The July 2024 Edition of the Breeze Magazine

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Happy 4th of July













President’s Message, Ed Sloman, Director, Sun City Aliante Board of Directors

Nancy Prince, Vice President, Sun City Aliante Board of Directors.

Damian Carrasco, Community Manager Sun City Aliante.




An action-comedy inspired by true events of a British Special Forces WWII organization formed by Winston Churchill and a military officials, including Ian Fleming.

NLV Councilman Ward 4.

The film is based on a true story of a family who moved the United States and overcame adversity with their faith and love of music.


Take a trip to see a unique musical about the life and songbook of the iconic Johnny Cash.


Las Vegas's newest tribute to "The King" takes place on the same iconic property where he performed from 1969-1976. Win a FREE night stay with ticket purchase.

Don't miss this chance to see the beloved bands of the 1960s and 1970s performing their great hits.

Don't miss this opportunity to save 30% off already discounted shoes.

Sun City Aliante C ommunity Association

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Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger's famous words? “I'm Baaack!”

So, after a two-year hiatus from the Sun City Aliante Board of Directors (needing a break after the 18-month-long expansion/renovation project and COVID as well) I am refreshed and eager to continue to move our fine community forward. I appreciate the community's confidence in electing me to serve on the Board of Directors and the support of the Board to elect me as your 2024-2025 President.

For those who were not able to attend my first Board meeting on June 12, I want you to know that I have reached out to my fellow Board members and have asked each of them to share what they would like to see accomplished this coming year

We plan to caucus and put together a comprehensive list of goals to present to the community at our July 10 meeting (unless we are dark). There was a lot of commonality in our thoughts; so, I am sure it will be an informative and interesting process.

I was looking back on some past statistics. When the Age Verification Survey was conducted in 2012, our community had 61% (2,105) residents age 65+. In 2022, the survey indicated that number had jumped to 76% (2,686) residents age 65+. That is a 27% increase. It is also interesting to note that the 75+ age group has more than doubled. We are definitely aging in place. I can see potential for making sure all of our seniors are comfortable when they come to our Community Center to enjoy the many activities that are available.

I look forward to scheduling opportunities in the near future when we, as members of the Board, can meet with you on an informal basis to learn more about your concerns and address the issues that are important to you.

In closing, I would like to emphasize how much I value this community and look forward to working with the members of the Board, our management team, our many volunteers and all residents to continue to make Sun City Aliante the best community it can be, a place we are proud to call home.

Best Regards,

Sun City Aliante Wins CAI's Outstanding Large Association Award for 2023

We are proud to announce that Sun City Aliante has won the Community Associations Institute (CAI) as the 2023 Southern Nevada Outstanding Large Association of the Year This is the sixth consecutive year our community has been considered for this prestigious award (the equivalent of the “CAI Oscar”). Sun City Aliante was nominated and won the award for 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023. In 2020, we were nominated for this award.


This Notice is distributed according to NRS116.31083. At the beginning of every Board Meeting, there is a member comment period for comments relating to agenda items only At the end of every Board meeting, there is a member comment period for comments on any subject. During this period, the Board will hear member comments. The Board of Directors will not take action on comments or requests made during the comment periods. Agendas for the Board meeting are available one week prior to the meeting at the Front Desk and on the Association's website ( Copies of the minutes from a Board of Directors meeting are available from the Association Office after approval by the Board of Directors. Audio copies of a Board of Directors meeting are available from the Association Office after the minutes have been approved by the Board of Directors. The Association Office is located at 7394 Aliante Parkway, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89084. Office Hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday The telephone number for obtaining an agenda is 702-638-5000. (Please note: This schedule is subject to change)



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

The members of the 2024-2025 Sun City Aliante Board of Directors pictured (l-r) are Mark Benz; Director; Kathy Martin, Director; Mark Towers, Secretary; Nancy Prince, Vice President; Ed Sloman, President; Sonja Bankston-Cullen, Treasurer; and Warren Geller, Director.

The Breeze is a monthly publication of Sun City Aliante Community Association, Inc. (SCAL), designed to provide information and news to the members of Sun City Aliante. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. We reserve the right to refuse advertising for any reason or cause. Information, services, products and materials contained in The Breeze magazine are provided on an "as is" basis with no warranty SCAL disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, with respect to such information, services, products and materials including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, noninfringement, and implied warranties arising from course of dealing or course of performance. In no event shall SCAL be liable for any damages whatsoever whether in an action, arising out of or in connection with the use, inability to use, or performance of the information, services, products and materials available from this publication.


If you have attended a Sun City Aliante Board of Directors meeting, or if you have read an agenda or minutes for a Board of Directors meeting, you are aware that each

education classes they attended since the

wondered why?

Your Board of Directors is comprised of elected volunteers who are responsible for helping to keep the association running

enforcing guidelines and laws, overseeing finances, and maintaining our community center and common grounds.

The Board of Directors is authorized to make decisions on behalf of our homeowners. The best way for Board Directors to make good decisions is to be well-educated. Here are some ways in which well-educated Board Directors can ensure beneficial impacts on our community that can lead to the long-term success and financial stability of our association.

1. Better Decision-Making

Educated Board members who are well-informed about Nevada laws that apply to Common Interest Communities will make good decisions. The two areas that apply to Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 116 and Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 116. Each Director is also required to be very familiar with our association's Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs), our association's operations, and current best practices for Homeowners Associations. This knowledge will help the Directors make informed decisions that benefit the entire community

2. Effective Governance


responsibilities. This will enable them to be able to better govern


3. Higher Property Values

A well-functioning, educated Board of Directors can greatly contribute to higher property values by making the community desirable for current and future residents.

All board members must act in the best interest of the association and use sound business judgment when making decisions. To do this effectively, the Board must be well-informed. An educated Board will help to instill confidence that the Board is competent to make important decisions on behalf of our homeowners. Attending HOA educational sessions will help to ensure the long-term success and well-being of our community

When our elected Board members report on their education endeavors, they are demonstrating their commitment to making Sun City Aliante the very best it can be. And that matters to everyone in the community!

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy Prince



Dear Residents:

We have just completed the final stage in the Budget Process that began in February A s r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e F i n a n c e Committee and approved by the Board of D i r e c t o r s ,

2 4 - 2 0 2 5 Budget, including the Operating, Reserve and Capital Funds, was ratified at the Annual Budget Ratification Meeting on June 12.

assessment increase of $20 per quarter As there were no other changes (i.e., account number or payment location), the only adjustment you need to make is the amount. A total of $260 is due on the 1st of July, October, January, and April.

If you normally receive a coupon book, you should have received a new book during the week of June 17. If you have set up a monthly automatic debit to your bank account, please make sure that you change it to the new amount.

You will find an informative update on HOA Assessments and Payment Options on page 14 of this issue of The Breeze. If you have any questions, please visit, or call the Front Desk at 702-638-5000 or contact Carol Garbarino, Customer Service Coordinator, at 702-638-5023 or

Now, I would like to inform you about several projects or work we have recently completed to enhance the Common Areas and Community Center including:

• Roof Repairs - Repaired part of the pool and gym roof and six skylights above the pool area.

• Pool Area Spa – Completed repair work to the spa sand filtration system.

• Patrol – Updated the Patrol Policies and Procedures Manual.

• Budget Mailer – Completed the Budget mailer and sent out the budget to the community

• HOA Assessment Coupon Books – Processed the budget to get the new HOA assessment coupon books mailed to homeowners.

• Office Equipment – Replaced six computers at the Front Desk and in multiple offices.

• Gym Equipment – Replaced the walking belts on five treadmills in the Fitness Area. N o w I w o u l d l i k e t o m e n t i o n c u r r e n

improvements which are now in progress:

• Pedestrian Traffic Bar and Signage – We are excited to announce the long-awaited pedestrian traffic bar and signage (at Widewing Drive and Elkhorn) is expected to be installed by the end of July.

• Vi s t a R o o m S

overhead speaker system, control system, microphones, screen, and projector

• RecTrac – In the next few months, we are moving to the newest version of our RecTrac software system at the Front Desk. We use

this program to scan in resident membership cards for events and activities, collect payments and registrations, and process advertiser payments, to name a few of its capabilities.

• Pool Area – We are working on bids to replace the dehumidifier system in the pool area.

• Parking Lot – The Property & Grounds Committee is reviewing bids from multiple vendors to restripe the parking lot spaces, repaint the curbs in the parking lot, and add wheel stop blocks to handicapped parking spaces next to the Vista Room.

• Repainting Curbs – The Property & Grounds Committee is reviewing bids from multiple vendors to paint all the red curbs in front of the fire hydrants throughout the Community.

• Age Verification Survey – We are continuing to collect surveys from every household. Every two years, our residents are required to fill out a survey that is used to collect information required to ensure the protection of the age-restricted status of Sun City Aliante under federal law

I hope you have an amazing summer – whether you are heading out on vacation or just taking it easy at home.

Enjoy the July 4th holiday!


Sun City Aliante Board Meeting Summary

Please read below for a summary of the June 12, 2024, Board of Directors (BOD) monthly meeting:

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:

A. Board approved the appointment of Ed Ernest to the Finance Committee.

B Board approved the appointment of Ray Packowski to the Finance Committee.

C. Board approved the appointment of John G. Williams to the Finance Committee.

D. Board approved the Annual Audit Engagement Letter for the Year Ended June 30, 2024, as submitted by Hilburn & Lein, CPAs.

E. Board approved the Landscape line repair at the horseshoe area by Gothic Landscape in the amount of $3,031.25.

F Board did not approve the quote by MicroShield 360 in the amount of $4,125.

G. Board approved the Patrol Policies and Procedures Manual contingent upon minor clerical revisions.

H. Board approved the July 2024 to May 2025 board meeting dates and times.

I. Board President announced the assignments of the Board Liaisons to the committees:

a. ARC – Mark Towers

b. Communications – Mark Benz

c. Covenants – Warren Geller

d. Election – Ed Sloman

e. Finance – Sonja Bankston-Cullen

f. Lifestyle – Kathy Martin

g. Property & Grounds – Ed Sloman

h. Patrol – Nancy Prince


We are pleased to inform you that Sun City Aliante President of the Board of Directors, Ed Sloman, announced the Board Liaisons for the seven regular Sun City Aliante Committees. Congratulations to the following members of the Board of Directors who were assigned to the current positions on June 12, 2024:

Mark Towers Architectural Review Committee

Mark Benz Communications Committee

Warren Geller Covenants Committee

Sonja Bankston-Cullen Finance Committee

Kathy Martin Lifestyle Committee

Nancy Prince Patrol Committee

Ed Sloman ` Property & Grounds Committee



Sun City Aliante Managers display their awards with members of the Board of Directors after the June 12 Board meeting. Shown (l-r) are: Director Warren Geller; Treasurer Sonja Bankston-Cullen; Assistant Manager Nelenie Hernandez; General Manager Damian Carrasco; Secretary Mark Towers; President El Sloman; Vice President Nancy Prince; Director Kathy Martin; and Director Mark Benz.

June 13 is recognized as International Community Association Managers Day In celebration of this occasion and on behalf of the Sun City Aliante Board of Directors, Board Vice President Nancy Prince presented a special recognition to General Manager Damian Carrasco and Assistant Manager Nelenie Hernandez during the June 12 Board meeting.

The award, established by the Foundation of Community Association R e s e a r c h , r e c o g n i z e s C o m m u n i t y A s s o c i a t

professional backbone of the homeowners associations that they serve, providing the skills and expertise that are essential to successfully operate and govern an HOA community

During the Sun City Aliante Board of Directors Meeting on June 12, members of the Board recognized and thanked Larry Rothstein for his past seven years of service as Chairperson for the Election Committee. In this position, he coordinated with management and led a team of volunteers to ensure the election process was flawlessly executed from disseminating candidate information, to scheduling a Candidate Forum, to the final counting of the ballots on Election Day Larry, age 92, was also thanked for his many years of leadership of the Tennis Club. In addition, he will be sorely missed by the Jewish community as he served as Rabbi for the many High Holy Day services. Thank you, Larry, for all you have done for Sun City Aliante.

The Board also expressed their appreciation to Ed Ernest for his service on the Board of Directors for the past two years. As a Board member, he also served as Board Liaison to the Communications Committee. Before that, he served as a member of the Finance Committee Ed was reappointed to the Finance Committee at the meeting. In addition, Ed leads the Table Tennis Club every morning in the Social Hall from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Thank you, Ed, for your continued leadership and involvement in our amazing community

We officially welcomed Damian Carrasco as our Sun City Aliante General Manager at an informal Meet 'n' Greet Reception on October 4, 2017. Since then he has made a positive, dynamic impact on our community through his leadership, his hallmark of providing a Customer Service Excellence and inspiring his FirstService Residential team to be the best they can be both professionally and personally A short time after Damian arrived, Nelenie agreed to leave her position at FirstService Residential Headquarters to join Damian as Assistant Manager of Sun City Aliante.

As a testimony to his contributions, Damian has led his FirstService Residential team, in coordination with the Sun City Aliante Board of Directors, to earn unprecedented recognition for excellence from the Community Associations Institute's (CAIs) as the Outstanding Large Association for Southern Nevada. This is the sixth consecutive year our community has been considered for this prestigious award (the equivalent of the "CAI Oscar.") Sun City Aliante was nominated and won the award in 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023. In 2020, we were nominated for this award.

Today, there are more than 55,000 community association managers in the United States and tens of thousands more globally The influence of managers goes beyond community operations and administration; they touch the lives and hearts of all residents in a profound way.

Congratulations to Damian, Nelenie, and their team for their continuing leadership, inspiration and incredible contributions to the Sun City Aliante Board of Directors, its Committees and residents. We appreciate you!

Shown (l-r) are Board President Ed Sloman, Ed Ernest and Larry Rothstein pictured with gifts they received during the June 12 Board Meeting.


Dear Residents,

We are halfway through 2024 and what a year it has been! Summer is now in full swing, and residents are enjoying all that Las Vegas offers…

Summer Pet Safety

P l e a s e k e e p t h o s e “ p a w s ” o ff o u r

scorching sidewalks! I see residents walking their beloved pets during these hot temperatures and it is heartbreaking. Walk them early in the morning or later in the evening. Your “paws” are protected with shoes. They have “bare paws” walking on sizzling surfaces! Thank you for keeping them healthy and happy!

Adventures Ahead

July engagements include:

2 – LV Aces vs Indiana Fever – T-Mobile Arena

12 – Movie – The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare – Vista Room

13 – “Ring of Fire – Johnny Cash Tribute” – Tuachan Theater – St. George, UT

17 – Movie – Unsung Hero – Vista Room

17 – Elvis – “The King Comes Home” – Westgate Las Vegas

20 – Happy Together Concert – The Smith Center 26 – Skechers Summer Shoe Sale - Vista Room

DVD's For Check Out Are Available for Residents – FREE

If you missed one of our Box Office movies, you may check out the DVD at the Front Desk. Enjoy the film in your own home and bring on the popcorn! These weekly loans are available to all Sun City Aliante residents, not just home owners at no charge.

Friendly Reminder – Interest Sheets

The Lifestyle Department values resident's input in the selection of events. Residents are encouraged to start an Interest Sheet at the Front Desk to gauge the amount of interest to determine if an event is feasible. Please note that if residents sign an Interest Sheet, it is not a guaranteed spot. Residents will need to purchase tickets once the event is announced.

Westgate Las Vegas Events

Elvis – “The King Comes Home” The ultimate Elvis tribute show! Headliner, Daniel Durston, an international star who has performed as Elvis in the “Million Dollar Quartet” production is amazing! The one-of-a-kind music tribute features hits from his early recordings, his movies, and his sold-out 7 year run at the International Hotel and the Las Vegas Hilton.

It's only here for a limited time and you will LOVE this show! You relive memories and feel like Elvis really is in the building. It brings the audience to their feet clapping and dancing! In addition to discounted tickets and VIP seating, the Westgate Las Vegas is offering a drawing for a free night stay at the property if you purchase a ticket to this show Discounted tickets are available at the Sun City Aliante Front Desk.

Aliante Hotel & Casino Events

• August 24th features Travis Cloer (original Jersey Boy) with excellent price and excellent seating.

• October 19th features Michael Shapiro with special guest appearances. Discounted tickets are available at the Sun City Aliante Front Desk.

The Lifestyle Department encourages residents to refer to the Breeze magazine, weekly E-blasts, and the Community Center Event Wall for information on upcoming events!

Stay cool and enjoy the longer days of summer. Happy 4th of July!

Debbie Kent Lifestyle Director

Dear Residents,

The heat is on! Summer season is about fun and water activities. Please stay hydrated and cool. I particularly don't like being out in the sun but most love it. They love lounging in the pool, sunbathing, diving into the ocean, having a party and grilling hamburgers, or playing golf. Whatever tickles your fancy, all I care about is that you are having fun and doing it safely

Las Vegas is a vacation destination. I know many of you have family and friends who love to visit, not just The Strip but also here, in our beautiful community The following are a few reminders for you and guests concerning the rules and code of conduct while in the Community Center

• While all Residents are entitled to enjoy these facilities, they must do so while respecting the rights of others sharing in the use of the Common Areas and facilities. Courtesy and common sense must prevail if the Association facilities are to be properly utilized.

• The overall policy of this community in the use of the Common Area facilities is foremost and primarily for the use and enjoyment of Residents.

• Guests or Visitors are accommodated only when they do not infringe upon the convenience or right of enjoyment of Residents.

• Wh

Association facilities by all Residents, Guests, and Visitors, they will not be identical to those available in public accommodations.

Code of Conduct:

• Residents are responsible for the conduct of their Guests. Residents and Guests will refrain from any loud, profane, inappropriate or abusive language.

• Residents shall not reprimand or otherwise interfere with the management of the Association. Any inattention to duty or lack of courtesy on the part of any FirstService Residential employee shall be reported to management.

• Residents shall not physically or verbally abuse, harass, or accost any other Resident, their Guest or management Staff.

• Residents shall be held responsible for any damage to the Association property and Common Areas resulting from their intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

• Cellular phone usage should be limited as a common courtesy to others. (nobody wants to hear your conversation so please refrain from using the speaker)

General Rules: (Please see the complete list on the Rules and Regulations governing document.)

• The Common Area facilities are only for Activity Cardholders and their Guests.

• Smoking is prohibited inside all Association facilities.

• Proper attire, including upper-b

footwear, is required by all individuals throughout the facility

• Appropriate swimwear is required in the pool and pool area. Cutoffs or other inappropriate apparel are not permitted.

We want everyone to have a great time this summer, especially as grandkids are around. Please have fun responsibly. Thank you to most of you who are courteous, honest, and kind to the FSR staff and management.

The Association Offices will close on Thursday, July 4, in celebration of Independence Day and reopen at 8 a.m. on July 5. The Community Center will be open regular hours, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., on July 4.

If you have any questions or need any clarifications, please contact me at 702638-5006 or

Have a wonderful July 4th celebration!



Hello Residents,

The good old summertime is upon us again. Whether you are planning a visit with family or friends, heading off on a cruise, taking a trip to a new destination, or staying close to home this month, remember to keep hydrated and stay in the shade. You can also stay comfortable and cool in our Community Center We invite you to attend our many fun, informative Lunch 'n' Learns and Snack 'n' Learns.

O r a l H e a l t h : T h e M o u t h a n d B o d y H e a l t h

Connection- Thursday, July 11, 11 a.m. Did you know your mouth is the “Gateway to your Body” and bacteria that builds up on teeth makes gums prone to infection? Are you aware dry mouth can damage your teeth and eventually your body? Did you know a toothache that's not cared for can damage your internal organs? Join Dr Joseph Brown, DMD, with Shadow Mountain Dental for an informative presentation on what you can do to ensure you have a healthy mouth.


YOUR FAMILY RESEARCH, Friday, July 12, 10 a.m. There are lots of reasons to research your family history. It's just plain fun! You can become your own Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie, following those bread crumb clues until you get the whole story

Join Rod Leavitt, director of the Las Vegas Family Search Center, on July 12 to begin your research. His non-profit group facilitates and shares information and offers free software, scanning, and digital services for family records, photos, tapes, and free personal assistance from his staff.


MONUMENT, Monday, July 29, 10 a.m. Join Sandy Croteau on July 29 to learn about the new and exciting projects the Protectors of Tule Springs are now involved in to promote the National Monument and Visitor's Center She will discuss the new Visitor's Center, the Monumental Mammoth, new trails, the Mounted Horse Patrol, the B.A.R.K. Ranger Program and how you can get involved and support the Protectors of Tule Springs and much more. This presentation should not be missed!

This month we celebrate one of my favorite holidays ~ the Fourth of July I remember as a child, my mother would pack a picnic supper, and we would head downtown to the National Mall in Washington, DC early enough to find a good spot to enjoy the concert and watch the fireworks display Later, when I worked for USO Headquarters in Washington, because we organized entertainment for the July 4th Celebration, I had a front row seat.

In the spirit of Independence, I hope you enjoy these fun facts about July Fourth:

• The first Independence Day celebration took place in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776. This was also the day that the Declaration of Independence was first read in public.

• Only John Hancock actually signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. All the others signed later

• President John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe all died on the Fourth.

• Every July Fourth the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is tapped (not actually rung) thirteen times in honor of the original thirteen colonies. (Source: and

If you have any questions about The Breeze, Seminars or eBlast, please contact me at 702-429-1623.

I wish you a safe and Happy Independence Day!

Trish Williamson

Editor, The Breeze

Hello Sun City Residents,

The City of North Las Vegas celebrated the opening of the community's third police station, North Central Area Command located at 1090 West Deer Springs Way, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 8. More than 100 residents attended the event, which opened with a flag raising ceremony by the North Las Vegas Police Honor Guard, followed by remarks from Mayor Pamela Goynes-Brown, DR Horton Division President Tim Colbert, myself and Chief of Police Jacqueline Gravatt.

May was Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month As one of the largest minority-majority cities in American, the City of North Las Vegas was proud to celebrate the diversity of cultures, and the remarkable contributions of the AANHPI community to our Country and our City The celebrations included several events that included art exhibits throughout the city, bingo, Flavors of Aloha at Craig Ranch Regional Park, a craft and trivia night at Aliante Library and the Hula Halau Ka Pa Hula O Ke Ola Nani Music and

D a n c e P e r f o r m a n c e a t the Alexander Library

T h i s m o n t h ' s C i t y o f

N o r t h L a s V e g a s Business of the Month is

D e e r S p r i n g s M o d e r n Dentistry Dr Adrian Lee and Associates at Deer S p r i n g s M o d e r n

D e n t i s t r y h a v e b e e n


surrounding community



S u r g e r y, E

and Periodontics. We are v e r y p

Veterans and the Community Care Network.

I was proud to attend U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto's tour of the North Las Vegas Small Business Connector in our City Hall. This office provides critical resources to Nevada business owners and entrepreneurs. Senator Cortez Masto supported funding to this office through the American Rescue Plan and helped to hire two bilingual staffers at the Connector to help Latino businesses across Las Vegas. Carlos Mejia, the North Las Vegas Business Development Advisor, did a great job giving a tour to the Senator, our Mayor Pamela Goynes-Brown and me.

I want to make sure everyone is paying attention to the weather when it comes to our pets. I support Lily's Law that requires temperature restrictions being put in place on 105 degree days. Temperatures that are at or exceed this require cooling devices for animals outside.

Yours in Service,

Senator Cortez Masto, Mayor Goynes-Brown,City Council members, City Manager Micaela Moore met with North Las Vegas businesses who have benefited from the Small Business Connector located in the North Las Vegas City Hall Building.


As of July 1, 2024 Sun City Aliante HOA assessments have increased $20 per quarter, from $240 to $260, due at the beginning of July, October, January and April.

FirstService Residential accepts HOA payments made by paper check, money order and through your bank's Online Bill Pay feature. If you choose to pay by check or money order, please mail your payments to the address below moving forward. If you pay through your bank's Online Bill Pay feature, please log in to your online banking account and use the payee's address as listed below:

For Sun City Aliante HOA Payments, $260 qtr. (July, October, January & April) use the address below: Sun City Aliante

c/o FirstService Residential Nevada P.O. Box 30422 Tampa, FL 33630-3422

For Aliante Master Association HOA Payments, $51.50 monthly, use the address below: Aliante Master Association

c/o FirstService Residential Nevada P.O. Box 30422 Tampa, FL 33630-3422

Checks should be made payable to the entity name listed on your statement or coupon. Include the remittance slip with your payments and make sure to include your account number found on your statement or coupon in the notes section of your check or your Online Bill Pay settings.


As the preferred way for you to manage and remit your payments, we invite you to pay online through ClickPay To register for ClickPay, please visit and click on "Register." After you create your profile, you will be required to link your home to your account using the unique account number found on your billing statement or coupons. If you do not know your account number, please contact our Customer Service Coordinator, Carol Garbarino, at 702638-5023 or

Payments can be made online though ClickPay by e-check (ACH) or debit or credit card. If you pay from your checking or savings account, there is no fee for using this option. If you would like to have assessments withdrawn automatically, simply visit the Auto Pay Tab in your account. If you have questions or need help with your online account, please contact Clickpay on line or phone 1-888-354-0135 (option 1).

Happy 4th of July

July 4th Holiday

In celebration of Independence Day on Thursday, July 4, the Sun City Aliante Administrative Offices will be closed all day and reopen on July 5 at 8 a.m. The Community Center will remain open regular hours from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Independence Day.

Carolyn Baker

Dennis & Linda Kim

David & Deborah Curry

Frances Bivens

Matthew & Christine Turnbow

Eric Sabol

Sonja Beal

Duane Spease & Juanita Ortiz-Robinson

Daniel Unger & Michael Unger

Stacey Deubler

Donald & Lisa Kittredge

If you are a new resident or have moved to another home within the community, please contact Customer Service Coordinator Carol Garbarino to schedule a registration appointment. All new Sun City Aliante residents (homeowners and renters) are required to register

Community Center. At the same time, you can obtain a Membership Card which is required to access all activities in the Community





Do you know what to do if you are burglarized?

You can decrease your chances of being victimized by a burglary by increasing the safety measures you take. Use these suggestions provided by

Division, in case a burglary does occur.

If your home is burglarized while you are away…

• Stay outside of your home if you find anything questionable (broken window, open door, etc.).

• Go to a neighbor's house or use your cell phone to call 911.

• Keep from touching anything in your home until the police are done investigating; otherwise, you may destroy evidence.

If someone breaks in while you are home…

• Try to stay calm.

• Resist confronting the burglar.

• Leave the house if possible. Then call 911 from a safe location.

• Lock yourself in a room with a phone and call 911 if you can't escape.

Help the Police by Staying Alert

If you see the law being broken, pay close attention. You can help the police identify the suspect. Make note of race, sex, hair, eyes, age, height, weight, clothes, scars or markings.

Also note the vehicle license plate, make and color; direction of escape; number of suspects; and type of weapon. Even if a crime hasn't been committed, report any suspicious activity you notice in your neighborhood.

Residents are always welcome at the NW meetings. Join us on July 18 at 4:30 the Community Center.

For more information regarding the Sun City Aliante Neighborhood Watch program, contact our coordinator, Jim Blossey, at or 775-530-5119.

Stay Safe, ~ Neighborhood Watch Captains


In this issue of The Breeze, we would like to introduce you to Dorothy Tucker, a Sun City Aliante resident since 2018, who is a member of The Patrol. During her professional career she was a cosmetologist and owner of two salons in Colorado and California. As a business owner, she felt it was important to be in touch with her community as well as her clients at the grassroots level. Knowing what's going on in your own town is important, she explained.

When Dorothy moved to Sun City Aliante, she looked for opportunities to

Neighborhood Watch to form its own committee in 2020, before the pandemic, I jumped at the opportunity to join. What does Patrol mean to me and why? It means participation in something that I believe in. It's a way for residents to make a difference.

“We as homeowners are responsible for our home, no one else! Yes, we can get help from professional security companies, outside cameras, security doors, etc. But when you get right down to it, it's our responsibility to maintain our own security safety

“We don't live in a gated community; therefore, we do get a lot of unwanted traffic we know nothing about. It is our responsibility to do our due diligence and be aware of our neighborhood. Knowing your neighbors, watching out for unusual activity, is the best defense against any trouble.

“It's true we live in uncertain times, but when we help each other as a community, don't you think it makes a difference? I do!

“We all have one thing in common, the safety of our domain, so if you see something, say something! About 98 percent of general activities going on in Sun City are legitimate, it is the other 2 percent that we need to pay attention to, so stay alert.

Be kind to one another and keep those eyes open!

“YOU are the best defense!” Dorothy emphasized.

~ Dorothy Tucker, Sun City Aliante Patrol


Meets ever y other Friday, 8:30 a.m.

Harlan Nelson at


Meets third Friday, 10 a.m.

Dan Lies at


Meets four th Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. in the Conference Room

Warren Geller at

Linda Egge at

Meets last Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.

David Grossman at

Meets third Wednesday, 10 a.m.

Sharon Grossman at


Meets third Monday, 2 p.m.

Tony Swat at

Meets third Thursday, 1 p.m.

Wayne Edger ton at



Homeowners in Sun City Aliante are members of both the Sun City Aliante Community and the greater Alian

e Master Community. As such, homeowners are subject to the governance and assessments of both Homeowner Associations (HOAs): the Sun City Aliante HOA and the Aliante Master HOA.

To assist homeowners to keep track of their two assessment payments, there is a new webpage on the Sun City Aliante website. Just go to the homepage at and look under the RESOURCES menu for Assessments This webpage provides some further information about assessments, as well as links to view and make your assessment payments for each Association. Web:

~ The Communications Committee


The Architectural Review Committee has one open position on its committee.

The Communications Committee has two open positions on its committee.

The Patrol Committee has one open position on its committee

The Property & Grounds Committee has one open position on its committee.

Here is a brief description of Committee responsibilities:

• - Reviews owner site/home Architectural Review Committee exterior change requests to ensure they comply with community standards of aesthetics and quality

• – Oversees the website, holds Communications Committee Communications Committee events and assists the Editor of The Breeze.

• – Observes an

incidents as they patrol the streets of the Sun City Aliante community to ensure the safety of our neighborhood.

• – Oversees the upkeep and Property & Grounds Committee maintenance of all Association common areas, including the Community Center

All Committee positions are voluntary. We encourage you to consider becoming more actively involved in your community by joining one of the Sun City Aliante Committees.

You can pick up “Sun City Aliante Committee Interest Application” at the Front Desk or in the Customer Service Office. In addition, you can print off an application from the website at Once you have logged into the website, "mouse-over" the “Documents” menu item, then click on "Commonly Used Forms” and select and print the "Committee Interest Application."

Complete the application form and return it to the Front Desk.


Thursday, July 11, 11 a.m.

Did you know your mouth is the “Gateway to your Body” and bacteria that builds up on teeth makes gums prone to infection? Are you aware dry mouth can damage your teeth and eventually your body? Did you know a toothache that's not cared for can damage your internal organs?

Join Dr. Joseph Brown, DMD, with Shadow Mountain Dental for an informative presentation on what you can do to ensure you have a healthy mouth. He will discuss the following topics:

• Mouth Body Connection (dental with integrated medical)

• Hygiene (different types of cleaning and why it's important )

• Dentures (traditional and implant dentures)

• Same day crowns

Your oral health is more important than you might realize. Protect yourself and attend this presentation to learn more about the link between a healthy mouth and body.

Please register at the Front Desk by July 9.



Friday, July 12, 10 a.m.

There are lots of reasons to research your family history It's just plain fun! You can become your own Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie, following those bread crumb clues until you get the whole story

Join Rod Leavitt, director of the Las Vegas Family Search Center, on July 12 to begin your research. His non-profit group facilitates and shares information and offers free software, scanning, and digital services for family records, photos, tapes, and free personal assistance from his staff.

You know those stories your Grandfather or Great Aunt told about one of your ancestors. With some research and a little genealogy digging, you can prove or disprove those stories. You can learn about the medical history of your family line and be a little more aware of your own history How cool is that? The fun is in the research!

Please register at Front Desk by July 10.



Monday, July 15, 10 a.m.

Tom Hegan, author of “Don't Worry, Retire Happy” says, “You must have a plan for Long-Term Care.“ And did you know that it is one of the fastest ways to exhaust your retirement savings is to be ambushed by the costs of long-term care or other medical costs?

Join Ron Walton, a retired Healthcare Administrator, who has provided care for thousands of seniors during his 35 year career, managing Skilled Nursing, Rehab and Assisted Living facilities.

He will share his first-hand experience of the financial and health risks of not having a plan. He will discuss the many options currently available.

Why Purchase a Long-Term Insurance Policy?

• Asset Protection

• Protection of a Healthy Spouse or Partner

• Removal of Caregiving Burden from Loved Ones

• Maintenance of Control, Independence, and Dignity

• Peace of Mind

Approximately 72 percent of seniors over age 65 will need some form of Long-Term Care. The problem is no one believes it will be them. Do not limit your future care options or put your assets at risk by not having a plan.

Please register at the Front Desk by July 13.


Wednesday, July 17, 11 a.m.

Would you like better balance, performance and less injuries on the court, course or walking path? Are you concerned about dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus or inner ear problems? Join Dr Devin Luzod owner of Spinal Care of Nevada and author of the book "Live to 100...and Want to!" for tips on improving balance, coordination and inner ear problems. Dr Devin will share secrets from the past 20 +-years of working with a wide range of patients with problems such as spinal issues, balance and coordination control, inner ear, vertigo, Meniere's disease, tinnitus and more. Learn selfcare measures and natural treatments. Q&A to follow

Please register at the Front Desk by July 15.


Thursday, July 18, 11 a.m.

Join Group Home Las Vegas, along with their health care provider partners, on July 18 for an engaging and informative discussion focused on empowering seniors to lead fulfilling lives.

• Discover the vital role of hydration in maintaining overall wellbeing, especially during the summer months.

• Gain valuable insights about the significance of physical and occupational therapy, early detection of elderly-specific signs and symptoms, and the process of obtaining personal care assistance while understanding what insurance can cover.

• Learn about senior legal matters such as securing power of attorney and other pertinent legal concerns.

Our goal is to equip the community with the knowledge and resources necessary to support you on your senior journey

Please register at the Front Desk by July 16.


Friday, July 19, 10 a.m.

Do you love to hike and explore the great outdoors? Are you interested in learning which species of wildlife are thriving in our state?

Join Claire Clarke, Urban Wildlife Education Coordinator for the Nevada Department of Wildlife, to learn how you can live with and enjoy wildlife.

Find out what to do if you see a baby bird on the ground, and what to look out for as parent birds become more territorial. Learn how to deter a coyote or discourage wildlife from making your home their own.

Claire will share a few biofacts (pelts, skulls, etc.), information about living with big horn sheep, waterfowl and snakes, and offer examples of deterrent tools.

Join Claire on July 19 for an adventure in Nevada wildlife!

Please register at the Front Desk by July 17.


Saturday, July 20, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Peter Velasco, an AARP volunteer instructor, will conduct an AARP Safe Driving Class for residents over age 50, July 20 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The cost is $20 for AARP m e m b e r s a n d $ 2 5 f o r n o nmembers. The fee must be paid by check, payable to AARP, at the start of the class.

The class is approved by the State of Nevada DMV You will receive a certificate valid for three years and an insurance discount (the amount determined by your insurance.)

The seminar is limited to 30 people.

Please register at the Front Desk by July 18.


Tuesday, July 23, 11 a.m.

Find out from the experts if solar could be a good fit for you. Join

G u i l l e r m o O r e l l a n a - L a r a w i t h Sunrun and learn the facts:

• How solar works in Nevada

• Recent laws passed and how they affect you

• Tax credits for purchase

• How to qualify for solar panels at zero cost

• What happens when you sell your home

• Discussion on objections

• Timelines and expectations

• Renewable energy is our future. The time for solar is now

Please register at the Front Desk by July 21.


Wednesday, July 24, 11 a.m.

There are numerous factors that can affect your legacy, and active planning can offer you control and opportunity as you prepare to pass on your legacy Please join Todd and Julie Bauman, Founders of Bauman Advisory Group, LLC, and learn more about the following:

• Revocable living trust

• Pour over will

• Power of Attorney for Financial

• Power of Attorney for Healthcare with HIPAA

• Assets transferred into Trust

• Beneficiaries Setup

Todd Bauman and his team provide straight talk, logical thinking, and effective strategies gained from 30 years of financial experience. They work one on one with clients to develop, implement and monitor financial plans, designed to limit risk and cut investment costs.

Please register at the Front Desk by July 22.


Thursday, July 25, 11 a.m.

Join Greg Adams, a Financial Advisor for Ameriprise Financial, and you will learn how to navigate volatile markets and how to maintain a plan for financial security in your retirement years.

1. Defining Market Volatility 2. Understanding volatility factors 3. Considering portfolio impacts

Navigating volatility

Please register at the Front Desk by July 23.



Monday, July 29, 10 a.m.

You may not realize that herds of Ice Age Columbian mammoths, lions, camelops, saber tooth cats, bison, llamas, horses, massive sloths and dire wolves once roamed the area known as Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument is located RIGHT BEHIND Sun City Aliante.

The designation of Tule Springs National Monument came about through the efforts of community partners, and a group of Sun City Aliante residents, inspired by resident Jill DeStefano, who together formed a nonprofit organization called Protectors of Tule Springs (POTS). They worked tirelessly with state, federal and private partners over an eight-year period to save this area (some 23,000 acres) from builders and protect this land now

Join Sandy Croteau on July 29 to learn about the new and exciting projects the Protectors of Tule Springs are now involved in to promote the National Monument and Visitor's Center

She will discuss the opening of the new Visitor's Center, the Monumental Mammoth, new trails, the Mounted Horse Patrol, the B.A.R.K. Ranger Program and how you can get involved and support the Protectors of Tule Springs and much more. This presentation should not be missed!

Please sign up at the Front Desk by July 27.


Tuesday, July 30 11 a.m.

Where did you learn about money? It’s not taught in schools, so many of us learn from our parents or friends. We, as women talk about anything and everything with our closest friends and family, but money has been a taboo subject. What if we started talking about the things that are important to us like:

• What keeps us up at night?

• Do we feel like we will never get ahead?

• Are we worried we will outlive our money?

• Who will take care of us if we get sick?

When women speak up about things that matter, we make change. By 2030, women are expected to control $30 trillion of the financial assets in the U.S. That represents two-thirds of the wealth in this country!

However, women defer the family’s financial planning and decisionmaking to their husbands. But 80% of women die single, while 80% of men die married. Don't let others use your grief to take advantage of you when you find yourself alone again.

Join Supra Plows & Debra Batesel from WealthWave and gain a better understanding of your finances.

Please register at the Front Desk by July 28.


Wednesday, July 31, 11 a.m.

Care Program Director

Hospital. on July 31. He will offer an informative

Wound Care.

Diabetes is the leading cause of non-traumatic

United States, and approximately 14-24 percent of patients with diabetes who develop a foot ulcer will require an amputation. Foot ulceration precedes 85 percent of diabetes-related amputations.

Research has shown, however, that development of a foot ulcer is preventable. If you or someone you know has Diabetes come out and learn how to recognize non-healing diabetic wounds and how they may be treated.

Please register at the Front Desk by July 29.







SITE VISIT – JUNE 18, 2024


King Comes Home" features headliner Daniel Durston, internationally known tribute artist and former housemate on the CBS show, Big Brother

VEGAS'S NEWEST TRIBUTE TO ELVIS PRESLEY WESTGATE LAS VEGAS Wednesday, July 17, 4:30 p.m. Enjoy dinner, shopping, and gaming before the show! $60 Residents / $70 Guests (Includes Ticket, bus transportation and gratuity) Bus will Depar t at 4:30 p.m.

Please purchase tickets at the Front Desk. Tickets are non-refundable.



The entire Las Vegas valley is invited to celebrate Independence Day at the Annual Summerlin Council Patriotic Parade on July 4, 2024 from 9 to 11 a.m. America's spirit will be on full display at this year's parade with both patriotic and pop culture-themed floats and performing groups.

The parade is free and open to the public. No parade/viewing set-up is allowed before July 3 at 7 a.m. Everyone is encouraged to arrive early, bring water and wear sunscreen. The parade steps off at Hillpointe Road and Hills Center Drive travels south on Hills Center Drive to Village Center Circle then turns west onto Trailwood Drive ending at the Trails Village Shopping Center *Road closures on parade day begin before 3 a.m. and continue until approximately noon.

Tips for a Great Day - To help ensure your best parade experience possible take note of these helpful hints:

• Three announcers' tents are located along the route. These areas feature additional entertainment elements and amplified sound for spectators' enjoyment.

• Parking is limited on the day of the parade. Carpool with friends bike or even walk to the parade.

• The parade route is lined with grass so bring a chair open an umbrella or lay a blanket to enjoy the parade comfortably (Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Parade Event Marking and Safety Guidelines prior to parade day. Attendees may set up their viewing area starting July 3 at 7 a.m. Items placed prior to this time will be removed and donated.)

• Don't forget it's hot out there! To beat the heat drink plenty of water (one cup every 15-20 minutes) even if you don't feel thirsty wear protective clothing and slather on sunscreen.

Be responsible. Do not allow kids—or kids at heart—to enter the parade route and approach entries during the event. For more information, visit




Members of Shirley Stevenson's Bowling Group turned out to celebrate her 99th Birthday at the Santa Fe Bowling Alley where she organizes bowling classes twice weekly This amazing lady, an active resident of Sun City Aliante for 18 years, also goes to the gym every morning and still enjoys playing golf. Congratulations to Shirley (pictured in the front, center, wearing a white sweater) for defying aging and being Forever Young!


The Classy Chefs usually meet the first Tuesday of every month at 9:30 am in the Vista Room and kitchen At their June meeting, the club featured a Summer Picnic theme of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixings, macaroni salad, potato salad, and chocolate chip cookies.

There is an annual $10 dues, plus a $5 per meeting charge to help reimburse grocery purchases for those who cook, plates and decorations. Correct change is appreciated when paying your dues. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 2.

With several of the members gone for all or part of the summer, the participation is somewhat reduced. For questions regarding July or August meetings, contact Freda at 347-581-0298. For club information, call Freda Porter-Katz at 347-581-0298 and email or co-chair Hjordy Wagner at 715-529-9728 and email

8-Ballers Club

The 8-Ballers Club meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m.noon. Currently there are 28 active players, and it is open to all Sun City Aliante residents. We have a monthly team in-house tournament. and we have a quarterly tournament with Sun City Summerlin.

We have a plaque in the display case that lists the monthly winners of the in-house tournament. Winners in 2024 are:

January, John Scia and Perry Swanson

February, JD Burke and PJ Malsom

March, Bill James and Maury Cline

April, Maury Cline and Perry Swanson

May, Dwight Gerdes and Mike Mirro

Please call President Dwight Gerdes to join the group, 702-306-3865.


The Book Club selection for July 2024 is Orphan Train b y C h r i s t i n a B a k


discussion at the Community Center at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, July 18, 2024. Please see the Book Club shelf in the Sun City Aliante library which includes past book selections. A flyer lists upcoming 2024 book selections Fo

Jeannette Smith at 702-649-2468 ( or Mae Go at



Do you want to learn how to L i n e D a n c e o r l e a r n n e w dances? Come join the fun at C l u b D i a l M e m b e r s o ff e r Line Dancing for Beginners on Saturday from 10 to 10:30 a m a n d a n I n t e r m e d

Class on Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Additionally, the

from 6 to 7 p.m. and an Advanced Class on Wednesday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. So come and join them for some dancing, exercise and fun.

Club Dial hosts a Dance Social usually scheduled on the third Saturday of every month from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Vista Room. Please look for updates on the theme of the event in the Charted Club Weekly eBlasts. The Club not only offers line dancing but also a variety of other dances, so everyone can enjoy themselves. For more information, contact Maryann Gorski at 702-642-3212 or email at


As we welcome July, we look forward to a variety of group events including monthly Bingo, a July 4th party, Community Center meeting and dinner, game night, movie night and our Necessity Drive with Seniors with Warm Hearts begins!

We wish everyone with a July birthday a very Happy Birthday! Well known LGBT members having July birthdays include:

Barbara Stanwyck - 07/16/1907- was an American actress, model and dancer. A stage, film, and television star, she was known for her strong, realistic screen presence and versatility Barbara was married twice, both believed to be gay man in order to avoid media speculation. In Barbara's later years, her serious partner was publicist Helen Ferguson, whose “friendship” lasted almost 30 years. Stanwyck acquired the status of icon within lesbian communities.

Kitty Genovese - 07/07/1935 - In the early hours of March 13, 1964, Kitty Genovese, a 28-year-old bartender, was raped and murdered outside her apartment in the Kew Gardens neighborhood of Queens, New York. The incident became known as the bystander effect, or "Genovese syndrome," a staple of U.S. psychology textbooks for the next four decades. It also cumulatively led to development of the 911 system. She shared her Kew Gardens apartment with Mary Ann Zielonko, her girlfriend since 1963.

July 4th brings fireworks excitement to the Sun City Aliante Ceramics Club. They enjoy the little things; one day you may look back and discover they were the big things in our life. There are friendly members and i n s t r u c t o r s w a i t i n g t o help you with inventive choices of greenware and bisque to purchase and glaze. Come join the fun on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. –noon in Craft Room #3. New members are always welcomed and they offer completed ceramics for sale.

For more information, please contact Ceramics Club President Amy Redd at 501-773-5201 or and our Vice President Angelo Belpasso at 702-647-0791 or

One of the purposes of the LGBTQ committee is supporting programs in the larger community related to LGBT needs. Three LGBT special needs populations that are near and dear are struggling LGBT teens, homeless LGBT and senior LGBT

Focusing on homeless youth this month, it is important to recognize Nevada is one of the top five states for homeless youth. It is estimated at least 40% of these adolescents are in the LGBTQ community. Most of these teens become homeless suddenly due to being rejected by their families because of their LGBTQ status or they need to escape a situation due to abuse or threat/fear of abuse. (Continue on page 41)

These youth usually do not have finances, skills or abilities to meet basic needs including housing, food and hygiene. This often leads to unwilling termination of their education and participation in unlawful behaviors, including child prostitution. This is happening in our own backyard. There are organizations that attempt to assist these youth; however, they are extremely dependent on donations.

From July 3-July 17, the LGBT Group will partner with the Seniors with Warm Hearts in a special needs drive to assist Street Teens and The LGBTQ Center's Youth and Family programs. For further information about the organizations and necessities needed, see the Seniors with Warm Hearts Breeze article. Please consider assisting with this drive as it may change an unknown adolescent's life.

If you are interested in finding out more about the LGBT Special Interest Group, its social events and activities, please contact Steve Besefske at 847-409-4069 or Sheryl at 818-517-0610.



This month Seniors with Warm Hearts will be partnering with

Group to conduct a Necessity Drive to benefit those who are

charities: SAFE House, Street

Southern Nevada's Youth and

through July 17th. Items needed are listed by organization. You can drop off your donations at the yellow “School Bus” donation box located in the lobby next to the display cases. Please consider donating a couple of items to help these needy charities with their requested items:

SAFE House (A domestic violence shelter for individuals and their children.) has requested these items: Backpacks, pencils, glue & glue sticks, colored pencils, markers, folders, binders, highlighters, white out and Kleenex.

Street Teens (Provides the many needs of teens who are homeless and at risk with a safe haven.) have requested these items: Gatorade, paper plates, paper towels, toilet paper, flushable wipes, body spray, combs, sunscreen, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, individually packaged meds, fidget toys, earphones, phone chargers “all types”, men's boxers and ladies' briefs “all sizes”, feminine hygiene products.

The Center of Southern Nevada's Youth and Family Service Program (Celebrates diversity, courage and tenacity in support of youth in their personal growth as they develop their authentic identities.) has requested these items: Toiletries, basic school supplies, personal journals, first aid kits, socks, underwear “all sizes,” body wash, hand & body lotion, sunscreen, face masks, hair accessories and small toys or games.

M a n y o f t h e r e q u e s t e d i t e m s

organizations collect back to school items to assist youth whether they are i

homelessness. Please help us to make our drive a tremendous success.

Also, Seniors with Warm Hearts would like to send out a big THANK YOU to the residents of our community who donated to our second Annual Animal Rescue Drive The donations collected were given to A HOME FOR SPOT in conjunction with Dog Junkies Thrift Store.

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 18 at 11 a.m. in the Activity Room where we will sort and prepare the items for distribution. For more information about any of the organizations we support or about joining our group, contact Carol Hoyt at 702-371-7550 or Karen Nutto at 201-787-9391.


Happy Summer We hope you are e

down and opportunities to visit friends and family

Songsters will b

starting up again on September 12 in the Vista room from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 pm. Please bring a binder for your music and a pencil with an eraser We will begin learning our parts for the holiday concert held in December Our director, Holly Strasser, has selected some beautiful and fun music to sing with a few surprises thrown in.

If you need further information please contact her at 702-305-1768 or

Enjoy life!


In July, the Technology Club will be dark and we will take the month off. The next Technology Club meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 1 at 6:30 p.m. i n t h e Vi s t a R o o m A t t h i s meeting, the popular topic of Genealogy will be discussed. Members will offer examples of genealogy research as well as resources. Please join the Club f o r t h i s v e r y i n f o r m a t i v e meeting!

Editor's Note: We have scheduled a very information seminar on Friday, July 12 at 10 the Community Center titled, “Find your Family Roots ~ Get Help Starting” led by Rod Leavitt, director of the Las Vegas Family Research Center. His non-profit group facilitates and shares information and offers free software, scanning, and digital services for family records, photos, tapes, and free personal assistance from his staff. Don't miss this opportunity to get a jump start on researching your family tree.


In May, the Auxiliary met for the last time before they broke for the summer. Members were updated on year-end projects and events, and also reminded about the Troopons coupon collection.

The Troops® Troopons® program enhances the well-being of overseas and domestic military families by sending them food, non-food, baby, and pet manufacturer coupons to make their hard-earned dollars go farther The Auxiliary maintains a collection box for this purpose located on the book return cabinet in the library at the Community Center. Even expired coupons (by 6 months) can be donated!

The Auxiliary will hold their fundraising garage sale on the weekend of October 5 and October 6 this fall. More information will follow; so, please keep them in mind for donating items!

Anyone who wants to support our veterans and military and is interested in joining the Auxiliary is welcome. You do NOT have to have a veteran or military family member to join! The Auxiliary goes on hiatus during the summer, which means the next regular meeting will not be held until September 17. Meetings are normally held the 3rd Tuesday of every month in the Vista Room at 9 a.m. from September through May

For more information, please contact Julie Tomlin at and 208-320-8115 or Hjordy Wagner at and 715529-9728.


Good Day Sun City Aliante Residents,

I'm Tom Morgan, TMC, USN (ret) and the proud, newly minted Vice Chairman of your Veteran's Club. We do a lot of good for our community... with your help and support, we’ll do even more!

Save The Date for The Next Veteran's Club Meeting

Third Tuesday, 6 p.m., (1800, Navy Time), Vista Room (No meetings in July & August)

Spotlight on: SAS-Seniors Assisting Seniors

Need a lightbulb or air filter changed?

Help with that 40# bag of softener pellets?

Who are you going to call?

Chris Rohrer at 928-242-3704 for assistance. By the way, he is always looking for helpers!

Enjoy all that Sun City Aliante has to offer.

Until next time... Stay Safe, Stay Well... Become Involved!!

Tom Morgan Vice Chairman, Veterans of Sun City Aliante

Seniors with Warm Hearts Inaugural Senior Prom Night

May 17, 2024, Vista Room, 5 - 8 p.m.

The Seniors with Warm Hearts held their Inaugural Senior Prom Night on May 17, complete with hors d'oeuvres, dessert and beverages. All proceeds from the event went to support the Las Vegas Valley charities they support. We hope you enjoy viewing photos of the event.

Karen Nutto Co-Chairperson, Seniors with Warm Hearts


Sun City Aliante resident Rod Stark had a chance to etch an event into his own historical record as a total solar eclipse swept across the United States. With durations of totality longer than 4 minutes from the Mexican border to Indianapolis, Rod took part in a must-see event. In 2024, some 31 6 million people

w e r e i n t h e s o l a r eclipse live pathway, and thousands more

t r a v e l l e d t o s e e i t Rod Stark made sure he was one of them.

Over a year ago, Stark started making plans to observe the 2024 S o l a r E c l i p s e H e decided to fly to Texas where he would have the longest observation for the total time of the eclipse. “The amount of time you have to observe the eclipse depends on where you are situated within the sun's shadow and the shape of the shadow,” explained Rod Stark. “Only those on the centerline at the Mexican border had more time in totality than we did!”

Rod made plans with a friend to fly to Dallas, Texas on Sunday, April 7. They stayed overnight and drove the next day to Sulphur Springs, which was on the centerline of the eclipse path.

“When we arrived at our destination, the sky had opened to partly cloudy with a high thin cirrus layer We would take it! At the beginning of total eclipse, at 1:40 p.m., a thin layer of cirrus clouds were the only thing blocking our view for 4 minutes and 40 seconds of total darkness. It was just amazing! We saw the diamond ring, the little streams of light through the valleys of the moon, and total darkness for four and one-half minutes! Then it was over and life returned to normal.”


A solar eclipse is an alignment of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth - in that order The Moon, directly between the Sun and Earth, casts a shadow on our planet. Its shadow has both an inner and an outer part. If you're in the dark inner part of that shadow, called the umbra, you'll see a total eclipse. If you're in the light outer part, the penumbra, you'll see a partial eclipse. If the Moon is far from Earth, or if Earth is close to the Sun, an annular eclipse will occur. During an annular eclipse, a ring of sunlight surrounds the Moon's disk.




H a v i n g c l o t h e s t h a t c a n seamlessly transition from casual to dressy is a gamechanger for travelers and busy individuals alike. It's a b o u t

efficiency, allowing you to p


your wardrobe pieces can

exploring a new city during

attire to dining at a fancy restaurant in the evening w

addition of accessories. This saves space in your luggage and ensures you're always prepared for any unexpected plans or invitations that may arise during your travels.

treasures. Imagine clothes that reverse from one vibrant print to another, allowing you to change your look in an instant without changing your outfit, or versatile pieces that transform with a simple adjustment—like a flowing skirt that becomes a chic strapless dress for an evening out. Multifunctional pieces are not only practical for reducing luggage weight and also offer a playful way to express your style and adapt to different settings and occasions.

Merino wool stands out for its remarkable breathability, making it perfect for both warm and cool climates by naturally adjusting to your body's temperature. Its ability to resist odors is a traveler's dream, allowing for multiple wears.. Beyond its functional benefits, merino wool's versatility shines through in its ability to drape elegantly in various garment forms, from lightweight base layers to stylish sweaters, The beauty of incorporating merino wool into your travel wardrobe lies in its seamless blend of comfort, style, and practicality

Accessories are the secret weapon in the savvy traveler's arsenal, with the power to transform the simplest of outfits into a myriad of looks with minimal effort. A well-chosen scarf can add a pop of color to a neutral top, double as a stylish wrap on cooler evenings, or even serve as an impromptu beach sarong. Statement jewelry pieces like a necklace instantly elevate a basic dress or blouse.Hats and sunglasses not only serve practical purposes but also add a touch of personality and flair to any ensemble. By investing in a selection of carefully chosen accessories, travelers can easily change the look and feel of their outfits, enabling them to pack lighter without sacrificing style and versatility Be sure and opt for things that aren't too pricey that if they get lost they won't break your bank!

Here are some companies doing convertible pieces and well made items for travel- check their collections for other items: AngelRox makes clothes that double from tunics to dresses and are made in the USA. Helene Clarkson makes a full line of reversible clothes. Coolibar focuses more on Sun protective clothing which is great for travel and protecting our skin for all ages. The pieces are versatile and if you choose carefully can be worn casually or dressed up a bit. Other brands that have good travel pieces are Chico's, Eddie Bauer, Columbia, Kuand websites.

April Bielefeldt, is a writer and travel enthusiast with a passion for exploring the intersection of fashion and adventure. With years of experience in crafting engaging tours and travel itineraries, April brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into the nuances of travel destinations and style, aiming to inspire others to journey with confidence and flair! “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken”- Oscar Wilde


har tered C lubs, as outlined in the “Sun City Aliante Club Guidelines,” are Board-recognized and open to all Sun City Aliante residents. ese clubs are sanctioned strictly for the members of this Association with no exceptions, unless a club invites guest speakers, instructors, etc. A household guest will be allowed to participate in club activities, in compliance with required guest policies and fees. All club members should be familiar with these guidelines set forth by the Board, as well as their individual club bylaws and/or policies and procedures. If you have questions regarding your club charter, call Lifestyle Director, Debbie Kent, at 702-638-5061.

Afternoon Games. Meets Sundays, 1 - 4 p.m. Contact Patti Mellor at 702-633-7671 and

Aliante's Classy Chefs. Meets 1st Tuesday, 9:30 a.m. in the SCAL Kitchen. Contact Freda Por ter-Katz at 347-5810298 and or Hjordy Wagner at 715-529-9728 and hwiz

American Mah Jongg. Meets Wednesdays and Fridays, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Contact Arlene Harris at 914-456-9690 and

Art Club. Meets Tuesdays, 10 a.m. Contact K aren Franklin at 702-633-4833 and or Peggy Totino at 702-217-5973 or

Ballroom Dancing. Meets Thursdays at 6 p.m. Contact Renna K ashiwabara at 808-670-4459 and No classes in May –star ts June 6.

Book Club. Meets the 3rd Thursday, 6:45 p.m. Contact Jeannette Smith at 702-649-2468. For book selections, see flyer in the SCAL Librar y

Bridge Club. Meets Thursdays, 5:45 p.m. Contact Mar y Jane and Charles D'Agati at 201-321-1691 or

Bunco. Meets the 2nd Thursday, 5:30 - 8:45 p.m. Contact Cathy Pierce at 209-595-0833 and or Robin Sharp at 303-641-2107 and

Ceramics. Meets Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Contact Amy Redd at 501-773-5201and and Angelo Belpasso at 702-6470701 and

Chess. Meets Tuesdays from 2- 4 p.m. Contact Norman Coats at 702-606-0064 and

Cornhole. Meets Tuesdays, 8:30 a.m. (Summer hours) Contact Rebecca Anderson at 702-271-1014 and rsa2373@gmailcom.

Club DIAL Saturdays – Beginners, 10 - 10:30 a.m.; Intermediate 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Mondays –Intermediate 6 p.m.; Wednesdays – Advanced (New Club Dances) 6 p.m. Contact Mar yann Gorsk i at 702-6423212 and

8Ballers Billiards. Meets Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 10 a.m.-noon.. Contact Dwight Gerdes at 702306-3865. and

Euchre. Meets Mondays, 1 p.m. Contact Cher yl Gustin at 319-415-0471 and

Forget-Me -Knots. Knitting, needlework , crochet, jewelr y. Meets Mondays, 1-4 p.m. Contact Collette Stickney at 702-399-2647 and or Madeline Shapiro at 702-399-5347 and

Glass Crafters. Meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Contact Jill Ramsey at 702-642-8716 and, or Chris Rohrer at 928-242-3704 and

HK & F (Hand, Knee & Foot) ) Meets Thursdays, 1–4 p.m. Contact Dale Elik an at 847-858-7089 and or Judy Singer at 702-6336733 and

Hand and Foot. Meets Tuesdays, 1- 4 p.m. Contact Jeff Ir vine at 909-560-7289 and jir or Amy Redd at 501-773-5201 and

Mahjong. Meets Mondays, 1-4 p.m. Contact Judy Stanford at 702-378-6551

Mexican Train Dominoes. Meets Fridays, 1p.m. Contact Alanna Tiehes at 951-313-1349 and or Carol Jones at 661466-3478 and

Pan. Meets on Mondays at 5:45 p.m. and Fridays at noon. Contact Renée Snodgrass at 818-807-3369 or 702-458-0013 or

Paper Crafting. Meets Mondays, 1-4 p.m. Contact Denise Simon at 914-907-6899 and

Pickleball. Club play is Tues., Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun. at 7 a.m. (Spring/Summer) and 8 a.m. (Fall/Winter). Free lessons on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. (Summer hours), for new players and anyone interested in practicing their sk ills. Contact Sarah Smith at 702-635-4629 or

Pinochle. Meets Tuesdays, 5:30-8:30 p.m. & Sundays 46:45 p.m. Contact Renee Swanson at 702-773-2283 and

Poker. Meets Wednesdays at 4 p.m. and Fridays, 4:15 p.m. Contact Vicky Inger tson at 951-219-9549 and or Dan Schaller at

Silver Needles and Threads. Quilting. Meets Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9-11a.m. Contact K athie Smith at 562-706-1616 and or Sondra Harrington at 505-206-2298 and

Solos. Social group for singles. Contact Jane Meisch at 254-702-1936 and

Sun City Aliante Songsters. Meets Thursdays, 3:30 –5:30 p.m. Contact Lorraine Zanello at 702-460-9583 and or Holly Strasser at 702-3051768 and

Spades. Meets Mondays, 6 p.m. Contact Sonja Bankston-Cullen at 702-518-5597 and

Sun City Aliante Steppers. Meets Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2 p.m. Contact Margo Young at 702-6491176 and

Table Tennis. Meets Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 10 a.m. Saturday - open play. Contact Ed Ernest at 269-5910759 and or Ir vin Levein at 626201-1448 and ir

Technology Club. Meets 1st Thursday, 6:30 p.m. Contact Wayne Headrick at 725-227-3441 and

Tennis. Meets Tues., Thurs., Sat. mornings for Open Play. Summer schedule star ts 7 a.m. Weather may affect star t times. Contact Javed Akhtar at 972-342-5036 and jak

Ukulele Strummers. Meets Sundays at noon. Contact Kevin Smith at 916-847-7422 and

Veteran’s of Sun City. Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6 p.m. Contact Marc Hollander at 818-915-1509 and

Veteran’s Auxiliar y of Sun City Aliante. Meets the 3rd Tuesday, 9 a.m. Contact Hjordy Wagner at 715-5299728 and hwiz or Julie Tomlin at 208320-8115 and


The following Special Interest Groups are Boardrecognized and may schedule meetings in advance. Please check the calendar.

Aliante Fil-Am Interest Group. Contact Chris DeLude at 702-655-3314 or Ana Marie Kilroy at 702-482-3034 and anak

Aloha Hawaii. E Komo Mai. Meets July 27, September 28, November 30. Contact Willie & Roz Ho at 808-3062695 or Colleen Stevens at 808-500-3626.

Bowling. Meets Thursdays at noon at Sunset Station Bowling Center. Contact Ray Wong at 702-646-9664 and

Havarah. Meets to socialize & celebrate Jewish holidays. Contact Mady Shapiro at 702-399-5347 and or and Sher yl at 815-517-0610

Ladies' Golf. Meets Thursdays at Aliante Golf Course Contact Robin Sharp at 303-641-2107.

LGBT. Meets 2nd Wednesday, 6 p.m. Contact Sher yl at 818-517-0610 and or text Steve Besefseke at 847-409-4069

Minnesota Nice Group. Meets monthly. Contact Obbie Har vieux at 651-735-9111 and Mar y Jo Jerome at

Neighborhood Watch. Meets 3rd Thursday, 4-5 p.m. Contact Jim Blossey at 775-530-5119 and

Seniors Assisting Seniors Helps seniors with limited home needs & medical equipment. Hot line -702-9813149. Chris Rohrer at

Seniors with Warm Hear ts Helps disadvantaged children and teens and other non-profit organizations. Contact K aren Nutto at 201-787-9391 and or Carol Hoyt at 702-371-7550 and

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