PAISPost - April 2019

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"An IB World School"


The Pan-Asia International School continued its academic excellence, winning silver and bronze medals during the recently concluded International Math and Robotics Challenge last March 9-11 at Pan-Asia International School and Rangsit University. PAIS students representing Category 2 and 3 combined for a 3 silver-4 bronze medal haul. They also grabbed 5 more honorable mentions. Not to be outshined were the Category 1 students who also won 3 bronze medals plus 5 honorable mentions. The school also won a bronze medal in the Robot Challenge. It was also a great showing from PAIS students holding their grounds against 600 students of 180 teams from 50 schools in 17 countries. Also, This year?s

competition also marks the first time that Tajikistan sent its first female international representative. Category 1: Champion Kazakhstan - Nurorda High School; 1st Runner Up Indonesia - Kharisma Bangsa Elementary School ; 2nd Runner Up - Thailand - SISB; 3rd Runner Up - Vietnam - Horizon International Bilingual - HCM Category 2: Champion Indonesia - Cahaya Rancamaya IBS; 1st - Thailand - KMIDS; 2nd Vietnam - Horizon International Bilingual - HCM; 3rd - Kyrgyzstan - Bishek "aichurok" High School Category 3: Champion - Tajikistan - Presidential Lyceum Boarding School for Gifted Children of Tajikistan; 1st - Thailand Harrows International School; 2nd - Laos - International School of Laos; 3rd - Egypt - Salahaldin International School, Cairo

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Mat h Challenge VIII and Robot Challenge


ore than 700 future mathematicians and robotic enthusiasts competed in the annual International Math and Robotics Challenge in Thailand. Pan-Asia International School hosted the preliminary round last March 9, 2019. Now on its 8th year and with the inclusion of the Robotics Challenge, the competition was bigger and more grander. As Rangsit University hosted the final round of the competition last March 11, 2019, lots of distinguished guests in the field of the academe graced the event. Dr. Attawit Ourairat, Rangsit University?s Vice President for Management and Planning gave the opening remarks. He said that the participants?journey can lead them to a successful future. ?Winning or losing is not the focus; what matters is the starting point. The most important thing in life is the thrill of the challenge?, he added.

This year's competition is a milestone with the Robotics competition getting more recognized. The best and the brightest students from around Asia gathered not only to compete but to celebrate excellence in the field of Mathematics and Robotics. The competition aimed to further stimulate and sharpen their mathematical and robotic skills. The event also provided an opportunity for the students and teachers to see familiar faces and gain new acquaintances during the three-day competition. It also united the students and teachers from difference races and embraced the differences and similarities of each countries?culture. Truly, the Mathematics and Robotics challenge can be a great tool to unite people and celebrate academic excellence.

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Mat h Pi Day Excit es PAIS PAIS celebrated the International Pi Day on March 14, 2019 where MYP students prepared booths for Math challenge games. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 because the first three digits of pi is 3.14. Ludfee Poothong (MYP Year 3) organized the Pi Memorization Contest during this event. Attrinada Naji (Primary 5) perfectly recited up to 60 digits. It is already an awesome feat, while Napattareeya Butwong recited up to 100 digits of the Pi in succession. Other MYP Year 3 students helped Ludfee in facilitating the Pi recital. The Math Department has been very successful in encouraging the students to love Math and to learn more techniques so they become excellent in this subject.

CAS Leads Ant i-Bullying Mat h Impr oves at PAIS Campaign To raise awareness of students and teachers about harmful consequences of bullying, PAIS launched the Anti-Bullying Week from March 11 to March 15, 2019. During this week, CAS students from IB Grade 11 did a parade about anti-bullying. They had short talks with MYP Year 1, and some primary classes. They successfully attracted lots of attention of primary students about this topic. Visual and impressive messages were posted on the bulletin board to inform students about bullying and it affects themselves and others. To help our teachers and students show their commitment to anti-bullying, CAS students from IB Grade 12 made and sold blue ribbons that symbolize anti-bullying. Teachers and students loved to wear the ribbons. In addition, they were eager to share their stances and commitments about anti-bullying on anti-bullying tree displayed near the school coffee corner.

"I f kids don?t learn the way you teach, then teach the way they learn.? Simple but true. And so that?s why we provide a new environment for our young learners. Our new primary math room is designed for our young mathematicians. They grow in confidence if we give them a task to do, which they are able to achieve.Teaching common core curriculum in an effective, engaging and enjoyable way.

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MYP 4 & 5 Sur vivalist Camp Success

What will we do when things

with the assistance coming and medical were the guiding turns out differently from the from the 8 CAS students and 5 point of our knowledge base in way we expected things to teachers who volunteered as learning survival skills. happen? Are we ever ready facilitators of the 5 groups. Right after the midterm whatever comes in our way? Each group created their own examination last Friday-March Do we give up easily and say ? named of which are the 22, 2019, we had a kick-off I can?t take this?? These are a following: Group 1- Shady, where everyone was wearing few questions that gave us Group 2 -Pineapple, Group 3- florist shirt Songkran inspired reasons why we chose to have Red, Group 4- Pink Panther as a camp shirt. Everyone a survival camp as a program and Group 5- Power Rangers. looks very colorful. Leaving

They have corresponding group leader and a deputy and Indeed, it happened. 6 members all working together PAIS had their 1st Survivalist as a team. Camp last March 22-24, 2019 The purpose of the camp was at Vajiravudh Scout Camp, Sri to teach the students how to Ratcha, Chonburi organized by survive. The concept of survival PHE department spearheaded theory was presented in a by Nurse Davina, Coach Marc triangle : the will to survive, the and Teacher Gwenne with T. knowledge and the kit. PLAN-M Mark Dale. It is a 3-days and which stands for protection, 2-nights camp. With us were 40 location, acquisition, navigation campers from MYP 4 & MYP5, for our MYP 4 and MYP 5.

the school right on time, we reached the camp site giving everyone a good head start by laying down the camp ground rules, agreed ground rules between student and school, and orientation of the place. Tent pitching was the first activity were everyone was looking forward as a camper where teachers? tent were the boundary between boys camp and girls camp.

PAIS POST | April 2019 Issue | Page 5 During the night, everyone gather after dinner where camp fire was always initiated by T. Osman thus teaching the campers how to build a campfire on the second day. The highlight of such gatherings were the teambuilding activities that provided everyone the chance to be somebody, helping them identify themselves in the group and on how they can work with different backgrounds and personality. From Salt and Pepper, to Through the Tunnel, Balance Relay and Charade until the second night, everyone had a good laugh. Morning came with much excitement from the previous day, everyone have to participate in the morning stretched led by the Red team. Amazingly, what followed was

a test of planning and organizing as everyone have to help in preparing their meal. Red team bested the ?What?s in it?? in terms of presentation, team effort and content wise referring to nutritional value. Day time activities where focus in achieving the knowledge on how to survive. Mainly, campers were taught Basic First Aid, Emergency Rescue and Transfer, Essentials of Rope Tying, Activating SOS, Navigation through Orienteering and Compass Reading; Acquisition of resources for campfire and understanding other uses of what?s in your bag. Environmental Hazard and its effect to health and environment was well presented as a closing concept by Teacher Shorat. Like everything delivered, an

activity always follows to check on level of understanding. The best part of the camping program was the hike in the jungle where survival skills were tested. Ten (10) stations of which a station master was assigned where campers do some climbing, crawling, swinging, passing through, and at some point given a task. It highlighted the day?s event that everyone?s perseverance were tested, team effort was stressed, that the rule of ?No one should be left behind? was observed, and right decision making skills emphasized. Everyone did survive. In all, the survivalist camp program was a success. Everyone learned, and everyone had fun. ?Til next camp.

MYP Year 4 Takes Cour t Design Tit le

O n November 29th, students from middle and

high school participated in an event with the goal of creating a new, more colorful and personalized basketball court to play games on. The idea was combined with Henri Matisse's cutout method of creating artwork. The long wait is over! After a 2nd prolonged vote on our Facebook site, the public Place has spoken and have decided JC Talens and Pholawat Chamthaisong in MYP Year 4B as the winners of our covered court design! Many thanks to everyone who participated and voted, we hope you will be happy with the final product.





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English and Individual Societ ies Depar t ment Collabor at e on Humanit ies Week Pan-Asia International Year 5 won in the G9 - 11 participated. Prizes were School celebrated the Humanities week with stage plays, competitions, and highlighted it with the International Market Day last March 6 - 8, 2019. Business Management students put up their business on that day and sold goods. Fifty percent of the profits they earned will be donated to the charity.

category. He was followed by Samiksha Subrahmanya (Grade 11) and Aneeqa (MYP Year 5).

Mr. Robert Ceisler, head of English Department, and his English Enhancement Drama Class started the festivities with their stage play ?Booby Trap? on the first day. It was followed by "The Revolt?, performed by MYP Year 4 students and English teachers on the second day.

Vera Nur Karacam (MYP Year 4), Natcha Kerdyooo (MYP Year 3), and Sanjana Sunrahmanya (MYP Year 4) won the Debate Competition.

There were also English Competitions that tested the student?s English and artistic competence. Attrinada Naji won the poster making contest for Primary 5 Category, followed by Worapong Kanjanakarn and Aslaan Zahee. Sude Vildan Kalkan won in Primary 4 category, followed by David Chooparnich and Kaokanya Singhasanee. The Poster-Making Contest was facilitated by Mrs. Naw She Paw Brown. Maymuna Jones from MYP Year 2 topped the Essay Writing Contest Category G6 8. Reyhan Tutumlu and Ebenesar Uri Brown finished second and third, respectively. Poom Wannakum of MYP

Samiksha Subrahamanya also won Champion in the Spelling Bee contest. There were twenty-four other finalists in the Spelling Bee, two from each grade level in the secondary department.

Kanapong Kammeung (MYP 2) topped the Speech competition. There was also a Kahoot game held at the auditorium were all secondary students actively

given away to those who answered the questions correctly. It was a great teamwork from both English Department and Individuals and Societies Department. Humanities Week would have not been this great without the timeless effort and dedication of Dr. Ambika Subrahmanya, Ms. Asli Polat, Ms. Lauren Bronkema, Mrs. Naw She Paw Brown, Mr. Douglas Swartz, Mr. Adrian Lee, Ms. Irna Towsen, and Mr. Michael Werry. CAS students were also helpful during this event as they show their initiative in helping the students achieve the goal of this meaningful activity.

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KG 3 Explor es Nat ur e Teacher Erica and her KG3 students went to a nature exploration trip. This activity helped KG3 to learn about what different plants are in nature. Also they reviewed what they learned about parts of the plant and what is needed in order for seeds to become plants. This activity was held on March 18, 2019 at a park 15 minutes drive from the school. As they went on a nature walk around the park, the students named different plants that they saw and asked questions about plants that they didn?t know the names of. They also reviewed that soil, water, sun and air are all things needed for a plant to grow. The students learned the

ESLR?s of being effective communicators as they learned vocabulary about different types of plants including fruit and vegetable plants and academic achievers as they learned about names of different plants. The interesting thing about this activity is that it was completely hands on and each child was able to walk around and have fun spotting plants and watering plants with the gardener. The activity ended with the kids playing at the playground at the park and getting some physical activity. Chafi said, ?I had so much fun and liked all the trees I saw. ?Shanel said, ?My favorite part was playing at the park.?

Gr ade 1 Car es about t he Envir onment

KG 2 Lear ns Living Things

The grade one learners were credibly inspired and motivated to take on their individual roles towards creating, collaborating, and communicating our very own recycling production. Teacher Dominique

KG2 students have been learning how living things grow and change. They went to Suan Luang Rama IX to see that life thrives on Earth as plants, animals, and other living things in a variety of natural habitats on land and in water. Students observed what living things need in order to survive. They saw various flowers and coordinated the artistically aware, environmentally trees, some of the plants were being planted friendly project, with the help of Nasmi who and watered. They saw different kinds of birds contributed towards the script writing. Students such as doves, crows, harons, insects, lizards learned about recycling and how it helps the and fish in their natural habitats. KG2 students environment, as well as, What can be recycled learnt to respect and take care of the living and how recycling works for teachers and things on our planet. Kids enjoyed Nature?s students.Every student should be applauded for beauty and interacting with the living things. their outstanding efforts.

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KG Launches Family Ar t s Day

K indergarten department hosted a Family Arts Day on March 2, 2019. Seven stations were

carefully prepared and organized by KG teachers. There were Cupcake Decoration station, T-shirt Painting station, Name Keychain station, Slime Making station, Clay Statue Painting station, DIY Playdough station, Family House station, and Face Painting station, where both parents and students had quality bonding time together creating different stuff. Children learn in many different ways, and younger children may not be ready to express themselves thoroughly with language. That?s why art activities and art education in kindergarten and beyond are extremely important. Art is part of the human experience, and kindergarten kids enjoy looking at art, producing art, and expressing themselves through art projects. Moreover, students had a chance to celebrate the meaning of being a family and to spend quality time with their loved ones by participating in fun activities together.

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IB Visual Ar t s Exhibit at YELO

enior Visual Arts students of Pan Asia International School recently held their final Arts Exhibit of the year last March 6, 2016 at the Yelo House Gallery. The event is the culmination of their arts that they have been working on for the past two years. The exhibit was a great success as many students sold their pieces. The students are already excited for next year and call on others to join the exhibition and support artists like them.

On March 8, 2019, eleven students

of PAIS competed for the KPIS Music Challenge. Selected MYP Year 4 and Grade 11 students namely BJ, Omar, Phubet, Usama, Book, Cherry, and Palawee joined the Band Category where they performed ?Fix You? by Coldplay. Also, CM, Mint, Vanda, and Bua, who are from MYP Year 5 gave their groovy performance for the Dance Category. It was a nerve-wracking competition where 20 international schools joined showing-off their unique talents in band, singing, and dancing. Some of our students said it was one of the best experiences in their whole life. Performing in front of big audience from different schools was indeed not easy, as it was their first time to play and dance in the crowd. But they were able to conquer their fear. Through their creativity in music performance and dance movements, they were able to develop self-confidence and adjust to any uncertainty with courage.

PAIS Rock s on t he St age on KPIS Music Challenge

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Mar ch Mallow Camp 20 19 Once again our great March-Mallow camp has

come to an end. We have had an amazing time over the past 4 weeks which ran from 4th - 29th March. All the students had a fantastic time including our two camp teachers, T. David for our primary class and T. Michael for our kindergarten class.

We cover a number of subjects including Science, Math, Computers, Arts and Crafts to name just a few. They also practiced a lot of spoken English and putting their new learned grammar to use. Our camp consisted of three exciting field trips each Friday. We traveled over to Esplanade Rachada week one and went to Arts in Paradise, which was enjoyed by all with all their amazing 3D Artwork. We then on our 2nd week, traveled to Emporium mall to visit Imaginia Playland. Here the kids were full of energy and had a magical time. On our last trip we all went over to the Amazing ?Little Footsteps ?On Srinakarin. The kids were ecstatic and overjoyed with the activates on offer here along with their unique library just for children. All of the children were very well behaved and polite during their time with us at Pan-Asia and we would be thrilled to have them back for out next camp this coming October.

PPFC Updat es The PPFC supported the PAIS Marketing Department with the distribution of the school car stickers to the parents. PPFC encourages the PAIS community to support the Yearbook Committee composed of Grade 11 students. The Yearbook is dedicated to the fellow graduates of Batch 9. Looking for sponsors who could help finance the publication of the yearbook. Excess in the proceeds will be donated to the charity. There was an Internet Safety presented by the school counselor. T Oanh ,school counsellor discussed and shared some idea to parents regarding the internet safety & also talked about Anti Bullying project during March 11-15,2019. A Karate Club for students with a Singaporean Coach is being proposed, along with Swimming for students, and Aerobics clubs which is planned to be offered to parents after school from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m.

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Dana Visit chaichan Shar es her Jour ney t o Univer sit y


or me, being able to get into the university was like a dream come true. Firstly, I passed the GED exam (General Education Development). Passing the GED exam means that you have acquired a high school diploma. Many universities require you to finish high school first, but some would accept GED qualifications. The next exam which I took was the IELTs (International English Language Testing System). Similarly, almost all international universities require students to take an English proficiency exam if you are not a native English speaker who graduated from an English speaking country and this depends on specific requirements like some universities might accept TOEFL, etc. You should check the required score to make sure you know what you should aim for. Another exam which I took was called the new SAT exam (Reading, Writing, and Math). I am pretty sure that most of the PAIS students are familiar with this exam. Now, James Cook University of Australia - Singapore Campus might not require it, however most Thai international universities will definitely ask for it. Here comes the tricky part. Suppose you take the GED like me, you would need to convert your GED result in the grading scales of Chulalongkorn University. Of course, this only applies to Chulalongkorn University. For any other universities abroad, you only need to send them your test results. To give you some ideas of the grade equivalents, 180 - 200 = 4.00, 170 - 179 = 3.50, 160 - 169 = 3.00, and so on. This is just an example you need to check with the university you are applying for. This is just an example you need to check with the university you are applying for. For Chula, you are required to do the interview exam. This would only happen once your documents such as, IELTs, SAT, and GED scores have been submitted and evaluated, and you have passed the requirements for the interview exam. Once you are done, you just need to wait and check out the university's website for the result. I wish you all good luck! Dana Visitchaichan

Samit ivej Pr ovides Fir st -Aid Dur ing Spor t s Day

Every year, Samitivej International Children's Hospital provides support to PAIS Sports Day with First-Aid Nurses and Stand-By Ambulance. They have always been present annually on this occasion making sure that everyone is safe. PAIS sincerely thanks Samitivej Children's Hospital for their tireless effort and volunteer service providing a stand-by ambulance and first-aid nurses during the PAIS Sports Day held on February 1, 2019.

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Int er im Repor t s for 2nd Semest er

ISAA Fut sal Tour nament

Schedule: April 5, 2019

Schedule: OPEN BOYS: April 1, 2019 OPEN GIRLS: April 3, 2019


Venue: NIVA International School


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