This is the way we have Breakfast- Project Summary Report - Violeta Panev

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CONTENTS OF THE PROJECT Scientists and nutritionists agree that healthy breakfast is a better way to start our day. Breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day.The lack of these nutrients have an effect on concentration, memory, mood and resistance to illness.

Young people today rarely have healthy breakfast and do not pay attention to the quality of the food they eat. The main aim of this project helped them become aware of the importance of the healthy food and the way it is prepared. Partners from Turkey, N. Macedonia, Poland, Ukraine, Portugal, Greece, Armenia, and France learned together about nutrition literacy and shared their healthy recipes along the project journey.

quartal OCTOBER & NOVEMBER Introduction, Logos, Posters, Healthy breakfast survey, Role play activities, Mind maps, Popplet work, Common Presentation in the local school

quartal FEBRUARY & MARCH Nutrition Literacy, Quiz, Corona works, Acrostic, Cuisines

quartal DECEMBER & JANUARY Traditional menu, Best plate & a Calendar, Healthy Breakfast Recipes, Dictionary and Cookbook


APRIL & MAY & JUNE Games, Virtual Exhibition, Dissemination, Song, Tour Builder, Evaluation & Report




Partners introduce themselves, describe their schools, city and country they live in, they add their location on the map and talk about themselves

Forum communication

It is important part of mutual collaboration. Teachers and pupils worked in four study and discussion topics connected with healthy food


After getting parental consent the kids to take part in the project they started creating their logos and entered the race to get more votes. All guidelines and tutorials for the apps were carefully prepared by the founder teacher Gevher, so that the kids had not difficulty in following the steps. Violeta’s student Daniel Trencheski won the first place. Congratulations!

Posters and webinar

Every partner prepared a poster for their school with the important data in order to acquaint the teachers and invite other pupils in the schools to participate. The partners teachers met online to discuss the details of the further planned steps.

Healthy breakfast survey & roleplays

The kids expressed their opinion and knowledge in the beginning of the project in the survey and dialogues with their peers. They could see in the end what they knew before and what they learned during and when the project finished.



Roleplays Activities

This activity enhance the language competence and improved the listening and speaking skills in students. Gevher says : “The children ask their friends questions on breakfast and healthy eating topics. Playing a role foster confidence in students to speak English. They learn the target language while they are having fun.”

Mind maps

The mind maps are products prepared by students out of clusters of different lexical sets (vocabulary and grammar) connected with the food topic.

Common Popplet work

Popplet work show the different countries and partners’ food, original and authentic food dishes and variety of specialties. This helped all participants get closer and got to know more about other cultures.

Common presentation of the Survey results

Survey results prepared in e mag app are the starting point of the planned further activities.

DISSEMINATION Informing parents & other classes

Official published notes and news on the school websites talked about the project and inform all participants and parents what it is all about and expected products.



Traditional menu

The participants write and create menus including traditional food dishes and recipes. They describe the national holidays and express a variety of celebrations which are somewhat similar and somewhat unique for the country itself.

Best plate activity

Teachers present collages of the BEST PLATE activity at school / home where kids are graded and voted by a school commission. The criteria is decoration, taste and presentation of the best plate. One of the teachers Hatice says:� The purpose of the activity is to make awareness of having healthy breakfast and to show that we can enjoy while eating. Before the competition I arranged their aprons, gloves and the hair caps. They did lovely plates using healthy breakfast food.�

New Year Calendar

This work is a collaborative one, teachers from each country represent her/his own team along the calendar data.

New Year Activities

The partners congratulate each other on the New Years and Christmas Holiday via greeting cards, decorative recipes, recital, songs etc.



Healthy Breakfast Recipes

This activity is awesome for the kids to experiment in their homes and kitchen in cooking. They use cooking verbs not virtually but in practice, record videos and present their ingredients, procedure of preparing the dishes and final food products..

Our Netboard

The net board document is abundant with all info and data kids needed to play the games and quizzes. The documents of the partners on their customs, rituals, folklore, holidays and dishes described the peoples’ relationship and way of life and culture. Proverbs and quotes gave the special taste of unique specialties and people’ rituals and expressed the wisdom of life.

Common Dictionary

The google form document is full of many words and vocabulary kids could learn and use in their works and games. Additionally it consists of several sections of different food categories, ingredients and specialties' recipes.

Project Cookbook

Food and Restaurant Menu

Project common cookbook present pages of different schools and countries and recipes that are connected with the territory climate and food resources typical for that region. Violeta explains: “This activity was a special treat for my students. They enjoyed creating recipes in different colors and tastes. Not only the cookbook witnessed their devotion but the cooking itself in their own kitchen made them proud cooks presenting the Macedonian dishes.” Menus were full of all meals and specialties, which were enclosed in the cook book as well. Menus were creatively prepared by the kids who were in their own imaginary restaurant.

ACTIVITIES NAME Nutrition Literacy

PROCESS OF REALIZATION Nutrition Literacy was a content full of tutorials, links, data and info on consuming healthy food. Feruze: “In this activity we learned many useful tips about healthy nutrition. First we watched videos and presentations about nutrition literacy in details then we talked about it. Especially we liked the presentation of our founder Gevher UĞURLU. After watching the video and presentation, we did our own food pyramids. We used some posters, templates and worksheets for the activity. With this activity we learned which foods are belong to the right part of the pyramid. Also we memorized the food names in English.”

Food Pyramid

The food pyramid was presented by a video and net board tutorials to teach the kids on a balanced diet and counting the fats and calories. The kids learned what nutrients are presented in the balanced diet by quantity and how often it is wisely to consume vitamins, proteins, sugar, carbo hydrates and fats. They themselves made colorful pyramids out of the carton and put the food categories to the place they belong on the triangle.

Jam board Activities

This collaborative activity was a medium process descriptive tool to designate the aims achieved up to this period. The activities were presented in photos and texts as results of the activities realized.



Quiz – 1st Phase

The teachers created the quiz questions altogether. They used the data from different resources:, nutrition literacy presentation or recipes.

Corona works A common e book OUR VOICES FOR CORONAVIRUS

The students created comics to talk about food in the time of pandemic. They improves their digital competence and learnt how to eat clean food and take measures to stay healthy. Gevher says: “Not only did pupils create comics to show their feelings, the teachers gave messages on how to cope with the process as well. The teachers also want to show that it isn’t just the foods we eat that are nutritious. Other areas of your life provide nourishment like our relationships, creativity, physical activity during this process. A common e-book has been created with the works of kids and teachers.

Acrostic work

This poem is created with mutual collaboration of the partners who wrote their verses in a google document. It was descriptive and rhymed full of food vocabulary and didactic content. Aleksandra adds “Each partner writes their work with different colors of letters. And finally, as a product, we have got an Acrostic poem.


The participants discover the colors and tastes of their national cuisine and all learn about different dishes. Svitlana says: “So many countries, so many customs. Every nation has a rich culture, a huge treasure of which consists of values acquired by many generations. Children were glad to learn different recipes and share them with our partners. ”.


Learning apps

PROCESS OF REALIZATION The teachers created a bundle of different games all joined together on the games platform Learning apps. The kids practiced the games during the project and for the pre quiz preparation. Svitlana: “It is well known that game is an important process in a child's development. The game for children is a way to develop physical, intellectual, emotional, social and moral skills.” The games learned the food vocabulary and drilled lexical sets and at the same time they improved their digital competence. Feruze: “During April, our students learned how to create games and share them with weblinks. They sent the game weblink to their teachers. Our teachers learned how to make application bundles in Learningapps tool and send the weblink to Gevher Uğurlu for the common matrix. At the end of the month, we got a common matrix. There are so many games about our project from different schools.”


The quiz questions themselves hidden in the website project content and all net apps were an option for the pupils to drill and learn the vocabulary in the integrated tutorials..



Virtual Exhibition

Virtual exhibition in the time of pandemic is a tool e maze used by Gevher to compile partners’ photos, collages, products and works during the project in a visual walk in the gallery. The visitors can enjoy their time in this amazing trip indoor.


The teachers write detailed report about the project content on their blogs, school websites and social media.

They informed other classes and local community on the products and results.


The collaborative song lyrics writing task was done by the partners and the tune was invented by Gevher who made a video for it too. It is a rap singing clip compilated by kids’ voices.

Quiz Activity

The quiz was a compiled product of questions posted by the teachers. The keys of the questions were in the net board content and games’ drills. Feruze explains: ” With more than 100 students, we had the first Quizizz tournament online. The Second Quizizz was held in May We held a students-teachers online meeting and our students participated in LIVE INTERNATIONAL QUIZ TOURNAMENT. Svitlana was a mentor teacher of two winners : “We competed with partner countries of 7 schools and won second and third places. Alina -7A, and Grebinyuk Marina 4A. Gevher and her student Alper Hakan won the first place. Congratulations!

Hidden Treasures and Tastes

The partners travelled virtually to different world parts and places looking for new tastes and dishes. Hatice says;” It was very easy and enjoying. We added our city; Aydın after Konya and gave information about our delicious taste; "Cingen pilavı" that is a very popular breakfast food in Aydın.” The other teachers found their own tastes and treasures on the map.



Surveys’ Analyses Report

The surveys addressed parents, students and teachers to evaluate the project and its activities on several points which are described narratively and graphically in the presentation. The overall impression is that all participants are happy to take part. The project evaluation surveys are analyzed by teacher Hatice.

Project Evaluationlinoit

This is a collaborative tool which expresses the evaluative comments of the teachers themselves on some activities they did along the project. There are narrative description via photos, texts and documents. The teachers are pleased and happy with interactive teaching, eager to collaborate and learn together.

Project Products

The products were done by the teachers and students. The mentors who made a significant leadership in their schools are great collaborators in the project and contributed with devotion and love to the e twinning pages. We realized all planned activities and product’ links are publicly exposed on the e-twinning pages. Feruze made Genially Infographics shortcuts, enjoy ☺ /96163/pages/page/713078


İsmail Hakkı Tonguç İmam Hatip Secondary School

Konya - Turkey

Feruze Erol Canturk

Sancak Secondary School

Konya - Turkey

Aleksandra Blazevska

Primary School - OOU Jan Amos Komenski

Skopje - N. Macedonia

Carla Rosa

Agrupamento de Escolas de Marinhais, Salvaterra de Magos, Santarém, Portugal


Hatice Dede

Efeler Secondary School

Aydın - Turkey

Barbara Gromek-Oleksy

Primary School- Szkoła Podstawowa nr 13 w

Jaworzno - Poland

Violeta Panev

Primary School - OOU Vlado Tasevski

Skopje - N. Macedonia

Svitlana Kasenko

Secondary School - Zaporizhzhya Gymnasium № 2

Zaporizhzhia - Ukraine

Erdem Özcan

Çarşamba Değirmenbaşı Secondary School

Çarşamba - Turkey

Zehra Tasbas

Secondary School - Meram Şehit Pilot Ayfer Gök Ortaokulu

Meram - Turkey

Armine Mkrtchyan

Tairov secondary school

Tairov - Armenia

Sandrine Gorichon

Secondary School - Lycée professionnel Antoine

Chenove - France

Kiriaki Lianou

Primary School - 10ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Αιγάλεω "Κώστας Βάρναλης"

Aigaleo, Greece

Partners’Countries & Languages


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