Palm Beach Day Academy Health Plan 2022-23

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Palm Beach Day Academy 2022-2023 Updated Health Plan

Updated Health Procedures Protocol for covid exposure* It is important to note that each possible COVID exposure must be examined on a case-by-case basis. Exposed individuals should be encouraged to consult and follow the advice of their healthcare providers or public health department regarding the length of time to stay at home. That being said, in accordance with guidance from the Palm Beach County Health Department, the Florida Department of Health, and the CDC, please adhere to the following protocols:

If a student or staff member, regardless of vaccination status, is exposed (defined as less than 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer) to someone who tests positive for COVID-19 with such individual within 48 hours before the onset of symptoms or when the individual tested positive:

▶ Self-monitor for symptoms (e.g., check temperature, watch for fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or other symptoms of COVID-19). If asymptomatic, no quarantine is necessary.

▶ If symptoms develop within 10 days of exposure then quarantine and testing protocol is initiated (see next bullet).

▶ If any student or faculty member tests positive for COVID-19, he/she must isolate for 5 days from the date of their positive test, and may return to campus once he/she is asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours). Upon returning to school, it is highly recommended that he/she wears a mask for 5 days.

* Updated August 30, 2022

Additional Health Measures ▶ Masks are optional for all students and faculty/staff. ▶ We will encourage frequent hand-washing (before snack and lunch, at recess and sports, and at bathroom breaks) in order to help stop the spread of any illness or virus.

▶ If a student has a temperature reading of 100.4 or higher during the school day, parents/caregivers must pick up their child immediately. The student must be picked up within one hour of being contacted by the school nurse. Students with fevers are also highly encouraged to obtain a COVID-19 test prior to returning to school.

▶ If a student is presenting with COVID-like symptoms (fever, chills, muscle or body aches, head-

aches, sudden loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, unexplained rash or discharge from the eyes), we highly recommend the student stay home and be tested for COVID-19.

▶ If your child is sick it is important that you keep your child home. Please notify the Lower or Upper Campus nurse if your child needs to stay home and the reason why.

▶ If your child is home with a fever of 100.4, he/she must be fever-free for 24 hours without feverreducing medication such as Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen prior to his/her return to school.

Communication is of the utmost importance for the safety of our community. If you have any questions about the above, or if you or any of your family members test positive for COVID-19, please notify our school nurses immediately at: Angela Hampton and Brandi Hobbs (Lower Campus) • 561-832-8815 ext. 203 • Lower Patti Griffin (Upper Campus) • 561-655-1188 ext. 114 •


Palm Beach Day Academy

Lower Campus: Age 2 - Grade 3 • 1901 South Flagler Dr., West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Upper Campus: Grades 4 - 9 • 241 Seaview Ave., Palm Beach, FL 33480

561.832.8815 •

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