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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Established Since 1995

Vol. 24 No.39 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Friday, July 25, 2014

Omarosa Manigault To Keynote at the Los Angeles Chapter of The National Congress Of Black Women 5th Annual Award and Scholarship Luncheon LOS ANGELES, CA – Saturday, August 16, 2014, will be an afternoon of delectable dishes, fabulous friends, and highly esteemed honorees and guests as the National Congress of Black Women, Incorporated, Los Angeles Chapter hosts its Fifth Year Anniversary Awards and Scholarship Luncheon. The celebration begins at 11:00 AM with a reception and silent auction at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles, 506 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90071. The luncheon “Honoring Those Making a Difference” in our communities immediately follows at noon. Connie Turner, Public Affairs Regional Manager of Southern California Edison; Mike

Omarosa Manigault

Stephanie D. Wilson

Connie Turner

Harriel, Public Affairs Regional Manager of Southern California Gas; and Stephanie D. Wilson, Astronaut, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are being recognized for

their commitment to serving our communities. Linda Clemons, Global Sales and Body Language Expert and National Congress of Black Women, Inc., Board Member, is the Keynote Speaker; and

Reverend Omarosa Manigault, Media Personality, will serve as the Mistress of Ceremonies. For thirty years, the National Congress of Black Women, Incorporated has operated nationally and internationally as a nonprofit 501 (c)(3). In 2009, the Los Angeles Chapter was founded, joining the fight to improve our communities through educational, economic and cultural development of African American women and their families. Annually, the organization is able to offer scholar-

Raymond Bell Gets 2nd Emmy Nomination By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief and Tamara Lewis, Contributing Writer

HOLLYWOOD— Raymond Bell, a Berkeley, California native, is a two-time nominee for the “Emmy Award.” Bell won an Emmy Award in 2010 as the “Outstanding Sports Producer.” His second nomination is for “Light News Story- Single Report Category for the 66th Los Angeles Area Emmy Awards.” Ray has a monumental history in the sports arena. As an alumni of UCLA, he played the position of Linebacker for the 1976 Rose Bowl winning team, which managed to upset the undefeated top ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. In 2002, as an independent producer for Fox Sports International, Bell brokered a ten episode sports entertainment show called "Inside Pitch." With one Emmy already on the shelf for sports, Bell now finds himself swimming upstream as he is now a nominee for a role that touches the hearts and soul in the game of sports. This one is for a light news story he produced called “Justin ’s Story” . With this Emmy nomination for "Justin's Story", Bell contributes his being on the roll for a second nominees this time around is due to the extraordinary life of 16 year old Justin Carr. Justin, during a swim practice, collapsed and died without warning. Justin was the epitome of a youth on the move. While a student at Harvard-Westlake, a posh private school in California who boast an alumni list that include: Shirley Temple, Candice Bergen, Tori Spelling, Jake

Raymond Bell Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Gyllenhall, Justin led the Black Leadership Awareness and Culture Club and he was effective in recruiting actor Samuel L. Jack-

Justin Car

son to speak at the school for Black History Month. Justin's amazing persona is what inspired Bell who had met Justin at the El Capitan Theater while on an assignment. Justin's mother, Susan TolerCarr, is the daughter of the late great, Burl Toler, the 1st Black

NFL Official. Bell, a sports enthusiast were taken aback by the news of him being her dad. He asked to interview Ms. Carr about her father in hopes to do a documentary on him but she insisted that it was Justin that he needed to speak with. He did and in doing so Bell found a very unique young man who was not only a swim star at Harvard-Westlake but also a budding architect, artist and much more. Before Bell could complete the Burl Toler documentary, Justin died suddenly from a heart condition called cardiomyopathy. "Justin Story" has garnered an Emmy nomination for Bell and his team at CBS, but for Bell it's the telling of the story more so than winning. When he announced to Ms. Toler-Carr, Justin's mother that "Justin Story" had been nominated he said, "Regardless if we win, it was picked from thousands of submissions, so it is an honor indeed just to be nominated amongst the talented pool." For Bell it was an honor in deed to have met Justin, a powerful, profound and talented young man in and out of the pool. The 66th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards are a ceremony held to honor the best in U.S. prime time television programming from June 1, 2013 until May 31, 2014, as chosen by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences The awards ceremony will take place on Saturday, July 26, 2014 at the Goldenson Theatre in North Hollywood, California.

ships to local students and works towards achieving program initiatives through its partnerships and fundraising opportunities such as the annual luncheon. On August 16th, the members of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Congress of Black Women, Inc., their honored guests, and community supporters are gathering to celebrate the successes of the past while fundraising in preparation for the challenges of the future. “There will be opportunities to bid on exclusive auction items, meet and mingle with the honorees and sponsors, enjoy live music entertainment by Royalty Project and much more! Not only are we inviting everyone to come out and have a great time, but the proceeds from this major fundraising event allows us to continue offering unparalleled programs and services in our communities,” proclaims Judy Matthews, Chair. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call (800) 895-3180 or visit the website

Bass Speaks on Sentencing Commission Decision to Reduce Drug Sentences WASHINGTON-Congresswoman Karen Bass (DCalif.) released the following statement after the United States Sentencing Commission voted to authorize judges to reduce drug sentences for over 46,000 eligible prisoners beginning November 2015: “I commend the United States Sentencing Commission’s decision today that will reduce the sentences of over 46,000 drug offenders in the federal prison system. This decision will mean that these offenders could have their sentences reduced by an average of 25 months. This decision builds on the commission’s decision in April that will reduce sentences going forward for people convicted in drug offenses. “President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are using everything in their power to bring much needed reform to our country’s bloated prison system. Today, there are over 215,000 people in our federal prison system, and the single largest driver in the increase in the federal prison population since 1998 is longer sentences for drug offenders. “The commission’s decision will simply save taxpayer money, and policy makers need to use this savings to prevent people from turning to using and dealing drugs and to treat people who are addicted to drugs. “But Congress now has

much work to do. Not only should members of Congress uphold the commission’s decision, but we must absolutely address comprehensive reforms to our criminal justice system to address disparities, collateral consequences, and costs. In addition, we need to provide resources to communities to help people reintegrate into their communities, and we need to do everything we can to reduce recidivism by rolling back antiquated laws that prevent people who will be released from being able to work in their communities. Now that these Americans have served their time they need to have every resources available to be a productive and successful member of their communities. Although the President and Attorney General took an important step, only Congress has the ability to improve our criminal justice system.”

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Friday, July 25, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

An Open Letter to Mayor Eric Garcetti Dear Mayor Garcetti, The city planning department which you have direct control over has a well-documented history of discriminatory personnel practices against African-American city employees. Black community leaders and activists have repeatedly complained about this discrimination as well as documenting the pattern of discrimination in hiring and promotion of black employees in the department.

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, Praise God for one more day. We are so happy to still be pacing with news for you that’s relevant and helpful. God has blessed us this far and we are seeking His continuous blessing to carry us on the way. We are praying that you will continue to support our efforts with a generous donation. You may send it directly to the office at 3707 West 54th Street or stop by because we will love to see you. We are considering some new ideas and we will bring them to you as we develop them. I pray that you are being all that God has called each of you to be as his creation. We are all made in His image and we are all called to a specific task. We are to do it to the best of our ability. Keep on trusting God everyday ad He will see you through no matter what the situation or circumstance me be or look to be. Don’t get weary looking at your circumstances because you can make if you just keep on putting your trust, not in yourself but in the God who rules heaven and earth. I hope you will continue to pray for our country as we are going through some trying time with Russia and the other issues. Keep the Faith.

When we brought this issue to you during the campaign you publicly stated that “there would be zero tolerance toward racial discrimination in city hiring or promotions.” We find the continuation of discrimination against African-American city employees equally reprehensible with not a word from your administration to rectify the “reprehensible” problem. We are asking you to demonstrate your commitment to fairness by immediately taking the following two actions: One, is to replace the current city planning director Michael LoGrande and, conduct a review of the planning department’s promotional and hiring practices to determine why qualified African-Americans are systematically passed over for promotions and hiring to hire a planning director who would be committed to a fair promotional policy and planning for all the city’s neighborhoods, not just the affluent areas. Two, is to end the retaliation against Senior City Planner Dwayne Wyatt by recommending the department immediately promote him. He has repeatedly and courageously brought the issue of blatant discrimination in the City Planning Dept. to public attention. Many of us fervently supported you for mayor. In doing so, we bucked the overwhelming opposition and sentiment against you from the majority of African-American voters and community leaders in the mayoral election campaign to support you. We were mindful of the deep skepticism and outright distrust of you by African-American voters over your firm commitment to rooting out racism in city departments against black employees. We continually hear that skepticism expressed from many African-American residents and voters in Los Angeles today. We bucked the electoral tide against you among African-Americans in large part because we believed that you would make good on your pledge to aggressively promote fairness and equal opportunity for black employees in city departments. Passing this litmus test, Mayor Garcetti, will send a strong message to all city departments that denial of promotional opportunities to African- American employees in any city department will not be tolerated. The time for action by you is now. We stand ready to provide you with assistance in taking firm action on discrimination in the city planning department and other city agencies.



is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC

Winnifred Jackson President, HOPE

3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Friday, July 25, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS House, Senate Float Dueling Emergency-Funding Bills to Address Child Immigrants By Lauren Camera A standoff is brewing between the House and Senate over emergency supplemental aid to address the surge of unaccompanied minors streaming across the U.S.-Mexico border from Central American countries. On July 8, President Barack Obama requested $3.7 billion in emergency funding to help stem the tide of child immigrants. More than half of the cash—$1.8 billion—would help cover the costs of providing medical services to the surge of children at the border. It would also expand the number of longer-term shelter facilities and other services provided to unaccompanied minors after they are released by U.S. Border Patrol agents into the custody and care of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Funding proposals in the House and Senate began taking shape this week, though so far they seem vastly different. On Wednesday morning, House Republicans outlined their legislative proposal for the additional funding, which Appropriations Chair-

man Harold Rogers, R-Ky., said would not exceed $1.5 billion. But, as Emma Dumain reports in Roll Call, the amount could be much smaller. That number bumps up against a proposal floated Tuesday evening in the Senate, where Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski, DMd., said she is working on a $3.6 billion emergency funding proposal. According to Niels Lesniewski's reporting in Roll Call, $1.1 billion would go to the Department of Homeland Security, and $1.2 billion would go to HHS. The conflict isn't just a fiscal one. In what will likely be used as a bargaining chip, spending-weary GOP lawmakers are seeking changes to a 2008 trafficking law that prevents immigration authorities from turning away any children arriving from noncontiguous countries. Under the law, unaccompanied minors from Mexico or Canada must be sent back within 48 hours unless they are claiming asylum or are human trafficking victims. Children from countries that don't border the U.S. are entitled to appear before an immi-

gration judge before any decisions are made about their fate, and a massive backlog of cases in federal immigration court has resulted in most of these young people waiting many months, or years, before their cases are heard. Democrats are stressing that policy changes have no place in a funding bill, but Speaker of the House John Boehner is pressuring the White House to back the GOP proposal. In a letter to the president, Boehner reminded Obama that he recently asked Congress for flexibility from the law and predicted a funding compromise wouldn't be possible without the policy fix. "It is difficult to see how we can make progress on this issue without strong, public support from the White House for much-needed reforms, including changes to the 2008 law," Boehner wrote. These dueling emergency funding proposals will likely evolve quickly over the rest of this week and next. So check back here soon for updates. And if you haven't been following all the develop-

Los Angeles Times Can't Access Teacher Growth Scores With Names, Court Rules By Stephen Sawchuk A state appeals court in California has overturned a lower-court ruling ordering the Los Angeles district to turn over a statistical measure of individual teachers' performance to The Los Angeles Times, the newspaper reports. The newspaper had previously received the "academic growth over time" ratings, which are based on student-achievement growth on standardized tests with con-

trols for demographic characteristics, and used them, in 2010, for a controversial project in which teachers' growth scores were released publicly. In 2012, however, the district and the teachers' union agreed to release such information informally to teachers and for the first time consider such records as confidential. The district continued to supply the newspaper the scores, but with individual teachers' names removed.

The newspaper sued, arguing that the information was in the public interest. Superintendent John Deasy, who has often clashed with the union, sided with it in the lawsuit. He said in a deposition that releasing the names would cause conflict among parents and teachers. United Teachers Los Angeles is pleased with the result, but the newspaper could appeal to the state's supreme court. Stay tuned.

ments surrounding this new face of immigration, please read this story by my colleague, Lesli Maxwell, who's also been blogging about the issue over at Learning the Language. As she reports, since last October, more than 50,000 child migrants have been detained by U.S. Border Patrol agents. That's more than twice

the number in all of 2013. Most of the detentions have occurred in the Rio Grande Valley region along the border between Texas and Mexico. A new report from the Pew Research Center shows the number of unaccompanied children ages 12 and under who crossed the border rose by 117 percent between the current fiscal year and last fiscal year.

What Employers Want: the 3 'Cs' (BPT) - Whether you are an employer looking to hire someone or the person looking to get hired, it's all about competency. Only 11 percent of employers believe recent graduates have the skills needed to succeed within their work forces, according to a recent Lumina Foundation report. Two-thirds of employers say recent college graduates may have the skills and knowledge for entry-level positions but less than half believe recent graduates have what it takes for advancement to higher level jobs, according to a 2013 survey conducted for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. So what are these essential competencies that candidates are missing? At the top of the list are the three "Cs": critical thinking, collaboration and communication. Hiring officers look for candidates with good problem-solving abilities, the ability to work in teams, and those who have

is called competency-based education. Under this model, students can receive credit for knowledge and skills they already possess. A 2013 Gallup poll revealed that 87 percent of Americans believe students should be able to receive college credit for knowledge and skills obtained outside the classroom. Some schools, like Excelsior College, are wellestablished leaders in this practice. Degree programs like these define what students must know, have well-defined learning outcomes and have a rigorous means of assessing whether students have achieved these outcomes. How can job candidates, young or older, demonstrate both subject-matter mastery and competence? To start, first evaluate and identify your unique combination of skills, values and personal traits. Research the job that you are seeking and the company that is doing the hiring. Think broadly and

good verbal and written communications skills. For the "traditional" college graduate in his or her early 20's, much of their focus in school was spent on mastering subject matter, not necessarily on cultivating the three "Cs". They may have a degree but not much in the way of experience. On the other hand, working adults who are earning their degrees later in life have had ample opportunity to hone these skills and are lacking the credential - a diploma - to get hired or promoted. A new approach to higher education taking hold on campuses and in board rooms

don't confine yourself to the same industry in which you may have experiences, either as an employee or a student who had an internship. List the knowledge you have gained and skills you have developed. "After you know who you are and what you have to offer, explore and choose the educational and career options that suit you best," says Maribeth Gunner, director of career services at Excelsior College. "The key to selling yourself is to show your ability to apply knowledge (competence), rather than simply possessing it (mastery)."

Study: Too Many Structured Activities May Hinder Children's Executive Functioning By Ellen Wexler When children spend more time in structured activities, they get worse at working toward goals, making decisions, and regulating their behavior, according to a new study. Instead, kids might learn more when they have the responsibility to decide for themselves what they're going to do with their time. Psychologists at the University of Colorado and the University of Denver studied the schedules of 70 six-year olds, and they found that the kids who spent more time in less-structured activities had more highlydeveloped self-directed executive function. unstructured-play.jpg Self-directed executive

function develops mostly during childhood, the researchers write, and it includes any mental processes that help us work toward achieving goals—like planning, decision making, manipulating information, switching between tasks, and inhibiting unwanted thoughts and feelings. It is an early indicator of school readiness and academic performance, according to previous research cited in the study, and it even predicts success into adulthood. Children with higher executive function will be healthier, wealthier, and more socially stable throughout their lives. The researchers asked parents to record the activities of their six-year-olds for a week, and then they measured how much

time each child spent in structured and less-structured activities. The researchers define structured activities as anything organized and supervised by adults—like music lessons or community service. For an activity to be less-structured, the child must be in charge of deciding what to do and figuring out how to do it. All forms of free play counted as less-structured activities. The researchers conjecture that when children are in control of how they spend their time, they are able to get more practice working toward goals and figuring out what to do next. For instance, the researchers write, a child with a free afternoon ahead of her might decide to read a book. Once she's finished, she Please see Structured, page 10

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Friday, July 25, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Ma$e Leaves Atlanta Church to Focus on Rap Career Full Time By Jessica Martinez Mason Betha, a multiplatinum selling rapper known as Ma$e, reportedly left his position as pastor of his multisite congregation, El Elyon International Church, to focus on his rap career full time. TMZ reports that Betha has decided to leave his ministry behind following the divorce with his wife, which he kept secret from his church.

The Christian Post contacted Betha and his church based in Atlanta but no response was received by press time. "On-again, off-again rapper/pastor Mase has officially left his parishioners of the El Elyon International Church high and dry ... and has run back to the rap game full time ‌ He's dropped all ties with both churches and is playing regular rap gigs around

Atheists File Lawsuit Against Michigan City Over Rejection of 'Reason Station' By Michael Gryboski A city in Michigan has become the subject of a lawsuit after refusing to allow an atheist to display a "reason station" at its city hall atrium. Three groups filed the lawsuit on behalf of Douglas Marshall against the city of Warren and its mayor Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division. "When the government opens a forum for private speech, it must treat viewpoints equally, and it

in April to have a reason station, which would be about the same size as the prayer station, but include atheist literature. Later that month, the mayor of Warren rejected Marshall's application, arguing that the reason station will wrongfully disrupt the prayer station. Alex Luchenitser, associate legal director with Americans United, told CP that his organization became involved courtesy the Marshall. "Plaintiff Marshall com-

(Photo: Screenshot/WJBK-TV) The prayer station located in the atrium of City hall in Warren, Michigan. is strictly forbidden from favoring religious expression over nonreligious speech," read the lawsuit's introductory statement. "In this case, the government has opened a forum in which religious speech is allowed, but plaintiff's atheist speech is prohibited. This is unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination." Marshall is represented by American United for Separation of Church and State, the American Civil liberties Union, and the Freedom From Religion Foundation. James R. Fouts, mayor of Warren, told The Christian Post that he considers the lawsuit the act of "an isolated group attempting to disparage traditional religious beliefs in a public forum." Fouts said that any religion "can put a display" in the city hall space, noting that a Ramadan display presently stands there. "However, this group is a nonreligion and I don't know what display they're going to put up unless they are attempting to disparage our prayer station, which I cannot tolerate," said Fouts. "I will not allow either a racial hate group to go up, a religious hate group to go up, or a group that disparages a particular ethnicity to go up on the city hall atrium." Warren's municipal government is based in the Warren Civic Center, which has an atrium area that allows for assorted groups to reserve the space for their use. A regular presence in the atrium space is a prayer station that has operated in the atrium since 2009 for about four days a week. Overseen by a Pentecostal church, the prayer station includes volunteers, religious literature, and a banner that reads "prayer station." According to the lawsuit, Warren resident Marshall requested

plained about the deprivation of his rights to Americans United, as well as to the other civil liberties groups representing him," said Luchenitser. "The lawsuit was filed yesterday. At the same time, we filed a motion for a preliminary injunction asking the court to order the city of Warren to allow placement of Mr. Marshall's reason station in the city civic center's atrium." In addition to the issue of religious expression, Fouts told CP that the space at town hall was a matter of property and the right to use property in a given manner. "It's often said that individuals have freedom of speech but the municipality also has freedom of speech, and with that in mind we can have some control over our property," said Fouts. "While city hall is certainly a public forum, it is a limited public forum. We don't have infinite amount of space to allow every group to put up what would be some sort of a point they'd want to make." This is not the first time the atrium at Warren's city hall has been the subject of a lawsuit over its religious displays. In June 2012, a Michigan federal district court upheld Warren's right to have a nativity scene display during the 2011 Christmas season and not include an atheist group's sign. Known as Freedom from Religion Foundation, Inc. v. City of Warren, Michigan, the city won once again before a three judge panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in February 2013. "Warren has won soundly on our grounds," Fouts told CP regarding the past legal battles over the city hall space. "Now apparently they're not happy with the court results and they're going to try to do something to bring it up again."


L.A., jumping back into his former lifestyle hardcore," reports TMZ. While it is unknown if he has decided to leave his ministry, if he did, then it wouldn't be the first time. In 2004, he made an announcement that he was returning to rap music and subsequently released an album called "Welcome Back," which sold 500,000 copies. He eventually did return to his minstry full time after that. But this

time, TMZ reports that after his marriage of 12 years came to an end in April, Betha's church members became upset and left his church as many began to claim that he was a hypocrite. Furthermore, Betha continued to preach about the value of marriage during his separation without addressing his own situation with his congregation. In a recent interview at the BET Award festivities, Betha also made it clear that he

did not want to delve into his church issues while promoting his forthcoming album, set to release later this year that will feature Kanye West, Rick Ross and P. Diddy. The rapper even reprimanded a Baltimore radio DJ for asking him about his church's thoughts regarding his music career. "Actually the interview right now is about music ... It's time for us as Black people to realize that we can do more than one thing," Betha told 92 Q Jams. "I think to put someone in a box is somewhat narrow-minded." He added, "I only get questions like that from the east coast like Baltimore and New York. I can't be focused on church questions with hood people." Betha initially left the music industry in 1999 to devote his time as a pastor and has amassed a following of thousands between two church locations in Phoenix and Atlanta since then. Source: Christian Post Reporter

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Friday, July 25, 2014




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Friday, July 25, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS How To Start Getting Fit for Life By Dawn Williams From New America Media CHICAGO -- Once you fully accept the fact that physical activity is one of the most powerful factors affecting your health, ability and longevity, where do you begin? Getting started, without a doubt, is the hardest part. The first step, always, is to consult your health care professional. In most cases, your doctor will encourage you to get active, but be sure to bring up any specific concerns you have about exercising in relation to your health. Your doctor may caution against high impact activity, for example, if you have arthritis or other conditions affecting your joints. Make note of any activities to avoid in planning your new regimen.

Starting From Scratch at 58 It may seem a little overwhelming if you’re starting from scratch. That’s how Sharon Conte of Chicago felt, too, when she realized at age 58 her inactivity was largely responsible for the debilitating health conditions she was experiencing. With high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fibromyalgis and Grave’s disease, Conte got her doctor’s blessing to start moving. So she started with what she knew best: Dance. For an hour each day, Conte simply danced to her favorite music. After three months, her condition had improved enough that she could stop using prescription pain medication and build on her new exercise routine.

Dearth By Dean L. Jones, CPM The average adult is 50-65% water, and our brain is made up of about 75% water, but neither can survive more than three days without it. This straightforward fact is shared to help raise a higher water consciousness that is sorely needed, as there is some hoodwinking moving about the country. For instance, people living in the City of Detroit Michigan are undergoing some classism rarely set in motion within American civilization. Detroit officials have ordered a complete water shut-off on a large portion of the 138,000 water delinquent accounts, where up to 90,000 are black residents. Private contractors have been engaged and to-date have cut off water to 17,000 residences. This problem escalated from a bankrupt city and businesses fled to healthier regions of profitability. Limited jobs has been the norm, consequently residents are challenged to find the money for exorbitant water bills. I feel the pain, for roughly the last ten years water rates have become ridiculously overpriced. Nevertheless, the wealth of this nation should never permit thousands their birthright of access to water. We may be able to help if we pool our consumer power by rethinking the consumption of bottled water, particularly the water treated with extra ingredients like sweeteners. California is currently afflicted by a water drought with more and more restrictions on outdoor water use. But the corporations that bottle water are yet to be restricted. Huge profits on sparkling and tonic bottled water products are being made from nothing more than tap water, with needless chemical treatments. Most is carbonated drinking water flavored with quinine and a sweetener like processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners such as carcinogenic aspartame. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration permits safe and suitable antimicrobial agents like Fluoride in bottled water. Bottled

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones spring water is collected at the point where water flows naturally to the earth’s surface or from a borehole that taps into an underground source, but may not necessarily be free of microbes. Major corporations commonly lease working areas and water rights from sovereign land of Native Americans, not subject to state regulatory agencies. Hundreds of thousands of acre-feet (how water is measured) is being extracted and sold as being good for your health. Well, what is known is that it is not good for the Earth's desert ecosystem, as surface water, chiefly in the desert, is exceedingly rare and has a high environmental value. In a remote act of solidarity to the water deprived people of Detroit, I shut-off my bottled water use and reverted to tap water. A reduction in bottled water sales will improve personal health, and water bottlers need to contribute surplus water products to the residents of Detroit. Water deprivation is incomprehensible, especially while events get free promotional drinking water every day. Accordingly, when drinking bottled water stay SugarAlert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

Knowing where to start is a common problem, according to Chris Hylton, a certified personal trainer and owner of River West Family Fitness in Batavia, Ill. “I think the hardest part as you get older is that you’re so used to doing nothing that it seems insurmountable,” he said. “The best thing you can do is try something out of the norm and get out of your comfort zone.” Hylton, who works with people of all ages, believes that working with a trainer for at least a few sessions can get you off to a better start, while minimizing the risk of injury for those unfamiliar with various exercises or the use of machines. He also said that working with a trainer or in a group exercise setting can get you into a new situation, where you’re more likely to stick with the program. If you choose to work with a trainer, let him or her know of your past experience, how long you’ve been away from formal physical activity, and any restrictions your doctor recommended. Be clear that you want help in putting together an exercise routine you can do on your own. This is the fastest and most efficient way to get on track; future sessions can be scheduled to help you amp up your routine as your muscles and cardiovascular system adapt to the regimen and are ready for more. If the cost of a trainer is out of your budget, there are other ways to find help getting started. Group strength-training classes, especially those designed for your age group or tailored for people with conditions you have, will teach some basic exercises and help you determine how much weight to use for each. Another advantage of a class versus working alone in the weight room is that an instructor can correct any errors in your posture or movement. Overcoming Obstacles You won’t be the first person to find reasons to skip a workout from time to time, especially in the first few weeks. But here are some thoughts to get you past the obstacles and to your workout on schedule. Get comfortable being outside your comfort zone. Anything that takes us outside our comfort zone requires a commitment to keep going. When you worry about whether you’re doing exercises correctly, ask someone for instruction. If you’re afraid you’ll look silly trying to keep up with the moves in your new Zumba class, remember that

more people went through the same learning curve. If you’re thinking of skipping your calisthenics class because you can barely get through some of the exercises, remember that everyone there had to build up their strength and endurance just like you. Be the master of your universe. As soon as you decide to become more fit, start building a new self-image. Find a photo of yourself from when you were fit, or even the body of someone else who is in shape and whose build is similar to yours. Paste a current picture of your face onto that picture, and post it where you’ll see it often. You want to plant the image of a healthier, fitter you at the deepest level of your consciousness. Similarly, envision yourself going through your day with vim and vigor; engaging in active pursuits rather than sedentary ones; enjoying healthy foods instead of fattening treats. Make a playlist for your iPod with music that motivates and uplifts you; listen to it when you’re exercising, and any time your willpower wanes. You are the master of your future--and watch your life transform. Manage your time. Squeezing an hour of exercise into an already full day might seem impossible, but time management is about priorities. If exercise can prevent or reverse some of the major diseases that threaten people in your age group, doesn’t that make it a priority? Commit to an exercise schedule that will help you meet your fitness goals. Give yourself extra motivation. “Even the most disciplined, or addicted, exerciser needs to have something to look forward to that will keep the behavior going,” writes Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a researcher and professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She explained, “Plan to do something enjoyable right after your workout so that the exercise becomes associated with this enjoyable activity. Of course, just having fun while you work out can be rewarding as well. If you’re a social person who likes to spend time after the workout talking to your gym buddies,

this is a perfect way to mix the social with the physical benefits of exercise.” Keep your energy high. If you think you’re too tired to work out, it might be a dietary issue. Eliminate or at least reduce most sugary snacks and drinks, and high-fat foods. Eat fresh foods whenever possible, stick with lean sources of protein, and make sure you’re getting at least five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Protein and quality complex carbohydrates give you the energy you need to workout out and the protein your body needs to build muscle after the fact. Making sure to get adequate sleep each night is important, too. Signs of Change Keep your eyes off the scale. Forget about the numbers. After a few weeks of exercise, you will have started building muscle, while losing fat at the same time. Don’t be surprised, however, if the number on the scale doesn’t change much at first. Muscle weighs more than fat, and the lost fat will seem to be offset by the weight of the new muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the stronger you become, the higher your metabolism will be. In time, you’ll hold your body up straighter and notice your tummy has shrunk a bit. Your face will show signs of slimming down, too Before too long, you’ll notice your workouts don’t tire you as much as they did, and perhaps that you’re not experiencing as much muscle soreness. You’ll get through your day with more energy and have more stamina. These and other improvements are signs of your increasing health and level of fitness. Now that you’re convinced that exercise will not only improve, but quite likely prolong your life, what are you waiting for? All you have to do is take that first step. Dawn Williams wrote a longer version of this story for Chicago's Senior News 50 and Better with support from the MetLife Foundation Journalists in Aging Fellowships, a program of New America Media and the Gerontological Society of America

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Adolph Dulan Celebrates 80 Birthday

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Dorothy (left) and Adolph Dulan, Owner and King of Dulan Soul Food, with recently celebrated his 80th birthday on July 19, 2014 at Bugatta’s restaurant on Melrose Ave. Photo by Ian Foxx

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Photo by Ian Foxx Adolph Dulan celebrated his 80th birthday on July 19, 2014 with his five children by his side at Bugatta’s restaurant on Melrose Ave. Dulan is known for delicious soul food with location in Los Angeles and Inglewood. Photo by Ian Foxx

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Friday, July 25, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS Waters, Cummings, Markey Respond to GAO Report on Medical Credit Cards Washington, DC --— Today, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD), Ranking Member of the House Committee on

Oversight and Government Reform, announced the release of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on medical credit cards and related products, including installment loans, offered by financial institutions. Waters, Markey and Cummings requested a GAO

Study: Too Many Structured Activities May Hinder Children's Executive Functioning (Continued from page 3) might decide to draw a picture about the book, and then she'll decide to show the drawing to her family. This child will learn more than another child who completes the same activities, but is given explicit instructions throughout the process. At the end of the week, the researchers tested the children on skills like vocabulary and verbal fluency to measure their executive function. The more time the children spent in lessstructured activities, the higher they scored. "Structured time could slow the development of selfdirected control, since adults in such scenarios can provide external cues and reminders about what should happen, and when," the researchers write in the study. The study is the first of its kind, and the researchers believe it's relevant to debates parents are already having on blogs and at soccer games—but it's also resonating with educators advocating the importance of free play in classrooms. "The ability to selfdirect can spell the difference

between an independent student, who can be relied upon to get her work done while chaos reigns around her, and a dependent, aimless student," former teacher Jessica Lahey writes in The Atlantic. "When we reduce the amount of free playtime in American preschools and kindergartens, our children stand to lose more than an opportunity to play house and cops and robbers." The researchers acknowledge that their study only proves correlation, but not causation. That is, it's possible that children with better executive functioning may prefer to participate in less-structured activities more often, they write, while children with worse executive functioning may be more likely to seek out activities already structured for them. "This isn't perfect, but it's a first step," psychology and neuroscience professor Yuko Munakata, senior author of the study, said in a press release. "Our results are really suggestive and intriguing. Now we'll see if it holds up as we push forward and try to get more information."

Exclusive: China Meat Supplier Faced Claims Last Year Over Unethical Work Practices (Reuters) - Shanghai Husi Food, the U.S.-owned Chinese food supplier at the center of a meat safety scandal, won a court case earlier this year against a former quality control officer whose claims included that he was made to forge meat production dates. Wang Donglai, who worked at Shanghai Husi Food from 2007 to 2013, sought around 38,000 yuan ($6,100) in compensation for damage to his health from exposure to chlorine used as a cleaning agent by the meat processor. He also sought to terminate his contract at Shanghai Husi, claiming he was forced to work overtime and made to do "unethical work" that violated food safety laws, court documents showed. At his hearing last October, Wang said he was unwilling to illegally forge dates at the plant, adding that he repeatedly urged his employer to change a practice which he said violated food safety laws and hurt consumer interests, according to court documents seen by Reuters. He said Shanghai Husi, which is

owned by privately-held Illinoisbased OSI Group, ignored his pleas. Wang could not be reached for comment. His lawyer in the case declined to comment. The Shanghai Jiading District Court ruled against Wang in January, saying his health was normal based on records provided by his employer. The judge dismissed Wang's claims about forced overtime, and dismissed the claims over forged production dates due to lack of evidence, the court papers showed. Xia Yugang, a lawyer who represented Shanghai Husi in the case, said it was an individual labor dispute rather than a food safety issue. Xia, who no longer represents Shanghai Husi, said he did not know if the company ever followed up on Wang's allegations. "I believe Husi has sufficiently learned its lesson (from the current scandal) and if it wants to survive it certainly needs to improve its standards," he told Reuters. TV DOCUMENTARY Wang's allegations of tampering with food production Please see China, page 12

study in 2013 in response to concerns that consumers may have been misled by companies offering these cards. The report describes the market for “third party consumer financial products” used to cover dental care and certain elective procedures not typically covered by health insurance. “We need to take a close look at the issue of medical credit cards, and this

report is a good first step,” said Ranking Member Waters. “In December, after investigating hundreds of complaints, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered a large medical credit card company to refund about $34.1 million to as many as 1 million consumers who were victims of deceptive credit card enrollment tactics. With medical debt already a significant problem in this country, we can’t afford to have lenders using deceptive practices that, for many consumers, make a bad situation worse.” “Many consumers taking advantage of these cards have done so because they otherwise lack the financial resources to pay for some part of their medical care,” said Ranking Member Cummings. “That situation puts these often uninsured or un-

derinsured individuals at risk of falling victim to predatory lending practices. This report will help us understand this industry, and ensure it receives the appropriate oversight to prevent any inappropriate lending behavior.” “This new GAO report provides an important overview of third party medical loans and credit cards and services and will help increase transparency of these products and the financial companies that offer them,” said Senator Markey. “Medical debt already is an unbearable burden for millions of Americans. Consumers may believe they are on a path toward physical wellness when these financial products are often leading them toward financial ruin. I will continue to monitor this industry to ensure we protect patients that may be subject to abusive lending practices or exploitation.”

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Friday, July 25, 2014

NATIONAL/REGIONAL & STATE NEWS Natural Hair Advocates Take On the US Army (BBC)—The US Army's new restrictions on which hairstyles are acceptable for African-American women have angered everyone from soldiers to members of Congress. The BBC's Barbara Plett-Usher looks at the politics and practicality of natural hair in the armed forces. The US Army has recently updated grooming standards with the aim of ensuring uniformity among troops. But in doing so it banned a number of natural hairstyles popular with black women, complicating life for up to one-quarter of female soldiers, and triggering a backlash on Capitol Hill. Natural hairstyles are those that do not require a woman to chemically straighten her hair, or to buy straight hair extensions, known as a weave. Both take significantly more time, money and maintenance than natural hair. The banned styles include twists, dreadlocks and large cornrows. "I no longer had options for my natural hair care," says Sgt Jasmine Jacobs of the Georgia National Guard, who started an online petition demanding that the regulations be rescinded. "I would have had to constantly be putting on a wig or figuring how to get a weave sewn into or glued into my hair, because none of my natural hair styles were authorised any longer." This isn't an issue of fashion, though there is that. The irony is that natural hairstyles are

often the most practical for a black female soldier on combat duty. "Where is a soldier in the field supposed to get her weave done?" asks Lori Tharps, coauthor of Hair Story: Untangling the Roots of Black Hair in America. "I know the military is about efficiency, and having to deal with a weave on a regular basis isn't a very efficient hairstyle." Sgt Jacobs says the "raciallybiased" regulations use the hair of white women as a baseline. Black hair, which grows out rather than down and is very curly, is difficult to pull into a bun or wear loose in an even manner - styles promoted in the new guidelines. "I don't think [the intent] was purposely negative," she says. "But it shows a lack of education and awareness. "They were striving to make a more uniform military but didn't realise who they were isolating." In a written statement, the army said: "The intention of uniform policies is to ensure soldiers' appear-

ance reflects the highest level of professionalism. "None of the new standards, whether pertaining to tattoos, grooming, jewellery, etc, are designed to discriminate against any gender, race, or ethnic background." Some natural styles, like braids and small cornrows, are permitted if they meet certain criteria. But the backlash led the Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to call for a policy review at the end of April, giving military leaders three months to evaluate comprehensive regulations as they pertain to black women. In May the House of Representatives approved an amendment to the defence spending bill, calling for a review of the policy. "These updated regulations were very discriminatory," Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee told the BBC. "They used words such as 'unkempt' and 'matted' when re-

A Florida Widow Wins $23.6 Billion Lawsuit Against Tobacco Company By Afza Fathima A widow from Florida, Cynthia Robinson, won $23.6 billion in a lawsuit against the second-largest tobacco company in the United Stated, R.J. Reynolds. Michael Johnson, Cynthia's husband, passed away at the age of 36 as he was suffering from lung cancer. She filed a lawsuit against R.J. Reynolds that although they were aware of the fact the cigarette smoking was addictive and that it lead to lung cancer, they were negligent to make the risks known to the smokers. At the young age of 13, Johnson had gotten addicted to smoking cigarettes and smoked nearly three packs a day. He was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1995, a year before he died. While trying to give up smoking on several occassions, he remained unsuccessful. Ten years after his death, Cynthia slapped the lawsuit on R.J. Reynolds. Cynthia's victory came on July 18. She exclaimed that it was time that they received justice and even if she has to keep fighting, she will, for her husband and for all those who died because of lung cancer. This verdict has created a powerful message against tobacco companies.

Cynthia Robinson, the widow of Michael Johnson Sr. who died in 1996 at the age of 36 of lung cancer, poses with her attorneys Christopher Chestnut, right, and Willie Gary Willie E Gary, Cynthia's attorney, had expected this amount and more as Johnson, from when he was a teenager, had started smoking and was unaware of its risk. Even in this day, he added, that the industry marketed the products and targetted it at young children, and they did not care about the health and safety of the people but just concentrated on making profits. The vice president and assistant general counsel of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, J. Jeffery Raborn, has said that the jury has slapped on his damages that are

impermissible under state and constitutional law. He explained that it is unreasonable and unfair and that the verdict doesn't coincide with the evidence that was present. The company plans to appeal the verdict with the hope that the amount of damages will be lowered. Another attorney of Cynthia, Christopher Chestnut, explained that the verdict has sent a statement that the industry cannot continue lying to the people about the chemicals and the addictive factor that cigarettes bring in.

ferring to traditional hairstyles worn by women of colour." Tharps locates the army's seemingly innocuous grooming guidelines in a long and painful history. "One of the things that was done to black people whether they were enslaved or free was they were told that their hair marked them as inferior, and the hair was often referred to as wool or fur - more like an animal than a human," she says. "So for generations and generations black people were under the impression that there was something wrong with their hair, and that until straightened, then it would be acceptable. And we weren't talking just about beauty, it was about survival, it was about economic opportunity." Indeed, scratch the surface of outrage at the military and you'll find tales of lost economic opportunity. Sgt Jacobs says she failed to get a reception job at a real estate company because she refused to straighten her hair. The majority of black women in America still do wear straight styles, but a burgeoning natural hair movement has been changing attitudes. It's fuelled by concerns about hair damage from chemicals, an increase in natural hair products, and a huge online

Sgt Jasmine Jacobs says her twists, which were once acceptable, are now not authorised under new army guidelines

community dispensing styling advice and support. "To go through the natural hair journey, and come to terms with the fact that you're beautiful the way you naturally are, and then an entire organisation wants you to cover up all that, makes you doubt yourself," says Sgt Jacobs. Lori Tharps is encouraged, though, by the speed of Secretary Hagel's response, an acknowledgement, perhaps, that on this subject the army is out of sync with the rest of society. "It means that black women have a voice and their voices have been heard," she says.

Police: Retired Philly Couple Killed by Suspects Hired for Chores By Kathy Matheson PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A retired Philadelphia couple was strangled by two men hired to do household chores after the wife caught one trying to steal money, authorities said Monday. Rufus and Gladys Perry, who relatives said had been married more than 40 years, knew one of their alleged assailants and ended up being killed for $120 and a gold necklace, according to police. “For it to be someone that they’re familiar with, someone that they knew, makes the pain even greater,” said Donald Carlton, the couple’s nephew. Terry Ballard, 26, of Philadelphia, and Justen Smith, 19, of Glen Campbell, were charged with murder, robbery and related offenses. It wasn’t clear if they had attorneys. The Perrys’ bodies were found early Thursday by one of their daughters in the stairwell of their rowhouse in the city’s Strawberry Mansion section. They had abrasions on their faces and necks, Homicide Capt. James Clark said. Police believe the couple let in the men sometime Wednesday to do odd jobs. When one suspect allegedly tried to take an envelope of cash he found in the kitchen, 66-year-old Gladys Perry confronted him, Clark said. He attacked and choked her to death, and her 79-year-old husband was strangled and smothered with a pillow while trying to save her, according to

police. Neighbors later told investigators they had seen Ballard and another man in the victims’ backyard that day. Officers soon found the suspects and brought them in for questioning. “They both admitted to their involvement in this brutal and senseless double murder,” Clark said. Ballard, whose grandmother is a close friend of the Perrys, had recently moved back to the neighborhood after several years away, Clark said. He didn’t say how Ballard and Smith, whose hometown is in western Pennsylvania, knew each other. Rufus Perry had worked for the city Streets Department, where nephew Donald Carlton now serves as deputy commissioner. Gladys, who is listed in public records as Algladis, had worked as a nurse at a local hospital. The couple kept to themselves but were the rocks of their family — always the first to offer financial or emotional support, said Carlton. He thanked neighbors for helping with the investigation despite the city’s pervasive nosnitching culture. “Too often in these cases, people don’t speak, they don’t want to get involved,” Carlton said. The fact that people came forward is “a testament to who my aunt and uncle were.” Funeral arrangements were not yet complete, he said.

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BUSINESS & COMMUNITY NEWS House Unanimously Passes Bass Legislation To Fight Child Link Between Sex Trafficking and Foster Youth WASHINGTON, DC—The House of Representatives today unanimously passed the “Strengthening the Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act of 2014,” legislation authored by Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-Calif.) that will help to connect child victims of trafficking to appropriate services and prevent further exploitation. The legislation is the result of years of work by Rep. Bass and child welfare advocates at addressing the link between children in foster care and sex trafficking. In Los Angeles County, 59 percent of the 174 children arrested in 2010 on “prostitution” charges had contacts with the child welfare system, and 58 percent of 72

sexually trafficked girls in Los Angeles County’s STARS Court in 2012 were children in foster care. Under-age girls should never be arrested and charged with prostitutions when they are victims. "Today the House of Representatives took a big and important step to protect children in the foster care system," said Rep. Bass. "This legislation will provide real training to those responsible for protecting foster children and will compile concrete data so that we can continue to fight against sex trafficking" “Rights4Girls applauds the passage of the Strengthening the Child Welfare Response to Trafficking Act and thanks Congresswoman Bass for her tireless

efforts in bringing the vulnerability of these youth to light,” said Yasmin Vafa, Rights4Girls’ Director of Law and Policy. "There is an undeniable intersection between child welfare involvement and child trafficking. Today's legislation takes crucial steps to protect our most vulnerable children by improving our current policies to ensure that trafficked and exploited youth in our system are no longer invisible.” H.R. 5081 would provide several tools to strengthen the child welfare system’s response to child sex trafficking by ensuring each state develops a child protection plan with: Provisions and procedures to identify and assess all

reports involving children known or suspected to be victims of trafficking; Training plans for child protective service workers to appropriately respond to reports of child trafficking; Policies and procedures to connect child victims to public or private specialized services. Further, this bill would ensure that states submit an annual report on the number of children identified as victims of trafficking within the already existing National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems. Finally, the Department of Human Services will be required to submit a report to Congress outlining the prevalence and type of child trafficking nationwide as well

as the current barriers to serving child victims comprehensively. Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN), Representatives Tom Marino (R-PA), Jim McDermott (DWA), Michele Bachmann (RMN), and Louise Slaughter (D-NY) are also original cosponsors of the bill. The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration. More information about Rights4Girls: Based in Washington, D.C., Rights4Girls is a human rights organization focused on gender-based violence and its impact on vulnerable young women and girls in the United States.

Exclusive: China Meat Supplier Faced Claims Last Year Over Unethical Work Practices (Continued from page 10) dates echo those made in a Chinese undercover TV documentary on Sunday that showed staff at Shanghai Husi Food plant mixing old meat with fresh produce and re-using meat picked up from the floor. In the Dragon TV film, staff at Shanghai Husi said they kept two record books related to food products, one of which was

doctored to be shown to anyone who came to audit the plant. Some former staff at the facility told Reuters this week that oversight at the plant was lax, though workers at another OSI unit in northern China said management and safety rules were strict. Several foreign fastfood brands, including McDonald's Corp, have pulled Shanghai Husi products from their outlets

in China, Hong Kong and Japan. Yum Brands Inc, which owns the KFC and Pizza Hut chains, has severed its ties with OSI China. Shanghai police have detained five people, including the head of Shanghai Husi Food and its current quality control manager. OSI has apologized to its Chinese consumers, calling what happened at the Shanghai plant "completely unacceptable."

An official at OSI (China) Holding Co Ltd told Reuters late on Thursday: "No comment on anything related to Shanghai Husi now. We are waiting for the result of the investigation. As for this case, I don't know and I don't know who knows." China's food regulator has said it has visited close to 600 restaurants, businesses and

food distributors as part of those investigations. Food safety is a sensitive issue in China, which was hit by a deadly dairy scandal in 2008. KFC saw its sales dip after another food safety scare in late 2012, and Wal-Mart Stores Inc came under fire this year over tainted meat products. ($1 = 6.1924 Chinese Yuan)

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190567 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTREYE Film, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190566 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTR Identity, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014165468 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Multiniveau 2. Vente Multiniveau, 2031 West 95th Street, LA, CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): Devon Anthony Harris, 2031 West 95th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Invidivual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Devon Anthony Harris Title: Devon Harris This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 18, 2014 Expires June 18, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN

Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of Earlene D. Brown Case No. BP-149133 To All heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Earlene D. Brown A Petition for Probate has been filed by Henry Brown in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The Petition for Probate request that The petition request authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. The Independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 7/28/2014 at 8:30 AM in Dept. 9 Address of court: 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Stanley Mosk Courthouse. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objection with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of the first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code Section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: Henry Brown, In Pro Per Address: 10526 Gorman Ave., Los Angeles 90002 Telephone: 323 564-0058 Filed Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles on June 25, 2014 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk by Andre Watts, Deputy. PACE NEWS Pub. July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2014


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Friday, July 25, 2014


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