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2015 NAACP Ida B. Wells Journalism Award -Winning Newspaper

“The Independent Voice of the Community Since 1995 Making Global News Local©” Email:

Vol. 25 No.50 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043 Friday, October 9, 2015

Dr. David M. Carlisle, President and CEO of Charles R. Drew University, Says the Watts Community Demanded a Better Tomorrow During the 2015 State of the University Address By Dr. David M. Carlisle WATTS—Friends, faculty, students, alumni, Trustees, and guests: For the past few years, I have used the occasion of my annual State of the University Address to update you on the progress of our rebuilding. At last year’s address, I was able to report that, because you believed in CDU, our rebuilding had been a great success. Today, I am here to tell you that, with our foundation as solid as any time in recent history, we continue to build a better tomorrow for our students, our community and—I hope—the world. Fifty years ago this year, this community revolted. Our neighbors, fed up with the conditions caused by decades of neglect revolted. They rose up and de-

manded to be seen and heard. They demanded solutions to the inequities and disparities that plagued this community and so many others. They revolted to end the neglect. Rather than continue to wither, this community demanded a better tomorrow. I have spoken before of how this University rose from the ashes of a broken city. But rather than the Phoenix—a bird who emerges, spreads its wings and flies to some far off place—what rose in the wake of the Watts Revolt were institutions that are tied to the community, inextricably linked to our neighbors and which spread their wings not to fly away, but to shield us while we grow stronger. To address the disparities that existed in the provision of Please see Watts, page 10

Assemblyman Ridley-Thomas Calls for Dialogue on Race Relations, Examination of Status of Blacks at the University of California WESTWOOD, CA -While applauding student leaders and activists who are raising awareness of suspected acts of racial bias, Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas called for a focused push for tolerance, inclusion and reconciliation at the University of California and its Los Angeles campus. "The events mocking Black Americans at a fraternity party remind us that Black people face unique challenges in attending, working and partnering with the University of California. "Student activists have led the charge, with little assistance, thus far. It is time for public representatives, the Regents, and UCLA administrators to foster an inclusive and safe environment for students, workers, contractors and community members. "In light of this I will be

(Top and Bottom) President and CEO, CDU, David M. Carlisle, MD, Ph.D speaking during the 2015 State of University Address on Wednesday as a host of guests dignitaries including clergy, elected officials and CDU Trustees and CDU Student Government President. .

UCLA Black Convocation Speaker Urges Students To Embrace 'Perseverance, Diversity and Empowerment' Sebastian Ridley-Thomas leading a town hall on the Status of Black Americans at the University of California and asking UCLA administrators to host a Day of Dialogue on Race Relations posthaste."

Steve Bradford to be Inducted Into Gardena Wall-of-Fame GARDENA, CA – Steve Bradford, the first AfricanAmerican elected to serve on the Gardena City Council, will be inducted into the Gardena Wall-of -Fame on Sat., Oct. 10 on the Gardena City Hall Lawn at 10 a.m. Bradford made history when he became the first AfricanAmerican elected to the Gardena City Council. Over the 12 years that he served on the City Council, he presided over a robust job Please see Steve, page 3

Steve Bradford

WESTWOOD-CA— UCLA alumna Christine Simmons, chief operating officer of the Los Angeles Sparks basketball team, welcomed new AfricanAmerican students to UCLA at the 10th annual Black Convocation and urged them to tap into opportunities afforded by their enrollment and serve interests beyond their own. “Black Bruins matter because we are relentless optimists amidst adversity. … Black Bruins matter because now you have access and world-class social capital,” Simmons said. “You got accepted. Welcome. You have a responsibility now. It’s not just about you.” Simmons, who earned a B.S. degree in 1998, keynoted the convocation organized by the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies at UCLA and attended Tuesday by more than 100 students, alumni, faculty and staff in Haines Hall.

UCLA alumna Christine Simmons, chief operating officer , Los Angeles Sparks basketball.

The event is among several convocations held by various groups to help acquaint students with service opportunities, academic support, extracurricular activities and other resources. African-American enrollment at UCLA has risen to its highest level in almost 20 years

with 282 first-year students and 144 transfer students entering this fall. Simmons, who is presidentelect of the UCLA Alumni Association board, praised the “perseverance, diversity and empowerment” that she benefited Please see Black, page 3

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Friday, October 9, 2015

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder /Owner/ Publisher/Photographer

Hello Everyone, Praise God here we are once again thanking and praising Him for His goodness and mercy. I praise God for the good that He has done toward me. I praise God for keeping through the ups and the downs. I praise Him just because of who He is. I praise Him because I cannot make it without Him in my life. I must praise Him daily, every second, every hour I will lift my voice and raise my hand to declare the goodness of the Lord. He is worthy to be praise and I will not allow any rocks to cry out for me. I have health and strength. I will give Him the glory. I will not be ashamed of the God I serve. He has been marvelous and wonderful toward me and my family and if truth be told, He has been good to you and you ought to praise Him too. I will magnify Him every chance I get. There is a onslaught of people who deny the Christ, the Anointed One, but I am not one of them and I want to praise Him. Thank you Lord for keeping and PACE NEWS.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2015 PACE NEWS

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/Owner Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising

Israel Matthews Youth Contributing Writer The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of PACE NEWS

Letters and articles sent to PACE NEWS are welcomed. All contributions must be emailed to or typed and doubled-spaced. PACE NEWS reserves the right to edit all contributions for errors (spelling, grammatical and factual) and space limitations, and we cannot guarantee that letters and articles will be published. Contributions must be signed with writer’s name sent to:

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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

Speaking With Forked Tongue By Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq. National President of the National Congress of Black TriceEdney— If you were born between 1930 and 1960, you may remember that the Western Genre, or as it was more commonly called, the “Cowboy Movie,” was a favored theatrical production of the times. The genre even overlapped into performance radio and television. In fact, the television series “Gunsmoke” stands as the longest-running (20 years) prime time live-action drama in US history. Even when I was young, I could see the parallels between how Native and Black people were treated in those movies. As much as with seemingly unnecessary demonstration of heavy-handed brutality, I learned the subtleties of dealing with whites by the use of some very telling movie expressions. One that sticks in mind is the constant complaint from the Native Chief, “White man speak with forked tongue!” It was true then and Lord knows it’s true now! Lest I create conflict and misunderstanding with my last statement, let me elaborate. If circumstance can or could be manipulated to bring advantage to him, the white man would lie, cheat or steal. Moreover, he would abandon his most cherished principles to realize that advantage. A generalized and sweeping condemnation for sure, but justified in so many circumstances. I’m not talking about the white men who don’t do that—and you will know who you are better than I. I have bothered to say that because I know how I feel when so many white people put all Black people in the same bag when speaking of negative things a single Black person may have done or been accused of doing. Even though the history of the United States is full of examples of broken promises and treaties that can be examined, one doesn’t have to go too far in the past to uncover duplicitous actions and intent on the part of an alarming number of white men.

Even white women will tell you that their own fathers, brothers, spouses kept the vote from them until 1920, and that many in Congress today are still trying to control every aspect of their lives. From the mouths of the founders came a pledge of a country that holds the right to vote as sacrosanct. Its superlatives include precious, private, inviolable, uninfringeable, unbreakable, and unchallenged. Yet today in Alabama’s so-called “Black Belt” access to the primary means of self-identification for the purpose of voting has been stripped from over 10 of the Blackest counties in the state. These counties average Black populations of 75% and predictably vote for Democratic candidates. Offices issuing drivers licenses have been closed to those populations and, by extension, limiting access to the ballot box. Although proponents of this action claim no designed racist intent, the disparate impact is obvious as a (racist) action to dilute the Black vote. While I usually don’t focus on or make fun of personal impediments, I am truly amused by Republican Congressman and once heir-apparent to Speaker Boehner, Kevin McCarthy. He appears incapable of functional speaking at any level. It seems as though he was, at least temporarily, smitten with the curse of telling the truth. He readily admitted that the select Congressional Committee on Benghazi was established to bring political ruination upon the democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, instead of discovering the truth of related circumstance. Unfortunately, McCarthy backed away from the truth that he told and tried to put the genie back in the bottle with as implausible story I’ve ever heard. Too late! The retreat didn’t help him, and he backed out of the race. From my perspective, truth is a commodity that is generally absent in the constructs of the Republican Party Establishment who are, by the way, predominantly male and predominantly white. So much for sayings gleaned from old cowboy movies. Dr. E. Faye Williams can be reached at 202/678-6788

Enacting “Black Lives Matter” into Law By Elijah Cummings America is at an historic crossroads. Either we will move forward in 2016 with public policies that support greater opportunity for everyone or we will continue to sink deeper into economic inequality, injustice and violence. These are the stakes in our current political struggles – and this is why Black lives should matter for everyone. As revealed by the investigations that Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and I have undertaken in our Middle Class Prosperity Project, the deepening income inequality and suppression of wages that limit our economic opportunity are the result of decades of conscious decisions made in Washington for the benefit of our nation’s largest corporations and most wealthy citizens. I applaud Senator Warren for poignantly articulating how this same unjust system has been rigged to suppress the aspirations of Black Americans. In her Sept. 27 remarks at the Edward Kennedy Institute for the Senate, Senator Warren candidly summarized how violence, voter suppression, and the deliberate denial of economic opportunities in education, housing and credit have conspired to deny Americans of Color our American legacy of “justice for all.” Her analysis is politically significant in at least two related ways. First, Elizabeth Warren is a leading progressive within the Democratic Party whose views will have a major impact upon Democratic candidates and priorities in 2016 and beyond. Equally important, her Sept. 27 analysis helps all progressives to more clearly integrate our priorities as a movement for constructive change. Senator Warren’s speech echoed what “Black Lives Matter” activists have been saying: that the needs of Black Americans deserve special attention within our national, progressive coalition-especially the issue of criminal justice reform. And as our Middle Class Prosperity Project has shown, criminal justice reform can be most effectively realized within the context of a broader progressive agenda and political victory in which the aspirations of all Americans are advanced. I agree with Senator Warren that “economic justice is not – and has never been – sufficient to ensure racial justice,” because criminal justice reform and greater economic justice are both central to the vision of “Black Lives Matter.” Criminal Justice Reform Armed with the truth, Americans can no longer deny that the criminal justice system yields different results for different populations. The Sentencing Project has found that people of color are

charged more harshly than whites; that, once charged, they are more likely to be convicted; and that, once convicted, they are more likely to face stiffer sentences. Tackling these disparities will require fundamental policy changes, ranging from how our police interact with our community to how sentencing disparities for different drug crimes affect different populations. In order to achieve these goals, we must reform our criminal justice system through sweeping legislation at the federal level that I am proud to co-sponsor – legislation like the proposed SAFE Justice Act, Fair Chance Act, Police CAMERA Act, End Racial Profiling Act, and Stop Militarizing Law Enforcement Act. Economic Justice for Everyone Our vision for constructive change also must address the challenges that are at the center of all Americans’ lives – our need for living wage jobs, education, housing, health care and retirement security. It is true that Americans of Color confront disparate treatment in all of these real-life challenges. Yet, it also is true that the largest number of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet, educate their children, remain healthy, own their own homes and build a secure retirement are not black or brown – they are white. Both of these realities are central to forging a successful, multiracial political coalition like that which elected President Barack Obama and a Democratic congressional majority in 2008. Black lives must matter more in the priorities of our nation, as must the lives of all Americans, and our lives must matter more in every important facet of American society. This is why Senator Warren, other progressives and I are fighting for middle class prosperity for everyone – for living wage jobs, affordable health care, strengthened Social Security and expanded federal education funding. It also is why Senator Barbara Mikulski and I are fighting to enact the REBUILD Act, which would appropriate more than $1.2 billion in emergency funding to address critical challenges facing our nation’s innercity neighborhoods. A Multi-Racial Coalition is the Key to Success Candidly, the current Republican majority in the Congress is unlikely to agree with REBUILD or other progressive initiatives. If we are to enshrine these reform proposals into law, we must first elect progressive leaders in 2016 and beyond. Whether our reform coalition will succeed will depend upon the clarity and breadth of our progressive vision, our understanding of the essential importance of coalitions, and the energy with which we pursue progressive change. The stakes in this challenge are clear: expanded opportunity and greater justice for everyone or further national conflict and decline. This is our watch, our challenge and our multiracial coalition to build. We cannot afford to fail. Congressman Elijah Cummings represents Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

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Friday, October 9, 2015


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Tips for Parents to Help Students Gain the Edge in STEM (BPT) - As students prepare to head back to school each year, parents face the same question: How can they help their kids advance in school, develop into creative, collaborative thinkers, and make for an overall less stressful experience? What's more, as students progress in school, the subjects that present the most challenges science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) - are the key areas where students need to excel in order to prepare them for success throughout their school years and eventually their profes-

sional lives. In fact, a new survey commissioned by Post-it Brand surveying 1,000 American parents with children ages 13 to 18, conducted in July 2015, revealed that parents believe math and science are the subjects that will prepare students the most for the job market, yet parents admit they are not as prepared as they could be to provide crucial afterschool help. "Parents need to expose students at an early age, incite interest in STEM subjects and empower students to develop the skill set needed to get ahead,"

says Dr. Michele Borba, an internationally recognized parenting and education expert. Nearly 70 percent of surveyed parents admit they frequently struggle to help their kids with STEM-related homework. Borba suggests a few tips for parents to help foster STEM learning, break down complex problems, and teach effective homework and study skills. Discover the student's learning style Identify how each student learns best - by seeing, hearing or doing - to determine how

UCLA Black Convocation Speaker Urges Students To Embrace 'Perseverance, Diversity and Empowerment' (Continued from page 1) from during her years at UCLA. She commended the “diversity of thought, diversity of discipline and diversity of background” she found on campus and urged students to immerse themselves in the campus community, seek to understand those of different

“religions, political backgrounds and sexual orientations,” and build authentic relationships that can sustain their personal and professional lives. The Black Convocation was cosponsored by the Department of African American Studies, Student Affairs, the Office of

Residential Life, Afrikan Student Union, Academic Advancement Program, UCLA Black Alumni Association, the Institute for American Cultures, UCLA Undergraduate Students Association Council and the Community Programs Office.

Steve Bradford to be Inducted Into Gardena Wall-of-Fame (Continued from page 1) and economic growth, along with a balanced budget for the city. When he was elected to the Council, the City of Gardena was on the brink of bankruptcy, and he inherited the job to bring the city out of its $27 million in debt. There was no money in the bank and employees had not been given raises in

over seven years. Throughout Councilmember Bradford’s tenure in local office, he worked tirelessly to turn the city around. By the time he left Gardena’s City Council, Bradford had eliminated the debt, had $8.5 million in the bank, gave employees raises without raising taxes or cutting services, and secured millions of federal

dollars for various improvement projects for North Gardena- something that had never happened prior to his being elected to the Council. He also helped to make the City of Gardena more responsive to the needs of its residents, while also making the city more inclusive and a better place for folks of all backgrounds to live.

to tailor and adapt lessons and study techniques accordingly. The visual learner needs to see the information to absorb and retain it. In fact, according to the survey 86 percent of parents think the best way for their students to learn STEM-subjects is through visual learning. Students can visually map out information on colorful Post-it Super Sticky Notes from the World of Color Rio de Janeiro collection and move them around their notebook, binder or desk space as they study. Try mapping out an anatomy lesson layer by layer on different colored notes or create a visual brainstorm. The auditory learner needs to hear the information to remember it. For this type of student, try creating flashcards with key facts, questions and answers and read the text out loud alone or with a like-minded classmate. Lastly, the kinesthetic learner is a "do-er" and needs to participate in an activity to learn. For this student, try writing the notes out long form or experimenting with different objects or substances around the house. Create a STEM-friendly environment and hone in on positive study techniques Students are constantly learning, and by creating a STEM-friendly environment in your home, you can reinforce what they'll be learning in school. Encourage teens to choose TV programming that relates to STEM topics like docu-

mentaries or biographies, draw relevance to the real world with noteworthy news articles, and use technology in a positive way such as conducting research or following organizations such as NASA. When it's time for projects and homework, having a dedicated spot to work can help students stay focused. Establish a location and stock it with all the supplies needed for completing school work, keeping track of assignments, brainstorming and getting creative for projects. Don't forget options that can help them study more effectively, such as Post-it Flags from the World of Color Rio de Janeiro collections to help mark their spot in textbooks and keep track of what matters, so they can easily move things forward with STEM learning. Make tasks more manageable As students advance through school, they begin to spend more time on homework and have multiple assignments to tackle each night. Break tasks down into manageable portions and stay organized to help them avoid feeling overwhelmed. Help instill efficient study techniques and skills to breakdown complex problems step by step. Show students how to plan ahead when they get a longterm project assigned. Teach them how to break the project down into stages and decide when they need to finish each one in order to make their deadlines.

Michael’s Homework By Israel Matthews Contributing Writer

Hello. Michael needs help with his homework and he’s asking you to please help!

Fill In The Blanks With Antonyms 1. What is the opposite of up?

2.What is the opposite of black? ____________________________ 3.What is the opposite of left? ____________________________ 4.What is the opposite of small? ____________________________ 5.What is the opposite of hot? ____________________________

Michael says thanks for your help and he wishes to hear from you again. Thank you and have a blessed week. Bye. (-:~ Answers: Down, white, right, big, cold

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Friday, October 9,


HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Bid To Repeal California School Vaccination Law Falls Short By Sharon Bernstein A plan to ask voters to repeal a new California law tightening vaccination requirements for school-age children has fallen short of signatures needed to put the referendum on the ballot, state data showed on Thursday. The effort was part of a backlash against a bill signed into law in June by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown that requires pupils to be vaccinated against childhood diseases unless they have a medical reason to refuse. It was passed after a measles outbreak among unvaccinated people at Disneyland last year. That law, which goes into effect next year, makes California the third state to eliminate religious and other personal exemptions to vaccinations. Opponents of the new rules, some fearing a long-debunked link between vaccines and autism, and others opposed to the

state's removal of a religious exemption for parents who want to opt out of vaccination, vowed to take the issue to voters. But a report posted Thursday on the website of Secretary of State Alex Padilla showed the effort had garnered only about 234,000 signatures, well short of the 365,880 signatures needed for a measure to make the November 2016 ballot. Supporters of the initiative turned in the signatures they had gathered at the county level last week. Thursday was the deadline for the state to provide an official count. Tim Donnelly, a former Republican state assembly member who had spearheaded the effort, did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Thursday. When it appeared that the measure would fall short last week, he complained in a state-

Heal the Head By Dean L. Jones, CPM Growingly, the football season raises awareness about the negative effects of head injury and brain trauma. The larger conversation centers on brain concussion treatment and the effects it may have on the brain's ability to fully recover. Brain injury is not germane to just playing football, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 1.7 million people suffer a traumatic brain injury each year, resulting in 52,000 annual deaths. Important to the healing of the head is what neuroscientist reveal how there is a link between nutrition and brain health following a traumatic brain injury. This means that a lot of people should be alert to eliminating the consumption of fructose commonly found in processed foods. Especially during the head healing phase one should avoid processed fructose as it can inflict additional harmful effects on the brain's ability to repair itself after a head trauma. Processed fructose disrupts the creation of fresh pathways between brain cells needed for learning or experiencing something new. For the most part, a diet high in processed fructose can interfere with the brains' ability to heal after head trauma. Bear in mind that fructose also interferes with recovery from strokes as well as brain injury. This is because excess processed sugar consumption diminishes memory and overall cognitive health. This relates to the growing studies showing the link between processed sugars contributing to Alzheimer’s, which is at times being labeled as Type 3 Diabetes. In America the sources of fructose are vast including cane/beet sugar (sucrose), high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and honey. HFCS is widely added as a sweetener and preservative to processed foods, including soft drinks, condiments, applesauce and baby food. Take note that there is an opposite effect from the fructose occurring naturally in fruit, which contains antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients that prevent the same damage.

A measles vaccine is seen at Venice Family Clinic in Los Angeles, California February 5, 2015. REUTERS/LUCY NICHOLSON ment sent to reporters that special interests, including pharmaceutical companies, had "gone to great lengths to thwart campaign efforts." State Senator Richard Pan, a pediatrician who faced intense

opposition as the author of the new law eliminating the personal beliefs exemption for childhood vaccinations, including death threats and a possible recall effort, welcomed the ballot initiative's stumble. "This is a major win for public

health as California leads the country in rejecting the unfounded fear and misinformation about vaccines that has put too many people at risk for serious disease," Pan said. (Editing by Eric Walsh and Ken Wills)

America's Diabetes Challenge is On a Mission to Shed Light On the Impact of Type 2 Diabetes On the Multicultural Community

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones President Barack Obama stated last week following the murderous calamity in Oregon that such tragedies are becoming routine. A little discussed component of what is routine is the modest attention applied to mental health. Specifically, mental health deteriorates from routinely eating and drinking processed sugary filled foodstuff. Something becoming more newsworthy is an increasing amount of youth being dependent on a diet high in processed sugars. A diet swallowed up with sugar and saturated fats in all likelihood contributes to a state of depression and anxiety-like behavior. Then, social acceptance can look like rejection or even exclusion which can be detrimental to a person's life. Routinely consuming an unhealthy diet can in fact breed social exclusion that is a problem for the person who suffers it, and can problematically disrupt society at large. Rejection is known to turn toward violence, which is documented in common among 13 USA school shooters found to have been socially rejected. Thereby making it essential to live SugarAlert! Mr. Jones is a marketing strategist with the Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), sharing his view on mismanagement practices of packaged foods & beverages

(BPT) - Did you know African American and Hispanic adults in the United States are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes? In the United States alone, this disease is the fifth leading cause of death in the AfricanAmerican community and nearly 13 percent of Hispanic adults are diagnosed with diabetes. This is why Merck and the American Diabetes Association have teamed up on America's Diabetes Challenge to raise awareness of why it is so important for Hispanics and African Americans with type 2 diabetes to work with their doctor to set and reach their A1C (average blood glucose over 2-3 months) goal. Through the program, they can also learn if they are at risk of low blood glucose, known as hypoglycemia, and how to help reduce that risk. Known for her longrunning role on "Law & Order" and Tony-nominated stage performances, S. Epatha Merkerson is part of the at-risk AfricanAmerican population, and received an important wake-up call thirteen years ago when she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Despite having a family history of diabetes, and losing her father and grandmother to complications of type 2 diabetes, she was unaware that she too had the condition. Similar to S. Epatha, celebrity chef and cookbook author Leticia Moreinos Schwartz also has a family history of diabetes. Her grandfather struggled with type 2 diabetes for many years, before passing away from a stroke, one of the serious complications of diabetes. Therefore, she has seen firsthand some of the challenges people with type 2 diabetes can face. The loss of her grandfather prompted her entire

family to learn more about the risks of developing type 2 diabetes and to make changes to their lifestyles. Both women are highly passionate about educating others on the importance of working with their doctor to manage their diabetes, and to set and reach an individualized A1C goal. In fact, about one-third of U.S. adults living with diabetes are not at their A1C goal. Together, Merkerson and Moreinos Schwartz are working to change that statistic. Merkerson and Moreinos Schwartz are prompting these disproportionally affected groups to take the pledge to set and reach their A1C goal by accepting America's Diabetes Challenge. They are also encouraging African Americans and Hispanics to find out if they are at risk of low blood glucose and how to help reduce that risk. Many people with diabetes are already aware of the importance of controlling high blood glucose with diet, exercise and taking medicine (if prescribed), but they may not know that blood glucose can also go too low. Some diabetes medications can cause low blood glucose, particularly if patients skip meals, change their diet or increase their exercise. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you

are experiencing any problems with high and low blood glucose. Key questions to ask your doctor Achieving blood glucose control can be challenging, yet it is a crucial part of a diabetes management plan. America's Diabetes Challenge encourages people to stay motivated and take an active role in controlling their blood glucose by asking a few key questions to guide their discussion with their doctor: * What is my A1C and what should my goal be? * What are the signs and symptoms of high and low blood glucose? * Do I need to make any changes to my diabetes management plan? * What are benefits and possible side effects of the medicine (s) I'm taking? * What are the causes of high and low blood glucose? For more information, and to join Merkerson and Moreinos Schwartz in pledging, visit www.AmericasDiabetesChallenge.c om. Additionally, you can find Spanish language resources at You can also join the America's Diabetes Challenge Facebook community at AmericasDiabetesChallenge.

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BUSINESS & COMMUNITY NEWS Financial Reporting Awards Go To Two L.A. City Controller Reports Los Angeles – The City of Los Angeles has been awarded two prestigious awards for excellence in financial reporting given by the Government Finance Officers Association to the Office of L.A. City Controller Ron Galperin. The Controller’s Financial Analysis and Reporting Division was recognized for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for Fiscal Year 2013-14--the first time the City has won this honor. This award was conferred for the City’s innovative Community Financial Report launched by Controller Galperin. This 20-page report -- and accompanying online interactive dashboard -- was designed to give the public an easily understood snapshot of the City’s finances, structure and operations. It is also a synopsis of the annual 400-

page Comprehensive Annual Financial Report -- for which the GFOA awarded its Excellence in Financial Reporting award to the Controller’s Office for the 20th year in a row. “These awards are a testament to the highly professional men and women of my office who work hard every day to create financial reports that are accurate, informative and readily understood,” said Controller Galperin. “Taken together, these awards showcase our financial reporting goals: to be accurate and to be on the cutting edge of using technology to tell the story of our City’s finances.” The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), founded in 1906, represents public finance officials throughout the United States and Canada. In a letter to the Controller, Stephen J. Gauthi-

Ron Galperin er of the GFOA noted that “The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment repre-

sents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management.” Entries eligible for a Popular Annual Financial Reporting award are assessed by four judges. The reports are judged based on reader appeal (10%), understandability (25%), distribution methods (7.5%) and other (e.g., creativity, notable achievement) (7.5%). The remaining 50% of the score is based upon overall quality and usefulness of the report. Todd Bouey, Director of the Controller’s Financial Analysis and Reporting Division, said he was humbled by the honor. “The people I work with in my division are devoted to producing useful reports that accurately detail the City’s finances,” said Bouey. “To be acknowledged like this makes us all feel especially valued for the work

we do.” The Office of the Controller will issue the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and “Community CAFR” for FY 2014-15 later this fiscal year. The Controller’s most recent financial report, the “Preliminary Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015,” was released on October 5 and can be found here. Open data for City financials, including budgeted vs. actual numbers for revenues and expenditures, is available online at ControlPanelLA ( Regularly updated information on Special Fund uses and balances, historical Reserve Fund starting balances, and budget appropriations, adjustments, expenditures and revenues is also all maintained on ControlPanelLA.

Making Urgent Investments in LA County’s Homeless Crisis Response With winter approaching, Supervisors Mark Ridley-Thomas and Michael Antonovich urged the Board of Supervisors to consider next week investing $15 million on programs to rapidly rehouse the homeless and prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless. The money would come out of Los Angeles County’s Homeless Prevention Initiative (HPI) fund, which started with $50 million at the beginning of this fiscal year and gained another $51 million last week. “With the harsh winter months approaching, it is imperative that the County initiate investments in known (budget) gaps immediately, in order to respond to the crisis at hand,” Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and Antonovich said in a motion introduced during Tuesday’s Board meeting. The motion will be added

to the agenda of the Board’s next meeting on October 13, so the public will have at least a week to review it before a vote is taken. In Los Angeles County, an estimated 44,000 men, women and children are homeless on any given night, sleeping on the streets or in vehicles, shelters and transitional housing programs. That’s 12 percent more than in 2013 – a dynamic and deepening crisis. The Board is still weighing how to allocate the $51 million newly added to the Homeless Prevention Initiative fund. Throughout October and November, the County is holding 18 summits among public and private stakeholders to develop a comprehensive strategy for addressing the homeless crisis, and a report is due in February. Supervisors Ridley-

Mark Ridley-Thomas Thomas and Antonovich, however, believe the Board has a moral responsibility to act sooner rather than later to invest in proven intervention practices and fill known budget gaps

in existing crisis response systems for the homeless. For instance, a major source of funds for the rapid rehousing of homeless families with kids under age 6 will be exhausted in March. Both Supervisors also expressed alarm over money running low for programs intended to prevent families from becoming homeless in the first place; to allow individuals and families who are already in permanent housing to continue receiving supportive services; and to rapidly rehouse homeless single adults who are not military veterans. In their motion, they sought to set aside: $10 million for rapid rehousing of single adults who are not chronically homeless; $3 million for rapid rehousing of homeless families with children;

$2 million to provide assistance to families on the brink of homelessness so that they can get back on their feet and not end up on the streets. The motion also called for identifying continuous federal, state and other funds that could be used to pay for ongoing services in permanent supportive housing projects. “The recommendations build on existing initiatives and priorities that were previously approved by the Board,” Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and Antonovich said in their motion. “These strategies have been proven to prevent and end homelessness and would allow the County to make a more immediate and substantive impact in areas with the highest need, while the interim CEO completes the strategic planning process to address these issues.”

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Friday, October 2, 2015

NEWS Tennessee State Beat Jackson State in Memphis at the 26th Annual Southern Heritage Classic By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief MEMPHIS—There is nothing like tradition, especially, when it comes to traveling to Memphis, Tennessee to cover the Annual Southern Heritage Classic from Thursday, September 10 through Saturday, September 12, 2015 When I arrived at the Memphis airport, it looked like everyone on my flight were headed to the Southern Heritage Classic tailgate and big game between Jackson State University and Tennessee State University Tigers. Most of them I spoke with said they love the tailgate and halftime show with the battle of the bands, the Sonic Boom of the South against The Aristocrats. I was honored to have met the event’s founder, Fred Jones, who, after 26 years, still has a smile of success on his face. He should because Memphis has profited much from his vision and he has been steadfast in his drive to keep the dream alive so that every year people from all age groups meet up at the Liberty Bowl. To many it’s like a family reunion to others it is way to simply chill and shoot the breeze with old friends and buddies. Although the SHC is about football and the bands, I found out that there is a lot more. The Classic College Fair, The Classic VIP Party hosted by Memphis Mayor, A. C. Wharton, The Classic Concert featuring Gladys Knight with

Gloria Zuurveen and Fred Jones, founder, Southern Heritage Classic.

Jammin Jay Lamont were all held on Thursday before the SHC game. On Friday, V101’s The Tom Joyner Morning Show woke everyone up at 5 a.m. There were so many events. They even had a parade with celebrity guest riding in classic cars in Orange Mound. After all the extras it was game time. Tennessee State came out on top with 35 against Jackson State 25. According to Liberty Bowl officials, over 48,000 people showed up for the Southern Heritage Classic. Mr. Jones truly had a lot to smile about with numbers like that to brag about. Lord willing, I will be at the 2016 Southern Heritage Classic.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Tennessee State received the ball to run during the Southern Heritage Classic game on Sept. 12, 2015.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Tennessee State Tiger mascot with cheerleader going over to welcome Jackson State.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Tennessee State Aristocrats performing during battle of the bands at halftime.

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Friday, October 9, 2015



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Friday, October 9, 2015

LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWS Dr. David M. Carlisle Says Watts Demanded a Better Tomorrow (Continued from page 1) healthcare two new facilities were created: Martin Luther King Hospital and Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. And for the first time since 2007, our two institutions are once again serving this community. With the dedication of the new hospital, two months ago today, as well as our plans to expand our campus and to continue growing our enrollment, the State of this University as we prepare to celebrate our first 50 years is not just strong. We are thriving. Our enrollment has grown. Our financial outlook is stable. And all of our programs are accredited. In July, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges evaluated our accreditation, noting the significant progress we have made in a number of areas, including financial management, data management and governance. We continued our accreditation without a single citation and a total of nine commendations. In August, the National Medical Association at its 113th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly in Detroit, bestowed upon the University their 2015 Presidential Award., and at the same meeting one of our medical students, Ebony King, was awarded the NMA’s OB/GYN section scholarship. And in September, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant conducted a site visit for the Master of Health Science in Physician Assistant Studies. Having demonstrated preparedness in accordance with the accreditation standards, the Physician Assistant Program anticipates matriculating its inaugural class of 26 students (selected from over 2,000 applicants) in August 2016 pending initial provisional accreditation at the 2016 ARC-PA meeting in March. Our progress was further confirmed when the Brookings Institution named CDU as a “hidden gem,” ranking us third in the nation among schools providing the greatest valueadded boost to alumni earning power anywhere in the nation. Philanthropic and alumni support continues to grow, as well. We recently increased our 3-year fundraising goal to $9.5 million from our previous target of $8.3 million. Meeting that goal, which included more than $3.5 million for endowed scholarships, allowed us to provide students with more than $300,000 in direct aid this year. And, I am pleased to announce that just today we were notified that Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Sue Gross are increasing their nursing scholarship endowment from $1.5 million to $2 million! A $500,000 gift is in the mail! We have completed a transformation of our own. We are no longer looking back or laboring under mistakes of the past. We are looking forward with a renewed commitment to being transformational. Toward a better tomorrow. It is that commitment that is fueling our expansion of academic programs, with a particular emphasis on growing our undergraduate enrollment. The American Association of Medical Colleges released a report last month titled “Altering the Course: Black Males in Medicine,” in which the AAMC reported that the number of black males applying to and matriculating in MD-granting programs had actually declined since 1978. As the nation prepares to experience a physician shortage of between 46,000 and 90,000 doctors, and as the population becomes more and more diverse, this is a trend that cannot continue.

But while the AAMC is rightfully calling attention to this crisis now, it is nothing new to us here at CDU. Training a diverse corps of physicians—a corps of health professionals —has been at our core since we were incorporated. It’s why we were born. There are many reasons why health disparities exist today, but one of them is certainly a lack of diversity among those tasked with providing care to a diverse and varied population. I firmly believe that expanding educational opportunity is central to addressing health disparities. I believe that CDU has an obligation, based on our history and inherent in our mission, to seek out and address the needs of students from a diverse set of backgrounds. In the wake of the Watts Revolt, the McCone Commission examined not only the root causes of the unrest, but what could alleviate the conditions that led this community to rise up. “Violence in the City,” the report was titled. “An End or a Beginning?” In summation of his report to Governor Pat Brown, McCone wrote, “equality of opportunity, a privilege…sought and expected, proved more an illusion than a fact.” He reported that residents of South Los Angeles “entered the competitive life of the city with very real handicaps,” lacking “education, training and experience.” This led to special attention being paid to one resource—one Fundamental Resource (to quote the Commission)—central to alleviating the conditions that led our neighbors to revolt. That fundamental resource is education. Creating access to higher education for students who are underrepresented and/or from under resourced communities is a core value of mine and a core value of this institution. It is central to who we are and to everything we do. Our undergraduate expansion is one way for us to make that fundamental resource available to a greater number of students, and I believe it is a moral imperative. President Obama echoed this sentiment when he acknowledged education not only as the pathway to opportunity, but as a prerequisite for success in the new economy. From early childhood development and K12 instruction and post-secondary study—including technical training and community college programs. It is my hope that we will embrace this imperative not only through our undergraduate expansion, but through every interaction between CDU and our community. I also hope to create a pipeline of students who are underrepresented in higher education and are from underserved and under-resourced communities, yet will be the bestprepared cadre of applicants to health professions programs in the country. This cannot be done without the support of our faculty and staff, so I must pause to commend the 229 CDU staff members and all of our faculty for their hard work and dedication to fulfilling the Mission, Vision, and Values of this University. You are the engine that keeps the University moving. Every year an employee is awarded “Employee of the Year” for their exceptional work and service to the campus community. I’m proud to introduce the 2014 Employee of the Year, Ms. Betty Bennett. I also note that expanding educational opportunity cannot be done without a strong core leadership team. Recruitment of institutional leadership has been a primary focus of our activities this year. I want to acknowledge and in-

troduce Dr. Steve Michael, who joins us as the new Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost of the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. Dr. Michael comes to us after five years as Provost of Arcadia College, where he was instrumental in establishing and growing their College of Life Sciences. I believe his insights into diversity in higher education and his commitment to serving under-represented communities through education will serve us well for years to come. Next I want to introduce Dr. Sheldon Fields who joined the CDU family this past year as Dean of the Mervyn M. Dymally School of Nursing. Dr. Fields joined us from Florida International University in Miami. He has participated in more than $20 million of research projects focused on HIV prevention and treatment amongst Black men and funded by foundations, the National Institutes of Health and other government entities. We are enormously pleased to welcome Dr. Fields to our faculty. Earlier this week, the University welcomed our new Vice President of Finance & Chief Business Officer, Mr. Carl McLaney. Mr. McLaney joins CDU after serving as Deputy Director for the Cal Mortgage Loan Insurance division of the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.. He brings to his position expertise in the areas of notfor-profit health facility management and finance, real estate, the development of housing and health facilities, as well as bond and credit enhancement financing. As some of you may know, our current strategic plan, adopted by the Board of Trustees in 2013 sunsets next year. I am proud to report that, as we approach the end of our current Plan, the University has embarked upon a new strategic process that will chart our course into the future, and I am excited to have Provost Michael leading this effort. The new plan will focus on the expansion of the University’s undergraduate programs, medical education, graduate medical education and campus facilities. I have asked that the planning process be completed by the end of this calendar year—an aggressive and ambitious timeline, but one I am confident we will meet. I want to thank the faculty, staff, students, alumni and members of the community who have volunteered their time, energy and talent to shape the University’s strategic direction and define our priorities and goals. CDU’s concerted effort to attract more undergraduate students has taken many forms this year. Internally, we have invested in admissions and financial aid, welcoming Rebecca Diaz as a new admissions counselor and Col. Lanae Herrera as our director of financial aid But the pipeline cannot be filled merely from within these walls. For many young men and women in under-resourced communities, a health career is never even presented as an option. When you never see a physician who looks like you, you never know that you could be a physician. We know our students share this commitment, not only through their decision to matriculate here, but through their evangelism on behalf of students from underrepresented communities. This past October, five Post-Baccalaureate Certificate students in Pre-Medicine— Derrick Delgado, Angel Martinez, Revecca Millan, Maria Rosales, and Miguel Ruiz—traveled to Denver to present a panel at the 28th Annual Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities Conference. Their panel, “Building Support for Latino/Latina

Students in Medicine and Science” brought our message of expanded opportunity beyond our campus and put CDU on the national stage. Some of you know about our Mission Maker Mini-Grants that allow our students to further the mission of this University to transform the health of underserved communities through education, research and clinical services in the context of community engagement. Fourteen of our postBaccalaureate students are using one of these grants to fill the pipeline. They have been engaging fourth and fifth graders at the George Washington Carver Elementary School, just two blocks from where we stand today, in a hands-on science curriculum. The program opens the children’s eyes to STEM fields, and may even spark an interest in a career in medicine. We are filling the pipeline through our engagement in two programs for high school students as well. Through STEP-UP and Project STRIDE, students engage in real-life biomedical research projects, train with faculty in a laboratory setting and work to eliminate health disparities in Watts and beyond. And we are looking to fill the pipeline with students who have already earned post-secondary degrees. This year, we have worked closely with Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District, to offer admission to students who have recently completed their AS or AA degree programs. These are excellent students who may not have had the opportunity to attend a 4-year college directly after high school for any number of reasons, but who are interested in continuing their postsecondary education in a health related field. Of course, one of the stark realities is that economics continues to be a barrier for many underrepresented students seeking entry to postsecondary education. Those of you who have attended this address in the past know that we have worked relentlessly to increase our capacity to provide aid to deserving students, and we have made great strides in this area. For more than a year now, we have worked with Assembly Member Mike Gipson and Senator Isadore Hall, III to provide a process that would enable CDU to participate in the Cal Grant Program administered by the California Student Aid Commission. Recent changes to the Cal Grant program adversely affected universities such as ours with small student cohorts of First Time, Full Time students, and the resulting loss of eligibility has meant a reduction in aid to our students of anywhere from $100-230,000. Earlier this year, I testified in Sacramento about the importance of this bill to our diverse student body. Today, I am proud to tell you that Assembly Member Gibson’s AB25, which could restore that funding for our students is on Governor Brown’s desk and it is my hope that he will sign it very soon. Increasing our enrollment— isn’t just about numbers. I believe our students are exceptional in the impact they begin to have on this community beginning the moment they arrive on our campus. I’ve already spoken about one of our Mission Maker mini-grant projects, but our students continue to amaze me in the way they demonstrate what it means to be a private university with a very public mission. Our MPH students assisted the Lillian Mobley Center’s Grandma’s Hands Birthing Center in their efforts

to facilitate better birth outcomes for young mothers. In addition to ensuring that new parents had proper psycho-social support and parenting resources, our students used their grant to provide diapers and wipes to young mothers in need. Through their work, our students were building a better tomorrow for our community’s most vulnerable young lives. Other students in the College of Science and Health participated in Project Cardens, a pilot program that developed community gardens at two local elementary schools in areas with high rates of obesity and diabetes in children and adults. Finally, I have to mention a source of great pride for us. Our CDU Mervyn M. Dymally School of Nursing students have been making an impact all over the world. Our students provided overnight care to athletes at the Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles 2015, volunteering their time and energy to ensure that the 6,500 athletes and 2,000 coaches from 165 countries were well cared for in our city. Nursing students also brought care to underserved communities in Ghana, Mexico and the Philippines, emphasizing that the mission of this school is truly global. Of course, they are following the examples set by our tremendous faculty. This summer, CDU’s own Professor Loretta Jones was honored at the United Nations Headquarters in New York as the recipient of the Diane Watson Community Service Award from We Care for Humanity as part of their Global Officials of Dignity Awards presentation. The organization recognized Professor Jones for her “outstanding and consistent contribution to our shared humanity by demonstrating selflessness, caring for the underserved, and [her] spirit of unity and integrity.” Humanity, caring for the underserved and integrity. This is how we are building a better tomorrow at CDU. Over the past 20 years, CDU has received more than half a billion dollars in NIH research grant funding, and our faculty has continued to publish pioneering research in health disparities, particularly with regard to Cancer, Cardiometabolic diseases and HIV/AIDS. Given our focus on serving the underserved, it should come as no surprise that our research is as likely to take place in community-based programs as it is in the lab. I would like to acknowledge the Vice President for Research and Health Affairs, Dr. Jay Vadgama, and acknowledge Dr. Vagama’s U54 Grant has been renewed by the National Cancer Institute, after receiving the best review score in the country, at $9,053,610 over the next five years. Congratulations, Jay. Under the direction of Dr. Keosha Partlow, Director of the University’s Life Sciences Institute, CDU hosted two “Place Matters” seminars as a way of continuing to build out our research infrastructure. The seminar series introduced faculty and students to the principles and practice of health disparities research focused on the health of inner city neighborhoods, including the social, political, economic, cultural and legal theories related to health disparities. This broad-based approach was meant to provide researchers with a deep foundation of knowledge as they delve into the factors that contribute to poor health outcomes. In doing so, we will be able to move from interventions that focus solely on individual treatment to collaborative community-wide partnerships and initiatives that can begin responding to the root causes of health disparities. I believe this approach is how we build a better Please see University, page 12

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Friday, October 9, 2015

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NATIONAL/STATE & REGIONAL NEWS South Carolina City To Pay $6.5 Million Over Police Shooting of Black Man (REUTERS)—The family of an unarmed black man shot in the back by a white police officer will get a $6.5 million settlement from North Charleston in South Carolina, city officials said on Thursday. The man, Walter Scott, 50, was shot after fleeing a traffic stop in April. The shooting was caught on a bystander's video and

reignited a national outcry over police treatment of minorities. North Charleston Mayor R. Keith Summey said in a statement that the City Council had voted to settle all potential claims over Scott's death for $6.5 million. "I am glad the city and the family were able to reach a settlement without the necessity of a

Dr. David M. Carlisle Says Watts Demanded a Better Tomorrow (Continued from page 10) tomorrow not just for our individual patients, but for entire communities—in Los Angeles and around the world. I believe, in doing so, we link our future with our founding. Fifty years later, we have answered Mr. McCone’s question. The Watts revolt was not an end, but a beginning. Much has changed here in South Los Angeles. But much has stayed far too much the same. While we continue to build a better tomorrow in Los Angeles, our obligation extends much further. As we saw in Baltimore this year, neglected and underserved communities are still fighting to be seen and to be heard. Going back through the McCone Commission’s report in preparation for this address, something stood out. A single carefully chosen word. “Education. OUR Fundamental Resource.” Not a fundamental resource, our fundamental resource. There is a collective value implied in this choice of words. Education is not something to be hoarded in the ivory towers of academia, but to be shared widely. It can come from a university classroom or a community health center. Education becomes our fundamental resource only when it is shared. Education is the difference

between making equality of opportunity a fact and having it remain an illusion. Education – Our Fundamental Resource. This a mantra and a responsibility WE MUST take on as a society—and one I am committing us to as a University. On August 22 of next year, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. As we enter our second half-century, we are as dedicated to our founding principles as we were in 1966. We were established not only to train health professionals but also to train leaders. We were charged with ensuring that those leaders not only improved health outcomes, but also believed in social justice. We were entrusted with our fundamental resource, and instructed to share it so that we might transform communities. None of that has changed. I consider it both a great honor and a grave responsibility to serve as President at such an auspicious moment, and look forward to US building a better tomorrow. THANK YOU! Dr. David M. Carlisle Delivered 2015 Charles R. Drew University State of University Address, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Delivered by President and CEO October 7, 2015

North Charleston police officer Michael Slager (R) is seen allegedly shooting 50-year-old Walter Scott in the back as he runs away, in this still image from video in North Charleston, South Carolina taken April 4, 2015. EUTERS/FEIDIN SANTANA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS lawsuit," he said. The police officer, Michael Slager, faces a murder charge in Scott's death. "It could have been a trillion dollars. It would never bring my son back. But I thank them for what they did," Scott's mother, Judy, said of the settlement. Chris Stewart, an attorney for Scott's family, said the payout was the largest pre-lawsuit settlement in the history of South Carolina and

one of the largest in the United States. He said it would take care of Scott's four children for the rest of their lives. The settlement comes after New York agreed to pay $5.9 million to the family of Eric Garner, whose death in 2014 after allegedly being put in a chokehold by an police officer was captured on bystander video.

Baltimore said last month it would pay $6.4 million to the family of Freddie Gray, whose death from an injury in the back of a police transport van in April sparked protests and rioting. Six officers are charged in his death. (Reporting by Ian Simpson in Washington and Barbara Liston in Orlando, Florida; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

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Friday, October 9, 2015


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ART/ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTS NEWS The 47th NAACP Awards Call for Submissions Begins

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on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. (PT) and the winners will be determined by the vote of the NAACP membership. The eligibility period for all projects is January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. In addition, motion picture category projects (and individual achievements within it) must have been initially released and distributed in the U.S. with a minimum commercial theatrical run in Los Angeles or New York

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LOS ANGELES, CA – NAACP Image Awards Committee Chair, Leonard James, III, today announced the Call for Submissions for the 47th NAACP Image Awards. The NAACP Image Awards is recognized as the nation’s pre-eminent multicultural awards show from an African American point of view. The event celebrates the outstanding achievements and

nating Committee members more opportunities to view submitted films for consideration.” All entries are evaluated and narrowed to the top five in each category by members of the Image Awards Nominating Committees which are comprised of individuals within the entertainment industry (studio/ network executives, actors, artists, managers, agents, publicists, journalists, literary agents

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performances of people of color in the arts as well as those individuals or groups who promote social justice through their creative endeavors. Submissions for the 47th NAACP Image Awards can be submitted at in the categories of motion picture, television, recording, and literature. Nominees will be announced at a press conference

for seven (7) consecutive days. “The NAACP Image Awards are about diversity, relevance, and excellence in the arts linked to the pivotal role it plays in our community,” said Leonard James, III. “This year, we welcome AMC as a proud supporter. AMC Theatres' involvement will provide NAACP appointed Image Awards Nomi-

and others) and NAACP Board members, Special Contributions Fund Trustees, staff, and key interfaces. The 47th NAACP Image Awards will be nationally telecast live on TV One on Friday, February 5, 2016, as a twohour special from the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. The telecast will also include a one-hour preshow from the star-studded red carpet.

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015231063 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Ms. Odette’s Family Day Care, 4153¼, Garthwaite Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90008 LA County; Registered Owner(s): 1. Odette Ratchford, 4153¼, Garthwaite Ave., LA, CA 90008. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Odette Ratchford. Title: This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on Sept. 04, 2015 Expires Sept. 04, 2020. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub September 25, Oct. 2,9,16, 2015PN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015246788 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Mrs. Stallworth’s, 7103 S. Haas Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90047; P.O. Box 470904, Los Angeles, CA 90047, Register Owner(s): 1. Carolyn Stallworth, 7103 S. Haas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by as an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/ A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Carolyn Stallworth Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on September 24, 2015 Expires September 24, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub September 25, Oct. 2,9,16, 2015 PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015227636 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Robert The Floorcare Specialist (RTFS), 4611 4th Ave, LA, CA 90043; P.O. Box 561356, LA, CA 90056 LA Registered Owner(s): 1. Robert Louis Daniel Jr., 4611 4th Ave, LA, CA 90043. This business is conducted by as an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Robert Louis Daniel Jr. Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on September 2, 2015 Expires September 02, 2020. Notice -This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub September 25, Oct. 2,9,16, 2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015213765 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Lucky Rich Fruitful 2. Super Superb Supreme, 2746 Clyde Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): 1. Shauna Chappell, 2746 Clyde Avenue, Los Angeles CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Shauna Chappell Title: Owner/Founder This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on August 17, 2015 Expires August 17, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub August 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 2015PN

Order To Show Cause For Change of Name Case No. ES019466 Petition of Jason Ryan Cosio, Norma Patricia Cosio, Kimberly Anne Cosio by her Parents Jason Ryan Cosio, Norma Patricia Cosio, 2600 Foothill Blvd., #302, La Crescenta, CA 91214 Los Angeles: To All Interested Persons, Petitioner Jason Ryan Cosio, Norma Patricia Cosio, Kimberly Anne Cosio filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows by her parents, Jason Ryan Cosio, Norma Patricia Cosio Present name: Jason Ryan Cosio, Norma Patricia Cosio, Kimberly Anne Cosio to Proposed name: Anthony Ryan Garcia, Norma Patricia CosioGarcia, Kimberly Anne Garcia The Court Orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appears at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing Date: August 28,, 2015 at 8:30am Dept NCB-A, The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county (specify newspaper): PACE NEWS LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA; Original Filed on June 22, 2015 in the Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles, Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk By Heidi Hankins, Deputy; Mary Thornton House, Judge of the Superior Court. July 3, 10,17, 24, 2015, PN



The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. South Los Angeles Economic Development Partnership 2. Southland Partnership Corporation, 1844 E. Fernrock Street, Carson, CA 90746 LA County Registered Owner(s): 1. South Los Angeles Economic Development, 1844 E. Fernrock Street, Carson, CA 90746. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: South Los Angeles Economic Development Partnership Title: President This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 16, 2015 Expires July 16, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and

The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. SCBC Tax & Economic Services 2. H&R TRU -VEE Investments 3. Shukua Community Business Consulting 4433 Village Road Suite A, Long Beach, CA 90808 Los Angeles County Registered Owner(s): 1. Ruthy TrinH, 4433 Village Road A, Long Beach, CA 90808 This business is conducted by as an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Ruthy Trinh Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on August 19,, 20015 Expires August 19, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 2015 PN

Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 24, 31, August 7, 14, 2015PN

Notice of non abandonment Affidavit Fact: that your Affiant Donnie R. Mayes property 19355 Pacific Oaks Pl. Rowland Heights, CA [91748] Legal description: Lot 3 of TRACT 52134-05 Parcel Number: 8762-003-087. Fact : Phony Trustee NDEX WEST TRUSTEE, and Alleged “Lender”, WELLS FARGO BANK, used fraudulent foreclosure action to steal my property. I have never abandoned my property and never will. Notice of non abandonment Affidavit Fact: that your Affiant Elizabeth Ortega property 228 E. 37th Street Los Angeles, CA [90011] Legal description: Lot 63, STRONG AND DICKINSONS’S WOODLAWN TRACT Parcel Number: 5121-028-005. Fact : Phony Trustee NORTHWEST TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. and Alleged “Lender”,CHASE MORTGAGE used fraudulent foreclosure action to steal my property. I have never abandoned my property and never will.

Notice of non abandonment Affidavit Fact: that your Affiant Frank Ortega property 3934 N. Shadydale Ave. Covina, CA [91722] Legal description: Lot 38 of TRACT 18169 Parcel Number: 8440012-019. Fact : Phony Trustee EXECUTIVE TRUSTEE SERVICES and Alleged “Lender”, GMAC MORTGAGE , used fraudulent foreclosure action to steal my property. I have never abandoned my property and never will. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015168316 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Busy Bee Realty, 212 Marine Street, Suite 100, Santa Monica, CA 90405 LA County Registered Owner(s): 1. Malibu Realty, 212 Marine Street, Suite 100, Santa Monica, CA 90405. This business is conducted by an Corporation. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Malibu Realty, Inc. Title: CEO Registrant Signature Eugene C. BarginearThis statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 25, 2015 Expires June 25, 2020. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 3, 10, 17, 24 , 2015PN

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