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Celebrating 20 Years as an Independent Voice!

“The Independent Voice of the Community Since 1995” Email:

Vol. 25 No.27 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043 Friday, May 1, 2015

Dr. Zuurveen to Preach at Victory In Christ Ministries On Mother’s Day, May 10 INGLEWOOD—Dr. Steven Mitchell, founder and senior pastor of Victory In Christ Ministries located at 11:00am at 3220 W. 85th Street, Inglewood, Ca. 90305-1912, invites everyone to come worship with them on Mother’s Day, May 10, 2015 to hear a dynamic preacher bring an inspirational message from the word of God. Dr. Gloria Zuurveen, founder/owner and publisher of the award-winning newspaper, PACE NEWS and is also founder and minister of Branch of Christ Outreach Ministry in Los Angeles. Dr. Zuurveen will serve as the keynote speaker to honor mothers. Dr. Zuurveen says, “It is an immense privilege to be used by God as a vessel for the proclamation of the gospel.” Dr. Zuurveen will be

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen speaking from the theme, “Mother’s Call” taken from the book of Deuteronomy 6:4-7. For more information call (323) 7580703.

Dr. Zuurveen To Be Keynote Speaker at People’s Independent Church of Christ Women’s Day and Prayer LOS ANGELES—The Bible says, “The prayers of the righteous availeth much.” The Apostle James ought to have known what he was talking about because he was a fervent prayer warrior and the evidence was on his callous knees from being in constant prayer. In times like these, we need to harness the power of prayer. On Saturday, May 16th, at 10 am, women from near and far will meet at the Women’s

Christian Fellowship of People’s Independent Church of Christ, Bishop Craig A. Worsham, Senior Pastor, located at 5856 West Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90043, to hear Dr. Gloria Zuurveen who will serve as the morning keynote speaker during the Mary Virginia Green Prayer Breakfast. Everyone is invited to come and be blessed with a word from the Lord. For more information contact the church at (323) 2965776.

LAPC Favorite Comedian Alonzo Bodden Returns to the SoCal Awards Show LOS ANGELES — Alonzo Bodden is the LA Press Club's go-to comedian. His quicksilver wit and hilarious insight into the news has forced us to laugh at ourselves and our profession. At previous SoCal Journalism Awards and National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Awards shows he has rocked the house and been praised by the likes of Quincy Jones and comedy legend Carl Reiner. America knows Alonzo as the winner of season three of "Last Comic Standing." Since then his career as both comedian and actor continues to soar. SoCal Awards will be held on Sunday, June 28th at the Biltmore Hotel.

Alonzo Bodden Comedian

Housing Funding Bill Harmful for Millions of Americans WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following a House Appropriations subcommittee’s approval of a measure to fund the nation’s housing programs, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Financial Services Committee, blasted Republicans for undercutting important housing programs that protect our most vulnerable populations. The legislation, known as the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies (THUD) Appropriations bill, slashes or provides insufficient funding for a number of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) public and assisted housing programs. In addition, it halts funding for the Housing Trust Fund, a permanent federal fund that focuses on providing support to states to build, preserve and ultimately increase the supply of affordable rental housing for extremely low- and very lowincome families, including homeless families. The legislation diverts funding for the Trust Fund to another program within HUD that is not as focused on those at extremely low-incomes.

Congresswoman Waters Waters released the following statement: “A budget is reflective of a party’s priorities. I am disgusted with the Republican measure approved by the Appropriations subcommittee today, which makes clear that federal programs that help families, seniors, veterans and persons with disabilities have no place on the Republican agenda. While this bill contains many harmful provisions, most egregious among them is the decision to rescind funding to the Housing Trust Fund, which allocates a tiny percentage of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s profits to provide safe, decent and af-

fordable housing for millions of American households where there is the greatest need. Ending this funding source will negatively impact the lives of millions of extremely low-income Americans, particularly as Republicans seek to divert this money to another program that does not focus specifically on this vulnerable population. This measure also continues the Republican attack on our public and assisted housing programs. Funding for the public housing program in this bill is at an historic low, risking the longterm viability of our public housing stock and diminishing the quality of life for countless public housing residents. We should not be attempting to rein in this country’s spending problems on the backs of millions of vulnerable Americans across the country. The answer to our nation’s fiscal problems is not to slash our country’s social safety net programs and harm those who need our support the most. Supporting programs that get individuals and families off the street and into safe and decent housing is not only the right thing to do, but it saves real taxpayer dollars in the long run.”

As Water Cut Details Trickle In, African Americans Get Set By McKenzie Jackson California Black Media The harsh drought that has dried up the Golden State over the past three years has severely hit one California community particularly hard. Allensworth, the historic and only town founded, financed and governed by African Americans in Tulare County knows all too well the impacts of no rain, coupled with the contamination of city’s ground water supply by arsenic, the shortage of the water crisis is a blunt onetwo punch for the town of a little more than 60,000 people. Residents of the rural, mostly migrant community began receiving drought relief food early last summer and in January the state began delivering 48 gallons of drought relief water to households each month. Denise Kadara, one of Allensworth’s few black residents, said the situation is dire but it could be worse. “I know you have heard of East Porterville where a lot of the wells have gone dry,” she said. “We aren’t experiencing that yet. Our water systems are so old that they break. We just had a break in our system about six weeks ago, but luckily we had bottle water. Otherwise, we would have been 12 hours without water.” Kadara’s East Porterville refer-

ence compares her city to the other Tulare County town where more than 1,000 private wells residents depended on for their water supply have completely dried up. In response to the state’s record-breaking drought – the worst in more than 60 years according to experts – Governor Jerry Brown issued the first-ever statewide restrictions on water use on April 1. What effect the water reduction mandate will have on African-American communities is still yet to be determined. Kadara, a member of the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board stresses that even without all the details of the Governor’s plan,

communities need to be mindful of the ongoing dry spell, which has been sapping California’s water supply since 2012. “If it is affecting us any of the communities where African Americans live and are disadvantaged,” she said. According to Brown, the goal of the restrictions is to reduce water use in the state by 25 percent or 1.5 million acrefeet. The restrictions call for school campuses, golf courses and cemeteries to make significant cuts in water use; prohibit new homes and developments from irrigating with potable water unless water-efficient drip irrigation systems are used; create a temporary, statewide con Please see Water, page 4

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Friday, May 1, 2015

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

A History of Thugs In America

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder /Owner/ Publisher/Photographer Photo by Ian Foxx

Hello Everyone, The turbulence that’s going on around our nation is like a seething pot of hot anger that has been brewing for a very long time. What is happening is the effect of a cause otherwise known as Causality (also referred to as causation) is the relation between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the first event is understood to be responsible for the second. The first event, one of many, is the death of Freddie Gray while in the custody of the Baltimore police and blatant police brutality meted out on Eric Gardner, Michael Brown and countless others, has caused the people of Baltimore to take to the streets and say, “enough is enough.” But their action has caused President Obama to label them as thugs. It is for this reason that I have chosen to emphasize, in my opinion, the essence and origin of thuggery in America with the pictures to the right and statistical data to support my opinion. God is the creator of all and it is God who has may us male and female equal by birth, yet, in America today, the blatant inequities continues to exist all because of the color of ones skin. They exist in all spectrums and like the people of Baltimore and around this nation, they are fed up with the status quo.

Lawrence Beitler took this iconic photograph on August 7, 1930. It showed the lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith, two young black men from the John Robinson show circus accused by a teenager of raping his white girlfriend (This accusation was subsequently found to be a lie). A mob of 10,000 whites took sledgehammers to the county jailhouse doors to get these men; the girl’s uncle saved the life of a third by proclaiming the man’s innocence. Lynching photos were made into postcards to show off civic pride and white supremacy, but the tortured bodies and grotesquely happy crowds ended up angering and revolting as many as they scared. The photo sold thousands of copies, which Beitler stayed up for 10 days and nights printing them.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2015 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/Owner Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising

Christopher Bordeaux Photographer The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC.

Letters and articles sent to PACE NEWS are welcomed. All contributions must be emailed to or typed and doubled-spaced. PACE NEWS reserves the right to edit all contributions for errors (spelling, grammatical and factual) and space limitations, and we cannot guarantee that letters and articles will be published. Contributions must be signed with writer’s name sent to:

PACE NEWS 3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA, 90043 Or PACE NEWS website

Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

The above graph gives the number of lynchings and racially-motivated murders in each decade from 1865 to 1965. Data for 1865-1869 and 19601965 are partial decades. The same source gives the following statistics for the period from 1882 to 1951. 88% of victims were black, and 10% were white. 59% of the lynchings occurred in the Southern states of Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Lynching was not uncommon in the west and midwest, but was virtually nonexistent in the northeast. The most common reasons given for the lynchings are murder and rape, but as documented by Ida B. Wells, such charges were often pretexts for lynching blacks who violated Jim Crow etiquette, or engaged in economic competition with whites. Other common reasons given include arson, theft, assault, and robbery; sexual transgressions (miscegenation, adultery, cohabitation); "race prejudice," "race hatred," "racial disturbance;" informing on others; "threats against whites;" and violations of the color line ("attending white girl," "proposals to white woman"). Source: The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum

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Friday, May 1, 2015


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EDUCATION & BUSINESS NEWS U.S. Conference of Mayors President Kevin Johnson Responds to Death of Freddie Gray and Situation in Baltimore WASHINGTON PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -As the situation in Baltimore continues to unfold, the nation's mayors today are reissuing their recommendations on improving community policing, initially disseminated under the leadership of U.S. Conference of Mayors President Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson at the Conference's 83rd Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. in January. The recommendations were unveiled by Gary (IN) Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson, who chairs the USCM Working Group of Mayors and Police Chiefs, following a four-month review of policies and best-

practices nationwide, during a session titled "Strengthening Community Policing in the 21st Century. Participants in that session included Mayor FreemanWilson, Director of White House Intergovernmental Affairs Jerry E. Abramson; Philadelphia Police Commissioner and President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing Co-Chair Charles Ramsey; George Mason University Professor and President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing Co-Chair Laurie Robinson; and U.S. Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services Office Director and Task Force Executive Direc-

tor Ronald L. Davis. The session was moderated by Mayor Johnson and included an open question and answer period with hundreds of mayors in the audience. The Conference's working group was formed by Johnson

2015 Achievers Looking Forward to an Affair of Honor LOS ANGELES—The 34th Affair of Honor takes place on Sunday, May 3 from 24 PM at the historic Saban Theatre. Sponsored by The Achieve-

months-long Achiever Program. The 2015 Achievers are 30 African American, male, high school seniors that have

mentor each class of Achievers and prepare them for life after high school. Graduates of the Achiever Program have gone to

Photo courtesy Rasheeda Garner 2015 All male Achiever Program participants and mentor enjoying themselves at a Clippers game recently.

ment Trust and the Angel City Chapter (Los Angeles) of The Links, Incorporated and featuring the choreography of the Debbie Allen Dance Academy (DADA), this is the culminating activity for the 34th class of the

participated in the Achiever Program since December 2014. This charitable event is a unique scholarship program that deserves attention and support from the community. This program exists to

a vast array of colleges and universities, including Harvard, Howard, UCLA, and Oxford. Each year, Alumni Achievers from previous classes have returned to serve as mentors and supporters of the program.

following the tragedy in Ferguson and an October meeting in Little Rock, AR where over 100 mayors and police chiefs met at the William J. Clinton Center in Little Rock, AR to discuss different community-policing strategies, lessons to be learned from the situation in Ferguson and ways to build trust between law enforcement and city officials. The group was charged with developing a series of recommendations for local and national actions intended to improve policing in America. The full report of recommendations, which will inform the work of President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, is available at, but topic areas of focus are as follows: 1. Building policecommunity trust; 2. Improving police department practices; 3. Assuring timely and accurate communications; 4. Conducting independent investigations; 5. Addressing racial and economic disparities; 6. Providing national leadership. During the Community Policing session, Johnson said, "Mayors stand at the crossroads of their communities. We are the leaders best positioned to bridge the gaps in trust and understanding our residents, all of whom want what is best for our cities." Johnson also participated in the first public listening session of President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing on January 13 in Washington, D.C. Commenting on the work of the USCM Working Group, Mayor Freeman-Wilson said, "Mayors and police chiefs know full well that effective community policing is practiced in a constitutional manner by many police departments, and the vast majority of police officers have developed trusting relationships with the communities they serve. But, we also know there ought to be full confidence with the public in our law enforcement. … If our quest is to achieve a sense of justice in our communities, we have a responsibility to address these issues whenever there is a police-involved death. … This an opportunity for mayors to lead and we can

choose to navigate around these issues, or we can create a new landscape in our communities to create a better future for our children." Of the mayors' recommendations, Chief Ramsey said, "We will use this document to help us in our work moving forward. We need the support of the nation's mayors to help us meet our deadline." The Task Force's report to President Obama is expected by March 2, 2015. Executive Director Davis spoke of his office's on-going work with The USCM saying, "The COPS office is tasked with supporting the work of the President's Task Force. We know that trust is key to public safety and requires strong relationships. It is a great honor to serve in this capacity and we appreciate the work of the nation's mayors." During the Winter Meeting, mayors also released the public safety findings results of a Zogby poll, which surveyed public perceptions of local, state and federal government officials in late December. The poll (at found that: • On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being no trust of local governments to provide public safety and 5 being the highest trust, 54% of Americans polled gave a "trust" score of 4 – 5, while only 19% gave a 1 – 2. • Cities' police departments received even higher ratings in protecting the safety and rights of minorities —62% high and 32% low. This was something—to varying degrees—that all races and ideologies agree upon by majorities, though, minorities' ratings are lower. Whites offer a 66% high to 29% low performance for the police; Hispanics 60% to 34% and African Americans 50% to 43%. Liberals offer 54% to 39%; conservatives 73% to 24%; and moderates 60% to 35%. The U.S. Conference of Mayors is the official nonpartisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more. There are nearly 1400 such cities in the country today, and each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. Like us on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter at usmayors.

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Friday, May 1, 2015

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS As Water Cut Details Trickle In, African Americans Get Set (Continued from page 1) sumer rebate program for residents who replace older appliances with water-saving and energy-efficient models; and ban watering of ornamental grass on public street medians. In order to carry out the governor’s initiative, the California Water Resources Control Board has begun putting together a “Drought Emergency Water Conservation” plan that dictates communities’ water conservation targets based on an area’s track record of saving water and levels of usage. A recent draft of the water board’s plan given to California Black Media by board spokesperson Andrew DiLuccia said water suppliers that recorded the lowest residential per-capita water use in July, August and September of last year will have to cut by only eight percent. Communities with the highest per-capita numbers during that period have to lower consumption by 36 percent. According to the board’s 11-page, provisional chart titled “Urban Water Suppliers and Proposed Regulatory Framework Tiers to Achieve 25% Use Reduction”, some areas with a strong African-American presence in terms of population are in the low-end and middle tier of the water reduction plan. Compton in Southern California, for example, has to cut water usage by eight percent and nearby Inglewood

Cheryl R. Brown

by 12 percent. San Diego, Vallejo and Long Beach have to slim their usage by 16 percent. The East Bay area, which includes Oakland and Richmond, has to trim its consumption down to 18 percent. The city of Los Angeles has to cut its water use by 20 percent and Sacramento’s goal is set at 28 percent. The proposal could change before the board formally adopts it early next month, insiders say, but the tracking compliance will begin in July when the June numbers are reported. After that, it will perform monthly checks on the more than 400 urban water suppliers that have to comply with the order. A fact sheet from the State Water Resources Control Board said all water suppliers will need to do more to meet the 25 percent conservation standard. “Conserving water more seriously now will fore-

stall even more catastrophic impacts if it does not rain next year,” that document reads. On April 23, a bill authored by Assembly member Cheryl R. Brown (D-San Bernardino), a member of the California Black Caucus, passed by a vote of 78-0. In an effort to support Californians who choose to preserve water, Assembly Bill 1 protects property owners who do not water their lawns from being fined by municipalities. Brown said since California is in a drought, it is irresponsible for cities to penalize residents for conserving water. “If California is going to manage its water resources efficiently,” she said, “then we cannot fine individuals for doing their part.” Aubrey Bettencourt, executive director of the California Water Alliance in Han-

ford, said the water reductions present an opportunity for California to set the bar for the rest of the country on how to manage important natural resources. “It’s a wake-up call to what water provides us,” she said. “Whether the governor can achieve his goal, I don’t know. But at the very least he has woken up the California public to the benefits of what water provides.” Bettencourt said water talks need to center on how to bounce back from the drought and how to take steps to make sure it never happens again. Not on the restrictions. “How are we going to upgrade our infrastructure to meet 21st century demand and 21st century social priorities?” she said. “And how do we get our policies up to date so that is does two things. One is

recovering our existing supply. Also, how are we going to update our policies to manage our water?” As the details of the governor’s plan firmup, its business as usual for companies in African-American populated areas although they seem prepared to adaot to the realities of the water cuts. Larry Tabeling, the owner of Live Art Plantscape, a commercial landscape contract company in the Los Angeles area said outside of reduced water mandates instructed by Brown there has been no finalization of how each city will reduce its water consumption to a certain percentage. “We don’t even know what days we can water yet, if it is going to be restricted more from where we are at currently or what” he said. “So, a lot of stuff is still up in the air.”

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Friday, May 1, 2015




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Friday, May 1, 2015

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Florida Governor Sues Obama Administration Over Healthcare Funding By Bill Cotterell and David Adams (Reuters) - Florida Governor Rick Scott sued the Obama administration on Tuesday, challenging the federal government’s decision not to extend a $1 billion healthcare funding program for low-income patients. The state argued that federal healthcare officials cut the funding as a way to coerce Florida into dropping its refusal to expand Obamacare for the working poor in Florida. Florida's Republican leaders and the Democratic Obama administration are deeply split over $51 billion available over 10 years to expand Medicaid coverage to some 1 million Floridians under the Affordable Care Act, the formal name for Obamacare. "The president, once again, is overstepping his authority, this time by trying to force Florida to expand Medicaid through the Affordable Care Act," Florida Attorney Gen-

Republican Florida Governor Rick Scott celebrates his re-election during a U.S. midterm elections night party with supporters in Bonita Springs, Florida, November 4, 2014. REUTERS/STEVE NESIUS

eral Pam Bondi said in a statement announcing the lawsuit. "The federal government is trying to do precisely what the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Constitution prohibits it from doing: forcing states to expand Medi-

Work It Off? By Dean L. Jones, CPM Occasionally you may find yourself thinking that by eating something you know is not good for you or has too many calories that at your next exercise routine that you can simply work it off. In view of that, it probably comes as no surprise that big foodstuff manufacturers find it convenient to sell unhealthy items and sidestep culpability by allowing us to think that exercise makes the greater positive difference in weight reduction. Essentially, placing blame on which is more important, proper diet versus lofty exercise, may surprise you. Such as, the Trop-50 orange juice product TV commercial, featuring Jane Krakowski and Dolvett Quince the fitness expert, shows them acting amazed that by drinking juice with 50% less calories/sugar than before that together with exercise when you consume this foodstuff it will aid you in losing weight. The real deal on this type of hype is that processed sugar is being singled out as a problem when it comes down to weight control. Consequently, we still need to take a sincere look at the foodstuff that we are putting into our mouths and how much of it has an unacceptable amount of processed sugar. Children and adolescents continue to face rising obesity rates, which makes developing health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and/or type-2 diabetes a likely probability as an adult. One way society is tackling this issue is regulating fast food restaurants to place calorie quantities for each food item. Nonetheless, calorie counting is a diversion getting people to pay more attention to where calories come from, and not what the foodstuff ingredients include. It is common to place processed sugar into the ingredients of junk food that yields empty calories with no value toward good health. The larger trick that

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones

junk food accomplishes is that high fructose corn syrup and related sugars placed inside these items work to convince the brain and body to consume more calories of the same stuff. After the body gets more of that desired addictive ingredient it then reacts by storing it as fat, since it has no immediate nutritional value. It is highly suggested to let food support the exercise regime, meaning eat foods that lend value as a fitness food, particularly if the food is organic, and/or grass-fed/pastured or wild. Avocados are high in potassium and rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy. Coconut oil is a highly rich source of healthy medium-chain fatty acids, which the liver organ uses as energy and it also good for thyroid activity. Wild Alaskan salmon is an excellent source of essential animal-based omega-3 fats. Organic pastured eggs and freerange chickens are great sources of proteins and essential amino acids for muscle growth and maintenance. In a nutshell, it is far easier to work it off simply by living SugarAlert! Dean Jones is an Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributing his view on certain aspects of foodstuff.

caid by threatening to cut off funding for unrelated programs," she added. In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obama's signature healthcare law but ruled that each state could decide on the law's expansion of eligibility for

Medicaid. Bondi argued it was unconstitutional for the Obama administration to now try to use the Low Income Pool (LIP) as a "bargaining chip" to force Florida to accept the Medicaid expansion. Medicaid expansion would provide health insurance to working adults who are too poor to purchase plans under Obamacare but unable to qualify for traditional government Medicaid programs. But Scott and his Republicans allies say Medicaid expansion would not cover Florida's uncompensated healthcare costs, while LIP met "separate and distinct" needs, such as funding for children's hospitals and medical schools. Florida received about $1.3 billion in federal LIP funding in 2014, but it came with a warning that the program lacked transparency and could be cut. The state had earnestly sought to negotiate an extension of the program while addressing the federal concerns, according to the lawsuit

filed against the U.S. Department for Health and Human Services. The decision to no longer fund the LIP program put Florida "in an impossible position," it said. "Come June 30, the fiscal year will end in Florida and LIP funding will run dry." Medicaid expansion has been deadlocked in Florida's Republican-controlled legislature, blocking agreement on the state's $80 billion budget. State senators want the money, but the more conservative House of Representatives remains opposed. Scott, a former hospital company chief executive, was once a tepid supporter of expanding Medicaid but recently changed course. Conservatives have blocked efforts to expand Medicaid in several Republicanleaning states. (Writing by David Adams; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)

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BUSINESS & COMMUNITY NEWS Los Angeles County Settles Civil Rights Case with Feds By Brian Melley And Tami Abdollah LOS ANGELES (AP) — The nation’s largest sheriff’s department agreed to a sweeping settlement Tuesday with the U.S. Justice Department over longstanding civil rights abuses by deputies in the Mojave Desert. The deal approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors comes less than two years after federal prosecutors identified a pattern of discrimination that included unconstitutional stops, searches, seizures and excessive force against blacks and Hispanics in Palmdale and Lancaster. Deputies harassed and intimidated blacks and others in public housing, showing up for inspections with as many as nine

according to a community member who was active in seeking reform. “They’re not harassing and stopping individuals for minimal offenses anymore,” said Emmett Murrell. “They overused the authority inherent in the Sheriff’s Department. … It was just harassment.” The Justice Department found that violations of department protocol were tolerated because of accountability lapses at Antelope Valley sheriff’s stations. Only one misconduct complaint was formally investigated out of 180 received from residents one year. The misconduct fueled distrust and created a divide between law enforcement and the community. Discrimination has festered in the Antelope Valley as

Los Angeles County Sheriff settles civil rights case. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) officers, sometimes with guns demographics shifted from primardrawn, the Justice Department said ily white to black and Latino, who in its June 2013 report. now make up more than two-thirds Under the agreement of the city of Palmdale’s roughly approved 4-1 by the board, the 150,000 residents. Overzealous Sheriff’s Department admitted no enforcement of a rental-assistance wrongdoing, but agreed to be voucher program, also known as monitored by three outside experts Section 8, for participants in puband must meet 150 requirements lic housing was motivated in part over the next four years. by an uncorroborated perception in It also agreed to pay the community that blacks had $700,000 to residents who were brought gangs and crime to the harmed by alleged violations of area, the Justice Department said. the Fair Housing Act, much less In at least one case, a than the $12 million the governdeputy conducting a housing comment once sought, and a $25,000 pliance check apparently helped penalty. The agreement is the secfuel hatred by sending photoond major settlement in less than graphs of luxury vehicles in a six months since Sheriff Jim home’s garage to the person who McDonnell took office and promset up an “I Hate Section 8″ page ised to reform the scandal-plagued on Facebook. The family’s home department. was vandalized with a racist mesFormer Sheriff Lee Baca sage scrawled on the garage door abruptly stepped down last year and urine was thrown on their son after 18 subordinates were charged by someone who called him a rawith federal crimes ranging from cial slur. beating inmates and jail visitors to The family moved back obstructing justice. to inner city Los Angeles to escape In December, supervisors further harassment. In addition to approved a settlement requiring the two settlements, a civilian federal court oversight and a new oversight commission is being use-of-force policy in a classcreated to keep watch of the sheraction lawsuit brought by jail iniff. The makeup and authority of mates who claimed they were savthat group has yet to be deteragely beaten by guards. mined and some organizations McDonnell said the latest have suggested it won’t have the agreement allows the department power to hold the sheriff accounta“to look to the future, rather than ble. the past,” and build upon the third “This tidal wave of probof the requirements it’s already lems that has engulfed the Shermet under the agreement. iff’s Department should be more McDonnell said in a than sufficient to demonstrate to news release that the department the board of supervisors and to had made strides toward training Sheriff Jim McDonnell that they in constitutional law, racial profilmust put in place a strong civilian ing awareness, and policies regardoversight board to ensure that the ing traffic stops and arrests. abuse and violence of past decades The atmosphere in the is not repeated,” said Peter EliAntelope Valley has changed noasberg, legal director of the Amerticeably since the Justice Departican Civil Liberties Union, which ment launched its investigation, filed suit in the inmate abuse case.

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Friday, May 1, 2015

POLITICAL NEWS Marchers Protest Police Violence in Baltimore, New York Scott Malone, Ian Simpson and Warren Strobel Protesters marched against police violence in cities from New York to Denver on Wednesday, and a large demonstration in Baltimore ended peacefully two days after rioting over the death of a black man injured in police custody. The protests were the latest actions against racial profiling and police use of lethal force sparked by the deaths of African-American men in Cleveland; Ferguson, Missouri; New York and elsewhere in the past year. New York City police arrested more than 60 people as protesters roved in separate groups through Manhattan, blocking traffic in a few areas. Smaller protests occurred in Boston, Houston, Ferguson, Missouri, Washington, D.C., Seattle and a handful of demonstrators were arrested in Denver. In Baltimore, 3,000 National Guard troops and police stood by to enforce a 10 p.m. curfew as thousands of peaceful marchers converged on city hall. The march capped a day of calm in a city that two days earlier saw its worst rioting in decades. Protesters in the mostly

black city of Baltimore sought answers about the fate of Freddie Gray, 25, who died after suffering spinal injuries while in police custody. Police are due on Friday to give their findings on Gray's death to prosecutors but said no information will be made public. "Can't stop, won't stop, put killer cops in cell blocks," chanted protesters in the biggest march in Baltimore since Gray died on April 19, a week after his arrest and injury. Nineteen buildings and dozens of cars burned, stores were looted and 20 officers were hurt in Baltimore on Monday in a spasm of violence hours after Gray's funeral. "This is for everyone who died wrongly at the hands of police," said Noy Brown-Frisby, a 35-yearold hairstylist who attended Wednesday's march with her young daughter. But she recognized that high crime in the city of 620,000 people complicates relations with the police. "There is so much tension. The crime is so high that when there is interaction between police and the community it becomes volatile," she said. In New York City, police on scooters used batons to try to

keep protesters on sidewalks and arrested people who moved into traffic. The demonstrations from Union Square to Times Square and elsewhere, were reminiscent of similar demonstrations in December after a grand jury decided against charges in the case of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who died after a police officer put him in a chokehold. NO REPORT ON FRIDAY Many Baltimore citizens were hoping to find out the details of Gray's death on Friday when police have said they would conclude their investigation. "The best (outcome) would be one where the officers were disciplined and officials realized what happened and owned up to their wrongdoing," said Larry Little, 22, a Baltimore resident who joined the march on Wednesday. Gray was arrested on April 12 after fleeing from police in a high -crime area. He was carrying a switchblade knife. He died a week later. But police said on Wednesday that information would be turned over to the state attorney's

office and could not be made public because prosecutors still have to decide whether to bring charges. The U.S. Department of Justice is conducting a separate probe into possible civil rights violations in Gray's death. The Washington Post reported that a prisoner who was in the same van as Gray, but who could not see him, heard him banging against the walls and believed he was intentionally trying to injure himself. The newspaper cited a police document. "SENSELESS ACTS" With police and National Guard troops patrolling Baltimore's streets on Wednesday, schools reopened and business resumed. Baltimore's Major League Baseball team, the Orioles, played the Chicago White Sox in an empty stadium, a sign of the tenuous security situation. Police have arrested close to 270 people since Monday, 18 of them on Wednesday. Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said more than 100 people had been released without being charged, because officials could not keep up with the paperwork, but he said charges would be brought later.

The violence in Baltimore prompted national figures - from the new U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton - to weigh in and vow to work on improving law enforcement and criminal justice in minority communities nationwide. Lynch, sworn in as attorney general on Monday, called Baltimore's riots "senseless acts of violence" that are counterproductive to the ultimate goal of "developing a respectful conversation within the Baltimore community and across the nation about the way our law enforcement officers interact" with residents. The Baltimore neighborhood that saw the worst of the violence was already filled with many burned-out buildings and vacant lots that had not been rebuilt since the 1968 riots that followed the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. (Additional reporting by Sascha Brodsky in New York and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles; Writing by Fiona Ortiz; Editing by Grant McCool, Lisa Shumaker and Ken Wills)

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Friday, May 1, 2015

NEWS Marchers Demand Justice, Police Reform in Baltimore By Scott Malone, Ian Simpson and Warren Strobel (Reuters) - Thousands of demonstrators marched in Baltimore on Wednesday demanding justice and police reform as 3,000 troops stood by to enforce a curfew imposed after Monday's civil unrest over the death of a 25-year-old black man. The large peaceful protest that

York; Ferguson, Missouri; Cleveland, Ohio; and elsewhere. "Can't stop, won't stop, put killer cops in cell blocks," chanted protesters in the biggest march in more than a week of demonstrations since Gray died on April 19, a week after his arrest and injury. Republican Governor Larry Hogan said protesters must respect the nighttime

Family members of Freddie Gray, sister Fredricka Gray, left, mother Gloria Darden, center, and stepfather Richard Shipley listen during a news conference after a day of unrest following the funeral of Freddie Gray on Monday, April 27, 2015, in Baltimore. Rioters plunged part of Baltimore into chaos torching a pharmacy, setting police cars ablaze and throwing bricks at officers. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) converged on city hall capped a day of calm in Baltimore, which saw its worst rioting in decades two days earlier. Marchers said they seek answers about the fate of Freddie Gray, who died after suffering spinal injuries while in police custody, while also highlighting the need to change policing practices in the largely black city. Baltimore is the latest flashpoint in a national movement to end racial profiling stoked by the deaths of black men over the past year at the hands of police in New

curfew, and that troops would not tolerate looting or rioting. "This is for everyone who died wrongly at the hands of police," said Noy Brown-Frisby, a 35-yearold hairstylist who attended the march with her young daughter. But she recognized that high crime in the city of 620,000 people complicates relations with the police. Solidarity demonstrations were planned in a number of U.S. cities. Hundreds of people gathered in New York City's Union Square chanting "black man, no justice."

Gloria Darden, mother of Freddie Gray, is comforted as she embraces his body before his funeral, Monday, at New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore. NO REPORT ON FRIDAY Many Baltimore citizens were hoping to find out the details of Gray's death on Friday when police have said they would conclude their investigation. But at a news briefing on Wednesday, police spokesman Captain Eric Kowalczyk said the conclusions would not be made public. We cannot release all of the information from this investigation to the public because if there is a decision to charge in any event by the

state's attorney's office, the integrity of that investigation has to be protected," he said.The U.S. Department of Justice is conducting a separate probe into possible civil rights violations. 'SOMETHING TERRIBLY WRONG' With police and National Guard troops patrolling Baltimore's streets on Wednesday, schools reopened and business resumed. Baltimore's Major League Baseball team, the Orioles, played the Chicago

White Sox in an empty stadium, a sign of the tenuous security situation. Baltimore's Symphony Orchestra staged an impromptu concert for a gathering of several hundred people. Police have arrested a total of 250 since Monday, 35 of them since a curfew was imposed on Tuesday. Police said some of those arrested may get released and charged later. When violence erupted on Monday, 19 buildings and Please see Gray, page 12

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NATIONAL/STATE & REGIONAL NEWS Candidate Clinton Blames Baltimore Riots On Income Inequality By Kurt Nimmo “Our goal must be truly inclusive and lasting prosperity that’s measured by how many families get ahead and stay ahead,” Clinton said in a speech billed as the first major policy address of her presidential campaign. “How many children climb out of poverty and stay out of prison. How many young people can go to college without breaking the bank.” Proposals suggested by Clinton include establishing policies designed to improve relations between black communities and police and reforming sentences for drug possession. It should be remembered that Hillary’s husband, President Bill Clinton, was responsible for carrying the drug war torch initiated by his predecessors and creating the current situation that has benefited the prison industrial complex and led the way for the establishment of a high-tech surveillance state. Clinton “cravenly allowed federal, state and local law enforcement to expand all the tools left to him” by Reagan and Bush, Peter Gorman and Bill Weinberg wrote in 2001. “In the Clinton years, police overreach in the name of the Drug War shredded much of what remained of the Bill of Rights. And those most frequently caught in its web were not the ‘drug kingpins’ legislators claimed to be going after. Mothers, fathers, small-time dealers, medical-marijuana users and even children were caught in a criminal- justice system so overgrown no one is immune to the new powers Johnny Law uses to protect us from ourselves. And while much of the horror heaped on the American public has occurred at the state

and local levels, the tenor of the times begins at the top-which places the responsibility squarely at Bill Clinton’s feet,” the authors write. The drug war emphasis is largely responsible for the current militarization of police and the subsequent us-vs-them attitude of law enforcement. “The militarization of American policing has occurred as a direct result of federal programs that use equipment transfers and funding to encourage aggressive enforcement of the War on Drugs by state and local police agencies,” notes the ACLU. In addition to making police officers largely indistinguishable from soldiers and turning the United States prison system into the largest per capita in the world, the war on drugs has shredded the Constitution. “The government’s drug policies have unequivocally undermined basic civil rights and gutted the constitutional amendments. And it’s not coincidental that much of the eroding civil rights in the ‘war on terror’ came directly from the war on drugs,” writes Clarence Walker. Clinton did not address the deleterious social and economic effects of the drug war.

Marchers Demand Justice, Police Reform in Baltimore (Continued from page 10) dozens of cars were burned, and 20 officers were hurt by rioters throwing stones and bricks. While the city was returning to normalcy, residents in the most affected neighborhoods vented their frustration with police and expressed a desire to see at least some of the officers who arrested Gray, held accountable. "The best (outcome) would be one where the officers were disciplined and officials realized what happened and owned up to their wrongdoing," said Larry Little, 22, a Baltimore resident who joined the march on Wednesday. Gray had been arrested on April 12 after fleeing from police in a high-crime area and was carrying a switchblade knife. He died a week later and after his funeral on Monday, rioters went on a rampage. The violence in Baltimore prompted national figures - from the new U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton - to weigh in and vow to work on improving law enforcement and criminal justice in minority communities nationwide.

Lynch, sworn in as attorney general on Monday, called Baltimore's riots "senseless acts of violence" that are counterproductive to the ultimate goal of "developing a respectful conversation within the Baltimore community and across the nation about the way our law enforcement officers interact" with residents. Clinton on Wednesday urged police departments throughout the country to use body cameras and called for an end to excessive prison sentences that burden black communities. "There is something wrong when a third of all black men face the prospect of prison during their lifetimes," she said. The Baltimore neighborhood that saw the worst of the violence was already filled with many burned-out buildings and vacant lots that had not been rebuilt since the 1968 riots that followed the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. (Additional reporting by Sascha Brodsky in New York and Dan Whitcomb in Los Angeles; Writing by Fiona Ortiz; Editing by Grant McCool and Lisa Shumaker)

She did not mention the fact her husband adopted and expanded the drug war, or did she talk about how this fact has imperiled the constitutional rights of all Americans or how it has damaged the economy as states and the federal government continue to waste billions on an ill-

fated and misguided effort. In 2014 alone, more than $51 billion was spent on the drug war. In 2012, 1.55 million people were arrested on non-violent drug charges and of those 749,825 people were arrested for marijuana drug violations. Since 1980 25.4 million Americans have been arrested on drug charges and of that number a third are black. Clinton believes toting the banner issue of the Democrat party — so-called income inequality — will sway the party’s voters and lead her to the White House in 2016. Left unmentioned by the corporate media is the indisputable fact Hillary Clinton is a creature of the 1 percent — in actuality, the 0.01 percent of the mega-wealthy financial and corporate class — and her insincere

solutions to the growing social and political problems of America are designed to once again fool voters. The drug war in effect served as a precursor to the police state we now see going into place not only in America, but around the world. The war on drugs expanded into the war on terror. The government Hillary Clinton represents is now working overtime to turn largely fictional and exaggerated terrorism into a domestic homegrown terror threat. As the federal government’s demonization of veterans and constitutionalists (the latter under the banner of “sovereign citizens”) demonstrates, the ultimate target is the American people. Source: From

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Friday, May 1, 2015

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ART/ENTERTAINMENT & SPORTS NEWS Jazz Reggae Festival-Going in a New Direction Low-Budget Moving, Hauling By Ricky Richardson LOS ANGELES-The Undergraduate Student Association Council (USAC), Cultural Affairs Commission presented the 29th Annual Jazz Reggae Festival, Saturday, April 25th, at the UCLA Tennis Center. There was a lot of chatter before, during, and after the festival on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter) about the direction that the festival is heading. I’m sure that there will be more talking to come, once people realized that the festival was held a month earlier than in previous years. JRF 2015 provided a fresh interpretation of its long history rooted in Jazz and Reggae Music. JRF expanded its genre to develop an eclectic and dynamic line-up that celebrated Los Angeles and its evolving culture. A cool breeze greeted festival goers. The result was a cold chill that hovered over the campus for most of the day. Hoodies, jackets and sweaters were required attire for the festival. JRF held a Battle of the Bands to determine who will perform on the Main Stage to open the show. The winning group was Westwood Village Ent. led by saxophonist Munir Griffin. I was glad to be in the audience to hear this wonderful band perform “Gates of Jupiter,” “So High,” and “We Dem College Kidz.” DJ Andres, Soulection complimented the festival with his dynamic musical soundtrack that had the crowd grooving all day. People argued how you can have a Reggae Festival without any artists representing the genre. Vocalist Keznamdi joyfully filled the bill with a set of spiritually uplifting tunes to nourish our souls on the tunes “Darkness,” “They Don’t Really Care About Us,” “She Says,” and “Grade.” Drummer/vocalist Anderson. Paak & The Free Nationals were rocking the festival with some hiphop on “The Making of You,” “Milk and Honey,” “Already,” “Luh You,”

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(424) 200-1930 Christian Facility Available for Charter Schools, Meetings, Seminars and Banquets Seats Up to 100 People Equipped With Full Kitchen For More Details Call: Photo by Ricky Richardson Ce’Cile dancehall and reggae from her last CD- Still Running(from Love), and previous CD’s, Waiting, Bad Gyal, and Jamaicanization. Kehlani had the crowd up on their feet throughout her set of double entendre, sultry lyrics. Her crowd pleasing set featured the tunes “Getaway,” “Deserve Better,” “This is How We Do Us,” “Act a Fool,” “Raw & True,” “FWU,” and “Til the

Photo by Ricky Richardson Kehlani and “Realla.” Ce’Cile brought in some righteous vibes as she revved it up with some extremely contagious, high-octane rhythms of Jamaica,

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Morning,” and “How That Taste.” The weather pendulum was very erratic during the festival. Rain poured down briefly during Kehlani’s set. The show didn’t skip a beat.

Shwayze energized the festivities with an explosive set of original tunes. The crowd sang along on the following tunes “How I Want It,” West Coast Party,” “Buzzin,” Love is Overrated,” and “Corona & Lime.” The crowd grew as the day progressed. This was quite apparent during the lively sets provided by JMSN, Marian Hill, Lido, Portugal. The Man, with the crowd “Chillin” with Wale as he close out the festival. The 2nd Stage was cracking with the amazing sounds provided by talented UCLA student bands. This stage provided a platform for upcoming new artists. Apollo Soul kicked off the program with “Flavor Country,” “Hey Kid, I’m a Computer,” “Boiz Night,” and Small Ghosts.” This set was followed by a great set by Nick Valentini. We The Folk had the crowd swaying and moving with an eclectic set of danceable world music with the tunes “White Table,” “Solo Contigo,” “Won’t You Come Back,” and “Last Night.” Popular group The Eva B. Foundation, Eva Barrosse-vocals, David Miller-guitar, Jules Levy-bass and Dave Laudicina on drums thrilled the crowd with several original tunes “Too Far,” and Nick’s House,” “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5, and “I’ve Got You Under my Skin” by Cole Porter. Also on the 2nd StageEvening Curation by Soulection featured DJ’s Eden Hagos, Zikomo, Kronika, J-Louis and Jo_Def spinning infectious, danceable grooves on the ones and twos. Evening Curation by Soulection allowed festival goers to bust out their own dance moves on the wide open space of the tennis courts. All and all, everyone had a good time. JRF provided this through conscious music, world food, art, and sustainability education. JRF crafted an experience that was innovative, relevant and invigorating.

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015068792 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Her Cleaning & Company,1122 S. Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019 Los Angeles; PO Box 273, Inglewood, CA 90306 Registered Owner(s): 1. June Tapscott-Byrd, 1122 S. Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: June Tapscott-Byrd Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on March 13, 2015 Expires March 13, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub March 20, 27, April. 3, 10,2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015096107 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Hollywood Luxury Vacation Rental, 1714 N. McCadden Pl. #3121, Hollywood, CA 90028 LA County Registered Owner(s): 1. Carl Brown, 1714 N McCadden Pl. #3121, Hollywood, CA 90028. This business is conducted by as an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Carl Brown Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on April 9, 2015 Expires April 9, 2020. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub April 10, 17, 24 May 1, 2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015068792 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Her Cleaning & Company,1122 S. Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019 Los Angeles; PO Box 273, Inglewood, CA 90306 Registered Owner(s): 1. June Tapscott-Byrd, 1122 S. Norton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90019. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/ A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: June Tapscott-Byrd Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on March 13, 2015 Expires March 13, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub March 20, 27, April. 3, 10,2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015080103 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. A to Z Wholesale Auto, 6109 Western Ave., LA, CA 90043 LA Registered Owner(s): 1. Felicia Kelley, 251 W. 13th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731. This business is conducted by as an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Felicia Kelley Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on March 25, 20015 Expires March 25 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub March 27, April, 3, 10, 17, 2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015090048 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Loving Me, 4236 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008 LA County Registered Owner(s): 1. Temica M Wofford, 4236 Leimert Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca 90008 This business is conducted by as an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Temica M Wofford Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on April 3, 2015 Expires April 3, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015079939 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Crown N Glory Collection 2.SMMART Beauty Solutions 3.Dr. Emily 4. Dr. Emily Fields 5. Healthy Start Water 6. Crown N Glory 7. Smart Beauty, 548 E. Rhea Street, Long Beach, CA 90506 Los Angeles AI #ON 2762664 Registered Owner(s): 1. La Rutan, 548 E. Rhea Street, Long Beach, CA 90806. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/ A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: La Rutan Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on March 24, 20015 Expires March 24 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub April24, May 1, 8, 15, 2015PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015093349 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Nails by Saverne, 8101 Crenshaw Blvd. #3, Inglewood, CA 90305 Registered Owner(s): Saverne Smith, 8101 Crenshaw Bl., #3, Inglewood, CA 90305. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on NA. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Saverne Smith Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on April 07, 2015 Expires April 07, 2020 Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub May 1, 8, 15,22, 2015, PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015096765 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Natural As I Am, 10032 Collett Ave, North Hills CA 91343-1622 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): 1. Verneen Mincey, 10032 Collett Ave, North Hills, CA 91343-1622. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Verneen Mincey Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on April10, 2015 Expires April 10, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 2015 PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015063587 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. The G.R.E.A.T.S. 2.Greatness Rises Empowers And Teaches Success A Young Professional Movement 3. Dreams of Greatness Tour, 8826 Menlo Ave., LA, CA 90044 LA, Registered Owner(s): 1. Precious Durhan Jackson, 8826 Menlo Ave., LA, CA 90044 2. Brandon Douver, 6625 Spring Park Ave Apt 4, LA, CA 90056 3. Robert Coleman, 4205 Monteith Dr. , LA, CA 90013 4. Iman Newborn, 5727 8th Ave, LA, CA 90043 This business is conducted by a General Partnership. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Precious Durhan Jackson, Title: Partner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on March 9, 2015 Expires March 9, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub March 13, , 20, 27, April 3, 2015 PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2015079371 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Kleanification, 4851 1/2 Long Beach Ave., Los Angeles , CA 90058 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): 1. Sharday Anyadieg, 4851 1/2 Long Beach Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90058. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED: Sharday Anyadiegwu Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on March 24, 2015 Expires March 24, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub April 17, 24, May 1, 8 2015PN

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