Tornado Times Volume 15.2

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May 2024 Vol. 15, No. 2
Resiliency Training Inadequate resources detract from resiliency training's effectiveness Competitive Cheer Season recap See you soon! Broward Schools shortens students' summer Rising Star Junior Jonathan Berwig builds his legacy Pro/Con: District-wide Four-Day Schedule Pros and cons of a four-day schedule proposed for students across the district Determined to Lead Spotlight on senior Asia Bennett Teacher of the Year Biology teacher Dr. Singkornrat named Broward teacher of the year Spotlight: Pompapoets Poetry samples from PBHS students May 2024 Volume 15.2 What's in the news? 4 15 14 12 7 6 16 10 2 | Table of Contents < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes

Print issues in the 2023-24 school year are planned for February and May.

For the students and teachers of PBHS, who need reliable information, relief from the stresses of school and a sense of unity and inclusion, Tornado Times is a website connected to social media and a quarterly print magazine that will report the news and entertain. Unlike posters and media from other student organizations, our product offers more students a voice and provides reliable and thorough information. By emphasizing coverage of what is happening in the school, considering our duty to readers’ “right to know” and providing readers what they seem to want, we will promote creativity, respect and trust.

Eye of the storm, voice of the Tornado

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Brody Berrios, Editor-in-Chief

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600 NE 13 Ave. Pompano Beach, FL 33060

Phone: (754) 322-2000 < May 2024 > About us | 3

Resiliency training:

Noble cause, lacking resources

Thoughts of self harm, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. All of these are issues that teenaged students will likely encounter at some point in high school or college, either in their own experiences or in supporting friends.

The CDC reported that 22% of highschool students seriously considered attempting suicide and 10% percent of students actually attempted taking they’re own lives.

This year, the required number of hours to be focused on educating students and building their skill set to cope with mental health challenges increased from five to ten throughout the school year. Our staff applauds this willingness to re-allocate instructional, academic time to this critical need for students. And students genuinely see a need for this important work and are open to engaging in it in a meaningful way.

“Resiliency training is a good way to make students secure about themselves,” senior Meghan Alterma said. “It helps students think about things that they may not think about normally.”

Many students are not equipped to deal with these issues from the typical curriculum and academic courses offered in middle and high school. Many families struggle with broaching these topics at home as they are almost always uncomfortable to talk about in an open and honest way. Because of this, schools have taken on filling the gap.

“I think it's great. It's something that schools need, but students don’t really care enough about it, and (neither do teachers),” sophomore Skylar Joseph added.

Given the backdrop of this mental health crisis, schools can and should be a leader in educating students, building their resiliency, and creating open dialogues to bring these struggles out of the shadows.

“I think if it’s done with fidelity, and it’s rolled out properly, students really do get to learn those tools and put them into practice. But if it’s just kind of a check box and it’s not being taken seriously, then it doesn’t impact anybody,”
-Counselor Nathalie Vessosa

“I think if it’s done with fidelity, and it’s rolled out properly, students really do get to learn those tools and put them into practice. But if it’s just kind of a check box and it’s not being taken seriously, then it doesn’t impact anybody,” counselor Nathalie Vessosa said.

Consequently, it’s no surprise that much of the time during the training sessions is not utilized to its fullest potential. Teachers rarely have time to come up with plans for their class in advance, and many of the RethinkED modules involve long-term activities that are not doable in the given time. Even the activities that are feasible often require materials that teachers may not have on hand. This all results in many teachers simply putting on the videos present in the modules without engaging students in facilitated discussion. Even those teachers that do attempt to hold discussions rarely have the preparation to engage students as well as they could if they were properly educated on how to best conduct the training.

Vessosa defined “properly” as “actually going

4 | Opinion < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes
English teacher Kristen Edwards presents a resiliency lesson to her class. PHOTO BY SEAN ANDREI MECATE

through the lessons. Teachers rolling out the curriculum and having conversations, instead of students just… getting it over with.”

Students are also expected to fill out a survey and sometimes a personal activity afterwards, but once again, teachers are not given complete information about these activities, leading many students to be unaware that they even exist.

“A lot of the students go on their phones and don’t pay much attention. Having just a video up is not effective for what could be a time of discussion compared to just watching something and filling out a survey,” sophomore Skylar Joseph commented.

Given that many students feel that they are not being effectively taught about these important mental health topics, many propose different solutions, primarily changes that could make the training more focused on class discussion and based around personal reflection.

“More activities together with people… so it's not just a video and an assignment, but working together with others,” sophomore Izabella Dolfinger said. “You could have questions to ask each other, to see people’s thoughts.”

If training were based on small group or whole class discussion, students may feel a deeper connection to what they learn, and may take the lessons more seriously. While some classes do engage in activities like these, the previously mentioned lack of teacher training means that said discussions are not standardized. Further,

while some modules do include discussions, they often call on students to simply restate what the video said, instead of forming a deeper personal connection to the concepts. While this would by no means entirely fix the issue of student engagement, it would certainly be an important step away from the passive form that the training currently takes.

About the idea of how it would be possible to improve the resiliency education if students are not engaging, Vessosa put forth the idea of making the curriculum into a required class that would last an entire year. “If the way that we roll it out isn’t impactful, and if the state sees the data and thinks ‘we need to switch it up’... make it a graduation requirement. Make it a class that’s a grade where you are exposed to it and have to participate.”

Whatever changes the district may eventually make, it needs to keep teachers informed about how to best use the resources provided to fill the time, and it needs to base that training on methods that are proven to keep students engaged as much as possible. Resiliency training has the potential to improve and potentially even save the lives of students in the district, but that potential can only turn into reality through action, and the action necessary in this case begins with administrators at the state, district, and school levels. < May 2024> Opinion | 5

Competitive Cheer

Season Recap

The girls competitive cheer team just completed their 2023-2024 season.

The girls kicked off the season at the BCAA Competitive Cheer Championships at Dillard High School on Jan. 13, where they scored 67 out of 100. “Coming into this season, I was very excited,” junior Cristina Castresana said. “The most challenging thing to overcome as a team this season was our district competition performance.”

However, they didn't get the results they wanted at the competition.

“It wasn’t our best and we were disappointed in ourselves. We knew we had to work harder,” senior Shantoria Robinson said.

The team then competed at the FHSAA Regionals at Coral Glades High School on Jan. 19, where they scored 69 out of 100 points, placing third. “I know a lot of the upperclassmen really wanted to become state finalists this year and were ready to put in the work to get there,” Castresana said.

The FHSAA State Championships took place in Lakeland on Feb. 3, where the girls competed in two rounds. In the first round, the team placed first and “hit zero,” meaning they successfully finished a routine without any deductions. “I’m proud of my team and how far we’ve come,” Robinson said. They placed 5th out of 7 in the second round.

6 | News < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes
PHOTO COURTESY OF SHANTORIA ROBINSON PHOTO COURTESY OF SHANTORIA ROBINSON Brooke Rock, Sports Editor and Sean Andrei Mecate, Photo Editor The girls competitive cheer team poses outside at the FHSAA State Championships in Lakeland, Florida, on Feb. 3 before stepping on stage to compete 2 rounds. The competitive cheer team takes on the FHSAA Regionals competition at Coral Glades High School on Jan. 19 where they placed third with 69 out of 100 points.

See you soon!

This summer will be shortened by one week, as the 2024-25 school year will now start on Aug. 12 and end on June 3 instead of being from Aug. 21 to June 9. The first semester normally ends two weeks after winter break, but with the change in start date the semester will be able to finish before winter break. This will allow teachers to have the time to administer midterm exams and complete semester grades before leaving for the break.

This was the most significant reason for the Broward school board’s decision, which was supported by a 7-1 vote. Moving the start date earlier allows for the semester to close with the winter break and gives teachers more continuity with their teaching in the semester instead of having to continue the semester several weeks later.

The earlier start date can benefit students, too.

“I’m sure it will be better in the long run for predicting my semester grade…with my midterm grade,” junior Huiling Zhang said. “I still don’t like it.”

However, not all students agree with the benefits of this new calendar.

“I don’t think it’s necessary. They need to let us chill. We worked hard,” sophomore Shreya Shatma said.

The earlier start also means that Broward County schools will start at the same time as schools in Palm Beach County, whereas before Broward County had started later.

Although there are opinions for and against the start date, some students do realize that an earlier start date doesn’t mean a longer school year.

“I don’t really think it would make a difference,” freshman Violet Kostrzecha said. “You’re just taking the end of summer and putting it at the beginning.”

Make sure to mark your calendar for Aug. 12 and see you next school year!


the first semester now starting earlier and concluding before the winter break, we believe both students and teachers will have more time to prepare for exams and recharge before the second semester," now-former superintendent Peter Licata said. < May 2024 > News | 7
Student Opinions of Updated Student Calendar
8 | Sponsors < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes
PHOTO BY SEAN ANDREI MECATE < May 2024 > Sponsors | 9 Acrisure’s purpose is to connect our clients to solutions that help them grow and protect what matters. Information is as of 12/31/23 and includes acquisitions closed and LOIs signed since 1/1/24 2) According to 17 annual Insurance Journal Top 100 Independent Property/Casualty Agencies report 3) According to AM Best Top Global Insurance Brokers — 2023 Edition March 2024 Global Fintech leader combining the best of humans and high tech Entrepreneurial culture driven by 73% employee ownership of the Company Operates the fastest growing Insurance Broker in industry history, is the largest independent Title Broker in America, has expertise in Mortgage Origination and delivers a full spectrum of Cyber Services solutions #1 largest Property/Casualty Agency in the U.S.(2) and 6th largest global broker(3) Partner to the iconic Pittsburgh Steelers, Brand Ambassador Lionel Richie and other globally recognized brands and entertainment venues Greg Williams Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO Greg Williams is the Chairman & CEO of Acrisure, which he co-founded in 2005. With a compounded annual growth rate of 56% since 2013, the Company has surpassed $4 billion in revenue and has averaged more than 100 M&A transactions per year since 2017. Already the 6th largest insurance broker in the world, Acrisure is now a global Fintech company with a broad product and service offering which is underpinned by a robust AI platform. 17,000+ EMPLOYEES MILLIONS OF CLIENTS WORLDWIDE PRO FOR BILLION $4.4 (1) 20+ COUNTRIES

Rising Star Jonathan Berwig builds his legacy

Web Editor

Unmistakable wherever you see him, Junior Jonathan Berwig is someone who stands out in a crowd — he is instantly noticeable in film sessions and on the court. While his appearance is how a lot of people recognize him, his work ethic, drive, and his game changing style of play are qualities that truly define who Jonathan Berwig is.

Berwig’s coach, Jamesey Stone, is somebody who sees these qualities every day. Whether Berwig is in practice running sprints or leading the offense down the court in a game, Coach Stone sees the dedication Berwig puts into becoming a better basketball player.

“I’ve known Jonathan since 9th grade in travel ball,” Coach Stone said.

“He's a leader now, a floor general, he's like the coach on the court; all the kids look up to him.”

Whether Berwig can play in college, Coach Stone believes the question should not be whether he can play in college, but rather how far he can go.

“In five years, Jonathan has a chance to play in the pros or overseas. He has the talent and wit for it,” Stone said. With Stone having experience playing overseas in Italy himself, this is high praise.

If you ask Berwig, he also believes that he has a spot on a college roster in the future. “I am sure that I will play in college, although where that will be is still undecided at the moment,” he said.

Since Berwig is the primary ball handler of the team, he’s expected to handle the rock without mistakes

while leading the offense down the court. Being trusted with the heavy responsibility of running an offense while being a junior is tough, yet Berwig does it effortlessly. He finished the year leading the team in points, assists, free throws, field goal percentage and free throw percentage. He also led the team in steals too, showing how effective Berwig is at playing both ends of the court.

In five years, Jonathan has a chance to play in the pros or overseas. He has the talent and wit for it.”
10 | Sports < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes

According to his teammates, the reason why he got here is because of the effort he puts in every day.

“[Berwig] always works hard during practice, and it translates to the games as well,” senior Kerrick Wiggins said. As the starting shooting guard on the team, Wiggins plays in the backcourt next to Berwig. Having Berwig as a teammate to compete against and play with has helped Wiggins elevate his own game on the court.

“Jonathan is a leader, he always has the right attitude,” junior Dominic Huisman said. “Even though we are down at half [some games], he encourages the team and makes me want to go out onto the court and set a good example for my other teammates.”

Having the right attitude isn’t always the answer to succeeding in basketball though. Anyone who has played the game knows that hard work and athleticism can take you a long way, but having a deeper

understanding of basketball itself is how you can become a true winner.

“My basketball IQ is probably my strongest strength,” Berwig said. “Moving players up and down the court, getting people in the right spots, learning all the plays, it’s one of the many things I do and the thing I believe I do best.”

Looking back now, Berwig believes that the season was a success overall, for the team and for himself. However, he thinks the team can achieve even more next year.

“I think the season overall was a successful season; we didn’t have a lot of varsity returns and we lost a lot of players, [so] to win double digit games this season and match our win total from last season was very impressive,” Berwig said. “We only lost two people this year, so we should be set for a great season next year.”

How far Berwig goes will remain to be seen. However, it is undeniable that Berwig is building a legacy at Pompano that many will talk about for years to come.

Top Photo: Junior Jonathan Berwig dribbles the ball between his legs while surveying the defense. Berwig scored 20 points on 73% field goal shooting en route to a 75-57 loss to the Plantation High School. Berwig commented that the team has to stay and not let the final score affect them.

Bottom Photo: Junior Jonathan Berwig collects the ball before cutting to the basket. Berwig scored 19 points, 7 assists, 5 rebounds, 1 steal and 1 block during a 69-60 loss to Nova High School, Berwig said the team has a lot of games left to play and that this one result does not define the team as a whole. < May 2024 > Sports | 11

Pros of a Four-Day Week Schedule

Why the District Should Adopt a 4-Day Week Schedule

In December, Broward County Public Schools sent out a survey to families of high schoolers in the county in order to gauge interest in the idea of switching all high schools in the county to a “four day plus one” schedule. Though our school already has this schedule, many other kids from around the county are wondering if this would be a good fit for their schools.

For many students, a 4-day week schedule has multiple benefits. Not having school on Fridays leaves an opening for a day to work on school assignments, perform volunteer work, or even to catch up on sleep.

“On Fridays we’re allowed to do other activities such as volunteering, and that gives us a heads up compared to other schools who have school on Fridays,” senior Leila Valbrun said about the 4-day schedule. Valbrun also mentioned that, as a senior, she likes to use Fridays to explore potential colleges. Compared to those with more traditional schedules, such opportunities provide a big advantage for students that have that time.

Equipped with the unique perspective of already experiencing a schedule very similar to the one proposed has led many students at our school to feel that it would help other schools to remove Fridays in their schedule. “It would be a lot easier for other high schools, especially for students who have jobs,” junior Gabe Blanc stated. Fridays help a lot of students with jobs to be able to get some income while also gaining more learning experience for the future.

Making it so that only students in need of additional instruction need to go on Fridays allows students to accomplish much more. Having extra time for sleeping, exploring colleges, and working jobs gives students the option to learn not just what they are taught in school, but to gain invaluable experience for their future. “Our 4-Day week schedule is very successful,” Principal Lisa Spencer said.

In short, the four day schedule that Pompano already uses provides our students with many unique opportunities in and out of school. Expanding a similar schedule to high schools throughout the county will allow many more students to reap the benefits that currently help foster success at our own school.

“I like it. I feel like it gives us a lot of time for homework and sports.”

-Junior Amethyst Folk-Arnaud

“I love Fridays off, it gives me an opportunity to volunteer.”

-Freshman Brett Clarkson

“I think it would also give them an opportunity to get some volunteer time, some rest, and to visit colleges.”

-Senior Leila Valbrun

12 | Opinion < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes

Cons of a Four-Day Week Schedule

Why the District Should Not Adopt a 4-Day Week Schedule

In December, a survey went around the schools of Broward county asking students opinions of a 4-day week schedule, leaving Friday for the weekend. But the four-day schedule has a great impact on students' regular lives.

Because of the 4-day week, students are forced to wake up at 6, 5, sometimes 4 in the morning just to get ready for school. Those who take the bus are forced to wake up even earlier just to be ready in time for its arrival. This also causes school to start at 7:00 AM and end at 3:30 PM as opposed to traditional high schools, which start at 7:40 AM and end at 2:40 PM. According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, “middle and high schools should aim to start no earlier than 8:30 AM to enable students to get adequate sleep.”

Having a shorter week means lengthy school days, and as a result, school starts early in the morning. “Waking up at 4 o’clock in the morning and also the 2 hour classes are kind of miserable,” freshman Danika Estes said. Many students who go here live far from the school, but are willing to commute because of their hard work and determination. Students whose parents cannot drive them to school will ride the bus which can be a challenge.

Moreover, the 4-day schedule can interfere with after-school activities. Many extracurriculars end around 4:30 or later, which means getting a ride home can be a struggle. While some may say that 4-day schedules are helpful because students can spend Fridays catching up on schoolwork, sleep, and more, not all students utilize their Friday’s responsibly.

After school activities can be a struggle for some because getting home late can be taxing on parents. Even though our school provides a bus for students with after school activities, some clubs don’t end in time, causing some students more trouble with getting home. Even if students were to take the after school

bus home, it’s likely that they’d get home late, which can interfere with schoolwork and other tasks. For some parents, picking up their kids from school can be an issue. Many parents work a 9-5 job, making it difficult for them to balance their busy schedules.

The 4-day week schedule is not a perfect concept. After school activities can be difficult in terms of transportation and getting schoolwork done in a timely manner. School starts earlier in the morning, classes are longer, and kids get home later in the day. Overall, the benefits don’t outweigh the downsides of the four day school schedule.

“I swim for 2 hours after school which makes it harder for me to do my homework on time especially when I go out for the weekend.”

-Freshman Aimee De Don

Percentage of Individuals Who Believe a Four-Day Class Schedule with an Optional Fifth Day is Beneficial < May 2024> Opinion | 13
4% 28% 24% 32% 12% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


Nowadays, hard-working, determined students may be hard to come by, but senior Asia Bennett proves that sentiment wrong. Bennett has always had an affinity to be a leader, which is shown through her leadership roles in the multiple clubs she’s a part of, such as Tea and Crafts Club, Fashion and Design Club, Film and Technology Association, and Student Government. But she isn’t just in these clubs, she holds important officer positions in almost all of them.

Although she has many responsibilities, her passion for these clubs keeps her from overworking herself. “I hold an officer position in three of those. I am the President of FTA (Film and Technology Association), the President of Tea and Crafts, and the Vice President of Design of FAD (Fashion and Design Club),” Bennett said. “I have a particular passion for photography, and I knew that joining a club would help me use my skills and express my creativity. I am also a big fan of crafts, so joining a club where I could relax after school and pursue my hobbies with like-minded people was a natural choice for me.”

Bennett hopes that with her officer positions, she’ll be able to spread her love for these hobbies onto others who’ve also joined. “I believe in sharing my passion with new members. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing others enjoy the activities as much as I do… I was able to contribute my skills and experience to help these clubs grow and thrive,” Bennett commented. Being responsible for leading these clubs may be challenging, but because of her inspiring guardian, she strives for greatness. “I know it may sound cliché, but my mother has always been my biggest inspiration. I see how hard she works and the amount of effort she has put into getting where she is today. By following in her footsteps, I hope to achieve the same level of success that she has,” Bennett said. Due to the excessive time being an important member in

these clubs can take up, it can be hard to find time for equally important things like homework, work, etc. However, Bennett uses what she can to her advantage so she can stay on top of her responsibilities. “As a senior with senior privileges and dual enrollment, I have some extra time… I recognize the importance of maintaining good grades and focus throughout my final year of high school,” Bennett commented. Bennett highly recommends joining clubs, maybe even starting your own, but make sure to not lose focus of what’s best for your mental health, and future. “Joining clubs is a great idea, but it’s important to avoid overworking yourself. My advice would be to participate in the clubs that interest you, while also making sure you don’t take on too much.”

14 | Student Life < May 2024 > @TornadoTimes
Senior Asia Bennett helps Sophomore Rayfern Ferreira learn to crochet at a Tea and Crafts club meeting. PHOTO COURTESY OF ASIA BENNETT


It’s once again the time of year for Broward County to select a teacher of the year. This year, our very own Dr. Claudia Singkornrat was named the 2024 Broward County Teacher of the Year on Feb. 2 at BCPS annual Caliber Awards ceremony.

The Caliber Awards recognizes outstanding teachers, principals, and staff across the 336 schools in Broward County. Selected from over 12,500 educators, Singkornrat endured a rigorous process involving multiple interviews, applications, and nominations, ultimately prevailing as the winner of five finalists.

“I was very surprised as there are so many teachers in Broward County that are amazing,” Singkornrat said. “It was a great moment and it is definitely a very defining moment in my career.”

As a three-time runner up for teacher of the year, she was ecstatic after successfully placing first. A former chiropractor of ten years and an AP biology and anatomy teacher for 21 years, now revered for her educational contributions, Singkornrat acknowledges that teaching students is her passion. “For me it’s not about the prizes; it's about teaching and taking care of my students, which I love to do,” Singkornrat said.

The process to suggest and propose candidates for the award is meticulous. To begin, Broward County teachers vote on a teacher from their school that they believe deserves the award. Then, a district committee selects seven semi-finalists and eventually five finalists.

Once selected as one of the five finalists, each teacher must submit a video that displays their teaching and then a lengthy interview is held before an 11-person panel, including the previous teacher and principal of the year. This is all based on a lengthy application which includes several writing prompts on teaching philosophy, accomplishments, and student data.

“The process of going through the Teacher of the Year tasks and events has allowed me to reflect on teaching and how much I enjoy interacting with my students and my desire to help them academically and emotionally to reach their full potential,” Singkornrat said. “I would not want to be in any other profession.”

The Annual Caliber Awards ceremony featured a special appearance from the now-former superintendent, school board representatives, and few others. This year's prize for recognition includes $2,500, two airplane round trip tickets, opera tickets, Marlins tickets, and $5,000 scholarship from NSU. < May 2024 > News | 15
Dr. Claudia Singkornrat recieving the teacher of the year award being given to her by mayor Rex Hardin. Dr. Claudia Singkornrat poses with principal of the year, Rosheika Rolle and former superintendent, Dr. Peter B. Licata. PHOTO BY BRODY BERRIOS PHOTO COURTESY OF DR. SINGKORNRAT

Spotlight: pompapoets

For what I strive for

For what I strive, I yet not know.

Thinking about all the things I could be, An engineer, A lawyer, A doctor,

For all I want and all I work for, I don't know what to pick for.

The options limitless and plentiful, Too overbearing and heavy on my shoulders, And to release this weight I must choose.

But how?

There are so many things I want to be, Some I probably never heard and will never.

I yet not know.

What will I choose?

Will I ever choose?

Will I ever get what I want?

To the beauty that is life don't run away from me stay by my side as i want to feel and i want to wrapped in your loving arms i want to bathe in your tears of joy as every experience is bright like sunlight beaming down on my skin brown and rich like the soil that nourishes the trees as i am grateful grateful to you sweet life and i thank you for being kind to me despite my cries over hand held things and people that serve me no purpose you have stayed with me you have provided you have provided the beauty that is you so please life don't run away from me let me bask in the greatness that is your presence

16 | Feature< May 2024 > @TornadoTimes

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