Spring 2014

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YOU! spring issue 2014

A product of Pure Design Ministries

Letter from Pam Lozano executive director Dear Designers!

As we head into another spring season, we are so excited about this issue entitled “Celebrating YOU!” It is all about enjoying being female and how God has uniquely created every one of us. Being a girl has its challenges, but there are also some pretty amazing things about it! Some of us may be “girly-girls” who love to dress up and bedazzle everything. Others are sporty and love being tough and athletic. Still others are studious and enjoy reading a novel or looking up facts or writing. YOU may be a combination of all three. No matter who you are or what you are like, we want to Celebrate YOU!!! Much of the fashion and media industry try to shove women into categories telling us what we should be, how we should look, and what we should be interested in. If we are not a size 2 or smaller, we are overweight. If we are not 5’6”, we are short. If we do not like fashion, we are weird. The lists go on and on. So we often feel fat, ugly and unpopular. These labels do not encourage unique and individualized thinking or living. We are all special - full of dreams, vision, hopes and aspirations. This is what makes the world a diverse and interesting place to live in. Have you ever gone to the mall and sat there to watch people? It can be so much fun!! You see a variety of skin tones, heights, weight, fashion sense, personalities or styles. This makes life fun and exciting. Imagine how boring the world would be if we all looked alike, dressed alike and acted the same. Yet this is exactly what society tries to get us to do – fit into a mold they have created. As we Celebrate YOU, we want to uncover some false truths and reveal traps we can fall into when we are not able to love ourselves. When we do not embrace who we are, we become insecure and lack confidence. Often this becomes a downward spiral leading to harmful ways of thinking that cause us to want to escape the reality of our lives. We hope to turn your focus and attention to the positive side of being able to embrace who you are inside and out. Psalm 139: 13-14 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” God designed every one of us before we were even born. It says He knit us together! I have never been able to knit, but I have tried. It is a very intricate and purposeful process. It is detailed and takes a lot of time. This scripture implies that God didn’t just “throw us together”. He had specific things in mind when he created YOU. He chose your eye color, hair color, facial features, your height, your personality – and He did it all on purpose. We may not fully understand why God created us the way He did, but we have to trust He knew what He was doing, and that is what He wanted. When we embrace that fact, we are able to like ourselves a whole lot more. Thank you again for supporting our magazine and all that we do! Please continue to share this publication with your family and friends. YOU are our biggest asset and can help Pure Design to grow as you spread the word!

Affirming His Design,

Pam Lozano

Founder/Executive Director


Mallory Leigh Fry is a 27

Gabrielle is a 14

year old Mary Kay Director In Qualification. She is married and a mother of one daughter living in Dayton, Ohio. Mallory joined Mary Kay Cosmetics in April 2013 to become a woman of confidence and integrity to set a great example for her daughter. www.marykay.com/mfry1016

Thanks to store owner Amy Winter and store manager Libby Hoffman for allowing us to use De De & Dolly’s Boutique for our fashion/cover photo shoot! Photo by Gary Gardiner. De De & Dolly Boutique 34 North State Street Westerville, OH 43081 www.facebook.com/ DeDeandDollyBoutique.

Samantha is a 13 year old 8th grade student at Veritas Academy.

year old freshman who is homeschooled. She is obsessed with boy bands and recently joined the team as a hair designer for events and fashion photo shoots.

Thanks to the owners of Heavenly Cup for allowing us to use Heavenly Cup for our team photo shoot! Heavenly Cup LLC
25 N. State St.
Westerville, OH 43081
Hours: 7am-8pm Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm Saturdays, closed on Sundays
www.heavenly-cup. com
Heavenly Cup LLC on Facebook and Twitter

She has done makeup for theater groups, church ministries and photographers. She loves doing makeup because it lets her express who she is and brings out the true beauty in others. She comments “I believe every girl is beautiful with or without makeup and I really think makeup adds to your confidence and helps you shine.”

Table of Contents spring 4 fun 5team! 7 beauty...

meet the

deeper than skin

11 local artisans 14 senior 21 guy


23 spring soiree 37 beauty unveiled 39 a deeper look at you 45 my space 47 behind the scenes pure design


March 1 - Peanut Butter Lover’s Day and Share a Smile Day March 2 - Old Stuff Day March 3 - National Anthem Day March 9 - National Agriculture Day March 10 - Middle Name Pride Day March 12 - Plant a Flower Day March 13 - Jewel Day March 14 - Learn about Butterflies Day March 14 - Popcorn Lover’s Day March 17 - Saint Patrick’s Day March 20 - International Earth Day March 24 - National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day March 25 - Waffle Day March 26 - Make Up Your Own Holiday Day 30 - Take a Walk in the Park Day March 31 - Easter


April 1 - April Fool’s Day April 2 - National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day April 5 - Cinco de Mayo April 6 - National Tourist Appreciation Day April 8 - Draw a Picture of a Bird Day April 10 - National Siblings Day April 14 - International Moment of Laughter Day April 15 - Titanic Remembrance Day April 18 - National High Five Day April 22 - National Jelly Bean Day April 27 - Tell a Story Day April 28 - Great Poetry Reading Day April 30 - Hairstyle Appreciation Day


May 1 - May Day and Loyalty Day May 8 - No Socks Day May 12 - Mother’s Day May 13 - Frog Jumping Day May 14 - Dance Like a Chicken Day May 15 - National Chocolate Chip Day May 18 - International Museum Day and Visit Your Relatives Day May 20 - Pick Strawberries Day May 25 - Tap Dance Day May 28 - Memorial Day May 30 - Water a Flower Day

Spring Fun

Meet the Pure Design Team!

Pam founder, executive director Kate art appreciator, fitness buff

Caeilen fashion guru

Katelin media enthusiast

Avery photo director assistant

Introducing Ashley Paul! Ashley is a designer with a huge passion for outdoor living, traveling, and dedicating time to helping others. Outside of designing, she is always learning new fine art techniques, reading, or writing about her adventures.

Hannah photographer, design apprentice

Nicole publicist, events coordinator

Olivia prop and fashion assistant

Maddie thriftaholic, master crafter

Katherine crafting assistant

Carrie editor, designer

Ruth photo director

Laura fashion mentor

Morgan editor, designer

Sarah editor, designer

Kerry creative writer

Sophia photographer, editor, designer

Natalie marketing director, copy editor

Beauty... Deeper than Skin By Kerry Merchant

Reflecting the Creator in everyday life, our work, our art, our passions; this is one of many aspects that Pure Design Magazine has managed to capture through the team that works so tirelessly to create it. I too believe in reflecting the creator’s work through my art. I want to convey the world through God’s eyes and because of this; I am led to believe that God knew what he was doing when he created each and every one of us. I believe that God has created women as a wonderful work of art in his image. We are daughters of the king no matter our size, shape, or skin color. As a result, I struggle when I see other artists portraying women with unrealistic and unachievable expectations. One industry that does this particularly well is the modeling world. A little about me; I just happen to be 5’9” and weigh about 120 pounds. I have always been tall and skinny. In fact, I used to get made fun of because I was TOO skinny in middle school. I was frequently called scrawny and scarecrow. I hated my body type because I thought it was not what other people would prefer. As time went on, I learned to embrace it. I took some advice I received and sent my picture along with my sizes to a few modeling agencies in Denver, Colorado where I currently live. I did not expect much but figured, “Hey,

I’m tall and skinny—so why not”. I certainly did not expect the response I got: “Dear Miss Merchant. Thank you for considering our modeling agency. Unfortunately your sizes do not match what we need in our models. Perhaps, work on sizing down from your current size.” When I received this e-mail I stared at my computer in shock. I am a size four in jeans. Is that not an “okay size”? In order for me to size down, I would have to lose even more weight. Something my doctor told me specifically NOT to do this past summer. In fact, I had even been instructed to gain at least five pounds! Frustrated, I promptly shut down my computer. Looking back, I know that my beauty comes from more than what waist size I am, and so does yours. Unfortunately, visionary art is not the only creative form that portrays beauty in women only skin deep. The music industry leans towards promoting women this way as well. It seems like every day when I turn on my radio I hear lyrics promoting tight clothes, beautiful women and bikinis. What I find most interesting is that the only imagery used to describe these women is their bodies. How nice her legs are or how the clothes she has on accentuate her body perfectly. It really is all one dimensional. But God is not a one dimensional creator,

“Do not let your adoring be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adoring be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” 1 Peter 3:3-4

and since he created women in his image; neither are we. According to 1 Peter 3:3-4 we are told, “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious”. Now, this does not mean do not wear jewelry or braid your hair, but it DOES mean that a gentle and quiet spirit is much more important to God then outward beauty. I am a woman that has talents, dreams, and a creative voice. I do not want to be on the cover of a magazine if it means altering my body in an unhealthy way or only focusing on my outward beauty. I do want to inspire young women to change the images and messages the media is sending us, and start to portray themselves the way God intended. Whatever you want to do or be, do it in the way God intended you to portray yourself as part of his creation rather than trying to make yourself fit a mold of what society tells you that you should be. The good news is you are already subscribing yourself to beauty that is much more than skin deep! You are reading an issue of this magazine which encourages you and inspires you to be who God created

you to be. You probably have already looked through some of the fashion photos of Pure Design too, which hopefully is helping you to see what true beauty looks like! There are many other artists out there who also embody what true beauty looks and sounds like. One I suggest is Sarah Haze. She has written a wonderful song called Lovely. Her lyrics go something like this: “Cause I, I feel lovely Just the way that I am Yes I feel lovely The way that I am” She is just one of many incredible female artists I enjoy listening to. Lastly, I want to tell you that God has created you to be more than what the media shows us to be. Do not be discouraged! I know that God has given you gifts and talents that He wants you to use. He has a purpose and a plan for your life that is as unique and individual as you are! Do not allow the portrayal of women by the media hinder your future as a wonderfully talented and gifted daughter of the one true king. See yourself through God’s eyes.


Donations needed We are looking for several people and businesses to partner with us financially in order to continue publishing Pure Design Magazine as a FREE online product!!! We need both one-time donations and on-going monthly partners!!

Family Matters Winter Issue 2012

Won’t you consider making a positive impact in the lives of young teenage girls by becoming a Partner? Any and all contributions made to the magazine go directly towards the costs incurred to publish future issues. Pure Design Magazine is published entirely by a team of volunteers who donate their time and talents to produce a quality magazine that is well written and designed! Pure Design Ministries is a nonprofit 501C3 organization. This means your donations to Pure Design may be deemed tax deductible if approved by the IRS. Donations can be done ONLINE via paypal on the Pure Design Ministries website at: puredesignministries.com. Go to the bottom of the home page, click on “join our team”, then

click on “donate today”. Fill out your amount and make your donation. Send an email to pam@ puredesignministries.com noting that your donation goes towards the magazine. Cash or checks can be mailed to: Pure Design Ministries – P.O. Box 123 Sunbury, Ohio 43074. Please write the check to Pure Design Ministries, but designate Magazine in the memo or on the envelope. Thank you for your generosity! Your donations will allow us to further expand and grow our team. If you have any questions, please contact our Founder/Executive Director, Pam Lozano at pam@puredesignministries.com

Peanut Butter Cups by Kate D. Ingredients:

- 3/4 cup of peanut or other nut butter - 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips


- Mini cupcake pan - Mini cupcake liners - Spoon



1. Line mini-cupcake pans with mini-cupcake liners. 2. In a microwave-safe bowl melt the chocolate chips, stirring every 15 seconds until fully melted to prevent burning the chocolate. 3. Using a melon baller or icecream scoop, pour a little bit of the melted chocolate into each cup until it is a little under halfway full. 4. With clean hands, roll the peanut butter into small balls and distribute the peanut butter into the cups, one ball per cup. 5. Pour the remaining chocolate into the cups, covering the peanut butter and bottom layers of chocolate. 6.Cover cupcake pan(s) and place in fridge to harden the peanut butter cups. 7. Enjoy, and share!

Local Amanda


Amanda is a 10th grade high school student at Olentangy Orange High. She has loved art ever since she was young and hopes to pursue it in the future. She is self taught and has never had formal lessons. She draws from inspiration in the world around her. She takes the images she sees and applies her art to it. She is eager for opportunities to boost her artistic career.


Isabella is a fourteenyear-old artist living in Ohio. She adores seeking out vintage treasures, gathering inspiration from nature, and indulging in art. In everything she does, she strives to reflect the beauty of her Savior.


Directions Ingredients

2 eggs 1/2 cup butter 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 Coconut Flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking powder (Optional Additions) 1 Cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 3/4 Cup White chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour an 8 inch square pan. 2. In a large saucepan, melt 1/2 cup butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, eggs, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat in 1/3 cup cocoa, 1/2 cup flour, salt, and baking powder. (Optional) Mix in 1/2 cup of semi-sweet and 1/2 cup of white chocolate chips. Spread batter into prepared pan 3. Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Do not overcook. 4. (Optional) Several minutes before removing brownies from oven, mix together remaining chocolate chips and pour evenly over top of brownies.


My borrowed strapless dress was so tight I could barely breathe.

Bright red lipstick announced to the world my 5-year orthodontic sentence was now over. In my self-absorption, I was completely unaware that all of heaven was probably screaming, screeching, and clanging whatever could be clanged in order to get my attention and keep me from the train wreck that was about to happen. But I was deaf to it. I heard nothing but the ring of the doorbell. A blur of tuxedo, corsage, and a camera flash… then I unsuspectingly drove away with a boy I didn’t know to my senior prom. Let me back up. This boy was a solution to a problem I had. It started when my name was announced over the school loudspeaker as a nominee for prom queen. Weeks and weeks went by without a single prospect for a date to the big dance. No one was asking me. It was embarrassing, and I was starting to get a little desperate. Okay… a lot desperate. How stupid would I feel to go by myself… or worse, to not go at all? No way, I thought. All I could see was humiliation ahead. I needed help. A friend suggested a blind date with a guy he knew. Why not? I had seen him around school a few times. We had friends in common, but had never even spoken to one another. He seemed like a Christian boy (okay, I didn’t ask, but he didn’t seem um… especially non-Christian or anything). It’s just one date, a little dinner, a little dancing, what could go wrong? Never once did it occur to me to ask God what He thought of the whole idea. I asked my girlfriends, of course. I wanted to know what they thought of Mr. Hottie-Face. The poll of peer “wisdom” proved unanimous… GO FOR IT.

So, I went to prom with someone I barely knew. He was nice, even a gentleman. And I was stupid and needy, and clingy. I didn’t get the prom queen crown, which didn’t bother me because my security was in the fact that I had escaped expected humiliation by landing a date with a good-looking guy. Although that particular night ended with nothing more than a simple kiss, it was a kiss that sent me wildly off course in my heart for a very long time. Senior prom night was the beginning of a relationship that lasted into college and eventually started heading towards marriage. Not as romantic as it sounds. Those years were the most spiritually confusing years of my life. I was totally out of God’s will… I was living in straight-up rebellion and I knew it. I knew I couldn’t marry this boy as promised, but I loved the

The Do-Over

In the months that followed, my heart changed radically as I repented of my sin. I broke off the relationship, as brutal as that felt, and began to hear God speak to me again. I finally felt clear direction from the Lord about things I had been very confused about before. I was able to sense His leading to work for a specific ministry after college graduation, which was where I eventually met my Jesse (who became my sweet husband years later). I remember being at a post office and writing the date at the top of a check¬—instantly I realized it was the date I had once set to marry my previous boyfriend. I burst into tears, right there in the line for my stamps. I knew God had delivered me (and him!) from a disastrous future. Instead of being in a white

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. Romans 8:5 way he seemed to love me. I had trusted friends who spoke hard truths to me about the relationship, but I refused to listen. My heart grew further and further away from the Lord as my relationship with this young man grew more intense emotionally and physically. Through it all, I was a wreck. I was convicted at every turn but too afraid to give up and give in to God. Finally, at my best friend’s wedding, I had a miraculous intervention by the Holy Spirit. As I watched the bride and groom pledge their lives to each other for the King and the Kingdom, I realized this type of celebrated and Godly relationship was not in my future because I was disobeying God. I went from that wedding ceremony with the resolve to not throw away God’s destiny for me, and to not be part of helping someone else do the same. I wanted a do-over.

dress, about to pledge my life to the wrong man…on that fateful day, I bought stamps, had an uneventful afternoon, watched a movie, and fell asleep in the apartment I rented by myself with a very clear conscience and a sense of destiny. Some may say that things all worked out in the long run, so who cares if I was in a wrong relationship for a couple of years? I am convinced that God’s perfect will for me was to meet my husband without the baggage I obtained through that long season of disobedience. Although I had fully repented, it would take me five years into my marriage to work through the strongholds that had formed in my mind because of the moral compromises I had allowed myself to make.

Small Choices Matter

So you see, my prom date choice really did matter. Unfortunately, it was a choice I made with insecurity and fear, not with the clarity of the Holy Spirit. I was the poster child for the first half of Romans 8:5, “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh.” I also made my prom date choice without any sort of covering or wisdom from parents and leaders, which pretty much illustrates the truth of Proverbs 15:22, “Plans fail without good advice.” #FAIL Many people view certain choices as hinging on their own responsibility, and others–the biggies–as ones to get God involved in. It’s like they’re saying, “Thanks, big guy… I got this one.” How does that work when each choice you make leads to bigger and higher-stake choices down the road? Sadly, I know girls who made similar choices with boys they barely know, which ended in far worse tragedy than a few years of disobedience. Rape, pregnancy, abortion, single motherhood... issues like these are life-changing, often with daily reminders of the pain. Small choices matter. And they are the easiest ones to make. Handle the small choices well, and you will set yourself up for success when making the big choices. Best-selling author and founder of Freedom in Christ Ministries, Neil Anderson, wrote, “Apart from the Holy Spirit in your life, the greatest power you possess is the power to choose.”

SMART GIRL, stupid world



Sarah Siegand

SarahSiegand SmartGirlStupidWorld

The choices women make during the critical years of adolescence and early adulthood often have life-long consequences. Godly wisdom is their weapon and hope. Written in a format perfect for small groups and mentoring relationships, Smart Girl Stupid World is a daring call to wisdom for an emerging generation.

Sarah Siegand is the author of Smart Girl, Stupid World: Choosing Right in a World Gone Wrong. She has a degree in Technical Journalism and is currently on staff for a leading ministry to hurting young women. She lives in Nashville, TN where she does her most important work as a wife and mom of two boys.

www.smartgirlstupidworld.com SarahSiegand SmartGirlStupidWorld

available at Amazon



For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because

I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

your works are wonderful I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. Psalm 139: 13-15

Taylor Swift 22 The Fray Love Don’t Die Cyndi Lauper Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Ingrid Michelgon Be OK Little Richard Tutti Fruitti Abba Dancing Queen Matt Kearney Hey Mama Colbie Caillat Bubbly Little Mix Wings

Frank Sinatra My Kind of Town

Cruisin’ TUNES

Life Changing Reads! As you continue to walk with the Lord, books on spiritual growth can be a huge help! Here are three amazing books to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.

Confident – by Carol Sallee This Lifeway Bible study is great for teen girls. If you struggle with confidence – this book study is for you!! It is filled with scriptures, self-examining questions, and provoking quotes and stories that will inspire you and encourage you to be a more confident teen girl. Mom’s this is a great book to encourage your daughter to go through.

Just Like Jesus – by Max Lucado God loves us all just the way we are, but He desires that we continue to grow in our walk with Jesus to become more like Him. This book challenges you to begin to see, walk and live like Christ did. Max Lucado’s simple writing style makes it an easy read. Thought provoking questions end each chapter. It is a great read for individuals or small group Bible studies.

The Unquenchable Worshipper – by Matt Redman If you have a heart for worship – this book is for you! This small, easy read is written by the amazing yet humble worship leader, Matt Redman. Matt fills this book with several key things that speak directly to those who desire to be in any position of leading worship. But even for those who simply love worship, it is an inspiring read. He shares how to be a worshipper who is unquenchable, unstoppable, undignified and undone!

Elijah Knapp is a 16 year old homeschooled Junior. Elijah enjoys songwriting, reading classic fiction and philosophy, and contributing a community blogging project called “The Inkwell”. Check out his blog at inkwellproject.wix.com/blog.

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PD: When you are friends with a girl, how important is it to you that she dresses modestly around you? EK: I think it’s really, really important. Guys tend to objectify women without really thinking about it and when the choice is made to dress modestly it makes it a lot easier to focus on the friendship and not start thinking the wrong way.

PD: What are you most drawn to in a girl? Or what would make you want to be friends with a girl? EK: The thing that makes a girl stand out to me the most is when she has genuine passion. I know so many young women who have kind of shut down their passion for anything substantial and resolved to simply fit in. When a girl is willing to stand out because she’s passionate about her faith and life as a whole it’s really attractive.

Pure Design Guy is a NEW article we will feature in various issues to gain a “guy’s perspective” on different topics that relate to teen girls. We will typically choose a teen guy that is a friend of one of our team members and ask him several questions that can be helpful to high school girls.

Our team would love to hear from you, our readers, for questions and topics you might want to have in future issues of Pure Design. Simply submit your thoughts by email at pam@puredesignministries.com or leave us a FB message on our Pure Design Teen Mag. Facebook page.


PD: What does it say to you when a girl dresses immodestly? EK: The signal that I tend to get is a certain level of insecurity or conformity. Usually it seems to reveal an underlying need to be noticed for your appearance, rather than being confident in yourself as a person. It also looks like the girl does not have enough spunk to stand up to the immodest or ungodly, but is instead just trying to be like everyone else.


PD: What encouragement would you give to girls who are truly seeking out a real friendship with a guy? EK: If you are genuinely just trying to build a friendship and are not interested in some kind of relationship, it is really important to not seem like you are interested. There is a big difference between the fluffy, flirty girls and the ones who really put time into friendship. I would say that you should be wise to choose the latter option and leave the emotional games at the door.

PD: What is one thing you wish girls “got” about guys? EK: Believe it or not, guys are actually super emotional beings. I think that girls tend to assume that guys cannot understand emotion or do not really have feelings. When guys believe that girls are convinced that they are unemotional it makes it hard for us to break out of that mold and show the softer side of masculinity.


“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” -C.S. Lewis


PD: What qualities are most important to you in friends that are girls? EK: There are a few super essential things. The first one is that they are not focused on getting attention or being flirtatious, but are really striving to please Jesus. The second is that they have chosen to stand up for something that’s bigger than looks, fashion, or the latest gossip. I love having female friends who really hold the ability to challenge me in my faith by their actions and words.

PD: How does it make you feel when girls flirt with you? EK: Of course my natural reaction is to see flirting as a confidence booster, but when I’m trying really hard to pursue a genuine friendship and a girl is playing emotional games, it becomes hard to have any real interaction. I tend to be wary of flirtatious girls because it can be confusing to figure out what they are actually trying to say and is kind of tiring.


Spring Soiree

FLOWER POWER Opposite page: In spring, it’s all about mixing fun patterned tops with cute accessories! Try a fun flower clip or pearl headband. Accent with a pop of color in your necklace or add a lace collar.

STARRY EYED Don’t be afraid to mix pastels and bright colors together. Opt for softer bottoms with a patterned top and slip on shoes that shine bright!

RACING STRIPES Try playing with basic black and white pieces. Mix in subtle colored accessories and statement jeans!

TRIBAL FLAIR Take a plain top to the next level with a tribal hi-low skirt. Add some funk with highheeled wedges!

CORAL CUES Spring is the perfect time to bring in summer pastels. Whether it’s dressy or sporty, every skin tone works with this fabulous hue!

ALL LACED UP Go for a bold statement with a lace top over a plain white tank and add a splash of color. If it’s a school day or a fun hang out with friends, top it all off with another print on your kicks and you’re ready to conquer anything!

Beauty Unveiled

By Pam Lozano

Do you remember the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” where Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, Lion and Tin Man make their way to the Emerald City to meet the Wizard? Upon their arrival, they are greeted by the “great and powerful Oz” who loudly asks them what they have come for. Full of fear, one by one they take a step forward and ask for what they need from him. Suddenly, Toto makes his way over to the curtain and pulls it back unveiling the truth about the Wizard. The Wizard is not so great and powerful after all! He is simply a man behind a curtain with smoke and a loud speaker making him seem powerful and grand. Once Dorothy and the gang see the truth, they realize the Wizard is no different than any of them. He is a fake, trying to fill a role that others in the kingdom have needed him to be. Much of the beauty industry is exactly the same. Most of what we see in magazines, movies, television commercials and ads are illusions created by designers to make something look more attractive and appealing to viewers. Women are made to look thinner, taller, bustier, more sculpted, more athletic and sexy to create an appeal to those who view them. Magazines take photos of actresses and models and photo shop, crop, edit, enhance, changing eye and hair color, elongating necks, raising eye brows and thinning out noses in an attempt to allure and draw attention to an otherwise “average” girl.

these things, why does it still have an effect on how we think and feel about ourselves and the way we look? Why do we continue trying to be something that is literally impossible because it is not REAL? We become depressed and apathetic with ourselves as we thumb through the pages of publications. We remain bound up in lies that we do not look like the models in Teen Vogue or Seventeen, but the truth is – neither do the models! We cannot try to become something that is fake and not real. Scripture says that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by a God who loves us and who took time to fashion and form every one of us. We are all perfectly unique inside and out, and God designed it to be that way. You are the way God made you ON PURPOSE.

Actresses have come out and said they do not even recognize themselves when they see a picture on the cover of a magazine or ad. They admit their thighs are not that thin, their abs are not that tight and their chest is not that big. Their cellulite, zits and scars have magically vanished so they look “perfect”; setting them apart from the rest of the women in the world.

We all know that pictures say a thousand words, so rather than describing what the media does to create illusions, we thought we would demonstrate it here in this article. We took a stock photo from stock.xchng™ and purposefully allowed our designer to radically change her look. We wanted to demonstrate just how far editing, proofing and Photoshopping images can go. Our editor, Sophia, took this photo and edited it dramatically to show what some magazines go through to create the “perfect image”.

Some of what we are sharing in this article may not be news to you. But, if we already know the truth about

Take a look and judge for yourself at the amazing transformation!

Step-by-Step Transformation...

As you can see, with modern technology and computers, it is possible to create whatever look you desire. Our challenge is this: the next time you walk through a grocery store line or go to buy a fashion magazine, take a moment to remember what you see is just an illusion. Many hours have gone into that one image to stir an emotional response within you. Will the picture you see have power over you or will you realize the only thing real in this moment is you?



“God’s definition of what matters is pretty straightforward. He measures our lives by how we love.” ― Francis Chan

Song of Solomon 4:7 You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.

1 Samuel 16:7

“Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” Bob Pierce

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” Kahlil Gibran

1 John 3:1 - See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.


“We are beautiful because we are sons and daughters of God, not because we look a certain way.” Kate Wicker

“A gir l shoul d b e tW o things: W HO an d W HAT she w an ts. ” - Coco Chan el

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Proverbs 30:31 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.


“Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are.” ― Markus Zusak photo courtesy of sxc.hu user african fi




Katelin PD: What do you absolutely NOT like about yourself?


KC: I absolutely do not like my legs. They are so big and really just annoy me. I wish they were smaller. I feel like they are huge and I just can’t stand how clumsy they are!

PD: Have you ever noticed anything beautiful about your INNER SELF when standing in front of the mirror? Why/Why not??


KC: I’m not sure if I notice these things when I look in the mirror, but I love that I care about others and that I do not judge others. I love being a role model to girls who are younger than me. I love to make people laugh and to entertain anyone who will pay attention!!


Katelin is a homeschooled sophomore in high school. She loves music, acting and modeling. She enjoys writing and playing soccer.

PD: What do you LIKE about yourself?


KC: I absolutely love my freckles because they are just on my nose and cheekbones and people find that really adorable. They also cover up blemishes so I just love them.


PD: What do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror?

KC: Sometimes I feel confused, because I know I am beautiful, but I never feel beautiful. I feel happy and sad because I know who I am but I still try to be like others, so I’m never truly happy with myself. I keep pushing myself to be like this person or that person, and it never works out so I pray and pray to see who I am myself.


PD: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

KC: I would change my obnoxious personality because sometimes I am really loud at the wrong times and I feel really rude about it afterwards. I would also like to change my hair, it’s naturally curly and so it is really annoying and hard to take care of. I straighten it a lot so that it’s easier to comb out, but my hair is just a pain!

PD: What inner qualities do you like about yourself?


KC: One inner qualitiy I like about myself is that I am very friendly and nice with everyone. I am always there for others and help them out when they need it. I love to make people happy when they are sad. I am also pretty confident!

It is often really hard to fully embrace the scripture on the next spread and THANK God for the way He made us. We ALL have things we do not like about ourselves. But if we really believe this scripture, that God took time to fully design the way we are, we should be thankful and grateful for everything about ourselves inside and out. That rarely is the case! To help you see you aren’t the only one who struggles with things about yourself, we asked a few of our Pure Design Team Members to candidly answer the following questions. Take a look at what each of them said and compare them to some answers you might have given if we had interviewed YOU!


PD: What do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror?

KT: I feel peace with myself and what I look like when I look in the mirror. I know that I am not perfect, but God created me and loves me. I do not feel as insecure as I used to when I was younger. I know that I am loved no matter what I look like.

PD: Have you ever noticed anything beautiful about your INNER SELF when standing in front of the mirror? Why/Why not??


KT: When I look in the mirror, I see confidence and patience in the expression on my face and in the way I carry myself. I know that I am loved. I see more than my face when I look into a mirror because I know myself on the inside better than on the outside. I am more aware of my mind and what I am thinking because I think and talk to myself more often than I look into the mirror. I know the confidence I have is because of my relationship with Jesus, but I am grateful I realize it.


Katherine is a freshman in high school who loves to be creative in a variety of ways. She loves crafting in general, but specifically enjoys sewing, knitting/crocheting, and paper crafts. She also enjoys listening to music, singing and playing a few instruments. She is also a lover and follower of Jesus.

PD: What do you absolutely NOT like about yourself?


KT: The most frustrating thing about my physical appearance, for me is my oily skin. It causes trouble with acne. I have trouble keeping my skin clear of oil and my acne gets worse if I am not careful and it bothers me.

PD: What inner qualities do you like about yourself?


KT: I am a calm and practical person. When I have trouble with something, I am able to look at the problem logically and figure it out. I don’t panic and if I forget something. I am sensible with my time and belongings as well.


PD: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

KT: I would change my oily skin and hair. It is obvious when my hair is oily. Both my skin and hair are shiny when they are oily. Then my acne gets worse.


PD: What do you LIKE about yourself?

KT: I like my eyes; they change shades depending on what color I am wearing. Most of the time they are blue, but they can be green or grey at times when I wear those colors.

Maddie PD: What do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror?

ML: Often times I don’t feel anything. You get so used to what you see in the mirror that you become numb to what you see or feel when you look at yourself. I would love to say when I look in the mirror I see a beautiful daughter of God, who feels like she is worth more than anything and is truly beautiful inside and out... But that rarely happens. I often feel ugly in the world’s standards and fight with myself on how I NEED to view myself opposed to how I really do.

PD: What inner qualities do you like about yourself?

ML: I like the fact that I’m viewed as a leader, even though I have no desire to lead! (God is funny and likes to make you feel uncomfortable sometimes!) But it is something I have really grown to like about myself because I would have never pictured it, and I don’t try. It is something God does and I’m just the person He chooses to use.

Maddie is currently a senior in high school who has been homeschooled all her life. Being homeschooled has allowed her to devote herself to things she loves; like art, music and volunteering with her dad at RFK, an organization for abused foster kids. Her dream is working with the broken children of Columbus, Ohio and to be a voice to those who have none.

PD: What do you absolutely NOT like about yourself?

ML: My hands. I absolutely hate my hands. Most girls have really dainty hands with her nails painted cute colors. I look down and see these wide palmed, short fingered, calloused, dry hands that are constantly bleeding because I pick at them. I cannot for the life of me, grow my nails out because I bite them and play guitar. So I view my hands as “man hands” (sorry guys) and hate them.

PD: Have you ever noticed anything beautiful about your INNER SELF when standing in front of the mirror? Why/Why not?? ML: When I am walking hand in hand with Jesus and feeling His love, peace and joy, and look in the mirror I see a girl who has a big heart, who is trying to be the most passionate, kind and loving person that she can be. I see those things inside her, and they are the most precious and beautiful things. I see what is inside me through my smile, my laugh and my eyes. This inner life is far more beautiful and greater than my physical self. It is Jesus and He’s overflowing from the inside and that is beautiful.

PD: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

ML: If I could change one thing about myself, it would be how I view myself. I get so caught up in what I don’t like, that for once I’d like to not look in the mirror and wish I could change something about me, like my hair, my weight or my style.

PD: What do you LIKE about yourself?

ML: It’s not a physical trait, but I love my personality. I used to be shy and lived in the shadow of my friends, and had no persona because it was slowly taken from me. I lacked color and life and was very insecure. But as I moved away from a certain circle of friends I discovered myself, and I fell in love of the person that was inside me. This has become a key thing in life for me. Beauty is fleeting and I may not be the most beautiful person, but gosh, people (or more specifically guys because who doesn’t take into consideration what guys think of you?!) not only like you for your looks, but who you are underneath. And I take more pride in my personality and who I am than what I look like.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together… I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Psalm 119:13-14

Avery: is a 15 year old sophomore in high school. She absolutely loves to write, play and make music. She sings, plays guitar, piano and ukulele. She also plays volleyball and does cheerleading at her school. She loves doing crazy things to make awesome memories, and most importantly, she loves Jesus!

PD: What do you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror? AM: It depends on the day. If I am having a good day, I feel beautiful, so I feel happy and confident. But on other days when the makeup comes off, I just feel ugly and insecure and annoyed that I can’t be “as pretty” as the girl on that magazine. I often forget to look deeper than the surface.

PD: Have you ever noticed anything beautiful about your INNER SELF when standing in front of the mirror? Why/Why not?? AM: Yes, this might sound kind of weird, but a lot of times when I sit down to play guitar, I sit in front of my mirror. When I play I can see passion that flows out of me. I think it’s a beautiful thing to see joy in myself. This helps because otherwise when I look into the mirror, I forget that beauty isn’t all that matters.

PD: What do you absolutely NOT like about yourself?

AM: I am built very short and muscular. I hate my thighs. They are so big and my legs are so short. I know that it is muscle, but I always worry what other people think. And I also hate my nose because from the side it looks long and pointy.

PD: What inner qualities do you like about yourself? AM: I love that I don’t have to be serious all the time. I like being silly and goofy. I am a caring friend and a good listener. I also love that I can be confident around people and not shy.

Avery PD: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

AM: If I could change one thing, I would give myself a different body structure – long legs, smaller shoulders, flat stomach. (I guess that’s 3, but I’m counting it as 1!)

PD: What do you LIKE about yourself?

AM: I like my eye color. It’s an “ambery-brown”. I think it’s kind of pretty. I also like my long hair and on good days, sometimes I like my body size.

About Her

Caeilen Closet Inspira

Caeilen is a 16 year old junior at Big Walnut High School. She loves fashion, decorating and music. She loves Jesus and is active in her local youth group where she leads worship on piano. Caeilen is also a vocalist and is involved in student counsel at school. She loves Taylor Swift and checking out bridal magazines in her spare time. She hopes to become a fashion designer and visit New York City, Milan and Paris in the future!

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Behind the Scenes With the Pure Design Team!

SNEAK PEAK AT ISSUE 8! Summer is fast approaching, and so is our next issue of Pure Design Magazine!!! The summer issue will be published on June 1st. – right at the beginning of summer break! Join us as we take a look at “Time Wasters”!! In the summer, students often have more time on their hands, yet they aren’t disciplined to do the most important things and to remain close to God. TV, movies, the internet and cell phone take away precious moments and valuable time. Join us as we look at ways to have fun and enjoy summer, but stay connected to the Lord and do the things that HE sees as valuable!!! Keep checking out our quarterly magazine and blog. We would also love to hear from you – what topics would you like us to discuss? Send us a FB message or email us at: pam@puredesignministries.com. Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram! We value all of our readers!! Please pass on our information to family and friends!

What to Expect This Spring • Real life articles from teens and young adults • Fun summer fashion • A new Pure Design Guy article • • Fun Summer “to do’s” • Scriptures and quotes to encourage and inspire you •

Keep connected with Pure Design on: www.puredesignteenmag.com Youtube.com/PureDesignTeenMag Pinterest.com/PureDesignTeenMag

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