Tualatin Business, Community & Visitor Guide

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Business, Community & Visitor Guide Business, Community & Visitor Guide 2024-25 Edition 2024-25 Edition In the heart of Oregon’s Willamette Valley In the heart of Oregon’s Willamette Valley Tualatin


Tualatin Chamber of Commerce

8101 SW Nyberg St. Suite 102, Tualatin, OR. 97062

PHONE: 503-692-0780

FAX: 503-692-6955

Offi ce Hours:

9:00 am - 4:30 pm, M - F www.tualatinchamber.com


Pamplin Media Group

Custom Publishing Division PO Box 22109 Portland OR 97269

503-684-0360 www.pamplinmediapublishing.com


Mary Closson


Don Atwell


Callie Sweet


Photos courtesy of City of Tualatin, Tualatin Chamber of Commerce & Nathan V. Holden Photography

Welcome to Tualatin!

As mayor of Tualatin, I am proud to welcome you to our beautiful and vibrant community. With more than 27,000 residents, and an economy supplying over 51,000 jobs, Tualatin is a great place to live, work, play, and learn. Our city is a thriving economic hub and a safe family community that benefits from many shopping, dining, and recreational opportunities. In our most recent community survey, 92% of residents rated Tualatin as a good or excellent place to live and 97% feel safe in their neighborhoods.

Outdoor recreation opportunities and downtown redevelopment continue to be top priorities for our residents and visitors. Our city is working to advance these opportunities with over $200 million in funding from our recently passed

parks bond measure and urban renewal efforts. Some signature projects of these efforts include a riverfront access and plaza, development of a downtown main street, and expanded regional trails and beautification efforts. In addition to these efforts, the city is continually working to improve our transportation systems, update our zoning codes to foster business innovation, and address our local community’s impact on climate change.

Whether you take a stroll in one of our pristine parks, attend the awardwinning West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta, shop at the region’s premier Bridgeport shopping center, or buy or rent your new home in Tualatin, we know that when you experience our community, you will want to stay!

Welcome to our neighborhood!

Special thanks go to the members of the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce and the advertisers who made this project possible. All rights reserved. Use or reproduction of any material in the directory must be with the consent of the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce. While every effort has been made to avoid mistakes in the publication, the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce and Pamplin Media Group/ Community Newspapers assume no liability. Business, Community & Visitor Guide Business, Community Guide 2024-25 Edition 2024-25 Edition In the heart of Oregon’s Willamette Valley In the of Oregon’s Willamette Tualatin Tualatin On the cover: Tualatin is the best place to live, work and play. 2 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com Contents 10 8 18 Community Resources .................. 6-15 Education & Schools | Transportation Services Health, Wellness, Medical | Important Phone Numbers Non-Profits & Charitable Organizations Tualatin Chamber of Commerce Dining & Lodging .................................. 16 Food & Drink | Lodging Things to Do ..................................... 17-21 Parks & Recreation | Annual Events | Arts | Youth Activities Shopping ............................................ 22-23 Tualatin by the Numbers .................. 24 Population | Local Economy | Housing Chamber Members & Business Directory.........................26-39 Chamber Ambassadors..................... 40


At the end of the Ice Age, Tualatin was home to mastodons, mammoths, ground sloths, other prehistoric animals — even crawfish. On the Tualatin landscape, you can still see evidence of several ancient 350’ deep floods from a broken ice dam over 200 miles away in the Canada/Montana region. The floods brought icebergs holding giant granite rocks (erratics) and rich agricultural soils into our valleys. The rich soils, abundant wildlife and numerous rivers and streams throughout the Tualatin Valley provided an ideal home for the Atfalati Tribe of the Kalapuyan Nation. With the arrival of explorers in the 1700’s, came a change in the way of life with the introduction of foregin goods and new economic trade. Permanent artifacts on display at the Tualatin Heritage Center tell us of the tribe’s history and influence on the area. Today, Tualatin is an economic hub steeped in rich Native American and early pioneer history.



Tualatin es el futuro empresarial y recreativo en el área metropolitana de Portland. Casi $100 millones dedicados a infraestructura local y a oportunidades de recreación, 717 acres de terreno en desarrollo, acceso a una sólida reserva de talentos con grandes oportunidades de capacitación y líderes comunitarios que le darán la bienvenida con entusiasmo.

Usted verá por qué es un placer vivir, divertirse y hacer negocios “aquí”.

www.tualatinoregon.gov Tualatin is the future of business and recreation in the Portland Metro. Over $100 million dedicated to local infrastructure and recreation opportunities, 717 acres of greenfield development, access to a robust talent pool with ample opportunities for training, and community leaders who will welcome you with excitement. TUALATIN IS THE PERFECT PLACE TO CREATE YOUR STORY. You will see why it’s a pleasure living, playing, and doing business “here”.

On behalf of Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J (TTSD), welcome to Tualatin. It is my honor to serve as your superintendent and to lead the talented and dedicated group of educators we have here at TTSD. Tualatin is long known for its vibrant spirit of collaboration and investment in education. This is a community that cares deeply for our children and passionately supports public education and equal opportunities for all students.

In the true spirit of an inclusive community, student voice is strong in Tualatin. Students representing our high schools serve as representatives on our School Board, meet regularly with administrators and the Superintendent, and are formally engaged in all decision-making processes that impact our schools and our students.

Tualatin High School’s graduation rate in 2023 was 94%. The “Wolves” are well known for their competitive sports teams and performing arts, and offer comprehensive career and technical education programs that are preparing our students for the future.

We are proud members of the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce and are privileged to work in partnership with our business community. Their investments of time, talent, resources, and dollars through internships, job fairs, STEM supports, and more are opening doors and building a strong workforce for tomorrow. With their ongoing support and the commitment of our citizens, TTSD will continue to create paths to success in school and life for our students; building and maintaining first-class educational facilities and collectively raising the next generation of community leaders and world-changers. Together we are clearing the way for all students to have a plan for their future, be it college, military service, or a wide range of technical and trade opportunities through our #WorkReady partnerships.

I am so happy to call this community home and look forward to meeting and working alongside you. I am often out and about so please don't hesitate to introduce yourself—my door is always open as I thrive on collaboration and community input.

Warm regards,


Elementary Schools

Bridgeport Elementary 5505 SW Borland Rd


Byrom Elementary 21800 SW 91st St


Tualatin Elementary 20405 SW Tualatin Ave. 503-431-4800

Middle School

Hazelbrook Middle School 11300 SW Hazelbrook Rd 503-431-5100

Parochial School

Horizon Christian School 7400 SW Sagert St 503-692-9312

Charter School

M.I.T.C.H. Charter School 19550 SW 90th Ct


High Schools

Tualatin High School

22300 SW Boones Ferry Rd


Horizon Christian High School 23370 SW Boones Ferry Rd


Higher Education

Oregon Institute of Technology 27500 SW Parkway Ave



Transportation Services

Tualatin Shuttle

The Tualatin Shuttle is a peak-hour transit service intended to provide transportation for commuters to and from the Tualatin WES station. This service is free and open to the public.

The Blue Line serves the northwest area of Tualatin, while the Red Line covers the area south of TualatinSherwood Road and the Downtown core. Both shuttles operate as a “deviated fixed route”, allowing passengers with special mobility needs to make advanced reservations for door-to-door service. For more information about the Tualatin Shuttle, please visit: www.rideconnection.org or call them at 503-226-0700 (TTY:711)


Tualatin is served by TriMet lines 96, 97, and 76. For route information visit www.trimet.org or call 503-238-RIDE (7433) between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on weekdays.

Did you know there are special senior and disabled services available?

Contact 503-962-8200 for more information.

Tualatin is also served by public transport with commuter light rail linking to Beaverton through Tigard and to Downtown Portland. The WES Commuter Light Rail links Tualatin to the TriMet system, on weekday mornings and afternoons. Park and Ride Lots are located at the NE corner of SW Sagert and SW Martinazzi Avenue and the corner of SW Lower Boones Ferry and SW 72nd Avenue. For more information visit www.trimet.org.

Why do we feel that investing in the community is so important?

We believe that if we put the time in to help our neighbors—through philanthropy, volunteering, or hard work—the rewards are tenfold. Together with numerous charitable organizations, we’re working to make this the kind of place we can call home.


Tualatin Health & Wellness Initiative

In Tualatin, we believe that living a healthy lifestyle should be within reach for all our residents. Which is why Tualatin hosts many outreach programs and events throughout the year to this end. Tualatin Chamber of Commerce’s Health & Wellness Team of professionals and service providers are seeking ways to engage the entire community in a well-being improvement initiative to make healthier choices easier for all our residents.

To support Oregon’s healthiest

state initiative, and with the Blue Zone concept in mind, the Health and Wellness Team encourages changes to our community that lead to healthier options. We’re bringing residents, businesses, organizations, and government together to inspire a community movement that has the power to improve the quality of life for everyone of all ages.

The Team’s mission is to promote the sharing of health-related resources and information while providing a forum for networking and

education for local traditional and alternative health care professionals, and their patients and clients, from a holistic perspective. We aim to engage Tualatin’s secondlargest industry and employer for the betterment of the greater community’s health. This improves our quality of life and reduces the costs and burden on limited resources.

To check current Tualatin chamber and city programs, go to tualatinchamber.com.



A positive indicator of a community's quality of life, attractiveness, and place to do business is the availability and scope of its medical, dental, and other wellness providers. Tualatin is well represented by major healthcare organizations as well as sole practitioners and service providers. Modalities run the spectrum of traditional Western medicine to alternative, holistic-type methodologies.



503-648-6658 | metrowest.fm



503-692-3192 | https://www.brookdale.com


503-612-5400 | marquiscompanies.com


IAN PHAM, DMD FAMILY DENTISTRY OF TUALATIN 503-692-6552 | drianpham.com


503-692-3710 | kleinorthodontics.com

LAKESIDE FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRYRICK A. EVANS, DDS; TRAVIS EVANS, DMD 503-692-9386 | lakesidefamilydentistry.net


503-691-9970 | meridianparkorthodontics.com



503-906-8600 | summerwoodfamilydental.com


503-612-8736 | tualatinmoderndentistry.com



503-968-4500 | bayclubs.com


503-487-0002 | orangetheory.com


503-612-2400 | staffordhills.com



503-635-8819 | cascadiaeyecare.com


971-202-1932 | eyefocusnw.com


503-692-3630 | oregoneyes.net



503-692-1212 | legacyhealth.org


TUALATIN IMAGING P.C. 503-692-5737 | tualatinimaging.com


BORLAND FREE CLINIC 503-974-8887 | borlandclinic.org

CASCADE PHYSICIANS, PC 503-783-0049 | cascadephysicians.com

KAISER PERMANENTE 503-341-0543 | mykpagent.org




503-852-9680 | lumeramedical.com

OREGON HEALTH DPC LLC 503-506-8500 | oregonhealthdpc.com

THE OREGON CLINIC GASTROENTEROLOGY - SOUTH 503-692-3750 | gispecialists.org

TUALATIN INTERNAL MEDICINE 503-272-8825 | tualatinmed.com





503-992-6359 | gstestingllc.com


SPORTS MEDICINE OREGON 503-692-8700 | sportsmedicineoregon.com


THERAPEUTIC ASSOCIATES AT STAFFORD HILLS CLUB 503-692-4934 | therapeuticassociates.com

WELLNESS PRODUCTS & SERVICES 4EVERYOUNG BRIDGEPORT 503-997-8231 | 4everyoungantiaging.com


COHEN CAREGIVING SUPPORT CONSULTANTS, LLC 503-522-8320 | cohencaregivingsupport.com

GENTEEL LLC 503-885-8115 | mygenteel.com

LAKE OSWEGO VEIN AND AESTHETIC 503-387-5546 | lakeoswegoveinandaesthetic.com


503-970-0080 | terribeardsley.lifevantage.com

LIVE HYDRATION SPA TUALATIN 971-252-2283 | livehydrationspa.com

PRIME IV HYDRATION AND WELLNESS 503-454-0176 | primeivhydration.com

VITALITY ENTERPRISES yourhealthwellbeing.com


Community Resources & Important Numbers


Emergency 911

Borland Free Clinic


Kaiser Tualatin Medical Office 503-855-7300

Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center 503-692-1212

Metro-West Ambulance 503-648-6656

Municipal Courthouse 503-691-3025

Police Dispatch (Washington County) 503-629-0111

Post Office 800-275-8777

Providence Health & Services 503-216-0696

City of Tualatin 503-692-2000

City of Tualatin Parks & Recreation 503-691-3061

Tigard Tualatin School District 503-431-4000

Tualatin Police Department (Non-Emergency)


Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue 503-649-8577

Winona Cemetery 503-750-1565


Garbage Services Republic Services 503-682-0336

Waste Disposal Sites

Metro South Station, Oregon City 503-234-3000

Hillsboro Landfill 800-963-4776

Cable Television & Phone

Xfinity 888-824-8264

Frontier 877-462-8188

Verizon 800-483-4100

MACC (Metropolitan Area Communication Commission) 503-645-0999

Natural Gas

NW Natural Gas 503-226-4211


Portland General Electric 503-228-6322

Water & Sewer

City of Tualatin 503-692-2000

Clean Water Services 503-681-3600



Caring Closet 503-603-1576

Clackamas County www.co.clackamas.or.us

Department of Motor Vehicles, Sherwood 503-299-9999

Juanita Pohl Center ............................ 503-691-3061

Meals on Wheels People, Inc 503-692-6767

Metro Regional Government 503-797-1700

Oregon Food Bank - Wash. Co. 503-439-6510

State of Oregon Government www.oregon.gov

Tigard Tualatin Family Resource Center503-603-1585

Tualatin Chamber of Commerce 503-692-0780

Tualatin Historical Society 503-885-1926

Tualatin Library Circulation 503-691-3074

Information ................................... 503-691-3072

Library Foundation 503-691-3063

Tualatin Riverkeepers 503-218-2580

Tualatin School House Pantry (Food Bank) 503-783-0721

Tualatin Swim Center 503-431-5655


Non-Profits Charitable Organizations

Borland Free Clinic

The Borland Free Clinic opened in 2017 as an alternative approach to caring for the medical needs of the uninsured, underinsured, and those falling in the insurance gap. It is a primary care clinic providing free medical care to vulnerable people in our community. Medical providers, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and non-medical clinic staff are all volunteers, giving their time and expertise to serve their community.



Community Warehouse

For more than 20 years, Community Warehouse has been a local furniture bank, collecting donated home goods and working with social agencies to get those goods into the hands of those in need. Its mission is to connect essential furnishings to neighbors in need through unique community partnerships, creating stronger home foundations and brighter futures for all. The donated household items become the solution for a family in need and it changes lives.

503 347-2147


Five Oaks Museum

Five Oaks Museum is a gathering place of vibrant art, culture, history, and storytelling—a resource for all who are curious about the world around us. It’s a place for everything from learning and selfreflection to the sheer joy of making art or enjoying cultural traditions together.



Foundation for Tigard/ Tualatin Schools

The Foundation for Tigard-Tualatin Schools supports, and advocates for, all schools in our district through fundraising, creating learning opportunities, and building partnerships within the community.



Friends of the Tualatin Library

Friends of the Tualatin Library is a member-supported non-profit organization that advocates, fundraises, and provides support for the library. They provide opportunities for the community to invest in the success of the library by donating funds or through volunteering to ensure a first-class library for our community.



Ice Age Floods Institute

The Ice Age Floods Institute (IAFI) was founded in 1995 as an educational nonprofit. There are 11 chapters across Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana with a large and diverse membership. The chapters, operating at the local level, offer monthly opportunities for members and the public to learn about the Ice Age Floods.




Meals on Wheels People

The Meals on Wheels People dining program has been housed at the Juanita Pohl Center for more than 40 years, making sure that no senior will go hungry or experience social isolation. MOWP enriches the lives of seniors and assists them in maintaining independence by providing nutritious food, human connections, and social support. Meals are provided in house at the Center and by home delivery, serving on average 50 inhouse meals and 45 home delivery meals Monday through Friday.



One World Brigades

One World Brigades is a nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Julie Spaniel to deliver dental and medical services and education to international communities with limited or no access to healthcare while providing volunteer opportunities to college and high school students.



Tualatin Food Pantry

The Tualatin Food Pantry is a community-organized and volunteerrun food bank supported by local churches, businesses, social and civic organizations, schools, individuals, and local government agencies. The mission of the Tualatin Food Pantry is to provide emergency food to qualified households in a welcoming environment. As an Oregon Food Bank-Partner Agency, the pantry shares in its mission to eliminate hunger and its root causes, and the belief that no one should go hungry.



Tualatin High School Packbackers

The Tualatin High School Packbackers is a parent-run organization raising funds in support of all sports and athletic programs at Tualatin High School, often filling the gap for equipment and facilities.



Tualatin Historical Society

The Tualatin Historical Society was formed in 1986 to preserve and interpret the rich and colorful history of the Tualatin area. The Tualatin Heritage Center is an active community center owned by the City of Tualatin and operated by the Tualatin Historical Society. Large glacial erratics, historic plants with ties to early Tualatin residents, and a patio garden featuring Oregon natives are on the campus.



Tualatin Riverkeepers

Tualatin Riverkeepers is a communitybased organization that protects and restores the Tualatin River watershed. They build watershed stewardship through engagement, advocacy, restoration, access, and education. 503-218-2580



Tualatin Rotary Club

Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world.



Tualatin Together

Tualatin Together is a non-profit organization that has served Tualatin since 1990. Tualatin Together’s primary focus is to prevent youth consumption of marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, vaping and other high-risk activities that prevent them from living to their full potential. To do this, they teach resilience, facilitate positive mental health norms, build coping skills, recognize and address trauma, and provide resources and events in our community that support positive youth development.



Westside Transportation Alliance

The Westside Transportation Alliance is a private nonprofit that provides employers with customized commute programs and employee incentives to reduce singleoccupancy driving and encourage transit use, carpooling, bicycling, teleworking, and walking for commuter trips in Washington County, Oregon.

503-906-7961 | www.wta-tma.org

Winona Grange #217

The mission of the Winona Grange, chartered in Tualatin in 1895, is to provide opportunities for involvement and leadership in community service, for individuals and families; to maintain local advocacy for agriculture; and to welcome the community into the Grange Hall for a wide variety of educational and social events, portraying traditional American family values. Members are gardeners or those who care where their food comes from, representing many professions, and dedicated to preserving our historic ties to agriculture.



Winona Grange

The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce

The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce is known as the friendliest Chamber in the Portland Metro region! It is also a catalyst for business growth, a convener of leaders and influencers, and a champion for a stronger community.

While the Chamber of Commerce industry has changed dramatically over the past few decades, so have we in many aspects. Our mission, however, has remained the same: Helping businesses succeed by providing connectivity through education, promotion, and advocacy serving the interest of business and community.

Members of the Tualatin Chamber of

Commerce represent a diverse network of local businesses of all sizes and a wide range of industries and business types. Businesses join us for the networking opportunities, and the tools, resources, and knowledge the Chamber offers to help them succeed and thrive. Tualatin Chamber members are actively engaged in our advocacy efforts, have a desire to be involved in the community, and are truly representative of the Chamber’s motto: Business and Community Working Together.

The Tualatin Chamber is much more than just about business – we are about people. Our members, along with companies, small,

Tualatin Chamber: Business Building Community

medium, and large, are dedicated to helping provide jobs, mentoring our students in preparing for the workplace, and promoting a viable community.

We all have an opportunity to make an impact and propel Tualatin forward. We will continue to work together to strengthen our local economy, represent the interests of business with government, be a catalyst for business growth, and support our leaders and influencers who make things happen.

Thanks to our amazing group of volunteers on the board and committees and dedicated staff, we have accomplished a lot together!

Goal Values: To Create a business-friendly environment so that businesses can create jobs!

Vision: To serve protect and market Tualatin area businesses

Mission: Helping Businesses succeed by providing connectivity through education, promotion and advocacy serving the interest of business and community



New Member On-Boarding Breakfast

As a new member you are invited to the Chamber educational breakfast where we teach you all about the Tualatin Chamber and how best to utilize your member benefits.

A.M. Networking & P.M. Networking

Two morning networking meetings each month that are hosted by one of our member businesses. And one business after hours Happy P.M. Networking meeting each month, so you can meet other business members and be connected to more referrals!

Ribbon Cutting

We help you put on a New Business Promotion with a Ribbon Cutting!

Oregon Tolling Updates

The www.OregonTollingUpdates.com website and Podcast was created to help inform and educate the Tualatin businesses about the state plan to toll all freeways.

TCC Seminars @ Perlo

The Seminars at Perlo were created after a professional survey of our Chamber members showed that businesses were requesting more education on best practices in business. These are high level presentations with a focus on workforce development.


The Business Advocacy Council (BAC) is a group of Tualatin Chamber professionals who watch over the state and local government issues to defend and protect and advocate for the interests of the Tualatin businesses.

Key Leaders Breakfast

The BAC presents the Key Leaders Breakfast up to 3 times through the year to address timely topics that are the most relevant to business advocacy, success, and support.

Health and Wellness

Quarterly Healthcare presentations and a yearly Vendor Fair for all aspects of Health and Wellness.

The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce Partners:

The City of Tualatin

The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce works with the City of Tualatin on many different projects that serve the citizens and businesses in Tualatin.


The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce is in partnership with the Tigard Tualatin School District to develop a High School internship program for local businesses. This program also includes a field trip for junior high students and a job fair for high school students once a year.

Tualatin Together

Tualatin Together works to make our community a welcoming place where we talk about mental health and substance misuse challenges. The organization actively promotes the health of our youth and families by building resilience and providing resources to help people better their lives, including workshops, mentorships, and healthy conversation frameworks.


Dining & Lodging

Food & Drink

Tualatin offers an abundance of cuisines and culinary experiences. Not only is it the gateway between Oregon’s wine country and the restaurant scene in downtown Portland, it has a little bit of something for everyone.

Come visit popular local spots like CI Bar & Grill, Mashita Teriyaki, and Brix Tavern Tualatin, or if passing through, make a quick stop at Baja Fresh, Sunny’s Diner or Aloha Grill. Come on by Lachini Winery & Tasting Bar for a slower, more relaxed time.

Great nearby dining selections include breakfast at Lugano Cafe, authentic Japanese Grill at Izumi Japanese Steakhouse, and fine dessert at DOJA Tea Lounge. For a Friday night out, visit Tualatin Station, G-man Sports Bar, or The Headliners Club.

How can we forget all the local wineries, breweries, and distilleries that make up the roots of the Pacific Northwest craft brewing industry? They are here, and just a short drive from Tualatin’s town center!

Check the complete listing of restaurants, bakeries, brewpubs, coffee shops, and tasting rooms in the Business Directory at the back of this publication.


Whether you are here for business, pleasure, and/or family fun, you will feel at home at any of our convenient and cozy lodging properties, all located just off I-5.

We are centrally located with Oregon’s wine country and the coast to the West, Mt. Hood, and the Columbia Gorge to the East, and downtown Portland to the North.

Century Hotel

8185 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd 503-692-3600

Comfort Inn & Suites

7640 SW Warm Springs St ........ 503-612-9952

Motel 6 #0047

17950 SW McEwan Rd, Tigard .......................................................... 503-620-2066

The Grand Hotel (pictured) 7265 SW Hazelfern Rd, Tigard ........................... 503-968-5757


Parks & Recreation

Families, dog lovers, sports and fitness enthusiasts, kayakers and paddle boarders, and anyone just wanting to spend time out in nature will find places to play, stroll or relax throughout Tualatin. The City of Tualatin boasts more than 300 acres of parks, greenways, and natural areas with amenities.

Atfalati Park

Named after the Native Americans that once lived in the area, Atfalati Park has two sports fields, a basketball court, and interpretive panels that educate visitors on the history of the Tribe and the area. Take a walk down past the picnic areas and futsal courts to the serene Saum Creek Wetlands.

Brown’s Ferry Park

Brown’s Ferry Park offers trails and direct access to the Tualatin River. Viewing wildlife, picnicking, and taking a peaceful stroll on the pathway system affords visitors tranquility. During the summer, canoes and kayaks can be rented by the hour or for the entire day.

Jurgens Park

Named after the family which farmed the land on which the park now sits, Jurgens Park offers picnic shelters, a farm-themed playground, a sand play area, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, as well as trails.

Ibach Park

The playground at Ibach Park translates Tualatin’s history into an interactive educational play area. The park also has an assortment of sports areas, basketball and tennis courts, picnic shelters, and pathways, as well as access to a nature trail along Hedges Creek.

Lafky Park

This 2-acre neighborhood park features, a winding gravel path, open fields, basketball courts, and a playground for kids to play on. It is a favorite spot in the spring when the Rhododendrons are in full bloom.

Little Woodrose Nature Park

Little Woodrose Nature Park, a 6.55-acre natural wooded area, offers meandering trails under the leafy canopy of trees.

Tualatin Community Park

The City’s largest park, Tualatin Community Park, stretches along the Tualatin River just north of Boones Ferry Road. It offers extensive facilities including walking trails, courts for tennis, pickleball, and basketball, a skate park, sports fields, play structures, and picnic shelters. Also located in the park are the Juanita Pohl Center, and the Van Raden Center which offer year-round programs, youth activities, and recreation programs for all ages.

Take a stroll or ride your bike across the Ki-a-Kuts Bridge which connects Tualatin’s Community Park, Tigard’s Cook Park, and Durham City Park, and enjoy 250 acres of natural area between the three cities.

Tualatin’s Dog Park is located at the north end of Tualatin Community Park and offers a great space for dogs to exercise in a fun and safe environment.

The park also offers easy access to the Tualatin River with a boat ramp for nonmotorized watercraft.

Tualatin River Greenway Trail

With a 12-foot wide multi-use pedestrian and bike path meandering through trees, alongside the river, and past wetlands, the Tualatin Greenway Trail connects people with nature while enabling easy exercise, recreation, and wildlife viewing. The trailhead is on the northwest side of the Nyberg River shopping center and extends east along the Tualatin River, crossing under the I-5 freeway with access to the Nyberg Woods shopping center on the eastern end.

Saarinen Wayside Park

At a mere .06-acre, this pocket park is one of the city’s smallest neighborhood parks.

Stoneridge Park

Stoneridge Park is another pocket park offering a .23-acre play area for neighborhood children.

Sweek Pond Natural Area

Located next to the Tualatin Heritage Center, the Sweek Pond Natural Area includes a walking path through the 4.68acre park and across a portion of the Hedges Creek Wetlands.

Tualatin Commons Park

Just off of I-5 as you head west, Tualatin Commons Park is the first park you will see, welcoming you into the city. It may only be .64 of an acre, but it is complete with manicured flowerbeds, leafy trees, park benches, and art.

Tualatin Lake of the Commons

Situated in the heart of downtown, the Tualatin Lake at the Commons is a manmade lake perfect for sailing model boats or duck watching. The lake is surrounded by a 5.17-acre plaza known as the Tualatin Commons, which is home to many special events including the Pumpkin Regatta, Starry Nights and Holiday Lights, and the Concerts and movies on the Commons.

Many of the City’s parks facilities, including sports fields, picnic shelters at Tualatin Community Park, and indoor building spaces may be rented. For more information or to reserve a facility, call 503691-3061 or visit www.tualatinoregon.gov/ recreation/facility-rentals.



Annual Events

For the most up-to-date information go to www.tualatinoregon.gov/ recreation/special-events

Snow Ball Dance

February • Juanita Pohl Center

It’s time to get your glam on for the Snow Ball Dance! This wonderful event is for kids ages 3+ and their parent or grandparent. Join us for dancing, snacks, refreshments, and activities. Registration required.

Arbor Month

Entire Month of April

Tualatin is named a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters! Arbor Week is celebrated to recognize the many contributions trees make to our lives and community.

Blender Dash

June • Tualatin Community Park

Mix it up at Tualatin’s own “everything run” for ages 6-15! The Blender Dash includes color, mud, foam, obstacles, and more!

¡Viva Tualatin! A Celebration of Arts and Culture

July • Tualatin Community Park

Celebrate Tualatin’s vibrant culture. Enjoy live music, dance performances, art, a variety of different cuisines and children's activities that create an event the entire family can enjoy.


Tualatin Golf Classic

July • Tualatin Country Club

A tournament like no other! This annual event is a longstanding tradition between Tualatin residents and the businesses who come together for a friendly competition to support The Tualatin Chamber Business Programs and Services. A highlight of the summer at Tualatin’s beautiful private country club. This golf tournament is open to anyone who wants to play!

Concerts in the Parks

July and August • Lake at the Tualatin Commons

Concerts in the Parks is a free outdoor concert series with performances during July and August. Concerts are held on the plaza near the Lake at Tualatin Commons, and in several parks throughout the city.

Safety Town

July • Tualatin

This camp is for four- to six-year-olds entering kindergarten in the fall. Designed to teach basic safety skills in a fun and enriching environment. For more information: www. tualatintogether.org/event/safety-town


Summer Reading on the Commons

July through mid-August • Lake at the Tualatin Commons

Tualatin Public Library offers an all-ages Summer Reading Program with great prizes! Stop by the library this summer to sign up and join us on the Tualatin Commons to celebrate the joy of reading at the free, family-friendly events.

Regatta Run 5K Run/Walk

October • Tualatin Community Park

The Regatta Run was created in honor of Corporal Matthew Lembke, who lost his life from wounds sustained on his third tour of duty in the Middle East. To celebrate Matt's character and service, a scholarship fund has been created in his name. 100% of the proceeds from the Regatta Run go into the scholarship fund.

Pumpkins and Pints

October • Stickmen Brewing Company

Kick off the Regatta weekend with Pumpkins and Pints at Stickmen Brewing in Tualatin! Enjoy craft beer while watching the famous Terminator Pumpkin Weigh-off.

West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta

October • Lake at the Tualatin Commons

The West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta is one of the most anticipated fall events in the Northwest! Each year people come from all over to watch the spectacle of costumed characters paddling 1,000 pound pumpkins in a series of wacky races across the Lake of the Commons. The Regatta is a free event that also includes pumpkin golf, pumpkin bowling, a giant pumpkin weigh off, entertainment, food, and much more.

Holiday Lights Parade Series

First Three Saturdays in December Tualatin kicks off the holiday season with three neighborhood parades featuring vehicles decked out with thousands of sparkling lights.

www.tualatinoregon.gov/ recreation/special-events

For more information visit:


Discover Tualatin’s diverse public art through the Tualatin ArtWalk , a self-guided tour through the heart of the city. See sculptures, murals, mosaic drinking fountains, and garden art while learning about Tualatin’s history along the way. Spend half an hour or a whole afternoon on the several interconnected trails that comprise nearly six miles of ArtWalk. Each trail is clearly marked— look for the map kiosks to determine the route and watch for the colorful trail markers leading the way to an enjoyable adventure discovering Tualatin's art, natural and cultural history.

www.tualatinoregon.gov/recreation/ artwalk

Feeling inspired to create but don’t have the tools you need? Drop by Tualatin Public Library’s Makerspace and get your build on! The Makerspace is where art intersects with innovation. Learn how to design cool contraptions, work with robots, create your own 3D print or woodworking. This is a place to try out new tools, learn new techniques and share ideas with other makers in the Tualatin community. Let’s play, learn, and create together!

www.tualatinoregon.gov/library/ tualatin-public-library-makerspace

At June Taylor’s School of Dance, dancers of all ages can find ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance classes. The school follows the Royal Academy of Dance method and works with dancers to develop a strong technical foundation that prepares them for a future career in dance if that is a path they wish to pursue. Classes are designed to promote personal excellence, health, and well-being. www.junetaylorschoolofdance.com

Looking for summer activities for the kids? Willowbrook Arts Camp offers a six-week summer camp for kids ages 3-18 in Brown's Ferry park each year. Willowbrook provides a child-driven space that allows each camper to choose their activities during most of the day—from dance and drama to art, nature, music, pottery, puppetry, storytelling, and more! They create an interactive, experiential environment, exploring the internal and external world through art and nature. Willowbrook is increasing its yearround offerings with classes, after-school

activities, and minicamps during school closure days. They are able to provide this opportunity through their partnership with the City of Tualatin. www.willowbrookartscamp.org

The Tualatin Valley Symphony has been delighting audiences since 2007 with a wide variety of music, including unique and rarely heard works along with new, neverbefore performed pieces. Symphony players from around the Portland metropolitan area perform with local members of the orchestra, whose commitment to learning, evolving, and enjoyment of playing is evident in every performance!


Looking for a chance to take in a live show, volunteer behind the scenes, or even join the cast? Tualatin’s own Mask & Mirror Community Theater is your perfect opportunity! Now in its 11th season, the non-profit community theatre group is committed to working together to create opportunities in the performing arts for its members and the community at large. www.maskandmirror.com

You can find more local arts events for the family on the Tualatin Valley Creates calendar at www.tvcreates.org/ calendar-of-events.


Youth Activities

Tualatin Youth Sports, ............... Camps & More

Tualatin is a great place to be a kid. There are a number of youth organizations and activities for kids to explore, and Tualatin is passionate about supporting youth and giving them opportunities to learn and grow.



503-806-4330 | oregonunitedfc.com


503-885-9300 | www.tualatinindoor.com

TUALATIN SOCCER CLUB www.tualatinsoccer.com


TUALATIN YOUTH BASKETBALL www.tualatinyouthbasketball.com


503-866-7905 | mvpsl.com



503-680-297 | www.timberwolfyouthbaseball.com

TUALATIN YOUTH SOFTBALL www.tualatinsoftball.org/home


TUALATIN YOUTH FOOTBALL www.tualatinyouthfootball.org/home


503-866-7905 | mvpsl.com



503-913-2898 | www.tualatincheerleading.com



971-255-1918 | fredastaire.com/portland


503-620-8939 | metrodanceacademy.com


503-885-0545 | junetaylorschoolofdance.com



503-620-8939 | metrogymnastics.com

TILTON’S GYMNASTICS tiltonsgymnastics.com



503-431-5655 | www.ttadpools.com


503-968-4500 | www.bayclubs.com/portland


503-612-2400 | staffordhills.com



503-691-8400 | www.tualatinislandgreens.com


503-612-7807 | www.golftec.com/golflessons/portland/tualatin


503-522-7879 | henningergolffarm.com



503-612-7807 | staffordhills.com


TUALATIN LACROSSE CLUB www.tualatinlacrosse.com/home.php



503-926-4511 | www.nwelitevbc.com/home


503-644-7468 | www.cevaregion.org



Tualatin residents do not have to go far for their perfect shopping experience! With three premier shopping destinations, Tualatin offers numerous shopping options. These businesses alone employ nearly 5,000 people and contribute to the vibrancy of our community.

Bridgeport Village

Bridgeport Village is the Pacific Northwest's preeminent fashion and lifestyle shopping center with more than 80 shops, boutiques, restaurants, and a movie theater. The outdoor mall offers an outstanding and enviable array of exclusive, internationally renowned stores and boutiques which include The Container Store, Anthropologie, Lululemon, Apple, Crate & Barrel, Brandy Melville, Madewell, Sephora, Sundance, Eileen Fisher, MAC Cosmetics, Tommy Bahama, and the largest Regal IMAX Theatre in the state. Bridgeport Village serves as a dynamic gathering place where people can shop, dine, relax and attend special events. There are more than a dozen delectable eateries including PF Changs China Bistro, California Pizza Kitchen, Choza Tacos-YCantina, McCormick & Schmick’s, Pastini Pastaria, and several local dining concepts that round out the world cuisine offerings including Sinju Japanese Restaurant, Koi Fusion, Native Foods, and Joe’s Burgers. www.bridgeport-village.com

Nyberg Rivers

Visitors to this vibrant retail center enjoy intimate seating areas, festoon lighting, and fire feature as well as rockscape and grasses which echo the character of the Nyberg River, while finding everything they need at stores like Cabela’s, HomeGoods, Michaels, MudBay, New Seasons Market, LA Fitness and more. A variety of dining options include Red Robin, Pieology, Firehouse Subs, Dave’s Hot Chicken, and Vitality Bowls. A highlight of the center is the water fountain and iconic bronze Mastodon statue, neatly recalling the paleontological finds of one such creature in the area. Visitors also have easy access to the historic Tualatin River Greenway Trail. www.shopnybergrivers.com


Nyberg Woods

A bustling neighborhood and lifestyle center, Nyberg Woods is conveniently located at Interstate 5 and Nyberg Road — one interchange south of CenterCal Properties' highly acclaimed Bridgeport Village. The architectural design is reminiscent of a Tuscan farmhouse and reflects the agrarian roots of the site while maintaining an upscale appearance that reflects the affluence found in the immediate trade area. Nyberg Woods is anchored by Best Buy, Boot Barn, The Mattress World Northwest (ADD) Old Navy, Tilly’s, Ulta Beauty, and PetSmart. In addition, the center offers specialty eateries and restaurants including Famous Dave’s, Five Guys, Panera Bread, Sunny’s Diner (ADD) and Chipotle. www.shopnybergwoods.com

Farm & Garden

Tualatin is home to a number of working farms, nurseries, and garden centers for shopping, entertainment, and everything your green thumb desires! Nestled among towering grand firs, the Garden Corner is an inviting openair nursery and garden center. Garden enthusiasts browse the wooden planked trails year-round, finding inspiration with the most innovative floral and planting displays you’ll find anywhere. You’ll be delighted with the selection, gracious customer service, and friendly flock of chickens wandering freely throughout the grounds.


The Lee family has been farming in Tualatin, Oregon since 1869. For seven generations their family has worked the land and today three generations

are actively involved in their farming operations. Lee Farms offers a variety of fresh produce and family fun throughout the year. The country store offers locally grown fresh produce in season, Lee’s jams and preserves, a huge selection of decorations for all seasons, and the best donuts around! The farm hosts a number of events fun for the whole family including an Easter Egg Hunt, Berry Festival, SunFlower Festival, Fall Harvest Festival and Pumpkin Patch, as well as holiday festivities November-December at their Christmas tree farm.


Tualatin’s Century Farm is another family-owned and operated urban farm! With a huge selection of Christmas trees (more than 5,000!), the farm is a local favorite for holiday trimmings. www. facebook.com/centuryfarmtualatin


By The Numbers


Tualatin is the 19th largest city in Oregon with a population of (ADD) 27,703 residents as of 2024 and (ADD) is currently declining at a rate of negative 0.17% annually. Spanning over 8 miles, Tualatin has a population density of (ADD)3,298 people per square mile.

The average household income in Tualatin is $123,470 with a poverty rate of 9.59%. The median age in Tualatin is 37 years.

Tualatin Demographics

• White: 70.62%

• Other race: 7.64%

• Two or more races: 13.43%

• Asian: 3.52%

• Black or African American: 1.49%

• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 1.97%

• Native American: 1.32%%

• Source: 2024 World Population Review | worldpopulationreview.com/uscities/tualatin-or-population

Source: 2022 World Population Review | worldpopulationreview.com/us-cities/tualatin-or-population

www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 25 www.NewSmiles.com 17680 SW Handley St #101 Sherwood OR 97140 503-925-9595 Implants • IV Sedation • Same Day Crowns • Wisdom Teeth Removal General Dentistry and More CALL FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION off $500 Expires 6/30/25 DENTAL IMPLANTS 503-925-9595 Dr. Nathan Doyel DMD FAAID DABOI/ID General Dentist Dr. Ben Aanderud DMD AFAAID DABOI/ID General Dentist Dr. Evan Whisenant DMD General Dentist Dr. Aaron Wikle DMD General Dentist “A member of our family needed extensive dental work including implants. The quality and personalized care they received from the doctors and the entire team was over-the-top amazing.” J.P. - Sherwood Your Dental Implant and Cosmetic Experts Change Your Smile, Change Your Life We Provide an In-House Insurance Alternative Coupon not to be used in conjunction with insurance plans or any o er.

Business Directory by Category


Books To Go Bookkeeping

8101 SW Nyberg St Ste 218 Tualatin 97062 (503) 832-0035 bookstogo.biz

Culshaw and Company, LLC

15115 SW Sequoia Pky Portland 97224 (503) 670-8286 culshawcpa.com

Drive Accounting

7460 SW Hunziker St Ste E Tigard 97223 (503) 684-5169 driveaccounting.com

H Kaplan CPA

11164 SW Berlin Ave Wilsonville 97070 (503) 739-4029 hkaplancpa.com

Pauly, Rogers and Co., P.C. 12700 SW 72nd Ave Tigard 97223 (503) 620-2632


LAD labs Cosmetic Acupuncture & Dermatology

18662 Sw Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (971) 808-3058 ladlabsdermatology.com


Musimack Marketing

6950 SW Hampton St Ste 323 Tigard 97223 (503) 737-4470 musimackmarketing.com

Tualatin Community Advantage Magazine

19951 Boones Ferry Rd NE Aurora 97002 (503) 570-3404 communityadvantagemagazines.com


Marquis Tualatin

19945 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-5400 marquiscompanies.com

Marquis Tualatin Community Center

19805 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-2541 marquiscompanies.com/facility/tualatin-community

Thrive Care LLC

6160 SW Hall Blvd Beaverton 97008 (503) 954-7152 thrivecareceo.com


Tualatin Auto Body, Inc.

19705 SW Teton Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-1579 tualatinautobody.com


Dick's Auto Group

25600 SW Parkway Center Dr Wilsonville 97070 (503) 799-8815 dicksautogroup.com


Clark Auto Parts 9610 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-5700 napaonline.com/or/tualatin


Landmark Ford

12000 SW 66th Ave Tigard 97223 (503) 639- 1131 landmarkford.com

(See ad on back cover)


Armor Auto Detailing LLC 9395 SW Skokomish Ln Tualatin 97062 (503) 380-8987 armorautodetailing.com

JC Motors, Inc. 19401 SW Mohave Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-2817 jcmotorsinc.com

Landmark Ford

12000 SW 66th Ave Tigard 97223 (503) 639- 1131 landmarkford.com (See ad on back cover)

Modern Classics Auto Service 17725 SW Pacific Hwy Tualatin 97062 (503) 783-6444 modernclassicsauto.com


Nothing Bundt Cakes

19283-B SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 486-5193 nothingbundtcakes.com


Citizens Bank

8100 SW Nyberg St Ste 110 Tualatin 97062 (971) 252-6502 citizensebank.com

HomeStreet Bank

3970 SW Mercantile Dr Ste 105 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 445-4550 homestreet.com

Pacific West Bank

1300 SW 5th Ave Ste 900 Portland 97201 (503) 912-2072 pacificwestbank.com

Riverview Community Bank

7447 SW Nyberg St Ste 110 Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-0122 riverviewbank.com/about/tualatin

Rivermark Community Credit Union 8225 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 526-3623 rivermarkcu.org

Umpqua Bank 8805 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-9929 umpquabank.com

Unitus Community Credit Union 1300 Sw 6th Ave Portland 97201 (503) 423-8421 unitusccu.com


Books To Go Bookkeeping 8101 SW Nyberg St Ste 218 Tualatin 97062 (503) 832-0035 bookstogo.biz

Drive Accounting 7460 SW Hunziker St Ste E Tigard 97223 (503) 684-5169 driveaccounting.com


Business Velocity,LLC 30480 SW Boones Ferry RD Ste 415 Wilsonville 97070 (971) 291-8903 businessvelocity.org

Chrysalis Partners LLC 16869 SW 65th Ave Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 919-8972 chrysalispartnersllc.com

The Next Phase Coaching, LLC 6939 SW Wilsonville Rd Ste 140 Wilsonvillle 97070 (503) 799-4326 thenextphasecoaching.com


Clackamas County Business Alliance 1075 NW Northrup St Ste 1912 Portland 97029 (503) 657-1651 ccba.biz

Oregon State Chamber of Commerce 991 Liberty Street SE Salem 97302 (503) 363-2182 oregonstatechamber.org

Tualatin Chamber of Commerce 8101 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-0780 tualatinchamber.com

West Coast Business Communications 7782 SW Nimbus Rd Ste 10C Beaverton 97008 (503) 936-5936 westcoastbc.net

Westside Economic Alliance 10220 SW Nimbus Ave Ste . K-12 Tigard 97223 (503) 968-3100 westsidealliance.org

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER 26 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com


Business Velocity,LLC

30480 SW Boones Ferry RD Ste 415 Wilsonville 97070 (971) 291-8903 businessvelocity.org


West Coast Business Communications

7782 SW Nimbus Rd Ste 10C Beaverton 97008 (503) 936-5936 westcoastbc.net


City of Tualatin

18880 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-2000 tualatinoregon.gov (See ad on page 4,5)


California Closets 12200 SW Tualatin Rd Ste 100 Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-8211 californiaclosets.com/portland


Center Street Gold & Silver 8879 SW Center St Tigard 97223 • (503) 567-3443 centerstreetgoldsilver.com (See ad on page 34)


Ana Uriostegui Farmers Insurance Agent 7012 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 912-7774 agents.farmers.com/or/tualatin/harley-torres-rendon

Slater & Associates Insurance Inc

16850 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Ste B Tigard 97224 (971) 801-1276 slaterinsurance.com COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE SALES

Macadam Forbes 2 Centerpointe Dr Ste 500 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 227-2500 macadamforbes.com COMPUTER

Compass Computing Group, Inc 10700 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy Beaverton 97005 (503) 691-5706 compcomgrp.com

Acts Technology Corporation

P.O. Box 2144 Wilsonville 97070 (971) 506-7667 actstech.us


8215 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (833) 483-4648 itfiniti.com


5200 Meadows Rd Ste 150 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 726-5933 kamind.com

Thryv Tualatin 97062 (503) 679-8842 Thryv.com


8215 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Ste 200 Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-4364 xiologix.com


Fps Construction, LLC P.O. Box 886 Oregon City 97045 (503)810-4080 fpsconstructionco.com



8215 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd Ste 200 Tualatin 97062 (971) 252-2370 cobaltbuilt.com

DBM Construction

8101 SW Nyberg St Ste 202 Tualatin 97062 (925) 580-6247


316 SE Taylor St Portland 97229 (800) 879-8000 hilti.com

Perlo Construction 11450 SW Amu St Tualatin 97062 (971) 804-1152 perlo.biz



7989 SW Cirrus Dr bldg 22 Beaverton 97008 (503) 888-3425 adt.com

Xenium HR 7401 SW Washo Ct Ste 200 Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-1555 xeniumhr.com


A & R Solar 19636 SW 90th Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 420-8680

Clockwork Handyman and Remodeling Services 15650 SW 133rd Ave Portland 97224 (971) 777-5991 clockworkhmrs.com

Convergint Technologies 7651 SW Mohawk St Tualatin 97062 (503) 228-8522 convergint.com

Mountainwood Homes 11675 SW 66th Ave Tigard 97223 (503) 746-7338 mountainwoodhomes.com

Re-Bath of Portland 19300 SW 118th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 404-4500 rebath.com

Todd Construction 18407 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 620-7652 toddconstruction.com

Cougar Restoration Inc. 16285 SW 85th Ave Ste 307 Portland 97224 (503) 349-5538 cougarrestoration.com


Plaid Pantry, Inc. 19407 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-5819

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 27
Come see us today! 503-692-9386 Google and Angie’s List highest rated dental practice around M•W•Th•F 8am-5pm | T 8am-8pm | Sat 8am-12pm Located in downtown Tualatin, Oregon since 1986 8225 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Road | Tualatin, OR 97062 www.lakesidefamilydentistry.net


EleMar Oregon LLC 19723 SW Teton Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-8020 elemaroregon.com


Lee Farms 21975 SW 65th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 638-1869 leefarmsoregon.com


Clackamas County Public and Government Affairs 2051 Kaen Rd Oregon City 97045 (503) 655-8751 co.clackamas.or.us

Washington County Administration

155 N First Ave Ste 300, MS 21 Hillsboro 97124 (503) 846-8685 co.washington.or.us


Rivermark Community Credit Union 8225 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 526-3623 rivermarkcu.org

Unitus Community Credit Union

1300 SW 6th Ave Portland 97201 (503) 423-8421


Fred Astaire Dance Studios 6520 SW Rosewood St Lake Oswego 97035 (971) 255-1918 fredastaire.com/portland

June Taylor's School of Dance 19318 SW Mohave Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-0545 junetaylorschoolofdance.com


Ian Pham, DMD Family Dentistry of Tualatin 18791 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-6552 drianpham.com

Klein Orthodontics

18799 SW Boones Ferry Rd Ste 8 Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3710


Lakeside Family & Cosmetic

Dentistry- Rick A. Evans, DDS

Travis Evans, DMD

8225 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-9386


(See ad on page 27)

Meridian Park Orthodontics 19255 SW 65th Ave Ste 230 Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-9970 meridianparkorthodontics.com

New Smiles Dental

17680 SW Handley St. Ste 101 Sherwood 97070 (503) 907-6193


(See ad on page 25)

Summerwood Family Dental

18035 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 906-8600 summerwoodfamilydental.com

Tualatin Modern Dentistry

7017 SW Nyberg St. Ste P-4.6 Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-8736 tualatinmoderndentistry.com

Dental You Studio

5 Mt Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 303-8968



Pascuzzi Investment, LLC 10250 SW North Dakota St Tigard 97223 (503) 320-4575

Schnitzer Properties. LLC P.O. Box 2708 Tualatin 97062 (503) 242-2900 Schnitzerproperties.com


Rose City Distilling 7272 SW Durham Rd Ste 100 Portland 97224 (503) 351-1090 rosecitydistilling.com


A & I Distributors

12350 SW Myslony St Tualatin 97062 (503) 905-2245 aidistributors.com


18755 SW Teton Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3210 airefco.com

Pacific Metal Company 10700 SW Manhasset Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 454-1051 pacificmetal.com



7989 SW Cirrus Dr bldg 22 Beaverton 97008 (503) 888-3425 adt.com


Clackamas Community College 19600 S Molalla Ave Oregon City 97045 (503) 991-4500 clackamas.edu

Mitch Charter Schools

19550 SE 90th Ct. Tualatin 97062 (503) 639-5757 mitchcharterschool.org


Conduit Electric 19461 SW 89th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-1428 conduitelectric.com


Complete Threat Preparedness 8630 SW Scholls Ferry Rd Ste 158 Beaverton 97008 (702) 848-2887 completethreatpreparedness.com


Butterfield Testing Solutions 14145 SW Galbreath Dr Sherwood 97140 (971) 226-0507 ButterfieldOnsiteDrugTesting.com


Envision Golf

18039 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 388-9770 envisiongolf.com

Jeremiah Productions, LLC 23797 SW Everest Ct Sherwood 97140 (503) 757-7884 jeremiahproductions.com

The Glory Singers 23797 SW Everest Ct Sherwood 97140 (503) 407-3100 theglorysingers.org

Xgolf Tualatin 7059 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 855-4104 xgolfpnw.com


DR Car Cast 19600 SW 57th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 550-1285 drcarcast.com

Oregon Tolling Updates

Tualatin Chamber of Commerce BAC 8101 NW Nyberg St Ste 102 Tualatin 97062 Daniel@Tualatinchamber.com oregontollingupdates.com


TNT Fireworks 17655 SE McLoughlin Blvd Ste B Milwaukie 97267 (503) 653-9655 tntfireworks.com


Kinetic Events + Co LLC 8975 SW Talawa Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 853-3812 kineticeventsandco.com


Orangetheory Fitness 19221 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 487-0002 orangetheoryfitness.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER 28 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com

Stafford Hills Club

5916 SW Nyberg Ln Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-2400 staffordhills.com


Country Financial-Tualatin

8100 SW Nyberg Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-8756 countryfinancial.com


Financial Investment Team

15350 SW Sequoia Pky Portland 97224 (503) 906-5205 fi-team.com

Mariner Wealth Advisors

8050 SW Pfaffle St Ste 100 Portland 97223 (503) 679-9201 marinerwealthadvisors.com

OnPoint Community Credit Union

19200 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 228-7077 onpointcu.com

Portfolio Archer

5034 SW Vesta St Portland 97219 (408) 621-1407


RoHillCo Insurance

11 Mt Jefferson Terrace Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 636-0495


WestPac Wealth Partners

5 Centerpointe Dr Ste 150 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 207-4505


Windham Wealth Management 15462 SW 144th Ter Portland 97224 (541) 253-5275 windhamwm.com


Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue 11945 SW 70th Ave Tigard 97223 (503) 259-1500 tvfr.com


The Flowering Jade 8101 SW Nyberg Rd Ste 104 Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-0340 floweringjade.com



5940 S Rainbow Blvd Las Vegas 89118 (725) 245-4544 cafely.com

DPI Specialty Foods Northwest, Inc. 12360 SW Leveton Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-0662 distribution-plus.com

Miss Hannah's Gourmet Popcorn

200 Highway 99W Newberg 97132 (818) 456-9954 misshannahspopcorn.com


Borland Free Clinic

3550 SW Borland Rd. Tualatin 97062 (503) 974-8887


Grimm's Fuel Company

18850 SW Cipole Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3756 grimmsfuel.com (See ad on page 31)


La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries 7070 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-5635 la-z-boy.com


Republic Services of Clackamas/WA Counties 10295 SW Ridder Rd Wilsonville 97070 (503) 682-0336 disposal.com


The Garden Corner 21550 SW 108th Ave Tualatin 97062 (971) 512-2688 thegardencorner.com


Tualatin Chevron 9770 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-6300 chevron.com


Legacy Glass

6510 Rosewood St Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 305-5679 legacyglassnw.com (See ad on page 29)


Envision Golf 18039 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 388-9770 envisiongolf.com

Tualatin Country Club 9145 SW Tualatin Road Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-1122 tualatincountryclub.com

Xgolf Tualatin

7059 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 855-4104 xgolfpnw.com


Jane, Ink Tualatin 97062 (503) 380-9941 janeink.com


Tri-County Gun Club

13050 SW Tonquin Rd Sherwood 97140 (503) 625-7318 tcgc.org


Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com


Clark Lumber Co.

11234 SW Tonquin Rd Sherwood 97140 (503) 692-0200 truevalue.com/clarklumber (See ad on page 30)


4everyoung Bridgeport 14692 Blue Blossom Way Oregon City 97045 (503) 997-8231 4everyoungbridgeport.com

Brookdale River Valley Tualatin Assisted Living and Memory Care 19200 SW 65th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3192 brookdale.com

Life Vantage 7617 SW 74th Ave Portland 97223 (503) 970-0080


Live Hydration Spa Tualatin

8215 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (971) 252-2283 livehydrationspa.com/live-hydration-spa-tualatin

Northwest Cannabis Company 17937 SW McEwan Rd Ste 200 Tigard 97224 (971) 634-4400 northwestcannabis.com

Oasis Senior Advisors

3224 Wild Rose Loop West Linn 97068 (971) 359-4236 oasissenioradvisors.com/portland-mid-valley

Prime IV Hydration and Wellness 7602 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 454-0176


Cohen Caregiving Support Consultants, LLC PO BOX 3361 Tualatin 97062 (503) 522-8320 cohencaregivingsupport.com

Kaiser Permanente

500 NE Multnomah St Ste 100 Portland 97232 (503) 341-0543 mykpagent.org/debrak

Live Well Health, PC

7100 W Hampton St Ste 121 Tigard 97223 (503) 512-5359 concussionpdx.com

Lumera Medical 6464 SW Borland Rd Ste C3 Tualatin 97062 (503) 852-9680 lumeramedical.com

Oasis Senior Advisors 3224 Wild Rose Loop West Linn 97068 (971) 359-4236 oasissenioradvisors.com/portland-mid-valley

Oregon Health DPC LLC 19365 SW 65th Ave Ste 209 Tualatin 97062 (503) 506-8500 oregonhealthdpc.com


72 Degrees Heating and Air Conditioning 18825 Willamette Dr West Linn 97068 (503) 655-0556 72degreesairpride.com

Bull Mountain Heating & Cooling

17300 SW Upper Boones Ferry Ste 110 Durham 97224 (503) 612-6677 bullmountainheating.com

Climate Control LLC

16500 SW 72nd Ave Portland 97224 (503) 453-4822 climatecontrolinc.com

Evergreen Gas Heating & Cooling

16385 SW Langer Dr Sherwood 97140 (503) 407-9542

evergreengas.net (See ad on page 1)


Quick & Clean Services 4800 SW Prosperity Pk Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 638-4100 quickandcleancarpets.com


Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center 19300 SW 65th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-1212 legacyhealth.org/meridianpark


Century Hotel 8185 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3600 thecenturyhotel.com

Comfort Inn & Suites 7640 SW Warm Springs St Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-9952 comfortinntualatin.com

Motel 6

17950 SW McEwan Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 620-2066 motel6.com

The Grand Hotel 7265 SW Hazelfern Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 968-5757 grandhotelbridgeport.com


Tualatin Imaging P.C. 7427 SW Coho Ct Ste 200 Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-5737 tualatinimaging.com


American Family Insurance - Klepich & Associates LLC 18965 SW 84th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 639-2169 klepichagency.com

Colonial Life 5311 SW Witcita St Tualatin 97062 (503) 869-3914

Farmers Insurance-Matt Schoenecker Agency 7455 SW Bridgeport Rd Ste E200 Tigard 97224 (503) 863-5807 agents.farmers.com/or/tigard/matt-schoenecker/

Frinell Risk Advisors

2 Centerpointe Dr Ste 275 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 210-2300 frinellrisk.com

Jennifer May Insurance Agency, Inc 6464 SW Borland Rd Ste C6 Tualatin 97062 (503) 635-9200 jennifermayinsurance.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER 30 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com
THE VALUE OF WORKING AS A FAMILY Serving the community since 1965, Clark Lumber is the area’s only family-owned, full service building material supply. 11234 SW Tonquin Road, Sherwood, OR 97140 CALL US TODAY 503-692-0200 • www.clarklumberhardware.com MON-FRI 7AM-5PM SATURDAY 8AM-4PM CLOSED ON SUNDAY

LaPorte & Associates, Inc

5515 SE Milwaukie Ave Ste 1 Portland 97202 (503) 519-8358 laporte-insurance.com

USI Insurance Services

825 NE Multnomah Ave Ste 1500 Portland 97232 (971) 256-5819 usi.com


Ana Uriostegui Farmers Insurance Agent 7012 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 912-7774 agents.farmers.com/or/tualatin/harley-torres-rendon

Choices Insurance

15171 SW Bangy Rd Ste 13 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 601-5024


Colonial Life

5311 SW Witcita St Tualatin 97062 (503) 869-3914

Elliott, Powel, Baden & Baker, Inc 1521 SW Salmon St Portland 97205 (503) 519-8358 epbb.com/

Resource Strategies Planning Group 21040 SW 90th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-0163 louogden.com

State Farm Insurance - Gunnar Olson 8100 SW Nyberg St Ste 100 Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-1980 gunnarolson.net


Blue Heron Services 11865 SW Tualatin Rd ste 138 Tualatin 97062 (971) 204-8615 blueheron.services.com

Cascade Building Services

10680 SW Industrial Way Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-0776 cascadebuildingservices.com

Oregon Janitors LLC 5643 SE Sequoia Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 358-1001 orjanitors.com

Universal Crystal Cleaning, LLC Tualatin 97062 (503) 330-0445 universalcrystalcleaning.com


Grimm’s Fuel Company

18850 SW Cipole Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3756 grimmsfuel.com (See ad on page 29)

Tillis Tree 911 Jefferson St Oregon City 97045 (503) 387-3035 Tillistree.com


Sherwood Family Law 16103 SW 1st St Sherwood 97140 (503) 655-7199 sherwoodfamilylaw.com

Robert E. Kellogg, P.C.

7945 SW Mohawk St Tualatin 97062 (503) 486-5041 rekpc.com


Tualatin Liquor Store 19265 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-9833 tualatinliquor.com


D.R. Davis Lock & Safe 19200 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692- 5625 drdavislocksmith.com (See ad on page 32)


Clark Lumber Co. 11234 SW Tonquin Rd Sherwood 97140 (503) 692-0200 truevalue.com/clarklumber (See ad on page 30)

Lakeside Lumber 10600 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 635-3693 lakesidelumber.com


A & I Distributors

12350 SW Myslony St Tualatin 97062 (503) 905-2245 aidistributors.com

Cascade Coil Drapery 19505 SW 90th Ct Tualatin 97062 (971) 224-2188 cascadecoil.com

Folexport Inc. Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-8100 folex.net

Fujimi Corporation 11200 SW Leveton Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 682-7822

fujimi.com (See ad on pgae 32)

Gaylord Industries 10900 SW Avery St Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-2010 gaylordventilation.com

Helser Industries 10750 SW Tualatin Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-6909 helser.com

JAE Oregon, Inc 11555 SW Leveton Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-1333 jaeoregon.com

Kershaw Knives / KAI USA, Ltd 18600 SW Teton Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 682-1966 kershawknives.com

Key Knife, Inc. 19100 SW 125th Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 403-2000 keyknife.com

Lam Research 11155 SW Leveton Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 685-8345 lamresearch.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 31
Landscape Products • Cedar Chips • Bark Dust • Blended Soils • Decorative Rocks • Garden Mulches We Deliver! Blower Services - Let us do the work for you! Yard Debris Recycling Serving the Portland Metro Area Since 1929 grimmsfuel.com 503-692-3756 10% off Garden Mulch ONLY U-haul or Delivered Must present this ad to the driver.

Mecta Corp

19799 SW 95th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-6780 mectacorp.com

Mega Fluid Systems, Inc. dba Kinetics Equipment Solutions Group (KESG) 9398 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (971) 277-9000 kinetics.com

Milgard Windows

20789 SW 115th Ave Tualatin 97068 (503) 682-3270 milgard.com

Nortek Air Solutions 19855 SW 124th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 639-0113 nortekair.com

Pacific Metal Company

10700 SW Manhasset Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 454-1051 pacificmetal.com

Q Pacific Manufacturing Corporation 10005 SW Herman Road Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-0430 qpacmfg.com

SAM Medical

12200 SW Tualatin Rd Ste 200 Tualatin 97062 (503) 639-5474

sammedical.com (See ad on page 33)

SigmaStim International LLC 19799 SW 95th Ave Ste B Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-1881 sigmastim.com

Skedco, Inc. 10505 SW Manhasset Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-7909 skedco.com

Thermal Modification Technologies Inc. 19830 SW Teton Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 654-6511 thermalmodtech.com

TZ Medical, Inc. 17750 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Ste 150 Portland 97224 (800) 944-0187 cff.org

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com
19200 S.W. Martinazzi Ave. Tualatin • On Fred Meyer parking lot • M – F 8 – 5 Locked out? Lost Keys? Automotive •Lock Repair •Lockout Ser •High Security Keys •Transponder Keys •Lost Keys? Residential •Locks Changed •Locks Repaired •Deadbolts Installed •Patio and Window Security •Lost Keys Replaced Commercial •Re-keying/Master keying •Installs/Repairs •Store front door adjustment Commercial Hardware •Deadbolts – Entr y Locks •Blockers – Exit Devices •Door Closers Member #53964 Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB#182427 23½ Hour Emergency Service www.DRDavisLocksmith.com 503-692-LOCK (5625) Member #9105 D.R. DAVIS Lock & Safe, Inc. Commercial Billing Welcome Veteran owned | Veteran operated | Proud to be an American Locked out? Lost Keys? Digital Safe? Automotive • Lock Repair • Lockout Service • High Security Keys • Transponder Keys • Lost Keys? Residential • Locks Changed • Locks Repaired • Deadbolts Installed • Patio and Window Security • Lost Keys Replaced Commercial • Re-keying/Master keying • Installs/Repairs • Store front door adjustment 19200 S.W. Martinazzi Ave. Tualatin • On Fred Meyer parking lot • M – F 8 – 5 Veteran owned | Veteran operated | Proud to be an American Locked out? Lost Keys? Automotive •Lock Repair •Lockout Ser vice •High Security Keys •Transponder Keys •Lost Keys? Residential •Locks Changed •Locks Repaired •Deadbolts Installed •Patio and Window Security •Lost Keys Replaced Commercial •Re-keying/Master keying •Installs/Repairs •Store front door adjustment Commercial Hardware •Deadbolts – Entr y Locks •Blockers – Exit Devices •Door Closers Member #53964 Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB#182427 23½ Hour Emergency Service www.DRDavisLocksmith.com 503-692-LOCK (5625) Member #9105 D.R. DAVIS Lock & Safe, Inc. Commercial Billing Welcome 19200 S.W. Martinazzi Ave. Tualatin • On Fred Meyer parking lot • M – F 8 – 5 Veteran owned | Veteran operated | Proud to be an American Locked out? Lost Keys? Automotive •Lock Repair •Lockout Ser vice •High Security Keys •Transponder Keys •Lost Keys? Residential •Locks Changed •Locks Repaired •Deadbolts Installed •Patio and Window Security •Lost Keys Replaced Commercial •Re-keying/Master keying •Installs/Repairs •Store front door adjustment Commercial Hardware •Deadbolts – Entr y Locks •Blockers – Exit Devices •Door Closers Member #53964 Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB#182427 23½ Hour Emergency Service www.DRDavisLocksmith.com 503-692-LOCK (5625) Member #9105 D.R. DAVIS Lock & Safe, Inc. Commercial Billing Welcome Member #53964 Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB#182427 23½ Hour Emergency Service www.DRDavisLocksmith.com 503-692-LOCK (5625) D.R. DAVIS Lock & Safe, Inc. Commercial Billing Welcome Commercial Hardware • Deadbolts – Entry Locks • Blockers – Exit Devices • Door Closers SAVTA Member #9105 We Unlock, Repair & Change Combinations A powders and surfaces company Drawing on our extensive research and development capabilities, Fujimi has expanded from abrasives to a variety of ultraprecision ceramic powders and slurries for a number of industries including: semiconductor, aerospace, plastic lens, optics, multi-surfaces, abrasives, composite materials, 3D printing and functional materials. We help companies to enable their technologies to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

Veris Industries, LLC

12345 SW Leveton Dr Tualatin 97062 (800) 354-8556 veris.com

Warne Scope Mounts

9500 SW Tualatin Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 482-6707


Western Precision Products, Inc 21101 SW 115th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 786-8923 westernprec.com


Jane, Ink

Tualatin 97062 (503) 380-9941 janeink.com

Karlin McNiel 6815 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 939-9550

Musimack Marketing

6950 SW Hampton St Ste 323 Tigard 97223 (503) 737-4470



Zone Out Bodywork

7118 SW Hazel Fern Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 757-5086



KBNP Radio Inc

18925 SW 84th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 223-6769 kbnp.com

Pamplin Media Valley Times PO Box 22109 Portland 97269 (503) 684-0360 valleytimes.news

Tualatin Life PO Box 55 Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-9215 tualatinlife.com


Any Lab Test Now 19289 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 427-2169

Eye Focus Northwest

7485 SW Bridgeport Rd Tigard 97224 (971) 202-1932 eyefocusnw.com

Oregon Health DPC LLC

19365 SW 65th Ave Ste 209 Tualatin 97062 (503) 506-8500 oregonhealthdpc.com


SQ Merchant Services

15532 SW Pacific Hwy CIB Ste 235 Tigard 97224 (971) 225-7767 sqmerchantservices.com


Tufcoat / ProPowder 12345 SW Myslony Tualatin 97062 (503) 684-0508 tufcoat.com


All Pacific Mortgage 8100 SW Nyberg St Ste 295 Tualatin 97062 (503) 970-7701 allpacificmortgage.com

Cross Country Mortgage 5 Centerpointe Dr Lake Oswego 97035 (971)353-4636 crosscountrymortgage.com

OCCU - Oregon Community Credit Union 29990 SW Town Center Loop West Wilsonville 97070 (541) 681-6417 myoccu.org/locations/wilsonville

Nova Home Loans

309 SE 1st Ave Canby 97013 (425) 691-8793


18840 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 490-6404 portland398.prmgapp.com

Sierra Pacific Mortgage 4640 SW Macadam Ave Ste 90 Portland 97239 (971) 300-0495 lakeoswegolending.com


Berger Moving & Storage - Allied Van Lines 21918 SW Columbia Circle Tualatin 97062 (503) 866-7518 bergerallied.com

PDX Movers

19585 SW 118th Ave Ste 1 Tualatin 97062 (503) 746-8795 pdxmovers.com


Jeremiah Productions, LLC 23797 SW Everest Ct Sherwood 97140 (503) 757-7884 jeremiahproductions.com

The Glory Singers 23797 SW Everest Ct Sherwood 97140 (503) 407-3100 theglorysingers.org


Evergreen Gas Heating & Cooling 16385 SW Langer Dr Sherwood 97140 (503) 407-9542 evergreengas.net (See ad on page 1)


Community Partners for Affordable Housing P.O. Box 23206 Tualatin 97062 (503) 293-4038 cpahoregon.org

Community Warehouse 8380 SW Nyberg Rd Tualatin 97062 (503)347-2147 communitywarehouse.org

Five Oaks Museum 3300 NW 185th Ave Ste 260 Portland 97229 (503)645-5353 fiveoaksmuseum.org

Foundationfor Tigard/Tualatin Schools 6960 SW Sandburg Rd Tualatin 97062 (503)431-4024 the-ftts.org

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 33

Meals on Wheels People

13405 Sw Hall Blvd Tigard 97223 (503) 692-6767 mealsonwheelspeople.org

One World Brigade

18035 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd Tigard 97224 (802) 598-1112 oneworldbrigades.org

Oregon Manufacturers Extension Partnership (OMEP) 7650 SW Beveland St Ste 170 Portland 97223 (503) 707-4414 omep.org

Rolling Hills Community Church

3550 SW Borland Rd. Tualatin 97062 (503) 638-5900 rollinghills.org

State Senator Rob Wagner 900 Court St NE Salem 97301 (503) 705-4158

Tualatin Food Pantry

3550 SW Borland Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 783-0721 schoolhousepantry.org

Tualatin Historical Society

8700 SW Sweek Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-1926 tualatinhistoricalsociety.org

Tualatin Kiwanis Club 6224 SW Harrington Ave Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 939-0759 tualatinkiwanis.com

Tualatin Rotary Club P.O. Box 162 Tualatin 97062 (503) 570-2767 tualatinrotary.org

Tualatin Sustainability Network 20911 SW 103rd Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 360-2835 TuSN.org

Tualatin Together 21800 SW 91st Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 431-4151 tualatintogether.org

Tualatin VFW Post 3452 & Auxiliary 18820 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-1126 tualatinvfwaux.org

Winona Grange Ste 271 8340 Seneca St Tualatin 97062 (503) 430-8582 winonagrange271.org


Pacific Office Automation 14747 NW Greenbrier Pky Ste A Beaverton 97006 (503) 601-2331 pacificoffice.com


8795 Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-0500 staples.com


Sports Medicine Oregon

7300 SW Childs Rd, Suite B Tigard 97224 (503) 692-8700 sportsmedicineoregon.com


Pepiot Painting PO Box 2657 Tualatin 97062 (503) 313-7549 pepiotpainting.com

Sherwin Williams 8930 SW Old Tualatin Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-1293 sherwin-williams.com



9600 SW Oak Street Ste 380 Tigard 97223 (503) 245-0194 primepay.com/locations/portland-or


Allied Pest and Wildlife LLC 20947 SW 87th Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 810-3167 alliedpestandwildlife.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER 34 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com
Owner - Dennis Johnson 8879 SW CENTER ST. TIGARD OREGON 97223 8879 SW CENTER ST. TIGARD • 503-567-3443 Named 2023 Tigard Chamber Business of the Year Visit www.centerstreetgoldsilver.com to see current gold and silver prices and scrap calculations for your unwanted jewelry. Dennis has traded in the bullion and financial markets since 1976. Through his distinguished career as a commodities broker, Dennis has provided expert commentary and led financial workshops here in Oregon. We also trade in collector coins and estates. Locally owned and operated. Nationally competitive pricing.


NvHolden Photography

8565 SW Salish Lane Wilsonville 97070 (971) 645-9559 nvholden.com

RAP Drone Services

8728 SW Martinazzi Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 877-2754 rapdroneservices.com


The Oregon Clinic Gastroenterology-South 19250 SW 90th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3750 orclinic.com/GI


Graphic Expressions

12250 SW Myslony St Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-2646 graphic-expressions.net

NMotion Print 360

20565 SW 115th Ave Tualatin 97062 (855) 360-7746 nmotionprint360.com


Center Street Gold & Silver

8879 SW Center St Tigard 97223 (503) 567-3443


(See ad on page 34)


Jane, Ink Tualatin 97062 (503) 380-9941 janeink.com

MARCO Ideas Unlimited

7105 SW Varns St Ste 150 Portland 97223 (503) 620-0770



NJW Property Management LLC 8630 SW Scholls Ferry Rd Ste 201 Beaverton 97008 (971) 409-6735 njwpropertymgmt.com

Quest Property Management

200 SW Market St Ste 1860 Portland 97201 (503) 222-5402 questpropertymanagement.com


Synergy Orthotics & Prosthetics 19365 SW 65th Ave Ste 210 Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-9448 gosynergy.com/orthotics-prosthetics


Schnitzer Properties. LLC P.O. Box 2708 Tualatin 97062 (503) 242-2900 Schnitzerproperties.com


A Group Real Estate

18840 SW Boones Ferry Rd Ste 215 Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-5000


(See ad on inside front cover, 35)

Ben Richardson - Chastel Real Estate

Tualatin 97062 (530) 305-1593


Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (Janet Dalton)

3 Centerpointe Dr Ste 260 Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 502-4622


Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (Jeff Hjelte)

Three Centerpointe Dr Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 530-0774


CBRE, Inc.

1300 SW 5th Ave Ste 3000 Portland 97201 (503) 221-4822



15350 SW Sequoia Pkwy Ste 300 Portland 97224 (503) 624-6300 pactrust.com

Oldest Bar & Grill in Tualatin

New Hours: Sunday-Wednesday 7am-midnight Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7am-1:30am

Entertainment: Thursday: Live Music 8pm Friday & Saturday: Karaoke 8:30pm Full Menu Available All Day Long 18786 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin, OR 97062 (503) 692-2765 - cibarandgrill.com

Town, Served All Day

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 35
Celebrating 50Years! 1974to2024


Azuki Sushi Bar

18041 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 746-6858 azukisushibar.com

Baja Fresh Mexican Grill

17805 SW 65th Ave Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 620-6732 bajafreshlo.com

Bellagios Pizza

8835 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-7841 bellagiospizza.com

BRIX Tavern

8187 Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (971) 570-6071 brixtavern.com

Bunk Beer Hall 7333 SW Bridgeport Rd Tigard 97224 (971)371-2970 Bunkbeerhall.com

C.I. Bar & Grill

18786 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-2765 cibarandgrill.com (See ad on page 35)

G-Man Sports Bar

18791 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-8787 gmansportsbar.com

Lugano Cafe & Catering

18041 SW Lower Boones Ferry Rd, Unit 6 Tigard 97224 (503) 430-8097 luganocafecatering.com

Mashita Teriyaki Restaurant 18810 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 885-7661 mashitateriyaki.com

Stickmen Brewing Company 19475 SW 118th Ave Ste 1 Tualatin 97062 (503) 486-7196 stickmenbeer.com

Sunny's Diner

7107 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 658-9988 sunnysdiner.com

The Aloha Grill

19267 SW Martinazzi Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-9091 alohagrillor.com

Tualatin Station Bar & Grill

18770 SW Boones Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-0541 tualatinstation.net

Vitality Bowls

7935 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 482-5960 vitalitybowls.com/tualatin

Firehouse Subs

7665 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 454-0969 firehousesubs.com


Contract Furnishings Mart

10189 SW Avery St Tualatin 97032 (503) 471-9910 cfmfloors.com

Frazer Boutique

22350 SW Grahams Ferry Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 957-6777 ShopWithAngieF.com

Northwest Cannabis Company

17937 SW McEwan Rd Ste 200 Tigard 97224 (971) 634-4400 northwestcannabis.com

Pendleton 7347 SWBridgeport Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 624-8800 pendleton-usa.com

TGSW Antiques & Collectibles

17880 SW McEwan Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 572-9959

The Good Feet Store

7445 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 431-2420 goodfeetportland.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER 36 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com

Melior Refillery

16841 SW 65th Ave Lake Oswego 97035 (971) 441-9161 meliorrefillery.com


Mattress World Northwest

8861 SE Jannsen Rd Clackamas 97015 (503) 502-9622 mattressworldnorthwest.com


Columbia Roofing & Sheet Metal 18525 SW 126th Pl Tualatin 97062 (503) 684-9123 reroofnow.com

Pacific West Roofing, LLC

2900 Industrial Ave Hubbard 97032 (503) 635-8706 pacificwestroofing.com


Mitch Charter Schools 19550 SE 90th Ct. Tualatin 97062 (503) 639-5757 mitchcharterschool.org

Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J

6960 SW Sandburg St Tigard 97223 (503) 431-4000 ttsd.k12.or.us

(See ad on page 36)


Infinity Impressions LLC

20475 SW Avery Ct Tualatin 97062 (503) 344-3700 infinityimpressions.com

KadMark Inc 9540 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 575-7620 kadmark.com



7989 SW Cirrus Dr bldg 22 Beaverton 97008 (503) 888-3425 adt.com


US World Class Taekwondo 20194 SW 112th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 610-1369 kidslovetkd.com


Beaverton Lodge 12900 SW 9th St Beaverton 97005 (503) 646-0635 beavertonlodge.com (See ad on page xx)

Care And Keeping LLC 12218 SW Taylor Ct Portland 97225 (971) 330-4743 careandkeeping.com

Cohen Caregiving Support Consultants, LLC

PO BOX 3361 Tualatin 97062 (503) 522-8320 cohencaregivingsupport.com

Juanita Pohl Center 8513 SW Tualatin Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-3061 loavesandfishesonline.org

Oasis Senior Advisors 3224 Wild Rose Loop West Linn 97068 (971) 359-4236 oasissenioradvisors.com/portland-mid-valley


Courier Direct, Inc. 20150 SW 112th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-7800 courier-direct.com

TransPak 19695 SW 118th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-9780 transpak.com


Bridgeport Village LLC 7455 SW Bridgeport Rd Ste 215 Tigard 97224 (503) 968-8940 bridgeport-village.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 37
PRINTING SERVICES • Brochures • Postcards • Newsletters • Direct Mail Call Don Atwell 503-684-0360 datwell@pamplinmedia.com

Nyberg Rivers

7655 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 968-8940 centercal.com/nyberg-rivers

Nyberg Woods

7061 Nyberg Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 968-8940 shopnybergwoods.com



12176 SW Garden Pl Tigard 97223 (503) 244-8813 fastsigns.com

GISI Marketing Group

17300 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Ste 130 Portland 97224 (503) 598-0636 gisimarketing.com


A Storage Place of Tualatin

20255 SW Avery Ct Ste A Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-6700 astorageplace.com

Tote 'n Stow

10290 SW Tualatin Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-3930 totenstow.com

U-Haul Moving & Storage @ Lake Oswego

7100 SW McEwan Rd Lake Oswego 97035 (503) 777-5924 UHaul.com


Spacesaver Specialists, Inc.

9730 SW Herman Rd Tualatin 97062 (503) 612-2600 storageplanning.com


Life Vantage 7617 SW 74th Ave Portland 97223 (503) 970-0080 terribeardsley.lifevantage.com

Northwest Cannabis Company

17937 SW McEwan Rd Ste 200 Tigard 97224 (971) 634-4400 northwestcannabis.com


AccounTax of Oregon, Inc.

8050 SW Pfaffle St Ste 110 Tigard 97223 (503) 619-1040 accountaxoforegon.com

Tax Services, Inc.

7352 SW Durham Rd Tigard 97224 (503) 670-1940 tsitax.com


Fatbeam 2065 W Riverstone Dr Ste 202 Couer D Alene 83814 (509) 344-1008



Broadway Rose Theatre Company 12850 SW Grant Ave Tigard 97223 (503) 603-9862 broadwayrose.org


Ride Connection 8101 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 528-5650 rideconnection.org


101 SW Main St Ste 700 Portland 97201 (503) 235-7433 trimet.org


Clean Water Services 2550 SW Hillsboro Highway Hillsboro 97123 (503) 681-3600 cleanwaterservices.org

NW Natural

20285 SW Cipole Rd. Sherwood 97140 (503) 226-4211 nwnatural.com (See ad on page 7)

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER 38 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com
E M E R G E N C Y V E T E R I N A R Y C L I N I C O F T U A L A T I N 8250 SW TONKA STREET TUALATIN 503.691.7922 Open 24/7 including: nights, holidays & weekends Follow us on Facebook! @EVCOT

Portland General Electric

121 SW Salmon - 1WTC-0301 Portland 97204 (503) 228-6322



Emergency Veterinary Clinic of Tualatin

8250 SW Tonka St Tualatin 97062 (503) 691-7922 evcot.com (See ad on page 38)


Lucid Creative Company

19584 SW 67th Ave Tualatin 97062 (503) 610-3929 lucidcreativecompany.com


Tualatin Chamber of Commerce

8101 SW Nyberg St Tualatin 97062 (503) 692-0780 tualatinchamber.com

Washington County Visitors Association

12725 SW Millikan Wy Ste 210 Beaverton 97005 (503) 644-5555 oregonswashingtoncounty.com


Musimack Marketing

6950 SW Hampton St Ste 323 Tigard 97223 (503) 737-4470 musimackmarketing.com

Tualatin Web, LLC

10440 SW Kellogg Dr Tualatin 97062 (503) 852-1662 tualatinweb.com


Oregon Pure Shine 2048 NE HWY 99W McMinnville 97128 (503) 875-8320 oregonpureshine.com


Blakeslee Vineyard Estate 20875 SW Chapman Rd Sherwood 97140 (503) 625-6902 blakesleevineyard.com

Lachini Vineyards

19930 SW 112th Ave Tualatin 97062 (888) 703-0007 lachinivineyards.com

Tumwater Reserve, LLC

485 SW Barrel House Way West Linn 97068 (503) 454-0208 tumwatervineyard.com

Gold Boxes indicate GOLD MEMBER Blue Boxes indicate PLATINUM MEMBER www.tualatinchamber.com | TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE 39
40 TUALATIN BUSINESS, COMMUNITY & VISITOR GUIDE | www.tualatinchamber.com Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Susan Noack Secretary Chamber BOD President BAC Business Advocacy Council Roy Rogers Washington County Commissioner Robert Kellogg Attorney and Tri-Met Board Member Stu Peterson Macadam Forbes KJ Lewis Portland General Electric Nina Carlson NW Natural David Hughes Legacy Meridian Park Hospital Travis Comfort Republic Services of Clackamas/WA Counties Kent Drangsholt TGSW Antiques & Collectibles Don Pearson Northwest Cannabis Company Jane Larsen Creative Director Jane Ink 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Anneleah Jaxen CEO Tualatin Chamber of Commerce Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Karlin McNiel Secretary Willie Fisher College Business Solutions CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Kristin Bauer Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Secretary Fisher Investments Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis Anneleah Jaxen TUALATIN CHAMBER AMBASSADORS TUALATIN CHAMBER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Riley Anderson Chair Academy Mortgage Corp. Karlin McNiel Secretary Fisher Investments Willie Fisher Clackamas Community College Business Solutions 2024 TUALATIN DIRECTORY CONTRIBUTORS Jeff Hjelte Berkshire Hathaway NW Real Estate Rod Friesen Cherry Creek Mortgage Jane Larsen Jane Ink Selena English NW Cannabis Danny Mancia Riverview Bank Daniel Lacy Dr. Car Cast Christine Lam Financial Investment Team Matthew Tabor Westpac Wealth Partners Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Ben Richardson Chastel Real Estate Jorjia Fields Unitus Community Credit Union Kristin Bauer Pacific West Bank Naomi Williams Thryv BAC Business Advocacy Council Susan Noack Chair Chamber BOD President List of Names HEALTH & WELLNESS COMMITTEE Bill Cohen Cohen Caregiving Terri Beardsley Life Vantage Amanda Ballard Oasis Senior Advisor Alma Manera Eye Focus NW Selena English NW Cannabis
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