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Case 2a: Wave period start from: 10s Wave length start from: 129.5m Wave height start from: 6m

Case 2b: Wave period start from: 8s Wave length start from: 92.95m Wave height start from: 6m

Case 2c: Wave period start from: 6s Wave length start from: 56.2m Wave height start from: 6m

Wave length range(35.4m to 129.5m) Wave height range(0.28m to 6m)

Wave length range(28.37m to 92.95m) Wave height range(0.43m to 6.0m)

Wave length range(21.22m to 56.2m) Wave height range(0.12m to 6.0m)

Experiment 2 - Conclusions As discussed in Experiment 1, relation of wave length and platform width, together with the wave height are the two deeper study on the coastal hydraulic issues will provide a more practical result in Experiment-2 (Neumann and Pierson, 1966). Coastal sea wave length and period are dynamic parameters that change corresponding to the water depth. The implementation of this dynamic changing is necessary during the simulation procedure. Dynamic wave length has been implemented in the algorithm during the second experiment. Reduction water and shallow water. wave period with series of wave height has been test for comparison. 3.0 RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT


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