Epaper_23-05-27 ISB

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PRIME Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif on Friday said that no one should object if the government of Pakistan punished the arsonists of May 9 as per law the way the United States had done to its citizens for storming the Capitol building on January 6, 2021

“Today, in the city of Quaid, we all are ashamed of what happened on May 9 in Lahore Justice requires to punish the perpetrators like the rioters of the Capitol building on January 6 2021 If that punishment was legal then no one should object if we do so under our law for the desecration of our martyrs, the PM said

Addressing the groundbreaking ceremony of K-IV water supply project here the PM said the politics of political chaos culminated on May 9 in the form of the desecration of the nation s martyrs Ghazis and security installations

He said the strings of the May 9 riots were attached to abroad and that the desecration of martyrs and installations on the instigation of Imran Khan was the darkest chapter in the nation s history

Recalling his recent interaction with the family members of martyrs, the PM said their dear ones had rendered sacrifices for the country but the arsonists desecrated their monuments

The prime minister said the person who always blamed others for plunders had resorted to arsons when arrested on charges of corruption

What kind of politics is this, he questioned and said no political leader in the past ever instigated an attack on Jin-


of chaotic politics which culminated on the darkest day of May 9

Committing to revive Pakistan s lost grandeur, the prime minister lamented the unnecessary delay in the K-IV project that was meant to provide drinking water to millions of the Karachi people Prime Minister Shehbaz asked the relevant ministries to provide uninterrupted funding to ensure project s completion without further delay

He said the project was most important” for him because the people of Quaid’s city, were deprived of the drinking water despite it being a city with the highest revenue generation and taxation

The prime minister assured that he would put the project at top priority in the upcoming budget and provide maximum funds for its early completion

‘Interference in judiciary’s affairs’: SC suspends Audio leaks commission notification


The Supreme Court (SC) on Friday stopped the proceedings of the judicial commission constituted to probe audio leaks and suspended the notification issued by the federal government regarding the judicial commission

The Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Ata Bandial observed that formation of the government-appointed judicial commission to probe audio leaks surfaced on social media over the last few months interfered in the judiciary s internal matters

The top judge passed these remarks as a five-judge bench heard a set of four petitions moved by Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) President Abid Shahid Zuberi SCBA Secretary Muqtedir Akhtar Shabbir

PTI Chairman Imran Khan and Advocate Riaz Hanif Rahi seeking to declare the constitution of the audio commission illegal

The bench comprised CJP Bandial, Justice Ijazul Ahsan, Justice Munib Akhtar, Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi and Justice Shahid Waheed

nah House or military installations despite having faced many difficulties

He said the leaders of MQM and PPP – both representing Sindh – gave a message of national unity which was a must

for national development

He said the coalition government coped with huge challenges through collective wisdom, including floods, inflation, IMF and also the nefarious designs

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said the prime minister was keenly focusing the development of Sindh particularly Karachi

Imran can be tried in militar y cour ts: Sanaullah

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said Friday that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s possible trial in connection with the May 9 mayhem falls under the jurisdiction of military courts

In a presser he said the Pakistan Army Act was applicable to all those who entered sent other people or abetted those who entered restricted areas

Sanaullah said the Pakistan Army Act and the Official Secrets Act were applicable to activities in military areas The Jinnah House is the residence of the [Lahore] corps commander and his camp office Many sensitive items were also present in Jinnah House ” The minister was referring to the attack on the Jinnah

Jahangir Tareen decides to establish new political par t y



After remaining out of the scene Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf s (PTI) estranged leader Jahangir Khan Tareen has decided to form a new national-level political party”, sources privy to the development told

According to the sources PTI leaders upset with the party are also expected to join the new setup Apart from those many political families from Dera Ghazi Khan Rajanpur Muzzafargarh Lodhran and Multan are expected to join hands with Tareen

The sources claimed that many important leaders from Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan have also contacted the former PTI leader Sources shared that Tareen will be patron-in-chief of the party Tareen was the secretary general of the PTI before he was ousted from politics in 2017 after the Supreme Court disqualified him for being dishonest on a petition filed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN) leader Hanif Abbasi Abbasi had approached the Supreme Court seeking the disqualification of PTI Chairman Imran Khan and Tareen However despite the disqualification Tareen remained part of PTI and was crucial in wooing independent lawmakers to join the Imran Khan-led party after the 2018 elections His efforts proved critical as they helped Khan secure the prime ministership in 2018

But after coming to power Tareen and PTI leader Aleem Khan’s relationship with the PTI turned sour

In May 2022 the former prime minister revealed the reason behind his differences with both leaders and said that both were seeking illegal benefits from him

Speaking during a podcast, Khan claimed that differences with both estranged leaders developed when he refused to entertain their requests

“Aleem Khan expected me to legalise his 300-acre land near Ravi Khan said adding from then onwards I developed differences with him

While talking about Tareen, Khan said: Tareen stood with those who are the biggest dacoits in the country

When I ordered a probe into the matter [sugar scandal], differences developed with Tareen ”

House by enraged PTI workers on May 9 following Khan s arrest in the Al-Qadir Trust case During the days-long protest, private and public properties were vandalised in cities across the country and PTI workers also attacked military installations including the Jinnah House and the General Headquarters (GHQ) entrance

The military has dubbed May 9 a Black Day and insisted that all those involved in the vandalism of military installations would be tried under the Pakistan Army Act and the Official Secrets Act Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir has said the legal process in this regard has been started

Trials under Army Act justified as May 9 riots planned, not spontaneous: Defence Minister

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has defended the government s decision to try civilians in military courts, calling their alleged attacks on state installations during May 9 protests an “act of rebellion against the state”

In an interview with Al Jazeera on Wednesday Asif said that the arrests of thousands of civilians over protests sparked in the aftermath of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan’s arrest were justified He alleged that army installations were intentionally targeted These people attacked their [the military s] offices They attacked their houses They attacked their installations, such as air bases ” Asif said in an interview on Wednesday “They planned it

It was not spontaneous You must understand the gravity of the offence, the gravity of events which took place

Violent protests sparked across the country on May 9 after former premier Imran Khan was arrested from the premises of the federal capital s high court

The government later launched a massive crackdown against PTI leaders and workers, and rounded up thousands of people on charges of attacking civil and military installations

As the crackdown intensified

dozens of PTI leaders – including close confidants of Imran Khan –started jumping ship in what was described by the PTI chief as forced divorces

Later, the country s civil and military leaders on May 17 endorsed a decision made a day earlier during a meeting of corps commanders to invoke the Pakistan Army Act 1952 and the Official Secrets Act 1923 against people involved in the May 9 riots

On May 20, the federal cabinet also approved the decision to try the rioters under the Army Act and the Official Secrets Act

However the government has come under fire as human rights groups have been outraged by the decision to hand over civilians to military courts

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) strongly opposed the use of military laws to try civilians saying that while those responsible for arson and damaging public and private property during the recent protests should be held to account they remain entitled to due process”

When passed in 1952 the Army Act was primarily used to put military personnel on trial before military courts Later amendments also allowed civilians accused of certain offences to be tried by military courts

If convicted by a military court defendants have the right to file an appeal within 40 days be-

fore a military court of appeal If the defendants still think they did not receive a fair trial they may appeal to the high court in the jurisdiction in which they were tried

Decision to ban PTI will be made in parliament: On the other hand, Federal Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said that PTI rioters crossed “red lines” on May 9 in a way that was never seen before in the history of Pakistan

Talking to the media on the occasion of his visit to Lahore Corpse Commander House (Jinnah House) he said the events that happened on May 9 across the country have suggested that it was a kind of coup Khawaja Asif reiterated the decision to ban the PTI would be made in parliament after consultation with coalition parties

Asif doubted that the public reaction always ensues spontaneously He said that it was a planned attack on military installations “It was a revolt against the state There was no response to when someone attempted to murder Imran Khan Across the worlds there have been instances of attacks on civilian installations, but never has it happened that you attack and disrespect your martyrs’ memorials ” he maintained He questioned that there was no such reaction when Imran Khan was shot so why did it happen upon his arrest?

The commission, headed by Justice Qazi Faez Isa, was formed on May 20 under Section 3 of the Pakistan Commission of Inquiry Act 2017 and is required to conclude the task within a month Balochistan High Court Chief Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan and Islamabad High Court Chief Justice Aamer Farooq are also included in the commission which will have “all the power to fix responsibility against the delinquents for their alleged role behind phone tapping and could exercise authority to constitute special teams consisting of experts or form an international team and seek international cooperation or exercise powers under the Criminal Code of Procedure

In its ruling, the top court stopped the proceedings of the audio leak commission and issued notices to the parties The top court will resume the hearing of the petitions on May 31 the written verdict read

The notification regarding the audio leak commission issued on May 19 was also suspended by the SC

The order read that the constitution of the inquiry commission was challenged in four petitions filed in the Supreme Court During the hearing the attorney general raised objections to the bench’s constitution in the initial arguments

The attorney general also raised objections to the inclusion of the chief justice in the bench The order read that it is a constitutional requirement to seek permission from the chief justice prior to acquiring the services of a judge

It further stated that two judges included in the inquiry commission were chief justices of high courts

The federal government constitution the commission without seeking permission from the chief justice and violated the constitutional principle, whereas, the constitution process was also suspicious

Earlier in the day the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (Pemra) sent transcripts of nine alleged audio leaks to the judicial commission for investigation

During the hearing, the CJP said that there were errors in the notification issued by the government for the formation of the commission

“The Constitution gives complete freedom to the judiciary ” he remarked “The investigation that was supposed to be conducted by the institutions was entrusted to judges Justice Bandial further said, We have no other structure but the power of morality and justice After two-hour-long proceedings, the court reserved its verdict on the petitions and said that an appropriate order would be issued today

The hearing

Babar Awan appeared on behalf of the PTI chairman while SCBA President Abid Shahid Zuberi and Secretary Muqtedir Akhtar Shabbir were also present alongside Advocate Riaz Hanif Rahi

At the outset of the proceedings AGP Awan came to the rostrum and objected to the five-member larger bench hearing the case

At this the CJP remarked How can the government select judges of the Supreme Court [to serve] its own purpose?

“Attorney general sahib, this is a matter concerning the judiciary’s independence Enough is enough attorney general sahib take a seat ” CJP Bandial said

He said that the government cannot have judges included in benches as per its wishes He further said that because of the events of May 9, when violent protests broke out in the country following the arrest of the PTI chief, statements that were critical of the judiciary had stopped

“Don’t interfere with our administrative powers ”

Justice Bandial told the AGP We have complete respect for the government he said adding that the judiciary was the protector of basic human rights

No let-up in sight as Abrarul Haq, Saifullah Nyazee, Raas also quit PTI



Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) continues to suffer the fallout of events unfolded after May 9 as on Friday more top leaders including Abrarul Haq, Saifullah Nyazee, Murad

Raas and Firdous Ashiq announced their decision to part ways with the party

During a press conference Abrarul Haq stated that his upbringing was rooted in both political and military households where reciting the Quran and studying Iqbal s Bang-e-Dara and Bal-e-Jibrail were essential He mentioned that Rashid Minhas Shaheed and Major Aziz Bhatti Shaheed were his heroes

He emphasised the emotional connection he has with the armed forces and martyrs When I went to the Kaaba for Hajj instead of praying for something else, I prayed for martyrdom The passion to do

something for Pakistan has always been with me,” he added Haq stated that everyone condemned the May 9 incident and his colleagues can testify that he strongly criticised the events on the same day of the riots

He explained that the purpose of entering politics was to carry out significant social work that would benefit the people However, he added that the dream of doing social work in politics seemed unattainable now

Why waste more time if it doesn t contribute to serving the people effectively? Social work is so important to me that I am willing to leave politics for it

He emphasised that every Pakistani should prioritise Pakistan above all else

“This country is full of resources and there is much we need to do I hereby announce my complete detachment from all forms of politics he added He demanded the immediate release of

innocent workers and appropriate punishment for the wrongdoers During the press conference, Abrarul Haq also sang a patriotic song in support of the Pakistan Army

Meanwhile in a separate press conference another PTI leader Senator Saifullah Nyazee also announced that he was leaving the former ruling party “Today, I am announcing my departure from PTI I need to focus on my health,” he said condemning the events of May 9 Nyazee further said that Islam does not permit causing harm to public properties

Violent protests sparked across the country on May 9 after the former premier was arrested from the premises of the federal capital’s high court

The government later launched a massive crackdown against PTI leaders and workers and rounded up thousands of people on charges of attacking civil and military installations On the other hand, addressing a press

conference in Lahore on Friday, Raas said no amount of condemnation was enough for what happened on May 9 “We never thought we would part ways with the party ” he said alongside other leaders including Pir Ahmad Khagga Raja Yawar Kamal and Chaudhry

Adnan He laid the blame for the party s current predicament facing intense criticism with scores of leaders and thousands of workers arrested across the country following the riots on Khan’s advisers in Lahore

We do not believe in the PTI s politics of violence the former provincial minister said Raas said he and other politicians present at the press conference had decided to form a group so work on Pakistan’s progress could continue Earlier today another PTI leader and former special assistant to Punjab chief minister Firdous Ashiq Awan also announced her exit from the party Firdous Ashiq Awan became the latest

senior PTI leader to announce her decision to distance herself from the party, adding her name to the long list of members who have deserted the former ruling party post-May 9

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad she cheekily said good to see you saying that the phrase had become the talk of the town She told reporters that she had decided to leave the party under the pretenses that PTI chief Imran Khan’s agenda had become “detrimental for the nation”

My politics centres around serving humanity she said adding that this was the reason I had joined the PTI

I took on a responsibility to work for the betterment of this country,” she continued EX-MNA SH KHURRAM SHAHZAD PARTS WAYS WITH PTI: Former MNA Sheikh Khurram Shahzad also announced quitting the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) here on Friday

Rs 15 00 | Vol XIII No 327 I 8 Pages I Islamabad Edition In par tnership with
Saturday, 27 May, 2023 I 6 Zilqad, 1444
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03 C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03 C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 03



PRIME Minister Muhammad

Shehbaz Sharif has urged the exporters of the country to devise innovative and unique ideas for exports which will be helpful in earning foreign exchanges

Addressing an event at Textile Expo in Karachi on Friday, he said that despite various challenges, Pakistan has very robust, very futuristic, and extremely hardworking entrepreneurs who have gradually built Pakistan s export culture

Shehbaz Sharif said that with the joint support of the government and entrepreneurs extraordinary intellect and hard work, the provision of quality export goods to foreign customers would be ensured Welcoming the foreign delegates


the PM said he was happy to learn that over 400 foreign delegates from 60 countries participating in the expo showed Pakistan was a valuable destination for foreign guests buyers, and traders The prime minister also appreciated the industrialists, exporters, and experts who had contributed immensely to promoting Pakistan’s textile and leather exports He said Pakistan s industry had now been transformed and converted to air jet looms ginning, spinning, and waving He said that Commerce Minister, Secretary Commerce, and Zubair Motiwala had done a commendable job by arranging this expo which would help promote the country’s exports The textile sector

constituted 60% of total exports while 40% labour force was absorbed in this sector he said adding that no doubt it was one of the largest sectors of Pakistan s economy Shehbaz Sharif pointed out that despite financial challenges and other difficulties, the government was committed to providing genuine support to all the export sectors including textile leather and sports to help increase the country s export volume He recalled that a few decades ago Pakistan was ahead of its neighbors in textile exports, however unfortunately it lost the grounds “But I have no doubt in mind that we can still recover from these setbacks and take hands off the clock back to 1990s and excel in our exports ” he said adding that

Imran R iaz, rules LHC


The Lahore High Court (LHC) has directed “all the agencies” to work together to find anchorperson Imran Riaz Khan whose whereabouts remain unknown since his arrest at the Sialkot airport on May 11 and produce him in the court by Tuesday (May 30)

The LHC s directive was issued in a written order following yesterday’s hearing during which Lahore police Deputy Inspector General (Investigation) Kamran Adil told the high court that both the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Military Intelligence (MI) had said that Khan was not in their custody

In the order issued today, the court observed that a report was submitted to it on behalf of the interior ministry secretary that “stipulates denial of arrest/detention of the missing person by the proceedings on behalf of the Ministry of Defence

The order further stated that no one had attended court proceedings on behalf of the Ministry of Defence and “no report pertaining to steps taken by the agencies working under their control” sought by the court in an order dated May 22 2023 was found among documents submitted to it by police

Therefore, all the agencies are directed to work together in terms of the order dated May 22 2023 to effect the recovery of the missing person/detenue and produce him in the court on May 30 2023 the order read

It also stated that the additional inspector general (legal) submitted documents and a written report to the

court to substantiate that a working group constituted under the direction of this court’s order has taken extraordinary steps to find out the whereabouts of the missing person/detenue which although remained unsuccessful and requested for the grant of three/four days more time with the hope that they will try their best to recover him”

Naveed Qamar its team and the finance minister combined could turn the table

The prime minister said Naveed Qamar had put in place the national compliance cell which was the need of the hour and we are obviously grateful to the European Union for GSP plus status and again I am aware of the fact that all reviews have been done and we respect all international requirements in this behalf whether it is good governance human rights or any other requirement He maintained the government believed in the rule of law and merit, and come what may, the government would toe the line of constitution and policies

Speaking on the occasion Commerce Minister Syed Naveed Qamar said that

Riaz’s lawyer Mian Ali Ashfaq also confirmed the development saying that the court order clearly suggests that all institutions working under the provincial and federal government have to ensure that all resources at their disposal are employed and extend full cooperation for the safe recovery” of the anchorperson IMRAN RIAZ’S ARREST:

Riaz was among the individuals apprehended in the wake of protests that erupted in the country after the arrest of PTI Chairman Imran Khan

Later, his lawyer stated that a writ petition was filed on May 12 over the anchorperson’s arrest and the LHC directed the attorney general to present him before the court the same day But after its orders were not followed Sialkot police were given a 48-hour deadline to recover Imran

A first information report (FIR) pertaining to the matter was registered with Civil Lines police on May 16 on the complaint of the anchorperson s father Muhammad Riaz

The FIR was registered against unidentified persons and police officials for allegedly kidnapping Imran, invoking Section 365 (kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine person) of the Pakistan Penal Code

Pakistan offered numerous opportunities for investment to foreign investors

He stressed the need to provide more incentives to the exporters to boost the exports of the country He also assured the entrepreneurs of the government s full support saying that it would provide a conducive environment for them to help Pakistan not only to build up the country s foreign exchange reserves but also to lessen their dependence on international lenders

The commerce minister said last month the government set up the compliance cell in the ministry to coordinate the efforts for meeting all the conditionalities for various programs including GSP Plus Chairman Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) Zubair Motiwala said Pakistan was known for the standard textile products around the world

Imran Khan to be highly welcomed in Nor th: GB CM


Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Chief Minister Muhammad Khalid Khurshid Khan has said that former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan would be highly welcomed in the North if the PTI chairman decides to visit for a holiday

Responding to PTI Chairman’s tweet that he thanked the government for placing his name on the no-fly list saying that he would not leave the country and if provided with a chance he would go to the Northern mountains, GB CM said that Imran Khan would be highly welcomed in the north GB CM Khalid Khurshid said: “InshaAllah Chairman Imran Khan would be highly welcomed in the north if he decides to visit Putting him on ECL is yet another desperate and useless measure by the fascist regime Earlier, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan thanked the sitting PML-N led PDM government for adding his name to no-fly list, says he has no plans to travel abroad He tweeted ” I want to thank the government for putting my name on the ECL as I have no plans to travel abroad because I neither have any properties or businesses abroad nor even a bank account outside the country If and when I do get an opportunity for a holiday, it will be in our northern mountains my favourite place on earth” he added It was worth mentioned here that the government on Thursday placed the names of PTI Chairman Imran Khan his wife Bushra Bibi and dozens of other leaders who have or still not quit the party on the no-fly list on the grounds that they might flee abroad



Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has predicted more wind dust/thunderstorm intermittent rain in upper and central parts of the country during the next week and temperature during this time remain normal In a report issued on Friday the Met Office informed that another westerly wave is likely to enter in western and upper parts of the country

on 28th May (Sunday) likely to persist till 31st May (Wednesday) Under the influence of this weather system: Wind-dust-thunderstorm/rain is expected in Balochistan (Quetta Zhob, Barkhan, Qilla Saifullah, Qillah Abdullah, Chaman, Pishin, Noshki, Naseerabad, Kalat, Lasbella, Khuzdar & Sibbi) Sindh (Sukkur Dadu Karachi Hyderabad Jacobabad Shaheed Benazirabad Mirpurkhas Khairpur & Larkana) Punjab (Layyah, Bhakkar, D G khan,

Rajanpur, R Y khan, Bahawalnagar, Multan Sahiwal Khanewal Okara & Pakpattan) on 28th (evening/night) & 30th May

Wind-dust/thunderstorm-rain with a few hailstorms (Isolated heavy falls) is expected in Kashmir (Neelum valley, Muzaffarabad, Poonch, Hattian Bagh Haveli Sudhanoti Kotli Bhimber Mirpur) GilgitBaltistan (Diamir Astore Ghizer Skardu Hunza Gilgit Ghanche Shigar), Chitral, Dir, Swat, Kohistan, Mansehra, Abbottabad, Haripur, Peshawar, Charsadda, Nowshera, Swabi, Mardan, Bajaur, Kurram, Waziristan Kohat Bannu Tank Karak Dera Ismail Khan Islamabad Murree Galliyat Rawalpindi Attock Chakwal Gujranwala Sargodha Sheikhupura, Faisalabad, Jhang, Toba Tek Singh, Nankana, Mandi Bahauddin, Khushab, Mianwali, Narowal Sialkot Kasur Lahore & Jhelum from 28th (evening/night) to 31st May with occasional gaps

In a continuous struggle to overcome financial challenges the Finance Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has entered into an overdraft for the eighth consecutive month Concerns have also been raised about the increasing overdraft in the coming month due to the allocation of funds for development projects

The caretaker government had previously sent a letter to the federal government requesting over Rs2 billion in additional funds to address the province s financial difficulties and meet pending obligations However, no progress has been made on this request so far

Sources revealed that during the previous PTI-led government’s tenure the provincial government had also faced difficulties in receiving timely funds from the federal government which forced them to resort to borrowing As a result the volume of borrowed contracts has now exceeded one

Satu day 27 May 2023 | LAHORE 02 NEWS KARACHI S TA F F R E P O R T
All agencies must work together to find
The Finance
entered into
overdraft for the eighth time in the current fiscal year and although the payment is made later on it incurs interest payments Furthermore, the delay in the transfer of funds from the center
overdraft However, this time, the provincial government released funds for development programs in May further exacerbating the crisis In response to the situation the Finance Department has expressed regret over providing additional funds for development programs and emphasized that the priority now lies in ensuring the payment of salaries to government employees in May This ongoing financial crisis has raised concerns about the stability of the caretaker government and its ability to effectively manage the province’s financial affairs Stakeholders are calling for immediate action to address the situation and the center was asked to provide the province s due share to prevent further deterioration of the province s financial health Intermittent rain predic ted in upper, central par ts of countr y in nex t week Financial crisis worsens in KP as overdraf t continues for 8th consecutive month Peshawar police to form special securit y unit to deal with May 9 like attacks PESHAWAR S TA F F R E P O R T After the violent incidents, Peshawar Police have decided to form a special security unit besides establishing a Red Zone Security Circle in the provincial capital Peshawar Troops of the Special Security Unit will be deployed in Cantt Area Red Zone Area, CCPO Ashfaq Anwar told media men here on Friday soon after attending a meeting regarding the formation of the Special Security Unit The in-charge of the Special Security Force will be an officer of SP rank CCPO Ashfaq Anwar disclosed In the first phase the filing of red zone entrances and important buildings will be completed Police officials said After completion of Peshawar profiling the final security draft will be sent to the Central Police Office, Police Officials said The Special Security Unit will have modern equipment and will be connected to the operation room officials said Special security forces will be given special training to deal with crowd entry and emergencies in the Red Zone Police Officials said SSUs will be deployed at Assembly Chowk Cantt area, Gulbarg entry routes, and other points, the Police Officials said On May 10, the violent protesters were trying to enter Red Rose, Police Officials said SHC chides director charged parking, others over excessive charging KARACHI S TA F F R E P O R T The Sindh High Court (SHC) on Friday scolded the director charged parking and other staff over their response about parking fees in DMC South Karachi The hearing of plea against exorbitant charged parking fees was taken up by Chief Justice Sindh High Court Justice Ahmed Ali Shaikh A citizen moved the high court against charging of Rs30 for bike parking in DMC South Karachi against the fixed rates of Rs10 At the outset of the hearing CJ SHC remarked a plea against excessive parking fees was moved on May 13 and the contract was awarded on May 15 Everyone is making money, how much money was taken for award The director charged parking DMC South in his response said he was recently appointed and not aware of the charged parking fee contract Justice Ahmed Ali Shaikh while rejecting the response of the director charged parking summoned the Karachi commissioner in the case Judge threat case: Court rejects plea for summoning trial court’s order ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T The District and Sessions Court on Friday dismissed PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s appeal against the summoning order of the trial court in the female judge threat case Islamabad District and Sessions Judge Tahir Abbas Supra issued a detailed verdict Earlier, Judicial Magistrate Islamabad Malik Aman upheld former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s bailable arrest warrant in hurling threats to the women judge case The court accepted Imran Khan s request for exemption from appearance on Thursday and adjourned the hearing till June 8 The court said the warrant at Imran Khan s residence could not be complied with through proper legal procedure The court ordered to ensure compliance with Imran Khan’s warrant through legal procedure and directed him to appear on June 8 �
Woman set on fire for honour, expires in hospital JHANG S TA F F R E P O R T Pitiless brothers set their divorced sister on fire for honour in Ahmadpur Sial area of Jhang The lady expired during treatment in hospital on Friday police said According to details Zareena Bibi alias Masooma was divorced by her husband Irfan over domestic issues and was staying at parent s home Zareena Bibi left the house of parents and gone away with Muzzamil s/o Ghulam Rasool at her own choice When she returned back her brothers Rajab and Aamir along with their accomplices Sabir and Baqir set her on fire by sprinkling kerosene oil The scorched lady was shifted to Nishtar Hospital Multan where she succumbed to her wounds Police arrested the culprits involved in the crime and after registering a case started investigation DPO Jhang said that the accused would be awarded exemplary punishment and no one will be spared
trillion rupees
Department confirmed that funds have been allocated by the caretaker provincial government for development projects exacerbating the
difficulties of the province The department has
has also contributed to the need for an





PAKISTAN’S documented tobacco sector is facing a grave threat as the illegal cigarette market continues to skyrocket resulting in substantial losses to the national exchequer Muhammad Zeeshan, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of Philip Morris (Pakistan) Limited, voiced his concerns during a press briefing in Islamabad highlighting the detrimental impact of the burgeoning illicit trade on government revenue and anti-tobacco policies Zeeshan expressed apprehension regarding the escalating illegal cigarette market cautioning that if this trend persists the government’s projected revenue targets

will be severely undermined He pointed out that the government had recently raised the Federal Excise Duty (FED) by 200% in the current fiscal year Consequently, Philip Morris (Pakistan) experienced a staggering 70% decline in sales and a 60% decrease in production volume during March and April 2023 This downward trajectory is anticipated to continue due to the rise in illicit cigarettes

During the quarter ended March 31, 2023, Philip Morris (Pakistan) contributed significantly to the economy by paying Rs 5 990 million in excise duty sales tax and other government levies However this marked a 16 4% decrease compared to the previous period primarily due to reduced sales volume resulting from the price increase enforced by excise regulations in February 2023

According to him the steep rise in excise taxes has inadvertently provided an opportunity for illegal tobacco manufacturers to flourish, while compliant tax-paying companies suffer Consequently the government’s revenue objectives from the tobacco industry are expected to fall short of the targeted Rs 260 billion likely remaining below Rs 200 billion

It is important to note that the documented tobacco sector contributes a significant 98% of the total tax revenue from the tobacco industry while illegal cigarette manufacturers only contribute a mere 2% Highlighting the urgency of the situation, he called upon the government to take decisive measures to combat the illegal cigarette market, which currently

commands over 40% of the total market share and is projected to rise to 50% If left unchecked, Pakistan could become one of the largest illicit cigarette markets globally Premier Shahbaz Sharif has already acknowledged a staggering loss of Rs 100 billion due to tax evasion by illicit tobacco companies


Zeeshan referenced research from Euro Monitor, a renowned firm, revealing that Pakistan held approximately 40% market share of illegal cigarettes in 2022, solidifying its position as the largest illicit cigarette market in South Asia According to him the government s track & trace system is only operational in a few tobacco companies Once the stay order on the track & trace system was lifted, he urged the government to expedite its

Could Pak istan expor t fruits and vegetables?




In an effort to enhance the export potential and competitiveness of Pakistan s fruit and vegetable industry the All Pakistan Fruit & Vegetable Exporters Importers & Merchants Association (PFVA) has put forward a comprehensive budget proposal for the fiscal year 2023-24 The budget proposals, shared with the concerned ministry a copy of which is also available with this scribe focuses on key areas of concern and suggests strategic measures to address them

Fresh Kinnow: The budget proposal emphasizes the urgent need to develop new varieties of Kinnow, a popular citrus fruit The existing variety in Pakistan is 60 years old, leading to various diseases and reduced shelf life The PFVA proposes allocating PKR 100 million for extensive research and development to create new disease-resistant varieties This investment is projected to boost Kinnow exports from the current USD 110 million to $350 million within four years, benefiting the industry worth Rs 130 billion

No let-up in sight as Abrarul Haq, Saifullah Nyazee, Raas also quit PTI


Addressing a press conference he said after the horrible incident of May 9 in different parts of the county I have decided to quit the party position as deputy secretary general Punjab He said he was parting ways with the PTI without any pressure from any quarter He said: “I have great regret and I also condemn the May 9 incidents The elements involved in the May-9 incident should be punished strictly To a question, Khurram said he had no offer from any party to join it As the crackdown intensified dozens of PTI leaders –including close confidants of Imran Khan – started jumping ship in what was described by the PTI chief as forced divorces Several party leaders were released on court orders only to be arrested again as there appeared to be no respite in the crackdown Several party leaders and lawmakers including Shireen

Mazari Aamir Kiani Amin Aslam

Mahmood Moulvi Aftab Siddiqui

Fayyazul Hassan Chohan, Firdous

Ashiq Awan and others have announced leaving the former ruling party Asad Umar one of the very close aides of Imran relinquished his posts of the secretary general and core committee member citing the ongoing situation His announcement came hours after Fawad Chaudhry, another close confidant of Imran quit the PTI On the other hand according to some other media reports senior PTI leaders Dr Yasmin Rashid and Mehmoodur Rasheed have expressed their continued support for Imran Khan, reiterating their commitment to remain with the party “No! I am not leaving PTI,” Dr Yasmin Rashid responded to journalists’ queries outside an anti-terrorism court Rashid also expressed her support for the former prime minister Despite all challenges, we stand firmly with Imran Khan, she said

Withdrawal of 10% FED on Juice Industries:

According to the association the imposition of a 10% Federal Excise Duty (FED) on packaged juices has adversely affected the industry Sales have plummeted by 45% leading to underutilization of production capacity and a decline in investments The PFVA recommends the withdrawal of this FED as it hampers sales tax revenue and negatively impacts employment in the allied industry By procuring fruits from local farmers, the industry can prevent food wastage and uplift farmers’ livelihoods

Exemption of Sales Tax on Mushrooms: To promote the local production of mushrooms the PFVA proposes exempting sales tax on fresh frozen or otherwise preserved mushrooms Currently a significant portion of mushrooms is imported from China and other countries This tax exemption would encourage local growers, discourage imports, and conserve foreign exchange reserves

Revision of Phyto-Sanitary Certificate Costs: The proposal highlights the need to revise the high costs associated with phyto-sanitary certificates for export consignments The recent increase of over 800% in

charges for issuance of these certificates has placed an additional burden on exporters, especially those using air transportation The PFVA suggests revising the charges to a reasonable level to ensure the smooth functioning of the export industry

Exemption of Import Duty on Aseptic Bags: Aseptic packaging bags used to enhance the shelf life of products are currently imported at a significant cost

The PFVA recommends exempting import duties on these bags, as they are not locally manufactured This exemption would reduce costs for processing units and help meet the increasing demand for local fruit and juice industries benefiting both producers and consumers

Exemption of Import Duty on Spare Parts for Juice Industries: The budget proposal calls for the exemption of import duties on spare parts used in the manufacturing and processing of juice industries Currently, these parts are imported at considerable costs including import duties additional custom duties sales tax and income tax Exempting these duties would reduce production costs and enhance the competitiveness of local juice manufacturers in both domestic and international markets

Pakistan to punish M ay 9 arsonists as US did to C apitol rioters, says PM


He said the two major political parties of Karachi voted for the prime minister and his government enjoyed a super majority in Sindh

He said the people of Sindh also pinned hopes on the prime minister for the resolution of their issues Bilawal said K-IV project faced immense delay and that Karachi needed “Shehbaz Speed” for the resolution of its issues

Regarding the floods the foreign minister said concerted efforts were needed for the rehabilitation of the people in Sindh

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, South Punjab and other areas, including the metropolises

He said around 52 percent of Sindh’s educational infrastructure had been damaged by the floods impacting the education of around 47 percent population Bilawal Bhutto said the leaders of the PPP MQM and other parties also faced jails and other hardships but they always stood for democracy, without resorting to violence

Minister for Water Resources Syed Khursheed Shah said the project was of utmost importance to meet Karachi’s water needs

He said the first phase would provide 260 million gallons of water to the city

He also requested the prime minister to announce the K-5 project as the K-4 would be insufficient to cope with future needs Shah said due to the government s efforts and dedication, the country would neither default nor its economy would destabilize Minister for Maritime Affairs Faisal Sabzwari said the K-IV project was also part of the agreement between the MQM and the ruling coalition

He said unnecessary delay in the project led to a huge increase in the cost

He said the whole province including Sindh chief minister had serious reservations about the census Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah said starting from 2002, the project was used to be an example of ill-planning and had faced immense delay The project would accumulatively cost around Rs200

billion which could have been around Rs100 billion had it been started timely

He said storage of Keenjhar Lake would have to be enhanced as the Irrigation Department has already proposed a project for the water body’s expansion He urged the federal government to ensure the provision of funds for the timely completion of the project Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori said under the leadership of prime minister and Foreign Minister Bilawal, the project was moving ahead He said for the first time, the federal and provincial governments were on the same page to execute the much-delayed project

He said the May 9-like incidents had united the nation and thwarted the designs of the miscreants

In his address WAPDA Chairman Engr Lt Gen Sajjad Ghani (Retd) said K-IV water project would supply 650 million gallons of water to Karachi The first phase would provide 260 million gallons and 390 million gallons to be supplied in the second phase He said under the project a 111-kilometer-long pipeline would be laid from Keenjhar Lake to Karachi

The first phase would cost Rs126 billion as Rs33 billion had already been spent on the project

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal, Information Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Water Resources Minister Syed Khursheed Shah, Maritime Affairs Minister Faisal Sabzwari Syed Qaim Ali Shah and others were also present PM SHEHBAZ FM BILAWAL DISCUSS


Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Friday called on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif here and discussed the overall political situation in the country Held at the Sindh Chief Minister House the meeting was also attended by federal ministers Syed Naveed Qamar Syed Faisal Sabzwari Marriyum Aurangzeb State Minister Dr Musaddiq Malik Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and MQM leader Dr Farooq Sattar

IHC seeks c ases record against S ami Ibrahim

installation process

Effectively monitoring these facilities is crucial in curbing illicit tobacco trade

Additionally, he appealed to the government to reconsider the substantial hike in FED as it not only hampers fiscal revenue and legal cigarette sales but also fuels the growth of the illegal cigarette market exacerbating the government s current financial challenges

Zeeshan underscored the importance of uniformly implementing laws regulating the tobacco industry, fostering a level playing field for legal cigarette companies These measures are indispensable in safeguarding government revenue and protecting the documented tobacco sector from further decline In conclusion, he called for swift action to address the pressing issues at hand

Political turmoil adversely damaged countr y’s economy: Shahid Rasheed



Former President of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) Dr Shahid Rasheed Butt on Friday said the prevailing political turmoil and other factors have adversely damaged the economy of the country In a statement issued here, he said that the IMF’s program was on hold, foreign exchange reserves were at around $4 billion and Pakistan was due to pay $3 7 billion next month with the risk of default looming In these circumstances it will be difficult to provide relief to the public and the business community in the forthcoming budget he added Shahid Rasheed Butt said that Pakistan will somehow manage payments of three billion and seventy million dollars, but next year, Pakistan will need thirty-four billion dollars to repay foreign loans and interest It will be difficult for Pakistan to manage 34 billion dollars without the IMF programme he added The business leader noted that the stock market has decreased by one thousand and forty-six points in two weeks, while exports have decreased by 11 7% in ten months Textile exports have decreased by two billion dollars and a decrease of six billion dollars is expected in the year’s exports He said that a decrease of four hundred billion rupees has been recorded in tax revenue and there has been a thirteen percent decrease in remittances during the last ten months Production of major industries has fallen by 25% leaving millions jobless while interest rates are at 21% which is ruining businesses Presently, banks are not lending to the private sector because they are getting 22% interest from the government which has been affecting the economic system Shahid Rashid said that in the last ten months there has been a decrease of 18% in oil imports, which is proof of the economic slowdown Meanwhile, inflation has increased by more than 36%, which has increased the government’s expenses The government was under pressure to increase the salaries and pensions of government servants and hike the minimum wage that will increase the financial pressure he added

Imran can be tried in militar y cour ts: Sanaullah


Sanaullah said that “only six” out of nearly 500 cases filed after the May 9 vandalism are being processed to be tried under the Army Act rejecting the perception created by the PTI that all of those arrested will face military courts The remaining will be tried by ordinary courts he said in a presser today in a bid to clear the air regarding the government s crackdown against those allegedly involved in the May 9 mayhem “Various analyses and conspiracies have been spreading so I thought it best to appear here and state the facts and figures ” Sanaullah said Sharing details about the legal action taken so far against the vandals who had attacked government and military installations, the interior minister said that following the riots, 499 First Information Reports (FIRs) had been registered in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa “Of these, 88 have been registered under the Anti-Terrorism Act [ATA] while 411 have been registered on other charges ” Sanaullah further shared that 3 944 suspects had been arrested in the two provinces adding 2 588 of them were taken into custody from Punjab, while 1,099 were arrested by KP authorities The interior minister added that another 5,536 arrests were made in other cases; however, of these 80% have been released on bail Moreover in a bid to clear the air regarding the military courts he categorically denied rumours that all cases would be tried by military courts and explained that only seven of the 499 cases are being processed to be tried in military courts It is being said that everything is being taken to military courts This is not true Only 19 accused have been transferred to military courts in Punjab and 14 in KP Nowhere else are these measures being taken ” he clarified

Gwadar Por t desilting operation geared up on PM’s direc tions

It will pave the way for the construction of additional berths from existing 602 meters length to 1500 meters Moreover, frequent dredging will help maintain original depth of the channel ” The total cost of dredging he said has

been determined as per cubic meter considering the scale of operation and size of the area to be cleared from siltation Gwadar Port has been handling ship with a draught of 11 6 meters Last time dredging operation got underway in 2015 CHEC award-winner of dredging operation is an engineering contractor and a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), providing infrastructure construction, such as marine engineering, dredging and reclamation, road and bridge railways airports and plant construction

03 NEWS Saturday 27 May 2023 | LAHORE
ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T Gwadar port desilting operation has picked robust momentum after ministry of planning urged to accelerate the work on the special directives of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif Desilting mega process has been galvanized in order to restore original depth of navigational channel at Gwadar Port offering heavyweight ships to float well It will ensure seamless movement of all type of vessels facilitating them to dock at ease Gwadar Port Authority Project Director Dawood Baloch told Gwadar pro that after the mobilization of required paraphernalia and test-run to ensure operational efficiency engaging China Harbor Engineering Company Ltd (CHEC), dredging operation has moved into high gear “We plan to reclaim 14 5 meters natural and original operational depth at Gwadar Port at a cost of Rs 4 7 billion he added He expressed satisfaction on the pace of operation “Under title of “the maintenance dredging of a navigational channel of Gwadar Port” Project will complete in 12 months as per agreement signed between CHEC and Gwadar Port Authority (GPA), he added Another GPA official told Gwadar Pro that since earlier they planned to kickstart only one part of dredging process in two or three phases at Gwadar Port so around Rs 1 billion was allocated in 20222023 budget for a partial dredging Later he said it was finalized to do complete dredging at one fell swoop Hence, now cost of the project stands at Rs 4 7 billion On a query, he noted that having gone through bidding process officially launched by GPA last year CHEC won the contract of maintenance dredging construction on the forward swing waters, approach channel of the Gwadar Port Terminal He added that GPA awarded the contract to CHEC after gauging technical assessment on the basis of international experience and financial worth of all participant companies in a bidding process
ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) Friday instructed the secretary interior to produce cases’ details registered against senior TV anchor Sami Ibrahim in the federal capital The court also summoned SP city and SSP Investigation Islamabad police on May 29, along with geofencing report on next hearing Chief Justice Aamer Farooq heard the petition regarding the recovery of Sami Ibrahim wherein the officials of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and Islamabad police expressed ignorance about the custody of senior anchor Station House Office (SHO) Aabpara Police Station informed the court that a first information report (FIR) regarding the disappearance of Sami Ibrahim had already been registered The chief justice asked that whether mobile phone of the journalist was switched off or on What was the other method to identify the location of someone, he questioned S TA F F R E P O R T

Par t y in disarray

Af ter deser tions galore, now splinters take centre stage

THE Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf is in the disarray of a party that is fast disintegrating The daily hemorrhaging seems to show no signs of letting up as those who strengthened the hands of the party ahead of the 2018 election by a fervent entry into the PTI complete with a mandatory appearance alongside PTI chairman Imran Khan while draped them in the party s distinctive colours, now part ways by holding a press conference in which they ritualistically invoke the May 19 mayhem, sometimes saying that they will leave politics entirely

However now there is a new phenomenon as splinter groups begin to come crawling out of the woodwork The PTI (Nazriati) which has been largely dormant even comatose since it registered itself with the Election Commission of Pakistan in 2018 has suddenly re-emerged, and its chief, Ahsan Iqbal Dar, has said that he will be supporting Jahangir Tareen s goup in the coming elections Mr Tareen s group, which is considered crucial in South Punjab, played a crucial role in having the PML(N) s Hamza Shehbaz elected Punjab CM last year He is considered to have played a key role in having Mr Khan elected Prime Minister by his having delivered the support of independent members He is a former Secretary General of the party and it is noteworthy that those who succeeded him former Health Minister Aamer Mehmood Kiani, and former Planning Minister Asad Umar, have left the party over the May 9 incidents, with only President Arif Alvi remaining loyal

Mr Khan may find it difficult, if not impossible, to put together his party The splinters may not split the party vote as much as they claim because it should be remembered that the PTI vote is cast for Imran Khan and unless the splinter group has his endorsement is unlikely to confuse the voter However, it should not be forgotten that the PTI’s 2018 success was based on support for Mr Khan being combined with that of electable personal vote bank Those personal vote banks will not be available to the PTI if their electables end up in a splinter group The struggle has clearly entered a new phase, one with no holds barred

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami

Arif Nizami (Late)

Founding Editor

M A Niazi Joint Editor Umar Aziz Executive Editor

IT is disheartening to see a political party such as the Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (PTI) facing the stress of disintegration– bordering on dissolution The violent incidents of May 9 are becoming the PTI’s undoing

On May 9 the PTI played naïve despite the fact that it had gathered in its ranks veteran politicians from multiple religio-political parties The PTI played immature in the sense that the party failed to differentiate between staging a demonstration to voice its protest and launching a physical manoeuver to assert its gripe Veteran politicians failed to perform in the sense that they took an emotionally charged mob to the streets but later on they left the crowd to its own devices which were surfaced as nothing else but vandalism and incendiarism Reportedly the sites of demonstration had been predecided It is unclear if physical attacks had been pre-planned

The Model Town incident of 2014 had made the Lahore Police cognizant of their vulnerability at the hands of human rights groups Further the antiriot police had experienced its inability to subdue PTI supporters to arrest the party chairman Imran Khan from his Zaman Park residence on March 14 this year when a police party arrived from Islamabad to arrest Khan On May 9 the anti-riot police were fewer in number and attenuated in response to resist any mass protest This is the point where a major deficiency in the governing system is noticeable

verse with and calm down a rowdy mob The police used to be at his disposal He also acted as a cushion between brute (police) force and an uncontrolled frenzied mob

If this system had been extant on May 9, the Corps Commander Lahore would not have to negotiate himself with representatives of the mob at his house, aka Jinnah House It is a good idea to keep the judiciary separate from the executive but the cost of separation has been borne by those who were lynched and even burnt alive by mobs, on one allegation or the other, while the police stood as silent spectators Now, the uniform, whether it is of the Police or the Rangers, is face to face with a common man who wants to vent his feelings against any act of the state

What happened on March 14 at Zaman Park could have been avoided, if the magistracy system had been functional May 9 also taught that there should have been a cushion between a uniform-wearing force and a raucous mob Much has been voiced about military courts,

tion 30 of CrPC

From a different perspective the future of the arrested offenders would be decided by the way designer Khadija Shah (daughter of a former federal minister grand-daughter of a former COAS) is treated by the law– or by the authorities Reportedly on May 9 she led the attack on Jinnah House She was conspicuously present Her case is bound to set the precedent for how retribution would work Her case would decide if the concept of Elite Capture could rescue her or not This is the same vile notion which was reviled by the PTI Let her pass through the rigours of military courts to be sentenced for life imprisonment The Army must make her an example before trying other civilians By the way where are other characters who made May 9 possible eventually? Where is Sheikh Rasheed who kept on inciting PTI workers by raising incendiary slogans such as Jalao Gherao; Aag laga doon ga (Burn Besifei I will set on fire) He uttered these words in Lahore and Islamabad on different occasions to inflame PTI workers into ransacking and scorching the country Is he being favoured just because he is a product of Gate Number Four of the General Head Quarters?

Similarly what about the anchorpersons and analysts such as Kamran Shahid Ajmal Jami Kashif Abbasi Habib Akram Amir Zia and Irshad Bhatti who supported jatha politics (gang politics) and kept on encouraging PTI workers who resorted to doing acts of disruption and disorder Oriya Maqbool Jan Hasan Nisar and Lt General (retd) Amjad Shoaib are already notorious for condoning spiteful acts of the PTI workers Just listen to Dr Moeed Pirzada Sami Ibrahim and Sabir Shakir how disappointed they are at the defeat of the aggressors These media personalities were the backbone of the PTI politicians who are now jumping off the PTI ship: hold a press conference condemn May 9 regret joining the PTI cast aspersions on the PTI Chairman and announce abandoning the party That is it; be drycleaned Nevertheless designer Khadija Shah is not a politician (a political representative) to adopt the same course to save her skin

Retrospectively, in the events of May 25, 2022, a prelude to May 9 was present On May 25, 2022, responding to the Azadi March call, PTI workers set on fire trees in Islamabad’s Blue Area The “like-minded bench” of the Supreme Court disregarded the torching event by saying that this might be a strategy of PTI workers to dampen down the smoke of tear gas fired by the police Pardon from state functionaries remained the prime nudge to bring the PTI workers to carry out May 9 Who can hold the “like-minded bench” answerable is yet to be seen

Before the advent of the era of the military dictator General Pervaiz Musharraf there was a magistracy system in place A Magistrate with the powers of Section 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) was available 24 hours to respond to any deteriorating law and order situation in the area of his jurisdiction On duty he was also a negotiator to con-

Hopefully May’s mayhem is over

these protests, and there must be people working for outside forces who knew about the course of action, and they might have played the part which has been condemned by Pakistanis one and all

The other aspect which is fast coming up in debates, and arguments is where were our CIA, police and other other intelligence agencies, when this crowd was proceeding towards the Cantonment area? An area which is a sensitive one too, where vehicles are checked thoroughly before entering, the house of the Corps Commander, if it was to be the major target, why more police could not reach his house- after all the Saddar police station is five minutes away?

Was this a surprise element of the protest or negligence?

AFTER May 9 I visited the Lahore corps commander s house on the old Wellington road now renamed Tufail Road a house once liked enough by Mohammad Ali Jinnah to buy it in 1943 from Mohan Lal Bashin but which he could could not live in Although his representatives Sir Maratib Al father of Babar Ali of Packages fame were paid in full by in 1959 the desecration of the house known as Jinnah House and residence of the Corps commander, by miscreants, hooligans, and I dare say enemies of the State, violently destroyed the premises, so that it looked as though they had a personal score to settle with Army property, the same as they performed outside the GHQ in Rawalpindi, then the building of Radio Pakistan While all this was happening and Indian media was speculating about a civil war, the rest of the world was speaking on the violations of human rights

But let s examine why all this, as we have seen such scenes in 1977 and 1983, but this protest was extraordinary Naturally all fingers pointed towards the protesting party, it was indeed their party

We must salute our jawans who did not fire on the civilians despite serious provocation, and they never will, but that does not mean anyone has to put them to the ultimate test.

We must as citizens understand we have two simple choices, Convention or Anarchy The former is the order of the day, while the latter will not succeed

In such events there are usually adverse forces who play a major role, on a perfectly set up platform; needless to add it s the perfect recipe for saboteurs and fifth columnists to wake up their sleeper cells and join the mayhem, which was unacceptable and must not go unpunished It is unthinkable that a Pakistani would do what has been done, and that to pointing towards the defenders of the realm and faith, my suspicions are there was a master plan of all

This house represents the armed forces as well as Pakistan in an iconic way, but the irony is the political parties who have in the past with their checkered history, took to supporting the Army They should, but they made a hash of the whole affair, and the language they used overall was not democratic It seemed they wanted the support of the Army by coming out with such venomous hate speech There is an investigation going on, and the COAS has made it very clear to his officers and jawans as well the nation, no miscreant or anti- state elements will be spared Politicos also must understand they must not play with this sensitive time for their own gains It will not work in the bigger picture of the state, and they all must remember our motto will be Pakistan First Once a deep indepth investigation is completed, heads have to roll, so the parties should hold their horses and not create a wedge amongst the people These poisonous statements do not do any justice, and everyone has come down heavily on this episode, and for everyone’s sake hopefully it will not happen again

To continually repeat all these clichés undermines our ability, and gives food for thought to our adversaries Having come back from abroad there is enough bitterness outside amongst the expatriates, and they need to be reassured though our embassies’ spokespeople to calm them down, these words that our army installations have been under attack, that’s not correct, no one should even dream of such dreams, indeed our administrative

which are otherwise anachronistic– not related to the age Pakistan is passing through In 2023, punishing civilians through military courts is a ridiculous idea Even the presence of military courts for trying civilians is absurd, not acceptable to human rights groups present locally or abroad For addressing the wrong done on May 9, the better idea is to establish special magistrate courts which would punish the culprits for the violation of Sec-

Retrospectively, in the events of May 25, 2022, a prelude to May 9 was present On May 25 2022 responding to the Azadi March call PTI workers set on fire trees in Islamabad’s Blue Area The “likeminded bench of the Supreme Court disregarded the torching event by saying that this might be a strategy of PTI workers to dampen down the smoke of tear gas fired by the police Pardon from state functionaries remained the prime nudge to bring the PTI workers to carry out May 9 Who can hold the like-minded bench answerable is yet to be seen

The writer can be reached at qaisarrashid@yahoo com

E d i t o r ’ s m a i l

Send your letters to: Letters to Editor Pakistan Today, 4-Shaarey Fatima Jinnah Lahore Pakistan E-mail: letters@pakistantoday com pk Letters should be addressed to Pakistan Today exclusively

Is this development or destruction?

IT has now become a sort of trend for people belonging to metropolitan areas to move to the northern areas, or at least have a second home there, because the ‘mountains are calling’ While there is nothing particularly wrong with the trend, somehow the intention of moving to mountains transforms into a business opportunity for many

These enlightened souls with money and ‘exposure’ invest in land and establish only hotels Because, you know, that is the only way to help the local community Somehow, that dream of living the isolated life and giving back to the nature turns into an establishment with rooms and room services Last year, I had the privilege of speaking to a young metropolitan a Christopher McCandless-turned-Donald Trump who has established a huge hotel in Hunza, and is expanding it aggressively He did not want to leave out even an inch of space for making money out of the famous ‘Attabad View’ It seems that the lake itself is receding because of such exploitation, as if it has had enough

buildings and official residences have been vandalized but as for military installations even India has not been able to pull this off let alone anyone else But I must salute our jawans who did not fire on the civilians despite serious provocation and they never will but that does not mean anyone has to put them to the ultimate test We must as citizens understand we have two simple choices Convention or Anarchy The former is the order of the day while the latter will not succeed

On another note the G20 conference has been held in Srinagar a disputed area which has seen loss of lives on both sides of the border due to India s lack of dialogue This will not speak highly of the United Nations for how can its members participate in a conference in Kashmir where pregnant women have been bayoneted and raped mass graves discovered where people live in inhuman and brutally forced conditions with complete violations of all human rights forced marriages subhuman treatment of political prisoners pellets being fired upon them and to top it all India does not even want the UN peacekeeping force do their job let alone even being there Pakistan s Foreign Office has maintained its long-standing stance on this longest surviving political dispute in the history of the contemporary world but the Muslim Ummah for what it stands for has been a great letdown on Kashmir and Palestine Indeed the Muslim countries have their own interests and so be it but can they not be more forceful where their fellow Muslim brothers and sisters or even forget that humans are going through the worst tyranny humanity has seen in this day and age?

I propose a giant rally of all parties in all cities of the country let s show the world our principled stand on the right of self-determination and respect for human rights It s all too easy to criticize Pakistan but do spare a moment out of the Indian propaganda and take a peek,try to speak to people in Srinagar, try going to other areas, they will give you the usual security Bull manure

The lake is only a decade old, but instead of understanding the event of its birth which was a calamity, if you remember the lake’s growth and its mood, the mountain-loving businessmen grabbed every opportunity to feast on its beauty without learning anything from its creation The person concerned ended up creating a social divide which is as sharp as is the environmental divide

The man-with-dreams said he planned to buy more land, build more infrastructure, and to develop a society of sorts Though on a small scale, a niche property for the privileged He was a real estate tycoon in the making I say ‘in the making’ because had he been an established hardcore tycoon, he would have established a lavish ‘town’ in Hunza already even if he had to take one of the Passu Cones down, and one in Skardu, with Upper Kachura Lake in the middle, and one in Chitral, which will of course have a polo ground of its own, and, indeed, one in Gwadar, right next to the serene blue beach This would have happened simply because natural landscape and features naturally belong to the nature-loving enthusiasts of the country the ones with lots of money

But, frankly, our little tycoon in not the only one for whom empathy is a word that exists in dictionaries only We are a society wherein decision makers would have the audacity to even plan to demolish Lahore’s famous historical monument of Chauburji that was apparently coming in the way of the Orange Line Metro Train, or to dig away the Ardi Mountains at Kirthar National Park to expand lavish housing colonies, or to build infrastructure on precious agricultural land

That being so, it is unfair to expect tycoons in the private sector to understand that growth and infrastructure that revolve around erecting buildings only displace local communities, while traditional neighbourhoods vanish and the true identity of a place is lost We lack empathy and planning, especially at Grade 20 and above, and the tourism sector is no exception I wonder why it is so difficult to compre- hend that ‘development’ and creating tourism opportunities do not necessarily mean ‘construction activity’ Azad Kashmir, Baltistan, Chitral, Gwadar, Thar and all such areas are losing the essence of native communities, folk wisdom and, indeed, cultural heritage Our business tycoons continue to usurp Pakistan’s valuable land, gradually gnawing away layers of local environment and lifestyles Occasionally on my travels when I tread on a terrain that is rough and unpaved, it is a moment of utter delight as that evidently suggests the lack of such opportunists reaching the remote regions Cities grow and infrastructure is needed, but is it necessary to do it at the cost of natural landscape and cultural heritage?

While the world is making efforts trying to go back to its roots, we are bent on completely eradicating ours We are getting obsessed with the idea of rapid construction; and in the process the essence of commu-nities, folk wisdom and cultural heritage is losing its importance This is another step back for a country like Pakistan which has rich cultural and traditional roots Considering the pace at which we are ‘developing’ Pakistan, we could perhaps change its name to the ‘Islamic Republic of Housing Societies of Pakistan’

04 Saturday 27 May 2023
Lahore – Ph: 042-36300938, 042-36375965 I K arachi – Ph: 021-35381208-9 I Islamabad – Ph: 051-2204545 I Web: www pakistantoday com pk I Email: editorial@pakistantoday com pk
The writer is a freelance columnist
Political par ties should not make political capital out of the
May 9 attacks
D R Q A I S A R R A S H I D P T I ’
Th e f ate o f K h a d i j a h S h a h w i l l b e a p o i nte r PA RV E Z M I R 04-05 Comments - 27th May 2023_Layout 1 5/27/2023 12:58 AM Page 1

Can Myanmar-Bangladesh joint strategic engagement ensure regional peace?

cant in letting the three countries come together in tackling the transborder security threat

The BGP hosted the eighth edition of this top border conference, where several hours of discussion were held recently Bangladesh wants a ‘peaceful’ and ‘crime-free’ border through the building of mutual trust Issues related to recent border tension, including airspace violations, transnational counter-terrorism and criminal activities, drug smuggling, and human trafficking, which subjects among others were on the priority list in the discussion The meeting also discussed joint patrolling and trust-building

exclusive economic zone close to St Martin’s Island in 2008, Bangladesh too came dangerously close to having a maritime conflict But the current issue really began in 2017 with the exodus of Rohingya from Myanmar

thing In addition to civilian diplomacy, the Bangladesh government has taken a step forward in solving the border and Rohingya crisis through successful military diplomatic activities

It must be of no surprise that in special circumstances, a country’s military diplomacy plays an instrumental role in managing foreign relations

armed forces were prepared to act if Myanmar s troops continued to fire across the border while pursuing the Arakan Army Tatmadaw, the military of Myanmar, has been engaged in combat with the AA in northern Rakhine State, close to the Bangladeshi border Since August, Bangladesh has complained to the international community about fighter jet and drone flights over its territory as well as mortar and machine gun across the border

At a battalion-level flag meeting between BRB and BGP decided to improve bilateral relations between the two countries, the Myanmar side regretted the recent incidents of shelling

Atwo-day regional commander-level meeting between border forces of Myanmar and Bangladesh began in Teknaf of Cox s Bazar in Bangladesh on Wednesday to strengthen mutual relationships

In a press release the Border Guard Bangladesh headquarters said that the meeting would discuss ways of checking drug smuggling stop trespassing trans-boundary extremism border security and joint patrolling Bangladesh s BGB s Cox s Bazar regional commander Brigadier General Nazm-UsSakib led a 15-member Bangladesh delegation comprising representatives from the Foreign and Home Ministries Department of Narcotics and other concerned authorities Myanmar Border Guard Police commander Brigadier General Htet Lwin led the Myanmar delegation The Myanmar delegation was given a guard of honour after their arrival in Teknaf

The talks concluded with the signing of a joint record of discussion on Thursday and the Myanmar team left Cox s Bazar in the evening

The Border Guard Bangladesh in the meeting on Thursday called for maintaining peace and curbing trans-boundary crime The Bangladeshi side also urged building mutual trust between the two forces The meeting is very significant for all regional countries when Myanmar and Bangladesh are trying to resolve the Rohingya crisis through a pilot project the security situation along the Myanmar-Bangladesh-North East India s border is being destabilized by various groups Thus the meeting is very signifi-

measures On October 26 Myanmar’s special operations commander Lt Gen Phone Myat visited Bangladesh’s army chief Gen S M

Shafiuddin Ahmed in Dhaka in an apparent attempt to improve relations and boost regional security Bangladesh filed diplomatic complaints after fighter jets and drone flights violated its airspace and mortar shells landed on its territory several times between August and September last year The topics of discussion at the conference included de-escalation of the tense situation at the border caused by the recent internal conflict in Myanmar combating inter-state terrorism and preventing the activities of cross-border criminal gangs prevention of illegal infiltration prevention of drug and human trafficking enhancing mutual cooperation to increase security at borders exchange of various information related to borders conducting joint patrolling organising regular coordination meetings/flag meetings at the region and battalion levels repatriation of detained/punished citizens of both countries repatriation of forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals to their original abodes and increasing mutual trust between BGB and BGP

There had always been tension along the border between Bangladesh and Myanmar Along the 271-km sea and land boundary between the two nations the two have a history of conflict For instance a border battle with the Myanmar military in 1978 necessitated the deployment of Bangladeshi troops along the border When Myanmar sent out its naval ships to place a Korean drilling rig in Bangladesh’s

The entire world is aware that in 2017, more than a million Rohingya refugees sought safety in Bangladesh These refugees have been hosted by Bangladesh on humanitarian grounds To maintain regional stability, the Rohingya refugee situation must be solved Bangladesh is under great pressure due to the current Rohingya crisis In dealing with this crisis the country has had to face and continues to face some new diplomatic realities It suddenly discovered that some of its long-time friends were no longer with it It has largely failed to achieve the expected results by applying traditional diplomatic methods to resolve the crisis

Therefore there is a need for new thinking in the successful application of the various methods of modern diplomacy such as economic diplomacy military diplomacy or cultural diplomacy Military diplomacy is a special strategy among the strategies used by various countries to protect the country’s interests and strengthen the state’s diplomatic position in the international arena and both its influence and application in the current world are increasing

What did Bangladesh do at that time?

First and foremost Bangladesh found a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the tension it currently experienced at the border with Myanmar There has never been any notion that it can resolve the issue through violence or armed war But diplomatic action alone is insufficient

It must be supported by deterrents because deterrents are what give diplomatic actions bite Some international experts have also contended that the military balance is likely skewed in favor of Myanmar making it challenging for us to demonstrate an effective level of deterrence However Bangladesh made an effort to make sure that its diplomatic actions have a solid foundation In an effort to deliver protest notes to the Myanmar ambassador the Bangladesh Foreign Ministry has so far used diplomatic channels It hasn’t changed any-

How India is supporting Myanmar's military with arms

facturer Yantra India Limited of sending 122 mm barrels for weapons to Myanmar in October The barrels, valued at $330,000, were shipped to Yangon-based Innovative Industrial Technologies Company Limited, which is owned by the Myanmar military's arms broker INDIA'S AMBIGUOUS ENGAGEMENT WITH MYANMAR

Pro-democracy leaders and activists in Myanmar have been taken aback by India s assisting and supporting the junta through military supplies "India, as the biggest democracy in the area, continues its counterproductive policy of engagement with military junta, which is not a reliable partner for India and not serving Indian interests even in the short run," Zaw Tuseng, president of the Myanmar Policy Institute, told DW


SI N C E t h e m i l i t a r y j u n t a s e i z e d p o w e r i n Myanmar in February 2021 companies within I n d i a i n c l u d i n g s t a t e - o w n e d e n t i t i e s h a v e s h i p p e d a t l e a s t $ 5 1 m i l l i o n ( € 4 7 3 m i l l i o n ) i n a r m s r a w m a t e r i a l s a n d a s s o c iated supplies to Myanmar s military and arms dealers

A UN report released last week revealed that a total of 22 unique suppliers based in India shipped arms to the junta during the military s violent clampdown on dissent and protests

Among the suppliers were state-owned entities including Bharat Dynamics Bharat Electronics and Yantra India and private companies Sandeep Metalcraft and Larsen & Toubro

The report said India s continued supply of materials to Myanmar which have been used for surveillance as well as to boost artillery and missile stocks could be considered a violation of customary international law and international humanitarian law India should therefore be aware that the arms it provides to the Myanmar military though relatively limited are likely to be used in the commission of international crime the report stated Myanmar has been gripped by a civil war since the junta led by General Min Aung Hlaing toppled the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021 in a coup RUSSIA CHINA AND SINGAPORE MAIN SUP-

PLIERS Besides India Russia China Singapore and Thailand also provided military support worth a total of about $1 billion to the Myanmar military including arms dealers who have figured out how to play the system the report noted Russia China and Singapore continue to be the main suppliers of advanced weapons systems to the Myanmar military accounting for over $400 million $260 million and $250 million respectively since the coup from state-owned entities That s because sanctions are not being adequately enforced and because arms dealers linked to the junta have been able to create shell companies to avoid them said Tom Andrews the UN special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

In its detailed report the UN accuses the arms manu-

The expert also warns that ties between New Delhi and the junta won't help curb China s influence in the country "If India goes on like that, there is more to lose than gain," Zaw Tuseng said Moe Zaw Oo, a deputy foreign minister of the National Unity Government (NUG) of Myanmar, said he was shocked to learn that India supplied arms to Myanmar's military The NUG is the government-in-exile formed by elected representatives and members of ethnic minority groups "The people of Myanmar will remember that and it will have impact on the longterm relations of the two countries India's government should seriously take into consideration our people's desire and will rather than short-sighted business interests," Moe Zaw Oo told DW A c c o r d i n g t o S u i K h a r, a leader of the Chin National Front ( C N F ) , I n d i a s e e s C h i n a s i n f l uence in Myanmar as a threat "It is therefore trying to forge good r e l a t i o n s w i t h t h e m i l i t a r y j u n t a w h i c h i s m i s p l a c e d I t w i l l n o t work Tatmadaw (Myanmar's ruling military junta) is not the only s t a k e h o l d e r i n t h e c o u n t r y, a n d t h e s o o n e r N e w D e l h i r e a l i z e s t h i s , i t w i l l b e g o o d , " S u i K h a r told DW The CNF is also affiliated with the NUG T h o u s a n d s o f f i g h t e r s f r o m Chin state and the Sagaing region h a v e j o i n e d a n a r m e d s t r u g g l e and put up fierce resistance to the Myanmar army over the past two y e a r s " T h e p e o p l e s r i g h t s a r e being crushed New Delhi should c o n s i d e r t h e m o r a l a n d e t h i c a l imp licatio n s o f s u ch ar ms tr an s -

fers and sales," Salai Isaac Khen, the former minister of Chin state, told DW INDIA DENIES BEING MAJOR SOURCE OF MYANMAR ARMS Indian representatives told UN rapporteur Andrews t h a t t h e a r m s s u p p l i e d t o M y a n m a r w e r e p a r t o f c o m -

m i t m e n t s m a d e t o t h e c i v i l i a n g o v e r n m e n t b e f o r e t h e c o u p , a n d w e r e e x p o r t e d i n l i g h t o f N e w D e l h i ' s o w n domestic security concerns "India has never been, nor is, a major source of arms to Myanmar, and India has b e e n f u l f i l l i n g o u r p a s t o b l i g a t i o n s O u r e x p o r t s a r e very clearly scrutinized We consider what is in the int e r e s t o f t h e p e o p l e o f M y a n m a r, " t h e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s s a i d , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e p o r t T h e r e a r e a n e s t i m a t e d

1 , 7 0 4 , 0 0 0 t o t a l i n t e r n a l l y d i s p l a c e d p e r s o n s i n M y a nm a r a s o f 6 M a r c h , a c c o r d i n g t o U N f i g u r e s A t l e a s t

2,940 civilians have been killed by Myanmar authorities, according to the Independent Assistance Associat i o n f o r P o l i t i c a l P r i s o n e r s , a w a t

Relations between the two countries are now at a chilly level, with rounds of talks between Bangladesh and Myanmar surrounding the Rohingya crisis and Myanmar’s lastminute bungling of repatriation In such a context, Bangladesh is looking for a possible solution to this crisis in military diplomacy Just like political diplomacy, military diplomacy has had positive discussions with Myanmar’s military leadership to resolve the Rohingya crisis, and in terms of defense cooperation, the relationship between the two countries will accelerate and strengthen mutual trust with this friendly country

The influence of the military on state power in Myanmar is immense Apart from that, the current Rohingya crisis falls within the ambit of the army As a result, any move to deal with the crisis without involving the country’s army is bound to fail Had there already been a close professional relationship between the Bangladesh and Myanmar armies, that relationship could have been put to good use in de-escalating the current crisis

The Bangladesh Army and border guard have seen success in military diplomacy before In May 2014, the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) member Naik Mizanur Rahman was killed in firing by Myanmar’s Border Guard Police (BGP), causing intense tension on the border between the two countries

Later, on the instructions of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed, the then BGB Director General took the initiative to develop bilateral relations with the BGP In June of that year, he led an eighjt-member Bangladesh delegation to a meeting of the BGB and Myanmar Police Force (MPF) chiefs in Myanmar’s capital, Nay Pyi Taw

A Myanmar military commander visited Bangladesh and met its Army chief in Dhaka in an apparent attempt to improve relations and boost regional security on October 27

Bangladesh COAS Gen Shafiuddin Ahmed stated in September that Bangladesh’s

Regional peace and security will be threatened by the Rohingya repatriation s delay Military influence and diplomacy may play a decisive role in ending the Rohingya crisis

Given that Myanmar is currently governed by a military government, the military s position will be able to strengthen bilateral ties The Bangladesh Foreign Ministry can therefore develop plans and measures to end the Rohingya issue The solution to the border conflict between Bangladesh and Myanmar lies in multilateral diplomacy

Although Bangladesh and Myanmar share a border of 271 km, the Rohingya refugee crisis has been a long-standing bilateral issue between Myanmar and Bangladesh But in order to assist in resolving this regional humanitarian crisis, both involved parties must participate in meaningful political dialogue To establish a long-lasting political solution, Myanmar and Bangladesh could use military diplomacy as a tactic Bangladesh and Myanmar must forge military-diplomatic ties in order to successfully handle the Rohingya repatriation process The Rohingya situation might be resolved with the use of military diplomacy and clout Military diplomatic communication is an effective strategy in strengthening relations As Myanmar is Bangladesh s only neighbouring country after India, its strategic importance is undeniable Bangladesh has tried all kinds of bilateral and multilateral efforts to deal with the ongoing Rohingya crisis, but so far, without promising results

The influence of the military on state power in Myanmar is immense Apart from that, the current Rohingya crisis falls within the ambit of the army As a result, any move to deal with the crisis without involving the country s army is bound to fail Had there already been a close professional relationship between the Bangladesh and Myanmar armies, that relationship could have been put to good use in de-escalating the current crisis

The writer is a freelance columnist

Turkey elections: Deepfakes, disinformation ‘misdirect’ voters ahead of runoff

Fa l s e c l a i m s a n d m o n t a g e v i d e o s h a ve f e a t u re d h e a v i l y i n

c a m p a i g n l e a d i n g t o S u n d a y ’s p re s i d e n t i a l re r u n


Claims and counterclaims, montaged videos and even fake sex tapes have blighted Turkey’s elections, leaving fact-checkers battling to unravel a mass of disinformation during the campaign Voters return to the polling booths for a second time on Sunday to decide whether President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will extend his 20-year rule by another five years or if opposition challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu will become the country’s 13th president

A lengthy electoral campaign has seen politicians from all sides make unsubstantiated assertions, further obscuring the facts in what is widely seen as Turkey’s most vital vote in recent years Probably the clearest example comes from Erdogan’s campaign in the form of a montage video purporting to show the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) backing Kilicdaroglu

The footage, first shown at an Erdogan rally in Istanbul May 7, claimed to depict de facto PKK leader Murat Karayilan and fatigue-clad fighters singing and clapping along to the opposition’s election song and was spliced with footage of Kilicdaroglu

Despite being an obvious fake, it has reinforced Erdogan’s message that the opposition is soft on terrorism due to the support Kilicdaroglu has received from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), which has its roots in Turkey’s Kurdish movement and Erdogan maintains is tied to the PKK As recently as this week, Erdogan referred to the video as evidence of ties between the opposition and the PKK, which has waged a 39-year insurgency, leading to tens of thousands of deaths “Kilicdaroglu shot videos with terrorists in Qandil,” he said during an interview with state broadcaster TRT on Monday, referring to the PKK’s base in northern Iraq “Montage or not, they shot videos with them in Qandil and PKK members showed their support to Kilicdaroglu with videos,” he noted Kilicdaroglu’s Republican People’s Party (CHP) has since lodged a criminal complaint against Erdogan over the claims Fact-checking organization Teyit has examined dozens of claims made during the election campaign and found inaccuracies coming from all quarters The nonprofit which was established six years ago to verify or refute claims made in traditional news outlets and on social media showed Kilicdaroglu repeating an often made claim about Erdogan s wealth that it showed to be false The claim comes from a speech Erdogan made in 1994 as he fought a successful campaign to become Istanbul mayor For years it has been claimed that he brandished his wedding ring during the speech and pledged that if he achieved greater wealth, people could call him a thief Teyit, however, showed Erdogan was holding a ring he said came from a supporter who had donated the jewelry toward his mayoral campaign He made no claims about his own finances Can Semercioglu head of communications at Teyit said disinformation as a phenomenon was present in previous elections but had become more pronounced during the current campaign In the 2023 elections we are seeing that disinformation is being voiced by politicians and used as a tool of political propaganda he told Al-Monitor In the rally squares misinformation expressed directly by politicians takes precedence over the public s right to receive accurate information We can say that it is during an election period that disinformation is decisive,” Semercioglu noted He added that promoting disinformation led to “voter misdirection” and could influence voting behavior It also poses the risk of deepening polarization in Turkish society

Some of the false claims are easy to dismiss Erdogan’s claim earlier this month that the CHP was in power at the time of the 1999 Marmara earthquake when as with February’s quakes in southern Turkey the government was heavily criticized for its poor response Although the 1999 coalition government was led by a party formed by former CHP members at the time it was Erdogan’s current ally ultranationalist leader Devlet Bahceli who was serving as deputy prime minister Other claims are more tricky such as Erdogan’s boast that a crowd of 1 7 million around one-tenth of Istanbul’s population attended his May 7 rally Teyit estimated the likely number at 690 000 Fake images are said to have played a part in one candidate Muharrem Ince of the Homeland Party withdrawing his bid for the presidency days before the first round of voting An explicit recording circulating online was quickly shown to be a fake and Ince said it had been made using footage taken from an Israeli porn website The disinformation spread on social media can also be bizarre at times such as the claim that the opposition’s two-handed “heart” gesture originated with Soviet dictator Josef Stalin According to the International Press Institute there has been an “unparalleled level of organized disinformation” during the election campaign “Truth and factual information have come under a coordinated assault from multiple sources with the government playing a central role in this troubling phenomenon ” Emre Kizilkaya head of the institute’s Turkey committee told the Reuters news agency

c h d o g g r o u p t h a t t r a c k s k i l l i n g s a n d a r r e s t s A n o t h e r 1 7 , 5 7 2 h a v e b e e n arrested since February 2021, with 13,763 of them still behind bars Saturday 27 May 2023
B r i n g i n g p e a c e t o t h e B a n g l a d e s h - M y a n m a r b o rd e r i s ke y t o re p a t r i a t i n g t h e R o h i n g y a
A new UN report has revealed that stateowned and private Indian companies supplied arms and raw materials to the junta in Myanmar
Pro-democracy activists decry the actions
D R A R P I TA H A Z A R I K A 04-05 Comments - 27th May 2023_Layout 1 5/27/2023 12:58 AM Page 2


CHINA’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and US Commerce Secretary Gina

Raimondo held talks in Washington on Thursday engaging in candid professional and constructive exchanges on China-US economic and trade relations as well as issues of common concern, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said in a statement on its website on Friday morning

The Chinese side expressed deep concerns over the US economic and trade policy toward China, its policy on semiconductors and export controls, as well as its outbound investment review policy, according to MOFCOM

The meeting between the two ministers on top of the recent resumption of high-level engagements between Beijing and Washington is one of the most important meetings between the two countries after the US shot down an unmanned Chinese civilian airship and hyped “China threat” which drove China-US relations to a new low

Chinese experts said the ministerialexchange is of major importance as it takes the pledge by the leaders of the two countries from last year s Bali meeting to manage differences and disagreements and prevent confrontation and conflict

one step further

It is believed that the meeting could help create an environment to solve, mitigate and manage differences in areas linked to trade and economic issues, the ballast stone of their bilateral ties

China and the US agreed to set up communication channels to maintain and strengthen exchanges on specific economic and trade issues in addition to areas of cooperation, said MOFCOM in a notice

The meeting between Wang and Raimondo is being closely watched as a first barometer of the chance for success between the two sides to restore high-level exchanges after months of recrimination

Chinese experts said the frank exchanges and the concerns raised by Min-

Xi vows to cement ties, expand cooperation with DRC

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday held talks with President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo with both sides vowing to elevate the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership Bilateral cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results in recent years and China has been the DRC’s largest trading partner and source of foreign investment for many years in a row Xi said The two sides have forged a close community of shared interests and shared future, Xi said He expressed the belief that China s high-quality development will provide more cooperation opportunities and a broader market for the DRC and promote greater development of bilateral relations China will as always help the DRC in its economic and social development support its industrialization strategy strengthen cooperation in energy mining agriculture, infrastructure, and manufacturing, and tap the potential of cooperation in the digital economy, education, and health, Xi said, adding that China is ready to send agricultural technology experts to the DRC China hopes that the DRC will provide policy support and service convenience for Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in the DRC and foster a fair, just, and safe business environment, he said

Xi said China is ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the DRC in multilateral affairs jointly practice true multilateralism and uphold international fairness and justice

Noting China is the world s largest developing country and Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries, Xi said China and Africa have always been a community with a shared future China firmly supports Africa in pursuing an independent development path and becoming an important pole in the world’s politics economy and civilization Xi said adding that China is ready to provide new opportunities for African countries with its new development

As for his part, Tshisekedi appreciated China for its assistance and valuable support to the DRC s economic and social development over the years

The DRC firmly adheres to the one-China policy and firmly supports China’s efforts to achieve national reunification Tshisekedi said

The DRC is willing to work with China to deepen cooperation in economy, trade, resources, infrastructure, medical care and other fields, enrich the connotation of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries and build mature, stable and groundbreaking relations for the benefit of the two peoples Tshisekedi added

ister Wang addressed the core issues of China-US economic and trade relationships – the US crackdown and containment of China related to advanced technology must stop

“The concerns are clear detailed and to the punch ”

He Weiwen a senior fellow at the Center for China and Globalization told the Global Times on Friday If the US side is sincere on restoring and stabilizing bilateral trade and economic ties, people can expect it will take some actions to at least partially roll back cancel or alter its restrictive crackdown policies targeting China from tariffs to restrictions on Chinese firms He said The two [sides] had candid and substantive discussions on issues relating to the

US-China commercial relationship including the overall environment in both countries for trade and investment and areas for potential cooperation, according to a readout on the US Department of Commerce on Thursday US time This meeting was part of ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication and responsibly manage the relationship the readout said Chinese experts said that the core issues hindering China-US trade and economic ties at the moment are tariffs and the US crackdown on Chinese companies

The reestablished of communication channels will be conducive to effectively settling concerns of the two sides which means achievement from the two ministers meeting is significant, He said, noting that the move paves way for the two sides to reestablish mechanisms for more structured dialogue in the next phase

There were over 100 high-level dialogue mechanisms in place between the two countries prior to the Trumpera all of which have been suspended or have fallen away Past experiences have shown that these mechanisms help in stabilizing overall trade and economic issues as well as addressing specific and urgent issues effectively He said Raimondo also raised concerns about the recent spate of PRC actions taken against US companies operating in China, according the readout from the US Department of Commerce

I nve s t i n g i n A I : h ow t o avo i d t h e hy p e ?


Experienced tech investors are hunting for undervalued opportunities in an over-valued space

At stake is how best to invest in the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which took a leap forward in November when Microsoft-backed OpenAI released its ChatGPT bot, without buying into a bubble Shares in Nvidia (NVDA O), which makes computer chips that train AI systems, have almost doubled since ChatGPT’s launch The company’s stock market value at roughly $940 billion is more than double that of Europe s Nestle (NESN S) Nvidia surged some 25% on Thursday alone after forecasting a sales jump

Shares in loss-making AI software company

C3 AI, which grabbed the stock ticker , have risen 149% this year and Palantir Technologies (PLTR N) which has launched its own AI platform is up 91% year-to-date

Investors are chasing exposure to generative AI the technology run by ChatGPT that learns from analysing vast datasets to generate text, images and computer code Businesses are trying to use generative AI to speed up video editing, recruitment and even legal work Consultancy PwC sees AI-related productivity savings and investments generating $15 7 trillion worth of global economic output by 2030 almost equivalent to the gross domestic product of China

The question for investors is whether to jump on the AI train now, or exercise caution, especially given mounting concern amongst regulators about the technology’s potentially disruptive impact

There are clearly going to be winners in all this said Niall O Sullivan chief investment officer of multi-asset for EMEA, at Neuberger Berman

It s just that that s very hard to be true for the entire market ” STILL EARLY

Instead of backing hot start-ups or rushing into highly valued AI-themed businesses that might fail seasoned investors are taking a lateral view to back already proven technology companies that might benefit from the longer-term trend

It s going to be as transformative as the internet, as the mobile internet, as the mainframe computer was ” said Alison Porter a tech fund manager at Janus Henderson whose funds have positions in Nvidia with Microsoft as their largest holding

However Porter also cautions that we are still very early on the use cases for AI

She favours big tech groups like Microsoft (MSFT O) and Alphabet (GOOGL O) because they have “strong balance sheets”, that make them “able

Wall Street prepares for Treasuries mess as default looms



Anxiety is increasing in parts of Wall Street that rely on Treasury securities to function with some traders starting to avoid U S government debt that comes due in June and others preparing to deal with securities at risk of default

U S President Joe Biden and top congressional Republican Kevin McCarthy are closing in on a deal that would raise the government’s $31 4 trillion debt ceiling for two years while capping spending on most items as a June 1 “X date” approaches for when the Treasury Department has said it could run out of money to pay its bills

Treasury securities are used widely as collateral across markets

A key question for market participants is how would bonds that are maturing next month be treated if a deal is not reached in time and the Treasury is unable to pay principal and interest on debt

One such area is the $4 trillion repurchase or repo market for short-term funding used by banks money market funds and others to borrow and lend Some counterparties, including banks, were shying away from Treasury bills maturing in June in bilateral repos where the trade is between two parties said an executive at a U S fund manager who decline to be named There are 14 T-bills maturing in June

Scott Skyrm executive vice president for fixed income and repo at broker-dealer Curvature Securities, said some repo buyers or cash lenders did not want to accept any bills maturing within a year

to invest in many different technology advances including their recent focus on AI


Dizzying valuations have made some investors wary of the technology hype cycle This concept popularised by consultancy Gartner starts with a trigger such as the launch of ChatGPT followed by inflated expectations and then disillusionment Even if a technology moves to mass adoption, many early stage innovators can fail along the way

“There’s a question about where we are in that curve with AI, where the hype is so visible,” said Mark Hawtin investment director at GAM Investments There are ways to get exposure to the (AI) theme without picking something that is highly valued PICKS, SHOVELS

Janus Porter recommended backing proven companies that may be big beneficiaries in terms of providing infrastructure,” for future trends in generative AI that as of now are unclear

GAM’s Hawtin said he has also hunted out companies that provide the picks and shovels necessary for enabling new AI technology

For example, AI systems require huge volumes of data to analyse and learn from, but just 1% of global data is currently being captured, stored and used, according to Bank of America

Hawtin’s funds hold Seagate Technology (STX O) which makes hard drives and data storage products and chipmaker Marvell Technology for this reason he said

Jon Guinness, tech portfolio manager at Fidelity International, said management consultancy Accenture is in his portfolio because as businesses consider how to use AI “I strongly think you call in the experts ” STICKING TO BIG TECH

Trevor Greetham head of multi-asset at Royal London Investment Management said he was overweight in dominant tech stocks in part because AI supported their valuations, but he cautioned against AI-themed stocks

“There will be an awful lot of losing lottery tickets ” he said recalling the dotcom crash of the early 2000s

Also sticking with big tech Fidelity s Guinness said his funds hold Amazon partly because of its efforts to make AI less expensive for businesses Amazon’s Bedrock service, for example, lets companies customise generative AI models rather than invest in developing them themselves

“The big benefits of AI ” Janus’ Porter said “are going to happen over the long term

Investors want to invest in AI now and they expect things to happen now, she added But we would never blindly buy into AI and we don t do things at any price ”

Skyrm said stress began to appear in the market at the start of May with some lenders refusing to accept Treasury bills that they perceived as at risk of delayed payments in some types of trades He declined to name buyers who were not accepting T-bills I don t think counterparties want to deal with collateral around the X-date, said Jason England, global bonds portfolio manager at Janus Henderson

An executive at an independent broker-dealer in the repo market who declined to be named said they were still financing Treasury securities for now Their focus instead was on rewiring their systems in anticipation of steps that the Federal Reserve and Treasury might take to prevent a default The executive said they expected to work through the weekend to get their systems in place

At least three big banks that deal directly with the New York Fed in its implementation of monetary policy were also accepting all Treasury securities three sources familiar with the situation said

The dislocations in the repo market, a crucial source of funding for day-to-day operations of many financial institutions, come amid growing stress in financial markets as talks drag on in Washington A default could have devastating consequences as the $24 3 trillion treasuries market underpins not just the U S but the global economic order

To be sure, a default remains a distant possibility

Many market participants expect the Treasury will be able to continue to pay its bills after the June 1 date as it could conserve cash in other ways to prioritize debt payments

In the case that it needs to delay payments on some securities that are maturing expert groups have suggested in the past that Treasury could help markets to keep functioning by extending the socalled operational maturity date The proposal, detailed in a December 2021 contingency planning document prepared by an expert group calls for extending the maturities of securities at risk of default by one day at a time

That could allow the security to be technically traded and available for settlement on the Fedwire Securities

Service system used for government debt However, the group warned that it would need many brokerdealers to adjust their trading systems to also be able to do so and the consequences of a delay in payments on securities would still be severe

The broker-dealer executive said the process was cumbersome because maturity dates subsumed several other calculations about the value of the security Extending the maturities required the firm to “basically break their own system,” the executive said Even so allowing the security to default would be worse “If you don’t extend the date I really don’t know what happens the executive added

Gun and knife attack in Japan leaves four dead



Japanese police on Friday detained a suspect who had holed up in a building after allegedly killing four people, including two police officers in a gun and knife attack

scene and later pronounced dead Another woman and two police officers were earlier confirmed dead in the attack

Police told that the 31-year-old suspect had been detained at about 4:30 am (1930 GMT on Thursday), and later confirmed he had been formally arrested on suspicion of murder using a suspected hunting rifle The rampage in a rural area of the western region was a rare instance of violent crime in Japan, which has a low murder rate and some of the world s

toughest gun laws

No motive has yet emerged in the killings nor has the suspect been formally identified though several local media reported he is the son of the speaker of Nakano s city assembly

“We pray for the souls of the deceased and express our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families ” top government spokesman Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters Police are investigating to uncover the whole picture of the incident, in-

cluding how the crime developed and its background ”

The attack started on Thursday afternoon when a local man working on a farm saw a woman running from the road saying, help me , he told national broadcaster NHK “Behind her came a man wearing camouflage and carrying a large knife who stabbed her in the back the 72-year-old witness said He said he called emergency services while neighbours tried to resuscitate the woman

Far-right militia leader receives 18-year prison term for Jan 6 c apitol riots

Stewart Rhodes the founder of the far-right militia group Oath Keepers has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for his involvement in the US Capitol riot Rhodes was convicted on charges of seditious conspiracy and other crimes, making his sentence the longest given to a Capitol rioter thus far Prosecutors had initially sought a 25-year prison term for Rhodes

Kelly Meggs the leader of the Oath Keepers Florida chapter, received a 12-year prison sentence

Rhodes did not enter the Capitol building but coordinated with Meggs and other members who stormed the premises Both Rhodes and Meggs were also convicted of obstruction of an official proceeding and tampering with documents The trial was one of the most high-profile cases related to the Capitol riot Rhodes showed little remorse during the hearing claiming to be a political prisoner and asserting that the Oath Keepers were opposing those who are destroying our country However, Judge Amit Mehta dismissed these claims and expressed concern over

Rhodes violent rhetoric including a threat to hang former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi The judge deemed Rhodes to be an ongoing threat to the country and its democracy Prosecutors had requested a 25-year sentence for Rhodes and 21 years for Meggs, while defence lawyers argued for significantly lighter sentences of less than three years each Rhodes a former US Army paratrooper and Yale-educated lawyer founded the Oath Keepers in 2009 The group, consisting of armed anti-government members, gained prominence as staunch supporters of forcibly entered Prosecutors

Donald Trump The Oath Keepers actions leading up to the January 6 riot included Rhodes initiating a campaign to reject the election results just days after the November 2020 vote He messaged supporters, urging them to prepare for a civil war The group spent thousands of dollars on weapons and equipment storing them in a hotel room in Virginia near the Capitol During the riot Rhodes remained outside the building, coordinating activities while other Oath Keepers, including those led by Meggs, described Rhodes as a battlefield general during the chaotic events Rhodes and Meggs were convicted of seditious conspiracy, a rarely used law from the Civil War era carrying a maximum prison sentence of 20 years Defence lawyers intend to appeal the convictions To date over 1 000 individuals have been arrested in connection with the Capitol riot with more than half pleading guilty to various charges The US Justice Department has reported approximately 80 guilty verdicts following trials A G E N C I E S

S t d y 27 M y 2023 | ISLAMABAD 06 NEWS
During the riot on January 6, 2021,
The man was taken into custody outside a farm near the city of Nakano in Nagano region, with police confirming a fourth fatality overnight – an elderly woman who was found injured at the

PSO provides grant of Rs6m for Thalassemia Centre

WRITING for Dawn author Nasir Jamal explains that Pakistan s poor tax revenues, which are below 10 percent of GDP and among the lowest globally, are a major factor contributing to the country's persistent fiscal deficits and overall economic crisis

The author believes that successive governments have failed to increase the tax-to-GDP ratio primarily due to a lack of political will to bring powerful interest groups, such as retailers, wholesalers real estate owners and large farmers into the tax net

OGRA shares LPG c ylinder blast incident investigation repor t with chief secretaries

When the government requires funds to finance its growing budget deficit it often resorts to imposing more taxes or raising tax rates on the easier target: organized industries and businesses Unfortunately, these changes in tax policies negatively impact businesses and their entire supply chains A recent example is the government s decision to reintroduce

a 10 percent Federal Excise Duty (FED) on the packaged juice industry including juices nectars and juice drinks This decision was made in response to the International Monetary Fund's demand to cover revenue gaps

The imposition of the FED this year has resulted in a significant 45 percent decline in the sales volumes of the formal packaged juice industry in March and April This decline has substantial consequences

The shrinking business size not only adversely affects the government's sales tax revenue but also projects a plummet in the industry s sales from around Rs 60 billion to Rs 43 billion in 2023 This decline is contrary to earlier industry projections which anticipated an increase to over Rs71 billion based on recent industry growth rates

The decrease in sales will significantly impact the government's tax revenue from the industry which was expected to contribute almost Rs 14 billion in taxes Surprisingly the government did not learn from the impact of its previous decision to impose a 5 percent FED on the packaged fruit-based juice

industry in July 2019 That decision resulted in a sharp 22 percent decline in sales causing revenue loss for the government and an increase in the market share of the informal juice industry

The increase in excise tax not only reduces sales but also leads to significant job losses for workers involved in the manufacturing distribution and sale of these products Furthermore the industry s connections to the rural economy help fruit growers receive fair prices for their produce and minimize wastage

Due to the drop in sales of fruit-based beverages manufacturers will reduce their purchases from farmers In 2022 the industry procured an estimated 100 000 tonnes of mangoes in addition to other fruits like oranges and peaches, for pulp production However, a drastic reduction in fruit pulp purchase (from 61,000 tonnes to approximately 31,500 tonnes) is expected in 2023 following the FED imposition which will adversely affect the rural economy and its formalization

The organized packaged juice industry, with an investment of Rs 40 billion and over 5,000 direct employees,

NIMA delagation visits

Ministr y of Foreign Affairs

provides consumers with safe and healthy fruit-based juices and drinks

However the imposition of the 10 percent FED negatively affects the affordability of these products produced by legitimate players As a result, a significant proportion of consumers are shifting to low-priced low-quality and potentially unsafe alternatives offered by the undocumented sector This situation will not only lead to a loss of tax revenue for the government, as the undocumented sector constitutes 20 percent of the industry's total size and is expected to grow further if the FED is not reversed but also result in unemployment within the industry The contraction of the industry will also discourage planned investments for 2023-24 In a time when people s purchasing power is severely impacted by skyrocketing prices and job losses are rampant due to economic stagnation the government should reconsider the FED on juice-based drinks and beverages and remove it To read the full article visit www dawn com

PARC committed to enhancing capacity-building efforts, says Chairman PARC

The Big-Rethink - LEADERS in Islamabad Business S ummit 6th Edition from May 31

May 9 tragedy will be remembered as dark chapter in countr y ’s histor y: K auk ab

IBA Karachi organizes Int ’l Conference on ‘Sustainability: Global & Local Challenges’

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission celebrates 52nd Independence and National Day


NBP taking advantage of extensive network in assisting c ustomers with D igital Banking PR

FBL, NIFT collaborate to revolutionize paper cheque with digital cheque solution

07 NEWS Saturday 27 May 2023 | ISLAMABAD 4th edition of TEXPO Pakistan 2023 begins PR D un & Bradstreet empowers fight against financial crime PR Largest Chinese delegation attends International Textile Exhibition PR Vice C hancellor chairs 16th meeting of ASRB PR Vivo launches gorgeous V27e with Aura Light Por trait PR CORPORATE CORNER NOT-BY- PROFIT I N F O R M A L M A R K ET E X PA N D S A S O R G A N I S E D S E C T O R S H R I N KS U N D E R TA X P R E S S U R E I N C R E A S E I N E X C I S E TA X N O T O N LY R E D U C E S S A L E S B U T A L S O L E A D S TO S I G N I F I C A N T J O B LO S S E S ISLAMABAD N E W S D E S K



PTI Chairman Imran Khan has cancelled the basic membership of all leaders and officebearers who had quit the party during the past few days

Although several leaders have parted ways with PTI in the fallout of the May 9 violence, the most notable among them were senior vice president Fawad Chaudhry, former federal ministers Shireen Mazari, Aamer Mehmood Kiani and former adviser to PM Malik Amin Aslam

It is not yet clear whether the PTI chief has revoked the membership of Asad

Umar who had stepped down as secretary general and a member of the core committee but had not quit the party altogether

Mr Khan also ordered the removal of defectors who were part of the party’s core committee They will no longer be part of PTI s WhatsApp groups and the social media accounts will be updated to modify the references of the defectors Separately, in a statement on Thursday, the PTI chairman said his party’s leaders

and workers were facing the full force of state terror Orders their removal from WhatsApp groups; says workers and leaders facing full force of state terror

The statement was released on Twitter to mark one year since the PTI workers clashed with the police during the long march towards Islamabad

He said the events of May 25 2022 commenced our descent into fascism

Mr Khan recalled that while he was in power, the PDM parties who were then in the opposition held three long marches which “were allowed without any” hindrance by his government

[But] we faced the full force of state terror

Mr Khan said as he recalled the crackdown on his party s leadership before the march Houses broken in the middle of the night and PTI office-bearers and workers kidnapped And then whoever got to Islamabad faced tear gas rubber bullets and police brutality he said in a tweet

The PTI chief said that last year s events were just the beginning and today the only federal party is facing the full fury of state power without any accountability

“Over 10,000 PTI workers and sup-

7 FIRs regarding May 9 incidents to be tried in military courts: Sanaullah

Minister for Interior Rana Sanaullah shedding light on the May 9 violent protests and providing key statistics regarding the ensuing investigations and arrests Friday revealed that a total of 499 First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered in connection with the incidents and out of those only six or seven cases would be tried in military courts

Addressing a press conference here he said that the trial of 33 individuals involved in the May 9 mayhem had been shifted to the military courts

They were involved in attacking army installations during the protests that followed the arrest of Pakistan

Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan he added The minister informed that of the 33 individuals 19 belonged to Punjab while the remaining 14 were from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)

Addressing the concerns raised about the enforcement of the Military Act on civilians, he clarified that military would investigate the cases but not take cognizance of them

He said that they would determine whether the Army Act or the Official Secrets Act applied in each situation

He said the Official Secrets Act and the Military Act were applicable to the violation of every defense and military location

He questioned that how and why the attack on Jinnah House, which was not just residence of military officials but a camp office of the Corps Commander and housed highly sensitive information and data should be considered a political protest adding it was the matter of national defence

He said the matter came within the jurisdiction of the Military Act, which was enforced in 1952, as the miscreants took important items such as laptops that might contain sensitive data and there were chances that this data and information might get into the hands of the county s enemies

The minister said over 5 000 individuals were apprehended, with approximately 80% of them already had released on bail

He added that out of the total arrests, 3,944 were made under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), while 88 cases were specifically registered under the same act

The minister said Imran Khan had been engaged in divisive politics and spreading false narratives for last many years The PTI chief was responsible for the chaos, adding I warn of potential disaster if Imran Khan s actions were left unchecked

The minister said that toxic politics had infiltrated Pakistani society and was spreading its detrimental effects like an infectious virus He noted that this divisive political strategy had been facilitated both internally and externally with the intention of sowing seeds of hatred and cynicism among the people

The minister said that contrary to the PTI chief s claims, the public had never supported his toxic politics, as witnessed from the scarce number of participants in his political gathering

Only a group of trained terrorists who had been given special training at Zaman Park for launching attacks on state institutions and military installments were with Imran Khan throughout the period, he added

He also ruled out the possibility of PTI leaders quitting the party under pressure by questioning that if they were being pressurized to leave the party, why they were telling all the facts about the May 9 incidents Sanaullah said “If they are quitting because of the hot conditions in the jail what should we do?

When we were in jails the condition was the same; if they cannot bear, it is not our fault


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman

Imran Khan on Friday asserted that attempts were being made to crush his party on the pretext of May 9 events, wherein military installations including Jinnah House in Lahore came under attack

Addressing the party workers and supporters the former prime minister lambasted the federal government for imposing the law of the jungle in the country saying that fundamental rights have been eliminated

While condemning the events that took place on May 9 – the day he was arrested in Al-Qadir Trust Imran Khan asked who will not condemn those incidents

The PTI chief said he was first alerted about the protests of May 9 by Chief Justice in a Supreme Court hearing Who does not condemn? Have we ever said we don t condemn?

porters in jail including senior leadership and some facing custodial torture

He reiterated that the May 9 violence was condemned by the entire PTI leadership” but the state was using arson as a pretext to dismantle his party including “forced divorces” and prosecuting PTI leaders and supporters in military courts

Those in PDM and the journalist community who are cheerleaders for this yazeediyat should know that this is not dismantling PTI but our democracy i e our freedom ” Mr Khan added that “the attempt to enslave” PTI will fail as today’s youth was politically aware and gets information from social media even as the media was being muzzled

LIST OF DEFECTIONS: The long list of PTI legislators and ticket-holders, who have so far announced parting ways with the party include Fawad Chaudhry former federal ministers Shireen Mazari Aamer Mehmood Kiani and Malik Amin Aslam former MNAs Wajahat Hussain and Khawaja Qutab Fareed Koreja and Haider Ali, former central deputy information secretary Dr Muhammad Amjad, former Punjab minister Fayazul Hassan Chohan,

former MPAs from Punjab Ayaz Khan Niazi Abdul Razaq Khan Niazi Makhdoom Iftikharul Hassan Gillani, Syed Saeedul Hassan, Saleem Akhtar Labar, Zaheeruddin Khan Alizai, Aun Dogar, Abdul Hai Dasti Malik Mujtaba Niaz Gishkori Alamdar Husain Qureshi Sajjad Hussain Cheena Sardar Qaisar Abbas Khan Magsi and Ashraf Rind and PTI West Punjab president Faizullah Kamoka The PTI leaders from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa include MNAs Usman Tarakai, Malik Jawad Hussain, former provincial ministers Dr Hisham Inamullah Malik and Muhammad Iqbal Wazir former MPA Nadia Sher KP government s ex-spokesman Ajmal Wazir and provincial leader Malik Qayyum The PTI defectors from Sindh include MNA Jai Parkash, MPAs Bilal Ghaffar and Omar Omari PTI Sindh vice-president Mahmood Maulvi PTI Karachi president Aftab Siddiqui MPA Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah Sanjay Gangwani and Dr Imran Shah Khairpur district president Syed Ghulam Shah and former Balochistan minister Mubeen Khilji have also left the PTI

Dar, Blome meet as IMF deal remains stalled

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and US Ambassador Donald Blome on Friday held a meeting aimed to address Pakistan’s pressing economic challenges wherein Dar also touched upon the stalled IMF loan programme

The finance minister assured Ambassador Blome of Pakistan s commitment to completing the IMF programme despite the obstacles However, discussions focused on the enduring bilateral relations between Pakistan and the United States, particularly in the economic and trade sectors Dar shared insights into the government’s economic policies and priorities aimed at fostering stability and growth Ambassador Blome expressed confidence in the

Punjab Board of Revenue implements strict measures to expedite proper t y mutation process


Pakistani government’s policies and programs, highlighting their potential for economic sustainability and social uplift He extended support for promoting bilateral economic investment and trade relations

Despite the impasse Pakistan is actively exploring alternatives to meet financial obligations and seeking support from other sources, including China

Both parties acknowledged the urgency of addressing the obstacles and reaffirmed their dedication to strengthening bilateral relations

In conclusion the meeting highlighted the significance of addressing the stalled IMF deal and finding effective solutions to Pakistan s economic challenges The government s commitment and the support from the United States reflect a shared determination to overcome obstacles and foster economic stability

Imran gives go -ahead for legal ac tion against Q adir Patel, others


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) decided to take a legal action against Federal Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel and others over his ‘shameful’ press conference wherein he raised questions pertaining to PTI Chairman Imran Khan s medical status

The decision was taken after PTI Chairman gave approval and its legal team under Barrister Abuzar Salman Niazi has started preparations in this regard Imran Khan approved to bring Abdul Qadir Patel NAB Ministry of Health and doctors of PIMS Hospital to justice

Action would be taken against Abdul Qadir Patel for his embarrassing press conference and baseless accusations under defamation

and other relevant laws

Earlier in the day, Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel alleged that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s mental stability is questionable’ as he cited the former prime minister’s medical reports

The federal minister said that the former prime minister s samples were taken at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in Islamabad after he was arrested in the Al-Qadir Trust case on May 9

However Abdul Qadir Patel said Imran Khan was released before the medical report was submitted to the court The PTI chief was given an exemplary justice by higher judiciary,” he added Citing the medical report he claimed Imran Khan’s ‘mental stability is questionable The minis-

ter also said that the PTI chairman s urine sample was also taken during the interrogation

He pointed out that the initial report shows the presence of toxic elements and the excessive usage of alcohol and cocaine

We will make one day Pakistan skiing capital of world Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan expressed his optimism that they would make Pakistan the skiing capital of the word one day In a statement on Friday PTI Chairman: The only thing I miss these days is hiking in our northern mountains with my sons

Imran Khan stated that Allah has blessed Pakistan with the best mountain trekking in the world “Inshallah one day we will make Pakistan the skiing capital of the world he added

on 121 FIRs: LHC larger bench reser ves verdic t on Imran’s plea

The larger bench of Lahore High Court’s (LHC) on Friday reserved decision on

Will anyone want his own army to be weak?”

He alleged that there was a crackdown under way on his party across Pakistan without any investigation on the burning of the Lahore Corp Commander s House – also known as Jinnah House Attempts were being made to crush Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on the pretext of May 9 events,” the former premier added

Khan questioned why his party workers and supporters were being arrested everywhere if the burning of the Corps Commander s House only took place in Lahore What have people in Karachi to do with it? Why are you catching people elsewhere? he asked

He further said that now enforced divorces are happening across Pakistan, adding that politicians were being forced to quit PTI “It is thought that the party is being weakened by such acts he said

Earlier PTI Chairman Imran Khan cancelled the basic membership of all leaders

and office-bearers who had quit the party during the past few days

Although several leaders have parted ways with PTI in the fallout of the May 9 violence the most notable among them were senior vice president Fawad Chaudhry former federal ministers Shireen Mazari, Aamer Mehmood Kiani and former adviser to PM Malik Amin Aslam It is not yet clear whether the PTI chief has revoked the membership of Asad Umar who had stepped down as secretary general and a member of the core committee but had not quit the party altogether

Mr Khan also ordered the removal of defectors who were part of the party s core committee They will no longer be part of PTI’s WhatsApp groups and the social media accounts will be updated to modify the references of the defectors Separately in a statement on Thursday the PTI chairman said his party s leaders and workers were facing the full force of state terror

The Punjab Board of Revenue has announced that the process of property mutation must be completed within seven days under all circumstances Furthermore arrangements will be made to deliver the necessary documents to the public at their doorstep after the mutation process, while stern action will be taken against officers and officials who fail to complete the mutation within the stipulated time frame According to details a special meeting was held in the Committee Room of the Board of Revenue chaired by Senior Member of the Punjab Board of Revenue, Nabeel Javed

The meeting was attended by Tax Member Tariq Qureshi, Director General of Punjab Land Records Authority (PLRA) Saira Omar Deputy Commissioner Sahiwal Akram-ul-Haq and other officers

The Senior Member of the Board of Revenue (SMBR) Punjab informed the committee about the progress regarding registration and mutation, and provided a detailed briefing on the progress made by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) in implementing online challan procedures

Meanwhile SMBR stated that the commissioners and deputy commissioners across the province should ensure the timely implementation of all mutation cases within seven days He also directed the immediate submission of cases for amendment in Rule 108 of the West Pakistan Land Revenue Act, 1929, to his office

Furthermore, it was emphasized that the Punjab Land Records Authority should initiate registration on all service centers and develop a module for biometric metrics of parties The Director-General of the Punjab Anti-Corruption Deputy Inspector General of Environment, and Deputy Secretary of Finance, along with others, were instructed to present recommendations in a separate meeting regarding third-party certification for the DG PLRA and Member Taxes Construction Area Later under the leadership of SMBR a meeting was convened in the committee room to discuss the incident at Murree

The meeting was attended by the Secretary of Tourism, Director PDMC Tariq Mahmood Bokhari, Secretary Revenue Mehr Shafqatullah Mushtaq, Anti-Corruption Authority DG Environment Deputy Secretary Finance and Forests among others Commissioner Rawalpindi Liaquat Ali Chatha DC Rawalpindi and other officials participated in the meeting via video link

The officials from the Anti-Corruption Authority presented a report to the Senior Member of the Board of Revenue regarding the violations of building bylaws in Murree During the meeting it was decided to demolish the violating buildings and not tolerate any pressure

Additionally no construction in Murree would be allowed without obtaining a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the 10 departments of the NOC

A joint action team would be formed in collaboration with the Urban Unit to eradicate illegal encroachments on the Murree Expressway and construction of Galiyat By-Pass would be initiated Commissioner Rawalpindi Division Liaquat Ali Chatha was instructed to oversee the construction work Furthermore, it was emphasized that necessary measures should be taken to ensure the safety of tourists and residents in Mari to prevent any recurrence of incidents like the Mari tragedy All departments including the Meteorological Department and PDMC were directed to enhance coordination Moreover it was decided to notify the sites of parking plazas for the convenience of tourists in Mari, and awareness should be provided to school children for traffic discipline

In an effort to reduce plastic waste, a crackdown was announced against the sale of plastic bags in Murree and strict actions would be taken against violators It was also decided that no tree-cutting would be tolerated and special measures would be taken to protect forests from fire hazards

PRAYER TIMINGS FA J R S U N R I S E Z U H R A S R M AG H R I B S H A 4:20 5:00 1 30 5:15 7:01 8:45 Saturday 27 May 2023 NEWS Published by Asad Nizami at Plot # 7, Al-Baber Centre, F/8 Markaz, Islamabad, for PT Print (Pvt) Limited Ph: 051-2204545 Email: newsroom@pakistantoday com pk PROFIT S TA F F R E P O R T
A t t e m p t s b e i n g m a d e t o ‘c r u s h ’ P T I o n p r e t e x t o f M ay 9 e ve n t s : I m r a n
Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) Imran Khan s plea seeking direction to quarters concerned for not taking any coercive measures and proceeding in connection with 121 FIRs registered against him During the hearing on Friday the bench’s head Justice Ali Baqar Najafi directed Imran s counsel Barrister Salman Sardar to complete his arguments today Sardar argued that there is not even a single decision on political victimization since 1974 adding that there is no example of what is happening around us today He then requested the court to pass an order relating to political victimization following the prevailing circumstances He implored the court that the former prime minister is around 71 years old but criminal cases are being registered against him The law officer, opposing the petitioner’s counsel’s arguments, said all records of cases have been given to the petitioner He submitted that Imran had filed a plea in the Supreme Court (SC) seeking the formation of the judicial commission on the May 9 riots and had also requested the apex court to stop further proceedings against him
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