Panachelive vol 27 november issue

Page 17





CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS: The stem bark is chiefly used in medicines and it has been reported to contain chemicals such as glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, alkanes, esters and primary alcohols. The alcoholic extracts present in the bark have showed a significant action against wide range of microorganisms. BIO ENERGETICS: ● Rasa: Tikta, Kasaya, Madhura; Guna: Laghu, Ruska; Virya: Sita; Vipaka: Katu; Karma: Hridaya, Vishaghna, Grahi, Varnya, Sothahara; Dosha : Kapha and Pitta; Dhatu (tissue): Blood, Muscle, Fat and Reproductive system; Srotas (channel): Circulatory and Reproductive system ACTIONS: Bark is strongly astringent and a uterine sedative. It acts directly on the muscular fibers of the uterus. It has a stimulating effect on the endometrium and the ovarian tissue. USES: Gynecology- It is being used in menstrual disorder associated with excessive bleeding congestion and pain and it can also be used for the benefits of abdominal pain and uterine spasm. It can be also used in preventing miscarriage. It is being used for clearing congestion of Medas dhatus and Mamsa. The products of Ashoka are used by the pregnant women from the fourth month of their pregnancy, who are sensitive to abortions and miscarriages. It is also being used for clearing fibroids and cysts from excess kapha and ama in Artavastrotas. Due to the beneficial property it called as “GARBHASAYA RASAYANA” meaning 'uterine tonic'. Diuretic- The seeds of ashoka are diuretic; it increases the quantity of urine. It is hence used in the treatment of urinary stones. Anti-bacterial properties- It can fight fever, cold and infection. Rheumatic arthritis- The methanol extract from Ashoka shows action against Rheumatic arthritis. Hemorrhoids – Ashoka bark has been traditionally used for internal hemorrhoid. Dysentery – The extract of Ashoka flower can be used for dysentery, Dose -15 -60 drops by grinding flower with water. Piles –Decoction of the Ashoka bark is given, Dose – 90g of bark boil with 360ml of water and 30ml of milk taken 2-3 times/day. Analgesic –The analgesic action of Ashoka is used in calming the nerves when they have been aggravated by vata. It is important to see that Ashoka has effective use in treatment, for its anti-venom action, against spiders and scorpion bites; The flower part of the plant is responsible for the anti-venom activity. Other action: ● Blood purifier ● Skin allergy ● Anti- diabetic Medicinal Preparations of Ashoka available in market ● Ban Labs Ovarian Syrup ● Ashokarishta ● Femohills capsules


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