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“The Independent Newspaper That’s Setting the PACE Today for the WORLD Tomorrow”


Established Since 1995

Vol. 24 No.27 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Friday, May 2, 2014

Leon Jenkins Says NAACP Will Not Give Donald Sterling an Award Again By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief

LOS ANGELES— Wow, this week has been one of heated controversy and backpedaling.

Photo by Ian Foxx Donald Sterling and Leon Jenkins in 2009 when Sterling received the NAACP Lifetime Achievement award

The controversy came from the Los Angeles owner Donald Sterling being caught making racial comments on audio about black people. The backpedaling came from the Los Angeles branch of the NAACP president, Leon Jenkins. On Monday, Jenkins announced during a press conference that the NAACP had rescinded an award to Sterling in light of his racist comments which was first brought to the public’s attention from last Saturday. In U.S.A. Today, David Leon, reported that Alice Huffman, the president of the California branch of the NAACP, was stunned when she got an invitation recently from the L.A. unit to its May gala honoring Sterling. She said in an interview with ESPN Radio’s Colin Cowherd

that she was surprised Sterling was being given another lifetime achievement award. “I thought to myself, ‘A second lifetime award?’ That’s kind of unusual. He hasn’t died and comeback to life. He already has lifetime achievement award. Why a second one?’ And the story broke.” The first lifetime achievement award came to Sterling from the NAACP in 2009 just before he agreed to pay a $2.765 million settlement in a case that alleged he discriminated against African Americans, Latinos and others at apartment buildings he owned in Los Angeles County. Sterling’s comments was so reprehensible and demeaning that Adam Silver, the NBA Commissioner, has banned him from all NBA activities and fined him to the maximum of $2.5 million. As of today at press time, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Magic Johnson, whom Sterling spoke against on the recording, and others are calling on the team owners to force Sterling into selling the Clippers. All of this has transpired Please see NAACP, page 3

L.A. Urban League Celebrates 41st Annual Whitney Young, Jr. Awards Dinner By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES—A day before news broke about all the diabolical and outrageous racist words that spewed out of the mouth of Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, the more than 90 year old Los Angeles Urban League organization were celebrating the greatness of blackness and the great accomplishments that Black Americans have contributed to this great nation, specifically speaking, the Los Angeles region. It was on Friday evening, April 25, at the luxurious Century City Plaza that the Los Angeles Urban League reflected on its history by honoring a prominent couple who are scholars, mentors, philanthropists and friends of the arts. They are Mattie McFaddenLawson and Michael Lawson. They received the Whitney M. Young, Jr. award. The Lawsons are the epitome of what Young, who was the Executive Director of the National Urban League from 1961 until his tragic, untimely death in 1971, stood for. Young was a creative leader who provided effective solutions to the racism that denied black Americans a fair opportunity in the land that they fought and died for. It appears that now just as it was when Young was at the helm of the National Urban League, an individual like March H. Morial, who currently serves as the President and CEO of the National Urban League since 2003, is a beacon of light as the dark era of past racism are attempting to raise its ugly head just like the city of Los Angeles witnessed this past week. Morial energetic and skilled leadership has expanded the League’s work around an Empowerment agenda-redefining civil rights in the 21st century with a renewed em-

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Mattie McFadden-Lawson and Michael Lawson

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Judge Mablean Ephhriam and Byron Reed, Senior VP Wells Fargo.

Photo by Ian Foxx (L-R) Marc H. Morial, Dr. Gloria Zuurveen, Noel Massie and Michael Washington at the Urban League Annual gala at the Century Plaza.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Nolan V. Rollin, President and CEO, Los Angeles Urban League and Dawnn Lewis, actress/singer at the Urban League gala.

phasis on closing the race-and-class based economic gaps. After have a joyous celebration with Jeffrey

to get up out of their seats and get on the dance floor with Osborne as

Osborne singing electrifying tunes like “Stay With Me Tonight” and many others that inspired the crowd

he jumped from the stage and cruised through the audience.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, Shame on Mr. Donald Sterling, a senior citizen, who lack respect for black people. Mr. Sterling, I was raised to respect my elders no matter how they treat me. God is the last to do the judging of the heart. Mr. Sterling was flat out wrong for his conversation that has since proven to be true. Now that we know that Sterling feels that way about black people, I too think like Magic Johnson, the team should be put on the auction block and sold to I believe it should be black people because we are the one most affected. Therefore, I propose that Magic gather a team like He, Oprah, Michael Jordon, Tiger Wood, Tyler Perry and the like and even consider setting up something like a coop so that the people can benefit economically from owning a profitable team and I believe with it being sold to African Americans it can be an instrument for economic empowerment like none other. I hope and pray that Magic would consider this proposes so that we can be compensated for the abuse that we all faced with Sterling as the leaders.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

The Community’s Reaction to Sterling’s Racist Comments A Clippers Victory Must Trump Bigotry! Magic Johnson has to deal with his name and reputation in this matter as he sees appropriate. The general public's involvement is to support the Clipper players to ensure that they do not lose their game focus. Winning is what it is about. Sterling has been dodging stuff like this for decades and to address it now is simply a contrived distraction. Nearly ten years ago in August 2006, the U.S. Department of Justice filed suit against Sterling for housing discrimination in using race as a factor in filling his apartment buildings. The lawsuit that he ultimately lost charged that Sterling refused to rent to non-Koreans in the Koreatown neighborhood and to blacks in Beverly Hills. The suit revealed Donald Sterling once said he did not like to rent to Hispanics because they "smoke, drink and just hang around the building," and that "black tenants smell and attract vermin." Accordingly, Victory trumps Bigotry! The Clipper players have come this far and to allow some indecent commentary to throw them off their game permits evil to get the upper hand. Clipper plays have to put on the great number 42's game face and beat them at evil with winning. Jackie Robinson had considerably more prejudice and hatred directly pushed on him when he played than this tiny unrelated situation, so come on get with it and get to victory. Dean Jones Donald Sterling Has a Right To Feel However He Feels About Blacks and An Apology is Not Worth a Penny Black leaders/politicians etc. should spend their energy on issues that can reverse the dismal economic plight for blacks all over the world. For example: In Los Angeles, there is much construction taking place and blacks are rarely seen on these work sites. Point number 2: Why aren’t blacks calling for the national guards to make Chicago safe for blacks—just recently in Chicago, 17 people were shot, 3 were killed and 14 were wounded. Point number 3: Blacks lag behind every ethnic group when it comes to literacy Many financially well-to-do blacks do not like blacks either, the proof is in the pudding, and they do nothing to help change their economic condition. In fact, they give large donations to non-black organizations and foundations and pennies to black establishments. Blacks need to just shut up, and do the work that must be done to save black folks, and stay out of the media talking foolish. Dr. Rosie Milligan Racist Comments Have No Place in NBA “The comments attributed to Donald Sterling that came out this weekend are disgusting and leave a black eye not just on the NBA, but on all Clippers fans. “As the representative of the 62nd District, which includes the Los Angeles Clippers Foundation in Playa Vista, I am outraged that the owner could harbor such offensive and derogatory views about many of his players, coaches, and fans. “I stand with the entire Clippers team and coach-

ing staff, who continue to represent Los Angeles with class and dignity, and I wish them the best as they continue their historic season. “I also join Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, special adviser to the NBA Players Association, in calling for the NBA to levy the harshest penalty possible against Donald Sterling. “I look forward to the day when the Clippers organization is run by a more enlightened owner.” Assembly Member Steve Bradford Sterling Needs To Go How disappointing. I am outraged by the comments. I am a season ticket holder of the LA Lakers. If I owned Clippers seats, I’d turn them in and get a refund. He needs to go. Marva Smith-Battle Bey Sterling: A Wretch To Be Saved! I am saddened by the entire ordeal surrounding the Clipper’s owner Donald Sterling. It surely awakens unwelcomed feelings all over the nation…... As an Afro-American woman, I feel a sense of betrayal. We are consistently demeaned, yet we are embarked upon and primed for “The Man’s” bosom; as we serve his greatest pleasure. We are portrayed by others, the “Exotic Erotic Beast.” Predators like the Sterling’s of the “New World” continue to exploit our most beautiful essence. Then, of course we are to “Be seen Black girl, BUT please, don’t be seen.” Really?!!! A precious gift God has bestowed is unappreciated and unworthy of “heathens and the like.” I find Sterling’s relationship with V. Stiviano simply unnatural. Unfortunately, she has been “BAMBOOZLED,” and manipulated by his prominence. Although he is very wealthy, he is quite an unhealthy man. Historically, this whole scene reminds me of the unconscionable “SLAVERY,” the system we will never escape, for the remnants are far too painful. And intentionally made real. Sterling’s racist disposition coupled with his extreme and deviant behavior, finds him “A Wretch to be Saved!” Tamara G. Lewis The Racist Got Caught "I too sing AMERICA" wrote Langston Hughes. Wake up black America/Americans, today we find ourselves still saying these words. Black people are still being subjected to racism by societies most "affluent" and so, it shall continue to trickle down. The Sterling SCANDAL! the only surprise in this instance is that the racist got caught. Punishment should be swift and harsh. Candyce Jackson

The Whole World See What is Going On What about all the people that’s got big money. They are behind him. He ain’t just talking for himself. I am talking about his friends. What I like about it is that the whole world is seeing this. Solomon

Donald Sterling, A Relic Of The Past By Nolan V. Rollin President/CEO Los Angeles Urban League How far back must we go before we realize that the shame of our past is now staring us in the face today? In a time when we witnessed the Supreme Court put forward the same states’ rights argument for access to education as the slave states of the past did for slavery. In a time where we see the most significant portions of the voting rights act being gutted thereby neutering the Justice Department's ability to protect the very core of our nation’s democratic process, the right to vote. We now see the vicious and vitriolic past rearing its ugly head in a manner that brings its racism to our very front doors, televisions and computers. Donald Sterling, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, is the epitome of everything that's wrong with our shameful past. With the slip of an intentional tongue Sterling has taken this nation back to a time when the economic lifeline of the brutal ruling class survived on the backs of an oppressed and disregarded people. Today Sterling’s overseer mentality is being used in a modern fashion where the backs, hands, legs and the basketball IQ are good enough to be used for his economic success, but these same attributes are not good enough to make the same individuals equal in humanity. We are witnessing a group of

class act gentlemen, the Clippers players, who have played by the rules and embraced a commitment to community shamed by association because of their owner, for that I say we must rally behind these gentlemen. But today the equilibrium of this nation that we call America has been knocked off balance and now we all can see that in a very short period of time the heinous actions of one can turn this nation upside down. If humanity is to ever exist for all mankind everyone who has heard of this incident must denounce these actions as not only racist, not only prejudiced but, also as an affront to humanity. Today the Los Angeles Urban League unequivocally says that Donald Sterling represents everything that is wrong in society; Donald Sterling represents that which we must move firmly away from. Donald Sterling does not embody American ideals, and Donald Sterling cannot be looked at as anything other than a shameful individual whose mean-spiritedness can never be tolerated. For these reasons the Los Angeles Urban League calls on the NBA and its Commissioner, Adam Silver to swiftly investigate, take decisive action and intentionally rebuild the trust that has been lost in America in general and in its minority communities in particular. Justice must roll down into every community in a more forceful manner than the cancer that Sterling has deposited into our nations vital organs, so that our equilibrium can once again be balanced.

The Sick Mind of a Racist Like Donald Sterling By Derrick Mims President New Frontier Democratic Club Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling stuck his big foot in his racist mouth and the whole world is now a witness to it. The racist words spewed out of his mouth and caught on tape the last few days told of a rich and powerful White man who owns a basketball team in a league that is predominately African American, and yet he still has a sick and delusional mind when it comes to race relations. In its quick and proper response, NBS Commissioner Adam Silver banned him for life from the league, fined him the maximum $2.4 million, and is pressing to have the owners force him to sell the team. These actions actually could have been taken years ago as Donald Sterling’s racial biases have made enough of a public spectacle in his business dealings with the basketball team and his real estate properties, where in both cases Blacks have charged discrimination; and his racist rants, as they usually do, spilled over to stereotypes about other races like Asians and Latinos. Donald Sterling is now the modern day poster child of the warped mind of White racism in America. It is rooted in the American slave system where White men in particular fought to subjugate and debase the Black race, and had the gall to use everything from the Bible to science to justify their inhumane treatment of Black people. Yet, their own twisted minds still allowed them to rape and lay with Black women. Since the days of slavery and throughout history, Black people have demonstrated their intellect, their talents in all fields of art, science and literature. People like Donald Sterling have seen this great talent up close and knows of its richness and admirable achievements. Still, he, and others like him, is sick enough to believe that the race factor outweighs all other attributes of Black people, and by extension all people who are

not of Caucasian descent. It would literally take a psychiatrist to explain to a child the mind of a racist like Donald Sterling: does not like Black people, but dates them; does not like Black people, but runs a business where you pay them millions of dollars and have to smile and take pictures with them; does not like Black people, but lives in a city where there are more people of color than White people. This episode is sort of like the message that was in the novel “From Superman to Man” where a White racist southerner politician is waited on by a Black porter throughout his train ride and enters into polite conversations covering a myriad of racial issues. At every argument the White politician tries to show the superiority of the White man over the Black man, but the porter refutes them and wins the arguments on every subject from linguistics, science, culture and religion. At the end of the trip, the White politician is impressed with the porter and concedes that he won all the arguments; yet he still believes the White man is superior to the Black man on general principles and no amount of facts can change that. And so that is the mindset of a fickle person like Donald Sterling, so we must expose it when we can and squash it with all the power we can muster to send a message to any others still out there with such repugnant views and actions – and you can believe they’re still out there, so let’s keep the numbers shrinking. ****Disclaimer—(These statements are the statements of Derrick Mims and may or may not reflect the thoughts of New Frontier Democratic Club.)

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Friday, May 2, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Psychologist Explains Why So Many Black Kids Are “Turning Gay” — And Guess What? Many Agree With What He Has To Say Nationwide — It’s not a new video. It was actually recorded and posted on YouTube about this time last year. But the video has resurfaced and is going viral again. Some love it, some hate it. In the video, Dr. Umar Abdullah Johnson, a nationally certified psychologist and child therapist, explains why so many Black kids are turning gay. During his discussion, Abdullah Johnson says that mothers actually “psychologically castrate” their sons and then wonder why they turn gay later on. He also presents concerns and solutions towards ending ‘Fatherlessness’ and ‘Motherlessness’ – problems that affect communities of people of African descent. This is a focused section from a longer video in which the presenter deals with problems affecting children of African descent in American schools as well as he does questions and

of a book entitled The PsychoAcademic War Against Black Boys: From Grade School to the Grave Yard. He is Founder/President of the National Movement to

answers towards the information he presents. Umar Abdullah-Johnson is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Certified K-12 School Principal, and political scientist. He is an expert independent special education evaluator. He trains educators, principals and mental health technicians on various psychoeducational topics, including ADHD & disruptive behavior disorders.

Leon Jenkins Says NAACP Will Not Give Donald Sterling an Award Again (Continued

from page 1) since the comments have been made public and according to sources, NAACP, knowing Sterling’s record of racism received a measly $5,000. According to Vashti Hurt, writer,, “ rotsOnline, “For years Donald Sterling has been using his blood money to buy off the L.A. NAACP. So unfortunately, although disgusting and saddening, it’s no surprise the president of the Los Angeles chapter, Leon Jenkins, spoke in defense of the Clipper owner and even went as far as to say his words don’t reflect his heart.” “God teaches us to forgive, and the way I look at it, after a sustained period of proof to the African American community that those words don’t reflect his heart, I think there’s room for forgiveness. I wouldn’t be a Christian if I said there wasn’t,” said Jenkins. Sterling has a history of repeated racism and discrimination against black people so much so that he has been taken to court. Yet, the leader, Jenkins and the board of NAACP willfully bestowed upon Sterling a lifetime achievement award in the past. According to Jenkins, “The NAACP decided to honor Sterling because of a

body of work. Mr. Sterling’s organization has on a consistent basis brought in the minority community. He has also over the years contributed to a number of minority charities. Compared to other L. A. Franchises, his organization gave more money than others.” The more money Jenkins is referring to is the $5,000 mentioned above. Some in the community have asked Jenkins to return the money received from Sterling. During the press conference on Monday, it was asked about the amount Sterling had given to the L.A. NAACP branch but Jenkins did not reveal it saying, “It’s an insignificant amount of money, and we’re going to return it.” However, after saying he would return the money, Hurt reported that Jenkins said, “We are negotiating with him about giving more moneys to African American students at UCLA, and so we are in preliminary discussions.” She said he also noted that they had not spoken since the scandal broke. The California Friends of the African American Caucus headed by Basil Kimbrew is calling on Huffman to remove Jenkins and the entire board and staff of the L. A. NAACP.

He is an outspoken opponent against the mass psychiatric drugging of Black boys in public schools, and the mass diagnosing of Black children as mildly mentally retarded and learning disabled. He has appeared on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, the Bev Smith Show, and countless radio and talk shows across the country, in Africa and in the Caribbean. He is also the author

Save Black Boys (NMSBB), and a blood relative of Frederick Douglass, the 19th century Abolitionist & Orator. Learn more about him at

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Friday, May 2, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Rev. Cecil “Chip” Murray Speaks at Faith-Based Business Conference By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES—On the anniversary of the 1992 Civil Unrest, Tuesday, April 29, 2014 was a day of gaining valuable insight and knowledge at the Faith-Based Business Conference held at the People’s Independent Church of Christ in Los Angeles located at 5856 West Blvd. It was a very informative conference whereby many from the religious community were on hand to learn how to be more economically savvy in these trying times. The Rev. Cecil “Chip” Murray served on the panel along with Rev. Mark Whitlock and Dr. Najuma Smith Pollard. The event’s partners and supporters included: Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation, City of Los Angeles Business Source South Los Angeles Region, City of Los Angeles, US Small Business Administration, USC Dornsife Cecil Murray Center for Community Engagement and the Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches. The purpose of the event was to connect the secular and the sacred for sustainability and jobs. Several panel members presented and discussed tools and resources to develop and meet today’s economic challenges in the church. Rev. Murray spoke about the importance of collaborating for resources. He came equipped with names of funding sources and answered questions asked of the attendees. The conference served as a tool to help pastors learn about resources for business training, coaching, military veterans and leadership development. Presenters on the panel were highly skilled professionals in their field of expertise and extended a wealth of knowledge to help attendees with whatever challenges they may be having in their congregation. One of the main emphasis during the conference was on financing resources. Marva Smith Battle-Bey enthused the capacity-filled room with inspirational information

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Rev. Mark Whitlock and the Rev. Cecil “Chip” Murray Tanzy Chair in Christian Ethics Senior Fellow sitting on panel for the Faith-Based Business Conference on Tuesday, April 29, 2014.

(Standing right) Richard Benbow, clapping during the first panel discussion with Rev. Cecil Murray and Rev. Whitlock on Tuesday during the Faith-Based Business Conference. Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Marva Smith Battle-Bey, Executive Director, VSEDC, speaking during the Faith-Based Business Conference on Tuesday, April 29, 2014.

such as letting those in attendance that many times they are not receiving because they have not asked for what they need. She talked about how she started out at VSEDC. She serves as the Executive Director of the Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation. In spite of the negative mood in the atmosphere due to the aftermath of Donald Sterling’s diatribe of racial insensitivity and subsequently being banned for life from all NBA activities and fine a hefty fee of $2.5 million dollars for such negative behavior toward black people, Tuesday morning was very upbeat and positive with very good information and education for pastors to move forward and help their congregations prosper.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Park Windsor Baptist Church 3rd Annual First Ladies Health Day a Success By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES— First Lady Regina Taylor, wife of Rev. Terrell Taylor, Pastor, Park Windsor Baptist Church located at 1842 W. 108th Street in Los Angeles, welcomed all participating healthcare providers who helped to make the 3rd Annual First Ladies Health Day a huge success on Sunday, April 27, 2014. Produced by The Danielle Ashley Group, the worthy event was hosted by more than 40 First ladies along with hundreds of health providers to give free life-saving screenings and information on chronic illnesses including high blood pressure, breast cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. Also on

hand was a Walgreen pharmacist. On site at PWBC was Ashish Patel, Pharm. D., Pharmacy Manager from Walgreen Co., Cathedral City, CA. He answered many questions regarding the danger of mixing medication. Torea Brown, Walgreen store manager distributed health information and also answered individuals questions they may have had. Ashley Taylor, a student at Pepperdine University, majoring in Master of Art Clinical Psychology, was getting her blood pressure check and she said, “I think it is a great way to be informed about your health and to get quick and very informative advice especially if you don’t have health insurance.”

Photo Royal Cochran Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Rev. Terrell Taylor, Pastor, Park Windsor Baptist Church, Ashley Taylor is prepared for her blood pressure to be First Lady Regina Taylor, Cheryl Guinn and a representa- checked at the 3rd Annual First Ladies Health Day held on tive from the Los Angeles Fire Department County Fire Sunday, April 27 at Park Windsor Baptist Church. Department.

Intellect Dsyfunction By Dean L. Jones, CPM Medical research is coming together in agreement, in essence, that when we eat foodstuff high in processed sugar and refined carbohydrates it is destructive to quality brain cells. As just one example of research, from the Mayo Clinic, found that diets rich in carbohydrates are associated with an 89% increased risk for dementia. On the other hand, high-fat diets are associated with a 44% reduced risk of contracting Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is following closely behind heart disease and cancer as one of the top three killers in the United States. Alzheimer's is a devastating illness that shares a strong link with diabetes as diabetics are at least twice as likely to experience dementia. That is because the cells of our brain can become insulin-resistant just like other cells in the body, not to mention how diabetes doubles the risk for Alzheimer's disease. Eating foodstuff containing a lot of processed sugar works to starve the brain, while at the same time confuses vital cells. Individuals affected by type 1 and type 2 diabetes have a notable resistance to insulin. Type 1 is caused by the body's inability to produce insulin, and type 2 is caused by the deterioration of the body's insulin receptors and associated with the consumption of too much refined carbohydrates, like processed sugar. Accordingly, science professionals are studying the critical question — could Alzheimer's disease simply be Type 3 Diabetes? High blood sugar (glucose) levels also create inflammation, which further cause the brain's health to weaken. Where, in due course, a diet high in processed sugar accelerates the killing of healthy brain cells. High refined carbohydrate loaded diets elevate blood sugar that directly relates to cell shrinkage in memory center of the brain, thereby causing memory reduction. The good thing is that we

A nurse takes the blood pressure of Myra Green durPhoto by Gloria Zuurveen ing the 3rd Annual First Ladies Health Day on Sun- Tanya Gumby and Michelle Crutchfield both are RN day, April 27, 2014 at Park Windsor Baptist Church. Public Health Nurses at Los Angeles County who Photo by Gloria Zuurveen took time to volunteer at the First Ladies Health Day.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones have the possibility to regenerate quality cells in the brain's memory center. The scientific name for this activity is a process called neurogenesis. For starters we have to erase health professional directives from roughly the past fifty years where we were advised that eating saturated fatty foods are bad for our health and lead to a host of negative consequences, including high cholesterol, obesity, and heart disease. Actually, the latest information shows how getting exercise and employing better eating habits show how saturated fat is our friend, in fact we desperately need fat to help create cholesterol. The type of fat naturally makes a difference, as it is absolutely necessary to avoid all trans fats and hydrogenated fats, including margarine, vegetable oils, and various butter-like spreads. There are great sources of healthy fats including fresh avocados, butter made from raw, grassfed organic milk, raw dairy organic pastured egg yolks, coconuts and coconut oil, unheated organic nut oils, raw nuts, such as pecans and macadamia, and grass-fed meats. A smart brain is trans fat and sugar alert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

(L-R) Takisha Hampton, RN Patient Care, Watts Health- Dr. Lovene Knight and First Lady Regina Taylor care, Dr. Lovene Knight, Vice President, PWBC Health during the First Ladies Health Day on Sunday at Ministry and Lamont Nichols, Event Coordinator and Case PWBC. Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Manager Watts Healthcare. Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Two members from the community took advantage Participant Candace Taylor getting health screening. of all the services offered on FLHD on Sunday.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Cathedral City Store Manager and Pharmacist Torea Brown and Ashish Patel along with Dr. Lovene Knight during the First Ladies Health Day on Sunday, April 27 at Park Windsor Baptist Church .

Jo Ann Wilson said it was wonderful. First Lady Taylor said, “This is our third year partici-

Volunteer nursing students from Santa Monica College under the leadership of Dr. Lovene Knight served during First Ladies Health day. They are: Elizabeth Espinosza, Jewelyn Tansing, Sarah Sion and Naimeh Lawrence. Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

pating and we are happy that we are able to provide screenings that can help prevent more serious illness.” For in-

formation about First Ladies Health Day visit First or call (312.470.0270.

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Jeffery Osborne Performs at Urban League Annual Gala

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Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Jeffrey Osborne moving through the crowd at the L. A.. Urban League Annual Gala in Century City.

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Photo by Ian Foxx Jeffrey Osborne and Gloria Zuurveen, PACE NEWS publisher/photographer at Urban League gala.

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Friday, May 2, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS California Fair Sentencing Act Clears First Hurdle SACRAMENTO, CA — The California Fair Sentencing Act (SB 1010), authored by Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles), passed its first hurdle in the Senate Committee on Public Safety. Senator Mitchell’s bill will correct the groundless disparity in sentencing, probation and asset forfeiture guidelines for possession of crack cocaine for sale versus the same crime involving powder cocaine that has resulted in a pattern of racial discrimination in sentencing and incarceration in California. SB 1010 now moves on to the Appropriations Committee. Garnering over 100 letters of support, the California Fair Sentencing Act boasts support from national civil rights groups (including the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the Advancement Project), human rights advocates (incl. Human Rights Watch and The Children’s Defense Fund), over a dozen Latino and immigrant rights groups (incl. MALDEF and CHIRLA), faith based collaboratives (incl. Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches and PICO California), leading drug treatment experts (incl. California Society of Addiction Medicine and Tarzana Treatment Centers), constitutional attorneys (incl. Dean of UC Irvine School of Law Erwin Chemerinsky and UC Berkeley School of

Law Warren Institute Senior Fellow Barry Krisberg), and so many other organizations and individuals who believe that the time has come for equal justice under the law. “Same crime, same punishment is a basic principle of law in our democratic society,” said Senator Mitchell, Chair of the Black Caucus and member of the Senate Public Safety Committee. “Yet more Black and Brown people serve longer sentences for trying to sell cocaine because the law unfairly punishes cheap drug traffic more severely than the white-collar version. Well, fair needs to be fair.” The Senate Public Safety Committee staff analysis noted that African Americans are imprisoned for possession of cocaine base for sale at a rate 43.25 times that for Whites. Moreover, it noted that, “despite the fact that white adolescents use drugs at much higher rates than minority adolescents, the US Department of Justice found that juvenile arrests disproportionately involve minorities.” Crack and powder cocaine are two forms of the same drug. Scientific reports, including a major study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, demonstrate that they have nearly identical effects on the human body. Crack cocaine is derived when cocaine powder is proc-

essed with an alkali, typically common baking soda. Gram for gram, there is less active drug in crack than in powder cocaine. According to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, people of color accounted for over 98% of persons sent to prison for possession of crack cocaine for sale in 2005-2010. Blacks accounted for 77.4% of state prison commitments for crack possession for sale, Latinos for 18.1%, and whites for less than 2%. Blacks make up 6.6% of the California state population, Latinos 38.2%, and whites 39.4%. The California Fair Sentencing Act is cosponsored by a dozen civil rights and criminal justice reform organizations, including the Drug Policy Alliance, ACLU of California, A New Way of Life, California State Conference of the NAACP, Californians for Safety and Justice, California Public Defenders Association, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Ella Baker Center, Friends Committee on Legislation, National Council for La Raza, and the William C. Velasquez Institute. Quotes from co-sponsors follow: “For far too many years, we have had to watch harsh penalties applied disproportionately to Black and Brown urban communities,” said Susan Burton of A New Way of Life,

who spent many years in prison herself for this offense. “This bill is a beginning to fairer sentencing policies in California.” “There is no rational basis for the disparity between crack and powder cocaine sentencing, and instead it causes an unjustified and devastating racial disparity in our correctional system and in our communities,” said Margaret DooleySammuli, senior policy advocate with the ACLU of California. “Put simply, this bill is about smart sentencing," said Lenore Anderson, Executive Director of Californians for Safety and Justice. "SB 1010 would ensure fairness and judicial flexibility – an important step in modernizing our outdated sentencing laws." “The statistics don’t lie. Communities of color are treated differently within California’s judicial system, often subjected to harsher sentencing for the essentially the same crimes as their white counterparts,” said Delia de la Vara, NCLR Vice President, California Region. “We’re pleased to see this common sense sentencing reform bill moving forward within the state legislature, as it will help to ensure that the punishment fits the crime and that all Californians are treated equally under the law.” “Today the California State

Senate took an important first step to correct the disparity in California law that punishes AfricanAmericans more severely than other people for essentially the same offense and violates our American principle of equal justice for all,” said Jim Lindburg, Legislative Director for the Friends Committee on Legislation of California. “Passage of Senate Bill 1010 will help restore confidence in our legal system.” “SB 1010 is a sensible law that promotes colorblind equality in criminal justice. Californians should demand the passage of SB 1010 as it is long overdue and truly in the interests of justice for all," said Scott Sugarman, President of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice. “Speedily approving SB 1010 is a common sense course of action to cure the outrage of racially discriminatory sentencing policy that is the sad reality for Californians of color today. It's time that Sacramento erases this vestige of bigoted policy from our state law," said Antonio Gonzalez, WCVI President. “SB 1010 is a long overdue measure to eliminate a sentencing disparity that has been particularly devastating for communities of color,” said Zachary Norris, executive director of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.

Magic Johnson Offering To Buy The L.A. Clippers From Donald Sterling — Says “He Shouldn’t Own an NBA Team Anymore” Los Angeles, CA — According to some sports analysts and other sources, former NBA star Magic Johnson wants to be the new owner of the LA Clippers. Yahoo Sports is reporting that Magic Johnson and his billionaire backers, the Guggenheim Partners, are

“absolutely interested” in a chance to purchase the team and feel that now is a better time than ever. The team is reportedly worth about $700 million, and sources also say that Johnson, who is already part owner of

the L.A. Dodgers, has been trying to buy an NBA team for some time. They say he tried many times to buy the LA Lakers, but was unsuccessful each time because the current owner didn’t want to sell it. But now Sterling, who made some serious racist com-

ments to his girlfriend about her taking pictures with Black people (including Magic Johnson), is being pressured to sell the team. And Johnson is willing to take it off his hands. During a recent NBA Playoffs pregame show, John-

son said of Sterling, “He shouldn’t own a team anymore. And he should stand up and say, ‘I don’t want to own

a team anymore.’” One thing is for sure, if Johnson did buy the team, thousands of fans would be thrilled and it would

take a lot of pressure off of current NBA commissioner Adam Silver – who has yet to do anything.

Waters Speaks on Toyota's Announcement to Move Headquarters Torrance, CA– Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43), Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, made the following statement regarding relocation of Toyota's North American Headquarters in Torrance to North Dallas (Plano), Texas: "I am deeply disappointed by Toyota’s announcement that it will relocate its North American Headquarters to Plano, Texas. I would have hoped Toyota would have given local officials the opportunity to demonstrate there is no better place for Toyota than the South Bay. I have yet to hear specific reasons about Toyota's decision and it remains unclear how long this plan has

been in the making and why. "My thoughts are with the 3,000 employees and families employed at its financial services and motor sales arms in Torrance that will be affected. These job losses will not only negatively impact the hardworking employees, but the entire community as well. Toyota has been headquartered in Torrance since 1982 and has had a significant presence in the Los Angeles regional economy for nearly 60 years. "Our region possesses an outstanding workforce with the education, skills, and experience necessary to appeal to companies like Toyota. Creating good-paying jobs for our communities and growing our economy remains one of

my top priorities in Congress. I look forward to continuing to work with state and local officials for opportunities to retain and attract businesses that create jobs in Torrance and throughout the South Bay region."

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STATE / NATIONAL & WORLD NEWS Waters: Report on Foreclosure Review “Troubling” WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, released the following statement in response to today’s GAO report on the Independent Foreclosure Review (IFR). The study was conducted as the result of a 2012 request by Congresswoman Waters, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Reps. Brad Miller (DNC) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). Waters released the following statement: “I’m troubled by the recent GAO report, which shows that just as the Department of Justice deliberately overstated its investigation and prosecution of mortgage fraud cases, regulators claimed six billion dollars of settlement payments that never truly occurred. According to the report, regulators used a nonsensical crediting system for the largest portion of

the settlement, meant to provide additional foreclosure relief activities to victims of unscrupulous practices. And the report found that banks were able to meet the requirements of the settlement without making any changes to their existing foreclosure activities. I’m concerned with these findings by GAO, which also show that the settlement was reached without adequate investigation into the harms committed by the servicers. Many of the files did not contain complete data, making it impossible to know whether borrowers were disqualified from the possibility of the greatest cash payouts. Only a thorough review of poorly maintained or incomplete servicer files could have verified whether payments were commensurate with the harms committed. I continue to urge bank regulators to review and release loan

Maxine Waters level data to the entire eligible population of the Independent Foreclosure Review, so that individual borrowers may review their servicing files and decide whether it would be appropriate to file their own claims against servicers. In November 2013, my office requested that regulators make a comprehensive public

DPSS Prepares to Launch Annual Effort to Reach those Vulnerable to Hunger in the County LOS ANGELES—The Department of Public Social Services and its broad-based community collaborative on Thursday will kick off activities for the May “CalFresh Awareness Month,” the partnership’s annual campaign to increase access to food assistance and promote healthier food choices in the nation’s largest and most diverse county. CalFresh Awareness Month has become one of the most comprehensive and coordinated efforts in the state to bring awareness to CalFresh, the new name for the former Food Stamp Program in California. California Department of Social Services Director, Will Lightbourne, has urged them to adopt similar strategies of those implemented by Los Angeles County. Still Impacted The population of Los Angeles County has surpassed 10 million, according to March, 2014 estimates by the U.S. Census Bureau. The County now has 10,017,068 residents, nearly twice the number of the next largest county, Cook County in Illinois, with an estimated 5,240,700 people. While the local economy continues to show signs of improvement, many residents are

still financially impacted by the recent recession. Los Angeles County experienced some of the highest unemployment rates in the nation. Unfortunately, many in need of immediate food assistance are unaware that they may qualify for CalFresh. In the County of Los Angeles, only 59% of those eligible are receiving CalFresh food assistance, even though a record high of 1,179,471 individuals received the benefit in January this year. Community Collaboration “Hunger is an issue that affects us all and this collaboration represents an intense effort to serve those most vulnerable in Los Angeles County,” stated DPSS Director, Sheryl Spiller. “We all know someone who is experiencing difficulties purchasing food for themself or their family.” Working in close collaboration with 40-plus CalFresh partners, made up of communitybased and faith-based organizations, food banks, schools, and supermarkets, the goal of the annual campaign has been to inform residents about CalFresh and remove the barriers that discourage eligible families and individuals from applying. The partnership also

strives to promote the alternative methods to apply for CalFresh benefits, such as the Your Benefits Now (YBN) on-line application system and the 24-hour Customer Service Center. Both methods reduce the need for those seeking assistance to visit DPSS District Offices. Board of Supervisors Support Although DPSS has conducted extensive community outreach for many years, the Departme nt’ s CalFr esh P r o gr am launched the first month-long campaign in May 2011. Since then, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has helped to promote the effort by proclaiming May as “CalFresh Awareness Month” in the County. In addition to encouraging residents to share the important information with those who need it most, the County’s Chief Executive Office helps to broaden the outreach by encouraging its 88 cities to create additional awareness by hosting presentations at their city council meetings or events in the community. For more information on the activities of CalFresh Awareness Mo nth, visit http:// awareness.cfm.

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report relating to the operation and settlement of the Independent Foreclosure Review. Congress and the public have yet to receive such a report. More than a year ago, I called on Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling to exercise the Committee’s oversight responsibility and conduct a hearing on the IFR process. I remain disappointed that thus far he has refused to do so. Given the 4.4 million borrowers that may have been adversely affected, I urge him to reconsider this request. The information from the Independent Foreclosure Review is critical to reforming the mortgage servicing industry, which has been allowed to operate without adequate controls for protecting borrowers since the peak of the foreclosure crisis. Regulators must act immediately to disclose data from the review, reform broken practices at the servicers, and ensure that borrowers receive the information they need to right these wrongs.” Ranking Member Waters has closely monitored the IFR since the inception of the program in early 2011, and she has raised numerous questions about the design, execution, efficacy and fairness of the process. In January

of 2013, she expressed concern about the abrupt announcement of the blanket settlement, questioning how the settlement amount was determined and how recovery amounts will be distributed to eligible households. She sent a letter to thenFederal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke and Thomas Curry, comptroller of the currency, requesting greater transparency in the IFR termination process. She also called for inclusion of provisions in the final settlement identifying a minimum amount for principal reductions, an escalation process for homeowners, and the prevention of foreclosures for the 4.4 million borrowers still in their homes. In February of 2013, Waters formally called on Financial Services Committee Chair Jeb Hensarling to hold a hearing on the termination of the IFR process. To date, a hearing has not been held. In November 2013, Waters joined Rep. Elijah Cummings (DMD) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to follow up on assurances that regulators would release a public report on the details of the IFR. She also introduced legislation to reform the use of consultants in banking enforcement consent orders

Local Control Measure for Fracking Set for First Assembly Policy Committee Sacramento (CA) – AB 2420, authored by Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (DVan Nuys), will be heard in its first committee, Assembly Committee of Local Government, on April 30th, 2014 at 1:30 PM. The measure introduced by Assemblymember Nazarian earlier this year, aims to give municipalities the authorization to implement local ordinances, to prohibit well stimulation treatments, also known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” Over the last decade, fracking has become increasingly popular but concerns have been raised as to what environmental and health effects fracking may have. So far, three California municipalities have passed, or considered passing a local ban on fracking; including the City of Carson, Culver City, Santa Cruz County, and the City of Los Angeles. With last year’s adoption of SB 4 (Pavley), a measure which established a compre-

hensive regulatory process for fracking, more interpretation is needed to clarify a localities authority to ban fracking at a local level. Though a prior 1976 legal opinion by the California Attorney General cites numerous cases where courts held that cities and counties may prohibit oil and gas operations within their boundaries, AB 2420 is a necessary measure to further clarify state law, so that municipalities are not burdened with any pre-emption issues that may arise with the implementation of SB 4. In the absence of a statewide moratorium on fracking, Environmental advocacy groups have lined up in strong support for Assemblymember Nazarian’s local control fracking measure. These groups include the Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Water Action, Environment California, Planning and Conservation League, California League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club California.

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