with GSM and, on 2 February 2017, entered into a franchise agreement with Redfone Limited, of which the Knoxes were directors and guarantors under the franchise agreement.

In March 2017, Vodafone employees were told the directors of GSM were looking into potentially serious issues with the Knoxes that could lead to termination of their employment with GSM. Then, in April, Vodafone’s retail channel manager said he received a call from Linda Knox saying that she used Prezzy cards belonging to GSM for her own purposes.

2 [2024] NZHC 633 [22 March 2024]


Fun, social and entertaining pottery workshops, including mobile workshops in your region. Perfect owner operator business and you DO NOT need to be a potter. Top financial returns with training and support. Have a great lifestyle with lots of fun. Some Vendor Finance maybe offered. Chat to us now you might be surprised what we can offer. Whatsapp 0277899278

By mid-May, Vodafone had received a letter from GSM confirming the results of an employment investigation into the Knoxes’ conduct and that GSM intended to pursue the matter with the police.

The GSM agreement was close to expiring, however Redfone did not seem suitable to be a successor franchisee. According to Vodafone’s distribution strategy manager at the time, the admission from Linda Knox, along with the letter from GSM intending to report the matter to police, meant Vodafone had no reasonable choice other than terminate the Redfone Franchise Agreement.

A meeting took place between Vodafone and the Knoxes on 18 May 2017. In the meeting, Linda Knox did not refute the allegation but said Grant Knox was not involved. Nothing at the meeting led Vodafone to doubt the need to terminate. The Knoxes were provided with a letter terminating the Franchise Agreement.

Vodafone’s distribution strategy manager said the Knoxes were excellent candidates, until Vodafone was made aware of the dishonesty allegations. The termination occurred due to potentially significant damage to Vodafone’s reputation if it chose to continue the franchise agreement.

The Knoxes were convicted of dishonesty offences in criminal proceedings following the termination of this agreement. The couple then brought proceedings against Vodafone. They alleged breach of contract by Vodafone and breach of duty owed to them as franchise principals, due to this termination. Vodafone, in turn, brought summary judgment proceedings, seeking orders that none of Redfone‘s claims could succeed, and the proceedings should end.

Issues and the Law

Vodafone argued it had the right to terminate immediately if there was any conduct by the franchisee principal, franchisee or its directors that it considered ‘fraudulent, unethical or may cause the loss of reputation to the Franchisor’. It said it was reasonable to consider that Linda Knox’s actions could cause damage to Vodafone’s reputation and would be subject to criminal investigation. It considered the actions fraudulent and unethical, therefore, the termination was valid and there was no breach of good faith or contract on its part.

Redfone argued Vodafone had acted unreasonably by terminating the franchise agreement. It said that the agreement had not come into effect and Vodafone had failed to consider the conflict of interest between GSM and the Knoxes. It claimed GSM was motivated to remove the Knoxes as competition.

Redfone also argued GSM waited ‘until the last minute’ to raise issues regarding the Knoxes’ conduct and there was no proper investigation by Vodafone, nor right of reply for the Knoxes. It claimed there was no credible evidence of fraudulent or unethical behaviour, nor any contemporaneous notes. It also argued statements about the offending conduct were made two and a half years after the event and the letter of termination was prepared before the meeting on 18 May 2017 took place, suggesting pre-determination on Vodafone’s part.

Vodafone stated it could rely on Linda Knox’s confession and the GSM letter. It said the meeting on 18 May 2017 was to provide her with an opportunity to reply to allegations and she did not. It said it would have a significant impact on Vodafone’s reputation to enter into an agreement with a party that was investigated for criminal conduct.


In March 2024, the Court agreed with Vodafone and granted its application. It ruled the termination was valid, and, at the time of the termination, Vodafone had acted reasonably.

The Court also doubted whether Vodafone owed a duty to the franchisee principal. This cause of action failed as it was found Vodafone did not breach the franchise agreement.

We help potential franchisees find their perfect franchise business

We connect potential franchisees with franchisors, offering franchise opportunities with a number of high-profile brands, and can also assist with purchases outside of our network.

We help franchisors find people that are a great fit for their brand

With our unique focus on franchisee recruitment and proven growth expertise, we help franchise brands develop and implement effective strategies. Whether supplementing your current resources or providing a fully outsourced solution, we offer industry-leading profiling and recruitment tools, backed by years of experience with top New Zealand franchise brands.

We help franchisors develop and implement a growth strategy

Our practical, hands-on approach to helping franchisors grow their brands is built on years of experience. We work closely with you to ensure success. Our extensive network and expertise cover franchise system development, property, growth strategy, and implementation. We assist with network planning, site evaluation, franchise sales and leasing, system evaluation, and master franchise opportunities.

About the authors

Khushbu Sundarji and Stewart Germann are partners of Stewart Germann Law Office, a specialist franchising commercial law firm in Auckland with over 40 years of franchising experience.

A-B Franchise and Business Opportunities

Over 275 different franchises Westpac Directory

Market leader in sales and distribution of dairy products and beverages throughout New Zealand including Anchor, Primo, Mammoth, Mainland, and Kapiti. National franchise structure operating since 1992 offering exclusive territories. Looking for people with business and sales acumen, a can-do attitude and great leadership qualities.

formerly Fastway Couriers, is an award-winning franchise system that provides local and national courier and freight services at competitive prices. Over 35 years’ experience, multiple industry awards and franchisees across New Zealand, Aramex is one of New Zealand’s most successful and trusted freight companies.


Directory of Franchising

Choose by industry

We have divided all the opportunities into ten main industries. Just look down the third column to select the type of business you are interested in. You can also search the Directory by industry online at

The ‘Investment’ figures quoted in the fourth column are for guidance only and may not include GST, equipment, working capital or other items unless specifically included. You should confirm such items direct with the franchise concerned.

The description contains a brief description of the franchise and may include information on the type of people the opportunity is best suited to. More information can be found online at



Listing information is supplied by that particular entity. The symbol in the FANZ column denotes a member of the Franchise Association. You are advised to confirm the accuracy of the listing and the membership status of any entity. Neither the sponsors of this Directory nor FANZ nor the publisher accept liability for any omissions or errors.

Brumby’s Bakery Food & Beverage

BurgerFuel Food & Beverage

Burger Wisconsin Food & Beverage

Caci Health & Beauty

Café Botannix Food & Beverage

Carl’s Jr. Food & Beverage

$300,000$450,000 Brumby’s has been part of the New Zealand bakery market since 1995, serving local communities wholesome, natural baked goods. Brumby’s artisan approach to baking utilises only natural ingredients, with no preservatives or additives, and products handmade fresh from scratch every day to our exclusive recipes.

$500,000 BurgerFuel is a leader in the gourmet burger market, dedicated to serving high quality burgers in an atmosphere as charged as the food. Combined with fun and irreverent marketing campaigns BurgerFuel creates the perfect environment for franchisees to grow and enjoy their business.

$150,000$250,000 At Burger Wisconsin, it’s always been about the food. Now is an exciting time to join us, with new sites planned throughout New Zealand and an existing store refresh programme underway. It’s a gourmet opportunity for operators with good taste.

$150,000$300,000 At Caci we love what we do! Helping New Zealanders with what we call ‘skin confidence’. Now is your chance to join the team, become a Caci clinic owner and enjoy the benefits of being part of one of NZ’s best-looking and successful businesses.

$480,000 Contemporary deli cafés serving organic coffee and organic food options in Palmers garden centres.

$1,000,000 We are looking for enthusiastic franchisees to join the Carl’s Jr. team.

Queena Lee M 021 463 778 E W

6 250+ Andrew Morgan M 022 419 3156 E W

56 79 Murdoch Ball M 021 954 632 E W

24 24 Rex Radford P 09 973 4559 E W

80+ 80+ Penny Chapman P 0800 266 119 M 021 959 933 E W

9 9 P 021 483 500

Chemist 9 Home & Building $45,000 Carpet Chemist provides exceptional carpet cleaning, dyeing and drying services with unique stain and pet odour guarantees. Our ideal franchisee will take pride in their work and be motivated to grow their own exclusive Carpet Chemist territory with our full training and support. New Peter Clinch P 03 466 7996 E W


Colin Jones M 027 453 4876 E W

Cartridge World Retail

Cash Converters Retail

$100,000 The largest most experienced printer cartridge retail and refilling company worldwide. 14 600 P 0061 1300 767 223






C-E Franchise and Business Opportunities

$22,000+ Cleancorp offers commercial cleaning franchises. Seeking committed people to deliver great service. We source and acquire commercial cleaning contracts for our franchisees who are provided with full training, ensuring the same professional standards are offered to all customers.

$20,000 Work for yourself with the support of our proven processes and systems.

$23,200 An established, award-winning franchise with nearly 300 franchisees operating throughout NZ. This cleaning franchise offers quality cleaning at competitive prices. Franchisees utilise the well-developed systems and technical expertise to become successful business owners. Comprehensive training, equipment, uniforms and business cards are provided.

$500,000 Welcome back to Cobb & Co., New Zealand’s original restaurant chain. With unbeatable brand recognition, enviable buying power, proven profitability and on-going support from Cobb Group, it’s not hard to see why owning a Cobb & Co. is a special opportunity.


Anilcy Verghese P 09 304 0599 E W

130 P 09 622 0828

280 280 Tom Lowe P 0800 800 055 E W


Cookie Time 20 Food & Beverage

$350,000+ Coffee Culture is the South Island’s leading boutique group of coffee shops. We’re currently expanding and need passionate coffee lovers to join us. With over 22 years’ experience, we offer support and training that’s second to none.

$15,000 A staple in New Zealand hospitality venues for over 20 years.

$100,000 Offers exceptional Fairtrade coffee at a fair price. Ethical and environmentally responsible company.

$200,000 Colourplus offers a range of top quality giftware and decorating accessories.

$250,000$450,000 NZ’s premium café franchise. Highly recognised and trusted brand offering customers exceptional coffee and chef-prepared food. Supreme Franchisee of the Year and Food and Beverage Franchise System of the Year 2015/16. Suit owners with passion for coffee, food and the value of customer relationships. 71

$100,000 A Cookie Time franchise offers business ownership plus support from an iconic Kiwi company, home to much-loved brands including Cookie Time, Bumper and OSM. A select number of rare opportunities available to become a franchisee distributing snacks and smiles as long-term franchisees retire from business.

$70,000 Cookright, the kitchen hero, saving kitchens time and money. Deepfryer, overhead filter and hood cleaning. Cooking oil filtering. Oil and kitchen consumables product sales. Cookright has significant income potential with minimal competition for motivated, hard-working, practical operators who can sell and are well organised.

Corporate Cabs Business & Commercial P.O.A. Corporate Cabs is New Zealand’s most professionally driven cab service.

CrestClean 2 Business & Commercial $10,000 Get your work-life balance right with a CrestClean cleaning franchise. If you are looking for a simple business with low risk and a high profit margin, a CrestClean franchise ticks every box. Winners of the 2021 Westpac Supreme Franchise System of the Year award.

Business & Commercial


$15,000 Grow a profitable business and enjoy a flexible workday with a Crest PropertyCare franchise. Working side by side with CrestClean teams to provide quality outdoor maintenance services through our franchisee network, Crest PropertyCare offers a business opportunity with the flexibility to suit your lifestyle.

Services $16,000 Crewcut is a lawn and garden maintenance franchise with businesses for sale. For over 26 years we’ve had operators providing lawn mowing, hedge trimming, section clearing, and gardening to Kiwis all across New Zealand. Buy a business with support, strong branding, and values. W

31 31 Steve McMullen

23 23 Sam Lewis P 0800 273 780 E W

260 260 Pauli Horgan P 0800 800 286 E W Cutshop Home & Building

$450,000 Own and manage a Cutshop programming and production team, producing high quality cabinetry for kitchens, wardrobes, garage shelves and more. Cutshop franchisees provide bespoke products in a vibrant new-build and renovation sector where existing trade production can’t keep up with the growing market.

Seeking motivated people with great

$280,000 Donut King is a speciality donut and coffee chain with a customer focus to serve our famous, fresh donuts daily. Proven business models and support systems to teach you everything you need to know.

$40,000 DrainPro specialise in residential new builds, tank installations and light commercial works, with franchise opportunities available nationwide. Whether you’re an existing business struggling or a tradesman looking to go out on his own, Drainpro have the experience to help you develop a successful business.

3 3 André Hofer P 09 666 0632 M 021 879 413 E W

5 300+ Craig Watson M 0061 418 360 392 E W

4 4 Nathan Williamson P 03 342 1278 M 021 217 1616 E W

Dream Doors

& Building

$75,000 Sales of made-to-measure replacement kitchen doors and benchtops for retail and trade customers. Seeking hard-working, sales-driven, computer literate go-getters who are willing to follow a dynamic international business model proven on three continents.

13 60+ Derek Lilly M 027 213 5133 E W Driving

& Commercial



Driving Miss Daisy is NZ’s No.1 companion driving service. Currently we have 80 territories in operation. If you are interested in becoming the next Daisy in this growth industry, call us today. Our NZ franchises are an extremely affordable small business option.

$100,000$750,000 Ecomist is an exciting business opportunity, based on both website and face-to-face sales of automated insect control and odour control fragrancing systems and products, to both commercial and residential customers; accompanied by the provision of residential and commercial pest control services.

$100,000 EduExperts offers a variety of after school tutoring programmes for primary, intermediate and high school children of all nationalities, aimed at helping them excel in their education and overcome any learning difficulties they may have.

80 117 Jack Harper/Ange Mill P 021 503 325 E W

20 56 Ian Robertson M 027 433 4513 E W

12 14 Jenny Jin P 09 520 1800 M 021 229 5378 E W

Seeking people with passion and ambition to be a specialist e-bike retailer

$150,000 EmbroidMe is New Zealand’s largest uniform and promotional products business. EmbroidMe focuses on the business-to-business market providing apparel for uniforms and branding them. Low stock, low staffing, high repeat, high margin, Monday to Friday business. We’re looking for business-minded people, no industry experience required. 17

Epiphany Café is seeking people who are committed to excellence. Our point of difference is unique products such as homemade artisan donuts. This is more than just a business venture, we work hard, enjoy what we’re doing, and know how to have fun while achieving our goals. 4

Beverage $300,000$450,000 At Esquires Café our franchise partners tailor their food to the local market from our extensive menu library. We don’t dictate the menu, we allow the freedom for you to be a true entrepreneur while ensuring you have comprehensive support from our team.

21 100+ Andrew Morgan P 09 973 4823 M 022 419 3156 E W


Gloria Jean’s Coffees Food & Beverage


Design has centralised systems, creating powerful and efficient business practices, leading to profitable franchisees. Full industry and systems training is provided along with ongoing sales seminars for franchisees and salespeople. Successful applicants are driven to work with our systems to drive their new business.

Companion Driving Services provides transport services for those requiring safe, caring transport. With the population of New Zealanders aged 65+ projected to double over the next 25 years there has never been a better time to own a Freedom Drivers franchise.

$2,000,000 Wholesale Distributors Ltd is the franchisor of the SuperValue and FreshChoice group of supermarkets. All our stores are locally owned and operated and totally community focussed. We are looking for franchisees who are customer-focussed with proven business experience. Opportunities available nationwide. 33

$250,000 Fritz’s has been marketing our award-winning German sausages for 20 years throughout NZ and recently Australia. We have now expanded our menu to offer family and meal options with our new QSR kitchen operations and we invite applicants to join our expanding group with a franchise opportunity.

P.O.A. Proudly New Zealand owned and operated, Generate KiwiSaver is a leading provider of KiwiSaver and Managed funds. We are seeking individuals who are passionate about improving financial literacy through helping people make smarter decisions with their KiwiSaver. Build a ‘business within a business’ as a Generate KiwiSaver adviser.

for clients all over New Zealand for a fixed price and on a time

$175,000 Giggle boasts over 1,200 locations with over 1,000,000 people p/w past our screens.

$300,000$500,000 Gloria Jean’s is proud to be an energetic, international award-winning café brand with a proven business model and support systems. We are searching for franchises with the desire and drive to run a successful, fun business, partnering with us to grow the brand in NZ.

$24,000 Green Acres was founded in 1991 and is proudly kiwi owned and operated. With 30 years’ experience we are one of the longest running NZ-owned franchise systems. We have over 400 franchisees controlling their own future path. Ask about our Big Business model today.


Green Homes NZ Home & Building

Habitual Fix Food & Beverage

Harrisons Carpet & Flooring Home & Building

Harrisons Curtains & Blinds Home & Building

400+ 400+ Jason Hill P 0800 692 643 E W

$20,000 Design and build sustainable, high performing and energy efficient homes for Kiwis. 6 50 M 027 255 0000

$250,000 The number one home decorating franchise in New Zealand, specialising in paint, wallpaper custom-made curtains and blinds, flooring and decorating tools. Franchisees benefit from an established name, a strong support system, central purchasing negotiation and active national advertising campaigns.

45 45 Alan Heatlie P 09 306 1040 E W

$185,000 Our purpose is to turn the world into fresh and healthy food fanatics. 10 10 M 027 442 9531

$200,000 Harcourts seeks accomplished sales consultants and achievers across all industries, exploring real estate business ownership. We value goal-driven, entrepreneurial individuals who crave challenges, recognition, teamwork and future stability. Eager for growth, they’re intrigued by housing and business trends, prioritising collaboration and personal/team fulfilment.

$150,000 Harrisons Carpet & Flooring is one of the most successful franchise businesses in New Zealand and is experiencing very high customer demand across the country. We are looking for passionate people to join our nationwide Carpet & Flooring franchise network.

$45,000$70,000 Love fashion, interior design, and have a flair for sales? Own your own business doing what you love, supported by the most trusted franchise network. We are looking for passionate people to join our 20 strong nationwide Curtains & Blinds franchise network.

people passionate about sustainability and technical sales to join our nationwide Solar Energy franchise network.

198 879 Aaron Davis M 027 275 6165 E W

Join helloworld Travel, one of New Zealand’s premier retail brands offering fully franchised stores around the country. Combining national and local marketing support, helloworld Travel offers our franchisees ‘best in market returns’ and the opportunity to share our passion for travel with your community.

H-L Franchise and Business Opportunities

be your own boss.

& Commercial $90,825 Simple, effective panels to reduce commercial chilling costs and improve performance.

and training provided. Low risk with a strong return on investment.

Jamaica Blue Food & Beverage

Jani-King 48 Business & Commercial

Jesters Pies Food & Beverage

Jim’s Mowing Home Services

Jim’s Test & Tag /

Jim’s Fire Safety

68 68 Ron Chauhan P 0800 110 095 E W

8 460 Ryan Bohm P 0061 7 3490 3333 E W

$280,000$450,000 Bring your enthusiasm, ambition and passion to deliver an exceptional customer experience. Enjoy world-class training with ongoing support and together you have the ingredients of a successful Jamaica Blue franchise partnership. Opportunities nationwide with a brand you are proud to call your own. 8 169 Tony Brusch M 0061 401 989 547 E W

$35,000 Jani-King is known as the world’s number one commercial cleaning franchise company providing full operational sales administration support for franchisees. There has only been one name to turn to for quality and value in the commercial cleaning services - Jani-King, the king of clean. 450+ 6,600+ P 0800 526 454 E W

$200,000$280,000+ Jesters Pies are offering new store opportunities on a turn-key basis. We will provide training, ongoing support and the tools required for you to maximise your investment. Seeking passionate franchise partners prepared to work in the business who are committed to excellent customer service.

$20,000 Mowing/gardening franchise offers an attractive mix of both lifestyle and income. Be your own boss. Choose when and where you want to work and how much you want to earn. Selfmotivated, hard-working, customer-focused people wanted. Excellent training and ongoing support provided.

33 Business & Commercial $60,000 The leading provider of electrical testing and tagging services. Are you ready to be a part of this highly successful brand and create a new future for yourself? Jim’s Test & Tag gives you the training, support and systems you need to succeed.

Just Cabins Home & Building

Just Cuts Health & Beauty

Just Kidz Leisure & Education

Katsubi 42 Food & Beverage

$500,000+ Just Cabins provides portable cabins for rent which are just perfect as sleepouts, extra rooms, portable offices, or as storage at your home or business. Long-term cabin rentals provide a passive income, excellent growth and are easily run by one person part-time.

$170,000$270,000 Be your own boss and get all the support you need. You don’t have to be a hairdresser to own a Just Cuts, but you do need a passion for people and the ability to follow a proven system that has worked for over 30 years.

$400,000$800,000 Just Kidz is a leading early childhood education brand dedicated to providing high-quality preschool education and care. Franchise and partnership options available for people with passion and commitment to supporting families’ educational and care needs. Offering a vibrant, social, rewarding business within your community.

$350,000$500,000 Your chance to be a part of one of the most successful New Zealand local hospitality franchises. With more than 20 years of experience in the food chain industry, Katsubi is now inviting our potential partners to build your dreams and succeed with us.

Kinetic Electrical Home & Building P.O.A. Professionally planned franchise system, fully documented to help you work smarter not harder to reach full potential of your company’s experience and expertise. Kinetic Electrical is a franchise for owners of existing electrical contracting companies with a passion to grow their business.

Kitchen Studio 75 Home & Building

Kitset Assembly 24 Home Services

Kiwikrane Leisure

Roof Coatings Home & Building

Kumon Leisure & Education

$150,000 Established in 1984 and voted New Zealand’s Most Trusted kitchen brand 8 years running, Kitchen Studio offers an exciting and rewarding opportunity for those with strong management and leadership skills. Limited greenfields territories available. Join a motivated, professional, well established franchise network.

$49,000 Kitset assembly is our business and demand for the service is extremely high. We have a strong foundation and partnerships with well-known New Zealand retailers. This offers our franchisees a good volume of work and a steady customer base from which to grow a successful franchise business of their own.

$50,000 New Zealand’s crane amusement machine franchise. These stand-alone machines contain soft-toys, chocolate and jewellery. Franchisees enjoy part-time, flexible work and operate machines in an exclusive territory. The Kiwikrane franchise also provides advice on how best to locate and operate machines successfully.

$20,000 The Kowhai guys have been restoring and recoating roofs in most regions of NZ since the 1980’s. We have a proven and exclusive Kowhai coating system. Experience in roofing or coating systems required. Limited number of areas available now for suitable candidates.

$30,000 With over 3.5 million students worldwide, Kumon is the world’s largest provider of individualised mathematics and English programmes. Founded in 1958, Kumon has generous subsidies and low start-up costs. Join Kumon to make a difference in your community by developing students into confident self-learners.

$400,000 Join the largest Italian restaurant chain in Australia and New Zealand. You will love taking part in serving our guests quality Italian food, to order, using fresh ingredients. We are looking for passionate individuals with a strong work ethic and drive to join our family

$175,000 Landmark Homes is recognised as an industry leader in top quality, new home design and construction. We are searching for highly driven and motivated people (preferably with building industry knowledge) to join our growing franchise network throughout New Zealand.

Partner with an award-winning franchise. Laser Clinics New Zealand are proud to be the global leaders in our industry, providing laser hair removal, cosmetic injectables, skin and body treatments at affordable prices. With a unique 50/50 business model, we are in this together!

P.O.A. Our multi award-winning Laser Electrical and Plumbing groups have experienced phenomenal growth over the last 10 years. Laser Group’s market leadership position has been earned through innovation, planning, use of quality systems and attention to providing the highest levels of customer service.

Susie Higgins P +61 8 9309 2200 M +61 402 047 982 E W

100+ 3000+ Stephen Kirby P 0800 454 654 E W

42 240 Malcolm Bradley P 0800 454 654 E W

54 54 Fenton Peterken P 09 889 8776 E W

28 200+ Anthony Lamanna P 0800 100 114 E W

7 7 Gavin Muldoon M 021 649 186 E W

21 21 Sean Kim M 021 880 278 E W

25 25 Vicki Bambry M 0274 852 010 E W

16 16 Dawn Engelbrecht P 09 815 3001 M 027 291 9904 E W

37 200+ William Flew P 027 492 6667 E W

51 163 Thomas Felton P 09 846 2800 E W

19 19 P 09 636 1357


48 24,700 Bobby Nyoto M 0061 431 492 624 E W

4 43 David Steytler P 0061 3 9460 6700 E W

14 14 Gary Woodhouse P 07 578 2295 E W

20 200+ Liz Seeto P 0061 405 966 490 E W

105+ 250+ Franchise Team P 0800 BUY LASER (2895 2737) E W

& Building $150,000 A trusted national brand with a family feel and proven rewards. 11 11 M 021 286 9007


Mad Butcher Food & Beverage

$230,000 The largest NZ fast-food chain of fish and chips and associated seafood stores.


$150,000 Be your own boss with Luxurious Spa & Nails, a New Zealand-owned nail salon franchise system in the booming beauty market. Full training and support provided. Great return on investment, with opportunities for franchisees throughout New Zealand.

$350,000$450,000 One of New Zealand’s best-known home grown franchises, trading since 1971.

$250,000$450,000 Majestic is a premium boutique café brand creating exceptional experiences for locals across New Zealand. With a unique point of difference and a vast range of products available, take advantage of a brand that is bringing something fresh to the industry in so many ways.

McDonald’s Food & Beverage $1.5m Seeking highly qualified applicants to apply for our 12-month franchisee training programme.

MeloYelo E-Bikes Retail $13,500+ MeloYelo has established a work-from-home distribution channel for selling and servicing e-bikes.

Mexicali Fresh Food & Beverage $375,000 Mexicali Fresh has led the Mexican evolution in NZ since 2005, offering giant American-style burritos and Mexican beer in a colourful, casual atmosphere. We are recruiting energetic, enthusiastic franchisees with a passion for great food and excellent customer service for our turn-key restaurants.

Mexico Food & Beverage P.O.A. Seeking people with a passion for hospitality. Full training and support provided.

Midas Auto Services $100,000 We are looking for franchisees who are ‘drivers’ and truly love helping people.

Mike Pero

$20,000 Our franchisees work in partnership with the franchisor to build a rewarding

$75,000 20+ years’ experience helping home buyers with their home loans.

Milestone Homes Home & Building P.O.A. Milestone Homes delivers a proven and smart franchisee package nationwide.

Minit Retail P.O.A. Mister Minit is a shoe repair, key cutting and engraving

provides you an immediate financial return via a proven business system.

12 12 Gordon Green P 0800 46 49 46 M 027 437 3441 E W Mobile Hand Car & Marine Grooming Auto Services $10,000$39,000 Mobile grooming and detailing service providing professional, environmentally friendly valet services.

17 17 P 0800 803 737

Moving On Home Services

Mr Green Home Services

$50,000 A team of home-based chartered accountants who utilise technology to provide pragmatic accounting solutions to small business owners. Enjoy the support of working with like-minded colleagues with the best tried and tested systems for operating a public practice business.


$20,000 Franchises available in lawn mowing and gardening, commercial and home cleaning, handyman services. Founded in New Zealand in 1992 and still New Zealand owned. Weekly earnings in excess of $2000pw. Low royalties. Many franchisees have been with Mr Green for over 20 years.

Mr Rental Home & Building $600,000 Make the sale once and get paid over and over again.

Mr Whippy Food &

Mr Whippy is looking for new owner/operators nationwide.

MTF Finance Financial Services $250,000 MTF Finance are looking for hardworking people with lending and business management experience to join our nationwide team of franchisees operating from Whangarei to Invercargill. Using MTF Finance’s system to market, approve and originate loans, you’ll manage your loan book using our web-based management system.


3 3 Cassandra Park P 0800 638 7427 M 0274 544 255 E W





M-P Franchise and Business Opportunities

MYGuy is New Zealand’s leading residential and small business property maintenance company, with a focus on quality workmanship, exceptional customer service and a healthy work/life balance. No business experience required with full training and ongoing franchise support included. Be your own boss today!

Looking for highly talented and passionate people hungry for success.

$250,000 Navigation Homes are offering an opportunity to own and drive a profitable house-building franchise. Proven management systems, support, and the best national supply prices. Extensive range of designs to offer customers. Get off the tools and build an asset for yourself.


Zealand Natural Ice Cream is a global franchise network based out of Auckland, New Zealand. It operates as the franchisor of the New Zealand Natural ice cream, frozen yoghurt, smoothie and juice parlours. Level of investment depending on store location and turnover history.

Zealand Sotheby’s International Realty was founded in 2005 by Mark Harris and Julian Brown. Still privately owned, run and operated, the company holds the exclusive rights to the Sotheby’s International Realty brand in New Zealand. Franchise territories are available.

NZ’s leading convenience store chain offers group buying,


training, assistance in shop

and designs, profit reports, assistance with staff rosters, group advertising and full accounting facilities. New sites and conversion of existing businesses welcomed.

provider delivering exceptional results, is looking for education experts to join our expanding franchise network.


8 300+ Dipak Chhima P 0274 872 071 E W

21 1000+ Bec Williams P 021 246 9260 E W

54 54 Nicky Gibbs M 027 4737 919 E W

a sales team.

your own portfolio of clients, working alongside a highly experienced

& Send moves and handles local and international freight through a network of retail and logistics services stores. It’s a one-stop professional custom packaging shop for retail and business customers. We are looking to grant franchises to those who are prepared to embrace our ‘no limits’ culture. 21 140+ Shauna Naidu P 09 887 9444 E W

$600,000 NZ’s largest chain of standalone garden centres, helping grow great gardens since 1912.

$350,000 100% locally owned and operated, Paper Plus is a co-operative franchise combining the expertise and support of a large, nationally recognised brand with franchisee entrepreneurial drive and passion for retail. We offer full training and support. Franchise opportunities available nationwide. 100

$150,000$250,000 Iconic New Zealand retailer dominating the market in sales of foam, foam mattresses, rubber mats, and Para pools. Looking for energetic people serious about customer service and looking to build a successful business through determination. Opportunities available in South Auckland, Hawkes Bay and Dunedin. 10 10 Vaughan Moss P 09 532 8794 M 021

$35,000 A Paramount Services franchise is a safe and affordable way to own your own business. When you become a franchisee we will provide you with enough cleaning contracts to support a stand-alone franchise business. Established in 1979, Paramount Services has 215 franchisees servicing 4,700 locations.



done properly, exterior cleaning services offers some of the best hourly rates of any other trade businesses. Pro Waterblasting show you how to stretch your earning potential to get more out of your business. 7 7 Antoinette Bradley M 022 509 2486 E W

& Building $16,500 Commercial cleaning business. Wide range of property services. Waikato based business with opportunities in Hamilton city, Cambridge, Te Kuiti and Te Awamutu. Basic package starts at $16,500 +gst. Enquiries welcome.


Provender NZ Food & Beverage

Provista Balustrade Systems Home & Building

Pukeko Rental Managers 35 Business & Commercial

Propertyscouts is 100% dedicated to providing end-to-end property management. In the industry for over 18 years, our franchisees benefit from clear systems, comprehensive training, uncapped support, and empowerment to achieve business success. There are still opportunities available throughout New Zealand, start a conversation today!

$89,000$195,000 New Zealand’s leading supplier of workplace refreshment vending. Home-based, profitable franchise.

$25,000 Provista Balustrade Systems are New Zealand’s leading independent balustrade and pool fencing specialist.

$18,500 Specialist residential property management. Lucrative business model with coaching and training. Be the best property manager in your region with significant points of difference. Be a part of the award-winning Pukeko team.


Serviced Apartments is the market leading franchise in accommodation for primarily corporate extended stay travellers. Franchisees benefit from a high level of brand awareness, full training, and ongoing support. The Quest franchise also provide franchisees with computer systems and manuals which cover business plans.

Property Management Business & Commercial $50,000 NZ’s preferred national residential property management service since 1988.


Leisure & Transport P.O.A. Join the car rental and travel industry services with one of NZ’s largest locally owned and operated systems. Self-motivated team builder? Like dealing with people and showing off your country? Own your own future. With no two days the same, your adventure starts with RaD!

Rainaway Spouting on the Spot Home & Building $45,000 A re-spouting service franchise for new and existing homes and commercial buildings. Spouting on the Spot is the perfect franchise opportunity for franchisees who want to keep their hands on the tools. Become a Rainaway Spouting-on-the-Spot franchisee today

Refresh Home & Building $100,000$300,000 Own a thriving business in the $8.2 billion renovation sector.

RE/MAX Real Estate $55,000 At RE/MAX we believe in working for yourself, but never by yourself.

Realsure The House Inspectors Home & Building $35,000 The only ISO9001 registered, industry assessed brand providing Standard-compliant property reports. 7

Red LBP Home & Building

Robert Harris Coffee Roasters Food & Beverage

Rodney Wayne 14 Health & Beauty

Rugbytots NZ Leisure & Education

Saddlery Warehouse Retail

Scratchpad Leisure & Education

Select Home Services

$55,000 Red LBP is a property inspection franchise offering quick-turnaround, comprehensive reports using an online booking system and report-building software. Minimal computer experience needed, building experience compulsory. Family-friendly, highly supported, a great way to use a builder’s knowledge without early mornings and bung backs.

$450,000$600,000 Robert Harris Coffee Roasters operates New Zealand’s best-known and largest chain of retail café franchises. Proven success in cities and provincial centres nationwide. We look for team players with high standards in presentation who have customer service experience plus the ability to work with people.

$100,000 Rodney Wayne is the largest hairdressing franchise in New Zealand. You do not have to be a hairdresser but strong people skills combined with an excellent customer focus and management expertise are all critical elements that make a successful Rodney Wayne franchisee.

$7,500 Rugbytots is the world’s favourite rugby play programme for 2 - 7 year olds.


M 021 477 673

19 19 Michael Parton P 07 847 2737 E W

19 20 Ryan Weir M 022 657 9432 E W

P 0800 661 663

21 21 David Pearse M 0274 809 534 E W

33 150 Adrian Turner P 09 366 9680 E W

26 Steve Whyte M 027 257 4500 E W

10 10 P 09

32 8600+ P 09 393 8478

27 27 Matt Jull P 0800113191 E W

35 35 Kim Boyd P 0800 423 267 E W

51+ 51+ Julie Evans P 09 358 4644 E W

7 50+ M 021 878 335

$300,000$460,000 Leading equestrian retailer. Supplying all the items needed for horse and rider. 7 7 P 09 970 1058

$120,000 Scratchpad is a new technology learning centre with the goal to help youngsters love, use, and create opportunities with technology including coding, robotics, 3D design and printing. We are expanding, and looking for future-focused people with a passion for technology to run their own centres.

Shake Out is a brand proudly developed in-house by the team behind BurgerFuel. Shake Out serves up a simple, yet premium fast food solution, combining quality ingredients and frictionless technology. Shake Out are looking for new franchisees to become part of their successful network.

5 5 Vijesh Nangia P 09 216 9400 M 021 431 930 E W

4 4 Murdoch Ball M 021 954 632 E W Shed Boss Home & Building $95,000

Manage your own bathroom maintenance business specialising in fixing leaky showers. Tried and tested model. Initial training and ongoing support provided. Good margins and low overheads. Would suit plumbers, builders, or a skilled handyman. Locations available throughout New Zealand.

$150,000 Winner of the 2016 FANZ Supreme Franchise System award, we have 34 years’ experience building homes for Kiwis from 11 franchises supported by a National Office. If you have building or construction management experience and are looking for your next opportunity, please contact our CEO.



Bull P 09 415 2468 E W

S-T Franchise and Business Opportunities

sKids Leisure & Education

$45,000 Established in 1996 and now in over 100 schools offering before-school, after-school and holiday programmes for primary school children. Would suit people who are looking for a change in lifestyle and who enjoy the company of children.

$200,000 Smith’s Sports Shoes’ biggest strength is the relationship between franchisor, franchisee and suppliers. What you can expect from the Smith’s team includes integrity, fun, and profitability. We focus on team building and provide support and training. Seeking people with vision, great attitude and communication skills.

$52,000 A unique opportunity to own your own business, built on a sound foundation of almost 90 years of experience. Snap-on franchisees are independent business people, controlling all aspects of their franchise and working flexible hours as needed to accomplish their personal goals.

100+ 100+ Holly Strever M 021 974 221 E W

15 15 Chris Smith M 021 733 981 E W

14 5000 Stacey Gilbert P 0800 762 766 E W

Snap Fitness Health & Fitness

$450,000 Internationally recognized brand that proves innovation is the key to brand agility

$10,000$400,000 Specsavers New Zealand are leading optometrists and eye-care specialists. Now also offering audiology services.

$75,000+ Enjoy true passive income with a Speed Queen self-serve laundromat. With our help, you’ll be up and running in your own profitable business in no time, backed by the world’s oldest and largest manufacturer of commercial laundry equipment.

Speedy Signs 4 Business & Commercial

Spot X Cleaning Business & Commercial

Stihl Shop 57 Retail

Stirling Sports Retail

$150,000 New Zealand’s largest signs and graphics network uses the latest technology in an exciting industry with huge opportunity. Proven systems and sound business practices with a focus on high quality and excellent service set us apart in the signage market. No prior experience required.

$30,000 Spot X Cleaning is a renowned 100% New Zealand-owned commercial cleaning company based in Auckland, delivering top-tier services since our inception. Join us as a franchisee and become a part of our trusted team. Our comprehensive training and background checks ensure excellence in service delivery.

$400,000 Stihl Shop is a nationwide network of independent, locally owned specialist outdoor power equipment retailers. Every Stihl Shop is operated by friendly approachable people who are passionate about outdoor power equipment. Full training and on-going support. Sites with real growth potential available across NZ.

$340,000 We play to win by delivering world-class retail experiences, inspired by sport, executed with style. Stirling Sports will provide all the training and support to build and sustain your business. Opportunities available throughout New Zealand. Retail experience is an advantage but not essential.

Stonewood Homes NZ Home & Building P.O.A. We are now expanding and seeking builders and construction entrepreneurs throughout the regions.

Storage Box Retail $150,000 The preferred home and office organisation specialists providing solutions to New Zealand customers.

Streetwise Coffee Food & Beverage $180,000 Designer-built, takeaway coffee outlets specialising in coffee for people on the go.

Stroud Homes Home & Building $95,000 Stroud Homes offer a fresh approach to building new homes for your customers.

Subway Food & Beverage $250,000 The world’s largest quick service submarine sandwich and salad franchise.

$400,000 Super Liquor provides ‘Super Service’ and a ‘Super Range’ of products in 180+ stores throughout New Zealand. If you are energetic, ready to take on a new challenge (or maybe you are already in the liquor industry), then we want to talk to you.


SuperValue 26 Retail

The Alternative Board Business & Commercial

$90,000 Super Shuttle has grown into New Zealand’s favourite airport transfer business.

$2,000,000 Wholesale Distributors Ltd is the franchisor of the SuperValue and FreshChoice group of supermarkets. All our stores are locally owned and operated and totally community focussed. We are looking for franchisees who are customer-focussed with proven business experience. Opportunities available nationwide.

$50,000 Australasia’s most experienced chain of pool & spa specialists. Swimart commenced business in Sydney in the early 80s and since that time has grown through the provision of expert friendly advice and superior customer service to be the market leader in the pool and spa service sector.

$83,000 The Alternative Board, a leading international franchise organisation, seeks franchisees to facilitate peer board meetings and offer executive coaching to local business owners. With a background as an executive, coach, consultant or business owner, you will help businesses achieve more profitability, productivity and personal fulfilment.

The Cheesecake Shop Food & Beverage $200,000 You don’t need to be a baker, our excellent training course teaches you how.

& Beverage $300,000$450,000 One of NZ’s largest café and restaurant franchises, The Coffee Club have a comprehensive menu and offer relaxed dining experience. Take advantage of a proven track record, great training and ongoing support. Ideal if you are passionate about people and building customer loyalty.

$120,000 The Coffee

1700+ Partner Recruitment Team E W

16 16 Romano Choi P 0800 00 99 36 M 022 W

188 188 P 09 523 4064 E W

39 39 Craig Steenson M 027 262 3175 E W

6 78 Sam Benner M 027 368 6877 E W

13 300+ Alfredo Puche M 027 427 9172 E W

33 220 Colin Mellar M 021 390 954 E W

The Christmas Heirloom Company Retail $40,000 Providing high quality, luxurious Christmas decorations. A profitable seasonable business. 10 11 P 07 839 6209 The Coffee Club

The Pottery Studio 58 Leisure & Education

The Shed Specialists Co Home & Building

$165,000 The Pottery Studio and mobile workshops are lighting up creative lives across the Bay of Plenty and Waikato – now franchisees are sought across New Zealand. No pottery experience is required, just business acumen, a passion for creating community and a drive to succeed.

$25,000+ Join a business that is cutting-edge, with a distinct advantage over competitors. Work directly alongside manufacturers and customers to construct custom-made, fit-for-purpose sheds. Highly profitable business model with excellent support systems in place, customers ready and waiting. Investment covers fees, tools and equipment are additional.

$69,750 We have developed a system which provides mag wheel repairs to a very high standard in a short space of times. This means you have delighted customers and complete lots of jobs in a day. Well-established franchise opportunity available for the right person.

$250,000$350,000 Think Water is Australasia’s leading network of independently owned irrigation water services solutions with over 60 stores. We specialise in the design and implementation of the most water-efficient irrigation and water management programmes for clients.

$25,000 Experts in car, home and office window tinting for over 50 years.

$88,000 New Zealand’s premier mobile

and bumper repair franchise. High quality car paint restoration services to commercial and private customers. Professional, reliable, cost effective and convenient. No industry experience required. Comprehensive training and full ongoing support provided. Great opportunities are available throughout New Zealand.

New New Ray Aucott M 021 616 900 E W

5 5 Nicola Bow M 022 194 8747 E W

14 14 Alan Thomas P 0800 537 233 E W

22 64 Patrick Mulcahy/Digby Seales P 0061 477 995 378 M 021 557 686 E W

8 133

13 120 Martin Smith P 0800 286 824 M 021 721 430 E W Toyworld 36 Retail

Transform Clinic Health & Beauty

Trident Homes Home & Building

Two Dollar Things Plus 8 Retail

$500,000 New Zealand’s largest independent toy retailing group has been in operation since 1976. Toyworld stores span the length of the country with the biggest and best range of toys in New Zealand. Toyworld is “where the best toys come from.”

$80,000 Transform Clinic is a well-established, successful appearance medicine, laser and beauty franchise.

$50,000 100% New Zealand-owned Trident Homes are seeking skilled, experienced trade-qualified craftspeople.

$125,000$450,000 Seize the opportunity to be part of New Zealand’s biggest discount store brand where quality meets affordability. Having established 31 thriving stores across NZ and Fiji in just 12 years, Two Dollar Things Plus has proven systems and the know-how. Are you ready?

27 125+ Amanda Newman M 022 429 2794 E W

7 7 M 027 355 8115

11 11 Neil Hawker M 0275 321 191 E W

24 31 Hyun Lee M 021 543 273 E W Ultra-Scan Agriculture

$80,000 An innovative mobile franchise whose core business is confirming the pregnancy of farm animals using real-time ultra-sonic equipment. Becoming a part of this franchise network enables the franchisee to run a low-cost, high return business in an exclusive territory, using a proven business system.

A unique opportunity to be part of an iconic New Zealand company and build a real

of value.

$20,000 Professional home services franchise providing flexible, multi-serviced businesses for 43+ years. Exclusive territories, paid training, established customers, income guarantee. Indoor and/or Outdoor opportunities available nationwide. Actively seeking motivated franchisees wanting to succeed. Multi-award winning systems, ongoing support and business mentoring provided.

is a


19 19 P 0508 858 727 E W

Aramex see page 53 P 06 833 6333 E W

Chatime Nathan Bonney M 0275 393 022 E

CrestClean see page 2

Grant McLauchlan M 027 479 6415 E W opportunities-nz

Harry Ramsden’s Nathan Bonney M 0275 393 022

Jim’s Test & Tag

see page 33



Baker Tilly Staples Rodway Christchurch


Blackler Smith & Co


Malcolm Bradley P 0800 454 654 M 027 450 1606

E malcolm.bradley@jimstestandtag. W

Estelle Logan P 0800 847 496 E W

Nathan Bonney M 0275 393 022 E

Business & Commercial Aramex, formerly known as Fastway Couriers, is an award-winning franchise system that provides local and national courier and freight services at competitive prices. Over 35 years’ experience, multiple industry awards and franchises across New Zealand, Aramex is one of New Zealand’s most successful and trusted freight companies.

Food & Beverage Since 2003, Chatime has redefined tea with inventive, fresh and flavourful concoctions. With over 1300 outlets globally, Chatime offers a refreshing opportunity to dive into the entrepreneurial world! Become the Master Franchisee or Area Developer in New Zealand and share in our global success It’s Time for Tea with Chatime!

Business & Commercial CrestClean regional master franchises suit administrators, sales people or managers with people, business and accounting skills who are interested in working in the cleaning industry. Must be customer-oriented.

Food & Beverage Harry Ramsden’s have been serving up World Famous Fish & Chips since 1928! Harry Ramsden’s is seeking a partner who shares its passion for quality, tradition and customer satisfaction. The ideal multi-unit operator will possess a proven track record in the hospitality industry, along with a deep understanding of the local market.

Business & Commercial Entrepreneur required to take this fantastic opportunity with passive income and potential to the next level. We are looking to appoint regional master franchisees in Auckland, Wellington and Taranaki to assist existing franchisees increase sales and market penetration, and be responsible for opening up approximately 20 new areas. Full training facilities are provided and back-up and support from

Assistance with franchise purchases and ongoing accountancy and I.T. support in the franchise area. Over 15 years’ experience in franchising in the SME market, acting for both franchisors and franchisees.

With 16 offices, BDO is NZ’s fastest growing chartered accounting and business advisory firm. Our franchise specialists offer bespoke services in due diligence; structure reviews; appraisals; agreements, strategic planning; full accounting, audit, tax advisory and support services; raising capital and finance. Smart New Zealand business, backed by BDO.

Very experienced and approachable chartered accountants. If you’re buying a franchise, what should you pay for it? Is this franchise any good? How much money will I make? How do I set everything up? I need help from someone experienced. Ben Blackler can help you buy a good business, set it up correctly and run it effectively. Award-winner – Professional Services.

Franchise Accountants 38 39 70 Save time, money and tax by benefiting from our specialist franchise advice and proven accounting solutions. Your success is our business. Ring now 0800 555 8020. Specialist franchise accounting solutions including due diligence, benchmarking, budgeting, valuations, business mentoring, tax planning, cashflow management and reporting software systems.

Inspired Accountants 70 We are chartered accountants who specialise in franchising. Having a look under the bonnet (due diligence) is key when buying a business. Wherever you are we tailor solutions to meet your due diligence needs, using our expert knowledge, key contacts and modern technology. Inspired Accountants – Inspiring You.

Nexia New Zealand Nexia New Zealand are franchise accounting and business advisory experts with broad experience in all aspects of franchising. If you own a franchise, are thinking of buying one, or want to franchise an existing business, we have all the expertise to help you succeed.

OneTeam OneTeam is a Chartered Accounting practice dedicated to delivering specialised services in accounting, bookkeeping and business advisory. Our expert team is committed to providing high-quality, value-driven solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. Partner with OneTeam today and achieve your financial goals with confidence.

Orb360 Orb360 provides franchise owners and prospective franchise owners with financial support from all angles, helping you stay on top of everything from cash flow and tax compliance to forecasting and future-proofing your business. Our franchise specialist accountants have over ten years of experience.

South Island Jon Robertson/Dave McCone P 03 343 0599 E W

National Tristan Will P 04 472 5850 E W

Greater Wellington Ben Blackler P 04 555 9090 E W

National Philip Morrison P 0800 555 8020 E W

National Craig Weston M 021 309 309 E W

National Scott Travis P 09 448 3232 M 021 414 569 E W

Auckland Manoj Vagh P 09 524 6178 M 021 353 301 E W

National Sauvruth Sanjay/Jay Changlani M 022 3456 107 M 0210 763 762 E W

Finance provides leases, loans and other financial products that help our customers establish new businesses or grow and develop existing ones. With exceptional service and an easy application, we are faster, more flexible and more able to meet the needs of our customers.

Westpac New Zealand Ltd 22 23 76 Westpac is New Zealand’s most experienced bank in franchising and the only bank offering dedicated franchise specialist managers throughout the country. Westpac has a high level of expertise in the franchise industry; this has been built up over the past two decades by working closely with franchisors, franchisees and industry specialists. The resulting depth of experience enables us to provide you with informed specialist advice regarding franchise funding and franchise specific transactional solutions. Specialists in franchise financing: Auckland/Northland - Sujam Ratnayake South Island – René Artz

Franchise Accountants 38 39 70 Specialist advice on franchise system development, feasibility studies, recruitment, documentation, manuals, ongoing mentoring, strategic planning and partnering to grow your business.

Franchize Consultants (NZ)

Tereza Murray Franchising

43 Specialists in franchise development, strategic planning, legal briefs, systems and manuals, recruitment processes and documentation, ongoing mentoring and sound advice on franchising and licensing. Recognised as New Zealand’s leading management consultancy specialising in franchise development. Experience with many of NZ’s top franchised companies.

28 We specialise in developing comprehensive and cost-effective franchise systems for small businesses needing a growth strategy that delivers profit, performance and scale.

The Franchise Coach 72 Comprehensive advice on franchise system development. Feasibility studies, manuals, documentation, legal briefs, franchisee recruitment, exporting and importing, mediation and ongoing mentoring to grow your business. The Franchise Coach has been a major contributor to the success of franchising in New Zealand since 1983. Consultants, trainers and speakers.


ASCO Legal

50 At ASCO Legal we have a fresh perspective on the practice of law, a client-centred one. Our team is friendly, approachable and efficient. We enjoy helping both our franchisor and franchisee clients get the most benefit out of franchising, providing quality pragmatic advice.

Brookfields Lawyers Expert franchise lawyers. Fixed price packages. Urgent advice is no problem.

Deirdre WatsonBarrister 25 years’ experience in litigation, disputes, court cases and mediation. Franchise dispute specialist.

Duncan Cotterill Enterprising full service law firm with offices nationwide. Experts in franchise system establishment, network growth and international expansion. Covering all your franchise and broader business needs, including distribution networks, supply chains, intellectual property, employment, health and safety, property/leasing, acquisitions and sales, immigration and dispute resolution.

Franchise Law Franchising law is a specialised field - it’s vitally important to take advice from a firm with the right expertise. The team at Franchise Law have 25+ years’ experience, helping major brand franchisors sell businesses, and new franchisees buy their own businesses with full confidence.

Gaze Burt Lawyers providing full legal services for franchisors and franchisees including advice and documents relating to franchise development, franchise evaluation, risk management, transactional management and dispute resolution. Our experience is extensive over many years and we understand the important and significant fundamentals required for quality franchising.

Gibson Sheat Lawyers 72 Comprehensive legal advice for franchisors and franchisees. All franchise documentation. We’ll sort out issues at the outset, before they become problems. If things have already turned pear-shaped our mediation and franchise dispute specialists can assist.

Goodwin Turner Commercial Lawyers 3 Goodwin Turner Commercial Lawyers aims to provide a modern, friendly, client-focused and efficient approach to your legal business requirements, with a genuine focus on adding value to your business.

Harmans Lawyers A Christchurch based firm offering comprehensive legal services for franchisors and franchisees including franchise and disclosure documentation, employment, leases, financing, dispute resolution and business structures. Full service legal firm that prides itself on being solution driven. Franchise specialists with a proven track record.

Jackson Russell Lawyers Your business needs specialist franchising advice and an experienced legal team that covers all areas of business law. Jackson Russell is a full service law firm that will get to know your business, tailor advice to your business objectives and guide you through the process.

Lane Neave Lane Neave is a full service law firm with offices in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Queenstown. We have a dedicated franchising team experienced in advising both franchisors and franchisees on all their legal requirements. Our clients include large nationwide franchisor chains through to individuals.

LegalVision LegalVision helps franchisors and franchisees across New Zealand and Australia, offering unlimited legal assistance through our membership model. Our experienced franchise lawyers can assist with drafting and reviewing franchise documents, trade mark registration, leasing, employment, disputes and compliance with consumer laws.

National Customer Service P 0800 456 687 E W

National Daniel Cloete P 0800 177 007 E W

National Philip Morrison P 0800 555 8020 E W

National & Worldwide Dr Callum Floyd P 09 523 3858 E W

National Tereza Murray P 027 471 7337 E W

National & Worldwide Stewart Germann M 021 276 9898


National & Worldwide Alistair van Schalkwyk P 09 308 8071 M 021 0274 2011 E W

National P 09 979 2109 E W

National Deirdre Watson P 09 309 6988 E W

National Hamish Walker P 04 499 7809 M 027 288 2339 E W

National Thada Chapman P 0800 Solicitor M 021 309 233 E W

National Michael Bright P 09 414 9800 E W

Greater Wellington Claire Byrne P 04 916 7483 M 029 916 7483 E W

National & Worldwide Scott Goodwin P 09 973 7350 M 027 700 7396 E W

National Mark Sherry P 03 352 2293 M 021 524 890 E W

National Darryl King P 09 300 6935 E W

National Anna Ryan P 03 377 6395 E W

New Zealand & Australia Georgina Toomey P 0800 005 570 E W

Specialist Advisors

MacDonald Lewis Law Expert franchise lawyers who specialise in fixed price packages for legal services. A specialist firm

Martelli McKegg Lawyers Experienced franchise and business law advisors focussed on helping clients to succeed. All areas of franchising, including franchise documentation, business sales, retail and commercial leasing, licensing, supply and distribution, brand protection, health and safety, immigration, employment and dispute resolution. Advice in Mandarin and Cantonese.

Mortlock McCormack Law

Christchurch-based franchise experts advising clients locally and nationwide. Specialist advice for franchisors and licensors wishing to set-up and operate, and for franchisees regarding all aspects of their franchise. Full range of associated commercially-focused and cost-effective legal services provided.

MST Lawyers Full service law firm established in 1975 recognised as one of Australia’s leading franchising law firms. Acting for franchisors, franchisees and suppliers to the franchising sector on all aspects of franchising, including regulatory compliance, drafting franchise documents, sales/purchases of franchises and dispute resolution.

North End Law

Hamilton based law firm with over 25 years’ experience advising franchisors and franchisees. We can assist with drafting or reviewing franchise documentation and specialise in assisting with franchise disputes, franchise exits and all associated commercial advice.

Quantum Law 47 Specialists in franchise and business law. If you seek prompt and technically-sound legal advice delivered to suit your commercial objectives, please contact us. With a wealth of franchise, business and corporate law experience, you will be in safe hands.

National & Worldwide Tim Lewis P 09 307 3324 E W

National & Worldwide Steven Lee M 021 728 892 E W

Canterbury & National Kent Yeoman P 03 343 8453 M 021 517 601 E W

Australia Raynia Theodore P 0061 3 8540 0242 M 0061 419 877 345 E W

Hamilton, Waikato & National Justina Knox P 07 849 9726 M 07 849 9726 E W

National & Worldwide Harshad Shiba P 09 302 0070 M 021 407 228 E W

Simpson Grierson Specialists in franchise systems including structuring, documentation, human resources, property, taxation and transactions. National Richard Watts P 09 977 5182 M 021 895 931 E W

Sladen Legal Provision of expert advice and legal services to private enterprise seeking to conduct business in Australia with specific expertise in start-ups, business law, property, intellectual property, employment law, taxation and superannuation, franchising dispute resolution and litigation. Service all of Australia; office in Melbourne, Victoria.

Stace Hammond Stace Hammond is a business law firm with offices in Hamilton and Auckland.

Stewart Germann Law Office, Lawyers and Notary Public

17 New Zealand’s longest established specialised franchise law firm with over 40 years’ experience. Expert legal advice to franchisors and franchisees nationwide. Winners of 2022 Global 100 – Franchise Law Firm of the Year – NZ and 2021 Global Awards – Leaders in Law – Franchising Expert of the Year in NZ.

Wynn Williams 41 The Wynn Williams team understand franchising and have global experience advising brand owners/franchisors, master franchisees, investors and franchisees. We are known for our trans-Tasman expertise and can quickly assist you to assess and grow your business in the New Zealand market.

Australia Alicia Hill P 0061 3 9620 9399 M 0061 484 313 865 E W

Auckland & Hamilton Patrick Learmonth P 09 306 6874 E W

National & Worldwide Stewart Germann / Khushbu Sundarji P 09 308 9925 M 021 276 9898 E W

ABC Business Brokers Business Brokers Specialist business sales company selling franchises for 20 years with branches nationwide. At all times, we place the greatest value on confidentiality, professionalism and innovation. Your business is our business.

Citation HR HR Management A growing focus on compliance in the franchise sector has increased the need for best-practice workplace management across a franchise system. Citation HR’s combination of HRIS and telephone advice can help every franchisee navigate around complex workplace matters with confidence.


National Steve Smith P 09 630 3004 E W

National Trish Kilburn P 0800 005 635 M 027 318 5585 E W

BSCNZ is the trade association for providers of commercial cleaning and related services within New Zealand, representing contractors for over 50 years and promoting excellence in the industry. Our diverse membership ranges from sole traders to large multinationals. Clean NZ Expo 6-7 November, Te Pae, Christchurch. Christchurch Janine Fillet P 09 580 1160 M 027 321 9790 E W

• Buying or selling franchises

• Franchising businesses

• Franchising disputes FROM CAPE REINGA TO BLUFF For 20+ years, Claire has advised

National Katrina Hammon P 09 300 2647 M 021 221 8847 E W Claire Byrne | 04 916 7483

Cumulo9 Email Branding Cumulo9, digital solution experts ensuring your company communication is consistently and securely delivered. A complete omni-channel solution offering marketing campaigns, transactional emails, compliance, audibility, tracking and data management. A suite of products providing a cost-effective solution for seamlessly branded and deliverable business communication.

EmbroidMe 4 Corporate Apparel NZ’s largest uniform and promotional products business. We supply and brand quality uniforms, including polo shirts, corporate wear, sportswear, hospitality wear, plus a range of corporate gifts. Contact our national accounts team to help you manage your brand on a national basis.

EVT Hotels & Resorts 21 Conferences & Events EVT Hotels & Resorts – Your Event, Elevated. Receive an extra 10% (terms and conditions apply) in added value when you book an event or a conference at any EVT Hotel & Resort in New Zealand. Includes: QT, Rydges, Atura and Independent Collection.

Printing & Marketing Excel Digital enables organisations to optimise each step of the communications supply chain from strategy and ideation through to creative, print production, storage and re-order. In 2019 Excel Digital merged with Perception Group to become one of the largest digital-first printing companies in New Zealand.

Franchise Association of New Zealand 50 51 Franchise Association

The peak body representing the franchise community. Franchise members are required to submit their agreement and disclosure documents to ensure compliance with our codes of ethics and practice before being accepted into membership and biennially thereafter. Affiliate members are suppliers to the franchise sector.

Franchise Media Training Media Training Franchise Media Training has two core services. It helps franchises grow their bottom lines by showing them how to generate their own news media publicity. Secondly it prepares franchises for possible negative media attention that can destroy entire brands overnight.

Franchise Relationships Institute Franchise Research & Development

Franchisee selection systems, satisfaction surveys, recruitment and training for franchise management. Assistance with organisational change and restructuring, conference presentations on managing the franchise relationship.

Gallagher Insurance Gallagher is one of the leading insurance broking companies in New Zealand. We guide master franchisors on the complex insurance and risk management programmes necessary for successful franchises and provide face-to-face advice to individual members.

Geotech Information Services

16 Network & Location Planning Founded in 2003, Geotech provides strategic network and location planning services to franchised businesses across South East Asia. Our particular expertise utilises data and science to help underpin location planning decisions across the retail industry. We have worked with many well-known international brands.

Iridium Partners 59 Franchise Recruitment

LINK Business Brokers Franchisee Resales & Recruitment

MYOB Accounting & Payroll Software

Ideagen Op Central Software Platform

PCI Projects Fit-out/Project Management

Unique in the NZ market. Experienced franchise recruitment, operational and HR professionals who connect franchise brands and potential franchisees. We work directly with a number of leading brands. Our networks are extensive, our proven expertise extends over commercial property, franchise growth, development and recruitment.

We sell businesses. NZ’s most awarded business brokerage. 300+ sales specialists. 30,000+ owners have trusted LINK to sell their business. Whether you’re looking to grow your franchise, sell your franchise or buy a franchise, you’ll want to partner with LINK.

MYOB offers easy online accounting software that has everything you need to take care of your franchise business, including POS and payroll solutions. Whether you’re a small or large franchise, or a franchisor managing multiple franchise sites, MYOB has the solutions.

Ideagen Op Central is an AI powered global software platform, helping businesses manage every aspect of their daily operations. Our software specialises in managing standard operating procedures (SOPs), training, audits, communications and incidents for franchises and multi-site organisations.

PCI Projects are multi-faceted retail specialists in project management, construction and sustainability PCI work on an open-book, no hidden cost model. We provide expert advisory services in retail construction fit-out, project management, procurement. We provide advice in brand roll-outs, construction costing, and construction programming.

Spaceworks 44 Retail Network Roll-out New Zealand’s leading full turn-key solution for design, construction and procurement throughout the franchise and retail roll-out sector. We offer fixed pricing solutions that guarantee an on-time, onbudget approach to roll-out. Spaceworks work with some of NZ’s biggest companies, developing and implementing their retail networks.

Speedy Signs 4 Signs & Graphics With 25 years in business, Speedy Signs has the experience, expertise and reputation in nationwide franchise signage. Contact our National Accounts Manager for a complete signage solution, from design to installation, ensuring your franchisees are brand compliant, right throughout the country

The Induction App 33 HR Management The Induction App revolutionises onboarding for Franchisors and Franchisees, ensuring a seamless, digitised experience. Streamline paperwork, standardise tasks and training, and monitor progress with ease. Create consistency and enhance engagement throughout the onboarding journey, empowering them to succeed right from the start.

The Mediator Mediation Franchise disputes can be resolved quickly and effectively via online or face-to-face mediations, saving your brand and business from potential harm. With 20 years experience in mediation and law, Trish Blyth, ‘The Mediator’, has been on the panel of Mediators for the Franchise Association for 10 years.

Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre

23 Conferences & Events Hotel accommodation with fully integrated conference centre suitable for small meetings through to international conventions. Full food, beverage and leisure facilities complete the offering. “World famous in New Zealand”, Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre is an icon in the mid-range meetings and leisure market.

New Zealand & Worldwide Chris Hogg P 09 377 8885 M 021 345 690 E W

National Peter Smythe P 021 339 800 E W

National E W

National Anneliese Theron P 04 499 0912 M 027 811 8285 E W

National Robyn Pickerill P 09 274 2901 E W

National Pete Burdon P 03 420 0300 M 029 200 8555


New Zealand & Australia Greg Nathan P 0061 418 157 701 E W

National Paul Kuhn P 04 802 0168 M 027 671 1122 E W

South East Asia Jeff Vassel M 0061 421 684 444



National & Worldwide Nathan Bonney M 0275 393 022 E W

National Nick Stevens P 0800 546 528


National Faris Mikdame P 03 669 8506


Worldwide Alexandra Laurence P 0061 499 519 886


Auckland & National James Cameron P 022 390 0895 E W

National Bradley Keys P 09 551 6020 M 027 700 1555 E W

National Peter Smythe P 021 339 800


New Zealand & Australia Sussan Ockwell M 021 355 150 E W

Auckland & National Trish Blyth P 0800 02 MEDIATE M 021 677 950 E W

Greater Auckland Area Shelley Trutsch P 09 526 3008



Some people invest thousands of dollars, their precious time and energy, and sacrifice a career to buy a franchise – without taking sensible precautions. Why would you risk your future by not consulting experts, such as lawyers and accountants, ahead of making such a major life decision? Here are some explanations we’ve heard, and some of the reasons why a decision not to consult the professionals doesn’t add up.

1. I can read the figures myself. If you have business experience, you might be able to read profit & loss accounts and balance sheets – but how well do you know this specific industry? What costs and margins are normal? How does this particular franchise compare to other businesses? What do other franchises in the same sector achieve? Find out – use a franchise-experienced accountant. (See our Westpac Directory of Franchising on page 60 for advisors.)

2. The franchisor has provided all the information I need. Franchisors may provide example figures from existing franchisees or pilot operations, but there is no guarantee you will achieve similar results. You need to have all figures checked, know how they relate to what and where you are proposing to operate, and what the effect of sales underperformance would be.

tax, cashflow and personal expenditure. They can advise on working capital, help you prepare a presentation for your bank and structure your finances in the most effective way.

4. If it wasn’t OK, the bank wouldn’t lend me the money. A bank will certainly want to know you have every chance of success and will give you all the help they can. They will want some form of security to reduce their risk, however, such as your house. This means most of the risk is yours – not theirs. Why wouldn’t you keep the risk as small as possible?

5. Other franchisees have said they’re doing well. They may well be, but that doesn’t guarantee that you will do well too. Others have likely had more time to get established. The market may have changed considerably since they set up. They will be in a different area, and have different competition. Are costs comparable? An accountant can tell you.

6. I want the franchise, no matter what anyone says. If you are prepared to ignore professional advice, you should question if you should be going into business. Yes, you need to balance the information you get from your accountant with that which you get from the franchisor and do your own research. But making the right decision, means making an informed one.

Be smart – use an accountant.




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