To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Essay

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To Kill a Mockingbird Persuasive Essay Within the last century, there has been a multitude of great stories, books, and novels. The reason these a pronouced as "great," are their engaging plots, unique characteristics, and learning experiences. Harper Lee's novel "How to Kill a Mocking bird," is compiled with many characters, each having seperate beliefs and opinions within their society. Some character's express valuing aspects, while others represent bitterness and envy. Lee, firmly contrasts the positive, loving character named Atticus, by a young girl named Scout who will take you through Atticus' journey of his complex life in a small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Integrity, humbleness, and kindness strongly establishes Atticus' exceedingly likeable characteristics. Initially, Atticus demonstrates to Jem and Scout the importance of having integrity. Integrity defines as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, Atticus did not change his honest opinion nor his moral principles due to different people or contrasting places. Atticus had a great amount of integrity within the trial, as when Scout questions him puzzled about why he is defending Robinson, he responds in a strong tone, "This case, Tom Robinson's case, is something that goes to the essence of a man's conscience–Scout, I couldn't go to church and worship God if I didn't try to help that man" (Lee 120). Scout looks at Atticus even more puzzled than before and states sternly, "Well, most

Persuasive Essay : To Kill A Mockingbird
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My name is Samantha and I am a high school Freshman in the Bay Area. Recently in English class, we have finished the classic book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. In the book, we looked at the symbolism and how it relates to modern issues. I quickly noticed that the book not only show the court system in the 1960s but also the court system standing today. By having a colored man convicted of a crime he did not relates to today's issue of the colored community getting harsher and longer sentences. You are one of the people with the most power in this country so I am asking for you to put an end to the racial profiling that goes on in this country by having the jury and judge not see the defendant during hearings.

In the Book To Kill more content...

This happened in a book written fifty–five plus years ago. The amount of growth that has happened is unacceptable in today's fast–growing society. This is why it is important to attack this issue head–on by making changes in today's modern courtrooms. As a member of the youth in the United States, I am concerned about the future. It has been 150 plus years since the civil war ended and we are still dealing with the same issue, unequal rights. Just like in To Kill A Mockingbird, which was written in the 1950s, children are growing up segregated and bullied for believing in equal rights. Do you as the current president of the United States of America believe in a broken, prejudice court system with a broken society that has riots and bloody protests about these unequal rights. Or do you believe that an end to putting needs to be put to this chaos by not allowing the future of America to grow up in a prejudiced community? With all these people getting longer sentences in jail or prisons it has cost all lot of tax money. An estimated 39 billion dollars a year. With inmates costing about 39.1 thousand to 60 thousand a year. Imagine if you were able to cut this cost and send more money back into the economy by having courtroom hearings where the jury and judge could not see the defendant. A tax reform will not be needed because the citizens of the United States have more Get more content

Persuasive Essay
To Kill A Mockingbird

"To Kill A Mockingbird" Essay

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind"<> –Mahatma Gandhi. This quotation captures the theme of the novel; Courage is firmly ignoring the temptation to fight and/or retaliate. . It exaggerates the detrimental consequences of giving in to that temptation, through the metaphor. In drawing out this message from the novel, I was compelled to distinguish the characters who practice peace by not giving in to the temptation to fight. The Courageous person in this type of situation is not the one who triumphs in a fight, but is the peacemaker. With this in mind, Tom Robinson, Calpurnia andAtticus Finch prominently stood out to me. Tom Robinson, Calpurnia and Atticus Finch were more content...

Consequently, at one point in the novel, Atticus was forced to vouch for Calpurnia, as his sister, Alexandra, was entertaining the idea that Calpurnia must leave. Atticus firmly says "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to." Though Calpurnia was aware that Atticus and Alexandra were debating her departure from the job, She never threatened or disrespected Alexandra or the family. She kept on doing her duties and loving the children. Many would've quit or angered at how openly Alexandra was speaking of Calpurnia, But Calpurnia kept her head held high and showed all readers the importance of peace, Lastly, I believe Atticus Finch practiced a great deal of peace throughout the story. I couldn't help but notice that everyone who did wrong by Atticus were immediately excused and forgiven by him. One scenario that stood out to me was when Atticus was spit on by Bob Ewell, days after the trial. Spitting was considered a very low form of disrespect and an insult, but like every other situation, Atticus shows Jem how he put himself in Mr. Ewell's shoes by saying; "Jem, see if you can stand in Bob Ewell's shoes a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial."(Lee, 218) He wants Jem to know that though wrong, Mr. Ewell had a way of taking out his anger at Atticus for fighting him in court. In my opinion, walking away from a fight with a man whose false accusations have resulted in an innocent man's

Persuasive Essay On To Kill A Mockingbird
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There are a lot of important books in our society, but the one book that stood out to me was Mockingbird. Kathryn Erskine's Mockingbird should be saved because it inspires people to consider other perspectives and get outside your comfort zone, informs people to learn more, and is important to society because of the message it conveys. I. Mockingbird inspires people to learn more. A. The book makes you consider other perspectives.

1. Everyone goes through difficult situations and Mockingbird has convinced me to understand that before I judge people. In the book, the protagonist, Caitlin suffers from Asperger's and recently had to experience the difficult life without her mom and her brother, Devon, helping her throughout the more content...

Some people are misjudged by appearance or family. Instead, Mockingjay has encouraged people to set aside differences and look at one's personality. This is especially seen in another character, Josh, who attends the same school as Caitlin and Devon. His cousin was the school shooter who was responsible for the death of Devon. At first, Caitlin is uncomfortable with being around Josh, but when she finds out that it's what matters on the inside, she realizes that she has the opportunity to make another friend, despite the selfish actions of Josh's cousin. II. Mockingbird informs people about various events in their lives. B. It allows one to gain more knowledge. 1. This book allows one to look into the mind of an eleven year old girl suffering from Asperger's Syndrome. It gives you examples concerning how she thinks and acts based on her surroundings and emotions. 2. In Mockingjay, Caitlin and her dad are trying to find closure from Devon's death. Although with her disorder, Caitlin still achieves her goal of finding closure for both her and her father. This provides a sense of accomplishment to readers, giving them encouragement that they are capable of what they set their minds to. III. Here is the theme of

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To Kill a Mockingbird Persuasive Essay Within the last century, there has been a multitude of great stories, books, and novels. The reason these a pronounced as "great," are their engaging plots, unique characteristics, and learning experiences. Harper Lee's novel "How to Kill a Mockingbird," is compiled with many characters, each having separate beliefs and opinions within their society. Some character's express valuing aspects, while others represent bitterness and envy. Lee, firmly contrasts the positive, loving character named Atticus, by a young girl named Scout who will take you through Atticus' journey of his complex life in a small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Integrity, humbleness, and kindness strongly establishes Atticus' exceedingly likeable characteristics. Initially, Atticus demonstrates to Jem and Scout the importance of having integrity. Integrity defines as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, Atticus did not change his honest opinion nor his moral principles due to different people or contrasting places. Atticus had a great amount of integrity within the trial, as when Scout questions him puzzled about why he is defending Robinson, he responds in a strong tone, "This case, Tom Robinson's case, is something that goes to the essence of a man's conscience–Scout, I couldn't go to church and worship God if I didn't try to help that man" (Lee 139). Scout looks at Atticus even more puzzled than before and states sternly, "Well, most

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Mockingbird Persuasive Speech

Prejudice's Persuasion

Many great people have presented formidable arguments in times of pain and suffering; finally calling out acts that needed to be reformed after long periods of torment. Racism has always been around but sometimes it's been worse than others. Atticus in 1935 tried valiantly to save Tom Robinson from the racism that kept him from wining his court case and returning to his family in the book To Kill a Mockingbirdby Harper Lee. While Martin Luther King in 1963 fought one of the final battles against racism to stop the Jim Crow laws and make everyone equal, no matter the skin type. For example, even though it was fictional, Atticus Finch's argument in To Kill a Mockingbird is a powerful and persuasive speech in comparison to many non–fictional speeches. Atticus usedrhetoric to beat back the counter argument, painting a clear picture of who was to blame in the simplest way possible. Furthermore, the amount of facts and structure used in Atticus's speech gave well–constructed, logic–based answers to why he would not win the case, pointing out how, "This case is as simple as black and white" (Lee). Not to discredit as Dr. King's speech was unbelievably powerful and has made history, but it lacked the structure and the detailed argument Atticus's speech mastered and presented to his audience. Conversely, Atticus is fictional and his case did lose while Dr. King's speech has inspired and served as an example for many years. Never the less, Atticus Finch's

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Speech In To
Kill A Mockingbird

When scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter we see images of people who we look up to because of their physical appearance, that we consider beautiful and reject those who don't meet the "ideal" standards of society because we are ignorant and don't consider their feelings. Society's standards are constantly changing, as we try to meet them we ignore the value of the people around us. Instead, we should focus and set a goal to get to know people who we think are different from us. In the novel To kill a Mockingbirdby Harper Lee, Harper Lee conveys the message of if we humans learn to accept one another and set aside our predisposed beliefs of others we are more likely to understand them better, avoid conflict and gain new perspectives and bonds. In chapter 31 Scout is realizing that the rumor about Boo and how everybody described him wasn't as she imagined. The novel states "When they finally saw him, why he hadn't done any of those things...Atticus he was real nice...His hands were underneath my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me. Most people are Scout, when you finally see them" (Lee 323). In other words people shouldn't believe what other people say about a person until you have met them. After Scout put aside those things, she finally saw and got to know him for who he really was, she considered him as a heart kinded man. This is important because if you do believe what people say you might miss out on the opportunity to make a new friend or role model because you don't understand that person. In addition, in chapter 3 Scout's father is explaining how to along with others better by considering their point of view. The text states "First of all," he said if you learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into their skin and walk around in it"(Lee 39). In other words, it isn't until you truly put yourself in someone else's position that you will be able to understand what that person has been going though. This illustrates the importance of considering others perspectives and a willingness to be open minded about their

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Persuasive Essay On To Kill A Mockingbird

Complete Persuasive Essay: To Kill a Mockingbird

Have you ever been too filled with hate and pride to see the obvious truth right in front of you? The year was 1935 in the small town of Maycomb Alabama. During this time an important trial would be taking place. The trial of Tom Robinson, an African and American who had been promptly accused of rape by the one man who had seen the incident. Bob Ewell a despised person throughout the community and the father of the victim, Mayella Ewell, Bob's abused, lonely, unhappy daughter. Though one can pity Mayella because of her overbearing father, one cannot pardon her for her shameful indictment of Tom Robinson.

Everyone agrees that Tom Robinson and Mayella kissed, as it is stated in both Tom's and Mayella's statements. However, some people believe that Tom actually raped Mayella, where conversely some people believe that he did not, and that she actually kissed him first. Tom should not have been declared guilty for three reasons: Tom's story had no flaws whereas Bob's did, Tom and his defendantAtticus Finch were very respectful, and finally Mayella was unbelievably rude during the trial.

The first reason Tom should not have been declared guilty is that his story had no flaws. Tom's left arm had been crippled since his childhood, thus overruling Tom's ability to commit such a more content...

The judge and jury were blind, they looked only to the fact that Tom Robinson was black and not the fact that he was innocent, as Atticus Finch once said to his children "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." If Tom were to be named innocent, it would matter to everyone because it would display true justice in a world filled with race

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To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Essay

In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, readers are able to see the ways in which Scout, Jem, and Dill learn valuable life lessons as they progress throughout the story. The book is narrated by Scout, a twelve–year old girl, who takes part in many adventures with her older brother Jem ranging from games at the house of their neighbor, "Boo" Radley, to witnessing her father,Atticus Finch, defend a black man, Tom Robinson, from being wrongfully accused of rape. While many may argue that To Kill a Mockingbirdshould not be taught in class, the values taught by the characters help to argue that it should be taught to classes.

One main reason why To Kill a Mockingbird should be taught in high school is because of its great depiction of the South during the 1930s. With all the ongoing racism, Atticus states, "As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it–whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash" (Lee 295). The aforementioned quote shows the social views on black versus white men during the early 1900s. Additionally, the quote shows how black men are constantly discriminated against in everyday society. When Walter Cunningham visits to eat with the Finches, Calpurnia, the Finch's family cook says to Scout, "That boy is your company. And if he wants to eat up that tablecloth, you let him, you Get

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To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Analysis

Imagine that you are a Negro who is accused of a crime that you did not commit. You have one of the best lawyers to defend you, but the whole outside community is against you. Since you did not commit the crime you are accused of, you believe that you will not be accused wrongfully, but you soon find out that the all white jury is unjust and biased against you. Tom Robinson, a character inTo Kill a Mockingbird, witnesses this situation when he is wrongfully accused of raping a white woman and ultimately dies due to loss of hope. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee reveals that society does not effectively protect the innocent through the ignorance and racial prejudice present during the court trial and in daily lives.

Racial prejudice in the court system is used to manipulate the truth of a situation. For example, during Atticus's final speech– his last chance to defend Tom Robinson– Atticus says "'You gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption– the evil assumption – that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption that one associates with minds of their caliber'" (Lee 273). Through repetition, Atticus emphasizes the wrongfulness of the people of Maycomb's deep–rooted stereotypes. Later, when Tom Robinson tries to escape and gets shot, Mr. Underwood writes an editorial in the Maycomb newspaper stating that he "simply figured it was a sin to kill cripples, be they

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Tom Robinson, a black man in To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the main characters in this story that causes controversy because of his skin color. Is the story's relevance based on Mr. Robinson and his skin color? In my opinion yes, the book revolves all around his skin color and racism of the time. Tom Robinson is treated unfairly because he was black not because of what he supposedly did. The controversial subject matter in this book is immense in numbers, but out of all them, racism stands out the most. A question that has come to mind after reading this book is, today is racism still a hostile problem and as big as it was in the 1930s? Throughout this research paper I will gather information about racism from the 30s, and also more content...

Even after evidence was found, all of it would be questioned and the trial could last for weeks. Blacks were persecuted more harshly and treated much more unfairly in the 30s. During this time period Jim Crow laws basically made it to where blacks didn't have any rights at all. Jim Crow laws started in the 1880s and lasted into the 1960s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through "Jim Crow" laws. From Delaware to California, and from North Dakota to Texas, many states could impose legal punishments on people for consorting with members of another race. The most common types of laws forbade intermarriage and ordered business owners and public institutions to keep their black and white clientele separated (Tischauser 57–68). The Jim Crow laws affected Tom Robinson's life in many ways. He simply was segregated from the white population. Tom was discriminated by almost everyone in the community he lived in. During this time this was normal and blacks were thought to be inferior to whites. Some English Dictionaries define 'Jim Crow' as the name for an implement that can straighten or bend iron rails; or, along with 'Jim Crowism', systems or practices of racial discrimination or segregation. The American English Dictionary suggests that the name only emerged in dictionaries in 1904, but it was clearly used as early as 1876.

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To Kill a Mockingbird Argumentative Essay

The Right Decision In To Kill A Mockingbird

Sometimes the right choice is not always the easy choice. In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, a lawyer, and father, Atticus, makes the difficult decision to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, in court. Atticus and his children, Scout and Jem, live in the very prejudiced town of Maycomb, Alabama. While trying to raise and teach his children, Atticus is asked to defend Tom in court. He decides to take the case, despite the fact that they will most likely lose. Atticus made the right decision when he took Tom Robinson's case because he wanted to prove prejudice wrong, it was the kinder, more respectful decision, and he wanted to teach his kids an important lesson. Atticus, aware of the prejudice in his town, took the case with the intent of proving prejudice to be wrong. When Scout learns about the war going on in Germany because of Hitler, she asks Atticus if it is okay to hate Hitler. He responds by saying, "It's not okay to hate anybody" (330). Scout learns about the horrible things Hitler is doing to the Jewish people and assumes it would be okay to hate him because of it. Although Atticus would never agree with the things Hitler had done, he still does not hate him, or anyone. Atticus disagrees with the way many people in Maycomb show hate towards black people and tells Scout she should never hate anyone. Additionally, he showsrespect after Tom Robinson is killed when he drives to his home to tell Tom's family the horrible news. Once he arrives, he sees Get

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To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Analysis

"Mockingbirds don't do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens don't nest in corn cribs. They don't do one thing but sing their hearts out, for us. That is why its a sin to kill a mockingbird." Tom Robinson killed, yet a good man. Boo Radley criticized, yet content. Atticus Finch threatened, yet siding with what is right. All three of these men are mockingbirds. Killing that mockingbirds have a good and bad side. Mockingbirds tear people down, and they bring people together. Boo Radley, Atticus Finch, and Tom Robinson are the mockingbirds.

Atticus Finch is a kind soul, and a mockingbird. As Atticus said, "You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them." Atticus is stating do not judge until you know how their lives are lived. He stood up for what is right like defending a colored man. The jury still pleaded Tom as guilty, but the facts are he is not. Atticus got hate from helping a colored man. He made many new enemies such as, Bob Ewell. Bob spit in Atticus's face, and Atticus walked away. Atticus is also a kind soul. "I do my best to love everybody." This Meaning that Atticus tries to love everyone for them. He also is siding with African Americans. "As you grow older you'll see white man cheat black man every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't forget it– whenever a white man does that to a black man no matter who he is how rich he is or how fine of a family he comes

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As a researching assistant defense attorney in criminal trials, the case State of Alabama v Thomas Robinson, Atticus Finch uses rhetorical strategies that were effective in persuading hostile juries. The lawyer's closing statement emphasizes the importance of rhetorical devices and how they affect the mindset of a hostile jury. Atticus Finch uses the phrase, "..all men are created equal...(Harper Lee 205) as an allusion to stress the importance of ethnicity not being the factor in the outcome of the trial. The allusion comes from the Constitution, the law of the land. This is effective for Atticus' audience because the law that they are abiding by, states that Tom Robinson is an equally valued member of society. During that time, the more content...

The lawyer uses the rhetorical appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos. These devices help convince the jury and form the tone of the statement. Finch uses multiple factual assertions about the evidence for defending Tom Robinson. "The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence to the effect that the crime Tom Robinson is charged with ever took place.(Lee 203)" Atticus used the word iota to create a solemn tone. Iota is defined as an extremely small amount. Using this word enabled Finch to develop a tone while sounding logical and creating credibility. The lawyer has a tone shift at the last paragraph in his closing statement. " gentlemen will review without passion the evidence you have heard, come to a decision, and restore this defendant to his family. In the name of God, do your duty. (Lee 205)" Atticus uses multiple examples of pathos, the most effective rhetoric appeal, to change the tone of his declaration. Finch uses the emotional connection with a family when stating,"..restore this defendant to his family..(Lee 205)" Atticus appeals to the religious aspect of the jury when pleading, "In the name of God, do your duty. (Lee 205)" Atticus Finch transfer to a passionate and sensitive tone to connect to the jury beyond their mind and to their heart. Atticus Finch attempts to persuade his audience with the usage of anaphora, aporia, and asyndeton. The rhetorical device, anaphora, uses the repetition of the phrase, all Negroes, Get more content

To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Essay

Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) and Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird were both eloquent speakers who conveyed important messages to audiences that were lacking in knowledge of what is right and wrong at their time. Both MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech and Atticus's closing argument from the Tom Robinson trial are strong examples of what the people of our country should have believed during the 1930's and 1960's, and what should have been done during this treacherous time. Both speakers used ethos, pathos, and logos to give factual and credible information that needed to be instilled into the minds of people. There are many ways these two speeches relate to events that happened in the past, and in today's time. In Harper Lee's To Kill a MockingbirdAtticus Finch uses ethos in his speech to the jury to persuade them of Tom's innocence. His use of these devices shows his values and reflects who he is as a person and as a lawyer. No one else would step up to represent Tom because of his race but, Atticus did not back off from the challenge even though he knew inside that it would not work out. Atticus attempts to give the jurors a sense to take the high road and see that Tom is equal to every other man in the room. Atticus explains, "Our courts have their faults, as does any human institution, but in this country our courts are the great levelers, and in our courts all men are created equal" (Lee 205). Atticus uses words like "honorable" and "great" because they make equality much stronger. In the "I Have a Dream" speech, MLK touches on three sources for his speech: Abraham Lincoln, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bible. He refers to Abraham Lincoln as his statue because he delivered his address beforehand. MLK also speaks of the Emancipation Proclamation, which was Lincoln's declaration that set the slaves in the south free, to establish the rights of black people in America. He uses quotes from the Declaration of Independence such as, "...the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Through many references to the Bible and his beliefs, MLK builds credibility by including common religious beliefs of the country. Both Atticus Finch and Martin Luther King Jr. were

To Kill A Mockingbird
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To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Essay

Purpose Paragraph

I chose this option because I prefer to write persuasive essays rather than make up characters or tell some kid of the future why they should read To Kill A Mockingbird, but the real reason I'm actually doing this essay is because I'm quite bad at drawing. Plus, in my opinion, it seems easier than other options and I'm kind of used to writing persuasive essays by now. Making a whole character up for a perfectly written story seems difficult to me. Writing anessay is like writing a C.E.R to me. In seventh grade, we used to have to do a C.E.R for the end of each unit.

"This is their home, sister, we've made it this way for them, they might as well learn to cope with it(285)."

"I waited and waited to see you all come down the sidewalk, and as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch won't win, he can't win, but he's the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And I thought to myself, well, we're making a step–it's a baby–step, but it's a step(289)."

"Jem, how can you hate Hitler so bad an' then turn around and be ugly about folks right at home?(331)" ***************************************

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For example, when Miss Maudie says, "I waited and waited to see you all come down the sidewalk, and as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch won't win, he can't win, but he's the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And I thought to myself, well, we're making a step–it's a baby–step, but it's a step(289)." This is an important quote because it proves that some people were inching ever–so–slowly toward ending racism. The tiny detail that Miss Maudie had been waiting so long for the kids shows the emotional side of the story as well. It shows she really cares for these kids and that adds another dimension of feeling; to feel emotionally what the characters are

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There are many different types of symbols in our world today; in English literature as well as all around us on a day–to–day basis. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird we follow a little girl, Scout, as she faces the truth about the world and its injustice. The central and most obvious symbol of this novel, as well as the title of the book, is the mockingbird. It represents the innocence and injustice in this story, represented by Tom Robinson and the events surrounding the trial, but also sets the theme of racial prejudice. Racial prejudice is a reoccurring theme of the book, which is evident in Tom Robinson's trial, but also a good element of the setting because the story is set in the southern United States, where there was much prejudice against blacks. Old Mrs. Dubose is a very racist woman. You can tell this by the quote she yells at the children on page 102 where she says, "Your father's no better than the niggers and trash he works for!" Atticus has always told Jem and Scout not to let Mrs. Dubose get to them in the comments and threats that she yells at them from her porch, but this is the comment that sets Jem off. He takes Scout's baton that she is playing with and destroys the perfectly white flowers in Mrs. Dubose's yard; every last one of them, and then he breaks the baton as well. There are two symbols at play here that work with each other to create the irony of this scene. The first one is the flowers themselves; they are described as beautiful and

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay
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Persuasive Essay On To Kill A Mockingbird

Havishman Krishna

Mr. Hayes (B1)

English 9 Honors

2017 December 11

To Kill a Mockingbird

"It's benefit hard to state," she said. "Accept you and Scout talked shaded individuals' discourse at home it'd be peculiar, wouldn't it? Directly envision a situation where I talked white–individuals' discourse at sanctuary, and with my neighbors. They'd think I was puttin' on insincerity to beat Moses, "However Cal, you know better," I said. "It's not essential to tell all you know. It's not exquisite–in the second place, individuals don't want to have somebody around knowing more than they do. It maddens them. You're not going to change

any of them by talkin' right, they should need to learn themselves, and when they needn't bother with

to understand there's no other choice for you however keep your mouth close or talk their language."(Lee 31)

As communicated in the past explanation, Cal doesn't understand the advantage of being a comparable individual paying little heed to where she is, in light of the fact that she is constrained to go ahead with a twofold life to fit in. Sometimes, to suit with what each other individual is doing looks good. Here, Calpurnia and Atticus offer different other options to Jem and Scout of how to deal with a world that can't oversee who people genuinely are. The announcement truly influences a to a great degree appalling supremacist to comment about the minorities people.

To Kill A

Mockingbird" is radiant and excellent novel. The novel shows what an enthusiastic old town, for instance, Maycomb looks like. In Lee's phenomenal works, she consolidates immense conflicts concerning major political issues in the South. Not only does she explain guideline and connection, in the meantime, specific individuals inside families and gatherings. experienced a ton and significantly understanding that time. That is the reason the book lives, getting the opportunity to compose and get the veneration from the gatherings of spectators an incredible arrangement. One of the issue and generally continue running close by the story and interest me is partiality between white people and dim people

For sure, even here he says a comparable thing

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As Jim Rohn (a motivational speaker) once stated, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, including yourself". Who you surround yourself around is crucial to the person you aspire to be, but in some cases this cannot be helped, for example, we cannot decide where we grow up. Many people can not grasp this concept, as we would all like to believe we are solely unique, not influenced by anyone else opinions, but the truth is, your neighbours, siblings and even your babysitter have a little part inside you.

Like Scout and Jem, I grew up in a town of mostly White people were being different race or nationality was not always accepted. When I was eleven, I was given the opportunity to live in Amsterdam. Although, more content...

As Scout matures, she begins to see the irony when women raise money to help the "poor African children" but fail to see the cruel treatment of the Blacks right outside their door. Scout also has trouble getting along with her Aunt Alexandra, who makes snide comments about their Black maid and openly voices her negative opinion on African Americans. Harper Lee tries to show the compassionate side of Aunt Alexandra and the rest of Maycomb, by showing that, perhaps these people can't help their racist thoughts because of the community they were brought up in. Whereas, Scout's father, Atticus strives to be unlike the rest of Maycomb and teaches both his children to not say "common" words, such as nigger and gives Scout the freedom to get mud on her overalls and keep her hair short. Atticus wants pass values like honesty, dignity and independence to his kids. The readers realize that if Atticus was not in their lives Scout and Jem would have grown up to become completely different people, common, like the rest of Maycomb.

Like Scout, coming back from Amsterdam my world was anew and I saw my community in a new perspective. I realized that your community can have a negative or positive affect on who you are. The rest of Maycomb, who cannot see their own racist behaviours and thoughts pass this onto their own children. Such as Mayella Ewell a girl who thinks it is alright to let her father sexually

To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Speeches
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How To Kill A Mockingbird Persuasive Essay

Savannah McLellan

Mrs. Enkosky

English III H

September (***) 2017

To Be or Not To Be

Everyone has their own special prized possession or their own quality that sets them apart from others which may or may not be a small or a large part of their lives. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Scout a six–year–old girl is narrating her life as a she grows up in a simple town which goes by the name; Maycomb County.

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