Scholarships Essay Example

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My Scholarship: A Positive Impact On My Education

This scholarship would have a positive impact on my education and help my mom pay for college without taking student loans. My mom has been a single mom for eighteen years and has supported me, my brother, and grandparents. She does not receive child support on a regular basis and does everything on her own. Unfortunately, my younger brother is an accident–prone child and has racked up some high medical bills throughout the years. For countless years she has worked two jobs to support everyone and provide anything within reason. My mom is currently unemployed due to the downturn in the oil field in west Texas. Now she has taken on the challenge of remodeling and flipping houses. I work a few partial jobs throughout the year to help my mom

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I come from a small town and a family who hasn't always had luxurious things but has never went without the things we must have. For that I will forever be grateful. Watching my father and mother struggle to provide for my sisters and I strongly motivated me to want to earn a higher education. I hope to have a career that I both enjoy and that allows me to provide many things for myself and future family. I know that because of my family's financial stability this will not because easy. I have many goals in life, one of those being to become a dentist. I do not want to be just any dentist, I want to be a dentist for low income families so that more people are able to afford the proper dental care. To do so I have a long rigorous road ahead of me but I am not frightened by this. I have always strived to attended school and my desire to do so will only become stronger as I get older. I love learning because while one might not always have a lot in life, if you have knowledge, there are no limits. I have always believed that knowledge is power and not only will getting a more content...

When students think about going to college of course the first thing they think of is the cost. However, I am not going to just any college, I am going to a private all women's college, not because I want to but because I need to. Meredith College is the best fit for me for so many reasons. One of those reasons being that they offer a pre–dental program that other public universities do not. Paying for a private college is already going to be hard for my family and I not to mention paying for dental school after I graduate undergrad school. I have applied to many scholarships and already received quite a few but I am still far from reaching my goal of being able to comfortably pay for my college

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Dream Scholarship

Ronald Reagan stated that, "there are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, and no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect." Mr. Reagan's quote reminds me of the fact that as individuals, we are in control of our destiny; the only obstacle between us and our dreams, is the ones we create. It is often said that a true leader is one who leads by example; through my community service and leadership opportunities, I was able to become an example for not only youths in general, but also my community. As a female raised in the African–American community, I wanted to be an example and beacon for my community. Consequently, I became the Director of Diversity and Awareness at Palm Beach more content...

I have hired motivational speakers such as Carlos Andres Gomez, a Social Justice and Diversity speaker, to speak about diversity and its importance to the functioning of society. I have served as the Captain of myhigh school's Debate team which enabled me to reach out to a larger audience about expressing themselves and the best ways to express themselves. Before going to debate competitions, it would be my duty to ensure that the debaters have research prepared to make speeches for every bill on the docket. I hosted mock debates where we practice, question and organize every speech in preparation for competition. Through my position, I was able to show my fellow debaters the importance of self–expression and the value of the debate. I was able to bring about awareness on topics that affects high school and college students while proving to youths like myself how to express themselves. As a leader, I helped prepare my team for visits to various courthouses in Palm Beach County where they met prominent attorneys and judges. Due to my role as a leader and the help of teachers and counselors, our team has had great success and our school became an "A" rated school. In fact, some of our previous debaters has won the Gates Millennium Scholarship and like me, won the Florida Girls State

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Example Of A Scholarship Essay

Athletic Scholarships Essay

Athletic Scholarships

There are many good athletes in professional sports today. There are many good athletes in college sports today also. Some of the biggest names in sports are Mark McGwire, Steve Young, Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, and so on. Now, imagine if all of those players never made it to the pros. What would happen to professional sports? Why are they in the pros now? To make it into professional sports you need more than just talent. You need opportunity. Collegescholarships not only give athletes the opportunity to reach the professional ranks, but also give the chance for many players to earn a degree in higher education. Many people dream of being a professional athlete. Some people make it a reality, but more content... After it's done baking, the final product is a delicious cake. The cake can't be complete without it being baked. There can not be a missed step in the process. Could Mark McGwire have made it to the pros without attending The University of Southern California(USC) on an athletic scholarship or Michael Jordan without attending North Carolina, Allen Iverson without attending Georgetown University, or Steve Young without attending Brigham Young University? To earn a spot on a roster, you can not miss a step in the process of getting there. A college scholarship is a giant step. Along with college scholarships being a step to making it into professional sports, it is also many times the only way for some people to earn a college degree. College is very expensive and can many times run young adults into a large debt once out of college. For example, USC can cost up to $25,000 a year to attend. That includes tuition, books, parking, room, and board. At the end of a 4 year term at USC, the total comes out to about $100,000. That $100,000 is excluding other living expenses such as gas, car payment, car insurance, clothing, and general spending money. Not only is that figure contained to USC but can be easily applied to Georgetown, Brigham Young and The University of North Carolina. That's a very expensive education and not everybody has the luxury of spending that much money. Many people would Get more content

Scholarship Essay Examples

While lying in a hospital bed, waiting for my twelfth surgery to begin, the nurse struggled to get my I.V. to work. She had tried numerous times without success and as I was about to cry, a kind woman came in, held my hand, taught me techniques to help calm down and helped get me a numbing shot. The nurse was then able to get the I.V. in on her next try! I was in awe of this angelic person whom I have since learned was aChild Life Specialist. I decided right then I wanted to be just like her. Service is important to me because it is a way I can "pay forward" all the help and compassion I have received. I was born with Bladder Exstrophy. It is a rare birth defect in which the bladder and associated structures are malformed. I have endured fourteen surgeries to make my life as "normal" as possible. As a young child, I determined to not let this condition define me or to keep me from doing anything I wanted. One of my most difficult experiences has been going through school with an invisible disability and growing up with no one having the same birth defect living more content...

The assistance I rendered in Peru last summer strengthened my fervent desire to help those less fortunate than myself. It was here during my 17–day service trip to Lima, Peru with the Humanitarian Experience For Youth group, where I realized how blessed I have been in life. I was able to help build a medical clinic in an area that lacked treatment for families. We built the walls with bricks and cement and I learned how to install rebar. I also helped local schoolteachers, twice a week in their classrooms, with their English program. I've learned to be more humble and grateful due to the sweet Peruvians offering us the little food they had, to show their gratitude. It felt rewarding to accomplish so much in so little time. The work was extremely exhausting, but I would do it again without

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When I graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Community Health, I knew that I wanted to attend graduate school and find a career in the field of public health, but I was unsure as to when to start that process. I knew that I wanted to gain as much experience as possible in the work field so that I could improve and gain more knowledge on the field of public health. I chose this field because I come from a long line of family who suffers from cholesterol problems, high blood pressure and diabetes. Since being diagnosed with these conditions some have died from it, while others have had a difficult time maintaining a stable healthy level for their health condition. Although I am not able to help with their health diagnosis now, I more content...

We live in a society today where there is an opioid epidemic/crisis where there has been an increase number of people suffering from drug addiction. People have been overdosing more frequently and some end up overdosing and dying. I work at the health department in the addictions program and there are a variety of people from different socioeconomic statuses, ethnicity/race, gender, etc that I meet. Drug addiction can affect any population, so the question that keeps arises is what we can do to decrease the number of people being affected because the misuse or abuse of any drug can possibly cause harm to the person or others around them. Some resolutions that has been created are an increase in access to prevention and treatment services, such as inpatient and outpatient treatment services as well as medicated assistant treatment services and monitoring prescription drugs more closely and changing some of the laws in regards to a person who is caught with drugs on

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Public Health Scholarship Essay

Example Of A Scholarship Essay Examples

As an inspirational leader, I am devoted to mentoring those around me and fostering a feeling of empowerment in everyone I know. My history and experiences have provided the tools necessary to inspire and motivate my friends and family to feel what it means to receive hope, to survive throughout life, and to never giving up to what is right. Since I was eight years old, I've been responsible for many of the household chores. Keeping the house clean, washing dishes until they were sparkling clean, sweeping the floor dirty–free, and doing laundry while folding clothes perfectly, it really was an everyday kind of thing. Although, my younger siblings, and my twin brother helped me in any step of the way, I was more of the leader then a follower because I enforced orders softly instead more content...

As the oldest sister in my family, sticking together and cooperating with one another is something I really hold dear to me. To that measure, when I entered middle school, I would sometimes convince my two male siblings to follow me to my little sister's school to pick her up. Back when my grandma was alive, she would always tell us to stick together, that's what I told my siblings, they took my word for it, and trailed behind me following me to the destination, however it wasn't that long of a journey just a few blocks away from our school. It really didn't matter about the location; as a leader, sticking together and not leaving anyone behind is something that I do best, if that is not leading then who am I.

I have always admired leaders that dedicate their lives to making positive changes in our world. Dr. Martin Luther King with his "I have a dream" speech and Harriet Tubman, who was a slave used her last bit of energy to help other to freedom, through my eyes these people were true heroes. Another person who I admire so deeply, a young girl

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Example Of A Scholarship Essay

Attention...Go! As the sounds of oars abruptly drop into the clear, crisp water, the pounding of my heart rides on pure adrenaline. Each stroke, at my command, is full of grace and power. Approaching the tranquil water makes me feel as if nothing else matters, as if I could live in my crew shell. With every stroke, I lead my crew through the race plan, walking away from the other boats. Each stroke is a battle to see who will have the most desire to cross the finish line first. This is what I live for and this is where I am perfectly content. Growing up, I always struggled staying invested in my extracurricular activities. After swimming competitively and playing field hockey prior to high school, I decided I had no interest in competing anymore–until I found myself at a boathouse where my life completely changed. Being short, I wasn't sure how successful I could be in a sport that involves an abundance of tall people. I quickly learned that I wasn't there to row; I was there to be a coxswain. After weeks of learning to steer and give proper commands, I was pleased with my new skills and knew I never wanted to do anything else. I've learned a variety of skills through coxing, but most importantly, I've become a confident more content... When my crew rows through the water, I'm in charge of steering and making safe decisions that contribute to the success of my boat. Each stroke brings a challenge of aiming for perfection and nothing less. My commands put me in control and contribute to the overall performance of my boat. For me, learning the importance of patience in my sport is crucial because you cannot expect your crew to take an infinite amount of flawless strokes. Modifying my commands over a two–hour practice is the key to making necessary changes to get that perfect

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Pilot Scholarship Application Examples

The responsibility with becoming an executive of Environmental Club was exciting yet intimidating. The teacher's strike left rotting recycling from June, requiring immediate disposal. Numerous obstacles, including the retirement of our teacher sponsor, the graduation of former executives, having left limited information on essential duties, and the closing of the previously used recycling depot left me feeling nervous to say the least. However, I was excited to take on this unique role. We confronted each problem as a new team and delegated roles. As Treasurer, I restructured finances and operational logistics. I spent days researching sustainability practices and delved into the work ethic of various recycling companies. Not only did I more content...

Sharing a picture of cherished ones captures instances of community, family and friendship; whilst allowing us to relive the memorable occasion. I recognized my passion for photography when I began documenting my life as a mere pastime. The more I posted, the more ecstatic I became as responses from the online community were overwhelmingly supportive. As I expanded into my network of blogging, I shifted towards providing inspiration to making healthy and sustainable choices in diet. Although I was never a strong voice for nutrition, I integrated a distinct alternative lifestyle that was galvanized by a plethora of like minded

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Agriculture Scholarship

Department of Agriculture and Nutrition Scholarship Essay

9 January, 2017

I choose to pursue an agriculture degree because I have always felt drawn to the field. I have loved animals and felt a strong desire to care for them since I was a little girl. Animals mean the world to me and when they're doing well, my heart can rest. I absolutely love farm animals and fully intend to have my own sort of miniature zoo on a hobby farm. During high school I was in FFA and 4H and thoroughly enjoyed showing chickens and rabbits. I started out as a biology major at Dixie State but did not find satisfaction because there were no animal science courses available, but I was unable to leave my family and live elsewhere so I remained unhappy.

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Student Ambassador Scholarship

The reason I would be a good fit for the Ambassador Program is I am a well–organized person, good communications skills, and have a passion to help others succeed. I enjoy doing anything and everything I can to help someone out. I also am very determined to succeed, one thing that I've always strived to do is to keep trying. I'm the type of person who believes perseverance is the absolute key to success. Throughout my life, I have had many great opportunities to help shape myself into the person I am today, which would be of great benefit if I was a part of the Student Ambassador program.

I was fortunate enough to get involved into the modeling and acting business in high school, and managed to learn so much from it. Of all the hours I spent Get

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First Generation Scholarship Essay

Dear donor of the First Generation Scholarship, I would like to share with you how grateful I am to have been selected for the First Generation Scholarship. Being a first–generation student pursuing a Bachelor's degree in my family is both exhilarating and intimidating. I never fathomed being able to manage the cost of higher education, nor believing the probability of being selected for a scholarship. Opening the letter and reading the words, "Congratulations, I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected...", was one of the most surprising and emotionally charged moments of my life. I simply could not believe what I was reading, especially considering that this was the first and only time I have applied for a scholarship. Too many times I heard how it was impossible to get one because there are too many people applying– it would be like winning the lottery. I would hear how it was a waste of time and not worth more content...

I remember thinking when I got married at 20 years old, that I wanted to be the best wife I could be and everything else would fall into place when the time came. After my husband returned from his first and last deployment to Iraq no longer the same; he was mentally and physically broken caring for him became a larger priority than everything else. As I adjusted from being a wife to the sole caregiver of my husband, I placed more of my educational aspirations on hold. Again, I told myself that everything else would fall into place. When his younger brother had a life–changing accident, I took him into my home and cared for him and have continued to do so for the past eight years. After my husband and I had children, I started telling myself that I was going to be too old to ever go back to school; I instead focused on my kids' educational futures. Eventually, I promised myself that I would go back to school, once my kids were in school– I kept that promise to Get

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Write A Scholarship Essay Examples

Scholarship Essay "We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that's who we really are."–Sirius Black. This quote is the epitome of the belief that the choices we make define who we are. I have always been the person who overthinks everything because I know that every decision can and will affect me and everyone around me. But I know that the best decision I have ever made is to surround myself with people who help me grow and find my path but know that my choice is, in the end, my choice. While writing this essay, I was given much input from my family and friends on how I should undertake writing it. Whether it would be the way to start the essay or what traits I should include, I collected idea after idea into the swirling storm of thoughts inside my head. Now I had the tedious job of sorting through that mess and making it into a beautifully structured essay. However, throughout the entire process of receiving ideas, brainstorming, and making the outline, I knew that none of those ideas were genuine to me and did not say anything about who I am so I decided to go a different direction. A direction that I knew would define me as a person and give an insight into who I actually more content...

Traditionally, in school projects, there would be only one or two people who decide everything. However, whenever I have a chance, I try to give the opportunity to people who do not usually have a say in the decisions to have their opinions heard. For example, in my history class, we occasionally do skits to depict the topic we are learning about. During the preparation time, I make sure that everyone is included and has a chance to pitch in their Get more content

Scholarship Essay Examples

I joined Cubs Scouts in the second grade after my next–door neighbor invited me to a pack event. I fell in love with scouting and the outdoors. After receiving my Arrow of Light, I moved into Boy Scouts. I initially joined Troop 842, but when the opportunity came to start a new troop with my best friends, I transferred to the tiny Troop 845. I have seen my troop grow as I've gotten older and moved through the scouting ranks. I served as a leader in my troop, serving as a Troop Guide for several terms, an ASPL (twice), and finally SPL. In addition to troop leadership, I have been crew leader for two high adventure trips and will be the SPL for the Circle 10 Jamboree Troop this summer. I have really taken every opportunity to be an active and serving member of scouting. As a junior inhigh school, I am a very busy person. I'm involved in my high school and am a part of several organizations. I play violin in our school's varsity orchestra, I volunteer for National Honor Society, and I am a part of our schools GT program. I have sustained excellent grades in my classes (ranking in the top 4% of my graduating class) and plan to continue to do so my senior year. Among school and scouts, I also have a more content...

I have always been fascinated by how things work and how everything comes together to make God's perfect universe. Biochemistry is a way for me to explore my interests and learn how chemistry coordinates with the biology of our bodies and our ecosystem. With this degree, I want to move into medicine and serve as a helping member of my community. I haven't decided which profession I would like to be, but I do know that I would like to go into some field of medical research or become a doctor. I know that the road ahead is challenging and that it will take some work to achieve my goals, but I believe in helping our global community, so it will be worth the

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Ever since I was a young child I have always had the utmost respect for The United States of America and all of the brave heroes that keep our country safe across seas and in our homelands. When I think of a hero the first thing that comes to mind are the men and women who have served or are currently serving in our military. All of our soldiers have the courage, dedication, and bravery that we all should strive to imitate. The amount of sacrifice that they make often goes overlooked in today's society. Anotherhero that protects our countries homelands are the men and women of the police force. The police officers also put their lives on the line everyday trying to protect all of us. Police officers have been under a lot of scrutiny over the past years and it saddens me that they are not getting the respect they more content... That's why I chose to pursue a major in Homeland Security at Saint Leo University. It sickens me to turn on the TV and see terroristic threats or actions towards innocent people and if I could do anything to stop it I would. During college I hope to get an internship with the FBI or a local police force. After College I plan to join the Coast Guard as an officer in the Maritime Enforcement Agency unit to build up experience for a government job. From the Coast Guard, I then plan to work for either the CIA, FBI, or FEMA. I have chosen to go this route because I want to better the lives of people around me by protecting them from threats. In five years, I can see myself in the Coast Guard as an officer protecting the waterways from drug smuggling or terrorist actions. Being able to protect fellow citizens is an honor that I would hold very

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2018 Hanover Management Association Scholarship
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I started at taking art classes in high school to explore how I might use art to change and shape the world around me and I started to learn the demands and possibilities of what art could do and what I could do. From fifth grade into my sophomore year college my mother had cancer and various types at that, and so 50% of my responsibilities were home and the other 50% were at school. I ended up missing school often, but I managed to graduate high school in three years so my mother could see me graduate because it was one of her dreams. After high school graduation, I quickly jumped into community college starting in the summer. In college, I had responsibilities at home but I found my self always thinking and making art. I started taking more content...

I want a damp forehead because I am working so hard, and I want to wake up with charcoal on my face because I had been up all night finishing an assignment. The major I want to pursue is Fine Arts because I cannot see myself doing anything else than wanting to make fine art. The fine arts program will allow me to intertwine the arts, and take classes I intend to accomplish and achieve knowledge that will help pursue my aspiration of being a working artist in today's world. Going into an area that may not have a very optimistic employment opportunities has put my friends and family on an edge but I can do this and I can do it well. I am setting out to learn what I do yet understand and fully believe this is what I am must to do.

I have interest in subjects other than the fine arts as well. Acting, theatre, and music are other types of art that I can engage and emerge myself in, and find ways I can relate it to my artwork. Any new experience truly makes my art better. I am so excited to try to learn new ways of expressing and becoming skilled. Gaining the skills of global thinking, problem solving, communication and finding ways of how I can intertwine art. Enhance knowledge of science and

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Fine Arts Scholarship Essay

Nursing Scholarship Essay Sample

After graduating Anacortes High school I plan on attending a four year private liberal arts university. I will be pursing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing leading to a career as a Registered Nurse. My main interest is a specialty in pediatrics. Following a month stay at Children's Hospital after enduring emergency surgery and a difficult recovery I decided nursing is what I'm meant to do. The nurses inspired me, and I hope that I can help a family and child in the same way that they helped

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Student Athlete Scholarship Essay

–Scholarship is a financially award for their next education. there are requirements or criteria to be a scholar, which is like value, he contribution of the awardee and getting and sometimes getting a very high Grades. Student athlete scholarships are available from a wide variety of sources, ranging from the university you choose to attend to numerous private funds. Both national and local scholarships for student athletes can be found, funded by anyone from the local Dollars for Scholars to multinational corporations. Additionally, you don't have to be on yourcollege's official team to win a student athlete scholarship. Several scholarship opportunities are given to students who have played sports in high school, or who otherwise show Get

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8th grade scholarship essay delta charter

Before I came to delta charter i went to a catholic school and i had good friend named robert but last year i went to a corn maze like every year i go with some friend.last year was different because i went with different friends but robert still came then while we were in the corn maze he started to mimic me so my first decision was to turn around and hit him in the face i felt so bad the next day at patterson high orientation i saw him and said sorry for the time i hit then i saw the scear from me hitting him and the that made me more sad that i did that so when i said sorry he forgave me. Being kind is very important especially being an eighth grader not knowing what goes on in high school.

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8th Grade Scholarship Essay Examples

Everyone has their own story; each one different from the next. Yet, because we each have our own history that shapes us into whom we are. From the day I was born, I always lived in the same home. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, went to a Jewish private school, and live in the heart of a Jewish community. I went to Israel for one year after high school to study there and learn about my nationality. After returning from Israel, I started Brooklyn College and I just finished my first year. My parents were also born and raised in Brooklyn, but not the same for my grandparents. Both of my grandparents were born in Europe and are holocaust survivors. My grandparents moved to America in the late 1950s and like many others, struggled with adjusting to the change. Moving from a small town in Europe to the big state of New York can be more content...

They came from living in a comfortable home in Europe to a significantly smaller home in Brooklyn, which was a struggle in itself. They had to adjust to new lifestyles and living conditions. Thankfully, they still had a nice home but cannot be compared to what they had in Europe. Once settled in, they also had a hard time dealing with living in a country where they were the minority. Living in Europe, they were only surrounded by Jews, yet in Brooklyn although there were was a big Jewish community, they were still among non–Jews. Yet in the 1950s, anti–Semitism was decreased because the non–Jews felt sympathetic towards holocaust survivors because of the horror they went through. Although there was little anti–Semitism, Jews were still somewhat of an outcast and always will be. There are still hate groups against Jews in today's times. America is full of ethnic diversity and we are all supposedly treated equal, but of course that is not true. Jews are not the only ones discriminated, so are many other Get more content

Example Of A Scholarship Essay

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