LIFESTYLEWARRENTON SEPTEMBER 2022 Races…toOffthe and Back At Eric and Nancy Rizer’s Grey Lady Farm in The Plains, homebred race horses live their best lives. Growing a SchoolHighFauquierGarden:School’sAgricultureProgramTheDetailBaker’s Red FarmhouseTruckCookbook Jamie Wheeler and WoodworkingWheeler’sRidge

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From working as the head chef at his restaurant, to enjoying tennis, basketball, skiing and motocross, Andrea Ferrero’s life has kept him in motion. But it took a toll on his knees. After years of steroid shots, he opted for knee replacement surgery at Fauquier Health. “Being able to come back so quickly was amazing,” says Andrea. Joint and spine care at Fauquier Health.

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PUBLISHER Dennis dennis@warrentonlifestyle.comBrack EDITOR Pam pam@warrentonlifestyle.comKamphuis ART DIRECTOR Kara kara@warrentonlifestyle.comThorpe ADVERTISING Sales Director: Jim,Kelly 434-987-3542 Senior Account Executive: Cindy McBride, 540-229-6038 CREATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR Jay creative@warrentonlifestyle.comFord ACCOUNTING Carina 540-905-7791cwheat@insidenova.comRichard-Wheat SUBSCRIPTIONS Email: EDITORIAL ADVERTISING& OFFICE Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine 70 Main Street, Suite 32 Warrenton, VA 20186 • 540-349-2951 ON THE WEB Email@FauquierNow, The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine is published monthly and distributed to over 11,500 selected addresses. While reasonable care is taken with all material submitted to The Warrenton Lifestyle Magazine, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to any such material. Opinions expressed in articles are strictly those of the authors. While ensuring that all published information is accurate, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions. Reproduction in whole or part of any of the text, illustration or photograph is strictly forbidden. ©2022 Rappahannock Media LLC. The Lifestyle magazines are sister publications with Northern Virginia’s Leading News Source, INSIDENOVA.COM Visit us today for the latest news, sports and features from Fauquier, Prince William, Arlington, Fairfax, Stafford and throughout the region. Sign up for daily news headlines, breaking news alerts and a Gainesville/Haymarket newsletter — delivered to your inbox! Turn to Fauquier Now for local news that affects you. The county’s trusted source for community information, obituaries, events, and free classifieds. 540-349-2951 |

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CONTENTS 10 Wine & Dine Let’s AppleGoPick’n Fall recipes and orchards BY KARLA JONES SEIDITA 16 Wine & Dine Red CookbookFarmhouseTruck The “detail baker” is back BY BILL KENT 22 Education Growing a School Garden Fauquier High School’s Agriculture HorticultureandPrograms BY HANNAH SAMLALL 28 Local Artisans From GroundtheUp Wheeler’s WoodworkingRidge BY SUE BALDANI 32 Well Read “A GoodDarnYarn” Broad Run author Rosemary Groux BY JAYA PATIL 36 Cover Story Off to andRaces…theBack At Eric and Nancy Rizer’s Thoroughbred Breeding Farm in The Plains, homebred race horses live their best lives BY PAM KAMPHUIS 42 New Noteworthy& News WarrentonOldExperienceFromTown Autumn in Old Town BY FRYMANJOELLE 2236 44 Technology WWW = Wild West Web Don’t be quick to click BY KLAUS FUECHSEL 46 News FauquierNowfrom COVER PHOTO by Jordan Koepke BEST CHIROPRACTOR Advantage Health Chiropractic, Dr. Doug Smith 400 Holiday Court, Suite 106, Warrenton | P: 540-349-8989 W: | FB: @AdvantageHealthChiropractic Providing gentle chiropractic care at his state-of-the-art facility in Warrenton for over 20 years, Dr. Doug and his staff offer diagnosis and treatment of spinal misalignments and conditions as well as therapeutic massage. ONE MORE!...

Client Testimonial I started searching for a smaller home a few years ago. I wanted to downsize yet stay close to my old neighborhood. April worked with me to view several properties over about four years. She was very patient with me. I wanted to see what was out there and where. Once I narrowed it down to what I felt was best for me, we kept a close watch on those areas and nally, I found it!! She was also very helpful in selling my townhouse and I got what I felt was the best offer. House is sold!! She will work with you no matter how long it takes to nd you the home you like best. And to sell yours for top $$$. She understands the market and its quirks. You couldn't be in better hands!! Just Sold in Braemar 10194 Pale Rose Loop, Bristow, VA $29 $29 Whole Home Plumbing or Electrical Safety Inspection $75 $75 Whole Home Surge Protector and end ofSummerElectrifyingSavings! (540) Built on Trust Since 1976 Warrenton Lifestyle 9SEPTEMBER 2022

A pple picking is a time-honored fall tradition here in Virginia.Farms, festivals and roadside stands all cel ebrate the season with “pick your own” and “picked for you” abun dance – something I sim ply can’t resist. And then there’s the apple butter. It wouldn’t be a real Virginia fair or festival without a huge kettle of spiced ap ples bubbling away over a crackling wood fire. Be still my heart. By the bushel or the peck, it’s time to get into the kitchen with your orchard haul. Celebrate the harvest season with festival-quality spiced apple butter that you can make at home in your slow cooker, and whip up a twist on a traditional ap ple crisp with cranberry and walnuts for dessert.
3. Pour into your preheated slow cooker. Cook (uncovered) until the mixture is the thickness and color you like –about 8 hours. Stir occasionally to prevent scorching. Cool. Puree for extra smoothness, if desired.
NICE RICE Fold apple butter (to taste) into hot, cooked rice. To make it even nicer, add some walnuts, pecans, or raisins. Serve with pork, ham or chicken, or curry.
3INGREDIENTSpoundsapples (about 10 three-inch apples)
Swirl chilled apple butter into slightly softened vanilla ice cream and freeze. Great on apple pie. Or pile it into a graham cracker crust and freeze for an ice cream pie.
2. When the apples are soft, mash with a fork. Stir in the brown sugar and spices.
Try it on pancakes or waffles instead of syrup. If it’s too thick for your taste, thin it with a bit of water, cider, or orange juice. Easy!
core the apples then cut into random chunks. Put the chunks and water into a medium pot. Cover. Cook on the stovetop on medium heat until the apples are very soft – about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, mist your slow cooker with cooking spray (do not use butter). Set the slow cooker on high (empty and uncovered) to preheat.
10 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
Let’s goapple pick’n! the flavors with apple butter and an apple-cranberry crisp pie
1 cupcupwaterbrown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon ground allspice ½ teaspoon dry ground ginger ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
Just surround a bowl of apple butter with tortilla chips for the perfect combination of sweet and salty, and dipping.start
Easy, Small Batch Slow Cooker Apple Butter
Ways toEnjoyButterAppleYour

Discover Fauquier■ May 2018 3 Suede. oming order.251 West Lee Hwy ~ Suite 153 ~ Warrenton, VA 7 Years in a Row! TheOnly M-F 7:00 am - 7:30 pm, SAT 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Same Day Discover Fauquier■ May 2018 3 9-3141 251 West Lee Warrenton,Hwy,VA NEW (Temporary) M-FSat No Hazardous Chemicals Safe for Water, Soil, and Air Fauquier ChoiceReaders’TimesAward 30 Year member of Drycleaning & Laundry jar 0322 Discover Fauquier WARRENTON CENTER 251 West Lee Hwy ~ Suite 153 ~ Warrenton, VA 12 Years in a Row WARRENTON CENTER Discover Fauquier WARRENTON CENTER jar 0322 Discover Fauquier WARRENTON CENTER 251 West Lee Hwy ~ Suite 153 ~ Warrenton, VA No Soil,SafeHazardousforWater,andAir Voted Lifestyle Best Award 12 Years in a Row jar 0322 Discover Fauquier WARRENTON CENTER 251 West Lee Hwy ~ Suite 153 ~ Warrenton, VA The Only Drycleaning & Laundry Institute International setting the highest standards for the dry cleaning industry. ✓ jar 0322 Discover Fauquier WARRENTON CENTER 251 West Lee Hwy ~ Suite 153 ~ Warrenton, VA The Only NEW HOURS 30 Year member of Drycleaning & Laundry Institute International setting the highest standards for the dry cleaning industry. ✓ Expert Alterations WARRENTONCLEANERSCENTERCLEANERS 540-349-3141 251 West Lee Hwy ~ Suite 153 ~ Warrenton, VA Fauquier ChoiceReaders’TimesAward The Only GREENEARTH Dry Cleaning in Warrenton NEW HOURS M-F 7am-6pm Sat 8am-5pm No Soil,SafeFabricsGentleChemicalsHazardousonforWater,andAir 30 Year member of Drycleaning & Laundry Institute International, setting the highest standards for the dry cleaning industry. MEMBER Voted Lifestyle Best Award 13 Years in a Row ✓ Expert Alterations ✓ Master Tailor on Premises ✓ All Work Done On-Site Alterations Since 1997 SLACKS20%HEMMINGOFF Coupon must be presented with incoming order. Not valid with any other offer. Exp 9/30/22 DRY CLEANING $5 OFF 5 PIECES $10 OFF 10 PIECES Coupon must be presented with incoming order. Not valid with any other offer. Exp 9/30/22 Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER 13 Years in a Row Warrenton Lifestyle 11SEPTEMBER 2022

2. Preheat to 400 degrees. Roll both dough rounds out on a floured surface to fit the pie pan.
12 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
8. Bake in preheated oven until crust is browned and apples are tender –about 50 minutes. Cool before cutting to allow juices to set.
1.DIRECTIONSPosition oven rack so pie will bake in the lower of oven.
SMITHGRANNYAPPLES originated in Australia and are named after their cultivator, Maria Ann Smith. She developed the nickmame “Granny Smith” in her later years.
6. In a large pot, melt cranberry sauce over low heat. Remove from heat. Stir in apples, sugar, tapioca and walnuts. Pour mixture into crust.
4. Peel and core apples. Slice ¼ inch thick.
PastryINGREDIENTSforadouble pie, purchased or homemade - 10 Granny Smith apples (16 oz.) can whole cranberry sauce ½ cup sugar 2 tablespoons tapioca (instant or quick cooking) cup walnuts (coarsely chopped)
5. Line the ungreased pie pan with 1 pastry round.
7. Top pie with second crust. Crimp edges. Cut a dime size hole in the center of the top crust so steam can escape. Place on parchment lined cookie sheet to catch drips.

Welcome Jeff to the Team! You are cordially invited to attend our Open House, Saturdays from noon to 3:00pm. Come check out Stonehaven at 18163 Golf Lane Jeffersonton, VA 22724! Bring this invitation with you to be entered into our weekly drawing to support local small businesses! | | JuliaFoardLynchRealtor JULIA FOARD-LYNCH 540.270.4274 8074 Crescent Park Dr. Gainesville, VA 20155 67 W Lee Hwy Warrenton, VA 20186 608 Blackwell Road • Warrenton, VA 20186 (Behind Sheetz) 540-347-7266 • WORLD MARTIAL ARTS CENTER TRADITIONAL MARTIAL ARTS, TAEKWONDO AND SELF DEFENSE Increase Confidence Improve Concentration | Shed Excess Pounds Look and Feel Better • Please view our COVID safety rules on our website • Masks are mandatory • We use face shieldsBACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS! MUAY THAI KICKBOXING FAMILY WHO KICKS TOGETHER STAYS TOGETHER! Warrenton Lifestyle 13SEPTEMBER 2022

FarmBucklandMarket WARRENTON Picked-for-you apples, fresh pressed cider, apple cider donuts, hayrides, and more.
BUCKLANDFARMMARKET.COM Crooked Run Orchard PURCELLVILLE Pick-your-own apples, seasonal fruits, farm animals, nature trail.
VALLEYVIEWVA.COM Hollin Farms DELAPLANE Pick-your-own apples, seasonal fruit, vegetables, potatoes, zinnias, and sunflowers.
OrchardStribling MARKHAM Pick-your-own apples – lots of varieties. The Harvest House features jams, jellies, honey, pies, local cheese, eggs, and more.
Long availableanddemo,entertainment,cider,apples,Fall17-NovemberSeptemberweekends8.Festivals–pumpkins,family-farmmilkingbakedgoods,more.Ticketsonlineonly. COXFARMS.COMFestivalAppleAutumnMuseumFarmHeritageLoudounFestivalsApple STERLING September 24 Music, cider pressing, apple games, cider & wine garden. APPLE-FESTIVAL-2022HERITAGEFARMMUSEUM.ORG/ Graves Mountain Farm Apple Festival SYRIA Weekends October 1-16 The Granddaddy of all apple festivals! A little farther out but a great day trip. Pick-your-own apples, farm experiences, cider, hard cider, apple butter, donuts, music, crafters and vendors, hay maze, pony rides, local beer & wine tent, and plenty of food. WEEKENDS-IN-OCTOBER/GRAVESMOUNTAIN.COM/APPLE-HARVEST-FESTIVAL-2021-FIRST-3ANYYOUBEFOREVISITFESTIVAL: Checkticketsavailability,canselloutfast! 14 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
OrchardHartland MARKHAM Pick-your-own and pickedfor-you apples. Also featuring other seasonal fruits, cider, and honey.
Valley OrchardsView DELAPLANE Pick-your-own apples and other seasonal fruit. Valley View Farm also features a locavore farm market, cider, meade, and vineyards.
Great FarmsCountry BLUEMONT Pick-your-own apples, fresh pressed cider, apple cider donuts. Weekends include live music, marshmallow roasting, pig races, corn maze and more.

Join us in orthopedicwelcomingsurgeonMiguelPelton , MD. WARRENTON | GAINESVILLE | (540) 347-9220 | Dr. Pelton is fellowship-trained in sports medicine. Learn more Geothermal Repairs Warrenton Lifestyle 15SEPTEMBER 2022

A mong the mountain of fan letters that arrived after Warrenton’s and Mar shall’s Red Truck Bakery founder Brian Noyes published his first cookbook, was a letter from a reader who did not find the recipe for Sour Cream Cake in the book. She would not have bought the book, she wrote, had she known that recipe was missing. She concluded with, “Please advise.” Noyes’s advice: “Check the Contents page before buying a book.” But he couldn’t forget the letter. Never mind the fact that his book is a best-seller in its fifth printing. Or that his locally sourced, seasonally synchronized, made-entirely-on-site pies, cakes, breads, muffins, cookies, granola, soups and sandwiches have been praised by Oprah Winfrey, President Barack Obama, Chef Jacques Pepin, and those peripatetic connoisseurs of road food, Jan and Michael Stern. Nor could he forget that in the fifteen years since the Monterey, California-born son of a newspaper publisher left his day job as a graphics designer for the Washington Post’s Sunday Magazine and began selling baked goods from an old red Ford F-100 pickup truck he bought from fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger, his Warrenton and Marshall shops have joined the small list of American “destination bakeries” that are worth a trip to smell what’s in the ovens and taste what’s just come out. Still, Noyes couldn’t put that letter out of his head. So, just as the pandemic hit, Noyes thought he might put Sour Cream Cake, and other recipes, in a second book. “With more savory things than sweet, and with food that goes beyond what we do in the bakery, that is comforting in a close, family-and-friends kind of way — with stories. If I’ve learned anything about living so long in the south, it’s that people in the south are great storytellers.”
Three years later, Mom’s Sour Cream Cake is one of 95 recipes (more, if you count the variations) in Brian Noyes’s The Red Truck Bakery Farmhouse Cookbook.
The “detail baker” is back and Mom’s Sour Cream Cake is in the contents BY BILL KENT
Each recipe would have a brief story about why this dish, pie, cake or bread was important to him, his family and friends, which would permit him to offer recipes from some of his favorite chefs and restaurants, such Corn Ice Cream, from Ian Boden at Staunton’s The Shack, Wild Mushroom Tartines from Wil liam Dissen of Charlotte, NC’s Haymak er, and a summer gazpacho recipe that friend and Washington Post food critic Tom Sietsma coaxed from a cook at an unnamed “dive” in Georgetown. He would dedicate it to his late grand mother, Willmana Noyes, who used to tell him stories in her kitchen in Hender sonville, North Carolina, and inspired him to become a baker.
To make sure he could make all of his recipes in a reasonably simple kitchen, Noyes confined himself to his 1860 Orlean farmhouse (hence the farmhouse in the title) where he baked the first goodies that he sold from his truck. While there, Noyes slipped and fell on his shoul der. “I was pretty badly damaged, so I had to get my right
Add to that salted caramel apple pie, and what might be Noyes’s masterpiece, a Virginia peanut pie whose initial recipe dates back to the mid 19th century that Noyes worked on obsessively until he got it right. Made with apple cider, sorghum syrup, hickory syrup, hot spiced honey, shredded coconut, crumbled chocolate cake and big roasted Virginia peanuts, the pie’s complicated flavor tastes nothing like a typical corn syrup nut pie and was selected as the best in Virginia in the Thanksgiving 2021 issue of Food & Wine magazine.
Red FarmhouseTruckCookbook

Design-Build • Remodeling • Additions • Custom Homes • Showroom | 3409 Catlett Road, Catlett, VA | 540.788.3539 Is it time to remodel? Warrenton Lifestyle 17SEPTEMBER 2022

Below: VirginiaNoyes’sPeanut Pie was named to Food & Wine’s “The Best Pie in Every State” list in 2021.
shoulder replaced, in a hospital, while Covid was going on all around me.”
Months followed when he made each recipe several more times for the photographs, most of which were done at his farmhouse (some of the landscape photos were taken at the nearby home of folk singer Mary Chapin Carpenter, a friend). Some of the items included in the photos are from his antique collection. Others came from friends. Noyes did not design the book himself, but approved of the result.
18 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
One almost miraculous incident occurred after he had finished writing. He had wanted to include a recipe for the Noyes Family Birthday Cake, a white cake with Swiss meringue covered in melted chocolate. He tried to make it himself but the taste wasn’t quite right. He reached out to every member of his family. No one had a copy of the recipe.
“People ask me all the time how many pies we sell for Thanksgiving. I’m happy to say, ‘all of them!’”
“The last time I was in a hospital was the day I was born,” grumbles Noyes, 65. “I told the doctor I used to walk seven miles to and from my job at the Washington Post. He told me that walking all those miles was the reason I needed a knee replacement.”
After the operation, he wrote most of the book one handed. Then his hip gave out while painting the floor of his farmhouse. After a hip-replacement, he was crossing a street in Arlington (where he shares a rowhouse with his partner, Dwight McNeill), and was run over by a bicyclist. That led to a con cussion and, ultimately, a knee replacement.
You can appreciate Noyes’s attention to detail in his sand wiches. Pickle slices give the Red Truck’s meatloaf sandwich a subtle sweetness when eaten cold. He likes food to have an unexpected, if not downright surprising flavor, especially
“Graphic design and baking come together when you consider that how something looks has a lot to do with how you approach it, use it and enjoy it than is immediately obvious,” he explains, pointing to how the horizons line up on the framed photographs hanging on the dining room wall inside his Marshall bakery.
kitchen is very well thought out, the end result of long hours of experimentation and Noyes’s personal taste.
“It’s okay if nobody notices that. I do.” Noyes is a detail baker. What appears to have been whipped up in a country
While a basic pie crust is easily constructed from flour and butter, lard, or shortening, and a pinch of salt, Noyes’s recipe (repeated from the first book) includes an egg yolk, lemon zest and orange zest. This gives the Red Truck pies a dark, firm, slightly tangy crust that encloses the fillings with an added richness and texture.
Then, when moving a stack of books, he dropped the pile and there, some where around the bottom, was Grandmother Wilmana’s recipe book. He found the recipe, baked the cake, tasted it, and managed to slip it into the book.
“People ask me all the time how many pies we sell for Thanksgiving. I’m happy to say, ‘all of them!’”

The Bariatric & Metabolic Weight Loss Center 493 Blackwell Road Suite 118 Warrenton, VA 20186 Call us today at (540)341-1728 to schedule an appointment A Subsidiary of Piedmont Family Practice Non surgical weight loss treatment Pre & Post Bariatric Surgery Treatment Treatment for Metabolic Disorders Nutritional Guidance Physical Therapy & Exercise Planning Mental Health Service Body Composition Analysis Services Offered "The only time you should ever LOOK BACK is to see how far YOU'VE COME" | ϣ Ӆ A S bsid ary of Piedmont Fam ly Practice J Minera MD ABOM Oare FNP BC The Bariatric & Metabolic Weight Loss Center 493 Blackwell Road Suite 118 Warrenton, VA 20186 Call us today at (540)341-1728 to schedule an appointment A Subsidiary of Piedmont Family Practice Non surgical weight loss treatment Pre & Post Bariatric Surgery Treatment Treatment for Metabolic Disorders Nutritional Guidance Physical Therapy & Exercise Planning Mental Health Service Body Composition Analysis Services Offered "The only time you should ever LOOK BACK is to see how far YOU'VE COME" | ϣ Ӆ A S b d y f P d t F ly P t Jorge Minera MD ABFM, ABOM Valerie Oare MSN, RN, FNP BC The Bariatric & Metabolic Weight Loss Center 493 Blackwell Road Suite 118 Warrenton, VA 20186 Call us today at (540)341-1728 to schedule an appointment A Subsidiary of Piedmont Family Practice loss center/ Non surgical weight loss treatment Pre & Post Bariatric Surgery Treatment Treatment for Metabolic Disorders Nutritional Guidance Physical Therapy & Exercise Planning Mental Health Service Body Composition Analysis Services Offered "The only time you should ever LOOK BACK is to see how far YOU'VE COME" | ϣ Ӆ A Subs diary of Piedmont Fam ly Pract ce Jorge Minera MD ABFM, ABOM Valerie Oare MSN, RN, FNP BC The Bariatric & Metabolic Weight Loss Center 493 Blackwell Road Suite 118 Warrenton, VA 20186 Call us today at (540)341-1728 to schedule an appointment A Subsidiary of Piedmont Family Practice loss center/ Non surgical weight loss treatment Pre & Post Bariatric Surgery Treatment Treatment for Metabolic Disorders Nutritional Guidance Physical Therapy & Exercise Planning Mental Health Service Body Composition Analysis Services Offered "The only time you should ever LOOK BACK is to see how far YOU'VE COME" | ϣ Ӆ A Subs diary of Piedmont Fami y Practice Jorge Minera MD ABFM, ABOM Valerie Oare MSN, RN, FNP BC Warrenton Lifestyle 19SEPTEMBER 2022

“Never say never,” he adds. w
For much of the last decade, he has turned down offers to open a third Red Truck Bakery in Virginia, Maryland and elsewhere. Is it coincidental that his cookbook tour will take him to some of those locations?
with meatloaf, another recipe in the book. “I make no apologies for meatloaf,” he insists. “I was raised on it, and it can be done right.”
Redwww.redtruckbakery.comTruckBakeryFarmhouse Cookbook, Copyright © 2022 by Brian Noyes. Photographs copyright © 2022 by Angie Mosier. Published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Random House.
The pot pies, pork tenderloin, baked and roast chicken, mushroom lasagna and other savory main dishes that would not be served in a bakery might make people wonder if Noyes may be thinking of applying his clean, detail-oriented, ineffably delicious attention to a restaurant.
Far Left: Rise & Shine Biscuits with Ham. Noyes’s popular biscuit recipe, based on his grandmother’s original with some new techniques added to simplify the process, is updated in the new cookbook. Left: For the Mid-July Tomato Pie, Noyes recommends using the tastiest, beefiest tomatoes available.
Do you know a teacher, doctor, police officer, sanitation worker, lunchroom attendant, firefighter, postal worker, or local business owner whose contributions to the community should be celebrated? ...Tell us! 540.349.2951 | LIFESTYLE Serving Fauquier and Western Prince William Counties 20 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
“Oh no, I could never do that,” he insists. “Too much work.”

op get our SE R V ICE S INC L UD E K i t c h en & Bat h r oom R emodeli n g • C abinets • C oun t e r t op s C us t o m Pr o je c ts • C us t o m Built Closet s O ur speci a l t y i s desi gning k i tchens a n d b at hs fo r all bu d get s. W a r r en C abinet s , I n c is a distin c t desi g n cen t e r W e h a v e sha r ed our 470 Broadview Avenue, Warrenton, VA 20186 Located on the 2nd floor in the Tolson Appliance Building We are an authorized distributor of Greenfield, Hagerstown Kitchens, Holiday Kitchens and Marsh Furniture Cabinetry. Designer On Site Cabinet & Countertop Sales + More DESIGN CENTER 540.349.9222 | SOMETHING FOR EVERY BUDGET! 470 Broadview Ave. Warrenton, VA 20186 • 540-347-3030 • STORE HOURS MON-FRI 8 AM-5 PM SAT 9 AM-3 PM 12 Months Same as Cash Financing Available! PRICES! WE MATCH Reward Your Hard Work By Taking Advantage of Our Labor Day Sale! est. 1946 Warrenton Lifestyle 21SEPTEMBER 2022

Greenhouse Management students Gabbi Ladue and Alana Hennegar at the spring 2022 plant sale with Salvia “Reddy Red” plants in the foreground.
gardenschool education Becca Hennegar, a senior in the 2022 FHS greenhouse.andinspectsManagementGreenhouseclass,theplantsflowersinthe
22 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
Fauquier High School’s horticulture programs need your help BY HANNAH SAMLALL PHOTOS BY LUKE CHRISTOPHER E ach year, the Greenhouse and Floral Design II students at Fauquier High School host plant sales in the fall and spring to raise money for the items necessary for their hands-on classes.
“We don’t want the kids to be doing worksheets when they could be working with plants, but it costs a lot of money so the plant sales help defray the costs,” said Susan Hilleary, Head of the Agriculture Department at the school. “It puts everything into more of a business and cost perspective and gives the students a feel for running something professionally. We really believe that the oppor tunities afforded through these facilities will be important a

540-349-1331 Minera Orthodontics 361 Walker Drive, Suite 201, Warrenton, Virginia 20186 We offer different options so you can choose the best that fits your lifestyle: Aligners | Lingual Braces | 3D Printed Clear Braces | Traditional Metal Braces MINERA ORTHODONTICS, WHERE PATIENTS ALWAYS COME FIRST! FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR SMILE! Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER Supplies Fabric - Moda • Long Arm Services 10 5th St. Warrenton, VA 20186 • 540.351.5937 540.216.7960 • HIGHFLYERARMS.COM FLYING HIGH ENGRAVING CUSTOM LASER ENGRAVING I value Relationships Call for a AnalysisMarketFree Brenda Rich REALTOR® Brenda Rich 67 W Lee Hwy, Warrenton, VA 20186 Office: 540-349-1221Youarethe reason for my withLetThankssuccess.toall.mehelpyouallofyourrealestateneeds. Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Warrenton Lifestyle 23SEPTEMBER 2022

We don’t want the kids to be doing worksheets when they could be working with plants, but it costs a lot of money so the plant sales help defray the costs. on a new fundraising effort to make site improvements to the program. “This would expand our programming to give it a real farm look by adding emphasis in areas we don’t currently offer hands-on learning for,” Potucek said. “We’re going to be expanding the plant sale to include dif ferent types of native trees, so people can get everything they need for the planting season in one stop.”
foundations towards career readiness for our graduates.”
Susan Hilleary has been teaching at FHS for 15 years, spending the first 12 teaching horticulture classes. In 2020, she moved to teach animal systems and agricul ture mechanics classes. Stephen Potucek is the newest addition to the department, he worked as a landscape contractor for 35 years before making the leap to teach. “I came to Fauquier several times and attended a couple of Susan’s landscaping classes and gave the kids a view of landscaping and I really liked it,” Potucek said. “I applied for the job and Susan decided to bring me on.” Potucek is going into his third year at FHS. Recently, the department received approval to embark
“We have an FFA field that’s been set aside for agricul ture, but we need fencing, electricity, and a barn if we want the students to be able to work there year-round,” Potucek said. “A lot of students in town want to partici pate in FFA, but don’t have the means to take care of an animal on their own. This would allow many more kids to be touched by the agriculture industry. We plan to also include the building trades students who’ll construct the necessary structures and we’ll purchase the materials they need to do so through our fundraising.”
On the horticulture side, additions would include more in-depth horticulture production areas, rather than just the greenhouse that is there now. “With my landscaping background, we’re going to start growing our own trees
Some of the Spring 2022 Greenhouse Management class and Floral Design class: senior Matthew Fischer, senior Becca Hennegar, sophomore Gabbi Ladue, sophomore Alana Hennegar, agriculture instructor Stephen Potucek, senior Tino Martella, sophomore Sara Moore, and sophomore Claire Scaring
Above: Natalie Phillips, junior, and SpringHighpotscustomNorsworthy,Abbeyfreshman,paintflowerfortheFauquierSchoolHorticulturePlantSale. The high school sells a variety of perennials,annuals,trees,shrubs,herbs,vegetables,andeven succulents!
The possibilities for the site improvements are to in clude more educational space in the animal areas, such as a barn and fencing where animals can stay at the school.
24 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022

Lovely older home, circa 1911, and in great location. Sitting on 5+ acres, updated interior with 4 bedrooms, study, and 3 full baths plus 5 car garage and separate outbuildings. All in excellent condition. 3492 Sq ft. $1,375,000 Looking for peace and quiet and space? This it it! 52+ acres of tranquility, beauty, and comfort. Custom built home with large rooms, and quality through-out. 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, in-ground pool, several out-buildings. 3874 Sq ft. $1,495,000 Anne Hall Long & Warrenton,FosterVA - Realty 492 Blackwell Road Warrenton, VA 540.454.5299anne.hall2@longandfoster.com20186 8186 Lees Ridge Road, Warrenton, VA 20186 18 Lost Acres Lane, Amissville VA 20106 CARPET • NEW HARDWOOD HARDWOODLAMINATEREFINISHING•VINYL ALL TYPES OF TILE • AREA RUGS LUXURY VINYL TILE & PLANK 251 BROADVIEW AVE., WARRENTON • 540-347-8507COLVINFLOORS.COM Family Owned & Operated for over 45 Years ESTIMATE!FREE Warrenton Lifestyle 25SEPTEMBER 2022

here and sell the seedlings at the plant sale,” Potucek said. “We’re going to use the area behind the Annex as our tree area and then we’ll use another area to plant grapes, raspberries, and blueberries.” Right now, they have a community garden, but these site improvements will allow for even more space. “The space we’re using is right across from the cafeteria. We’re going to have a really big fall garden. We started giving produce to the cafeteria last year because they were unable to get certain fresh foods and vegetables due to supply chain and trucking issues,” Potucek said. “This year, we want to be able to provide fresh vegetables to the cafeteria as well as to local food banks and restaurants.”
Keep an eye out for the FALL PLANTONLINE2022SALE coming orderBrowsefallbaskets,hangingperennials,trees,featuringOctober,inandflowers.andat PLANTSPRINGHORT.COMFAUQUIERHS2023SALE: May
We started giving produce to the cafeteria last year because they were unable to get certain fresh foods and vegetables due to supply chain and trucking issues. 5-6 12-13
Obviously, the expansion of these operations and the addition of live animals to take care of would require year-round work. “To help take care of the new facilities, we have proposed a paid internship program for students to work over the summer months taking care of every thing from the animals to the community garden, the small fruit trees, and more,” Hilleary said. w Their fundraising goal for the improvements, plus the intern salary, is $125,000. If you’d like to support the efforts of the Fauquier High School Agriculture Department, you can donate on their website or shop their plant sales coming up in the fall and spring.
at the buildinghorticultureFHS Cell: 540.812.5533 Office:703.753.7910 Email: 8078Website:Stanley.Heaney@c21nm.comStanley.Heaney.c21nm.comCrescentParkDr.#205•Gainesville,VA20155 Contact me for all your real estate needs. Stanley Heaney, Realtor® Ask about our SPRIMP SPECIAL Thurs & Fri 3-8 pm! World’s Best Reuben! Take the CHILL OFF with a Nice Bowl of Chili or Soup Cell: 540.812.5533 Office:703.753.7910 Email: 8078Website:Stanley.Heaney@c21nm.comStanley.Heaney.c21nm.comCrescentParkDr.#205• Contact me your real estate Stanley Heaney, Realtor® Ask about our SPRIMP SPECIAL Thurs & Fri World’s Best Reuben! Take the Nice Bowl of Chili or Soup Cell: 540.812.5533 Office:703.753.7910 Email: 8078Website:Stanley.Heaney@c21nm.comStanley.Heaney.c21nm.comCrescentParkDr.#205•Gainesville,VA20155 Contact me for all your real estate needs. Stanley Heaney, Realtor® Ask about our SPRIMP SPECIAL Thurs & Fri 3-8 pm! World’s Best Reuben! Take the CHILL OFF with a Nice Bowl of Chili or Soup Cell: 540.812.5533 Office:703.753.7910 Email: 8078Website:Stanley.Heaney@c21nm.comStanley.Heaney.c21nm.comCrescentParkDr.#205•Gainesville,VA20155 Contact me for all your real estate needs. Stanley Heaney, Realtor® Ask about our SPRIMP SPECIAL Thurs & Fri 3-8 pm! Come try our STEAK & EGGS! Stanley Heaney, Realtor® Phone 540-812-5533 E-Mail Website 8074Stanley.c21nm.comCrescentPark Drive, Gainesville, VA 20155 Make sure you buy or sell your home with the best yard expert in the business! Contact me for all your real estate needs! REX ’’ SEPTEMBER TUES-SAT 7AM-3PM CLOSED MON & SUN SPECIALS Thurs & Fri 12-3 PM! 26 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022

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non-transferable.Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Merry Maids® services provided by independently owned and operated franchises or by a corporate-owned branch. Prices and services vary by location. MerryMaids L.P.Allrightsreserved. Merry Maids services provided by independently owned and operated franchises or by a corporate-owned Prices and services vary by location. © 2019 Merry Maids L.P. All rights reserved. F irst Cleani ng$60off your to-do list. Offer good through only New or former customers only. offer discount may apply. Offers are non-transferable. Cash 1¢ own ed or branch vary by location All rights reserved Merry Maids services provided by independently owned and operated by a corporateowned branch. Prices and services vary by location. only.Can't apply.Offers are non-transferable.Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. Maids $60 off y Now that school has’s time. Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER Locally Grown Food & FromGoodsOur Farm & Friends Store open Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm Visit us at or scan the QR Code below: 4559 Old Tavern Rd. The Plains, Virginia, 540.253.526620198 Thank You for voting! Best Event Venue in the Fauqueir Area! Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER The Inn at Vint Hill 4200 Aiken Dr, Warrenton, VA 20187 | 540.349.5700 Warrenton Lifestyle 27SEPTEMBER 2022
F irst only.Can't apply.Offers are non-transferable.Cash value 1/100 of 1¢. $60 off . . y Fauquier & Culpeper County your to-do list.
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28 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
“I hadn't even thought about making the table at the time, but I figured the tools would come in handy for projects around the house,” he says. “There was a small miter saw, a SKIL saw, and some drills and drill bits.”
About two months into the lockdown, his wife once again mentioned wanting a dining table. “I literally looked up a YouTube tutori al on the kind of table we liked and now that I had the tools, I set up in our backyard and made the table,” says Wheeler. It was a bit of trial and error, he says, but he learned quite a lot about what to do and what not to do. In the end, he made a beautiful 5-foot farmhouse table with removable legs so they could get it through the door. He and his wife were so happy with the finished project that they loved to show pictures of it to others. Shortly after, a former personal training client of his was moving and gave him an old bed frame that was her
local artisans
A s a child growing up in England, Jamie Wheeler failed woodwork ing class and wasn’t very good at math. To now be known for building beautiful, custom-made furniture is not something he ever would have imagined. It all started with his wife, Jessica, who wanted a farmhouse table in their home in Marshall a few years ago. “We live in a very tiny house and my wife thought a farmhouse table would look really cool in here, but we couldn't get one through the small front door,” he says. Wheeler had a fleeting thought of making her one himself one day, but he was a personal trainer at the time and was working very long hours. Plus, he didn’t have the tools or the skills, he thought, to do it Thenanyway.thepandemic happened and he was furloughed from his job. A friend of his, also a trainer, lost her hus band just after the start of COVID and offered Wheeler his collection of tools.
From YouTube student to craftsman, Jaime Wheeler of Wheeler’s Ridge Woodworking creates custom farmhouse-style furniture to be treasured for generations.

Our Services include: Kitchens • Bathrooms • Basements Decks • Carpentry Flooring • Electrical Service • Tile • Cabinets For ALL Your Remodeling Needs Visit our 540 • 351 • 0600 6649 Garland Drive, Unit #11, Warrenton, Virginia 20187 Our mission is to provide you with the lowest competitive pricing, quality products and exceptional service. Warrenton Lifestyle 29SEPTEMBER 2022

Through Facebook, someone asked him to make a daybed porch swing. “At the time, I had no idea what that even was, so I Googled it,” says Wheeler. “They were really cool, but I wondered how the heck I was going to make one. Once again, I went to YouTube. I was lucky enough to find a channel that had the build plans as well, but I changed the design a bit to reflect what I thought would look good.”
He ended up taking her advice and started his business, Wheeler’s Ridge Woodworking, in 2021. Through word of mouth and social media, which his wife handles, more people began to seek him out. The more he made, the larger his portfolio grew.
30 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
“Knowing I made it and to see their expressionsthat’s the best.”
grandmother’s to refinish and sell or keep for himself. “When we went to collect it, she also left me a card saying I should make more furniture. In the card was $500 in cash to buy more tools.”
When Wheeler showed the client his design, she loved it. The problem was, it was quite big and he was working in his backyard under a small 8 x 8’ borrowed pop-up tent. “That literally just covered my workspace because at the time my workbench consisted of a pallet on sawhors es.”
These days, building furniture is his full-time job and he’s expanded his portfolio greatly to include cabinets of all sizes, stove-top covers, cornhole boards, and a large dog crate - basically whatever clients ask him for and that he has the skills to do. Although his specialty is farmhouse furniture, he loves it when clients ask him for different styles as well.
Upon finishing work each day, he would have to put everything away and then unpack it the next day. He man aged, though, and made not only the porch swing, but another dining room table and glider and garden benches in the small space. “October was rolling around and I knew I couldn’t build under this tent in the winter,” says Wheeler. “Lucki ly, friends of mine loaned me some space in their carriage house over the winter, and I was able to stay there from October to March.”
Jamie with his wife Jess and their dog Brutas
Once spring arrived, he was back outside. “I knew I needed more space. I couldn’t build the bigger pieces under this tiny little tent, so we ended up buying a 10’ x 20’ party tent with sides. It keeps the worst of the weather out, so that's what I'm in right now.”

“I like to see what they come up with,” says Wheeler. “It keeps it more interesting and challenging. Just be cause you don't see it in the collection of things I've made already doesn't mean I can't or won't make it.” What he enjoys most about what he does is his clients’ de lighted reactions when they see the finished pieces. “Knowing I made it and to see their expressions - that’s the best.” Many of his clients are from the local area, like Warren ton and Middleburg, although one Seattle man wanted him to make him a daybed. The shipping costs were too prohibitive though. He and Jessica, an English teacher at Liberty High School in Bealeton, met on Twitter six years ago and in 2017, Wheeler moved to the U.S. to marry her. The couple loves going to farmer's markets to see what other local businesses are producing. “We also like to visit local breweries and wineries,” he says. One day, Wheeler would like to have his own little shop and be able to make even bigger and more complex piec es. He also hopes to develop a personal relationship with a local lumberyard instead of buying wood from big-chain stores. He really wants to support another local business while growing his own. w To see some of his beautiful pieces and request a custom piece of furniture of your own, go to Wheeler’s Ridge Woodworking on Facebook and Instagram.
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Broad Run author Rosemary Groux weaves history and fantasy into captivating tales BY JAYA PATIL PHOTOS BY LEIGHANN GROUX
“I grew up with horses, riding them, taking care of them year-round, I was in the Casanova-Warrenton Pony Club [so] a lot of my summers and spare time outside of school was spent around horses,” Rosemary said. Trail riding is one of her favorite ways to spend her time.
About the Books
jokingly call myself my own worst publicist because I don’t talk about my books with my friends,” said Rosemary Groux, who published her first fiction novel in 2013. “There are several who have not found out about them until we’ve been friends for several Rosemaryyears.”wrote her first books, the fantasy-adventure-magic themed Bren wyd Legacy trilogy, while she was in high school, wrapping it up in 2015 at 19 years old. Now, at 26, she has just released her fourth novel, To Wake a Kingdom. Her mother LeighAnn said, “Even though her books are classified as Young Adult, the story appeals to readers from 8 years old to 80 years old. They are really good stories, classic good vs. evil tales. They are positive, affirming, and the characters have to struggle to overcome obstacles and fight for freedom.”
The (2013)FINDINGLegacyBrenwydSeriesTRUTH Cassie goodbattleandspiritualepicBrenwydfirstFindingrescuefriendswith—towhichtalentsearshidesdestiny,toherBrenwydstheorganizationWhenofantheisdiscoversPenningtonthatshedescendedfromBrenwyds,ancientgroupgiftedpeople.amysteriousofenemiesofthekidnapsparentsseekingthwartCassie’ssheherpointedandspecial—oneofistheabilitytalktoanimalsandembarkshertwobestonagreatadventure.TruthisthebookintheLegacy,antrilogyaboutwarfaretheunseenbetweenandevil.
Rosemary’s interests, which all come out in her writing, include Celtic and English history. There is also a marked Christian theme running through her stories. LeighAnn said, “She has a strong faith, and she’s very active in our church.” Also surfacing in her novels are talking animals, a nod to her childhood with horses and affinity for all animals.
32 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022

306 Lee Hwy ~ Warrenton VA ~ 540 347 2533 Monday Friday: 9:30am to 6pm; Saturday 9am to 5pm Upgrading to Mirrorless Come Visit the Digital Experts Private Photo Lessons Passport Photos Canon R7 & R10 In Stock Proudly living in andFauquierservingCounty. IT’S ALWAYS AWARD SEASON! Let Doug advise you on purchasing a new home or refinancing your current one. Lifestyle BEST20 21 THE 16TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER 703-217-7277 | DOUG SALZMAN , Senior Loan Officer NMLS# 199735 147 Alexandria Pike, Suite 102, Warrenton 540-216-7900 | Lowlights Tone down that sun this Fall with 2006 • 2007 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 2012 • 2013 • 2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 2019 • 2020 • 2021 • 2022 THANK YOU FOR VOTING FOR US ALL OF THESE YEARS! 400 Holiday Ct. Suite 106, Warrenton • 540.349.8989 ChiropracticAdvantage&MASSAGETHERAPY Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER “What an honor to win again this year! We appreciate your votes and thank you to our loyal patients!”Dr. Doug Smith Warrenton Lifestyle 33SEPTEMBER 2022

TO WAKE A KINGDOM (2022) Waking Sleeping Beauty is only the beginning…. If Aislinn truly wants to wake the kingdom fallen into an enchanted sleep, she must unravel secrets and heal a longhardened heart. The day before Crown morekingdomfreeingtheysuccessful,love’sCalissaRhodrimustfriend,Calissa’ssleep.intokingdomcausingonprickingmanipulatesreappearsantwentiethCalissaPrincessofEcclesia’sbirthday,ancientenemyandherintoherfingerarose,anactionthewholetofallanenchantedOnlyAislinn,bestescapes.ShefindPrincetoawakenwithatruekiss.Sheisbutdiscoverthatthewholewillrequirethanakiss.
An avid reader from childhood whose favorite authors included CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien, Rosemary said, “Writing down my story ideas wasn’t something that occurred to me at the start. When my mom first suggest ed it, I dismissed it because I was young at the time and I read all these books and [thought], ‘other people write books, I don’t write books.’ But once she suggested that, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. One day I sat down, and it continued from there.”
She has done some interviews and spoken at events but, when it comes to writing, she says, “It’s something that I do when the inclination takes me. I know the technical defi nition is author, writer, and I fulfill those criteria. It’s odd to think of myself that way because I still think that J.K.
Writing down my books.’Iwrite‘otherandalltimeyoungitit,firstWhenmeoccurredsomethingideasstorywasn’tthattoatthestart.mymomsuggestedIdismissedbecauseIwasattheandIreadthesebooks[thought],peoplebooks,don’twrite
Find Rosemary’s books locally at The Open Book and Horse Country, or online at
Animals all around I’m not a hugely extroverted people-person so dealing with animals was a bit more natural in some cases,” said Rosemary, who graduated from Berry College with an ani mal science degree and minors in history and creative writ ing. She is now studying to become a veterinary technician. Rosemary’s mother was raised with horses, so it was natural for her and her sister to get involved at the barn during their childhood. “I grew up with horses, riding them, taking care of them year-round, I was in the Casa nova-Warrenton Pony Club [so] a lot of my summers and spare time outside of school was spent around horses,” Rosemary said. Trail riding is one of her favorite ways to spend her time. She has plenty of experience riding, but she said, “I’m not competitive with my riding, I do it more for enjoyment.” Right now she’s doing the nitty gritty work with small animals for her school program, but is hoping to wind up working with horses again once she’s licensed. “I like deal ing with animals directly, I like nursing care,” she said. The spaces you love “I’ve lived and grown up in the same house all my life. The neighbors that we did have were mostly family. The outside was always accessible. It was a great place to grow up,” she reminisced. They live on 11 acres in the middle of her grandfather’s cattle farm in Broad Run. “I’m very attached to Virginia,” she chuckled, “so I don’t see myself moving.”
You won’t find Rosemary scouring the bestseller lists for her name, pushing her way to the front, or grinding to exhaustion. Instead, you’ll find her strolling with her horse on the trails behind their house, calming anxious animals at the clinic, or bringing life to the characters she envisions.
FINDING SECRETS (2014) Cassie and her friends journey to whereGlastonburytheymeet a mysterious woman who holds the key to their past — and their future. Suddenly thrust into the past to the kingdom ruled by the legendary King Arthur, the four friends discover they are in a race against time. To preserve the legacy of a kingdom that has theirbeforeoriginalandonsecrets,uncovercenturies,imaginationsfascinatedfortheymustseveralshedlightafalserumor,battletheBrotherhoodreturningtoowntime.
Besides literal location, Rosemary has an eye for the beauty of where you are now. “I feel like there’s a big push in our culture today about reaching for your limits and going for your dream, doing the best you can possibly do, but is that always the best thing you can do when you’d be fairly content living and being where you are?” she mused.
Now, Rosemary finds herself at the tail end of her latest book release, To Wake a Kingdom. “This one, which has a Sleeping Beauty base, was supposed to be a short story that I was writing as a Christmas present. I’ve done that often for family members; I’ve asked them what their favorite stories are, and I write a short story for them that I think they’d like. I was getting towards where it was supposed to end and it didn’t feel right, like there should be more, so I kept going and it got considerably larger,” she joked.
34 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
Thoughts on writing
Rowling is an author, Tolkein was an author, Lewis was an author–all the other people that you see on bestseller lists who talk about the next book in progress.”
FINDING FREEDOM (2015) In this installmentfinal of the Brenwyd Legacy series, an epic spiritual battle ensues in the conflict between the Brenwyds and their enemies. King Arthur’s treasure, the togethereverythingafaith,destiny?anliveCaninforetellingthehasstake.safetyfuture,Brenwyds’andCassie’sareallatCassienotforgottenprophecyherrolethisgreatbattle.shepossiblyuptosuchextraordinaryIt’lltakehope,andmiraclefortocomeasforetold.
Rosemary relates to some of the great authors who sug gested they just gave words to worlds that already existed. “I grew up reading a lot of different books and it grew organi cally out of that. Some of my favorite stories gave me ideas, and I came up with a main character for my first books, and then, trying to flesh her out, that whole story came about.”
“I’m content to go along with what I have, and the books are [something] that I do as I want to,” she said. Keep a look out for what she surely has in store–she has a knack for a good story, or, as her grandfather says, “a darn good yarn.”
20 Rock Pointe Lane • Warrenton, VA 20186 540.347.9900 • www.piedmontpediatrics.comLACTATIONSERVICESLifestyle BEST20 21 THE 16TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER OUR TEAM Dennis Rustom, MD, FAAP Diana Chalmeta, MD • Joshua Jakum, MD, FAAP Katherine Bovee, MD, FAAP • Debbie Hayes, FNP-C Candace Simpson, CPNPC-PC, IBCLC Thank you for voting us Best Pediatrician in Fauquier! • Skin Rejuvenation • Laser Treatments • Laser Hair Removal • Medical Skin Care • RestylaneBotox/Dysport/ • Radio MicroneedlingFrequency 25% OFF for Fauquier Health and Novant employees (703) 379-2700 - Option 2 Experiencewww.spaclinic.netTheDifference at Delia Pomeroy BSN, RN CMSRN, WCC Warrenton Lifestyle 35SEPTEMBER 2022

irginia is horse country, and Fauquier is smack dab in the middle of it. Among the variety of show horses, event hors es, and foxhunters, tucked in The Plains you’ll find Grey Lady Farm, Eric and Nancy Rizer’s Thoroughbred breeding farm where they breed and raise racehorses.
Off to the Races
Twenty-two years ago, when the Rizers were raising their two boys in Marshall, Nancy wanted another child. Ric said, “I told her, ‘I’ll tell you what…let’s get horses instead.’ In retrospect, it might have been cheaper to have a child,” he laughed. They bought the initial portion of the farm, 56 acres, in 2000. Ric, who had been around horses all his life, brought home two pregnant Thoroughbred racehorse mares that were in foal to a Thoroughbred stallion with rac ing lines and told her, “Just wait till you see these babies and their little noses. You’ll love them!”
At about 10, they started handling the mares during the breeding process while Ric handled the stallion. “We had a two-kid-and-dad breeding operation and we did great and
Nancy said, “Honestly, I was a little resentful at first. I knew nothing about horses at all. Nothing. But I grew to love them. I was really interested in learning everything about them, and how to take care of them. I learned a lot from my husband, and also from our veterinarian and reading and researching.” Now she’s the main person caring for all the horses. And there are a lot of them now.
Above: Eric with a 2022 homebred colt. Left: Subject to Change racing at Laurel Park in August of 2022.
At Eric and Nancy Rizer’s Grey Lady Farm in The Plains, homebred race horses live their best lives.
36 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
The boys, Nick and Alex, have been involved in the farm since childhood, and Ric and Nancy are proud of the horsemen they have become. Ric pays them the highest compliment there is in the horse world: “They are both very quiet and calm ing, with good hands on horses.” “They got broke in early,” Ric laughed. “I started to take them with me to deliver foals when they were about six.”

Races...and Back Warrenton Lifestyle 37SEPTEMBER 2022

Breeding horses is part algo rithm-there are computer programs that analyze the past performances of the lineages of the mare and stallion and grades the possible success of the offspring-and a good part instinct.
“We truly care about each one of these animals. And they truly are living beings, they all have their own personality. They’re all wonderful in their own way. We follow them for their whole lives,” Ric said. All of the Rizers’ horses are raised on the farm, and are delivered either at the farm here or at a partner farm in Maryland. They spend their first two years at home learning basic gentling, getting used to people, getting groomed, getting used to the farrier picking up their feet.
Clockwise from top left: Grey Lady Farm’s first broodmare Blue Design in 1996 with Eric, Nick (in the blue shirt) and Alex (in the red shirt); Nancy bottle feeding a foal for extra nutrition after birth; Eric with jockey Xavier Perez at Colonial Downs in 2019; Princess Kokachin approaching the paddock at Laurel with her groom Jonathan Rivera in 2021; Alex, Eric, and Nick on the farm on weaning morning in December of 2019
Ric explained, “If I’ve got a horse that has gobs of speed, I try to breed to one that’s got a good record over distance. If you’ve got that speed and you put that distance behind it hope fully you really have something. I like to look at the horses too. If you have a longer backed horse you breed it to a shorter backed one.” It’s also a lot of research. Every year, The Blood Horse, a comprehensive directory of Thoroughbred stallions, is published. “It’s huge, it’s like a phone book,” said Nancy. “When it comes out, Ric and Nick will fight over it.
PHOTOSCOURTESY 38 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
Nick will memorize it from front to back, and while they’re commuting to work in the city together they spend the whole way arguing about which stallion each mare should be bred to. It’s almost as much fun as trying to name the foals when they’re born.”
So whose idea was it to get into rac ing? “Not mine!” Nancy laughed. Their farm manager, Floyd Faulkner, had the original idea, and they thought, “Why not?” Which, of course, circles back to Ric’s admission that another child might have been cheaper.
Fast forward to today, and the Rizers have 40 horses on the farm they built themselves, including six pregnant Thoroughbred mares who will foal in the spring. Six of their homebreds are racing this year, including four-year-old Princess Kokachin, Laurel's 2021 Winningest Horse; three-year-old Sparkle Sprinkle, Virginia's Champion 2021 two-year-old filly; four-year-old Subject to Change; three-year-old Stronger Than Dex; four-year-old Lit tle Sir John; and three-year-old Tulip Lil who is just starting. Over the years, the farm and the racehorses have always been a labor of love, and, Ric said, “Most of the time there wasn’t any money to be made. But last year we did extremely well, and this year started off really well also. It’s paying for itself now.”
The Rizers don’t keep a stallion at this point, but they breed their mares to sires after carefully researching their lineages and analyzing what qualities the offspring may have.
“Every day is a teaching experience,” Nancy said. When they are two-year-olds, the horses go to train ers in Kentucky to be introduced to being ridden and begin their racing training for about 3-4 months, and then they are sent to trainer John Robb at the racetrack in Laurel, MD., who takes them the rest of the way in their careers in racing.
had an excellent reputation. We had a couple vets send us horses because they couldn’t get them in foal at other farms and we had such a good success rate.”Their boys are adults now, and both live within a few miles of the farm. Nancy said, “When the mares go into labor, everyone gets a phone call, and everybody comes running. It’s exciting.

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LOOKING AHEAD So what’s in the future for Grey Lady Farm? Nancy said, “A couple of years ago, we actually decided to take a year off from breeding. I think we were both thinking of drawing down a little. I’m retired, Ric’s at retirement age, so he can do that. But then all of a sudden Nicholas, he wants to take over the farm one day. He comes in with this list of mares and stallions to breed to. And I en couraged that-I want to see him do that. My other son is good with the equipment, tractors, Nick is great with the horses, and together I think they’d make a fantastic team to take it over one day.”
Thoroughbreds, on average, only race for a few years. What happens then for the Grey Lady horses?
But the word “retire” is relative. When Ric retires, that means he will retire from his job in the city. Ric and Nan cy live on the farm, and don’t foresee changing anytime in the next 20 years. “We’ll always work on the farm and we’ll stay very active in it. We’ll still keep the cameras in our bedroom that we use to watch the pregnant mares as they come close to foaling,” Ric said. Nancy added, “As blessed and fortunate as we are now, we never quit, we never gave up. We had some tough years, some really tough years. It’s just …we just contin ued to work hard, and we really love our animals. We’ve had so many triumphs, but we have had a few heartbreak ers. It’s part of it.” w
2022 colt Slam Notion plays in the pasture. Eric and Nancy walking to the original Grey Lady Farm barn.
“We bring them home,” Nancy said simply.Assoon as a horse shows any signs of infirmity, it is retired from racing. Some of the mares Ric and Nick will keep as broodmares. Most of the others can go on to second careers as show horses, jumpers, or maybe foxhunters. “That’s why those first two years at home with us are so important. They need to learn to be gentle from the beginning so they are easy to handle when they retire from racing. We find the best homes for them that we can. We’ve been so lucky and so blessed with the homes we’ve been able to find. We’re very picky,” explained Nancy. Those that don’t or can’t go on to a second career? “Any horses I can’t find good homes for will live out their lives here on the farm, and be buried here. That’s why I’ve got close to 40 horses now,” she admits. The Rizers are in it for the life of the horse, not just the racing career. “It’s not about the money. It’s about the horse, and letting them have the life that they need,” Ric explained.
— Ric Rizer
Nancy with brooodmare What a Lute and her 2022 filly.
40 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
We try to follow our horses through their lifetimes, but sometimes we don’t have total control once they leave us. Once, through the racing grape vine, we heard that one of our homebreds, Like Parker Dreamt, had been sold at an extremely low price at a Thoroughbred auction. Well, Parker was the most beautiful all-black horse that you ever saw. For him to sell for so little, he had to look awful. It took us about 8 hours of phone calls and running around all over the place until we found him. I called his new owner, and I said, “What do you have to have for him?” He said, “$350.” I said, “I’ll be down tomorrow morning to pick him up.” We brought him home and nursed him back to health. While that was a sad experi ence, fortunately we’ve found it to be rare. We have certainly found that there are more good people in horse racing than bad, contrary to modern belief. There are good and bad in every walk of life, but from our perspective, the people that we know and meet in the racing community truly love and care about their horses. Now Parker is living his best life. After his full recovery, we gave him to a little girl across the street. She absolutely fell in love with him. We told her she could have him as long as she took care of him.

insurancepayinsurance,Commercialprivateandworkman’scompensationareaccepted.540.347.4774 | 800.989.0055 23 Winchester Street, Warrenton, VA 20186 Complimentary evaluation by a registered nurse is offered to determine the appropriate level of care for every patient. Each case is provided with a plancustomizedofcareandsupervision. Mid-Atlantic Home Health is a licensed Medicare and Medicaid certified home health agency providing Skilled Nursing Care, Rehabilitation Services and Personal Care Aide NOW HIRING RN’s. LPN’s, CNA’s, PCA’s & Occupational Therapist! professional, compassionatein home care Mid-Atlantic HOME HEALTH Serving Fauquier and Surrounding Counties since 1985 We’re about to become your new favorite Deep Cleans $100 OFF withagreementrecurringGiveusacall 571-606-8973today! 2022 NATIONAL PRESENTING SPONSORS THERE’SWHERE A WALK, THERE’S A WAY. The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to ending this disease. Because like flowers, our participants don’t stop when something’s in their way. They keep raising funds and awareness for a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. It’s time to add your flower to the fight. Join us at Oct. 8 Washington, DC Oct. 15 Manassas, VA Oct. 23 Reston, VA Additional Walks available. Find one near you at 09/30/2022 09/30/2022 2021 202220202019 Warrenton Lifestyle 41SEPTEMBER 2022

new¬eworthy News from Experience Old Town Warrenton
Organizers have dedicated a specific number of booths to professional ser vices, merchandise vendors, commu nity organizations and food trucks to ensure a balance of businesses that best serves the expectations of thousands of visitors and locals who attend. From home and garden décor to jewelry, leather goods, wellness products, gourmet food items, pet products, ceramics, wood creations, and more… there is something for everyone. If you are interested in becoming a vendor or would like more information, email onagainvibes.spook-tacularcan’tisdistance,écoralreadyoutinfull-forceandonehelpbutlookforwardtothismonthfullofmagicalOldTownWarrentonwilloncehosttheWarrentonWizardWalkSaturday,October15,2022through out the day, on Main Street. Just like last year, the Sorting Hat will be on the scene, ensuring participants end up in their correct houses. Once sorted, they will then be sent on magical adventures full of problems to solve and mischief to manage. Cammie Fuller, owner of The Open Book and co-organizer of the Warrenton Wizard Walk offered this preview: “This year’s event will feature more whimsical community fun with a wild yo-yo show, a magic show, and a sky-high stilt walker. The shops and restaurants will be out in full force with silly whimsy fun.” So dust off your hats and capes, take out your wands and brooms, and prepare for what is sure to be a fantastically brilliant time. Be sure to keep an eye out for more information on and upcoming dates/ times for the Fauquier Historical Society’s Museum Ghost Tours and the Great Pumpkin Hay Ride, two of our Fall favorites. And last but not least, don’t forget trick-or-treating at the War renton Farmers Market and throughout the businesses on Main Street, taking place Saturday, October 29 after the Halloween Parade at 10 a.m. There will be treats, a few tricks, and the opportu nity to take some ghoulishly delightful pictures at the market. Join us and “Fall” in love with Old Town all over again. w
As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, it’s almost time for sweaters, bonfires, cider, s’mores, and so much more… T he 43rd Annual Old Town War renton Street Festival sponsored by the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce, also known as “Spring into Fall,” will be held September 24, 2022 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Join us as Main Street comes alive once again with vendors, food trucks, and more! Historically held in the Spring, this event was moved during the pandemic and was so well received that the Fauquier Chamber decided to keep it in the Fall, thus “Spring into Fall.”

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\ Remember that big companies such as Microsoft don’t want to talk to you on the phone; they generally use some kind of chat bot to address your question or complaint.
Thankfully, some store clerks are wise to such schemes and ask customers what they want them for. This has saved some people from wasting their hard-earned money on a scam. The good news is that when that threatening screen pops up, your thesystemcomputerisprobablynotinfectedorinvaded…yet(eventhoughyourbrowsermightneedsettingstobechanged).Butclickingonthatlinkisthefirststepthatopensdoor.Donottake the second step of calling the requested number. Shut your computer down right away. w
First of all, how do scammers find you? There are murky places on the Dark Web where scammers can buy and download lists of numbers, even ones designated as “Easy marks - fell for a scam before”. Some provide databases hacked from retail accounts from which phishers can ityourandWebthebanditsaddresses.andphoneextractnumbersemailTheworstonWildWestcaptureencryptdatatoholdforransom.For the decryption key, they extort a ransom often measured not in dollars but Now-a-daysBitcoins.halfa bitcoin can easily cost $10,000 and it is a hassle to get this cryptocurrency. What makes Bitcoins so attractive to the bad ransom hunters? You can’t file a complaint and request your money back like you can with most credit cards. Before Bitcoins, phishers turned to angling for gift cards from grocery or other stores. I recall people waiting impatiently in line at Walmart to get cards worth hundreds of dollars.
44 Warrenton Lifestyle SEPTEMBER 2022
\ If you see a strange caller ID on the phone, don’t pick up.
So, how can you WestonwithencounterssurvivebadguystheWildWeb?
WebWildWWW=West Don’t be quick to click
technology Hardly a day goes by without our shop checking in a hacked computer. Many of these clients say, “I don’t know how this could have happened.”
\ Phone numbers you search/google for on the internet might not connect to the business or person you want. If it’s marked as an advertisement, do not trust it and keep scrolling.
\ In the event that a scammer gains access to your computer, contact an IT specialist you know for help. Your computer will need a thorough checkup. \ Remember, it’s the Wild West Web. Be vigilant. Don’t be quick to click. Just say NO. Shoot back by hanging up and shutting the computer or the mobile device down.
Dok Klaus. He and his team deal with all kinds of computer issues; data preservation is one of their top priorities. You may contact Dok Klaus via phone 540-428-2376 or visit his website
\ Do not let anyone log into your computer remotely, unless you know them personally.
\ Don’t click on a link from an email message or attachment, unless you are expecting one from a trusted source. Email addresses can be stolen or manipulated. If the email address seems super long, misspelled, or suspicious in any way, delete the message.
I t’s easy to get in trouble on the Wild West Web. All it takes is one click on a malicious email or a misspelled website address and a threatening screen pops up demanding you call a certain number for help. Some come with an alarm sound in the background to drive you into calling, just to get rid of the noise. The screen may accuse you of illegal actions, such as infringing on copyright laws or watching illegally downloaded videos and threaten dire consequences if the ransom is not paid. Or the hackers might claim to be one of the “good guys” such as Norton, McAfee, Microsoft or Comcast with a seemingly plausible concept. But it is only a cleverly created website designed to scare you into calling the phone number. And too many people fall for it. Sadly, in such cases your Antivirus program will probably not take any action at all. After all, you clicked on it.
\ If a sudden popup seems scary, don’t click. If the screen won’t let you out, you may need to do so by holding down the power button.
\ If the supposed “Tech help desk person” asks you to pay a lot of money, or mentions gift cards or Bitcoins, hang up and turn off the computer.

* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment. W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. HRB Tax Group, Inc.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
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77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Complicated taxes?
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Bring it on.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Call today to make your appointment.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Complicated taxes?
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, OBTP#B13696@213Inc.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
Complicated taxes?
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
Bring it on.
If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund.
Complicated taxes?
Call today to make your appointment.
Call today to make your appointment.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
Bring it on.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Call today to make your appointment.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Call today to make your appointment.
Bring it on.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
Bring it on.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Call today to make your appointment.
15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Complicated Taxes are complicated. your taxes done most deductionqualifiedyou Call today 77 W LEE OBTP#B13696@213duringtheyou*15135SHOPPINGHWY.,CENTER,MONTANUSIfyoudiscoverantoalargerrefundtaxprepfeeforthecalendar Complicated Taxes are your taxes most deductionqualified Call today 77 W LEE OBTP#B13696@213duringtheyou*15135SHOPPINGHWY.,MONTANUSIfyoudiscovertoalargertaxprepfeethecalendar Complicated Taxes are your taxes most deductionqualified Call today 77 W OBTP#B13696@213duringtheyou*15135SHOPPINGLEEMONTANUSIfyoudiscovertoalargertaxprepfeethecalendarTaxesyourtaxesmostqualifieddeduction Call today 77 W OBTP#B13696@213duringtheyou*15135SHOPPINGLEEIfyoudiscovertoataxprepthe185 MADISON RD., ORANGE, VA 22960 Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you
Call today to make your appointment.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
Complicated taxes?
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Complicated taxes?
Complicated taxes?
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Bring it on.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment.
Complicated taxes?
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 get your maximum refund.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed. Call today to make your appointment.
Complicated taxes?
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Bring it on.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Bring it on.
Call today to make your appointment.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment.
Complicated taxes? Bring it on. Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough - you need your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and train the most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every credit and deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.*
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Bring it on.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Call today to make your appointment.
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
SHOPPING CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
* If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared.
Call today to make your appointment.
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517
Call today to make your appointment. W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517 CENTER, BEALETON, VA 22712 540-439-1270 15135 MONTANUS DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700
Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
Call today to make your appointment.
Bring it on.
OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
Taxes are complicated. Getting your taxes done isn’t enough your taxes done right. That’s where we come in. We hire and most qualified tax professionals to ensure you claim every deduction you deserve so you get your maximum refund. Guaranteed.
DR, CULPEPER, VA 22701 540-825-8700 * If you discover an H&R Block error on your return that entitles you to a larger refund for smaller tax liability, we’ll refund the tax prep fee for that return. Refund claims must be made during the calendar year in which the return was prepared. OBTP#B13696@213 HRB Tax Group, Inc. 540-672-4050 540.347.0555 528 Waterloo Road, Warrenton |“Best of Fauquier” 9 Times! Serving Fauquier County Since 1979 Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER Dr. Shannon Moore | Dr. Lisa Butterfield | Dr. Barbara Masiello Licensed Home Care Agency through the Virginia Department of Health 571.483.8806 • • 70 Main St. Suite 11, Warrenton Passionate Caregivers, Exceptional Care Around the clock care ranging from 4 hours to 24 hours per day wherever our clients call home. We’re committed to finding individuals with the right heart posture. This innate sense and passion for caring for others defines the EverNest team. From personal care services to companionship services and beyond, our home care offerings are tailored to suit each of our client’s lifestyles and needs. • Personal Hygiene Care • Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care • Medication Reminders • Exercise & Range of Motion Support • Meal Prep • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Hospice Support + MORE Please call us to arrange a free consultation! Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER Warrenton Lifestyle 45SEPTEMBER 2022
Complicated taxes?
77 W LEE HWY., WARRENTON, VA 20186 540-347-7517

Three generations come together in Warrenton to
n August, Robyn Thompson, the daughter of the community leader and civil rights activist Eva Walker, helped town officials declare the Eva Walker Park Commemorative Garden open to the public.
Fauquier County deputies help deliver baby along James Madison Highway T wo Fauquier County deputies helped deliver a healthy baby boy in the line of duty on August 13 after a mother in labor was forced to give birth along James Madison Highway because she could not make it to the hospital in time, according to a press re lease from the Fauquier County Sheriff's office. Deputy First Class Zachary Lawrence and Master Deputy Sheriff John Clubb helped with the delivery and made sure the baby’s airway was not obstruct ed. After a few moments, the baby started to cry, and the deputies reportedly wrapped him in blankets. EMS arrived on scene and took over care for the baby and mother and provided transport to Fauquier Hospital. The baby and mother are doing well.
In the 1980s, Walker convinced the owner of the property on which the current park sits, Dr. Aaron Gerber, to donate the site to the town and turn it into a public park. The field was named Alexandria Park until it changed to Eva J. Walker Memorial Park following Walker’s death in 1982 at the age of 48.
R ebecca Segal will take over as CEO of Fauquier Health starting Sept. 6. Segal replaces Tony Young, who has been serving as interim CEO at Fauquier Health for the past several months. Segal earned a bachelor of science in business administration from University of Mary Wash ington and a master of health administration from Virginia Com monwealth University. She was previously CEO of Rutherford Regional Health System, a Duke LifePoint facility in Rutherford ton, N.C. where she "made strides" in recruiting more physicians, expanding access to primary and specialty care throughout the region and improving patient safety and experience. She also oversaw a $17 million master facility renovation plan. “I look forward to joining Fauquier Health and to serving the employees, patients and community in Warrenton,” said Segal. “Being from Virginia, coming to Fauquier is a home coming for me and I am excited to get to know the team and work towards advancing the care and services we provide here and fulfilling our mission of Making Communities
A MONTHLY DOSE OF LOCAL FAUQUIERNOW.COMBROUGHTHEADLINESTOYOUBY Keep up with all the news from around your county: SUBSCRIBE! Sign up for our e-newsletters VISIT! FOLLOW! on Facebook and Twitter @fauquiernow
Walker, a Fauquier native who lived in Warrenton’s Haiti neighborhood from the 1950s through the early 1980s, spearheaded several campaigns to improve the historically segregated Haiti neighborhoods by requesting the town allocate money toward public infrastructure, safety and recreation. Her passion project was building a park so the neighborhood children could have a place to play rather than in the streets.
The master plan was funded by the town of Warrenton and the PATH Founda tion. The garden was funded between AARP and Plan+Place. Additional support was provided by the Walker family, Fauquier Habitat for Humanity, the Afro-Amer ican Historical Association of Fauquier County, the First Baptist Church of Warren ton, the Piedmont Environmental Council and the Warrenton Garden Club.

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493 Blackwell Road •
540.349.3970 | “I
540.349.3970 |
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 400 Holiday Court • Suite 101 Warrenton, VA 20186 | wish we had known about hospice sooner.” most place of all, and the best place to provide or assisted Any patient, family member or e house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, can anytime, 24/7. Our staff lives and works here because caring for our community is our passion. 493 Suite 319 VA about hospice
“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.” is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or can contact us anytime, 24/7. 540.349.3970 wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
540.349.3970 | nwonkdahewhsiwI“ about
most place of all, and the best place to provide or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or e you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, us anytime, 24/7. Our staff lives and works here because caring for our community is our passion.
20186 540.349.3970 | we“Iabout
in for
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing friend can contact us anytime, 24/7.
“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
is our
nwonkdahewhsiwI“ about hospice sooner.” is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or can contact us anytime, 24/7. 540.349.3970 LLC to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
540.349.3970 | “I
540.349.3970 | “I
© 2019
“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
2019 HCR Healthcare, LLC
about hospice
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. Suite 101
540.349.3970 | © 2019 HCR Healthcare, LLC and
HCR-312985-001 HCR Healthcare, LLC and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or
20186 540.349.3970 | nwonkdahewhsiwI“
HCR-312985-001 © 2019 HCR Healthcare, LLC Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER
Holiday Court • Suite 101 Warrenton, VA 20186 540.349.3970
| “I
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 400 Holiday Court Suite 101 Warrenton, VA 20186 wish we had known about hospice sooner.” place of all, and the best place to provide nursing assisted living facility. patient, family member or e you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, can contact us staff lives and works here community passion. Suite 319 VA sooner.”
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 540.349.3970 |
400 Holiday Court •
| Healthcare,
“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
PO Box 3632 | Warrenton, Virginia 20188 540-349-2951 | A division of Rappahannock Media/InsideNova WARRENTON LIFESTYLE A Celebration of Fauquier County
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 400 Holiday Court • Suite 101 Warrenton, VA 20186 hospice sooner.”
“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or anytime, 24/7. wish we had known about hospice sooner.” is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or can contact us anytime, 24/7.
Blackwell Road • Suite 319 arrenton, VA 20186 540.349.3970
540.349.3970 | “I
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
HCR-312985-001 HCR Healthcare, LLC
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 540.349.3970
Blackwell Road •
2019 HCR Healthcare, LLC Lifestyle BEST20 22 THE 17TH ANNUAL OF FAUQUIER “I wish we
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. wish we had known about hospice sooner.”
because caring for our
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the place to provide hospice care. The house you’ve lived in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing or assisted living facility. Any patient, family member or friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 400 Holiday Court • Suite 101 about hospice sooner.”
“I wish we had known about hospice sooner.” Home is the most comfortable place of all, and the in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 540.349.3970 |
Home is the most comfortable place of all, and in for decades, or an independent, skilled nursing friend can contact us anytime, 24/7. 540.349.3970 had known sooner.”
HCR-312985-001 © 2019 HCR Healthcare, LLC