Epaper_24-05-20 LHR

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founded, citing confirmation from the Kyrgyz government

He highlighted the immediate response by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating An emergency unit was activated right after the incident Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and the entire government machinery are closely monitoring the situation ” He mentioned that despite the Kyrgyz ambassador being on leave his deputy provided detailed information on Saturday ensuring full communication between the governments

“The Bishkek incident was due to a misunderstanding, and

nationalities including Pakistani Indian Bangladeshi and Arab students were affected False reports are being spread on social media which is disgusting, said Dar He clarified that misleading information, such as mislabeling a Bangladeshi student’s picture as Pakistani, is being propagated He dismissed claims of assault against a female student as un-

The Deputy Prime Minister revealed that six Pakistani students were among the sixteen injured foreign students, currently receiving treatment in three different hospitals

He underscored the strong fraternal relations with Kyrgyzstan, emphasizing that the incident was not targeted against Pakistan “The situation is now normal, with Kyrgyz students visiting the injured

as a gesture of goodwill Security has been heightened in Kyrgyzstan as a precaution ” he added Kyrgyzstan visit cancelled Due to the incident a planned visit was canceled at the request of the Kyrgyz government, the minister said Instead, he added that two officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were dispatched to Bishkek He assured that continuous contact is maintained with the students and their parents through the embassy We have facilitated the return of 130 Pakistani students so far, with over 50 more registered to return today Additionally, 540 students will return on commercial flights and a Pakistan Air Force flight is also arranged to bring students back from Bishkek Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi will personally welcome these students, he stated He also touched upon Pakistan’s international standing, noting, “Pakistan

was isolated on the international stage during the previous era, but under Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif ’s strategy the country s global image has been restored and diplomatic relations have improved He emphasized the importance of increasing the number of medical institutions in the country

Federal Minister Ameer Muqam affirmed the government’s ongoing contact with Kyrgyz authorities since the incident occurred It is crucial to set aside emotions and focus on the facts The education of students in Kyrgyzstan benefits both countries, and the government is providing comprehensive support to the victims ” he concluded

Earlier the first special flight carrying Pakistani students from Kyrgyzstan successfully landed at Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore A special flight KA-571 carrying more than 180 passengers along with Pakistani students from Bishkek the capital of Kyrgyzstan has landed at Lahore Airport PM directs to make arrangements to bring back Pakistani students Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has instructed the Ambassador of Pakistan in Kyrgyzstan Hasan Ali Zaigham to make all necessary arrangements regarding the special plane to bring back Pakistani students from Kyrgyzstan In his telephonic conversation with Hasan Ali Zaigham, the Prime Minister directed him to stay in touch with all Pakistani students and their families in Kyrgyzstan

In par tnership with Profit M o n d a y, 2 0 M a y, 2 0 2 4 I | 1 1 Z i l - Q a d a h , 1 4 4 5 R s 2 0 0 0 | Vo l X I V N o 3 2 0 I 8 Pa g e s I La h o r e E d i t i o n PR OFIT M O N I T O R I N G D E S K During recent discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Pakistani authorities revealed plans to phase out the net metering policy for rooftop solar panels This policy, which currently allows solar energy users to offset their grid electricity consumption with rooftop-generated power will be replaced by a gross metering system that aims to encourage the use of grid electricity, which is more costly The shift is part of broader negotiations as Pakistan seeks further engagement with the IMF including a proposed $15 4 billion energy debt restructuring with China The Ministry of Energy has taken steps to ensure the IMF is fully aware of the upcoming changes in solar panel policies which have traditionally helped consumers reduce dependence on expensive grid electricity Under the new gross metering policy solar energy generated on rooftops will be fed directly into the national grid Homeowners will then draw their electricity solely from the grid, potentially paying more as the financial benefits of generating their own power are diminished This system will require two separate meters at homes: one to measure electricity fed into the grid and another to measure consumption, replacing the current bidirectional meter system The government s rationale for this policy shift is to bolster the revenues of power distribution companies, which have been hit by the increasing popularity of inhouse solar power generation among Pakistan’s middle-to-upper class This demographic has turned to solar power as grid electricity prices have soared due to inefficient power systems and unfavorable power purchase agreements The average base tariff in Pakistan is currently Rs29 79 per unit, but with additional charges, consumers can pay up to Rs62 per unit The IMF has been informed that a major increase in electricity prices is expected in July further compounding the financial burden on consumers Additionally, the rapid adoption of solar power has led to a decrease in demand for grid electricity exacerbating the issue of idle capacity payments These payments which are made to power plant owners regardless of electricity production, have contributed significantly to the high cost of electricity g P L A N A I M S TO B O L S T E R G R I D E L E C T R I C I T Y U S A G E A N D P O W E R C O M PA N Y R E V E N U E S, P U S H I N G C O N S U M E R S TO W A R D S M O R E C O S T LY G R I D P O W E R Gov t to shift from net to gross metering for solar panels amid IMF talks Turkiye’s FM Fidan arrives in Islamabad on official visit ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T Foreign Minister of Turkiye Hakan Fidan on Sunday arrived in Islamabad on a two-day official visit to Pakistan FM Fidan was received by Additional Foreign Secretary (Afghanistan & West Asia) Ambassador Ahmed Naseem Warraich During the visit FM Fidan will meet Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and hold extensive discussions with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar, a Foreign Office statement said The two sides will review the state of bilateral relations and assess preparations for upcoming highlevel engagements between the two countries Bilateral cooperation as well as international and regional situation will be discussed in the meetings While, preparations for the 7th Pakistan-Turkey High Level Strategic Cooperation Council will also be reviewed,” the diplomatic sources informed PM Shehbaz on April 19 last had reiterated his government’s resolve to further strengthen economic relations and trade partnership with Turkiye The PM had stated this while speaking to a delegation of Turkish investors who called on him at the Prime Minister Office The Turkish investors, expressing confidence in the leadership of the prime minister, had taken keen interest in investing in Pakistan’s diverse areas The prime minister had said the people of Pakistan and Turkiye had a long-standing brotherly relationship spanning centuries He had said reforms had been made in the system to take full advantage of the potential of foreign investment in Pakistan Ambassador of Turkiye to Pakistan Mehmet Pacaci, CEO Terminal YAPI Cenk Coskun and other Turkish and Pakistani officials had participated in the meeting Federal ministers – Ishaq Dar Kh Muhammad Asif and Ahad Khan Cheema Prime Minister s Coordinator Rana Ehsan Afzal and relevant senior officials had also attended the meeting Earlier in April, Turkish Chief of General Staff, Gen Metin Gurak, was awarded with one of Pakistan’s highest military medals an official statement said President Asif Ali Zardari conferred the Nishan-eImtiaz to Gurak at a special ceremony held at the President House in Islamabad, said the statement The award was conferred in recognition of Gurak s illustrious services and contribution to strengthening Pakistan-Turkiye defence ties, it said g PM SHEHBAZ INSTRUCTS PAKISTAN ’S AMBA SSADOR TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING STUDENTS BACK FROM KYRGYZSTAN g TWO SPECIAL FLIGHTS WITH 360 PAKISTANI STUDENTS FROM BISHKEK, LAND AT ISLAMABAD AND LAHORE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT g SAYS SITUATION NOW NORMAL WITH KYRGYZ STUDENTS VISITING INJURED PERSONS A S GESTURE OF GOODWILL
LAHORE/ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T D E P U T Y Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar expressed his regret over the unfortunate incident in Bishkek, emphasizing that the government stands firmly with the victims during this challenging time saying the incident stemmed from a misunderstanding with false information being circulated on social media for political purposes Addressing a press conference alongside Information Minister Atta Tarar and Federal Minister Amir Muqam on Sunday Dar reassured that medical treatment for injured Pakistani students is a top priority He confirmed that all students are safe and stated that the incident stemmed from a misunderstanding, with false information being circulated on social media for political purposes Meanwhile two special flights KA4575 and KA-6571 carrying
approximately 360 Pakistani students from Bishkek the capital of Kyrgyzstan landed at Islamabad and Lahore International Airport, respectively
TEHRAN/ISLAMABAD A G E N C I E S Rescuers continue struggling to reach the site after a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister crashed on Sunday as it was crossing mountain terrain in heavy fog the Iranian officials said The official said the lives of Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian were “at risk following the helicopter crash” which happened on the way back from a visit to the border with Azerbaijan in Iran s northwest We are still hopeful but information coming from the crash site is very concerning,” the official told Reuters speaking on condition of anonymity State TV quoted an official as saying that at least one passenger and one crew member had been in contact with rescuers It also said the helicopter had been found though Iran s Red Crescent denied this report Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds ultimate power with a final say on foreign policy and Iran s nuclear programme sought to reassure Iranians, saying there would be no disruption to state affairs Iranian state media said bad weather was the cause of the crash and was complicating rescue efforts The chief of staff of Iran s army ordered all the resources of the army and the elite Revolutionary Guard to be put to use in search and rescue operations Incident Reported for Helicopter Carrying Iranian President Search under way as helicopter car r ying Iran’s President Raisi, FM crash RAWALPINDI S TA F F R E P O R T Chief of Defence Forces Australia General Angus J Campbell on Sunday paid a visit to Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir, the military s media wing said During their meeting, according to InterServices Public Relations (ISPR), they engaged in discussions on matters of bilateral professional interest with a particular focus on the global and regional security environment and cooperation between the two armed forces ISPR said that both parties expressed a mutual desire to further expand military-tomilitary cooperation The Australian Chief of Defence Forces expressed his admiration for the high professional standards maintained by the Pakistan armed forces, their notable achievements in the fight against terrorism, and their continued efforts to promote regional peace and stability Pakistan, Australia agree to fur ther expand militar y-to -militar y cooperation C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03 C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03 C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03

Process of making passpor t will be made easier, says Naqvi

LAHORE: The staff of the 24/7 open Passport Office at Garden Town in Lahore was caught by surprise when they found Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi in their midst and that, too, on Sunday The people, present on the occasion, commended the minister for making improvements at the office, saying now there was no more agent mafia and they also don’t have to stand in long queues to wait for their turn The minister also met with the citizens who had come there to get their passports and inquired from them about their problems The visitors told Naqvi that now the agent mafia was nowhere to be seen because of you and the locals are very happy with such step They said you are in our hearts with our prayers May Allah give you more opportunities to serve the people they prayed for the minister S ta f f R e p o Rt

Intermediate exams postponed due to heatwave in S indh

KP govt offers to bear return expenses of stranded Pakistani students in Kyrgyzstan

Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur of Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa has pledged his government support to facilitate the return of Pakistani students stranded in Kyrgyzstan, emphasizing their importance as the nation’s future Expressing concern over the students’ predicament, Chief Minister Gandapur announced the readiness of the KPK government to cover the expenses for their safe repatriation to Pakistan

Meanwhile Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)

Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan echoed the students dissatisfaction with the government s protective measures in Kyrgyzstan, calling for their immediate evacuation

Following interactions with more than 100 students from various universities in Kyrgyzstan, including Adel, Talha, Komal Gilani, Abdul Hai, Amir Afzal, and Shahzeb, Khan emphasized the urgent need for action due to the deteriorating public order situation and the students dissatisfaction with government responses

In response to Khan s plea the Deputy Foreign Minister of Kyrgyzstan assured that legal action would be taken against those responsible for the attack on students Pakistani Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan, Hasan Zaigham, met with the Kyrgyz Deputy Foreign Minister to address concerns regarding Pakistani students’ safety in Bishkek

The Deputy Foreign Minister reported that the situation in Bishkek has been brought under control with full security provided to hostels by local authorities

S enator S iddiqui dispels economy and politic al crisis myths

hear of a poet whipping out a Kalashnikov and mowing down those attending a poetic symposium (mushaira) understand that they haven t been generous enough with their wah! wahs! One set of people who weren t going wah! wah! were the mothers of Gaza Mother

Monday 20 May 2024 | LAHORE 02 NEWS I don’t think literary criticism should be limitless But if you can raise slogans of chor chor in public then I suppose poets novelists, playwrights and even us columnists must be prepared to have irate readers follow them around shouting, Bad! Bad!’ But even in this brave new world to which we have been introduced perhaps the kidnapping of poet Ahmad Farhad by men in a pick-up is taking it too far I know it probably happened because of his support for the protesters in Kashmir, who didn t like the electricity bills, but why am I irresistibly reminded of Shakespeare? There’s a scene in Julius Caesar just after the great man has been assassinated and Mark Anthony has made his famous Friends Rpmans countrymen speech when a crowd of plebians comes upon Cinna, and is about to fall upon him He shouts that he is Cinna the poet not Cinna the conspirator One member of the mob shouts Kill him for his bad verses! The scene ends with the mob of plebians carrying off Cinna We don’t know if he lives or dies So Cinna becomes a precursor of enforced disappearances Field Marshal Wavell who was first Commander-in-Chief and then Viceroy during World War II used to carry around a well-thumbed copy of Robert Browning s poetry, but I don t remember any incident of his taking such an active attitude towards literary criticism There is no mention of his having supported or discouraged the Taraqqi Pasanad Musannifeen which was the main literary movement of the time They were pressing for freedom though none disappeared I wonder what the Slovak PM, Robert Fico was pressing for when he was shot The man who shot him was a poet, the author of three collections Talk about pushback Remind me to take poets very seriously from now on Mr Fico may have disrespected him on some forgotten occasion, I don t know But if you
’s Day was marked last Sunday, and someone remembered the mothers of Gaza 63 women killed daily of whom 37 are mothers For every mother killed there’s at least one orphan There have also been 35 000 Gazans killed all of them some mother s child, even those of them who are themselves mothers And as Gazan mothers have reminded us time and again, there is nothing like the pain of losing a child True, Israeli mothers felt that pain on October 7 But how many Palestinian mothers must feel that pain before Israeli mothers are assuaged? The slaughter has been affecting Americans An officer in the Defence Intelligence Agency resigned That follows a sergeant in the USAF and three people in the State Department However, there’ve been no Israeli resignations so far It seems they re OK with killing babies Though there was so much stress on Gazan mothers over here the emphasis was on fathers and sons Defence Minister Kh Asif brought up Field Marshal Ayub Khan in order to attack his grandson Umar Ayub Khan now the Leader of the Opposition Umar Aub quoted his own father in the Field Marshal s defence As Gohar Ayub said while Speaker of the National Assembly, Ayub Khan is now part of history But then, Gohar Ayub didn’t mention Kh Asif ’s father, the redoubtable Kh Safdar, who was Leader of the Opposition in the West Pakistan Assembly throughout Ayub s Presidency And the exchange occurred while the House was debating its vote of thanks to President Asif Zardari for deigning to address it And the speech the House was hearing was of his son Bilawal Asif has been President before and Bilawal an MNA, but this is the first time Bilawal has spoken about his father It’s one of those occasions borrowed by the British who have the monarch’s speech from the Throne The speech is in the House of Lords and the Commons are summoned When the Commons are called the show some reluctance, in commemoration of the refusal by the Commons to hear Charles I JUst to show there are no hard feelings, the Commons then passes a motion of thanks for the monarch’s kindness and graciousness in delivering the address It is one of the two occasions of the parliamentary year the other being the Budget when members can speak on any subject under the sun Bilawal chose agriculture rather than his father s flashing smile, which unfortunately he has not inherited
City NoteS M a N i a z i ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t F EDERAL Minister for Petroleum S e n a t o r M u s a d i k M a s o o d M a l i k on Sunday said the Prime Minister h a d d i r e c t e d t o e n s u r e a l l o u t s u p p o r t t o a s s i s t t h e r e p a t r i a t e d students from Bishkek for reaching their hometowns safely Addressing the students returning from Bishkek and media here at the Islamabad International Airport the Minister expressed his heartfelt sympathies to the students for facing violence in Kyrgyzstan Malik said the government made efforts but due to limited mission in Kyrgyzstan, it was unable to make extraordinary interventions He added that due to limited capacity the Pakistani mission abroad was not to remain all-prepared for such emergencies The Federal Cabinet on behalf of the government extend an apology for the predicament the Pakistani students faced We are running special flights to bring back all those who want to return and would not force the senior students who intend to stay as their final examinations were ahead ” he said The Minister said the government had demarched the Kyrgyzstan government and got the surety from them that no more mob attacks would be allowed on Pakistani students “People made personal calls to me, the ambassador and we established a hotline at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Kyrgyzstan with four to five people operated the hotline to assist our students he said Musadik Malik vowed that the government of Pakistan would support its children in distress all over the world “Our Foreign Minister is also in contact with the Krgyz counterpart and our embassy is also engaged with them as well We will bring every children through special flights and two more are ready to repatriate them with safety,” he said The Minister underlined that the government was taking commitment from the Kyrgyzstan government for the protection of Pakistan students staying in
country He announced that it was the
s responsibility to send the students to their homes
would ensure all
required arrangements in that regard
case of any problem the students can reach out to us and the government will do the rest
welcome you with a painful heart
share the feelings what your parents had been going through due to the tragedy abroad and The students have passed through great pain and distress and my heart goes out with them ” he added P M D
R E C T S F O R A L L O U T S U P P O R T T O A S S I S T R E PAT R I AT E D S T U D E N T S F R O M B I S H K E K : M U S A D I K KARACHI S ta f f R e p o R t The people of Karachi have been left sweltering due to the recent heat spell that has gripped the metropolis for the past few weeks and it seems that it is likely to continue as temperatures are expected to reach up to 46°C today in some parts of the city As per weather expert Jawad Memon temperatures in areas that are close to the sea shore such as Korangi Defence and Clifton may reach up to 46°C Stressing that the prevailing heat spell in the metropolis will continue and might in fact see a further increase in temperatures, Memon has ruled out the possibility of rains in the megalopolis for the next five to seven days He further said that the mercury in the city may stay between 38 to 40°C which will feel like 42 C to high humidity levels A c c o r d i n g t o t h e P a k i s t a n M e t e o r o l o g i c a l D e p a r t m e n t ( P M D ) , h u m i d i t y l e v e l s i n t h e c i t y h a v e b e e n r e c o r d e d a t 6 9 % w i t h a 1 9 k m / h r b r e e z e b l o w i n g i n t h e c i t y f r o m t h e s o u t h - w e s t It is to be noted that the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has predicted that Pakistan may experience three heatwaves in various cities during the next 25 days As per the government authority the risk of the first heatwave is expected in Umarkot Tharparkar Tando Allahyar Matiari and Sanghar in Sindh, while south Punjab s Bahawalpur and Rahimyar Khan cities will also be affected The NDMA said the first spell of heatwave may last for two to three days between May 15 and 30 as the mercury in those cities might touch 40 C and the heat could be felt even more A c c o r d i n g t o t h e N D M A , t h e second heatwave is expected to last for f o u r t o f i v e d a y s i n l a t e M a y o r e a r l y June wherein the temperature might rise up to 45°C The third heatwave is expected during the first 10 days of June this heatwave will affect Tharparkar, Umarkot, Sanghar, Badin and Khairpur, it added Karachi may experience temperature up to 46°C today DRAP recalls substandard drug from market ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) on Sunday issued a recalled alert for a product used to treat iron deficiency as a Batch of the drug was declared substandard by Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL), Karachi The Drug Regulatory Authority has taken action against the sale of a substandard drug Novarise Syrup 50mg/5ml which is used to treat iron deficiency As per details the syrup manufactured by Sharooq Pharmaceuticals (Pvt ) Ltd Lahore has been found to contain an excessive amount of Ethylene Glycol, a toxic substance that can cause harmful effects The Central Drug Laboratory Karachi has declared a batch of Novaris Syrup (Batch No 113) as substandard The product has been recalled from the market and its supply sale and use have been banned The sample of Novaris Syrup was found to contain 0 78% Ethylene Glycol, which is above the permissible limit Ethylene Glycol is a harmful substance that can cause serious health problems Earlier, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) recalled the batch of 11 substandard medicines from the market and action has been initiated against the pharmaceutical companies According to the analysis report from the drug testing laboratory of Punjab, it has been revealed that 11 substandard and counterfeit medicines are being sold in Lahore, meanwhile, these medicines are being manufactured in Lahore and Karachi KARACHI S ta f f R e p o R t
to begin on May 22 have been postponed for five days till May 27 in the wake of heatwave in Sindh Sindh CM Murad Ali Shah approved the postponement of the intermediate exams on Sunday as recommended by provincial Minister for Universities and Boards Muhammad Ali Malkani The spokesperson of CM said that the Universities and Boards Department changed the date for intermediate exams as per CM Shah s directives Karachiites have been left sweltering due to the current heat spell that has gripped the metropolis for the past few weeks and a significant rise in temperatures is expected during the next 10 days Weather expert Jawad Memon has said that the mercury in the city may stay between 38 to 40°C which will “feel like” 42°C to high humidity levels Stressing that the prevailing heat spell in the metropolis will continue and might in fact see a further increase in temperatures, he ruled out the possibility of rains in the megalopolis for the next five to seven days
Fathers and sons
as I
The Board of Intermediate Education Karachi (BIEK) exams
SIFC’s Green Tourism Project revolutionizing tourism sector in GB GILGIT-BALTISTAN: SIFC s project Green Tourism is revolutionizing the tourism sector in Gilgit-Baltistan Under a recent development, the Government of GilgitBaltistan and Green Tourism Company have signed an agreement for the promotion of tourism Under this agreement 44 dilapidated government guest houses of Gilgit-Baltistan will be renovated in modern style The guest houses included in agreement were a burden on the government exchequer for many years without benefiting the public The development of these guest houses will not only improve the tourism sector in the area but also create employment opportunities SIFC was formed to attract investments from friendly countries in identified sectors through an empowered organization that serves as a single-window platform for facilitation and to improve the ease of doing business for potential investors through a Whole of Government Approach –achieving optimal horizontal-vertical synergy and facilitation by the Pakistan Army S ta f f R e p o Rt Senate chairman Gilani receives ‘threat message’ MULTAN S ta f f R e p o R t Chairman Senate Yusuf Raza Gilani on Sunday reportedly received a threatening message from an unknown person on his mobile phone Following the threat message to the Chairman Senate a case was registered against an unidentified individual in Cantt police station on the complaint of Ali Musa Gilani, son of Yusuf Raza Gilani According to the FIR, a threat call was made concerning Member of National Assembly Ali Musa Gilani and the phone number was traced to Khanewal However a team of police personnel including the CIA in charge under the leadership of SP Tahir Majeed initiated a series of raids for the immediate arrest of the accused involved in the incident It is pertinent to mention here that Yusuf Raza Gilani was elected unopposed as Chairman Senate on April 9, 2024, as no one had submitted nomination papers against him Similarly Sardar Syed Khan of Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) was uncontested elected as the Deputy Chairman Senate ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) senator Irfan Siddiqui stated that the country was not facing any political or economic crisis, emphasizing that issues should not be confused with a crisis “There is a difference between crisis and mere issues; crisis is a negative word and perception,” Siddiqui said during an interview with a private news channel He denied the perception of a crisis but acknowledged that the country is emerging from past difficulties Addressing recent statements from the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Siddiqui dismissed them as typical political rhetoric rather than signs of a political crisis He highlighted several positive economic indicators to support his argument “The economy is improving The stock exchange is going up foreign investment is coming in and petrol prices are going down GDP is improving These are all indicators that show the economy is on the mend, he explained Siddiqui also refuted claims of a political crisis “There is no political crisis We have a coalition government at the center The opposition has a government in one province they have contested elections and they have fielded presidential candidates Thus, it s incorrect to suggest a political crisis
MQM-P calls meeting to discuss ‘budget proposals’ KARACHI: The Muttahida Qaumi MovementPakistan (MQM-P) has summoned an emergency meeting to discuss budget proposals ahead of federal budget 2024 The meeting will focus on development schemes for Karachi and Hyderabad MQM-P will present its proposals for increased funding for the cities, including for education, health, and law and order sources added The meeting will also discuss the Safe City project and transportation budget with MQM-P seeking to increase funding for these initiatives S ta f f R e p o R t PESHAWAR S ta f f R e p o R t


Khawaja Asif hails CM Mar yam for tak ing steps to meet modern day ’s needs

Punjab puts hospitals on alert to cope with looming three consecutive heat-waves


Further the department told officials to keep a close liaison with all district/tehsil administrations Rescue 1122 district disaster management authorities, and to respond to any emergency situation immediately Meanwhile, the Punjab Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has issued an alert regarding three consecutive heatwaves, raising concerns about potentially record-breaking temperatures in several cities including Lahore

The Punjab PDMA has warned of temperatures soaring up to 47 degrees this month with Lahore facing the possibility of shattering heatwave records The spokesperson of PDMA emphasized the severe risk of heatwave in major cities and plains of Punjab from May 21 to 27, prompting alerts to district administrations The PDMA advised stringent measures with strict legal action against those violating heatwave guidelines Authorities are urged to ensure the availability of clean water in public spaces and to provide first aid for heatstroke-related emergencies in hospitals and mobile health units Irfan Ali Kathia, Incharge of PDMA, has issued directives for citizens to take precautions, such as avoiding outdoor activities during peak heat hours wearing light-colored clothing and staying hydrated Special attention is urged for children and the elderly with unnecessary travel advised against ‘MOST PARTS OF COUNTRY TO REMAIN IN GRIP OF HEATWAVE FOR NEXT 10 DAYS’: On the other hand, the Met Office on Sunday said that extreme heat would persist in Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan for the next 10 days as the day temperatures would go up as high as 51 degrees Celsius in some parts of these provinces However it said that there were chances of a drop in temperatures in the first week of June

The Met Office informed that Dadu was the hottest place in the country Sunday as the maximum temperature in the city shot up to 48 degrees Celsius, while it was 47 degrees Celsius in Nawabshah Sukkur Dera Ghazi Khan 46 degrees Celsius in Sibbi 45 degrees Celsius in Hyderabad Sargodha and Sahiwal 44 degrees Celsius in Multan and Faisalabad 42 degrees Celsius in Turbat and Nokundi and 40 2 degrees Celsius in Karachi

Reports indicate that the helicopter carrying Ebrahim Raisi, the President of the Islamic Republic of #Iran, has experienced an incident in East Azerbaijan However some of the president’s companions on this helicopter pic twitter com/pwr0R3Qtze

It is dark and it has started raining but the search continues Rescue teams have reached the area however, the rain has created mud, making the search difficult,” a local reporter told state TV The national broadcaster had earlier stopped all its regular programming to show prayers being

evening Neighbouring countries expressed concern and offered assistance in any rescue The White House said US President Joe Biden had been briefed on reports about the crash The European Union offered emergency satellite mapping technology to help Iran with the search H A R

N E I: The crash comes at a time of growing dissent within Iran over an array of political social and economic crises Iran s clerical rulers face international pressure over Tehran s disputed nuclear programme and its deepening military ties with Russia during the war in Ukraine Since Iran s ally Hamas attacked Israel on Oct 7, provoking Israel’s assault on Gaza, conflagrations involving Iran-aligned groups have erupted throughout the Middle East Raisi 63 was elected president in 2021 and since taking office has ordered a tightening of morality laws overseen a bloody crackdown on anti-government protests and pushed hard in nuclear talks with world powers In Iran s dual political system, split between the clerical establishment and the government, it is Raisi’s 85-year-old mentor Khamenei supreme leader since 1989 who holds decision-making power on all major policies For years many have seen Raisi as a strong con-

tender to succeed Khamenei who has endorsed Raisi’s main policies Raisi s victory in a closely managed election in 2021 brought all branches of power under the control of hardliners, after eight years when the presidency had been held by pragmatist Hassan Rouhani and a nuclear deal negotiated with Washington However Raisi’s standing may have been dented by widespread protests against clerical rule and a failure to turn around Iran s economy hamstrung by Western sanctions

Raisi had been at the Azerbaijani border on Sunday to inaugurate the Qiz-Qalasi Dam, a joint project Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev, who said he had bid a “friendly farewell” to Raisi earlier in the day, offered assistance in the rescue

President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed concern and prayed for the safety of the Iranian president and FM Abdullahian

“Deeply concerned to hear news about the helicopter incident carrying the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi Foreign Minister Abdullahian & others President Zardari said on his official X timeline

Deeply concerned to hear news about the helicopter incident carrying the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Abdullahian & others My heartfelt prayers & good wishes for the well-being & safety of President Raisi so that he may continue to serve the Iranian nation My heartfelt prayers & good wishes for the well-

Religious Affair Minister arrives in Mak kah to review Hajj arrangements

Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Chaudhry Salik Hussain on Sunday arrived here after reviewing Hajj arrangements made by the Pakistan Hajj Mission in Madinah for Pakistani pilgrims He is scheduled to perform Umrah and visit the Pakistan Hajj Mission here to inspect the overall ongoing Hajj operation According to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the minister will also visit Saudi authorities catering companies and the residences of the Hujjaj The spokesperson added that so far 22 696 Pakistani Hajj pilgrims have arrived in Madinah through 93 flights With the assistance of Saudi authorities, he said more than 11,000 pilgrims have completed their visit to Riazul Jannah

34 316 Pakistanis will reach Madinah by May 24 through 146 flights From May 24 to June 09, as many as 114 flights will be operating to airlift 34,422 Pakistanis from major cities to Jeddah This year, 179,210 Pakistanis will perform Hajj, out of which 89 605 each will be arriving in the sacred places of Madinah al-Munawwarah and Makkah al Mukarramah under the government and private schemes

Earlier in the day during an interview with PTV news channel, the Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Sunday

03 nEWs Wednesday 6 March 2024 | LAHORE Gov t to shift from net to gross metering for solar panels amid IMF talks CONTINUED FR OM PAGE 01 The Ministry of Energy also highlighted concerns that the net metering policy is causing some solar panel users to fall into the ‘protected consumers’ category, enjoying lower electricity rates With the introduction of gross metering these benefits would be withdrawn aligning more consumers with standard tariff rates In its ongoing financial strategy Pakistan has also discussed renegotiating capacity payments with power producers under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other agreements to alleviate financial pressures However, negotiations have been challenging particularly with CPEC-related projects due to resistance from the Chinese side The proposed changes and ongoing financial negotiations underscore the complex challenges Pakistan faces in balancing energy costs, consumer interests, and the financial health of its power sector TEXAS S TA F F R E P O R T T E R RY Meza a member of the House of Representatives of the US state of Texas has said that she will soon present a resolution regarding the disturbing situation of Kashmir in the Texas House of Representatives Terry Meza while talking to a delegation of Friends of Kashmir International led by Ghazala Habib said that America believes in high values of human rights and condemns the violation of human rights in any region of the world Hurriyat leader Abdul Hameed Lone and social leader Ashraf Bashir were included in the delegation The delegation informed Terri Meza about the ongoing Indian atrocities and serious violations of human rights in occupied Jammu and Kashmir The delegation told how Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pursuing Hindutva policies and has t u r n e d t h e o c c u p i e d J a m m u a n d K a s h m i r i n t o a n open prison while all the Hurriyat leaders are confined to jails T h e d e l e g a t i o n o f F r i e n d s o f K a s h m i r I n t e r n ational also presented Terry Meza with a dossier and booklets regarding semi-widows of occupied Jammu and Kashmir Ghazala Habib Chairperson of Friends of Kashmir International also presented Terri Meza with a traditional Kashmiri dress Phiran and a Kashmiri shawl
SIALKOT S TA F F R E P O R T Defence Minister Khawaja Asif on Sunday hailed Punjab Chief Maryam Nawaz for taking steps to meet modern needs in line with providing health facilities to the masses Addressing the inauguration ceremony of the Clinics on Wheels project here Asif said The mobile clinics [also known as clinics on wheels] will bring a pleasant change in daily life These clinics will provide eye specialists and offer mammography services for women he added Lavishing his praise on CM Maryam Asif said Her [CM Maryam] efforts will bring healthcare facilities right to people s doorsteps M A RYA M N AWA Z R O L L S O U T ‘C L I N I C S O N W H E E L S’ P R O JE C T: Few days back CM Maryam rolled out the Clinics on Wheels project Addressing an event in Lahore CM Maryam stated: The initiatives taken by Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz were sabotaged by the previous government It takes up to three months to organise the new government It is Nawaz Sharif who gets pleased with the launch of every project, she added Speaking about the Clinics on Wheels” projects, CM Maryam said: “It is not about the vehicle but the entire clinic which will reach outside the doorsteps of the masses She maintained: The vehicle will be available in the underprivileged areas for six days, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm The pregnant women will be given complete facilities in the ambulance CM Maryam vowed to increase the doctors and paramedic staff Now doctors from every district will be given priority in terms of recruitment, she said We are rolling out cardiology centres in eight districts including Mianwali
Jehlum and Layyah
would like to ask the health secretary to roll out the free insulin project, she said
held for Raisi across the country and in a corner of the screen live coverage of rescue teams deployed on foot in the mountainous area in heavy fog A helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi takes off, May 19, 2024 The rescue teams were expected to reach the probable site of the crash later on Sunday
D L I N E R, P
P R E S I D E N T, P M P R AY F O R S A F E T Y O F I R A N I A N P R E S I D E N T:
being & safety of President Raisi so that he may continue to serve the Iranian nation In his post on X, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said Heard the distressing news from Iran regarding President Seyed Ibrahim Raisi’s helicopter Waiting with great anxiety for good news that all is well” Heard the distressing news from Iran regarding Hon President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi s helicopter Waiting with great anxiety for good news that all is well Our prayers and best wishes are with Hon President Raisi and the entire Iranian nation “Our prayers and best wishes are with Hon President Raisi and the entire Iranian nation,” he added Search under way as helicopter c arr ying Iran’s President Raisi, FM crash ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T Minister for Planning Development and Special Initiatives Professor Ahsan Iqbal has said that China invested in Pakistan under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project when the country was passing through difficult times, which helped to turnaround the local economy and put it on the sustainable growth and development trajectory “When China decided to invest $25 billion in Pakistan this is [in] 2013 when we had 18 hours of power shortages and frequent suicide bombings at that time they decided to come to Pakistan and support Pakistan, he stated in an interview with VOA This shows they have trust and confidence in Pakistan, he said adding that recent bullish performance of the country’s stock exchange showed that the local investors had full confidence in the direction the government was following I think it is the same sense of confidence that Chinese investors and Chinese government has in this government, he said adding that China considers Pakistan as a strategic friend and has confidence in Pakistan ” Regarding the security of the Chinese nationals the minister reaffirmed the government s commitment for ensuring security of Chinese nationals and said that a special security unit as well as local law enforcement were tasked with ensuring their safety To another question regarding issues of security threats the minister maintained that when you were fighting terrorism the terrorists always tried to find a way somewhere Ahsan Iqbal said that the Chinese government had made it very clear that such cowardly incidents would not deter them from pursuing CPEC The minister further informed that Pakistan was not opposed to Afghanistan’s inclusion in a Chinesefunded mega-development project but would like Beijing to persuade Kabul to crack down on terrorist groups operating on its soil C hina invested in Pakistan in diffic ult times: Ahsan Iqbal Police in Lahore thrash traffic police officer suspecting him to be ‘criminal’ LAHORE S TA F F R E P O R T Police officials in Lahore tortured a traffic police officer suspecting him to be a criminal while he was going to Kahna Bazar to buy medicine late Saturday night The policemen tore Luqman s clothes tied his hands behind his back and made him sit on the ground And despite the fact that Luqman kept introducing himself to them that he was an officer in the traffic police, they did not listen to him Andleeb a sub-inspector at Kahna police station and seven to eight others were involved in the incident Later the police officers took the traffic police officer to the police station where Luqman was also tortured, family sources said In this regard, Traffic Sector Kahna said that the police did not even bother to confirm whether Luqman was a traffic police employee The incident of violence against the traffic officer took place at 12 o clock in the night Sindh CM suspends SHO over dumping garbage on Korangi Causeway KARACHI S TA F F R E P O R T Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah has suspended the SHO of Korangi Industrial Area for allowing the dumping of garbage on the Korangi Causeway As per details, the Chief Minister expressed dismay at the sight of garbage dumped on the causeway and ordered the suspension of the SHO The Chief Minister has also directed the SSP to set up a camp office on the Korangi Causeway to monitor the situation and take action against those responsible for dumping garbage The Chief Minister warned that if anyone dumped garbage on the causeway, strict action would be taken against the DC and SSP Earlier, Korangi police registered first against dumping garbage into Malir River at Causeway Road The dumper driver Irfanullah was caught redhanded while dumping garbage into the Malir River It is pertinent to mention here in 2018 UN report revealed Pakistan is among the top countries that are discarding billions of tons of plastic into the oceans The United Nations says that around a million plastic drinking bottles are purchased every minute around the world while up to five trillion single-use plastic bags are used worldwide every year half of which are designed to be used only once and then thrown away Till now 300 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced every year nearly the weight of the entire human population Of this, a staggering eight million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans every year The report mentioned that out of the world’s rivers, 10 carry more than 90 percent of the plastic waste which ends up in the oceans Chinese Yangtze River leads with 1 467 million tonnes while Pakistan s Indus River is in second place with 164 332 tonnes and Chinese Yellow River is at third place with 124,249 tonnes Bishkek episode not targeted at Pakistanis, result of misunderstanding: Dar CONTINUED FR OM PAGE 01 The Prime Minister said injured Pakistani students should be brought to Pakistan on priority basis He said repatriation of family members residing in Kyrgyzstan with Pakistani students should also be arranged on a priority basis On the instructions of the Prime Minister a special plane will leave for Bishkek Kyrgyzstan this evening and will bring back 130 Pakistani students tonight The Pakistani Ambassador informed the Prime Minister about his meeting with the Kyrgyz Deputy Foreign Minister According to him, the Kyrgyz government has said that the situation has been completely brought under control and there were no new incidents of violence last night and today The Kyrgyz Deputy Foreign Minister said security has been enhanced and Pakistani and other foreign students are absolutely safe The Minister said even if the situation returns to normal and any Pakistani student wants to return home, he should be provided with all kinds of facilities T W O M O R E F L I G H T S C A R RY I N G S T UD E N T S F R O M B I S H K E K R E A C H PA K I S TA N Two more special flights carrying Pakistani students from Kyrgyzstan successfully landed home country According to the details the two special flights KA-4575 and KA-6571 carrying approximately 360 Pakistani students from Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, landed at Islamabad and Lahore International Airport, respectively The student’s families and relatives are present at the airport to receive their loved ones who arrived in Lahore and Islamabad Meanwhile separate counters have been set up in the international arrival lounge for the passengers of the flight Additionally, the FIA has issued orders to hasten the immigration process for students arriving from Bishkek ‘Bishkek situation normal; political party misrepresenting incident’ Federal Minister for Information Broadcasting National Heritage and Culture Attaullah Tarar said that a political party is misrepresenting the Kyrgyzstan incident MAKKAH S TA F F R E P O R T
assured that no compromise
be made
best possible facilities of food accommodation cleanliness transport
to Pakistani pilgrims during this year
This year
would be exemplary
pilgrims offering facilities
available in
he said
’s hajj
s Hajj
for Pakistani
that were not

Ordeal in Bishkek

The incident in Bishkek shows some of the dangers of studying abroad

THE return home of the first batch of 180 students from Bishkek brings a certain sense of relief Initial reports suggested that some students had been killed and the knowledge that this was not true proved a relief This should not disguise the fact that there had been a quite serious riot, and that Pakistani students had been roughed up by invading mobs

The violence was sparked off a week ago when the harassment of some Egyptian female students had created tension between foreign students and local residents

This led to violent mobs invading hostels where foreign students were Bishkek is hardly the centre of the academic world, but it appears that South Asian students, especially Indians and Bangladeshis, apart from Pakistanis have flocked to its medical universities It appears that they are not only relatively cheap but culturally and geographically compatible However, while Russian occupation introduced medical teaching institutions in the Central Asian Republics it did not remove the xenophobia there

The government should realise that there are a number of other countries where Pakistani students have gone in large numbers Apart from Kyrgyzstan where the incidents took place the students in the other Central Asian Republics must be surveyed to find out where the students are Previously, students gravitated to the UK and the USA where wide-scale xenophobic incidents did not occur As a result students were never obliged to seek consular help However, that is changing The missions abroad should not be on their toes for xenophobia but should keep in mind the covid-19 epidemic and what happened when students were turned out of hostels and quarantine restrictions were clamped in place It should be noted that students go abroad wherever theory can for a medical or engineering education The rigorous testing and high merits are avoided by many students by getting admission abroad, in such countries as the CARs China or Cuba This does not include those who have gone abroad to pursue postgraduate studies abroad However, they have reached a number where the government is held responsible by their relatives very often irate parents There must now be developed protocols on how to handle any crisis facing our students, and the missions abroad must be ready to put them into operation when things go wrong

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit

Best practices must be followed in education Pakistan could have shot down the missile, but chose the path of peace

OTNE of the defining features of democracy and an economy, is the quality of education, and the extent of children in schools

In fact, the level of cognition depends upon the quality of mental constructs in children which in turn are pathways determining aptitude Moreover good quality education strikes a healthy balance between conformity and creativity whereby societies where education over-emphasizes path dependency, and does not allow development of critical thinking not only lack enlightened citizenry, but also lag behind in innovation– an important determinant of inclusive and sustainable economic growth

Widespread education also helps reduce income inequality and overall poverty on one hand and enhances the political voice, which strengthens democratic culture For instance, in developing countries, including Pakistan, the level generally of educational, and economic empowerment is quite low leaving the demos weak in terms of firstly choosing better public representatives and secondly putting enough pressure to push them to legislate in the public interest like taxing the rich, and overall dismantling the extractive economic institutional design of the colluding politico-economic elites In terms of the importance of education for democracy noted philosopher and educationist John Dewey in his book The School and Society and Child and Curriculum pointed out in his book What the best and wisest parents wants for his own child that must the community want for all of its children Any

other ideal for our schools is narrow and unlovely, acted upon, it destroys our democracy Moreover, while trying to reform the education system especially on an emergency basis– as is being taken as a goal in recent statements of government–it is important to start from a holistic view of issues at hand of not just the education sector but also all the connected sectors Having said that, the issues within the sector– formulating curricula, training teachers, improving infrastructure, among other areas– receive a purpose-driven mission oriented widely encompassing approach Defining the mission-oriented approach renowned economist Mariana Mazzucato said in her book Mission Economy: a moonshot guide to changing capitalism Conventional wisdom continues to portray government as clunky bureaucratic machine that cannot innovate: at best, its role is to fix, regulate, redistribute; it corrects markets when they go wrong we cannot move on from the key problems facing our economies until we abandon this narrow view Mission thinking of this kind can help us restructure contemporary capitalism The scale of reinvention calls for a new narrative and new vocabulary for our political economy, using the idea of public purpose to guide policy and business activity This requires ambition – making sure that the contracts relationships and messaging result in a more sustainable and just society And it requires a process that is as inclusive as possible involving many value creators Public purpose must lie at the centre of how wealth is created collectively to bring stronger alignment between value creation and value distribution ’ At the same time while planning for educational reforms it may be important to look at success stories and in this regard Finland holds a very significant place as one of the leading countries in terms of education systems In the book Finnish lessons 2 0: what

While adequate infrastructural investments, fixing the price signals of services provided in the educational sector, including optimal level of pay and pension given to teachers and overall educational staff as broader reform goal of an educational reform policy, and as part of the needed incentive structure, along with bringing in improved governance structures for better regulation and overall development of the educational sector, in addition to providing high quality curricula, the quality of teaching is one of the defining features of a good education system

l i t i e s

Thankfully both countries showed restraint after this incident However, even if it was an accidental missile launch from the Indian airbase it raises some questions about the Pakistan air defence capabilities One of the major questions was why Pakistan did not shoot down that incoming cruise missile and wait for it until it exploded near Mian Channu, even though it knew that this cruise missile was capable of carrying nuclear warheads While analyzing the Pakistan air defense capabilities there is no doubt that in the recent years Pakistan has heavily invested in its a0ir defences Just a few months before the BrahMos missile incident, in October 2021, Pakistan Air defence forces inducted a Chinese made HQ-9/P Surface-To-Air Missile Defense System into service It is considered as a strategic long range Surface-to-Air Missile system with remarkable flexibility and precision capable of intercepting multiple air targets including aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles

HQ-9/P has a capability for detecting beyond visual range weapons up to 125 km with a single shot kill probability This system is also considered equivalent to the Russian S-400 missile defense system However HQ-9/P is not the only missile defense system Pakistan have In 2017 Pakistan Army inducted a Chinese-made Low-toMedium Altitude Air Defense System (LOMADS) LY-80 The LY-80 is also known as HQ-16A in China and is a product of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corps (CASC) This missile defense system has a

Almost two years after this incident, in early 2024, PAF revealed that it acquired the Chinese HQ-16FE air defense system This is a vastly improved variant of the LY-80 already in service with the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Navy The HQ-16FE seems to form the PAF's medium-to-long-range air defense layer This shows that Pakistan has learned its lesson from the BrahMos missile incident and now it is increasing its air defense sphere to avoid any future disaster

semi-active radar for tracking and guidance

This system can destroy incoming modern fighter jets cruise missiles and drones that are flying at an altitude up to 18 km Despite having these sophisticated air defense systems the Pakistani armed forces did not shoot down this incoming cruise missile, which raises many questions DG ISPR in his press briefing justified not shooting down the missile due to the absence of an ongoing war between India and Pakistan There are two supportive reasons for this justification

not shoot down this incoming cruise missile

Interest rate

Weather Crisis

04 Monday 20 May 2024 COMMENT Lahore – Ph: 042-36300938, 042-36375965 I K arachi – Ph: 021-32640318 I Islamabad – Ph: 051-2204545 I Web: www pakistantoday com pk I Email: editorial@pakistantoday com pk
THE real interest rates have been artificially kept low in Pakistan over the years despite mega-inflation In real terms it hovered around 40 per cent Is it not a fact that the practice failed to bolster the economy and in fact was primarily responsible for landing the country in the present economic meltdown forcing the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to take corrective measures? Additionally, a higher interest rate is a tool to encourage and increase savings, sustain the worth of national currency, control inflation and stabilise the economy by giving fair treatment to all segments of society Hence, there is a need to keep the interest rate unchanged S ISRAR ALI KARACHI
materialism BACK in the 1990s most children when asked about their career choices used to mention some conventional professions, like, say, medicine and engineering The odd one would even mention sports, particularly cricket Today there is no dearth of those who want to be a YouTuber and they want it to happen in a hurry More than the choice to be a YouTuber, or a social media influencer , it is actually the hurry that is at the core of many a problem The root of this ‘hurry’ basically lies in the general perception that being a YouTuber or a TikToker is the easiest and sure-shot way of being rich; filthy beyond-your-dream rich This is a shortcut to success; success defined by one’s wealth They watch vlogs of popular ‘influencers’ flaunting their wealth and lavish lifestyle and they want to be the next in line A study in the United States found how the music scene has changed over time Previously, very few songs were made about money or wealth That number has gone up with artists talking about their wealth or desire for it The Beatles claim of all you need is love is no more valid today Materialism is the defining characteristic of the new generation This generation is surely the least empathetic as well as the most classist generation to have ever existed One shudders at the thought of what things would be like for the generation after Before I sign off I find it in the fitness of things to clarify that I am part of the generation I am sitting in judgment against, and just as guilty of materialism Frankly speaking, it is just that I know where I am wrong and therefore have a chance of steering the course ahead AFFAN KHATTAK ISLAMABAD
ONE of the worst problems that our country, Pakistan, is facing is not only poverty and unemployment but also the environment, which is in a crisis There is a lot of pollution in the major cities of Pakistan, for instance, in Lahore and Karachi and this has started to affect the lives and the health of people which is in a very bad condition and is worsening as we speak Pakistani cities along with Indian cities have been called one of the most polluted cities in the world which is very sad and cause for concern This has become a major problem, and people s health is being affected; they are contracting diseases like cancer and TB, which is really terrible There is a lot of smog in our cities, and it is becoming a very large problem It has actually become a health crisis affecting everyone in the country Our government is not doing enough to deal with this problem We should take steps to reduce pollution We should use it to build climate-resilient cities in Pakistan This smog makes people sick and people who used to enjoy a walk in a park in Lahore can no longer do so; they have difficulty breathing contract diseases and fall ill SAMEEN ASIM LAHORE E d i t o r ’ s m a i l Send your letters to: Letters to Editor Pakistan Today 4-Shaarey Fatima Jinnah Lahore Pakistan E-mail: letters@pakistantoday com pk Letters should be addressed to Pakistan Today exclusively
HE evening of 9 March 2022 came into the spotlight when an Indian cruise missile BrahMos exploded near the Pakistani Punjab city of Mian Channu It was an unarmed cruise missile which was accidentally launched from an Indian airbase This cruise missile was also capable of carrying a nuclear warhead However no human causalty happened because this cruise missile didn t carry any warhead on it Although it was a very unique incident during peacetime between India and Pakistan, the Western media did not cover this incident in their major news stories probably because it was diverted towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine at that time After this incident both India and Pakistan acted with maturity knowing that both are nuclear armed countries Next day, on 10 March 022 Pakistan DG ISPR Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar held a press briefing in which he asked for an explanation from the Indian side about this incident and stated that Whatever caused this incident to happen it is for the Indians to explain In response to this on 15 March 2022 Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh explained to the Indian Parliament that during regular maintenance a missile was released by mistake towards Pakistan and due to this an inquiry had been initiated against the concerned officers Later that year in August three Indian Air Force officers were sacked for the accidental firing of the missile into Pakistan It is important to understand that if the same kind of incident had happened between India and Pakistan during the Pulwama Crisis of February 2019 the outcome would have been very disastrous M a n y n e t i z e n s f r o m I n d i a w e r e s a y i n g t h a t t h i s m i s s i l e f i r i n g w a s n o t a n a c c i d e n t b u t i n r e a l i t y t h e I n d i a n s w e r e c h e c k i n g t h e P a k i s t a n a i r d e f e n s e c a p a b i l i t i e s H o w e v e r t h i s s p e c u l a t i o n w a s r e j e c t e d b y a n I n d i a n j o u r n a l i s t S h e k h a r G u p t a A c c o r d i n g t o h i s a n a l y s i s , t h i s i n c i d e n t h a d h a p p e n e d a r o u n d 7 P m I S T A t t h a t t i m e t h e I n d i a n a i r s p a c e w a s f i l l e d w i t h c i v i l i a n a i r c r a f t T h e r e f o r e , no one could take a chance to launch a cruise missile when the airspace is filled with civili a n a i r c r a f t T h i s a rg u m e n t a l s o s u p p o r t e d t h e v i e w t h a t t h e B r a h M o s m i s s i l e l a u n c h w a s a c c i d e n t a l
h e f i r s t p r o b a b l e r e a s o n w h y PA F d i d
was because the trajectory of this missile was not towards any of the sensitive military installations This may convince the Pakistani defense analysts that this incoming missile is fired by mistake because if it was a deliberate l a u n c h , i t s t r a j e c t o r y w o u l d p r o b a b l y h a v e been towards a sensitive military installation in Pakistan The second reason is that if Pakistan shot d o w n t h e i n c o m i n g m i s s i l e I n d i a m a y p e rceive that now Pakistan is going to counterattack at India with its Hatf-7 Cruise missile w h i c h h a s a r a n g e o f 3 5 0 - 7 0 0 k m I n r es p o n s e I n d i a m a y h a v e a l e r t e d i t s f o r c e s w h i c h c a n p r o b a b l y l e a d b o t h c o u n t r i e s t ow a r d s a n a c c i d e n t a l w a r H o w e v e r i f t h e cruise missile carries any of the warhead material with it It probably can kill many innoc e n t c i v i l i a n s i n P a k i s t a n w h i c h c o u l d n t restrain Pakistan but to retaliate even knowing that it was an accidental fire Luckily this incident did not last longer and both sides deescalated the situation Almost two years after this incident in early 2024 PAF revealed that it acquired the Chinese HQ-16FE air defense system This is a vastly improved variant of the LY-80 already in service with the Pakistan Army and the Pakistan Navy The HQ-16FE seems to form the PAF's medium-to-long-range air defense layer This shows that Pakistan has learned its lesson from the BrahMos missile incident and now it is increasing its air defense sphere to avoid any future disaster The writer is an MS Scholar at Air Univers i t y ( S t r a t e g i c S t u d i e s D e p a r t m e n t ) , I s l a mabad Pakistan
ali mahmOOD Usmani
can the world learn from educational change in Finland? Finnish education system has been reflected upon as ‘The National Curriculum Reform of 1994 is often regarded as the major educational reform in Finland along with the Comprehensive School Reform of the 1970s The main vehicle of change was the active role of municipalities and schools in curriculum design and the implementation of related changes Schools were encouraged to collaborate with other schools and to network with parents businesses and nongovernmental organizations At the level of central administration, this new collaborative and self-directed movement culminated in the Aquarium Project, a national school improvement initiative enabling all Finish schools, principals, and teachers to network with one another The aim of the Aquarium Project was to transform schools into active learning communities As the government embarks upon implementing educational emergency, it is important that it learns from Finnish, and other leading educational reforms programmes, and educational systems On a broader scale it is important to adopt social democratic and non-austerity styled economic philosophical underpinning so that fiscal space could be enlarged and overall the role of government is seen in a more proactive way, whereby it co-creates markets and contracts with the private sector– and not just facilitate it, or only mainly fixes market failure– and also regulates it more meaningfully While adequate infrastructural investments fixing the price signals of services provided in the educational sector including optimal level of pay and pension given to teachers and overall educational staff as broader reform goal of an educational reform policy, and as part of the needed incentive structure, along with bringing in improved governance structures for better regulation and overall development of the educational sector in addition to providing high quality curricula the quality of teaching is one of the defining features of a good education system In the book Teaching In The Flat World it is pointed out in this regard, while giving the example of the Finnish education system as ‘Finns regard teaching as a noble, prestigious profession– akin to medicine law or economics– and one like medicine driven by moral purpose rather than material interests It is no wonder then that teaching is one of the most important career choices among young Finns Becoming a primary teacher in Finland is a very competitive process Only Finland s best and most committed are able to fulfill those professional dreams Certain Finnish practices contribute to a strong teacher workforce: [a] Rigorous researchbased and practice-oriented teacher education programs that prepare teachers in content pedagogy and educational theory, as well as the capacity to do their own research, and that include fieldwork mentored by expert veterans [b] Significant financial support for teacher education, professional development, reasonable and equitable salaries and working conditions that enable lateral professional learning and building social capital in schools The writer holds PhD in Economics degree from the University of Barcelona and previously worked at International Monetary Fund Prior to this he did MSc in Economics from the University of York (United Kingdom) and worked at the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Statistics (Pakistan) among other places He is author of Springer published book (2016) ‘The economic impact of International Monetary Fund programmes: institutional quality macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth He tweets @omerjaved7 E d u c a t i o n , e c o n o m y, a n d d e m o c r a c y B r a h M o s I n c i d e n t a n d P a k i s t a n M i s s i l e D e f e n s e C a p a b i
Dr Omer JaveD

The Mega Deal

The sticking-point is a Palestinian state

Tbut in all cases, avoid any direct attack An example is when Saudi Arabia had blamed Iran for a 2019 missile and drone attack on its oil plants which Tehran denies However, both rivals are engaged in proxy wars in the Middle East, including ib Syria and Yemen Besides, Iran's nuclear programme raises concerns for the kingdom so it has pledged to engineer its nuclear weapons if Iran does so; which is even deepening the concerns So the most important incentive in this treaty for Saudi Arabia is that whenever it is attacked by Iran, the USA will definitely defend it and will protect it in such a manner as it is committed to providing non-NATO security to Japan and South Korea Apart from this the Biden administration was jolted in March last year when Saudi Arabia and Iran announced they had agreed to a Chinese-brokered deal to restore relations This explicitly depicts how the USA wants to keep the kingdom dependent on it selling its security and weapons along with strengthening its presence in the region

However the deal will further deepen Saudi Arabia s dependence on the USA, which started when there was an oil embargo

or the first oil shock in the world during the Arab-Israeli war As a result OPEC countries imposed an oil embargo, which had adverse impact on the Western world both in the short and long term Afterwards, the USA knew that Saudi Arabia was a key player in oil and the Middle East so it committed not to undergo another embargo and kicked off figuring out ways for the Petrodollar to back the USA Since Saudi Arabia had multiplied its earnings in the embargo, royals of the kingdom pursued higher studies in schools and universities in Europe and the USA owned fancy cars and decorated their houses in western style This was the solution for the petrodollar Petrodollar is a system of purchasing oil in US dollars from oil-exporting countries that guarantees a fixed amount for the USA to purchase crude oil at the same rate and influences its currency globally Initially the USA toiled to garner some contracts in the kingdom to make a way towards it; for this she worked on infrastructure, electricity, modernizing the cities of Saudi Arabia, and improving the economy of Saudi Arabia Later, the kingdom was scared of possible attacks from its enemies in the region such as Iran and Israel So the USA committed to providing security and weapons to Riyadh and constructed a US airbase there Since then the USA has been selling weapons and providing security to Riyadh, constraining it to be almost dependent on US security

Apart from this for Saudi Arabia the deal includes Washington's assistance in building a civilian nuclear programme boosting modern technology and cooperation in artificial intelligence that will surely contribute to the social, economic, and digital well-being of Saudi Arabia in competition with its rivals or otherwise

For the Biden Administration the deal is win-win On the one hand it will export its technology artificial intelligence and weapons to the kingdom On the other hand the normalization of Saudi-Israeli ties will boost Biden's election campaign Since the Trump Administration brokered normalization between Israel and some Arab countries including the United Arab Emirates and Morocco under the Abraham Accord the competition for the Biden Administration is tough in this regard, so it is working on a normalization deal from the inception of its tenure to gain for its election campaign However, the Trump Administration accepted Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed territory of western Sahara and took Sudan off the State Department sponsors of terrorism list for the normalization so Saudi Arabia will be expecting more in exchange for the normalization, where the Biden Administration is working on it in the shape of a pathway to the Palestinian state and security and technology provision to it

Besides the Biden Administration s key focus is on strengthening its position in the Middle East after China made inroads there As part of the 'great game competition , the Middle East holds significance, so the Biden Aadministration will be committed to making allies there to extend its influence in the region and contain its arch-rival China s way into the region The treaty will help it secure its interest in this regard As a formal treaty, the security guarantee

deal requires ratification by two-thirds of the Senate but according to experts the ratification of the mega deal by the Senate will be challenging because it is linked with the demand of the sovereign state of Palestine

However, Saudi Arabia does not desire to be subject to the vagaries of US politics or the US president in the White House, so it wants ratification to avoid situations like the Iran nuclear deal which was first agreed upon by the Obama Administration but reversed later The USA is apparently working for the twostate solution, but it will be a hard nut to crack for them to go for it since its close ally Israel

Why Julian Assange’s fate matters

“Whatever the differences, the results have been extraordinar y. Given the range, depth, and accurac y of the leaks, the collaboration has produced by any standard one of the greatest journalistic scoops of the last 30 years”

a global howl of rage from journalists And the UK and US governments would quietly make sure the whole thing went away Now forget Gillian and think about Julian He s an Australian journalist living in London Only it s not Indian state secrets he s intent on spilling: it s American ones The Americans are at least after a while furious and threaten to extradite and jail him But with Julian there s no howl of rage just a mumble of vague disapproval The clue is in the inverted commas around journalist To my mind, Julian Assange is in some ways recognizably a journalist He s also a publisher, an entrepreneur, an activist, a whistleblower, an information anarchist and a hacker That’s true of many of this new breed of net warriors But in the work we did together when I was editor of The Guardian and he was editor of WikiLeaks we collaborated on a series of groundbreaking stories which were ab-

solutely journalistic However, to many journalists Assange is not a proper “journalist,” and they can’t really see what his fate has to do with theirs I think that’s a mistake This week Assange may learn his fate when judges in the UK High Court consider final representations from lawyers on both sides over the bid to extradite him to the US where he could face a lengthy spell in a maximum security prison I first came across Assange in 2007 when he was a relatively unknown figure on the internet living in Kenya and experimenting with the possibilities the digital space allowed dissidents and whistleblowers to release valuable if embarrassing, information It was an age of optimism about how the internet could challenge how power worked In January 2010 Hillary Clinton then secretary of state spoke about the potential of what she termed “a new nervous system for the planet She described a vision of semi-underground digital publishing the samizdat of our day that was beginning to champion transparency and challenge the autocratic, corrupt old order of the world But she also warned that repressive governments were “targeting independent thinkers who use these tools She had regimes like Iran in mind It wasn t long before Clinton realized that this new samizdat publishing system was literally uncontrollable Even by her own government Along with The Guardian, a handful of other established news organizations around the world The New York Times El País Le Monde and Der Spiegel worked with Assange on the vast spill of documents that Chelsea Manning collected while working for the US Army It was often a bumpy ride even Assange’s greatest supporters agree he is not the easiest person to work with but we did valuable journalism together Sarah Ellison writing in Vanity Fair concluded: Whatever the differences the results have been extraordinary Given the range, depth, and accuracy of the leaks, the collaboration has produced by any standard one of the greatest journalistic scoops of the last 30 years ” Clinton did not agree and nor did the prosecuting authorities Manning ended up in jail and Assange in a form of exile But the US government at the time maintained a sense of proportion about the harm done One of

then-President Barack Obama s last acts was to commute Manning s prison sentence so that she served only seven of the 35 years she was sentenced to I continue to believe there was a genuine public interest in publishing details of the killing of civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq and in the American authorities turning a blind eye to systemic torture and murder by their Iraqi allies in 2009

Any mainstream news organization would have gladly broken the 2010 “collateral murder video with its footage from an Apache helicopter that captured the killing of a dozen innocent people including two Reuters news staffers

Now it is true that Assange went further than his mainstream news collaborators in the extent of what he published via WikiLeaks It’s also true that he forfeited a lot of sympathy with his role in the subsequent leaks of emails stolen from the DNC and from Clinton s campaign chair John Podesta in 2016

But 52-year-old Assange is not being pursued for his leaks of 2016 Instead, the attempt to extradite him for “espionage” after nearly five years spent in a maximum security prison in the UK looks like a very belated attempt to punish whistleblowers and discourage journalists whether conventional or not, from poking their noses where they re not welcome More than 50 years ago history was made when the US Supreme Court rejected attempts by then-President Richard Nixon to prevent The Washington Post and The New York Times from publishing the so-called Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsberg the Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden of his time was, by the time of his death last year, considered something of a hero for exposing a hidden truth about the Vietnam War Who knows how Assange will be seen in a generation s time but his cause is one that should galvanize journalists in support if only because the significance of the Pentagon Papers case could so easily be reversed

The Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told President Joe Biden “enough is enough ” I hope the UK courts who are about to hear the latest case agree Alan Rusbridger is editor of the UK political monthly Prospect Magazine and was editorin-chief of the Guardian from 1995 to 2015

ALLEGATIONS about China s manufacturing overcapacity have sparked heated discussions among policymakers During her visit to China in April US Treasury Secretary Janet L Yellen argued that when the global market is flooded by artificially cheap Chinese products the viability of American and other foreign firms is put into question, adding that it was the same story a decade ago Yellen is partly correct: the SinoAmerican trade war has strengthened not weakened China s export competitiveness In 2023 China accounted for about 14% of total global exports up 1 3 percentage points from 2017 (before the conflict began) More striking still, China s trade surplus was around $823 billion in 2023, nearly double what it was in 2017

Over a decade ago China’s trade surplus was largely the result of an undervalued renminbi (RMB) Today’s circumstances are somewhat similar My research shows that in 2023 the RMB was 16% undervalued against the dollar contributing to China s high exports and trade surplus

I reached this conclusion because the inflation rate in the United States over the past two years has been ten percentage points higher than in China According to purchasing-power-parity calculations, the RMB should have appreciated by 10% against the dollar; instead, it depreciated by 11% From this perspective, the RMB was 21% undervalued against the dollar

Of course short-term exchange rates are influenced more by the interestrate differential than by the inflation rate I therefore used econometric methods incorporating factors such as the interest-rate spread and economic growth to estimate what the RMB exchange rate should be

My comparative studies found that the extent of RMB undervaluation has been much greater than that of major ASEAN currencies over the past two years Compared to the last round of US Federal Reserve rate hikes during 2015 to 2018 the extent of the RMB s undervaluation in recent years has also significantly increased

Strangely there is no evidence that the Chinese government is targeting the exchange rate Even the US agrees that China has not acted as a currency manipulator in recent years In this respect, the situation today is very different from a decade ago, as China has made significant progress in reforming its exchange-rate system in the intervening period As a result, the volatility of the RMB exchange rate has become more pronounced

This raises the question of why the RMB is still undervalued Looking at the balance of payments in 2020 and 2021 the cumulative net inflow of capital from direct and securities investments exceeded $400 billion whereas in 2022 and 2023, the cumulative net outflow from the capital and financial account exceeded $500 billion China’s enormous current-account surplus has not led to RMB appreciation – as one might expect – because of these high capital outflows This makes exchange-rate changes ineffective in adjusting the trade balance

Such capital outflows cannot be attributed solely to the changes in the interest-rate spread between China and the US In fact the capital outflow is mainly a result of non-economic factors, including some of China s own policies such as its clampdown on certain industries Recognizing this, the Chinese government began to incorporate non-economic policies into its self-assessment framework late last year

More importantly the recent escalation of Sino-American tensions has led the US to adopt a series of policies that discourage investment in China This includes limiting venture-capital flows into China and exaggerating the risks of traveling there

The US Congress is also considering legislation that would further restrict American investment in China Together, these factors have exacerbated capital outflows, thereby amplifying the degree of RMB undervaluation and further undermining the effect that exchange-rate adjustments would typically have on the trade balance As long as Sino-American relations continue to be rocky the RMB exchange rate will most likely remain significantly undervalued and Yellen s complaints will become ever more difficult to resolve Of course the political factors distorting the exchange rate will also slow the development of China s services sector, and thus hinder its structural-adjustment efforts Given all this, the solution seems clear In the interest of both sides, China must develop a consistent mechanism for assessing the impact of its non-economic measures and the US must ease its restrictive policies Qiyuan Xu is Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
HE mega deal is going to alter the course of the Middle East which relates to the USA s potential deal with Saudi Arabia The deal covers three pacts: the Saudi-US security pact, Saudi-Israeli normalization, and the pathway
a Palestinian state
the deal combined are diffi-
pursue since Israel considers Palestine
security threat but at the same time
Saudi Arabia
deemed sig-
the US-Saudi security
almost unrealizable
the consent of Israel in it The mega deal holds utmost importance for all the stakeholders Saudi Arabia engineers its foreign policy
an eye on Iran a perceived foe of the kingdom
threats from Tehran towards Riyadh are based on sectarian beliefs and regional competition They accuse each other of orchestrating conspiracies and po-
cult to
normalization with
nificant Besides,
accord is
is opposing it publicly
its leadership
Muslim world
last key
and Saudi Arabia, the chances would be less than possible for any Palestinian state if it were not required in this deal But it s difficult for Israel to agree to a Palestinian state since it has a desire for the Ben Gurion Canal Plan (BGCP) The proposed plan is supported by the USA and is aimed at connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea The canal’s route passes close to the northern border of Gaza which was formerly home to 2 million people who have been displaced in the ongoing bombing of Israel, which will help her boost her trade and cut the prices of shipments The entire so-called retaliation is designed to empty Gaza to execute the goal of the said canal So it suggests that any practical pathway to the state of Palestine is almost impossible Additionally numerous other reasons i m p l y t h a t t h e p r a c t i c a l p a t h w a y t o t h e state of Palestine is almost undoable bec a u s e I s r a e l d e e m s P a l e s t i n e a s e c u r i t y threat, as Netanyahu has articulated many times Also, the Israeli public opposes any n o r m a l i z a t i o n w i t h t h e k i n g d o m f o r i t s h u m a n r i g h t s r e c o r d s a n d m u r d e r o f Khashoggi and it shall not even recognize a n y P a l e s t i n i a n s t a t e T h e m o s t d i ff i c u l t thing for Netanyahu in accepting a sovere i g n P a l e s t i n e i s t h a t N e t a n y a h u s c o a l it i o n g o v e r n m e n t c o u l d c o l l a p s e i f h e f o r m a l l y s u p p o r t e d a n y p l a n f o r t h e c r ea t i o n o f a P a l e s t i n i a n s t a t e b e c a u s e f a rr i g h t m e m b e r s o f h i s c o a l i t i o n s t r o n g l y o p p o s e i t a n d w a n t t o r e e s t a b l i s h I s r a e l i settlements in Gaza They have threatened t o b r i n g d o w n t h e g o v e r n m e n t i f N et a n y a h u e n d s t h e w a r w i t h o u t o u s t i n g H a m a s F o r t h e m , w i t h d r a w a l w i t h o u t ousting Hamas from Gaza is a reward for H a m a s , s o t h e y c a n u n d e rg o m u l t i p l e challenges before coming to any possible conclusion of this deal The possibility of success of this mega deal is lesser because the state of Palestine is the biggest challenge for the USA and Israel so there may be a bilateral treaty between the USA and Saudi Arabia initially excluding Israel and Palestine but as earlier mentioned it will be arduous to be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate without the consent of Israel Thereafter Israel and Saudi Arabia can tailor a deal for normalization without any deal for the state of Palestine but a ceasefire or something else The writer is a freelance columnist Monday 20 May 2024 COMMENT 05 I MAGINE this A determined American journalist, let s call her Gillian, is sleuthing away at a story about India’s nuclear weapons program But there’s a problem: the Indian Official Secrets Act of 1923 Though Gillian is based in London when she finally gets to publish her story the Indian government is bent on revenge Gillian has to be made an example of, so that no other journalist would dare follow in her footsteps So, the Indian government applies for her to be extradited to stand trial in Delhi She faces up to 10 years in jail Is London going to hand Gillian over? Is Washington going to stand idly by and meekly accept the possibility of an American journalist languishing in an Indian jail? Dream on It would never happen There would be
it a security threat Israel wants normalization with Saudi Arabia because of its
and military clout and
of the
Saudi Arabia seems to be the
player that
demand the sovereign state of Palestine, but after the normalization between Israel
T h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f s u c c e s s o f t h i s m e g a d e a l i s l e s s e r b e c a u s e t h e s t a t e o f P a l e s t i n e i s t h e b i g g e s t c h a l l e n g e f o r t h e U S A a n d I s r a e l , s o t h e r e m a y b e a b i l a t e r a l t r e a t y b e t w e e n t h e U S A a n d S a u d i A r a b i a i n i t i a l l y e x c l u d i n g I s r a e l a n d P a l e s t i n e , b u t a s e a r l i e r m e n t i o n e d , i t w i l l b e a r d u o u s t o b e r a t i f i e d b y t w o - t h i r d s o f t h e S e n a t e w i t h o u t t h e c o n s e n t o f I s r a e l T h e r e a f t e r , I s r a e l a n d S a u d i A r a b i a c a n t a i l o r a d e a l f o r n o r m a l i z a t i o n w i t h o u t a n y d e a l f o r t h e s t a t e o f P a l e s t i n e b u t a c e a s e f i r e o r s o m e t h i n g e l s e
ali Zubair soomro
CNN a l a n r u s b r i d g E r
Candidates facing farmers ire in Punjab T HE crackdown on protesting farmers at the Shambhu border in February is casting a shadow on the BJP s poll campaign in Punjab Party leaders and candidates are being shown black flags and stopped from entering villages, particularly in Malwa and Majha T h e s e d i s r u p t i o n s p r o m p t e d s t a t e B J P chief Sunil Jakhar to lodge a complaint with t h e s t a t e s C h i e f E l e c t o r a l O ff i c e r l a s t w e e k a l l e g i n g t h a t t h e A A P g o v e r n m e n t h a d f a i l e d t o e n s u r e a l e v e l p l a y i n g f i e l d f o r a l l c a n d i d a t e s T h e P u n j a b P o l i c e h a v e c l a i m e d t h a t t h e y a r e t a k i n g s t e p s t o e n s u r e t h e s a f e t y o f t h e c o n t e s t a n t s , i n c l u d i n g t h o s e b e l o n g i n g t o t h e B J P b u t t h e l a t t e r i s n o t c o n v i n c e d Farmers from the state had launched the Dilli Chalo agitation earlier this year seeking a legal guarantee for the minimum support price (MSP) H o w e v e r, t h e y w e r e p r e v e n t e d f r o m r e a c h i n g t h e C a p i t a l b y t h e a u t h o r i t i e s i n B J P - r u l e d H a r y a n a w h i c h r e s o r t e d t o a heavy-handed approach The MSP issue has remained unresolved despite a series of talks between the Centre and some farm unions T h e B J P h a s i t s t a s k c u t o u t i n t h e s t a t e , w h e r e i t i s g o i n g s o l o a f t e r i t s e ff o r t s t o m e n d f e n c e s w i t h i t s o l d a l l y t h e S h i r o m a n i A k a l i D a l ( S A D ) , p r o v e d f u t i l e T h e S A D had parted ways with the NDA in 2021 amid t h e f a r m e r s ’ a g i t a t i o n o v e r t h e c o n t e n t i o u s f a r m l a w s e n a c t e d b y t h e C e n t r e E v e n t h e r e p e a l o f t h e l a w s d i d n o t h e l p t h e B J P w i n o v e r t h e s t a t e s f a r m i n g c o m m u n i t y a s s e e n in January 2022 when protesters forced PM M o d i t o g o b a c k w i t h o u t a d d r e s s i n g a p o l l r a l l y i n F e r o z e p u r With its nominees also facing the heat in p a r t s o f r u r a l H a r y a n a , t h e s a ff r o n p a r t y c a n ’t a ff o r d t o i g n o r e t h e a n g e r a n d a n g u i s h o f t h e r e g i o n s f a r m e r s A t t h e s a m e t i m e t h e a l l e g e d i n f r i n g e m e n t o f t h e c a n d i d a t e s r i g h t t o c a m p a i g n n e e d s t o b e p r o b e d a n d a c c o u n t a b i l i t y f i x e d f o r t h e l a p s e s Why the US can’t win the trade war with China PR OJECT SYNDICATE QIYUAN XU Anti-BJP protests TRIBUNE E d to r i a l



Israeli attacks forced half of Rafah’s population to flee: UN

WikiLeaks ’ Julian Assange faces US extradition judgment day

last week “Julian could be extradited, or he could be freed ” She said her husband hoped to be in court for the crucial hearing WikiLeaks released hundreds of thousands of classified US military documents on Washington s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – the largest security breaches of their kind in US military history – along with swathes of diplomatic cables In April 2010 it published a classified video showing a 2007 US helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in the Iraqi capital Baghdad The US authorities want to put the Australian-born Assange on trial over 18 charges nearly all under the Espionage Act saying his actions with WikiLeaks were reckless damaged national security, and endangered the lives of agents His many global supporters call the prosecution a travesty, an assault on journalism and free speech, and revenge for causing embarrassment Calls for the case to be dropped have ranged from human rights groups and some media bodies to Australian Prime

case at a later date


In a tragic incident at midnight on Sunday Vedant

Agarwal, son of Vishal Agarwal from Brahma Realty, collided with multiple vehicles while driving his speeding Porsche, resulting in the loss of two lives #Pune: Vedant Agarwal, son of Vishal Agarwal of Brahma Realty caused a fatal accident in Kalyani Nagar at 3:00 AM on Saturday Driving his Porsche at high speed Vedant lost control colliding with multiple vehicles The crash resulted in the immediate deaths of Anis Avlia and pic twitter com/Vg7yLMlzaY Punekar News (@punekarnews) May 19, 2024

The incident occurred in Kalyani Nagar around 3:15 am coinciding with the departure of a young woman and her companions from the Ballr pub after a celebration Despite directives from the Police Com-

missioner, certain establishments continued operating beyond sanctioned hours, a fact underscored by the distressing aftermath captured on film showing the young woman sprawled on the pavement This incident has elicited widespread condemnation and raised questions regarding the implementation of curfew mandates particularly in areas where nightlife venues persist in flouting regulations Eyewitnesses recounted the chilling scene as emergency responders arrived, but their efforts were in vain, unable to save the two victims As inquiries into the cause of the accident unfold authorities are under scrutiny regarding the efficacy of curfew enforcement

M d y 20 M y 2024 | LAHORE 06 NEWS RIYADH A G E N C I E S P R I N C E Mohammed bin Salman and US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met in Saudi Arabia’s eastern city of Dhahran to discuss a “semi-final” version of strategic agreements between the two countries official Saudi media reported on Sunday The agreements are considered a major part of Washington s efforts to bring Riyadh around to recognising the state of Israel for the first time efforts complicated by Israel’s military offensive in Gaza Prince Mohammed the kingdom s de facto ruler and Sullivan discussed the semifinal version of the draft strategic agreements between the kingdom and the United States of America the work on which is close to being completed , according to Saudi state media The two sides also discussed “what is being worked on between the two sides on the Palestinian issue to find a credible path towards a two-state solution The talks also touched on the situation in Gaza and the necessity of stopping the war there and facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid Sullivan is scheduled to visit Israel later on Sunday for talks about the conflict, according to the White House The Biden administration has been seeking for some time to reach an agreement under which Saudi Arabia would recognise Israel in exchange for a stronger security relationship with Washington which is already its most important security partner The Saudis are also bargaining hard for help developing a civilian nuclear programme Last September before Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel that sparked the conflict in Gaza, Prince Mohammed said in an interview with the US network Fox News that “every day we get closer” to a deal to normalise ties But those efforts have been severely damaged by the more than seven months of fighting in Gaza and the rising civilian toll there The October 7 attack resulted in the deaths of more than 1,170 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures Israel’s retaliatory offensive against Hamas has killed at least 35 386 people in Gaza, mostly civilians, according to data provided by the health ministry Since the outbreak of the conflict Saudi officials have said that relations with Israel are impossible without steps toward recognising a Palestinian state, something Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long opposed It is unclear whether Riyadh and Washington will move forward with their agreements, as Saudi Arabia and Israel have not reached a normalisation agreement according to analysts But high-level talks about what Saudi Arabia wants from the United States have continued During Blinken s last visit to Riyadh in April he and his Saudi counterpart said that a final agreement on the US-Saudi component of the deal was close
GAZA A G E N C I E S Roughly 800 000 people have been forced to flee Rafah since Israel launched a military offensive on 6 May the head of the UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) said Saturday in a renewed appeal for greater protection of civilians in besieged Gaza, safe humanitarian access and ultimately a ceasefire Once again nearly half of the population of Rafah or 800 000 people are on the road, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini wrote in his post on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter He said that following evacuation orders demanding people to flee to so-called safe zones people mainly went to the middle areas in Gaza and Khan Younis including destroyed buildings When people move, they are exposed, without safe passage or protection, he said Every time, they have to start from scratch all over again Lazzarini said the areas that people have escaped to do not have safe water supplies or sanitation facilities He cited the example of Al-Mawassi, describing it as a sandy 14 square kilometre agricultural land, where people are left out in the open with little to no buildings or roads The town located on Gaza s southern coast lacks the minimal conditions to provide emergency humanitarian assistance in a safe and dignified manner he stated The UNRWA chief said that more than 400,000 lived in Al-Mawassi before the recent escalation but now it is crammed and cannot absorb more people which is also the same in Deir al Balah The claim that people in Gaza can move to safe or humanitarian zones is false Each time it puts the lives of civilians at serious risk, Lazzarini stated Gaza does not have any safe zones, Lazzarini said adding, “No place is safe No one is safe” The situation is again being made far worse by the lack of aid and basic humanitarian supplies he continued noting that humanitarians do not have any more supplies to give out, including food and other basic items Meanwhile, key crossings into Gaza remain closed or are unsafe to access as they are located near or in combat zones Lazzarini also highlighted the critical need for fuel which is essential for aid distribution He said only 33 aid trucks had made it to southern Gaza since 6 May – a small trickle amid the growing humanitarian needs and mass displacement While we welcome reports on first shipments arriving at the new floating dock land routes remain the most viable effective, efficient and safest aid delivery method , he said
LONDON A G E N C I E S A British court could give a final decision on Monday on whether WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange should be extradited to the United States over the mass leak of secret US
for spying Assange’s legal team say he could be on a plane across the Atlantic within 24 hours of the decision could be released from jail or his case could yet again be bogged down in months of legal battles I have the sense that anything could happen at this stage,” his wife Stella said
embassy in London for seven years, and held since 2019 in Belmarsh top security jail, latterly while he waited a ruling on his extradition Every day since the seventh of December 2010 he has been in one form of detention or another said Stella Assange who was originally part of his legal team and married him in Belmarsh in 2022
the extradition can go
legal avenues in Britain are ex-
his lawyers will immediately turn to the European Court of Human Rights to seek an emer-
injunction blocking deportation pending a full
that court into his
documents the culmination of 13
of legal battles and detentions Two judges at the
Court in London are set to rule on whether the court is satisfied by US assurances that Assange, 52, would not face the death penalty and could rely on the First Amendment right to free
if he faced a US trial
Minister Anthony Albanese and other political leaders D E TA I N
C E 2010: Assange was
arrested in Britain in 2010 on a Swedish warrant over
crime allegations that were later dropped Since then he has been variously under house arrest, holed up in Ecuador ’s
If the High Court rules
ahead, Assange’s
hausted and
hearing by
the safety
traversing the city
reckless driving
late hours S on of Indian real estate tycoon kills two af ter crashing his Porsche into multiple vehicles TOR ONTO A G E N C I E S Some Canadian provinces have logged a jump in unclaimed dead bodies in recent years with next of kin citing funeral costs as a growing reason for not collecting loved ones remains The phenomenon has prompted at least one province to build a new storage facility Demand for memorial fundraisers has surged The overall cost of a funeral in Canada at the top end has increased to about $8 800 from about $6 000 in 1998 according to industry trade group estimates In Ontario Canada s most populous province the number of unclaimed dead bodies rose to 1 183 in 2023 from 242 in 2013, said Dirk Huyer, the province s chief coroner In most of those cases, next of kin were identified but unable to claim the body for a variety of reasons, the most common being money Finances went from being the reason for 20% of the total unclaimed bodies in 2022 to 24% in 2023 It s distressing because it s a person who has passed and there s nobody – family, friends, or others – that are in a position to be able to provide instructions or plans for that person after their death ” Huyer said Officially in Ontario a body is deemed unclaimed after 24 hours But the coroner s office staff may spend weeks trying to locate next of kin he said If the relatives confirm they are unable to claim a body, the local municipality works with a funeral home to provide a simple burial In the meantime the body is kept in a morgue or temperature-controlled storage facility “There’s always been families that are in need of additional assistance (But) I ve never seen the number of unclaimed remains that currently exist said Allan Cole owner of the Toronto-based funeral home MacKinnon and Bowes In Quebec, the number of unclaimed bodies grew to 183 in 2023 from 66 in 2013 In Alberta, the number of bodies for whom no next of kin could be located to claim them rose to 200 in 2023 from 80 in 2016 H i s t o r i c a l l y t h e H e a l t h S c i e n c e s C e n t r e i n S t John s Newfoundland and Labrador did not encounter enough unclaimed remains to warrant long-term storage, a spokesperson for Newfoundland Health Services told Reuters Now, in the wake of an uproar over unclaimed bodies kept in freezers outside the hospital, the province is constructing a permanent storage unit to hold remains “People weren’t claiming bodies because they realized they couldn t afford to bury them s a i d J i m D i n n l e a d e r o f t h e p r o v i n c e s o p p o s i t i o n New Democratic Party C anada logs a jump in unclaimed dead bodies as costs put funerals out of reach APHC pays tributes to Mir waiz Molvi Farooq, Khwaja Ghani Lone & Hawal mar t yrs SRINAGAR A G E N C I E S The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has paid glowing tributes to prominent Kashmiri leaders Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone and the martyrs of Hawal on the eve of their martyrdom anniversaries in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirwaiz Molvi Muhammad Farooq was shot dead by unidentified gunmen at his residence in Srinagar on 21st May in 1990 On the same day seventy mourners were killed when Indian troops opened indiscriminate fire on his funeral procession in Hawal area of Srinagar Twelve years later on May 21 in 2002, Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone was martyred by unknown attackers when he was returning after addressing a gathering at the Martyrs’ Graveyard in Srinagar APHC spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas in a statement in Srinagar paying homage to Shaheed Mirwaiz Molvi Mohammad Farooq and Shaheed Khawaja Abdul Lone said these leaders path of seeking peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the wishes of its people is the way forward and also the way to peace and prosperity for the region He said hegemonic authority use of force or intimidation of people only complicate the conflict further He said the sufferings of the people and the sacrifices rendered by them in quest of the resolution of the Kashmir dispute constantly remind Kashmiris that the conflict has to be resolved and the Kashmiris’ sentiment honored “Imprisonment and incarceration cannot change that reality We will continue to pursue that goal and the path shown by our dear leaders he maintained The APHC spokesman deplored that through the use of extreme force and intimidation, the Indian authorities had implemented a complete ban on any form of individual or collective expression by people or the leadership giving no space and no scope for it He said the best way to pay homage to the Kashmiri martyrs including Mirwaiz Molvi Umar Farooq, Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone and martyrs of Hawal on their anniversaries, is to carry forward the ongoing freedom struggle till it reaches its logical conclusion BJP worker killed in IIOJK attack SRINAGAR A G E N C I E S Suspected rebels shot dead an activist from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) local authorities said on Sunday after the latest violent attack in the disputed region Police named the victim as Aijaz Ahmad a local leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who was fired upon in Shopian district on Saturday evening, days after the occupied region began voting in India’s six-week national elections The BJP s local office in IIOJK confirmed Sunday that Ahmad had died and announced plans to stage a protest against the attack Two Indian tourists visiting the Himalayan territory were also wounded in a separate attack in nearby Anantnag on the same day, police said, adding that both had been hospitalised Russia seizes assets of three European banks MOSCOW A G E N C I E S A Russian court has ruled that Deutsche Bank and UniCredit’s assets in the country are to be seized, documents showed European banks have largely exited Russia after Moscow launched its offensive on Ukraine in 2022 Russia has a list of Western assets that would be seized if Group of Seven (G7) leaders decided to confiscate $300 billion in frozen Russian central-bank assets, the Kremlin had warned on Dec 29 last year Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said any such move by the West would violate international law and undermine the global financial system and the world economy A court in Saint Petersburg ruled in favour of seizing 239 million euros ($260 million) from Deutsche Bank, documents dated May 16 showed The same day, it ordered the seizure of around 463 million euros of assets belonging to Italy’s UniCredit Kremlin had threatened fiscal retaliation if Russian assets are seized The court also seized Commerzbank s assets worth 93 7 million euros ($101 85 million) as well as securities and the bank s building in central Moscow Commerzbank did not immediately respond to a request for comment The decisions were issued in answer to a request from RusKhimAlians which was planning to build a major gas processing and liquefaction plant in cooperation with German company Linde which pulled out of the project due to Russia s military campaign RusKhimAlians sued UniCredit and Deutsche Bank both guarantors of the project Deutsche Bank said it would “need to see how this claim is implemented by the Russian courts and assess the immediate operational impact in Russia” UniCredit said it “has been made aware” of the decision and was reviewing the situation in detail UniCredit was one of the European banks most exposed to Russia when Moscow started its campaign in Ukraine with a large local subsidiary operating in the country It began preliminary discussions on a sale last year, but the talks haven t advanced Chief executive Andrea Orcel said UniCredit wants to leave Russia, but added that gifting an operation worth three billion euros was not a good way to respect the spirit of Western sanctions on Moscow over the conflict Nevertheless UniCredit has gradually reduced its exposure to Russia and managed to increase the ratio of its capital to risk-weighted assets to 16 per cent from 15pc last year The lawsuits were filed by St Petersburg-based RusChemAlliance a joint venture 50pc owned by Russian gas giant Gazprom which is the operator of the project
Simultaneously this event
derscores the importance of
laws, especially during


Dr Zahid Ansari, Mr Jawad (DC Korangi), Dr Shahzad Arshad (Honorary Consul of Lesotho), Mr Danish Aman (CEO of Hafiz Tannery), Zeeshan Mirza (ZZZ) Faheem Khan Mustafa Habib Sarfaraz Malik Bostan Quratul Ain Asif Sheikh Javaid Ajay Khatwani Waseem Vohra Shahzad Mobin Naeem Haroon Fazal Dadabhoy Faraz Hashmi, Mashkoor Khan, Pervez Haroon Madraswala, Muslim Muhammadi, Mohammed Ali, Barrister Hallar Wassan, A k Memon, Farukh Mazhar and others STAFF REPORT In a first, Pakistan hosts global marathon ONE RUN

07 NEWS Monday 20 May 2024 | LAHORE CORPORATE CORNER LAHORE S TA F F R E P O R T P U N J A B Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz on Sunday said that there existed vast opportunities for Japanese firms to invest in Punjab Talking to Japan s Ambassador to Pakistan Wada Mitsuhiro who called on her in Lahore she said that Punjab had emerged as the largest consumer market The skilled manpower of the province is capable of performing exceptionally well in the Japanese companies ” she pointed out adding “People-to-people contacts are a must if relations between these two countries are to be further strengthened ” the chief minister emphasized adding “Keeping in view their interests, both Punjab and Japan can collaborate in trade and investment ” Speaking on the occasion Japan’s envoy said that his country attached great importance to its ties with Pakistan We are determined to engage in partnership with the government of Punjab for the spread of technology, he said Mitsuhiro said the government of Japan and the country’s private sector had launched several projects for the people s welfare in Punjab We Pray for Safety of Iranian President His Team The people of Punjab are praying for the safety of Iranian President Syed Ibrahim Raisi and his associates,” said Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif She added: “They are with the people of Iran in the hour of difficulty and distress KARACHI S TA F F R E P O R T The delegation of the Karachi Bar Association (KBA) called on Sindh Senior Minister and Provincial Minister for Information, Transport, Excise, Taxation, and Narcotics Control Sharjeel Inam Memon in Karachi Karachi Bar Association General Secretary Akhtiar Ali Chana, Raj Ali Wahid Abdul Qadir Soomro and Abdul Faheem Memon participated in the meeting In the meeting, various problems faced by the lawyer community in Karachi were discussed Karachi Bar Association leaders apprised Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon of other challenges faced by lawyers, including transportation Sindh Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon announced that the Sindh government will provide travel facilities to lawyers in Karachi He said that a shuttle service will be started from Pigeon Chowk to the City Courts to ease the travel problems of lawyers making it easier for lawyers in Karachi to travel from Malir Courts to the City Courts Senior Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon said that the services of the Karachi Bar Association in promoting democracy and the rule of law are invaluable and cannot be forgotten S i n d h to p rov i d e t r ave l f a c i l i t y to l aw ye r s i n K a r a c h i : S h a r j e e l M e m o n
IN PUNJAB KARACHI: The chief guest Jazz Head Product and Segment Asad Maqbool and Tournament Director Khurram Majeed is presenting the trophy and prize money of Rs7 5 million to Asad Shah the captain of CE Sports the winning team of Tape ball Premier League PR Dr Javed Akram, President Pakistan Society of Internal Medicine Prof Shahzad Ali Khan VC Health Services Academy, Dr Zulfiqar Bhutta Founding Director Center of Excellence in Women and Child Health, and Khalid Mahmood CEO and MD Getz Pharma at Antimicrobial Summit held at Karachi PR L akeshore Tower Projec t L aunched KARACHI: Kunwar Qutubuddin Khan Chairman of Kunwar's Associates, unveiled the Lakeshore Towers project, in Islamabad at a grand event held on the lush green lawn of Mr Zahid Hameed in DHA Karachi The Chief Guest for the occasion was Mr Saquib Fayyaz Magoon SVP of FPCCI The event was attended by numerous dignitaries from the corporate world, eager to witness this unique, earthquake-proof project Lakeshore Towers boasts a plethora of exclusive features unparalleled by any other master project globally Mr Qutubuddin Khan alongside his co-hosts Mr Zahid Hameed Bilal Ahmed Mehmood
welcomed all the guests ensuring
attendees included
Pakistan hosted an internationally recognized world-largest marathon, ONE RUN, in Karachi for the first time in which nearly 1200 runners participated including professional athletes senior citizens and women The marathon took place in 105 cities in 16 different countries on the same day Participants had the opportunity to cover one of four distances: 1, 5, 10, or 21 1 kilometers Sports in Pakistan and the Hero League congratulate the winners and all participants for their remarkable achievements and sportsmanship In the female category Mumtaz Naimat secured the first position She was followed by Sehrish and Qandeel who were the second and third winners, respectively In the male category, Israr Khattak won the marathons M Sajjad and Adnan won the second and third The winners were given cash prizes PR Revolutionizing Pakistan’s Rishta Culture: Muzz unveils #MeriBhiS unLo c ampaign
Muzz a leading marriage-app in Pakistan has unveiled its groundbreaking #MeriBhiSunLo campaign aimed at transforming the traditional rishta (match making) culture in the country The rishta culture in Pakistan has long been a cornerstone of marriage traditions but it often comes with challenges PR
ts disc uss risk assessment tools for improved probation system
A twoday seminar held recently brought together national and international experts to discuss the development and validation of a risk/needs assessment tool for probation in Pakistan, known as the P-SAP This initiative aims to improve the effectiveness of the probation system by utilizing better assessment methods and resource allocation The seminar featured prominent speakers with diverse perspectives on the subject Dr Mazahar Hussain Bhutta, Project Investigation officer and Chairman Department of Sociology PMAS-ARID agriculture university Rawalpindi, emphasized the importance of a thorough development process for the P-SAP tool This includes a comprehensive review of existing literature strong theoretical foundations and data collected from real-world probation cases STAFF REPORT Various markets, trade bodies announce suppor t for PIAF in LCCI polls LAHORE: The delegation of various traders and industrial associations, especially the paper market and Shah Alam Market, Young Traders Association Beden Road and other markets visited the PIAF office to show their solidarity with the PIAF in the upcoming Lahore Chambers elections The delegation from Paper Market Ganpat Road was led by APMA former chairman Khamis Saeed Butt while the delegation from Young Traders Association of Shah Alam Market was led by Shehzad Aslam and the delegation from Baden Road was led by Tahir Hafeez STAFF REPORT

Punjab Puts hosPitals on alert to coPe with looming three consecutive heat-waves




likely to hit country The Meteorologists have warned of an unprecedented and potentially catastrophic heatwave set to engulf Pakistan The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has identified areas at high risk, including Umarkot, Tharparkar Tandoalayar Matiari and Sanghar in Sindh as well as Bahawalpur and Rahimyar Khan in Punjab

The first heatwave spell, expected to last 2 to 3 days, poses a threat to these regions A second heatwave forecasted for late May or early June could see temperatures soaring to 45 degrees for 4 to 5 days A third heatwave is projected for the first 10 days of June impacting Tharparkar, Umarkot, Sanghar, Badin, and Khairpur The Meteorological Department’s advisory indicates a significant rise in temperatures from May 21 with extreme heatwaves expected from May 23 to 27 Above-normal temperatures are anticipated in Islamabad Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Balochistan during this period Citizens are urged to stay informed through various media channels and take necessary precautions to combat the impending heatwave onslaught The Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department s letter further directs the officials to disseminate information to the general


Dar, Saudi counterpar t review preparations for Crown Prince’s visit to Pak istan

Deputy Prime Minister (PM) and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar and his Saudi Arabia counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah on Sunday reviewed preparations for the visit of the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud to Pakistan

During a telephonic conversation on Sunday Ishaq Dar underlined that the people of Pakistan were eagerly looking forward to the visit of His Royal Highness at a mutually agreed date

The two leaders also discussed the robust bilateral relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, exploring various avenues for further strengthening cooperation across multiple sectors

This dialogue underscored the profound and enduring partnership between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia

The ministers also discussed the grave situation in Gaza and other pressing regional and global developments of mutual concern

The two sides reaffirmed their dedication to fostering peace and stability in the region through collaborative efforts and dialogue

Earlier in May, it was reported that the much-anticipated visit of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad

bin Salman


R E P O R T A complaint seeking inquiry into the wheat scandal has been filed with the National Accountability

spokesperson Mumtaz Zehra Baloch made it clear on Friday that as soon the schedule was worked out between the two capitals, it would be made public

She was confident that the Mo-

hammad Bin Salman’s visit would take place soon and it would surely be very valuable and people of Pakistan are anxiously waiting for the leader from the brotherly country MBS much-anticipated visit will be the first visit by the Saudi Crown Prince to Pakistan in five years The last time he was in Pakistan was in February 2019 The Saudi crown prince will land in Pakistan along with his delegation

The visit will see the third inperson meeting between Pakistan s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in a period spanning five weeks

that these individuals subjected the security officer to physical assault and upon receiving information about the incident law enforcement officials arrived at the scene where Sardar Tanveer allegedly fired at Colonel (retd) Tipu Sultan, narrowly missing him

Published by Asad Nizami at Qandeel Printing Press, 4 Queens Road, Lahore, for PT Print (Pvt) Limited Ph: 042-36300938, 042-36375965 Email: newsroom@pakistantoday com pk PRAYER TIMINGS FA J R S U N R I S E Z U H R A S R M AG H R I B S H A 4:20 5:02 1 30 5:15 7:00 8:45 Monday 20 May 2024 NEWS ISLAMABAD/LAHORE S A L E E M J A D O O N t H E Punjab government on Sunday put the chief executive officers of all district health authorities and the medical superintendents of tertiary care hospitals, district headquarters hospitals (DHQs) and tehsil headquarter hospitals (THQs) on high alert ahead of the expected rise in the temperature and heat-wave The alert follows the Meteorological Department warning about the presence of a high pressure in the upper atmosphere that would result in heatwave conditions in most parts of the country, especially Punjab and Sindh from May 21 and a severe heatwave from May 23 to 27 Daytime temperatures are “likely to remain 4 to 6 degrees centigrade above normal in Sindh and Punjab from May 21 to 23 and six to 8°C from May 23 to 27 it said On Friday, the Punjab government had reduced the timings of all public and private schools from May 18 to May 31 The Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department directed health facilities in the province to implement certain standard operating procedures (SOPs) ahead of an expected rise in the temperature In a letter issued on Sunday, the provincial department said: “According to the weather advisory from the Pakistan Meteorological Department, [a] heatwave is expected to hit all areas of Punjab from May 21 to May 27, especially in the southern districts of Punjab i e Bahawalpur Rahim Yar Khan Dera Ghazi Khan Multan This is expected to cause a serious impact on the daily routines and lives of the people across the province, it said, adding that certain SOPs should be implemented These included establishing heatwave
waves as well as preventative measures
directed officials
hold coordination meetings
counters at tertiary care hospitals as well as DHQs and THQs which provided information to the public about heat-
The health department also
with all stakeholders
“establish the responsibility matrix of each department” Three heat-waves
situation “All water coolers with plenty of clean water and air conditioners shall be functional across all health facilities, without fail, it said, adding that all medicines should be made available across all health facilities round the clock” Pakistan v ying for unsc seat to address Kashmir, counter terrorism issues: envoy ISLAMABAD A P P Pakistan s Permanent Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Munir Akram Sunday said that Pakistan is vying to secure a place as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) allowing it to address Kashmir and counterterrorism issues We are hopeful that we will be elected at the polls on June 6 as a non-permanent member of the UNSC Ambassador Akram said while speaking virtually to the members of the US-based Pakistan Students Association Coalition (PSA) “Being elected] will bring a lot of responsibilities on Pakistan to play a leadership role in addressing not only our issues which are the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) Afghanistan and counter-terrorism but also to promote consensus on peacekeeping, he added His remarks come as Islamabad has so far secured the endorsement of the 55-member Asian Group for the elections for five of the 10 non-permanent seats on the Security Council for the term 2025-26 slated for next month Pakistan has been elected to the Security Council seven times with the most recent term being in 2013 Other occasions were 1952-1953, 1968-1969, 19761977, 1983-1984, 1993-1994 and 2003-2004 Furthermore, the envoy accentuated that the opportunity would allow them to “articulate the aspirations and the rights of the developing countries and push for peace and security in the Middle East Africa and the promotion of the right to selfdetermination for the people facing foreign occupation Underscoring the country s active role in the inter-governmental organisation, the envoy recalled Islamabad’s leading role in advocating the concepts of vaccine equality and the creation of new money for the developing countries enabling them to fight off the impact of COVID-19 an effort that led to restructuring of debt and suspension of interest payments by G-20 and therefore providing a substantial relief to the developing world “Likewise, the establishment of the instrument of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of $650 billion by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) led to the provision of additional resources to the developing countries in navigating the economic challenges We are now asking for redistribution of the unused SDRs among those developing countries that are in acute need to realize their commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and deal with the challenge of climate change ” Ambassador Akram noted PR OFIT M O N I T O R I N G D E S K A special audit report has unveiled significant financial discrepancies totaling Rs2 4 billion in the construction of 100 dams in Balochistan alongside substantial delays that escalated overall costs According to a report by dawn, the audit also noted that only 26 out of the 100 dams were completed by 2021, three years behind the scheduled completion date of 2018 This delay led to a cost increase of Rs261 million due to prolonged construction periods Furthermore the expenses associated with the project s implementation unit and its supervision surged by Rs133 6 million The audit also discovered financial irregularities, including an unjustified additional payment of Rs112 6 million to nonshareholders and undercharges of Rs9 9 million to contractors for income tax obligations In addition to these issues the report highlighted unauthorized expenditures exceeding Rs950 million used to finalize the projects and another Rs150 million allocated for laboratory tests that were never conducted Additionally, Rs131 8 million was reportedly spent on soil extraction and the blasting of rocks raising questions about the management and allocation of funds The audit report has called for immediate action against those responsible for the mismanagement and misappropriation of funds suggesting a deeper inquiry into the project delays and financial irregularities audit uncovers rs2.4b irregularities in balochistan dam projects GAZA A G E N C I E S Israeli planes and tanks pounded areas across the Gaza Strip residents said as White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday amid US calls for a more focused military campaign Sullivan was expected to press for Israel to go after Hamas fighters in a targeted way not with a full-scale assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah the White House said before the discussions Israel has been pushing into the city that it says is the last bastion of Hamas forces Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have fled the area that was one of their few remaining places of refuge Across the Gaza Strip there is no safety, said Majid Omran who told Reuters his family had fled Rafah and just returned to what was left of their home in the southern city of Khan Younis that they had fled nearly five months ago We took our children, grandchildren, and daughters and we came and lived above the rubble of our home Because there is no place to take refuge here,” Omran told Reuters inside the wrecked property as a woman cooked over a fire Israeli forces also pushed deeper into the narrow alleyways of Jabalia in northern Gaza overnight and into Sunday, returning to an area that they said they had cleared earlier in the conflict, residents said The Israeli military has said its operations in Jabalia – the largest of Gaza’s eight historic refugee camps – are precise and meant to stop Hamas from reestablishing its grip there Talks, tunnels, threats Ahead of Sunday s talks, an Israeli official said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his senior aides would try to reach agreement with Sullivan about the need for press ahead with the Rafah push Past US misgivings about the feasibility of Israel s humanitarian measures may have been allayed by the evacuation around half of the city’s Palestinians in 12 days, said the official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity “We’ve shown that this is not only necessary but doable added the official The official said Israel would also air concerns about dozens of tunnels it says its forces have found under Rafah, running into next-door Egypt – which has condemned the military sweep “These tunnels are used by Hamas to supply itself with weapons and ammunition and could potentially be used to smuggle out of Gaza hostages or Hamas senior operatives Deputy Israeli State Attorney Noam Gilad said during a hearing at The Hague on Friday, in a rare detailing of allegations that Egypt’s state information service previously dismissed as untrue Netanyahu has said the operation in Rafah where Israel believes that as much as a quarter of Hamas fighting forces are holed up, could be completed within weeks Washington worries for the hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians sheltering there, and has cited a need not just to evacuate them but also to ensure adequate alternative accommodation At least 28 Palestinians were killed on Sunday Gaza health officials and Hamas said, most of them in a strike on a house in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip The Gaza Civil Emergency Service said in a statement rescue teams have so far recovered the bodies of 150 Palestinians killed by the army in recent days and that 300 houses had been struck by Israeli aerial and ground fire The Oct 7 Hamas assault on Israel that sparked the war killed 1,200 people, according to Israeli tallies About 125 of the 253 people abducted in the raid are believed to remain in captivity in Gaza At least 35 386 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli strikes since Oct 7 according to the enclave s health ministry Aid agencies have warned of widespread hunger and shortages of fuel and medical supplies The US military said on Friday trucks had started moving aid ashore from a temporary pier built by its forces the first to reach the besieged enclave by sea in weeks The Popular Resistance Committee (PRC), an armed group that fights alongside Hamas in Gaza, released a statement saying the pier had been built to ease political pressure on Israel, and that any Israeli or US troops on its territory would be considered a legitimate target On Saturday Hamas also raised concerns about the pier warned against any foreign military force in Gaza, but made no direct threats In March, when President Joe Biden announced his country’s pier construction plans he said: “No US boots will be on the ground ” Israel launches strikes across Gaza amid US security adviser ’s meeting with Netanyahu ex-a jK Pm sardar tanveer ilyas arrested over ‘proper t y row’ ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T Former prime minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan on Sunday was arrested by Islamabad Police in connection with a family property dispute According to police sources Sardar Tanveer Ilyas was shifted to the Margalla Police Station after the arrest A spokesperson for the Capital Police has also confirmed the arrest of the former AJK prime minister The police source stated that Ilyas was detained on charges of allegedly seizing family property and involvement in a shooting incident Meanwhile lawyers and supporters of Ilyas gathered outside the police station, while party workers also began to assemble outside his residence On May 1, a case was registered against Ilyas for trying to seize the central offices and important documents of Centaurus Mall The First Information Report (FIR) was filed by Colonel (retd) Tipu Sultan Deputy Security In-charge of The Centaurus Mall naming Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Muhammad Ali, Anil Sultan, Rizwan, and other unknown individuals as accused As per the FIR, Sardar Tanveer, accompanied by an armed group of 20 to 25 individuals entered office 1708 of Centaurus Mall by breaking the lock with intentions to take control of the premises However their attempt was thwarted by the vigilant security guards Sardar Tanveer allegedly issued threats to kill Sardar Yasir Ilyas Khan and Sardar Dr Rashid Ilyas Khan, along with their colleagues The FIR further states
public on how
avoid the heat and limit outdoor activity,
how to handle an
(MBS) to Pakistan was deferred Official sources had indicated earlier without giving any schedule that the crown prince would be in Islamabad on May 19, for two days
said that officials from both countries are holding consultations to finalise date for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman s Pakistan visit
Bureau reported on Sunday According to the complaint former caretaker food security minister in an interview with a private Tv news channel made disclosures about the wheat scandal Dr Kausar Abdullah Malik disclosed that the wheat was imported when four million tonnes of the grain was already in stock, the complainant said Dr Kausar Abdullah said that Captain (retd) Mohammad Mehmood was the secretary food security at the time of the wheat import the complaint read The country suffered Rs 300 billion losses owing to unnecessary wheat import, according to the complaint to NAB The complainant has held the PASSCO Food Department Punjab the ministries of commerce and finance responsible for the loss The complainant has requested to the accountability bureau for an immediate investigation of the matter and action against those involved in the scandal The copies of the complaint have also been forwarded to the President, Prime Minister, registrars of the Supreme Court and the Lahore High Court
C o m p l a i n t f i l e d w i t h N A B s e e k i n g p r o b e i n t o w h e at s c a n d a l
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03

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