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Enter our world.

In order to understand how iMe wants to communicate with its clients you have to understand what iMe is, and what are its values. iMe means ‘to be human’. And what does it mean to be human? Being human is the sum of knowledge attained to contribute to life. It is what remains after reading all, forgetting all. It is more of a yearning; a yearning for a world to be discovered and created. It is the sum of all of our features. It is passion. It is having belief in humankind. It is assuming responsibility for the fate of the world. It is love. It is building humanism throughout the planet. It is enriching today, with the past and the future. It is to know oneself; and to free oneself from prejudices, judgments and lies. Humanity is an intention. It is how we perceive the “other” and our intention to whether or not to live with the “other”. Humanity




So What is iMe? iMe is about us. You and me. About people. People who are capable of great things, but who simultaneously are also fundamentally flawed. It is that dichotomy that is the key to our greatness, our strength. Our world is not just black and white; it is full of different colours, contrasts and shades. Technology is different from us in that respect. It is perfect, logically cold, and therefore naturally incompatible with us. iMe is harmony. iMe brings back the balance between humans and technology. iMe is a friend, an assistant, a guide.

Our world is a world in which emotional proximity is far more important than a physical one. The iMe values: Humanism Freedom Passion Responsibility Idealism What do we offer?

What do we use to communicate these values?

“iMe Moments” are authentic situations, which we encounter in life, that communicate the iMe values in both written and visual form. Real human emotions that people show whenever they are with others. “iMe Moments” are not only about big life events or achievements, grand and full of pathos (like weddings, christenings and birthdays). They are also small, private situations – full of the smallest kind gestures, that are proof of people’s friendship, proximity, and the feelings they share for each other. They are, of course, moments of sheer happiness, but also situations that evoke feelings of boundless freedom of those shown in the imagery. Having said that “iMe Moments” are NOT narcissistic selfies full of studied poses, which are fake and often ironic or even cynical. “iMe moments” are NOT limited by social status, geographical location or demographic parameters. They are to be understood as broadly as possible in order to show that people are essentially the same. That they crave the same things: freedom, love, happiness, and a feeling of ”belonging” and proximity to others – feelings which give all of us a sense of security.

Different types of “iMe Moments�

A moment with friends. A moment with family / children. A moment in sport. A moment with a pet. A moment in business / at work. A moment in music. A culinary moment. A party moment. A moment with art. A moment with a material object.

iMe Moments - EXAMPLES

The strategy in the use of „iMe Moments”: The iMe hashtags bind the pictures and videos together. iMe will start a social (and traditional) media campaign titled: “Anti-Selfie”, or “Less Selfie, More Life” – which will encourage Facebook and Instagram users to withdraw from the narcissistic trends of promoting oneself online, and instead, to share the moments that they spend with others. With that approach we generate positive emotions and are beforehand with a global trend of “tiredness” with the ever-present, egotistical selfie. iMe will also scan popular social media sites and apps in order to find natural “iMe Moments” among the content posted on them. Then we will ask the users for permition to reblog or repost them. Trendsetter chosen by iMe will also use these social media platforms to upload their “Moments” while using the iMe hashtags.

FACEBOOK also gains its own “iMe Moments” Calendar: “iMe Moments” will also be used on Facebook in an organised fashion where each day has it’s own type of “Moment”. This allows a freedom to use material and stories generated by others. Non-original content like links to articles or videos that can be related to the theme of each day.

A family moment.

A Man’s moment / A Woman’s moment.

A moment in history.

A child’s moment (or a parent’s moment).

A “material” moment (a moment with an object like: a car, a computer, a boat, art, architecture etc.)

A moment for the weekend (a weekend moment).

The use of video content: iMe’s video communication needs to be based on the same principles and ideas as everything else. iMe uses video to show real, human emotions, stories and feelings. “Moments” – once again were not focussing on abstract views, notions or concepts, but on the faces, voices and gestures of our heroes.

The only difference being that the content transmitted within the dialogue (or with the use of voice-over) has a significant importance in communicating iMe’s philosophy and it’s values.

The aesthetic aspect of these videos has to be at the highest possible level, but it cannot compete with the contents. It can’t be art for art’s sake. It has to convey real emotions through the scripts and stories. Within lies its strength.

The only exceptions to this rule are the videos in which we ask real people, on the street to explain technological matters to “our reporters”. They are supposed to show a lighter side of iMe where we can also make fun of ourselves. Here the focus is on the faces of our subjects. The authenticity of the situation lies with their spontaniety. Their surprise to the questions and the responses they give. We never show the “reporter” asking the questions, we can’t hear him speak. Framing people in a portrait with low depth-of-field, so that the background offers no distraction from the question on hand.

Easy Simple Progress Freedom Balance

Problem Wait Impossible Expensive Opprobrium

#iMe #iMeworldwide #iMeontour #iMeknows #enterourworld #iMelife #iMelove #iMefamily #iMegram #iMemoments #iMeafterdark

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