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“The Independent Newspaper That’s Setting the PACE Today for the WORLD Tomorrow”


Established Since 1995

Vol. 24 No.32 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. and AARP Collaborates for “Caregivers” Forum By Adell Walker INGLEWOOD—The Black Women's Agenda, Inc., its Collaborating Organizations and AARP joined together for the signature "Caregiver" awareness and educational program on Saturday, May 31, 2014, and provided tools and resources from a grassroots level to African American women, men and their families at the Grace Hopper STEM Academy for Girls in Inglewood, CA. Being a caregiver can have a tremendous impact on you and your family. The "new" normal of caring for a loved one can affect your finances, children, personal well being and more. Studies show that 1 in 5 African Americans are currently providing care to a loved one and that African American women are providing the majority of the care.

The Black Women's Agenda, Inc. realizes how much of an impact this has on families and communities, so they partnered with AARP to create the program, Because We Care. This powerful forum helped over 100 guests to plan for the unexpected, addressed issues of self-readiness and caregiver readiness, health reform and legislation changes and business opportunities that addresses gaps in caregiver needs. Black Women's Agenda, Inc. is hosting forums in 15 cities across the United States where you can hear expert panels discuss courageously the issues critical to the care giving community. For additional information on care giving resources, visit and Please see Caregivers, page 8

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Gwainevere Cathings Hess (center in black), President, Black Women’s Agenda; Sherrie Gordon (second from right back row) AARP representative and Mistress of Ceremonies for the “Because We Care” Forum along with expert panelists who were very informative on each topic of discussion at Grace Hopper STEM Academy on Saturday, May 31, 2014.

Congressmember Bass Teams Up with a Foster Youth Alumni for Third Annual "Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Day" WASHINGTON, DC—Los Angeles resident Toni Washington went to Capitol Hill to spend the day with Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.) for the third annual "Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Day." Washington joined nearly 70 other foster youth alumni from across the country who traveled to Washington to shadow members of Congress to get a behind-thescenes look at the inner workings of the House of Representatives and to share their experiences in the child welfare system as a way to influence policy around foster care. The pair had a full day, including a meeting at the White House staff with Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett and meeting the cast of the ABC Family Show "The Fosters." Washington even joined Bass in a national television interview on MSNBC's "NewsNation with Tamron Hall." The group also attended a congressional hearing where clinical psychologist, author, and television personality Dr. Phil testified. "It was such a pleasure to welcome Toni to Capitol Hill as a part of National Foster Care Month," said Bass. "Toni and the other young people who came to DC remind me that foster youth far too often experience trau-

Toni Washington with Congresswoman Karen Bass matic incidences of abuse and neglect and are separated from their homes and siblings. Yet,

even in the face of these challenges, the resiliency of foster Please see Bass, page 8

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Friday, June, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column Hello Readers,

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Right Wing Media Pretends Racism Doesn’t Exist By George E. Curry NNPA Columnist A new posting by, the media watchdog group, sums up the conservative strategy under the headline, “Don’t Litigate It, Don’t Ever Talk About It: Right-Wing Media’s Solution to Racial Discrimination.” The report recounts the media storm touched off by “The Case for Reparations,” Ta-Nehisi Coates’ excellent cover story in the Atlantic magazine. Media Matters said, “…The Atlantic has given right-wing media a fresh opportunity to argue that the best way to address racially discriminatory laws or policies – such as housing segregation – is to never speak of them, let alone litigate them under civil rights law.” Media Matters observed, “In Coates’ essay, which ultimately calls for a congressional study on the long-term effects of the treatment of African-Americans in the United States, he explores the country’s history of racism and oppression, from slavery to the Jim Crow laws to the present. Although right-wing media have been known to erroneously claim that racism is no longer a problem, the systemic effect of state and federal laws that favored whites and oppressed people of color is still felt today.” For example, “…agencies like the Fair Housing Administration often refused to insure mortgages in neighborhoods that they deemed unsuitable, perpetuating systematic housing segregation that in turn fueled other disparate racial impacts that continue today, such as separate and unequal schools. Despite the fact that redlining was outlawed in 1968 with the passage of the Fair Housing Act, the housing market is still hostile to black buyers and renters, even in neighborhoods that have taken steps to improve residential housing segregation.” But you would not know any of this if you only consumed conservative propaganda. According to Media Matters, “Naomi Schaefer Riley, who once called for the elimination of black studies from college campuses, wrote in a recent New York Post column that we’ve talked enough about race. According to Schaefer Riley, Americans are ‘done with a national dialogue on race’ and Coates’ essay ‘offers nothing new.’ She also complained that Coates’ advocacy for HR 40 [John Conyers bill to study reparations] was evidence that ‘our country’s media elites are still stuck on a liberal baby boomer racial narrative,’ and concluded that the way forward now is not discussion, but ‘colorblindness.’” And she was not alone. “Right-wing outlets like The Wall Street Journal, NRO, and radio host Rush Limbaugh have come out against governmental efforts

to remedy past harms using litigation to enforce fair housing laws and promote residential integration programs. When the Department of Justice went after banks who had racially discriminated against people of color, the WSJ called the lawsuit an attempt to ‘shake down banks for not lending enough to minorities,’ and complained the agency was attempting to impose an unconstitutional ‘quota’ system on lenders. The WSJ also claimed that the lawsuit, and other initiatives on the part of the DOJ, had done nothing more than “’saddle a lot of minorities with foreclosed homes, huge debt burdens, and bad credit scores.’” And Rush Limbaugh rushed to add his two cents. “For his part, Limbaugh has argued that the Housing and Urban Development Department’s mandate to ‘affirmatively further’ fair housing was nothing more than ‘social engineering’ and a plot on the part of the government to ‘force’ people to move to integrated neighborhoods.” The conservative-dominated Supreme Court also plays a key role. “Even worse, the Supreme Court has contributed to modern racial divisions by rolling back affirmative action policies, gutting key provisions of the Voting Rights Act, and making it nearly impossible for public schools to implement proactive integration initiatives that would help diversify heavily segregated schools. Such decisions have allowed states to impose restrictive voter identification laws, have whitewashed college campuses, and nearly driven a stake through the heart of Brown v. Board of Education, the case that outlawed statemandated segregation in public schools. Unsurprisingly, right-wing media also determined that the recent 60th anniversary of Brown, one of the most significant civil rights victories in history, was no time to discuss racial inequalities.” The article continued, “If Chief Justice John Roberts had his way, we’d all follow right-wing media’s lead and stop talking about race. As Roberts famously stated, ‘the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.’ In her dissent opposing the majority’s decision to uphold Michigan’s ban on affirmative action, however, Justice Sonia Sotomayor countered, ‘the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to speak openly and candidly on the subject of race, and to apply the Constitution with eyes open to the unfortunate effects of centuries of racial discrimination.’” George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine, is editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service (NNPA.) He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. Curry can be reached through his Web site, You can also follow him at currygeorge and George E. Curry Fan Page on Facebook. - See more at:

Maya Angelou: A Freedom Fighter with a Pen PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


Letters and articles sent to PACE NEWS are welcomed. All contributions must be emailed to or typed and doubled-spaced. PACE NEWS reserves the right to edit all contributions for errors (spelling, grammatical and factual) and space limitations, and we cannot guarantee that letters and articles will be published. Contributions must be signed with writer’s name sent to: PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, Inc. 3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA, 90043 Or PACE NEWS website

Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

By Benjamin F. Chavis NNPA Columnist Millions of people throughout the world continue to pause, to remember, to celebrate and to recommit to the living spirit and legacy of Maya Angelou. She was one of the most transformative global leaders and visionaries of our time. Maya Angelou was a penetrating literary revolutionary and freedom-fighting poet that used her pen to advance the worldwide struggle for freedom, justice and equality. Angela Davis introduced me to Maya Angelou in 1972 in New York City. For the past 42 years, I have witnessed how Sister Maya effectively used her gifts and talents to lift the aspirations and voice of people in Africa, the Caribbean, Brazil, and across America. During the 1960s, she was a member and strong supporter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Angelou was a fearless woman who stood up to challenge and opposed racism, economic injustice, poverty, and all violations of human rights, not only on behalf of Black Americans, but also on behalf of all of humanity. Today, an entire emerging global generation of poets and writers were inspired by the example set by Maya Angleou’s pen and international activism. Maya Angelou was also a strong voice and contributing writer for the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA). I remember that Carlton Benjamin Goodlett, the publisher of the Sun Reporter in San Francisco and leader of the NNPA along with Tom Jervay, Sr of the Wilmington Journal and Louis Austin of the Carolina Times all defended Maya Angelou’s open support of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC). The truth is some Black Americans in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s were too afraid of showing public support for the ANC because of the ANC’s strong support from the Soviet Union against apartheid in South Africa. Lest we are too quick to forget that in fact President Ronald Reagan and many in the Republican Party supported “constructive engagement” with the apartheid racially

oppressive regime in South Africa. Yet, Maya Angelou never compromised her integrity or commitment to freedom and equality for fear of losing financial gain or popularity. When many people avoided saying something positive or supportive about Cuban President Fidel Castro and his “Communist” military support of African liberation movements in Africa, once again Maya Angelou did not flinch nor mince words. She forthrightly stated, “Of course, Castro never had called himself White, so he was O.K. from the git. Anyhow, America hated Russians, as Black people said, ‘Wasn’t no Communist country that put my grandpappa in slavery. Wasn’t no Communist lynched my papa or raped my mamma.” Angelou was a conscious advocate, like W.E.B. DuBois, of Pan Africanism and anti-imperialism. When news spread about the passing of Maya Angelou at the age of 86 in North Carolina, heartfelt condolences were expressed my people everywhere. One of the leading newspapers in the Caribberan, The Gleaner, headlined “Jamaica Feels the Sting of Maya Angelou’s Passing.” Sheriata Grizzle wrote in the Gleaner: “No sun outlasts its sunset, but will rise again, and bring the dawn. Those were the words of Maya Angelou as she responded to the news that her dear friend and South African president Nelson Mandela, passed last year. The potent words have now resurfaced as news of Angelou’s passing spread throughout the world. Her global influence is undeniable… there has been an outpouring of tributes for a poet who wrote her way into the hearts of many.” We all must now take up the pen of Maya Angelou and continue her spirit for the cause of liberation, equality and empowerment for all people everywhere. May God grant her eternal freedom, rest and peace. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. is President of Education Online Services Corporation and the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network and can be reached at: - See more at: maya-angelous-a-freedom-fighter-with-a-pen/ #sthash.VFaWm944.dpuf

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Friday, June 6, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS “Why I Want To Purchase an HBCU and Use it as a Boarding School To Serve Black Boys” By Dr. Umar Johnson Black boys were gifted with an all-new G.E.D. test for the 2014 school year, which will make it even more difficult for them to escape the trappings of low expectations, as the only alternative to a high school diploma, the G.E.D., has now been made just as difficult to obtain as the diploma itself. Why a new G.E.D.? Politically-speaking, keeping Black boys from having a gambler’s chance at a decent life in this country seems to have become a fetish of the American Social Order. As states scramble to find more dollars to incarcerate young Black males, a quiet but very powerful sense of hopelessness is settling in amongst the Black boy population in America. In quiet protest, many have dropped out of school and have taken to the street corners, not necessarily to participate in the underground economy, but to puff their life away and daydream amidst the purple haze of marijuana. While educational racism and economic castration suck the life out of Black boys in America, the Black community sits distracted by American foreign policy initiatives, reality television shows, and professional sports. As neighborhood violence increasingly becomes a fact of life in Black communities, many are at a loss for what to do.However, we know exactly what must be done. If we want to reverse the special education, ADHD, psychotropic drug, juvenile incarceration, and premature extermination wars against Black boys then we will have to build schools that are uniquely designed to teach Black boys, not only how to succeed in a racially-biased society, but also how to avoid the trappings of a racist criminal justice system. Unfortunately, historically Black colleges have been under attack as well. Many state higher education systems are underfunding HBCUs in an attempt to force mergers will larger white universities who are not sympathetic to the needs of Black youth. Other private HBCUs have struggled with financial difficulties and a lack of support from the larger AfricanAmerican community. One such college is the historic St.Paul’s College in Lawrenceville, Virginia. Founded by a contemporary of the legendary Booker T. Washington, the great James Solomon Russell, St. Paul’s would be the perfect location for a residential school for Black boys. Located in a rural section of

southern Virginia, not far from the North Carolina border, St.Paul’s campus is reclusive enough and sizeable enough to be the perfect psychoacademic training camp for the current generation of Black boys. America’s foremost school psychologist and kinsman to Frederick Douglass, Dr. Umar Johnson, is attempting to purchase the St. Paul’s College to be transformed into the Frederick Douglass and Marcus Garvey RBG International Leadership Academy for Black Boys. This academy will be based on a global business model that prepares B lack b o ys f or se lf employment and entrepreneurship, not merely acceptance into college. The banking establishment and the higher education systems of America are in collaboration to put more African-Americans into financial debt in the name of a collegiate education. This is a collegiate education that is increasingly becoming useless in the face of an economy that is becoming more global, while it does nearly nothing to ensure that enough jobs remain in the United States for college-ed u cated yo un g adults. This situation is sending devastating numbers of Black children with college degrees to the homeless shelter and soup kitchens of America. Our children have to be taught how to make a living anywhere in this world regardless of the circumstances of the political economy in which they live. The FDMG Academy will teach our children to be masters of Agricultural/ Agronomical Science, Economic/Financial Science, Po-

Dr. Umar Johnson

litical/Military Science, Nutritional/Dietary Science, Family/Community Science, and African-Centered Spiritual/ Cosmological Science. In addition to these six core sciences, and the three “R’s,” our boys will be taught to master at least two building trades (i.e., electrical, cosmetology, plumbing, auto, carpentry, HVAC, computer network/ design, masonry, etc). Why the trades? A man’s bread and butter are only guaranteed when he can work for them. During the 1970s America’s public school system began working in concert with the racist building trade unions to systematically see to the removal of the trade building programs from predominately Black high schools, which created a blue-collar skills gap in Black communities, particularly in the inner-cities, which was then quickly monopolized by white labor. With Black parents brainwashing their children into thinking that their is no hope without college, we have seen generation after generation of Black youth turn their backs on the building trades only to end up graduating Magna Cum Laude with a doctoral degree that has no marketability in the competi-

tive job pool. Why a residential academy? Black boys are disproportionately raised by single Black mothers, who oftentimes struggle escorting their sons safely and successfully into manhood. Although some Black mothers, blinded by the influence of Eurocentric feminism would argue that their sons don’t need fathers, many know otherwise. The crisis in Black male education isn’t really about education at all: it’s about the lack of masculine energy in the schoolhouse leaving our boys hungry for guidance from male role models that they rarely get to spend time with. Our residential academy will provide our boys with the discipline, structure and masculine energy needed from strong caring Black men. A heaven on earth, a home away from home, is what we have in store for our boys. A powerhouse academy where they love coming to school and never have to worry about being misdiagnosed and thrown into special education for “invisible” disabilities like ADHD and Emotional Disturbances (ED). This would be the first residential academy in U.S. history for boys based upon the principles of traditional African culture. The AfricanAmerican community must change its paradigm and approach to education if our children are to have a fighting chance in this world. With white racism using the charter school movement as a front for its ethnic cleaning campaign, thereby gentrifying every major Black inner-city in America, public school will soon be a distant memory. If

you care about the future of Black boys, and of all AfricanAmericans please donate to help Dr. Umar Johnson acquire the historic St. Paul’s College, to be used as the FDMG Academy, before it is purchased by those not interested in the welfare of our c h i l d r e n . V i s i t www.DrUmarJohnsonSchool. com for more information on the school project and to make your much needed donation to this critical fundraiser. We must raise $5M by August 21, 2014 and need your immediate help. Resumes are now being accepted at Dr. Umar Johnson is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Certified School Psychologist & Certified School Principal. He is one of the most requested speakers in the world and has lectured in North America, South America, Europe, Afrika, and the Caribbean. He is author of the best-selling book “PsychoAcademic Holocaust: The Special Education and ADHD Wars Against Black Boys.” As a private-practicing school psychologist he works with parents, educators, superintendents, attorneys and mental health professionals to better serve the needs of AfricanAmerican children. He is a descendant of both the great Frederick Douglass and Bishop Alexander Wayman, 7th Bishop under Richard Allen’s AME Church. Dr. Johnson can be reached at or 215-989-9858. He welcomes correspondence from parents with issues protecting and educating their children from special education abuse and ADHD exploitation.

Targeting Troubled Properties L.A. Controller Issues ‘Action Plan’ to Track Foreclosures, Reduce Blight Los Angeles – Controller Ron Galperin issued an audit today detailing the ineffectiveness of the City’s current foreclosure tracking program — along with recommendations for a more targeted GeoRegistry of foreclosed homes and a plan to improve the inspection and enforcement process for foreclosed and blighted properties. Galperin’s office audited the City’s Foreclosure Registry Program, which was established in 2010, and required lenders to register properties and to pay a registration fee when they initiated a residential foreclosure. The intent was to track foreclosures, to prevent neighborhood degradation, and to impose fines and penalties on blighted properties. Auditors found that although the Housing and Community Investment Department, which manages the program, received $5 million in registration fees from July 2010 through March 2014, no penalties for blighted, abandoned properties

were collected during this period. “The City created this program with the best of intentions--to preserve our neighborhoods and mitigate blight,” said Galperin. “But it isn’t performing up to our expectations or giving us a good return on our investment, which is why I’ve laid out an Action Plan to fix it.” The Action Plan calls for: ● The creation of a self-populating GeoRegistry to track properties and their legal owners in the foreclosure process more efficiently. ● Inspection of homes when lenders have taken legal ownership of the property and can be held accountable for its condition. ● Streamlining the collection of registration and inspection fees to fund a robust blight mitigation and code enforcement program. ● Providing detailed information to City departments and decision makers about dis-

tressed properties--allowing them to more easily coordinate and target enforcement. “This plan will allow us to improve the condition of our blighted properties--and our neighborhoods,” said Galperin. Councilman Gil Cedillo, Chairman of the City Council’s Housing Committee, has also convened a working group that has been evaluating the foreclosure ordinance. Cedillo praised Controller Galperin’s audit and approach: “The Controller is offering solutions to reduce blight in LA neighborhoods,” said Cedillo. “Since being elected into office, cleaning up our neighborhoods and reducing blight has been my number one priority. I want to make sure we are doing all we can with the laws that are on the books,” he added. “I welcome Controller Galperin's findings and recommendations as I continue to work on legislation that will strengthen our foreclosure ordinance, hold banks accountable and more effi-

ciently blight.”



One group particularly interested in preventing neighborhood blight is SEIU 721, many of whose members’ families live in neighborhoods severely affected by the foreclosure crisis. “For years SEIU Local 721, ACCE and our other community partners in the FixLA Coalition have been pressing the City to hold banks accountable for failing to maintain foreclosed houses,” said SEIU 721 President Bob Schoonover. “We are pleased today to see that the audit by Controller Ron Galperin demonstrates clearly that the current ordinance has not been enforced. The initiative taken by Controller Galperin will undoubtedly have a huge impact in forcing the banks to clean up the blighted homes they have left all over our city.” An extended description of Galperin’s Action Plan can be found in Appendix II of the audit.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Moviegoers Want More Faith-Based Films, Hollywood Delivers By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Hollywood’s “year of the Bible movie” continues to drive sales at the box office in 2014. Four faith-based films have already earned more than $50 million each in ticket sales, according to Those films— “Noah,” “Heaven is for Real,” “Son of God,” and “God’s Not Dead”—are among the top 20 grossing films of 2014. And movie audiences may want more, according to a survey of 1,054 Americans from Nashville-based LifeWay Research. Researchers found that half of Americans (56 percent) say they wish there were more movies with Christian values. “Faith-based movies are no longer a niche,” said Scott McConnell, director of LifeWay Research. “It’s smart economics—if you make a

past for films like “Fireproof” and “Courageous,” as well as more recent movies like “Son of God.” “When you have a movie where the title is almost a doctrinal statement—the audience will come out,” she said. “People want their faith to be affirmed.” Films with a more subtle faith message may not do as well, said Fuhr. In the survey, LifeWay Research asked Americans to respond to the statement: “I wish there were more movies that reflected Christian values.” Those who go to church weekly are most likely to agree (91 percent). Those who never go to church (18 percent) are least likely to agree. Self identified born-again, evangelical, or fundamentalist Christians are more likely to agree (84 percent) than other Americans (45 percent.) Americans who live

film that appeals to that audience, they will show up.” Movies with an explicitly Christian message—like “God’s Not Dead”—have done especially well. The independent film was made for $2 million and has earned more than $59 million at the box office. That’s more than high-budget projects like “Muppets Most Wanted” or the critically acclaimed “The Grand Budapest Hotel.” Kris Fuhr, founder of Moviegal Marketing, said Christian movie fans want films with a clear presentation of faith. That’s been true in the

in the Midwest (62 percent) and South (63 percent) are also more interested in more Christian films than those in the Northeast (48 percent) or the West (44 percent). Two-thirds of middleaged and older Americans agree, including those 45 to 54 (63 percent), 55 to 64 (66 percent), and 65 and older (65 percent). Americans under 30 (43 percent) are least interested in more films with Christian values. Two other major films with Christian themes, “Left Behind” and “Exodus: Gods and Kings” are due out later this year.

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Friday, June 6, 2014




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Friday, June 6, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Five Days to a Fitter, Healthier You (Family Features) If kicking off a life-changing fitness and nutrition program seems daunting, try taking smaller steps to make it feel more manageable. Knowing just where to start can be the biggest hurdle, but once you’re on your way, you’ll find yourself on the path to new healthy habits before you know it. Breaking down a whole new lifestyle into week-by-week chunks will not only let you ease in gradually, but also allow you to make meaningful changes right from the start. Begin by charting out a week-long plan that will make you more conscious of how you approach important elements of your program including muscle toning, cardio and making nutritious food choices. Here’s a five-day schedule to get you started: Monday: Start the Week Strong – Kick off the week with a

medicine ball workout, which is a great way to work various muscles all at once. Try using a medicine ball with exercises that you’re already familiar with, such as push-ups, lunges or squats, or look up demo videos online to learn some new ways to use the medicine ball. Tuesday: Turn it Up – Running is a great form of exercise, but it’s important to mix up your cardio workouts to help prevent injury and become stronger overall. Grab your friends and try a cardio-focused class, such as Zumba. Wednesday: Spruce Up Your Fruit – Working out is key to keeping fit, but so is maintaining a healthy diet. When shopping for snacks, make smart choices that taste delicious, such as Dole Fruit in Jars, which provide five servings of all natural, fresh fruit. Try pairing with Daisy Cottage

Happy By Dean L. Jones, CPM Pharrell Williams' Happy song is a global phenomenon. The concept of happy feelings has been studied for a long time, as science reveals that happy people live longer by 35% over those considered more melancholy. Accordingly, happiness and contentment is proven to help increase a person's health and longevity. Folks living 100 years (centenarians) or more are usually more happy and optimistic than those who do not live as long. Even positive thoughts and attitudes seem to somehow do things in our body that strengthen the immune system, boost positive emotions, decrease pain, and provide stress relief. Moreover, happiness can even alter our genes! I have always been intrigued to learn how part of our longevity may depend on the DNA that we are born with, but that is not the end game where an even larger part depends on something scientifically labeled epigenetics. Epigenetic is something in which we have more control, such as our personal thoughts, feelings, emotions, and diet. Lifestyle factors exert epigenetic influences every minute of the day, thereby playing a central role in aging and disease. While, exercising, sleeping and eating right are the essentials to longevity, there are four important nutrients that have a direct bearing on aging, and our brains are suffering from not getting enough Vitamin D, DHA, Folate, and Magnesium. Vitamin D has an extremely large inventory of health benefits, including helping our brain combat the damage from free radicals, which helps prevent cognitive decline. Here is where the link between eating too much processed sugar and aging comes in, as the signs of Vitamin D deficiency can range from bone pain and muscle weakness to depression and weakened immune system, all of which can be brought on by eating too much processed sugar. The longer-term deficiency of Vitamin D can result in obesity, high blood pressure, psoriasis, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer’s dis-

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones ease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. Chronic inflammation is a key factor in many degenerative diseases, including dementia, and processed sugar is a major culprit that causes inflammation that can lead to a variety of diseases. This is why DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), an omega-3 fat, plays a role in keeping our cell membranes healthy, flexible, and resistant to oxidative stress, which decreases inflammation. Foods with Folate (Vitamin B9) help prevent depression, seizure disorders, brain atrophy, and other neurological problems. Folate deficiencies correlate with impaired memory, slowed mental processing and overall cognitive decline, particularly in the elderly. Processed sugar leaches vitamins and minerals from the body, including magnesium that helps in the body's detoxification processes. A person dealing with chronic headaches, body odor, constipation, insomnia, or fatigue is likely lacking in magnesium. It is important to stay away from ingesting processed sugars, because for every molecule of sugar it requires 54 molecules of magnesium to process it. Be Happy, stay SugarAlert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

Cheese to spruce up your fruit for a tasty parfait. Simply combine Dole Sliced Peaches, Daisy Low Fat Cottage Cheese and sliced almonds in a small bowl, then drizzle with honey and enjoy. Thursday: Multi-task – Just because you’re catching up on your favorite TV show doesn’t mean you can’t work out. Clear some space between the couch and TV so you can watch while you do push-ups, crunches, jumping jacks and squats. For extra motivation, leave your fitness tools near the television as a daily reminder. Friday: Give Yourself a Star – Gold stars aren’t just for classrooms. At the end of the week, mark each day that you exercised with a star on your calendar. Whether you went for a

run, hit the gym or went for a walk with friends, the calendar will be a visual reminder of how often you’ve been working out, and will encourage you to keep going. Remember, setting a longterm goal, such as running a marathon or dropping two dress sizes, can help keep you motivated over time, but also remember to cele-

brate your first mile run or your first five-pound loss. Keep tackling your new program one week at a time, and your goals will easily become reality. Visit for additional snacking ideas to get you on your way to a healthier you.

Community Health Centers to Receive Up to $300M in Federal Funding Reflecting the critical role of the nation’s community health care centers in advancing the goals of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Obama administration this week announced the availability of up to $300 million to help those institutions expand their service capacities. One aspect of the ACA championed by the Congressional Black Caucus and progressives on Capitol Hill was the reserving of $11 billion for the operation, expansion and construction of health centers over five years. Usually located in rural and urban communities, these centers tend to serve lowincome, vulnerable populations that lack access to comprehensive quality health care. “Health centers are key to the Affordable Care Act’s goal of expanding access to health care,” Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kath-

leen Sebelius said in a statement. “They are critical providers of care and have also been instrumental in linking people to coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Health centers provided enrollment assistance to more than 4.7 million people since last fall.” The health center program is administered by HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration, or HRSA. Currently, nearly 1,300 health centers operate more than 9,000 service delivery sites that provide care to over 21 million patients nationwide, 62 percent of whom are members of ethnic and minority groups, 32 percent of whom have no health insurance and 32 percent of whom are children. According to HRSA statistics, one out of every 15 people living in the U.S. now relies on a HRSA?funded clinic

for primary care. This most recent disbursement, for which health centers have to apply, is intended for centers to expand service hours, hire more medical providers, and add oral health, behavioral health, pharmacy, and vision services. “These funds will allow health centers to expand health services to better serve newly insured patients,” said HRSA Administrator Mary K. Wakefield In addition to providing a necessary health care safety net, increasing health care outcomes and decreasing disparities, health centers also boost local economies. Since 2009, health centers have added more than 35,000 new full?time positions, increasing their employment from 113,000 to more than 148,000 staff nationwide. Source: The AFRO

Congresswoman Maxine Waters Marks Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month Washington, DC – Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA43) released the following statement marking Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, which is observed in June. "As the Co-Chair of the Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer's Disease, I know how devastating this disease can be on patients, families, and caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that more than 7 million Americans over age 65 will have Alzheimer’s by the year 2025. According to recent data, women have a 1 in 6 estimated lifetime risk of developing the disease at age 65, while the risk for men is nearly 1 in 11. Therefore it is imperative that we take the time to recognize Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month and the impact Alzheimer’s has on millions of American families. "It is more important

than ever to improve the lives of those affected by the disease and to raise awareness in our communities. I recently introduced two bills – as I have since 2008 – to address the needs of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, their families and caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Act (H.R. 2975) authorizes grants to public and non-profit organizations to expand training and support services for families and caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. The Missing Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Alert Program Reauthorization Act (H.R. 2976) expands a program that helps Alzheimer’s patients who wander away from their homes and are unable to tell people in the community who they are or where they live. In addition, I requested $2 million in funding for this program for Fiscal Year 2015. "I am also working hard

to pass H.R.1508, a bill to provide for the issuance of an Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp. It requires the U.S. Postal Service to issue and sell an Alzheimer’s Disease Research Semipostal Stamp, with the extra funds going to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to search for new treatments and a cure for Alzheimer’s disease. "No one should have to face Alzheimer's disease alone. While we do not yet have a cure for Alzheimer’s, we must all do our part to promote awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and support those that are providing care for loved ones. During this month and every day of the year, let's rededicate ourselves to Alzheimer’s research, treatment and caregiver support so that we can help all of the patients and families affected by this tragic disease."

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LOCAL NEWS The Black Women’s Agenda, Inc. and AARP Collaborates for “Caregivers” Forum

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen The Black Women’s Agenda collaborative partners and AARP along with panelists.

(Continued from page 1) Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Sherrie Gordon, AARP and Mistress of Ceremonies and Gwainevere Cathings Hess, BWA President thanking everyone for coming out to “Caregivers” Forum on Saturday.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Approximately 100 were in attendance at the BWA and AARP “Caregivers” Forum.

Bass Teams Up with a Foster Youth Alumni (Continued from page 1) youth remains so strong." Congressional Foster

system since birth. Toni has overcome great adversity in her life, but she is committed to shar-

Foster youth with Congresswoman Bass at White House. Youth Shadow Day was hosted by the Casey Family Programs, FosterClub, the National Foster Care Institute and FosterMore, in conjunction with the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth. Tonnette (Toni) Washington grew up in Los Angeles and Hawthorne, California, and has been a part of the foster care

ing her story and her using her voice to improve foster care. Toni has three younger siblings who are still in foster care. According to Toni, Foster Youth Shadow Day gives her the chance to be a part of something bigger than herself & she knows that her siblings will be very proud. Toni is currently attending college.

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Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Barbara Perkins was in attendance and as a caregiver sought answers from the panel of experts.

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS CBS Pulls the Plug on the Arsenio Hall Show After Just One Season Hollywood, CA — The second round of the Arsenio Hall Show has been canceled after CBS, the show’s network, says the ratings were just not high enough. The late night show averaged just 1 million viewers, which sounds like a lot, but is just not enough for a nightly show in that time slot.

decision just a few months later. Hall had a much longer run from 1989-1994, when his show ran for a solid five years. He is credited for being the very first African American late night talk show host, and for bringing rap and hip-hop to the mainstream platform when it was first emerging.

The lights are off on stage 6, but you know me, I will never stop making you laugh. See you soon.” In another tweet, he said, “This is the first time I’ve ever hit a professional wall… and been unable to call up Doctor Angelou!” CBS also released a statement saying, “While there are

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The show was competing with ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O’Brien on TBS, and other late night shows who all had a much higher viewership. Originally, back in February 2014, CBS agreed to renew the show for a second season but then changed their

Regarding the cancellation, Hall commented, “We all knew it would be a challenge. I’m gratified for the year we’ve had and proud of the show we created.” He later tweeted: “Thank you everybody for your support.

many loyal fans of the show, the series did not grow its audience enough to continue.” Also, cancelled this year was Bethenny Frankel’s daytime show and Katie Couric’s show. Both were also cited for not enough viewers.

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Mayor Garcetti Seeks Poet Laureate Candidates LOS ANGELES – Mayor Eric Garcetti today announced nominations will be accepted for the city's Poet Laureate Program beginning Wednesday, June 4, 2014. Nominations will be accepted until 4 p.m. July 1, and the Poet Laureate will be announced in July. The Los Angeles Poet Laureate Program is a collaboration between the Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) and the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL). “Los Angeles is the creative capital of the world, and we're eager to find a Poet Laureate to represent our thriving literary community," said Mayor Garcetti. “We invite all Angelenos to nominate noteworthy poets or themselves to spread their love of poetry throughout our city.” The City of Los Angeles Poet Laureate will serve as the official ambassador of Los Angeles’ vibrant poetry and literary culture. The Poet Laureate will use the position as a platform to promote the city’s greatest writers, demonstrating the tremendous value of poetry

and written word throughout all parts of the community. Los Angeles’ Poet Laureate will serve for a term of two years, from August 2014 to October 2016, and will receive a $10,000 annual grant from DCA. Over the course of the appointment, the City of Los Angeles Poet Laureate will provide no fewer than six public classes or workshops at various LAPL libraries as well as six public readings. The readings will consist of either original works created for the events, past work appropriate to the occasion and to the audience, or historic works by past Los Angeles poets in locations across the city. The appointed Laureate will educate Los Angeles residents, visitors, civic and elected leaders, young people, adults, seniors, and students of all ages about the value of creative expression through verse via self-coordinated or community-partnered events and activities that are reviewed and approved by DCA. He or she will also write one or more commemorative poem(s) about Los Angeles. Toward the same

end of nurturing appreciation of poetry among Angelenos, the Poet Laureate will also lead a collaboration between LAPL and DCA for no less than one festival-style event at the Central Library in April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Candidates must be poets who demonstrate excellence in their artistic work and have received wide recognition in the professional community and have significant ties to the Los Angeles community. The selection process will be overseen by the Poet Laureate Advisory Committee, appointed by Mayor Garcetti, consisting of a group of five to seven poets and literary experts. The Advisory Committee reviews nominations and makes recommendations for DCA to forward to the Mayor’s Office for consideration. To review City of Los Angeles Poet Laureate Guidel i n e s a n d Ap p l i ca t ion / Nomination Instructions, please go to the DCA website at b r o c h u r e / Poet_Laureate_Program_Guid elines_5.23.14.pdf

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Civil Rights Leaders Press NBA on Diversity From the AFRO (AP)—The Rev. Al Sharpton and other civil rights leaders pressed for greater diversity in NBA front offices in a meeting with Commissioner Adam Silver on June 4 amid discussions about racial issues raised by the ouster of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling. A group including Sharpton, National Urban League President Marc Morial and incoming NAACP President Cornell Brooks met with Silver for more than an hour at the league's Manhattan offices. They described the session as constructive and pressed for diversity in front offices and among suppliers. “There must be serious dialogue around ownership and business engagement in the Black

community,” Sharpton said. “It is offensive that we only have one Black majority owner in the basketball area when over 80 percent of the players are Black.” NBA superstar Michael Jordan became the league’s only Black majority owner when he took over the Charlotte Bobcats, now the Charlotte Hornets, in 2010. The civil rights leaders praised Silver for his swift move to ban Sterling from the NBA and fine him $2.5 million over racist comments in a taped conversation. Sterling's wife, Shelly, concluded a deal last week to sell the Clippers to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. The $2 billion deal still needs to be approved by NBA owners. “We’re pleased that it

out as owners of the Clippers,” Morial said. “However, the larger discussion about ownership, supply diversity and the future of the Na-

Man in Tenn. Fired for Alleged Racism

Rev. Al Sharpton, above, and other civil rights leaders visited with NBA Commissioner Adam Silver on Wednesday, June 4, 2014, to press for greater diversity in the league’s front offices. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) appears that they're on their way

The Identity Question: More Latinos Checking ‘White’ on Census By Danielle Restuccia From By the numbers, it’s clear that more Latinos checked “white” on the 2010 Census than the 2000 Census; less clear are the reasons behind that shift. Using preliminary findings reported by the Pew Research Center, several journalists attempted to explain why Latinos might check the “white” box and what it means for race in the U.S. While some pointed to a dearth of suitable options in the “race” category, others discussed European heritage and the potential desire for assimilation or identification with the majority. However, the multiplicity of reasons behind this numerical demographic shift highlight the fact that parsing race is no easy task in the U.S. One New York Times reporter, in particular, was taken to task by several other news writers for jumping to conclusions about the “whitening” of the U.S. By the numbers According to U.S. Census data reported by Latino Rebels, “2.5 million Americans of Hispanic origin…changed their race from ‘some other race’ in 2000 to ‘white’ in 2010.” On the other hand, 1.3 million people of Hispanic origin switched in the other direction, and over a million Americans chose non-Hispanic white on one Census and Hispanic white on the other. At the very least, the numbers indicate a certain level of confusion as to how we define race in the U.S., especially on the Census. That confusion is somewhat understandable: the survey first asks about ethnicity, allowing respondents to check “Hispanic” or “non-Hispanic,” and then asks a separate question about race. With choices limited to white, black, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander or “some other race,” the Huffington Post suggests that Latinos don’t always have a clear option, which may account for some of the back-andforth on the last two Censuses. Potential reasons Journalists have offered up a plethora of reasons, outside of limited Census options, to account for Latinos self-identifying as “white.” Some, like Kansas City Star reporter Mary Sanchez, suggest that “the pressure—and the growing opportunity—to blend into society and to identify with the majority” is an important fac-

Latinos and others are seen on Broadway in downtown Los Angeles, where many businesses cater to a Spanish-speaking clientele, Wednesday, May 11, 2011. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon) tor. Sanchez points out that numerous other immigrants, such as those from Ireland and Italy, were initially considered “other” but today identify both internally and externally as white. Others, such as Roque Planas, note that many Latinos are white, inasmuch as we consider people of European descent to be white. Many Latin Americans have Spanish ancestors. Planas also explained that there’s a long history of mixed race individuals in Latin America self-identifying as white. She highlights studies showing that there’s a persistent trend of bias toward those with lighter skin in Latin America, which may partially account for that history. As more Latinos move to the U.S., those identities and a particular understanding of race may come with them. Being cautious with conclusions While the media does offer up some potential reasons for the Census data, many are also hesitant to draw solid conclusions from that information about a new identity Hispanic controversy. There’s good reason for this: while there are raw numbers, the Pew Research Center analysis of those numbers is only indicative of a preliminary study, and Pew doesn’t make any definitive claims about racial identity in America. Additionally, as stated in the Kansas City Star, choosing and defining a race is a nuanced and difficult task, one tempered by considerations far beyond skin color: “Race is a construct. Its meaning throughout history has had no basis in biological reality but rather in social domination and political contention.” Given that, assuming that all Latinos who check “white” on the Census are doing so for one particular reason—whether that’s assimilation, lack of options, visible skin color, ancestry or any-

tional Basketball Association is what we as civil rights leaders are going to focus on with the NBA.” An NBA spokesman did not imme-

thing else—is problematic. When New York Times reporter Nate Cohn attempted to simplify the question, concluding that Hispanics were choosing to assimilate into the white majority by checking a box, numerous other reporters tore his article apart, arguing that Cohn was jumping to conclusions. With the U.S. Latino population continuing to rise, the next few years are likely to hold increasingly complex discussions on race and racial identity in America.

M EM PHIS, Tenn. (AP) — A contractor has fired a cotton warehouse supervisor in Memphis, Tennessee, after two black employees accused him of saying that a microwave and a water fountain were for "whites only." Federal Compress said the Atkinson Cotton Warehouse supervisor was removed from the warehouse and is no longer employed by the company, according to a statement obtained Thursday by The Associated Press. Federal Compress provides workers for the warehouse. According to WMC-TV, Antonio Harris and Mario Mangrum said they filed racial discrimination complaints with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission against the supervisor, who was not named by Federal Compress. The EEOC does not make discrimination complaints public. "He didn't use the Nword, but he used the word 'monkey' a lot," Mangrum told

the TV station. Harris recorded the supervisor, who said, "I need to put a sign here that says 'White People Only'" on a water fountain. Harris then asked the supervisor what would be done if he were caught drinking from the fountain. "That's when we hang you," the supervisor said, according to the audio recording, which was obtained by the television station. Harris said he also recorded the man saying he could not use the microwave because it was "whites only." "It disturbed me mentally," Harris said of the comments. Federal Compress said it has a zero-tolerance policy that prohibits any form of racial or other discriminatory conduct or language at work. The owner of the warehouse, E.W. Atkinson, did not return a call seeking comment. The AP could not immediately locate Harris or Mangrum by phone or at addresses listed for them.

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014133099 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Shady Lady Accessory Bar 2. S.L.A.B. 2047 W. 104th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): Sharondra K. Marks, 2047 W. 104th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Individual Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharondra Marks Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 15, 2014. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub May 16, 23, 30, June 6, 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014135931 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting 2. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3.Los Angeles Friends Meeting 4. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of Pacific Yearly Meeting 5. Los Angeles Quaker Meeting(Friends) 6. Los Angeles Friends Meeting (Quaker), 4157 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90037 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 4167 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90037. This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Association other than a Partnership The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1939. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Douglas Barnett Title: Clerk This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 19, 2014/Expires May 19, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 6, 13, 20, 27 2014PN


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