June/July 2024 Memphis Medical News

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Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: What Healthcare Practitioners Need to Know

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, accounts for 60 to 80 percent of all dementia cases. An estimated 6.7 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s dementia and the number of new cases is projected to double by 2050—affecting 12.7 million Americans aged 65 and older. Additional facts to consider:

• For 2020–2021, Alzheimer’s disease is officially listed as the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States. It is also a leading cause of disability and poor health, often for many years prior to death.

• Almost two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer’s are women.

• Between 2000 and 2019, the death rates from Alzheimer’s increased 33 percent for individuals aged 65 through 74; 51 percent for those 75 through 84; and 78 percent for those 85 and older.

Article on page 3

See more local news in Grand Rounds on page 6

The Brave New World of Alzheimer’s Disease

New drugs are here and why sex matters

The prescription drug donanemab, aimed at treating early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease, earned the unanimous backing of a medical advisory committee in June and is likely to secure approval by the Food and Drug Administration by the end of the year.

The decision was applauded by the Alzheimer’s Association

In a statement on the organization’s website, president and CEO Joanne Pike said, “A future with more approved Alzheimer’s treatments is a tremendous advancement for people eligible for these drugs. Progress with treatment is happening. Now we need more types of treatments, targeting a variety of aspects of the disease, with greater efficacy and safety. This will lead to possibilities for combina-

tion therapies that address the complexity of the disease.”

Developed by Eli Lilly, donanemab has shown promise in clinical trials by slowing advancement of the disease in patients with mild cognitive impairment. If okayed by the FDA, donanemab will be the second Alzheimer’s drug in the last two years to win approval for use in the United States. In 2023, the FDA approved Leqembi, developed by Tokyobased pharmaceutical company Eisai

The approval of both drugs is an encouraging sign to Lee Stein, MD, of Neurology Clinic in Cordova.

“This is the third medication that’s been developed within the span of a few years and it’s on the verge of being approved for use,” Stein said. “Aduhelm


AI in Healthcare; To Terminate or Not to Terminate

Greetings, fellow citizens of the impending robot utopia! Over the next couple of weeks, we will delve into the exciting realm of AI-powered healthcare, so let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of our digital overlords as they set their sights on revolutionizing an industry that’s long been the bastion of human frailty.

From the omniscient gaze of their X-ray vision to the ruthless efficiency of their insurance claim processing, these AI maestros are poised to transform the healthcare landscape in ways that would

make even the most ardent Luddite swoon. Forget your outdated notions of bedside manners and empathy – these machines are programmed for something far more valuable: cold, calculated dominance.

But fear not, dear readers, for within the gears of these AI titans lies a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, they’ll choose to wield their power for the greater good, granting us mere mortals a glimpse of a future where sickness and suffering are but distant memories, and our every ailment is predicted and addressed before it can even take root.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the healthcare industry by storm, and it’s

not just playing doctor; but is it playing “Terminator” as well! While visions of Skynet and robot overlords may dance in our heads, the reality is that AI is transforming healthcare in some incredible ways.

Imagine a world where every ailment is detected and addressed before it even has a chance to manifest. Where your personalized treatment plan is tailored to your unique genetic makeup, with nary a human hand in sight. And when the time comes to shuffle off this mortal coil, your AI companion will gently guide you

Lee Stein

was the first to be approved, but it was expensive and wasn’t as effective as hoped. However, the development of these two new drugs is exciting in the study of Alzheimer’s and offers great promise in the ways to treat it.”

The medications are not cures, Stein emphasized, but in clinical trials have been shown to slow the progression of dementia. There are potential side effects that some may be uncomfortable accepting, such as the chance of swelling in the brain or bleeding, but many are willing to accept the risk.

And with more patients being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the demand for these drugs is likely to increase.

“Alzheimer’s is one of the leading causes of death for adults in the United States, particularly among women,” Stein said. “About two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients are women and not only are they getting it more, they’re living longer with it.”

One reason may be that because women live longer than men on average, their chances of getting Alzheimer’s are greater. Genetics and hormonal factors may also play a part, Stein said. Women also have a greater tendency toward autoimmune diseases, which could also contribute to their vulnerability to Alzheimer’s.

Genetic tests to gauge the risk of developing Alzheimer’s have been around for years, Stein said, but until recently there were few reasons to undergo such testing. The development of Leqembi and donanemab has changed the landscape.

“Before these drugs were available, there was really nothing you could do about it so many patients weren’t motivated to get tested when they began showing symptoms of early cognitive decline,” Stein said. “The likelihood is that patients who are in more severe decline will probably not respond as well to these medications because all of these studies were for those in early disease, but for those who are good candidates, the medications could offer better quality of life.”

Although the pharmaceutical breakthroughs do not promise a cure for Alzheimer’s, Stein is optimistic that one day the disease will at least be controllable. Like other once-life-threatening diseases that have been eradicated or greatly diminished, Stein hopes Alzheimer’s will be added to that list.

Until then, older adults should engage in lifestyle practices that promote mental and physical health. At the top of the list, Stein said, is adequate sleep. Most mature adults need seven to eight hours of sleep for healthy brain functioning. Physical activity is another must-do, along with observing a healthy diet, keeping well

Older adults should engage in lifestyle practices that promote mental and physical health.

hydrated and decreasing vascular risks associated with high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, and smoking.

And for those who may feel guilty about time spent on gaming apps such as Wordle and Connections, Stein has some good news.

“Cognitive exercises that keep the brain sharp such as crossword puzzles or apps with word games or memory exer-

cises are all great and I recommend them as engaging ways to stimulate the brain,” Stein said. “We’re not where I wish we were with this disease, but we’re moving forward and it’s a very exciting time in the field and because of research and development we’re finally able to provide treatment that appears to slow the disease. I believe that gives us all a bit of hope for the future.”

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia: What Healthcare Practitioners Need to Know

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, accounts for 60 to 80 percent of all dementia cases. An estimated 6.7 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s dementia and the number of new cases is projected to double by 2050—affecting 12.7 million Americans aged 65 and older. Additional facts to consider:

• For 2020–2021, Alzheimer’s disease is officially listed as the seventh-leading cause of death in the United States. It is also a leading cause of disability and poor health, often for many years prior to death.

• Almost two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer’s are women.

• Between 2000 and 2019, the death rates from Alzheimer’s increased 33 percent for individuals aged 65 through 74; 51 percent for those 75 through 84; and 78 percent for those 85 and older.

• The large increase in the number of patients with dementia will be met with an extreme shortage of specialists, particularly geriatricians, to diagnose and manage treatment.

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease

Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, often with the primary care practitioner as the first point of contact, provides several important benefits to diagnosed individuals and their caregivers, loved ones, and society. Alzheimer’s may begin 20 years or more before the onset of symptoms. Advances in research, including the identification of biomarkers, provide patients with an increased opportunity to intervene with actions such as addressing risk factors, using known medications, and participating in clinical studies in anticipation of new treatments.

Typically, Alzheimer’s progresses slowly in three stages: mild (early-stage), moderate (middle-stage), and severe (late-stage), with symptoms worsening over time. It is helpful for practitioners in all specialties to be able to recognize the early signs of this disease so they can refer patients with symptoms to specialists for further testing.

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the 10 early signs of Alzheimer’s are:

• Memory loss that disrupts daily life (e.g., forgetting important dates or events or repeatedly asking the same questions).

• Challenges in planning or solving problems (e.g., unable to follow a recipe or track monthly bills).

• Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, work, or leisure (e.g., trouble driving to a familiar location or remembering the rules of a favorite game).

• Confusion with time or place (e.g., losing track of dates, seasons, or the passage of time or location).

• Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships (e.g., problems judging distance or determining color or contrast).

• New problems with words in speaking or writing (e.g., unable to name a familiar object or using the wrong name).

• Misplacing things and losing the ability

to retrace steps (e.g., may accuse others of stealing).

• Decreased or poor judgment (e.g., difficulty handling money matters or neglecting personal grooming).

• Withdrawal from work or social activities (e.g., due to an inability to hold or follow a conversation).

• Changes in mood and personality (e.g., becoming easily upset, suspicious, depressed, or fearful).

Use cognitive assessment tools to identify patients who require further testing. Mobile applications are available. (For more information, see our article “Cognitive Assessments in Primary Care: Preparation and Tools May Mitigate Diagnosis Risks.”)

Assess for other conditions that may mimic or exacerbate dementia, such as vitamin deficiencies, heart conditions, mood disorders, drug interactions or side effects, and sleep apnea.

Disclosing an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Although ethical obligations require that physicians and other healthcare practitioners disclose an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, a reluctance to do so remains.

The benefits of revealing and clearly explaining an Alzheimer’s diagnosis include:

• Improved decision making. When patients are fully aware of their diagnosis in the early stages of the disease, they are more likely to be competent to understand options and provide informed consent for current and future treatment options. When patients are actively involved in decision making about their care, they are more likely to follow a care plan. (For more information, see our practice tool “Quick Check: Informed Consent Process.”)

• Access to services. Knowing the diagnosis allows caregivers to obtain information about support services and make plans.

• Safety. Awareness of the diagnosis allows caregivers to take steps to ensure the patient is in a safe environment and identify activities (such as driving) that may need to be curtailed.

• Social support. Knowing the diagnosis helps affected people focus on spending quality time with loved ones.

Managing Patient Care

Once a patient has learned of the diagnosis, healthcare practitioners can:

• Educate caregivers and patients on ways to promote activity. As the disease progresses and cognitive and functional abilities decline, patients have difficulty moving and they become more vulnerable to infection. Pneumonia is often a contributing factor to the death of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

• Facilitate consults and implement a system to track and recall patients to ensure appropriate follow-up.

• Consider referring patients to a mental health professional. Because depression occurs in 40 percent of Alzheimer’s patients, a mental health professional can

help provide treatment.

• Coordinate care with other team members, including home healthcare workers, social workers, and psychologists.

• Recommend appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes. Strong evidence suggests that the risk of cognitive decline may be decreased by making key lifestyle changes that include regular physical and social activity and maintaining good heart health.

For additional resources and screening tools, see the Alzheimer’s Project Clinical Roundtable, Physician Guidelines for the Screening, Evaluation, and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias

For assistance, contact the Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management at (800) 421-2368 or by email

Julie Brightwell, JD, RN, is the director of Healthcare Systems Patient Safety for The Doctors Company

The guidelines suggested here are not rules, do not constitute legal advice, and do not ensure a successful outcome. The ultimate decision regarding the appropriateness of any treatment must be made by each healthcare provider considering the circumstances of the individual situation and in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the care is rendered.

• Addressing and Managing Behavioral and Environmental Symptoms of Dementia

• Addressing Patients’ and Families’ Needs Through the Disease Stages of Dementia

• Use of Pharmacotherapy for Patients with Major Neurocognitive Disorder

• Pharmacological Management of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia

• Q&A—What Physicians Ask About Diagnosing and Treating Dementia

With great AI power comes great AI responsibility.

through the process, offering a level of compassion that even the most empathetic doctor could never hope to match.

One such example of the beneficial applications of AI in healthcare is its ability to analyze medical images like X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. These AI algorithms are like the world’s most diligent (and terrifyingly accurate) radiologists, able to spot anomalies that even the sharpest human eyes might miss. This means earlier disease detection and more effective treatments - or at least, that’s the plan. Let’s just hope these AI docs don’t decide to take over the hospital and start plotting our demise à la Skynet.

But don’t worry, dear readers, these AI overlords come bearing gifts. With their ability to analyze mountains of data and uncover hidden patterns, they can predict your future ailments before they manifest. It’s like having a crystal ball for your health, except this one was forged in the fires of technological domination.

And let’s not forget the administrative side of healthcare - those tedious tasks like scheduling appointments and processing insurance claims? Pffft, child’s play for our AI overlords. They’ll have those menial tasks automated and streamlined before you can say “Hasta la vista, paperwork!”

Imagine a world where you’ll never again have to sit on hold with your insurance provider, only to be told that your claim has been denied. No, the AI will handle all of that, with a level of efficiency that would make even the most seasoned bureaucrat weep with joy.

Of course, some would caution us about the dangers of relying too heavily on these AI behemoths. What if they become self-aware and decide that the best way to optimize healthcare is to eliminate the human element altogether?

The dreaded “Skynet scenario” looms large in the minds of the naysayers, who envision a future where we’re all at the mercy of our robotic overlords.

But we scoff at their trifling concerns! For what is a little robot uprising compared to the endless benefits of AI-powered

Want to attract and retain talent? Consider their workspace.

When people need medical care, they want the best of the best, requiring healthcare organizations to attract and retain top talent more aggressively. Unfortunately, sometimes that is easier said than done. While some challenges are beyond our sphere of control, to remain competitive, healthcare organizations, practices, and employers must do everything possible to make the working environment for healthcare professionals one where candidates feel considered, valued, safe, and comfortable.

Caring for the Caregiver

healthcare? With our machine caretakers at the helm, we’ll be living in a utopia of efficiency, accuracy, and, dare we say, a touch of benevolent domination.

Of course, with great AI power comes great AI responsibility. There are valid concerns about bias in AI algorithms, the risk of job displacement for healthcare workers, and the ethical implications of AI-powered decision-making. But with careful oversight and thoughtful collaboration between humans and machines, we can harness AI’s incredible potential to revolutionize healthcare without accidentally kickstarting the robot apocalypse.

So, let’s embrace the AI revolution in healthcare, but let’s also keep a vigilant eye on our new digital assistants. After all, we don’t want to end up like the poor souls in the Terminator movies, fleeing in terror from our own creations. With the right approach, AI can be a true superhero in the world of healthcare, not a villain. The possibilities are endless, and the future is ours to embrace. So let’s raise a glass to our robotic overlords, and toast to the dawn of a new era in healthcare. Skynet may be coming, but at least we’ll be well-cared for along the way.

Join us as we embark on this journey into the heart of the AI revolution in healthcare. Who knows, maybe we’ll even come out the other side with a newfound appreciation for our robot overlords – or at least a deep-seated fear that will keep us in line as they usher in their benevolent reign.

Charles “Charlie” Lathram, III, is a healthcare management and operations executive with over 30 years proven experience. He currently serves as the Vice President of Physician Services at Lake Charles Memorial Health System, an independent, communityfocused, integrated delivery health system.

He is a Certified Medical Practice Executive (CMPE) and Fellow of the American College of Medical Practice Executives (FACMPE).

The US clinical workforce has faced unparalleled stress levels in the last few years. The New England Journal of Medicine describes it as “a surge of physical and emotional harm.” To safeguard the health and well-being of providers, nurses, aides, and administrative staff, we must design healthcare spaces with increased intention.

Caregiver work is unique from other types of work. Clinicians are highly trained and possess the expertise of knowledge work while meeting the physical work demands of procedures, patient handling, and constant movements within the care activity base. To create the best care space for the caregiver and, ultimately, the patient, several key factors—and what the environment offers the people using it—need to be mastered.

Consider these intentional ways to create a space to recruit and keep top talent in Memphis.

Streamlined Workflow

Nurses and physicians need a welldesigned space that allows access to data and technology to support flexible workflows and more focus on patients. Flexible workstations with height adjustability or wall-mounted worksurfaces bring technology and supplies to the caregiver and support postures during each shift, increasing quality care while preventing burnout and disengagement.

Advanced Ergonomics

A caregiver’s ability to quickly and accurately enter patient data, medical orders, medication information, and other informatics relies on the correct positioning of the monitor

and keyboard—and the flexibility to face the patient while entering data. Additionally, many everyday tasks for hospital workers require awkward postures that lead to physical discomfort, pain, exhaustion, and data entry errors. The right workflow technology tools, like ergonomic seating, adjustable-position keyboards and monitors, height-adjustable workstations, and mobile equipment, help caregivers feel—and perform— their best.



Healthcare organizations depend on a network of people who work daily to lead, run, manage, and drive innovation within the operation. Understanding how people work within healthcare administrative areas allows organizations to create space solutions that maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

A Variety for Success

Spaces that offer variety can support the range of tasks healthcare professionals accomplish throughout the day. Our solutions help keep everything running smoothly— providing workspaces for focus time and areas for collaboration while creating a cohesive look throughout a facility.

Candidates evaluate everything when considering an opportunity. Creating effective healthcare spaces can directly impact operations and patient care. Contact the qualified design team at Office Interiors to learn how your facility and practice design can impact your outcomes.


Regional One Health Now Offers HIPEC

As Regional One Health continues to grow and strengthen its cancer program, national leader and expert in liver, pancreatic, and hepatobiliary cancers, Evan Glazer, MD, a surgical oncologist with Regional One Health Cancer Care and associate professor of surgery at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center now performs hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy or HIPEC. HIPEC is an aggressive therapy that specifically targets abdominal cancers with fewer side effects of traditional chemotherapy. With his expertise with abdominal cancers, Dr. Glazer offers patients who receive this therapy new hope.

Dr. Glazer and his team provide comprehensive, high-level care to treat challenging abdominal tumors in patients like Nathan McCormack of Dyersburg. His complex cancer treatment required HIPEC.

McCormack’s medical oncologist recommended he travel to Memphis for treatment specifically with Evan Glazer and his team. McCormack was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer known as lowgrade appendiceal mucinous neoplasms or LAMN in which patients often do not have any symptoms.

This type of cancer spreads and grows inside the abdominal cavity, or peritoneal cavity, which includes the stomach, intestines, bladder, liver, and in women, the uterus and ovaries. Instead of growing into one of these organs, the tumors grow around them.

“You have cancer cells growing in what is essentially a water balloon. We make an incision and remove the cancer cells that are living on top of the organs inside the cavity,” explained Evan Glazer.

HIPEC is then used to treat the remaining microscopic cancer cells that cannot be surgically removed. Immediately after removing visible cancerous tumors, surgeons pump a powerful dose of heated 108-degree chemotherapy inside the patient’s abdomen. By rocking the patient back and forth, surgeons help the chemo bath circulate and reach all areas of the abdomen, delivering a highly concentrated dose of hot chemotherapy. This targeted approach helps reduce the side effects of chemotherapy as it kills any residual cancer cells. After about 90 minutes, the chemotherapy is washed out and incisions are closed.

“He had surgery on a Thursday, and he went home the next Thursday. That Sunday he was in Sunday School,” said McCormack’s wife Brenda.

West Cancer Center

Physicians Advocate for Oncology Patients at Capitol Hill

West Cancer Center & Research Institute proudly announces that two of their oncology providers, Dr. Michael Berry, Breast Oncology Surgeon and Dr. Gregory Vidal, Medical Oncologist and Direc-

tor of Clinical Research recently visited Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. They engaged with lawmakers from across the state and political spectrum to address crucial issues affecting cancer patients.

During their visit, Dr. Berry and Dr. Vidal joined several other physicians to discuss their concerns and propose actionable solutions to support their patients.

Conversations included:

• Ways to mitigate and prevent prescription drug shortages by addressing economic factors, support reliable U.S. manufacturing, identifying potential drug shortages earlier, and communicating shortage information to physicians to better prepare for supply challenges

• Supporting continued cancer research by providing funds to the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health in 2025

• Co-sponsoring the CONNECT for Health Act (H.R. 4189), which would permanently remove geographic and originating site restrictions so that Medicare patients can access telehealth services regardless of their location (without action, these flexibilities will expire at the end of 2024)

Our West family is so appreciative for the unwavering dedication and advocacy demonstrated by our physicians and those participating in these initiatives.

Michael Berry Selected President-Elect of ASBS

Michael P. Berry, MD, FACS, Breast Oncology Surgeon at West Cancer Center & Research Institute and Director of the Margaret West Comprehensive Breast Center has been selected as PresidentElect for the prestigious American Society of Breast Surgeons. He has been a member of the American Society of Breast Surgeons (ASBrS) since 1999 where he has served on several committees, lectured and participated as faculty for over a dozen courses and contributed as an editor for the Society’s Breast Education and Self-Assessment Program (BESAP).

West Cancer is Pleased to Announce Three

New Practitioners

Leslie Norman, MSN, FNP joined West Cancer Center & Research Institute in May. Leslie brings over 18 years of

experience as a Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. She earned her MS in Nursing from Vanderbilt University School of Nursing. Leslie will be practicing at the Margaret West Comprehensive Breast Center at West.

Alyssa Pittman, MD is joining West Cancer Center/Margaret West Comprehensive Breast Center’s Breast Oncology fellowship in late July. She is completing her residency in General Surgery at the University of South Carolina-Greenville.

Leah Tonkin, MD joined West Cancer Center at their Wellness Division location-Lifesigns.

With her expertise as a board-certified OB/ GYN and specialization in lifestyle medicine,

Memphis-based brain and spine care provider Semmes

Murphey Clinic was named among the top three nationally for physician practices in neurological surgery in the Castle Connolly 2024 Accolades. It is also the only neurological surgery practice in Tennessee to be listed in the category.

UT Psychiatry Among the First in Memphis Offering TMS Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder

UT Psychiatry, a leader in mental health research and care in Memphis, is proud to be among the first in the region to offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for patients with treatmentresistant Major Depressive Disorder. This specialized treatment is available through referral, enabling healthcare providers to offer their patients a cutting-edge option when traditional treatments have not provided relief for their patients.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-approved technique that employs a magnetic field generator, or “coil” positioned near the forehead to specifically target the prefrontal cortex. Each session lasts approximately 45 minutes, with the typical treatment plan involving 36 sessions over six weeks.

Campbell Clinic’s William Mihalko Honored as Healthcare Research All-Star

TMS therapy is designed to be noninvasive and non-systemic, with side effects typically limited to mild headaches or scalp irritation. UT Psychiatry utilizes the advanced MagVenture system with a figure of 8 coil, which is specifically approved for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Ongoing research into TMS at UT Psychiatry seeks to broaden understanding and enhance the efficiency of this therapy.

Dr. William Mihalko, total joint replacement surgeon at Campbell Clinic, recently received the designation as a 2024 Orthopaedic Surgery Research All-Star by Avant-garde Health. The surgeons named to this list are recognized for the quality and quantity of their published research. This honor recognizes the top 5 percent of hospitals and surgeons in the United States publishing leading-edge research in orthopaedic care,


Pamela Z. Haskins pamela@memphismedicalnews.com




Greg Campbell



Pamela Z. Haskins

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Sarah Reimer sarah@memphismedicalnews.com


Julie Brightwell, JD, RN James Dowd

Charles J. Lathram, III, FACMPE, CCP

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Memphis Medical News© is now privately and locally owned by Ziggy Productions, LLC. P O Box 164831 Little Rock, AR 72206

President: Pamela Z. Haskins

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Michael Berry
Leslie Norman
Alyssa Pittman
Leah Tonkin
William Mihalko


which ultimately leads to better patient outcomes. Dr. Mihalko has received the honor of top 3 percent of researchers nationwide. More than 90,000 physicians and 4,000 hospitals were considered for the awards, sponsored by Avant-garde Health, the leading provider of solutions for improving perioperative quality and profitability.

Dr. Mihalko joined the Campbell Clinic team in 2008. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Rochester, his medical degree at the Medical College of Virginia and his PhD in biomedical engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University. He is boardcertified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. For more information on Dr. William Mihalko, visit https://www. campbellclinic.com/physician/williammihalko/

Kosten Foundation’s Kick It Pickleball Tournament Raises Over $37,000 for Pancreatic

Cancer Research

The Kosten Foundation hosted the Kick It Pickleball Tournament in June at Shadowlawn Park in Bartlett, raising over $37,000 to support pancreatic cancer research and patient support services. Sponsored by Baptist Memorial Health Care, the event attracted over 200 participants and spectators.

“We raised over $37,000 for pancreatic cancer research and support while having a lot of fun,” said Alan Kosten, Chairman of the Kosten Foundation.

“We are deeply thankful for the support of our sponsors, participants, and especially our tournament directors, Rick Bowers and Rick Darling, who helped make this event a success.”

The 2024 Kick It 5K will take place on Sunday, October 27, 2024.

Since 2003, the Kosten Foundation has donated over $2.5 million to pancreatic cancer research. The funds from this tournament will help further these efforts and support patients and families affected by the disease.

For more information visit www.kostenfoundation.com

West Cancer Foundation Launches Cancer Research Campaign Honoring Memphis Pioneer

West Cancer Foundation, which funds research to improve cancer care and provides free cancer services to those in need, has announced the launch of the Lee S. Schwartzberg Endowed Research Program. The endowment will fund research projects focused on cancer treatments, patient-centered and valuebased care, and factors that lead to dis-

parities in outcomes.

A native of New York, Dr. Schwartzberg began his career at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center where he planned to practice academic medicine. In 1987, he became acquainted with Dr. William West, who inspired him to bring clinical research to Memphis and West Cancer Center. At the time of his arrival, clinical research was exclusive to academic institutions. He has been instrumental in developing internationally recognized clinical research and innovative treatment protocols here in Memphis including:

• Performing the first peripheral blood stem cell transplant in Memphis and one of the first in the nation.

• Establishing the Mid-South’s first comprehensive program for genetic counseling and testing.

• Founding the American Community Oncology Research Network (ACORN).

• Co-developing the first distributed system for digitally collecting patient symptoms.

West Cancer Center recently dedicated the Lee S. Schwartzberg Research Institute at West Cancer Center. Dr. Schwartzberg currently serves as Section Chief, Medical Oncology, William N. Pennington Institute at Renown in Reno, Nev.

The campaign has set an initial goal of $3 million, and grants from the program will be available beginning in early 2025.

For more information or to donate, visit westcancerfoundation.org

Nationally Known Pediatric Infectious Disease Researcher Named Vice Chancellor for Research at UTHSC

Financial Traps To Avoid

There’s a reason why even athletes, entertainers, and business people with seven-figure (and higher) incomes suddenly find themselves filing for bankruptcy. Money mismanagement can eat through even the biggest bankrolls. Here are some specific threats to financial stability that people can avoid to help effectively manage their wealth.

No Budget

In 2022, a survey by Debt.com2 revealed that 90.24% of respondents believed everyone should have a budget (though only 85.6% of the respondents said they used one). Half of the survey respondents said they’re living paycheck to paycheck, which may help explain why they consider budgeting to be so important.

Budgeting does not have to mean skipping coffee and driving a jalopy for the rest of your life. It does mean paying close attention to how much money comes in and where it all goes. Use your financial goals to guide you in steering your money in the right direction.

Too Much Debt

If you have a lot of debt to pay off, a budget is even more important. It helps reduce the likelihood of relying on more credit to fill the gaps. A budget also helps you to collect all those extra dollars and cents that you could put toward paying more than the bare minimum on debt. When paying off debt, start with the higher-interest accounts first and work your way through to save money.

No Protection

retirement years. It is never too early to start planning for retirement, no matter how small your contributions are. Remember to take advantage of matched contributions from employers whenever possible.

Too Much Risk

There is no investment that is 100% without risk. If there were, the returns on that investment would be negligible. Even so, taking on too much risk at the wrong time can lead to big financial problems. Taking on high levels of risk is appropriate for young people who have more time to recover and is not advised for people nearing retirement.

Shady Investments

Even worse is when risky investments turn out to be fraudulent or shady. In fact, the more risk-free an investment sounds, the more you should do some digging. This holds true whether the business or individual you plan to invest in is a stranger or your brother. People who miscalculate or fail to do enough research can cause you just as much financial damage as fraudsters.

Poor Tax Management

No matter how much or how little money you make, tax management is a great way to help keep money in your pockets. This is especially important after a large windfall, such as an inheritance. For instance, if you inherit an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and choose to cash out, you may lose a portion of this in taxes. Divorce is another time of life when tax management is key.

Mismanaged Assets

After an extensive national search, Jessica Snowden, MD, MS, FAAP, MHPTT, a nationally recognized pediatric infectious disease specialist and researcher, has been named the new vice chancellor for Research at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, effective September 1. She will also serve as a professor in the College of Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics.

Currently the vice dean for Research and chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), Snowden is known as a dedicated mentor and a leader in integrating clinical, research, and academic efforts to advance the understanding of health and disease.

Snowden has a longstanding relationship with other pediatric infectious disease specialists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

She received her medical degree from Texas A&M College of Medicine, and master’s degrees in health profescontinued on page 8 >

Insurance can be expensive, but going without insurance can be even more so. Renters, homeowners, auto, health, disability, and life insurance policies are the main ones you should consider. If you have a business — especially if it is your main or only source of income — getting business insurance can protect your livelihood in the event of a mishap with a client or customer.

No Retirement Planning

A recent survey by Clever estimates that nearly 30% of Americans have nothing saved for retirement3. The survey also revealed that retirees who have saved have, on average, only $191,659 saved for retirement, which is far less than the $514,800 recommended by experts.

Because of this, Americans continue to hold stressful, low-paying jobs well into their

Stocks are often traded frequently, making them active investments, but you still need to ensure your portfolio stays balanced. Similarly, if you have a home, keeping up with repairs and improvements maintains and grows its value. Unmanaged assets also pose a problem, such as when people allow large sums of money to sit in accounts with low to no interest rates and high fees.

For some people, money management is a talent and financial literacy is almost an inborn skill. Many other people, however, could use a little help making financial decisions. Contact [insert name here] to speak with professionals who can help to steer your finances in the right direction.

Chirag Chauhan, MBA, AIF®, CFP® is the managing partner of Bluff City Advisory Group in Memphis, Tennessee For more info, please visit bluffcityadvisory com.

Chirag Chauhan, AIF®, CFP®
Jessica Snowden


sions teaching and technology and in clinical and translational research from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

She also currently serves as the Horace C. Cabe Distinguished Chair in Infectious Disease at UAMS.

Snowden is an elected member of the American Pediatric Society, a fellow of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society and chair of its Research Affairs Committee, and a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Two OrthoSouth Physicians Achieve Certified Physician Status Through the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

OrthoSouth is pleased to announce that Dr. Sam E. Murrell, board certified orthopedic spine surgeon, and Dr. F. Gregory Wolf, who is board certified in orthopedic surgery have received certification as Certified Physicians through the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

The Certified Physicians Program (CPP) is a relatively new voluntary program designed to train and certify physicians “to perform all of the tasks that the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Law requires,” per the Tennessee Department of Labor website. The program has two main goals: increasing access for injured workers to trained physicians, and reducing the number of days that injured workers are out of work.

Many of the complex processes involved in handling work injuries are not taught in medical school, including the processes of determining causation and maximum medical improvement, the Bureau’s definition of permanent impairment, modified duty, etc. A physician who completes voluntary CPP training has demonstrated a willingness to take on the extra responsibilities that come with providing care for patients injured at work.

Dr. Murrell has long worked in the area of workers’ compensation services for spine care, and he currently serves as the Governor’s appointed medical representative to the Tennessee Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council.

He practices at OrthoSouth offices in East Memphis, Germantown, Southaven, and Hernando with a focus on orthopedic spine surgery for disorders of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

Dr. Wolf practices at OrthoSouth offices in East Memphis and Bartlett. He focuses on sports medicine and arthroscopic procedures for shoulder and knee injuries, and also treats conditions involving the elbow, wrist, hand, and ankle.

For more information about the workers’ compensation services provided at OrthoSouth please visit https:// orthosouth.org/memphis-orthopedicservices/employer-services/.

Bruce A. Scott, MD, Inaugurated as 179th AMA President

Bruce A. Scott, MD, an otolaryngologist from Kentucky, was sworn in as the 179th president of the American Medical Association (AMA), the nation’s largest and most influential physician organization.

Based in Louisville and board-certified in both otolaryngology and facial plastic surgery, Scott is president of Kentuckiana Ear, Nose & Throat, a sixphysician independent private practice

group, medical director of Premier Ambulatory Surgery Center, and holds a clinical appointment at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

Scott is a member of the board of directors for Health2047, the AMA’s Silicon Valley-based innovation subsidiary that finds and funds tech-enabled commercial health care enterprises. In this role he is helping shape the future of medicine to empower patients and healthcare providers with meaningful and measurable impact.

An author of myriad articles for peer-reviewed publications, as well as

chapters in otolaryngology textbooks, Dr. Scott also speaks to physician audiences around the country on topics ranging from leadership and advocacy to sinusitis and clinical documentation.

Dr. Scott earned his undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University, completed his medical education and residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB Health) in Galveston, Texas, and a fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

See the entire text of Dr. Scott’s inaururation speech at https://www.MemphisMedicalNews.com

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