LOVE STREET LAMP POST 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Qtr 1991

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Doing "Baba Work" By Linda Zavala As the year begins and many of us make of the man who does Meher Baba's work, for resolutions for the new year, it may also be a good Baba can do His work alone. time to think about renewing or beginning anew a "In whatever way we are able to do Meher commitment to Beloved Meher Baba. What can Baba's work, we should first try to know and unwe do to honor Him, His role in humanity and the derstand the right way to work. This we should do blessings He has showered on each of us? Many of in spite of the fact that we have known Meher us who have read of His workings and those who Baba for many years. have actually met Him may feel that whatever we "Meher Baba is universal. All the previous Avatars were none else but Meher Baba Himself. can do for Him is so small compared to what He gives us, yet, He has given us the opportunity to At the time of their advents they taught different serve Him and in so doing we help ourselves. religions. But in the case of Meher Baba, the time Adi K. Irani gave a talk and the circumstances have on "The Nature of Baba been so different that his work Work" in Andra Pradesh so has not been along the convenMeher Saba creates opporsuccinctly what it means for us tunities for all of us to give our tiona I lines. His work is so to be able to serve the Avatar. universal, so vast, that it does love and service to Him. For He states, "There are two not matter where a man is. He what? For our own advantage; aspects of our relationship can be in any corner of the for our own final release from world, and whether he belongs with Avatar Meher Baba. The maya. There is nothing else at to a center, whether he worfirst is our personal love for the back of it. Him; it includes our devotion Ships Meher Baba in his own house or wheether he is only a and our sense of service to AD! K.IRANI Him. This is very personal and single man worshipping Meher Baba in some remote willage concerns the man who loves of India, it matters not. So long as honesty and sinthe Avatar and the Avatar Himself. It is not the concern of anybody else. This is one aspect of our cerity of purpose are there, the work does not life with Meher Baba. change in the least. "What is the work that we have been doing "The second aspect is Meher Baba's work. Meher Baba's work is something we are not able and are going to do for Meher Baba? Can you imto do. Anything that we do for Meher Baba is realagine, when you look upon Meher Baba as the ly done for ourselves. The work is for the benefit Ocean of Love, that we could take a little water

and pour it into the ocean and increase the quantity that the entire ocean contains? Can you really imagine that by your individual love you are going to add anything to the Ocean of Love? Or that the little service you are able to render is going to add to His universal service? Meher Baba works for all of humanity. Meher Baba creates opportunities for all of us to give our love and service to Him. For what? For our own advantage; for our own final release from maya. There is nothing else at the back of it. We are not able to do Meher Baba's work, and yet the little things we are able to do are really very, very important to us." In the discourse on "work for the spiritual freedom of humanity" Meher Baba so clearly states His wish that we will be willing to share the burden of His Universal Work. He states: "The way to help others attain spiritual freedom is far different from the way of rendering other types of help. For the hungry you can provide food, and they have only to eat it. For the maked you can provide clothes, and they have only to wear them. For the homeless ones you can

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publication of the Avatar MeIJer Baba Center ofSoutbem California 1unlSanta Monica Boulevard Los Angeles. CA 9OO2S (213) 474-9454 This news)euer is designed to k.eep the Southern California Meber Saba community and friends abreast of Center activities, and to provide a forum for contempory accounts of life with Meber Saba

as Guide.

Editon: Greg and Gay Dunn Program CMipenon: John Stout COn/nbutors: Dina Franklin, Lois Jones, Jeff Maguire, Lynn Maguire, John Stou~ and Linda Zavala MoiJjng: Chris and Pris Haffenden

P/eo.sesend aD ~moJoioJ to: Greg and Gay Dunn 2616 Vargas Way Redondo Beach, CA 'XJli>7 (213) 371-4321

Pleas<send add= ciIJJnยง'S~I<qI=ts to: Pris Haffenden 3616-1/2 S. Centinela Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90066 (213) 300-2779

Published quarterly (Jan, Apr. M Oct) All contents copyright 1991 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center or Southern California, except wbere noted.


provide houses, and they have only to dwell in them. For those who are in the agonies of spiritual bondage, however, there is no ready-made provision which can give them immediate relief. Spiritual freedom has to be won by oneself for oneself through watchful and unfailing war against the lower self and the lower desires. Those who would be soldiers in the cause of Truth have to help all, not only in launching upon the thrilling enterprise of attaining victory over attainment. There is no other way of sharing their burden. "I have full confidence that you, my devotees, will share this burden. Many of you, for years together, have obeyed my orders and carried out my instructions, through faith in me and love for me. You have stuck to me and my spiritual cause through storm and stress and thick and thin. Now the time has come for you to offer all your services in my mission of helping humanity to treat the spiritual path to realise God. The eternal truth that God alone is real has to be clearly understood and unreservedly accepted, and it has to be unequivocally expressed through words and deeds. In the full realisation of the Truth, man shall attain spiritual freedom. No sacrifice is too big to set man free from spiritual bondage and help him to inherit the Truth which alone shall bring abiding peace to all, and which alone will sustain an unassailable sense of universal sense of universal fellowhood, cemented by the ungrudging love of all, for all, as expressions of the same reality. In this God-willed divinely-planned and predestined task of bringing spiritral freedom to humanity, you, my devotees, have to help me, even at the cost of life. In your duty of helping others to find God, you have to welcome every type of suffering and sacrifice." Meher llaba has given His promise that the "New Age of Humanity" will be brought in. We saw the beginnings of a "New Age" in the external affairs of the world of the 19605. Now we see most dramatic changes in the external world of a new movement toward peace, harmony, and cooperation -- and this right in the midst of the possibility of war in the Middle East. Perhaps these changes are reflections of the internal spiritual change that Meher Baba has declared continued on the last page

TheAMBCSC A Letter from the President Thank You! As 1990 comes to an end and the new year begins, we thank Beloved Meher Baba for giving us the opportunity to work for His Center in Los Angeles, which also serves His lovers throughout the U.S. We had a wonderfull990! In addition to our weekly Saturday night meetings, we had a very special, extended visit by Bhau Kalchuri. We had a successful, inspiring, and fun-filled Sahavas! Special guest speakers and artists enriched many of our weekly meetings. The year was highlighted by the Amartithi program and Baba's Birthday Celebration. These programs were held at specially selected locations which provided enough space for everyone who wished to attend. This year, we frequently heard many in Los

Angeles refer to the "Baba" Community as their "extended family". Beloved Baba saw many of us through very difficult times that, indeed, brought us closer together as a "family". We are grateful to Baba that we have a place where we can all come together. We thank everyone who has enthusiastically and lovingly volunteered hisjher time toward the Center's many projects. We also thank every one of you whose loving financial contributions have helped to sustain the Center. Thank you and JAl BABA! In Beloved Baba's Love, Lois Jones Board of Directors President, 1990

Who We Are and What We Do We would like to take this opportunity to give you an overview of our Center and its ongoing activities. Hyou find a particular activity in which you are interested, we invite you to contact the appropriate committee chairperson. Of course, we are happy just to see your smiling face whenever you come to the Center. However, if you feel inspired, your help is most welcome.

be a member of the Board, although many Directors have served in this role. The Center operates on a democratic basis. The Center is supported by voluntary donations and pledges, fund raisers, bookstore sales, the Sahavas, and the Caretaker's rent donation. Our budget is approved each year, by the Center's members, at the Annual General Meeting.

The Center

The Committees and Projects

The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California was established in 1969 in Pasadena, and moved to its present West Los Angeles location in 1977. The Center incorporated in 1974. The state of California granted us "non-profit religious organization" status. Our Articles of Incorporation and By- Laws are on file, and available for review, at the Center. From 1971 to 1977 the Center's activities were coordinated by a Steering Committee. In 1977 the Board of Directors was established. The Board, elected annually by the Center's membership, is composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and six other Directors. Board members usually chair of participate on at least one Standing Committee of Ad Hoc Committee. The Treasurer is not required to

Here is an overview of the Center's Committees and current Projects. Membership CommiJJee: The Chairman maintains the current list of members and seeks out those who may want to join. Some of the advantages of being a member are: you may vote for the Board of Directors; you will be notified about special events and information such as birthS, deaths and illness; your membership allows the . Center to maintain its non-profit status; also, being a member signifies a deeper commitment to the goals of our Center. Thank you, Chairperson Mehrnoush Lorkalantari. Service CommiJJee: This committee brings support to those ill or bereaved. We send cards and give baby showers for expecting families.


Also, in the last few years the Thanksgiving Baskets food drive has been held with widespread support from the Baba community. The many donations and helping hands have made this drive a success each year. Thank you, outgoing Chairperson Linda zavala. During the year, if you know of someone we can visit or send a card to, please contact the new chairman or the Board President. Archive CommiJJee: Maintains special Baba archival treasures and taped talks on video and audio for preservation. In addition they provide audio tapes for the tape lending library. Plans to expand the activities of this committee are afoot with the hOpes of having more videos and audio tapes available for sale in the near future. Thank you, Chairperson Chris Pearson for your many years of work in this area. The new chairman is Mahmoud Ajang.

Ad Hoc Committees


Facilities and DecoraJions CommiJJee: They are involved in overseeing decorating, repainting, repairing or acquiring new items for the Center. Tl1anks to those who did such great work last year: Nancy Merwan, Dina Franklin, and Linda zavala. There is currently no chairman. Program Committee: Happily, this committee has organized very special events such as Baba's Birthday Celebration in Pasadena, Arnartithi, the Jamie Newell concert, Ann Conlon's talk, Bhau Kalchuri's talks, and events in our community. They initiate and coordinate every Saturday night meeting at the Center offering interesting talks, music, poetry, art, and films in order to create an environment for sharing our love for Meher Baba. Thank you Chairman John Stout and assistants Lois Jones and Dina Franklin (who filled in for John while in India), and program hosts. Finance Committee: Through the generous contributions of many individuals, this year's fundraisers were very successful. These fundraisers included the F1y-to-India and Mehermas Sweeps, a garage sale, and the Sahavas Art Auction. New this year was the very exciting dinner/auction. Everyone had a wonderful time. In addition to fundraising, the finance committee also writes the yearly budget for presentation and approval to the annual general membership meet-

ing.Thank you, Chairman Brian Drygas. Library Project: The Center received a generous donation which has enabled us to fund the Library Project which places Baba books around the world. Thank you, outgoing Chairperson Chris Stalberg and assistant Adele Wolkin. The new Chairman is Brian Drygas. If you know of a library to place a Baba book in, write Brian at P.O. Box 176, Los Olivos, CA 93441, or call (805) 686-4290. Mailing Committee: The work on the mailing list has increased significantly in the last few years. Thank you Chairman Pris Haffenden who continues in this capacity to maintain the Center's mailing list on computer. If you are interested in helping as a mail stuffer while listening to Baba music or a Baba talk, please give her a call at (213) 390-2779. Love Street Lamp Post News Newsletter has completed its second happy year. Greg and Gay Dunn wish to thank all the contributions Baba has sent to make the Lamp Post a lively gathering place for the sharing of ideas, feelings and experiences that deepen our connection with the Beloved. Send us your ideas, news items, artwork, poetry, etc. by February 21st for the next issue. Permanent Site CommiJJee: The last two surveys by this committee demonstrated Wide-spread support by the L.A membership to continue with the goal of acquiring a permanent Baba Center in the Los Angeles area. Bhau Kalchuri has also given a strong endorsement for continuing to raise funds for this purpose no matter how long it takes. Due to high prices in real estate this goal is not quickly attainable; however, the longest journeys are made up of many small steps. Ten years ago we had zero funds and today we have $45,000 and we are continuing to raise funds. Thank you one and all for your support. Thank you Steve Berry, Georgene Tarbox, and other workers. At present there is no Chairman for this committee. Sahavas CommiJJee: This celebration, where 300 or more of His lovers gather in a spirit of sharing and giving in Beloved Meher Baba's Sahavas, expresses itself in a variety of ways, such as: inspiring talks by invited guest speakers, workshops, music and other entertainment, films, and sports. There is an excellent professional childcare pro-

gram for young children, and a special "Meher Miniature" program for pre-teens and teenagers. Our Bookstore, which houses the largest collection of books about Meher Baba in Southern California, is transported to Pilgrim Pines for the duration of the Sahavas. The ever popular "Toddy Shop" conceived and first implemented by Roman Babiak and Terry Lucas, has become an institution at the Sahavas. The Dhuni is always a highlight. The 1990 Sahavas was a rousing success! Many thanks to the 1990 Sahavas Committee which was co-facilitated by Lois Jones and John Stout. Our 1991 Sahavas Committee is in the process of planning the 17th Silence Day Sahavas which will be held Thursday, July 4th -- Sunday, July 7,1991. This will be our 15th year at Pilgrim Pines Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. This year's guests from India are Jehangir Sukhadwala and Katie Irani! We hope you will be able to join us. Caretaker: The caretaker lives at the Center. He keeps the Center clean, prepares the meeting room for Saturday night and other meetings, answers the phone, helps sort the mail, waters the garden, keeps the Center supplied with cups and plates and does lots of little things to contribute to the smooth functioning of the Center. Thank you Marc Brutus. Mail Order Casseue Library: This has been in operation since 1986. The library now contains 56 talks and has 33 different speakers available on tape to rent through the mail. Most of the talks come from speakers at the past L.A Sahavas' and Center talks. If you are not near a Center, hearing these inspiring talks is most valuable; and how about hearing one on the way to work while you are stuck on the freeway. Thank you, Larry Fletcher and Chris Pearson. You may also rent a talk at the Center: please speak to the Center Caretaker about rentals. If you are interested in a free information packet write to AMBC-CL, P.O. Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 09277. Bookstore: Thank you Dina Franklin, current manager, for tremendous enthusiasm in the bookstore. She has increased sales, but most important, so many more people have received Baba

"Be Happy" -Meher Baba in Los Angeles in 1956

books, tapes, and photos. In addition to our ongoing work we have also started two other budgets in the past year to meet needs which have arisen. Special Projects Budget provides funds for unexpected events. An example of this was Mehera's Memorial Service and assisting Daman Mahler's family with preparations for the recent memorial service for Daman. Service Fund: This is a newly established fund separate from the Service Committee. In the last few years there have been special requests for urgent financial aid within our Baba family. The Service Fund has been established for this purpose. In the past small financial gifts in times of need have helped to turn people's lives around. We have seen that the love behind the gift has been deeply appreciated. If you are interested in this effort you may earmark your check to the SERcontinued on page 13


AMBCSC Bulletin Board India Hotel Information There are three hotels in Bombay that are willing to extend discounts on their room rates to Baba lovers. LEELA HOTEL, Bombay Airport CENTAUR HOTEL, Bombay Airport (not applicable to suites) CENTAUR HOTEL, Juhu Beach (applicable to suites) RITZ HOTEL, central Bombay (10% if paying by credit card)

15% 20%

BABA ASHRAM in AHMEDNAGAR, to be eligible for the above discounts. The approximate cost of a double room with the discount is: CENTAUR & LEELA -- U.S. $90; RITZ -- U.S. $60 Advanced reservations are usually necessary for the Ritz Hotel at the following address: Ritz Hotel 5 Jamshedji Tata Road Opposite Chuchgate Station Bombay 400 020

30% 15%

Identify yourself when checking in or writing for reservations as a member of the MEHER

Thank you, David Fenster, for this information. continued next page

Manhood I am a foundling. My Beloved has raised me From a child to a man.

I am glad my Master has called me To his castle sublime, His round table,

Now the mysteries of manhood Life before me.

And I may live What most know only in legends.

He has crafted the Light In which my days run, Sunrise and sunset, Until my end,

And I am glad I responded, For He once planted a resilient seed In the soil of my heart, Which will not be satisfied till it has blossomed And earned a place in Love's Garden.

Magnificent the web of meaning He has spun to tell our story. He has crafted our lives As gifts to Him, Rushing in rivers of significance Down to the ocean of His love, Sweet our journeying dreams Down days of measured moons and suns And poetry of gilded light Cut in thickness like cake, Sculpted into Creation By his loving, sensitive hand.

So though I return time and again To the cities of vacant dreaming, My heart knows a sadness there it cannot quench. City of Love, May I never leave you. Heart, may I always be Cupbearer to the Beloved, Whose chalice, sacred, concealed, Pours forth love upon all. City of Love, in your precincts May I serve my rounds, Until he calls For the drink that unites us. Max Rei! 1983


AMBCSC Bulletin Board India Hotel Information There are three hotels in Bombay that are willing to extend discounts on their room rates to Baba lovers. LEELA HOTEL, Bombay Airport CENTAUR HOTEL, Bombay Airport (not applicable to suites) CENTAUR HOTEL, Juhu Beach (applicable to suites) RITZ HOTEL, central Bombay (10% if paying by credit card)

15% 20%

BABA ASHRAM in AHMEDNAGAR, to be eligible for the above discounts. The approximate cost of a double room with the discount is: CENTAUR & LEELA -- U.S. $90; RITZ -- U.S. $60 Advanced reservations are usually necessary for the Ritz Hotel at the following address: Ritz Hotel 5 Jamshedji Tata Road Opposite Chuchgate Station Bombay 400 020



Identify yourself when checking in or writing for reservations as a member of the MEHER

Thank you, David Fenster, for this information. continued next page

Manhood I am a foundling. My Beloved has raised me From a child to a man.

I am glad my Master has called me To his castle sublime, His round table,

Now the mysteries of manhood Life before me.

And I may live What most know only in legends.

He has crafted the Light In which my days run, Sunrise and sunset, Until my end,

And I am glad I responded, For He once planted a resilient seed In the soil of my heart, Which will not be satisfied till it has blossomed And earned a place in Love's Garden.

Magnificent the web of meaning He has spun to tell our story. He has crafted our lives As gifts to Him, Rushing in rivers of significance Down to the ocean of His love, Sweet our journeying dreams Down days of measured moons and suns And poetry of gilded light Cut in thickness like cake, Sculpted into Creation By his loving, sensitive hand.

So though I return time and again To the cities of vacant dreaming, My heart knows a sadness there it cannot quenCh. City of Love, May I never leave you. Heart, may I always be Cupbearer to the Beloved, Whose chalice, sacred, concealed, Pours forth love upon all. City of Love, in your precincts May I serve my rounds, Until he calls For the drink that unites us.

Max Reif 1983 6

Welcome to My World. Shawdi (happiness) was born on September 15th to Golnaz and Manouchehr Manouchehrpour. Their first child, she was 7lbs. 70zs. at birth. Portland friends Bart Spiller and Dale Draeger are the proud parents of a girl, Margot Ella. She was born on August 14th 1990.Congratulations!

Deepest condolences to the family and friends of Baman Mahler. Daman passed away September 22nd. Condolences also to Jacko Caraco whose father also passed away recently. Baba's love and strength to all.

Thanksgiving Baskets A warm 11IANK YOU from the Service Committee to everyone in Southern California who contributed toward the Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need! We were able to provide complete turkey dinners, plus a few extra food items, to 28 families! The two remaining baskets were delivered directly to families whose needs were brought to our attention. A special "thank you" goes to all of the volunteers who did the planning, shopping, packing, and delivering: Teri Adams, Sarah Dwyer, Lois Jones, Diane LaFleur, Lynn Maguire, Nancy Merwan, Marguerite Poley, Rocky Rodgers, John Stout, Patty Stout, Harry Thomas, Cathy Thornburn, Kathy Williams, and Richard Winston. Our grateful appreciation and thanks to the people who donated the following raffle prizes: Karen Blackmore for the Massage in Malibu; Barbara McReynolds, Lunch-for-Two at the Border Grill; Lois Jones, Lunch-for-Two at the Cheesecake Factory; and Roman Babiak for his "spur-of-the-moment" donation on the night of the Raffle Drawing, of the "Vocalizer" electronic musical instrument. Thank you to Dina Franklin and the L.A. Center's Bookstore for donating first prize, a copy of Love Personified. Congratulations to the raffle prize winners: Larry Fletcher, Love Personified; Marguerite Poley, Massage in Malibu; Marco Swearingin, Lunch-for-Two at the Border Grill; Donna Bayet, Lunch-for-Two at the Cheesecake Factory; and Sam Ervin, Vocalizer. A thank you to Lynn Maguire for her dona-

tion of precious bangles once worn by our Beloved's Mehera. The bangles were among the door prizes won by individuals who were present on the night of the drawing. We thank Dina Franklin for the many "Don't Worry Be Happy" bumper stickers donated as door prizes by our Bookstore. There was no charge for the door prize tickets. The raffle drawing was held Saturday, November 24, 1990, at the L.A. Center.

Prospectus for a Meher Baba "Union For New Psychology" (to clients, professionals, other interested parties)


and any

As lovers of Avatar Meher Baba, we are all connected with a Divinizing process that includes deep states of spiritual unity, as well as states of experienced separateness that can be equally poignant in their own way. We are also, like it or not, part of a "learning generation" 1 through which the Avatar is leading humankind from Reason to Intuition. In this connection, Meher Baba told a friend of mine, whom He instructed in 1959 to go into the profession of psychology. "But it has to be 'New Psychology''', Baba said, "because the old psychology doesn't work." It seems to me that "New Psychology", while including the client-therapist relationship, can and must develop other dimensions as well. The "12Step" and "Self-Help" movements in the world are evidences of this, certainly. I perceive a potential interest group in Baba's "New Psychology" among His lovers. This would be a support group that could initially take the form of a "phone-and-pen-pal network" to do as much as can be done to lessen the impact, shock, and shame of the considerable number of souls who at anyone time are opening to Baba and their own deeper "good" and "bad" aspects with virtually no external support. "Tell it to your therapist" often does not suffice any longer to fill the need of people who may be dealing with extremely agonizing matters in, seemingly, a totally heartless world, and who need all the support they can get.

continued on page 9


Calendar All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. Hyou have ideas or requests for future programs, please contact John Stout at (818) 888-6330. All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. Hyou have music or other art to present, or ideas to share, please contact the coordinator listed for each meeting. Your participation is desired!

January 19, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and ani at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.


January 19, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. Tonight's presentation is "Meher Baba's Call". Coordinated by Charlie Morton.

January 5, Saturday, FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and ani at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. January 5, Saturday, 8pm. A NIGHT OF BABA MUSIC. Relax and enjoy an evening of music with local artists. Coordinated by Richard Stermer and Ken Stermer.

AREA MEETINGS There are area group meetings in Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548-2072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078.

January 12, Saturday, 8pm. GUTTA NIGHT. Service to others is the rent we pay for a room on Earth. Come and share how "you pay the rent" in your own life. Coordinated by Fred Stankus.

January 26, Saturday, 8pm. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Tonight we elect a new board of directors for 1991. Also, reports on all center activities for 1990 will be presented. All are welcome to attend this meeting, but you must be a member to vote. Questions? Please contact Adele Wolkin. January 30, Wednesday, 8pm. AMARTITHI NIGHT. Welcome one and all to commemorate beloved Meher Baba's release from His Divine physical form on January, 31,1969. Refreshments and long-stemmed flowers appreciated. Silent meditation will be held from 10:30 to 10:45. Location to be Announced. Coordinated by Lois Jones and Nasreem Ajang.


Santa Barbara Baba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting times and locations call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796.

February 2, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941.

February 2, Saturday, 8pm. LEARN YOUR ARTIES. Through sing-along and tapes, your host, Dina Franklin, will guide us through an evening of learning the arties that are presently sung at Meherabad, India.

Portland Baba Group The Portland group meets every Friday night, Discourse meetingsevery other Sunday afternoon, and a meeting every month at the Wilson's house in Scotts Mill.

February 9, Saturday, 8pm. MAKE A VALENTINE FOR BABA. Come, share your best heart quality stories, and bring any valentine making materials you like. Coordinated by Georgene Tarbox.

February 16, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

March 2, Saturday, 8pm. "POETRY IN A BAT." Tonight we share poetry by a random pick from "The Hat". Share in the surprise or bring your own to add to the evening's focus on poetry and the Beloved. Coordinated by Dina Franklin.

February 16, Saturday, 8pm. LORD MEHER. Tonight we share some highlights from Volumes 1 through 5 of Lord Meher, written by Bhau Kalchuri. Come to listen, or come to share from this extraordinary work. Coordinated by John and Patty Stout.

March 9, Saturday, 8pm. A SINGING TO THE ETERNAL BELOVED. Francis Brabazon's last birthday gift to Baba. Raine Eastman, guest coordinator and singer, will share rare unpublished material of Francis Brabazon.

February 23, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. Tonight's presentation: "The Human Side of God". The first half will be shown with the audience-option to continue with the second half. Coordinated by Charlie Morton. Full length time is one and one-half hours. February 24, Sunday, 2pm to Spm. HAPPy BIRTHDAY, MEHER BADA! Meher Baba's 97th Birthday Celebration. A festive afternoon of music, poetry, films of our Beloved, and birthday cake. Meeting location to be announced. NOTE: February 24th 2-5pm = February 25th 3:306:30am in India. Coordinated by John Stout.

MARCH EVENTS March 2, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

Bulletin Board continued from page 7 Some of the agony of penetrating one's mental/emotional strata may be unavoidable. But as there are more of us, over time, who have dealt with many of our own crucial issues, and are not so fearful of seeing what is underneath others' veneers, perhaps we can lessen some suffering, and even prevent some suicides. This would be based on the extent to which we are able to live Baba's New Life and open our lives and hearts to others. It would be a free "service", a loose network of brother/sisterhood where

March 16, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. March 16, Saturday, 8pm. MANDALI HALL NIGHT. Capture the feeling of Mandali Hall. Share you favorite stories or readings. Wear clothing suitable for floor sitting. Chai served at 7:30pm. Coordinated by John and Patty Stout. March 23, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUESTS! RUSTOM AND SORAB IRANI, FROM INDIA! This is an evening that you will not want to miss. Baba's "twins" were here as Sahavas guests not long ago and have once again come to share their music and stories. Coordinated by John Stout. March 30, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. Open night for audience -pick of the movie. Readings before the movie are welcome. Coordinated by Charlie Morton.

those who share deeply may never even meet faceto-face... n you are interested in enlisting your listening ear and compassionate heart for this project, please drop me a line, including your phone number and address. If you would like to lend additional help, if needed, please indicate. In His Love, Max Reif 65 Royal Drive, #222 Piscataway, NJ 08854 1 See Listen!

The New Humanity by Don Stevens, p. 55


At the Bookstore I am writing this at 37,000 feet above the Pacific, not wishing to think about reentering the work-a-day rat race in L.A after three blissful weeks in India. Since leaving the Bombay airport, I have had my walkman on playing Meher Chalisa over and over. It is a tape of eight beautiful poems to our Beloved written by the late Karshav Babu Nigam of Hamirpur, set to music and sung by Dr. Jayant Karandikar ($6.95). It takes me back to Arti at the Samadhi -- the sun rising, setting the bougainvillaea on fire and washing the old water tower (now freshly painted with soft pastel colors); the sound of a multitude of voices saying the three prayers and singing ani, as one by one we enter the tomb to have a silent moment alone with our Lord. Meanwhile, each Lover, feeling so moved, sings their song right from the heart. Oh, but it is

Having Trouble Finding the Time To Remember Your Master? Worringing Too Much About Not Being Happy? Now, Within Arm's Reach... The Southern California Avatar Meher Baba Center is proud to offer two new items from our growing collection. These fine quality, quartz movement watches display Avatar Meher Baba's image and/or His timeless words tastefully reproduced in black and white. They feature a high quality gold-tone casing and your choice of black, white or natural tanned, stitched, all leather bands. (Battery is included.) A great gift idea for Baba lovers and other friends. Only $36.95 each. Shipping add $2.75, California residents add 6.75% sales tax, gift wrapping and boxing add $1.50. Indicate face style and band color.

hard to leave. I saw so many familiar faces there it was like old home week. Speaking of old home, I ran into John and Patty Stout. They were fortunate to spend three months at the Pilgrim Center. John had with him some superb taping equipment, and tells me he recorded scores of lovers singing their song to the Beloved at the Samadhi. He hOpes to edit the 36 hours down to about six of great music for release. Meherabad looked so different from the way it was when I was last there in July of 1987, the lucky recipient of the L.A Center's Sahavas sweepstakes. The free hospital and dispensary is up and running, the work on the hostels has been completed, and the new auditorium (beside the hostels) is breathtaking. It will hold 400 to 500 people for performances at Amartithi and Baba's birthday. It will have the latest in high tech lighting, projecting, and sound equipment. When I saw the huge stage I exclaimed "You could play Aida here!" "Never mindAida" retorted John Connor, "how about a dozen qaawwali groups?" Ted Judson is not only a great and heart warming singer, but a wonderful arChitect, having designed the Pilgrim Center and all the new buildings on the property. Bhau tells me they have the land and the plans -- everything now waits on the love donations from us. When the donations come in, a high school and then a university will be built. Since Meher Baba came to awaken the love in our hearts, it shouldn't come as a surprise to see so many Westerners who have given up their native countries to spend their whole lives in service to Him and His disciples. Too many beautiful people to mention labor long and hard to make our Pilgrim Center a truly heart expanding, mind opening, and soul touching experience. But Heather, Janet, Irene, Pat, Devana, Janaki and Ute stand out -- not to mention Roger's wonderful cooking. (I had hoped to drop five pounds while there -- fat chance!) I was very gratified to see that you all have been heeding the message about the great importance of the just re-released Stay With God. Not only did Love Street Lamp Post give it two pages, the Australian magazine devoted their entire edition to it. I have sold out of my original order and have just reordered three dozen more hard

bound ($17.95, paperback is $12.95). For those of you who missed hearing about this most beautiful of Francis Brabazon's work, let me quote Mani from her Oct. 16, 1959 Family Letters (which is in itself a lovely book to have, recounting day-to-day happenings in the life of Meher Baba - $8.95): "...what Baba said in his cable to those concerned in Australia, speaks more for the book than any description I can give. He said 'Stay With God has come to stay, and My Love to all those who helped make it the perfect book that it is.' We know that Baba wants this book to spread not only among Baba lovers -- He wishes each family to own at least one copy! -- but as widely as possible among the general public. Naturally His lovers will be doing all they can to help make this possible. One of the ways we can do this, I feel, is to take advantage of the coming Christmas and New Year when it would make a splendid gift for special friends, regardless of whether or not they know Baba." For those of you who are not able to travel to Meherabad, I have brought more than a little of it back with me. For those of you familiar with the wonderful goodies in Joy Meher, the books of Meher Nazar, the photos from Meelan Studios and the books and buttons from Ramakrishna at the Poona Center -- well, now it's all here at the L.A Center. For admirers of Charlie Mills' magnificent portraits of Baba, we have a few of the 8x10 and 5x7 beautifully made wooden-backedlaminated-stand-up photos. Call for discriptions. Also, we have many wonderful portraits of Mehera in the large format just mentioned and in 2"x3" colorful metal frames. As I stayed in Dehli for a night, I was also able to get just one dozen more of the tapes of Kusim and Mohkam Singhs ($8.95), so popular at the '89 Sahavas. Don't forget our tape collection is growing rapidly. To add to our latest from Cindy Lowe, Jamie Newell, and Gabriella Tal, ("The Lord and the Lady"), is a new one from Jim Meyer entitled "Journey of the Heart". It contains 14 songs and nearly one hour of original music. It is a collection of old favorites and new songs, featuring compositions by Hafiz, Rumi, Meher Baba, Malcolm Schloss, Bhau Kalchuri, Pete Townsend, & Jim Meyer ($10.00).

Wonderful news -- all those video tapes previously priced at $40 or more, have been reduced by 50%! Now is the time to get those titles you've been wanting. Martha Williamshas spent over 70 hours restoring and painting The beautiful full-Iengh 1939 photo of Meher Baba that appears on the cover of Jamie Newell's new tape. We have a truly beautiful 8xl0 for $35 and a 5x7 for just $15. See you at the Bookstore! -- Dina Franklin REVIEW

"Beholden to Him": An intimate interview with Eruch "Beholden to Him" is a phrase Eruch uses several times during this 52-minute video interview to describe his relationship to Meher Baba. Since the term "beholden" is not one very much in use in our contemporary American vocabulary, I had to look it up. It means "being under obligation for a favor or gift; indebted." When Eruch uses it, the term takes on a significance well beyond its Webster's definition. He conveys the sense that there is no limit to his debt; even that there is no thought of wishing for an end to it, other than in union with the Beloved. His indebtedness is so complete that his very life is no longer his own. The tape represents, literally, a visit with Eruch in Mandali Hall. Eruch sits in his familiar position by the window. Gary Kleiner, Eruch's interviewer, does an excellent job in his role, giving voice to the sort of questions you or I might wish to, if we were there. When he and Eruch find themselves discussing the topic of whether it is helpful to try to visualize Baba's physical presence, Gary protests, "But sometimes it seems like so much a game of the imagination, and that we are kidding ourselves." Eruch's reply: "It is! You have to begin by kidding yourselt1 There is no way out of it. Live a life as if he were physically present. It is the most significant kidding, and leads us to Him." At another point, when asked to discuss what his love for Baba is like, Eruch demurs. "I cannot speak about Love," he says, "because anything I speak about it will be blasphemous. I am simply

continued on page 15


For Love of Daman


I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW HOW PROUD I WAS OF MY SON, AND ESPECIALLY on the last day of his life. It was seven years ago that Daman came to live with me, and he came because he was at an age and a stage when he needed a father's strong hand. Whatever else I've done, or will do, in this life, I know the most important and most difficult task I've been given was to wrestle that sweet but stubborn and wild child into a man. And believe me, it was a wrestling match. We went to the mat almost daily. What's more, it was a struggle whose outcome I was never confident of until that last day or so. Some kids you don't worry too much about. Daman's sister, Amber, God bless her, is one of them. But Daman, you worried about. More than that, I was genuinely afraid for him, a visceral, gutgrabbing fear that he would never find his center, never be happy and at peace with himself. Imagine, then, and feel with me, the intermingling of surprise, immense satisfaction, relief, and joy I experienced on seeing that, so close to me that I hadn't seen it coming, my son had become a focused, considerate, caring young man. I can see now how fortunate I am -- perhaps blessed is a better word -- for the unfolding of events that let me see Daman in a new light, and with new eyes, just before he was taken from us. Of these events, two were critical. Amber was leaving for her freshman year at college -- in fact she and I left the day before Daman died -- and he wanted to draw closer to her before letting her go. It put him in a reflective mood, and he had long talks with Amber, with me, with his roommate Mer, and his stepbrother Josh that I think clarified his feelings and ambitions not only for us, but for himself as well. The other critical event was that, just a week before he died, Daman moved into his own apartment for the first time. Of the small events that transpired as part of these two larger themes, I remember most a few that by themselves were trivial, or even silly, but they meant everything to me, and I want to share them with you. The night before we left for Santa Cruz, Amber and I had dinner with Daman and Mer at Carlos and Pepe's in Santa Monica, which

for Daman was definitely a place to see and be seen. I won't have to remind his friends how important it was for Daman to feel he was cutting a fine figure. He was looking sharp, in a dress shirt and tie. On other occasions I can remember him telling me things like, "Dad, this tie costs more than anything in your wardrobe" and I'd say, "That's probably true, Daman, but is that good or bad? The tie also probably cast more than you have in your band account, so you really can't afford it right now, can you?" This time, though, he said something like, "By the way, Dad, I bought this Shirt for $4 at a thrift store, and this tie for $3. And guess where we went grocery shopping? Bend over, I have to whisper this," and he whispered, "Pic 'N Save. Now don't repeat that." Well, Daman, I don't think it will hurt to repeat it now. But then, as if to make sure we knew this was still Daman we were dealing with, he tossed his tie over first one shoulder, then the other, and asked, "Dad, when you're at a business dinner and don't want to spill food on your expensive tie, which shoulder do you place it over?" Of course it was an entirely rhetorical question, since he knew I'd arranged my life to avoid things like ties and business dinners, so he was just showing off. In fact, for all I know, he was making it all up. "Now I am left-handed," he said, reaching for his wilter glass, "therefore I place my tie over my right shoulder, so as not to displace it when I lift my beverage, and unfavorably impress my clients." He was serious about this -- but wasn't that typically Daman? During dinner he said to me, "Dad, I'm looking for someone to love", which was news to me, but I began to believe him when he followed it with, "But what about you, Dad? You need someone to love too. Dad, you'd better start going to lots of races. The person you're going to love might be in Connecticut now." As that sank in, I gradually realized that if my son was starting to worry about me now, maybe I could begin worrying less about After dinner, Daman took me to see his new place, and I was struck by two things. As an exscientist, I've always been bothered by the way

people throw around the word,"unbelievable", which I always felt should be reserved for things like claims for perpetual motion machines. Even so I can say that for me the sheer neatness of Daman's room truly bordered on the unbelievable. Every piece of clothing hung up or in a drawer, the shoes lined up in pairs in the closet, and the books on shelves. Understand that traversing Daman's room at home to, say get to a ringing phone in a hurry, had been only slightly less hazardous than crossing a mine field. This was a kid who, leaving home in a hurry, had dozens of times asked in a panic, "Where are my keys?", each time triggering as if by reflex a lecture from me to, "Damn it, Daman, put them in the same place cvery time, and this won't happen." Now he pointed to the wall and just said, "Look, Dad". There on a hook by the door sat his key ring. Besides the mind-boggling neatness, you noticed how little the room contained. But Daman reassured me, "I have everything I need to be a success. I have this fine body (Thank you, Dad), and I have my charisma. What else do I need?" Typically Daman, never hesitating to overstate his case, whether it was warranted or not, and never dreaming that the body he was so proud of would fail him little more than 24 hours later. After he died, I looked with new understanding at his still-messy room in my apartment. There were his comic books, computer games, even his scuba gear, all the trappings of childhood. I realized then that he had lift that childhood behind with me. Yes, we're going to miss him. Some of us will never, ever forget you, Daman. But let's be happy for him, too, for what he learned and achieved, and most of all for the friendship and love he got from us. And let each of us who knew Daman rejoice in the friendship and love got from him. God bless you all. -- Michael Thomas Mahler

for Daman Mi{;hael Mahler January 14,1970 - September 22,1990

GhazalW Copyright 1989 by Michael Childs from '~nAlphabet of Ghazals" In all these poems from my heart, I have disgorged the pain that has lain like lead within me, like the ballast in a little ship, ploughing through the ocean waves, to seek your Face, the Pearl of Love. What does it matter what people say, when all I seek is You? What explanations can I give for my deeds, as I plumb your depths and see nothing but my pettiness? If I release the ballast will I not capsize and

die?Michael asks you, Lord, What do you wish of me? "In the world of Man, stay afloat, but in my Ocean, drown!"

The AMBCSC from page 5 VICE FUND and it will be held specifically for this effort. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer will coordinate this fund confidentially. January is the time we begin to plan the new year. The Annual Budget is yet to be formed and the new Board hasn't been installed. This is a good time for you to let us know how you feel about all the work being planned. If you would like to work on a committee or project or just share ideas please write to the Center or contact the President of the Board, Lois Jones. We welcome opinions and suggestions from everyone. Your input is vitally important to the. functioning of our Center. Also, and we hope thiS goes without saying, all are welcome at the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. We hope to see you here!



YOU are the Water of Forgiveness poured on my Thirsty Heart; YOU are the Rock in the Sea of Maya and I may cling to You; YOU are the very Breath of my Breath and go with me everywhere; YOU are my Heart's companion and Life would be unbearable without You; YOU are the Divine Friend Who never lets me down; YOU are the Song of Life and I hear You in everything;

I LOVE YOU: because..• YOU love me; YOU created me, and are creating me still; YOU, knowing the worst of me, believe in the best; YOU are pure Loving-Kindness; YOU are supreme Beauty ... the Loveliest Thing in the Universe;

YOU are the Light and without You, all is Darkness; YOU are the Perfect Knowledge perfectly used; YOU are the little Child that will born in me; YOU are my Real Father, guarding and guiding my Path; YOU are my Real Mother and You nourish me on Your Heart's Love;

YOU are Purity itself, and can only Purify;

YOU are the Divine Link between God and man, and You come down again and again to bring us back to Him;

YOU are Free and I am Bound, and this gives me hope;

YOU are Love, nothing but Love, and for That Love, the whole Creation Exists.

YOU are my Own True Self, the Real One among all the false;

Phyllis -- Christmas 1952* "Saba later spelled out Phyllis Frederick's name on the alphabet board as "Filis" which she then began to use.

YOU are Humor, Gaiety, and Light-hearted Cheer, though you bear all the Suffering of the World; YOU are my True Beloved, the One I have been seeking in all others; YOU are God's Form on earth; His Silent Word of Love made Flesh;


YOU are God's Fire of Love that Consumes all my dross;

If man wants the happiness he is strivingfor, Iel him be more aggressive towards himselfand

more tolerant towards others. This is no weakness or cowardice--iI is the real strength ofthe brave. And if man wants to live eternaUy in bliss, let him live for God and be dead to his self. --MEHER BABA

Public Notice October 22, 1990 Bhau Kalchuri Avatar Meher Baba Trust Ahmednagar, India M.S. Dear Mr. Kalchuri, I am writing to inform you that you and Mr. John Connor will soon be subpoenaed to appear at the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. A terrible crime has been committed and you, Mr. Kalchuri, are the prime suspect. Subsequent to your departure from Los Angeles International Airport this past August, many of the Center's members got a shock; we discovered that hundreds of thousands of our sanskaras were missing. When a thorough search failed to locate the sanskaras, a massive investigation was launched. We interrogated every possible local suspect but came away empty-handed. (I personally suspected Will David since he's always got so many sanskaras lying about when I visit but, remarkably, tests showed they were all his.) Consequently, we must assume that you, Mr. Kalchuri, and your sidekick, Mr. Connor, are the culprits. And we will stop at nothing to see that you appear before us and answer the charges in person. This is a matter of the utmost importance. I need not remind you that sanskaras take many years, sometimes lifetimes, to accumulate and, once lost, are often irreplaceable. Now I can just hear you saying, "But it's good

to lose sanskaras, for that brings one closer to one's real selfl" That may be in some cases, sir, and perhaps this would be a note of thanks had we lost only those sanskaras pertaining to lust, greed, and the consumption of fried foods and cheap mystery novels. But in this case many of us seem to have been robbed of those sanskaras required to make a decent living. Unemployment among the L.A Baba Lovers is at an alltime high and the blame can only be laid at the feet of one man. Oh sure, you're going to say it's Baba's grace and that financial stress is a blessing, but I, for one, do not believe it for a second, Mr. Kalchuri. Return the sanskaras you took or you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! And don't suppose you can fool us with some explanation of how you don't have them because they were all burned up. We've heard the rumors flitting about the Pilgrim Center like mosquitoes; the word is that you and Mr. Connor keep the sanskaras in a wooden box there at the Trust compound where every Wednesday night, after your talk at the Pilgrim Center, you merrily thumb through them for a laugh. We need those sanskaras sir. Lives are in the balance. Credit ratings are at stake. Return them now and we will forget this whole tawdry affair. Keep them for even one day longer and you will face dire consequences. Please let me know your feelings on this matter. Have a nice day.

In His Love, Robert Manonash, Esq. Attorney at Large

Beholden from page 11

From the Trust

beholden to Him." Like other tapes of Eruch and the other mandali, many of which lay in archives awaiting their time, this tape is a treasure, and will become more of a treasure in the days and years to come. Even for now, it is about as much of a visit to India as one can put in a box. With a little creative self-kidding, you can be there in Mandali hall.

We received a personal "thank you" from Mani for one of our recent Los Angeles Trust donations. "The love-gift from Baba's L.A angels is received with love. This Trust receipt (enclosed) carries a 'garland' of greetings to you all, and a special JAI BABA to dear Dana from Meherazad hearts. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!" --Mani Please send current love donations to Patty Stout, Trustwalla, 1125 Mohawk, Topanga, CA 90290.

--Greg Dunn


must happen and will happen as the manifestation of the Avatar's work progresses and the way made clear for the "New Age". Will we be a part of His work during the next twenty years? As the Old World order breaks up and the New World order is initiated, will we be able to remain aware and awake to those hearts that long to be opened up by the Beloved's glance? Baba has used the phrase "his broken down furniture" for his spiritual workers and we certainly can feel that way sometimes when things become difficult and just don't seem to be working out. On the other hand, what an inspiring statement He makes in the"Discourses" when He says "Through the untiring activities of spiritual workers, humanity shall be initiated into the new life of abiding peace and dynamic harmony, unconquerable faith and unfading bliss, immortal sweetness and incorruptible purity, creative love and infinite understanding." Can He be referring to us? Well, perhaps he is when unbeknownst to ourselves He is creating the pathways within us for these qualities to be expressed. On "The Task for Spiritual Workers" discourse, Meher Baba speaks of the importance of time in spiritual work. He says, Spiritual workers cannot afford to ignore the element of time in creation. To ignore time would be to ignore the


spiritual work itself. It is imperative to be discriminatingly aware of the flow of time in creation and to appreciate fully the supreme importance of the moment in the near future which shall witness the universal dispensation of the Truth of spiritual wisdom." In His writings, Meher Baba has described how the past creates the present and the present creates the future and in fact they are all one in the same in Reality. It would seem then that the present time we find ourselves in, is extremely important. As the old adage goes, "Time is of the essence". The "eternal now" in time is that which we have most of and value the least. It is the only field in which anything can happen as the undulating window of the moment; and it is on the ground of the moment that we have the opportunity to serve the Beloved. Our good fortune to serve Him lies here or nowhere. We must remain awake to receive the fruits of His visitation and be ready to seize them through our awareness of their value. Let us realize how precious time is and make the effort to share His Love with friends and strangers and keep our hearts open. Let us hope that an inspiration will come to each lover of the Beloved as to how we can serve him and in some small way share in His Work.

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Meher Baba and the Meaning of Silence By Carl Ernst

Carl Ernst is a Professor ofReligion at Pomona College in Pomona, California, with afocus on Islamic studies. He first published the following article in the journal "Initiations", from Brussels (in Frend1) in a special issue on silence. The tension between word and silence has perhaps never been so forcefully articulated as in the work of Meher Baba (1894-1969), the great mystical leader of India. 1 On July 10, 1925, he ceased speaking. Initially, the silence was to last for a year. But the silence extended and continued, so that silence became a constant presence surrounding him even in the most active phases of his life. When he passed away nearly forty-four years later, the silence remained physically unbroken. This silence was from the beginning natural, in the sense that communication was never a difficulty. Meher Baba used an alphabet board until 1954, rapidly spelling out words and phrases with a dexterity that made it seem easy. His powerful presence made a direct intuitive impression on those around him, so that even after discarding the alphabet board, his own unique gestures, interpreted aloud by a disciple, were so easily understood that visitors might not even notice that the never spoke a word. Far from being an impediment, silence was with Meher Baba an index of the primordial state of the absolute divinity. As the

fundamental basis of reality, that unadorned primeval silence created at once the most intimate and most obvious relationship; although many words were used in his work, no word intruded between him and anyone else. "Things of real value are given and received in silence," he is quoted as saying. Speech hovered alongside, but his inner nature was silence. Many written words are associated with his teachings. His Discourses were published three times, in versions by different editors. 2 Written in the form of brief essays on spiritual, ethical, and metaphysical topics, they eloquently and directly convey his teachings. His major written work, paradoxically entitled God Speaks, is a complex treatise on metaphysics and the states of God. 3 It is cIear that he took great pains over the silent dictation of these writings, in some cases spelling out precisely the words to be used. Yet in all the communications that have reached us from Meher Baba, the words have come through the intermediary of some other person. In this way there will always remain a gulf between his silence and the words that have appeared as a testimony to him. It will therefore be understood that when using the expression" "Meher Baba said," we have in mind this form of mediated expression. The silence of Meher Baba was not penance for himself, but was the implicit communication of self to self, prior to the creation

of difference. As a simple illustration. he once asked his disciples if they knew why people shout when they are angry. The reason, he explained, is that when you are angry, you feel that a great distance has come between you and the other person. You shout to overcome that distance that has separated you. Friends, on the other hand, speak easily and gently with one another. Lovers are even closer; so little separates them that only the softest whispers are needed. Even a glance or a fleeting expression communications worlds of meaning between lovers. I am that close to you, said Meher Baba. I am one with you, he said, and I do not need words, for there is no difference to separate us. The experience he described as the attainment of his consciousness was that of unity with God. That, in itself, is not so surprising.


The remarkable thing is his assertion that he is a manifestation of the Avatar, the unique spirit of guidance that reappears to humanity in different guises over the millennia: as Zarathustra, the Buddha, RaIna, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad. God, in the beyond-beyond state of beginningless beginning, of absolute infinite unconsciousness, created the first word in asking the question, "Who am I?" The answer to this question has been the created universe, with innumerable drop-souls successively providing false answers to the question, saying "I am this," "I am that." At last one individual soul burst through the veil of ego and illusion, and proclaimed, "I am God." The first soul to attain this God-realization became the Avatar, and has an eternal role as the awakener of humanity from self-imposed illusion. Meher Baba is very explicit on the subject -- he says he is not a saint, a wali, a maiUlpurush, or a mahatma. He must be taken as either an ordinary man or as the Highest of the High. Silence, even if it is the most appropriate way to convey the primordial state of God, exists always in expectation of speech. There is an attitude of waiting, in which a pure duration unstained by form or quality strains toward the incarnation of a word. From the beginning, Meher Baba's silence was meant to be broken. But how would it be broken? His silence was what the poet Francis BrabaZl)n called "That same silence he returned to as was / Before he spoke the word which was his question, "Who am 17"4 Yet just as his silence was not mute, the breaking of his silence would not be ordinary speech. He said, "If my silence does not speak to you, of what use would it be if I spoke in the language of your minds? When my speaking will be heard universally, God will make me speak. But that speaking will not be speeches of words, but the Word of words which will irresistibly impart to those who are ready the 'I am God' (ana alhaqq or aham brahmasmi) state."s Time and again Meher Baba emphasized that the breaking of his silence would be an event the effect of which was proportional to the absoluteness of the silence itself. It would be the first sign of a major transformation of consciousness in all

who are prepared. In practice the silence of Meher Baba was continually on the point of being broken. For those who participated secondarily in that silence, there was always an apocalyptic tension created by the constantly receding horizon of the expected word. Again and again he predicted that his silence would definitely be broken by such and such a date. These predictions did not literally come true. The most unusual of these situations occurred during Meher Baba's first visit to America, when he announced that he would definitely break his silence in June, 1932. When his American disciples in California introduced him to the leading Hollywood movie actors that year, it became known that he was going to break his silence a little later, in the Hollywood Bowl of all places; some of his disciples even had special dresses m.ade for this epochal occasion. But by April of 1933, he had canceled this program. He remarked with some amusement,

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quanerly pubticaticn d tJ-e Avatar Mer...- Baba Certer

d SootJ-em California lllOl Santa Merica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025

(n3) 474-961

This newsltttt< is designtd to leup llu Southtm (Alifomi. Mmrr Bilbll community and fr'Unds Wrll5t ofOnttT ilCh-uitUs, lind to pr~

vidt. fOnlm fi>rconttmpory lllXtJun/s oflift with Mmrr B.w. Guidt.


&liJon: Grtg .nd G"y Dunn ProrrtIM a.tJi~noll: Itff Milguirt Co.tributors: Ttri, Lynnt Btrry, Roswt Dunphy, C.rl Ernst, Din. Frollklill, S. 1roni, Ttrry LUOlS, Itl' M.guirt, Coro/illt McDollold, Word Porks, Rocky Rodgrrs, lohn Stout, o,ui Atiltt W01kill MoiJilll: Otris and Pris Hilfftmun PkQS~ und tJI IVwdelftr MalitritJ 10:

Greg and Gay Dunn 3401 Dow Avenue Redondo CA 90278 (213) 371-6321


Pkase send ~II cJuua,~,. reqrusls to: Pris Hafferden 3616-1/2 S. Centirela Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90066 (n3)3g,).ZT79 Publis/-ed quarterly Oar>, Apr, Iu1, Oct) All conttllls copyright 1991/>y tht ANtor Mtlur Bobo Ctlllrr of Soutlum (AlijiJmio, trapt whm noltd.

"Did you think I would speak on a definite date in a large hall before a crowd of people? I went into Silence without giving warning and I will speak in the same way - who knows when? But when I speak the whole world will know and realize who I am!"6 But this scene of suspense was to be repeated many times throughout the following decades. Why was the breaking of Meher Baba's silence continually announced and postponed in this way? Leaving aside the question of his internal"work," which remains unaccessible, the outward formulations in messages circulated among his disciples suggest the significance of these postponements for them. This was primarily expressed in terms of their attaining a complete inner concentration on him, which he termed "holding on to my daaman" (meaning the hem of his shirt). In 1960, one of his messages announced, "I want you to know that I will definitely break My Silence; and I want you to cling to My ,daaman' till the very end, irrespective of whether I speak or not."7 For these disciples, their focus on the master was the essential thing. They had to be prepared for the breaking of the silence on the most essentiallevel, not waiting for a physical speech but for the opening of their hearts to receive the divine word. As Brabazon wrote, "Because he is the Silence he is also the Word, / Which only in our silence will be heard."8 The silence of Meher Baba bypassed the normal didactic role of spiritual teaching and became itself the mode of pure existence awaiting spiritual transfiguration. The ultimate tension between divine silence and divine speech is thus conveyed in Meher Baba's "Universal Message"; I have come not to teach but to awaken. Understand therefore that I lay down no precepts •..Because man has been deaf to the principles and precepts laid down by God in the past, in this present Avataric Fonn I observe Silence. You have asked for and been given enough words - it is now time to live them._ When I break My Silence, the impact of My Love will be universal and all life in creation will know, feel, continued page 4


Sing We 9vfeher By Ward Parks

The twenty-fifth of February Eighteen ninety-four, God-Meher left One-Ocean where He Remains forevermore. He wrapped Himself within a coat That all men would adore, That truth no more should stand remote And wings of Love should soar. CHORUS

Far wound the road from Poona's quickening In dawn's first faint red gleam To Meherazad where, full day thickening He laid aside His dream. Yet by the light His life set flowing In ever-broadening stream, The lineaments we're now knowing Of truth and love supreme. CHORUS


Then sing we Meher this day born As Man upon the earth, To share the rhapsody and thorn Of human pain and mirth. His jewel-footprints lives adorn


from page 3

and receive of it. It will help every individual to break himself free from his own bondage in his own way. I am the Divine Beloved who loves you more than you can ever love yourself. The breaking of My Silence will help you to help yourself in knowing your real Self.9 Meher Baba's silence was physically unbroken. But it remains as a compelling spiritual presence that promises a divine word to answer the ultimate question, of who we really are.

And fill creation's dearth, Yet only true hearts unforswom Can know His real worth. Then sing we, that our songs this mom Be cradles to His birth.

2 The Discourses were originally published in the Meher Baba Journals (1938-42), and reprinted as Discourses, Myrtle Beach, S. C., 1975); Discourses, 3 vols., ed. Ivy o. Duce and Don Stevens (San Francisco, 1967).

3 God Speaks: The Theme ofCreation and Its Purpose (New York, 1955; 2nd ed., New York, 1973). 4 Francis Brabazon, Stay with God: A statement in illusion ofReality (Woombye, Queensland, 1959), p.3l. 5 Quoted by Francis Brabazon, "The Silence: The Awakener XVIIf2 (1977), p. 9. 6 Kitty Davy, Love Alone Prevails, A story oflife with Meher Baba (Myrtle Beach, S. C.: Sheriar Press, 1981), p. 95, on the authority of Delia de Leon. 7 Letter of June 30, 1960, quoted in Davy, pp. 561-562.


On the life of Meher Baba (born Merwan Shahriyar Irani, to a Zoroastrian family in Pune, India), see C. B. Purdom. The God-Man (London, 1964; Myrtle Beach, S.C., 1975), covering the period up to 1962.

8 Brabazon, "The Silence: p.9. It is to be noled that followers of Meher Baba commemorate the beginning of his silence by keeping silence every July 10. 9 Quoted in Davy, pp. 711-712.

"I am the Highest of the High" Referring to this Photo signed by Beloved Babafor her in the 50's, Baba's sister Mani says: Beloved Baba's brother Beheram, gentle and artistic by nature, was adept with the camera and won several prizes in amateur photographic competitions. Because of his immense love for his God-Brother, it was natural for Beheram to channel his talent for photography into taking and making pictures of Baba whenever possible. Working with the barest

equipment and under unimaginable inconvenience in an airless little room at home, Beheram produced pictures of much beauty acclaimed by brother-photographers in the Baba-world. Beheram's ambition to occupy himself solely with Baba-photos was fulfilled in an unexpected way and carried on to the end of his life. It was in the early SO's when Baba personally directed Beheram to make His pictures in sizeable numbers, and directed me to send them out to His lovers in the West. And, Baba said, His part would be to touch each picture before it was sent out! He did this without fail every time before a batch was airmailed to the West. Prior to the Sahavas in 1954, Baba took a big stack of different pictures of Himself that Beheram had developed in postcard size, and signed every one of them. Before putting His signature, our beloved Avatar had me write (for him) under each photograph the words "I am the Highest of the High"! After sealing this ancient declaration with His signature Baba gave one picture each to the few who were with Him at the time, while the rest He put in His pockets and later gave them out to a number of His close ones. I do not know who all received them, but the one He gave to me is always in my room. The original writing and signature on it have faded over the years, but indelible is the memory of those timeless moments at the table with Beloved Baba, while I wrote out His dictated words "I am the Highest of the High" dozens of times on dozens of pictures, and He patiently put His signature on each one - symbolic surely, of His Signature on the many hearts destined to be blessed with the Love of the Highest of the High! Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai! -Mani


Rocky Rodgers recently found himselfneeding to update his professional resume. After struggling with it for a number ofdays, producing several different versions, and still not feeling satisfied, he found himselfasking the question, "VVhat would the perfect resume look like?" We're sure you will enjoy the answer that came to him.


(Merwan s. Irani) Cj 0 AMB Trust Office Kings Road Ahmednagar, Maharastra INDIA 414001

OBJECTIVE Continued employment in a Parvardigar position with power infinite and omnipresent responsibilities. Qualifications reflect a mature and wide background in universe management. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Established a trinity of leadership functions as Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Office, and President of the Three Worlds. Included: highest of the high decisions on all plans, management and operations of mandali, and direct supervision of masts and the inner circles with expert awakening skills including techniques for creating final manonash. Formerly held full time positions as Zoroaster, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed. Expertly adept with Maya management and applied Cosmology. Capable of making imperceptable and independent decisions. Skilled at being manifest and unmanifest. Fully knowledgeable in the economic manipulation of sanskaras. Adept at performance evaluations of followers and administration of mind and heart experiences. Reliable, organized, and productive in coordinating journeys of souls. Continual management of gross, subtle, and mental divisions of consciousness.

EDUCATION Ph.D. of Divinity in the Everything and the Nothing, from the Ocean of Knowledge Institute, majored in Infinite Attributes and Knowledge itself. Seminars in All Merciful Benevolence and a background of unlimited and unfathomable truth with emphasis on the evolution of consciousness toward realization of Divinity. Experienced earliest "School of All Knowing" training in the gaseous state through 6th plane awareness, including a PhD. 7th Plane Reality. Possession of in-depth knowledge of suffering and ignorance balanced with continuous distribution of compassion..

ACHIEVEMENTS Mastered disciplines of creation, sustaining creation,. and mahapralaya. Authored various discourses and books. Conducted darshans, training and workshops with realistic life experiences for the multitudes. Ability to forgive anything, and radiate Love at all levels. Expert at initiating cosmic events and knowing everything in advance. Invented psychology, acting, and

Life. MEMBERSHIPS President of the Perfect Masters Society. Honorary titles of Elahi and Yazdan including Parameshwar status for attaining fana fillah. Crowned" Ancient One" for achieving "without beginning and without end" awareness. Membership in Club Bliss. Guest of Honor at the Adoration by Saints Organization. Possess the only "I Am" membership in the exclusive Avatar Foundation sometimes known as the Beyond Beyond, Inc. PERSONAL Happily married with illusion and have many children. Enjoy giving prasad, fasting, cricket, marbles, and other Divine sports, including teasing, mind reading, humor, and universal compassion. Love spiritual themes and hearing ghazals and music and people saying they love Me.


REFERENCES Excellent references available upon request, including recommendations from the spiritually advanced.

AMBCSC Bulletin Board New Board Of Directors The Annual General Meeting of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California was held on Jan 26, 1991. A new Board of Directors was elected.The following members make up the new AMBCSC Board: John Stout, President Steve Berry, Vice-President/Membership Marco Swearingen, Secretary Rose Choi, Treasurer Fred Stankus, Publicity Jeff Maguire, Program Georgine Tarbox, Finance Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. Archives Rocky Rodgers, Service Sarah Dwyer was elected to the Board, but is unable to serve in that capacity this year; she will, however, serve as the Caretaker of the Center. In accordance with the Center bylaws, the Board accepted Sarah's resignation and elected Rocky Rodgers to the Board. Congratulations to the 1991 Board of Directors -- and a warm Baba "Thank you!" for your service to departing 1990 Board members Lois Jones, Bryan Drygas, Judy Anderson, Dina Franklin, Mehrnush Lorkalantari, and Christina Riley.

Sahavas Committee Report Katie Irani, one of Baba's women Mandali, will be our special Sahavas guest this year! To be held July 4 through July 7, at Pilgrim Pines, the Sahavas will also feature Jehangir Sukhadwalla and returning guest Rick Chapman. Katie will arrive in Los Angeles about one week before the Sahavas and stay for three weeks. Several events are planned; these will be announced through the phone tree and at gatherings. The planning for these events will be done by the Sahavas Committee and its subcommittees. All are invited to participate! The Sahavas Committee meets once monthly, year round: upcoming meetings are scheduled for the second Saturday of each month. 3 pm, at the Center. For those not local to Los Angeles, there are many tasks in which

you can participate both before and during the event, and we welcome your particpation! Write the Sahavas Committee care of the AMBCSC, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles 90025.

Meher Baba's Birthday Meher Baba's 97th birthday celebration was a happy occasion for about 100 Baba lovers who gathered at the International Student Center in Westwood. It was a joy to see so many of His lovers gathered together in good cheer and love, sharing home-eooked food, punch, and a beautiful birthday cake. Many contributed to the event, giving freely of their time and love. Planning. practice, and wholehearted participation made for a memorable program that allowed Baba to shine through and touch each heart with His love. This year we enjoyed the special treat of being able to remember Baba with prayers and seven "Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai's!" coincidentally with the corresponding celebration and remembrance held at Baba's tomb in India. The celebration there takes place at 5:00 am on February 25th, India time. The corresponding California time of 3:30 pm on the 24th fell right in the middle of our Sunday birthday party! Thanks to all of you who brought food, participated in the program, and donated the beautiful birthday cake. Thank you, Baba, for allowing us to come to share in Your birthday!

Congratulations Richard K. Mannis from Lake George, NY, was the first place Trip-to-India winner in the Mehermas Sweeps held last December. He and his wife Carol had been saving for their first pilgrimage: Baba gave them a little boost! Second prize, Lord Meher Vol. 5, was won by Karen Sterkin of Walnut Creek; third prize, Path ofLove, went to Michael Franklin of Los Angeles. Best Wishes to Raine and Bill EastmanGannett, who were married in Berkeley on Baba's Birthday. continued on last page


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All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. Beginning this quarter, we'll start our programs with a song or two by musicians in our community. If you have music, art, ideas, or requests for future programs, please contact Jeff Maguire at (213)545-3671.

APRIL EVENTS April 6, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE l\1EETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. April 6, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE ~'1GHT WITH CIllUS RIGER. The producer and editor of "Meher Baba's Call" and "The Ancient One" will show his films and reveal the trials, tribulations, and surprises Baba provided during their making. Music by Louise Bower. April 13, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUEST! TOM MOLINARO studied dance with Margaret Craske and met Beloved Baba in 1952, '56 and '58. A night you won't want to miss. Music by George Gerdes. April 20, Saturday, 8pm. SANSKARA: THE BOARD GAME. Yes, sooner or later it had to happen, and Roman Babiak was just the man to do it. Come play this fun-filled, actionpacked game Roman devised. Players move about a board and create a soap opera while t1]ing to balance their sanskaras and achieving God-Realization. (This is no joke! You'll be buying it in stores soon.) Music by Greg and Gay Dunn.


April 27, Saturday, 8pm. THE ROSE BAUER FILM FESTIVAL (AND SOl\1E BAllA MOVIEs). Rose, a USC filmmaker, will be showing her short films, starring Jacko Caraco, Lois Jones, Charlie Morton, Debbie and Michael

t 'i (1

Campagna" and Teri Adams. Come meet the director and mingle with the stars.

MAY EVENTS May 4, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE l\1EETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. May 4, Saturday, 8pm. GOD SPEAKS: FRED DISCUSSES. The inimitable Fred Stankus leads a discussion on selected passages from "God Speaks." Sure to be profound, provocative, and fun. Music by Rob Thornburn. May 11, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUEST! ADELE WOLKIN REl\1EMBERS IT ALL. Thirty-nine years and one day after meeting Baba, Adele is interviewed by Jeff Maguire. A first-hand account of the Avatar from one of His great gifts to our community. Music by Pris Haffenden.

MAY 14, Tuesday

THE RETURN OF BHAU KALCHURI! He said he wouldn't be back bu t Baba had other plans! Bhau flies into LAX today for a ten day stay. Infonnation regarding teas, talks and interviews will be forthcoming. May 18, Saturday, 8pm. BHAU KALCHURI TALKS! The Beloved's most well- traveled Mandali member is back to inspire. Music by "Johnny Kawal" Connor, debuting his new hit, "Toilet Tune." May 25, Saturday, 8pm. VIDEO TAPES AND/OR MOVIES OF THE BELOVED. We'll be screening some Baba gems tonight.



Ajang. Music by Gay and Greg Dunn.

June 1, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

June 15, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUEST! URSULA VAN BUSKIRK met Baba on March 7, 1966. Tonight she tells her tale of drama, international intrique, divine patience, and Avataric love. Music by Deborah Ashe and Michael Campagna.

June 1, Saturday, 8pm. HOW I CAME TO BABA: ROSE CHOI AND JOHN PAGE. In the mood for a good story? Come hear how Baba netted one of our center's newer members and one of our founding fathers. Music by Frank Fariborz. (Do you have a good story for a future night on this theme? Call Jeff Maguire.)

June 22, Saturday, 8pm. MANDALI HALL NIGHT. Capture the feeling of Mandali Hall. Share your favorite stories or readings; wear clothing suitable for floor sitting. Chai served at 7:30pm. Coordinated by John Stout. Music by Harry Thomas.

June 8, Saturday, 8pm. TAKING BABA TO WORK WITH YOU. Margaret rvfagnus moderates a discussion on "active meditation" in the workplace and how we can let Baba guide us in our jobs. Panel members will include Sam Ervin and Mahmoud

June 29, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT WITH FAMED RACONTEUR CHARLIE MORTON. Baba movies, recent stories of India from Charlie, and maybe even a surprise Sahavas guest or two. Best not to make other plans for tonight.

AREA MEETINGS There are area group meetings in Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548-2072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078.

Santa Barbara Baba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting times and locations call Dorma Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796.

Fresno Baba Group The Fresno Meher Baba group meets every first, second, and third Wednesday each month. For location and time call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877.

San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941.

Ojai Baba Group The Ojai Meher Baba group meets every other Sunday evening at 7pm. For location and other information call Marta Flores at (805) 646-8501.

Portland Baba Group The Portland group meets every Friday night. Discourses meetings are held every other Sunday afternoon, and a monthly meeting is held every month at the Wilson's house in Scotts Mill.


At the Bookstore Hopefully by the time you read this, the war in the Gulf will be winding down. Because of the events of the past three months, the bestseller in our bookstore has been Melzer Baba on War. This is a paperback,. 159 pages, $3, published by Ramakrishnan of Meher Era Books at the Pune Baba Center. It is a collection of Baba's works on war taken from over a dozen different books. In 1952 at Myrtle Beach, Filadel* asked Baba who were the authentic Saints of the West. Baba told them Catherine of Sienna, St. Francis, St. Augustine, St. John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila. He told them there were four holy places in Europe particularly connected with great spiritual work: St. Marks in Venice, a place on the Ugurian coast of Italy,

Having Trouble Finding the Time To Remember Your Master? Wonying Too Much About Not Being Happy? Now, Within Arm's Reach.,. TIle Southern California Avatar Meher Saba Center is proud to offer two new items from our growing collection. These fIne quality, quartz movement watches display Avatar Meher Saba's image and/or His timeless words tastefully reproduced in black and white. TIley feature a high quality gold-tone casing and your choice of black, white, or natural tan, stitched, all leather bands. A'battery is included. A great gift idea for Saba lovers and other friends. Only $39.95 each. Add $2.75 for shipping, California residents add 6.5 % sales tax. For gift wrapping and boxing add $1.50. Indicate face styIe and band color.

Assisi and Avila. Baba explained that it is the spiritual atmosphere, the quickened vibrations, that give value to the Shrine of Saints. We have just received from England a very special book about Teresa of Avila. entitled Gold in the Crucible, by Deidre Green. Teresa. who lived 1515-82, is recognized as one of the greatest of the ChrisThe Bookstore Now tian Mystics. Focusing on Has Mastercard Teresa not only as a mystic and Visa for orders but as a woman, the author over$20! draws us into the life of this remarkable and influential character, examining her place in the Western mystical tradition as well as addressing the issue of women's spirituality. An excellent and very readable book, 200 pages, paperback, $15.95. Closer to home ...Sheriar Press has just released The Ocean of Love - The Memoirs of Delia de Leon. Delia met Baba in London in the 305, along with Kitty Davy and Margaret Craske. She and her brother Jack were running the Theatre Q in Richmond, to which Baba paid a visit. She was also with Baba in Nasik in 1937, and on the Grand Tour of Italy with the rest of "The Girls". (Someone should make a movie of that magical Italian Interlude! Reading about it in Volume V of Lord Meher is fascinating!) Baba had sent a cable to London "If war breaks out, Margaret and Delia are to come to India". Margaret managed to get a visa by finding a young Indian boy she "had to escort home!" Delia was having difficulty getting official permission to leave, but then came another cable from Baba saying "Don't worry about it, stay there". So she did. Delia did not find out for a long time afterwards that Jack had cabled Baba asking Him not to let Delia go to India as their mother needed her in England! Baba's second cable to Delia was in answer to Jack's! Just before war broke out, Delia had the foresight to pack up all of her correspondence with Baba - He had written her some wondcrfulletters - and send it to Myrtle Beach for continued on page 14 * Baba's name for Filis and Adele

Avatar Meher Baba Trust The following excerpts are taken from a small pamphlet entitled "AVATARMEHER BABA TRUST Alunednagar - a brief sketch", beautifully written by Mani. "On several occasions over the years, Meher Baba remarked: 'Although the Universe is mine, 1own nothing in the worldly sense. 1 am the King of kings, and also the Faqir of fagirs. Even the Tomb wherein 1 have directed my body to be placed when 1 drop it, does not belong to me.' And so it was, since on the 6th of April 1959, Avatar Meher Baba created the AVATARMEHER BABA TRUST Alunednagar. He entrusted the Tomb and other Meherabad property, with its land and building, to the care and administration of ten trustees, enjoining them to carry out His wishes as specified by Him in the Trust Deed... "Beloved Baba never touched money, except when handing it individually to selected numbers of needy persons during His work with the poor from time to time. Like all things in illusion, money has served as an instrument for Baba's working, perhaps more so by the nature of its universality. It has also served as a medium for His lovers within to express their love in a practical form. Fortunate were they whose love offerings were accepted by Him, for not always did He do so. The offerings that were accepted flowed out from the perennial spring of His divine bounty to tend the various fields of His work under His personal direction and supervision. Primary was the one in His immediate proximity, which included the men and women who were blessed to give Him their all and live with Him in love and obedience. "Being the Compassionate Father and 'The Knower of the past, the present, and the future: Beloved Baba provided a practical way and a perpetual opportunity for His present and future lovers to share in carrying out the love-<:ommitments laid down by Him in the Trust Deed. It is a trust He has reposed in the trustees of His Trust and in His lovers everywhere. The trustees of the present time and those who will replace them in the future, are

!J{ope As the tree leans as it bends in the wind so, it must be bound and tied and straightened. Even God's creation needs support. Is a tree then more important than you and I? In all infInity no sparrow falls But the Almighty ohserves And restores it to its eventual home May 1 grow in spirit as does the tree Bound, disciplined and strong.

AnnNatkal (Mother of Lynn Maguire and Teri Adams )

the mechanics tending to the machinery of the Master's design; it is the love of His lovers which will always be its driving force." At this time in the calendar year, Meher Baba's designated beneficiaries are the recipients of Trust donations. Those beneficiaries who have passed away have their portion contributed to the maintenance of the Tomb and the Trust Estate. A Mani continues, "Thus, in His Love and compassion, Baba has also provided that the beneficiaries who now receive from the Trust shall in time become perennial donors to the Trust-unfathomable are the ways of the Beloved! "Those of you who can and wish to share in fulfilling the commitments laid down by Beloved Baba through the instrument of the Trust,' may do so--as preferred by the Trustthrough the local Trustwalla: Friends of the Meher Baba Trust c/o Lynne Berry 267 Hanover Drive Costa Mesa,. CA 92626 Quoted material copyright 1972, Avalar Meher Baba Trust, Ahmednagar, Maharastra, India.


Kitty Vignettes The early days; Bob and Jane; Teny Lucas by Caroline McDonald Everyone who has visited the Meher Baba "I was flabbergasted," Lucas said. "NoCenter in Myrtle Beach 'has a story to tell about body had ever asked me that. I told her I really Kitty Davy, the lady who for nearly half a cenwanted to finish school." tury has poured her heart and soul into "Baba would like you to do that," she keeping Baba's home in the West in immacusaid,"but I'm not sure where He wants you to late order. be, in Berkeley or Myrtle Beach." In the early days it is said that Kitty greetAt Kitty's instruction, Terry said she reed guests, cleaned cabins, laundered sheets, turned to see Kitty for four days in a row. Each and generally did whatever had to be done. If day Kitty was on the phone calling different something was needed for one of the cabins, community colleges in the Myrtle Beach area. Kitty simply ran back to Dilruba to get it. She told Terry "You should teach in a colShe always seemed to know exactly what lege or go to graduate school." was going on at any given time and was said On the third day Kitty told Terry to go to to have been everywhere at once. the beach and write a letter to Berkeley. On the fourth day she said, "You need to go to CaliforCaretakers Bob and Jane Brown swear that no matter how long or hard they had been nia. This isn't the place for you. And you need working, Kitty always showed up the minute to go now." Within nine days, Terry says, she was in they sat down for a break. Several years ago, San Francisco. Ironically, the professor she Jane said Kitty spotted them at break time two or three days in a row. "Don't you people ever planned to study with at Berkeley went back to work?!", she said. the East coast to teach. Instead of studying art Terry Lucas, who has been a California therapy, Terry said she discovered the family resident for 17 years, said Kitty was responsitherapy program at John F. Kennedy University. "It was like Baba talking to me," she said. ble for her move to the West and for her career as a family therapist. But now it seems that the rest of Kitty's Terry, a Virginia native, said she had deforecast may come true. On a recent trip to cided to manage a bookstore after graduating Myrtle Beach. Terry told Kitty she was thinkfrom college. She took a trip to Myrtle Beach to ing of moving to Myrtle Beach. "Oh yes, dear, I think it's time for you to say goodbye to Kitty and her friends before moving. come home," Kitty said. So Terry said she went directly to the Barn "Oh dear, you're much too bright to run a to have a chat with Baba." You don't want me bookstore," Kitty told her."What do you want to do?" to be in Myrtle," she says she said to Baba. "Yes, I do," was the reply. "No you don't," she answered. The Lamp Post regrets the following omis"Yes, I do..." sion (italicized) from last issue's report of the We shall see what happens! Service Committee's Thanksgiving work: The Service Committee provided 28 Thanksgiving Do you have a story ofKitty? We'd like to hear baskets for needy families. On Sunday, Navemand share it! Ifyou're busy or don't think you're ber 18th, 26 baskets were delivered to Second

Baptist Church's Friendship House, which distributed them to the families. The AMBCSC delivered

12 the remaining two directly to families.

a writer, you may simply send a summary ofyour story; we'll help get it on paper. Be sure to include your address and phone.

rrfie SansKgrU Wave A little child playing with his friends ... The Sanskaric Wave moves again. Like grains of sand sifting through consciousness The Sanskaric Wave moves on during sleep. Sometimes slowing until the movement is imperceptible, Other times erupting with frightening deliberateness. Yet always imprisoning the inner world of the being.


InfInite waves move through the being. The intensity is indescribable when alone in the wilderness. Maya in its purest form with only the human consciousness Of the Pilgrim at its center. The purity of undiluted Sanskaric Waves moving forth From the desert expanse. Each mountain crest reflecting the beige white waves Of cold fresh sanskaras, As can only be experienced in the purity of nature. Yet following the desert eruption The waves again recede in exquisite stillness. Peace reigns as never before, But alas--the inevitable return to the clutches of Maya.

Peace, War. I, You, Mine, Thine. Countless goals. Juggling the manyfold personalities of Maya. The Sanskaric Wave again builds to size Until the being is crushed in false death. But then, a calm lake surface--a deep slumber Caresses the being until... Once more the wave calls forth the allurements of Maya. The being cries and knows not from where consciousness emerged Or to where it journeys. It knows not the ultimate destiny of the vessel Which seems to toss interminably on the surface of the ocean, Unaware that it is destined to merge with the ocean depths Of its origin. Until the goal is reached The being is chained to innumerable lifetimes Each with its own special beauty and message. Yet the prison remains. So the being grows into its now life Until on misty morning a little child is playing with his friends... The Sanskaric Wave moves again. Fred Wiseman, Farmington, New Mexico


Understanding the Middle East Carl Ernst, who wrote this issue's lead article, and who recently spoke at the L.A. Center on background issues of the Gulf War, agreed to provide the Lamp Post with the following Middle East bibliography to help those who wish to deepen their acquaintance with the region's religion and culture. We are inundated with reports of current events and quick political analyses which, as Carl says, " is often superficial and also prone to bias and stereotyping". These readings can help us sort out the fact from the fiction. .

In the light of the truth of the unity of all, a co-operative and harmonious life becomes inevitable. Thus the chief task for those who set out to rebuild humanity after a great war is to do their utmost to dispel the spiritual ignorance that envelops humanity. AVATAR MEHER BABA

BOOKSTORE from page 10


safekeeping (unlike Margaret Craske's letters, which were all lost in the London Blitz.) Luckily for us, Delia did this, because these letters are all reproduced in full in her book. A well known compatriot of Delia's, Pete Townsend, has written a great introduction for her. Send for it now, The Ocean ofLove, paperback, 240 pages, $10. Those of you who live far away from Baba Centers, can not fly to India, and do not make it to any of the Sahavases held around the country throughout the year, have had no way of seeing all the delightful pictures, paintings, key chains, jewelry, T shirts, etc., that we have in our Bookstore. Well, if you have access to a VCR, all of that is now changed! We have made a video tape that is a tour of our Center (all two rooms of it!) giving you closeups of all the goodies we have for sale. The jewelry items are mostly inexpensive trinkets from Joy Meher, that wonderful little shop in the Trust Compound at Ahmednagar. They range from

A. J. Arberry, Aspects ofIswmic Civilization, University of Michigan, 1971, frequently reprinted. An excellent anthology of texts in translation. Hamid Enayat, Modern Iswmic Political Thought, University of Texas, 1985. A very in depth study of political theory. John Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, Oxford, 1988. A good .introduction to Islam. Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Venture ofIslam, 3 Vols., University of Chicago, 1974. By far the best and m~t sophisticated work available. James Kritzech, Anthology ofIslamic Literature, NAL, frequently reprinted. An enjoyable collection of readings. John Voll, Iswm: Continuity arui Change in the Modem World, Westview, 1985. Especially good on modern history.

5O-cent Baba buttons, $1.50 and up Baba pendants, and $4 key chains, to real peridot, garnet, and lapis lazuli necklaces for $12. Just in is a beautiful sterling silver, handmade pin that says "Meher Baba" in a simple script and measures 1-3/4" long by 3/4" high. It sells for $15.95, and we have 25 of them. We have many, many photos of Baba and His Mandali, some black and white, some colored, many of them already beautifully framed: We also have numerous posters, and a fine collection of photographic reproductions of the paintings of our East Coast Baba Lovers. Especially well represented are the wonderful portraits by Charlie Mills, the whimsical brightly colored paintings by "Wodin", and the mystical paintings by Tom Riley. If you would like to see this video to help you choose your purchases, drop us a line (attention Dina), and we will be happy to send it out to you - free of charge, of course. But we do ask of you - please keep it no longer than a week. and return it with your order. --Dina Franklin See you at the bookstore!

An Opinion

Letters Excerpt from a letter from Mani to Kitty Davy, 25 January 1991: ...listening to radio news is always an added reminder of you, Kitty. Right now we listen to it quite faithfully - beginning with the 5-30 A.M. BBC broadcast in the World service. (I"m up at 5. I turn on the pre-eommentaries, too.) We naturally look at it from the angle of Baba's words which we can recall. You remember, Kitty, how in Bangalore when the 2nd War was on, in answer to a comment from Norina during discussion among us, Baba said, "Do you think I would allow such a thing to happen if it were not absolutely necessary?" ?! And now at least one thing seems clear - the helplessness and hopelessness of today's war and its horrific possibilities will make people realise the dead-end of illusion and make them turn to God - nothing else has worked. When? We don't know. But our Beloved has told us of the time to come when the world will recognize Him, and its voice will in unison callout to Him for help and redemption... Much love Kitty dear from us each - to you and all our loved ones with you -

The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California exists in Meher Baba's name. All members and in general all people should be considered equal in their relationship to Baba. All functions and meetings connected with the Center should be open to to everyone. The programs as quarterly published in the Lamp Post, and special events posted on the phone tree or through flyers and announcements carry the intent that a certain effort is made to let each and all know that they are personally invited to every Centersponsored event. These simple ideas of equality for all, open meetings for all, and effort made to invite all should not be overlooked. Each and every one of us should make an effort to be open and clear in our goals when we carry out an activity in his name. These are Baba's activities for all to enjoy. --John Stout

Even the worst sinner can become a great saint if he has the courage and sincerity to invite a drastic and complete change of heart. AVATAR MEHER BABA


You 5' :Free You 5' Cjo[a "No one can understand God's purpose to His slave" I wrap You in my blanket of darkness I carry You with me, marching boldly to my

grave. I grieve, I mourn, I endure the scorn of the world, as I weep, You are awake! I am asleep! Lost in the marketplace of life, All humanity is screaming and yelling, Buying and selling, You stand naked with the key to all Reality.

Above the storm, beyond time I live out the ridiculous You are the sublime. Above the anger and frustration Above the strife of eve!)' nation You are the Lord of all Creation. You are the Golden Sun, I am the cloud, You are the Body, I am the shroud, In the marketplace of life, I am bought and sold. You are Free! You are Gold!

-Lynda Anne Van der Lynt


goa is everywfzere ana does everytfiing} goa is witfiin us ana k-nows everytfiing} goais witfiout us anasees everytfiing} goa is 6eyona us ana IS everytfiing. MEBEll.BABA

BULLETIN BOARD from page 7 Mail Order Cassette Library , For followers of Meher Baba in the u.s, The Ubrary contains talks from Sahavases and Center meetings. For more information write to AMBC-CL, p.o. Box 3233, Redondo Beach, CA 90277.

Contributions for the Lamp Post


AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025


Please share your artwork, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us, We are especially interested in contributions from children for an upcoming issue. Send sumissions to our new address, Greg and Gay DulU\ 3401 Dow Avenue, Redondo Beach. CA 90278. Deadline for Summer 91 issue: May 24. Thank you for your support and participation. Jai Baba!

Non路Profit Organization

U.S. Postage

PA I D Redondo Beach, CA Penn it No. 196



Bhaustock '91 Bhaustock '91 - The Second Intermittent Sierra Sahavas - took place May 26-'29 at Meher Alx>de, the residence of Chris,-Christi, and Zack Pearson, in Mariposa, California. More than 160 people attended, with the majority camping on the grounds in tents, or simply under the stars. The guest star of the gathering was, of course, Bhau Kalchuri, who gave several lengthy talks, several question and answer sessions, and commentaries during the singing of quawwalis by Johnny Quawwal (John Connor) and the Gopis (who variously included Rosalie Dunphy, Sarah Dwyer, Teri Adams, Lynn Maguire, Raine Eastrnan-Garmett, Karen Sterkin, and--mysteriously-Steve Berry). Harry Thomas, Herman Loew, and others accompanied on tablas. Jeff Maguire, a.k.a. Robert ("Bobby') Manonash, was Master of Ceremonies, and kept everyone richly entertained as he presented his unusual view of events, persons, and circumstances. He was accompanied by Ed (Fred Stankus) McMaya, who also doubled as the camp's human loudspeaker, perfecting the armouncer's art with actual mini-

renditions of forthcoming events. Particularly noteworthy was his preview limitation of a performance by Johnny Quawwal. A special treat was the performance of an excerpt from Francis Brabazon's play, "Being is Dying by Loving" by the Love Street Singers and Players from Northern California. Bhau, of course, related many stories from life with Baba, including one involving the Prophet Mohammed which Baba had used to clarify the relationship between individual free will and divine pr~rdination. A follower of Mohammed's, the story goes, was questioning the Prophet alx>ut free will. This person was unconvinced that he and others did not have charge of their actions and destinies, and challenged the Prophet to convince him with an explanation. Mohammed, after ignoring the man for some period of time, finally responded to his insistent demands by asking him to lift one leg in the air. The Prophet then resumed addressing the business and concerns of the day with his other followers and circle members. After a time the questioner grew perturbed wi th Mohammed and again continued on page 13

AVATARS by Georgene Tarbox

26 29 3 I

ACROSS 1. Blessed Virgin Mary was one. 3. No Avatars encouraged building this. 6. An Om point of the world per 7th Avatar (abbrev). 8. Someone from one of those 17999 other worlds (abbrev). 9. Person new to the game. 11. Bhau's self-description of his mind state. 12" 'incaITIalion.


13. Poet of the 7th Avatar might see this flightless bird. 16. Each Avatar does this to man's mind. 18. A regulator of those who spread God's Word by TV in the USA (abbrev). 19 Possessive pronoun which could never apply to the Avatar. 21. " is free to think of me and interpret my work. .. " -MB (abbrev). 22. Name of God-Man. 26. Place visited by the 7th Avatar six times (abbrcv). 27. "_ premarital sex"MB. 28. "_ befitting a fortunate slave' -Hafiz. 29. A favorite abode of many Avatars'. 30. Time of life when Avatars generally become enlightened. 31. 'God _ man, proclaiming Himself_ the Avatar' -MB, Highest of the High. 32. 'True Love is no game for the weak and fainthearted. is bom... ' -MB. 33. Repetitive (suffix). 34. This organ was not needed by disciple's of the 7th Avatar in his later years. 36. Consort of a God-Man. 39. 'I _ ' -Jc. 41. A spiritual help program developed during the 7th Avatars reign (abbrev). 42. Month in which the 5th Avatar was 3 months old in His country.

44. God-Marl45. God-Man. DOWN 1. Consort of God-Man. 2. ' _ ' one with god, a goal for everyone. 3. A cycle of cycles. 4. Spiritual status of puzzle entries 22A, 44A, 100, 150, 200, 220, 430, 41A. 5. Prefix for what the Mischievous Chicken began as. 6. All Avatars frown on these acts. 7. Number of real Gods in Scotland. 10. God-Man. 11. A hand warmer. 14. 'Don't try to understand ---' just love _" -MB. 15. God-Man. 17. Only the last Avatar could have had this type of frozen drink. 20. God-Man. 22. God-Marl23. Worn by the 7th Avatar in front of the Sphinx, (Cairo, 1933). 24. What the 'j.c. Superstar" cast would take down from the cross. 25. The 7th Avatar hit this with a stick. 35. Consort of God-Marl37. Type of pottery invented during the 5th Avatar's time. 38. Place in front of the 7th consort's porch. 40. Vehicle God uses to know Himself consciously. 42. Leftover from Ohuni. 43. God-Man.

solution on page 15

Meher Baba Says: by Thomas This piece was originally printed in a "free verse" layout in the June 1990 issue of Meher Baba Australia. Because ofspace limitations we are presenting it here as prose. We find Thomas's thoughts potent in either fomzat, and hope you will enjoy them, too.

"DON'T WORRY -- BE HAPPY." ... And people without knowledge of Him interpret this wrongly (I think). They read: "Take it easy, be cool, you're not supposed to struggle, just ignore whatever is troubling you and stay amused somehow.' But that is not it at all, really. A better interpretation would be something like this: The 'practice' (to which we are being called) is to dlOose happiness: to do the 'yoga' of real, unconditional happiness: to deliberately, and intelligently, even bravely, through an internal act of will, exercise our innate spirit-power, which is to return, right now, and in every moment, to a state of radiant sufficiency, already happy- even when confronted by every apparent 'reason' why we should contract from that happiness into doubt and selfconcern. It is to stand free, in the midst of all that, by the conscious action of just turning our thoughts to God, by remembering our inherence in God (and this through the mercy of having the God-Man to relate to.) We should do this always, but especially when negative experiences arise: remember what is (even then) truly a cause for celebration: our Knowing (such as it is!) that God actually exists, and that He has begun somehow to awaken we to His Reality. We must find the sensation of this remembrance -- this unconditional OK-ness - and from this state, begin to function as happiness. Not that we should close our eyes to what is difficult or disturbing in life: If anything, we are more present, more aware of suffering. But beneath it all we are (primely) happy, buoyed up from within (by the mere feeling of our

Zimmer existence - as consciousness), confident that our own (real) needs will always be met somehow, not upset because of what we can't change, or control, or have, not fearful about what might happen next, not dependent on any particular sign or response from life to make us feel OK. And thus--being happiness-we look with a full heart at the situation of others around us, and consider how we might serve as a true expression, an 'instrument', 9f continued page 16

Manonash & Kalchuri Square Off Over Missing Sanskaras Though many are aware ofBhau's recent visit to the West Coast, few know the inside story ofthe visit's origins. VVhat may have appeared to be a simple spiritual mission inspired by love was, in reality, the culmination ofa complex intrigue oflegal feints and thrusts, dtarges and counter-charges. The parrying began with a leHer to Kaldturi from Robert Milnonash, Attomey-at-large, (published in our VVinter '91 issue) accusing Bhau of absconding with several hundred thousand ofthe L.A. group's sanskaras when he flew back to India last summer. Gaiming that among the sanskaras in question were those required to make a decent living in illusion and that Bhau's theft resulted in unprecedented unemployment and financial distress in the LA. Baba community, Milnonash threatened Bhau with legal action and demanded that he appear in Los Angeles to answer the charges. The Mimonash letter opened up a large and effluvient am of "dirty stinking garbage" as is evident from the missives that followed, excerpts of which are published here for the first time.

because of this the Trust is losing 1 million dollars every day. The Trust will now file a suit against you claiming all the damages you have caused through your threat. Your case is without substance Mr. Man-o-nash and it is better now for you to come to some compromise so that you may not face any headache and I may also not face any headache. You forget about worldly law and take shelter under Divine Law. Under Divine Law the loss is gain and gain is loss. And therefore the Joss of sanskaras is the gain for you all. If you spend millions and millions of dollars you cannot lose even a single sanskara and you have already accepted that the LA group lost hundreds of thousands of sanskaras. Now imagine what a hardship it was for me to carrv hundreds of thousands of sanskaras fro~ LA. to the t .reshold of the Beloved at Meherabad. Now 1 realize why I was having back rail., !'leek pain and severe



From a letter by Bhau, dated 6 November, 1990: Dear Mr. Manonash, I received your official letter of Oct. 22 through Unscientific Beaucoup. (Ed. Note: This is Bhau's nickname for Will David who delivered the Manonash letter.) As the letter was brought by an unscientific man, it becomes unofficial and it loses its effect. In the eyes of the law it is considered an illegal threat and therefore you must be prepared to face the consequences. I am ready to appear before the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California along with John Connor, but the warrant must be sent through official channels and the accused persons must be arrested and brought before the court. This provision you did not make and therefore you have committed a crime punishable by law. The threat you made is a big crime and because of your threat John and I cannot eat, cannot sleep, cannot do any work, and cannot function normally. And


'I"""'riY pOOli':alial d



. ifania Illl1ll SaruMaOO. DoU.-....d d Soohan

Las Ansd... CA 90025 (213) 474-~54

This newslettCf iJ dc:aigned to keq> the Southern California Meller Boba community and friend> alreasl of Cen1er activities, and pre>vido a forum for contomp<Jl"y a<:colDl" of life wi1b Meher as


Guide. EdUorr: Greg and Gay Dunn PrograJrt OllwpenOfi: Jeff Maguiro eo.IriJH;/on, Lynoe Iktry, Milee Dolan, Heidi Doll, Dina Frank路 1in,Bhau KalcWri, loff Maguiro. Gc<qcne Tazbox, Adelo WoIkin, and Thomu Zimmer M<JiJi.,: ChriI and PriI Haffenden

PJ... _"" ollrwwrJe_-'<riDJ Io, Gr<g and Gay Dum 340 1 Dow AYtta.te RoOOn:Io Beach, CA 90278 (213) 371-&21 Pl.... -"" ~ doGItt:n;...buripIioft requna 10: Ptis llalfcmcn 3616-1/2 S. Ccuinda Avalue

Las Ansd... CA90066 (213) 390-2779 NlIiIbod quonaIy (J.." Apr, lui, Qd)

All cooten.. copyrighl 1991 by the A valar Moher Baba Center d Southern California, oxcep' wbe<e DOted.

9{purisfiment o Beloved Meher! Allow me a poem to express my heart. No ecstasy or raptures do I ask, But only the consuming flame of Desire. In Love's trials my heart basks.

The nourishment of His Words, His life, the nourishment from those dear to Him, Remembrances and stories of Avatar loosen the hold world has within.

Indeed there are realms of beauty unknown to the human mind, Yet, in my heart I shrink from them lest my eye Beauty blind.

"0 Lover! Accentuate the positive to eliminate the negative, an old tune I gave to all. Accentuate Me to eliminate you. Your journey will not be stalled.

Only the chains of Love are relished by a love-sick soul Who sees now clearer than day itself that You are the Real Goal.

"Now hear these words of Love: How I yearn to find a friend Who truly desires to know Me, who desires Real relationship to tend."

Let my heart be bound by Your Pleasure. Let it crave to win Your smile. What is time in the life of Love? Heart prays for acceptance of trials.

Beloved! My heart and mind You have captured. Let me be that one. Turn the key. Only Your Friendship is worth my time. I'm beholden only to Thee.

o friends! Within my heart He planted His Seed. By His Grace nourisrunent I took. It courses through my soul as a gentle bubbling brook.

headache from the time I boarded the plane in LA. It was because of the load of the burden of sanskaras on me and when I reached the threshold of the Beloved and dumped all those sanskaras at His feet I was relieved from the pain. If you want these sanskaras to be returned, you must observe fast and keep awake for 21 days. If you do this you will compensate for the pain I suffered. You will not get back your sanskaras because they are consumed in the fire but you will get the sanskaras of African monkeys so that those monkeys may get liberation. This will be your kind act and sacrifice for the monkeys. Know well, dear Man-o-nash,. that I

Heidi! What a glorious day it will be when you begin to love God. There is no suffering too great for the prize of true love for the Lord. H.M.Doll

collected the sanskaras of lust, greed, anger and selfishness and not the sanskaras of making a decent living because, as I've told you all along, "Happiness is a dream and misery is a dream. Then why not to see happy dream?" But it appears you could not follow it properly and you have the impression that I have taken away the sanskaras of making a decent living. This very impression is giving you a lot of trouble and therefore I tell you that you forget about the sanskaras 짜,d you will enjoy the Wine. I know that the Wine is very active in you all and it is the effect of the Wine which makes you think in this way. This is continued on page 7


Announcements Request for Articles, Poems, Stories: The Journal for Psychological and Spiritual Integration,. a sertu-annual journal addressing clinical, theoretiCal! and experiential issues in psychology and spirituality in light of Meher Baba's teachings, is seeking articles from Baba-lovers engaged in the mental health, helping professions, and related fields. Contributors include professionals in the mental health field (therapists, teachers, administrators), Baba-Iovers who are clients and patients in therapy, members of the mandali, and others. Our goal is to have a forum in print where Baba lovers who have some connection with or interest in the broad field of "mental health" can articulate and exchange their ideas, thoughts, insights, and experience. Please send your article or contact Jason Saffer for further information (271 South Wildwood, Hercules, CA 94547, Phone: 415/724-1571).

''It's not me helping you or you helping me, it's we helpi1lg us. " --A VA TAR MEllER BABA

The Meher Baba Self-Help Network


(formerly the Meher Baba Union for New Psychology) is a phone-and-pen-pal network of Baba-lovers and those: connected with Him, who have volunteered to make their "ears and hearts" compassionately available to those who may be opening to Meher Baba with an accompanying sense of isolation,. shame, or other emotional trauma (or the coming-to-awareness of previously buried trauma). We are a group of lay men and women,. as well a professional therapists, who function as "ordinary" volunteers. We claim no expertise, only a desire to be "Baba's ears and heart" for others. Many of us have been through our own deep traumas and wish to be as 路present for other sufferers as we can be, knowing that we are "nothing in ourselves", but can be "everything in Him", as He Wishes. Those who would like to avail themselves

of our network may contact us at: Meher Baba Self-Help Network 65 Royal Drive, #222 Piscataway, New Jersey 00854,. USA

Welcome to My World is a catalog-inpi-ogress of all the books, films, tapes, and organizations in the worldwide Meher Baba community. We need researchers to identify items to be included and reviewers to write short descriptions of these items. If you would like to recommend or review even one favorite item,. please write for our contributors' guidelines and current status. Welcome to My World, Whitehorse Productions, 805 West Moorhead Circle, Suite E, Boulder, Colorado 80303, USA. (303) 494-5342. Dana Field has moved. His new address is: Beverly Manor Convalescent Hospital 850 South Sunkist Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 (818) 962-3368 If you need further information call Mary Kay Shubat-Hage at (818) 918-7161.

DARLEGUNGEN lion MEHER BABA The German translation of Meher Baba's Discourses is now available in a hardback edition published by O.W. Barth Verlag of Munich. The list price for the book, of 446 pages, is DM 42, which we will quote for the first half of 1991 at USA $27.50 + $2.00 postage. It has been released by Companion Enterprises Limited. If you wish to place an order; make your check to Companion Enterprises Ltd. and mail: c/o Tureva Treuhand AG Splugenstrasse 10, CH 8002 Zurich, Switzerland Contributions for the lAmp Post Please share your artwork. poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. Send to Greg and \ Gay Dunn, 3401 Dow Ave., Redondo Beach, 90278 CA. The next deadline is August 25. Send donations directly to the AMBC of SC, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd,. Los Angeles, CA 90025. Thank you!

Share Your Experiences of Guruprasad Dr. Hoshang Bharucha is gathering accounts of notable experiences regarding Guruprasad from 1957 through 1969. If you wish to share your story, send it to: Dr. H.P. Bharucha Tashkentnagar, Navsare 3%445 Guj. India

His Wish Is Our Opportunity Many thanks to all contributors to Meher Baba's Trust. Several checks have been forwarded recently on behalf of our L.A. group, with the names of all donors listed. The funds will go toward the living expenses of the remaining beneficiaries, as designated by Beloved Baba. As Eruch says, it is the privilege of the

MANONASH vs. KAIJCHURl from page 5 nothing but intoxication and I feel moved by your intoxication. I must say that I like the LA group because this group belongs to the Beloved very closely. May the Beloved help all those who need help to serve His Cause and to serve the dear ones of the family who belong to Him and are working under the labor phase for Him. In His Love, Bhau On January 4, 1991, Manonash vo1lied back: ROBERT MANONASH Attorney At Large"No Cilse is too small...No fee is too large. " Dear Mr. Kalchuri, Sorry to take so long in responding to your November 9 missive but it's taken me these many months to find a thoroughly scientific person to serve this paper on you. I am confident that Shari Johnston, who holds a degree in some kind of math or science or music or some such, is the person I have been looking for and so this letter becomes legal and binding.

lovers or the Lord to fulfill His Wish in the Trust. Any and all who are inclined to donate in His Love may make checks payable to: FRIENDS OF THE MEHER BABA TRUST and forward to: Lynne Berry, Trustwalla 267 Hanover Drive Cos ta Mesa, CA 92626

Needs for the Meherazad Free Clinic Here is a list for pilgrims travelling over who wish to bring things-we need calciummagnesium, vitamin e, vitamin c. and vitamin b. Of course, the usual [needs for] pulmonary and antibiotic medicines stand, but only from samples, for they are too expensive. --Shelley (for Dr. Gailer)

In your letter you said that my threats had prevented you and Mr. Connor from. eating, sleeping, and getting work done and that this is costing the Trust a million dollars a day. Well, I have it on good authority that you have been eating and sleeping quite well and, as for not getting work done, everyone knows Jack Small does the bulk of the legal work over there. How else could you have taken all those extended vacations to the west over the years? You went on to say in your letter that you suffered neck and back pains on your trip back to India, pains which you attribute to the burden of carrying huge stacks of the L.A. group's sanskaras. Well, lest you contemplate sueing our group for your mental and physical discomfort, let me advise you that I have witnesses who are prepared to testify in a court of law that the sanskaras that caused you pain were almost certainly your own which had been immeasurably increased by all that rich food, strong coffee, and non-alcoholic brew that you consumed during your stay here. Obviously this case is mach too complex to be settled through the mails. We have no choice but to summon you and Mr. Connor to continued on page 14


Calendar All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. If you have music, art, ideas, or requests for future programs, please contact Jeff Maguire at (213)545-3671.

MORTON who will tell fantastic tales and show colorful slides of refurbishing Baba's Sarnadhi.


August 3, Saturday, 8pm. ART INSPIRED BY WVE. ESPECIALLY FOR CIIlLDREN! (Children of all ages of course). Will David, Teri Adams and Lynn Maguire will help the kids draw Baba (in all His many forms). We'll bring the paper; you bring colored pencils, crayons or felt pens. Special singalong by Gay and Greg Dunn, the only Baba-Newsletter-Publishing Guitar and Cello Duo in the World!

July 6. This is the one Saturday night of the year that the Center is closed, due to the annual Silence Day Sahavas at Pilgrim Pines with special guests Katie Irani, Jehangir Sukhadwalla, and Rick Chapman. For info call David McNeely at (213) 258-9887. July 13, Saturday, 8pm. A FAREWELL VlSIT WITH KATIE IRANI, longtime intimate disciple of Beloved Baba. (She first met Baba at the age of 3!) Katie leaves L.A. tomorrow. July 20, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUEST! ASPANDIAR VESALI was one of Baba's Prem Ashram boys. Visiting from Iran, Mr. Vesali's tales of his childhood with Baba are not to be missed. Music by Frank Fariborz. July 27, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIES OF BAllA WITH FAMED RACONTEUR CHARLIE

AUGUST EVENTS August 3, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

August 10, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUEST! ADELE WOLKIN REMEMBERS IT ALL, PART ll. Last May, Part I was so highly-acclaimed that we had to have a sequel. So once again,. Jeff Maguire interviews Adele about her remarkable meetings with Meher Baba. Music by Louise Bower. August 17, Saturday, 8pm. MANDALI HALL NIGHT. Capture the feeling of Mandali Hall. Share yo~r favorite stories or readings; wear

KATIE'S POST-SARA VAS SCHEDULE July 8, Monday,IO:OOam. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS tour. July 9. Tuesday, 7:30pm. POTLUCK DESSERT at Jacko Caraco's. 2243 E. live Oak, Los Angeles, (213) 462-7602. July 10, Wednesday. Rest.


July 11, Thursday 1:30 -4:30. LUNCHEON in the Rose Garden Room at the Huntington library. $10.00 per person.

July 12, Friday. Rest. July, 13, Saturday, 12 - 4:30pm. POTLUCK LUNCH at Dr. Mahmoud and Nasrin Ajang's. 3466 Hightide Dr., Rancho Palos Verdes, (213) 544-2878. July 13, Saturday, 8:00pm. RECEPTION FAREWELL at the Center. July 14, Sunday morning. FLIGHT TO TUCSON, time to be announced.

clothing suitable for floor sitting. Chai served at 7:30pm. Kawali music singalong with "The Gopis". Coordinated by John Stout. August 24, Saturday, 8pm. NUCLEAR PHYSICS, ILLUSION, AND SUFFERING. Only the inimitable Rocky Rodgers would tackle these three themes, much less try to link them. Come find out how and why he does it. Cosmic music by Richard Stermer. August 31, Saturday, 8pm. A SPECIAL MOVIE NIGHT. Special because guitarists extraordinaire Rob Thornbum and Rich Peikoff will improvise a soundtrack to tonight's silent films of our Silent Master, Meher Baba.

SEPTEMBER EVENTS September 7, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. September 7, 8pm. PORTRAITS OF TIlE AVATARS. Judy and Carl Ernst offer slides and dis-

cussion on the ways the Godmen have been portrayed in art throughout the ages. A very special night, assuming the Ernsts can make itthey are in Europe at the time of this printing. If they can't, we'll come up with something almost as exciting... September 14, 8pm. AD! K. lRANI REMEMBERED BY STEVE BERRY. Adi was an intimate disciple of Baba's from 1922 until his death in 1980. Steve Berry spent many hours with him and edited a book of his talks. Sure to be a night of humor and warm reminiscences. Come share any stories you have about Adi. September 21, 8pm. TIlE RETURN OF G U1TA NIGHT! Yes, Fred Stankus is back to share his ample food, humor, heart, and love for his Beloved Baba! September 28, 8pm. MOVIES OF TIlE nEWVED. Charlie Morton unspools some corkers. Music by Michael Campagna who's liable to try just about anything.

AREA MEETINGS There an> area group meetings in Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548-2072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078.

Santa narbara naba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting information call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796.

Fresno Daba Group The Fresno Meher Baba group meets every first, second, and third Wednesday each month. For location and time call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449~877.

San Diego Daba Group The San Diego Meher Baba group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941.

Ojai naba Group The Ojai Meher Baba group meets every other Sunday evening at 7pm. For location and other information call Marta Flores at (805) 646-8501.

Portland Daba Group The Portland group meets every Friday night. Disrourses meetings are held every other Sunday afternoon, and a Q'onthly meeting is held every month at the Wilson's house in Scotts Mill, (503) 873-2048.


clothing suitable for floor sitting. Chai served at 7:30pm. Kawali music singalong with "The Gopis". Coordinated by John Stout. August 24, Saturday, 8pm. NUCLEAR PHYSICS, ILLUSION, AND SUFFERING. Only the inimitable Rocky Rodgers would tackle these three themes, much less try to link them. Come find out how and why he does it. Cosmic music by Richard Stermer. August 31, Saturday, 8pm. A SPECIAL MOVIE NIGHT. Special because guitarists extraordinaire Rob Thornburn and Rich Peikoff will improvise a soundtrack to tonight's silent films of our Silent Master, Meher Baba.

SEPTEMBER EVENTS September 7, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. September 7, 8pm. PORTRAITS OF THE AVATARS. Judy and Carl Ernst offer slides and dis-

cussion on the ways the Godmen have been portrayed in art throughout the ages. A very special night, assuming the Ernsts can make itthey are in Europe at the time of this printing. H they can't, we'll come up with something almost as exciting... September 14, 8pm. ADI K. IRANI REMEMBERED BY STEVE BERRY. Adi was an intimate disciple of Baba's from 1922 until his death in 1980. Steve Berry spent many hours with him and edited a book of his talks. Sure to be a night of humor and warm reminiscences. Come share any stories you have about Adi. September 21, 8pm. THE RETURN OF GUTTA NIGHT! Yes, Fred Stankus is back to share his ample food, humor, heart, and love for his Beloved Baba! September 28, 8pm. MOVIES OF THE BEWVED. Charlie Morton unspools some corkers. Music by Michael Campagna who's liable to try just about anything.

AREA MEETINGS There an> area group meetings in Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548-2072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078.

Santa Barbara Baba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting information call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796.

Fresno Baba Group The Fresno Meher Baba group meets every first, second, and third Wednesday each month. For location and time call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449~877.

San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941.

Ojai Baba Group The Ojai Meher Baba group meets every other Sunday evening at 7pm. For location and other information call Marta Flores at (805) 646-8501.

Portland Baba Group The Portland group meets every Friday night. Discourses meetings are held every other Sunday afternoon, and a ~onthly meeting is held every month at the Wilson's house in Scotts Mill, (503) 873-2048.


At the Bookstore A wonderful surprise came to us a few weeks ago. (Working in the Bookstore certainly puts me in a great position for seeing what's new and exciting in the Baba world!) Teresa and Michael Kiser, a young married couple living in Missouri, have been Baba lovers for some years now. Recently they found themselves somewhat on the down side of one of life's rollercoasters. But along with the "kicks" , Baba always

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~ gives us the "kiss", and thus the Idea was formed that they should make available to all the very beautiful and artistic cards that hitherto only the Mandali and other dear friends had seen. Teresa tells us she gets much pleasure working on these greeting cards, so much Baba love goes into making them. The inside of the 5 x 7 cards is blank "-so they are suitable for all occasions, but oIl, the outside! Each card takes about an hour to make. The reproduction above doesn't begin to do justice to them--they are so colorful, with intricate embossed gold scroll work around the letters and designs, painted in watercolors, with glitters, sparkles, and sometimes photos of Baba. Each one is different. The "Have a Baba Filled Birthday" cards sell for $3.25 and the others, with such sayings as "Lord Meher", "Baba is Love", "Baba I love you", "Meher is Lord", and "Baba Loves You" are $2.75 each. All are done on white cardstock, and include an envelope. There is often a


predominant color scheme, so if you have a color preference, state first and second choices. When I first showed these. cards at our Center, everyone was ooohing and aaahing over them, and someone suggested a lovely idea: when giving one as a gift, give a frame to go along with it! They are so beautiful, it's a shame to let them languish in a drawer after the occasion is over. Teresa tells us she is now working on Christmas cards, so keep that in mind for those special people come December. As a "stop the press" bulletin in our last issue we flashed the news that we now take Visa and Mastercard. However, we do ask that the minimum order you charge is $4.0. (To make all the added costs to us from the card company worthwhile.) We hope our "credit card readiness" will make it easier for you to get up a library of the video tapes of our Beloved, now that the prices have dropped so dramatically. We are also getting quite a collection of reminiscences of life with Baba: by His sister Mani, His chief interpreter Eruch, His driver Padri, and the "Frivolous Three", as Baba called Delia DeLeon, Kitty Davy, and Margaret Craske. Also in the Spring issue, we had piqued your interest with news of the forthcoming publication of the memoirs of Delia DeLeon, entitled Ocean ofLooe. Unfortunately, that news was a little premature; we apologize to those of you who were disappointed. However, we believe we can say, barring any other unforeseen happenings, that the book should be available late July. Paperback, 240 pgs. $10. One of the leading designers of Meher Baba T-Shirts is now residing on the West Coast. Myrtle Beach had Andrea Winzimer for a long time, but she is now with us, happily painting her exquisite tees. The" Andrea Tees" are recognizable the world over. I saw a number of them at the Pilgrim Center in Meherabad: there is now a certain cachet to owning one! "Oh, you have an Andrea's Tees, too...aren't they beautiful?!" < Some friends in England placed an order with us, saying "I want one just like she painted for _." Andrea remembered which it was and painted it for them.

When out in public wearing "Baba's Garden"/ which is a wonderful rendering of the Meherazad garden. I am stopped frequently by strangers who compliment me on it. Andrea/s tees are $24 for M. L, and XL, and $18 for children/s sizes. They cover such subjects as the SarnadhL Seclusion Hill, Baba's Garden. and Baha/s Chair. Incredibly beautiful is the night time version of the Samadhi, (done on a black T-shirt) with the stars overhead. Sometimes Andrea adds writing: "Begin the Beguine"/ "Baba is Love", "Don/t Worry Be Happy"/ etc. She also can create a design just for you. When ordering specify firSt and second choices of subject matter and predominant color. Our other t-shirt painter extraordinaire, Bob Fredericks of Chicago, is working on a consignment for our Sahavas in July. H we have any left over, we will run a special page of tees in our next issue, for those of you who were not able to attend. When my mother, Diana Snow, came for her yearly visit to Los Angeles from her home on Keil Mountain (atop which sits Avatar's Abode), she brought with her some letters from, and papers of, Francis Brabazon. Among them was a very beautiful poem which we believe has never before been published. In the early days the poem was put to music, and Mother told me she was singing it when her car ran off the road and rolled over three times!!! She fervently believes she is alive today because she was singing to the Beloved! Maybe we have discovered a novel form of life insuraoce-always have a Baba tape playing in your car! It is also "after life" insurance, as Baba has said,"Whosoever takes My name at the time of breathing his last comes to Me." What inso/aoce company can give such a guarantee, whpe offering so much pleasure, and at such a lo~ cost?! We have at least 36 singing and SNaking tapes to choose from. plus an extensive lending library of talks that were taped at past Sahavas" and at the Center when we had visiting luminaries. Larry Fletcher is in charge of the library, so you can write to him at the Center for full information as to what is available and for procedures. H you would like a copy of our April /91

price list with all our stocks of books, videos, t-shirts/ tapes/ and other items, drop me a line or call me at (213) 837-6419. Till next time...See you. At the Bookstore -Dina Franklin

I Sang a Song

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. by Francis Brabazon

I sang a song in early spring, a song each lover sings. Then summer came with its hot flame and burnt my young song/swings. I sang again - a smoldering tune in a new key and fashion Till summer's heat changed to winter's sleet, and with it died my passion. And from the ashes of my song arose a Phoenix singing -A song of flame of Meher/s Name: to you this song I'm bringing. A song of flame, yet very cool, as is an evening sky: A song that leaps, yet love's seal keeps imprisoned in a sigh. A song of flame? No, a few drops from His Flood of compassion That have over-spilled and my cup filled and drowned me in its ocean. So listen kindly to my song it/s all I have to give you: These drops of flame < of Meher's Name -when I have done I'll leave you.


ized soul, in a non-Avataric Age? 5. According to Baba. the number of Perfect MaBy Greg Dunn jzoobs (non-Sadguru God-realized souls) alternates in number between seven and three In the great tradition in each successive Age of a Cycle. There are of counting angels on pinseven Perfect Majzoobs in odd-numbered heads, we offer the followcycles and three in even-numbered cycles. ing exercises for those The 11th (Avataric) cycle is an exception: desiring to exhaust those this cycle has only six Perfect Majzoobs. last few mathematics a. How many Perfect Majzoobs are there in a impressions. They may Cycle? also prove useful to those aspiring to assist the b. What is the ratio of Perf~t Majzoobs in an Avatar in the counting of universes in some average Age to God-realized souls in future Advent. The source for the numbers in human form in any given Age? the following material is God Speaks by Meher 6. According to Baba. there are always exactly Baba. 2nd Edition, pp. 271-273. five Perfect Masters in every Age. Besides 1. According to Meher Baha, time in the Cosmic the Perfect Masters, there are 56 Majzoobs-eIllusion is divided into Cycles measured in Kamil whom Baha describes as the "sleephuman terms as "about 700" to "about 1400" ing" or "inactive" partners in the conduct of years. In each cycle of time there are eleven the divine sport (lila) of Creation. Ages of 65 to 125 years each. a. What is the ratio of Perfect Masters in a a. If every Age in a given Cycle were 125 cycle to Majzoobs-e-Kamil in a Cycle? years long, how long would that Cycle be? b. Considering that the Avatar, like the b. If every Age in a given Cycle were 65 years Perfect Masters, is an active participant in long, how long would that Cycle be? the lila, what is the relationship of active 2. Baba said there are 7000 members of the functo inactive partners? tioning spiritual hierarchy for a particular 7. Dro~souls come into their illusory existence age. Of that 7000, 5600 are either on the first when God's whim to know Himself rocks plane or between planes. the Ocean of Unconscious Divinity. They deWhat percentage of the spiritual hierarchy repart that existence when they become sides on a definite plane other than the first? merged into Conscious Divinity at the end 3. Only eight members of the spiritual hierarchy of their spiritual journey. (three Majzoobs in the body, and five Perfect a. If the rate of entrance (ingress) of Masters) are God Realized. In the Avataric dro~souls into the musion exceeds the Age of a Cycle, this number rises to nine by rate of exit (egress), what happens to the virtue of the Avatar's incarnation. number of dro~souls in the illusion? a. What percentage of the spiritual hierarchy b. If the rate of exit (egress) of dro~souls is God-Realized in a non-Avataric Age? into the illusion exceeds the rate of b. By what percenhlge does the percentage of entrance (ingress), what happens to the God-Realized souls in the spiritual number of dro~souls in the rn~sion? hierarchy rise in an Avataric Age? c. During the process of Mahapralaya. the 4. According to Baba. there are 56 God-realized inbreathing of the musion by God, which souls (Shiv-Abnas) in human form on earth. would you expect to be higher, the rate of at all times and in all Ages. Of these 56 only egress of dro~ouls from the musio", or eight have public recognition and function the rate of ingress of drop~souls into the as active members of the functioning spirimusion? tual hierarchy. d. Is the destruction of illusion a good thing How many non-hierarchy God-Realized or a had thing? • 12 souls are there for each hierarchy God-Real-

Nerd's Corner

Answers on page 14

BHA USTOCK from page 1 demanded an explanation. this time with his impatience rising. With the questioner still holding one leg in the air, Mohammed instructed him to lift his other leg! "What do you ask!" the man said. I come for an explanation and you give me this silly exercise! Again I ask, and you respond by asking me to lift my second leg, which of course I cannot do. I would fall on the ground! What is the meaning of this!?" Mohammed then proceeded to explain to the man that an individual's free will is "like the questioner's power to move the first leg he had lifted in the air. He can move that leg all about, but actually all his movement is constrained by the requirement that his other leg be firmly planted in one spot. This, Mohammed explained, was the relationship between individual and divine will: The man's ability to move one leg was like his free will; the requirement, enforced by by natural law, that his

other leg remain firmly planted, was like the expression of divine will. The individual appears to have great freedom to move about, but in reality his movements are firmly connected to and constrained by the divine will. He is as incapable of freeing himself from the constraints and protection of that divine will as he is of lifting both legs into the air at once! On Sunday night, before Monday's midday close of the gathering, a dhuni was held, highlighted by Ehau's invocation to God to place his blessing upon the gathering. Music was provided by David Miotke, Hugh MacDonald, Margaret Bernstein, Raine Eastman~annett, and several others; and the celebrations continued well into the night. At six the next morning this reporter discovered nearly a dozen campers rolled up in sleeping bags and lined up like so many premium cigars on the ground surrounding the dhuni. It was almost as though they were awaiting their



continued on next page


BHA US TOCK from page 13

MANONASH ..s. KALCHURI from pg. 7

opportunity to be lit once again by the fire of longing! Mark Palmer from Palmerazad, illinois was also found in attendance at Bhaustock '91. He remained quiet and unassuming throughout the event, but one could not help but wonder what wheels were turning inside that head. Others came from as far away as France! The gathering was, of course, amply attended by the New Humanity. Children were everywhere in evidence, lending their energy, innocence, and mischievousness to the ambience. A "Nintendo tent" was provided for the expenditure and winding up of digital conquest impressions. This tent had rather the air of a military field headquarters, and there seemed always to be a good deal of serious work taking place behind its canvas flaps. Three open-roof privies and a pair of outdoor showers expertly constructed by Chris and Zack Pearson, supplemented by two rented port-a-potties, provided for the bodily needs of the attendees. One had only to visit any of the privies on the last day of the sahavas to appreciate in a highly tangible way the magnitude and significance of the event- (See Bhau and Bobby letters, page 14, bottom.) We all, I am sure, want to express our appreciation to Bhau for coming; and also to echo the appreciation he expressed to all who contributed to make this event possible: Chris, Christi, Zack, Jacko (Bhau's Los Angeles host), Jeff Maguire, Lois Jones (dinner set up and cleanup coordinator), and the many others who made this event possible. Chris, Christi, and Zack, of course, particularly extended themselves by hosting the gathering, sparing no effort to make both guests and attendees comfortable and happy, and trusting Baba to keep their relations with the local townspeople on an even keel. Only He knows what is in store for Meher Abode and the Sierra Sahavas in the future. U it were left to a vote of the Bhaustack '91 attendees, we'd be back every year! Jai Baba! •

Los Angeles where we can deal with this faceto-face. In the interest of expediting this matter so that we can all get on with our work, I would like to propose a plea bargaining arrangement. U you agree to plead guilty to all charges against you, I can arrange for you to serve an extremely light sentence. All you have to do is appear in Los Angeles before June 1, 1991. You will be met at Los Angeles International Airport and taken into custody. From there you will be transported to a minimumsecurity cell in the Hollywood Hills in the home of Jacko Carraco. After a brief trial before the L.A. Baba Community which will last perhaps a week, you will be sentenced to three days of hard oratory in Mariposa, California. Having served your time there, you will be continued next page

ANSWERS TO COSMIC MATH PRIMER from page 11 1a. 11*125-1375. b.ll*65-715. 2. (7000·5600)!7000 - .2 - 20% 3a. B{7000 - 0.001142857142857 - .1143%; slight more than 1/10 of 1%. b. The increase is (9/8)· 1 - .125 • 12.5%

4. 48/8 - 6 Sa. 7 Majzoobs* 5 Ages + 3 Majzoobs * 5 Ages + 6 MajZoobs * 1 Age - 56 b.

No.Pertect Majzoobs in avg. Age 56/11 - 5.090909 Ratio -

No. God-realized souls in any given age



Sa. 55/56 - 0.9821428571429. b. 56/56-1 7a. It goes up. b. It goes down. c. I'd say the rate 01 egress. d. This is a political issue and therefore outside the purview of Nerd's Comer. Happy calculating!

released to Mr. Connor and your freedom will be restored. I believe that if you think hard about this offer, Mr. Kalchuri, you'll see that it is a generous one. I doubt if you'd get this kind of leniency from, say, the Myrtle Beach Baba community or the Sufis. Please let me know if you choose to accept this offer so that I can stop extradition proceedings between the U.s. and Indian governments. Thank you. Have a nice day. In His Love, Robert Manonash, Esq. Bllau's reply 0/2 Feb. 1991:

My dear Robert Manonash, KALCHURI I received your letter through your representative, Shari Johnston, who holds degrees in Math, Science, and Music. I am amazed to see that your legal representative has become a mastaru. She has forgotten the math, science, and music SOLUTION TO AVATAR and it appears as if CROSSWORD she is in the astral world. I therefore presume that you lost the case and there is no case against me. leannot appear before the LA group for the passing of a light sentence, but I am really very generous. I feel that because you have lost, you are heartbroken and therefore to assemble the pieces of your heart I decide to visit LA. You have lost your




case but do not feel miserable. I will not bring back the sanskaras and therefore you need not worry. I will bring empty suitcases and you have to fill them with coffee, non-alcholic brew, and rich food so that I may not eat the food from European countries and empty the bags there so that I may bring their sanskaras to Meherabad in my suitcases. You preserve your sanskaras and I think it is a good deal. This time there will not be any talk abou t sanskaras. We will talk about food so that you may not have any room to file a suit against me. You have made my path clear and there will be no binding on you. But I must admit that in a way you have won the case because I am visiting LA because of your persuasion. You are victorious and although I have won the case I have lost it. FDSTSCRIPT: On May 13, 1991, Bhau and John Connor arrived at LAX and were taken into custody. After an eight day trial, Bhau pleaded guilty. For his sentenc~ Bhau was ordered to take to Baba's Sarnadhi a paper bag into which the members of the LA group dumped thousands of horrible sanskaras continued on last page


IXJN'T WORRY from page 3 this wonderful prospect, or process, of Awakening, so that it becomes just a little bit more accessible for everyone." This is the practice then - this inner action this choice -- and it is a struggle, it is not a negation of struggle. It is the very struggle that leads to the goal (of mastery, and union with the Divine.) Moreover, we find that to do any less than this, to forget to remember (and abide in) the' all-sufficiency' of God, when facing the crush of events and circumstances, is to allow worry (which is the pull of personal thinking, desires, and reactions), to dlOose us, so to speak. And catching us up in endless complications, maintaining its control over us by a kind of natural law, until (at last) we realize: the problems are never solved, circumstances will neper be made perfect, Life is never' fixed up'. Only: we decide to choose_happiness -- now - and by this practice build ourselves a whole new life there, in that "already harpy" rlace,

which (in time) outshines the old, dissolves the 'dream' (the illusion of separation) perfectly. And if death intervenes before the process is complete -So what?! "Don't worry - Be happy." •

MANONAS/f vs. KALC/fURJ from page 15 (Note: We were careful to hang onto those sanskaras required to make a decent living and shortly thereafter a member of our Board who'd been tmemployed for over a year got a job') Since Bhau is carrying our bag allover Europe for six weeks prior to his return to India, we express our sympathy to all those European Baba Lovers who must be wondering where the awful stink is coming from Meanwhile, rumor has it that Robert Manonash is contemplating another suit against Mr. Kalchuri on behalf of the Big Oak Septic Co of Mariposa, CA •

Those who do not dare to love Me, seek saJety all the shores. You who have been loving Me are swimming in this Diville DeeaT'. Love Me more alld more tiU you get drowned ill Me. Dive deep alld you will gain the priceless pearl oj infinite OIIeness.

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025


Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage

PAI0 Redondo Beach, CA Penn It No. 196



Love Holds The Key... A Profile of Kitty Davy by Hilda Lee Dail, Ph.D.

[Editor's note: The following is an abridgment of an article which first appeared in Alternatives magazine following the occasion of Kitty Davy's 98th birthday. Kitty, much to the delight of all who have the good fortune to know or know ofher, has recently attained the remarkable age of 100. So that Kitty's many friends and admirers may, on this magnificent occasion, pay her at least an inner visit, we reprint a portion of Dr. Dail's beautiful portrait here.] On August 28, 1988, Kitty Davy began the 98th year of her life. In preparation for this event I found her on a recent morning dressed carefully in slacks and a soft lavender blouse with a jaunty scarf across her shoulders. A tiny -green design in the scarf coordinated with the Chinese jade necklace and dangling earrings. She sat with a quiet dignity behind the desk at her home that borders Briarcliffe Acres and the Meher Spiritual Center. She has been living here since 1952 when she came to assist Elizabeth Chapin Patterson in operating Meher Spiritual Center. Born in Lpndon, England, Kitty still speaks with a cultured English accent and maintains her British citizenship. She came to Myrtle Beach directly from Nasik, India,

where she had been living for 18 years as resident of an ashram (a spiritual retreat center) founded by an Indian spiritual master of Persian background known as Meher Baba. Kitty's father was a prosperous publisher. Early in her life she decided to be a music teacher. In London,. at St. Paul's School, her piano pupils were seven to 13 years old. In developing her career, she came to America for special training in Boston in the Fletcher method, focusing on inspiring a love of music in pupils and encouraging spontaneity and en~ thusiasm. She loved her"children" and enjoyed teaching. In 1931 a big change took place in her life: she met Meher Baba. She was struck by his message of love as translated in service to others. "When I saw him for the first time, I felt I wanted to de something. Baba told us that he had not come to teach but to awaken to a new consciousness of Truth. 'Mastery in Servitude' was his motto. We were taught to obey first, and that love is the only reality. Knowing what is illusion and what is reality is our task. Baba did not come to start a new religion but to increase our conStiousness. Christianity means much more to me now. life is giving out, not taking away." continued on page 16

Beacons in the Smog By Greg Dunn


Every summer Baba reminds us in Southern California why we endure the choking smog, gang wars, stratospheric housing costs, we-never-close traffic jams, freeway shootings, and taxes which constitute the considerable thorn of life in the Golden State. There are plenty of places where you can send your kids to better schools, play in better parks, breathe better air, and drink better water. You can drive home to a bigger, or newer, or betterlooking house (or just a house to begin with!) through uncluttered neighborhood down streets where you can actually see the curbs. You can park without fear of missing an obscure and convoluted parking restriction posted on a sign half a block away and hidden behind a truck. Just when the accumulated aggravation is about to boil over, Bhau Kalchuri pays a visit. Or may-be it's Espandiar Vesali (one of the Prem Ashram boys); or Katie Irani; or Franey Irani. Or perhaps, as happened this summer, it's all four of the above! Almost continuously for the entire summer, one or more of these Baba messengers were here sharing themselves with us. Suddenly L.A. became beautiful again! We have previously reported the visit by Bhau. For the annual Silence Day Sahavas we had the great pleasure and inspiration of the company of both Katie and Espandiar. Katie arrived nearly two weeks in advance of the Sahavas and prOvided the impetus for numerous and varied gatherings in Baba's name, love, and light. She seemed to embody the loving, gentle, jamali side of our Master, and many people commented upon the special quality of gentle love that characterized this year's Sahavas. A physical barrier of language proved little obstacle to communication when Espandiar spoke with us. Espandiar's early education was marked, not by a deification of the "three R's", but by the Diety Himself teaching the fundamentals of love for God! Imagine the

change in our planet if this were made the universal educational priority! Franey Irani, the widow of Adi Jr., Baba's younger brother, is in the process of moving from London to Albuquerque, New Mexico, so we hope to see more of her in the future. It was interesting to hear her stories in combination with Katie's, since both were close ones of

Nasreen Ajang ~eft) and daughter Pam (right) with Katie. The Ajangs have hosted many gatherings with our guests.

Baba's who nonetheless lived a "western style" life in the world: Katie with her long career in the Japanese diplomatic organization in Born-bay, and Franey with her varied life in London. Katie related how Baba would ask, during her periodic visits to Meherazad, for details of her life at work in Bombay. He would want to know about her relationship with her bosses, and about any amusing happenings. It was as if He were emphasizing that she should keep herself constantly attentive and alert to the spice of life in whatever form He chose for her. We all express our heartfelt thanks to Katie, Franey, Espandiar, and Bhau for giving so much of themselves to us. They are the leavening of our Baba loaf; they are our lighthouses in the smog. All please come again soon! Thanks also to all those in our local group who saw to their needs, dedicating their time, money, talents, and energies to make the visits and gatherings a success.

31.1@1".*~ ~@1".*~ 31S~t.*~

Letter from Bhau

~@1".*~ 13 August, 1991

drops are getting holes by the needle of the Beloved this process is there to merge the We arrived here on 26th July in the afterdrops in the Ocean. The Ocean is very active noon and immediately went to Beloved Baba's in you all and because the Ocean is active the Tomb at Meherabad. We stayed at Ahmeddrops are facing difficulties and hardships. nagar with the packet of sanskaras from the But what a game the Beloved is playing! He LA group and two garlands...The sanskaras Himself is suffering within you all and He is were offered at the feet of the Beloved in His longing to manifest Himself within you. Tomb with a wholehearted prayer that He Know well that the Beloved is very should keep His loving nazar (glance) on all pleased with you and therefore do not forget who had sent their binding sanskaras. to offer your smile and the tears to Him and He will then be most happy. The packet of was empty but the stink of the sanskaras was in it, and I had to retain One can offer tears to Him very easily but that packet till 12th of August to consume it in everyone forgets to offer his smile to Him. the flame of the dhuni. And therefore you all loved ones of the ...Yesterday was the 12th and we were at Beloved remember - you offer your smiles as Meherabad when the dhuni was lighted in the well as your tears to Him. Submit the account evening. I took that packet with me and I of Your daily life to Him everyday and do not sprinkled one bottle of perfume on the packet have the headache of keeping the long so that no one would smell the stink there.. .I account. Just offer Him the account everyday dropped the packet into the fire with a prayer and He will balance your account most to Beloved Baba that He should see that all willingly. these sanskaras are consumed in the flame of I love you all; and my companion John did not forget the intoxication he had in LA His fire so that His dear ones should be free from the bindings of those sanskaras. and Mariposa. People talk about the happiness of heaven but that I did my duty and now it is for the Beloved to give happiness was nothing Now it is for the Beloved to before the bliss of paradise you all His prasad of Love give you all His prasad of and make a road for you all we had in LA and Mariposa. Love and make a road for you The angels can only enjoy the to walk easily and comfortaall to walk easily and bly to His Abode while highest happiness, but the comfortably to His Abode lovers of the Beloved enjoy eating ice cream. bliss, and there is a world of .. .I cannot express how while eating ice cream. happy I was in LA and difference between happiness and bliss. Happiness Mariposa. I can only salute keeps one bound while bliss makes one free your love for the Beloved. I simply feel from the bindings. touched and I cannot imagine how you all So dear ones, go on singing in His Love remained free during my stay there. You and go on dancing to the tune of His mood forgot your work, you forgot your responsiand wish, and remain intoxicated while bilities and you forgot the world and reattending to your responsibilities in the world mained thirsty to drink even a drop of Wine in order to please Him. You are all blessed from His Tavern. I found there that it was raining and the house was burning! Who will ones. I love you all. With all love and Jai Baba to you all in believe this? But this was a fact. This was my experience in Mariposa and LA. BelovedBaba. In His Love, I should say that you all are not only fortunate but also blessed, and though the Bhau

My dearest Jeff (Bobby Manonash) and all the dear ones of LA Center,


"The Avatar Meher Baba Trust Runs on Love" by Mani S. Irani

(The following talk was given by Mani in response to a question about the Trust. It was given in March, 1987 at Meherazad.) Avatar Meher Baba Trust runs on loveBaba's love, and nothing else - which is what makes it tolerable for persons like me to spend so many hours working at the Trust Office in Ahmednagar, conducting its administration with the help of the willing hands and hearts of His lovers whom He has sent here in His Compassion for us. The wheels of His Trust are kept moving only by the donations given from the hearts of His lovers, and which are utilized for the purposes specified by the donors within the scope of the objects which Beloved Baba has entrusted His Trustees to carry out, as enumerated in the Trust Deed executed by Him in 1959. THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publication of th. Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Loa AnSel.., CA 9002S (213) 474-94S4

This newsletter is designed to keep the Southern California Mehcr Baba community and friends abreast of Center activities, and to provide a fonnn for oomlempOruy accounts of life with Meher Baba .. Guide. EtliIon: (hs and Oay Dunn Pro,,,,,,, Cltlliq<no.: Jeff Maauin> Co"trlbtdon: NURlCD AjlUliJ Lynne Berry. Elaine Cox, Dina

Franklin, Jeff Maguire, Caroline McDonald, Georgene Tuba., aod Adele Wolkin MIIilbo,: Olria aod Pris HalTendcn ~..,e

,e,ultJll".w,klkr 1IHJkrUll u,: (hS aod Oay Dunn 3401 Dow Avenue

Redondo Beach, CA 90278 (213)371-6321

PIca• ••"tllUltl,...., elltu1X.,/."6.m,tlo,, ,.,,,.," IQ: Pris HalTendcn 3616- 1{2 S. Centinela Avenue Loa AnSel.., CA 90066

(213) 390-2779 PubliJbed quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)


All contento copyright 1991 by the Avatar Moher Baba Center of Southern California, e.c:epl where noled.

The Trust is involved in no other business than the business (or busyness) of His Love. All moneys received for the Trust are placed immediately in government-run banks as required by law and drawn as needed. Various amounts are placed in long-term fixed deposits so that their accrued interests can continue to meet the yearly and growing expenditure which the Trust's only mode of investment. Unlike other Trusts or Companies, the Trust does not involve itself in business transactions to generate money - the only business is Baba's Business which is Love and just His Love. It is this which makes Avatar Meher Baba Trust totally different from all other Trusts set up in charity or for reasons of evading taxes in their business enterprises. There has been all these years a Government provision for 100% Income Tax deduction to those Indian donors who donated to the scheme known as Rural Development, set up for the benefit of villages and projects in the rural areas. Meherabad, by Arangaon village, is in a rural area and because of all the many charitable objects and works our Trust is fully involved in. we were found eligible to be included in this scheme. We then felt inspired to invite donations from outsiders: large concerns and companies who we felt sure would be eager to avail of this opportunity to save on their taxes. Hoshang Dadachanji took up this project on a personal basis. He collected and selected hundreds of addresses of hopeful candidates for contributing to Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, and sent out the appeals on very attractive printed cards with gold-edging, and included an equally beautiful picture and message of Beloved Baba. The response was indeed very disheartening, and the replies were letters of regret saying they had their own rural projects to sponsor. So it be.came very clear to us once again that this Trust set up by Beloved Baba is born of His Love,

meant to be nourished and maintained by His Love, through His lovers. Each donation received, big or small, is entered in writing in five books in our Office. Giving from the heart in Baba's Love is what counts, not the size of the amount. For example, there is a poor school teacher in Andhra Pradesh (So. India) who would send a monthly collection (totalling less than $.50) from herself and her teacher-friends! The part of the Trust known as "Firstly", which provides for the beneficiaries named by Beloved Baba in the Trust Deed, has a unique aspect too - and which I find not many Baba lovers are aware of. There are a total of 41 beneficiaries (in three categories) named by Him in the Trust Deed, with percentages specified for each category. The total amount received for disbursement to the Beneficiaries is each time divided in 41 parts according to their respective percentages, and the shares of the single beneficiaries who have died (and 10 years after the category of "family" beneficiary has died) are transferred to the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust. Thus, by His grace, the dead beneficiaries become permanent donors to the charitable objects of the Trust, until such time when all beneficiaries have died and "Firstly" ceases to exist. At present, nearly 50% of what is received for the Beneficiaries, automatically goes to the charitable objects of the Trust. Even then, we continue to encourage donations to the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust whenever we find it feasible to do so, as the charitable objects require large funds. The word charity takes on quite a different meaning when it is given out through the Trust. Because Baba has created the Trust and has laid down the objects, so the "charity" given is from Him, and His lovers are given the opportunity to share in it. As we have known Him to do during His many "poor-programmes", when the Beloved washed the feet of the poor and gave each a practical gift (in the form of clothes, grains, or money), each received His unseen blessings


through the material means. So the help given out in charity through the instrument of the Trust set up by Him, is more than the visible material help; it is in effect an aspect of His unseen work. We witness the work of the Trust and all activities in Baba's Love expanding at a rapid rate, in keeping with the expanding circle of His worldwide lovers. In these nine months of our Pilgrim Season we are made more and more aware that Beloved Baba does His work, that it is all" out of our hands," that we are moving along by the sheer force or momentum of His incredible pace, and that (thank God) it is all in His dear hands as always. The Victory is always His! JM BABA!

If you would like to contribute a love donation to Baba's Trust, please make checks payable to: Lynne Berry, Trustwalla 267 Hanover Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This article is reprinted rourtesy of the "Friends ofthe Avatar Meher Baha Trust Newsletter", dated Fall 1987.


SALE I , At the Bookstore



mated the tempting power of our Visa and Mastercard. Consequently we are incrediBy Dina Franklin bly over stocked, but 1 to NOV 30 Today I write my our loss is your gain. bookstore report 35,000' Baba's "kick" to me is a kiss for you - all your above the Pacific while winging my way Christmas shopping can be done on the order Down Under to join in the Sydney celebration form enclosed and your savings will be treof the 35th Anniversary of our Beloved's mendous! arrival on Australian shores. All the videos listed on pages 11 and 12 It's hard to believe 35 years have passed are going at just over cost. Take 15% off the since I was privileged to embrace Him. I have listed price. This will be until our supplies are with me two sUitcases full of our Bookstore depleted, so it's first come first served. You items to share with those in Sydney and might want to list a 2nd and 3rd choice in case Avatar's Abode. Two suitcases full, and it we've sold all of the ones you want. Put your didn't even make a dent in all the stock we phone number on your order in case we need have still in our Bookstore! Boy, did I ever to talk. goof! When placing my orders in preparation for our Sahavas in July, I totally underestimated The East-West Gathering the effect of the current recession and overestiThis video tape, a hot seller at the


About Ocean of Love, Delia's Memoirs Excerptedfrom "The Sheriar Letter" by Ann Conlon


Delia, who still lives in England, met Meher Baba in 1931, along with Kitty Davy and Margaret Craske, and the trio came to be called by Meher Baba "The Frivolous Three." Ocean of Love is a delightful set of memoirs, ranging between a breezy style and one of great thoughtfulness and insight. One of the volume's highlights is a collection of letters, postcards, and cables reproduced throughout its pages, giving a very strong sense of immediacy, of being in that time when one could be fortunate enough to receive direct communications from Meher Baba. The postcards come from all over the world, from Madrid and Cairo and the ships on which Meher Baba traveled; the letters from India and the United States. They are in turn warm and lov,;jng, strong, direct, and full of lessons one would be hard put to find elsewhere, a gold mine of information on what Meher Baba wanted and expected from his followers. Delia was an actress when she first saw Meher Baba's name in a letter written by

Meredith Starr to the magazine called The Everyman. She clipped it and put it away. A few months later, at a low point in her life, she came across it again, and followed a sudden strong feeling that she should go to Meredith's retreat at East Challacombe. When later that year Meher Baba arrived in London. Delia met Him during a musical comedy performance at the Coliseum in London. She describes the meeting: "I was stunned. I had seen His face before in my dreams. The eyes were startling in their beauty; the face seemed luminous, honey-eolored, framed by a halo of long, dark hair. I hardly heard or said anything because I was only conscious of Baba sitting there." Over the next 38 years, Delia devoted her life to Meher Baba, seizing every opportunity to be with him in England and India, France, Italy, and the United States. She worked tirelessly to spread his message in England and was involved in the formation of the Universal Spiritual League, forerunner of today's Meher Baba Association. •

Sahavas, has only just become available as a video. If you have seen the movies at the Pilgrim Center, Friday nights, you will be familiar with this version of the "East West Gathering". It was filmed by the Sufi's, wonderfully edited by Ginny Katz, produced by Pete Townshend. The sound track is the beautiful Concierto de Aranjuez (music for guitar and orchestra) by Rodrigo. It is 22 minutes of wonderful footage of the preparations in Poona, the pilgrims streaming in from East and West, and of our Beloved, seated on the dais, giving Darshan to the thousands of lovers. A very good value at $35.

Ocean of Love Also popular is the new book Ocean of Love, the memoirs of Delia DeLeon. My dear friend, Andy Muir, who read the first copy to hit Los Angeles, exclaimed "Wow! It's an amazing book. I couldn't put it down - all that terrific Baba information and so easy to read."

Song of Huma The magnificent tape entitled "Song of Huma" is a collection of ghazals written by Baba in the 30' s and 40' s. Baba took the name "Huma", Persian for "Phoenix", as His pen name. They are exquisitely sung by Katie Irani, one ot Baba's intimate circle of women mandali; Mani, The Beloved's sister; ~d Rhoda Mistry.

Kiser Kards Remember the beautiful hand-made cards I told you about in our last edition? "Kiser Kards" we call them. Well, Teresa has very lOvingly told me to put the price down to a sinfully low $2. "Sinfully" bec'-ause of the hours worth of labor that goes into making each card! The "Have a Baba-filled Birthday" cards are $2.50. This way, she says, more people will be able to enjoy them, and besides, she gets so much happiness out of making them. I've seen the samples of the Christmas cards and they are exquisite. There are two designs; both say "Have a Baba-filled Merry Christmas" on top. One has a decorated Christmas tree (both writing and tee are embossed in a single color -gole;., bronze,

The Story Behind "Song of Huma


by Elaine Cox

[Note from Dina: When I first heard this tape I was so bowled over by the sheer physical and emotional beauty of it, I called the producer, Elaine Cox, and asked her to tell us all about it. It turns out there is quite a story behind its production. Elaine writes:] "In August of 1989 I had just finished the design/ production work on Mehera's book, published by Naosherwan Nalavala, by delivering the first copies into the hands of the women Mandali. That project had taken nearly a year and a half, and it was a hard realization and difficult to accept that Mehera would personally never see the book, having just dropped her body three and a half months earlier. Some two or three days later at Meherazad, I was sitting alone on the steps of the ladies' veranda, while at the other end next to beloved Mehera's chair, Katie Irani was sitting with a pilgrim, singing to her. There was no one else on the veranda at that time. She sang a beautiful ghazal I had never heard before. Then she sang another one from a sro'\ll, well-used notebook filled with her careful notations in Gujerati script. I was struck first with the beauty of her voice and how much love emanated from her as she sang, even though I could not understand the exact meaning of the words. Then she revealed to the pilgrim that these were written by Meher Baba, and I was astonished that I had not heard these songs before in all my yea"s of coming to India. At my request, Katie sang a few more and each one was more wonderful than the last. I said to myself, "Why are these not heard? Why hasn't someone recorded these works? What if these women who lived at the ashram in the '30' s leave us without recording this for all of us to live on?" The still, small voice within said, "Why don't y.pu do it, Elaine?" The mind instantly came up with argucontinued on page 10


All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454.

OCTOBER EVENTS October 5, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. October 5, Saturday, 8pm. A SPECIAL VISIT FROM THE JAPA BROTHERS Gacko Caraco and Bob Street). For years we've had requests for these guys and tonight they're finally here! (Or maybe we've had requests from these guys-we forget, but they're here anyway.) We're told that the program will feature Jacko interviewing Bob about his many years in India with the Mandali and his visit this past August; but knowing the Bros., anything goes ... Music by路the Haffendens.

KATIE IRANI RETURNS TO L.A.! October 9, Wednesday, 2:52 pm. KATIE IRANI returns to LAX on Delta Airlines FIt. 1708 from Seattle. October 10, Thursday,12 noon. PICNIC WITH KATIE AT THE DESCANSO GARDENS. 1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada, Flintridge. Bring a bag lunch to the picnic area outside of the entrance. If you wish to go into the gardens after lunch there is a $3 fee. Also, there are tram tours of the gardens for $1.50. For more info, call the Center (213)474-9454. October 11, Friday. FAREWELL TO KATIE at LAX, midnight. Katie leaves on a Singapore Airlines flight to Hawaii-Bombay.


October ~, Saturday, 8pm. SPECIAL GUESTl ADELE WOLKIN REMEMBERS HER TIMES WITH BABA, PART III. The third part in this highly-acclaimed series finds Jeff Maguire interviewing Adele about Beloved Baba's trips

to the U.S. in 1956 and '58. Music by Rob Thornburn. October 19, Saturday. SPECIALEVENTl FUNDRAISER DINNER AND AUCTION at the home of Margaret Magnus and Sam Ervin in Long Beach. If tonight is only half as actionpacked and fun-filled as last's year's event, you'll be telling your grandchildren about it years from now. You'll receive details in the mail. Be sure to come enjoy a delicious Indian dinner, entertainment from Bobby Manonash, Ed McMaya, and others, and a fabulous auction, the proceeds from which we count on to keep our Center dancing to Baba's tune.

(There will be videos shown at the Center tonight, 8 pm, for those who can't attend the Fundraiser.) October 26, Saturday, 8pm. PORTRAITS OF THE AVATARs. Judy and Carl Ernst offer slides and discussion on the ways the Godmen have been portrayed in art throughout the ages. This time your Program Guy was able to check with the Ernsts before scheduling them so, unlike last quarter, they will actually be here tonight. Sure to be a special night. Music by Frank Fariborz.

NOVEMBER EVENTS November 2, Saturday, 6 pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. November 2, Saturday, 8pm. THE AVATAR MEHER BABA PERPETUAL CHARITABLE TRUST. Tonight our Trustwalla Lynne Berry explains the guidelines and objectives Baba laid down for the Trust which continues to do His work in India. The program will include a video and slides updating us on the many wonderful Trust projects. November 9, Saturday, 8pm. NUCLEAR PHYSICS, ILLUSION, AND SUFFERING. (Rescheduled from last quarter.) Only the inimitable Rocky Rodgers would tackle these three themes, much less try to link them...Come find out how and why he does it.


* 1" •






November 16, Saturday, 8pm. THE BEST OF FRED STANKUS'S PUBliC ACCESS BABA PROGRAMS. For years now, Fred has performed a labor of love for his Beloved, producing TV shows about Baba for public access television. TOnight he'll share some of the highlights, featuring many members of our community. Music by Mark Choi. November 23, Saturday, 8pm. BABA PICKINGS: Pick out your very own message from Beloved Baba, free of charge. There will be no swapping of messages, and no refunds. Marguerite Poley will provide the messages and coordinate. She guarantees Baba will see to it that each person gets the message intended for him or her. Music by Debby and Michael Campagna. November 30, Saturday, 8pm. A SPECIAL MOVIE NIGHT. Guitarists extraordinaires Rob Thornburn and Rick Peikoff will improvise a soundtrack to tonight's silent films of our Silent Master, Meher Baba. (Rescheduled from last quarter.)

DECEMBER EVENTS December 7, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. December 7, Saturday, 8pm. MANDAU HALL NIGHT. Capture the feeling of Mandali Han with hosts John and Patty Stout just returned from India! Share your favorite stories or readings; wear clothing suitable for floor sitting. Chai served at 7:30pm. Music by Louise Bower.

SPECIAL GUEST DON STEVENS! Don, a longtime disciple of Baba and the author of many books, including "listen Humanity" and "Man's Search For Certainty", visits our Center on or about December 9. Details will be forthcoming by phone tree. If you're not on the tree and want to be, call Steve Berry at (714)966-1078.





* 1" •



December 14, Saturday, 8pm. MEHERA. IRANI, BEWVED OF THE BEWVED would have been eighty-four on December 22. Tonight we remember her with stories and songs, coordinated by Nancy Merwan and Diane LaFleur. Music by Greg and Gay Dunn. December 21, Saturday, 8pm. A MERRY MEHERMAS PARTY! We'll be lighting up the proverbial yule log with Christmas carols and festivities coordinated by Santa's favorite helpers Pris and Chris Haffenden (What? You've never heard "Jingle Bells" played on an oboe before?) The winning ticket of the Mehermas Sweeps will be drawn and there will be a Gift Exchange -Bring an inexpensive (under $5) gift, suitable for male or female if you'd like to participate in the annual gift exchange. Parents of children should bring one gift per child. We always need extra gifts, in case you've got rewraps on hand after the office Christmas party! December 28, 8pm. MOVIES OF THE BEWVED. Charlie Morton kisses 1991 goodbye with some of the only movies that really matter. Music by many of the finest musicians in the L.A. Baba community who will be jamming on "Auld Lang Syne" tonight.

AREA MEETINGS There are area group meetings in Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Georgene Tarbox at (714) 953-3193. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (8188) 791-1078. For information about the Fresno Baba group call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877. For the Ojai Baba group call Marta Flores at (805) 646-8501. For the San", Barbara Baba group call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877. For the San Diego Baba group call Scott or Anne Makeig at (619) 481-2941. For the Portland Baba group call (503) 8732048.


silver, etc.) and the other has a beautiful, delicately painted angel with trumpet. They are $2 apiece, or $18 for a 12-pack (either mixed or identical). Send them to the Very Special Baba Lovers on your list.

"Introduction to Baba" Books I am often asked to recommend "~gin­ ning Baba Books". Two excellent paperbacksat $5.95 each are The Narrow Lane, containing excerpts from God Speaks, Discourses, Life at its Best, etc., and Much Silence - and The Life and Work ofMeher Baba, by Tom and Dorothy

The Story Behind "Song of Huma" from page 7


ments such as "You/ve never produced a recording before, you wouldn/t know how. Books, yes, but sound recordings, no." So I thought about it and left India still not sure of what to do with my life. After some time back at home I realized that quiet voice was a clear instruction and that I should not waste time. I listened to some private collection tapes made by other Baba followers of some of the same material and was strengthened in my resolve to do it. I wrote the Mandali proposing the project: to professionally record Baba/sown ghazaIs as they were sung for Him by those who were there to do so. I received a letter of acceptance for the project just before my next trip to India the following Spring. So in midFebruary of 1990 I brought Philip Ludwig with a portable DAT recorder, another backup system, assorted high-quality microphones/ yards of wires and cables, and all of Phil's technical skills to Meherazad and Meherabad. We set up temporary studios in the dispensary at Meherazad during off hours, where Katie lovingly sat with her little notebook and gave us songs and stories and some translations for hours. Later dear Mani joined us and gave of her time to sing for Baba and tell little details about the songs. It was precious moments for us all.There was no accompaniment: all the singing by the ladies

Hopkinson. The Everything and the Nothing, gems from Meher Baba. is $6.95; Just to Love Him by Adi K. Irani is $8.95; and Meher Baba the Awakener by Charles Haynes is $6.50. All of the above are perfect for your own introduction to the Godman, or to show interested friends. . .

Audio Cassettes All cassettes are $10 each except where noted.

Baba Bolo. - Deborah Ash and Michael Campagna incorporate rock, rhythm and

was a capella. Later we set up another studio at lower Meherabad in the loving home of Adi and Rhoda DuBosh where we recorded Rhoda Mistry/s wonderful voice doing the two songs she contributed to the project. More material was recorded than we could fit on this tape and, Baba willing, there will be another album in the near future, from the hear. Once back in the U.S. we began the process of editing the tapes, and I began condensing in my mind the types of instrumentation needed to back up our ladies voices, and gathering the musicians to record in studio. It was a labor of love and one by one the right people for the work appeared It did not take very long for me to come up with the name for my production company: Veranda Studios. Where else had it started?"

[Note from Dina: Elaine told me Baba had said at the time He didn't want these songs publicly sung. But listening to them now, one is struck by how current these words are. (Elaine reads the translation in English before each song.) It seems as though these are directives Baba is giving us right here and now. As it becomes more apparent tlult Baba's New Life is sweeping over us all with increasing intensity, these treasures are a buoy to help us all as we swim through His waves. The words are so poignant and meaningful, but why wouldn't they be? God wrote them!] •

blues, jazz and traditional Indian music, backed by a talented group of professional musicians. This soul-stirring collection of songs for the Beloved features high-quality production. $11. Beyond Love by Raphael Rudd is a lovely instrumental featuring Raphael on harp and piano, with Laura Renino on flute. Included is the Gujerati Arti. $8. Blessingfor the New Soul. - Gabriella Tal, from North Carolina, has made two highly-acclaimed appearances at the L.A. Center. On this tape of original songs, which is dedicated "to Meher Baba who gave me my new soul", she is backed by piano, flute, guitar, and percussion. A lovely contemplative audio experience. Just in: Gabriella's new tape, "So

Close". Hymns To Him by Harry Thomas, produced by Rob Thornburn, is a deceptive tape of songs for the Beloved. Deceptive because just when the listener thinks he's got these seemingly simple melodies figured out, they take another jazz-inflected twist into a whole new realm. A unique voice in Baba music. $8. I Dreamed I Saw My Savior. - Jamie Newell, talented singer-songwriter-guitarist is backed by mandolin, fiddles, and guitars on such favorites as "Sing a Song of Meher Baba" and "Mehera (In What Manner Do You Love Him)." Bluegrass, blues, and ballads are all served up in praise of Beloved Baba. I Sing of Meher is a collection of warm,路 melodic songs by a frequent guest and longtime favorite of the L.A. Baba Community's, Ward Parks. Featuring many familiar voices in the Baba family. Journeys of the Heart is Jim Meyer's latest effort. Several people have commented on the blast of Baba's love they've felt while listening to this tape. Supported by talented backup musicians and vocalists, Jim's voice has never been clearer or more inspiring than on this excellently-produced collection. Just One Dream. - Pris Haffenden dedicates her work"to Avatar Meher Baba who took the continued on page 12

Video Cassettes The follOWing videos are 15% off the listed price.

The Ancient One. The major portion of this film was taken at the Last Public Darshan given by Meher Baba in Poona, India, 1965. The soundtrack features Meher Baba's Universal Message and the 64th Family Letter. 30 min. $39,%. $33.95 Avatar. The film is the Australian group's introductory film of Meher Baba. The video includes footage of Baba in the SO's and 60's; intimate footage in Meherazad with mandali; dynamic scenes of Baba during '62 Darshan and '65 Darshan in Poona Center. Music and narration. $19.%. $16.95

Beholden to Him. -An interview with Eruch Jessawala An intimate interview with Eruch Jessawala taken in Mandali Hall, Meherazad, India on March 27, 1990 interspersed with film footage of Meher Baba. What makes this video so unique is how clearly it captures and conveys Eruch's humility, naturalness. and his dedication to Avatar Meher Baba. 52 min. ~.$25.45 Beloved With Us. This color film features scenes of Meher Baba in Guruprasad, Meherabad, and Meherazad in 1959 and 1960. The soundtrack includes some of Meher Baba's favorite western songs and is a lo-minute video cassette. ~ $16.95

The Future with Meher Baba. - An interview with Eruch Jessawala This 45-minute color video cassette taken at Meher-azad, November 12, 1981, expresses Eruch's views and reflects his life as a close disciple of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. $19.%. $16.95 Godman. A film of the 1976 Amartithi observance at Meherabad as experienced through the eyes of pilgrims from all over the world. Includes interviews with Rano, Padri, Eruch, and Mani. ~. %25.45 The Lord of Love. - Four films ofMeher Baba This video cassette combines four films of Meher Baba with a soundtra& .of stirring music dedicated to Meher Baba: Dehra Dun. 1954 - This silent color film


Video Cassettes (cont) shows Meher Baba giving Darshan in Dehra Dun with His close men mandali. Included are some very touching scenes of Meher Baba being garlanded by a group of deaf and mute children. Avatar in Australia. 1958 - This historic silent color film shows Meher Baba's visit to Australia in 1956. Meher Baba is greeted by His Australian lovers led by Francis Brabazon. Happy Birthday Baba. 1958 - This silent black and white film captures the celebration of Meher Baba's 64th birthday at Meherabad, and includes many close-up scenes of Baba. Walking with the Master. 1%1 - This silent color film shows Meher Baba at Bund Garden, the zoo, and on children's day at Guruprasad, Poona. The scenes of this film are described in the 41st and 42nd Family Letters. $34,%. $29.70 How to Love YOtL This color video cassette of Eruch Jessawala was taken in Mandali Hall at Meherazad, November 8, 1984. Eruch narrates the story of th~ time Meher Baba told someone How to Love Him. Approx. 45 min. ~.$25.45


Audio Cassettes (cont) scattered notes of my life and made a melody." On this tape, she makes thirteen lovely original melodies come to full life with the help of fine producer Rob Thornburn. The Lord and the Lady. is a collection of songs dedicated to Mehera, composed and performed by a variety of artists. The wide range of styles serves to pay tribute to the many facets of devotion Mehera lived for her Beloved Baba. The One in the Many. is a collection of songs by some of L.A:s favorite musicians compiled by Rob Thornburn who also produced many of the tracks. Raine at the Samadhi. is the latest outpouring of praise to the Beloved from Raine Eastman-Gannett - the Australian song bird and protege of Francis Brabazon. John Stout

Mani in Meherazad Garden. This color video cassette of Mani Irani was taken in Meherazad Garden, February 26, 1982. Mani talks about parts of her childhood. Approx. 35 min.~. $25.45 Meher Baba's Call. A major film production provided from the original 35mm footage shot in 1954 during the period known as "The Three Incredible Weeks". Darwin Shaw, one of the men who participated in "The Three Incredible Weeks", narrates and shares his impression of this special time. 34 min. $39;95. $33.95 o Parvardigar. This ten minute color film features Meher Baba's Master's Prayer sung by Peter Townshend, with excellent film footage of Meher Baba. ~. $16.95 Padri. This video cassette of Padri was made from several different interviews with him. Everyone will enjoy the distinct personality of Padri. Approx. 60 min. $29:99. $25.45 Welcome to My World. This 60 minute color video cassette was taken in Meherazad March 6, 1983. Mani S. Irani explains and demonstrates many of Meher Baba's unique hand gestures. ~. $16.95 helped her at the Pilgrim Center to record a beautiful collection of favorites, including many of Francis's songs. It's a two-tape set for $18. Raine's other tape, "Raine Sings Raine ", contains 15 of her own lovely compositions. Songs of a Modern Disciple. is a collection of poems by Josephine Ross set to music and performed by Ron Greenstein. The songs are passionate, often haunting, featuring violins, cello, oboe, flute, saxophone, and even a flugelhorn. Finally, as our Merry Chrishnas to you, every order over $100 will get, free, the music tape 'One and the Many", which includes the ever popular "Baba Bhagwan" by Deborah Ash and the beartiful "Love Be My Teacher' by Leslie Walsh. Happy Chrishnas shopping! See you... at the Bookstore.

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路SwS.te Wear our Master's Hand upon your Heart Baba's signatures

Above left: available in French cut, 5 & M, dusty rose, pink, gray & black, only $8. Regular cut, L & XL, black, white, teal, & peach, $10. Above right: Printed in a rainbow of colors, the shirt is white, gray, & dark blue, 5, M, L, & XL. $8.

Below: This new design has a pocketsized insignia (below left) on the front over the left breast and concludes larger on the back (below right). The shirt is a Hanes Beefy-T, 100% cotton, available in L & XL. $8. Purple ink ona choice of white, gray, blue, soft pink, bright pink, or lavendar.

Right: These three are Hanes Beefy T's, 100% cotton, available inM, L, & XL. $8. White, peach, butter, gray, green, blue, & black.

Left: This 4"x7" insignia appears

over the left breast. Available in 5, M, L, & XL. $8. White, green, cream, dark & light blue.

Left: It is impossible to render a likeness of an "Andrea Tees". If you've seen one you how beautiful they are. jects include the 5amadhi, clusion Hill, Baba's Garde Baba's Chair. Text is "Be . Beguine", "Baba is Love", "Don't Worry Be Happy' are hand-painted on a varie colors and are available in M, L, XL for $24, and $18 for children's sizes. Always state 2nd and 3rd color choice for all shirts.


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THE BOOKSTORE The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025

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The Ocean of Love The East West Gathering


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2nd Annual Fall Midwest Baba Gathering A weekend gathering of fellowship, Baba stories, singing, hiking, and general relaxation is planned for Friday, October 18 through Sunday, October 29, 1991, at Circle Pines Center, Delton, 1.11 (in the woods of central, southern Michigan). For more information or to register, call UndaJones at (313) 761-2497 by October 4th.

A Quick Message From Your Board Of Directors The rent for the Center was recently raised to $1325 a month, and nonprofit postal rates went up again which makes mailing this newsletter that much more expensive. Meanwhile, donations and pledges to the Center are off, with only a little more than half what we budgeted in so far. Is your Board of Directors panicked? Hah, that'll be the day! We are, however, concerned. It's not easy running a non-profit organization with annual budget of over $32,000. We all know Baba will see us through, but if you'd like to be an instrument of His will and if you have the means and have not already done so, this would be a good time to make a donation or pledge. Thanks. Jai Baba.


Garage Sale - The AMBCSC will be holding a fund-raising garage sale on Saturday, October 6th and Sunday, the 7th, from Sam to 2pm, at the home of Shireen Vahidi, 11710 Odessa Ave., Granada Hills. A truck, volunteers, and items to donate for the sale are needed. Bring those items to the center prior to Friday evening, October 6th. For more information call Mehrnoush at (818) 363-8254. Contributions for the Lamp Post Please share your artwork, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. Send to Greg and Gay Dunn, 3401 Dow Ave., Redondo Beach. CA 90278. The Mxt deadliM is Noyember 24. Send donations directly to the AMBC of SC, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. The Lamp Post is also looking for reporters to cover local events and special visits.

An Important Request from your Program Guy Looking for a great way to focus on Baba and forget your humdrum problems? Volunteer to coordinate a Saturday Night program at the Center. The time it takes to research and present a Baba-related topic is better spent than any number of hours logged watching TV or playing Scrabble. It brings you closer to God and enriches the entire Baba community. Choose any format you like, from a solo presentation to leading a discussion. And you needn't take on the whole project yourself; your Program Guy is glad to help and to suggest others who might contribute. Here are some topics your Program Guy would love to see someone take on: A night devoted to Delia Deleon, recounting stories from her new book. Nights that focus on various phases in Baba's life and work: the Blue Bus Tour, Mast Work, the New life (this last should only be tackled by an advanced soul), the Manzil-emeem Days, etc. Programs on the life stories of individual Mandali Members-we've recently talked about Adi K. Irani and Kitty Davy, how about some others? Nights on the lives of the Avatars Would anyone out there like to do some research on Buddha, Krishna. Ram, Zoraster, Jesus, or Mohammed and tell us about one or more of them? Or can you suggest others who might be able to do so in a lively fashion? Finally, of course, if you know of anybody who met Baba and would be willing to share the experience with us, let us know. We may even by able to pay the speaker's travel expenses. Take a moment, use your imagination, then call your Program Guy, Jeff Maguire, at (213) 545-3671 with any suggestions or offerings. Ahd remember, we always need music too.

Congratulations to Sahavas Fly-to-India Sweeps winner Christi Pearson. Watch for the Mehermas Sweeps coming up soon.


Kitty has counseled literally thousands of seekers who have come to the Center over the years. She has a reputation for wisdom in her advice. "That is intuition/' she said, "a spiritual gift that can be cultivated. Before I go to bed, if some thought comes to me, I know I must follow it. A person's whole life is based on inner light. Anything you do must be out of love. That is what makes it grow. Love is the key." Kitty's work at the Meher Center is just to be with about 2000 retreat visitors from allover the world who .come yearly for prayer, rest, meditation, and renewal of the spiritual life. There are also about 12,000 visitors each year. Most devotees preferred to stay at Baba's side, but some, like Elizabeth and Kitty, were sent on other missions. "Elizabeth and I learned to live together in harmony. Before she died in 1980, she told me that she had asked Baba to let me stay here with her rather than to go back to India to live. This was our work of love assigned by Baba."

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025


What message would Kitty give to other women? "Growing older gives you the opportunity to grow in love," she spontaneously answered. "When I was about 12 years old I learned a hymn that I think of every day: The daily round, the common task Will furnish all we need to ask: Room to deny ourselves, a road To bring us daily nearer God. " To be near a natural oasis and a human resource like Kitty is to drink a cup of full happiness, and to know that "Love holds the key." In a recent letter from Jane Haynes to Adele Wolkin, Jane describes Kitty. "She continues very weak and frail, but is loving having Katie [Irani] here. It reminds her of the early days on the hill [upper Meherbad]. This morning Katie sang three songs to Kitty that Baba himself composed, and she really loved that. "It is hard for her to be helpless, but her smile is radiant and we, of course, treasure each day with her." Non-Profit Organization

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