LOVE STREET LAMP POST 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Qtr 1990

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Sanskaras, Love 'Em or Leave 'Em by Jeff Maguire (A play performed at the L.A. Sahavas in 1984) EUNICE, our main character, is surrounded by five people who clutch and sm?ther her as our play begzns. They are all frozen whIle the narrator speaks. The five people each wear a sign. There is GREED, ANGER, LUST, GOODNESS, and a girl called VANITY PRIDE.

EUNICE Thanks, but who are you? VANI1Yl'm Vanity Pride. He's Anger. , . ANGER Why don t you Just shut up! VANI1Y See? He's sooo obnoxious! She sticks her finger in her mouth, as if gagging.

NARRATOR One typical American morning, a typical American girl named Eunice Saberha~en awakes with a startling sense that something IS wrong. For no apparent reason, five of her sanskaras have come to life. Poor Eunice, she never even heard of sanskaras before. But what's worse is that she has a vague sense that something is missing from her life...something very important. But she's about to find out because today, while her friends are go off to school, Eumce will be making a detour through....the Baba Zone...

ANGER What are you gaggin,r for? You get a look at a mirror or somethin' . LUST C'mon, Eunice, we could be at the beach right now, scoping some major bods, if you know what I mean? GOODNESS Don't listen to her, Eunice. She's Lust. She'll lead you down the road to ruin.

The SANSKARAS look at the audience and hum the "Twilight Zone" theme. After perhaps five seconds of this, they, along with Eunice come to life, everyone talking at and pawing Eunice. EUNICE Yuchhh! Who are you? Or should I say what are you? ANGER What do you think, you dumb ignoramus! You created us! VANI1Y (pulling EUNICE away) Don't mind him...He's such a twirp! And you, you're too fabulous to let anybody get you down...You look marvelous darling.

LUST At least I won't bore her to death. EUNICE (to Goodness) Who are you? GOODNESS I'm Goodness. ANGER She's enough to make a maggot gag. The SANSKARAS are still smothering EUNICE. EUNICE Look, could you guys back off a little? GOODNESS I'm afraid you've gotten us wound pretty tight around you, Eunice. VANI1Y But you're handling it very well, so much better than most people...You're really a special person, Eunice. ANGER (to VANITY) Don't ycfu ever stop? EUNICE (to ANGER) I was just going to ask you the same thing.

ANGER Oh yeah? EUNICE Yeah. ANGER Well why don't you just tell me to shut

entertainment like this.

EUNICE So how come I can see you nil of a



EUNICE Okny, shut up.

VANIIT Becnuse you're sooo spiritually advanced. It makes my skin tingle! ANGER You make my skin crawl! GOODNESS Vanity's right. You've progressed to where you can see how bothersome we snnskmns are. Now you can start trying to get rid of us. EUNICE And how do I do that? GOODNESS Well eventually, you'll wear us out. EUNICE Eventually? How eventually? GOODNESS Oh, maybe five, six million lifetimes, with luck. EUNICE What? ..This is turning into a major bummer! VANIIT What's the big deal? There's more important things to worry aboutLUST Like boys on the beach, in bathing suits... suntan oil... VANIIT Like buying some new clothes for that gorgeous bod of yours. GREED Which brings us to money..J've got this idea that could make us millions-

The others shake their heads and groan as EUNICE plays into ANGER'S hands.

ANGER Make me. EUNICE Maybe I will... ANGER You and what army? EUNICE Hey, listen bubGOODNESS (stepping in between them) Eunice, you know you're not a violent person...You're a good person. VANIIT She's right...besides you don't want to risk your gorgeous profile on that gorilla. EUNICE This is just a bad dream, isn't it? I knew I shouldn't have eaten that leftover tuna fish sandwich last night... ANGER Ahh, if brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose. LUST C'mon, Eunice, let's ditch these bozos and find some men. EUNICE (noticing Greed) Wait a second...Who are you? GREED Me? I'm Greed. EUNICE Why are you so quiet? GREED I'm thinking. EUNICE About what? GREED About how to get more. EUNICE More what? GREED What've you got? Whatever there is, there's always more 10 be gOllen, and I'm just the guy 10 get it. EUNICE Oookay...well you get whatever you want. Just don't mess up my room too much okay? Now, if you'll all excuse me, I gotta be gelling back 10 my life. I'm late for school.

She tries to walk away but they're hanging all over her. EUNICE Okay, enough is enough! LUST You can't get rid of us so easily. VANIITWe've been lifetimes in the making. GOODNESS And there's thousands more of us 2

ED Yes, some much too terrible [or a family

that you can't see.

They all start talking at once, until: EUNICE Stop! Shut up! VANIITYou're beautiful when you're angry. They all begin to talk at once again. GOODNESS goes on about how EUNICE should do a good deed and the others all champion their own particular areas ofexJ!!!rtise. They noisily push and pull at EUNICE, until: EUNICE Stop it! You people are ruining my life! I mean, I can't even think straight...I don't even remember what life was like be- fore I got mixed up with all of you. Goodness, there's gotta be some way out of this nightmare. GOODNESS I have heard rumors...about some kind of perfect magician or something. He's said to remove sanskaras. ANGER That stuffs a lot of baloney! EUNICE Where can I find him? GOODNESS Well, you might try looking in the spiritual marketplace.

continued on page 10

Is It Appropriate To Worship Mehera? On luly 27, 1989, Heather Nadel of Meherabad penned the response of Mani S. Irani to this question posed by Winnie Barrett of Denver. Our thanks to Winnie for sharing it with lIS. Dear Winnie, This is Heather, writing on Mani's behalf to send a big 1Al BABA! and a big smile for your lovely newsy letter about the 1969 Darshan Reunion... It took all of your Meherazad family on an enjoyable armchair visit to that wonderful, Babafull occasion. Your home-news leller also lovingly received by Mani. Our Baba certainly has a natural way of bringing up topics for clarification. Mani does have some thoughts on your question about dearest Mehera, as to whether it is appropriate to express adoration and reverence for Mehera by bowing down to her, talking to her within, garlanding her shrine, and so on. Well, says Mani, this is a private matter concerning the heart. There is no rule which says you shall so do, and none that says you shall not. When your heart prompts you, it is right to do it. Otherwise, it is right not to do it. When you talk to Mehera, garland her shrine, or bow to her, you are simply acknowledging and"honouring Mehera's supreme love for Beloved Baba and Baba's highest love for beloved Mehera - Love is reason enough. After all, why would one feel like remembering and honouring Mehera in such a profound way? Because of her love for Baba and Baba's love for her which alone prompts that response of love from you. Honouring Mehera is honouring pure, one-pointed, whole-hearted love for the One Beloved, to whom she directed all honour, veneration, or adoration expressed toward her at any time. Awareness of Mehera's most special place in His Heart and Work was given to His disciples by Baba from the earliest years. Hence, veneration for Mehera is not a newborn sentiment since she has gone to Baba. It is a continuation of the love and reverence accorded to Mehera over the years by her companions and the world of Babafollowers.

"Moreover," Mani says, "her very role in this Avataric Age entitles Mehera to worldwide recognition in time to come. Clues to the fulfillment of this destiny have been given to us by Beloved Baba now and then, in a natural manner, on some occasion or another. When telling Gulmai (as far back as the 20's) that Mehera was His Radha, Baba was in fact declaring Mehera's ordained role as His chosen counterpart; same as Radha, Sita, Mary, and others, in previous Advents."

Mani continues: "Baba gave indications to thc stature and dimension of Mehera's role in simple ways and through natural situations apparently created by Him for the purpose. The star role in one such instance was played by Baba's favourite pet dog, Mastan, a huge gentle giant looked after by Mehera. 1ust the sight of him was enough to scare the neighbouring villagers and shepherds, and therefore Mastan was usually tied up. "One morning Mehera took Mastan on his leash for a lillie stroll in the adjoining field, while some distance away a villager was grazing his call,le. Mastan started barking and the frightened villager picked up a rock threatening Mastan who had gotten free of his leash with a single jerk. Mehera ran to Mastan's defense ~st as the villager's rock came flying at Mastan, narrowly missing Mehera. There was a great commotion as we ran out to Mehera; our gardener and Meheru


grabbed the man, and Mastan was brought indoors. The culprit, who happened to be a cousin of one of our servants, was brought before Baba in Mandali Hall. Baba heard his version and Meheru was also called to give her account. The culprit received a slap from his cousin at Baba's command, and rubbed his nose at Baba's feet. Thus Baba brought the young man's guilt home to him, and then pardoned him - as was His way. Before the final curtain, while the repentant young man stood in tears in front of Baba, Eruch's ringing voice was heard interpreting Baba's gestures as Baba looked very sadly at this young man who in his ignorance had lifted a hand against one whom he should have knelt down to. Baba said to him, 'Have you any idea what you did? You flung a stone towards this lady whom all the world will worship some day!'" In your letter you mentioned Mary, mother of

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern C.alifornia 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 414-9454 This newsletter is designed to keep the Southern California Meher Baba community and friends abreast of Cenler activities, and to provide a forum for contempory accounts of life with Meher Baba as G:lide. EditOl's: Greg and Gay Dunn Program Chairperson: John Stout ContributOl's: Winnie Barrett, Will David, Dina Franklin, Jeff Maguire, Nancy Merwan, Karina Page, Barbara Roberts, Jurgis Sapkus, John Stout, Adele Wolkin, Linda Zavala. Mailing: Chris and Pris Haffenden

Jesus, which is why Mani wants to share with you a dream she had some years ago. There has stood for a long time, by the side of the private road approaching Meherazad Residence, a huge mango tree which was blessed to bear plentiful fruit for the enjoyment of the Lord and His disciples for many long years. It has a hollowed-out cavity in its large trunk. In her dream Mani was running down the Meherazad road towards the house in great agitation, when she was suddenly stopped by a beautiful blue light surrounding the mango tree. Walking slowly towards it she found that this light was emanating from the hollow space in the trunk. And there inside this "grotto" was the Madonna, wearing a blue mantle and a small crown, looking supremely pure and radiating an incredibly gentle effulgence. Mani was overcome by the extremely beautiful feeling which surrounded the Image, and kneeling down she placed her head in the Madonna's lap, lifting it up now and then to have another look at Her. Suddenly she found that the Madonna's face had changed and now it was Mehera who was seated there, looking serene and sublime within the light. After a while the face changed again into the face of the Madonna, and then back to Mehera - This kept on until Mani woke up with a feeling of incredible peace and joy which she carried with her for days. And so, dear Winnie, in regard to Mehera, Mani says follow your heart, which will take you only one place: up the high road to your Beloved Baba. You are free to share this with others. With lots of love from Mani (and me!)

- Heather Nadel

Pkase send aU nett/sinter materia/to:

Greg and Gay Dunn 2616 Vargas Way Redondo Beach, CA 90261 (213) 371-6321 Pwse send tuldnss changes/subscription requests to:

Pris Haffenden 3616-1/2 S. Centinela Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 (213) 390-2119 Published quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) All contents copyright (ÂŁ) 1990 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted.


Baba's coming Baba's coming And so are you Coming through all the planes Baba's coming too. - Sacha Mikhail Roberts, age 7

AMBCSC Bulletin Board Lyn Ou PainJing Bene}IJ RajJle. There's still time to buy your raffle ticket(s) for the Lyn Ott painting. This beautiful painting is being raffled to raise funds to pay for medical expenses associated with Richard Nimmler's serious illness. The painting has been appraised at $6000; tickets are $50 each. Drawing for the raffle will be held January 27,1990. Tickets may be purchased up to the last second, but two seconds after that will be too late, so don't take a chance on missing it! Contact Linda zavala, Center Treasurer, for details at (818) 795-8322. Our Board of Directors, and Linda, wish to thank everyone who has so lovingly contributed to make this a successful fundraiser for one of Baba's dear ones. CongraJulaJions and HeartfelJ Best Wisltes to Gutnaz Lorkalantari and Manouchehr Manouchehrpour, who were married December 9 in a Zoroastrian ceremony at Rustam Guiv Dar-E Mehr in Westminster, California! CongraJulaJions to the winners of the Turkey Trot Fundraiser Sweepstakes: Diana Goodheart (Dinner for two, Border Grill); Louise Bower (Dinner for two, Cheesecake Factory); Brian Drygas (Brunch for two, Cheesecake Factory); and Aghdas Pezeshki of San Diego (Designer Sunglasses from the LA Eyeworks). Serving Baha by Serving Others. Thanks to Romney Meyran for his help placing Baba books with the Indio, CA, Public Library. The Library Project, whose goal is to place Baba books in as many public and academic institution libraries as possible, continues. Contact Adcle Wolken, (213) 540-8404, for details. Saltavas Committee. The 1990 Sahavas will be held from June 30 to July 4th. Guests will include: Bhau Kalchuri, Tom Riley, Virginia Rudd, and Jim Meyer. If you would like to participate on the Sahavas Committee, your help is welcome! Also, remember that many contributions can be made by people living out of town. Write the Sahavas Committee, c/o the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, or call David McNeely - 213 258-9887 for further information. Avatar Meller Baba Trust. Mani sends "a

garland of Baba greetings to the Trust donors". For information or donations to the Trust, please write to "Friends of the Meher Baba Trust" c/o Karina Page, 4530 Starling Way, Los Angeles, CA 90065 Meher Free Dispensary Needs. The Meher Free Dispensary at Meherazad, under the loving direction of Dr. Goher, ministers to the medical needs of the sick and poor villagers of the area. It has recently been clarified for us that the Dispensary has no connection with the Avatar Meher Baba TnlSt, and receives no financiaL support from it. The dispensary is therefore entirely dependent on direct donations of supplies and money from those who feel moved to support its work. Dr. Goher details some of the Dispensary's needs in a recent letter: ..."What we do need are aspirin, tylenol, multivitamins, calcium with magnesium, strong Bcomplex and vitamin C. Other than that we can always use antibiotics, both adult and pediatric. Our pediatric are a bit low..." Questions regarding coordinating or sending of supplies may be sent to Adele Wolkin c/o AMBC-SC. Contributions SouglIJ for tlte Lamp Post! Please share your artwork, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. Send to Greg and Gay Dunn, 2616 Vargas Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, or call us at (213) 371-6321. Deadlinefor Spring 90 issue: February 21. Please note!

Turkey Trot Outreach Our Thanksgiving project was very successful and there are many thanks to give to many people. The committee for this project was truly a "dream team" -- Lois Jones, Teri Adams, Lynn Maguire. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and commitment. First we needed raffle prizes. We called David Overton to ask for brunch at the (;heesecake Factory. He not only donated a brunch for two ($30 value), but also a dinner for two at the continued on Last page


All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. have ideas or requests for future programs, please contact John Stout at (818) 888-6330. Please note: All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. If you have music or other art to present, or ideas to share, please contact the coordinator listed for each meeting. Your participation is desired!

JANUARY EVENTS January 6, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

January 6, Saturday, 8pm. DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY IT'S 1990. Come share your ideas and aspirations for the new year and new decade -- how we can creatively progress individually and collectively as a Baba family. Coordinated by Nancy Merwan and Teri Adams.

January 13, Saturday, 8pm. GUTTA NIGHT. "Where Were You on January 31, 1969, the Day Beloved Baba Dropped His Physical Body?" Share your story. Coordinated by Fred Stankus:

January 20, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.


January 20, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. "I may give you more, much more than you expect, or maybe nothing, and that nothing may prove to be everything. So I say, come with open hearts to receive much or nothing from the Divine Beloved." - The film, Meher Baba, the Human Side ofGod will be shown tonight. Coordinated by John Stout.

January 27, Saturday, 8pm. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Tonight we elect a new Board of Directors for 1990. Also, reports on all Center activities for 1989 will be presented. All are welcome to attend this meeting, but you must be a member to vote. Questions? Please contact Adele Wolkin. January 30, Tuesday. 8pm. AMARTITHI NIGHT, LA. Personal Growth Center, 1904 Centinela Avenue, West LA. Welcome one and all to commemorate Beloved Meher Baba's release from His Divine physical form on January 31, 1969. Refreshments and long-stemmed flowers appreciated. Silent meditation will be held from 10:30 to 10:45 pm. Location is near Bundy and Olympic; maps at the Baba center. Coordinated by Linda zavala and Lois Jones.

FEBRUARY EVENTS February 3, Saturday, 8pm. BABAjANTHE DWINE KISS, THE UNVEILING OF AVATAR. Discussion coordinated by Linda zavala. Come and share your thoughts of this great Master.

February 10, Saturday, 6-7pm. HELP PLAN NEXT QUARTER'S MEETINGS! Have you any creative ideas to share? Meet at the center to plan next quarter's Saturday night meetings. Questions? Contact John Stout. February 10, Saturday, 8pm. MEHER BABA DECLARED HIS AVATARHOOD TODAY, FEB. 10, 1954. Come prepared to discuss his major messages: "Highest of the High", "Universal Message", "The Last Declaration". Coordinated by Georgene Tarbox. February 17, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

February 17, Saturday, 8pm. THE AWAKENERJOURNAL. Adele Wolkin coordinates a discussion of "some of the best" from the Awakener, the Baba journal edited by Filis Frederick. Bring your special copy and share.


February 24, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. We welcome all those new to Baba with a brief discussion before the films. "I am present in all hearts gathered in My name to hear my message of love." - Meher Baba. Refreshments served before the meeting 7:30-8:00. Coordinated by Charlie Morton, Brian Drygas, and John Stout. February 25, Sunday, 2-5pm. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEHER BABA! Meher Baba's 96th birthday celebration. A festive afternoon of music, poetry, films of our Beloved, and birthday cake. Meeting location to be announced by phone tree. Coordinated by John Stout.

MARCH EVENTS March 3, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. •Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and ani at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. March 3, Saturday, 8pm. SWAP MEET TONIGHT! Marguerite Poley invites you to bring your favorite Baba quote - the one that really moves you - and we will swap and share.

March 10, Saturday, 8pm. POETRYEXPRESSIONS OF THE HEART/MIND. Please bring anything you would like to share. Coordinated by Michael Shepherd and Judy Anderson. March 17, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

March 17, Saturday, 7:30pm. MANDALJ HALL NIGHT. C..apture the feeling of Mandali Hall. Share your favorite stories or readings. Surprise guest. Wear clothing suitable for floor sitting. Chai will be served 7:30-8pm. At 8pm sharp we begin. Coordinated by John Stout. March 24, Saturday, 8pm. MAYA, MYSTIQUE,AND THE AVATAR. Jeff Maguire will delve into a fascinating topic which he will have decided upon by the time this month rolls around. Come and share. March 31, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. "I am the One who is always lost and found among mankind. It is your love for yourself that loses Me, and it is your love for Me that finds Me." - Meher Baba. Our projectionist is Charlie Morton. What you as individuals know at this moment, I knew aeons ago; and what you as individuals in ages to come will be knowing at a particular moment, I know now. Avatar Meher Baba

Area Meetings There are area group meetings in the South Bay, Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548-2072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078. In the South Bay call Greg or Gay Dunn at (213) 371-6321.

Santa Barbara Baba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting times and locations call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796.

San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba,;group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941. 7


Judging by the brisk mail order sales in November and December, there were many happy people all over the country who received Baba books and video tapes for Christmas! Topping the bestseller list is Mehera - Baba's beloved's life story, told in her own words. The book is a large (9xll), beautifully presented book with over 100 wonderful photos, many in color ($40). The eagerly awaited Lord Meher, Volume IV is now in our store and was, I feel, found under many a Christmas tree ($40). Just released is a little book called Baba Loved Us, Too. These stories of Meher Baba's pets come straight from Mehera's porch at Meherazad -- site of the telling of many a tale about the Avatar over the past 20 years. Recounted with the gentle simplicity of all Mehera's stories, these are accounts of the multifarious pets who came to spend time with the Avatar and His Mandali. Writing of the loyal "Chum", Mehera says: "It is the story of all of Baba's pets. Because Baba emanated love, this real love evoked in each of His pets a deep and unswerving loyalty and love for Him. Each pet yearned to be in Baba's proximity just as we yearned to be with Baba; and just as we longed to give our all to our Beloved Lord, so did each of Baba's pets." Paperback, with many photos ($8.95). Also among our new releases is Roses, a Book of Verses. This is a collection of poems by Philip Creiger, a Baba Lover living in Myrtle Beach. Philip told me that upon reading them, Mani remarked that "each verse bore the fragrance of 13aba's love." Paperback ($5). Talking of poems, we have a collection of various poet's works put together by Ben Leet under the simple title Poems to Meller Baba. Apart from the moving, devotional poems, there are some very amusing, delightfully lighthearted ones as well. Perhaps sometimes we tend to get a little heavy in our love for Baba, and just as He had a wonderful sense of humor, so too is it good for us to love Him in a slightly wacky, funny way! Paperback ($5).

New to our bookstore are three hardcover books by Malcolm Schloss: The Infinite Glory ($5.95); Procession ofJoy ($5.95); and Ways to Attain the Supreme Reality ($6.95). Artist/musician James Meyer has made a beautiful little booklet (4"x3") of pen and ink portraits of Baba with various of His most potent sayings, written in lovely calligraphy. ($1.95). The needs of Baba's littlest lovers are well represented in our bookstore. We have Turlle's Darshan taken from a real life incident about a turtle who came to visit Baba as told by Bob Brown (of "Bob & Jane" fame!, $2). Merwan is a collection of stories of our Beloved told in a child's language. ($4.95) Nursery Rhymes in Meher's Time is a clever reworking of the old familiar rhymes by Meheru R. Irani. ($5.95) Sheeba is the story by Malinda Mayer of a horse Baba gave Mehera. ($5) Pegu is a story/coloring book about a Siamese cat. ($6.50) Then there is my favorite of all time, one my mother gave to my first born 27 years ago, and one I feel every Baba child would be enormously enriched by and would love: Meher Baba is Love. This most beautiful collection of photos and Baba sayings was put together by Adah Shifrin, who captioned the delightfully whimsical drawings by Patricia Sargent. ($6.95) Our Christmas special of a 25% reduction on all video tape mail orders will continue till Amartithi, January 31st. See the July issue of this newsletter for a complete description of all our tapes; if you don't have that issue and need a list, write me at the Center. You can also call me evenings at (213) 837-6419. If I'm not home, leave your address and a detailed message as to what you want. Dina Franklin See you the Bookstore. If my actions cause confusion it is because of your lack of complete trust. Therefore uproot all doubt and remember well that whatever I do is for the best. All my actions are my divine response born of my divine love. MeherBaba

Letters to the Editor From Kitty and Jane Dear Linda [zavala] and Our Friends from the Southern california Group, How kind and generous of you to send a special love gift for the Center's special needs after Hugo. We, the staff and volunteers and Directors, thank you from our hearts. We are so blessed, as you may have heard, in terms of no serious structural damage to Baba's home. He just put His Arms around it, and mitigated al1. There were large trees down, several falling across roofs, but Baba keeping them from too much damage, and of course much debris. The trail system wil1 take a long time to restore, but the repairs on the cabin roofs, new wiring required for two cabins, much clearing and cutting up of large fal1en trees, other minor repairs al1 already underway, with the help of nearby Center members. When we read of the devastation to the north and south of us we can only be grateful to beloved Baba as we know you are. There are of course extra expenses, and your don~tion [Ed.note: of $JOOJ comes at just the right time and is needed and deeply appreciated. We also have to replace three field lines, and have had to replace our trusty rider-mower that gave out (not due to the storm). So we just want to sayan additional "thank you" from our hearts for this good help. We know that it comes from your heart, and shows once again your concern and love for llaba's Center. We wil1 go forward slowly but surely to restore all to its former beauty, and look forward to your coming to the Center. As Mehera always used to say, "we can never thank Baba enough". With our love in Him, Kitty and Jane

Creationism V. Evolution: The Conflict Resolved There is a nationwide debate raging among scientists whether to include VALUE with science. They will have to! And it's up to Baba lovers to provide them with ethical and spiritual values and principles. I have written a 300-page book with this in mind: The Next Evolution Revolution: Evolution


and Value - Spiritualizing Eduction and the World by Meher Baba's Cosmology. Baba said that "Education devoid of culture is inherently destructive." Baba brings true culture, and it will save our educational system. "Baba EVOlution" is a genuine alternative to Darwinian Evolution. Baba said: "My panacea to the worried world is its effort to get an answer to the question, 'Wither and whence?'" The state law of "no origins" to be taught in the evolution curriculum is an anachronism. They don't realize that Baba's divine revelation of the origin of species, life, and the universe is authentic. Baba's spiritual metaphysics resolves the conflict between creationists and scientific evolutionists. It is evolution and God. It is God Himself evolving; so how can He be excluded! Baba said: "Evolution without God makes no sense." If they teach Baba's alternative alongside of Darwin's theory, it will make a lot of sense! God Speaks is the authentic universal Bible. It appeals to reason and logic. So it will be accepta~le to scientists, educators, and thinkers. I will try to get publishers of life science textbooks to include my book and Baba's books in their teachers' syllabus as a resouJCe. The next revision of Life Science textbookS wil1 be in 1992.

-Dana Field more on next page


Letters continued Letter from Meheru to Adele Wolken You have been much in my thoughts especially with Christine and Sarah and Harry here to ask about you and all our Baba family there. It brings you so much closer to us; and, remembering you, Filis is also always remembered. Dear Mehera is so much with us in all the things we did and shared together. Just this afternoon at tea time we were talking of some amusing incidents with Baba and Mehera and how spontaneous and delightful was Mehera's laughter, that just seeing and hearing her laugh, one would join in even without knowing what it was all about. Amartithi time of course will be very full, but

Sanskaras from page 2 ElJNICE lbe spiritual marketplace? It's worth a try I guess...Uh, I don't suppose I could talk you into waiting here? (They all laugh at her.) No, I didn't think so. Let's go. They shuffle off, all hanging on poor EUNICE.

NARRATOR So off she, uh, they went, Eunice and her sanskaras in search of the Perfect Master who could magically remove her sanskaras. It being a weekday, things were a little slow in the marketplace. Unfortunately, exploring the spiritual marketplace without a guide is like strolling through a minefield without a map: one false step and kaboom! Disaster strikes. While the narrator speaks, the stage fills with people assuming positions ofmeditation and absurd poses. One girl is doing aerobics. EUNICE and her sanskaras arrive on the scene as a guy is shouting:


GUY Hey psychic experiences here! Get your red hot occult visions! A special this week on our patented five minute samadhi! It's quick, it's cheap! EUNICE Can you get rid of sanskaras? GUYSure...sanskaras, grease spots, mustard, and coffee stains...only fifty bucks. GREED Why didn't I think of that...

for Baba's birthday it is not too crowded. It is Baba's grace to us that He told His lovers to celebrate His birthday at their own centers rather than here, or His birthday time would have been like another Amartithi. Yes, Baba surely took care of the [Meher Spiritual] Center [in Myrtle Beach, S.c.] at the time of the Hurricane, as he did of His lovers during the [Bay Area] Earthquake. Now is the month when Mehera and I would start doing the Mehermas greetings for all our family - so from Meherazad from all the family we take this opportunity of wishing you and all our Baba family there a Merry Mehermas and Happy Babaful New Year. Much love to you, dear Adele. Keep well and happy in Baba's love. - Mehem

LUST He's cu te. EUNICE just shakes her head and continues on, coming to another salesman: SALESMAN Hold it right there! How much would you pay for all the secrets of the universe? Wait! Don't answer yet. You'll also get this fivepiece set of durable naugahyde luggage! Now how much would you pay? EUNICE moves on, to the girl doing aerobics. EUNICE Excuse me, what, uh, are you doing? GIRL (while aerobicizing) I teach a course in self-realtzation through aerobics...A beautiful body makes for a beautiful soul. EUNICE Could I work off these sanskaras? GIRL No, but you sure could make them look~ lot better! C'mon, feel the burn! VANIIT (falling into place beside her) She's right! Let's do it! GIRL I'll take you all on for a hundred dollars. EUNICE Uh, no thanks. EUNICE wanders off, ready to give up hope.

EUNICE This is depressing...There's no perfect magician here... ANGER What'd you expect? They all begin to talk and holler again. EUNICE puts her hands over her ears and closes her eyes.

We can still see the sanskaras talking but we can't hear them now (they mime hysterically).

EUNICE takes her hands off-her ears and opens her eyes and again we hear the sanskaras. Again she closes her ears and again the sanskaras are silent, except now we hear a group ofpeople seated at the side of the stage, singing a Daba song. EUNICE rises and calls to the leader of the group. EUNICE Excuse me, are you a magician? BAllA LOVER No, but my Master is. Hc transforms souls_

BAllA LOVER Give or take a few... EUNICE Okay, that'd be enough proof. BAllA LOVER Therc you areThe I3A13A LOVER points at thc audience. EUNICE studies the people with amazemenl. EUNICE Wow! Really? Even those people in the back?

The BADA LOVER looks carefully, then nods. EUNICE What's your master's name? And where do I find him?

BAllA LOVER His name is Meher 13aba and you can find him in your heart. See, he's who you were before those sanskaras made a mess of your life. He's who you are now, too, but you don't know it. EUNICE That should probably make sense, but it doesn't. BADA LOVER Don't worry about it. All Baba wants is your love.

EUNICE How can I love him? BAllA LOVER He said to start by remembering him.

EUNICE How do I do that? BAllA LOVER Singing helps. EUNICE Oh, I couldn't do that in front of all these people...


EUNICE Can he get rid of sanskaras? BAllA LOVER In the wink of an eye. But in his own time and ways.

EUNICE I get much do I have 10 pay? BAllA LOVER He doesn't want money...justlove. EUNICE Do you have any proof of his magic? y'know, a miracle or something neat like that? BAllA LOVER Well, if I was to show you 300 people from all over the world who dropped everything and came to a hot dry place in the mountains 10 worship someone most of them had never met in the flesh, would you call that a miracle? EUNICE Are these responsible, intelligent people?

At this point the BABA LOVER glances uncertainly Ollt at the audience of Sahavas attendees, then shmgs.

BAllA LOVER Don't worry, they'll join in. EUNICE Really? BAllA LOVER Yeah and then afterward they'll hug you and say "Jai Baba!" to you. C'mon, everybody get up and show Eunice how it's done.

EUNICE walks over to the BABA LOVER while the sanskaras trail meekly behind. EUNICE Hey, I can move again! They're still there but at least they've shut up.

BAllA LOVER Oh they'll speak up again, sometimes louder than ever but when they do just sing out to Baba...Ready?

Evel)'one sings. The curtain closes and the nan路alor returns:

NARRATOR Well, that's our play for today... And

you're undoubtedly asking your~lves... Was it fact? Was it fiction? Or was it just one more drop in the bucket which is the ocean in ... The Baba Zone.



Turkey Trot Outreachfrompage 5 Cheesecake Factory ($40 value). Thank you, David! We then cal1ed LA Eyeworks to ask for a pair of designer sunglasses. They not only donated a pair of "Harleys" sunglasses valued at $125, but also dinner for two at the Border Grill ($50 value). Thank you, Barbara McReynolds, Gai Gherardi, and Margo Willits. With these four great prizes for our raffle, we were off to a rousing start. We raised enough money to donate forty . generously packed Thanksgiving baskets, in Baba's name, to needy families. We also provided two additional needy families with food gift certificates to their local markets. We were able to feed 42 families, some with many children. This is 12 more families than last year. Thanks to the many people who contributed services to make the Turkey Trot Dance a success. Also, thanks to those who shopped, packed the baskets, and made deliveries. Thank al1 of you for your generous support of this project. • Nancy Merwan

"Meher Bubba" Barbara Roberts of Santa Fe recently tried to get a smal1 notice about Baba meetings in a local pUblication. Because of a language barrier and the unfamiliarity of Baba's name and title she had difficulty getting the message across. When the notice final1y did come out, it read Avatar Meher Buba Meetings Wednesdays at 7:30pm

When this notice appeared Barbara was immediately struck by al1 the possibilities inherent in a Meher "Bubba" group. "Think of it," she told the Lamp Post. "Instead of writing ghazals about Divine Wine, followers of Bubba could sit around guzzling Divine Brew!" Likewise, Swami Bubba would restate the ancient teachings in a more palatable, contemporary format. Instead of being "in the world, but not of it", Bubba fol1owers could strive happily to follow the Swami's dictum to be "in the world, but out of it!"

The mome'ilt the intensity of your faith in my will reaches its height you say goodbye to worry forever. Think of Me more and more, and all your worries will disappear into the nothing they really are. Meher Baba Non-Profit OrganiZ8tion

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025

Redondo Beach, CA Permit No.196






"MISS CRASKE" by Regina Fletcher Sadono [Ed. note: Margaret Craske passed away in Grand Strand Memorial Hospital in Myrtle Beach, Sowh Carolina, at 8:18 am on Sunday, February 18. In her final days, she was surrounded by her dancers and other friends. Her second Baba book, Still Dancing With Love, is due for release by Sheriar Press at about the time ofthis newsletter's mailing.]

One of the first things I heard about Margaret Craske, back in the early seventies, was that Meher Baba made her live in a tree for three we;ks. I don't know how this rumor got started, but it was passed around, with great authority, among the dancers in New York City. As I was leaving Berkeley in 1974 to dance in New York City, a friend told me about Margaret Craske. After I arrived in New York, it seemed like everyone was talking about her. I heard, over and over, that I should go and study with her. The catch was, one had to audition first. I was sure she would reject me, so I never bothered to try. I suppose one never regrets any failure as much as the failure to try! I was curious, though. How does a ballet teacher look who has lived in a tree for three weeks? I went to the dance archives at Lincoln Center and found an old film of her, made in the

fifties, teaching a ballet class. I often walked past the door to her ballet school, but I never went in. Many years later I came to my senses, but it was too late. I no longer lived in New York City, and whenever I went to visit there, Miss Craske was out of town. Once I took a class with one of her students. This teacher screamed her head off at me, and I never went back. In Christmas of 1980, I visited Myrtle Beach. I made an appointment to see Kitty Davy, and she said, "So what do you do, my dear?" I told her I was a dancer, and in a short time I found myself with Miss Craske. I spent a lovely hour with her that Christmas, and also the next Christmas. I discovered, among other things, that there was not a shred of truth to the tree story. In all my dance career, I've never heard of anyone who inspired as much reverence as this woman. Not just among Baba lovers, many of whom came to Baba through her, but among dance professionals without any spiritual aspirations whatsoever. "What is it about her?" I would ask them. "She sees everything," they would say. "She is a master, a Guru.~. She sees right through you... She knows exactly what to say... She understand ballet like n~ one on earth..." Last year I started Film School at UCLA, and


"MISS CRASKE" by Regina Fletcher Sadono [Ed. note: Margaret Craske passed away in Grand Strand Memorial Hospital in Myrtle Beach, SOlllh Carolina, at 8:18 am on Sunday, Febmary 18. In her final days, she was surrounded by her dancers and other friends. Her second Baba book, Still Dancing With Love, is due for release by Sheriar Press at about the time ofthis newsletter's mailing.]

One of the first things I heard about Margaret Craske, back in the early seventies, was that Meher Baba made her live in a tree for three we;ks. I don't know how this rumor got started, but it was passed around, with great authority, among the dancers in New York City. As I was leaving Berkeley in 1974 to dance in New York City, a friend told me about Margaret Craske. After I arrived in New York, it seemed like everyone was talking about her. I heard, over and over, that I should go and study with her. The catch was, one had to audition first. I was sure she would reject me, so I never bothered to try. I suppose one never regrets any failure as much as the failure to try! I was curious, though. How does a ballet teacher look who has lived in a tree for three weeks? I went to the dance archives at Lincoln Center and found an old film of her, made in the

fifties, teaching a ballet class. I often walked past the door to her ballet school, but I never went in. Many years later I came to my senses, but it was too late. I no longer lived in New York City, and whenever I went to visit there, Miss Craske was out of town. Once I took a class with one of her students. This teacher screamed her head off at me, and I never went back. In Christmas of 1980, I visited Myrtle Beach. I made an appointment to see Kitty Davy, and shesaid, "So what do you do, my dear?" I told her I was a dancer, and in a short time I found myself with Miss Craske. I spent a lovely hour with her that Christmas, and also the next Christmas. I discovered, among other things, that there was not a shred of truth to the tree story. In all my dance career, I've never heard of anyone who inspired as much reverence as this woman. Not just among Baba lovers, many of whom came to Baba through her, but among dance professionals without any spiritual aspirations whatsoever. "What is it about her?" I would ask them. "She sees everything," they would say. "She is a master, a Guru... She sees right through you... She knows exactly what to say... She understand ballet like n~ one on earth..." Last year I started Film School at UCLA, and


it suddenly came to me that I should write a screenplay about Margaret Craske. I had read and re-read her book, and the many delightful stories of her life with Baba seemed to come to life, in Jiving technicolor, inside my head. "Too complicated," I thought, "forget it." But I couldn't. Sitting in a lecture, I found myself scribbling a letter to Miss Craske, so I thought maybe llaba was pushing me. Maybe I should write to her. Try. She wrote back, "In answer to your letter, I see no reason why you should not use some of the incidents I have described, provided that you first send me a list of the material you will be using." This came just after Thanksgiving, so I "pitched" this idea to get into a writing class in January. Nter weeks of research, I wrote a lengthy outline for the story, and read it to my classmates. It bombed. None of them liked it. My teacher, who had been enthusiastic about the idea, hated it. Too unwieldly. No sex. No violence. This is Hollywood! Get with the program, Regi. The day after my outline bombed in class, I received a reply from Miss Craske to a second letter I had written her. Dated January 22, 1989, the reply read: "It was most interesting to receive your letter about your plans for your screenplay. You must know that it is very difficult ....rite anything about the past and Baba 's early activities in the West. I feel that unless this is done thoroughly and done by people who experienced Baba's work at that time, it should not be done. Many people love Baba and have written articles and plays which have harmed rather than helped, have not drawn people to Baba nor pointed oW the Tmth about Him. "I suggest that you make a study ofBaba 's life as written by His close disciples who did experience the effects ofHis work You will find these things draw you closer to understanding what this Incarnation ofLove was giving to the world. I send you my loving thoughts that you shoud come closer and closer to this Miracle of Love. " Meanwhile my sources in Myrtle Beach disclosed that personages at Sheriar Press were seriously annoyed. "Didn't she read the front page of Margaret's book" they wanted to know, "where it says she needs written permission from the

publisher? Why is she bothering Margaret?" Now everybody was mad at me, nobody liked what I was doing, and I was miserable. Instead of a pat on the head, I got a kick in the pants. Yes, Baba was at work. I called my writing teacher, practically in tears, telling her that Miss Craske didn't want me to write the story after all. I had decided, instead, to write a comedy about a female volleyball coach who commits murder. My teacher, however, nixed this idea, telling me to take what I had learned from my research and make up my own fictionalized story. I agreed to do this, and spent the entire day rewriting the outline. Nter I had obtained approval for this new outline, I received a letter from Kitty Davy, in reply to one I had written her discussing my screenplay idea and requesting permission to use material from her book. Kitty's letter (dated January 17, but received after Miss Craske's) said: "My secretmy Martha WilliaM.> and I hm'e read continued on last page

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 474-9454 This newsletter is designed to keep the Southern California Meher Baba community and friends abreast of Center activities, and to provide a forum for contempory accounts of life with Meher Baba as Guide. Editors: Greg and Gay Dunn Program Chairperson: John Stout Contributors: Dina Franklin, Regi Sadono, Jurgis Sapkus, Patty SIOU~ Tarbox, Adele Wolkin, and Linda Zavala Mailing: Chris and Pris Haffenden Please send aU n....slnter mtJIniDt to: Greg and Gay Dunn 2616 Vargas Way Redondo Beach, CA 90267 (213) 371-632t Pkase send addreso changes/subscription requests to: Pris Haffenden 3616路1/2 S. Centinela Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066 (213) 390-2779 Published quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) All contents copyright (拢) 1990 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted.

Margaret Craske: A Short Baba-Biography Margaret Craske was born in Norfolk, England. She began her professional career dancing in music halls. From 1918-1923, she studied with a great master of the art, Enrico Cecchetti, and was one of the only people ever certified by him to teach his technique. In 1920, Serge Diaghilev chose her for his company, and she danced with the Diaghilev Ballet until she was forced to retire from performing because of an injured Achilles tendon. Some years later, she had her own ballet school in London. Looking for a peaceful place to vacation, she heard of Meredith Starr's retreat in Easy Challacombe. It was there that she first saw Baba's picture. She quickly became a disciple of Baba, and was one of the first to greet Him when he came to England in September of 1931. Baba stayed in London for one night, at the Davy residence, and went on to East Challacombe. Miss Craske joined Him there several days later. On His return to London, Baba watched Miss Craske teach a ballet class at her school. Baba then went to America and, in December of 1931, called for Miss Craske to join him in France. She stayed with Him during His travels around Europe, and saw Him off when He departed for India. Baba returned to Europe the following year, and Miss Craske spent a great deal of time with Him then. In Italy, in July, 1932, at Villa Fiorenza (located between Santa Margherita and Paraggi), she gave Baba a series of ballet lessons, for the purpose of which Baba took the pseudonym, "Thomas." Baba returned to India in August. In February of 1933, Miss Craske was in the first group of Westerners to visit India. As Baba had told them they would remain there for some years, Miss Craske (to the consternation of the dance community) sold her ballet school. Three weeks later, greeted by a deafening chorus of "I told you so!" the group returned to England. By this time their exploits had made the newspapers, and reporters followed them around, trying to get a scoop. As it turned out, Miss Craske regained

her school, and went back to teaching as she awaited Baba's orders. He returned to Europe in June of 1933. Baba made many trips to the West during the Thirties, visiting England, Europe, and America. In December of 1936, he invited another group of Westerners, also including Miss Craske, to visit Him in India. This time the group remained until July of 1937, at which time Baba travelled with them to the West. When He returned to India in November, He took with Him Elizabeth Patterson, Norina Matchabelli, Rano and Nonny Gayley, and Kitty Davy. In November of 1939, Miss Craske was one of the last people to get out of England before that country was sealed off by World War II. She remained with Baba in India for several years. After seven years, Baba sent her to New York City to teach ballet, which she did until her retirement in 1987 at the age of ninety-six. We are happy to know that she is now with Baba, Whom she has loved, for seventy years, more than her own life.

The following cable was sent by the LA. group to Kitty and others at the Meller Spiritual Center, upon receipt of the news ofMargartt's passing: "We know the Beloved has embraced His beautiful disciple Margaret in His eternal dance of love."


HELENDAHM [Editor's Note: Charlie Morton recently obtained, through interlibrary loan from a library in Arizona, the book Helen Dallm Now out ofpn'nt, the book was written in German by Ms. Dahm's friends Doris Wild, Elisabeth Grossmann, and Regula Witzig, and published by ABC Verlag (Zurich) in 1984. No English translation exists. Charlie loaned the book to Jurgis Sapkus, who brought it to the attention of the Lamp Post Jurgis has very kindly relayed the following information about Ms. Dahm based on his study ofthe book]

Fishermen, lithograph, 1955


Helen Dahm was born 21 May, 1878 in Egelshofen, (now Krenzlingen), Switzerland, near the German border. She was the eldest of four children, including a sister and two brothers. Her family lived with Helen's maternal grandparents. Helen attended school in Konstanz, just across the German border from Egelshofen. Helen's grandfather was a well-to-do silk merchant; her grandmother, a large, heavy woman, dressed in elaborate silks. One day Helen, her younger brother, and her sister were playing around a goldfish fountain. Helen's younger siblings fell into the fountain, and Helen

always remembered how her grandmother, without a moment's hesitation, jumped into the pond, in all her silks and with all her massive bulk, to rescue the children. The pond, she recalled, "overflowed oceanically". Upon the death ofI-Ielen's grandfather, her father inherited the family silk business, but under him it went to ruin, as he was unrealistic in business matters and paid too much attention to esthetics, to the exclusion of practicality. Meanwhile her mother developed cancer, and this illness consumed most of what remained of the family fortune. The family moved to Zurich and opened a boarding house for students as a way of making ends meet. Helen was by this time a young woman. Having had from childhood a strong interest in art, Helen was eager to study it, but faced serious obstacles. Firstly, because of her mother's fragile health, most of the responsibility of the boarding house fell upon Helen. Secondly, the European art schools did not admit women! Helen's mother recovered partially, and in 1899, Helen began attending, instead of an art school, a crafts school organized by a woman. This training in crafts later proved useful to Helen when she was able to make a living producing hand-printed fabrics for dresses and other crafts. At the same time it proved an obstacle to gaining recognition as a serious artist. In 1906, at age 30, Helen ran away from the family, as the conflict between her desire to pursue art and the heavy responsibilities of running the boarding house heightened to an unsustainable extent. She never saw her family again in her life. She went to Munich and began studies at the Munich Fine Art Academy, which she continued intermittently for almost ten years. [Ed note: Jurgis himselfstudied at this academy for one year, in 1958-59.] At the Academy she met artists associated with the Blue Writer movement, a German expressionist group organized by Wassily Kandinsky. She also met Paul K1ee, Franz Marc, and Auguste Macke, by all of whose work she was influenced. continued on page 10

AMBCSC Bulletin Board Lyn OU PainJing Bene}1J Raf]k. There's still time to buy your raffle ticket(s) for the Lyn Ott painting. This beautiful painting is being raffled to raise funds to pay for medical expenses associated with Richard Nimmler's serious illness. The painting has been appraised at $6000; tickets are $50 each. Drawing for the raffle will be held January 27,1990. Tickets may be purchased up to the last second, but two seconds after that will be too late, so don't take a chance on missing it! Contact Linda zavala, Center Treasurer, for details at (818) 795-8322. Our Board of Directors, and Linda, wish to thank everyone who has so lovingly contributed to make this a successful fundraiser for one of Baba's dear ones. Congratu!flJions and Heartfelt Best Wishes to Gulnaz Lorkalantari and Manouchehr Manouchehrpour, who were married December 9 in a Zoroastrian ceremony at Rustam Guiv Dar-E Mehr in Westminster, California! Congratu!flJions to the winners of the Turkey Trot Fundraiser Sweepstakes: Diana Goodheart (Dinner for two, Border Grill); Louise Bower (Dinner for two, Cheesecake Factory); Brian Drygas (Brunch for two, Cheesecake Factory); and Aghdas Pezeshki of San Diego (Designer Sunglasses from the LA Eyeworks). Serving Baha by Serving Others. Thanks to Romney Meyran for his help placing Baba books with the Indio, CA, Public Library. The Library Project, whose goal is to place Baba books in as many public and academic institution libraries as possibte, continues. Contact Adele Wolken, (213) 540-8404, for details. Sahavas Commillee. The 1990 Sahavas will be held from June 30 to July 4th. Guests will include: Bhau Kalchuri, Tom Riley, Virginia Rudd, and Jim Meyer. If you would like to participate on the Sahavas Committee, your help is welcome! Also, remember that many contributions can be made by people living out of town. Write the Sahavas Committee, c/o the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, or call David McNeely - 213 258-9887 for further information. Avatar Meller Haba Trust. Mani sends "a

garland of Baba greetings to the Trust donors". For information or donations to the Trust, please write to "Friends of the Meher Baba Trust" c/o Karina Page, 4530 Starling Way, Los Angeles, CA 90065

Meher Free Dispensary Needs. The Meher Free Dispensary at Meherazad, under the loving direction of Dr. Goher, ministers to the medical needs of the sick and poor villagers of the area. It has recently been clarified for us that the Dispensary has no connection with the Avatar Meher Baba Tntst, and receives no financial support from it. The dispensary is therefore entirely dependent on direct donations of supplies and money from those who feel moved to support its work. Dr. Goher details some of the Dispensary's needs in a recent letter: ..."What we do need are aspirin, tylenol, multivitamins, calcium with magnesium, strong Bcomplex and vitamin C. Other than that we can always use antibiotics, both adult and pediatric. Our pediatric are a bit low..." Questions regarding coordinating or sending of supplies may be sent to Adele Wolkin c/o AMBC-SC. ConJributions Sought for the Lamp Post! Please share your artwork, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. Send to Greg and Gay Dunn, 2616 Vargas Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, or call us at (213) 371-6321. Deadlinefor Spring 90 issue: February 21. Please note!

Turkey Trot Outreach Our Thanksgiving project was very successful and there are many thanks to give to many people. The committee for this project was truly a "dream team" -- Lois Jones, Teri Adams, Lynn Maguire. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and commitment. First we needed raffle prizes. We called David Overton to ask for brunch at the Gheesecake Factory. He not only donated a brunch for two ($30 value), but also a dinner for two at the continued on last page


All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. If you have ideas or requests for future programs, please contact John Stout at (818) 888-6330. Please note: All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. If you have music or other art to present, or ideas to share, please contact the coordinator listed for each meeting. Your participation is desired!

JANUARY EVENTS January 6, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

January 6, Saturday, 8pm. DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY IT'S 1990. Come share your ideas and aspirations for the new year and new decade -- how we can creatively progress individually and collectively as a Baba family. Coordinated by Nancy Merwan and Teri Adams.

January 13, Saturday, 8pm. GUTTA NIGHT. "Where Were You on January 31, 1969, the Day Beloved Baba Dropped His Physical Body?" Share your story. Coordinated by Fred Stankus: January 20, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

January 20, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE


NIGHT. "I may give you more, much more than you expect, or maybe nothing, and that nothing may prove to be everything. So I say, come with open hearts to receive much or nothing from the Divine Beloved." - The film, Meher Baba, the Human Side of God will be shown tonight. Coordinated by John Stout.

January 27, Saturday, 8pm. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Tonight we elect a new Board of Directors for 1990. Also, reports on all Center activities for 1989 will be presented. All are welcome to attend this meeting, but you must be a member to vote. Questions? Please contact Adele Wolkin. January 30, Tuesday. 8pm. AMARTITHI NIGHT, LA. Personal Growth Center, 1904 Centinela Avenue, West LA. Welcome one and all to commemorate Beloved Meher Baba's release from His Divine physical form on January 31, 1969. Refreshments and long-stemmed flowers appreciated. Silent meditation will be held from 10:30 to 10:45 pm. Location is near Bundy and Olympic; maps at the Baba Center. Coordinated by Linda zavala and Lois Jones.

FEBRUARY EVENTS February 3, Saturday, 8pm. BABAjANTHE DWINE KISS, THE UNVEILING OF AVATAR. Discussion coordinated by Linda zavala. Come and share your thoughts of this great Master.

February 10, Saturday, 6-7pm. HELP PLAN NEXT QUARTER'S MEETINGS! Have you any creative ideas to share? Meet at the Center to plan next quarter's Saturday night meetings. Questions? Contact John Stout. February 10, Saturday, 8pm. MEHER BABA DECLARED HIS AVATARHOOD TODAY, FEB. 10, 1954. Come prepared to discuss his major messages: "Highest of the High", "Universal Message", "The Last Declaration". Coordinated by Georgene Tarbox. February 17, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

February 17, Saturday, 8pm. THE AWAKENERJOURNAL. Adele Wolkin coordinates a discussion of "some of the best" from the Awakener, the Baba journal edited by Filis Frederick. Bring your special copy and sharc. February 24, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. We welcome all those ncw to Baba with a brief discussion before the films. "I am present in all hearts gathered in My name to hear my message of love." - Meher Baba. Refreshments served before the meeting 7:30-8:00. Coordinated by Charlie Morton, Brian Drygas, and John Stout. February 25, Sunday, 2-5pm. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEHER BABA! Meher Baba's 96th birthday celebration. A festive afternoon of music, poetry, films of our Beloved, and birthday cake. Meeting location to be announced by phone rree. Coordinated by John Stout.

MARCH EVENTS March 3, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. •Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and ani at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. March 3, Saturday, 8pm. SWAP MEET TONIGHT! Marguerite Poley invites you to bring your favorite Baba quote - the one that really moves you - and we will swap and share.

March 10, Saturday, 8pm. POETRYEXPRESSIONS OF THE HEART/MIND. Please bring anything you would like to share. Coordinated by Michael Shepherd and Judy Anderson. March 17, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordina ted by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

March 17, Saturday, 7:30pm. MANDALl HALL NIGHT. Capture the feeling of Mandali Hall. Share your favorite stories or readings. Surprise guest. Wear clothing suitable for Ooor silting. Chai will be served 7:30-8pm. At 8pm sharp we begin. Coordinated by John Stout. March 24, Saturday, 8pm. MAYA, MYSTIQUE, AND THE AVATAR. Jeff Maguire will delve into a fascinating topic which he will have decided upon by the time this month rolls around. Come and share. March 31, Saturday, 8pm. MOVIE NIGHT. "I am the One who is always lost and found among mankind. It is your love for yourself that loses Me, and it is your love for Me that finds Me." - Meher Baba. Our projectionist is Charlie Morton. What you as individuals know at this moment, I knew aeons ago; and what you as individuals in ages to come will be knowing at a particulm· moment, I know now. Avatar Meher Baha

Area Meetings There are area group meetings in the South Bay, Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548-2072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078. In the South Bay call Greg or Gay Dunn at (213) 371-6321.

Santa Barbara Baba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting times and locations call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796.

San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba'~roup meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941. 7


Judging by tbe brisk mail order sales in November and December, there were many happy people all over the country who received Baba books and video tapes for Christmas! Topping the bestseller list is Mehem - Baba's beloved's life story, told in her own words. The book is a large (9xll), beautifully presented book with over 100 wonderful photos, many in color ($40). The eagerly awaited Lord Meher, Volume IV is now in our store and was, I feel, found under many a Christmas tree ($40). Just released is a little book called Baba Loved Us, Too. These stories of Meher Baba's pets come straight from Mehera's porch at Meherazad -- site of the telling of many a tale about the Avatar over the past 20 years. Recounted with the gentle simplicity of all Mehera's stories, these are accounts of the multifarious pets who came to spend time with the Avatar and His Mandali. Writing of the loyal "Chum", Mehera says: "It is the story of all of Baba's pets. Because Baba emanated love, this real love evoked in each of His pets a deep and unswerving loyalty and love for Him. Each pet yearned to be in Baba's proximity juS! as we yearned to be with Baba; and just as we longed to give our all to our Beloved Lord, so did each of Baba's pets." Paperback, with many photos ($8.95). Also among our new releases is Roses, a Book of Verses. This is a collection of poems by Philip Creiger, a Baba Lover living in Myrtle Beach. Philip told me that upon reading them, Mani remarked that "each verse bore the fragrance of 13aba's love." Paperback ($5). Talking of poems, we have a collection of various poet's works put together by Ben Leet under the simple title Poems to Meller Baba. Apart from the moving, devotional poems, there are some very amusing, delightfully lighthearted ones as well. Perhaps sometimes we tend to get a little heavy in our love for Baba, and just as He had a wonderful sense of humor, so too is it good for us to love Him in a slightly wacky, funny way! Paperback ($5).

New to our bookstore are three hardcover books by Malcolm Schloss: The Infinite Glory ($5.95); Procession ofJoy ($5.95); and Ways to Attain the Supreme Reality ($6.95). Artist/musician James Meyer has made a beautiful little booklet (4"x3") of pen and ink portraits of Baba with various of His most potent sayings, written in lovely calligraphy. ($1.95). The needs of Baba's littlest lovers are well represented in our bookstore. We have Turtle's Darshan taken from a real life incident about a turtle who came to visit Baba as told by Bob Brown (of "Bob & Jane" fame!, $2). Merwan is a collection of stories of our Beloved told in a child's language. ($4.95) Nursery Rhymes in Meher's Time is a clever reworking of the old familiar rhymes by Meheru R. Irani. ($5.95) Sheeba is the story by Malinda Mayer of a horse Baba gave Mehera. ($5) Pegu is a story/coloring book about a Siamese cat. ($6.50) Then there is my favorite of all time, one my mother gave to my first born 27 years ago, and one I feel every Baba child would be enormously enriched by and would love: Meher Baba is Love. This most beautiful collection of photos and Baba sayings was put together by Adah Shifrin, who captioned the delightfully whimsical drawings by Patricia Sargent. ($6.95) Our Christmas special of a 25 % reduction on all video tape mail orders will continue till Arnartithi, January 31st. See the July issue of this newsletter for a complete description of all our tapes; if you don't have that issue and need a list, write me at the Center. You can also call me evenings at (213) 837-6419. If I'm not home, leave your address and a detailed message as to what you want. Dina Franklin See you the Bookstore. If my actions cause confusion it is because of your lack of complete trust. Therefore uproot all doubt and remember wel~ that whatever I do is for the best. All my actions are my divine response born of my divine love. MeherBaba

Richard Nimmler


Richard Nimmler, one of the longest-standing members of the L.A. group, was taken into Baba's Divine Abode on December 18, 1989. After 20 months of fighting lymphatic cancer, he surrendered his body and soul to Baba. He had just turned 38 on November 28th. Baba very lovingly arranged to have Richard's sister and mother, and about 10 Baba lovers, with Richard in his last hours, reminding him to remember that his focus on Baba was even more important than life itself. Prayers were said continuously for the last 20 minutes with three "Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!'s" as he expired. For about 6 months before Richard passed away, a care team was set up consisting of Adele Wotkin, Bob Dearborn, and myself. We three are deeply grateful to Baba for the opportunity to serve one of his lovers. Of course many friends of Richard's called, visited and regularly checked in on him. His sister and mother came from Oregon

the last two weeks. Richard's home, which always looked like a bachelor's digs, was transformed by his family, cleaned up and organized. Although they were under a tremendous strain, the faces of Richard's mother and sister were radiant and continued on Last page

The following loving message was sent by Bhau, to whom Richard felt very close, upon Richard's passing: "Richard is now in the abode ofthe Beloved and we were really happy to see him in good spirits Last year. He was longing to come here and serve Beloved Baba's Cause and it is definite. that the BeLoved will fulfill his longing. He has called him near Him in order to give him a good body to serve His Cause. And therefore Richard will appear soon in an intimate Baba family."

A JOURNEY WITH FILlS In Memory of Richard Nimmler She came - hands outstretched Vigorous and healthy Sure of her being, her job, her purpose Happy in what she was doing A position of strength and beauty: White hair tied back Eyes light and with a sparkle That little half smile on her face Just a little crooked - almost a Mona Lisa look Her presence felt -- I looked up There she was - in the corner by the closet Extending her right hand I heard her say "Come on, Richard" She smiled again, Happy to be inviting him on her journey. His body lay there, so quiet Still in its dignity, Stilled so soon by those cancer cells.

One by one they grasped at his last breath Until none was left for him. Only 38 years old, yet he had learned The dignity of a death when faith in God Is one hundred percent unassailable And without question. For a few moments, Richard was there, Though his body was still. But soon, very soon, less than 150 ticks of the clock, Richard was gone Flow away without that troublesome body -Away on a journey with FHis. Where will they go? What will they experience? The Beloved's arms will be waiting at the end Welcoming them HOME!!

xobraT, 0991


Bulletin Board continued from page 5 Lyn OU Painting Raffle. Congrats to Doug Cox, our former Caretaker, now of Myrtle Beach, who won the painting; to Dot Lesnik of Myrtle Beach, who won Lord Meher, VoL W; and to Helen Riehl of Walnut Creek, who won a book to be chosen. Richard Nimmler, greatly benefitted by the proceeds, was deeply grateful.

LETTERS From Bhau Kalchuri to Adele Wolkin: I'm happy to know that you are inviting Virginia Rudd, Tom Riley, and Jim Meyer for the Sahavas; and I will also be there to harass you all in such a way that you may decide, "No more Bhau for the States!" This may be my last visit to the States and I will be very happy when I hear the chorus from all, "No more Bhau!" Christine (Pearson) is working here and she is in charge of the lodging and boarding for the foreigners during Amartithi. She's really very efficient...Harry is moving about visiting different Centers in h:- is in Mahabaleshwar. He will come back here before Amartithi... With all love and Jai Baba...ln His Love, Bhau From Kitty, Margaret, Jane, and the Board of Directors ofthe Meher ~;viritual Center in Myrtle Beach, to all friends of;路~e Meher Center: ...Baba's taking MelJ::ra to Him seems to signal a quickening of His Universal work. Here at

Helen Dahrn from page 4


In 1911 Helen travelled through many art places in Europe, studying. In 1913 she returned to Zurich where she made a living from crafts, and resided with her friend and longtime companion Elese Strantz. She was given a beautiful country home in Oetwil (near Zurich) by an anonymous donor, and moved there with Elese, entering a period of prolific work. In 1932 the long friendship with Elese Stranz came to an end, and Ms. Stranz moved away from the house. As had occurred in other important relationships in Helen's life, she never saw Elese again. As a result of this, Helen felt broken and lonely. It was not long after this that she learned

His western home, we do not need to read the newspapers for signs of His heightened activity. The continuing saga of tht; highway connector, the high winds of Hugo, and even a white Christmas (15 inches no less) are vivid reminders ofl-lis Divine Drama! ...1990 will bring a long-awaited decision about the proposed highway connector, nor called the Conway Bypass. Baba has used this long battle to touch the hearts of many with His name and to teach us greater reliance on Him alone. ...We have also been deeply touched by the love and concern many of you expressed in the wake of hurricane Hugo. The storm was due to hit Myrtle Beach directly, but at the last minute it changed course, sparing us the worst of its fury. Nevertheless the Center sustained damage...Repair and clean-up has taken months, and there is still much to do on the trails. Fortunately good volunteer help with the outdoor work has enabled the dedicated staff to clear the main roads, the cabin areas, and to accomplish a good deal overall. ...In the midst of all the upheavals and changes in the world and in our lives, we remember the Beloved gesturing, "Yes, I have the whole world in My Hands." How blessed we are to know the truth of Baba's words when He tells us: "My Will is Law, My Wish governs the Law, and My Love sustains the Universe."

of Meher Baba from friends. In 1937 she travelled to Cannes where she met Meher Baba. Upon returning from Cannes, Helen sold her house and possessions, gave away her paintings to friends, and went to India (in 1938) to stay with Meher Baba. Upon leaving, she said she did not know when - or if路 she would return from India. Helen spoke only German and had, according to her biographers, difficulties communicating with the others in India. This, together with being away from her homeland and the tools of her profession, made her feel quite lonely. When, eventually, Baba gave her the order to paint his tomb, using the few paints and tools she could obtain, she was overjoyed at the opportunity to

Miss Craske from page 2 I'ery carefllllyYOllr interesting letter. 1hm路e long awaited for someone to come lip with an idea ofa film of those early days when Baba first came to the West and I'm personally thrilled with the idea of your trying to portray this early period. Alas, there are few left who can recall this period other than myself and Margaret - the others, including my brother Herben have passed on., All you have now are books. And yes, some ofMeredith Starr's relatives are still alive and live in New York. "I am sorry that 1 can't do anythingfurther but my age is getting the best ofmy memory and the early years are not so clear. 1 will see that Margaret reads and responds to your letter. "You are free to use any material from my book Love Alone Prevails that you wish. Charles Purdom's book, The Perfect Master, is also excellent for infonnation as yOIl know." Happy as I was to receive this letter, I felt I couldn't change my plans again. So this great screenplay still remains to be written. Maybe someday I will write it: maybe someone else will do it first. Dt:spite these painful disappointment."

it was a wonderful experience to spend two weeks buried in Baba's early Western travels. Probably nothing, though, compared to living for three weeks in a tree!

Richard Nimmler from page 9 serene as they spent all their energy on his needs. Baba's presence was definitely felt in his home. Richard was cremated with a Baba button, and prayers were also said. The family accepted our wish to have a thoroughly Baba-filled ceremony for him as this was Richard's wish. Baba has told us that our families are also helped by our devotion to Him. This was clearly in evidence by all the love his family received by our people, and how deeply they appreciated this love. Personally, I am very happy to be a part of the L.A. Baba group, whose members "rise to the occasion" when a need to help or organize around an event presents itself. A circle of lovers came forward for Richard in his illness and death in such a spontaneous outpouring of giving. This was a great demonstration of Baba's love in action.

- Linda Zavala

Non-Profit Organization


10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025


PAl D Redondo Beach, CA Permit No.196




II] y




THE PERFECT EMPLOYER by Jay Ram Jay Rmn came to the notice ofDina Franklin parent. AIl in all, a great company to work for! He some months ago when Dina began receiving large, regular monthly book orders from Jay at his hires us for a particular jOb, and then provides Hawaii address. Dina wrote to inquire whether Jay everything necessary to do that job, just like a represented a Baba center on the island, and large corporation. So we are given company learned just what an unusual center he does mainvehicles, housing, etc, all actually owned by the tain! A transplanted Los Angeleno, Jay lives on a company, for everything is His. The salary can be 5-1/2 acre ranch on the island ofHakalau. He low at times, but the benefits are excellent! For exshares a 7-bedroom house with 14 adopted sons! ample there is a nice profit sharing plan where we Jay and his sons are farmers, raising may enjoy Baba's companionship and divine love, macadamia nuts, avocados, and 40 different and the life insurance is unbeatable. Not to menspecies ofexotics such as jak fruit, bananas, and tion the ISA (Individual Sanskaric Annihilation) papayas. Jay adopted the first son -- a troubled plan. Furthermore, the Boss always remains accesnmaway -- more than 10 years ago while an sible to the employees, and wants to have a special electrician in Berkeley. Over the years, he has taken relationship with each one. So really, it is quite an numerous additional "throwaway" kids - older ones ideal company to work for, and anyone who apwith histories ofneglect and abuse. In this first of plies will be automatically hired! two installments, Jay tells his Baba story "from the The most wonderful thing about having these inside alit. " -- Ed. children, is the witnessing of their progressive Do you know that while on earth, Meher Baba relationship with Meher Baba. I am their only laid the framework for a great company, and since physical father, and He becomes their REAL the dropping of His body, employment applicaONE. Even some of the older teens feel very tions have been continuously sent out to all in deeply of Baba here, in spite of the sometimes creation? When you send your application in, the great turmoil in their lives, and many of the interesting thing is, one never knows in what younger ones feel the connection as well. Every capacity one may be hired. Well, amazingly time we get something new in the mail (different enough, somehow I (a single father) ended up getkinds of Baba stuff), they are allliped up at my ting hired as just that -- a father, with 14 (and indesk wanting to look and requesting some for creasing) boys from adoptions and other kinds of their rooms. A truly beautiful part is the natural placements, mostly those who would never have manner in which this all unfolds. There are no forhad the chance of being in a family and having a mal talks or studies about Baba, there is nothing

like that they are forced to participate in. Instead, the children are allowed to feel and understand for themselves through experience, as to His Manifestation and divine workings. They can see how amazing it is every day, how He provides all our needs down to the last detail, and works things out in their lives. Many of them like to gravitate to

Jay Ram in front of his home.


the Baba room in the evenings, and some enjoy gathering flowers every day for Him, making drawings from His photos, etc. They seem to come.up with their own little ways of remembering Him. So really, it is just a matter of creating an environment where children may more readily feel His presence in order to establish that divine connection in their lives. Balance really seems to be the key, and in raising children, that seems to manifest in the balance of discipline and love, and balanced priorities. In our society at present, there is much unbalance, as the intensity of sanskaric cleansing comes about. So we are all seeing this result in the creation of many children who are emotionally in need, with many parents facing grave difficulty in filling that void. And, as usual, we find that what we have gathered from the life of Meher Baba, and from our own personal relationships with Him, can be applied to the practicality of our everyday situations, as in dealing with the needs of children and how to minister to them. We try to live ~ simple and balanced lifestyle on the land, avoiding consumerism and the usual occupiers of children's minds, and make use of a complete vegetarian diet, learning the importance

of service, etc. Of course, none of those kinds of things has any importance in itself, but does serve to create that situation where children may find It easier to become their natural selves, and understand an appropriate order of priorities. Because really, after all, everything is connected, and ~ne of the prime symptoms in the current upheaval In Western culture is the disconnectedness that IS apparent, that is, with the earth, with each other, and with God. Take, for example, what happens when just one influence like television is absent from the home. It is really apparent that this absence causes the children to interact with each other (and myself) a great deal, resulting in greater communication and closeness, and a deepenmg of relationships. Not to mention time to read and talk about Baba, and how His Manifestation is so all-encompassing for our lives. When children first arrive, it is quite a big change for them, as most are coming from situation where there is constant mind stimulus, TV all day, living on junk food, running around a lot, and not dealing with issues in their lives, etc. And although this Hawaiian farm is a lot different than what they were used to, changes tend to happen real fast here. I've taken those who no one else would kids that had an intense life history full of mUlti~le rejections, including 2 or 3 adoptive failures. But by Baba's Grace, amazing things come to pass. This is not to say that it is always easy, because, of course, a lot of stuff comes up. And, as Baba likes to generally do things in cycles, it usually all comes up at the same time. So there are times when it's real difficult, and one just has to retire into Baba's room and say, "Well, I just work here, and I've done all I can (which is really and literally absolutely nothing!), and so I'm depending on You to take care of things as You deem appropriate, as I am certainly not qualified." And sure enough, Beloved Baba in His infinite compassion, takes care of whatever the negative situation was, and all works out fOf the best. And no matter how many time we mess up and forget His divine message, He is always there extending His loving hand over and over again, without fail! And in time, many of the children come to recognize this, and inevitably realize that He is really the continued on page 12

BABA'S IOOTH BIRTHDAY TO BE CELEBRATED LOCALLY BY HIS LOVERS EVERYWHERE respective cities, /owns, and villages wherever his lovers reside. There will be no special birtlzday celebraJions aJ Meherabad/Melzerazad for Special circular regarding llzis occasion. centenary celebrations of Meherazad will be closed to Beloved Melzer Baba's 10011z all pilgrimsfrom 151h Birthday on February 25, 1994. Febnlllry 19941ill Is1July, As the occasion of Beloved 1994. In addition, please furAvatar Meher Baba's lOOth lher note tlllllthere will be no Birthday approaches, there lodging accommodaJions for can be no doubt that many eas/ern and western pilgrims at wonderful and heartwarming Meherabad, as thisfacility will centenary celebrations will be be suspended on and from 15th planned to glorify the Avatar February 1994 until the new of the Age. Even at this early pilgrim season begins from date, the Avatar Meher Baba 151hJune 1994. Trust has been approached by In this way, we will not various Baba-groups for only be keeping to the DRAWING BY PETER JUSTIN guidelines and direction with guideline provided by Beloved regard to such centenary activities. Baba Himself, but we will also have the opporlbe purpose of this circular is simply to remind tunity through all the local celebrations of His Baba-Iovers everywhere of only one guideline lOOth Birthday in your own areas to bring His which Beloved Baba Himself provided from time Name to so many others who are still yearning to to time with regard to the celebration of His hear about this Advent of God in Human form. Birthday. It was Beloved Baba's express wish that Please pass on the above information to all His lovers and followers ~elebrate His Birthday in Baba-Iovers in your area, and note that there is no their own areas, and He also expressed the asneed for further correspondence on this subject surance that He would be with His lovers and be with the Trust Office. present at their celebrations in their respective In Avatar Meher Baba's Service, places at the time of His Birthday. Manija S. Irani Accordingly, the celebraJions ofBeloved AvaJar Chairman Melzer Baba's 100tll birthday should be aJ tile Mani S. Irani has asked that we publish the following circular, dated 21 March 1990 --Post

"J would like you aU to belong to certain groups. m,y? Because you can cooperate and teU others about Me and share your tlrough/s. You learn much more than when ),ou remain by yourself. When you listen, exchange thoughts, prayers, M)' presence is there. mzere there are five coUected together, Parameshwar is there, I am tHere. Ifyou are talking ofMe, having lovefor Me, thell there I it aU clear?" Meher Baha


Creation's Tapestry Creation's tapestry was never more than You And never less Creation's tapestry was never shore for You The Oceans Roar from You And nothing less. The endless night is but a spot for You A tiny dot for You Who never rest The woven minds are blind To You Even when they do their best. Let love of You Leave it aU behind for You Put it to rest. Let Oceans Roar from You Unweave each mind for You Put it to rest. Let love of You pour Upon the shore for you Put it to rest. Creation's tapestry You tore For us THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A quarterly publicalion oC Ihe AY.lIar Mebc:r Baba Calter oCSouIhem California lC81lSanla Monica IlouIeYard Loo Ang<leI, CA 9OO2S (213) 474-9454

This newsIelter is desi~

tbe Southern Caliromia Meber Babe axnmunity and friends abreast of Center activities, and to pr0vide a rorum ror contempory 3CCOlIDts oC lire with Meber Baba as 10 keep

Guide. LIiIorr. Gres and Gay Dunn 1'logrrun C1ItWpem>n: John Stout e-libutorr. Dina Franklin, Steve Jameson, Peter Justin, Kathryn Mullipn, Jay Ram, Patty Stou~ Georgene TarboJl, Lynda Anne Van der ~~ and Adele Wolkin Mailing: Chris and Pris Haffenden PIt:tue.-d oII............ moIDioI"" Gregand Gay Dunn 21616Varps WtIY Redondo Beach, CA c;au,7 (213) 371-6321 PIt:tue.-dOllQ...,~""l''-''''

Pris Hatrenden 3616-1125. Centinela A_lie Loo Anll'!es. CA 90066 (213Âť)l)().27l9

Publisbed q~ (J3O, Apr,JuI, Oct)


All contento copyright 1990 by the Avatar Meber Baba Center or Southern Caliromia, exx:ept where noted.

Could You do more for us'! Could You do less'! If Endless Night is but a spot A tiny dot Let all pass through Put it to rest. For love of You Let all pass through Put it to rest. Each woven mind unbind Manifest! Lynda Anne Van der Lynt

How Do I Love Thee? How do I love thee'! Let me count the planes that you fly The times we say hello and goodbye the phone calls and the triple miles the appointments and the endless files And though you are always leaving, you are always coming home How wonderful to see you after so much time alone! But now I know the only way to keep you near to make life easier to shed no tear Is to bear the burden with you think of us as one, not two And listen to the higher call: that time is measured Maya and love, above it all. Love, and only love, transcends the source - the beginning and the end And we are travellers on this joyous voyage Our destination, hidden"within us To be unfolded by Beloved Haba To open up to His gift of bliss. by Kathryn MUlligan (Naples, Florida)

A Letter from Meherazad May 21, 1990 Dear Adele, A loving Jai Baba to you from all at Meherazad. We feel we have survived the summer and worst is over. It was quite intense when we came back from our 3 week visit to Poona in April, but the cyclone that so badly devastated Andhra coastline brought stormy weather here also and unexpected -- but much appreciated rains also == that have helped bring down the tempt. Even now we are having an occasional shower in the evening. Yesterday, May 20 it also rained in the evening and we thought how much Mehera would have loved it. May 20, we first did arti as usual in Baba's room in the morning, then offered garlands at Baba's and Mehera's chair in the dining room, and another lovely garland at Baba's and Mehera's photos on her bed. Our visit to Meherabad was not as painful as I thought it would be. There were quite a few close Baba lovers from Bombay, and all the members of Gulnar's, Rustom and Sorab's family from Poona plus a few of their close friends had come. Offering flowers at the threshold of the Samadhi and at Mehera's shrine is both helpful and painful. It helps us express our love through prayers and flowers to our Beloved and His Beloved, and brings their presence closer. In fact all of last week was remembering the last week of our dear Mehera's last week with us the previous summer. In fact, this whole summer, she has been with all of us very close as she has the whole year past. Watching a video of Mehera in the evening as she talked of her first seeing Baba and coming to Him, brought her so alive and in our midst. So sweet she looked and so sweetly with that childlike quality that was hers, she told her story. Talking of videos -- I wonder if you have seen the movie or video Michael Gaines had taken of Amartithi. It must have been '78th Amartithi. He had taken some footage of Mehera and also photos of her. If you can contact him we would certainly love to see his film of Mehera which he had taken and any particular good photos of her. They would mean a great deal to us and all here would love to see them.

I am sending this letter with Kacy who will be mailing it from San Francisco. For medical reasons she is returning to the U.S. for three months to be with her family. It's good to see Heather back again. Much love to you dear Adele. Keep happy and well and strong in Baba's love. Meheru P.S. If and when you procure the video as I am sure in your quiet persevering way you will be sure to send it with someone coming from the U.S. rather than by mail. It will be much safer that way. Jai Baba and thanks.

AMBCSC Bulletin Board Trust Donalwns. Between Silence Day, July 10, and November 6, please send all Trust donations to: Karina Page 4530 Starling Way Los Angeles, CA 90065 She has kindly volunteered to accept them while we are in India. Any donors wishing to contribute before that time may accompany their donations with a love note that will be hand-delivered to a Mandali or friend in 'Nagar. Jai Baba! Patty Stout, Trustwala. CongraJu/llJions and Best Wishes to Greg Harlan and Joan DimpfI, who were married recently in the Bay area. ConJribuJwns Sought for the Lamp post! Please share your artwork, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. Send to Greg and Gay Dunn, 2616 Vargas Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, or call us at (213) 371-6321. Deadline/or. Fall 90 issue: August 24. Please note! The Lamp Post thanks you for your conJribulions! We greatly appreciate the support and participation so many have shown for the Love Street Lamp Post. Your letters give us much encouragement; your submissions of material keep our newsletter interesting and diversified in Baba's diversified love; and your donations help us to reach out to those we would otherwise be unable to include. Jai Baba!


AIl events, unless otheIWise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, . Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. If you have Ideas or requests for future programs, please contact . John Stout at (818) 888-6330. All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. If you have music or other art to present, or ideas to share, please contact t?~ CO?rdinator listed for each meeting. Your participation is desired! JULY EVENTS July 6, Friday, 8pm. MEN'S MEETING WITH BHAU KALCHURI. July 7, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end ofthe meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. July 7, Saturday, 8pm. BHAU KALCHURI TONIGHT! This is Bhau's "last" talk in L.A until he returns July 24. Coordinated by John Stout. July 14, Saturday, 8pm. EVENING BECOMES ECLECTIC 11. A special night of contemporary music that Baba especially enjoyed. Karen Drygas hosts. July 21, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. July 21, Saturday, 8pm. FILM NIGHT. Charlie Morton picks tonight's feature. "Love others as you would love yourself and all that is yours." MeherBaba.


July 28, Saturday, 7:30pm. BHAU KALCHURl: PUBLIC TALK AT THE UNITARIAN COMMUNl1Y CHURCH. Bhau, close disciple of Meher Baba, will talk of experiences with the Avatar. Film and music! Free admission. The Unitarian Community Church is located in Santa Monica at 1260 18th Street, at Arizona Street. Coordinated by Adele Wolkin, Judith Anderson, and Sarah Dwyer.

July 31, Tuesday, 8pm. BHAU KALCHURI talks at the Center. AUGUST EVENTS August 1, Wednesday, 8pm. BHAU KALCHURI talks at the Center. August 4, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. AIl are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

I belong to no religion. Every religion belon~ to Me. My own personal religion is ofmy being tlu! Ancient Infinite One, and tlu! religion I teach to aU is oflovefor God. Melu!r Baba August 4, Saturday, 8pm. A NIGHT FOR IJABA'S PLAYMATES. "I love my animals, for they are part of my creation; but I love my children much more, for with them, I am the eternal child, and they in their happy play are my playmates." -Meher Baba. Coordinated by Dana Lee. August 11, Saturday, 8pm. MEHER BADA ON MEDITATION. Explore the various types of meditation outlined by Meher Baba. Coordinated by Brian Drygas. August 18, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. August 18, Saturday, 8pm. COMING TO BADA. Several members of our Baba family will share their stories of coming to Baba. Coordinated by Sarah Dwyer. August 25, Saturday, 8pm. FILM NIGHT. "Things that are real are given and received in silence." - Meher Baba. Enjoy a silent film of the Beloved. Coordinated by Charlie Morton. SEPTEMBER EVENTS September 1, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the

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ICalendar I• * ~

meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. .



September 1, Saturday, 8pm. DINA'S VIDEO! A video of Avatar's Abode in Australia for those of you who missed this video showing the full history of the center from its inception in 1958 to the present. Coordinated by Dina Franklin. September 8, Saturday, 8pm. A NIGHT OF BABA MUSIC (LIVE). Relax and enjoy an evening of music with local artists. Everyone is welcome to come and share their music or listen. Coordinated by Diana Goodheart. September 15, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. September 15, Saturday, 8pm. GUTTA NIGHT. "My visit to Meherabad, Meherazad, or Myrtle Beach." Let's talkabout some ofthose special times with Beloved Baba and His Mandali. Host, Fred Stankus. September 22, Saturday, 8pm. MAYA, MYSTI· QUE, AND THE AVATAR. Jeff Maguire will delve into a fascinating topic which will have hatched in

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his nest of his consciousness by the time this month comes home to roost. Don't be chicken! Come and share:' September 29, Saturday, 8pm. FILM NIGHT. "!fyau are convi9ced of God's existence, then it rests with you tifseek Him, to see Him, and to realize Him." - Meii'er Baba. cOme and see Him on film! Charlie Morton coordinates.

AREA MEETINGS. There are area "gtoupineetings in the South Bay, Orange CountY,'an~ in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 548W72. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078. In the Sout\J Bay call Greg or Gay Dunn at (213) ~71~3~;1.:. Santa BarbaraBaba Group The Santa Barbara'M~iler Baba group meets every other Friday..,.Fpr meeting times and locations call Donna Bayetat (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) 967-4796. San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941.

BHAU'S POST-SAHAVAS SCHEDULE: TEAS AND TALKS. Ju16, Fri, 2-4pm. Tea at the Pearsons. 8pm. Men's Meeting at the Center.



Jul 7, Sat, lOam. Women's meeting at the Pearsons. 8pm. Bhau talks at the Center. Jul 8, Sun, lOam. Bye for a while to Bhau and John at LAX, United/WestAir flight 3415 to Fresno. Ju124, Tue, 1:38pm. Bhau and John Connor arrive at LAX on United flight 1277 from Oakland. 7pm. Informal Q&A: Pearsons. Ju125, Wed, 2-4pm. Tea at Pearsons. 8pm. Talk at the Center.

Ju127, Fri, 8pm. Public talk in Santa Barbara. Contact Donna Bayet (805) 682-1877 for details. Ju128, Sat, 8pm. Public talk (see listing in Calendar). Ju129, Sun, 2-6pm. GeHogether,at Jacko's. JuIJO, Mon, 2-4poi. Tea,atPearsons. 7pm. Quawali Night at Pearsons. . / Jul 31, Tue, 2-4pm. Teaat'Pearsons. . 8pm. Bhau 1311cS'atthe Center: Aug 1,'Wed, 2-4pm. :~:.~(pei~ons. 8pm. Bhau talks at the center.


At the bookstore MEHER BABA PENETRATES THE IRON CURTAIN! Makes a great headline, doesn't it? The Iron Curtain is, thank God, no more, but information is still a little slow getting in and coming out. How-, ever, we were absolutely delighted to receive a'letter from Ales Adamek in Czechoslovakia, telling us that a few months ago an American Baba Lover, Phillip Kreager (author of the book poems Roses), had given him a little Baba card. Upon looking at it, Ales feIt such a surge of love that he was moved to write to our Center asking to know more about Meher Baba. He told us of the newfound sense of freedom at being able to have bOoks and information sent into the country, and asked if we could send him a copy of God Speaks and the Discourses. What a choice! Of all the books written by and about Baba, these two must rank as numbers 1 and 2! We also packaged up a number of other lighter, more introductory books and Shipped them off. I'm sure if anyone would like to contribute and send him an extra copy of any Baba book they might have, it would be very much appreciated, as Ales has a group if interested people. He spoke of the joy of finally being able to get together and discuss such things. Thank you Baba! You can write to Ales at: Hausmannova 3010, Praka 4 Modrany, 14300 Czechoslovakia. Another fascinating letter that came our way was from Jay Ram in Hawaii. Every month he would send me a large order; intrigued, I asked him to tell me who he is and what his situation was. The answer was so wonderful, I asked him to tell his story for publication. Part one of his fascinating tale is our cover story. Sorry, but you'll have to wait till October for the continuance.

New iJems in our Bookstore:


We have beautiful stationery, 5" x 8-112", 25% rag, linen finish, pale pastel shades, with a small picture of Baba in the upper right corner, and written along the bottom is "Things that are real are given and received in silence". A pack of 50 sheets with 30 envelopes (gray linen) sells for $6.00. We have beautiful Baba bookmarks that are given

free with every book purchased, but they are very nice for you to give as gifts, and so a pack of 10 sells for $1.00. Artists who devote their lives to capturing our Beloved on canvas are very well represented in our bookstore, and we will continue to get more. Our own Jurgis Sapkus has a wonderful 50 x 70 painting of Baba hugging a child in delicate shades of pink and gray. I'll be sorry to see it sold, as it so beautifully matches our newly decorated Center! We also have high quality photographic reproductions of many other artists -- Charlie Mills, Susan White, Laurie Blum, Robert Anthony Davis, Lyn Ott, Maude Kennedy, Tom Riley, Diane Cobb, and, of course, the best-selling, totally delightful prints by"Wodin". Steve Jameson of Myrtle Beach is the man behind the


Wodin name, and he tells me, "I have a very clear internal vision of what I want to paint. I don't know how it got there, but I feel it charms Baba so I transfer it to the physical world in my paintings for the Baba in each of us to enjoy... 'Baba and the Dancing Bears' was inspired by the film of Baba's twin nephews singing and dancing for Him at a wedding ceremony on Mehera's porch. 'Dancing in the Kitchen' illustrates my idea of the amusement Baba must feel as He watches us entangle ourselves in the romantic love of different individuals from one incarnation to the next. In this painting He seems to be gently humoring us." All of Steve's paintings are very colorful and invariably bring a smile to the face and joy to the heart each time you look at them. The most

popular of all is the brilliantly colored "Baba and the Chicks". This one shows a jolly Baba with an armful of dozens of multi-colored fluffy little chickens - truly the mischievous kind - tumbling out of His arms and down to the ground. Steve says, "This painting came to my mind when I was feeling that we are all being tossed and tumbled as Baba plays with us. Also I think chickens reflect a certain hysteria we all have as we run around this world trying to figure out how to live our lives." We have 11 x 14 prints, at $30.00 each, of many of his paintings (more pictures in our next issue), but Steve is also willing to part with the originals, should you so desire. Margaret Craske's last book, Still Dancing With Love, although written in her late 90's, shows no diminishment of her razor-sharp wit! This book (paperback, 102 pages, $8.95) is a follow-up to her original The Dance of Love (paperback, 193 pages, $6.95). I highly recommend both books -- they give us the wonderfully intimate, and at times, very funny,

stories of one who lived in India with Baba for seven years, but had a totally no-nonsense, downto-earth approach to life. The Lord and the Lady, a 17-song audio tape, $10.00, sold out as soon as it arrived! It is a beautifully produced album with a wonderful selection of songs from over a dozen of His lovers. Bob and Jane Brown have two new songs written for Mehera: "The Memory of Her Love" and "Your Fragrant Memory". There is a longawaited recording of Jim Meyer of "The Marriage" and "All the Way". Jamie Newell has two songs, "Sing a Song of Meher Baba" (great to sing along with!!) and "Mehera, in What Manner Do You Love Him". 3-D Jones is represented with a new and spectacular arrangement by Mark Falchook of the title song, "The Lord and The Lady". Diana Jones Falchook sings a song written by Mchera herself, "A Song to the Beloved From His Mehera". Truly a beautiful album! f'or those of you who can't make it to our cont'd pg. 12


Ghazal by Georgene Tarbox


ORMERER: What are we going to do with these members of your Southern California center? They love you so much. They sing and dance and praise your name. But they are all heart, almost no pocket book! When we were in the desert and needed physical substance You caused manna to fall from the heavens. And when the Egyptians were chasing us, You parted the Red Sea. Well, now we are in Los Angeles, and money is our present concern. Cold, hard cash, just a little bit each month is what we need. So today, please send a tree of golden apples. Make it ever bearing, because we need a few each and every month. OR DEAR COMPLAINER: Remember: "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY" Trees of gold was myoid avataric style. Now we are in the age of intuition. And from intuition, in their love, will come your solution. Your members, (my lovers), just don't realize that their center only had $1600 in the bank on January 1st, 1990 to meet its operating budget. Nor do they remember that 5 years ago, January 1, 1985, the center had $15,000 in the bank. Most of them are aware of the growth of our center during these last five years. They know our membership has gone up, our programs and services increased, and the Permanent site fund grown to $42,000. A few of them probably divided up our $26,000 annual operating budget and know it takes $2200 a month just to function. But very few of them realize that in 1989 the pledge donations received totalled between $20

and $120 per month. And only the fewest of the few realize that the center has no savings account left, and has had to borrow money two times in the last 12 months from the Permanent Site reserve funds. OR MEMBERS OF THE SOUllIERN CALIFORNIA CENTER: My work is always done in your hearts, And I need no physical place to do it. But when two or more are gathered in my name -I am there. You and I are always singing and dancing together, But the center helps you to share your song and find a dancing partner. With your love for me shining through your faces, I know your hearts have my name inscribed on them. And IF I have been doing my part to bring each and every one of you into this new intuitive age, You'll feel the savings account ofthe past has been well spent. Where have some of those golden apples of the past disappeared to? Most of you will understand that the Board of Directors are chosen for their love for Me, Not for their financial wizardry in the world of Maya. But as a result of this, your board imperfectly budgeted so that requests for donations only matched the expenses for daily operations of your center, And didn't make provision for unbudgeted items, worthy though they were. Even so your Board of Directors has worked to increase funds from donations and fund raisers, But they have had to meet higher and higher levels of fund raising just to pay for the increal>ing cqst of running the center.

The clamor for more and more apples of gold is high when the rent has doubled from $650 in 1976 to $1275 in 1990, And utilities and mailing cost are ever increasing. So you can see, the demand for apples of gold has been high. Many of you enjoy the more varied programs, projects, and services offered by the center, and I have said before, I want one heart with many hands to work in my cause. Now is the time to replenish the apple box.

From the Mailing Committee Jai Baba! This is Pris Haffenden, Chairman of the Meher Baba Center of Southern California's Mailing Committee. I would like to offer a couple of suggestions as to how you could help us to be more efficient in getting the mail to you: l.Here is the most important thing that you can do for us - please let us know when you move! Yes, we do have "Address Correction Requested" printed on the front of everything we mail, but it is tricky to rely on the U.S. Postal Service to notify us of your move. It is so easy for a name to fall through the cracks. Let me give you a fewexamples of the types of things that happen: A) Take, for example, the case of someone who is living in a place where their address is in care of someone else's name; Le., "Mary Maya, c/o John Doe". Let's say that John Doe moves, and that Mary moves somewhere else. The U.S. Postal service sends me back the mailing, with a sticker on the front saying, "Doe, John" and giving his new address. This puts me in a bit of a quandary, because I really don't know if Mary Maya is moving with John Doe, or if John Doe is also interested in getting our mailings...or WHAT? I just go ahead and change John Doe's information, and drop Mary Maya, because I do not know where she has gone. B) Another thing that happens quite often is that someone will move, they will not notify me, and the Postal Service will not notify me either. Perhaps they are forwarding the mail, even with the statement on the front. Somehow, though, I

But in my current avataric advent I have to let your intuition be your guide to your heart and pocketbook. OHMEHER: Thank you for your help. AndJAIBABA


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[Georgene, who signs her name backwards on her poems, is a member ofthe Board of Directors ofthe Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. -Post] suddenly get a mailing back with "Undeliverable as Addressed, Forwarding Order Expired". A lot of times this is for people that I KNOW want to get mailings, for people I KNOW are still around. What can I do? I have no choice but to delete them from the Mailing List, and hope that someday I will be able to find them and get their new address. 2. Sometimes there will be some mistakes with things like the spelling of last names, incorrect first names of the members of a household and other errors that, although inadvertent, can really irritate you. Let me know! I will be only too glad to rectify any problems that you are having with the mailings. My aim is to get things to you in a timely manner, with as few complications as possible. 3. Are you getting duplicate mailings? If so, please let me know. These mailings can get costly, and it is quite an expense to the Center when we are sending packets to a household that aren't necessary. Any little bit that we can save in postage is a great help to us. In closing, let me reiterate that I want to hear from you! Any comments or suggestions, any corrections...or just anything you want to tell me, I will be delighted to listen and respond. Just send any correspondence to: Pris Haffenden, 3616-1/2 S. Centinela Ave. .. Los Angeles, CA, 90066 or call me at (213) 390-2779 and leave a message. Thanks, and a hearty JAI BABA!


JAY RAM from page 2 only answer to their problems, the sole Authority who can really be of help. Isn't it really the greatest miracle in creation how Meher Baba can take piles of dung like ourselves, and make us stand up and actually RECOGNIZE who He is? That by His grace, we can begin to form a personal and living relationship with Him, and enjoy the free flow of the Lord's unconditional love and compassion. You know, watching some of the darshan films really makes me feel so fortunate to be alive during this "Age of Wine." Because, although it would have been incredibly wonderful to experience His physical presence, most people at the programs were able to have such a short amount of time at the feet of God. And now with Baba's incarnate work finished, we may bow and be at His beautiful, divine feet at any and all times; Baba is always available to us! May we remember Him and utilize that availability for the good of others! Next time, it would be nice to finish up by explaining just how this hiring process took place, how the first children arrived, our "company transfer" to Hawaii, and more specifics on the nature of Baba's place here, and some of the children.

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025


Anyone having difficulty of any sort with a child, may feel free to contact me; let me know if we may be of service in any way...MEHER BABA KIJAI!! Box E, Hakalau, HI 96710 (808) 963-6823


page 9

Sahavas June 30 - July 4th, but would like a copy of one of Bhau Kalchuri's books personally inscribed by him to you, call me at (213) 837-6419 and let me know which book and to whom you would like it inscribed (what a great gift!!) and I shall send it to you after the Sahavas. Among the many books written by Bhau are Volumes 1 - 4 of Lord Meher, the Biography, covering the years 1894 - 1932 (Volume 5 should be available before Christmas. There will eventually be 21.), Avatar of the Age, Meher Baba Manifesting, $20.00; Ocean Waves, Volumes 1 and 2 are paperbacks at $5.00 and $5.50, and are just some of the many ghazals he has written to our Beloved, as are Sahavas Waves at $3.95, Meher Sarod, $11.00, and Meher Roshani, $9.00. See you----at the Bookstore. Dina Franklin

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage

PA 10 Redondo Beach, CA Permit No. 196






THE TRANS-OCEANIC PIPELINE By Jay Ram Dear friends, what can be said about our relationship with Meher Baba, and the profound effect it has on our everyday life on this earthly playing field? The pipeline is open and it is time to celebrate! Somewhere there is an analogy, I cannot recall if it was Baba or one of the Mandali writing, but it struck me very deeply: as Baba is the infinite source, then once, by His grace, we establish a connection with Him, it is like having a pipeline to the Ocean. And even if our connection is just by the tiniest tube, still, it is hooked to the infinite Ocean, and from that we may draw upon His infinite ocean of love to sustain ourselves. For me, this currently microscopic little tubule began in the mid-seventies by finding a few of His books. The connection was really there, and with Baba's wonderful love, the relationship grew and intensified. I never knew of any centers or found other Baba folks, and in 15 years, met few who even knew of His name. And to this day, I've not been in person with another who really knows of the Lord of this age. But in many ways, this has been very beneficial, as it allowed the relationship to develop in a natural, intuitive, and very personal way, and for that I'm deeply grateful. This intuitive part, the inner voice, has been instrumental in showing the path and shaping things here in every way. And so recently, while reading about the importance of intuition in this time, it was a very supportive experience, after

feeling it for so long. Because the story of how our family began and our move here is nothing but a series of feelings that Meher Baba placed within. Really, He has done everything while I only sat back with my mouth agape! In brief, our family began on a North California farm, when Baba sent a runaway boy with many severe problems. He ended up staying, and it seemed that if one could do so well in that environment, why not more? So it was learned that there were thousands of special needs children with no chance of finding families, who could be adopted by a single father, and it just snowballed from there. Beside taking children from social service agencies, I've also been able to take some privately, from family situations where things were just not working out for one reason or another. We were quite well set up on our California farm. There was no logical reason to move anywhere, and I did not know a single person here on the Big Island. But the feeling came, and Baba said, "Just go! Your work is there." Well, it can only be said that He worked out all the details and got us over here and established and provided every last thing necessary. And it is such amazing compassion, because really, I find myself disobeying Him every day, and deserve nothing. Yet, He is always watching over us and ava~able. And now it is becoming apparent that not only did Baba bring us here for work in this area, but for the continued on page 15

Memories of Meherjee by Dr. Khorshed Pasricha Meherjee's father had not approved -- he had In the oppressive summer heat of Bombay,

over 50 years ago, Meherjee Karkaria came into my life as my future brother-in-law. My elder sister Homai had met him in Iran, and he had proposed. He visited us, to ask my father for my sister's hand in marriage. He was well-dressed in Western clothes; soft-spoken, social, neat, and compact. He met with my approval. He was fond of omelettes, and I cooked him one (parsee style). My attempt met with his approval. Meherjee talked of Meher Baba and His ashram to me. I had just finished school and was enrolled for college. I became curious about meeting Baba. Meherjee talked of Baba's kindness and expressed his utter faith and acceptance of Baba as his Master and guide. Since Meherjee came from a very orthodox priestly family of the Zoroastrian religion it was very impressive to me.

THE LOVE STREET LAMP POST A qll8l1l:ltf pubIicaIion of the Avatar Meber Baba Center ofSoutbern California l~Sanla Monica IlouleYard

u.Anp, CA CJOO2S (213) 474-9454

This newsletter is designed to keep the Southern California Meber Baba community .nd frienda .b.....t of Center activities, .nd to provide • forum for c:ontempcxy accounts of tife with Meber Baba .. Guide. Editon: Greg and Gay Dunn P>ogrrJm CJJaiIpenon: John Stout CcnI>ibuton: Dina Franklin, Jeff Maguire, Dr. Kbonbed P..ricba, Jay Ram, John Stout, Hany Thom... Adele Wolkin, .nd Unda


MailinK- Chris aod Pris Halfenden l'Ieme....a 011"""""""" mtRIid 10: Grqand Gay Dum 21616VarpWay R.odoodo Ileacb, CA9l11G1 (20)371-6321 l'Ieme....a""""'d>ontP~....-1O:

Pris Hafrendeo

361~ 1IlS. C<ntinl:la A _

u.Anp, CA 90066 (2O)'m-rm

NlIiobod ~(J8lI, Apr,JuI, Oct) All contents c:opyrigbt 1990 by the Avatar Meber Baba Cent....or Southern California, elII:Cpt where noted.


gone to Baba's ashram to get his son back. Baba instructed Meherjee to go with his father, and Meherjee had obeyed Baba implicitly. Meherjee made an affectionate son and brother to his family, and an affectionate and devoted husband to his wife, father to his children, and grandfather to.this grandchildren. He would fondly play with his youngest grandchild Zubin. Meherjee was one of the most obedient devotees of Baba. When Baba asked him to leave Iran and return to India 30 years ago, Meherjee dropped a prosperous business and returned as ordered. When Meherjee found himself lost and at sea in the business world of Bombay, Baba assured him "It is My responsibility to see you successful." Meherjee described to me how Baba guided him and helped him in his very successful industrial venture in Poona, where his firm has a monopoly on the manufacturing of filter paper. I owe it to Meherjee to increase my faith and understanding of Baba. He never stopped talking of Baba's kindness, and how much he owed Baba for his success. Meherjee described his last meeting with Baba to me. Baba was reclining on the sofa, very ill. He asked Meherjee to kiss him on the cheek, saying it was time for Him to go. "I have accomplished all that I had to on this earth." Baba asked Meherjee to receive Western devotees who had come for His Darshan. On returning from this duty, his wife told him about Baba dropping His Body. Meherjee gave generously in charity, saying "Baba has given me much more." On my last visit to Poona in early 1990, we had talked and I had encouraged him to walk with the help of a walker. As it was time to leave Meherjee looked deep into my eyes, saying "Khorshed, I am sorry I could not serve you." I knew it was a goodbye, and that he was not afraid to die. May his soul rest in the peace of Baba whom he so dearly loved and served.

DO NOT LET GO THE HAND OF TRUTH REPORT ON THE 16THANNUAL SILENCE DAY SABA VAS through her, Baba was making connections with all "Do not let go the of the world." hand of tru th", a phrase From his talk entitled from The Song ofthe New "Roses and Thorns" Bhau Life, set the theme for the conveyed to us, "The best 16th annual Silence Day part of Baba's compassion is Sahavas at Pilgrim Pines. that aspect reserved for His Baba's idea of "Unity Amid cruelty." Bhau quoted Baba Diversity" was fully in as saying, "In order to beevidence as people from come infinitely compasvarious backgrounds, viewsionate, I must become inpoints and ages, harfinitely crueL.I give roses to moniously fused into a susmany, but thorns to a few." tained and operative whole. Bhau told us, "Uyou receive The Sahavas guests even one prick from the were Bhau Kalchuri, Virthorns, you will enjoy it ginia Rudd, Tom Riley and more and more." Jim Meyer. Each lent their He later informed us, special Baba fragrance to "Everyone has infinite the event. knowledge - power and bliss, Bhau Kalchuri but we're not conscious of it. That's why we've Over a five-day period, speaking every day, come into Creation; to realize this triune nature Bhau treated us with many gems from his vast within ourselves." And according to Bhau, why treasure trove. We were constantly reminded "to must the Beloved repeatedly come to us? "To remember the Beloved's strength. Don't think clean up the dirty, stinking garbage." about your weaknesses." "Let millions of In his talk preceding the dhuni, on the topic thoughts and desires come into your mind. Don't of surrender, Bhau said, "Surrender does not worry. Just don't put them into action." And he come through thought. Surrender comes through Iight-heartedly informed us, "You need not love and obedience to the Beloved." But, concernrenounce the world. The world will renounce ing our liberation, Bhau assured us, "Whether you you!" want it or you don't want it, you will have it." In his first talk Bhau told us, "Baba's ManifesA hilarious incident preceded Bhau's final tation is the awakening of mankind through talk. Jacko Caraco came onstage as the living em10ve...The Glory of Love is that we become free bodiment of "dirty stinking garbage". His outfit from all our bondages. And everyone will exconsisted of: soda cans and milk cartons hanging perience this when His Universal Manifestation from him, a cantalope rind and soy patty necklace, takes place." He explained to us that there are a pancake patch over his eye, one foot through a five phases of the manifestation which, extending trash box, and an arm piercing a frito bag, all while donning a strawberry box epaulet. over a 100-year period, break into five 20-year segThe crowd convulsed in laughter, but no one ments. The first phase started soon after Baba's dropping His body, the second phase after enjoyed the delightful prank more than Bhau himMehera's dropping her body. self. It was truly a memorable moment. In his final talk Bhau told us, "The New Life About Mehera, Bhau said, "Mehera was the is the greatest gift of the Beloved given to this one representing the whole of Creation, and

By Harry Thomas


age." He said that the New Life comprised four phases: 1) begging, 2) langoti, 3) gypsy, and 4) labor. According to Bhau, we need only be concerned with the labor phase, as the Beloved has lived the other three phases for us.

Virginia Rudd


Virginia Rudd twice charmed the attentive audience with incredible tales of her experiences with Baba. Being told by Margaret Craske, "you belong to Baba," both she and Harold met Baba in the barn in May 1952 -- the first two devotees to do so. Virginia related with infectious humor the stories of"her and husband Harold's adventures with the Beloved. In her first meeting she perceived a golden light around Baba and feelings of peace permeating the environment. After this encounter, and indeed following most of her subsequent encounters with Meher Baba, Virginia would, in her own words, "space out", becoming dazed and wandering about aimlessly. She recalled the incident in a hotel dining room in New York celebrating "Baba's Birthday" when, after toasting the assembled party with grape juice, Baba said, "I don't want to eat. Your love feeds me." Baba later proclaimed, "It is difficult to advance on the spiritual path. You must give up everything. But there is something great that can bring you to this state. Just make others happy." She recounted an occasion where, in the barn at Myrtle Beach in the year 1956 Baba announced to the summoned group, "You will all be forgiven your sins." This was followed by touching words that Baba conveyed personally to Virginia: "My nazar is on you'." "You are my child." I love you very much." According to Virginia, the effect of these pronouncements extended far beyond the stated words: "You would FEEL what He said." She joyously related the unusual circumstances of her pregnancy with son Raphael. Although her doctors said she wasn't pregnant, Baba assured her she was, adding, "It's a child, but you had nothing to do with it. It was my idea." Baba later said, "'This child is my boon to you." The drama culminated when Virginia, complying with Baba's instructions, took His name seven times upon Raphael's birth.

Virginia also related a wondrous quote from Baba, who proclaimed, "This is the first Avataric Incarnation in which I have taken the role of the Mother God. I am the Father and the Mother God." She later narrated an occasion where she was allowed to place one of her sandals on Baba's foot. He afterwards said, "You were blessed to have touched my foot. Take the sandal off, take it home and keep it. Some people might even make this an altar because it has been on my foot." Virginia said that Baba was "The most human, human being I'd ever met."

Tom Riley Tom Riley, the father of Christina Riley from our Los Angeles group and another Sahavas guest, recounted how as a boy he had often fantasized that he had met Jesus Christ face to face. He first saw Baba in a photo presented to him by Raul Vidas. Tom just missed seeing Baba in His '56 visit, but was later informed that Baba would return in 1958. By then he was prepared not to miss the opportunity! It came inside the lagoon cabin during the 1958 visit. During his time with the Master Tom commented, "There are such barriers," to which Baba knowingly nodded. Tom related that "Baba appeared to be floating and it looked as if subtle rays were beaming from him. He was not on the gross plane." Before the meeting ended, Tom kissed the Master's hand. His next meeting with Baba was in 1962 at the East West Gathering. Upon being reunited with his Beloved in Guruprasad, Poona, Tom fell in front of Baba, placing his head upon His lap. Baba said to him, "You have no idea how blessed you are today. You have broken the ice for the East West Gathering." Later, when asked by Baba to briefly summarize God Speaks Tom replied, "The whole of Creation exists so that it can find its way back to You." At another juncture during that momentous gathering, Tom grabbed hold of Baba's feet and cried out, "Oh God." Eruch said, "Baba has allowed you to touch His feet. No one is allowed to touch His feet." On another instance, Tom was privileged to be seated right next to Baba's chair continued on page 14

"BHAU KALCHURI'S CALL" At a post-Sahavas tea with Bhau KaIchuri held at the Pearson's house in Los Angeles, Jeff Maguire of Manhattan Beach announced that he had received from Hermes Reiter ofMyrtle Beach a previously undiscovered document attributed to Bhau Kalchuri. Although the credibility ofall aspects ofthis story was called seriously into question -- it was,in fact, "catcalled" into question -- Bhau himselfdid not deny authorship of the document, in spite ofhaving a perfect opportunity to do so in front ofmore than 30 witnesses. We have therefore decided to print it, leaving the final determination to history and to the discretion ofour astute readers. Since "Bhau Kalchuri's call" bears a striking and informative resemblance to "Meher Baba's call", issued by Meher Baba in 1954, we are printing excerpts from the latter alongside the newer (though perhaps less universal) proclamation:



Age after age, when the wick of righteousness burns low, the Avatar comes yet once again to rekindle the torch of Love and Truth. Age after age, amidst the clamour of disruptions, wars, fear, and chaos, rings the Avatar's call: Come all unto me.

Year after year, when the wick of Southern california righteousness burns low, Bhau Kalchuri comes yet once again to rekindle the torch of Love for His Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. Year after year, amidst the clamour of potato swamis, eighthour Sahavas Committee meetings, the hopeless search for a permanent site, and financial fear and chaos, rings Bhau's call: Come all unto Baba.

Although, because of the veil of illusion, this call of the Ancient One may appear as a voice in the wilderness, its echo and re-echo nevertheless pervades through time and space, to rouse at first a few, and eventually millions from their deep slumber of ignorance. And in the midst of illusion, as the Voice behind all voices, it awakens humanity to bear witness to the manifestion of God amidst mankind.

Although, because of the veil of Southern california smog, we may hear the call while being unable to see the Speaker clearly, its echo and re-echo nevertheless pervades through time and space to rouse many (while putting a few into a deep slumber). And in the midst of iIIusion- some might say the provisional capital of illusion -- Bhau admonishes us to wake up and smell the chai; to bear witness to the manifestion of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba amidst mankind.

The time is come. I repeat the call, and bid all come unto Me.

The time is come. Bhau repeats his call and bids to all: "Whether you want it, or you don't want it: you will have it."

Why did the chicken cross the road? To become responsible for the Creation for all time. Bhau Kalchuri Silence Day, 1990


Circular Concerning Restoration of the Samadhi from the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


19th June 1990 Ai~




Dear Baba-Iovers, JAI BABA! The subject of this circular is the much-needed Restoration of Beloved Avatar Meher Baba's Tomb-Shrine (Samadhi) at Meherabad. Twenty-one years have passed since the doors of Baba's Samadhi were flung open to receive His beloved form. Since then countless numbers of pilgrims have journeyed to Meherabad to take darshan at His Feet in the Samadhi. The wear-and-tear brought about by the tide of humanity coming into the Samadhi year after year, as well as extreme heat and wind and monsoon rains beating on the outside have taken their toll on the small precious building. As the Samadhi roof and Dome could not be totally waterproofed without extensive repairs, the interior of the Dome and the walls began to further deteriorate. The plaster and paint kept flaking off in many places from the Ceiling and from the Murals painted by Helen Dahm in 1938 at Beloved Baba's order (which were repainted by a local artist in 1971).

Because of an ever increasing number of Pilgrims flocking for darshan at Meherabad, there has been continual expansion of activities and constructions on the Trust Estate for accommodation and comfort of His pilgrims. Whereas the restoration of the Samadhi, the little House on the Hill where the Beloved in Mastery is ever present in the service of Love, has had to be neglected so as to fulfil the pilgrims' longing to be in the Samadhi unrestricted. Last year, as deterioration accelerated, it was clear that the time was long overdue for a complete renovation of Baba's precious Tomb. Hence the Samadhi Restoration Project began. Baba-Iover artists from America (including a restoration expert) researched and acquired special materials in the West for waterproofing, renovating, and repainting the Samadhi. The artists came to do the renovation work during the three months oflndian summer (March-June 1990) when the Pilgrim Season was closed. Over these past three months, the inside walls have been repaired and Helen Dahm's original Murals have been painstakingly resurrected. Simultaneously, the exterior roof and Dome have been repaired and waterproofed and repainted with colours harmonizing with the renovated interior. Painting of the wall murals has been completed. The interior of the Samadhi once again reflects the beauty, vibrancy, and colours of Helen Dahm's original paintings done 54 years ago. The next step is applying protective varnish over the paintings, which can only be done when the oil paints have dried completely. As the oil paints take months to dry completely, the paintings have to be protected very very carefully until the var~nish is applied in June 1991. The opportunity has come for Baba's lovers to help in preserving the restoration of His Samadhi. Each one of you is invited to share the privilege of caring for the Samadhi by strictly observing the rules given below by the Trust. In order to preserve this unique Restoration, access to the Samadhi interior for all of us has to be very continued on page 13

AMBCSC Bulletin Board Trust Donations. Between Silence Day, July 10, and November 6, please send all Trust donations to: Karina Page 4530 Starling Way Los Angeles, CA 90065 She has kindly volunteered to accept them while we are in India. Any donors wishing to contribute before that time may accompany their donations with a love note that will be hand-delivered to a Mandali or friend in 'Nagar. Jai Baba! Patty Stout, Trustwala.

Meherji Karkaria, a Bombay businessman, close disciple of Meher Baba, and Trustee ofthe Avatar Meher Baba Trust, passed away on June 26 after months of confinement to his bed. According to the wishes of Meher Baba, Meherjee's remains will be interred at Meherabad. The following cable was sent by Mani S. Irani on June 26 to Meherjee's loved ones: Beloved Meher Baba's love has released His dear Meherjee from prolonged suffering and pain. Meherjee as the trusted and dedicated longtime disciple ofthe Avatar, and Trustee ofthe Avatar Meher Baba Trust, lived for and served his beloved Lord and Master till the very end. Blessed indeed is our dear Meherjee. All Meherazad and Meherabad mandal~ trustees, and residents salute dear Meherjee's unfIinchingfaith in and love for beloved Avatar Meher Baba. We send heartfelt condolences and our love to you dear Rusipervin Adilzubin Mehemazasha.

away there on August 11. On August 10, Minoo Bharucha of Meherabad had, as he frequently did, led a group of pilgrims including John and Patty Stout on a visit to the ashram ofUpasni Maharaj at Sakori. The pilgrims were greeted there by Godavri Mai, whom, they report, appeared to be very happy, and happy to see them. The next day they heard of her passing. Godavri Mai had nuns in the United States and visited here on several occasions. She is considered by many in India to be a Sadguru, and Upasni's spiritual counterpart. Upasni called her "his representative". When she first came to the ashram in Sakori he told her "all of this will be yours." [See Lord Meher Vol 1.) Memorial services were held on August 23 in Myrtle Beach for Bill Haviland of Myrtle Beach. Bill, we are very sorry to report, took his own life August 17 after several months of severe depression. Bill was cameraman and director for the many videos produced by Wendell Brustman of Baba's mandali and other lovers around the world, which will be a treasure for us and other Baba lovers in the future. Bill also worked professionally as a filmmaker, and had taught film for many years. He was a devoted Baba lover since the late 1960's. Bill is survived by his wife Sally, who can be contacted by mail at 612 36th Avenue North, Apt. A, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Condolences to Shirley Kelley for the recent death of her mother. Condolences to Laurie Brooks of Walnut Creek, whose husband Patrick was killed instantly in a car accident in mid-July. May Beloved Meher Baba give his lovers deep solace through his All-Pervading Divine Love. Condolences and support to Cherie Dreyfus, who is recuperating from serious injuries sustained in a car accident in June. Her father was killed in the accident. Cherie is at 4625 Henry Wy., Sacramento, CA 95819. Kitty Davy's 99th birthday celebration was held Saturday, August 25, at the Meher Center Myrtle Beach. Kitty was born August 28, 1891 ill England. All our love, and best birthday wishes to you, Kitty!

Manija, Chairman, Avatar Meher Baba Trust Trustees of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Meherazad and Meherabad mandali and residents (please see also the personal story regarding Meherjee by Dr. Khorshed Pasricha on page 2.) See also Lord Meher, VoLIII, pp.916-917; God-Man, p.165. Godavri Mai, to whom Upasni Maharaj gave charge of AVADtR MEHER BABA his ashram in Sakori, passed

)VOthina. is real hut;5oo. flathing matters but Cove for[eo."

continued on page 12


All events, unless otherwise noted, are at the Center, 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, (213)474-9454. If you have ideas or requests for future programs, please contact John Stout at (818) 888-6330. All are invited to share at the Saturday night meetings. If you have music or other art to present, or ideas to share, please contact the coordinator listed for each meeting. Your participation is desired!

OCTOBER EVENTS October 5,6,7, Thursday through Saturday. JOSHUA TREE CAMPOUT. Come enjoy the beauty of the desert. Look for flyers at the Center. Call David McNeely for information, (213) 258-9887. October 6, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. October 6, Saturday, 8pm. ARTAS A MEANS OF DEVOTION. If you would like to share your art in this program, please call Teri Adams, Coordinator.

October 13, Saturday, 8pm. CAROLINE MCDONALD, GUEST SPEAKER. A personal look at the last days of Margaret Craske. Caroline spent every Friday night during Margaret's last 10 months caring for her. October 20, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. October 27, Saturday, 5pm. "SATURDAYNIGHT

LIVE." A music and comedy fundraiser for the AMBCSC at the home of Margaret Magnus and Sam Ervin, Long Beach. Indian dinner. Donation $10, RSVP (213) 498-0883. October 27, Saturday, 8pm. FILM NIGHT. "Your being with me physically is immaterial. It is my being with you that matters. So keep me with you always." - Meher Baba. Come tonight and take in Baba's Divine Form as seen on film. Coordinated by Charlie Morton.



There are area group meetings in the South Bay, Orange County, and in Pasadena. For meetings in Orange County, call Shirley Kelley at (714) 5482072. In Pasadena, call Diana Goodheart at (818) 791-1078. In the South Bay call Greg or Gay Dunn at (213) 371-6321.

November 3, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

Santa Barbara Baba Group The Santa Barbara Meher Baba group meets every other Friday. For meeting times and locations call Donna Bayet at (805) 682-1877, or Leslie Tejada at (805) %7-4796.


October 13, Saturday, 8pm. ANN CONLON, GUEST SPEAKER. Ann Conlon met Meher Baba in the 50's and will share her life and experiences with the Beloved. Presently she lives in Myrtle Beach and works at Sheriar Press. Host: Lois Jones.

San Diego Baba Group The San Diego Meher Baba group meets monthly. For meeting times and locations, call Scott or Anne Makeig, (619) 481-2941.

November 3, Saturday, 8pm. GUTTA NIGHT. Tonight we share our experience: "How I Carne to Baba". Your Host, Fred Stankus. November 10, Saturday, 8pm. INDIA REPORT. Terry Lucas will speak about Dr. Goher and share her tapes, photos, and experiences from a recent trip to India. Corne and listen, come and share. November 16, Friday, 8pm. JAMIE NEWELL IN CONCERT. Don't miss this event! From Nashville, Tennessee, Jamie Newell is here to entertain

us with songs of the Beloved such as, "Mehera, In What Manner Do You Love Him" and "Sing a Song of Meher Baba", both found on the new tape The Lord and the Lady. Originally from Boston, Jamie now lives and works as a songwriter in Nashville. November 17, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

December IS, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. December IS, Saturday, 8pm. MEHERA'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. An evening of sharing, music, and videos of Mehera. Adele Wolkin coordinates.

November 17, Saturday, 8pm. PILGRIMS RETURNING FROM INDIA. Everyone is invited to share highlights of their trip to Beloved Baba. Hosted by John and Patty Stout.

December 22, Saturday, 8pm. COME ALL YE FAITHFUL - TO MEHER'S CHRISTMAS PARTY. Enjoy music, games, and an optional gift exchange. If you would like to participate, bring an inexpensive gift. Coordinated by Chris and Pris Haffenden.

November 24, Saturday, 6-7pm. HELP PLAN NEXI' QUARTER'S MEETINGS! Have you any creative ideas to share? Meet at the Center to plan next quarter's Saturday night meetings. Questions? Contact John Stout.

December 29, Saturday, 8pm. FILM NIGHT. "I am the joy in your heart and the despair of your mind - for love can attain that which the intellect cannot fathom." - Meher Baba. Coordinated by Charlie Morton.

November 24, Saturday, 8pm. FILM NIGHT. "I am present in all hearts gathered in My Name to hear My message of Love." - Meher Baba. Host, Charlie Morton.


DECEMBER EVENTS December 1, Saturday, 6pm. FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING. Study of Meher Baba's Discourses, in Farsi. Prayers and arti at the end of the meeting. All are welcome! Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang. December 1, Saturday, 8pm. DIMENSIONS OF THE WORD: POETRYAND BABA. Poetry in- . spired by Baba and poetry that inspires you to think of Baba. Song lyriCS, flights of inspiration, expressions of the heart. Please bring your favorite Baba words. Coordinated by Regi Sadono. December 8, Saturday, 8pm. DAVID MIOTKE, SPECIAL GUEST. An evening of singing, piano, accordion, ghazals, East-West Gathering songs, and slides of Amartithi in India. From San Francisco David comes with songs of the Beloved that promise to inpsire and delight! Coordinated by John Stout.

Dear LA Group: I have a proposal, based on my experience of having lived out in the "wilderness" -- i.e., Texas -where I knew personally the other 12 Baba-Iovers in the state. We would all get together every three months or so, but oftentimes what sustained me in the interim were the wonderful tapes I borrowed from the LA group's lending library. Those tapes were a precious Baba life-line for me. However, by the time I moved from Texas two years ago I had listened to almost all of them. I propose simply that you expand the existing tape base in the library by soliciting tapes, preferably originals, from other groups in the Baba community. You could serve a valuable function to Baba and His family of lovers by being a repository for, and a source of access to, inspiring, thought-provoking, or historically significant talks and discussions. Every time I read a newsletter'from one of the large Baba groups, I always see scheduled continued on page 15


From the Bookstore Stay With God Reprinted


At last! The long awaited and long overdue reprinting of Stay With God by Francis Brabazon is finally on our shelves! Originally published in Australia in 1959, Baba has said this book is second in importance only to God Speaks. He said, "There is no philosophy in this book. A simple thing made difficult is philosophy. The book contains food for the brain and a feast for the heart." (Darshan Hours, p.15). Stay with God stands as a monumental work. It is a labor of love, made to last until the next Avataric advent; a testimony to the deep conviction which sprang from Francis's love for his Beloved Baba. In the Awakener, VoL VII, #1 (1960), Filis Fredericks writes "...the Book that Meher Baba has had read through three times to His assemblage, and which He says gives life to God Speaks. In Stay With God, Francis has provided the great service of preserving and clarifying all that is central and noteworthy regarding the world's spiritual heritage up to and including Meher Baba's advent. But it is not preserved in the dryness of some academic scholarship but in living verse, so the material comes alive, or is made new for the present reader. "In a previous article, I mentioned the idea of the world's spiritual environment as being composed of the stories of saints and mystics, and the collected wisdom and sacred literature which have been handed down to us; and of the need to present this, as educational material, to students. I would see Stay With God as a standard text in fulfiUing this need: it offers, as no other book has done, the panoramic vision of our spiritual past up to the present. It does not redefine the terms of theology and scholasticism, so people can talk and argue about God, but highlights the perennial attitude of discipleship as embodied in those lovers of God who strived to live God's message, so people can feel strengthened in their search for a living God in their own hearts. "It is forceful, to say the least, in its criticism of our present culture, stuck in confusion, where beauty, truth, and art have lost their rightful posi-

tion. It has no time for anything makeshift or mediocre -- anything, that is, that can hinder a person from staying with God." A flyer advertising the first edition in 1959 highlighted statements of critics regarding Stay With God: "A mural of no mean order." Country Life, Sydney "Marked with wit and penetration...originality and charm...a true artist." The Times ofIndia, Bombay " a full-throated song...a poet of reckonable stature powerful, tender, transparent..." Thought, Delhi The flyer went on to give a brief synopsis of the book which is both succinct and informative: "Stay With God is a lucid exposition of the Advent on earth, in our time, of the God-Man and of this living embodiment of Godhood as the Salvation of Man from his state of permanent anxiety and threatened annihilation. This GodMan is not seen as the Son of the Father, but as the very Self of each one of us, and therefore easily knowable to men directly, without an intermediary. "In the creative process of perceiving the meaning of the God-Man, the author examines the values of Mankind, both Western and Eastern, past and present, as represented in Art and Literature. His language, arising directly from the urgency of his message and the clarity of his vision, avoids the rigid crystallizations by which modern poetry is immobilized, and essence and vitality excluded." In talking about his writings, Francis said: "Most writers, whether avant-garde or pop, have only to satisfy a public which has been carefully conditioned by every gimmick the genius of publicity can invent; but for years now I have had to satisfy God!...! have always considered the real craftsmanship to be in the shaping of the initial idea: not in the mere sounds of the words used. So I have infinitely crafted my ideas before beginning to write; and in my best work the idea forged its own form of expression. In Stay With God, the opening line "Wings toward the glaciers of Kailas where the first Fathers nourished / The seed of God; and Siva gentled Ganga, and Parvati /

Walked by streams of living heart" came to me 12 years before I wrote that book. And it was not an odd line jotted down and forgotten; I carried it with me, noting its possibilities and acquiring the material it would need." He also made his own assessment of his efforts in the Dedicatory verse in the opening pages of the book: And in this book have I labored to tell Something of your marvelous labor. When of myselfl wrote, nought of your savor Was in it; but when I wrote of love I wrote well -Even showing forth some fraction of your glOry. What makes the book particularly important is the fact that it is one of the few books which Baba actually asked to be written and published. In The Family Letters, 23rd February 1959, Mani writes: "Francis is working at the moment on completing Stay With God, a work of considerable beauty composed in blank verse, being published in Australia this year at Baba's wish. Baba has had it read out to Him, and said that the unique fact of this epic of the living Avatar being written during His lifetime, and being heard by Him in physical form, will have a great bearing and significance for posterity. Among the things He said was: 'My love will touch the hearts of all who read it, as no book has ever done.''' Then again in a later letter, dated 16th October 1959: "The first copy of Stay With God, Francis Brabazon's book that I mentioned in the February family letter, arrived by air on the 8th; and what Baba said in His cable to those concerned in Australia, speaks for the book more than any description I can give. He said 'Stay With God has come to stay, and My love to all those who helped make it the perfect book that it is.''' We know that Baba wants this book spread

not only among Baba-Iovers -- He wishes each family to own at least one copy! -- but as widely as possible among the general public. Naturally His lovers will be doing all they can to help make this possible. One of the ways one can do this, I feel, is to take the opportunity of the coming Christmas and New Year when it would make a splendid gift for special friends, regardless of whether they know Baba or not." The newly republished Stay With God is available in paperback, 167 pages, at $12.95, and in a limited edition of 500 copies hardbound at $17.95. If you wish the latter, I would suggest you place your order early, as that 500 is world wide. Other Items Due to many requests, we are now carrying a few titles by Jalaluddin Rumi, considered by many to be the greatest of the Sufi poets, and one of the most highly regarded saints of any tradition. yve have Unseen Rain, 96 pages, at $8; This Longing, 96 pages, at $9; Love's Fire, 108 pages, at $8.95; Delicious Laughter, 146 pages, at $7.50; and Ruins ofthe Heart, 55 pages, at $6. From the writings of Rabi'a, one of the most important women of Islam, we have Doorkeeper of the Heart, 64 pages, $7. Drop That Became the Sea is a collection of lyric poems ofYunus Emre, considered to be the greatest folk poet of Islam, 93 pages, $8. Dreams ofIndia is a beautiful 14" xlI", 191page "coffee table" picture book oflndia (not a Baba book). Originally published at $45, through a good buy we can now sell it at $25. Is your license plate just barely attached to your car? How about framing it with a heavy metal silver or black holder that says Meher Baba on the top, and "Don't Worry Be Happy" on the bottom. The words are heavily engraved in, not just painted on. They are $10 each, or two for $18. Four new videos are on our shelves, all at very attractive prices: Beholden to Him. Powerful in its directness and simplicity, this 1990 interview with Eruch Jessawala, Meher Baba's longtime discjple, focuses on finding the Beloved within one's self, and the importance of that one-to-One relationship. Fiftytwo minutes, $29.95. more on the next page


Date Wzth the Eternal Beloved -AmiJrtithi in India, 1989. All the color, flavor, and heart of a threeday Amartithi is captured in this video. The tape is unique as it depicts the last Amartithi attended by Baba's Beloved Mehera, and the last to be opened by the memorable running of the torch from Meherazad to Meherabad. Particularly memorable for its moving scenes of the women mandali garlanding the inside of Meher Baba's tomb in the early morning hours of January 31. Thirty-two minutes, $25. Memoirs ofthe Frivolous Three: An Evening

with Kitty Davy, Margaret Craske, and Delia de Leon. Taped in September 1988 when these three early disciples were together for the first time in 18 years, Frivolous Three (Baba's name for the three women) is 73 minutes of delightful repartee and stories. Warm, touching, and funny. $25. Hello Ducks. A brilliant tribute to Margaret Craske, 22 minutes, $25. Meher Baba's TOUT ofthe U.S. 1956. Excellent quality footage, great color, with scenes of Baba greeting His lovers in cities all across the States. Thirty minutes, $38. In the music tape department we have two new tapes, both winners: the first, by Jamie Newell, has some wonderful acoustic guitars, harmonica, and strings on 10 terrific songs. Some we are familiar with, like "The Call of the Ancient One", and "Mehera, In What Manner Do You Love Him?". Perhaps new to you may be Jamie's great arrangement of "The Song of the New Life", and his own "Reincarnation Blues". "I Dreamed I Saw My Savior" is the title song on a great tape, the packaging of which is the most superb we have seen on any Baba tape. You have noticed (hOpefully) the request that appears on a lot of Baba tapes: "Please do not copy this tape." Well, there's no danger of anyone doing that to this one: you are going to want to buy it even if you never listen to the exciting music inside. The cover is the same picture of Baba that graces the cover of The Discourses, but in full length, and magnificently painted by Martha Williams. $8.95 and its yours! A singer you may not have heard before is Gabriella Tal, who is possessed of a caressingly 12 gentle contralto voice, and is backed by some fine

piano, guitar, and flute. The tape has 11 beautiful songs composed and sung by Gabriella and Mark Ginsberg. $10. For those of you who missed it when it was first released, we still have copies of the very beautiful and touching autobiography of Mehera. This is a large book (9"xll"), full of beautiful photos of her with her Beloved throughout her life, and in her own sweet, simple, heartfelt words, helps us understand her total devotion to her Lord. This, too, would make a wonderful Christmas gift. $40. I would be happy to gift wrap, include aBaba card, and ship any of our items to any address you would like. Also, if you do not have our latest book list, drop me a line at the Center, or leave a message on my machine at (213) 837-6419. Be seeing the Bookstore. - Dina Franklin

BULLETIN BOARD from page 7 Congratulations to Michael Shepard and Judy Anderson who were married at the L.A Sahavas July 3. Michael and Judy have since relocated to Connecticut, where Michael will be entering a doctoral program in clinical psychology. (We miss you, but wish you success and happiness in your new home!) Congratulations to Steven Shev and Nancy Eaton who were joined in marriage on July 22 in San Diego. May they make sweet music together! Condolences to Steven, however, for the loss of his father a few days after his marriage. Congratulations to Karen Blackmore and Joe Garlric who were married on September 22 in Malibu. We'll greatly miss the Pearson family -Chris, Christy, Porsha, and Zack, who recently moved themselves and Meher Lahar to a new home in Mariposa, California, an hour from Yosemite. Their new address is 5311 Italian Creek Road, Mariposa, CA 95338. They can be reached by phone at (209) 966-5078. Divine Sport Productions is current preparing a documentary film on Meher Baba designed for broadcast on PBS. Interviews have already been conducted with Bhau, Tom Riley, Andy

Muir, and other Baba-lovers at the recent Sahavas at Pilgrim Pines. Tim Thelen, the director of the project, is looking for interested persons to assist with the project in anyway. Financial contributions to help cover production costs will also be warmly accepted. For more information, call Tim at (213) 3933715. Donations can be sent to Divine Sport Productions c/o the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. Contributions Sought for the Lamp Post! Please share your artwork, poetry, letters, articles, and ideas with us. Send to Greg and Gay Dunn, 2616 Vargas Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90278, or call us at (213) 371-6321. Deadlinefor Winter 91

issue: November 24. Please note! The Lamp Post tJumks you for your contributions! We greatly appreciate the support and participation so many have shown for the Love Street Lamp Post. Your letters give us much encouragement; your submissions of material keep our newsletter interesting and diversified in Baba's diversified love; and your donations help us to reach out to those we would otherwise be unable to include. If you do wish to make a donation, please make your check to the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, as the Lamp Post has no separate bank account. Thank you and Jai Raba!

CIRCULAR from page 6

Because of these necessary restrictions, the Tomb portico which faces the Samadhi will now become an important place for Baba-pilgrims to sit and be with Beloved Baba in silent communion. All should observe silence while on the portico and around the Samadhi. Your joining us to observe these precautions is extremely appreciated, and is also very meaningful because it is not to the Trust that Beloved Baba has entrusted the preservation of His Samadhi; it is to each of His lovers. Therefore this privilege of the Samadhi's care becomes our united responsibility, in love of our Beloved and in consideration of His future lovers.

limited for one year. Therefore the following restrictions will be in effect from June 22nd, 1990 for one year: RESTRICTIONS 1. The paintings on the walls, i.e., the murals, must not be touched. Even one's clothes must not brush against the walls. 2. All pilgrims should stand outside the Samadhi during morning and evening Arti. Also when women mandali come for Arti, pilgrims should remain outside the Samadhi. 3. No one should sit inside the Samadhi. (Women mandali also will not sit inside the Samadhi when they come to Meherabad.) 4. One is allowed to enter the Samadhi only for darshan, and one must come out of the Samadhi after taking darshan. A child under seven years of age can accompany the parent inside the Samadhi providing the parent takes care than the child does not go near the walls. 5. One person at a time is allowed inside the Samadhi. Only for the purpose of placing a large flower garland on the Samadhi, up to four persons at a time will be allowed inside. 6. Pilgrims may share in the early morning cleaning of the Samadhi, strictly according to the instructions of the cleaning supervisor.

ATTENTION --Summer Schedule 1991 MEHERAZAD: Please Note that from 6th March_I991 until 1st July 1991 Pilgrims will not be able to visit Meherazad and the Mandali will not be available. MEHERABAD: Accommodations at Meherabad will not be available from 15th March to 14th June. From 15th June onwards the usual accomodation at Meherabad will be available for the stay of Meher Pilgrims. With loving JAI BABA, in Avatar Meher Baba's Love and Service, Manija S. Irani Chairman


SAVAlIAS from page 4 during one of the darshan programs. Tom departed the East West Gathering carrying firmly Baba's admonition never to smoke or take drugs again.

Entertainers and Events Jim Meyer dazzled the Sahavas audience with his electrically charged songs, propelling us closer to the Central Heart on their wings. He entreated us with "Ocean of Love", and with many. Bob Brown and Jaime Newell favorites, as well as his own Baba classic, "I Will Never Leave You." Jim also performed numerous beautiful songs consisting of Rumi's poetry set by Jim to music. He

SAHAVAS By Habib Loewe, July 1990

Ah! Sahavas; a gathering in Your Love, Oh! Lord Expression of devotion abound, while your Lovers frolic happily in the Ocean of Your love All wish to please You; even as the heart knows how, the mind flounders at the thought Oh! Lord, allow us to cast aside the mind and leave this dream-world behind us, as we venture toward You Even as we make this plea, our ego, the dreaded lock that binds us to our mind, is restraining us here and screaming that we must not go to what our hearts revere So we gather here at the Sahavas and beg: Destroy our ego, even as you destroy the chain that binds the dog to the pole, keeping it from its master. This we beg of you, Oh! Lord JAI BABA!!!!!!!


provided an enchanting evening that enlivened all. In addition to the performance by Jim, we were entertained with music from amongst our own ranks. Michael and Debbie Campagna, along with their band, performed gloriously once again. Other musical performers included Cathy Haas Riley, Raine Mormon, Cindy Lowe, Ron Greenstein, and Ward Parks. Bobby Manonash, accompanied by Ed McMaya, performed what he claimed would be his final show. Perhaps the crowd's favorite segment featured Mark Palmer, editor ofthe freewheeling, Chicago-based Baba newsletter, The Word, as one of Bobby's guests. Mark candidly informed a "stunned" audience that he was Bhau's public relations agent and speeCh writer, and that he was responsible for many important aspects of Bhau's "image", including his suspenders and his popularization of the concept of "dirty stinking garbage". The reason for Bobby Manonash's alleged retirement also came out during this interview. According to a contractual agreement between Bhau and Bobby, Bhau will be taking over the ~how, while Bobby is to become a mandali member! [Editor's note: the Lamp Post has recently learned that Bobby plans to rent the Hollywood Bowl for this unprecedented Southern California event.) The Toddy Shop, a continuing hit, once again blazed into life, providing space and grace for performance, mingling of friends, and much needed refreshment. Outdoor activities sped merrily along as the volleyball devotees battled and sweated it out. The pool soothed the sun-soaked bodies. Aerobics and the morning hike set the days' pace for many, while morning arti aroused and refreshed a host of others. Michael Shepard and Judy Anderson were joined in marriage in an early morning ceremony on dhuni day. The final day featured the sweepstakes winners and the closing panel. The sixteenth annual Silence Day Sahavas was a divine admixture of numerous and varying elements which combined into a wonderful composite. The mood ranged from roaring humor to sublime seriousness; the activities from stimulating workshops to the children's talent show. The Sahavas was once again a success, with much ac-

knowledgment directed towards the committee, but with all credit given to Our Host, Meher Baba. The Master surcharged the event with His energy and love, making it special in the moment, but more importantly, of lasting and significant benefit to all. :~t

LETTERS from page 9 meetings that sound intriguing. What a treat it would be to eventually have access -- via a tape library -- to a special meeting held in New York, or Washington, or London, or San Francisco -- or at the Center in Myrtle Beach. And what about those tapes that were made of Baba during His visits to America in the 1950's? Well, what do you think? I have some tapes I could donate.

THE PIPELINE from page 1 whole South Pacific as well, where there is much need for medical, children's, and other services. If you think it is some big deal to be a single father with about a dozen boys, I tell you it is nothing, really nothing. Meher Baba is single father to the whole universe: now that is really something! People are always saying, "Oh, Jay, you must have so much patience with the boys, it is such a difficult jab" and on and on. What a bunch of crap! Here's how it really is, just look at the relativity. Baba is infinite love, compassion, and understanding, and it is showered upon us at every moment. Ifwe can just take a tiny bit of that and utilize it in our own lives and in our relationships with children, it makes everything fall into place so naturally. This is the key -- His relationship with us must form the basis of our relationship with our children. We can look at what He gives to us, and pass it on. Even a little bit has a great effect. There is much difference between detachment and disengagement. We must actively engage our children with all their life situations that come up daily, just as Baba engages us with ours. And it can be done in a loving and compassionate yet, if necessary, very firm manner, just as Baba has to do with us at times. There are times

Chris Barker 136 Fax Run Lane Cohunbia, South Carolina 29210

South Bay Wilderness Park People from out of town who visit the L.A Baba Center might be interested in camping at Wilderness Park in Redondo Beach. Rates are $2 per night per person. This 11-acre park and nature study area is peaceful, yet located about 1/2 mile from Pacific Coast Highway, and it is near beaches and shopping. For more information, contact Wilderness Park, 1102 Camino Real, Redondo Beach, CA 90277, (213) 376-0884. Sharonah (Joshua Tree, C4)

when children can be very manipulative and hurtful. But don't we hurt Baba every day by not obeying Him, even if we may love Him very much? So how much easier is it for a child to hurt their physical parent? This is where detachment through understanding comes in. Really, it is so simple and natural. All we have to do is see how Meher Baba deals in His relationships with us, and then in tum pass on even just a tiny fraction of that in our relationships with our children. We then find that one takes a very balanced approach to parenting. It becomes easy and intuitive. Everything that Baba does is so incredibly amplified as compared with what we have, and yet we find things so difficult. We only take care of children for around 18 years, but He takes care of us for an eternity! His compassion, understanding, and divine love is unconditional, His knowledge infinite; we have only to apply a microscopic amount of that in order to see vast change in our lives and relationships. Life after life, we screw up, we forget Him, we are caught in the meshes of Maya. It goes on and on, yet beloved Baba is patient with us. Yet we do not have patience with children who show th~ same behaviors over and over again. There must be a balance; compassion with firmness, understanding with knowledge, love with detachment, and then


things become harmonious. Ifwe have a connection with Baba, it is our responsibility to utilize that pipeline, no matter how small, for drawing from the Infinite Ocean, that which we need to overcome the maya in our lives and to help others. I tell you truly, there have been difficult times when there were very heavy things going on with some of the children, where I was powerless to do anything. And thank Baba for making me powerless, for when the problem is given up to Him, it is solved. It is just so si-.nple, we only have to rely upon Him completely, and He is there for us. He is the constant living example from which we can direct our lives. And if we are, as His lovers, to be examples of Meher Baba's love and truth, we need to show the world what that means in practical terms. The earth is full of suffering and there is much service to be done. Although our culture is full of wealth and goods, most people can barely cope with everyday life, let along utilize some of those goods to help others. But grab on to His damaan, really grab on by letting go of everything else, and all falls into place. By His grace, let us have the faith to hold on. Faith is really a firm conviction, and with that conviction the pipeline is opened, and then one never knows in what capacity one will be hired, or where one will be sent. But one thing is for sure, He will let you know. It is so difficult, there are so many worldly

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025


influences, pressures, and emotional garbage stored up, but take the damaan and run! What is there to lose? Only our old way of life that we hold on to so dearly; Baba struggles to embrace us all the time, and we shrink away! We display this behavior and yet say that we do not understand the behavior of our children who act analogously. Dear ones, there is a terrible realization here. I have only these few children, but in the world there are 40,000 dying EVERY DAY. Mostly all from simply preventative causes. One cannot even comprehend this. And of course, it is divine will, but as Baba said when He came in Buddha's form, "even though we know it is the Will and it is illusory, still, the individual does not realize this, and suffers, so do your best to stop suffering." Perhaps He will send us there next, to that part of the world, but it is only a drop in the bucket. Therefore, let us take the damaan and run -- let the pipeline be connected, it will not only clean up our own lives and relationships with our children, but gives us an excess amount of energy and love to go out in the world and do His work. MEHER BABAKIJAI! Anyone having difficulty with a child may feel free to write me, Jay Ram, at Box E, Hakalau, HI 96710, or phone (808) 963-6823.

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