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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Established Since 1995

Vol. 24 No.36 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Friday, July 4, 2014

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Pat Havey, Maria Shriver and Bob Kovacik at the Los Angeles Press Club 56th annual Southern California Journalism Awards at the Millennium Biltmore downtown on Sunday, June 29.

Photo by Inae Bloom (L-R) Pat Harvey, Gloria Zuurveen and Christine Devine at the LA Press Club 56th annual Southern California Journalism Awards at the Millennium Biltmore downtown. Op/Ed....Page 2 Education News…Page 3 Church/Religious…Page 4 Business Directory…. Page 5 Health News…Page 6 Business News…Page 7 State/National News….Page 8 Arts & Ent...Page 9 and more…

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Friday, July 4, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, As we celebrate another Fourth of July in 2014, there is still a crucial question to be asked, “What to African Americans is the Fourth of July? Yes, Frederick Douglass penned his famous speech in 1852 “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” due to the atrocity of slavery in America in spite of a U.S. Constitution that declared that all men had a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Douglass’ message of injustice on the Fourth of July in 1852 can also be said today by African Americans. Why? Because like the late author Amos Wilson said in his book, “Blueprint for Black Power” in 1998, about the observations of David Swinton, then Dean of the School of Business at Jackson State University after completing a learned and detailed review of national and global economic trends came to the conclusion that : To be sure, some African Americans have advanced. However, the central tendency of the group as a whole has been stagnation or retrogression in absolute status and in creased disparities in relative status. He continued by saying the latest data in 1991 and 1992 on income, poverty, and labor market status reveal a continuation of the disadvantage status of blacks...However, for African Americans, the period has been characterized by conditions that would be considered depression level if they were experienced by all Americans. This scenario in 1991 and 1992 continues today as it did in 1852 which compelled Douglass to pen his famous speech still gives African Americans a reason to ask, “What to African Americans is the Fourth of July?”

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

2014: The Meaning of July Fourth For The African American By Dr. Wilmer Leon From Black Star News From Frederick Douglass's "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro - 1852": “I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings in which you, this day, rejoice, are not enjoyed in common.-The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity and independence, bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not by me. The sunlight that brought light and healing to you, has brought stripes and death to me. This Fourth July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.” As America celebrates July Fourth, as the grills smoke, the salads are tossed, pools filled, and fireworks displayed take a moment to reflect. Reflect upon how far we have come as a nation and yet how far we have to go. I implore African Americans to read the entire text of Frederick Douglass’ famous speech, The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro. Are we as a people able to enjoy the blessings, the justice, and the liberty that are celebrated on this day? We have become all too familiar with the data. According to Bread for the World, one in four AfricanAmericans lives below the federal poverty line and more than a third (35.7 percent) of all African-American children live in poverty. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that for 2013, the underemployment rate for AfricanAmerican workers was 13.4 percent compared 6.7 percent for white workers. That does not account for those who have lost faith in the process and dropped out of the system. The Pew Research Center reports that the Median Net Worth of Households for Whites is $113,149 and for African Americans is $5,677. The NAACP reports that African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million of the incarcerated population. African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of Whites. These are just a few examples of the frightening realities with which we are faced. Douglass asked, “What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.” Yes, slavery ended in 1865 but that two hundred- fifty years of slavery was followed by ninety years of Jim Crow; sixty years of separate but equal and thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Yes, legislative and judicial progress have been made. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 provided for the equality of citizens of the United States in the enjoyment of "civil rights and immunities." That Act was undermined by the Tilden/Hayes compromise of 1877. We have recently celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision and the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and will soon celebrate the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. One problem is that too many have confused the legislative successes with the ultimate victory,

changing the racist core and premise upon which this country was founded as memorialized in the U.S. Constitution. I take this moment to focus on the past because as Douglass said, “We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and to the future.” Douglass continued, “At a time like this, scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed. O! had I the ability, and could reach the nation's ear, I would, to-day, pour out a fiery stream of biting ridicule, blasting reproach, withering sarcasm, and stern rebuke. For it is not light that is needed, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake. The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.” As we enjoy the Fourth, eating ribs and hot dogs, we must ask ourselves, are we as a people able to enjoy the blessings, the justice, and the liberty that are celebrated on this day? If not, what must we do to bring about substantive and permanent change? Our plight, our success, and our future have always been in our hands. Dr. King once said, “…nobody else can do this for us; 
 no document can do this for us
 ; no lincolnian emancipation proclamation can do this for us;
 no kennesonian or johnsonian civil rights bill can do this for us; 
 if the negro is to be free, he must move down into the inner resources of his own soul and sign with a pen and ink of self-asserted manhood his own emancipation proclamation.” Here is one, just one very simple yet challenging thing to consider. The former President and CEO of the NAACP, Ben Jealous has just released a report entitled, “True South: Unleashing Democracy in the Black Belt 50 Years After Freedom Summer.” According to the report, “The first and most important lesson is that massive voter registration can overcome massive voter suppression. Our analysis shows that registering just 30 percent of eligible unregistered black voters or other voters of color could shift the political calculus in a number of Black Belt states, helping blacks elect candidates who share their concerns or alternatively, forcing all candidates to pay attention to the community’s concerns. Registering 60 percent or 90 percent would change the political calculus in an even greater number of states.” I opened with Douglas and I will close with Douglas, “...Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented, of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country. There are forces in operation which must inevitably work the downfall of slavery. "The arm of the Lord is not shortened," and the doom of slavery is certain. I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope.”

Dr. Wilmer Leon is the Producer/Host of the Sirius/XM Satellite radio channel 110 program “Inside the Issues with Wilmer Leon” Go to or email: and Dr. Leon’s Prescription at © 2014 InfoWave Communications,

Un-common Core: The Continued Mis-Education Of African Americans By Donald H. Smith [On Education] Common Core State Standards created by the Council of State School Officers and the National Governors Association are inadequate for all American school children. Now adopted by 45 states, the District of Columbia and four territories, the Standards are demeaning and particularly unacceptable for students of African descent. While there is presently considerable dissent among states, parents, educators and even students, with regard to the suitability of the standards for all students, those states which reverse their adoption of the Standards risk their eligibility for Race to the Top funds. Yet, in spite of pressure from the White House for national acceptance of the Standards, the State of New York Assembly and Senate, for example, have recently introduced a bill to "discontinue implementation of the Common Core State Standards". In the interest of students of color, it is important that Black and Latino legislators support the bill to end the government required Common Core State Standards in New York State. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, Ph.D. Harvard, wrote in his classic book, The Mis-education of the Negro (1933), that education in America was intended purposefully to make people of African descent feel inferior and people of European descent appear superior. That white supremacist purpose was then and is now still manifested in teacher training, in curriculum, in instruction, in books, newspapers, broadcasting, films and, most importantly, in public discourse, philosophy and institutionalized in public policy. Criticism of the Common Core State Standards: Common Core State Standards are untruthful about the United States' history. CCSS assume an American population embodied with a similar history of freedom and cultural “neutrality” or “universality”. That assumption is incorrect with regard to the history and present experience of students of African descent whose ancestors bore the scars of physical and mental chains of enslavement, and who themselves, whether they recognize it or not, are still victimized by a white supremacist culture and school curriculum. No other culture came to America in chains to be eradicated or suppressed and vilified by Americans of European descent who have historically and presently been accorded unearned special privileges because of their skin color and heritage (despite the class differences among them). Claims of the new standards: Although the new standards claim that no specific curriculum materials are being advocated, in several areas that specify common standards in English Language Arts, and Literacy in History/ Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and technical subjects, the "sample" of

illustrative texts rarely contains any books or writings by Black authors, and, for that matter any writings by Hispanic/Latino, Native American or Asian writers. The "illustrative" texts for student readings in the formative grades K5 contain no readings identifiable as written by authors of color. The CCSS claim these are only recommendations, not required readings. Presumably states are free to choose their own readings. Then how can these readings be considered Common Core? The State of Texas, for example, has decided to remove such illustrious Americans as President Thomas Jefferson and Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall from its textbooks and curriculum. Major Criticisms of CCSS: There are no recommendations for truthful readings or discussions that will help all students of whatever ethnicity or gender to become divested of cultural, racial, gender or sexual biases. Such divestment is critical, not only for American born and educated students, but particularly for incoming immigrants who often bring with them their own biases and racial impressions of Americans of African descent. In the areas of mathematics and science, a failed curriculum relies heavily on rote memorization for high stakes tests, rather than inquiry based learning of math, science and technology. This is coupled with inadequately educated mathematics and science teachers who have to rely on the textbook industry to tell them what and how to teach. Moreover, continuing to omit the historical foundations of science as originating in Africa often results in Black students not seeing themselves as mathematicians or scientists. The current “education” of African American students is an ongoing process of "Educational Genocide", the deliberate dumbing down of a people while erasing or distorting their history to benefit other ethnic groups. Without a truthful history of its founding, how it acquired enormous wealth and power on the backs of enslaved Africans, the United States will continue to remain a segmented nation, one which in several decades will find white Americans the new minority, but still in control of the nation's major resources, primarily through the deliberate "Mis-education of the Negro". For our more detailed critique of the Common Core State Standards and our National Black Education Agenda recommendations, go Donald H. Smith, Ph.D: Former Chair, the New York City Board of Education's Commission on Students of African Descent Founding Member of The National Black Education Agenda Email:

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Friday, July 4, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Educating Young Minds 16th Annual Scholarship Awards Gala

Photo by Ian Foxx Educating Young Minds scholarship recipients during the 16th Annual Scholarship Awards Gala held on June 21, 2014 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott Hotel.

Black Consumer Hit Hardest by Water Shortage By Olu Alemoru From the California Black Media SACRAMENTO— Despite the prolonged and severe drought in California, it seems the political divide in Sacramento has torpedoed any consensus on how to manage a resource that one nonpartisan advocate calls the state’s “lifeblood.” Last month, legislation authored by Sen. Lois Wolk (DDavis) to create a $10.5 billion water bond failed to gain the required twothirds majority; 22 Democrats voted for, nine Republicans opposed it and nine lawmakers didn’t vote. If passed, Wolk’s bill, SB 848, would have replaced an $11.9 billion bond slated to appear on the statewide ballot in November. According to Wolk and her Democratic colleagues, that measure is doomed to failure because it includes a Republican-supported demand to build two tunnels underneath the California Delta in order to divert water to farming interests in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. Rejection of her legislation “was a missed opportunity,” said Wolk. “It was especially disappointing to see my Republican colleagues from Northern California tie their horses to the Delta Tunnels and support the current bond written in 2009 rather than the tunnel neutral approach in SB 848 that was before them. The 2009 bond promotes the tunnels and is doomed to be rejected by the voters. We are in a drought. The voters want real solutions, not the tunnels. She added: “There is no better time than now to act. SB 848

includes water solutions for every region of the state that reflect local needs and priorities. This bond doesn’t hurt any region and, critically, it avoids investments in controversial projects like the Delta Tunnels that will result in opposition at the ballot. SB 848 is the only proposal that doesn't provoke a North-South water war and meets Republican core demand for surface storage.” However, Sen. Andy Vidak (R-Hanford), sees the matter much differently. “This water bond proposal leaves the Valley behind,” he said. “It’s pointless to store water if you can’t move it to where it's needed. I can’t support a water bond that is worse than the 2009 ... bond that’s already on this November’s ballot.” With the clock ticking, time to replace the bond is not on lawmakers’ side. As for whether any viable bond proposal can be completed within the next three months before the session ends Aug. 31, Wolk sounded hopeful. “Yes, a proposal could move forward,” she said. “However, many groups are threatening to kill any bond measure that does not meet their narrow interests, despite the good a bond might do for the entire state. “If the Legislature does not act, the current water bond will remain on the ballot. As mentioned before, that bond is extremely divisive, and extremely unpopular with voters. It is unlikely to pass. If the polls are correct, and the bond fails, we will miss an opportunity to provide necessary funding for hundreds of necessary water projects throughout the state.”

Meanwhile, the importance of water to California cannot be overstated. The non-partisan nonprofit California Water Alliance notes that California is the nation’s leading agricultural producer, providing 1.1 million jobs, and generating estimated annual sales of $36 billion and another $100 billion in economic activity. It also takes into account the state’s enormous tourist and recreational industries and how a safe, reliable water supply is critical to the environmental health of every Californian. “Water is the lifeblood of California,” said Bettencourt, the Alliance’s executive director. “Los Angeles became Los Angeles because of the availability of water to that area. It’s the reason we have the different cities and different industries. That was the brilliance of our forefathers. We have rain and snow in the Sierras that is able to be captured and moved throughout the state and raise up what is now the ninth largest economy in the world. “So it’s the basic essential of life in southern California. Whether it’s the shipping industry in Long Beach and San Pedro, laundries, hotels and the tourist industry. It’s all available because of the ability of reliable, clean water.” In terms of the pending legislation, Bettencourt urged lawmakers to grasp the nettle. “The failing of Sen.

Wolk's bill is a great example of the long, hard, and often complicated work by representatives of all types of water users — [agricultural], ur Please see Blacks, page 10

George McKenna Receives Endorsement of Former LAUSD School Board Candidates George McKenna, who with 45% of the vote nearly outright won the June 3rd special election to replace deceased LAUSD District 1 Board Member Marguerite LaMotte, has received the endorsement of four former competitors: educators Sherlett Hendy-Newbill, Rachel C. Johnson and Hattie B. McFrazier and former LAUSD Board Member Genethia Hud-

at this time.” A teacher at Dorsey H.S. since 1998 and third-place finisher Sherlett HendyN e w b i l l , s a i d , “ G e o r ge McKenna's experience in the Greater Los Angeles education arena was the determining factor in my decision to endorse him.” As a member of the School Board, “he will add to and enhance the outstanding legacy

ley-Hayes. A run-off election will be held on August 12th between McKenna and the second-place finisher, who despite outspending McKenna over 3to-1 in the June 3rd primary election finished 20 points behind him. “I am honored to be endorsed by these accomplished women who have been committed to improving the educational outcomes for the children of Los Angeles,” said McKenna. “Each has a track record within the LAUSD as a teacher and/or board member and they are aware of the issues involved in the day-to day operations of classrooms and school sites. We all share a passion for working for the best interests of our students. I am proud to have their support.” Former District 1 Board Member Hudley-Hayes said, “George McKenna has the history and the track record of working on behalf of students, particularly poor students of color. I know he will be an independent voice on the School Board for students, parents and citizens. He will work with administrators, parents and students to create the conditions so that all schools effectively educate all students, particularly schools that have been left out.” Hattie McFrazier, who spent 31 years with LAUSD, first as a teacher and later as a Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor, said, of the two candidates remaining in the race, “George McKenna is the one with the knowledge and experience to move the district forward. His focus would be on education and not politics. He owes nothing to anyone, so he can concentrate on education and not politics. His interest lies in providing a quality education for our students. I believe he is the best candidate for District 1

left by the Honorable Marguerite LaMotte and build a strong foundation for all children attending public schools in Los Angeles.” With more than 50 years of experience, McKenna has served at all levels of the educational ladder, including classroom mathematics teacher, principal and local district superintendent within LAUSD. Additionally, he has served as Superintendent of the Inglewood USD, Deputy Director of the Compton USD and Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Schools of the Pasadena USD. In addition to serving on numerous education committees, he is currently an educational consultant, providing professional development and support to school districts and community organizations throughout the country. George McKenna has been recognized locally, nationally and internationally, for his work in transforming schools, improving student performance and increasing community interest and involvement within local schools. With more than 400 citations, he has been profiled in national publications, including Time, People and Ebony magazines; television shows, including “Nightline” and “The Oprah Winfrey Show;” and numerous newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and The Christian Science Monitor. His success in transforming South Central Los Angeles’ Washington Preparatory High School has been documented in print as well as film, including, “The George McKenna Story,” starring Denzel Washington and a documentary, entitled, “Chaos to Calm,” produced by the California State Attorney General’s Office.

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Friday, July 4, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS LifeWay Research: Pastors Seldom Preach About Domestic Violence By Bob Smietana NASHVILLE, Tenn. — For many Protestant pastors, domestic violence is the pro-life issue they almost never talk about. A new survey from LifeWay Research found that most Protestant senior pastors say they know victims of domestic violence and believe stopping abuse is a pro-life issue. But those pastors seldom address domestic violence from the pulpit. And less than half have been trained in how to help victims. Those are among the findings of a new telephone survey of 1,000 senior pastors of Protestant churches from Nashville-based LifeWay Research. The survey was cosponsored by two Christian nonprofits: Washington, D.C.-based Sojourners and Maryland-based IMA World Health. Sojourners president Jim Wallis, said the survey shows churches can do more to address do-

mestic violence. “This is a conversation the church needs to be having but isn’t,” he said. “We cannot remain silent when our brothers and sisters live under the threat of violence in their homes and communities.” The recent LifeWay Research pastor’s survey is one of the first of its kind on the topic of domestic violence. Researchers found about 4 in 10 (42 percent) pastors “rarely” or “never” speak about domestic violence. Less than a quarter (22 percent) speak to their church about the issue once a year. "When two-thirds of pastors address the issue of domestic violence in church one time a year or less, we have a serious disconnect with the realities of American life," said Ed Stetzer, President of LifeWay Research Division. "Pastors cannot ignore or downplay the issue, when lives are being ruined--and sometimes lost--through sexual and do-

Revelation of Christ Church Host Annual Vacation Bible School and Knotts Berry Farm Trip LOS ANGELESCalling all youth: This is it! The opportunity of a lifetime! The Revelation Of Christ (R.O.C.) Church will present its 2014 Annual Vacation Bible School. Our theme this year is: "Jungle Safari Where Youth Explore The Nature of God." Get ready as we hunt, track, and capture the knowledge of God in an adventure you'll never forget. We'll begin by feasting on a delicious lunch in the "village" multipurpose room that's free to all youth. Next, we'll enjoy an interesting bible lesson with demonstrations in the "jungle" classroom. Then we'll spend some time in the arts and crafts "compound" making fun projects to take home. After that, we'll meet in the "native" music room to learn the latest V.B.S. songs and get our groove on.

Finally, we'll go outside in the "animal" recreational area for games and fun activities for all. At the close of the day, all who bring a guest will receive a gift; we'll collect an offering to help with expenses; and we'll dismiss with prayer and our theme song. On Monday, July 14th, all who have had good behavior and good attendance will be able to enjoy the "KNOTTS BERRY FARM" field trip for the discounted price of only $27.00 with "free" transportation. Register today and enjoy the fun! R.O.C. Vacation Bible School Information: Revelation Of Christ Church, 9000 South Broadw a y A v e n u e , L o s A n ge l e s CA 90003; Telephone: (323) 7570754 or (310) 329-8782 on Monday, July 7- 11 at 4:00pm- 8:00pm

mestic violence right in their own communities and churches." “The church needs to be part of the solution here,” explained Stetzer. “This is an issue where people of faith, across theological lines, can speak together that it matters, we care, and it must change.” Pastors also tend to downplay the possibility domestic violence can affect their congregation. For pastors who don’t address the issue, about 3 in 10 (29 percent) believe domestic violence is not a problem in their church. Pastors who do speak about domestic violence are more likely to say it is a problem for their community (72 percent) than their church (25 percent.). “I think many pastors still don’t think it exists in their congregation,” said Yvonne DeVaughn, director of Advocacy for Victims of Abuse (AVA), which trains church leaders to assist victims. According to a 2010 national survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 in 3 (35.6 percent) women and 1 in 4 men (28.5 percent) have “experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.” That same survey found 1 in 4 women (24.3 percent) and 1 in 7 men (13.8 percent) have been “hit with a fist or something hard, beaten, slammed against something) at some point in their lifetime” by an intimate partner. DeVaughn said victims often feel trapped. They may feel their lives are in danger. But they also fear leaving an abusive spouse is a sin. It’s a no win-situation. "The gospel sets prisoners free-- and that includes victims of domestic violence, who often feel like prisoners in their own homes,"

Stetzer said. "Pastors can do more to proclaim that message." Justin Holcomb, co-author of “Is It My Fault?: Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence,” said that victims of abuse often blame themselves. Hearing sermons about stopping domestic violence reminds victims that God cares about their suffering. And it gives them hope that God can deliver them from the evil of domestic violence. Some abusers, said Holcomb, use scriptures like Malachi 2:16—which says God hates divorce in some translations—against their victims. He believes pastors can counteract that message. “God says He hates divorce—He also hates the abuse of women,” Holcomb said. LifeWay Research also found half of senior pastors (52 percent) don’t have sufficient training to address cases of domestic or sexual violence. About 8 in 10 (81

percent), say they would take action to reduce domestic violence if they had more training. Most pastors (74 percent) know of a friend, family member, or church member who has experienced domestic violence. And most (83 percent) say they would turn to outside experts in order to address cases of domestic violence. But more than half (62 percent) have also provided “couples or marriage counseling” to those experiencing domestic violence. Advocates for victims say that’s a dangerous practice, especially for women who are victims of abuse. A counseling session may actually lead to more violence, said Holcomb. “She’s going back home with that guy,” he said. “And if she made him look bad in front of a pastor—she will pay for it when she gets back home.”

Pastor Steven Mitchell Ordains Leaders at Victory In Christ Ministries

Photo credits: Ronea Williams

Pastor Steven Mitchell said, “A church should not be measured by its seating capacity but by its sending capacity. Victory In Christ Ministries (VICM) has sent many individuals away this past year or two, to do other works in the city and abroad. Nevertheless, VICM is a church on mission for God. I as the Senior Pastor understand that God uses people for the perfecting of the saints, (Eph 4:11-12). We look for people within our ministry who God has shaped for ministry. I believe God shapes people by Spiritual gifts, Heart, Ability, Personality, Experience. We have been so blessed to ordain and install William & Jo Carol Hardison as Pastors over our Care Ministry, to oversee the nurturing of the saints and prayerfully alleviate their sorrow. Sabrina Mitchell, Pastor over our Women's ministry, Calvin Sparks, Asst. Pastor and Vice President of VICM. Will Edwards, Pastor/Elder and a host of Elders and Deacons. Truly by these appointments our leadership team and church has been elevated. VICM is fulfilling its mission statement to minister to man's spiritual, psychological, physical, social, emotional and strong economic base to give relief to the needy” .Daniel Gulley (Elder), Darrel Williams (Deacon), Dr. Curtis Blumfield (Elder), William Hardison (Pastor), Jo Carol Hardison (Pastor), Carolyn Smith (Deaconess), Valerie Sanders Lewis (Prophetess), Will Edwards (Elder/Pastor) Ordination group Daniel Gulley (Elder), Darrel Williams (Deacon), Dr. Curtis Blumfield (Elder), William Hardison (Pastor), Jo Carol Hardison (Pastor), Valerie Sanders Lewis (Prophetess), Will Edwards (Elder/Pastor), Stan Jones (Minister), Sabrina Mitchell (Pastor) Dr. Steven Mitchell, Pastor Calvin Sparks (new VIC Assistant Pastor), Faces not shown: Minister Belinda Matthews, Dr. Ray Ross, Pastor Louis Appling

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Friday, July 4, 2014




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Friday, July 4, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Marrow Transplants Can Reverse Adult Sickle Cell By Lindsey Tanner CHICAGO (AP) — Bone marrow transplants can reverse severe sickle cell disease in adults, a small study by government scientists found, echoing results seen with a similar technique used in children. The researchers and others say the findings show age need not be a barrier and that the technique may change practice for some adult patients when standard treatment fails. The transplant worked in 26 of 30 adults, and 15 of them were even able to stop taking drugs that prevent rejection one year later. “We’re very pleased,” said Dr. John Tisdale, the study’s senior author and a senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health.

This image shows red blood cells in a different sickle cell patient, after a bone marrow transplant. A study by NIH found that bone marrow transplants can reverse severe sickle cell disease in adults

“This is what we hoped for.”

transplants in adults with severe sickle cell disease because The treatment is a the treatment is so toxic. Chilmodified version of bone marrow transplants that have worked in kids. Donors are a brother or sister whose stem cell-rich bone marrow is a good match for the patient. Tisdale said doctors have avoided trying standard

tion to destroy bone marrow before replacing it with healthy donor marrow cells. In children, bone marrow is completely wiped out. In the adult study, the researchers only partially destroyed the bone marrow, requiring less donor marrow. That marrow’s healthy blood cells outlast sickle cells and eventually replace them. Sickle cell disease is a genetic condition that damages oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in red blood cells, causing them to form abnormal, sickle shapes that can block blood flow through the veins. It can

Abandon By Dean L. Jones, CPM The artist, Kara Walker, laid out an exceptional and immense art exhibit at an abandoned processed sugar manufacturing plant in Brooklyn, New York. The exhibit is inspired by America's socioeconomic enslavement of black people, where one art piece is a black woman with a scarf tied at the forehead, sculpted in a position like a giant sphinx, 35' tall and 75' long, and all coated with 40 tons of processed white sugar. Kara Walker calls this work "A Subtlety" that is making the visual statement of how processed sugar, obesity, race, poverty, and all of the related conditions are still in play today. Shedding truth and light of cultural awareness through an art lesson in history is profound, as intermittently we need some subtle reminders of how more black people died through enslavement on sugar plantations than in the tobacco and cotton fields, most of which spearheaded by hateful labor laws enforced by American Confederates. The ensuing profits garnered from enslaved labor yielded worldwide sugar consumption―an appetite still growing today. One indicator of how much money is made in processed sugar manufacturing was highlighted when the Domino Sugar Company easily donated 80 tons of sugar for Kara Walker's giant sphinx and accompanying exhibits. In view of that, consider abandoning processed sugaryfilled food items in order to acknowledge the unnecessary lost lives from this blood commodity called sugar. Transition from eating processed sugar to more fresh fruit that is now an great abundance during the summer months. Such as, strawberries are low in sugar content and are filled with antioxidants, cancer-fighting properties and loads of benefits to keep us healthy. Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant-filled fruits available and are low on the glycemic index, which is a benefit for people with diabetes. I am constantly giving thanks

This image provided by the NIH, shows red blood cells in a patient with sickle cell disease. -

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones for my favorite fruit the watermelon that is nearly 82% water, a natural thirst quencher, and easily satisfies a sweet tooth while lowering levels of blood sugar and blood pressure. The best thing is to enjoy a few slices rather than an entire watermelon, which I find hard to resist from doing when they are just 79¢ each at the 99¢ Only stores. Raspberries (half-cup) contain roughly less than a teaspoon of sugar with plenty of fiber content. Lemons, grapefruits, boysenberries, pineapples, cranberries, mangos, and cherries are each high in vitamin C, with enormous amounts of other benefits from protecting against rheumatoid arthritis, helping eyesight, preventing cancer and even promoting weight loss. Blackberries are great for the heart and fresh figs are filled with fiber and can help to lower blood pressure. Bananas are filled with potassium and grapes can help to lower the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Being SugarAlert! facilitates in offering some homage to enslavement atrocities and a purpose to abandon eating unhealthy processed sugar-filled foodstuff. Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

dren can often tolerate it because the disease typically hasn’t taken as big a toll on their bodies, he said. The disease is debilitating and often lifeshortening; patients die on average in their 40s, Tisdale said. That’s one reason why the researchers decided to try the transplants in adults, with hopes that the technique could extend their lives. The treatment involves using chemotherapy and radia-

cause anemia, pain and organ damage. The disease affects about 100,000 Americans, mostly blacks, and millions worldwide. Results from the adult study, involving patients aged 29 on average, were published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The usual treatment hadn’t worked, a drug called hydroxyurea, and they had transplants at an NIH research

hospital in Bethesda, Maryland. The treatment failed to reverse sickle cell in four of the 30 patients and one died of a disease-related complication. Another patient died suddenly a few weeks ago — an elderly man whose transplant four years ago had been a success. Tisdale said that man had lived longer than the normal lifespan for sickle cell patients but that his death was unexpected and an autopsy was to be performed. The researchers are unsure why the technique didn’t work for everyone but they note that most patients survived more than three years on average, and some patients from an early phase of the study have been off antirejection drugs for more than seven years. Tisdale said based on the latest results, adults with severe disease should be offered transplants if drug treatment doesn’t work. One limitation is that fewer than 1 out of 4 adults with sickle cell disease likely have siblings who would be a good match. But Tisdale said NIH scientists are studying whether relatives who aren’t as close a match would also be suitable donors. A JAMA editorial by blood specialists at Washington University in St. Louis said the study shows that limiting the transplants to children should be reconsidered. “These findings offer hope,” Drs. Allison King and John DiPersio wrote in the editorial.

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Moving, Hauling Jazzman Marsalis Trumpets Low-Budget & Delivery Service Guaranteed pickup & delivery Youth, Musical Diversity Residential ¨

By Jeremy Gaunt (Reuters) - The solo played by U.S. jazzman Wynton Marsalis to close his now-annual residency at London's Barbican this week was a rare personal moment in what was otherwise a master class in sharing the limelight. In lieu of a fullfledged encore with his 14strong Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra (JLCO), Marsalis entertained with a

There were also guest performances by young jazz musicians, brought on by Marsalis both to highlight and develop their skills - a tip to the 52-year-old Marsalis's other persona as a mentor and teacher. "My father is a teacher and as I grew up he had classes in the community. When I started to go on the road with (jazz drummer and bandleader)

Monday's gig was different altogether - a joint concert between two established bands - Marsalis's and Pakistan's Sachal Jazz Ensemble. The East meets West involved trombones, saxophones, sitars and tabla, naal and dholak drums. Such ranges in performance style is trademark Marsalis, who as well as his father, Ellis, counts three jazzmen among his brothers

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U.S. jazz trumpeter Wynton Marsalis plays trumpet during a rehearsal for a series of concerts in Havana October 4, 2010. Credit: Reuters/Desmond Boylan

small combo, delighting an already bouncing crowd with swooping scales of trumpet. But for much of the time over the three nights, Marsalis allowed his band and guests to shine in performances that ran the gamut from Pakistani sitar jazz to reflections on the '50s and '60s music of the legendary Blue Note jazz record label. Wednesday's Blue Note tribute of tracks by the likes of Wayne Shorter, Joe Henderson and Woody Shaw, for example, involved arrangements by nine different members of the band, solos from all, and Marsalis himself sometimes only playing fourth trumpet.

Art Blakey when I was 18, I started to do classes," Marsalis told Reuters in an interview. Sometime he teaches music - but not always. "I try to teach them mythology so they can recalibrate how they look at the world," said Marsalis, who has served as a United Nations goodwill ambassador. British jazz newcomers - vibraphonist Lewis Wright and saxophonist Nathaniel Facey - both more than held their own with the longer-standing JLCO professionals on the Wednesday, while Tuesday's performance featured the British-based Young Jazz East Big Band, which rehearsed with New Yorkbased JLCO via Internet.

- Branford, Delfeayo and Jason. He has worked with acts as diverse as Sarah Vaughn, Dizzy Gillespie and Eric Clapton, and won a Pulitzer Prize for music and numerous Grammys for jazz and classical albums, including one for best spoken word album for children. "With my music I try to always have it have some type of rooting and a meaning," the New Orleans native said. "Maybe I have 70, 80 records that are out but I have another 60 or 70 that are not out. Each time I do another record I try to have another objective or try to do something I didn't do before." (Editing by Mark Heinrich)

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Friday, July 4, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS Civil Rights Act: 50 Years Later By Zenitha Prince From the AFRO Fifty years ago, United States President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act on July 2, signaling a sea change in American society. “That Act absolutely transformed America,” said Barbara Arnwine, executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. She added, “It is most possibly one of the most radical pieces of legislation in the world.” IN 1963, when the CRA was introduced and being debated in Congress, America was a country still steeped in segregation. It was still legal to refuse to serve Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asians at restaurants and in hotels … to deny people transit on private transportation … to deny women access to certain jobs. Workplaces were segregated, colleges banned women from matriculating, and interracial gatherings – and relationships – were still outlawed in some places. “Today, we can walk down the street and share the sidewalks and Blacks don’t have to give way to Whites,” Arnwine said. Women comprise the majority of college graduates and can pursue careers in fields from which they were previously barred, and those advancements were all because of the Civil Rights Act, she added. But, even then the fight for equal rights and opportunity continued to be waged. “A lot of Americans walk around thinking that the society became the way it looks

today naturally,” Arnwine said. They don’t understand it took two-to-three decades of litigation to change this society. “We had to sue almost every police department, fire department, restaurants, hotels – everybody – before people started to accept that the laws had changed.” Even with those victories there were losses – but that’s par for the course in the history of the civil rights struggle, said Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel, NAACP Legal and Education Defense Fund. “We go through cycles in this nation,” she said. “We experience periods of tremendous progress in terms of opening doors of opportunity for all. And then we go through periods of retrenchment. Part of the job of people who work in civil rights advocacy and lawyering is to catch the wave. We have to properly diagnose the times that we are in and deploy our resources appropriately.” For example, in 1994 – 30 years after the CRA was passed – Denny’s, a national restaurant chain, had to pay more than $54 million to settle a discrimination lawsuit filed by thousands of Black customers who had been denied service, forced to wait for hours, or paid more than White customers. Almost a decade later, on April 24, 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court made a ruling in Alexander v. Sandoval that dismantled one of the CRA’s most effective weapons for fighting discrimination. Under the 5-4 deci-

sion, private parties could only bring complaints under Title VI for intentional discrimination and not for actions or policies that have a discriminatory impact. Due to that decision, Arnwine said, a lot of discrimination is “going unchallenged.” And there are other signs of retrogression. “In the case of employment, for example, we see people using proxies for race [to practice discrimination,]” such as using bad credit and arrest records – which African Americans are more likely to have – as black marks during job applications, Arnwine said. “We’ve had to sue companies who say they will only hire ‘All-American’ workers. Too often when they say ‘All-American’ they mean White-skinned and blue-eyed.” In the broader civil rights landscape, even as the country is commemorating a half-century of the Civil Rights Act, it also marks the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Shelby v. Holder decision, which gutted Section 4 and Section 5 of the {Voting Rights Act}. Arnwine called Shelby a “horrible tragedy” and a faulty decision that ignored realities such as sweeping cases of voter suppression. Ifill said the decision has hobbled civil rights groups in their fight to ensure equal access to the ballot. “Since Shelby one of the most important things we’ve lost is notice,” she said. “Before the Shelby case, we had a robust Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which required preclearance, so we

Waters Marks 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act Los Angeles, CA – Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) released the following statement on Wednesday marking the 50th anniversary of the signing of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964: "Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon Johnson signed the historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, outlawing discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, including barring discrimination in all facilities open to the public, thereby ending the Jim Crow era in regions of the country. This 50th anniversary is a time to remember the debt all of us owe to the courageous leaders of the civil rights movement of the 1960s – many of whom were beaten and in some cases died in their fight for justice. Their struggles and efforts culminated in the enactment of the Civil Rights Act. "Despite the sig-

nificance of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the progress our country has made toward equality, there is much more work that needs to be done. There are still barriers that exist in education and housing. Disparities in health care remain, a significant wealth gap still persists, and the struggle for voting rights continues. "In June 2013, in a 54 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, the Supreme Court severely weakened the Voting

Rights Act. It is vital for Congress to pass legislation that once again strengthens the Voting Rights Act in order to fully ensure that every citizen has the right to vote. "We must also work together to significantly expand economic and educational opportunity to all Americans – no matter what their race or ethnic origin. We have to ensure that ladders of opportunity are available to every American. By taking such steps as making college more affordable, investing in effective job training, and raising the minimum wage, we can do much more to expand opportunity so that everyone has a fair chance at the American Dream. These actions would be in the spirit of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and would continue to help our country to better live up to our creed that all individuals are created equal."

President Johnson shakes the hand of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King after signing the new law.

learned about any voting changes that jurisdictions in the South planned to make.” Now, activists have to rely on voters and community groups to alert them to any potentially discriminatory or adverse election changes. “It has put an incredible amount of pressure on community groups and civil rights groups,” Ifill said, though groups like the Lawyers’ Committee and the LDF continue to wage those battles. In their decision, the Supreme Court justices directed Congress to recalibrate Section 4, the formula used to determine which jurisdictions are covered under Section 5. On June 25 – one year after the decision – the first hearing on the Voting Rights Amendment Act was held in the Senate Judiciary Committee. “We have some serious issues in Washington and one of them is that our Congress in quite partisan and quite paralyzed,” Ifill said of the delay. Beyond its molassesslow advancement, the legislation faces other barriers, such

as the lack of any current Republican support in the Senate. A lot of the opposition was a result of “misinformation” spread by detractors of the bill, said Ifill, the only national civil rights leader to testify at the hearing. “For example, several Republican senators asked, ‘Why does this bill target my state?’ So, I had to clarify this bill has a nationwide scope; there is no geographic focus.” Both Ifill and Arnwine said the bill will only gain momentum if Americans all over the nation speak up. “The Congress needs to hear from us – the Black, Hispanic and Native-American communities that are affected by these laws – and from White Americans who are embarrassed and distressed that legislators are engaging in explicit efforts to keep certain people from voting,” Ifill said. “This could still happen this summer but Congress, especially the House, is not going to move without hearing from their constituents,” she added. “People have to wake up.”

Blacks Hit Hardest by Water Shortage (Continued from page 3) ban and environmental — that goes into developing a truly comprehensive water bond package,” she said. “Years of work went into developing the 2009 water bond package to ensure that it addressed the challenges and planned for future needs of all water users and the environment statewide. As such, the 2009 package passed the state legislature and was signed by the governor. What we see today is all part of the democratic process; the long, hard work of sifting through ideas and proposals with the goal of developing one that best addresses the state's water needs.” Bettencourt added: “The water bonds are there to primarily address issues that have been left un-checked for a while. California hasn’t developed any new water infrastructure for our growing base of people since the 60s. Basically, we need to increase the size of the bucket for California. We need water to provide for those 38 million people and the environment.” Two of those millions include South Los Angeles-area

couple Naomi and Randy McSwain, who are part of the growing trend of green-fingered urbanites who like to grow their own food — in this case, in their well-tended Inglewood garden. The McSwains — Naomi runs a children’s nonprofit, Randy is an artist — have definitely noticed an increase in their grocery bill and have tried to accommodate that by shopping around. “We heard that the drought was affecting prices, so we’ve been adding new vendors,” Naomi told CBM. "We started going to Superior Markets and we’ve returned to the 99 Cent Stores. We also use Amazon Fresh. In the last six months my husband has planted new items because he said the prices were just getting ridiculous. “However, we then noticed a big increase in our water bills and he had to start cutting back. It’s kind of a Catch-22 situation. We started doing more gardening because of the high grocery bills and then had water issues and wondered if it was worth it.”

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Friday, July 4, 2014

NATIONAL/REGIONAL & STATE NEWS Texas Governor Renews Calls for National Guard at U.S.-Mexico Border By Jon Herskovitz (Reuters) - Texas Governor Rick Perry and a key U.S. lawmaker renewed Republican calls on Thursday for National Guard troops to be sent to the U.S.-Mexico border to help stem a surge of Central American nationals entering the United States illegally. Perry addressed members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security at a field hearing at McAllen, Texas, in the Rio Grande Valley, the region hardest hit by the thousands of children and families who have streamed to the border in recent months. He said Texas expects to spend an extra $1.3 million a week through the end of the year to beef up lawenforcement efforts to deal with the crisis, on top of $500 million that he said Texas has spent since 2005 to help secure the border. "The rapid influx of illegal immigrants has strained border resources that were already insufficient to the task at hand," said Perry, who is considered a possible 2016 Republican presidential contender.

Credit: Reuters/Mike Segar Texas Governor Rick Perry attends the second Annual Champions of Jewish Values International Awards Gala in New York, May 18, 2014.

More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras have been caught trying to sneak over the U.S.Mexico border since October, double the number from the same period the year before. Thousands more have been apprehended with parents or other adults. U.S. immigration officials say the humanitarian crisis is being driven by a mix of extreme poverty, gangs and drug violence in Central America, as well as rumors perpetuated by human smugglers that children who reach

the U.S. border will be allowed to stay. Detention and processing facilities in Texas have been inundated, leading U.S. immigration authorities to begin sending some of the immigrants to overflow sites elsewhere in the Southwest to help screen and manage the surge. Perry called for deploying 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to assist with immigration enforcement while more U.S. Border Patrol agents are trained. The chairman of the

State Lawmakers Pass Tax Credit for Developer of Stealth Bomber By Sharon Bernstein (Reuters) - California lawmakers on Thursday passed a tax credit meant to lure aerospace companies working on a new stealth bomber to the state, but the measure will benefit only one of two teams of companies fighting to win the contract. The plan to offer $420 million in tax breaks to an unnamed aerospace company, said by both sides to be Lockheed Martin Corp, exposed sharp divisions among Democrats and led many in the party's progressive wing to vote against the measure. "This is just more corporate welfare, ladies and gentlemen," said Democratic state Senator Ben Hueso. "This is money we don't need to pay out, leaving our state to people who don't need it." News of the proposed tax credit, spearheaded by the economic development office of Democratic Governor Jerry Brown, sparked ire from another company competing for the $55 billion stealth bomber contract, Northrop Grumman

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Corp, whose aerospace division is based in Southern California and had already promised to build the planes in the state if it won the federal contract. "Obviously, we felt that was an unfair advantage," said Northrop Grumman spokesman Tim Paynter. "All we're looking for is a level playing field." Representatives for Lockheed could not immediately be reached. It was not clear why lawmakers and the governor decided to offer credits to one company and not the other. Campaign finance reports for Brown and the bill's authors, Assemblyman Steve Fox and Senator Steve Knight, did not show recent contributions as of July 3 from Lockheed or Boeing Co, the primary contractor that has teamed up with Lockheed. But as supporters scrambled for votes, senate Democrat ic leader Darrell Steinberg promised the legislature would also take up a tax

credit to benefit Northrop when it returns from summer recess in August. Brown's representatives said the governor would support such an effort. Steinberg, who along with other lawmakers said wording in the bill limiting the break to "subcontractors" referred to Lockheed, said the tax credits would bring jobs. "I don't like businesses sometimes pitting states against each other," Steinberg said. "But I also think we cannot afford to sit on our hands and not fight for our economic future." Mike Rossi, Brown's Senior Advisor for Jobs and Business Development, said the tax credit is part of the governor's efforts to encourage businesses to expand operations in California. "The state is actively pursuing opportunities to spur job creation in manufacturing and aerospace," Rossi said through a spokesman. (Reporting by Sharon Bernstein; Editing by Ken Wills)

House Homeland Security Committee, Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, also urged President Barack Obama to immediately dispatch National Guard forces "to free up Border Patrol agents so they can perform their primary mission, and that is securing the border." Democrats have previously balked at similar Republican demands, saying merely putting more boots on the ground would be of little use. Critics say few of the migrants seek to avoid capture and instead arrive ready to surrender to border agents. White House spokes-

man Josh Earnest shrugged off criticism from Perry that the Obama administration has done too little to deter illegal immigration. He suggested that Perry instead lobby his party to support enactment of a sweeping immigration overhaul bill that has stalled in the Republican-controlled House after it was approved last year by the Democratic-led Senate. (Additional reporting and writing by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Also contributing to this report were Steve Holland in Washington and Marty Graham in San Diego; Editing by Leslie Adler and Sandra Maler)

Foster Farms Recalls Some Chicken, 16 Months Into Salmonella Outbreak By P.J. Huffstutter (Reuters) - Californiabased poultry giant Foster Farms will recall some of the contaminated chicken linked to a massive salmonella outbreak that has stretched on for 16 months and sickened hundreds of consumers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Foster Farms announced late Thursday. The chicken products being recalled were produced by Foster Farms at its three plants in central California, all of which public health investigators have connected to the outbreak that started in March of 2013. The outbreak has roiled the public and brought regulatory pressure on the poultry producer. The salmonella strains connected to the outbreak have been identified in nearly 600 cases in 27 states and Puerto Rico. Foster Farms, in issuing the first recall since the outbreak started, said it was doing so "in the fullest interest of food safety". "This recall is prompted by a single illness associated with specific fresh chicken product, but in the fullest interest of food safety, Foster Farms has broadened the recall to encompass all products packaged at that time. Foster Farms regrets any illness associated with its products," the statement said. According to Foster Farms, the products under recall were distributed in the following states: California, Hawaii, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Oregon and Alaska. According to a statement from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foster Farms has agreed to recall chicken products that it produced on March 8, 10 and 11 this year at its plant in Livingston, Calif. and two facilities in Fresno, California. In the statement, the USDA said this was the first time in the 16-month investigation that agency officials have been able to establish a clear and definitive connection between a Foster Farms chicken, the lots and particular plant where it was processed and a case of illness.

Until now, Foster Farms executives have steadily fought against federal and state regulatory pressure to issue a recall. The company has publicly denied its chicken was to blame for making people sick. Proper cooking should have killed any salmonella on its meat, the company has said. Litigation against the company is starting to grow. Mounting, too, is political pressure to change USDA's recall authority in certain salmonella food-safety cases. "There have been instances where responsible companies have recalled their products, even where they were not linked to a particular illness. Those recalls were voluntary, out of a concern to get the product off the market and help prevent people from becoming sick," said William Marler, a food safety attorney who is representing a California man allegedly sickened by the salmonella outbreak. "This is the first time Foster Farms has done a recall of its chicken products over salmonella – ever." A California-based agricultural giant, Foster Farms produces about one out of every 10 chickens eaten by Americans and controls about 95 percent of all the chicken raised and slaughtered in the Golden State, according to data compiled by poultry industry lobbyists. To date, the pathogen has been linked to making nearly 600 people sick, including children, and hospitalized 40 percent of those who have fallen ill – about double the typical rate, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Though the outbreak has slowed in recent months, new cases of Salmonella Heidelberg illnesses were still being reported through May of this year, according to epidemiologists at California's state health department and the CDC. (Reporting By P. J. Huffstutter in Chicago; editing by David Greising and Himani Sarkar)

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NEWS Montgomery Rice Becomes First Woman to Lead Morehouse School of Medicine By Roberto Alejandro From the AFRO July 1 will go down as a momentous day for Black women and as a particularly bad day for glass ceilings. On that day the U.S. Navy promoted its first woman, and first African-American woman, to the rank of four-star admiral, and Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice became the first woman, and first AfricanAmerican woman, to lead Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) as its president. MSM was originally founded under the umbrella of Morehouse College in 1975, but later became an independ-

ent institution, according to Ronna Nu’man, director of marketing and communications, external for the Morehouse School of Medicine. In exclusive comments to the AFRO, Nu’man said that as a renowned obstetrician/ gynecologist and fertility specialist, as well as the institution’s first woman president, Montgomery Rice brings a new and fresh perspective to the institution. “Her vision (for the school) is a continuation of our current mission, and that mission is to help underserved communities,” said Nu’man. Montgomery Rice, who graduated from Harvard

Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice

Medical School in 1987, was named executive vice president and dean of MSM in 2011. She now succeeds Dr. John Maupin Jr., in the role of president. “I am honored that the

Board of Trustees of Morehouse School of Medicine has entrusted in me the presidency of this treasured institution,” said Montgomery Rice in a press release issued by MSM. “Our mission today is as relevant as it was when Morehouse School of Medicine was founded nearly 40 years ago. My job is to align that mission within the context of an extraordinarily changing health care system and to grow a sustainable, community-focused academic health center.” Prior to joining MSM, Montgomery Rice had served as dean and senior vice president of health affairs at Me-

harry Medical School in Nashville, Tenn. At Meharry, Montgomery Rice was the founding director of the Center for Women’s Health Research, one of the first research centers in the United States to focus on diseases which disproportionately affect women of color. According to Nu’man, Montgomery Rice will now turn her focus to preparing the next generation of physicians to treat underserved populations. “Dr. Rice’s goal is ultimately to be involved [with] the next generation of medical professionals to help those that are in need, with whatever those needs are,” said Nu’man.

Councilwoman Martinez Calls for the Elimination of Car Sales on Residential Streets in Arleta Councilwoman Nury Martinez (CD-6) recently introduced a motion, in consultation with the Arleta community, to ban individuals from advertising and selling personal cars on certain streets in Arleta. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mike Bonin (CD-11) and instructs the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance prohibiting vehicles with “For Sale” signs from parking on Van Nuys Blvd. between Woodman Ave. to the I-5 freeway and Woodman Ave. between Roscoe and

Van Nuys Blvd. Local residents raised concerns with the Councilwoman and her staff after they noticed a growing number of vehicles consistently parking on Virgil Avenue and Hoover Street for the sole purpose of displaying them for private sale. This situation worsened as onstreet parking was monopolized, motor oil leaked on the pavement and the neighborhood felt their quality of life was affected by the visual blight created. "I've lived in Arleta for

41 years and I have seen the number of cars for sale in my neighborhood grow and attract trash and other blight,” said Loyce Lacson, Neighborhood Watch Captain, Arleta Looky Loos. "When Councilwoman Martinez heard our concerns, she immediately took action. I hope the city council will agree with her and us to make our community clean and safe again." "The parking spaces that are taken by the cars for sale are needed for access to

businesses that are established and paying taxes,” said Dianne Hand, member, Mission Division Community-Police Advisory Board. “Even worse, these car sales also cause traffic hazards because passing motorist stop or slow down to read the 'for sale' signs." “I’m proud to represent the community in which I was born and raised and I believe all of Council District Six deserves to share in that pride,” said Councilwoman Nury Martinez Council District Six Council-

member, Los Angeles City Council. “Arleta is a beautiful neighborhood and it is my hope that this motion will preserve the quality of life for residents in this area and resolve the growing problems associated with selling personal items on a public street, in this small community.” The motion was referred to the Transportation Committee and will come before the entire City Council sometime after Council recess.

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014161666 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Global Research Institute of International trade (GRIIT), 2342 S. Holt Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034; LA; P.O. Box 642445, Los Angeles, CA 90063 Registered Owner(s): Global Research Institute of International Trade (Gritt), 2342 So. Holt Ave., LA, CA 90034 California. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Partnership. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 4/10/2013. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Global Research Institute of International Trade (GRIIT) Title: President & CEO; Registrant Signature: Sarita Jackson, Global Research Institute of International Trade (GRIIT) This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 13, 2014 Expires June 13, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014165468 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Multiniveau 2. Vente Multiniveau, 2031 West 95th Street, LA, CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): Devon Anthony Harris, 2031 West 95th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Invidivual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Devon Anthony Harris Title: Devon Harris This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 18, 2014 Expires June 18, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN


The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Marketing Messiah Media Concious Content Prolific Products Superb Services 2. We Walk On Water Quenching Thirsty Souls Everywhere 3. The Holy Goldy-We Are One 4. The Beautiful Birthday Bible 5. Astrology Divine 6. L.A.’s Poppin!! Popular On & Poppin Population 7. Manly Cures 4 Mankind Heroic Manicures: Pedicures for Men 8. Let There Be Light Merch. 9. Seraphim Recordings Holi Holi Holi, 2746 Clyde Avenue, Los Angelesm CA 90016 LA Registered Owner(s): Shauna Chappell, 2746 Clyd Avenue, LA. , CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Shauna Chappell Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 16, 2014/Expires May 16, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 13, 20, 27 , July 4, 2014PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014135931 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting 2. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3.Los Angeles Friends Meeting 4. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of Pacific Yearly Meeting 5. Los Angeles Quaker Meeting (Friends) 6. Los Angeles Friends Meeting (Quaker), 4157 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90037 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 4167 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90037. This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Association other than a Partnership The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1939. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Douglas Barnett Title: Clerk This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 19, 2014/Expires May 19, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 6, 13, 20, 27 2014PN


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