Listen. Learn. Grow... Together.

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2018 — 2019 Annual Report

Listen. Learn. Grow... Grand Rapids Community Foundation

Listen. Learn. Grow...

Among the greatest gifts we receive at Grand Rapids Community Foundation are stories from partners like you. Stories of how your experiences have shaped your life. Stories of why you give of your time, talent and treasure to enhance our community. And stories of the future you envision for West Michigan. Your stories are our why. We are committed to take what we learn from the stories you share to grow, together as a community. We will work to deepen our understanding of all who call West Michigan home. We will continue to increase our capacity to respond and adapt to the ever-changing needs of our community. We will work to nurture an authentic narrative around equity that speaks truth to all of our experiences. Most importantly, with your continued partnership, we will grow our impact. We hope you will continue to trust us with your stories. We are listening. Here’s what we’ve learned this year.

The Garden of Eatin’ provided by The Other Way


Contents Leadership Letter


North Star, Mission, Vision + Values


Opportunity Shortage


Housing + Financial Prosperity


Community Building




Honor, Memorial + Estate Gifts


Grant Partnerships








Making the Most of Your Philanthropy


How to Apply for a Grant


Keep in Touch


Dear Partners and Friends, Grand Rapids Community Foundation

To do this, we are approaching our work

is energized and excited about our

and funding projects more intentionally

community’s future. We are focused

through the lens of racial, social and

on working with you to build and sustain

economic justice. We are partnering

an inclusive economy and thriving

with donors in new and exciting ways

community for all. Simply put, we are

and building new relationships with

on a quest to create a West Michigan

passionate community members doing

where everyone can access good paying

amazing work. Most importantly, our

jobs, safe and affordable housing, and

team is working to be the change

economic prosperity in a community

we want to see.

that truly feels like home.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Over the last couple of years, we have worked

In this annual report, you will find stories

with consultants to help build the internal capac-

of partners like you working to shift the

ities needed to move our work forward. We are

narrative around equity in West Michigan.

having tough, uncomfortable conversations.

Together, we reframe conversations to

We are being more intentional about our busi-

explore the intersection of talent and

ness partnerships by redirecting our spending to

opportunity, housing security and

include more local businesses and those owned

financial prosperity, and true community

and operated by women, people of color and

building. We hope you are inspired by all

LGBTQ individuals. Equity work is hard, and we

we have accomplished together over the

don’t always get it right. We are learning and

last year. There is still much work to be

growing along the way and have appreciated the

done and we look forward to your

balance of grace and accountability our part-

continued partnership.

ners have extended to us throughout this journey.

With deepest appreciation and gratitude,

Moving toward a brighter future for everyone requires the Community Foundation’s financial

Diana R. Sieger

growth and stability. We are thankful to our donor


partners for their investment in our endowment, which allows us to address the ever-changing needs in our community today, and in the future. Last fiscal year was one of significant volatility.

Michael Rosloniec Board Chair

History clearly shows the market runs in cycles, and we expect this will hold true in this cycle as well. We are grateful for our incredible finance team and Investment Review Committee, who remain committed to providing long-term, risk-managed returns for our portfolio. At the end of 2018-2019, our assets remained steady at $348,475,422. The generosity of our donor partners made it possible for us to award $13,888,250 in grants to local nonprofits and scholarships to students. We are also pleased to announce that 23 new funds were established.

Michael Rosloniec and Diana Sieger Grand Rapids Community Foundation






Our mission is to build and manage our community’s permanent endowment and lead the community to strengthen the lives of its people.

We envision a magnetic and interconnected West Michigan community.

Integrity, Excellence, Inclusion, Sustainability, Bold Aspirations

2018-2019 Annual Report

Grand Rapids Community Foundation Building Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Start Garden Demo Day


2018-2019 Annual Report

Talent Shortage

Grand Rapids Community Foundation



any West Michigan employers say their most pressing issue right now is talent shortage. They share struggles of finding

candidates with the training, education and skills to complete jobs in fields ranging from skilled trades to technology and beyond. Others bemoan shrinking applicant pools. And many share struggles of recruiting and retaining diverse candidates. Grand Rapids Community Foundation knows that talent lives here in West Michigan. To remain competitive in a global economy, we must shift our narrative from finding talent to creating access to opportunity. We are committed to creating career and educational pathways to provide more opportunity and access to everyone who calls West Michigan home. That is why we work with residents and organizations who take innovative approaches to connect talent with opportunity.

Inclusion is Good Business Fred Keller is a donor partner of the Community Foundation. As founder and chair of Cascade Engineering and co-chair of Talent 2025, Fred has committed his life’s work to helping businesses understand how they can positively influence the communities they operate in. “The notion of a talent shortage suggests that there isn’t much there. I prefer to think of it as an abundance. We have an abundance of talent in this community. We just need to look for it in different ways,” says Fred. Milinda Ysasi, a Community Foundation donor partner, is executive director of The Source and co-founder of the Latina Network of West Michigan. For Milinda, shifting the narrative around talent in West Michigan begins with believing that people really do want to work and that some face real obstacles. The Source aims to reduce employment barriers and create mobility opportunities for employees who work for their partner organizations, including Cascade Engineering.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Milinda advises employers to focus on asking current and prospective employees what they need. “That’s collaboration and innovation,” she says. “We’ve seen our employers benefit from taking the same approach they do to their product development or research and applying it to their HR practices and employee experience.” Fred and Milinda agree that employers have an opportunity and responsibility to embrace and cultivate local talent in new ways.“ The traditional method is to comb through resumes that come through the door. We have an opportunity to look for folks who wouldn’t necessarily have had their resume in the pile before,” says Fred. For West Michigan to remain competitive in a global economy, employers must prioritize a culture that welcomes an inclusive work force, where all people know they are valued and respected from the moment they arrive. “The notion is changing from ‘why should we have an inclusive workforce?’ to ‘why should we not?’ The notion that our differences are compelling reasons for exclusion makes no sense. It absolutely makes sense to work as hard as we can to be totally inclusive so we can find talent, ambition, excitement, energy. Developing a culture that is inclusive and wants to retain and celebrate the differences is what today’s world is all about,” says Fred.

Talent Lives Here “There’s no talent shortage. We have a pipeline problem. We need to fix the pipeline, make it more efficient so that the talent that’s here can be part of the abundant opportunities,” says Jonathan Jelks, a Grand Rapids entrepreneur and nonprofit leader.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Jonathan and Alvin “AJ” Hills IV, two millennials from Grand Rapids, came together to expose and connect people of color to career pathways in technology. Midwest Tech Project—a think tank, advocacy and mentoring program—began in response to the 2015 Forbes magazine article naming Grand Rapids one of the worst places economically for African Americans. “If our people aren’t producing technology, maintaining technology or even in tech-oriented career pathways, they’re going to be left behind,” says AJ. “Coming from the de-industrialized Midwest, we understand that if we don’t create a solid pipeline to curate tech talent, it will continue to be inequitable. We want to make sure that black people in the 616, West Michigan and throughout the Midwest understand that technology isn’t this big, intimidating thing.” With a Community Foundation grant partnership, Midwest Tech Project holds events across the city to expose people of all ages to different tech opportunities. They partner with Google, Microsoft, Open Systems Technology and Atomic Object to offer coding workshops, connect students to internships and connect startups to entrepreneurial support. “It’s not just great for the residents, it’s great for the companies, because they’re able to reach a more diverse audience—and become a bit more global in their scope and understanding,” says Jonathan. Jonathan and AJ believe that with access to knowledge, training and opportunity, we can rewrite the narrative around talent in West Michigan. They focus on identifying solutions and see themselves as concierges to the technology industry.


2018-2019 Annual Report

“Talent lives here. We wanted to make sure that people know exactly where to go,” says AJ.

A Pipeline of Future Leaders The Community Foundation works to reduce or eliminate financial barriers to education. Through wrap-around programs like Challenge Scholars and the $1.36 million in scholarships awarded last year to students in college or skilled trade programs, we support homegrown talent. We believe our students have what it takes to thrive professionally and, in turn, to pour back into our community to help future generations. We believe students like Brenda Vazquez—a Union High School senior who aspires to become a nurse—deserve the opportunity to realize their dreams. Brenda is in the inaugural Challenge Scholars class of 2020 and will be among the first to receive a full tuition scholarship. “To be a Challenge Scholar is to have the opportunity to go to college and maybe have something in life that my family members didn’t have,” she says. She credits her family with instilling her pride in who she is and where she comes from. Yet, despite her family’s support, she knows that without Challenge Scholars, paying for college would be trying. And, Challenge Scholars is more than a scholarship. It’s a college readiness program that will set Brenda up for success once she arrives on campus and throughout her time there.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Changing How Business is Done The Community Foundation is guided by our North Star, and we’re so glad for partners on this journey. Our partners leverage their influence and philanthropic dollars. They are changing how business is done in West Michigan and making room for those experiencing inequities to exercise their innate talent and creativity. We are privileged to collaborate with passionate nonprofit organizations and walk alongside exceptional scholarship recipients and Challenge Scholars. Support from donor partners like you, Fred and Milinda make it all possible. Fred appreciates how the Community Foundation has helped him organize his giving to maximize his impact through his support of Challenge Scholars. “By focusing on that very high need area, we can make real change happen in the community,� he says.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Challenge Scholars Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Project GREEN workshop


2018-2019 Annual Report

Housing + Financial Stability

Grand Rapids Community Foundation



he housing crisis is one of our community’s most pressing issues.

Despite significant growth for some, large disparities still exist within Kent County. Grand Rapids Community Foundation is asking which conditions will allow all members of our community an opportunity

not just to meet their basic needs, but to prosper and thrive. We are committed to finding equitable solutions to create greater access to housing and financial prosperity. Listening to and learning from our community and partners is the only way to find answers. While a housing crisis may sound dramatic, the availability of housing, particularly for lower income levels, has declined significantly. During the economic downturn, little new housing was built. When the economy resurged, speculators and those who could afford market rate grabbed up property. However, many people’s incomes remained flat, and, as a community, we have a lot of catching up to do. Those individuals and families with the lowest incomes are paying the price. KConnect, a longtime Community Foundation partner, works to ensure all children in Kent County have a clear path to economic prosperity through family, education and community opportunities. They found that in 2018, more than 10,000 people in Kent County touched the homeless system, and youth are significantly impacted. One in every 43 children in Kent County was either homeless or at serious risk of becoming homeless and racial disparities exacerbate the problem. Lynne Ferrell, KConnect board member and co-chair of its Housing Accountability Partners Council, clarifies further: “The racial disparities revealed by this data are alarming. One in seven black or African American children in Kent County was either without housing or at imminent risk of losing it in 2018, compared to one in 54 Latinx children and one in 160 white children.”


2018-2019 Annual Report

The housing crisis is not new, nor is the Community Foundation’s role to create greater access to affordable housing. Over the years, we have made grants to increase housing supply and improve existing housing, convened community conversations, and engaged in public policy. However, it hasn’t been enough. There needs to be communitylevel recognition that, even while working multiple jobs, many families are just one crisis away from losing their home.

Bringing Community Together The Community Foundation partners with nonprofit organizations through grants and investments, such as Habitat for Humanity’s campaign to increase home ownership and establish a sustainable land acquisition fund. We helped Opportunity Resource Fund start its Fresh Opportunity Mortgage Program, so those denied traditional credit can receive home mortgage loans. We helped fund and participate in KConnect’s Housing Accountability Partners Council. These stakeholders work to develop a meaningful, sustainable community plan that leads to equitable housing outcomes for communities that have been marginalized. To attract and retain our community’s most valuable asset, its people, we need to identify new ways for all to thrive.If incomes increased, and more people were making living wages, there would be less need for housing support. Public policy needs to address housing barriers such as racial and ethnic discrimination. And additional financial resources could be directed to increasing housing supply.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


One of our newest partners, Project GREEN (Grass Roots Economic Empowerment Network), is teaching us new ways to increase access to generational wealth and prosperity. They provide advocacy training for grassroots leaders to navigate local government systems and advocate for policies. “Project GREEN is paving this two-way street of advocacy and change as it relates to economic empowerment. One way is to help consumers learn how to handle their finances and make the best decisions for themselves and for their household. The other way is to change systems, so that the street is smooth and there are no barriers to meet their financial goals,” says Dallas Lenear, Project GREEN director. Shanelle White, a trained grassroots financial advocate, is advocating for policies that would allow people who rent to increase their credit score with consistent rent payments. She says, “Because Project GREEN partnered with the Community Foundation, there was funding for someone such as myself. I wanted to step into the world of advocacy work but did not know how. Through the funding, they were able to equip me to go out in the community, start doing advocacy work and make justice happen.”

Putting People First Our community partners encourage us to put people first and empower them to be part of the process.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Dallas reminds us that empowerment is “helping people understand that they already have power. We’re not giving power. They already have it and we just need to bring it out.” His lived experience makes Teri Jourdan, a Community Foundation donor partner and committee volunteer, passionate about Our LGBTQ Fund’s work to alleviate LGBTQ youth homelessness. He would like to see a change in narrative around those experiencing housing instability. “The language needs to improve,” he says. “Being homeless is not a condition. It is a situation. Use people first language. The last thing I wanted when I was struggling was pity. I wanted resources. I wanted outreach. I wanted visibility and communication.” KConnect echoes this message about bringing people into the center of the conversation. Lynne says even those working on housing issues sometimes “insulate ourselves from honest feedback. We have to make sure that whatever we’re doing matters to the people we’re trying to serve. Mental models are really hard to shift,” she explains. The shift begins with putting people who have experienced homelessness at the center of KConnect’s process. “Our data says that more than 6,000 families are homeless or facing homelessness. We plan to link that data with the stories of lived experience to change the narrative in Kent County,” she says.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Funneling Passions into Progress Complicated problems require systems-level

add to the story, strategy and tactics that

change, but each community member can be

they will share with their other partners in

part of dismantling barriers. The Community

greater Grand Rapids.”

Foundation is privileged to partner with many people and organizations who fuel their passion into progress. These partners are leveraging professional resources, pursuing advocacy initiatives or pooling their finances with those of our nearly 100 years of endowed investments.

Foundation gives him an opportunity to give back. “I struggled for 13 years with housing instability and homelessness, and I’m very thankful for where I’m at now. I have the ability and opportunity to

Dallas says, “It’s been very clear that they

give back—in a way that I can guarantee

want it to be a partnership. They believe we

my money or my time is going back to my

have something to bring to the table, and the

community. And seeing the fruits of that,

Community Foundation wants to learn from

it’s encouraging,” he says.

us as well. It’s not just about the grant. We will


For Teri, partnering with the Community

2018-2019 Annual Report

Habitat for Humanity Development Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Sisters Who Lead Leadership Respite


2018-2019 Annual Report


Grand Rapids Community Foundation



ore than a place where you work and reside, a community is where you form relationships, make memories, express a

culture and build a life. Thriving communities have mirrors and windows, which means residents see themselves reflected and are exposed to different experiences. Grand Rapids Community Foundation is working to help create a true sense of place and belonging for everyone in Kent County. For many, West Michigan isn’t a place where they “see” themselves. We are committed to uplifting our neighbors who feel the harsh realities of discrimination, isolation and underrepresentation daily. We envision a West Michigan where people see themselves reflected in all of the things that make up our lives. Where families don’t have to choose between diverse neighborhoods or top performing schools. Where young, diverse talent envision a future that doesn’t require them to check their identity at the doors of the spaces they enter each day. Where people with disabilities fully express themselves, build friendships and contribute positively without being judged or ostracized. Where people of all beliefs practice their faith without fear of harassment. Where people who identify as LGBTQ show up fully without fear of persecution, rejection or discrimination. Where people who are black and brown have the freedom to live their lives without fear of provocation, arrest, violence or even death.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Building place is one thing, building and nurturing community for all is another. To do our part, the Community Foundation commits to dismantle “West Michigan Nice” and learn from our accountability partners.

A Sense of Belonging… …for Mercedes Mercedes Barragan moved from Imlay City to Grand Rapids to attend Grand Valley State University. “When I graduated in 2010, I wanted to leave Grand Rapids. I didn’t feel like a member of this community, and couldn’t connect with other people of color. I thought that if I went to a bigger city, I could find my people,” she says. But she stayed because of BL2END, an organization founded by three GVSU graduates who didn’t see themselves reflected professionally or socially in West Michigan. “I left my first BL2END event with a sense of belonging and hope that there were people here who looked and thought like me,” she says. Joining the Latina Network of West Michigan deepened her community connections. “Together we can build a community that we really want to live, work and play in,” she says. Mercedes is now a senior talent program specialist at Spectrum Health. She is a Community Foundation donor partner and volunteers on the Fund for Community Good Committee.

…for Jennifer Jennifer Pascua, a Filipino American who grew up in Northern Illinois, was warned against moving to West Michigan to become a broadcast news anchor. “People told me that Grand Rapids had a lot of growth to do to become more accepting and welcoming,” she says.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Nevertheless, she spent 13 years at WZZM 13 and is now a digital content strategy manager at Serendipity Media. She encourages her sons, who are now young adults, to attend cultural events. “My goal as a mother and also as a woman of color is to expose my children to the beauty that is the USA. I want my kids to know they’re not in a bubble. I hope to inspire them to follow my lead and do the same,” she says. Jennifer is highly involved in local diversity, equity and inclusion work, including the Grand Rapids International Network and Artists Creating Together. She donates to the Community Foundation and volunteers on the Advisory Council.

…for Rosie and Paige Rose “Rosie” Quist and Paige Nastaj are best friends who met in middle school. They have found a larger community at Artists Creating Together. The nonprofit offers visual and performing arts programming to empower individuals with disabilities to learn, grow and celebrate together. Through a recent grant partnership with ACT, the Community Foundation provided funding to support a new permanent space and a mobile art studio, The Creative Cube. Rosie and Paige express themselves through art while making new friends. They love painting, drawing and yarn. Rosie and Paige say they love the teachers and making new friends at ACT. Outside of class, they like to watch movies, go out to eat and sing in the choir. “When participants and families come to ACT, we want them to not just learn a new art form, but feel like they’re in an emotionally safe place where everyone is really encouraged to express creativity and take some risks,” says Shay Kraley, ACT program director.


2018-2019 Annual Report

“The students get to know each other, spend time together and become friends. I feel really fortunate to be with ACT, where I get to see friendships like Rosie’s and Paige’s blossom.”

The Problem with “West Michigan Nice” “West Michigan Nice” is a term used to describe this region’s tendency to deflect difficult conversations about tough issues. Oftentimes, West Michigan Nice means topics such as race, religion, sexuality and politics are especially uncomfortable. When topics so closely connected to identity and building community are off limits, what message does that send? Mercedes and Jennifer agree that such reluctance isn’t welcoming. “My role in community and business is to break West Michigan Nice,” says Mercedes. “We need spaces that are safe for people. When we tell people they can’t talk about these things, we’re asking them to hide part of their identity. That’s not equity. That’s not social justice. West Michigan Nice is hurtful. We joke about it, but it is incredibly painful.” Doing away with West Michigan Nice is the first step to creating the thriving community we hope for. For Jennifer, this means narrowing her philanthropic involvement to organizations, like the Community Foundation, that address social justice issues head on to bring positive change. She says people in West Michigan talk a lot about changing and being welcoming. “But do we actually do that?” she asks. “Keeping conversations going about diversity and inclusion is a big deal. If you stop those conversations, nothing will change.”

Accountability Partners for Equity The Community Foundation is changing our narrative around how we support community, and we’re looking to our partners to hold us accountable.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Our partners show us that our role is not to

cultures of underrepresented communities.

create space, grant permission or solve

A recent example is our partnership

problems in a bubble. They are reminding us

with Friends of Grand Rapids Parks to

that people in the community are the experts.

focus on community engagement and

Our role is to be a bridge, facilitator,

environmental justice. We celebrate our

convener, ally and champion.

neighbors’ unique contributions and needs

“I look at organizations like the Community Foundation to be supportive, not to give permission,” says Mercedes. “Let’s not give anyone a seat at the table, but let’s go ahead and give them the table. Let’s give them the conference room and let them work it out.” We take the same approach to our grantmaking and sponsorship. We still support traditional projects in the arts, environment and other public spaces, but we’re becoming more intentional about doing so through an equity lens. We ask about how community informs decision-making and how projects reflect the


2018-2019 Annual Report

through sponsoring initiatives like Sisters Who Lead, Young Professionals of Color Conference, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce’s OutPro, Grand Rapids Area Black Businesses Summit, Grand Rapids Symphony’s Symphony with Soul and others. By listening more and engaging in true partnership, we are maximizing our impact. “The Community Foundation has done a really good job at listening. There’s always room for improvement, and I love that they are open to that feedback,” says Mercedes.

Garfield Park Mural Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Downtown Grand Rapids


2018-2019 Annual Report


Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Community Funds Cascade Community Foundation Fund Joyce and Tom Wisner Fund

Ward and Elaine Van Laanen Teaching Scholarship for Lakewood High School

East Grand Rapids Community Foundation Fund

Bea McCarty Family Fund+

Hudsonville-Jenison Community Foundation Fund

James and Teresa McCarty Family Fund+

John and Margaret Kuiper Family Fund Matthew Scothorn Memorial Fund+ Wyoming Community Foundation - Youth Fund

Designated and Nonprofit Funds

Hudsonville-Jenison Community Foundation - Youth Fund

Kenneth and Shirley Morris Memorial Scholarship Fund

Wayne D. Jones Community Fund

Actors’ Theatre Company Endowment Fund

Dolly Parton Imagination Library Fund - ICCF

Alano Club of Kent County Endowment Fund*

Portland Community Fund

American Red Cross Agency Endowment Fund

Ionia County Community Foundation Fund Belding Education Fund* Alvah N. Belding Library Fund Belding Schools Fund

George W. Romney Fund - Enrich of Ionia County Volunteer Center Saranac Community Schools

Aquinas College Frey Scholars Fund Anonymous Funds (4)

Burger Fund

Paul and Alberta Allen Scholarship Fund for Saranac High School

Frost Renaissance Foundation Fund

Edwin A. and Maxine Cahoon Compagner Memorial Fund

Don and Emma Goodell Scholarship Fund

John Arnold Endowment Fund for Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank

Thomas P., Della and George Eddy Scholarship Fund

Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired Endowment Fund

Saranac Community Schools Promise Scholarship Fund

Association of Fundraising Professionals West Michigan Chapter Fund

George H. Bird Scholarship

The Belrockton Fund William and Jewel Eckstrom Helping Hand Fund Healthy Youth & Healthy Seniors Fund Ionia County Community Foundation - Youth Fund Ionia County Parks Preservation and Maintenance Fund Ionia Free Fair Fund Ionia Public Schools Scholarship Fund Lakewood Educational Foundation Fund Paul and Alberta Allen Scholarship Fund for Lakewood High School William R. and Jewel H. Eckstrom Future Teachers Scholarship for Lakewood High School


Chuck Henney (husband of Pam, son of Wayne and Dorothy) Memorial Scholarship Fund

2018-2019 Annual Report

Saranac Community Schools Scholarship Fund Ben A. & Lucy C. Simons Memorial Education Fund W. W. Sprague Family Fund Ronald and Margaret Story Fund+ Swartz Family Fund The Lowell Area Community Fund Sparta Community Foundation Fund Glenn S. Bradford Fund Clare and Helen Finch Fund

The Arc Kent County Endowment Fund

John Ball Zoological Society Wildlife Conservation Endowment Fund Frank and Ann Battistella Grand Rapids Art Museum Fund Baxter Community Center Endowment Fund August and Anna Behrens Fund for Girl Scouts of Michigan Shore to Shore City of Belding Park Maintenance Fund

Paul C. and Inez L. Miller Fund

D. A. Blodgett - St. John’s Endowment Fund

Sparta Community Foundation - Youth Fund

D. A. Blodgett - St. John’s Scholarship Fund

Wyoming Community Foundation Fund Tommy Brann Fund

Estate of Minnie C. Blodgett for Clinic for Infant Feeding The Ivan K. Blough Greater Lowell Chamber Foundation Scholarship Fund

Calvin College Service Learning Center Fund

Girls Choral Academy Endowment Fund*

Humane Society of West Michigan Agency Endowment Fund

Camp Blodgett Endowment Fund

Godwin’s Golden G, Inc. Education Fund

Humane Society of West Michigan Elsie Eggebrecht Fund

Grand Rapids Adventist Academy Merit Fund

Humane Society of West Michigan - Clarence and Catherine Thielman Endowment Fund

Camp Fire - Harriet D. and Mary Dively Fund Camp Fire - WoHeLo Fund Camp Henry Endowment Fund Catherine’s Health Center Fund

Grand Rapids Ballet Agency Endowment Fund

Cedar Springs Education Foundation Fund

Grand Rapids Chapter of the American Guild of Organists Endowment Fund

Center for Community Leadership Fund

Grand Rapids Children’s Museum Fund

Cherry Health Fund

Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Endowment Fund

Children’s Advocacy Center of Kent County Endowment Fund* Christian Rest Home Foundation Fund Comprehensive Therapy Center Endowment Fund Dr. Edwin P. and Florence H. Creaser Fund David G. Dvorak, MD Scholarship Fund Dwelling Place Fund The Economic Club of Grand Rapids Endowment Fund George E. and Erma C. Evans Designated Fund for the Salvation Army Festival of the Arts in Grand Rapids Fund Gerald R. Ford Council Boy Scouts of America Fund Frey Foundation Grand Rapids Symphony Endowment Fund Edward J. & Frances T. Frey Memorial Fund for St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Grand Rapids Jaycees Foundation Douglas B. Wicks Fund Grand Rapids Lions Club Activities Commission Fund Grand Rapids Maya Lin “Ecliptic” Art Maintenance Endowment Fund Grand Rapids Public Library Foundation Fund

Allen I. and Helen J. Hunting Research and Innovation Fund for the Grand Valley State University, Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute Indian Trails Camp Endowment Fund Indian Trails Camp - Paul Clark Blanding Memorial Scholarship Fund Indian Trails Camp - Cabin Fund Jenison Christian School Endowment Fund Jenison Public Education Foundation Fund Laureen Kennedy Child Care Fund

Grand Rapids Symphony Mosaic Scholarship Fund

Kenowa Hills Education Foundation Fund

Grand Rapids Urban League Fund

Kent County Agricultural Preservation Fund

Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth Endowment Fund Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth - Harry Dolan Camp O’Malley Scholarship Fund Grandville Athletic Boosters Endowment Fund Grandville Calvin Christian Schools Foundation Fund GROW Bonnie Miller Endowment Fund Guardian Angel Homes Fund for People with Disabilities

Edward J. Frey Junior Achievement Fund

Habitat for Humanity of Kent County Endowment Fund

Friends of Grand Rapids Parks’ Park Maintenance and Improvement Fund - Joe Taylor Park

Karl Hascall Variety Club Fund

Friends of Grand Rapids Parks’ Park Maintenance and Improvement Fund - Pleasant Park

Allen I. and Helen J. Hunting Fund to Support River Restoration

Home Repair Services Endowment Fund Hudsonville Christian School Foundation Fund

Kent District Library Fund Ladies Literary Club Fund for Literacy Center of West Michigan LCTV Endowment Fund Look Memorial Fund Lowell Area Historical Museum Endowment Fund Lowell Area Schools Education Foundation Endowment Fund William S. Martens Hundred Club Fund Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital Barbara Hoffius Pediatric Fund Ronald McDonald House Fund Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan Fund

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Leonard and Eileen Newman Designated Fund

West Michigan Dental Foundation Fund

Allan R. and Claudia A. Carlson Advised Fund

Noorthoek Academy Endowment Fund

West Side Christian School Fund

Carpenter Advised Fund

Women’s Resource Center Founder’s Circle Endowment Fund

David M. and Cara V. Cassard Fund

Northview Education Foundation Endowment Fund Opera Grand Rapids Fund

World Affairs Council of West Michigan Endowment Fund

Opera Grand Rapids Betty Van Andel Fund

Wyoming Public Schools Educational Fund

Parkinson’s Association of West Michigan Endowment Fund

YWCA Women and Girls Development Fund in Honor of Judy Lloyd

Pilgrim Manor Endowment Fund Rosa Parks Sculpture Maintenance Fund Charlotte M. Raniville Fund for the Benefit of Mary Free Bed Guild Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Fund George W. Romney Fund - Heart of West Michigan United Way Volunteer Center Rotary Club of Lowell Foundation Fund

The ACH Fund Martin J. and Susan J. Allen Family Fund Robert N. and Catherine R. Alt Family Fund Andrulis Family Fund*

Chris-Tina Fund Roger and Sally Ciapara Donor Advised Fund Colliers International Fund Peter C. and Emajean Cook Fund Richard C. and Shirley E. Cooper Advised Fund Courtade-DeLessio Family Fund Crawford and Laurie Craft Family Fund Robert and Julia Currier Family Fund Darooge Family Charitable Fund Mary and Bob Darrow Fund* Robert J. and Katherine M. Daverman Fund

Safe Haven Ministries, Inc. Endowment Fund

David G. and Mary L. Annis Family Fund

St. Cecilia Music Society Building Endowment Fund

Anonymous Advised Funds (8)

Douglas DeBoer Memorial Fund

James and Shirley Balk Family Fund

Eleanor Hager Defoe Fund

Martin and Melissa Balk Family Fund*

Elizabeth Tinney Donley Fund

Senior Meals on Wheels of Western Michigan Fund Senior Neighbors Agency Fund Senior Neighbors Fund Douglas Leon Spalding Memorial Fund

The Banks Family Charitable Fund Kip and Chris Barber Fund

Spirit of Solidarity Fund

Robert and Mary Barss Fund*

Nellie H. Stevens Grand Rapids Teachers’ Travel Fund

Laurie Finney Beard Family Fund

Kathryn and Dennis Sullivan Charitable Fund

John R. Bertsch Fund

The Kathy Timmer Specialized Language Development Learning Center Memorial Fund Unity Christian High School Education Support Fund Wege Wealthy Theatre Fund West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology Fund


Donor Advised Funds

Center for Systemic Change Advised Funds (2)

2018-2019 Annual Report

John and Claire Bissell Advised Fund Matthew and Vicki Bissell Advised Fund Glen and Betsy Borre Fund Bjork Bradford Donor Advised Fund The Moore Brower Charitable Fund

DCB Family Fund

DeLapa Family Fund Dyer-Ives Neighborhood Fund The Ebenezer Fund Engen Family Fund Gerald and Jane Feldman Family Fund First National Bank of Michigan Charitable Fund Founder’s Fund Tom and Mickie Fox Family Advised Fund The Freihofer Family Fund The Jack and Jill French Charitable Fund Frey Foundation Fund I

Frey Foundation Fund II Charles R. and Bette Fuller Family Fund Furniture Manufacturers’ Heritage Advised Fund C. John Gill and Rita Williams Family Fund Richard and Elizabeth Gillett Family Fund Gene and Tubie Gilmore Fund Jamie Hale Memorial Fund Hascall Family Donor Advised Fund Janet A. Haynes and Kelsey Haynes Advised Fund Hebrews 13:16 Fund Heerspink Family Advised Fund The David and Cathy Heldt Charitable Fund Michael and Kate Herrema Foundation Fund* The Heuschkel Family Fund in Memory of Emilie Beverly and William Heyne Fund Hildenbrand Community Fund* Stuart and Barbara Hoffius Family Fund Thomas E. and Geraldine K. Hogan Fund Earl and Donnalee Holton Advised Fund Ken and June Holtvluwer Fund Doug and Peggy Hoogerhyde Fund David and Marilyn Hunting Fund Margaret P. Idema Fund

Herbert and Glenna Knape Family Fund David and Phyllis Koslow Fund Matthew Kutsche Memorial Fund

The Myers Family Fund Khan and Liza Nedd Family Fund Northouse Family Fund

Lafayette Fund

Terrence and Maureen O’Rourke Fund

Norm and Marilyn Leven Family Fund

Daniel and Susan Oumedian Family Fund

LGR Sweeter Impact Fund

Patricia P. and Armen G. Oumedian Family Fund

Loeks Family Funds (10) Andy Lubbers Be NICE Memorial Fund Andy Lubbers Memorial Fund for Mental Health

Louis Padnos Iron & Metal Company Fund Padnos/Sarosik Fund Paine and McGovern Family Fund

Dr. Jack and Katy Lukens Family Fund

Chris and Joan Panopoulos Family Fund*

Judson M. and Lynn E. Lynch Family Advised Fund

Park Avenue Partners (2)

Eugene G. and Jean P. Lyons Family Fund M & M Fund The Mackay Charitable Fund

James and Linda Payne Family Foundation Fund Peterson Memorial Fund Dan and Sara Peterson Family Fund

Malcolm/Magolan Family Fund*

Virgil and Louise Phelps Advised Fund

Mankoff Family Fund

Pimm Donor Advised Fund

Chester and Elaine Maternowski Family Fund

Jeff and Julia Poole Family Fund

Barbara Mayo-Johnson Donor Advised Fund Ray McCahill Family Fund* John R. and Betsy W. McIntyre Family Fund McKania, Too Fund Kendall Meijer Charitable Fund Liesel Litzenburger Meijer Fund

Rimbaud Fund Leonard and Karen Rinke Fund River City Fund Roach Family Fund Richard Roane and Leandro Robles Families Donor Advised Fund L.R. and Marjorie Roegge Donor Advised Fund Dr. Jack and Lija Romence Children’s Fund

William and Beatrice Idema Fund

Daniel W. Miller and Susan L. Wright-Miller Fund

J & N Fund

Paul C. and Inez L. Miller Fund

Michael and Christina Rosloniec Family Fund

Holly Cope Jacoby Fund*

Kim S. Mitchell Donor Advised Fund

Roth Family Fund

Mike and Sue Jandernoa Advised Fund

Aaron and Cheryl Molhoek Family Fund

E. Alan Rumbaugh Advised Fund

JCT Donor Advised Fund

Moore Family Advised Fund

Andy and Christina Keller Fund

Dick and Barb Musser Family Fund

Linn Maxwell Keller Donor Advised Fund

C. Robert and Patricia Muth Fund

Sadler Family Fund Angela Schipper Fund* Jack Jr. and Lori Skoog Family Fund II*

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Nancy and Doug Slade Dynamic Donor Advised Fund Sligh Memorial Fund Richard E. Smoke Advised Fund Dr. Lisa Sostecke Fund William E. and Norma Sprague Charitable Fund N. Jene Stella Memorial Fund The Supp Family Donor Advised Fund Dr. Alfred B. Swanson and Dr. Genevieve de Groot Swanson Advised Fund Arvin L. and Pearl M. Tap Fund

Fund for Economic Prosperity

Dick and Barbara Young Fund

Fund for Education

Zack Family Fund

Alicent Epps Jasperse Memorial Fund for Academic Achievement+

Field of Interest Funds

Fund for the Environment

Kathryn L. Adamson Fund for Children

Healthy Youth & Healthy Seniors Fund

Kathryn L. Adamson Fund for the Elderly

Cecilia Hoagland Fund for Local Veterans

African American Heritage Fund

Arthur H. Holmes Handicap Fund

Louise J. Johnson Fund+

Fund for Health Fund for Neighborhoods

Homeless Prevention Endowment Fund

Mike and Sue Taylor Fund*

George M. Ames Fund

Steele A. and Mary D. Taylor Advised Fund

Lucy E. Barnett Trust for the Elderly

Mary I. and David D. Hunting Family Fund

Timothy Fund

John, Margaret and Maryellen Berry Fund

Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Fund for Healthcare and Community Health

Wayne Titche Fund

Gordon and Mary Bowman Fund

Colleen and Bob Tobin Family Fund*

Armand F. and Gretchen B. Burch Fund

Ken, Melinda and Andrew Krei Youth Fund

Daniel and Alice Trapp Family Advised Fund Jeff and Margaret Tuori Family Fund Anne Heyboer Vander Heide Fund

Cherry (Mrs. James) Carpenter Fund for Children Challenge Scholars Funds

Simon and Mary Vander Kooy Fund

James and Shirley Balk Family Fund for Challenge Scholars

Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Fund

Hill Machinery Fund for Challenge Scholars

Stan and Jackie Vander Roest Fund

David B. and Susan D. Lipner Fund for Challenge Scholars+

Andy and Tracy Van Solkema Family Fund John and Sue Walton Fund Warner Norcross & Judd Fund Waters Corporation/Cassard Family Donor Advised Fund Wellcome Opportunity Fund* West Michigan Edward Jones Foundation Fund The John J. Wheeler Charitable Fund

Armen Oumedian Challenge Scholars Fund Kenneth H. and Margaret L. Childs Fund for Education Bruce Alexis Cornelius Memorial Fund for Mental Health Agencies George M. and Lucinda Ann Edison Memorial Trust Fund Emma Sherwood Evans Trust Fund

Ladies Literary Club Fund for Literary Arts The C. Lincoln Linderholm Trust Duncan Littlefair Literary Fund for Children The J. Leslie Livingston Memorial Fund William H. and Inetta P. Martindill Fund Robert D. Mieras Fund for Dance and Music Gordon and Janet Moeller, Food Security Fund Needy Children Field of Interest Fund Norma Olsen Fund for Abused Children+ The George and Kaye Wilsted Fund for Children+

Charles Evenson Fund for the Environment

Leonard and Eileen Newman Fund for the Arts

Whitsett Family Fund

William S. Folz Fund for Cancer Research

Our LGBTQ Fund

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Trustee Donor Advised Funds (2)

Fund for Arts and Social Engagement

Kathryn and Dennis Sullivan Charitable Fund

Robert and Deborah White Fund


Kate Pew Wolters Fund

2018-2019 Annual Report

Estate of Annette Richards

SVI - Social Venture Investors Fund Kenneth M. Sweers Fund for the Homeless Patricia Haan Timmer Fund for Downtown Charities Youth Field of Interest Fund

Operating/Special Project Funds Administrative Fund Charitable Gift Annuity Funds (36)

Llewellyn L. Cayvan String Instrument Scholarship Fund Aim High Jerry Clay Scholarship Fund Thomas D. Coffield Scholarship Fund Paul Collins Scholarship Fund Rosemary Cook Education Scholarship Fund Gerald M. Crane Memorial Music Scholarship Fund Darooge Family Scholarship Fund Achille and Irene Despres, William and Andre Scholarship Fund

Grand Rapids Community Foundation Reserve Fund

Donald J. DeYoung Education Fund

Special Project Funds

Economic Club of Grand Rapids Scholarship Fund

Building Campaign Fund Challenge Scholars Dream Fund* Encore Fund

Edwin F. Doyle Scholarship Fund

George and Louise Egeler Fund Supporting YESP

Vivian M. Kommer Scholarship Fund Ladies Literary Club Scholarship Fund Lavina A. Laible Scholarship Trust Fund Stephen D. Lankester Scholarship Fund Sherman L. and Mabel C. Lepard Scholarship Fund Norm and Marilyn Leven Challenge Scholars Fund Dr. Jack and Katy Lukens Family Scholarship Fund John T. and Frances J. Maghielse Scholarship Fund Horning Marshall Scholarship for the University of Michigan Miller Johnson West Michigan Diversity Scholarship Fund The Joshua Esch Mitchell Aviation Scholarship Fund

LINC Technical Assistance Fund

Virginia Valk Fehsenfeld Scholarship Fund

Nonprofit Technical Assistance Fund

Melbourne and Alice E. Frontjes Scholarship Fund

Rosa Parks Sculpture Project

Carolyn Gallmeyer Fund

Harry J. Morris Jr. Emergency Services Education Scholarship Fund

Mathilda Gallmeyer Scholarship Fund

NAIFA West Michigan Scholarship Fund

General Scholarship Fund

Dr. Patricia E. Newby Close Up Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Funds Altrusa Scholarship Fund Anonymous Scholarship Fund (3) Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids Scholarship Fund Noyes L. Avery Jr. and Ann E. Avery Scholarship Fund Black Men Building Resources Scholarship Fund Geraldine Geistert Boss Scholarship Fund Fred, Miriam, Bob, and Fritz Briscoe Scholarship Fund* Harry J. Brown and Lucille B. Brown Scholarship Fund Orrie and Dorothy Cassada Scholarship Fund

Grand Rapids Chamber ATHENA Eileen DeVries Scholarship Fund* Grand Rapids Combined Theatre Scholarship Fund

Robert L. and Hilda Treasure Mitchell Scholarship Fund

Peggy (Kommer) Novosad Scholarship Fund Olson Family Scholarship Fund

Grand Rapids Scholarship Association Fund

Armen Oumedian Challenge Scholars Fund

Grand Rapids University Prep Founders’ Scholarship

Forrest Arthur Pletcher Memorial Fund

Hackett Family Scholarship Fund

Pullen/Lambers Family Memorial Scholarship Fund*

Guy D. and Mary Edith Halladay Trust Fund Hill Machinery Fund for Technology Scholars Donald and Florence Hunting Memorial Fund The Jack Family Educational Fund Camilla C. Johnson Scholarship Trust Fund

Armando “Frank” Quaglia Veterans Scholarship Reach for Your Goal Scholarship Fund Josephine Ringold Scholarship Fund David and Laurie Russell Family Scholarship for Habitat for Humanity of Kent County Families

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Alan R. Ryan Scholarship Fund Margery J. Seeger Scholarship Fund Ronald T. Smith Family Scholarship Fund Gladys A. Snauble Scholarship Fund Christine Soper Scholarship Fund Dr. William E. and Norma Sprague Scholarship Fund Dorothy B. and Charles E. Thomas Fund in support of the Ringold Scholarship Dorothy J. Thurston Scholarship Fund TowerPinkster Grand Rapids Public Schools Scholarship Fund Mildred E. Troske Scholarship Fund Trust of the GR Federation of U of M Alumnae Club University of Michigan GR Alumnae Trust Scholarship Fund Gretchen Slack Appelt and Doris Ann Slack Scholarship Fund Margaret Appelt Kerr Fund

Violet Wondergem Health Science Scholarship Fund Audrey L. Wright Scholarship Fund Youth Enrichment Scholarship Program

Unrestricted Funds Fund for the Community Good Lynne M. Black Fund+ Joy A. Brown-Baker Fund+ Laurie and Crawford Craft Family Fund+ Tom and Jan Czerney Fund+ William and Patricia Edison Fund+ James and Bebe Glerum Fund+ Eleanore and Robert Howieson Fund+ The David B. and Susan D. Lipner Fund+

Meta Prange Murphy/ Lucille Prange Fund

Ernest & Lorraine Malkewitz Fund+

Rosemary Scott Fund

Judge W. Baldwin Ogden and Judy Ogden Fund+

Keith C. VanderHyde Scholarship Fund

Marjorie and Robert Neubig Fund+

Martha J. Porter Fund+

Dorothy Scholwalter Estate, Dorothy J. Thurston Trust, Herbert E. Thurston Family Trust, Waddell-Cioni Trust Marian A. Aldrich Fund American Box Board Community Fund Gasper J. Amodeo Fund Employees of Autocam Fund John W. and Margaret Bertsch Fund Anna Bissell Charity Trust Fund James and Margaret Black Estate Edward H. Blickley Fund Harvey and Margaret Brower Fund Orville and Jean Bulman Estate Allan and Claudia Carlson Family Fund Olga H. Cassard Fund* William J. Chaille Fund Eugene D. Conger Fund Louis A. Cornelius Trust Dallas and Helen Darling Fund Cornelia De Fouw Fund George and Louise Egeler Fund Engineered Protection Systems Fund Diane S. Farage Fund* Fishell Fund

Roger and Jacquelyn Vander Laan Family Scholarship Fund

Roth Family Fund for Community Good+

Jacob R. and Mary M. Van Loo; Lenore K. Van Loo; and Anne Van Loo Eldred Scholarship Fund

Robert and Claire Schaefer Fund+

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Frey Fund

Diana Sieger Leadership Fund+

Jim McKay and Twink Frey Fund

Chad Vollmer Scholarship Fund

Elmer and Mable Slemons Fund+

Mrs. L. C. Gardner Fund

Kenneth Vonk Fund

Bill and Barbara Van’t Hof Fund+

Carol E. Greene Fund for Community Good

Warner Norcross & Judd Scholarship Fund Donald M. Wells Scholarship Fund Elmo Wierenga Ottawa Hills Alumni Scholarship Fund Walter C. Winchester Scholarship Fund Michael J. Wolf Scholarship Fund


Dr. Richard J. Woltersom Medical Scholarship Fund

2018-2019 Annual Report

Contributions Receivable (split-interest) John H. and Nancy L. Batts Trust, Janet E. Berg Trust, Mr. and Mrs. Max Doering Trust, Gilchrist Family Trust, Edwin R. Hondelink Trust, Clare and Grace Jarecki Trusts, Ben Lee Jr. Estate, Robert D. Mackey Trust, Millard M. Moore and Viola M. Moore Trust, C. Allen Payne Trust,

Henry A. Fox Family Fund

Chester A. Hall Fund Leon W. Hall Fund Stanley C. Hall Fund Bill and Claudia Hardy Fund Haslinger Family Fund Minnie E. Haven Fund Elizabeth Herkner Fund Edward M. Herpolsheimer Fund

Karl E. Herpolsheimer Fund

Jackman and Helen Palmatier Fund

Arthur D. Wolf Foundation Trust

Dirk and Victoria Hoffius Fund

Mary I. and Robert C. Pew Fund

Orianna D. Hooker Fund

Chalmers and Esther Quaintance Fund

Charles D. and Irene A. Worden Fund

Arthur J. and Sue H. Hoover Fund Robert and Adelaide Hoover Fund Allen I. and Helen J. Hunting Fund Walter D. Idema Charitable Trust Walter D. Idema Fund Jabin Family Fund*

Charlotte M. Raniville Fund Leonard and Dora Rosenzweig Fund

* Fiscal year 2018-2019 new funds

Theodore R. and Caroline Schoonbeck Fund

+ Recognition funds Honors Donors who support Grand Rapids Community Foundation priorities with gifts over $10,000.

Grace L. Schouten Memorial Trust Fund

Elizabeth J. Steed Johnson Trust

Willard and Barbara Schroeder Fund

Kent Charitable Fund

Schuil Family Fund

William E. and Sue Kincaid Fund

Margery Seeger Fund

Mary Jane Kirchgessner Trust

Erin Slade Memorial Fund

Jane and Sam Kravitz Fund for Community Good

Estate of Isabelle and Herman Slanger

Robert J. Kulms Trust

Eileen Slootmaker Fund

Perry M. and Hazel A. Lawr Fund

Mary A. and Lenore G. Smith Fund

Ben H. Lee Jr. Fund

Marvin Stahl Fund

Harvey E. Lemmen Fund

Paul L. Steketee Fund

Clara T. Limbert Fund Gertrude Lindberry Fund

Graham F. “Deck” and Ruth B. Stewart Fund

Charles W. Loosemore Fund

Joseph and Helen Tulos Fund

Dr. Jack and Katy Lukens Fund

Adrian Van Daalen Fund

Hale J. Mackay Fund

Earle Vande Poel Charitable Fund

Allen S. & Barbara P. Marcus Fund*

The Vander Beek Family Fund

Glen C. Mason Fund

Keith C. VanderHyde Fund

Geraldine F. Masters Fund

Biem H. and Irene G. Vandermass Fund

Isabel McLeod Fund Frank H. and Virginia L. Merlotti Fund* George and Mary Metz Charitable Fund

George L. and Esther B. Young Trust

Eleanor J. Roberts Fund

Clare and Grace Jarecki Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. McCobb Fund

Estate of Curtis M. Wylie

Herbert and Doris Vander Mey Fund for Community Good Englebert J. and Lelah Sexton Vogt Trust Estate of Ralph A. Voigt Jeanette Shelly Warner Fund

Mary D. Morman Trust

John C. Whitcomb Fund

Estate of Melanie L. Muir

Marion Stuart White Fund

Estate of Dr. Clifford T. Nelson

Estate of Zoe F. Whitworth Trust

Nordic Fund

Mrs. Imogene W. Wickett Fund

Francis J. O’Connor Fund

C. John Gill and Rita Williams Fund

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


In Honor Beth Batts and Lisa Costanza

Stuart Kutsche

Ric Roane

Lawson K. Bowers

C. Mark and Valerie McAleenan

Dietrich K. Roth

Paul Cook

Shelly Padnos and Carol Sarosik

Erika VanDyke

Maurice and Sara Fetty

Charles F. Pletcher

Rick Walker

Pam and Kim Gary

Mike Rash and John McElwee

Cedric and Sandy Ward

Thomas E. Anastor

Chet Hall

Charles Lundstrom

Peter App

Richard Hemenway

Ray McCahill

Dr. Charles Arnold

David G. Hertel and Maxine M. Hertel

Frank Merlotti

Jeff Gervasio and Dan Lajoie

In Memory

Dick Boland Donna Boorstein Fredrick G. Briscoe Midge Brown Allan Carlson Olga H. Cassard Gay Chesley Ellen Custer Richard DeVos Mae Etta Doyle Pamela Dryer Joyce B. French Ann P. Hagerman

Henry Idema Margaret L. Jack Bill Johnson Elizabeth Joseph Gary Karasinski Lucille King John Klomparens Herbert F. Knape Scott Kowalczyk Robert Kowalewski Matthew Kutsche Andy Lubbers

Rick Musser Patricia J. Muth Kim Needham Joyce Norton Armen G. Oumedian Betty and Forrest Pletcher Nate Rodriquez Matt Scothorn Dr. Donald Sloat Brantly Speet Joel Swets Edward J. VanderVelde Hillary Westenbarger

Estate Gifts


Elizabeth L. Anderson

Olga Cassard

Sue Ann Jabin

Jeanne Bergsma

Diane S. Farage

Armen G. Oumedian

Willard Burkhardt Sr.

David G. Hertel and Maxine M. Hertel

2018-2019 Annual Report

Grant Partnerships

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Competitive Grants By Fund African American Heritage Fund Ebony Road Players

Kent Intermediate School District LINC Community Revitalization, Inc. Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan Michigan Nonprofit Association

Challenge Scholars Dream Fund Bridge Street House of Prayer Harrison Park School Literacy Center of West Michigan The Other Way Ministries Sibley Elementary School Stocking Elementary Union High School Wellspring Lutheran Services Westwood Middle School

Nonprofit Technical Assistance Program Opportunity Resource Fund Project GREEN The Right Place Foundation Samaritas Senior Sing Along Spectrum Health Foundation Start Garden

Our LGBTQ Fund

Fund for Community Good

Arbor Circle

Artists Creating Together

Out on the Lakeshore

DA Blodgett - St. John’s The Diatribe Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids Friends of Grand Rapids Parks Godfrey-Lee Public Schools Grand Rapids Nehemiah Project Grand Rapids Public Museum Foundation


NIA Centre

Grand Rapids Trans Foundation Grand Valley State University

Youth Grant Committee Artists Creating Together Better Wiser Stronger Inc. Bridge Street House of Prayer Children’s Healing Center

Grand Rapids Public Schools

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

Grand Valley University Foundation

Ebony Road Players

Habitat for Humanity of Kent County

The Edge Urban Fellowship

Heart of West Michigan United Way

Girls Growing II Women, Inc.


Grand Rapids HQ

2018-2019 Annual Report

Grandville Avenue Arts & Humanities Inc. Junior Achievement of Michigan Great Lakes Kingdom Minded Ministries No Surrender Running Club Planned Parenthood of Michigan SLD Read


Grand Rapids Community Foundation


Field of Interest Funds $40,074,343 | 11.5%

Donor Advised Funds $90,612,856 | 26.0%

Operating/Special Project & Initiatives/Building $10,056,084 | 2.9%

Designated and Nonprofit Funds $40,384,628 | 11.6%

Scholarship Funds $36,215,765 | 10.4%

Community Funds $27,169,236 | 7.8%

Unrestricted Funds $103,962,510 | 29.8%

Global Fixed Income | 12.1%

Global Equity | 59.3%

Real Assets (Real Estate, Natural Resources, Infrastructure) | 8.8%

Cash | 0.7%

Environment $556,202 | 4.0%

Health $3,052,802 | 22.0%

Economic Prosperity $842,294 | 6.1%

Neighborhoods $1,839,637 | 13.2%

Arts and Social Engagement $3,714,072 | 26.7%

Other $93,004 | 0.7%

Education $3,790,239 | 27.3%


Diversifying Strategies (Absolute Return) | 19.1%

2018-2019 Annual Report

Statement of Financial Position As of June 30, 2019 ASSETS Cash and Investments, at market value


Beneficial Interests in Perpetual Trusts


Split-Interest Agreements Receivable


Gifts and Pledges Receivable


Notes Receivable


Property, Furniture and Equipment, Net of Accum. Dep.


Prepaid Expenses Reinsurance Contracts

$6,000 $1,189,770

Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance Total Assets

$759,613 $348,475,422

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts Payable Grants and Scholarships Payable Charitable Gift Annuities Payable

$268 $2,394,178 $1,730,814

Funds Held on Behalf of Nonprofit Endowments


Total Liabilities


Total Net Assets


Statement of Activities Year Ended June 30, 2019 REVENUES AND GAINS/(LOSSES) Contributions


Investment Income (net of fees)


Change in Fair Value of Charitable Gift Annuities & Split-Interest Agreements Less: Amounts Allocable to Nonprofits Total Revenues and Gains/(Losses)

$124,122 ($609,198) $20,577,493

GRANTS AND EXPENSES Grants and Scholarships Authorized Community Initiatives and Fund Program Expenses

$13,888,250 $632,750

Charitable and Philanthropic Expenses


Other Operating Expenses


Less: Amounts Allocable to Nonprofits Total Grants and Expenses Change in Net Assets

($843,497) $17,965,311 $2,612,182

Net Assets, Beginning of Year


Net Assets, End of Year


Audited financials have been given an unmodified opinion by our auditors Plante & Moran PLLC. If you would like a copy of the full audit, please call Grand Rapids Community Foundation at 616.454.1751 or visit our website, Grand Rapids Community Foundation



Diana R. Sieger

RenĂĄ Guttrich


Executive Assistant

Ashley RenĂŠ Lee

Heather Gill Fox

Audra Hartges

Vice President, Public Relations & Marketing

Public Relations & Marketing Specialist

Public Relations & Marketing Specialist

Marilyn Zack, CAP

Jan Burns

Mary Karrip

Vice President, Development

Events & Development Associate

Administrative Assistant for Development

2018-2019 Annual Report

Jenine Torres

Shaun Shira, CAP

Development Officer

Major and Planned Gifts Director

Tracy Van Solkema, BCRE-PRO

Johngerlyn “Jonse� Young, CAP

Research & Data Services Specialist

Director of Philanthropic Services

Stan Vander Roest, CPA

Lynne Black

Jason England

Chief Financial Officer

Director of Finance


Barb Forseman

Kevin Harmelink

Operations Associate

Human Resources & Operations Manager

Ann Puckett

Ashley Emaus

IT Manager

Finance & Administration Assistant

Grand Rapids Community Foundation



Kate Luckert Schmid

Laurie Craft

Vice President, Program

Vice President, Community Investment

Ruth Bishop

Janean Couch

Giuliana Estrada

Education Program Officer

Program Director

Challenge Scholars Associate

2018-2019 Annual Report

Keri Jaynes

Cris Kutzli

Grants Manager

Challenge Scholars Director

Erika Vandyke

Carla Villasana Moore

Program Officer

Scholarship and Education Assistant

Michael Rosloniec

Kathleen B. Vogelsang

Christina Keller

Chair Family Wealth/Institutional Consulting Director, Graystone Consulting

Vice Chair Director-Chief Investment Officer Van Andel Institute

Immediate Past Chair President + CEO Cacasde Engineering

Kyle D. Caldwell

DeUnique Dorris

Thomas G. Kyros

President & CEO Council of Michigan Foundations

Student Trustee City High/Middle School

Executive Partner Varnum, LLP

Emily J. Loeks

Ana L. Ramirez-Saenz

Richard A. Roane

Director of Community Affairs & Public Relations Loeks Theaters, Inc.

Founder and CEO La Fuente Consulting, LLC

Partner Warner Norcross & Judd

Amy J. Ruis

Carlos Sanchez

ReneĂŠ Williams

Owner Art of the Table and Aperitivo

Director, Latino Business and Economic Development Center Ferris State University

Senior Vice President Community Development Huntington Bank

Grand Rapids Community Foundation


How to Apply for a Grant Grand Rapids Community Foundation awards grants six times per year after review by our staff, the Fund for Community Good Advisory Committee and approval by the Board of Trustees. We accept pre-applications and grant proposals throughout the year. Minimally, grant applications must serve people in Kent County, have IRS 501(c)(3) designation and work in the areas of education, arts and social engagement, the environment, health, neighborhoods or prosperity. Our guidelines detail other criteria for funding consideration. To learn more about submitting a pre-application or applying for a grant, please visit or call 616.454.1751.


2018-2019 Annual Report

Keep in Touch Learn About Us Like Us Follow Us Watch Us Email Us Call Us 616.454.1751 Visit Us 185 Oakes Street SW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

Annual Report Team Project Managers & Writers Ashley RenĂŠ Lee Grand Rapids Community Foundation Heather Gill Fox Grand Rapids Community Foundation Audra Hartges Grand Rapids Community Foundation Design Well Design Studio Photography Well Design Studio Bird + Bird Studio ACTPhotoMedia Dreams by Bella Carbon Stories Videography Carbon Stories Copyediting Joan Huyser-Honig Huyser-Honig Creative Services Printer Custom Service Printers Grand Rapids Community Foundation



2018-2019 Annual Report

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