The Citadel of Pamplona

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Pipes were also put in for drinking water. Pedro de Ayanz charged 50 reals and 3 cuartillos for “sixty pipes to conduct water from the fountains to put them in the principal moat” and another 244 reals “for importing the stone that was used in the fountain that stands on the counterscarp facing the Real Bastion”. The carpenter Pedro de Arrasqueta was engaged in dismantling and re-building the main gate bridge. Pedro de Azpíroz charged 688 and a half reals for the two stone pillars that he made to support the bridge deck. The wood was supplied by Juanes de Beúnza, Pascual Oyarzun and one other, and the expert reconnaissance was done by Miguel de Abaurrea. A second bridge was made to connect the Santa Teresa ravelin, where the portcullis was, and working on it were the carpenter Arrasqueta and stonemason Miguel de Andiazábal, who carved eight stone pillars. In addition 509 loads of gravel were bought “for the three bridges there are before entering the castle.”94

Repairs to the main gate Other jobs carried out at this time consisted of dismantling the old main gate guardhouse, work done by the builder Martín García de Lasterra, and building a new exterior guardhouse in the Santa Teresa ravelin, for the vault of which 9,300 bricks were used. The third accounts book from those years gives us clear evidence of how the 16,925 reals was spent that was entrusted to the treasurer Aranguren for the stonework of the barrelled vault of the main gate which today opens onto the Avenida del Ejército.95 The work was carried out under the supervision of the master stonemason Pedro de Azpiróz, who charged 5,500 reals. Meanwhile, his colleague Jorge de Ibero was working on the construction of that gate’s new guardhouse, charging 1,210 reals for it. Work was also carried out on the (94) (95)

Ibid. Ibid. carp. 14.

88 / The Citadel of Pamplona. Five living centuries of an impregnable fortress

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