From primary care to emergency care, and everything in between, you can get the right health care, in the right place, at the right time with Huntington Hospital, now an affiliate of Cedars-Sinai.

“...met so business-excited,manyfocusedpeople! “...25% of my Chamber.themadeconnectionscome15overbusiness,thepastyearshasfromIthroughPasadena “ forwardlookImonth,Every –LuncheonChambertheto entrepreneurs,othermeeting supportthemegivesmyself,like need.I “ businessidea...heardagreatforanewmodel... “ everymeetfewweeks... “Thank you! “The therelocateininstrumentalChamberPasadenawashelpingusfromeastcoast. “We could expand because the Pasadena Chamber helped navigate city processes for us, saving us more than $150,000 in the process.
Table of Contents Greetings Page 3 Pasadena: History 4 Visitor’s Guide 6 Getting to & Around Pasadena 9 The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce 10 Chamber Directors & Officers 13 Pasadena Facts 14 Pasadena Business Climate 16 Major Employers 17 Community Resources 18 Helpful Contact Information 18 Business Guide 19 Green Business Guide 20 Entertainment Guide 21 Dining Guide 22 Accommodations Guide 24 Education Guide 25 Health + Wellness Guide 27 Chamber Listing by Category 29 List of Advertisers 55 Chamber Alphabetical Listing 56 2 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide CONTENTS A Publication of Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association 44 North Mentor Avenue Pasadena CA 91106 626 795-3355 Fax: 626 www.pasadena-chamber.org795-5603 Design + Production Roses 626Laux@RosesRoad.comwww.RosesRoad.comRoad2532139 Printing Licher Printing & Mailing 980 Seco Street, Pasadena CA 91103 626 795 3333 The information in this directory was gathered and carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. Pasadena Chamber of Commerce cannot and does not guarantee the correctness of all information furnished them, nor the complete absence of errors or omissions, hence, no responsibility for the same can be, nor is, assumed. Reproduction of any material from this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission from the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce. ©2022 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce On the Cover TERRA COTTA ROOFTOPS, PASADENA, 2022 by Sallie Way Sallie Way is an artist and graphic designer whose work has appeared in several shows. She also illustrated a children’s book and is a retired art and design teacher. She lives on a farm with her husband Greg and many animals. She is also a selfproclaimed “bee-nerd” beekeeper. Networking Events 1st Wednesday 11:45am Luncheon Alliance 2nd Thursday 7am Breakfast Connection 3rd Wednesday 8 am Ambassador Committee 3rd Thursday – Quarterly 5pm Chamber After-Hours Social and Young Professionals Mixer Quarterly Board and Committees Board of EconomicDirectorsandBusiness Development LegislativeSub-CommitteeandGovernment Affairs Member Services Sub-Committee Technology Sub-Committee Workforce Development Sub-Committee 2022-23 Annual Events January 1 Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game January Cheeseburger Week March Technology Summit April Industry Day/Procurement Forum with JPL and City of Pasadena April Pasadena Restaurant Week June Inaugural Gala September Economic and Business Summit December President’s Breakfast Honoring the Tournament of Roses For more detailed and specific information on events, please visit our www.pasadena-chamber.orgwebsite.

The City of Pasadena is resilient. The City of Pasadena remains strong and vibrant. Please join me, the City Council, our Chamber of Commerce, residents, businesses and workers in supporting our local businesses.
With our Planning and Community Development, Transportation and Public Works departments, as well as our Public Health staff, the City Council has moved quickly to institute adjustments to codes and requirements so that we could get our businesses re-opened safely.
The Chamber is a strong and effective advocate for our members. Our continued efforts prodded the City of Pasadena to create a Small Business Relief Fund that granted $10,000 to 50 local small businesses. The city followed that with a round of micro-grants for our most vulnerable companies. In addition, we worked closely with City staff to devise and implement outdoor dining plus food and beverage take-out service in Pasadena.
Raphael Henderson, Chair of the Board, 2022-23
As we slowly emerge from the effects of the global pandemic, Pasadena is proud of our efforts to protect our residents. Pasadena is very fortunate to have its own Public Health Department, which worked diligently to ensure Pasadena was as safe as possible from the coronavirus.
Thank you for your ongoing loyalty and support.
Pasadena enjoys a very diverse economic base, from worldrenowned educational institutions to cultural institutions, healthcare providers, financial services, and hospitality. We have always enjoyed a stable economic base that supports the quality of life in Pasadena. The COVID-19 pandemic hit Pasadena hard, and the City responded. We provided grants to local small businesses to help keep them open in the face of economic disaster. Our staff also offered expert technical advice. Our city government is determined to maintain the Pasadena we all know and love.
Pasadena is already seeing renewed interest in our tourism and hospitality industries. The Rose Bowl and Convention Center are hosting visitors from around the world. Our museums, galleries and cultural institutions are again welcoming guests. Our retailers are open and welcoming shoppers. And, while we have seen closures, our restaurants are maintaining their outdoor dining spaces and reopening for indoor service. Please support our local business community, our residents and workers as we re-establish Pasadena as a center for commerce, hospitality, fun, and enjoyment for all.
The Pasadena Chamber was also the clearinghouse for accurate and up-to-date information. Despite a significant drop in revenues, the Chamber remained open throughout. We provided updates via informational email blasts with information about infection rates, closure orders, pandemic safety protocols, and funding sources to keep businesses going.
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 3 WELCOME TO PASADENA Mayor Victor Gordo
Pasadena is proud to support its residents and businesses in times of need, and we continue to steadfastly protect the quality of life, vitality and economy of our City.
Though our focus shifted in 2020 and 2021, the Chamber continues to aggressively support the prosperity of our members and the economic health of our city, region, state, and nation.
Thank you for continuing to love and support our great City of Pasadena. Victor M. Gordo Mayor Raphael Henderson, Chair of the Board Greeting from the Chair of the Board of Directors. The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association has always been a vital resource for our members and an important contributor and supporter of our local economy. Prior to 2020, we supported our members with networking events, informational seminars, workshops and other events highlighting our members and businesses. Our 1,400 members could take advantage of our accessible staff and their expertise and connections in the Thatcommunity.changed when COVID-19 arrived in the United States. At the Chamber we redirected our efforts to provide support and advice to our local businesses to assist them in accessing emergency funds, applying for PPP Loans and finding the resources necessary to remain viable.
As we continue to weather the pandemic and slowly recover, the Pasadena Chamber still provides current and accurate information. In addition, we work diligently to link our members and our business community to the resources necessary to re-open safely and within the guidelines of the state and local health authorities.
The Chamber helped many of our local businesses find financial institutions and fill out forms to access funding. We also helped our members apply for Los Angeles County and State of California grants and loans. We were the trusted source of information and support for our local business community.

For thousands of years, the greater Pasadena area was home to the Tongva, who were displaced by the Spanish missions in the late 1700s. In the 19th century, the Pasadena area attracted Mid westerners seeking warm weather, rich soil and prosperity. By the late 19th century, Pasadena grew and evolved from an agrarian town into a strong and diverse economy. VacationersPasadena’sfoundresort hotels such as the winterHuntingtonLanghamPasadenaHotel,whichsurvivestoday,idealforget-a-ways.
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide Welcome to
Artists, architects, writers and artisans nurtured Pasadena as the West Coast hub of the Arts and Crafts movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Astronomers delighting in our clear night skies built the CarnegieObservatoriesandMt.WilsonObservatory.
The Colorado Street Bridge was built in 1913 to connect Pasadena to communities to the west. After WWII, Pasadena developed as a center of commerce, industry and a shopping destination. In this time, Pasadena saw the completion of the Arroyo Seco Parkway (Pasadena Freeway) to downtown Los Angeles, the first freeway in Southern California.
Pasadena is a leader in

As Pasadena expanded into a suburban center, the population blossomed to more than 100,000 people. In the 1970s, aided by easy access to freeways, Pasadena became headquarters for multi-national corporations, healthcare providers and professional service industries.
Pasadena is a safe and inviting hasslestheenvironmenturbanwithoutworriesandofabigcity.
Art Center College of Design is among the leading schools for fine art, commercial art and design in the nation.
Opened in the 1880s as a technical school, California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has been home to 34 Nobel Prize awardees and has been named the top university in the world by the London Times for two of the past three years. Albert Einstein made three longterm visits in the 1930s and Stephen Hawking lectured at Caltech into the 21st century.
Pasadenan Jackie Robinson was the first African-American player in major league baseball.
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 5 A CONTEMPORARY HISTORICAL CITY
Jackie Robinson’s brother Mack ran a very close second to Jesse Owens at the Berlin Olympics of 1936. America’s first culinary celebrity, Julia Child was born and raised here. In 1924, teen-aged Lionel Sternberger first served a cheeseburger to a customer at The Rite Spot in Pasadena.
The Ice House, was the first comedy club in the country. Michael Jackson premiered his “moon walk” on the stage at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium.TheRose Bowl is the only venue to have hosted Super Bowls, the World Cup soccer championship, Olympic soccer final, Women’s World Cup final and the college football national championship game – and the first professional go-kart races!
Fuller world.throughoutministersSeminaryTheologicalgraduateswhoworkthe
Pacific educators.traincontinuesCollegeOakstoexcellent

Pasadena is a destination location. Accommodations range from simple to upscale. Clean, friendly and affordable motels stretch along Colorado Boulevard in East Pasadena. Luxury accommodations, hotels and extended stay options are available downtown.
6 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide WELCOME TO PASADENA
Visitors can also enjoy the restored downtown dining, shopping and entertainment areas of Old Pasadena and the Playhouse District. In addition to a wide variety of shopping and dining opportunities, South Lake Avenue boasts some of our more unique shopping and dining experiences. The Paseo is one of the first open air mall shopping experiences in the country, while East Pasadena hosts a variety of modern shopping and dining destinations. ARCHITECTURE In an afternoon, you can enjoy Pasadena’s civic architecture during a leisurely stroll through the Pasadena Civic Center to see our City Hall, Civic Auditorium and Library. A short stroll through the Plaza las Fuentes is USC/Pacific Asia Museum where you can enjoy the art and culture of Asia and the Pacific in the unique Grace Nicholson Chinese Treasure House. A walk through the beautiful Caltech campus reveals a gem of gardens, historic and cutting edge architecture.
BridgeSeccoArroyo ChuckZamitesby
Pasadena is a comfortable, safe, engaging and active small city. Vibrant shopping and entertainment districts, world-class performing arts venues and museums, rollicking music clubs and a full range of eclectic, cutting edge and traditional restaurants make Pasadena a unique destination for visitors and locals alike.
The Ice House Comedy Club on Mentor Avenue has hosted Jerry Seinfeld, Jay Leno, Robin Williams and almost every comedy star of the last 50 years. The Rose Bowl stadium regularly host concerts by entertainers such as U2, JayZ, Beyonce, Green Day, and the Rolling Stones.
Pasadena is a fun place to visit – for an afternoon, a day, a weekend, or longer –we have something to fit every taste, budget and interest

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 7 VISITOR’S GUIDE Caltech offers a series of free lectures that are open to the public as well as performances in Beckman Auditorium. You can take in a movie at one of our local theaters or enjoy a game of USC/Pacificbowling.Asia Museum, The Pasadena Playhouse State Theater of California, The Pasadena Symphony and POPS, Boston Court Performing Arts Center and A Noise Within each offer exquisite and unique cultural and artistic experiences. The Pasadena Civic Auditorium hosts historicinproductionstheatricalmusiccontemporaryclassical,performances,culturalinternationalspeakers,jazzandandagrand,hall.
HISTORICAL PLACES If Southern California and Pasadena history is of interest, visit the Pasadena Museum of History where you can also tour the beautifully restored Fenyes Mansion. Across Orange Grove Boulevard is the famed Greene and Greene Gamble House. Pasadena Heritage organizes walking tours of historic areas of Pasadena, including downtown. PASADENA IS A MOVIE SET Pasadena routinely shows up as the location for everything from movies and television to commercials and print advertisements. Pasadena City Hall has doubled for foreign capitals, statehouses, schools and courthouses, recently as Pawnee City Hall in Parks and Recreation. In The Martian, JPL engineers solved the problem of how to get Matt Damon
Experience Pasadena WilhemlRolandbyPhoto

affords a close-up view of the beauty and power of the San Gabriel Mountains. You can also amble along the Arroyo Seco and experience nature’s beauty as you walk under the historic Colorado Street Bridge toward the Rose Bowl. SPORTS If it is fall and UCLA is playing at home, you can head for the Rose Bowl. For the price of the tickets, you can enjoy college football in the game’s most historic venue. If it’s not football season, you can still visit the Rose Bowl Stadium and take your picture in front of college football’s most iconic stadium and then take the behind the scenes tour.
Pasadena regularly hosts professional bicycle races and an annual half marathon. The Rose Bowl also hosts international soccer games. Catch breakfast at Brookside Golf Club then play 18 holes on one of two historic courses in the beautiful Arroyo Seco. If it’s racing season, you may want to head out to Santa Anita Park for the thoroughbred racing at one of the finest venues in the world. Get there a little early to walk around the track, take in the mountain views and see the Seabiscuit statue.
8 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide WELCOME TO PASADENA back to earth, while La La Land’s lovers strolled our Colorado Street Bridge. It is not uncommon to glimpse television, movie and music personalities shopping, dining or just strolling around Pasadena. FOR THE KIDS In December, Kidspace Children’s Museum kicks and kicks off the New Year with the Winter Wonderland and Noon Year’s Eve events. NATURE
Millions of people around the world know Pasadena as the home of the Tournament of Roses® parade. The Granddaddy of Them All®, the Rose Bowl® game has been a New Year’s tradition for more than a century. Sharp Seating can help with all your New Year ticket needs.

Everything offered by a large city – without the hassle
Photo by Samuel Hart
Pasadena’s easy accessibility to all of Greater Los Angeles, Southern California as well as the world beyond is another of the many benefits of living in Pasadena. Rideshare
The Hollywood-Burbank Airport is a 20-minute drive from Pasadena. Ontario International Airport and Long Beach Airport are located within an hour of Pasadena. Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), a 45-minute drive from Pasadena. ABA
Unique Limousine provides transportation to all airports and are available around the clock from hotels and residences in Pasadena Freeway Travel
The Historic Arroyo Seco Parkway/Pasadena Freeway, California’s first, was built shortly after World War II and follows the path of the Arroyo Seco from Pasadena to Los Angeles. Pasadena is also served by the 210 Foothill Freeway and the 134 Freeway, which connect the city to the rest of the San Gabriel Valley to the east, the San Fernando Valley to the west and the Antelope Valley to the north.
The most popular rideshare providers operate all day/every day in Pasadena.
Public Transportation
African American History month is celebrated with a heritage parade and festival while the Latino Heritage Parade celebrates Hispanic Heritage. Pasadena celebrates our armed forces with commemorations on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. Pasadena’s Fourth of July celebration and fireworks show offers the largest display of aerial pyrotechnics west of the Mississippi along with a family – oriented festival at the Rose Bowl Stadium. The quirky and offbeat are on full display during Pasadena’s annual Doo Dah Parade organized by The Lightbringer Project in November. They also coordinate the annual Father’s Day weekend Chalk Festival at The Paseo.
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 9 VISITOR’S GUIDE Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association |
The Gold Line Light Rail system connects Pasadena with Azusa to the east and Los Angeles to the west. From Union Station transit riders get easy access from six stations located throughout Pasadena to downtown Los Angeles Union Station with connections to locations throughout Greater Los Angeles. The City of Pasadena Transit provide service throughout the city throughout the day. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) provides bus service from Pasadena to Los Angeles and the San Gabriel Valley. Additional bus routes are covered by Foothill Transit, which provides regular and express bus service between Pasadena and Monrovia, Pomona and Claremont. For information, call (800) 743-3463. Air Travel

MISSION To be 10politicaleconomiceffectiveanandforceforourmembership Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Chamber of Commerce The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association is a dynamic professional business support and advocacy organization. The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is a strong and effective voice to influence change that will ensure a growing ensuringfederalstatelocal,andrepresentativeswithrelationshipseffectivemaintainstheToPasadenaforqualityaeconomylocalandpositiveoflifethegreaterarea.dothat,Chamberelectedstaffattheregional,andlevelthat PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 44 North Mentor Avenue Pasadena CA 91106 626 795-3355 FAX 626 info@pasadena-chamber.orgwww.pasadena-chamber.org795-5603 the interests of business are represented, and the voice of business heard. THE PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WAS FORMED IN 1888 AS THE BOARD OF TRADE As the Board of Trade, we: > Supported the establishment of a public library > streetplantingfirstaboutBroughttheextensiveoftrees > wateraSuggestedmunicipalsystem > Promoted ofestablishmenttheahospital > betweenstreetcartheSupportedelectriclinePasadena and Los Angeles Pasadena VISION The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is an effective resource that works to support the prosperity of our members and enhanceing the economy, business climate and quality of life in Pasadena. • We achieve this by focusing on increasing value to our members. • We help our members develop and maximize their business performance. • We represent the best interests of our members by serving as an effective advocate. • We help students, displaced workers, seniors and other individuals become contributing members of Pasadena’s workforce. • We enhance existing services using state-of-the-art technology.

Proposed the creation of the Tournament of Roses > Supported bonds for a high school building.
The membership of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is diverse, dynamic and growing. Multi-national corporations make Pasadena home. Chamber members are leaders in telecommunications, biotechnology, finance and investments, advertising and design. The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce also counts realtors, auto TO JOIN US, EMAIL PASADENA-CHAMBER.ORGKELLY@
> Proposed the Pasadena Municipal Light and Pasadena Water & Power Proposed a convention hall Paid for a redesign of the Colorado Street Bridge IN 1919 THE BOARD OF TRADE OFFICIALLY ADOPTED THE NAME OF PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND CIVIC ASSOCIATION
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce has been integral to the development of Pasadena
dealers, cleaners, grocers, plumbers, restaurants, bookstores and all manner of retail, medical and professional service providers among our membership.
> Led the campaign for construction of the Civic Center
> Promoted construction of the Arroyo Parkway (Pasadena Freeway). Throughout the remainder of the 20th century, the Chamber worked to ensure Pasadena’s position as the commercial and economic center of the western San Gabriel Valley. The Chamber promoted Pasadena as a corporate headquarters and was an active participant in the recruitment of companies to Pasadena, including engineering, finance, healthcare, bio-tech and other new technology companies. The Chamber was a staunch supporter of bringing light rail transit to Pasadena, a task that was finally accomplished by the Metro Gold Line Construction Authority in 2003. In the 21st century, the Chamber of Commerce works to expand the economic foundation of Pasadena by helping companies expand, relocate and prosper. As the
Whatever the product or service, you can find a Pasadena Chamber member who provides it. Our membership is among the best at what they do, and many have been recognized for excellence locally, nationally and internationally. For the best service or product, simply look to the Pasadena Chamber members listed in this Directory.
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 11 JOIN US !
> Assisted the Community Chest in raising welfare and charity funds
residents. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the Chamber advocated for support for businesses. The Chamber convinced the City of Pasadena to provide $10,000 grants to local small businesses and $5,000 grants to micro businesses. The Chamber assisted members in accessing grants and loans as a well as helping members navigate the paperwork and submissions required for PPP Loans and EIDL Funds.

atamongmembersPasadenaChamberarethebestwhattheydo 12 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide JOIN US! The Pasadena Chamber of CommerceJoin Us! 1 Business Contacts • Chamber After-Hours Social and Mixer • Networking Connection Breakfast • Luncheon Alliance Networking Event • Annual Industry Day/ACCESS: Opportunity Procurement Forum • Committee Participation • Issue-related meetings • Events, Seminars, Presentations, and Webinars • Advocacy with local, state and federal government agencies and elected representatives • Industry specific forums and meetings • Personalized service-need something? Call the Chamber for help. 2 Personal and Business Development • Ambassador Committee • Business Development Committee • Annual Pasadena Business and Economic Forum • Workshops and seminars presented with Pasadena Chamber Members • Outreach to major employers • Representation for business and industry • Legislative Forums 3 Marketing Opportunities and Industry Support • Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide • Website and searchable online member directory • Pasadena Perspective, The Chamber’s digital magazine • Banner advertising on the Chamber website with a potential to get 18,000 views per month • Listing on our mobile phone application • Inclusion in weekly email blasts to members THE PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS A DYNAMIC PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION DEDICATED TO THE PROSPERITY OF OUR MEMBERS AND A STRONG ECONOMY FOR THE GREATER PASADENA AREA. AS A MEMBER OF THE PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE YOU GET: • Member-to-member discount programs • Inexpensive email blast advertisements to members • Advertising on a monthly postcard to new local homeowners • City Map advertising • Networking event sponsorships • Hosting After-Hours mixers • Access to membership contact information and mailing labels • Support with media and public relations • Pasadena Restaurant Week • Cheeseburger Week and the Cheeseburger Challenge • Participating restaurant listings on the Pasadena Restaurant Week website and mobile application • Helpful Chamber staff available to assist with member needs. For Pasadena Chamber membership information visit Membership in your local chamber of commerce is the most cost-effective investment you can make to ensure the growth and prosperity of your business! From Paul Little Subject ribbon cutting photos Date July 22, 2022 at 2:20 PM To Deborah @ Roses Road More. Jakes has Mayor Gordo Ribbon Cu5ng 8-21 has Congresswoman Judy Chu Paul Little Paul Li@le President and Chief ExecuFve Officer Pasadena Chamber of Commerce 44 North Mentor Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106-1745 626-795-3355

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 13 CHAMBER OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 2022-2023Officers Raphael Henderson, Chair of the Board / Wells Fargo Paul Little, President and Chief Executive Officer / Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Don Schweitzer, Chair-elect and Vice-chair – Economic and Business Development / Schweitzer Law Partners John Leano,* Immediate Past Chair / Bryan’s Cleaners & Laundry Nerissa Sugars, Secretary / Hollywood Burbank Airport Katelyn Barchowsky, Vice-chair – Member Services / University Club of Pasadena Charlotte Lacey, Vice-chair – Legislative and Government Affairs / Pasadena Humane Justin Tsui,* Vice-chair – Technology / TeamLogic IT * Denotes past chairs of the board Directors Mike Antenesse, Foothill Unity Center Lynnelle Bryant, MasBuild, Inc. John Burt, Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Thomas Daly,* Lewis Roca Elizabeth Dever, Fire Family Foundation Hope Hayman, Kaiser Permenente Lisa Maurath, Parsons Corporation Robin McCarthy,* Ste. Marie Specialists Emilio Padilla-Carrios, Langham Huntington Hotel, Pasadena Helen Romero-Shaw, SoCal Gas Company Greg Sanchez, Ph.D., Home Instead Senior Care Charles (Chuck) Stanislawski, Stanislawski and Company, CPAs Debbie Unruh, Elizabeth House Aaron Wheeler, Pasadena Media Lloyd Wong, Clifford Swan Investment Counselor Stephanie Yamashiro, New York Life Ex Officio Ed Morales, Tournament of Roses Association 2022 Jens Weiden, Rose Bowl Stadium Though our focus shifted in 2020 and 2021, the Chamber continues to aggressively support the prosperity of our members and the economic health of our city, region, state, and nation. – Raphael Henderson, Wells Fargo Chair of the Board

14 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA FACTS + INFORMATION PasadenaFacts 19% 15% 13% 11% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% .6% 8.1% 8.3% 18.2% 34.9% 34.6% 5.6% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Native American and other Two or more races AfricanHispanicAmerican/BlackAsianorLatinoWhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment Professional, Scientific + Technical Svcs Healthcare + Admin,AccommodationEducationalConstructionRelatedServices+FoodRetailTradeSupport+WasteMgmtManufacturingFinance+InsuranceOtherBusinesses 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% 8.1% 8.3% 18.2% 34.9% 34.6% Native American and other Two or more races AfricanHispanicAmerican/BlackAsianorLatinoWhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% 37.4 years – median age 13% are young, urban dwelling and highly educated 8.6% are single and career-driven, young people who have just left their family home and are living independently for the first time 59% are mature couples with comfortable and active middleclass lives 6.6% are affluent middle-aged and established couples 4.8% are middle-aged singles living an upscale urban lifestyle. EDUCATED The education level of Pasadena residents is high 53% of the adult population over 25 hold a bachelor’s degree or higher 75% of adults have completed some level of post-secondary education 88%+ have earned at least a high school diploma. 20SCHOOLS elementary 3 middle schools and 4 comprehensive high schools 35 private elementary and secondary schools More than 60 pre-schools and childcare centers. HIGHER INSTITUTIONSEDUCATION California Institute of Technology Fuller(Caltech)Theological Seminary Art Center College of Design Pacific Oaks College Pasadena City College HOME $1,070,000VALUES–2022 median home price 42% of homes are owner Onoccupied.average, Pasadenans own 2 cars and spend an average of 25.4 minutes commuting. LIBRARIES Pasadena’s Public Libraries were designed to be the heart of each neighborhood, With a collection of almost one million items HOUSES OF WORSHIP More than 220 houses of worship are located in the Greater Pasadena area and offer service to almost every denomination. * Note: Some information is from 2019. 2020-22 data may be unavailable or unreliable. Note: some identify in multiple categories
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 15 ENVIRONMENT The annual rainfall averages 20 inches 19% 15% 13% 11% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% .6% 8.1% 8.3% 18.2% 34.9% 34.6% 5.6% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Native American and other Two or more races AfricanHispanicAmerican/BlackAsianorLatinoWhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment Professional, Scientific + Technical Svcs Healthcare + Admin,AccommodationEducationalConstructionRelatedServices+FoodRetailTradeSupport+WasteMgmtManufacturingFinance+InsuranceOtherBusinesses 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% 34.6%WhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% 34.9% 34.6% Hispanic or LatinoWhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% 19% 11% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% .6% 8.1% 8.3% 18.2% 34.9% 34.6% 5.6% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Native American and other Two or more races AfricanHispanicAmerican/BlackAsianorLatinoWhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment Admin,AccommodationEducationalConstructionServices+FoodRetailTradeSupport+WasteMgmtManufacturingFinance+InsuranceOtherBusinesses 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% 19% 15% 13% 11% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% .6% 8.1% 8.3% 18.2% 34.9% 34.6% 5.6% Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Native American and other Two or more races AfricanHispanicAmerican/BlackAsianorLatinoWhiteOther Jobs in Pasadena Full-time Employment Professional, Scientific + Technical Svcs Healthcare + Admin,AccommodationEducationalConstructionRelatedServices+FoodRetailTradeSupport+WasteMgmtManufacturingFinance+InsuranceOtherBusinesses 105,57573,783 2021 Annual Retail Sales Average Daytime Temperature 76$3,730,329,000 o Pasadena Population 142,647 10.8% $85,129ECONOMYmedian household income for 2021 $51,937 average income for 2021 Pasadena companies provided more than 105,000 jobs in 2019 73,783 Full-Time Employment Pasadena’s unemployment rate for 2019 was about 3.9% HOSPITALITY Visitors to Pasadena spend more than: $140 million annually on lodging $108 million on food $94 million on retail shopping $168 million in spending in the region during The Rose Bowl Game and on New Year’s Day Pasadena Works The statistics on this page are pre-Covid numbers unless otherwise indicated. Pasadena’s economy has always been very diverse, robust and stable. Post pandemic Pasadena is expected to recover at a more rapid pace than the county or state. MAJOR INDUSTRIES • Healthcare • Banking + Finance • Hospitality + Tourism • Education • Engineering + Construction • Technology • Arts + Culture • Non Profits • Faith-Based Organizations
Probably no other city of its size is home to more internationally known businesses than Pasadena. One key reason is the highly educated workforce resulting from the presence of many renowned educational and research institutions. The two largest non-government employers in the area are the California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Newly created office space and research facilities are attracting more technology related companies.
Other top employers include health care and research leaders
16 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide AN IDEAL CLIMATE FOR BUSINESS
A economyanddiversestable
Kaiser Permanente maintains its regional headquarters in Pasadena as well as medical service facilities. Pasadena is home to the excellent Huntington Memorial Hospital. The Community Health Alliance of Pasadena (CHAP Care) serves the needs of many Pasadena residents. Huntington Medical Research Institute is at the forefront of medical research among an active cluster of biomedical research facilities in Pasadena. Shriners Medical Center for Children recently opened a new facility in Pasadena and Kaiser Permanente is about to start construction on a medical school here. To the east of Pasadena, City of Hope is the foremost provider of healthcare to those afflicted by cancer. Pasadena is also home to doctors, dentists and health practitioners in all fields. Seniors can find geriatric serves and some of the finest senior and assisted living facilities in Southern known throughout Southern California as a destination for shopping, dining and entertainment. The city offers top retailers, trendy boutiques, exquisite shops, and restaurants to suit every budget and palate. Whether it is Old Pasadena, the Playhouse District, The Paseo or South Lake Avenue in downtown, or the Hastings RanchFoothill shopping area in east Pasadena, shops, restaurants, entertainment and more can be found to suit every taste and budget.
More than 60% of our working age population of 60,000 is employed in professional, managerial, technical, sales and clerical positions. Close to 15% are employed in the service industries Approximately 10% are employed in manufacturing and other light industrial companies 10% of our workers are engaged in the hospitality industry.
Huntington Memorial Hospital, Kaiser Permanente and Huntington Medical Research Institute. Engineering and construction firms such as Parsons Corporation and IMEG, as well as financial institutions East-West Bank and Bolton & Company insurance are headquartered here.
Pasadena hosts 105,000 jobs From scientific and technical to engineering and architecture, healthcare, hospitality, arts and theater
Pasadena – An Ideal Climate for Business

hasPasadenaabundantemploymentopportunities Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 17 PASADENA MAJOR EMPLOYERS COMPANY BUSINESS TYPE # EMPLOYEES Jet Propulsion Laboratory Aerospace Research 5029 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena CA 91109 Kaiser Permanente Health Care 4760 Regional Offices: 393 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena CA 91188 California Institute of Technology Education 3900 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena CA 91125 Huntington Memorial Hospital Hospital 3200 100 W. California Blvd., Pasadena CA 91109 Pasadena City College Education 2619 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena CA 91106 Pasadena Unified School District Education 2420 351 S. Hudson Avenue, Pasadena CA 91109 The City of Pasadena Government 2260 Human Resources Dept: 117 E. Colorado Blvd., Room 100, Pasadena CA 91105 Pacific Clinics Medical Clinics 1100 Admin Offices: 800 S. Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, CA 91006 Art Center College of Design Education 883 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena CA 91103-1999 Sycamores Social Services 657 210 S. DeLacey Avenue, Suite 110, Pasadena CA 91105 The Langham Huntington Hotel and Spa Hotel 592 1401 S. Oak Knoll Avenue, Pasadena CA 91106 East West Bank Financial 569 135 N. Los Robles Ave., Pasadena CA 91101 Western Asset Management Co. Investment Mgmt. 558 385 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena CA 91101 One West Bank Financial 554 888 East Walnut St., Pasadena CA 91101 Employers COMPANY BUSINESS TYPE # EMPLOYEES Wells Fargo Financial 440 85 South Lake Avenue, Pasadena CA 91124 Target Stores Retail 392 777 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena CA 91101 LACERA Retirement Association 380 L.A. County Employees Retirement Association 300 N. Lake Avenue, #650, Pasadena CA 91101 Fuller Theological Seminary Education 360 135 N. Oakland Avenue, Pasadena CA 91182 Five Acres Social Services 342 Boys & Girls Aid Society 760 W. Mountain View Street, Altadena, CA 91001 Villa Esperanza Services Social Service 309 2060 E. Villa Street, Pasadena CA 91107 Las Encinas Hospital Health Care 300 2900 E. Del Mar Blvd., Pasadena CA 91107 Macy’s Retail 300 401 S. Lake Avenue, Pasadena CA 91101 Parsons Corporation Engineering/Construction 300 100 W. Walnut Street, Pasadena CA 91124 Rusnak Pasadena Automotive 296 267-337 W. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena CA 91105 Opium Health Care 267 401 South Fair Oaks Avenue, Pasadena CA 91105 Santa Anita Park Racetrack 250 285 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91006 OpenX Advertising 250 888 E. Walnut St., Pasadena CA 91101 Tokio Marine Management, Inc. Insurance 220 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 830, Pasadena CA 91101 The Westin Pasadena Hotel 205 191 N. Los Robles Avenue, Pasadena CA 91101 CHAP Care Healthcare 200 1855 N. Fair Oaks Ave., #200, Pasadena, CA 91103 Major * Note: Some information is from 2019. 2020 data may be unavailable or unreliable.
18 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide HELPFUL CONTACT INFORMATION PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Pasadena Chamber 626 795-3355 of Commerce 44 North Mentor Avenue, www.pasadena-chamber.orgPasadena CHILD OptionsCAREFor Learning 626 449-8221 2465 E. Walnut St., Pasadena EMERGENCY SERVICES Fire EmergencyDepartment/Paramedics 911 Administration 626 744-4675 199 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 550, Pasadena POLICE EmergencyDEPARTMENT 911 General Information 626 744-4501 207 N. Garfield Ave., Hollywood-BurbankTRANSPORTATION Airport 818 840-8840 2627 N. Hollywood Way, www.bobhopeairport.comBurbank Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) Metro Information 800 266-6883 Foothill Transit 626 931-7239 100 S. Vincent Ave., #200, West Covina HuntingtonHOSPITALS 626 397-5000 Memorial Hospital 100 W. California Blvd., www.huntingtonhospital.comPasadena Shriners for Children 626 389-9300 Medical Center Pasadena 909 S. Fair Oaks Ave., www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.orgPasadena Las Encinas Hospital 626 795-9901 2900 E. Del Mar Blvd., www.lasencinashospital.comPasadena City of Hope 626-301-8968 1500 East Duarte Rd., Duarte Glendale Adventist 818 409-8000 Medical Center 1509 Wilson Terrace, www.glendaleadventist.comGlendale OTHER SERVICES City Hall 626 744-4000 100 North Garfield Avenue, Pasadena Convention & 626 795-9311 Visitors Bureau 300 E. Green St , www.visitpasadena.netPasadena Pasadena Public Library Information 626 744-4066 Reservation line 626 744-4041 Main Branch, 285 E. Walnut St., Pasadena Parks & Natural Resources 626 744-4321 100 N. Garfield Ave., Pasadena Pasadena Convention Center 626 793-2122 300 E. Green St., www.pasadenacenter.comPasadena Pasadena Humane 626 792-7151 361 S. Raymond Ave., www.pasadenahumane.orgPasadena Post Office Main Branch 800 275-8777 600 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena Recreation Department 626 744-7195 100 N. Garfield Ave., Rose Bowl Office 626 577-3100 1001 Rose Bowl Drive, www.rosebowlstadium.comPasadena Tournament of Roses 626 449-4100 Association 391 S. Orange Grove Blvd., www.tournamentofroses.orgPasadena UNITED STATES SENATORS Dianne Feinstein 11111 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 915 Los Angeles CA 90025 310 914-7300 Alex Padilla 11845 W Olympic Blvd. Suite 1250W Los Angeles CA 90064 310 231-4494 UNITED JudyREPRESENTATIVESSTATESChu , District 27 527 S. Lake Ave., #106 Pasadena CA 91101 626 304-0110 Adam Schiff, District 28 245 E. Olive Ave. #200 Burbank CA 91502 818 450-2900 CITY OF PASADENA Mayor and Council Members City Hall 100 North Garfield Avenue Pasadena CA 91109 Mayor Victor Gordo, Mayor Tyron Hampton, District 1 Felicia Williams, District 2 Temporarily Vacant, District 3 Gene Masuda, District 4 Jessica Rivas, District 5 Steve Madison, District 6 Andy Wilson, District 7 Jason Lyon, District 7 (after Dec 2022) Miguel Marquez, City Manager STATE GovernorGOVERNMENTGavinNewsom State Capitol, Bldg Rm1173 Sacramento CA 95814 916 445-2841 Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis State Capitol, Bldg Rm1114 Sacramento CA 95814 (916) 445-8994 STATE AnthonySENATORPortantino, District 25 215 Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 818 409-0400 STATE ASSEMBLY Chris Holden, District 41 600 North Rosemead Blvd., #117 Pasadena CA 91107 626 351-1917 LOS ANGELES COUNTY KathrynSUPERVISORBarger, District 5 215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 120 Pasadena CA 91101 626 356-5407 Elected Officials Pasadena & Local Services PASADENA GOVERNMENT Pasadena is a charter city with a City Council/City Manager form of government. The City Council has seven members plus our citywide elected mayor. The City Council encourages public participation. 25 different advisory Commissions, Committees and various ad hoc groups are appointed each year to advise the City Council. Information on all City of Pasadena activities and services is available at

PasadenaDiningChamberofCommerce & Civic Association | 19 830 North Lake Ave, 8Pasadena 30 North Lake Ave, Pasadena Sun - Thur: S8am-10pm un - Thur: 8am-10pm Fri - Sat: F8am-12am ri - Sat: 8am-12am (626) (791-4890 626) 791-4890 Thanks for wdining ith 'Scoes! Follow us! @roscoesofficial Scan here to check out our menu!

GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES 20 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide We offer Indoor/Outdoor Dine-In, Takeout as well as On/Off premise Catering 15% DISCOUNT when you use “ChamberVu”code We are open for Breakfast on weekends. Have you tried our Full English Breakfast? British Pub offering Traditional British Cuisine with 65 Beer Taps including Belgian, British and American BreweriesBritish Pub offering Traditional British Cuisine with 65 Beer Taps including Belgian, British and American Breweries. 15% Discount: use“ChamberComm”code Open for Breakfast on weekends. Have you tried our Full English Breakfast? INDOOR/OUTDOOR DINE-IN, TAKEOUT, AND ON/OFF PREMISE CATERING

or disability in health programs and activities. We provide free services to help you communicate with us such as letters in other languages or large print. Or, you
Optum–Del Mar clinic: Veronica Morales Banta, MD Family medicine 401 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena, CA 91105 Call for an appointment: 1-626-204-7877, TTY 711 Optum–Glen Oaks clinic: Aleen Avakian, MD Family medicine 988 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena, CA 91105 Call for an appointment: 1-626-403-4011, TTY 711 The company does not the race, color, national origin, sex, age, can call 1-877-267-8861.
ask for an interpreter. To ask for help, please
Health + Wellness Yoga studios, cancer researchers, dentists, doctors, and chiropractors all contribute to our wellness ethic. Pasadena’s medical groups, sole practitioners, health researchers, alternative treatment centers, hospitals and treatment centers strive to enhance our good health. Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 21 GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES We accept a variety of health care plans The right care takes the right team Meet our doctors who are ready to care for you © 2022 Optum, Inc. All rights reserved. 7126707 218766-042022 Optum–Pasadena Main clinic: Thanda Zaw, MD Internal medicine 675 S. Arroyo Pkwy. Pasadena, CA 91105 Call for an appointment: 1-626-395-5262, TTY 711
discriminate on
basis of
World-class health care in Pasadena Pediatrics 800 S. Fairmount Ave., Suite 415 | 626-449-8440 Cancer Care 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 320 | 626-396-2999 Doheny Eye Center UCLA Pasadena 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suites 280, 285, 240 & 227 | 626-817-4747 Obstetrics/Gynecology 10 Congress St., Suite 505 | 626-792-0110 Scan or visit to book an appointment or learn more

GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES 22 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide
Pasadena is home to world-class educational institutions at all levels. Pasadena Chamber member educational institutions have hosted Nobel Laureates, leaders in art, design and cinema, educational innovators and ministers working world-wide. Our chamber member schools offer rte best education from pre-school through high school and our local community college is considered the jewel of the California system. Specialty schools and educators work with children with autism and other disabilities, foster youth and more.
Pasadena Chamber members offer all manner of accommodations, from the ultimate in luxury to clean, quiet budget motels. You can find a room along the Rose Parade route or a quiet hideaway on a nice tree-lined street. You can stay within walking distance of Pasadena’s vibrant downtown, or seek refuge from city life. You can find a hotel with a pool and full day spa, or you can stay in a modestly priced budget motel with the basic amenities. Pasadena’s hotels and motels are among the finest in the world, with rooms to suit every taste and budget.


24 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES EXPERIENCE SUMMER CHILL Whether your idea of the perfect weekend getaway looks like al fresco brunching with friends, getting up close and personal with nature, or scoring the next great thrifting find, Pasadena has you covered. There’s so much to do, one weekend is never enough. PLAN YOUR WEEKEND AT VISITPASADENA.COM
The Rose Parade and Rose Bowl Game start the year off with family fun and legendary sports matchups. And, that just the first day of the year! There are 364 more days of concerts, shows, performanc es, lectures, and more. Come to Pasadena for the culture, art, music, magic, comedy fun!

education institutions, leaders in
seating for over
aren’t a ticket broker; all tickets sold at face value.
The City of Pasadena is vibrant and energetic. Pasadena’s sense of style, and first-class Pasadena is known as the headquarters for multi-national engineering compa nies, world-class higher healthcare, research
years. Also selling tickets to
Residents and visitors appreciate
91203 Phone (818) 240 1070 Fax (818) 242 DREwww.dnsrents.com582#00529228 Multifamily Property Management and Sales ● Your local experts for over
has been
SHARP SEATING COMPANY direct the Official Seating Company of the Tournament of Ros es®. A family-owned business whose first priority assuring unforgettable Sharp Seating the choice Rose Parade® 70 pre- and post-parade they
recognize quality
Business Guide Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 25 GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES THE UPS STORE is the world’s leader in its industry. Services include: packing and shipping items, overnight delivery services, including Saturday pickup for Monday delivery; mail box services; USPS services; black and white copies with 24-housr access; packing and shipping supplies; fax sending and receiving; greeting cards, shredding services, fingerprinting; business cards; stamps; binding and laminating. Notary available during business houses and fingerprinting by Multifamily Property Management and Sales Your local experts for over 50 years Jennifer Schultz jenniferb@dnsrents.comPresidentBertolet 715 N. Central Ave. #300 Glendale, CA 91203 Phone (818) 240 1070 Fax (818) 242 DREwww.dnsrents.com582#00529228 Multifamily Property Management and Sales ● Your local experts for over 50 years Jennifer Schultz jenniferb@dnsrents.comPresidentBertolet
715 N. Central Ave. Glendale, CA 50
and development as well as our hospitality.

Green Business Many environmental and environmentally conscious businesses can be found among Pasadena Chamber members. From consultants who can help you be more energy efficient, recycling, waste reduction companies and solar panel installation experts to those businesses that are housed in LEED certified environmentally friendly buildings, green businesses find enthusiastic support in our city. 26 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES IS PROUD TO SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PASADENA LOCAL, FAMILY-OWNED COMPANY COMMITTED TO SERVICE - PEOPLE - ENVIRONMENT • Recycling Services • Organics Diversion • Solid Waste Collection • Street Sweeping • Powerwashing • Graffiti Removal • Community Investment • C&D Removal SCAN HERE TO LEARN ABOUT THE ATHENS WAY

PWP provides safe and reliable water and electric service to nearly 6,000 commercial customers in Pasadena and adjacent communities. As a community owned utility, PWP offers numerous water and energy saving incentive programs for businesses, large and small. Energy efficiency incentives include lighting upgrades,package or split system air conditioning, and vending machine controllers, to name a few. Water efficiency incentives include plumbing fixtures, premium high efficiency toilets, weatherbased irrigation controllers, ice making machines, and more. To read more about PWP commercial incentive programs visit PWPweb. com/Business or call 626-744-6970. SAVE ENERGY, WATER & MONEY WITH PWP BUSINESSES INCENTIVE PROGRAMS ATHENS SERVICES: LED BY FAMILY, DRIVEN BY COMMUNITY Athens Services is the largest family-owned, independent landfill avoidance company in Los Angeles County, with 1.6 million residential and 30,000 commercial customers. Proudly serving businesses and multifamily dwellings in Pasadena, nobody knows the community better, is more committed, or is more successful at reducing Thewaste.teams at Athens achieve recycling excellence daily by combining professionalism with a warm touch, following a rich company history of implementing advanced technology, and providing technical expertise with a service-first mindset. Athens’ Southern California roots run deep, and as the company has grown, commitment to the community is stronger than ever. Whether working with a food bank to redistribute food that would have been wasted, or donating compost to a community garden, Athens delivers better service and better results for Pasadena.
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 27 GUIDE TO PASADENA’S PRODUCTS & SERVICES


Krost CPAs & Consultants Gregory A. Kniss 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 400 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-4225 / (626) 449-4471 M&R Professional Services Sandi Mejia 2562 E. Colorado Blvd., 2nd Floor Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 578-9786 / (626) sandimejia@pasadenasbcglobal.net578-9787 Maginnis Knechtel & McIntyre, LLP Linda Ballesteros 300 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 449-3466 / (626) www.m-k-m.comlballesteros@m-k-m.com577-9361 Martin Werbelow, LLP Micheal Hagedorn 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 930 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 577-1440 / (626) 577-1082 Missionwell, LLC Caryn Ryan 222 E. Glenarm St., Suite B-2 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 578-0001 / (818) 230-0563 P. I. E., Inc.–ManagementAccountingServices Laurette Clash (626) www.pieincaccounting.cominfo@pieincaccounting.com460-0338 Pacific Accounting Group, Inc. Chris Frankian, CPA 80 S. Lake Ave., Suite 640 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 714-7377 / (626) www.PacificGroupLA.comchris@pacificgroupla.com360-3160 Rabco Payroll Rob Rabichuk 2234 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.rabcopayroll.comRob@rabcopayroll.com795-5522 Robert Hall & Associates Enzo Ricciardi 300 W. Glenoaks Blvd., #200 Glendale CA 91202 (818) 242-4888 / (818) www.roberthalltaxes.comroberthalltaxes@roberthalltaxes.com242-1060 SDG Business Consulting and Financial Services Sharon Griffin 2120 Huntington Dr., Suite B S. Pasadena CA 91030 (626) www.sdgconsults.comsharon.griffin@sdgconsults.com616-7790 Skeehan & Company Joseph Skeehan 180 S. Lake Ave., 7th floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 585-9555 / (626) 792-2162 Specialty Taxes Robert Diaz 201 S. Lake Ave., Suite 512 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.specialtytaxes.comspecialtytaxes@gmail.com822-6001 Stanislawski & Company, Inc.–A Certified Public Accounting & Business Consulting Firm Charles G. Stanislawski 729 Mission St., Suite 100 South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) 441-0330 / (626) www.stanislawskiandcompany.cominfo@stanislawskiandcompany.com441-3933 Temo Arjani LLP Matthew Rayer 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 426 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 578-1978 / (626) 578-1639 Accounting, Bookkeeping, CPA & Payroll Services Acupuncture & Healing Services ADA & Accessibility Consulting Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations ApartmentsAerospace & Condos Architecture,Appliances Interior Design & Preservation Services Art, Antiques & Historic Resources Association Banks,Bakeries,Awards,AutomobileAutomobileAutoAttorneysAssociationsManagement&LegalServicesBodyRepair&Paint&MotorcycleServicesSales,Leasing&RentalsTrophies&EngravingChocolates&DessertsCreditUnions,Mortgage,Lending & Notary Services Banquet, Event, Meeting & Wedding Facilities Beauty, Beauty Supplies & Barbers Books, Magazines, Media, Newspapers & Publishers Building, Construction, Materials, Hardware & Equipment Sales Business Consultants Business Cannabis:NetworkingRecreational & Medicinal Car Washing Services CBD: Health and Wellness Child Care & Family Services ChurchesChiropractors&Religious Organizations Cleaning & Janitorial Services Clothing & Accessories Coffee/Tea Services & Supplies Computers, Internet & IT Services Concessions: Food & Alcohol Convention & Conferences COVID-19 Related Products and Services Dance Earthquake,DoctorsStudios&DentistsSeismic Services & Emergency Supplies Education & Schools Electrical EngineeringServices&Construction Management Environmental/GreenEntertainment & Solar Businesses Event/Wedding Production Services and Rentals Executive ExperientialSuitesDesign Firm Exterminators & Pest Services Film, Audio/Visual & TV Production Services Financial Services & Advisors Fitness, Personal Training Services & Yoga Flowers & Gifts Food & FuneralGroceries&Cremation Services Furniture & Interior Design Government & Government Services Graphic Design & Branding Health, Medical & Optometry Services Heating & Air Conditioning Home Health Care Home: Remodeling, Cabinetry, Services & Supplies Hospitals & Urgent Care Hotels, Motels & Vacation Rentals Human Resources, Employment, Payroll & Unions Ice Cream & Yogurt Individual Insurance:InstrumentMembersSales&RentalsBusiness,Car,Health & Home Jewelry-Sales, Repair & Design Junk Laundry,LandscapingRemovalServicesLinen&Cleaning Services MarriageManufacturingandFamily Therapy Medical Supplies Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Merchant Services Minority Owned Business Moving & Museums,StorageAttractions, Tours & Movie Theaters Non-Profit Children, Youth & Family Services Non-Profit Educational Non-Profit Fundraising, Financial & Economic Development Non-Profit Health & Wellness Providers Non-Profit Homeless Services Non-Profit National Organizations Non-Profit Organizations & Associations Non-Profit Service Providers Non-Profit Substance Abuse & Addiction Services Non-Profit Visual & Performing Arts Non-Profit Women’s Success Office Supplies/Machines & Business Services Organizations & Non-Profits Parking PersonalPerformingLotsArtsProtective Equipment (PPE) & Sanitizer Pets & Animal Services Pharmacies & Compounding Services Photography & Photo Services Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Services Printing, Copying & Publishing Services Professional Consulting & Services Property Management & Leasing Agents Public Libraries Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Development: Commercial & Residential Real Estate Residential Recreation & Sports Recycling, Zero & e-Waste Services Research & RestorationRestaurantsDevelopment&Catering&DisasterRecovery Services Robot Sales & Services Security, Private Investigation Services & Surveillance Senior Health & Wellness Services Senior Residential Communities Shopping & Retail Social Media, Online Marketing, App Development & Internet Advertising Strategic Transportation Consultants Taxes & Auditing Transportation,TelecommunicationsServices&UtilitiesShuttleServices & Airports Travel, Tourism & Tickets Waste Removal, Hauling & Recycling Services Website & App Design/Internet & Hosting Services Wellness Services Winery, Distillery, Beer & Wine Tasting, Sales5555555554545454545453535353535351515150505049494949494848484848484847474747474746464646464646464645454444444444444444434343434342424242424141414040404040393939393939393838383737373736363636363636363636363535353534343434333332323232313131313130303030303029
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 29 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY INDEXCATEGORYBUSINESS BOOKKEEPING,ACCOUNTING, CPA & PAYROLL SERVICES ADP Nancy Hernandez 9445 Fairway View PL, Suite 200 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730-0931 (626) nancy.hernandez@adp.com234-7900 Brown AccountancyArmstrongCorporation Alaina Vandermade (888) 565-1040 / (661) www.bacpas.comavandermade@bacpas.com324-4997 F & M Business Center Ishmael Trone 83 E. Orange Grove Blvd., # 1 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 796-7164 / (626) ishmael@fmbusinesscenter.com796-2960 Harrington Group, LLC Tonetta Conner 2698 Mataro St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 403-6801 / (626) 403-6866 HigherUp Mark Dabell 5301 Beethoven St. Los Angeles CA 90066 (310) 313-6855 / (626) 584-5729 J. McCaleb CPA Firm James McCaleb 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91106-2384 (626) 584-6142 / (800) www.jamesmccalebusa.comjames@jmccpafirm.com794-9915 Jenkins Bowler, LLP Charles Kiu 626 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 792-2179 / (626) 792-2411
Kimberly C. Covey, CPA Covey 595 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 409 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 584-6157 (626) kim@kimberlycovey.com584-6159
ACUPUNCTURE & HEALING SERVICES Healing with Zen Zen Tuan 2500 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 208 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.HealingWithZen.comzen@healingwithzen.com377-9596
Business 4 Business Think Tank Joan De Souza P.O. Box 5254 Pasadena CA 91117 (626) 482-8867 / (626) www.business4business.orgjoan@joandesouza.com482-8867
The Bartholomew Method Sean Bartholomew 935 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91106-2906 (626) www.thebartholomewmethod.comsean@thebartholomewmethod.com606-2505
AdaptiveMobilityWorks–Vehicles Marti Callow 325 N. Altadena Dr., Suite A Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 584-8181 / (626) www.mobilityworks.commarti.callow@mobilityworks.com584-8182
Coleman, Inc. Peggy Coleman 87 E. Green St., Suite 205 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) http://www.colemanmcg.cominfo@colemancm.com535-9500
Networking Bizz Luis R. De 35 E. Suite H Pasadena CA 91103 (213) Marketing Group Luisa Virgen 45 E. Pasadena CA 91103 (323) www.redirectmarketinggroup.commblanco@rdmg.us968-7364
Laura Acupuncture Clinic Laura Huang 3840 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 714-7479 / (626) www.herbalneedle.comlaura@herbalneedle.com314-2886
www.networkingbizz.comadmin@networkingbizz.com792-4577 Redirect
Union St.
PromotionalBeck&Call Products, Awards & Apparel Jim Kiley 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 300 Pasadena CA 91101 (323) www.beckandcall.comjim@beckandcall.com328-1211
Custom Signs, Inc. Timothy Schwan 962 W. Foothill Blvd. Azusa CA 91702 (626) 969-2222 / (626) 969-5511
30 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
Allegra Consulting, Inc. Suzanne Madison 129 N. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.allegraconsulting.netsuzanne@allegraconsulting.net405-4848
Marx/Okubo Associates, Inc. Babak Nassirpour 790 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 250 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-6842 / (626) www.marxokubo.combabak_nassirpour@marxokubo.com792-0367
Communications Lab Justin Glover 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.communicationslab.comjustin@communicationslab.com788-6553
Final Touch Media Kyle Minton 680 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 180 & 2nd Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) KHB Marketing Katherine Hunter-Blyden 600 N. Lincoln Ave., #94893 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) https://khbmarketinggroup.comhello@katherinehunterblyden.com344-8730 LAG Strategy Corp. Stuart Pfeifer 427 S. El Molino Ave., Apt.#6 Pasadena CA 91101
Union St.,
Enhanced PerformanceMarketing Craig Valine (626) 219-2726 / (626) 628-1973 (310) www.lagstrategy.comstuart@lagstrategy.com415-6955 Driven Inc. Barrios Perez (310)
Chamber Marketing Partners, Inc. Ed Burzminski PO Box 2416 Redondo Beach CA 90278 (800) 428-1798 / (866) www.chambermarketingpartners.comed@chambermarketingpartners.com931-6169
Signarama Pasadena John Diaz 1385 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.signarama-pasadena.comstella@signarama-pasadena.com794-1625 Special Signs Hung Diep 115 N. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel CA 91775 (626) signs@specialsigns.net285-8870 Spectrum Reach Paula Darlas 199 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 770 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 660-0007 / (626) spectrumreach.comPaula.Darlas@charter.com660-0022 Starke Marketing Adam Benjamin 625 Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 383 South Pasadena CA The Imagen Group, Inc. Angelica Urquijo 530 S. Lake Ave., #837 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 765-3553 / (626) http://www.theimagengroup.comangelica@theimagengroup.com763-3553 AEROSPACE Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corp. Kris Zacny 2408 Lincoln Ave. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 421-7902 / (626) www.honeybeerobotics.comkazacny@honeybeerobotics.com689-4823 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Andre T. Stefanovich 4800 Oak Grove Dr., M/S 291-209 Pasadena CA &APARTMENTSCONDOS AMLI Residential Old Pasadena Marco Martinez 75 W. Holly St. Pasadena CA 91103 (888) fornia/pasadena-apartments/amli-old-pasadena Arpeggio Apartments Aimee Reyes 325 Cordova St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.arpeggioapts.comArpeggio.CD@fpimgt.com440-0545 Green Hotel Apartments Green Hotel Apartments 50 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-7070 / (626) 793-2641 Pasadena Gateway Villas Nevine Khalil 290 N. Hudson Ave. Pasadena CA 91101-4421 (626) 395-9701 / (626) www.thepasadenagatewayvillas.com395-9702 Terraces at Paseo Colorado Carol Greene 375 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 744-3374 / (626) www.terracesatpaseoco.comterraces@windsorcommunities.com744-3379 Trio Apartments Portugal Rosie 44 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 395-0100 / (626) www.TrioAptsPasadena.comTrioapartments@greystar.com304-1144 APPLIANCES Pasadena Kitchens Sarah Sweatmon 241 S. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 793-0641 / (626) www.pasadenakitchens.comsales@pasadenakitchens.com793-9606 SERVICES&INTERIORARCHITECTURE,DESIGNPRESERVATION Architecture for Education Incorporated Rachel Adams 41 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 356-4080 / (626) www.architecture4e.cominfo@architecture4e.com356-3080 Decor Revolution Karen Steinberg 2049 Garfias Dr. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.decorrevolution.comkaren@decorrevolution.com533-0360 Design/BuildHartmanBaldwin Karla Rodriguez-Herrera 300 S. Raymond Ave., Suite 18 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.HartmanBaldwin.cominfo@hartmanbaldwin.com486-0510 Masbuild, Inc. Lynnelle Bryant 221 E. Walnut St., Suite 234 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.masbuild.cominfo@masbuild.com792-2555 Onyx Architects, Inc. Dale Brown 2540 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107-3309 (626) 405-8001 / (626) www.onyxarchitects.cominfo@onyxarchitects.com389-1951 Pangolin Julian C. Ma 510 S. Hewitt St., Unit 510 Los Angeles CA 90013 (757) PARC, DC Babak Nassirpour 2271 Lake Ave., No. 6011 Altadena CA 91001 (818) http://www.parcarchitecture.combabak@parcarchitecture.com370-4841
Digital, LLC

Pasadena Mural Company Victor Fung (718) https://greetingstour.comgreetingstour@gmail.com350-7671
Thomas Lenz 201 S. Lake Ave., Suite 300 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 583-8600 / (626) 583-8610
Winston Thorne Architect Winston Thorne 91 N. Mar Vista Ave., Apt.#8 Pasadena CA 91106-1425 (213) www.winstonthorne.cominfo@winstonthorne.com858-1810 Baker, Olson, LeCroy & Danielian Eric Olson 100 W. Broadway, Suite 990 Glendale CA 91210 (818) 502-5600 / (818) 241-2653
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association |
Playhouse AssociationDistrict Brian Wallace 709 E. Colorado Blvd., #160 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 744-0340 / (626) www.playhousedistrict.org744-0347 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
Leon Khachooni 2500 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 209 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 793-5873 / (626) www.foothillapartmentassociation.com793-1930 Old ManagementPasadena District Steve Mulheim 23 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 356-9725 / (626) 356-9775
World of MIM LLC Marina Bijelic 87 E. Green St., Suite 304 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.worldofmim.commarina@worldofmim.com517-7820
Judgment Collection LA Paris Liang 556 S. Fair Oaks Ave., #577 Pasadena CA 91105 (213) judgmentcollectionla@gmail.com321-3337 Laquer Urban Clifford & Hodge, LLP Jackie Brown 200 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-1882 / (626) 449-1958
Huntington Marketing & Association Management Patricia Rosengren 2700 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 209 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.associationmanagement.bizinfo@huntingtonmarketing.com292-1400
Chang & Lee Law Joseph H. Lee Blvd., Noller 301 N. Lake Ave., 7th Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 440-5200 / (626) www.huntortmann.cominfo@huntortmann.com796-0107
Suite 325 Pasadena CA Cunningham Legal Arlene Samore-Sanchez 2700 E. Foothill Blvd., 306 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.cunninghamlegal.comasamore-sanchez@cunninghamlegal.com585-6970 Erin Joyce Law Karen Joyce 117 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 465 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.erinjoycelaw.comkaren@erinjoycelaw.com314-9050 Fong and Aquino, LLP Romben Aquino 709 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 250 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.fongaquino.comromben@fongaquino.com577-8020 ForensisGroup Mercy Steenwyk 301 N. Lake Ave., Suite 420 Pasadena CA 91101-5119 (626) 795-5000 / (626) www.forensisgroup.comexperts@forensisgroup.com795-1950 Hackler Flynn & Associates, APC Cynthia Hackler Flynn 479 S. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (323) 247-7030 / (323) www.HacklerFlynnLaw.comCindy@HacklerFlynnLaw.com319-9242 Hahn & Hahn, LLP Candice Rogers 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Ninth Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-9123 / (626) www.hahnlawyers.comcrogers@hahnlawyers.com449-7357 Hunt DarlingPalffyOrtmannNieves&Mah, Inc. Lee
301 E. Colorado
Jim Konoske Consulting Jim Konoske 3506 Crooked Creek Diamond Bar CA 91765 (626) www.jimkonoske.comjimkonoske@verizon.net965-5789
Studio Ren Architecture Cynthia Wang 1862 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (310) www.studioren.comcwang@studioren.com892-9691
Foothill AssociationApartment
Pasadena Bar Association Michelle Paniagua 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 524 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.pasadenabar.orginfo@pasadenabar.org793-1422
ATTORNEYS & LEGAL SERVICES Anderson & Associates Attorneys at Law Scott Hill 140 S. Lake Ave., Suite 372 Pasadena CA 91101-4942 (626) 449-8131 / (626) 449-8041
Barbaro, Chinen, Pitzer & Duke, LLP Richard L. Chinen, Esq. 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 700 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 793-5196 / (626) 793-3602
Pasadena Police Officers Association President Roger Roldan PO Box 281 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.pasadenapoa.com440-2814
Larson & Gaston, LLP John Larson 200 S. Los Robles Ave., #530 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-6001 / (626) www.larsongaston.comjohn.larson@larsongaston.com795-0016 Law Office of Richard A. McDonald, Esq. Of Counsel, Carlson & Nicholas, LLP Richard A. McDonald, Esq. 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 320 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 356-4801 / (626) www.CarlsonNicholas.comRMcDonald@CarlsonNicholas.com356-4801 Law Offices of Alfred F. Moses Al Moses 236 W. Mountain St., Suite 113 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 795-4191 / (626) 795-2791 Law Offices of Randy W. Medina, APLC Randy W. Medina 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 514 Pasadena CA 91101-1919 (626) 432-1975 / (626) 628-3808 Law Offices of Timothy Bowles Aimee Rosales 1 S. Fair Oaks Ave., #301 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 583-6600 / (626) www.tbowleslaw.comofficemgr@tbowleslaw.com583-6605 Lewis Roca Thomas J. Daly 655 N. Central Ave., Suite 2300 Glendale CA 91203 (626) 795-9900 / (626) 577-8800 Margolin & Lawrence Erin Williams 8484 Wilshire Blvd., #440 Beverly Hills CA 90211 (704) www.margolinlawrence.comerin@margolinlawrence.com796-7436 Moss Law Group Richard M. Moss 255 S. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-7400 / (626) 796-7789 Reeves Law Group, The Derek Pakiz 1055 W. 7th St., #3333 Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) personal-injury-attorneys/ Rodriguez Law Group, The Ambrosio E. Rodriguez 626 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 460 Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) 995-6767 / (626) 432-1737 Romero Law, APC Alan Romero 251 S. Lake Ave., Suite 930 Pasadena CA 91101-4873 (626) 396-9900 / (626) 396-9990 San Gabriel Valley Lawyer Referral Service Jan Penix 1175 E. Garvey St., Suite 105 Covina CA 91724 (626) 966-5530 / (626) 915-4755 Attorneys & Legal Services continued
San Gabriel Valley Black Business Association Derrick Dancer Pasadena CA 91116 (626) 524-5125 South Lake Business Association Gina Tleel 251 S. Lake Ave., Suite 180 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-1259 / (626) www.southlakeavenue.orgslba@southlakeavenue.org792-1287
ASSOCIATIONS California AssociationApartment Matthew Buck 980 Ninth Street, Suite 1430 Sacramento CA 95814 (951) caanet.orgmbuck@caanet.org809-4423
Tyler+Kelly Architecture Rob Tyler 80 S. Lake Ave., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 396-9599 / (626) www.tylerkellyarchitecture.comrtyler@tylerkellyarchitecture.com396-0899

Sorell Law Group Steven Sorell 140 S. Lake Ave., Suite 349 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-8600 / (626) steven@sorellgroup.com792-8700 Stone Busailah, LLP Muna Busailah 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 320 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 683-5600 / (626) m.busailah@police-defense.com683-5656
Schweitzer Law Partners Maria Schweitzer 201 S. Lake Ave., Suite 800 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 683-8113 / (626) www.PasadenaLawOffice.commaria@pasadenalawoffice.com356-0102
Seyfarth Shaw, LLP Richard C. Mendelson 601 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) seyfarth.comrmendelson@seyfarth.com270-9619
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP Allen Lanstra 300 S. Grand Ave., Suite 3400 Los Angeles CA 90071 (213) 687-5513 / (213) www.skadden.comAllen.Lanstra@skadden.com621-5513
Sullivan, Workman & Dee, LLP Theresa Pranata 600 N. Rosemead Blvd., Suite 209 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 656-8700 / (213) 627-7128
Terzian Law Group, A Professional Corporation Tamar Terzian 1122 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 826-1271 / (818) 242-1012
The Blanch Law Firm Alana Segal 611 S. Catalina St., Suite 222 Los Angeles CA 90005 (213) www.theblanchlawfirm.comma@theblanchlawfirm.com336-3233
The Law Firm of Bezaire, Ledwitz and Associates, APC Samuel B. Ledwitz 482 N. Rosemead Blvd., Suite 203 Pasadena CA 91107 (310) www.SmartEstatePlans.comsamuel@ledwitzlaw.com316-2400
32 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
The Ortiz Law Firm Tomas A. Ortiz 117 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 600 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.theortizlawfirm.comtortiz@theortizlawfirm.com219-1743
Vardanyan Law Firm Ruben Vardanyan 30 N. Raymond Ave., Suite 205 Pasadena CA 91103 (747) 777-9725 / (747) www.vardanyanlawfirm.comruben@vardanyanlawfirm.com200-4177
CARSTAR Douglas Auto Body & Paint Armen Daghla 2463 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 795-7577 / (626) www.douglasautobody.comdouglas@douglasautobody.com795-5737 Collision Auto Repair Specialist Ray Akramian 184 N. Meridith Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 796-3634 / (626) https://carsinpasadena.comcollisionautorepairspecialist@gmail.com796-3575 Joe’s Auto Body & Paint, Inc. Silvie Baghdadlian 3549 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 793-0151 / (626) www.symescollision.comsymescollisioncenter@live.com793-0577 McCurdy Body Works William A. McCurdy 583 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-7763 / (626) mccurdybodyworks@gmail.com796-4128 Silverlake Collision Center Gevork or George Chilgevorkyan 141 Vista Ave. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 844-0108 / (626) www.scccollision.comgeorge@scccollision.com844-0148 SERVICES&AUTOMOBILEMOTORCYCLE 1 Driving School Mike El Shami 40 N. Altadena Dr., Suite 200-L Pasadena CA 91107 (800) 786-5630 / (213) 1DrivingSchool.comsupport@1drivingschool.com336-3034 A Car Auto Harry Kouladjian 1160 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 356-3094 / (626) 356-3251 Pasadena Motor Cars Aaron Curtis 55 Beacon Place Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.pasadenamotorcars.compasadenamotorcars@gmail.com449-6686 AUTOMOBILE SALES, LEASING & RENTALS Acura of Glendale Jeanne Brewer 505 S. Brand Blvd. Glendale CA 91204 (818) 502-1100 / (818) www.acuraofglendale.comjeannebrewer@acuraofglendale.com502-1108 Bidlane Salim Mansoori 3540 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.BIDLANE.comlisa@bidlane.com558-7942 Carmerica Motor Group, LLC Clint Mooney 2655 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite A Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 817-9808 / (626) 817-9788 Honda of Pasadena Jeff Christoffel 1965 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 683-5888 / (626) www.hondaofpasadena.cominfo@hondaofpasadena.com795-6142 Rusnak / Pasadena Paul Rusnak 267-337 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (800) 824-8549 / (626) www.rusnakautogroup.comprusnak@rusnakgroup.com229-2471 Thorson Buick GMC of Pasadena Tom George 3456 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 795-8851 / (626) www.thorsonmotorcenter.comtgeorge@thorsonmotorcenter.com796-8933 Toyota & Scion of Pasadena Javier Arroyo 3600 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 795-9787 / (626) www.toyotapasadena.com463-5552 Volkswagen Pasadena Karl Zerrenner 130 N. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 577-0300 / (626) www.vwpasadena.comkarl.z@vwpasadena.com577-4408 AWARDS, TROPHIES & ENGRAVING AwardsBeck&Call&Trophies Jim Kiley 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 300 Pasadena CA 91101 (323) www.beckandcall.comjim@beckandcall.com328-1211 West Coast Trophy Center Rosie Lascon-Ang 1355 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 683-8888 / (626) 395-7778
Strassburg, Gilmore & Wei, PersonalLLP–Injury Attorneys William R. Gilmore 1250 E. Walnut St., Suite 136 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 683-9933 / (626) 683-9944

Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 33 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
Fuller Notary Ebone Fuller 796 Merrett Dr. #5 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.fullernotary.commsebone@msn.com560-0800
Green Dot Corporation Peter Colantoni 3465 E.
Sugarland Maria Ortiz 512 Myrtle Ave. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) sugerlandmonrovia@gmail.com755-1327
Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.greendot.comPColantoni@greendotcorp.com765-2414 Help With My Loan, Inc. Ani Oganesyan 2550 N. Hollywood Way Burbank CA 91505 (818) J.P. Morgan Private Bank Austin Tipp 177 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91105 (310) L. A. Financial Credit Union Raul Vasquez 177 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 900 Pasadena CA 91105 (800) www.lafinancial.orgrvasquez@lafinancial.org894-1200 LA Electrical Workers Credit Union Kimberly Diaz, Executive Vice President 3820 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.laewcu.comkimberlyd@laewcu.com379-5811 Lending Bricks Andres Epps 790 E Colorado Blvd., Suite 900 Pasadena CA 91101 (323) www.lendingbricks.comAndres@LendingBricks.com274-8921 Luther Burbank Savings Rita Guzman 170 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 373-0380 / (626) www.lutherburbanksavings.comrguzman@lbsavings.com204-2190 Pacific Premiere Bank Stefan Lehner 790 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 150 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.ppbi.comslehner@ppbi.com243-1932 2 As of 3.31.22. CVB Financial Corp. is the holding company for Citizens Business Bank. Not Insured by FDIC or Any Other Government Agency Not Bank Deposits or Obligations Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value ¹ Citizens Business Bank is one of the 10 largest bank holding companies headquartered in California with over $17 billion in total assets2. The Bank is consistently recognized as one of the top performing banks in the nation and offers a wide array of banking, lending, and investing1 services through 63 banking centers and 3 trust office locations serving the Inland Empire, Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Diego County, Ventura County, Santa Barbara County, and Central California. Banking Lending Investing¹ |Equal Housing Lender | Member FDIC Contact us today! Pasadena Business Financial Center 626.405.4915 07.22 Banks, Credit Unions, Mortgage, Lending & Notary continued
Valentine Sweets Organic Bakery and Cafe Marianna Vardanyan 88 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (818) Valentinesweets.comSupport@valentinesweets.co618-2418
BANKS, SERVICESLENDINGUNIONS,CREDITMORTGAGE,&NOTARY Ave., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.eastwestbank.comRoger.Huang@eastwestbank.com768-6072
First Choice Bank Doug Webb 918 E. Green St., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.firstchoicebankca.comdwebb@firstchoicebankca.com714-3232
Arroyo Village Escrow Services Debra Fernandez 969 Colorado Blvd., #103 Los Angeles CA 90041 (626) 396-9999 / (626) www.arroyovillage.comdfernandez@arroyovillage.com396-9980 Citizens Business Bank Greg Grande 1010 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106-2311 (626) 405-4915 / (626) 568-0544 City National Bank–Commercial Banking Dena Harte 55 S. Lake Ave., Suite 630 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 365-5140 / (626) 365-5150 Cross Country Mortgage William Theriault 278 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (949) william.theriault@myccmortgage.com482-6821 E-Central Credit Union Evan Hitchcock 990 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 799-6000 / (626) 799-6950 East West Bank Roger Huang 135 N. Los Robles
&CHOCOLATESBAKERIES,DESSERTS Amara Chocolate & Coffee Amara Barroeta 55 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.amarachocolate.cominfo@amarachocolate.com744-1765
Delight Pastry Leila Azargoshasb 39 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (415) https://delightpastryca.cominfo@delightpastryca.com521-6870
Nothing Bundt Cakes Ingrid Kuo 548 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.nothingbundtcakes.compasadena@nothingbundtcakes.com792-8200
Randy’s Donuts Pasadena Sansmark Inc. 230 S. Lake Ave., Unit #2 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) randysdonuts.commichelle@randysdonuts.com365-1216

Castle Green Tatiana Joyet 99 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-0359 / (626) www.castlegreen.comevents@castlegreen.com793-6314
NOOR Robert Shahnazarian 300 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 793-4518 / (818) www.noorevents.comrobert@noorevents.com276-8310
Santa Anita Park (L.A. Turf Club) Pete Siberell 285 W. Huntington Drive Arcadia CA 91007 (626) 574-6373 www.santaanita.compsiberell@santaanita.com821-1530
House of Riaz
Wells Fargo Bank–Washington Blvd. Brian Murphy 1830 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.wellsfargo.commurphybe@wellsfargo.com296-7340
Union Bank Shelly Chia 70 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 322-8450 / (626) www.unionbank.comshelly.chia@unionbank.com309-506
/ (626)
MyImage Skin and Body Ruzanna Orudzhyan 119 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (888) www.myimageskinandbody.commyimageskinandbody@gmail.com955-4664 SALON90 Nellie Rivas 90 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 744-2999 / (626) www.Salon90pasadena.comsalon90pasadena@aol.com744-2952 SkinGlow Salon Viktoria Martiskova 799 E. Green St., Suite 38 Pasadena CA 91101 (510) https://www.skinglowsalon.comvikimar@yahoo.com206-2711 Spatini Skin Lounge, LLC Pauline J. Murillo 562 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91101 (310) spatiniskinlounge.commurillo.pj@yahoo.com508-1158 Sugar & Spice Spa LA Erika Kennington 1492 W. Colorado Blvd., Suite 120 Pasadena CA The Honey Comb Hair Studio Jannette Gonzalez & Sandra Galarza 16 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) TheStudioSalon.comThe.Hairstudio@gmail.com365-1105 BOOKS, MAGAZINES, MEDIA, NEWSPAPERS & PUBLISHERS Hey Media Julie Coop 125 E. Chestnut Ave. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 301-1010 / (626) KPCC/So. California Public Radio Mark Crowley 474 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 583-5100 / (626) 583-5105 Los Angeles Business Journal Darrin Sennott 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170 Los Angeles CA 90036 (323) 549-5225 Pasadena Neighbors West Michael Thatcher 2951 Honolulu Ave., Suite D Glendale CA 91214 (818) www.bestversionmedia.commthatcher@bestversionmedia.com454-3081 Pasadena Now James Macpherson 325 Mount Washington Dr. Los Angeles CA 90065 (626) 737-8486 / (888) www.pasadenanow.comjamesm@pasadenanowmagazine.com650-9712 Pasadena NewspaperOutlook Charlie Plowman, Jr. 800 Foothill Blvd. La Canada Flintridge CA 91011 (626) 398-7800 / (818) www.outlooknewspapers.comoutlooknews@outlooknewspapers.com790-2039 Pasadena Star-News (San Gabriel Valley Newspaper Group) Minnie Cooper 605 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 100 Monrovia CA 91016 (818) 713-3330 / (626) 795-5515 Pasadena Weekly Zac Reynolds P. O. Box 1349 South Pasadena CA 91031 (626) 584-1500 / (626) www.pasadenaweekly.comzac@timespublications.com795-0149 Vroman’s Bookstore Julia Cowlishaw 695 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-5320 / (626) www.vromansbookstore.comjcowlishaw@vromansbookstore.com792-7308 Whitmore Rare Books Dan Whitmore 121 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91103-3927 (626) WhitmoreRareBooks.cominfo@whitmorerarebooks.com714-7720 EQUIPMENTHARDWAREMATERIALS,CONSTRUCTION,BUILDING,&SALES BITCO Group,ConstructionThe Christopher Phillips 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 900 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 683-5151 / (626) 683-5192
Wells Fargo Bank–Allen Ave. Brian Murphy 1390 N. Allen Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) murphybe@wellsfargo.com296-7190
U.S. Bank Home Mortgage Julie Davis 790 E. Colorado Blvd., #480 Pasadena CA 91101 (323)
34 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
University Club of Pasadena Cyrus Afshin 175 N. Ave. CA Beaute Diane Tran 62 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.emblushbeaute.comemblushbeaute@gmail.com639-3510
91101 (626) www.universityclubpasadena.comcyrusafshin@universityclubpasadena.com793-5157 BEAUTY, SUPPLIESBEAUTY&BARBERS Emblush
Amanda Mendoza 453 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (323) www.glowbeautyco.netglowbeautyco1@gmail.com440-2191
Pasadena Federal Credit Union Jose Peralta 100 W. Walnut St., 8th Floor Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 799-0882 / (626) 799-2584 AD PAGE 32 Quest Financial Services Allen H. Clason 1971 Monte Vista St., 1st Floor Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.quest4cash.bizallenclason@quest4cash.biz792-7363
U.S. Bank Caroline Jarkazian 720 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 397-4924 / (626) www.usbank.comcaroline.jarkazian@usbank.com397-4928
Wells Fargo Bank–Colorado Blvd. Brian Murphy 1739 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 578-7820 / (626) www.wellsfargo.commurphybe@wellsfargo.com578-7836
TownAltadena&Country Club Sandy Phermsangngam 2290 Country Club Dr. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 794-7163 / (626) 798-2877
Anna Katherine Roze 799 E. Green St., #21 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.houseofriaz.comhouseofriaz@gmail.com893-6411
Wells Fargo Bank–West Pasadena Brian Murphy 350 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 449-3661 / (626) www.wellsfargo.commurphybe@wellsfargo.com449-5092
Wells Fargo Bank–Fair Oaks Ave. Brian Murphy 655 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.wellsfargo.commurphybe@wellsfargo.com685-9275
Wells Fargo Bank–East Pasadena Marciano Almeda 3701 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 351-4960 / (626) www.wellsfargo.comMarciano.Almeda@wellsfargo.com351-4965
BANQUET, EVENT, MEETING & WEDDING FACILITIES Calamigos at L.A. Equestrian Center Michael O’Connell 480 Riverside Dr. Burbank CA 91506 (818) 972-5940 / (818) www.calamigosequestrian.comMichael@calamigosequestrian.com972-5946
Courtyard by Marriott–Old Pasadena Mike Owen 180 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 403-7600 / (626)
Wells Fargo Bank–Lake Ave. Brian Murphy 82 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.wellsfargo.commurphybe@wellsfargo.com449-8611
Pasadena Masonic Temple Ron Alcorn III 200 S. Euclid Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-5610 / (626) www.pasadenamasonic.orgron@pasadenamasonic.org795-8956
Bridges Leadership and Education Service, LLC Yvette Latunde P. O. Box 5543 Pasadena CA 91117 (626) www.bridgesleadership.comlatundecounsulting@yahoo.com214-5664
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 35 CHAMBER DIRECTORY
California Closets Mike Cassidy 532 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (714) 899-4905 / (714) CaliforniaClosets.commicassidy@calclosets.com899-4866
Pacific Crane & Equipment Sales Tony Thomas 14030 Rose Ave. Fontana CA 92337 (818) 956-5231 / (818) www.pacificcranes.comtonythomas@pacificcranes.com956-5239
Rescue Roofing & Construction Ida Ayvazians 532 Riverdale Dr. Glendale CA 91204-1410 (323)
Dorado Design & Construction, Inc. Nathaniel Booker 1607 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (818) 557-1225 / (818) www.doradodc.comnathanielb@doradodc.com557-1335
www.rescueroofingandconstruction.comida@rescueroofer.com559-1639 ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc. Raj Maniar 601 W. 140th St. Gardena CA 90248 (800) 750-6690 / (310) 532-0699 United Site Services Natalie Hinojosa 4511 Rowland Ave. El Monte CA 91731 (626) 698-3057 / (626) www.unitedsiteservices.comNatalie.Hinojosa@unitedsiteservices.com454-5916
George L. Throop Company Jeffrey Throop PO Box 92405 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 796-0285 / (626) 577-0023
G.G. & M. Construction, Inc. Marilyn Buchanan 125 N. Raymond Ave., #202 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) Marilyn@ajbenterprises.com298-3615
CertaPro Painters of Pasadena Bob Mauser 272 S. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (323) 697-0545 / (626)
CONSULTANTSBUSINESS ConsultingActionable Services Ardie Hood P. O. Box 203 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 (626) https://actionableconsultingservices.comacs.ardie@gmail.com800-9664
One Stop Retrofit Rima Alexaman 18455 Burbank Blvd., Suite 411 Tarzana CA 91356 (310) EFI.OREN3@gmail.com349-3223
Custom Business Planning and Solutions Peter Mehit 157 N. Raymond Ave., Suite 305 Pasadena CA 91103 (800) www.custombps.compmehit@custombps.com741-8444 Exceptional ProfessionalQualityDevelopment Casswell Goodman (786) www.GetEQPD.comGetEQPD@gmail.com488-8295 Janas Associates and Janas Consulting, Inc. R. Carter Freeman 141 S. Lake Ave., Suite 102 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.janascorp.cominfo@janascorp.com432-7000 JEB Coaching, LLC dba Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching John Burt 655 Busch Garden Dr. Pasadena CA 91105 (720) johnburt.intelligentleadershipec.comjburt@intelligentleadershipec.com235-9370 Kabateck Strategies John Kabateck (916) www.KabStrat.comjohn@kabstrat.com956-9027 Linda Harris Linda Harris 1434 N. Oxford Ave. Pasadena CA 91104-2731 (626) innervisionca414@gmail.com394-2478 Nishan International Ulan 3452 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 805 Pasadena CA 91107 (323) ulan1300@gmail.com823-8886 Pacific Coast Regional Small DevelopmentBusinessCorp. Constance Anderson 3255 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1501 Los Angeles CA 90010 (866) 301-9989 / (213) www.pcrsbdc.orgconstancea@pcrsbdc.org739-0639 Retail Results Consulting LLC Tiffany Hwang (626) www.retailresultsconsulting.comtiffany@retailresultsconsulting.com209-9048 SC Business Solution S. Samuel Chun Pasadena CA 91103 (818) scbusinesssolution.comsam@scbusinesssolution.com600-2053 The Future Organization, LLC Aimery Thomas 352 Flower St. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) http://www.thefutureorg.comknow@thefutureorg.com406-1422 V1H Consulting Larry Hammond (626) http://v1hconsulting.cominfo@v1hconsulting.com379-4108 Win-Win SolutionsWorkplace Gail Schaper-Gordon 1912 Kaweah Dr. Pasadena CA 91105 (323) 259-9449 / (323) www.winwinworkplace.comgail@winwinworkplace.com344-0009 NETWORKINGBUSINESS BNI Mike Adray 17853 Santiago Blvd., Suite 107-507 Villa Park CA 92861 (877) 510-4900 / (877) 510-4900 Business Alliance/BizNetNetworking Tony Buschauer 150 S. Los Robles Ave., #860 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.biznetalliance.orgtbuschauer@gfbcpa.com793-7118 Small NetworkingBusinessGroup, Inc. dba Professional Referral Organization (PRO) Greg Shields 544 Pioneer Dr. Glendale CA 91203-1635 (213) www.sbnginc.comgshields@consultant.com952-3060 &RECREATIONALCANNABIS:MEDICINAL Eaze Nicole Redler 2800 3rd St., #202 San Francisco CA 94107 (518) www.Eaze.comnicole@eaze.com435-5878 Integral Associates Dena, LLC dba Essence Cannabis Dispensary Pasadena Jennifer Wilcox 908 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.essencedispensary.comessencepasadena@gtigrows.com600-6612 Pasadena Wellness, LLC Tony Huang 555 W. Fifth St., 48th Floor Los Angeles CA 90013 (949) tony@g25ventures.com783-8868 SoCal Building Ventures Chris Berman 32123 Lindero Canyon Rd., Suite 210 West Lake Village CA 91361 (818) 865-1700 / (818) 865-1711 Sweet Flower Pasadena Seinne Fleming 827 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) sweetflower.compasadena@sweetflower.com314-3106 Varda Tony Fong 300 S. Raymond Ave., #15 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) sixzt@hotmail.com215-5656 Velvet Cannabis Priscilla Alkais 1118 Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90041 CAR SERVICESWASHING Arroyo Car Wash Corp. Allen Chu 605 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 795-9368 / (626) http://arroyocaliforniacarwash.comallenchu@earthlink.net795-9593
Ganahl Lumber Luis Rojas 3003 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.ganahllumber.comluisrojas@ganahl.com993-2100
Buell Business Consultant Victor Buell 7457 Blewett Ave. Van Nuys CA 91406 (818)
Building Safety Solutions, Inc. Hector Gomez 131 N. El Molino Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.bssnet.comhgomez@bssnet.com482-4080 Community 2.0: Thriving People Creating A Sustainable Planet Greg Apodaca Altadena CA 91001 (626) 437-6735 / (626) www.gapodaca.comapodacac2.0@gmail.com345-0981
Service, Inc. Chris Waldheim 3550 Foothill Blvd. Glendale CA 91214 (818) 247-8778 / (818) 957-4435 Molina (InsuredMaintenanceGeneralandBonded) Mario Molina Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.molinageneralmaintenance.commariom@molinageneralmaintenance.com387-0550 Omni Building Services, Inc./Tri Maids, Inc. Pamela Buettner 1836 Evergreen St. Duarte CA 91010 (626) 305-0040 / (626) 305-0084 True Blue Maids Lynette Haugen 2104 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.truebluemaids.comtbmaids@yahoo.com466-8488 CLOTHING ACCESSORIES& Peony Couture Jessica Santamaria 380 S. Lake Ave., Suite 101B Pasadena CA 91101-3525 (310) www.mypeonycouture.comjessica.b.santamaria@gmail.com961-7384 SERVICESCOFFEE/TEA& SUPPLIES Coffee + Plants, LLC Owen Cox 62 W. Union St., #2 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.coffeeandplantsla.comac@coffeeandplantsla.com615-1261 Lavender & Honey Espresso Bar Melanie Porter 1383 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.lavenderandhoneyespresso.cominfo@lavenderandhoneyespresso.com529-5571 My Place Cafe LaTanya Dearborn-Smith 2057 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) myplacecafe20@gmail.com797-9255 Sierra Java, Inc. Rob Stafford (626) www.sierrajava.netrob@sierrajava.net993-7715 Tea Rose Garden Elizabeth Kim 70 N. Raymond Ave., Suite 1 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.tearosegarden.comtrosegarden@gmail.com578-1144 Twinkle Tea Amy Fang 498 South Lake Avenue Pasadena CA 91101 (626) Twinkleteamanagement@gmail.com203-5888 ITINTERNETCOMPUTERS,&SERVICES BlissVector Tech Curtis Smith 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91106 (310) https://blissvector.comcsmith@blissvector.com975-4151 DCG Technical Solutions, Inc. Brent Whitfield 1043 Foothill Blvd. La Canada-Flintridge CA 91011 (626) 689-2215 / (213) MC Computer Consulting, Inc. Michael Chan 407 West Valley Blvd., Unit 4 Alhambra CA 91803 (818) https://www.mcpcinc.commichaelc@mcpcinc.com303-4111 Micro Trends of Pasadena, Inc. Rick Khan 2000 Las Lunas St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 432-5990 / (626) www.micro-trends.cominfo@micro-trends.com432-5992 Netready Zac Abdulkadir, CISSP 251 S. Lake Ave., Suite 800 Pasadena CA 91101 (213) www.netreadyit.comzac@netreadyit.com463-2100 TeamLogic IT of Pasadena Justin Tsui 46 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 381-9983 / (626) Xericloud Derek Laing 995 E. Green St., #302 Pasadena CA 91106-2410 (626) https://xericloud.cominfo@xericloud.com768-7800 FOODCONCESSIONS:&ALCOHOL Pretzel King, LLC Linda Read (818) 634-2449 / (626) www.cinnabon.comlinda@pretzelkingca.com714-7265 CONVENTION CONFERENCES& ConventionPasadena Center Jeanne O’Grady Goldschmidt 300 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101-2399 (626) 793-2122 / (626) www.pasadenacenter.comjogrady@pasadenacenter.com793-8014 COVID-19 SERVICESPRODUCTSRELATEDAND Dolphin Rents Patrick Dolphin 915 W. 5th St. Azusa CA 91702 (626) 795-5131 / (626) info@dolphinevents.biz577-8044 Maintco Corp. Mike Singer 20 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank CA 91502 (951) maintco.cominfo@maintco.com805-3371 CBD: HEALTH AND WELLNESS Your CBD Store–Pasadena Kevin Oh 2245 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 102 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) CHILD CARE & FAMILY SERVICES California Mentor, Family Home Agency Robin Grimm 16 N. Mentor Ave., Suite 203 Pasadena CA 91101 (909) 586-4353 / (626) Mentorswanted.comRobin.Grimm@sevitahealth.com541-0093 Kiddie Academy of Pasadena Julie Chavez 169 N.
The Joint Chiropractic The Joint Corp. 3653 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107-3121 (626)
First Lutheran Church Henry Hubert 808 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91104-4317 (626) www.historicfirstlutheran.orgFirstPasa@aol.com793-1139 CLEANING JANITORIAL&SERVICES
Health PhysicalAdvantageMedicine Dennis Buckley, D.C. 1450 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 798-7805 / (626)
ChiropracticBudincich Clinic, Inc. Michael Budincich, D.C. 140 N. Hill Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 792-3390 / (626) 792-8302
Stand Tall Chiropractic Benjamin Maynard 482 N. Rosemead Blvd., Suite 110 Pasadena CA
All Saints Church Christina Honchell 132 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 583-2742 / (626) www.allsaints-pas.orgchonchell@allsaints-pas.org584-4237
Chiropractic Health Center Seth Mittleman, D.C. 131 N. El Molino Ave., Suite 140 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 793-9915 / (626) 793-4654
Church of Scientology Karla Bartholomew 35 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (818) karlabartholomew@gmail.com515-4919 Community Bible DevelopmentCommunity Corp. Pastor Jean Burch, President 169 E. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.communitybiblecdc.orginfo@cbcdcorp.org796-8448
Ace Noir Cleaning Services, LLC Gabriel Diaz Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.acenoirclean.comgdiazmarine@gmail.com788-2108 J’s Maintenance Halstead Pasadena CA 91107 (626) julie.chavez@kiddieacademy.net606-2800 for Infant Educarers (RIE) Michelle Mapp 65 S. Grand Ave., Suite 111 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.rie.orgmichelle.mapp@rie.org345-5210
36 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBERChiropracticYouMoveDIRECTORY&Fitness Haig Basmadjian 117 W. Bellevue Dr., #4 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) youmovechiro.comhaig@youmovechiro.com394-1152
Dentex Dental Studio
Dentists of Pasadena on Lake Linda Mata-Icart 240 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626)
Foothill Center for Dental Implants and Oral Surgery Christopher Chan 212 S. El Molino Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-3161 / (626) www.foothilldentalimplants.comchrischan1618@gmail.com792-9442
Elements Dance Space Tu DeVera 1222 N. Fair Oaks Ave., #110 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.elementsdancespace.comelementsdancespace@gmail.com817-9988
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 37 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
Pasadena City College Small (SBDC)DevelopmentBusinessCenter 3035 E. Foothill Blvd., Room 122 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) Print Spot, The Wende Lee 1709 Meridian Ave. South Pasadena CA 91030 (323) www.goprintspot.comPrintspot323@gmail.com269-4218
Tian Jin, DDS 788 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 500-1599 / (626) www.dentexdentalstudio.comsmile@dentexdentalstudio.com500-1023
Genesis Dental Esthetics Dr. Souren Rostomian 200 S. El Molino Ave., Suite #2 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 314-3550 / (626) www.genesisdentalesthetics.comgenesisdentalcenter@gmail.com314-3552
Elite Dentistry of Pasadena Teny Abedian 482 N. Rosemead Blvd., Suite 201 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 351-8444 / (626) 351-8449
Ascension Pain Specialists Rishi Agarwal 215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 115 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 514-1188 / (626) www.ascensionpain.comrishiagarwalmdinc@gmail.com322-2687
Cleary Irish Dance Margaret Cleary P.O. Box 15904 North Hollywood CA 91615-5904 (818) clearyirishdance.comMcleary364@aol.com886-3459
Greenberg Orthodontics & Greenberg Sleep Therapy Dr. Vickie Greenberg 2035 N. Lake Ave. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 798-7645 / (626)
Pasadena Dance Theatre Richard Bradley 1985 Locust St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) http://www.pasadenadance.orgrichard.bradley.pdt@gmail.com683-3459
PasadenaOptum–Stephanie Licon Lara 675 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) of Southern California, Inc. Zahra Unwalla 3235 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 102 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 859-2249 / (626) physiciansofsoutherncalifornia.comzunwalla@ckskidney.com859-2248
Signature Smiles Dental Group Jessica Shirinian 2335 E. Colorado Blvd. #105 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.signaturesmilespasadena.comdrshirinian@signaturesmilespasadena.com381-9288 Superb Dental Care Jeanelle Barbon 109 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.mysuperbdentalcare.comsuperbdentalcare09@gmail.com844-7778 Wang Plastic Surgery & Med Spa Ruth Yang 76 N. Hudson Ave., #113 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-6680 / (626) www.wangplasticsurgery.cominfo@wangplasticsurgery.com716-9118 SUPPLIES&SEISMICEARTHQUAKE,SERVICESEMERGENCY Cal-quake ConstructionSeismic George Boujie 636 N. Formosa Ave. Los Angeles CA 90036 (310) Kinemetrics, Inc. Veronica Paredes 222 Vista Ave. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 795-2220 / (626) 795-0868 &EDUCATIONSCHOOLS Alliance Française de Pasadena Emma Franks 232 N. Lake Ave., Suite 105 Pasadena CA 91101 (833) www.afdepasadena.orgafdepasadena@gmail.com386-3911 Art CollegeCenterof Design Jered Gold 1700 Lida St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 396-2200 / (626) www.artcenter.edumarcom@artcenter.edu568-8537 Best Online Traffic School Rodney Yo 133 N. Altadena Dr., Suite 215 Pasadena CA 91107 (530) www.bestonlinetrafficschool.corodney.yo@besttrafficschool.co553-8813 Blair High School JROTC SAI 1SG Ervin Turner 1201 S. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 396-5820 / (626) 799-2928 CollegeCaliforniaof Music Lloyd Tayko 42 S. Catalina St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 577-1751 / (626) 577-1765 California Institute of Advanced Management (CiAM) Vivian Han 1000 S. Fremont Ave., #45, Building A10, 4th Floor, Suite 10402 Alhambra CA 91802 (626) 350-1500 / (626) 350-1515 California AngelesUniversity,StateLos Harkmore Lee 5151 State University Dr., GE211 Los Angeles CA 90032 (213) Caltech Kenneth Hargreaves 1200 E. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91125 (626) 395-6811 / (626) www.caltech.eduKen.Hargreaves@caltech.edu577-0636 CF Global Enterprises, Inc (dba Pasadena)theCoderSchool Nicole Chang-Fasquelle 319 S. Arroyo Parkway, Suite 5 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) pasadena.thecoderschool.compasadena@thecoderschool.com345-5875 Chandler School Nancy Hutton 1005 Armada Dr. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 795-0591 / (626) www.chandlerschool.orgbusinessoffice@chandlerschool.org585-0779 Cottage Co-Op Nursery School Jocelyn Robertson 169 Arlington Dr. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.cottagecoop.orgdirector@cottagecoop.org799-0387 Don TechnicalBoscoInstitute Anne Sigoloff 1151 San Gabriel Blvd. Rosemead CA 91770-4251 (626) 940-2027 / (626) www.boscotech.eduasigoloff@boscotech.edu940-2001 First Tee of Greater Pasadena, The Bob Baderian 1133 Rosemont Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 684-0024 / (626) 397-4190 SacredFlintridgeHeart Academy Sister Carolyn McCormack, OP 440 Saint Katherine Dr. La Canada Flintridge CA 91011 (626) 685-8500 / (626) 685-8555 TheologicalFuller Seminary Dana VanValin 135 N. Oakland Ave. Pasadena CA 91182 (626) www.Fuller.edudanavanvalin@fuller.edu584-5400 Fusion PasadenaAcademy Stephanie Ayala 825 Colorado Blvd., Suite 118 Los Angeles CA 90041 (323) www.fusionacademy.comsayala@fusionacademy.com258-2012 Hastings Ranch Nursery School Jennifer Neumayer 3740 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.hrns.orginfo@hrns.org351-9171 Hodis Learning & Music Drew M. Hodis Pasadena CA 91105 (626) https://www.hodislearning.comdrew@hodislearning.com227-1149 Education & Schools continued
Dance Street Studio Nikolay Voronovich 2295 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) DanceStreetCA.comdancestreetcalifornia@gmail.com791-7746
ConservatoryPasadena of Music Matthew Bookman 100 N. Hill Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 683-3355 / (626) www.pasadenaconservatory.orgmbookman@pasadenaconservatory.org683-3303
Pasadena City College Erika Endrijonas, Ph.D. 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106-2003 (626) 585-7123 / (626) www.pasadena.edueendrijonas@pasadena.edu585-7934
La Salle PreparatoryCollege
John Rouse 169 S. St. John Ave. Pasadena CA 91105-1853 (626) 817-4000 / (626) 817-4040
Jesus Lauren Marlis 405 S. Euclid Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-2774 / (626) 796-5753
Pasadena Unified School District Dr. Brian McDonald 351 S. Hudson Ave. Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 396-3600 / (626) www.pusd.ussuperintendent@pusd.us795-5309 Pathways College William Mendoza 320 N. Halstead St. Pasadena CA 91107 (888) www.pathwayscollege.orgwmendoza@pathwayscollege.org532-7282
Patrick Bonacci, AFSC-President 3880 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 351-8951 / (626) 351-8125
CaliforniaJiangsu– International Education Center, Inc. Sunny Chen Pasadena CA (626) 241-6538 / (626) www.jesieusa.comsunny.chen@jesieusa.com241-6538 Music PasadenaAcademy
C Thomas Aylesbury 300 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 568-8850 / (626) 568-8854
Maranatha High School
Mariana Khachatryan 920 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 765-6162 / (626) kmusicacademypasadena.cominfo@kmusicacademypasadena.com765-6155
Paul Mitchell the School–Pasadena Peggy Lee Cao 825 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101-2133 (626) 284-2863 / (626) Saint Francis High School Fr. Antonio Marti 200 Foothill Blvd. La Canada CA 91011 (818) 790-0325 / (818) 790-5542 Saybrook University Carmen Bowen 55 W. Eureka St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.saybrook.educbowen@saybrook.edu316-5312 School of Rock Pasadena Tevis Sauer-Karlsson 1240 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) pasadena.schoolofrock.comPasadena@schoolofrock.com508-1818 St. CatholicAndrewSchool Mr. Jae Kim-Principal 42 Chestnut St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.saspasadena.comjkim@saspasadena.com796-7697 Stowell Learning Center Irene Lee 572 E. Green St., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.stowellcenter.comirene@stowellcenter.com808-4441 University of Redlands School of Business Pamela Allen 333 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite 630 Burbank CA 91502 (818) 840-1180 / (818) 840-1183 Walden School Birthe Landerer 74 S. San Gabriel Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 792-6166 / (626) www.waldenschool.netblanderer@waldenschool.net792-1335 Woodbury University Andrea L. Bruno 7500 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank CA 91504 (818) 252-5102 / (818) www.woodbury.eduandrea.bruno@woodbury.edu767-3470 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Go Green Solutions for Commercial Lighting (LED) William Meurer P.O. Box 90186 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.gogreensolutions.comWilliam@GoGreenSolutions.com578-0678 ENGINEERING MANAGEMENTCONSTRUCTION& Alternative Energy Systems Consulting, Inc. Briana Rogers 99 S. Lake Ave., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.aesc-inc.combrogers@aesc-inc.com483-6834 Bernards Steve Pellegren 555 First St. San Fernando CA 91340 (818) www.bernards.comspellegren@bernards.com898-1521 G Force Builders Inc. Gary Delgado 1249 S. Diamond Bar Blvd., #20 Diamond Bar CA 91766 (909) gjdelgado5@gmail.com821-5128 Gateway Science & Engineering, Inc. Art M. Gastelum 300 N. Lake Ave., 12th Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 696-1600 / (626) www.gateway-sci-eng.comagastelum@gateway-sci-eng.com696-1630 Hariton Engineering, Inc. Celestin Hariton 456 E. Orange Grove Blvd., Suite 301 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 449-4223 / (626) www.haritoneng.comchariton@haritoneng.com227-0623 IMEG Corp. Ed Gharibans 300 N. Lake Ave., 12th Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) https://www.imegcorp.comed.t.gharibans@imegcorp.com463-2800 Jacinda Lai Independent Sales Rep for JastConstruction and Management Jacinda Lai 177 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) jl.jastcm@gmail.com800-7986 John Consulting,RobinsonInc. John Robinson 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.johnrobinsonconsulting.comjrobinson@johnrobinsonconsulting.com375-9389 Maintco Corp. Mike Singer 20 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank CA 91502 (818) maintco.cominfo@maintco.com593-0975 Optimum Seismic Andrea Aguilar 5508 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vernon CA 90058 (323) 694-0566 / (323) www.optimumseismic.comaaguilar@optimumseismic.com605-0310 Parsons Corporation Lisa Maurath, PE 100 W. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91124 (626) 440-2000 / (626) www.parsons.comLisa.Maurath@parsons.com440-2630 ENTERTAINMENT Art Deco Entertainment Karen Hudecek (818) artdecoentertainment.netkjthemoocher@gmail.com429-2103 Bunker Experience, The Bea Egeto 20 N. Raymond Ave., Basement Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.thebunkerexperience.comthebunkerexperience@gmail.com487-9777
Anne Perry 959 E. Walnut St., Suite 110 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 396-0865 / (626)
Pasadena City College Alex Boekelheide 1570 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.pasadena.eduaboekelheide@pasadena.edu585-7201
Los CollegeAngelesofMusic
38 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide
PASADENA CHAMBER Integrity College of Health Mark Norman, Campus Director 1460 N. Lake Ave., Suite 102 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.ich.edumnorman@legacyed.com808-0215
LanguagePasadena Center Alejandro Jimenez 46 Smith Alley, Suite 240 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.pasadenalanguage.cominfo@pasadenalanguage.com844-5003
PreschoolKidsZone Academy Yvonne Withers 1206 Lincoln Ave Pasadena CA 91103-2458 (626) yvonne@kidszonepreschoolacademy.comwww.kidszonepreschoolacademy.com345-5922
Pacific Oaks College & Children’s School Johanna Atienza 45 Eureka St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 529-8500 / (626) www.pacificoaks.edujohannaatienza@pacificoaks.edu529-8010
Mundo Academy Marina Grijalva 101 E. Green St., Suite 6 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) mundoacademy.commarina@mundoacademy.com354-2032
Pasadena Christian School Betty St. Peter 1515 N. Los Robles Avenue Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 791-1214 / (626) 791-1256
International School of Los Angeles Leo Lawrence 30 N. Marion Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (818) www.internationalschool.lamarketing@lilaschool.com994-2961
Modern Music School Ulf Geist 2982 E. Colorado Blvd., # 111 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.mms-us.comulf@modernmusicschool.com578-9242
Pasadena Preschool Fair Priscilla Hernandez P. O. Box 70052 Pasadena CA 91107 (323) www.pasadenapreschoolfair.orginfo@pasadenapreschoolfair.org719-0745
Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child
Pipewind Sound Studio Scott Mayo 61 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (818) scottmayomusic.comscott@scottmayomusic.com521-8622
Gerry Rothschild Band Gerry Rothschild (626) http://www.grbands.comgerry@grbands.com429-4784
Dolphin Rents Patrick Dolphin 915 W. 5th St. Azusa CA 91702 (626) 795-5131 / (626) www.dolphinevents.bizinfo@dolphinevents.biz577-8044
Clarece Weinraub 155 N. Bonnie Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) Jovialeventsca.comclarecew@jovialeventsca.com766-2304
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | Dance Syndicate John Villa Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.dancesyndicate.comjohn@dancesyndicate.com488-7208
Nicole Mason 9525 Sorensen Ave. Santa Fe Springs CA 90670-2650 (562) 696-8875 / (562) www.orbiteventrentals.comnicole@orbiteventrentals.com696-8862
Orbit Event
Best Picnic
Austin Chen 2430 Mariondale Ave. Los Angeles CA 90032 (213) geles-ca
Events and Rentals
IcePasadenaSkating Center 300 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 578-0800 / (626) www.skatepasadena.com578-7529
EntertainmentSoundzYourz LLC Amir Manochehri 163 N. Marengo Avenue, Apt#103 Pasadena CA
BUSINESSESGREENENVIRONMENTAL/&SOLAR My Zero Waste Store Cheryl Auger 25 S. El Molino Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.myzerowastestore.commyZWStore@gmail.com590-9482
Pasadena Picnic Co. Lena Kelly (626) www.pasadenapicnicco.compasadenapicnicco@gmail.com616-0771 Power Trip Rentals Rick Meier 2501 Orange Ave. Signal Hill CA 90755 (562) 606-2727 / (562) www.powertrip-rentals.comRick@powertriprentals.net606-2729 Timeless Celebrations Peggy Kelley Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.timelesscelebrations.compeggy@timelesscelebrations.com222-1808 Town & Country Event Rentals Camille Conroy 523 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 795-7700 / (626) 795-7702 EXECUTIVE SUITES CTRL Collective–Pasadena Tim Cason 45 S. Arroyo Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.ctrlcollective.comtim@ctrlcollective.com395-7693 FoundrSpace Coworking Edwin Guembes 87 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) https://foundrspace.compasadena@foundrspace.com737-9728 Walnut Plaza LTD, The Vernon E. Murray 215 N. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 584-9914 / (626) 568-3967 DESIGNEXPERIENTIALFIRM THG Hettema(Themespace/Group) Kelley Ritch 61 Valley St. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 683-9876 / (626) &EXTERMINATORSPESTSERVICES Armed Exterminators Dale Rodgers PO Box 70639 Pasadena CA 91117 (626) 844-9322 / (626) www.armedexterminators.comarmedex@sbcglobal.net844-9092 Dewey Pest Control, Inc. Omar McKenzie 939 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91106-1716 (877) 339-3973 / (626) 844-6833 Lloyd Pest Control Rich Gorsuch 3830 E. Miraloma Ave. Anaheim CA 92806 (714) www.lloydpest.comrich.gorsuch@lloydpest.com502-4094 Mosquito Joe of Glendale Kenneth John Delgadillo 10347 Samoa Ave. Tujunga CA 91042 (626) delgadillokenneth@gmail.com242-0814 FILM, AUDIO/VISUAL & TV SERVICESPRODUCTION Business Explainers Video Santosh Oommen 449 Theresa Lane Sierra Madre CA 91024 (818) Digital Rain Factory Gayle Nicholls 436 W. Loma Alta Dr. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 344-9077 / (501) www.digitalrainfactory.orgdigitalrainfactory@gmail.com636-5445 ION AVT, Inc. Mihai Ion Van Nuys CA 91423 (818) JD Audio Visual Kyle Sandoval 77 N. Altadena Dr. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 792-6682 / (626) 796-6635 Pasadena Media George Falardeau 150 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 101 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.pasadenamedia.orginfo@pasadenamedia.org794-8585 Sanchez Media, LLC Alan Sanchez 1563 N. Grand Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (818) www.sanchez.mediaalan@sanchez.media588-5173 FINANCIAL SERVICES & ADVISORS Clifford InvestmentSwanCounselors Lloyd Wong 177 E. Colorado Blvd., #550 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 792-2228 / (626) www.cliffordswan.comlwong@cliffordswan.com792-2670 D. A. Davidson & Co. Steve Jackson 301 N. Lake Ave., Suite 800 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-0330 / (626) www.dadavidson.comstevejacksonjr@dadco.com795-6939 Diversified Securities, Inc. Howard Raff 511 E. Mendocino St. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 712-4920 / (626) 919-6127 Edward MarengoInvestments–JonesAve. Arnetta Tolley 171 N. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 744-2740 / (888) www.edwardjonesinvestments.comarnetta.tolley@edwardjones.com288-3250 WealthEntertainmentManagement John Almaguer 260 S. Los Robles Ave., #109 Pasadena CA 91101 (323) www.entwealth.comjohn@entwealth.com512-4719 Fidelity Investments Monte Gagnier 123 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) First Quadrant Valerie Williams 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 900 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-8220 / (626) www.firstquadrant.comvwilliams@firstquadrant.com396-3110 Financial Services & Advisors continued
Orswell & Kasman, Inc. Marty Kasman 316 W. Foothill Blvd. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 932-1800 / (626) www.orswell-kasman.com932-1807
South Coast Air Quality Management District–SCAQMD Rainbow Yeung 21865 Copley Dr. Diamond Bar CA 91765 (909) 396-3373 / (909) 396-3741
Ice House Michael Harris 24 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 414-2FUN (386) / (626) 683-3821 info@
SanZman Productions Kenneth Salzman PO Box 701 Glendora CA 91740 (626) www.sanzmanprod.comskenchris@aol.com862-9086
Pasadena AuditoriumCivic 300 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.thepasadenacivic.com793-2122
Six Flags Magic Mountain Ruby Carrazco 26101 Magic Mountain Parkway Valencia CA 91355 (661) 255-4521 / (661) 255-4172
Petite Palazzo Irene Lara 1854 Corson St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.PetitePalazzo.comirenelara0202@aol.com765-9455
Wells Fargo Advisors
Dylan Thai 150 N. Santa Anita Ave., Unit 300 Arcadia CA 91006 (626) dylan.p.thai@mwarep.org688-5404 Stanley Dean Billman Financial Advisor 55 S. Lake Ave., Suite 700 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 304-2450 / (626)
Trusted Choice Agents of Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena Julia Rabago La Crescenta CA www.TrustedChoice.com91214 UBS Financial Services, Inc. Raquel F. Andino 251 So. Lake Ave., 10th Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626)
Taylor Joel King 1199 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 605-0031 / (626 www.taylorinsfin.comjoelking@financialguide.com356-7668
of Retirement Benefits Consulting Liz Schiller 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Suite 200, Room 210 Burbank CA 91502 (818) 668-8444 / (818) 668-8388 Stewardship Financial David Medina 440 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 318 Arcadia CA 91006 (888) www.StewFi.comdmedina@stewfi.com478-3934
FITNESS, &TRAININGPERSONALSERVICESYOGA 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles Patricia Winiecki Pasadena CA 91106 (562) Aion Training LLC., Personal Training Marcus McDuffie 2620 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) https://www.aiontraining.cominfo@aiontraining.com382-7600
Northern Trust Stephen Miyabe 201 S. Lake Ave., Suite 600 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) Trading Academy–Woodland Hills Rodgers 21300 Victory Blvd., Suite 100 Woodland Hills CA
Pasadena Private Heather Ortega 2 N. Lake Ave., Suite 520 Pasadena CA 91101 (626)
TD Ameritrade, Inc. Matthew Crow 2 N. Lake Ave., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91101-1863 (626) 744-5939 / (626) www.tdameritrade.commatthew.crow@tdameritrade.com744-5935
Insurance & Financial Services
Brian Murphy 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 700 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-7406 / (626)
Angrum Personal Training & Senior Services Matthew Angrum (626) 372-2205
Primerica John G. Leano 959 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 210 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 381-9463 / (626) 463-1463
Modern Woodmen America
NorthernTrust.comsm998@ntrs.com583-5661 Online
/ (626) matthew920@hotmail.com797-4465 Anytime Fitness Pasadena (Forever Pasadena LLC) James Adamitis 600 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 140 Pasadena CA 91101 (859) www.anytimefitness.comjames.adamitis@anytimefitness.com550-3338 Archetype Yoga Jennifer Montoya 638 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 301 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) hello@archetype.yoga202-6277 Barry’s Pasadena Kelly Catania 326 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) Crossfit Crown City JB Fitts 780 S. Arroyo Parkway, #100 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) crossfitcrowncity.comjb@crossfitcrowncity.com263-0683 Dynamic Advantage, The Rick C. Caputo 2118 Colorado Blvd. Eagle Rock CA 90041 (323) 257-8853 / (323) www.dynamicstrength.comrcc@dynamicstrength.com257-8859 Fly Fitness Studio Lorena Lucero Fabiola Aguilar 825 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) lorena@barrero.it437-9091 Hardcore Fitness Carmen Anaya 2180 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91107 (661) http://hcpasadena.comcarmen@hcfpasadena.com209-1448 Hot Yoga Pasadena Val Sklar Robinson 2089 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.hotyogapasadena.cominfo@hotyogapasadena.com304-YOGA KULE Yoga & Ayurveda Keely Totten 1186 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.kuleyoga.cominfo@kuleyoga.com714-7900 One Life Yoga M Reza Samadi 1359 N. Hill Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 714-7447 / (480) 330-6202 Pilates of Pasadena Maria Jimenez 990 S. Arroyo Parkway, Unit 2 Pasadena CA 91105(626)3922 www.pilatesofpasadena.cominfo@pilatesofpasadena.com765-6500 Straight Blast Gym SoCal Marco Sanchez II 603 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) sbgsocal.comstraightblastgymsocal@gmail.com683-9978 The Strength Shoppe Melinda Hughs 350 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.thestrengthshoppe.commelinda@thestrengthshoppe.com999-4850 YogaSix Pasadena Erich Ehrlich 277 W. Green St., #110 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) FLOWERS & GIFTS Jacob Maarse Florist Hank Maarse 655 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-0246 / (626) Mercadito Monarca Roberto & Erica Villarreal 550 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.mercaditomonarca.cominfo@mercaditomonarca.com708-0429 FOOD & GROCERIES Pavilions Place Store Manager 845 E. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106-3932 (626) 449-3968 Stater Bros. Markets Charlotte Wall 1390 N. Allen Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) Staterbros.comcharlotte.wall@staterbros.com788-4092 Vons Corporate Office Melissa Hill (714) www.vons.commelissa.hill@albertsons.com300-6786 Vons–E. Colorado Blvd. Store Manager 2355 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107-3644 (626) 744-2615 Vons–W. California Blvd. Store Manager 155 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105-3005 (626) 577-7149 FUNERAL CREMATION& SERVICES Cabot & Sons John Cabot 27 Chestnut St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 793-7159 / (626) www.cabotandsonsfh.comcabotandsons@aol.com793-0582 Forest Lawn Memorial Parks & Mortuaries Grace Chong 1712 S. Glendale Ave. Glendale CA 91205 (800) 204-3131 / (323) 551-5088 FURNITURE & INTERIOR DESIGN Cozy Stylish Chic Jeanne Chung 89 W. Dayton St. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 714-7040 / (626) www.cozystylishchic.comjeanne@cozystylishchic.com714-7041 Custom Comfort Mattress Nejhla Nahani 52 W. Green St. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 667-3000 / (626) www.customcomfortmattress.comnejhla@customcomfortmattress.com844-5425
40 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY Incentive Benefits, Inc. Brian Lamb 911 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 250 Pasadena CA 91106 (818) www.incentivebenefits.com515-7414 LHC Capital Partners Lew Casey 1443 E. Washington Blvd., #818 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.lhccapitalpartners.comlewcasey@lhccapitalpartners.com658-8989 Merrill Lynch Ming Tommy Tam 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 400 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 817-6805 / (626) 376-415
Brenda Harvey Williams 100 N. Garfield Ave. Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-7290 City of DepartmentInformationPasadena–Technology Phillip Leclair 100 N. Garfield Ave., Room N123 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-4220
City of Pasadena Mayor Victor Gordo 100 N. Garfield Ave. Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 744-4111 / (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-3921
City of HumanPasadena–Resources 100 N. Garfield Ave., S-135 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-4366 City of ServicesPasadena–Human&Recreation
M3 Office Manny Gomez 161 Pasadena Ave., Suite A South Pasadena CA 91030 (714) 390-4850 / (626) 441-0355
City of Pasadena–Public Works Tony Olmos 100 N. Garfield Ave., 3rd Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) yalvarado@cityofpasadena.nettolmos@cityofpasadena.net744-4233
City of TobaccoPasadena–Control America Rincon 1845 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Room 1131 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 744-6051 / (626) www.cityofpasadena.netarincon@cityofpasadena.net744-6114
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 41
Jeffrey Kightlinger
PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY Fedde Furniture Co. Mark Fedde 2350 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 796-7103 / (626) 796-7162
City of Pasadena–City ProsecutorAttorney/City Michele Beal Bagneris 100 N. Garfield Ave., Suite N-210 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-4141
Natasha Wolford 100 N. Garfield Ave., Room N-106 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-4166
City of DepartmentTransportationPasadena–Frederick C. Dock 221 E. Walnut St., Suite 199/210 Pasadena CA 91101-1726 (626) 744-8747 / (626) 744-7478
150 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 744-4425 / (626) 744-4670 County of Los Angeles Public Affairs Office Judy Hammond 500 W. Temple St., Room 358 Los Angeles CA 90012 (213) jhammond@ceo.lacounty.gov974-1311 Energy Upgrade California Jillian Hegedus 1513 6th St., #204 Santa Monica CA 90401 (310) Marine Reserve Center Personnel 2699 Paloma St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 398-0295 / (626) 797-8982 Pasadena Post Office Noel D. Hodges 600 Lincoln Ave. Pasadena CA 91109-9998 (626) 304-7157 / (626) 304-7114 San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership Luis Portillo P.O. Box 661027 Arcadia CA 91066 (626) 856-3400 / (626) www.sgvpartnership.orglportillo@sgvpartnership.org856-5115 Southern California Edison (SCE) Salvador Ramirez 1000 E. Potrero Grande Monterey Park CA 91755 (800) Salvador.Ramirez@sce.com655-4555 United States Congress–Judy Chu Judy Chu 527 S. Lake Ave., Suite 250 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 304-0110 / (626) GRAPHIC DESIGN & BRANDING Hearken Creative Services Loren Roberts 261 E. Colorado Blvd., #208 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.hearkencreative.comloren@hearkencreative.com396-1500 J. Robin & Associates Graphic Design Jerry Robin 1171 N. Hudson Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) jrobin@charter.net644-4239 Roses Road, Inc. Deborah Laux (626) www.rosesroad.comlaux@rosesroad.com253-2139 HEALTH, MEDICAL & SERVICESOPTOMETRY AccessorEyes Optometry Elda Mehrabyan, O.D. 155 Cordova St., Unit 168 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 577-8881 / (626) www.accessoreyesoptometry.netaccessoreyesoptometry@gmail.com577-8878 Angel of Hearts Sharon Gonzales 400 E. Live Oaks St., #7 San Gabriel CA 91776 (818) zondigs@yahoo.com433-1958 Foothill Cardiology John Gonzalez 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 215 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-4139 / (626) www.foothillcardiology.comjgonzalez@foothillcardiology.com304-8280 Hill Medical Corporation, The Sheri Ornelas 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 180 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-6141 / (626) www.hillmedical.comsheri.ornelas@cmbssllc.net796-0172 Interventional Anesthesia and Pain Management Clinic, Inc. Soraya Malek 1575 N. Lake Ave., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 345-9735 / (626) 628-0478 com/ Jane WilkinsReese–&Associates Jane Reese-Wilkins 1614 N. Arroyo Blvd. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 372-9097 / (626) janereesewilkins@yahoo.com486-2444 Kaiser WalnutPermanente–Center Jacob W. Motto 393 E. Walnut St., 2nd Floor Pasadena CA 91188 (626) Keck Medical Center of USC, University of Southern California Marco Garcia 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 400 Pasadena CA 91105 (800) USC-CARE / (626) 568-1224 Linden Optometry, P.C. Dr. Alan Limfat, O.D. 477 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-1191 / (626) 796-0189 OsteoStrong Pasadena Ian Lang 704 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.osteostrongpasadena.comian@osteostrongpasadena.com888-2265 Health, Medical & Optometry continued
City of Pasadena–City Clerk Mark Jomsky 100 N. Garfield Ave., S-228 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-4124
City of Pasadena–Water & Power
Bill Huang 649 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 202 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) whuang@cityofpasadena.net744-8300
City of Pasadena–Fire Department Fire Chief Chad Augustin 215 N. Marengo Ave., #195 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) caugustin@cityofpasadena.net744-7201 City of Pasadena–Health Department Dr. Ying-Ying Goh 1845 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-6005
City of HousingPasadena–Department
City of Pasadena–Police Department Lt. Jason Clawson 207 N. Garfield Ave. Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 744-4545
Anthony Andrews 121 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) Tempurpedic.comanthony.andrews@tempursealy.com314-5147
City of EconomicPasadena–Development Ruth Martinez 100 N. Garfield Ave. Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 744-4660 / (626) www.cityofpasadena.netrmartinez@cityofpasadena.net744-4773
City of FinancePasadena–Department Matthew Hawkesworth 100 N. Garfield Ave., Room S-348 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 744-4355 / (626) mhawkesworth@cityofpasadena.net744-6757
City of Pasadena–City Manager Miguel Márquez 100 N. Garfield Ave., S-228 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 744-4333 / (626) www.cityofpasadena.net744-4774
City of BusinessPasadena–LicenseSection
Elim Wellcare Hospice
Home Instead Senior Care–CA HCO# 194700130 Greg Sanchez, PhD 200 E. Del Mar Blvd., Suite 350 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 486-0800 / (626) Hospice and Palliative Care of California Soraya Malek, CEO 1007 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 616-4288 / (626) www.california-hospice.cominfo@california-hospice.com628-3310 HomePasadenaHealth Care Vahan Dovlatyan 3821 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 351-1300 / (626) www.phhc.netpasadenahhc@earthlink.net351-1328 Right At Home In Home Care Assistance with RightCare Renee Concialdi 365 S. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 584-8130 / (626) TheKey Becky Happach 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., #250 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 773-4490 / (626) thekey.combhappach@homecareassistance.com773-4491 HOME: &CABINETRY,REMODELING,SERVICESSUPPLIES Bear Island Painting Sergio Osorio 1804 N. Lark Ellen Ave. West Covina CA 91791 (626) www.bearislandpainting.comsergio@bearislandpainting.com727-2050 Carousel Custom Floors Terry O’Toole 676 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-8085 / (323) www.carouselfloors.comterry@carouselfloors.com681-7865 Noblessa, Fine German Kitchens and Cabinetry Andrea Rossetto 474 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (323) &HOSPITALSURGENT CARE City of Hope Victor Benavides 1500 E. Duarte Rd. Duarte CA 91010 (626) www.cityofhope.orgvbenavides@coh.org218-4079 Exer Urgent Care Ivy Chan 3160 E. Del Mar Blvd., Suite 110 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) Huntington Health, an affiliate of Cedars-Sinai Eileen Neuwirth 100 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 397-5000 / (626) www.huntingtonhealth.orgeileen.neuwirth@huntingtonhospital.com397-2995 Kaiser HollywoodPermanente–Wileen Rungsiridacha 4841 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood CA 90027 (323) 219-7365 / (323) Shriners for Children Medical Center Kelly Chang 909 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 389-9300 / (626) 389-9332 HOTELS, MOTELS & VACATION RENTALS Bissell House–Bed & Breakfast William Hoyman 201 Orange Grove Ave. South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) www.bissellhouse.cominfo@bissellhouse.com441-3535 Comfort Inn–Pasadena James Chen 2462 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 405-0811 / (626) www.choicehotels.comcomfortinnpasadena@yahoo.com796-0966 GreenTree Inn Pasadena Nicole Lei 400 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.greentreeinn.comgm.pas@greentreeinn.com795-8401 Hilton Pasadena James Cotter 168 S. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 577-1000 / (626) www.pasadena.hilton.comjames.cotter@hilton.com584-3132 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Stephanie Tsui 3500 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 792-1363 / (626) http:www.hiepasadenaca.cominfo@hiepasadenaca.com792-9213 Hyatt Place Pasadena Samuel Kim 399 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.hyattplacepasadena.comLaczp.rfp@hyatt.com788-9108
Simply OBGYN Dr. Rashida N’gouamba 50 Alessandro Place, Suite 430 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 796-9114 / (626) www.simplyobgynofpasadena.comsimplyobgynpr@gmail.com796-8523
Southern ReproductiveCaliforniaCenter
FirstLight Home Care of Pasadena David Kapojos 612 W. Duarte Rd., Suite 404 Arcadia CA 91007 (626) 360-0048 / (626) www.pasadena.firstlighthomecare.comdkapojos@firstlighthomecare.com360-010
UCLA Health Pediatrics Nickie Bonner 800 S. Fairmont Ave., Suite 415 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) Air Conditioning Bob Helbing 1630 S. Myrtle Ave. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 357-3535 / (626) www.airtro.combobhelbing@airtro.com358-9580
Danny Chun 2304 Huntington Dr., Suite 248 San Marino CA 91108 (626) 793-7511 / (626) elimwellcarehospice.comelimwellcare@gmail.com782-6990
HomeGrandCareHealth Services Sydnie Klett Pasadena CA 91107 (818) 244-7331 / (310) www.grandcarehealth.cominfo@grandcarehealth.com388-5739 Hastings Homecare Corp Tony Reese 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., 5th Floor Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.hastingshomecare.cominfo@hastingshomecare.com773-6027
See Clear Optometry Dr. Lourice Boutros 3235 E. Colorado Blvd., #10 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 765-6634 / (626) www.seeclearoptometry.comseeclearoptometry@gmail.com765-6722
Golden HeatingWestand Cooling Don Valenzuela Pasadena CA 91104 (626)
Southern California Infusion Therapy Greg Wright 301 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 301 Pasadena CA 91105 (818) 317-6909 / (626) socalinfusions.comgreg@socalinfusions.com714-7357
HOME HEALTH CARE Always Best Care Pasadena Diane Pierson 425 N. Santa Anita Ave., Suite A Arcadia CA 91006 (626) alwaysbestcarepasadena.comdpierson@abc-seniors.com533-6591 Arosa Cory Benz 65 N. Madison Ave., Suite 106 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 788-2392 / (626)
Aire Serv of Pasadena Svetlana Fusekova 125 E. Santa Clara St., #17 Arcadia CA 91006 (626)
Nickie Bonner 10 Congress St., Suite 505 Pasadena CA 91105 (626)
Young & Healthy Amy Shapiro 136 W. Peoria St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 795-5166 / (626) 795-8154 HEATING & CONDITIONINGAIR Air-Tech Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Rod Rodriguez 204 S. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.airtechac.comoffice@airtechac.com795-8880 Air-Tro Heating &
Planned Valley,PasadenaParenthood&SanGabrielInc Mint Dalton 1045 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 794-5737 / (626) 798-4706
Lori Harwell-Physician Liaison 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 125 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) scrcivf.comlharwell@scrcivf.com345-7260
UCLA Obstetrics/HealthGynecology
UCLA CancerHealthCare Nickie Bonner 625 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suites 300 & 320 Pasadena CA 91105 (626)
Hello! Home Care Ben Mishico 572 E. Green St., Suite 303 Pasadena CA 91101 (800) 566-4045 / (866) www.hellohomecare.comben.mishico@hellohomecare.com594-0273
42 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY

Pasadena Rose and Crown Hotel David Cho 1203 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 449-3170 / (626) www.pasadenaroseandcrown.comgm@pasadenaroseandcrown.com577-8873
Langham Pasadena,Huntington,The Leslie Marks 1401 S. Oak Knoll Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 568-3900 / (626) Oak Tree Inn Kevin Liu 788 W. Huntington Dr. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 358-8981 / (626) 301-0657
Express ProfessionalsEmployment
Rodeway Inn & Suites Sahil Parikh 2860 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 792-3700 / (626) www.rodewayinnpasadena.comrodewaypasadena@yahoo.com792-0244
HUMAN PAYROLLEMPLOYMENT,RESOURCES,&UNIONS BBSI George Sagadencky 790 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 440 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 768-2827 / (626) www.MyBBSI.comgeorge.sagadencky@mybbsi.com765-3966
Joe Stevens 318 Ave I, #137 Redondo Beach CA 90277 (310) www.bridgeconsultants.netstevens@bridgeconsultants.net433-5611
Westin Pasadena, The Tonya Herring 191 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-2727 / (626)
Sheraton Pasadena Hotel Carlos Mendoza 303 Cordova St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 469-8100 / (626)
Ben Rogers 709
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association |
Pasadena HomeSharing Network Liane Enkelis 1443 E. Washington Blvd., Enkelis--#801 Pasadena CA
Residence Inn Old Town Michael Metzner 21 W. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 204-9220 / (626)
Pasadena Hotel & Pool Kathy Markarian, Director of Sales 928 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena CA 91106 ((626) www.pasadenahotel.comkmarkarian@pasadenahotel.com884-4150
Vacation Living, LLC Helena Delu 600 Lincoln Ave., Suite 92945 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 344-8858 / (626) vacationlivingrentals.comhelena@vacationlivingla.com594-4558
Bridge Safety Consultants
Fremont Ave., Suite A South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) 844-3562 / (626) Foothill DevelopmentWorkforceBoard Dianne Russell Carter 1207 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 796-5627 / (626) 585-6782 IUOE, Local 12 Ronald J. Sikorski 150 E. Corson St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 792-8900 / (626) 792-9039 LACERA (L.A. Co Employees Ret. Assoc.) Annette Cleary 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 650 / Gateway Plaza Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 564-6000 / (626) 564-6699 Millennium Pension Services, Inc. Kelly & Tara Brown 52 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre CA 91024 (626) 355-3039 / (626) 355-3713 CommunityNDLON/PasadenaJobCenter Julieta Aragon 500 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.ndlon.orgcsoto@ndlon.org440-0112 Soteria HR James Harwood 45 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (818) www.soteriahr.comjharwood@soteriahr.com426-5451 The EricksonDexheimer-Corporation David Erickson 350 S. Figueroa St., Suite 950 Los Angeles CA 90071 (213) www.ultraHealthAgencywww.dex-erickson.comdavid.erickson@dex-erickson.com225-5600 ICE CREAM & YOGURT Handel’s Ice Cream Kevin Hurley 3405 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (424) Kona Ice PasadenaCentral Yoriko Ito (626) kona-ice.comyito@kona-ice.com269-9449 MEMBERSINDIVIDUAL Bill Podley, Realtor Bill Podley 200 So. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) bill.podley@podley.com222-1176 Eugene Masuda Eugene Masuda 3010 San Pasqual St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) genomas@aol.com379-6549 Greg McLemore Greg McLemore 530 S. Lake Ave., Suite 450 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 794-5000 James McDermott James McDermott 710 S. Arroyo Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (213) 804-6423 / (626) 403-9056 Kevin Caldiero Kevin Caldiero (626) kevin.caldiero@gmail.com818-1025 Pasadena Hastings Center Madeleine Mueller PO Box 1209 Carpinteria CA 93014 (805) missco1@msn.com684-4178 Reid Allen Reid Allen (626) reidkathyallen@yahoo.com793-6953 Steve Haderlein Steve Haderlein 2490 Lambert Dr. Pasadena CA 91107 U.S.S. Pasadena (SSN 752) Roger Gilson PO Box 1048 La Canada CA 91012-1048 (800) 272-0499 / (866) 566-1994 SALESINSTRUMENT&RENTALS Pacific Harps Carolyn Sykes 922 N. Craig Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 791-6262 / (626) www.pacificharps.comcarolyn@pacificharps.com791-6210 HEALTHBUSINESS,INSURANCE:CAR,&HOME A.J. Longo & Associates Blake Longo 253 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 657-2274 / (626) 795-1313 Aflac–Cheryl Goana Cheryl Gaona 713 W. Duarte Rd., #G273 Arcadia CA 91007 (626) 234-9513 / (626) www.aflac.comcheryl_gaona@us.aflac.com602-765 Arroyo Financial & Insurance Solutions Jeremy Baker 30 N. Raymond Ave., #801 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 314-2443 / (866) www.arroyofinancial.comjb@arroyofinancial.com377-4170 BenAssist Health Insurance Services Dede Kennedy-Simington 550 E. Green St., Second Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 683-1390 / (626) www.benassisthealth.comdedek@benassisthealth.com628-1812 Better Life Insurance Services, Inc. Johnny Cosio 1403 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 1 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 817-9560 / (626) cosiojohnny@gmail.com817-9570 Bolton & Company Tom Polenzani 3475 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.boltonco.com799-7000 Citrust Insurance Agency Jonathan Edewards 790 E Colorado Blvd, 9th Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.citrust-insurance.comjonathan@edewards.com765-4495 Farmers Insurance Alsabery Agency Victoria Alsabery 88 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 107 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 683-4979 / (626) Farmers Insurance Erick Alanis-Lopez Erick Alanis-Lopez 28 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 425-9942 / (626) www.yourfarmersguy.comealanis@farmersagent.com270-4855 Geico–Saul Machado Insurance Services Saul Machado 1104 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) Insurance: Business, Car, Health & Home continued
Mel InsuranceCohenServices Mel Cohen 1214 E. Green St., Suite 101 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 577-1191 / (626) www.melcoheninsurance.commel@melcoheninsurance.com577-1208 InsuranceMercado Services Raul Mercado 465 E. Union St., Suite 201 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 583-2526 / (626) www.mercadoinsuranceservices.comraul@mercadoinsuranceservices.com714-7396
Liberty Mutual Monique Garcia 355 E. Rincon St., Suite 302 Corona CA 92879-1372 (626) www.libertymutual.commonique.garcia@libertymutual.com429-9456
Tunisia Offray 1021 E. Walnut St., Unit 204 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.prestigeinsuranceandfinancialservices.comtunisia.prestigeins@gmail.com714-7290
PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY Health Insurance Brokers, LLC John Barrett 333 W. California Blvd., Suite 309 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 689-7654 / (626) www.healthinsbrokers.comjohn@healthinsbrokers.com509-2097
44 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide
Insure Quality Stephen Anthony Gonzalez 220 E. Badillo St., Suite A Covina CA 91723 (626) www.weinsurequality.cominfo@weinsurequality.com206-0045
Stephanie Yamashiro 801 N. Brand Blvd., Penthouse Glendale CA 91203 (310) syamashiro@ft.newyorklife.com933-2687
New York Life–Justin Lee Justin Lee 55 S. Lake Ave., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) jlee67@ft.newyorklife.com804-5567
Prestige Insurance and Financial Services
Shuster Advisory Group Mark Shuster 225 S. Lake Ave., #600 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 578-0816 / (626) 792-7567 State Insurance–JohnFarm Diehl John Diehl 835 E. Mariposa St. Altadena CA 91001-2420 (626) 791-9915 / (626) 791-9918 Timothy G. Shannon Insurance Agency Timothy G. Shannon 3848 E. Colorado Blvd., #22 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 795-9517 / (877) www.theshannonagency.comtim@theshannonagency.com625-9370 Tokio Management,Marine Inc. David Brooks 800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 600 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 568-7892 / (626) 568-7898 Woods Insurance Services Andre Woods (818) 625-7344 / (888) andrewoodsins@gmail.com887-1156 REPAIRJEWELRY-SALES,&DESIGN AnKara Designs Ann & Karen Mitchell Altadena CA 91001 (626) www.ankaradesigns.comann@ankaradesigns.com798-8491 Mimi et Cie, LLC–Private Jewelers Meshell Sohl 696 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 7 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 628-0880 / (626) 628-0881 Unicorn Bling Queen Accessories Coco (818) https://paparazziaccessories.comcocowrites1313@gmail.com209-4278 JUNK REMOVAL Junkluggers of San Gabriel Valley Samuel Orozco (800) junkluggers.comsamuel.orozco@junkluggers.comLUG-JUNK SERVICESLANDSCAPING Finch Tree, A Division of Bartlett Tree Experts Johanna Arias Saenz 841 E. Mission Rd. San Gabriel CA 91776 (626) 286-2716 / (626) 286-0497 Lincoln Avenue Nursery, Inc. Juan Franco Coronado 804 Lincoln Ave. Pasadena CA 91103-2941 (626) 792-2138 / (626) www.lincolnavenuenursery.comlincolnavenuenursery@yahoo.com792-2139 LAUNDRY, LINEN & CLEANING SERVICES CleanersBRYAN’S & Laundry Scott Bell 544 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.BryansCleaners.cominfo@bryanscleaners.com796-4335 California Linen Services Brian O’Neil 40 E. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 564-4576 / (626) 792-4337 Jack’s Cleaners, Inc. Hagop Yerevanian 2465 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 665-4244 / (626) www.jackscleaners.cominfo@jackscleaners.com665-9938 MANUFACTURING Westcoast Companies, Inc. Leslie Malloy 725-729 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 794-9330 / (626) 794-4760 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPY Assessment, Consultation & Treatment (ACT) Dr. Paula Santos 2700 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 824-0982 / (888) www.actpsychology.cominfo@ACTPsychology.com717-7674 Barbara L. Janetzke, PhD Dr. Barbara L. Janetzke 2400 Mission St. San Marino CA 91108 (626) www.drjanetzke.comdrjanetzke@gmail.com255-7512 Deborah Morehead–Marriage Family Therapist & Relationship Coach Deborah Morehead P.O. Box 194 La Canada CA 91012 (626) www.deborahmorehead.comdeborahmoreheadbiz1@gmail.com831-4721 Dr. Ermshar & Associates Dr. Annette Ermshar 2400 Mission St. San Marino CA 91108 (626) drannetteermshar.comaermshar@drermshar.com405-0521 Neurofeedback & Neurorehab Institute, Inc. (NNRI, Inc.) Dr. Victoria Ibric 65 N. Madison Ave., #404 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.neurorehabinst.comdribric@nnrionline.com577-2238 The PsychiatricC.U.B.E.Services Thomas Hughes 236 West Mountain St., Suite 109-E Pasadena CA 91103 (213) www.thecubepsych.com433-2823 TOC Therapy Deniss Pleiner Pasadena CA 91106-3329 (626) www.toctherapy.orgthepractice@toctherapy.org630-9060 MEDICAL SUPPLIES Home Medical Supplies Ross Shaw 3330 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 796-5979 / (626) www.homemedicalsupplies.orgshaw@homemedicalsupplies.org796-6037 MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE TREATMENTABUSE Altadena Recovery Center (Accredited by the Corporation)Commission/Non-ProfitJoint Shirley Bennett 3025 Lincoln Ave. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 765-6905 / (626) www.altadenarecoverycenter.org3025altadenarecoverycenter@gmail.com765-6617 Elijah’s House Tx Center Pamela McCoy 1617 Asbury Dr. Pasadena CA 91104 (877) 557-4477 / (626) 389-4110 Grandview Foundation, Inc. Shelly Wood 1230 N. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 797-1124 / (626) www.grandviewfoundation.comshelly@grandviewfoundation.com398-9674
Hernandez Fish Agency–Farmers Insurance Xochitl Fish 758 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 203 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 784-4333 / (626) xhernandez@farmersagent.com784-4313
Peter Mkhtchian 177 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) pmkhtchian@allstate.com268-0202
Mkhtchian Agency–AllstateInsurance
New York Life–Agent, New York Life Insurance Company LicenseYamashiroStephanieCAInsurance#0N01249
New York Life Insurance–Mike Minassian Mike Minassian 55 S. Lake Ave., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) mikeminassian.commminassian@ft.newyorklife.com532-6009

Space Bank Mini Storage
Robert Oltman 3202 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 449-4405 / (626)
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 45 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Marina Apalategui 12070 Telegraph Rd. Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 (562) 348-0083 / (562) 328-0089 Principles Inc. dba Impact Christina Lynn Gonzales, Associate Executive Director 1680 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 798-0884 / (626) www.impacthouse.com798-6970 Thomas Hicklin, MD Thomas Hicklin, MD (626) 893-8052 / (626) 793-1338 MERCHANT SERVICES Card One International Erick Flores 11661 San Vicente Blvd., #901 Los Angeles CA 90049 (310) 826-7000 / (310) 826-5100 PopID Kourosh Gohar 656 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 SpotOn Transact Inc. Michal AccountBlaszkowski,Executive 100 California St. 9th Floor San Francisco CA 94111 (626) www.spoton.commichalb@spoton.com807-5808 MINORITY OWNED BUSINESS Personal Affairs Dorothy Evans 2181 E. Foothil Blvd., Suite 104 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 529-5020 / (626) 529-5034 MOVING & STORAGE Affordable Quality Moving and Storage David Jacobs 25701 Springbrook Ave. Santa Clarita CA 91350 (253) 329-7945 / (661) www.aqmsnationalmoving.comdavid@aqmsnationalmoving.com254-5241 Allen Avenue Self Storage Jeremy Salazar 234 N. Allen Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 585-9988 / (626) www.allenavenueselfstorage.commanager@allenavenueselfstorage.com585-8851 Arroyo Parkway Self Storage Rima Martirossian 411 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 585-8800 / (626) www.ArroyoParkwaySelfStorage.netmanager@arroyoparkwayselfstorage.net585-0521 Pink Transfer, Inc. Matthew Pink 720 E. Cypress Ave. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 357-2919 / (626) 357-8076
Two Men and a Truck Ed Razo 2399 Miranda Ave. CA
91103 (626) 577-1660 / (626) www.pasadenahistory.orginfo@pasadenahistory.org577-1662 Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts President P.O.Box 93486 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.Pasadenashowcase.orgpresident@pasadenashowcase.org710-7231 TournamentPasadena of Roses Heidi Hoff 391 S. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena CA 91184 (626) www.tournamentofroses.commarketing@tournamentofroses.com449-4100 Rose Bowl Stadium Jens Weiden 1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 577-3100 / (626) www.rosebowlstadium.comjweiden@rosebowlstadium.com405-0992 Sharp offorTicketingOfficialSeating–onlySeatingandcompanytheTournamentRosesParade Sindee Brown Riboli 1737 E Colorado Blvd (In The Back) Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 795-4171 / (626) www.sharpseating.comtickets@sharpseating.com449-3967 Storrier JapaneseStearnsGarden Jean Nyman 270 Arlington Dr. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.japanesegardenpasadena.cominfo@japanesegardenpasadena.com399-1721 The Gamble House Sheryl Scott 4 Westmoreland Place Pasadena CA 91103 (626) gamblehouse.orginfo@gamblehouse.org793-3334 USC Pacific Asia Museum Jessica Mak 46 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) pacificasiamuseum.usc.eduinfo@pam.usc.edu787-2680 &CHILDREN,NON-PROFITYOUTHFAMILYSERVICES AbilityFirst Rebecca Haussling 789 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 449-5662 / (626) www.abilityfirst.orgRHaussling@abilityfirst.org449-0418 Collaborate PASadena Dr. Donald Grant 55 Eureka St., Room 20 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) collaboratepasadena.orginfo@collpas.org529-8240 FamilyD’Veal and Youth Services John McCall 2750 E. Washington Blvd, Suite 230 Pasadena CA (626)91107296-8900 / (626) 296-8910 Day One Christy Zamani 175 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 229-9750 / (626) 792-8056 Families Forward Learning Center Liz Kwong 980 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 792-2687 / (626) www.FamiliesForwardLC.orgliz@familiesforwardlc.org793-1832 Five Acres–The Boys’ & Girls’ Aid Society of Los Angeles County Chanel W. Boutakidis 760 W. Mountain View St. Altadena CA 91001 (626) 798-6793 / (626) 797-7722 Foothill Family Sheila Thornton 897 Granite Dr. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 993-3000 / (626) www.foothillfamily.orgsthornton@foothillfamily.org993-3088 Foothill Unity Center, Inc. Tashera Taylor 790 W. Chestnut St. Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 358-3486 / (626) www.foothillunitycenter.orgtashera@foothillunitycenter.org358-8224 Hillsides Stacey R. Roth-President & CEO 940 Avenue 64 Pasadena CA 91105 (323) 254-2274 / (323) 978-1636 Journey House|A Place for Former Foster Youth Jorge Camarena 1232 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91104-2814 (626) 798-9478 / (626) 798-9478 Options For Learning Kelly O’Connell 885 S. Village Dr. Covina CA 91724 (626) www.optionsforlearning.orgkoconnell@optionsforlearning.org856-5900 Pasadena Ronald McDonald House Carol Horvitz 763 S. Pasadena Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 204-0400 / (626) 585-1688 Pasadena–Sierra Madre YMCA Devon Corlew 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre CA 91024 (626) 355-5261 / (626) Professional DevelopmentChildAssociates Anne Yee 620 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 793-7350 / (626) http://www.pcdateam.orgdevelopment@pcdateam.org793-7341 Non-profit Children, Youth & Family Services continued
Irwindale CA 91010 (626) www.twomenpasadena.cominfo0415@twomen.com765-3847 ATTRACTIONS,MUSEUMS, TOURS & MOVIE THEATERS Descanso Gardens Somer Sherwood-White 1418 Descanso Dr. La Canada Flintridge CA 91011 (818) descansogardens.orgssherwood@descansogardens.org952-4391 Kidspace Children’s Museum Sherine Anderson 480 N. Arroyo Blvd. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 449-9144 / (626) www.kidspacemuseum.orginfo@kidspacemuseum.org449-9985 Pasadena Heritage Susan Mossman 651 S. St. John Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.pasadenaheritage.orgpreservation@pasadenaheritage.org441-6333 MuseumPasadenaof History Jeannette Bovard 470 W. Walnut St. Pasadena
SoCal Colorado Boulevard Self Storage Muriel Vladov 2581 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 229-9999 / (626) www.socalselfstorage.cominfo@socalselfstorage-coloradoblvd.com229-9903
91101 (626) www.livingbeauty.orgnancy@livingbeauty.org628-8310 HEAR Center Ellen Simon 301 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 796-2016 / (626) 796-2320 Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project Janie Heinrich (530) mobilitydog.orginfo@mobilitydog.org263-4770 St. Baldrick’s Foundation Kathleen Ruddy, CEO 1333 S. Mayflower Ave., Suite 400 Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 793-2700 / (626) www.stbaldricks.orgkathleen.ruddy@stbaldricks.org584-6374 HOMELESSNON-PROFITSERVICES Door of Hope Barbara Pettit Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 304-9130 / (626) 304-9125 Elizabeth House Debora Unruh PO Box 94077 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 577-4434 / (626) www.elizabethhouse.netcontact@elizabethhouse.net486-2285 Friends in Deed Rabbi Joshua Grater 444 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104-2202 (626) www.friendsindeedpas.orgoffice@friendsindeedpas.org797-2402 Union Station Homeless Services Anne Miskey 825 E. Orange Grove Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 240-4550 / (626) www.unionstationhs.orginfo@unionstationhs.org798-2397 ORGANIZATIONSNATIONALNON-PROFIT Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena Lisa Cavelier 3230 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 449-9100 / (626) 449-0700 Greater Los Angeles Area Council–BSA Charles Wilson 3450 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107-1934 (626) 351-8815 / (626) www.glaacbsa.orgcharlie.wilson@scouting.org351-5049 Habitat for Humanity–San Gabriel Valley Bryan Wong (626) 387-6899 / (626) 387-6890 San Gabriel & Pomona Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross Erica Frausto Aguado 376 W. Huntington Dr. Arcadia CA 91007 (626) 447-2193 / (626) www.redcross.orgerica.fraustoaguado@redcross.org445-4147 &ORGANIZATIONSNON-PROFITASSOCIATIONS Advocacy Dora Gil-Rodriguez 2450 Mission St., Suite 21 San Marino CA 91108-1634 (213) www.advocacy.ladora@advocacy.la254-2442 Alzheimer’s Association California Southland Chapter Jody Price 9606 S. Santa Monica Blvd., Second Floor Beverly Hills CA 90210 (909) American Cancer Society Milena Warns 99 S. Lake Ave., Suite 400 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 564-6078 / (626) www.cancer.orgmilena.warns@cancer.org568-2888 CALSTART Virginia Ochoa 48 S. Chester Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 744-5600 / (626) 744-5610 Fire Family Foundation Elizabeth Dever 1520 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (323) 550-2239 / (323) www.firefamilyfoundation.orginfo@firefamilyfoundation.org550-4959 Kiwanis Club of Pasadena Craig Wallace PO Box 50484 Pasadena CA 91115-0484 (909) www.kiwanisclubpasadena.orgcwallace@m-k-m.com210-3250 Leadership Pasadena Kaya Plansker 75 S. Grand Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (510) www.leadershippasadena.orginfo@leadershippasadena.org289-1194
Holliston Foundation, The Grace Park 1305 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (323) www.thehollistonfoundation.orggracepark05@gmail.com854-5992
Pasadena FoundationEducational Patrick Conyers 351 S. Hudson Ave. Pasadena CA 91109 (626) 396-3600 / (626) 577-6733
California Representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Latvia Amalia Ghukasyan (818) www.chamber.lvamaliaghukasyan@gmail.com633-4909 Envision Consulting Allison Fuller 594 E. Colorado Blvd., #230 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.envisionnonprofit.cominfo@envisionllc.net714-7577
Rose Bowl FoundationLegacy Dedan Brozino 1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.INSPIRE2022.orgdbrozino@rosebowlstadium.com577-3100 Shanghai DevelopmentInvestmentForeignBoard Stan Chen 70 S. Lake Ave., #1010 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) laoffice@shanghaifid.org688-2340
46 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide
Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation
Cancer CommunitySupportPasadena
forFoundationLivingBeauty Nancy Davidson, Executive Director 254
Villa Esperanza Services Kelly White, CEO 2116 E. Villa St. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 449-2919 / (626) www.villaesperanzaservices.orginfo@villaesperanzaservices.org449-2850
Aspires West Pasadena Jacqueline Jacobs, PhD 119 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.aspireswestpasadena.comjminettejacobs@sbcglobal.net797-0789 Secular Student Alliance Kevin Bolling 980 S. Arroyo Parkway, Suite 270 Pasadena CA 91105 (614) www.secularstudents.orgkevin.bolling@secularstudents.org441-9588
Katie Szymczak 50 N. Hill Ave., Suite 305 Pasadena CA 91106 (818) 848-0223, Ext 14 / (818) 848-0296
Enhance Audiology Vardush Keshishyan 230
Patricia Ostiller, Executive Director 76 E. Del Mar Blvd., #215 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.cscpasadena.orginfo@cscpasadena.org796-1083 AdministrativeChapCare Offices 455 W. Montana St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.chapcare.org398-6300 ChapCare Del Mar 3160 E. Del Mar Blvd., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.chapcare.org398-6300 ChapCare Fair Oaks 1855 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.chapcare.org398-6300 ChapCare Lake/Elizabeth 1595 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.chapcare.org398-6300 Ken Ma 2055 N. Lincoln Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.chapcare.orgAccounting@chapcare.org398-6300 N. Maryland Ave., Glendale CA 91206-4282 (818) 500-0662 www.enhanceaudiology.comenhanceaudiology@gmail.com270-4797 N. Lake CA
/ (626)
Westmoreland Academy/ Institute for the Redesign of Learning Gabriel Vazquez 5 & 6 Westmoreland Place Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 356-1500 / (626) 356-1501
Ave., #842 Pasadena
Sycamores Debbie Manners 100 W. Walnut St., Suite 375 Pasadena CA 91124 (626) 395-7100 / (626) www.Sycamores.orgdmanners@sycamores.org395-7270
ChapCare Lincoln

500 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) mtrey122@yahoo.com221-4043 Salvation Army–Pasadena Corps Captain Terry Masango 960 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 773-4414 / (626) terry.masango@usw.salvationarmy.org773-4459 SUBSTANCENON-PROFITABUSE & ADDICTION SERVICES Casa Treatment Center Nely Meza-Andrade 160 N. El Molino Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-2770 / (626) casatreatmentcenter.orginfo@casatreatmentcenter.org792-5826 Hoving Home Sally DeLeon 127 S. El Molino Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 405-0950 / (626) www.hovinghome.orgwhhca@hovinghome.org405-1444 NON-PROFIT VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS Clazzical Notes Jerri Price-Gaines P. O. Box 93171 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) clazzicalnotes.orgclazznotes@gmail.com833-2750 Fulcrum Arts Robert Crouch 145 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.fulcrumarts.orginfo@fulcrumarts.org793-8171 WOMEN’SNON-PROFITSUCCESS Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. Vickie Reinhardt 149 S. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.jlpasadena.orginfo@jlpasadena.org796-0244 OFFICE BUSINESSMACHINESSUPPLIES/&SERVICES Alliant Technology Group Dale Smith 205 N. Second Ave. Arcadia CA 91006 (626) www.allianttechnology.comdale.smith@allianttechnology.com461-1300 Anderson TechnologyBusiness David Anderson 120 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-2166 / (626) 793-8747 Copyfree Document Imaging & Solutions Queena Wei 601 S. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel CA 91776 (626) 285-0911 / (626) 285-2684 Office Depot #599 Store Manager 1130 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 666-6900 / (626) ods00599@officedepot.com666-6910 Post Pack and Ship Thomas Ma 115 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) http://pasadenapostpackship.compostpack115@gmail.com440-1115 Sterling Business Services, Inc. Wayne Weaver 157 E. Santa Clara St., Building D Arcadia CA 91006 (800) 511-3676 / (866) www.checkwithsterling.comwayne@checkwithsterling.com411-3676 UPS Store #3268, The Gus Salgado 556 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 101 (corner of California Blvd.) Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 564-0690 / (626) Vision Imaging Supplies, Inc. Bernard Khachi 9540 Cozycroft Avenue Chatsworth CA 91311 (818) 885-4515 / (818) 885-4504 &ORGANIZATIONSNON-PROFITS Goodwill California–AltadenaSouthern Drive Trivia Easley 183 Altadena Dr. Pasadena CA 91107 (323) 223-1211 / (323) www.goodwillsocal.orgteasley@goodwillsocal.org539-2177 Innovate Pasadena 85 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.innovatepasadena.orghello@innovatepasadena.com714-1424 La Cañada Flintridge Chamber of Commerce & Community Association Pat Anderson One Civic Center Dr., Suite A La Cañada Flintridge CA Pacific Crest Youth Arts Organization Stuart Pompel 21231 Fountain Springs Rd. Diamond Bar CA 91765 (714) 785-9904 / (909) www.pacific-crest.orgpompel@pacific-crest.org468-2802 Pasadena Humane Dia DuVernet 361 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 792-7151 / (626) SEEwww.pasadenahumane.orghello@pasadenahumane.org792-3810ADPAGE48 Pasadena FoundationMedia Sheryl Turner 55 E. Villa St. Pasadena CA 91103 (310) www.pasadenamediafoundation.orgmiraclemilementors@gmail.com435-7689 Pasadena FoundationPolice Janie Fogg 530 S. Lake Ave., #849 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.pasadenapolicefoundation.orgtreasurer@pasadenapolicefoundation.org577-1440 Non-profit Orgs continued
Pasadena Rotary Club Wendy Anderson 556 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Suite 101, #379 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.pasadenarotary.comoffice@pasadenarotary.com683-8243
CommunityPasadena Foundation
QuarterbacksPasadena Club Joan De Souza PO Box 60861 Pasadena CA 91116-0861 (626) www.pasadenaquarterbacks.orgjoan@joandesouza.com482-8867
Pasadena Scottish Rite Rees Padfield 150 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-4213 / (626) www.pasadenascottishrite.org795-1487
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 47 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
Pasadena Sister Cities Marcia Montez Pasadena CA 91104 (626) pasadenasistercities.orgpscc2014@gmail.com345-0676
Jennifer DeVoll 301 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 810 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.pasadenacf.orgjdevoll@pasadenacf.org796-2097 RevitalizationRosewood Group Michael M. Mendoza 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite
Flintridge Center Peter Matich 236 W. Mountain St., Suite 106 Pasadena CA (626)91103-2967449-0839 / (626) 449-4556
Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Program Tunisia Offray PO Box 40441 Pasadena CA 91114 (626) sd@shepherddoor.org765-9967
Avanti-LSSSC Armine Kim 247 E. Ameriage Ave. Fullerton CA 92832 (714) www.lsssc.org244-4267
Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition Liz SteeringSchiller-Committee Member 175 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.pasadenacsc.orgpasadenacompletestreets@gmail.com419-5994
Pasadena Jaycees Erin Scott 474 W. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.pasadenajaycees.orgpresident@pasadenajaycees.org792-5146 Sri Lanka Foundation Keshini Wijegoonerathna 1930 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100 Los Angeles CA 90057 (213) 400-7705 / (213) www.srilankafoundation.orgkeshini@srilankafoundation.org413-1233
Professionals in Human Resources Association (PIHRA District 3) Ryan Fridborg 3475 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 535-1806 / (626) 405-2014 Right To Life League Theresa, Executive Director/Presi dent Brennan 1028 North Lake Ave., Suite 207 Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.righttolifeleague.orgoffice@righttolifeleague.org398-6100
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce–office Paul Little 44 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106-1745 (626) 795-3355 / (626) www.pasadena-chamber.orginfo@pasadena-chamber.org795-5603
Pasadena Fire Fighters Local 809 Sean Timoney PO Box 5102 Pasadena CA 91117-0102 (626) www.IAFFLocal809.orgpasadenafirefighters@yahoo.com396-9010
Women Against Gun Violence Margot Bennett 10401 Venice Blvd., #723 Los Angeles CA 90034 (310) www.wagv.orgmbennett@wagv.org204-2348
Gregory Stark 1260 Lincoln Ave., #1100 Pasadena CA 91103 (818) World United PPE, LLC Nathan Tsai 530 S. Lake Ave., #630 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.worldunitedppe.comNathan@worldunitedppe.com210-7873 PETS & SERVICESANIMAL Animal Medical Hospital Dr. Andrea Hsu 2116 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 796-3019 / (626) www.amhpasadena.comhello@amhpasadena.com796-7217 Awwdorable Pets Julia Moreno Perri (626) https://awwdorablepets.cominfo@awwdorablepets.com470-3656 bathe R doggie Maria Garcia 101 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.batherdoggie.combatherdoggie@yahoo.com795-7777 Gifts of Peace Home Pet Euthanasia Robin Holmes Pasadena CA 91103 (626) giftsofpeacehomepeteuthanasia.comgiftspeace@gmail.com791-1568 Lifeline for Pets Kathy Hart P.O. Box 2002 Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 797-1753 / (626) www.lifelineforpets.orginfo@lifelineforpets.org357-1517 Lots of Pets Harry Shamoyan 3843 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.lotsofpets.comharry@lotsofpets.com529-3864 Sierra AnimalMadreHospital Walter Cailleteau, DVM 927 N. Michillinda Ave. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 351-8863 / (626) www.sierramadreanimalhospital.cominfo@sierramadreanimalhospital.com351-8846 PHARMACIES SERVICESCOMPOUNDING& Fairmont Pharmacy John Barnet 50 Bellefontaine St., #103 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-1188 / (626) www.fairmontpharmacy.orgfairmontpharmacy626@gmail.com793-8414 Mintwood Pharmacy Nancy Elias 455 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) PHOTOGRAPHY & PHOTO SERVICES Louie the Lens Louis Katz (818) louiethelens.comphotos@louiethelens.com919-1583 Lyd & Mo Photography Lydia Tam 27 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.lydandmo.cominfo@lydandmo.com652-8302 Nestled In PhotographyTime Joanna Law 4 E. Holly St., Suite 207 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.Nestledintimephotography.comlaw.joanna@gmail.com678-1992 Nick Boswell Photography Nick Boswell 2450 Mission St., #5 San Marino CA 91108 (626) 799-2120 / (626) 799-0401 PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING SERVICES Century Rooter Service and Plumbing Vicki Knight 1609 S. California Ave. Monrovia CA 91016 (800) 782-4744 / (626) www.centuryrooter.comcustomerservice@centuryrooter.com358-9742 Foothill Drain Cleaning Inc. Pedro Castaneda 21 Miller Aly, Suite 210 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.foothilldraincleaning.comworkorders@foothilldraincleaning.com343-8000 Merry/San Marino Plumbing Tony Galaviz 1465 San Marino Ave. San Marino CA 91108 (626) www.Merryplumbing.cominfo@merryplumbing.com796-4307 Plumbers and Rooters, Inc. Andy Megrikyan 609 N. Hill Ave. Pasadena CA 91106-1224 (626) info@plumbersandrooters.com807-7717 West Coast Water Heater and Plumbing Rom Herring 17418 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills CA 91344 (818) www.west-coast-waterheater.comherringrom@gmail.com464-6995 Western Supreme Rooter, Inc. John Bottala 136 E. Santa Clara, #1 Arcadia CA 91006 (626) 448-6455 / (626) www.westernrooter.comservice@westernrooter.com446-0690
SymphonyPasadena and Pops Lora Unger 2 N. Lake Ave., Suite 1080 Pasadena CA 91101-1871 (626) 793-7172 / (626) www.PasadenaSymphony-Pops.orginfo@pasadenasymphony-pops.org793-7180 EQUIPMENTPROTECTIVEPERSONAL (PPE) & SANITIZER
Pasadena Playhouse Kory Kelly-Director of Marketing & 39 S. El Molino Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 689-2319 / (626) www.pasadenaplayhouse.orginfo@pasadenaplayhouse.org689-0385
YWCA Glendale & Pasadena Heather Masterton 75 S. Grand Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (818) 240-4155 / (818) 240-6036
Rosebud Coffee Dan Davidson 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.rosebudcoffee.comdan@rosecitycoffee.org817-3461
Pasadena Village Katie, Executive Director Brandon 236 W. Mountain St., Suite 104 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.pasadenavillage.orgkatie@pasadenavillage.org765-6037
Boston ArtsPerformingCourtCenter
PARKING LOTS Modern Parking, Inc. Gary Pitts 303 S. Union St., First Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) 482-8400 / (213) gpitts@modernparking.com482-7600
PERFORMING ARTS A Noise Within Kate Brandt 3352 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 356-3100 (626) www.anoisewithin.orgkbrandt@anoisewithin.org356-3120
Cheryl Rizzo 70 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 683-6801 (626) www.BostonCourtPasadena.orgboxoffice@bostoncourtpasadena.org683-6886
Stark Spirits Distillery
Southern California Resource IndependentServicesLiving Gabriela Ramirez 2023 Lincoln Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (818) www.scrs-ilc.orggramirez@scrs-ilc.org624-7912
48 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
Unified Valet Parking, Inc. Mike Sabet 99 S. Chester Ave., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.unifiedparking.comm.sabet@unifiedparking.com395-9953

Amanda Rogers Coaching Amanda Rogers 3016 E. Colorado Blvd., #70423 Pasadena CA
Robert Warren 2629 Foothill Blvd., #420 La Crescenta CA 91214 (323) www.print-mail.comorders@print-mail.com258-2621
Print Spot, The Wende Lee 1709 Meridian Ave. South Pasadena CA 91030 (323) www.goprintspot.comPrintspot323@gmail.com269-4218
Amy Foell Consulting Amy Foell (415) www.amyfoell.comamy@amyfoell.com305-2219
Pasadena City College Small (SBDC)DevelopmentBusinessCenter
Donald Loewel 3035 E. Foothill Blvd., Room 122 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.pccsbdc.orgdxloewell@pasadena.edu585-3106
MANAGEMENTPROPERTY & LEASING AGENTS Beven & Brock Property Management Co., Inc. Finley Beven 99 S. Lake Ave., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-3282 / (626) www.bevenandbrock.comfin.beven@bevenandbrock.com795-0623
Phillips, Fractor & Company, LLC Ed Garcia 3452 E. Foothill Blvd., Suite 220 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.rule26.cominfo@rule26.com744-3540
CIBA Management,Property Inc. Sandi Mejia 2562 E. Colorado Blvd., 2nd Floor Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 578-9786 / (626) sandimejia@sbcglobal.net578-9787 David N. Schultz, Inc. Jennifer Schultz Bertolet 715 N. Central Ave., Suite 300 Glendale CA 91203-1225 (818) 240-1070 / (818) www.dnsrents.comJenniferB@dnsrents.com545-3688 Dolan & Knight Property Management, Inc. Jon Anthony Dolan 180 S. Lake Ave., #420 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 584-8007 / (626) www.dolanknight.comjonanthony.dolan@dolanknight.com584-0961 PropertyLincoln Company Rosio Perez 74 N. Pasadena Ave., Suite B111 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 564-1349 / (626) 229-0542 Madison Marquette Real Estate Services, Inc. Jennifer Rivas 200 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 430 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 683-9398 / (626) www.madisonmarquette.comJennifer.Rivas@madisonmarquette.com683-9498 Minasian & Associates David L. Minasian 1250 E. Walnut St., #236 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 796-4900 / (626) www.minasianassociates.comdminasian@minasianassociates.com796-5400 National RenaissanceCommunity Meredith Allen 9421 Haven Ave. Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 (909) www.nationalcore.orgmeallen@nationalcore.org483-2444 Pasadena Business Park–Sunny Hills Management Eva Kwok 2500 E. Foothill Blvd., #509 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 304-0310 / (626) 304-0315 Pasadena Tri City Ventures Gloria French 150 S. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-7757 / (626) G.French@molinmgmt.com795-1771 Playhouse Plaza–IDS Real Estate Group David Saeta 515 S. Figueroa St., 16th Floor Los Angeles CA 90071 (213) 362-9319 / (213) dsaeta@idsrealestate.com627-9937 PUBLIC LIBRARIES Pasadena Public Library Michelle Herrera 285 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 744-4066 / (626) www.pasadenapubliclibrary.netmherrera@cityofpasadena.net585-8396 REAL COMMERCIALESTATE A1 CommercialWest Real Estate Mike Dostalek 634 Mission St. South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) 768-0788 / (626) www.a1westre.commdostalek@a1westre.com466-3028 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Peter Moglia 26 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.are.compmoglia@are.com578-0777 Avison Young Andrew Berk 6711 Forest Lawn Dr. Los Angeles CA 90068 (323) 603-5059 / (323) www.avisonyoung.comandrew.berk@avisonyoung.com851-2022 Business Park of Pasadena, The Earl F. Lyons 1270 Lincoln Ave., #400 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) earlflyons@gmail.com794-0102 Changstrom Company, The John L. Bonholtzer, Jr. 555 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-5141 / (626) 795-4075 Coldwell CommercialBanker Bill Ukropina, CRE 388 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 844-2200 / (626) bill.ukropina@cbcnrt.com440-0455 Colleen Carey, Founding Principal Lee Associates–Pasadena& Colleen Carey 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 330 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 240-2782 / (626) lee-associates.comccarey@lee-associates.com410-6705 Cushman & Wakefield Steven Marcussen 900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2400 Los Angeles CA 90017 (213) 304-0543 / (213) www.cushwake.comsteve.marcussen@cushwake.com629-7340 De Pietro Holdings, LLC James De Pietro 101 Waverly Dr. Pasadena CA 91105 (323) 257-4253 / (323) www.depietroholdings.comjames@depietroholdings.com257-4245 Edgewood Realty Partners, LLC Betty Siwy 716 Mission St. South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) 441-9620 / (626) www.edgewoodrealty.combsiwy@edgewoodrealty.com799-5670 Insignia PMG Esteban Felix 200 E. Del Mar Blvd., Suite 212 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 792-7500 / (626) www.insigniapmg.comesteban@insigniapmg.com792-7502 Commercial Real Estate continued
Warren Printing & Mailing
Typecraft Wood & Jones Jeffrey J. Gish 2040 E. Walnut St. Pasadena CA 91107-5804 (626) 795-8093 / (626) 795-2423
Cal Smith 25 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105-1905 (626) 792-6594 / (626) pesmith6@earthlink.net792-6594
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 49 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
Art Rodriguez Associates Peter Impala 444 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 208 Arcadia CA 91006 (626) 683-9777 / (626) 348-8472
California Strategies Matthew Klink 13007 Woodbridge St. Studio City CA 91604 (310) calstrat.commattk@calstrat.com283-6267 Garner Entertainment LLC DBA Garner Exchange Veronica Fields 1190 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) info@garnerexchange.com956-6525 Mixed Roots Enterprises, Inc. Holly Bachman 155 N. Lake Ave., Suite 800 Pasadena CA 91101 (800) 926-1831 / (888) www.mixedrootsenterprises.cominfo@mixedrootsenterprises.com926-5880
Image Quest Plus, LLC Margaret Floyd 215 N. Marengo Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 744-1333 / (626) 744-9905
Licher Printing & Mailing
Brad Licher 980 Seco St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 795-3333 / (626) 795-7548
Barbara Rocha and Associates Barbara Rocha (626) www.gettingoveryourself.comBarbaraBCS@aol.com792-8075 Mollifis LLC Anni Eloyan 2430 Brigden Rd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) www.mollifis.comaeloyan@mollifis.com655-8862
Read Communications Nat B. Read 100 E. Corson St., Suite 200 Pasadena CA 91103-3841 (626) www.natread.comnat@natread.com695-9792
Speedpro Imaging Tom James 1232 N. Fair Oaks Ave., #2 Pasadena CA 91103 (818) www.speedprolanorth.comtjames@speedpro.com243-1872
Bickley Printing Company
House of Printing Walter E. Pittroff 3336 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 793-7034 / (626) 793-3636
PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY Kidder Mathews Don Hudson 301 N. Lake Ave., Suite 150 Pasadena CA 91101 (818) kiddermathews.comDon.Hudson@Kidder.com667-5611
CommercialRedstone Real Estate Dan Alle 301 N. Lake Ave., Suite 1000 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-2255 / (626) 795-2251
50 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide
Bullet Venture Capital James Deng, CEO 1842 Oakwood Ave. Arcadia CA 91006 (210) bulletfund@hotmail.com862-4632
Homes Inc. Laura Scott 8447 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 400 Beverly Hills CA 90211 (310) 691-5500 / (310) etcohomes.comnewhomes@etcohomes.com861-0336 Pasadena BakewellDevelopment/TheCommercialCompany Danny Bakewell, Jr. 3800 Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90008 (323) 291-6803 / (323) www.bakewellco.comdannyjr@bakewellco.com291-6804 Singpoli Group, LLC William Chu 25 E. Foothill Blvd. Arcadia CA 91006 (626) 566-1888 / (626) 566-1887 Trammell Crow Company Alex Valente 2221 Rosecrans Ave., Suite 200 El Segundo CA 90245 (310) 363-4701 / (310) www.trammellcrow.comavalente@trammellcrow.com363-4723 REAL RESIDENTIALESTATE Berkshire GoldenHomeServicesHathawayProperties Aida Dimejian 482 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 523-3453 / (626) 797-3865 Berkshire GoldenHomeServicesHathawayProperties Doug Colliflower 482 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 524-4158 / (626) Coldwell PasadenaBanker Christine Morton 388 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) Christinemorton.cbintouch.comchristine.morton@camoves.com222-7093 Cross Country Offer Nicholas Luevano (310) www.crosscountryoffer.comNick@crosscountryoffer.com807-6773 Deasy Penner Podley Margit Arrobio 200 S. Los Robles Ave., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91101-2419 (626) dppre.commarrobio@dppre.com795-6262 Dilbeck Real Estate Barry Jones 225 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) barry.jones@dilbeck.com241-7266 GA Appraisals, Inc. Glen Kangas 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., 5th Floor #968 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.gaappraisalsinc.comservice@gaappraisalsinc.com803-4593 Joseph D. Oroye–Berkshire PropertiesHomeServicesHathawayCalifornia Joseph D. Oroye 540 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (310) josephoroye@bhhscal.com863-4512 Keller Williams Realty–Ken Parsons Ken Parsons 251 S. Lake Ave., Suite 320 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 204-3300 / (626) 204-3400 LACERA Gateway Property Inc.–C/O Avison Young–Southern California, LTD. Michael Camarena 300 N. Lake Ave., Suite 925 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 568-0300 / (626) michael.camarena@avisonyoung.com568-3074 Meg CenturyMiddleman–21Masters Meg Middleman 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 441-3449 / (626) www.megmiddleman.commegmiddleman@gmail.com441-3449 Michelle M. Min–Coldwell Banker Realty Michelle Min 388 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 782-1517 / (626) michelle.min@cbrealty.com440-0455 Panoptic Development Jason Wang 201 S. Lake Ave., Suite 500 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.panopticla.comjason@panopticla.com274-2772 Pasadena AssociationFoothillsofRealtors Carla Dane 1070 E. Green St., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 795-2455 / (626) 795-7155 Pete Whan & Associates, Inc. Pete Whan 600 N. Lincoln Ave., #90845 Pasadena CA 91109 (626) www.petewhanrealestatebroker.comPete@PeteWhan.com278-4333 Sue Cook Real Estate–Coldwell Banker Sue Cook 2065 Huntington Dr. San Marino CA 91108 (626) www.suecookrealestate.comsuecookrealtor@gmail.com253-1323 Terry Piasky Real Estate–Coldwell Banker Terry Piasky 1575 Casa Grande St. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) terrypiasky89@gmail.com353-6654 Trumark Real Estate Management Jason Trueblood 320 Arden Ave., Suite 110 Glendale CA 91203-1167 (818) 246-7221 / (818) www.trumarkrem.comjason@trumarkrem.com246-2646 &RECREATIONSPORTS Big 5 Sporting Goods Big 5 Corporation 3719 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 795-3111 Brookside Golf Club Philip Di Nova 1133 N. Rosemont Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 585-3594 / (626) www.brooksidegc.compdinova@brooksidegc.com796-4362 Club GymnasticsChampion Sarah Johnson 145 Vista Ave., Suite 108 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 577-4496 / (626) www.go2clubchampion.comoffice@go2clubchampion.com577-2597 McCourt Foundation, The Brooke Mann 871 Figueroa Terrace Los Angeles CA 90012 (310) Odyssey Games of Pasadena Paul Zuber 1795 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.odysseygamesco.cominfo@odysseygamesco.com817-9522 Rollo Jack Queen 130 W. Union St. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.rollomotion.comhello@rollomotion.com755-8820 Rose AquaticsBowlCenter Jimmy Francis 360 N. Arroyo Blvd. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 564-0330 / (626) www.rosebowlaquatics.orgJFrancis@rosebowlaquatics.org356-7572 Tom Sawyer Camps, Inc. Sarah Horner Fish 707 W. Woodbury Rd., #F Altadena CA 91001 (626) 794-1156 / (626) www.tomsawyercamps.cominfo@tomsawyercamps.com794-1401
The Elifant Group Joseph Lee 790 E. Colorado Blvd., 9th Floor Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.elifantgroup.comjoe@elifantgroup.com460-1330
PASARROYO Donna Guerrero Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-5161 / (626) pasarroyo.comdguerrero@coretrustmanagement.com792-9542
Plotkin Partners Plotkin 12 S. Raymond Ave., Suite D Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 585-9442 / (626) 585-9428
Tolj RealCommercialEstateServices Mike Tolj 930 Colorado Blvd., #1 Los Angeles CA 90041 (323) 258-4946 / (323) www.TOLJcommercial.commike@toljcommercial.com983-4545
Pasadena Towers–Building Management Office Risa Honda 55 S. Lake Ave., Suite 100 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 793-8817 / (626) pasadena-towers.comRisa.Honda5@cbre.com793-8792
Pacific Starr Group, LLC John F. Pipia (626) 356-0233 / (626) www.pacificstarrgroup.comjpipia@pacificstarrgroup.com356-0855
Sauve & Associates N. Sauve & Associates 12 S. Raymond Ave., Suite A Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 585-4321 / (626) 683-3990
RE/MAX PropertiesPremier Jenny Liu 223 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 316-6800 / (626) rppfrontdesk@gmail.com229-0822
NAI Capital Commercial Corey Harper 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 1170 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.coreyharper.comcorey.harper@naicapital.com375-6486
Arroyo Chop House Jenna Brown 536 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.arroyochophouse.com577-7463
by Equator Teddy Bedjakian 22 Mills Place Pasadena CA 91105 (626) edwinmills.comteddy@edwinmills.com564-8656 El Cholo Restaurant Diego Fernandez 300 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-5800 / (626) www.elcholopasadena.cominfo@elcholopasadena.com795-1210 El Portal Restaurant Abel Ramirez 695 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-8553 / (626) www.elportalrestaurant.comabel@elportalrestaurant.com795-2860 Entre Nous Mathias Wakrat & JC Febbrari 119 W. Green St. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) Entrenousfrenchbistro.comentrenousfrenchbistro@gmail.com844-4500 Event Specialists Edward Chan 10618 Mulhall St. El Monte CA 91731 (562) chan_edward11@yahoo.com480-2248 Fleming’s SteakhousePrime&Wine Bar Maria Haro 179 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.flemingssteakhouse.compasadena@flemingssteakhouse.com639-0490 Fogo de Chao Jimena Sirri 234 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.Fogo.comjsirri@fogo.com556-9533 Foothill Restaurant Jim Christos 2835 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) foothill.coinfo@foothill.co449-2337 Fox’s Restaurant Monique King 2352 Lake Ave. Altadena CA 91001 (626) www.foxsaltadena.cominfo@foxsaltadena.com797-9430 Fresh Brothers Pizza Christina Goergen 55 S. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) https://www.freshbrothers.comchristinag@freshbrothers.com817-6600 Granville Alison Gregory 270 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 360-7633 / (626) www.granvillerestaurants.compasadena@granville.net360-7632 Hat, The Corky Conzonire 491 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 449-1844 Hummus Labs Joseph Badaro 950 E. Colorado Blvd., #104 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) Hummus-labs.comjoseph@hummus-labs.com940-6546 Il Fornaio Daiano Morassi 24 W. Union St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 683-9797 / (626) 683-0789 Restaurants / Catering continued
Coco Carl Hansen 406 Broadway, #321 Santa Monica CA 90401 (970) www.cocodelivery.comcommunity@cocodelivery.com438-2626
Celestino Ristorante Bar Calogero Drago 141 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-4006 / (626) www.celestinopasadena.comcelestinoristorante@gmail.com795-8542 Chick-fil-A Adaobi Gwacham 1700 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 793-7636 / (626) 793-7616
Bistro 45 Robert Simon 45 S. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.bistro45.combistro45restaurant@gmail.com795-2478
Colombo’s SteakhouseItalian&Jazz
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 51 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY
RECYCLING, ZERO & E-WASTE SERVICES Attan Recycling Corp Ruilan Chen 13941 Norton Avenue, Suite D Chino CA 91710 (909) 782-7802 / (909) www.attanrecycling.comattanrecycling@gmail.com591-8418
Alexander’s Steakhouse Ryan Goldfarb 111 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 486-1111 / (626) www.alexanderssteakhouse.comshawnayetka@alexanderssteakhouse.com486-1115
Bone Kettle Eric Tjahyadi 67 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.bonekettle.commail@bonekettle.com795-5702
Boba Cha Cha Preeya Poopichayapongse 26 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) bobachacha.usteam.bobachacha@gmail.com696-3199
California Pizza Kitchen 99 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 585-9020 / (626) 585-0993
Cabrera’s Mexican Cuisine Efrain Cabrera 655 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101-1243 (626) 795-0230 / (626) 795-4466
Clearman’s Galley, aka The Boat Juan Arrieta 7215 N. Rosemead Blvd. San Gabriel CA 91775 (626) www.clearmansgalley.comgalley@clearmansrestaurants.com286-3075 NorthClearman’sWoods Inn Wendy Alvarez 7247 N. Rosemead Blvd. San Gabriel CA 91775 (626) 286-3579 / (626) www.clearmansrestaurants.comsangabriel@clearmansrestaurants.com286-7975
WMDRacing Jay Walters 800 Fairmount Ave., Suite 210 Pasadena CA 91105(626)3152 www.wmdracing.cominfo@wmdracing.com217-2841
Club Vic Parrino 1833 Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90041 (323) 254-9138 / (323)
RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT& De Novo Software Chris Concannon 207 N. Sierra Madre Blvd., First Floor Pasadena CA 91107 (213) https://denovosoftware.cominfo@denovosoftware.com814-1240
All India Cafe Santokh Singh Khinda 39 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 440-0309 / (626) www.allindiacafe.comsantokhusa@yahoo.com844-6507
Craft by Smoke and Fire Isais Hernandez 30 W. Green St. Pasadena CA 91105
(626) www.craftbysmokeandfire.comihernandez@thesmokeandfire.com529-5584 Crave Cafe Samir Akel 115 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (818) cravepasadena.comsamir.akel2012@gmail.com300-2725 Dan Modern Chinese James Kim 146 S. Lake Ave., Suite 105 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) james@dumplinganoodle.com817-9799 Deluxe 1717 Onil Chibas 1717 E. Washington Blvd Pasadena CA 91104 (626) Der Wolf J. Owen 72 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) https://www.thederwolfpasadena.comj@1205shore.com219-6054 Dog Haus Fabby Singh 105 N. Hill Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 577-4287 / (626) www.doghausdogs.comvalleyguysinc@gmail.com577-4289 Dog Haus Biergarten Matt Woogen 93 E. Green St. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 683-0808 / (626) 683-0808 Domino’s Pizza–Arroyo Parkway Matt Lessa 633 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) mpr@empizza.com548-1976 Domino’s Pizza–Colorado Blvd. Matt Lessa 1935 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 281-5200 / (626) 281-5201 Domino’s Pizza–Los Robles Matt Lessa 2057 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) mpr@empizza.com791-9285 Domino’s WashingtonPizza–Blvd. Matt Lessa 1400 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) mpr@empizza.com794-3030 dos besos Catherine Romano-Llobet 99 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91103 (818) dosbesospasadena@gmail.com430-7360
Edwin Mills
Blue Chip FoodSystems, Inc. Patrick O’Grady 2790 Gundry Ave. Signal Hill CA 90755 (562) 490-0808 / (562) www.bluechipfoods.compogrady@bluechipfoods.com426-9892
Barney’s Beanery David Houston 97-99 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 405-9777 / (626) www.barneysbeanery.cominfo@barneysbeanery.com405-1957
Jessie Rodriguez 26211 Sunnywood Street Menifee CA 92586 (209) jrcrown2019@gmail.com582-4910
La Grande Orange Cafe Carol Dawson 260 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 356-4444 / (626)
Madeline Garden Bistro & Venue Ray Frost 1030 E. Green St., #102 Pasadena CA 91106 (626) www.madelinegarden.commadelinegarden@gmail.com795-5599 Osawa
New York Chicken & Gyro Pasadena Inc. Muhebullah Mehirdel 961 Green St. Pasadena CA 91106 (718)
& Sushi Sayuri Tachibe 77
Mi Piace Armen Shirvanian 25 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 205 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 795-3131 / (626) 795-9698
Kathleen’s Restaurant K. Meymarian & E. Bugarin 595 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 578-0722 / (626) www.KathleensRestaurant.comkmeymarian@gmail.com578-0059
Chipper Pastron 38 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) Jakestrustworthyburgers.comchipper211@me.com233-2270
La Tea Da Alannah Isherwood (818) www.latea-da.comalannah@latea-da.com495-5526
P.R. Pernecky RestaurantsCORP.–McDonald’sMGMT. Paul Pernecky 427 S. Marengo Ave., Suite 7 Pasadena CA 91101-3134 (626) 744-1188 / (626) Parkway Grill Jenna Brown 510 S. Arroyo Parkway Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.theparkwaygrill.com795-1001 Pasadena Sandwich Company Jonathan Fink 259 Sierra Madre Villa, Suite #102 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.PasadenaSandwichCompany.comPasadenaSandwichCompany@gmail.com578-1616 Pie’N Burger Michael Osborn 913 E. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 795-1123 / (626) www.pienburger.commosborn1@earthlink.net795-2463 President Thai Restaurant Jeff Tieo 498 S. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 578-9814 / (626) www.president-thai.com578-9684 Raffi’s Catering and Banquet Raffy Fournouzian 3887 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) raffiscatering.comraffysat@icloud.com351-0900 Raymond 1886, The Rob Levy 1250 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 441-3136 / (626) 441-4770 Robeks Juice Maria & David Vazquez 143 W. California Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 Roscoe’s House of Chicken n’ Waffles Rosa Lira 830 N. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 791-4890 / (626) www.roscoeschickenandwaffles.comops@roscoeschickenwaffles.com791-7143 Ruth’s Chris Steak House Linda Jordan 369 E Colorado Blvd Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 583-8122 / (626) www.ruthschris.comgmpasadena@ruthschris.com583-8126 Salty Sweet Kettle Corn Smaily Fuentes (323) socialsnow@hotmail.com675-7416 Shiro Restuarant Sherrill Bailey 1505 Mission St. South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) 799-4774 / (626) restaurantshiro.cominfo@restaurantshiro.com799-9560 Slater’s 50/50 Marisol Medina 61 N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) Smith RestaurantBrothersCorporation Jenna Brown 100 E. Corson St., Suite 320 Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 577-2400 / (626) www.smithbrothersrestaurants.comjenna@smithbrothersrestaurants.com577-8330 Smitty’s Grill Jenna Brown 110 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.smittysgrill.com792-9999 SORRISO–Bar Celona Jacinda Lai 46 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 405-1000 / (626) Stems Kaiy Smith-Biesman Pasadena CA 91107 (626) kaiy@stemsca.com221-4680 Stonefire Grill Elly Salter 473 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 921-1255 / (818) www.stonefiregrill.comesalter@stonefiregrill.com338-8757 Sushi Roku Pasadena Brian Mimura 33 Miller Alley (One Colorado Courtyard) Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 683-3000 / (626) www.sushiroku.combmimura@sushiroku.com683-7400 Sweetfin Kristin Yi 55 S. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (323) www.sweetfin.comjoe@sweetfin.com540-8231 Tardino Bros. Italian Kitchen 40 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) Terrace at The Langham Denny DePoitre 1401 S. Oak Knoll Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 568-3900 / (626) dennydepoitre@langhamhotels.com568-3700 The Great Maple Amanda David 300 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) The Kitchen for Exploring Foods Vanessa Phelp 1434 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.thekitchen.netvanessa@thekitchen.net793-7218 The Stand Zachary Wishengrad 36 S. El Molino Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.thestand.comzw@thestandlink.com714-7117
Lucky Baldwins Pub Hans Bristle 17 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 795-0652 / (626) www.luckybaldwins.cominfo@luckybaldwins.com795-9358
Kings Row Gastropub Jim Fraley 20 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-3010 / (626) www.kingsrowpub.com793-3242
Jessie CrownRodriguezFood&Beverage
Jakes BurgersTrustworthy&Beer
Margarita’s Ruby Bugarin 155 S. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 449-4193 / (626) www.margaritaspasadena.comruby.bugarin@yahoo.com449-0717
Now You’re Poppin’
Ms. Rhonda’s Crack-N-Pop Gourmet Popcorn Rhonda Shorter 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite #300 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.mycracknpop.comms.rhonda@mycracknpop.com317-0252
52 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY In-N-Out RestaurantBurger Jim Lockington 2114 East Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.innout.comjlockington@innout.com813-8289
Larry Martin Ventura Blvd., PMB 334 Sherman Oaks CA (818)91423726-3812 / (818) 994-5854 Shabu Shabu N. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 683-1150 / (626) 304-2718
Lucky TrappisteBaldwinsPuband Cafe Peggy Simonian 1770 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 844-0447 / (626) www.luckybaldwins.cominfo@luckybaldwins.com844-7428
MexicanMijares Restaurant R-Lene Mijares de Lang 145 Palmetto Dr. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 792-2763 / (626)
John Norman 10592 Wulff Dr. Villa Park CA 92861 (909) kettlepopcornman@aol.com908-8555 KettleFashionedKornCo.
Kitchen Italian Cafe & Pizzeria, The Stacy Kostanyan 78 W. Union St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 796-9802 / (626) thekitchenpasadena.commadden.maci@gmail.com796-9803
Lucky DeliriumBaldwinsPuband Cafe Lisa Brandley 21 Kersting Ct Sierra Madre CA 91024 (626) www.luckybaldwins.cominfo@luckybaldwins.com355-1140
Maria’s Italian Kitchen Martin Mata 3537 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.mariasitaliankitchen.commarias@mariasitaliankitchen.com351-2080
Pasadena, The Jaqueline Banuelos 2954 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 356-2600 / (626) www.pasadenaoaks.comjaqueline.banuelos@pasadenaoaks.com356-2596 Pacific PACE Dan Stojkovic 50 Alessandro Place, Suite A20 Pasadena CA 91105 (800) pacificpace.welbehealth.comdan.stojkovic@welbhealth.com851-0966 Pasadena Highlands Christina Hollingsworth 1575 E. Washington Blvd. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 791-1981 / (626) www.WellQuestPH.comchollingsworth@wqliving.com791-4932 Pet Porter Pals Carmel Mims (626) www.petporterpals.cominfo@petporterpals.com399-5421 Prestige Home Care Angels, Inc. Xochitl Garcia 2130 Huntington Dr., Suite 211 South Pasadena CA (626)91030460-6555 / (866) www.prestigehomecareangels.cominfo@prestigehomecareangels.com347-5005 Sage SeniorGlendaleLiving Kathy Markarian 525 W. Elk Ave. Glendale CA 91204 (818) 245-6378 / (818) sageglendale.comdsm2@sageglendale.com245-6032 Santa Teresita, Inc. Sister Gianna 819 Buena Vista St. Duarte CA 91801 (626) www.santa-teresita.orgdevelopment@santateresitainc.com408-7810 Villa Gardens Dawneen Lorance 842 E. Villa St. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 463-5300 / (626) villagardens.orgVGsales@frontporch.net568-9606 Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services Marine Topchyan 1117 E. Broadway Glendale CA 91205 (626) 799-0872 / (818) SHOPPING & RETAIL Ally, Inc. Jeffrey Wahl 680 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (559) AT&T Mobility–Colorado David Terreri 83 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 396-0100 / (626) 396-0101 AT&T Mobility–Foothill Anna Strother 3699 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) Audio Element Brian Berdan 117 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) Costco #412, Azusa Liz Villatoro 1220 W. Foothill Blvd. Azusa CA 91702 (626) 812-7911 / (626) 812-7928 Hollywood Piano Factory Outlet & Clearance Center Glenn Treibitz 2084 Foothill Blvd. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 229-0999 / (626) www.hollywoodpiano.cominfo@hollywoodpiano.com229-0977 House of Intuition Rosa Curran 22 S. Raymond Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) https://houseofintuitionla.comgrabandgo@houseofintuitionla.com421-6190 Hustler Hollywood Dwight Thompson 36 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) na-california Macy’s Department Store Shannon Giancotta 401 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 792-0211 / (626) Shannon.Giancotta@macys.com737-6451 Pro Soccer Mike Hakopyan 82 N. Los Robles Ave. Pasadena CA 91101-1737 (800) https://prosoccer.commike.h@prosoccer.com688-8088 Salvation Army–Del Mar Blvd. Captain Terry Masango 56 W. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 795-8075 / (626) terry.masango@usw.salvationarmy.org795-7294 Ten Thousand Villages of Pasadena Liz Golko 567 S. Lake Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) The Paseo Deana Doetzl 300 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 213 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-8891 / (626) www.thepaseopasadena.cominfo@thepaseopasadena.com795-9038 Water Boy Services Edgar Nava 1361 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) www.waterboyservices.comwaterboyservices626@gmail.com345-5163
SECURITY, SURVEILLANCESERVICESINVESTIGATIONPRIVATE& Eagle Star Security Kjell H. Kling 1160 Pine Bluff Dr. Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 806-6676 / (626) kjelleaglestar@verizon.net351-4223
GS1group, Inc. Michael Severo 630 N. Rosemead Blvd., Suite 150 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 510-6384 / (818) www.GS1Security.commsevero@gs1security.com975-5500
SENIOR HEALTH & WELLNESS SERVICES Pasadena Senior Center Akila Gibbs 85 E. Holly St. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) 795-4331 / (626) www.pasadenaseniorcenter.orgakilag@pasadenaseniorcenter.org577-4235
MonteCedro David Weidert 2212 El Molino Ave. Altadena CA 91001 (626) www.montecedro.org788-4900
Del Mar Park, LLC Denise Sutton 990 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106 (626) 577-0215 / (626) www.delmarpark.comdenise.s@delmarpark.com577-2180 FountainGlen at Pasadena Yvonne Lemus 775 E. Union St. Pasadena CA 91101-5630 (626) 449-8844 / (626) www.fountainglen.comFGPasadena@sares-regis.com449-8855
Pasadena,Californian–The Luis Pages 120 Bellefontaine Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 793-5114 / (626) www.californianch.comluis.pages@californianch.com793-7560 Chefs For Seniors–Pasadena Pamela Dodough 1013 East St. Los Angeles CA 90042 (626)
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 53 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY True Food Kitchen Justin Stone 168 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.TrueFoodKitchen.comjstone@TrueFoodKitchen.com639-6818 Twohey’s Jim Christos 424 Fair Oaks Ave. South Pasadena CA 91030 (626) 284-7387 / (626) 284-4865 Umami Burger Pasadena Richard Elkin (GM) 49 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 799-8626 / (323) www.umamiburger.compasadena@umamiburger.com782-8202 Urth Caffe Thomas D. Murray 594 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 844-4644 / (626) 844-4647 RESTORATION & DISASTER RECOVERY SERVICES Servpro of Arcadia & Pasadena North Amy Moufarrege 1848 Evergreen St. Duarte CA 91010-2906 (626) 447-4111 / (626) www.servpropasadenanorth.comstaff@servpropasadenanorth.com447-4303 SALESROBOT& SERVICES ShadeCraft, Inc. Armen Gharabegian, CEO 116 W. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (818) www.shadecraft.cominfo@shadecraft.com737-2201
SENIOR COMMUNITIESRESIDENTIAL RetirementArcadian Center Amber Branconier 753 W. Duarte Rd. Arcadia CA 91007 (626) 445-7981 / (626) arcadianretirement@gmail.com445-0179
Oaks of
MorningStar Senior Living Pasadena Sandie Montgomery 951 S. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) 204-1700 / (626) www.morningstarseniorliving.compasadena.dcr@mstarliving.com799-9986
Everwatch Security Toby Session 695 Devirian Place Altadena CA 91001-4511 (213) www.Everwatchsecurity.comtoby@everwatchsecurity.com634-5098
54 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY SOCIAL ADVERTISING&APPONLINEMEDIA,MARKETING,DEVELOPMENTINTERNET Blue Lotus Collective Rachel Matos (323) Delpick Ven Piccolo 40 N. Altadena Dr., Suite 213 Pasadena CA 91107 (310) delpick.comven@delpick.com728-5597 SLS Consulting, Inc. Susan Ziegler P.O. Box is 6108 North Hollywood CA 91603 (323) 254-1510 / (323) www.slsconsulting.comsusan@slsconsulting.com254-1588 Spéir Mór Media, LLC Sean Curley 347 Meadow Grove Street La Canada Flintridge CA 91011 (818) http://www.speirmormedia.comspeirmormedia@gmail.com261-9636 CONSULTANTSTRANSPORTATIONSTRATEGIC Point C, LLC David Grannis 120 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.pointcpartners.comdgrannis@pointcpartners.com768-2517 TAXES & SERVICESAUDITING Corcoran Bookkeeping & Tax Services Kathleen Corcoran 1557 N. Catalina Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) 398-0107 / (626) 701-3302
TIONSTELECOMMUNICA-&UTILITIES AT&T Carmen Cuevas 2260 E. Imperial Highway, 9th Floor, Suite 961 El Segundo CA 90245 (310) 964-1295 / (310) 964-4808 Foothill Communications Kenji Luster 133 N. San Gabriel Blvd., #206 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.foothillcommunications.cominfo@foothillcommunications.com744-9292 Gas Company, The Helen Romero Shaw 11912-B Valley Blvd., SC8025 El Monte CA 91732-3153 (800) 427-2200 / (626) 443-0898 TextMarks Tania Smith 87 N. Raymond Ave., #810 Pasadena CA 91103 (800) www.textmarks.comtmsales@textmarks.com696-1393 Tierzero Mike Gach 77 N. Mentor Ave. Pasadena CA 91106 (213) tierzero.commike.gach@tierzero.com784-1395 Verizon (800) verizon.com922-0204 SHUTTLETRANSPORTATION,SERVICES & AIRPORTS Champion Charter Bus Los Angeles For Reservations 1311 S. Flower St., Suite C1 Los Angeles CA 90015 (310) les-charter-bus Foothill Transit Linda Apodaca 100 S. Vincent Ave., #200 West Covina CA 91790 (626) 931-7239 / (626) www.foothilltransit.orglapodaca@foothilltransit.org931-7301 Freight Right Global Logistics Robert Khachatryan 4250 Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 206 La Crescenta CA (877)91214909-7447 / (310) www.freightright.comRobert@freightright.com878-0112 GOGO Charters Los Angeles For Reservations 4011 W. Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90016 (323) Hollywood Burbank Airport Nerissa Sugars 2627 N. Hollywood Way Burbank CA 91505 (818) 840-8840 / (818) 840-8213 HopSkipDrive Sara Lasner P.O. Box 21-423 Los Angeles CA 90021 (707) slasner@hopskipdrive.com338-1224 John Blanchard Company, Inc., A (ConventionManagementTransportationCompanyShuttles) John Blanchard 1613 Chelsea Rd., #298 San Marino CA 91108 (626) www.johnblanchard.comJBC@johnblanchard.com765-6911 Los CharterAngelesBus Company Gomez Rodolfo 648 N. Heliotrope Dr. Los Angeles CA 90004 (310) Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Constn. Auth. Lisa Levy Buch 406 E. Huntington Dr., Suite 202 Monrovia CA 91016 (626) 471-9050 / (626) www.foothillgoldline.orgllevybuch@foothillgoldline.org471-9049 National Charter Bus Los Angeles Wilson Gonzalez 926 S. San Pedro St., Unit 2634 Los Angele CA 90015 (323) Secure Transportation Sean McDonald 3780 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach CA 90822 (800) www.securesedan.comsean@abalimos.com997-1952 TRAVEL, TOURISM & TICKETS Al Brooks Rose Bowl Tours Jay Brooks 801 S. Flower St., Floor 5 Los Angeles CA 90017-4628 (800) 228-4849 / (213) 626-4808 Barry’s Ticket Service Christopher Cabrera 1020 S. Figueroa Los Angeles CA 90015 (800) www.barrystickets.comchris@barrystickets.com928-7199 Chairman’sTravelStoreTravelCatherine’sConcierge–Club Catherine Adde, CTC 140 S. Lake Ave., #280 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 639-2614 / (626) perts/catherine-adde Convenience Elevated 2018 PASADENA CHAMBER OF COMERCE AD.indd 1 10/1/18 9:45 AM
Guardian Helen Mathis 100 N. Lake Ave., Suite 201 Pasadena CA 91101-4182 (626) 639-6695 / (626) http://www.9guardian.comguardiantxs@gmail.com639-6649
H & R Block–Raymond Ng Raymond Ng, CPA 2990 E. Colorado Blvd., Unit 104C Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 696-3312 / (626)

(626) www.seaquellconsulting.comcmansbridge@seaquellconsulting.com768-2046 Small CommunicationsWorld Rob McClinton 556 S Fair Oaks Ave., #121 Pasadena CA 91105 (323) 451-9686 / (626) https://smallworldregistrar.comrob@smallworldregistrar.com470-9643 Torres Web Design Steve Torres (323) www.torreswebdesign.comtorres.steve@gmail.com743-3501 WELLNESS SERVICES Harvey Slater Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Harvey Slater 600 S. Lake Ave., #204A Pasadena CA 91106 (323) www.harveyslater.comharvey@harveyslater.com527-7430 LifeSource Water Systems, Inc. Cherie Harris 911 E. Colorado Blvd., #100 Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.lifesourcewater.comcherie@lifesourcewater.com792-9996 SkinFX Medical Spa Jason Trujillo 799 E. Green St., Studio 28 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.skinfxmedicalspa.cominfo@skinfxmedicalspa.com803-4648 Tampon Tribe Giana Korth (626) www.tampontribe.comgiana.korth@tampontribe.com818-1584 Tyent Water Premium Authorized Dealer Jerry Robin 1171 N. Hudson Ave. Pasadena CA 91104 (626) http://www.StopBottledWaterWaste.comjrobin@charter.net644-4239 WINERY, DISTILLERY, BEER & TASTING,WINESALES Club 54 Lounge Alex Ramirez 54 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 (626) www.club54lounge.cominfo@club54lounge.com807-3472 Old Oak Cellars Paul Overholt Pasadena CA 91107 (626) 674-9244 / (626) www.inwineinc.comcontact@inwineinc.com674-9244 Stark Spirits Distillery Gregory Stark 1260 Lincoln Ave., #1100 Pasadena CA 91103 (818) starkspirits.comgreg.stark@starkspirits.com635-4729
Cynthia Mansbridge 1552 E. Del Mar Blvd. Pasadena CA 91106
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 55 PASADENA CHAMBER DIRECTORY List of Advertisers Athens Services Boston Court Boys & Girls Club Cal State Catherine’sLATravel Services Citizen Business Bank City of Hope City of Pasadena Water & Power Clearmans Restaurants David N Schultz Décor Revolution El Cholo El HollywoodFoothillPortalTransitBurbank Airport Hunt PasadenaOptumOptionsLuckyHuntingtonOrtmanHospitalBaldwinsforLearningConvention & Visitors Center Pasadena Federal Credit Union Pasadena Humane Pasadena Rose & Crown Roscoes Chickin & Waffles Ruth Chris Steakhouse Sharp Seating State Farm The UPS Store UCLA Health Thank you to our Pasadena Chamber ofAdvertisersCommerce 462426 23 + 335537 BC +IBC202030251926425431IFC20222124324822192025442521“Oh, the places you’ll go!” Creating luxury travel adventures for discerning Clientele ✈ Catherine Adde, MA, CTC On Lake Avenue by appointment 626-639-2614 Cruise Planners Annie & Vince Perez 530 S. Lake Ave., #732 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 787-1141 / (855) www.premiertraveldestination.comannie.perez@cruiseplanners.com255-7226 Getaways Travel Karen Sullivan 37 Auburn, Suite 7 Sierra Madre CA 91024 (626) 351-6536 / (626) www.getawaystravel.netinfo@getawaystravel.net351-5534 PremiumLegends Sales/IMG Erica Garcia 1001 Rose Bowl Dr. Pasadena CA 91103 (626) egarcia@rosebowlstadium.com397-4178 Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau Christine Susa 300 E. Green St., Visitors Center Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-9311 / (626) www.visitpasadena.comcsusa@visitpasadena.com795-9656 Travel Gallery–Panda North America Frank Fish 3814 E. Colorado Blvd., #201 Pasadena CA 91107 (626) www.travelgallery.comfrank@travelgallery.com577-9717 Travelers Insurance Antonio Carbajal 21688 Gateway Center Dr. Diamond Bar CA 91765 (626) 650-5154 / (855) acarbaja@travelers.com303-168 TravelStore Susannah Tomlin 140 S. Lake Ave., Suite 280 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) 795-0291 / (626) WASTE RECYCLINGHAULINGREMOVAL,&SERVICES Athens Services Elizabeth Ramirez PO Box 60009 City of Industry CA 91715-0009 (888) 336-6100 / (626) www.athensservices.comElizabethRamirez@athensservices.com369-4754 Consolidated Disposal Services– A Republic Services Company Sam Attaei 9200 Glenoaks Blvd. Sun Valley CA 91352 (747) 271-8945 / (818) www.republicservices.comsattaei@republicservices.com504-3037
WEBSITE Asolva, Inc. Chun Wong 215 N. Marengo Ave., Suite 202 Pasadena CA 91101 (877) 543-1088 / (626) 356-9697
South Coast Fibers/ American Reclamation Rick Forman 4560 Doran St. Los Angeles CA 90039 (818) 552-4068 / (818) www.americanreclamationinc.comRick@americanreclamation.com548-8814
CityCenter Co. Ron Penner 225 S. Lake Ave., Suite 300 Pasadena CA 91101 (626) www.citycent.comsales@citycent.com449-0100 Consulting, LLC
Valley Vista Services Jill Reiff 17445 E. Railroad St. City of Industry CA 91748 (800) 442-6454 / (626) 961-1105

City of Pasadena–Housing Department (626) 744-8300
City National Bank–Commercial Banking (626) 365-5140 City of Hope (626) 218-4079 City of Pasadena (626) 744-4111
Clearman’s Galley, aka The Boat (626) 286-3075 Clearman’s North Woods Inn (626) 286-3579 Cleary Irish Dance (818) 886-3459
City of Pasadena–Public Works (626) 744-4233
City of Pasadena–City Clerk (626) 744-4124 City of Pasadena–City Manager (626) 744-4333
City of Pasadena–Human Resources (626) 744-4366
Clifford Swan Investment Counselors (626) 792-2228 39 Club 54 Lounge (626) 807-3472 Club Champion Gymnastics (626) 577-4496 Coco (970) 438-2626
56 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide ALPHABETICAL CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY # PHONE PG 1 Driving School (626) 328-8705 32 A PHONE PG 1 Driving School (800) 786-5630 32 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles (562) 458-9472 40 A Car Auto (626) 356-3094 32 A Noise Within (626) 356-3100 48 A. J. Longo & Associates (626) 657-2274 43 A1 West Commercial Real Estate (626) 768-0788 49 AbilityFirst (626) 449-5662 45 AccessorEyes Optometry (626) 577-8881 41 Ace Noir Cleaning Services, LLC (626) 788-2108 36 Actionable Consulting Services (626) 800-9664 35 Acura of Glendale (818) 502-1100 32 ADP (626) 234-7900 29 Advocacy (213) 254-2442 46 Affordable Quality Moving and Storage (253) 329-7945 45 Aflac–Cheryl Goana (626) 234-9513 43 Aion Training LLC., Personal Training (626) 382-7600 40 Air-Tech Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. (626) 795-8880 42 Air-Tro Heating & Air Conditioning (626) 357-3535 42 Aire Serv of Pasadena (626) 639-0236 42 Al Brooks Rose Bowl Tours (800) 228-4849 54 Alexander’s Steakhouse (626) 486-1111 51 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (626) 578-0777 49 Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation (818) 848-0223 46 All India Cafe (626) 440-0309 51 All Saints Church (626) 583-2742 36 Allegra Consulting, Inc. (626) 405-4848 30 Allen Avenue Self Storage (626) 585-9988 45 Alliance Française de Pasadena (833) 386-3911 37 Alliant Technology Group (626) 461-1300 47 Ally, Inc. (559) 779-6490 53 Altadena Recovery Center (626) 765-6905 44 Altadena Town & Country Club (626) 794-7163 34 Alternative Energy Systems Consulting, Inc. (626) 483-6834 38 Always Best Care Pasadena (626) 533-6591 42 Alzheimer’s Association (909) 406-5356 46 Amanda Rogers Coaching (323) 377-0323 49 Amara Chocolate & Coffee (626) 744-1765 33 American Cancer Society (626) 564-6078 46 AMLI Residential Old Pasadena (888) 806-6629 30 Amy Foell Consulting (415) 305-2219 49 Anderson & Associates Attorneys at Law (626) 449-8131 31 Anderson Business Technology (626) 793-2166 47 Angel of Hearts (818) 433-1958 41 Angrum Personal Training & Senior Services (626) 372-2205 40 Animal Medical Hospital (626) 796-3019 48 AnKara Designs (626) 798-8491 44 Anytime Fitness Pasadena (Forever Pasadena LLC)(859) 550-3338 40 Arcadian Retirement Center (626) 445-7981 53 Archetype Yoga (626) 202-6277 40 Architecture for Education Incorporated (626) 356-4080 31 Armed Exterminators (626) 844-9322 39 Arosa (626) 788-2392 42 Arpeggio Apartments (626) 440-0545 30 Arroyo Car Wash Corp. (626) 795-9368 35 Arroyo Chop House (626) 577-7463 51 Arroyo Financial & Insurance Solutions (626) 314-2443 43 Arroyo Parkway Self Storage (626) 585-8800 45 Arroyo Village Escrow Services (626) 396-9999 33 Art Center College of Design (626) 396-2200 37 Art Deco Entertainment (818) 429-2103 38 Art Rodriguez Associates (626) 683-9777 49 Ascension Pain Specialists (626) 514-1188 37 Asolva, Inc. (877) 543-1088 55 Aspires West Pasadena (626) 797-0789 46 Assessment, Consultation & Treatment (ACT) (626) 824-0982 44 AT&T (310) 964-1295 54 AT&T Mobility–Colorado (626) 396-0100 53 AT&T Mobility–Foothill (626) 351-6101 53 Athens Services (888) 336-6100 55 Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo (626) 583-8600 31 Attan Recycling Corp (909) 782-7802 51 Audio Element (626) 793-7229 53 Avanti-LSSSC (714) 244-4267 47 Avison Young (323) 603-5059 49 Awwdorable Pets (626) 470-3656 48 B PHONE PG Baker, Olson, LeCroy & Danielian (818) 502-5600 31 Barbara L. Janetzke, PhD (626) 255-7512 44 Barbara Rocha and Associates (626) 792-8075 49 Barbaro, Chinen, Pitzer & Duke, LLP (626) 793-5196 31 Barney’s Beanery (626) 405-9777 51 Barry’s Pasadena (626) 314-1877 40 Barry’s Ticket Service (800) 928-7199 54 bathe R doggie (626) 795-7777 48 BBSI (626) 768-2827 43 Bear Island Painting (626) 727-2050 42 Beck&Call Awards & Trophies (323) 328-1211 32 Beck&Call Promotional Prod, Awards & Apparel (323) 328-1211 30 BenAssist Health Insurance Services (626) 683-1390 43 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (626) 523-3453 50 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (626) 524-4158 50 Bernards (818) 898-1521 38 Best Online Traffic School (530) 553-8813 37 Best Picnic Spots (213) 792-2865 39 Better Life Insurance Services, Inc. (626) 817-9560 43 Beven & Brock Property Management Co., Inc. (626) 795-3282 49 Bickley Printing Company (626) 792-6594 49 Bidlane (626) 558-7942 32 Big 5 Sporting Goods (626) 795-3111 50 Bill Podley, Realtor (626) 222-1176 43 Bissell House–Bed & Breakfast (626) 441-3535 42 Bistro 45 (626) 795-2478 51 BITCO Construction Group, The (626) 683-5151 34 Blair High School JROTC (626) 396-5820 37 BlissVector Tech (310) 975-4151 36 Blue Chip FoodSystems, Inc. (562) 490-0808 51 Blue Lotus Collective (323) 205-6065 54 BNI (877) 510-4900 35 Boba Cha Cha (626) 696-3199 51 Bolton & Company (626) 799-7000 43 Bone Kettle (626) 795-5702 51 Boston Court Performing Arts Center (626) 683-6801 48 Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena (626) 449-9100 46 Bridge Safety Consultants (310) 433-5611 43 Bridges Leadership and Education Service, LLC (626) 214-5664 35 Brookside Golf Club (626) 585-3594 50 Brown Armstrong Accountancy Corporation (888) 565-1040 29 BRYAN’S Cleaners & Laundry (626) 796-4335 44 Budincich Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. (626) 792-3390 36 Buell Business Consultant (818) 723-1236 35 Building Safety Solutions, Inc. (626) 482-4080 35 Bullet Venture Capital (210) 862-4632 50 Bunker Experience, The (626) 487-9777 38 Business 4 Business Think Tank (626) 482-8867 30 Business Explainers Video (818) 395-1998 39 Business Networking Alliance/BizNet (626) 793-7118 35 Business Park of Pasadena, The (626) 794-0102 49 C PHONE PG Cabot & Sons (626) 793-7159 40 Cabrera’s Mexican Cuisine (626) 795-0230 51 Cal-quake Seismic Construction (310) 621-7390 37 Calamigos at L.A. Equestrian Center (818) 972-5940 34 California Apartment Association (951) 809-4423 31 California Closets (714) 899-4905 35 California College of Music (626) 577-1751 37 California Institute of Advanced Mgmt (CiAM) (626) 350-1500 37 California Linen Services (626) 564-4576 44 California Mentor, Family Home Agency (909) 586-4353 36 California Pizza Kitchen (626) 585-9020 51 Cal Rep /Chmbr of Commerce /Republic of Latvia (818) 633-4909 46 California State University, Los Angeles (213) 358-6570 37 California Strategies (310) 283-6267 49 Californian–Pasadena, The (626) 793-5114 53 CALSTART (626) 744-5600 46 Caltech (626) 395-6811 37 Cancer Support Community Pasadena (626) 796-1083 46 Card One International (310) 826-7000 45 Carmerica Motor Group, LLC (626) 817-9808 32 Carousel Custom Floors (626) 795-8085 42 CARSTAR Douglas Auto Body & Paint (626) 795-7577 32 Casa Treatment Center (626) 792-2770 47 Castle Green (626) 793-0359 34 Catherine’s Travel Concierge/TravelStore (626) 639-2614 54 Celestino Ristorante Bar (626) 795-4006 51 Century Rooter Service and Plumbing (800) 782-4744 48 CertaPro Painters of Pasadena (323) 697-0545 35 CF Global Enterprises, Inc /CoderSchool (626) 345-5875 37 Chamber Marketing Partners, Inc. (800) 428-1798 30 Champion Charter Bus Los Angeles (310) 295-9547 54 Chandler School (626) 795-0591 37 Chang & Lee Law (626) 557-3500 31 Changstrom Company, The (626) 795-5141 49 ChapCare Administrative Offices (626) 398-6300 46 ChapCare Del Mar (626) 398-6300 46 ChapCare Fair Oaks (626) 398-6300 46 ChapCare Lake/Elizabeth (626) 398-6300 46 ChapCare Lincoln (626) 398-6300 46 Chefs For Seniors–Pasadena (626) 737-2052 53 Chick-fil-A (626) 793-7636 51 Chiropractic Health Center (626) 793-9915 36 Church of Scientology (818) 515-4919 36 CIBA Property Management, Inc. (626) 578-9786 49 Citizens Business Bank (626) 405-4915 33 Citrust Insurance Agency (626) 765-4495 43
Coffee + Plants, LLC (626) 615-1261 Coldwell Banker Commercial (626) 844-2200 49 Coldwell Banker Pasadena (626) 222-7093 Coleman, Inc. (626) 535-9500
City of Pasadena–Business License Section (626) 744-4166 City of Pasadena–City Attorney/City Prosecutor (626) 744-4141
City of Pasadena–Water & Power (626) 744-4425 CityCenter Co. (626) 449-0100 Clazzical Notes (626) 833-2750
City of Pasadena–Economic Development (626) 744-4660 City of Pasadena–Finance Department (626) 744-4355 City of Pasadena–Fire Department (626) 744-7201 City of Pasadena–Health Department (626) 744-6005
City of Pasadena–Tobacco Control (626) 744-6051 City of Pasadena–Transportation Department (626) 744-8747
City of Pasadena–Human Services & Recreation (626) 744-7290 City of Pasadena–IT Department (626) 744-4220 City of Pasadena–Police Department (626) 744-4545
351-8444 37 Elizabeth House
39 Edwin Mills by Equator
817-9988 37 Elijah’s House Tx Center
42 Elite Dentistry of Pasadena
Dewey Pest Control, Inc. (877) 339-3973 Digital Rain Factory (626) 344-9077 Dilbeck Real Estate (626) 241-7266 Diversified Securities, Inc. (626) 712-4920 Dog Haus (626) 577-4287 Dog Haus Biergarten (626) 683-0808 Dolan & Knight Property Management, Inc. (626) 584-8007 Dolphin Rents (626) 795-5131 Dolphin Rents (626) 795-5131
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 57 ALPHABETICAL CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Collaborate PASadena (626) 529-8240 45 Colleen Carey/Lee & Associates–Pasadena (626) 240-2782 49 Collision Auto Repair Specialist (626) 796-3634 32 Colombo’s Italian Steakhouse & Jazz Club (323) 254-9138 51 Comfort Inn–Pasadena (626) 405-0811 42 Communications Lab (626) 788-6553 30 Community 2.0:Thriving Ppl Creating Thriv Planet(626) 437-6735 35 Community Bible Community Development Corp.(626) 796-8448 36 Consolidated Disposal Svcs/A Republic Svcs Co (747) 271-8945 55 Copyfree Document Imaging & Solutions (626) 285-0911 47 Corcoran Bookkeeping & Tax Services (626) 398-0107 54 Costco #412, Azusa (626) 812-7911 53 Cottage Co-Op Nursery School (626) 799-0387 37 County of Los Angeles Public Affairs Office (213) 974-1311 41 Courtyard by Marriott–Old Pasadena (626) 403-7600 34 Cozy Stylish Chic (626) 714-7040 40 Craft by Smoke and Fire (626) 529-5584 51 Crave Cafe (818) 300-2725 51 Cross Country Mortgage (949) 482-6821 33 Cross Country Offer (310) 807-6773 50 Crossfit Crown City (626) 263-0683 40 Cruise Planners (626) 787-1141 55 CTRL Collective–Pasadena (626) 395-7693 39 Cunningham Legal (626) 585-6970 31 Cushman & Wakefield (213) 304-0543 49 Custom Business Planning and Solutions (800) 741-8444 35 Custom Comfort Mattress (626) 667-3000 40 Custom Signs, Inc. (626) 969-2222 30 D PHONE PG D. A. Davidson & Co. (626) 449-0330 39 D’Veal Family and Youth Services (626) 296-8900 45 Dan Modern Chinese (626) 817-9799 51 Dance Street Studio (626) 791-7746 37 Dance Syndicate (626) 488-7208 39 David N. Schultz, Inc. (818) 240-1070 49 Day One (626) 229-9750 45 DCG Technical Solutions, Inc. (626) 689-2215 36 De Novo Software (213) 814-1240 51 De Pietro Holdings, LLC (323) 257-4253 49 Deasy Penner Podley (626) 795-6262 50 Deborah Morehead–MFT & Relationship Coach (626) 831-4721 44 Decor Revolution (626) 533-0360 31 Del Mar Park, LLC (626) 577-0215 53 Delight Pastry (415) 521-6870 33 Delpick (310) 728-5597 54 Deluxe 1717 (626) 536-2278 51 Dentex Dental Studio (626) 500-1599 37 Dentists of Pasadena on Lake (626) 241-2890 37 Der Wolf (626) 219-6054 51 Descanso Gardens (818) 952-4391 45
Domino’s Pizza–Arroyo Parkway (626) 548-1976 Domino’s Pizza–Colorado Blvd. (626) 281-5200 Domino’s Pizza–Los Robles (626) 791-9285 Domino’s Pizza–Washington Blvd. (626) 794-3030 Don Bosco Technical Institute (626) 940-2027 37 Door of Hope (626) 304-9130 Dorado Design & Construction, Inc. (818) 557-1225 dos besos (818) 430-7360 Dr. Ermshar & Associates (626) 405-0521 Dynamic Advantage, The (323) 257-8853 E PHONE E-Central Credit Union (626) 799-6000 Eagle Star Security (626) 806-6676 West Bank (626) 768-6072 Eaze (518) 435-5878 Edgewood Realty Partners, LLC (626) 441-9620 Ave. (626) 744-2740 (626) 564-8656 (626) (626) (626) (877) 557-4477 793-7511 (626) (626)
795-5800 51 El Portal Restaurant
49 Edward Jones Investments–Marengo
53 East
795-8553 51 Elements Dance Space
51 El Cholo Restaurant
44 Elim Wellcare Hospice (626)
577-4434 46 Emblush Beaute (626) 639-3510 34 Energy Upgrade California (310) 260-3331 41 Enhance Audiology (818) 500-0662 46 Enhanced Marketing Performance (626) 219-2726 30 Entertainment Wealth Management (323) 512-4719 39 Entre Nous (626) 844-4500 51 Envision Consulting (626) 714-7577 46 Erin Joyce Law (626) 314-9050 31 Etco Homes Inc. (310) 691-5500 50 Eugene Masuda (626) 379-6549 43 Event Specialists (562) 480-2248 51 Everwatch Security (213) 634-5098 53 Exceptional Quality Professional Development (786) 488-8295 35 Exer Urgent Care (626) 270-2400 42 Express Employment Professionals (626) 844-3562 43 F PHONE PG F & M Business Center (626) 796-7164 29 Fairmont Pharmacy (626) 793-1188 48 Families Forward Learning Center (626) 792-2687 45 Farmers Insurance Alsabery Agency (626) 683-4979 43 Farmers Insurance Erick Alanis–Lopez (626) 425-9942 43 Fedde Furniture Co. (626) 796-7103 41 Fidelity Investments (626) 625-5586 39 Final Touch Media (626) 264-9121 30 Finch Tree, A Division of Bartlett Tree Experts (626) 286-2716 44 Fire Family Foundation (323) 550-2239 46 First Choice Bank (626) 714-3232 33 First Lutheran Church (626) 793-1139 36 First Quadrant (626) 795-8220 39 First Tee of Greater Pasadena, The (626) 684-0024 37 FirstLight Home Care of Pasadena (626) 360-0048 42 Five Acres (626) 798-6793 45 Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar (626) 639-0490 51 Flintridge Center (626) 449-0839 47 Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy (626) 685-8500 37 Fly Fitness Studio (626) 437-9091 40 Fogo de Chao (626) 556-9533 51 Fong and Aquino, LLP (626) 577-8020 31 Foothill Apartment Association (626) 793-5873 31 Foothill Cardiology (626) 793-4139 41 Foothill Center for Dental Implants/Oral Surgery (626) 792-3161 37 Foothill Communications (626) 744-9292 54 Foothill Drain Cleaning Inc. (626) 343-8000 48 Foothill Family (626) 993-3000 45 Foothill Restaurant (626) 449-2337 51 Foothill Transit (626) 931-7239 54 Foothill Unity Center, Inc. (626) 358-3486 45 Foothill Workforce Development Board (626) 796-5627 43 ForensisGroup (626) 795-5000 31 Forest Lawn Memorial Parks & Mortuaries (800) 204-3131 40 Foundation for Living Beauty (626) 628-8310 46 FoundrSpace Coworking (626) 737-9728 39 FountainGlen at Pasadena (626) 449-8844 53 Fox’s Restaurant (626) 797-9430 51 Freight Right Global Logistics (877) 909-7447 54 Fresh Brothers Pizza (626) 817-6600 51 Friends in Deed (626) 797-2402 46 Fulcrum Arts (626) 793-8171 47 Fuller Notary (626) 560-0800 33 Fuller Theological Seminary (626) 584-5400 37 Fusion Academy Pasadena (323) 258-2012 37 G PHONE PG G Force Builders Inc. (909) 821-5128 38 G. G. & M. Construction, Inc. (626) 298-3615 35 GA Appraisals, Inc. (626) 803-4593 50 Ganahl Lumber (626) 993-2100 35 Garner Entertainment LLC DBA Garner Exchange (626) 956-6525 49 Gas Company, The (800) 427-2200 54 Gateway Science & Engineering, Inc. (626) 696-1600 38 Geico-Saul Machado Insurance Services (626) 422-7048 43 Genesis Dental Esthetics (626) 314-3550 37 George L. Throop Company (626) 796-0285 35 Gerry Rothschild Band (626) 429-4784 39 Getaways Travel (626) 351-6536 55 Gifts of Peace Home Pet Euthanasia (626) 791-1568 48 GlowBeautyCo (323) 440-2191 34 Go Green Solutions for Commercial Lighting (LED)(626) 578-0678 38 GOGO Charters Los Angeles (323) 373-3085 54 Golden West Heating and Cooling (626) 385-6100 42 Goodwill Southern California–Altadena Drive (323) 223-1211 47 GrandCare Home Health Services (818) 244-7331 42 Grandview Foundation, Inc. (626) 797-1124 44 Granville (626) 360-7633 51 Greater Los Angeles Area Council–BSA (626) 351-8815 46 Green Dot Corporation (626) 765-2414 33 Green Hotel Apartments (626) 793-7070 30 Greenberg Orthodontics & Sleep Therapy (626) 798-7645 37 GreenTree Inn Pasadena (626) 795-8401 42 Greg McLemore (626) 794-5000 43 GS1group, Inc. (626) 510-6384 53 Guardian (626) 639-6695 54 H PHONE PG H & R Block–Raymond Ng (626) 696-3312 54 Habitat for Humanity–San Gabriel Valley (626) 387-6899 46 Hackler Flynn & Associates, APC (323) 247-7030 31 Hahn & Hahn, LLP (626) 796-9123 31 Handel’s Ice Cream (424) HAN-DELS 43 Hardcore Fitness (661) 209-1448 40 Hariton Engineering, Inc. (626) 449-4223 38 Harrington Group, LLC (626) 403-6801 29 HartmanBaldwin Design/Build (626) 486-0510 31 Harvey Slater Holistic Nutrition & Wellness (323) 527-7430 55 Hastings Homecare Corp (626) 773-6027 42 Hastings Ranch Nursery School (626) 351-9171 37 Hat, The (626) 449-1844 51 Healing with Zen (626) 377-9596 30 Health Advantage Physical Medicine (626) 798-7805 36 Health Insurance Brokers, LLC (626) 689-7654 44 HEAR Center (626) 796-2016 46 Hearken Creative Services (626) 396-1500 41 Hello! Home Care (800) 566-4045 42 Help With My Loan, Inc. (818) 654-4951 33 Hernandez Fish Agency–Farmers Insurance (626) 784-4333 44 Hey Media (626) 301-1010 34 HigherUp (310) 313-6855 29 Hill Medical Corporation, The (626) 793-6141 41 Hillsides (323) 254-2274 45 Hilton Pasadena (626) 577-1000 42 Hodis Learning & Music (626) 227-1149 37 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites (626) 792-1363 42 Holliston Foundation, The (323) 854-5992 46 Hollywood Burbank Airport (818) 840-8840 54 Hollywood Piano Factory Outlet (626) 229-0999 53 Home Instead Senior Care–CA HCO# 194700130 (626) 486-0800 42 Home Medical Supplies (626) 796-5979 44
49 Lifeline
58 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide ALPHABETICAL CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Honda of Pasadena (626) 683-5888 32 Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corp. (626) 421-7902 30 HopSkipDrive (707) 338-1224 54 Hospice and Palliative Care of California (626) 616-4288 42 Hot Yoga Pasadena (626) 304-YOGA 40 House of Intuition (626) 421-6190 53 House of Printing (626) 793-7034 49 House of Riaz (626) 893-6411 34 Hoving Home (626) 405-0950 47 Hummus Labs (626) 940-6546 51 Hunt Ortmann Palffy Nieves Darling & Mah, Inc. (626) 440-5200 31 Huntington Health, an affiliate of Cedars-Sinai (626) 397-5000 42 Huntington Marketing & Association Mgmt (626) 292-1400 31 Hustler Hollywood (626) 696-9049 53 Hyatt Place Pasadena (626) 788-9108 42 I PHONE PG Ice House (626) 414-2FUN (386) 39 Il Fornaio (626) 683-9797 51 Image Quest Plus, LLC (626) 744-1333 49 IMEG Corp. (626) 463-2800 38 In-N-Out Burger Restaurant (626) 813-8289 52 Incentive Benefits, Inc. (818) 515-7414 40 Innovate Pasadena (626) 714-1424 47 Insignia PMG (626) 792-7500 49 Insure Quality (626) 206-0045 44 Integral Associates Dena, LLC /Essence Cannabis (626) 600-6612 35 Integrity College of Health (626) 808-0215 38 International School of Los Angeles (818) 994-2961 38 Interventional Anesthesia and Pain Mgmt Clinic (626) 345-9735 41 ION AVT, Inc. (818) 804-8891 39 IUOE, Local 12 (626) 792-8900 43 J PHONE PG J. McCaleb CPA Firm (626) 584-6142 29 J. Robin & Associates Graphic Design (626) 644-4239 41 J.P. Morgan Private Bank (310) 345-3284 33 J’s Maintenance Service, Inc. (818) 247-8778 36 Jacinda Lai /Jast Construction and Management (626) 800-7986 38 Jack’s Cleaners, Inc. (626) 665-4244 44 Jacob Maarse Florist (626) 449-0246 40 Jakes Trustworthy Burgers & Beer (626) 233-2270 52 James McDermott (213) 804-6423 43 Janas Associates/Janas Consulting, Inc. (626) 432-7000 35 Jane Reese–Wilkins & Associates (626) 372-9097 41 JD Audio Visual (626) 792-6682 39 JEB Coaching/Intelligent Leadership Exec Coach (720) 235-9370 35 Jenkins Bowler, LLP (626) 792-2179 29 Jessie Rodriguez Crown Food & Beverage (209) 582-4910 52 Jet Propulsion Laboratory (818) 354-4321 30 Jiangsu–California International Education Cntr (626) 241-6538 38 Jim Konoske Consulting (626) 965-5789 31 Joe’s Auto Body & Paint, Inc. (626) 793-0151 32 John Blanchard Company/Transportation (626) 765-6911 54 John Robinson Consulting, Inc. (626) 375-9389 38 Joseph D. Oroye–Berkshire Hathaway (310) 863-4512 50 Journey House|A Place for Former Foster Youth (626) 798-9478 45 Jovial Events and Rentals (626) 766-2304 39 Judgment Collection LA (213) 321-3337 31 Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. (626) 796-0244 47 Junkluggers of San Gabriel Valley (800) LUG-JUNK 44 K PHONE PG K Music Academy Pasadena (626) 765-6162 38 Kabateck Strategies (916) 956-9027 35 Kaiser Permanente–Hollywood (323) 219-7365 42 Kaiser Permanente–Walnut Center (626) 405-5533 41 Kathleen’s Restaurant (626) 578-0722 52 Keck Medical Center of USC (800) USC-CARE 41 Keller Williams Realty–Ken Parsons (626) 204-3300 50 Kevin Caldiero (626) 818-1025 43 KHB Marketing (626) 344-8730 30 Kidder Mathews (818) 667-5611 50
31 Leadership Pasadena
38 Los Angeles Co Dept of Regional Planning 41 Lots of Pets
40 Liberty Mutual
44 Licher Printing & Mailing
52 Lucky Baldwins Pub
31 Law Offices of
529-3864 48 Louie the Lens
48 LifeSource
Kiddie Academy of Pasadena (626) 606-2800 Kidspace Children’s Museum (626) 449-9144 Kimberly C. Covey, CPA (626) 584-6157 Kinemetrics, Inc. (626) 795-2220 Kings Row Gastropub (626) 793-3010 Kitchen Italian Cafe & Pizzeria, The (626) 796-9802 Kiwanis Club of Pasadena (909) 210-3250 Kona Ice Central Pasadena (626) 269-9449
KPCC/So. California Public Radio (626) 583-5100 Krost CPAs & Consultants (626) 449-4225 Yoga & Ayurveda (626) 714-7900 PHONE PG L. A. Financial Credit Union (800) 894-1200 Cañada of Commerce (818) 790-4289 Credit Union (626) 379-5811 Grande Orange Cafe (626) 356-4444 Salle College Preparatory (626) 351-8951 Tea Da (818) 495-5526 (L.A. Co Employees Ret. Assoc.) (626) 564-6000 Alfred F. Moses (626) 795-4191 of Randy W. Medina, (626) 432-1975 Timothy Bowles (626) 583-6600 (510) 289-1194 (626) 397-4178 (323) 274-8921 (626) 795-9900 (626) 658-8989 (626) 429-9456 (626) 795-3333 for Pets (626) 797-1753 Water Systems, Inc. (626) 792-9996 Avenue Nursery, Inc. (626) 792-2138 Property Company (626) 564-1349 Harris (626) 394-2478 Learning Processes (626) 396-0865 Optometry, P.C. (626) 796-1191 Pest Control (714) 502-4094 Angeles Business (323) 549-5225 (562) (310) 667-6197 (626) 568-8850 (626) (818) 919-1583 (626) 355-1140 (626) 795-0652 and Cafe (626) 844-0447 Luther Burbank Savings (626) 373-0380 Lyd & Mo Photography (626) 652-8302 M PHONE PG M&R Professional Services (626) 578-9786 M3 Office (714) 390-4850 Macy’s Department Store (626) 792-0211 Madeline Garden Bistro & Venue (626) 795-5599 Madison Marquette Real Estate Services, Inc. (626) 683-9398 Maginnis Knechtel & McIntyre,
52 Lucky Baldwins Trappiste Pub
49 Linda
31 Law Offices
33 Lewis Roca
Flintridge Chamber
55 Lincoln
33 La
47 LA Electrical Workers
33 La
39 Los
348-0083 45 Los Angeles Charter Bus Company
34 Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
38 La
46 Legends Premium Sales/IMG
40 L
43 LACERA Gateway Property Inc. (626) 568-0300 50 LAG Strategy Corp. (310) 415-6955 30 Langham Huntington, Pasadena, The (626) 568-3900 43 Laquer Urban Clifford & Hodge, LLP (626) 449-1882 31 Larson & Gaston, LLP (626) 795-6001 31 Laura Acupuncture Clinic (626) 714-7479 30 Lavender & Honey Espresso Bar (626) 529-5571 36 Law Office of Richard A. McDonald, Esq. (626) 356-4801 31 Law Offices of
52 La
35 Lindamood-Bell
LLP (626) 449-3466 29 Maintco Corp. (818) 593-0975 38 Maintco Corp. (951) 805-3371 36 Maranatha High School (626) 817-4000 38 Margarita’s (626) 449-4193 52 Margolin & Lawrence (704) 796-7436 31 Maria’s Italian Kitchen (626) 351-2080 52 Marine Reserve Center (626) 398-0295 41 Martin Werbelow, LLP (626) 577-1440 29 Marx/Okubo Associates, Inc. (626) 792-6842 30 Masbuild, Inc. (626) 792-2555 31 Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus (626) 796-2774 38 MC Computer Consulting, Inc. (818) 303-4111 36 McCourt Foundation, The (310) 542-3000 50 McCurdy Body Works (626) 796-7763 32 Meg Middleman–Century 21 Masters (626) 441-3449 50 Mel Cohen Insurance Services (626) 577-1191 44 Mercadito Monarca (626) 708-0429 40 Mercado Insurance Services (626) 583-2526 44 Merrill Lynch (626) 817-6805 40 Merry/San Marino Plumbing (626) 796-4307 48 Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Constn. Auth. (626) 471-9050 54 Mi Piace (626) 795-3131 52 Michelle M. Min–Coldwell Banker Realty (626) 782-1517 50 Micro Trends of Pasadena, Inc. (626) 432-5990 36 Mijares Mexican Restaurant (626) 792-2763 52 Millennium Pension Services, Inc. (626) 355-3039 43 Mimi et Cie, LLC–Private Jewelers (626) 628-0880 44 Minasian & Associates (626) 796-4900 49 Mintwood Pharmacy (626) 314-2945 48 Mission Driven PR Inc. (310) 713-8567 30 Missionwell, LLC (626) 578-0001 29 Mixed Roots Enterprises, Inc. (800) 926-1831 49 Mkhtchian Insurance Agency–Allstate (626) 268-0202 44 Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project (530) 263-4770 46 MobilityWorks–Adaptive Vehicles (626) 584-8181 30 Modern Music School (626) 578-9242 38 Modern Parking, Inc. (213) 482-8400 48 Modern Woodmen of America (626) 688-5404 40 Molina General Maintenance) (626) 387-0550 36 Mollifis LLC (626) 655-8862 49 MonteCedro (626) 788-4900 53 Morgan Stanley (626) 304-2450 40 MorningStar Senior Living Pasadena (626) 204-1700 53 Mosquito Joe of Glendale (626) 242-0814 39 Moss Law Group (626) 796-7400 31 Ms. Rhonda’s Crack-N-Pop Gourmet Popcorn (626) 317-0252 52 Mundo Academy (626) 354-2032 38 My Place Cafe (626) 797-9255 36 My Zero Waste Store (626) 590-9482 39 MyImage Skin and Body (888) 955-4664 34 N PHONE PG NAI Capital Commercial (626) 375-6486 50 National Charter Bus Los Angeles (323) 201-2618 54 National Community Renaissance (909) 483-2444 49 NDLON/Pasadena Community Job Center (626) 440-0112 43 Nestled In Time Photography (626) 678-1992 48 Netready (213) 463-2100 36 Networking Bizz Digital, LLC (213) 792-4577 30 Neurofeedback & Neurorehab Institute, Inc. (626) 577-2238 44 New York Chicken & Gyro Pasadena Inc. (718) 640-7888 52 New York Life Insurance–Mike Minassian (626) 532-6009 44 New York Life/Stephanie Yamashiro (310) 933-2687 44 New York Life–Justin Lee (626) 804-5567 44 Nick Boswell Photography (626) 799-2120 48 Nishan International (323) 823-8886 35 Noblessa, Fine German Kitchens and Cabinetry (323) 697-5735 42 NOOR (626) 793-4518 34 Northern Trust (626) 583-5661 40 Nothing Bundt Cakes (626) 792-8200 33 Now You’re Poppin’ (909) 908-8555 52 O PHONE PG Oak Tree Inn (626) 358-8981 43 Oaks of Pasadena, The (626) 356-2600 53 Odyssey Games of Pasadena (626) 817-9522 50 Office Depot #599 (626) 666-6900 47 Old Fashioned Kettle Korn Co. (818) 726-3812 52
54 Los Angeles College of Music
31 LHC Capital Partners
41 Lloyd
44 Lincoln
38 Linden
48 Lucky Baldwins Delirium Pub and Cafe
55 Lending Bricks
45 Pipewind Sound Studio
Pasadena Picnic Co. (626) 616-0771 Pasadena Playhouse (626) 689-2319
37 Pie’N Burger
49 Pasadena
Pasadena Police Officers Association (626) 440-2814 Pasadena Post Office (626) 304-7157
Pasadena Mural Company (718) 350-7671 Pasadena Museum of History (626) 577-1660
Pasadena Dance Theatre (626) 683-3459 Pasadena Educational Foundation (626) 396-3600
Pasadena Outlook Newspaper (626) 398-7800
Pasadena Scottish Rite (626) 795-4213
48 Pasadena
48 Pasadena
45 Pasadena
Pasadena Rose and Crown Hotel (626) 449-3170 Pasadena Rotary Club (626) 683-8243 Pasadena Sandwich Company (626) 578-1616
40 Pink Transfer,
39 Planned Parenthood
35 Pasadena–Sierra
50 Pasadena
Pasadena Highlands (626) 791-1981 Pasadena Home Health Care (626) 351-1300
Pasadena Civic Auditorium (626) 793-2122 Pasadena Commercial Dev/The Bakewell Co (323) 291-6803 Pasadena Community Foundation (626) 796-2097 Pasadena Complete Streets Coalition (626) 419-5994 Pasadena Conservatory of Music (626) 683-3355
Pasadena Ice Skating Center (626) 578-0800 Pasadena Jaycees (626) 792-5146 Pasadena Kitchens (626) 793-0641 Pasadena Language Center (626) 844-5003 Pasadena Masonic Temple (626) 795-5610 Pasadena Media (626) 794-8585 Pasadena Media Foundation (310) 435-7689 Pasadena Motor Cars (626) 449-6686
Pasadena Fire Fighters Local 809 (626) 396-9010 Pasadena Foothills Association of Realtors (626) 795-2455
Pasadena Neighbors West (818) 454-3081 Pasadena Now (626) 737-8486
Pasadena Federal Credit Union (626) 799-0882
52 Pilates of
Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau (626) 795-9311 Pasadena Convention Center (626) 793-2122
Pasadena Star-News /San Gabriel Valley NP Gp (818) 713-3330 Symphony and Pops (626) 793-7172 Tournament of Roses (626) 449-4100 Towers–Building Management Office (626) 793-8817 Tri City Ventures (626) 795-7757 Unified School District (626) 396-3600 Pasadena Village (626) 765-6037 Weekly (626) 584-1500 Wellness, LLC (949) 783-8868 Madre YMCA (626) & Company, LLC (626) 744-3540 Southern California, Inc. (626) 859-2249 (626) 795-1123 Pasadena (626) 765-6500 Inc. (626) 357-2919 (818) 521-8622 (626) 794-5737 (626) 744-0340 Group (213) 362-9319
355-5261 45 PASARROYO (626) 792-5161 50 Pathways College (888) 532-7282 38 Paul Mitchell the School–Pasadena (626) 284-2863 38 Pavilions Place (626) 449-3968 40 Peony Couture (310) 961-7384 36 Personal Affairs (626) 529-5020 45 Pet Porter Pals (626) 399-5421 53 Pete Whan & Associates, Inc. (626) 278-4333 50 Petite Palazzo (626) 765-9455 39 Phillips, Fractor
Pasadena Police Foundation (626) 577-1440
Pasadena Quarterbacks Club (626) 482-8867 Pasadena Ronald McDonald House (626) 204-0400
49 Plotkin Partners (626) 585-9442 50 Plumbers and Rooters, Inc. (626) 807-7717 48 Point C, LLC (626) 768-2517 54 PopID 45 Post Pack and Ship (626) 440-1115 47 Power Trip Rentals (562) 606-2727 39 President Thai Restaurant (626) 578-9814 52 Prestige Home Care Angels, Inc. (626) 460-6555 53 Prestige Insurance and Financial Services (626) 714-7290 44 Pretzel King, LLC (818) 634-2449 36 Primerica (626) 381-9463 40 Principles Inc. dba Impact (626) 798-0884 45 Print Spot, The (323) 269-4218 37 Print Spot, The (323) 269-4218 49 Pro Soccer (800) 688-8088 53 Professional Child Development Associates (626) 793-7350 45 Professionals in Human Resources Association) (626) 535-1806 47 Q PHONE PG Quest Financial Services (626) 792-7363 34 R PHONE PG Rabco Payroll (626) 795-5522 29 Raffi’s Catering and Banquet (626) 351-0900 52 Randy’s Donuts Pasadena (626) 365-1216 33 Raymond 1886, The (626) 441-3136 52 RE/MAX Premier Properties (626) 316-6800 50 Read Communications (626) 695-9792 49 Redirect Marketing Group (323) 968-7364 30 Redstone Commercial Real Estate (626) 795-2255 50 Reeves Law Group, The (213) 271-9318 31 Reid Allen (626) 793-6953 43 Rescue Roofing & Construction (323) 559-1639 35 Residence Inn Old Town (626) 204-9220 43 Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) (626) 345-5210 36 Retail Results Consulting LLC (626) 209-9048 35 Retirement Benefits Consulting (818) 668-8444 40 Right At Home In Home Care Assistance (626) 584-8130 42 Right To Life League (626) 398-6100 47 Robeks Juice 52 Robert Hall & Associates (818) 242-4888 29 Rodeway Inn & Suites (626) 792-3700 43 Rodriguez Law Group, The (213) 995-6767 31 Rollo (626) 755-8820 50 Romero Law, APC (626) 396-9900 31 Roscoe’s House of Chicken n’ Waffles (626) 791-4890 52 Rose Bowl Aquatics Center (626) 564-0330 50 Rose Bowl Legacy Foundation (626) 577-3100 46 Rose Bowl Stadium (626) 577-3100 45 Rosebud Coffee (626) 817-3461 48 Roses Road, Inc. (626) 253-2139 41 Rosewood Revitalization Group (626) 221-4043 47 Rusnak / Pasadena (800) 824-8549 32 Ruth’s Chris Steak House (626) 583-8122 52 S PHONE PG Sage Glendale Senior Living (818) 245-6378 53 Saint Francis High School (818) 790-0325 38 SALON90 (626) 744-2999 34 Salty Sweet Kettle Corn (323) 675-7416 52 Salvation Army–Del Mar Blvd. (626) 795-8075 53 Salvation Army–Pasadena Corps (626) 773-4414 47 San Gabriel & Pomona Valley/American Red Cross (626) 447-2193 46 San Gabriel Valley Black Business Association (626) 524-5125 31 San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership (626) 856-3400 41 San Gabriel Valley Lawyer Referral Service (626) 966-5530 32 Sanchez Media, LLC (818) 588-5173 39 Santa Anita Park (L.A. Turf Club) (626) 574-6373 34 Santa Teresita, Inc. (626) 408-7810 53 SanZman Productions (626) 862-9086 39 Sauve & Associates (626) 585-4321 50 Saybrook University (626) 316-5312 38 SC Business Solution (818) 600-2053 35 School of Rock Pasadena (626) 508-1818 38 Schweitzer Law Partners (626) 683-8113 32 SDG Business Consulting and Financial Services (626) 616-7790 29 SeaQuell Consulting, LLC (626) 768-2046 55 Secular Student Alliance (614) 441-9588 46 Secure Transportation (800) 997-1952 54 See Clear Optometry (626) 765-6634 42 Servpro of Arcadia & Pasadena North (626) 447-4111 53 Seyfarth Shaw, LLP (213) 270-9619 32 ShadeCraft, Inc. (818) 737-2201 53 Shanghai Foreign Investment Dev Board (626) 688-2340 46 Sharp Seating (626) 795-4171 45 Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Program (626) 765-9967 47 Sheraton Pasadena Hotel (626) 469-8100 43 Shiro Restuarant (626) 799-4774 52 Shriners for Children Medical Center (626) 389-9300 42 Shuster Advisory Group (626) 578-0816 44 Sierra Java, Inc. (626) 993-7715 36 Sierra Madre Animal Hospital (626) 351-8863 48 Signarama Pasadena (626) 794-1625 30 Signature Smiles Dental Group (626) 381-9288 37 Silverlake Collision Center (626) 844-0108 32 Simply OBGYN (626) 796-9114 42 Singpoli Group, LLC (626) 566-1888 50
Pasadena Gateway Villas (626) 395-9701 Pasadena Hastings Center (805) 684-4178 Pasadena Heritage (626) 441-6333
Pasadena HomeSharing Network (626) 399-1816 Pasadena Hotel & Pool (626) 884-4150 Pasadena Humane (626) 792-7151
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts (626) 710-7231 Pasadena Sister Cities (626) 345-0676
Pasadena Senior Center (626) 795-4331
34 Pasadena
34 Pasadena
42 Playhouse District Association
31 Playhouse Plaza–IDS Real Estate
Pasadena Chamber of Commerce & Civic Association | 59 ALPHABETICAL CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Old Oak Cellars (626) 674-9244 55 Old Pasadena Management District (626) 356-9725 31 Omni Building Services, Inc./Tri Maids, Inc. (626) 305-0040 36 One Life Yoga (626) 714-7447 40 One Stop Retrofit (310) 349-3223 35 Online Trading Academy–Woodland Hills (949) 431-1407 40 Onyx Architects, Inc. (626) 405-8001 31 Optimum Seismic (323) 694-0566 38 Options For Learning (626) 856-5900 45 Optum–Pasadena Main (626) 585-4120 37 Orbit Event Rentals (562) 696-8875 39 Orswell & Kasman, Inc. (626) 932-1800 39 Osawa Shabu Shabu & Sushi (626) 683-1150 52 OsteoStrong Pasadena (626) 888-2265 41 P PHONE PG P. I. E., Inc.– Accounting Management Services (626) 460-0338 29 P.R. Pernecky MGMT. /McDonald’s Restaurants (626) 744-1188 52 Pacific Accounting Group, Inc. (626) 714-7377 29 Pacific Coast Regional Small Business Dev Corp. (866) 301-9989 35 Pacific Crane & Equipment Sales (818) 956-5231 35 Pacific Crest Youth Arts Organization (714) 785-9904 47 Pacific Harps (626) 791-6262 43 Pacific Oaks College & Children’s School (626) 529-8500 38 Pacific PACE (800) 851-0966 53 Pacific Premiere Bank (626) 243-1932 33 Pacific Starr Group, LLC (626) 356-0233 50 Pangolin (757) 784-3960 31 Panoptic Development (626) 274-2772 50 PARC, DC (818) 370-4841 30 Parkway Grill (626) 795-1001 52 Parsons Corporation (626) 440-2000 38 Pasadena Bar Association (626) 793-1422 31 Pasadena Business Park–Sunny Hills Mgmt (626) 304-0310 49 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce–office (626) 795-3355 47 Pasadena Christian School (626) 791-1214 38 Pasadena City College (626) 585-7123 38 Pasadena City College (626) 585-7201 38 Pasadena City College Small Business Dev Cntr (626) 585-3106 37
Pasadena Preschool Fair (323) 719-0745 Pasadena Private Wealth (626) 993-9310 Pasadena Public Library (626) 744-4066
49 Physicians of
41 University Club of Pasadena (626) 793-5157 34 University of Redlands School of Business (818) 840-1180 38 UPS Store #3268, The (626) 564-0690 47 Urth Caffe (626) 844-4644 53 USC Pacific Asia Museum (626) 787-2680 45 V PHONE PG V1H Consulting (626) 379-4108 35 Vacation Living, LLC (626) 344-8858 43 Valentine Sweets Organic Bakery and Cafe (818) 618-2418 33 Valley Vista Services (800) 442-6454 55 Varda (626) 215-5656 35 Vardanyan Law Firm (747) 777-9725 32 Velvet Cannabis 35 Verizon (800) 922-0204 54 Villa Esperanza Services (626) 449-2919 46 Villa Gardens (626) 463-5300 53 Vision Imaging Supplies, Inc. (818) 885-4515 47 Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services (626) 799-0872 53 Volkswagen Pasadena (626) 577-0300 32 Vons Corporate Office (714) 300-6786 40 Vons–E. Colorado Blvd. (626) 744-2615 40 Vons–W. California Blvd. (626) 577-7149 40 Vroman’s Bookstore (626) 449-5320 34 W PHONE PG Walden School (626) 792-6166 38 Walnut Plaza LTD, The (626) 584-9914 39 Wang Plastic Surgery & Med Spa (626) 796-6680 37 Warren Printing & Mailing (323) 258-2621 49 Water Boy Services (626) 345-5163 53 Wells Fargo Advisors (626) 449-7406 40 Wells Fargo Bank–Allen Ave. (626) 296-7190 34 Wells Fargo Bank–Colorado Blvd. (626) 578-7820 34 Wells Fargo Bank–East Pasadena (626) 351-4960 34 Wells Fargo Bank–Fair Oaks Ave. (626) 685-9275 34 Wells Fargo Bank–Lake Ave. (626) 449-8611 34 Wells Fargo Bank–Washington Blvd. (626) 296-7340 34 Wells Fargo Bank–West Pasadena (626) 449-3661 34 West Coast Trophy Center (626) 683-8888 32 West Coast Water Heater and Plumbing (818) 464-6995 48 Westcoast Companies, Inc. (626) 794-9330 44 Western Supreme Rooter, Inc. (626) 448-6455 48 Westin Pasadena, The (626) 792-2727 43 Westmoreland Academy/ (626) 356-1500 46 Whitmore Rare Books (626) 714-7720 34 Win-Win Workplace Solutions (323) 259-9449 35 Winston Thorne Architect (213) 858-1810 31 WMDRacing (626) 217-2841 51 Women Against Gun Violence (310) 204-2348 47 Woodbury University (818) 252-5102 38 Woods Insurance Services (818) 625-7344 44 World of MIM LLC (626) 517-7820 31 World United PPE, LLC (626) 210-7873 48 X PHONE PG Xericloud (626) 768-7800 36 Y PHONE PG YogaSix Pasadena (626) 788-3848 40 YouMove Chiropractic & Fitness (626) 394-1152 36 Young & Healthy (626) 795-5166 42 Your CBD Store–Pasadena (626) 365-1002 36 YWCA Glendale & Pasadena (818) 240-4155 48
41 Ten
52 The Strength Shoppe (626) 999-4850 40 TheKey (626) 773-4490 42 THG (Themespace/Hettema Group) (626) 683-9876 39 Thomas Hicklin, MD (626) 893-8052 45 Thorson Buick GMC of Pasadena (626) 795-8851 32 ThyssenKrupp Safway, Inc. (800) 750-6690 35 Tierzero (213) 784-1395 54 Timeless Celebrations (626) 222-1808 39 Timothy G. Shannon Insurance Agency (626) 795-9517 44 TOC Therapy (626) 630-9060 44 Tokio Marine Management, Inc. (626) 568-7892 44 Tolj Commercial Real Estate Services (323) 258-4946 50 Tom Sawyer Camps, Inc. (626) 794-1156 50 Torres Web Design (323) 743-3501 55 Town & Country Event Rentals (626) 795-7700 39 Toyota & Scion of Pasadena (626) 795-9787 32 Trammell Crow Company (310) 363-4701 50 Travel Gallery–Panda North America (626) 577-9717 55 Travelers Insurance (626) 650-5154 55 TravelStore (626) 795-0291 55 Trio Apartments (626) 395-0100 30 True Blue Maids (626) 466-8488 36 True Food Kitchen (626) 639-6818 53 Trumark Real Estate Management (818) 246-7221 50 Trusted Choice Agents of Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena 40 Twinkle Tea (626) 203-5888 36 Two Men and a Truck (626) 765-3847 45 Twohey’s (626) 284-7387 53 Tyent Water Premium Authorized Dealer (626) 644-4239 55 Tyler+Kelly Architecture (626) 396-9599 31 Typecraft Wood & Jones (626) 795-8093 49 U PHONE PG U. S. Bank (626) 397-4924 34 U. S. Bank Home Mortgage (323) 300-4538 34 U.S.S. Pasadena (SSN 752) (800) 272-0499 43 UBS Financial Services, Inc. (626) 449-1501 40 UCLA Health Cancer Care (626)
42 UCLA Health Obstetrics/Gynecology
50 The
45 The
365-1105 34 The Imagen
32 The Ortiz
42 Umami Burger Pasadena
44 The
793-7218 52 The
774-5892 36 The Kitchen for Exploring
32 The
795-8891 53 The
Terzian Law Group, A Professional Corporation (626) 826-1271 TextMarks (800) 696-1393 Bartholomew Method (626) 606-2505 Blanch Law Firm (213) 336-3233 C.U.B.E. Mental Health Services (213) 433-2823 Dexheimer-Erickson Corporation (213) 225-5600 Elifant Group (626) 460-1330 Future Organization, LLC (626) 406-1422 Gamble House (626) 793-3334 Great Maple (626) 696-3265 Comb Hair Studio (626) Group, Inc. (626) Chiropractic (626) Foods (626) Law Firm of Bezaire, Ledwitz and (310) 316-2400 Law Firm (626) 219-1743 Paseo (626) Stand (626) 714-7117 396-2999 (626) 792-0110 (626) 449-8440 (626) 799-8626 (818) 209-4278 (626) 395-9953 (626) 322-8450 (626) 240-4550 (626) 698-3057 (626) 304-0110
53 Unicorn Bling Queen Accessories
32 The
52 The Honey
30 The
765-3553 30 The Joint
60 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, Community and Visitor Guide ALPHABETICAL CHAMBER MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Six Flags Magic Mountain (661) 255-4521 39 Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP (213) 687-5513 32 Skeehan & Company (626) 585-9555 29 SkinFX Medical Spa (626) 803-4648 55 SkinGlow Salon (510) 206-2711 34 Slater’s 50/50 (626) 765-9700 52 SLS Consulting, Inc. (323) 254-1510 54 Small Business Networking Group/(PRO) (213) 952-3060 35 Small World Communications (323) 451-9686 55 Smith Brothers Restaurant Corporation (626) 577-2400 52 Smitty’s Grill (626) 792-9999 52 SoCal Building Ventures (818) 865-1700 35 SoCal Colorado Boulevard Self Storage (626) 229-9999 45 Sorell Law Group (626) 792-8600 32 SORRISO–Bar Celona (626) 405-1000 52 Soteria HR (818) 426-5451 43 SoundzYourz Entertainment LLC (626) 347-7242 39 South Coast Air Quality Management District (909) 396-3373 39 South Coast Fibers/American Reclamation (818) 552-4068 55 South Lake Business Association (626) 792-1259 31 Southern California Edison (SCE) (800) 655-4555 41 Southern California Infusion Therapy (818) 317-6909 42 Southern California Reproductive Center (626) 345-7260 42 So Cal Resource Svcs Independent Living (818) 624-7912 48 Space Bank Mini Storage (626) 449-4405 45 Spatini Skin Lounge, LLC (310) 508-1158 34 Special Signs (626) 285-8870 30 Specialty Taxes (626) 822-6001 29 Spectrum Reach (626) 660-0007 30 Speedpro Imaging (818) 243-1872 49 Spéir Mór Media, LLC (818) 261-9636 54 SpotOn Transact Inc. (626) 807-5808 45 Sri Lanka Foundation (213) 400-7705 47 St. Andrew Catholic School (626) 796-7697 38 St. Baldrick’s Foundation (626) 793-2700 46 Stand Tall Chiropractic (626) 795-7711 36 Stanislawski & Company, Inc./CPA (626) 441-0330 29 Stark Spirits Distillery (818) 635-4729 48 Stark Spirits Distillery (818) 635-4729 55 Starke Marketing (626) 209-1194 30 State Farm Insurance–John Diehl (626) 791-9915 44 Stater Bros. Markets (626) 788-4092 40 Stems (626) 221-4680 52 Sterling Business Services, Inc. (800) 511-3676 47 Steve Haderlein 43 Stewardship Financial (888) 478-3934 40 Stone Busailah, LLP (626) 683-5600 32 Stonefire Grill (626) 921-1255 52 Storrier Stearns Japanese Garden (626) 399-1721 45 Stowell Learning Center (626) 808-4441 38 Straight Blast Gym SoCal (626) 683-9978 40 Strassburg, Gilmore & Wei, LLP (626) 683-9933 32 Studio Ren Architecture (310) 892-9691 31 Sue Cook Real Estate–Coldwell Banker (626) 253-1323 50 Sugar & Spice Spa LA (626) 807-9467 34 Sugarland (626) 755-1327 33 Sullivan, Workman & Dee, LLP (626) 656-8700 32 Superb Dental Care (626) 844-7778 37 Sushi Roku Pasadena (626) 683-3000 52 Sweet Flower Pasadena (626) 314-3106 35 Sweetfin (323) 540-8231 52 Sycamores (626) 395-7100 46 T PHONE PG Tampon Tribe (626) 818-1584 55 Tardino Bros. Italian Kitchen (626) 334-4433 52 Taylor Insurance & Financial Services (626) 605-0031 40 TD Ameritrade, Inc. (626) 744-5939 40 Tea Rose Garden (626) 578-1144 36 TeamLogic IT of Pasadena (626) 381-9983 36 Temo Arjani LLP (626) 578-1978 29
48 Union Bank
34 Union Station Homeless Services
35 United States Congress–Judy Chu
35 The
43 The
54 The
53 Terrace
44 Unified Valet Parking, Inc.
42 UCLA Health Pediatrics
46 United Site Services
Tempur–pedic Flagship Store (626) 314-5147 Thousand Villages of Pasadena (626) 229-9892 at The Langham (626) 568-3900 Terraces at Paseo Colorado (626) 744-3374 Terry Piasky Real Estate–Coldwell Banker (626) 353-6654

HopeofCity©2022 We know that personalized care can make a huge difference in patient outcomes. That’s why at City of Hope, we focus on providing leading-edge cancer treatments through all stages. Because no matter who you are or where you’re from, we believe everyone deserves world-class cancer care. Find Hope closer to home. Pasadena, South Pasadena, Glendale, Arcadia, Glendora, West Covina, Duarte Get world-class cancer care without leaving the San Gabriel Valley.