Park University Magazine, Spring 2012

Page 38



Greg Raymond, ’68, Ph.D.

B.A., Political Science Frank and Bethine Church Chair of Public Affairs Department of Political Science Boise State University, Boise, Idaho My education at Park altered my life’s trajectory. The combination of engaging professors, individual attention and demanding requirements prepared me for a rewarding professional life that I could scarcely have imagined. My career includes serving as a Pew Faculty Fellow in International Affairs at Harvard University, and publishing 16 books and more than 100 articles and essays on foreign policy and world politics. Without Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann’s encouragement, I would never have considered pursuing a graduate education in political science; without his tutelage, I would not have had the success that I have enjoyed as a political scientist. In taking “Western Heritage” at Park, I learned the relationship between democracy and civic intelligence was first raised by the ancient Greek historian, Thucydides. Among the lessons we can draw from Thucydides today is that while only a small number of officials may actually make policy, in a healthy democracy everyone must participate in weighing policy alternatives.

Spring 2012 - 36

Patrizia Pfefferkorn, ’11

B.A., Political Science/International Politics Medical Student, Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany One of my favorite means of educating myself and forming an opinion at Park was the discourse and open discussions with my fellow students inside and outside of the classroom. Thankfully, I’m still in touch with a few of my fellow political science alums and we have a kind of ongoing international online discussion forum. I am also one of the founding members of a new group at my school called “Politics and Medicine.” We focus on all political issues relating to the medical field, ranging from science patenting and medical drug distribution in developing countries to more regional issues. I think there is a strong connection between the two subject areas and any doctor would do himself/herself a great disservice in not staying on top of both. I think education in general is a key pillar of any functioning democratic system. Democracy itself is based on the premise that all decisions are to be made by the people.

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