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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Established Since 1995

Vol. 24 No.37 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Friday, July 11, 2014

Community Leaders Calls for Independent Investigation Into the Video Beating of Homeless Black Woman by CHP Officer

Video captured CHP office punching Marlene Pinnock on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 on the 10 Freeway at Adams and La Brea in Los Angeles

Photos by Gloria Zuurveen Maisha Allums, the daughter of Marlene Pinnock, Verona Pinnock, younger sister, Robert Allums Sr., Attorney Caree Harper, Attorney John Burris and Danny Bakewell, Sr., during the press conference on Thursday.

By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES—A cadre of community leaders assembled outside the Los Angeles Sentinel’s headquarters located on Crenshaw Thursday morning along with lead attorney, Caree Harper and Civil Rights attorney, John Burris representing family members and the victim, Marlene Pinnock, a 51 year old black woman seen on video being repeatedly punched and beaten by a California Highway Patrol officer on the 10 Freeway near the La Brea Avenue on-ramp on July 1. Danny Bakewell Sr., Chairman of the Brotherhood Crusade and Publisher of the Sentinel expressed his outrage over what he described as a sav-

age beating of a black woman by a CHP officer. He said, “This press conference is about the demonstration of unity on the part of the community. It is about the family. It is about letting the world know and certainly, all of Los Angeles know that we stand in solidarity with the family. We are not interested, will not support and do not support a CHP investigation of themselves. That is tantamount to hiring the fox to guard the chicken coop.” “We are going to be vigilante in terms of making sure that this case is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and that justice prevails. Afterward he Please see Woman, page 10

Congresswoman Bass Calls for Department of Justice to Investigate CHP Beating Attorney John Burris and Danny Bakewell Sr., Chairman of the Board, Brotherhood Crusade.

Congresswoman Waters Calls for Thorough Investigation into California Highway Patrol Beating LOS ANGELES— Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) released the following statement today in light of a video showing a California Highway Patrol officer repeatedly punching a woman in the face on the 10 Freeway: "In the wake of the recent video showing an African-American woman being viciously punched by a California Highway Patrol officer, we are once again witnessing a brutal attack on a human being by a law enforcement officer. And once again, we are hearing from

Maxine Waters

law enforcement that no one knows the events leading up to what was caught on tape or what prompted the officer's actions. However, I maintain there is nothing that can justify the officer punching a helpless woman on a freeway. This type of police brutality happens too often with African-Americans and we have seen it time and time again. There are those who should know by now that we will not keep quiet when incidents like this occur. "I have been fighting t Please see Beating, page 10

WAS HINGTON—In light of recent videos showing a California Highway Patrol (CHP) Officer repeatedly punching a woman in the face during a confrontation on the 10 Freeway, Congresswoman Karen Bass (DCalif.) sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting the Department of Justice conduct an investigation into whether the officer’s conduct amounts to a criminal violation of the woman’s constitutional right to protection from police brutality. “The video is truly horrific,” said Rep. Bass. “I am pleased that the CHP has announced it will investigate the circumstances surrounding this incident and that CHP has invited the U.S. Department of Justice to participate in its investigation. However, I am requesting that DOJ conduct its own investigation into whether the officer’s conduct amounts to a viola-

Karen Bass tion of the woman’s constitutional right to protection from excessive force.” Specifically, Rep. Bass is requesting that the Department of Justice investigate whether the CHP officer violated Section 242 of Title 18 of the criminal code, which makes it a crime for law enforcement to violate Fourth Amendment Rights by using excessive force.

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Friday, July 11, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

The Strength of Sin in the Beating of Marlene Pinnock By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief “The more I observe the tragedies of history and man’s shameful inclination to choose the low road, the more I came to see the depths and strength of sin.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers,

Another black woman has been beaten for no reason. The community is outrage and PACE NEWS want to hear from you. In next weeks issue we will continue to print your commentary and editorial about what transpired on July 1, 2014 with the CHP officer beating an innocent black woman. This is an atrocity and it is not to be tolerated. I have heard from some of you and I welcome others to email your comments to God is not pleased with the low down dirty way the officer handled the business to protect and serve. As a public servant, he was flat out wrong and the video shows it. The harm is great and justice should come swiftly for Ms. Pinnock and her family. The issue of her being homeless, mentally ill should not deter justice from coming forth speedily. There was not rhyme or reason form such a beating on anyone. Let us pray and stay vigilant for the family as they seek justice and righteousness from the legal system.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


Letters and articles sent to PACE NEWS are welcomed. All contributions must be emailed to or typed and doubled-spaced. PACE NEWS reserves the right to edit all contributions for errors (spelling, grammatical and factual) and space limitations, and we cannot guarantee that letters and articles will be published. Contributions must be signed with writer’s name sent to: PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, Inc. 3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA, 90043 Or PACE NEWS website

Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

The strength of sin was aptly displayed visibly on the side of the 10 Freeway in Los Angeles on July 1, 2014 while it was yet daylight. The strength of sin committed by a California Highway Patrol (CHP) officer, who at present remains nameless, and unidentified, was so diabolically demonstrated and meted out on a helpless, homeless and humiliated black woman as if she was not a human. The unnamed and unidentified CHP officer’s strength of sin in the senseless beating of Ms. Marlene Pinnock would probably have remained unchecked and unrevealed had it not been for the miracle of a man with a video camera in his hand. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his book “Strength to Love” reflecting on his reading of Reinhold Niebuhr said, “Niebuhr made him aware of the complexity of human motives and the reality of sin on every level of man’s existence. He said that he had come to see that superficial optimism of liberalism concerning human nature overlooked the fact of that reason is darkened by sin. He said the more he thought about human nature, the more he saw how our tragic inclination for sin encourages us to rationalize our actions. According to the CHP’s own internal reporting, it appears this inclination for sin and rationalization of his actions is exactly what is happening regarding the savage, sinful, and senseless beating of Ms. Pinnock by its unidentified and unnamed officer, which is seen on video. It appears they are attempting to rationalize and hide one of their officers sinful and sick acts of violence against a defenseless and innocent black woman, namely Ms. Pinnock. After seeing the video, I was shocked and appalled. I was horrified witnessing such a vicious attack on a woman as if she was not even human. The woman is clearly seen trying to stop the awful continuous blows to her head as the officers plummeted them seemingly harder and harder. One could clearly see that there was no resistance from Ms. Pinnock. Yet, the CHP is trying to rationalize the officer’s sinful and senseless behavior of brutality. This incident of violence is tantamount to the public lynchings that the late great journalist Ida B. Wells fought vehemently against in the South. In Wells’ research, she found that blacks were lynched for such reasons as failing to pay debts, not appearing to give

way to whites, competing with whites economically, being drunk in public. Today, it appears that Ms. Pinnock only reasons for being beaten were for being black, poor and homeless . The lessons Wells taught against the wave a violence against Blacks were documented and published in a pamphlet entitled "Southern Horrors: Lynch Laws in All Its Phases.” It is she said, “The lesson Marlene Pinnock this teaches and which every AfroAmerican should ponder well, is that a Winchester rifle should have a place of honor in every black home, and it should be used for that protection which the law refuses to give. When the white man who is always the aggressor knows he runs as great a risk of biting the dust every time his Afro-American victim does, he will have greater respect for Afro-American life. The more the Afro-American yields and cringes and begs, the more he has to do so, the more he is inCHP officer beating Pinnock. sulted, outraged and lynched.” Wells lesson is destined to be heeded by African Americans today in efforts to receive protection when the law refuses to give. The tragedy of history and the strength of sin like the days of old appears to be current news in our society today when it comes to African Americans, black people and especially one as vulnerable as Ms. Pinnock. It is high time that the community, like Wells and Dr. King in their day, not take the low road but strongly stand taking the high road and speak out against the attempt to take us back to the era of Jim Crowism and racist atrocities of the past when law officers, who then used fire hoses and dogs, but now they boldly, in broad daylight, use straddled knees and fists to try and force submission just as we’ve seen over and over again in the sinful and savage beating of Ms. Marlene Pinnock on video. Remember a picture is worth a thousand word and a moving picture, in my opinion, is worth 10 thousand. Dr. Gloria Zuurveen can be emailed at or visit us at

Award Shows – Confusion, Delusion, Exclusion By Jim Clingman Searching through a dictionary of obscure words, I came across the word, “Babeldom,” which means “a confused sound of voices.” Babel, of course reminded me of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.tower-of-babel-19-jun-091 Next, I thought about the BET Awards and, of course, economic empowerment. What? C’mon, Jim, that’s a stretch. Yeah, maybe, but go with me on this one and let’s see. I did not watch the awards show, but I did see a news clip of Nicki Minaj’s acceptance speech as well as many of the various comments about the show on Face Book and Twitter. Despite Ms. Minaj’s esoteric words, I did pick up on her reference to BET being Black owned. I wondered how many in the audience thought the same—or even cared. Having seen some of these shows in previous years, when I saw the word, “Babeldom,” I made three connections to the collective economic condition of Black folks. The first one centered on language and the “confused” state of many of our people; the second dealt with arrogance, ignorance, and acceptance of mediocrity; and the third was responsibility. The builders of the Tower of Babel were arrogant, not only because they thought they could build a tower up to heaven, but also because they wanted to “make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” They were also ignorant of God’s power over their lives because even though they considered Him their deity, they chose to “do their own thing” despite His instructions to their forebears in Chapter 9. They thought they were “all that,” but He stopped them in their tracks. A few years ago I did a sermon titled, “Babbling or Building,” in which I compared talking “in a confused state” (Babeldom) and actually building something, according to what we say we believe and spiritually hold dear. This is not a sermon, but I hope someone in the ranks of hip-hop will see it and respond appropriately to this message. The quandary for many of our people is that we are walking contradictions to much of what we say; our actions belie our words and in some cases make a mockery of them. For example,

virtually every awardee on these shows begins by saying, “I want to thank God…” Their actions, however, reflect the exact opposite of one of God’s most important principles: Being a good steward of their financial blessings. There is probably a few billion dollars in the bank accounts of the BET awardees and attendees, more than enough to do great things for Black people. Question is: How are those dollars being managed? There was a lot of babbling in the room that night; I wonder how much building was taking place, notwithstanding Minaj thinking that BET was Black owned. What is the end game for many of our talented young rappers? Is it receiving an award? Is it being able to buy all the expensive vodka and brandy they want? Is it blowing $100,000 at a strip club? Is it having ten cars, five homes, and a $100,000 wardrobe? I don’t know, but much of what we see does not speak to good stewardship of their blessings, especially in light of their consistent and obligatory need to say “I want to thank God.” I know there are a few conscious hip-hop builders, but the babblers get the most recognition, which is by design. Here’s a thought: A “Black Consciousness Award” for next year’s show, based on the redeeming value of the artist’s actions not just his or her rhetoric. Hip-hop artists, please refrain from the “Babeldom,” and offer words of wisdom to the nation when you speak. You are wasting your influence and squandering your precious resources. Use your tremendous leverage to get Viacom/BET to do more than give you awards. Build and leave an economic legacy from your work; we hardly need to see an award show every month or so anyway. Don’t be arrogant or ignorant, and do not accept or allow your name to be associated with mediocrity and buffoonery. Use your wealth to build something positive, not just for yourselves individually but collectively for your people as well. You have the ability and resources to do that. Do you have the consciousness to do it? I am sorry this message could not be communicated in 140 characters, but some things are just too important for such brevity. I leave you with a few more words, directly from God, about those who tried to build the Tower of Babel. He said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”

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Friday, July 11, 2014


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All Students Benefit from Minority Teachers By Freddie Allen WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Despite the cry from people of color for more teachers who look like them, bStudents Benefit Fromoth Whites and Blacks benefit from a more diverse teaching force, according to a study by Center of American Progress. “… A study of the relationship between the presence of African-American teachers in schools and African American students’ access to equal education in schools found that fewer African Americans were placed in special-education classes, suspended, or expelled when they had more teachers of color, and that more African-American students were placed in gifted and talented programs and graduated from high school,” stated the report. Teachers of color also have, “an affinity for infusing their classrooms with culturally relevant experiences and examples, setting high academic expectations, developing trusting student-teacher relationships, and serving as cultural and linguistic resources – as well as advocates, mentors, and liaisons – for students’ families and communities.” A study titled “Teacher Diversity Revisited,” reported in May 2014 that learning from and

networking with a multicultural teaching staff is also important for preparing White students for a workforce and society where they will no longer make up the majority. It is important for “students to interact with people who look and act differently than they do in order to build social trust and create a wider sense of community,” stated the report. “In other words, the benefits of diversity are not just for students of color.” CAP researchers said that male teachers of color are twice as likely to ditch the classroom for another career than female teachers of color. Black male teachers also told researchers that feelings of isolation or being the only Black male on the faculty increased their, “desire to leave their current schools.”

When male minority teachers get certified in their main subject, they “are only half as likely to leave the field as are other teachers.” In an effort to address the lack of minority teachers and to retain the ones currently in our nation’s classrooms, CAP report suggested states should “develop innovative approaches to teacher preparation in both universitybased and alternative-certification programs.” Researchers also proposed higher benchmarks for teacher-training programs. The CAP report also cited the Education Department’s recruitment campaign aimed at preparing 80,000 Black teachers for classrooms across the country by 2015 to provide students not only with high-quality educa-

tional experiences, but also to present them with role models with a variety of cultural experiences, as well. “There is a need for more teacher-preparation programs to embrace calls for higher quality and candidate expectations – indeed, to marry the call for quality and diversity,” stated the report. “Improved preparation will go a long way toward minimizing the number of new teachers that enter our schools illequipped and quickly exit through the revolving door.” The report concluded that policymakers needed to shift their focus to retaining effective minority teachers, while supporting the efforts of minority professionals seeking to enter the field. “States and school districts have the power to remove barriers to the retention and success of teachers of color. Those that do not address these barriers – by, for example, supporting highquality teaching and reforming school conditions – will continue to face high turnover, destabilized faculties, and unsatisfactory student achievement levels,” the report stated. “Communities of color must advocate for effective teaching and encourage their children to prepare to enter a rigorous and demanding profession.” The report calls for

“access to not only high-quality education opportunities, but also a high-quality and an equally diverse teaching force.” The CAP report said that effective teachers play a pivotal role in producing high performance students, and conversely that less experienced teachers often contribute to achievement gaps between Whites and non-Whites. Minorities account for nearly half of the students in public schools in the United States, but less than 20 percent of teachers are non-White. According to a 2011 study by The National Center for Education Information (NCEI), more than 80 percent of teachers are White and less than 10 percent are Black. At 70 percent, White females account for the majority of all teachers. Only 2 percent of all teachers are Black men, underscoring the paucity of Black male role models in U.S. public schools. A 2014 report by the Children’s Defense Fund said that more than 80 percent of Black students can’t read at grade level and in 2010 less than 70 percent were graduating from high school in four years. Black students also received 1 in 6 outof-school suspensions, compared to their White peers who received 1 in 20 out-of-school suspensions.

The Disappearance of the Black Coach: African-Americans Shut Out of College Basketball By Stacy M. Brown From the Washington Informer Just a handful of years after the tumultuous, racially charged era of the 1960s, Georgetown coach John Thompson peered over his shoulder during a game at McDonough Gym in Northwest. What the coach saw he’d never forget. Neither would many others. “Thompson the [Nword] flop must go,” the racist banner read. “Today, this generation doesn’t even know who John Thompson is,” said Brian Ellerbe, a Capitol Heights, Maryland, native and former NCAA Division I men’s basketball coach who worked at several schools including George Washington University in Northwest. Like many, Ellerbe, 50, laments the glaring absence of African-American coaches in Division I basketball. Ellerbe stopped short of accusing anyone of racism and admits that a black coach today probably wouldn’t have to endure the bigotry faced by the legendary Thompson in the 1970s. However, when asked whether an old-boy network might be responsible for the dearth of African-American coaches, Ellerbe said the matter runs much deeper. “A lot of the hiring practices are far more sophisticated and convoluted,” he said. “Today, the athletic directors and the presidents hire search firms to find coaches and [black coaches] are not clients of those search firms.” Ellerbe said athletic directors and presidents have moved toward search firms as a means to

Above: University of Connecticut basketball coach Kevin Ollie. protect themselves if a coach fails. It’s a system that effectively locks out African Americans, he said. “We’re not even getting an interview, a phone call returned or even an email returned,” Ellerbe said. ESPN reported in May that, of the 25 jobs that have opened this year, 13 have been the result of black coaches being fired or resigning, including Tony Barbee at Auburn; Jason Capel at Appalachian State; Louis Orr at Bowling Green; Clarence Finley at Central Arkansas; Ron Mitchell at Coppin State; Greg Jackson at Delaware State; Mike Jarvis at Florida Atlantic; Cliff Warren at Jacksonville; Frankie Allen at Maryland-Eastern Shore; Stan Heath at South Florida; Jason James at Tennessee-Martin; Travis Williams at Tennessee State; and James Johnson at Virginia Tech. Pat Forde, one of Yahoo! Sports’ top basketball writers, said presuming that Historically Black Colleges and Universities such as Coppin State, Delaware State,

Maryland-Eastern Shore and Tennessee State fill their openings with minorities, college basketball could well be looking at a net loss in black head coaches next year. “And then there figures to be several more black coaches entering the season on the hot seat. Among them: Lorenzo Romar at Washington; Craig Robinson at Oregon State; Oliver Purnell at DePaul; Anthony Grant at Alabama; Frank Haith at Missouri; Mike Anderson at Arkansas; Trent Johnson at Texas Christian University; David Carter at Nevada; and Paul Hewitt at George Mason,” he said. Forde also noted that if search firms are simply an extension of college sports’ old-boy network among overwhelmingly white administrators, it stands to reason that most of the recommendations will be to hire white coaches. An NCAA spokeswoman declined to comment. Still, the percentage of African-American head coaches stands at its lowest level in 20

years. The University of Connecticut’s Kevin Ollie, who coached his team to the national championship earlier this year, also expressed concern over the lack of black men on the bench. “It’s definitely a concern,” said Ollie, 41. “It’s definitely something we need to take a long look at, and hopefully we can get more African Americans in these jobs, in these positions, that they can run a program.” Ollie said challenges facing black coaches are far more complex than the issues confronted by such pioneers as Thompson, Temple’s John Chaney, Villanova’s George Raveling and Cincinnati’s Nolan Richardson. Raveling, Thompson, Chaney and Richardson led the Black Coaches Association (B.C.A.). The group, so powerful in the 1980s and ’90s, remains, but it’s a shell of what it used to be. “In the old days, when they saw the old B.C.A., they saw a bunch a black folks holding the hammer,” Raveling told the New York Times in April after the NCAA Tournament ended. He said that hammer proved to be extraordinary talent, which included the fact that Patrick Ewing single-handedly turned Georgetown into a destination. Led by Ewing, the Hoyas won the national championship in 1984, and they played for the title in ’82 and in ’85. Richardson won the national championship with star forward Corliss Williamson in 1994, and went back to the Final Four a year later. “For whatever reason,

it’s not in vogue for the great black athlete to play for a black coach,” said Paul Hewitt, the coach at George Mason. With approximately 330 head coaching jobs in Division I basketball, the percentage of African Americans counts fewer than 19 percent. Meanwhile, more than 57 percent of Division I athletes are black and Ellerbe said there should be more coaches of color, individuals who might be able to better relate to young AfricanAmerican athletes. “One of the biggest problems is the parents of the young athletes,” said Ellerbe, a Rutgers University graduate who said he’s now seeking to become an athletic director. “Parents and guardians keep sending their kids to the other guys, not to us. The only time they send their kids to us, the only time they want a black coach involved is when their kid is in trouble and, I’m here to tell you that, the D.C. area is one of the biggest culprits.” Ellerbe said it’s important that coaches, administrators, alumni and others continue to shine a spotlight on the lack of African Americans in Division I play. He said his friend, Stanford head coach and D.C. native Johnny Dawkins, didn’t get a raise or contract extension after leading his team to this year’s Sweet 16, but every other coach who made it that far received new deals or more money. “I’m done and out of it and I’m happy,” Ellerbe said. “But, for the guys who are still in it, something needs to be said. They have to have a voice.”

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Friday, July 11, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Man Who Scammed New Birth Church Investors Out of Millions Was Arrested By Terry Shropshire From the Atlanta Daily World Ephren Taylor, the Kansas City man accused of scamming New Birth Missionary Baptist Church members out of millions of dollars of their retirement savings, has been arrested on federal indictment charges. In total, Taylor, the former chief executive officer of City Capital Corp. of Overland Park, Kan., allegedly duped mostly black churchgoers nationwide for more than $5 million. Investigators with the U.S. Secret Service and the IRS accused Taylor and co-conspirator Wendy Conner, the former COO of City Capital Corp., of swindling 80 investors in Georgia, including members of New Birth in Lithonia, out of at least $2 million during Taylor’s “Building Wealth Tour,”

the promissory notes used would be extremely profitable. When the notes were due, the investors were encouraged to get new notes, which meant a delay in delivering proceeds. “This case demonstrates the wide-reaching effects of fraudulent investment schemes, its impact on innocent victims, our northern Georgia communities, and the importance of cooperation among our law enforcement partners to suppress this type of criminal activity,” said Reginald Moore, Special Agent in Charge of the United States Secret Service Atlanta Field Office.

tor” when he pitched his investment scheme before New Birth members, surrendered to federal agents and prosecutors in Kansas City, pleading not guilty in his initial court appearance. His next court appearance will be in Atlanta on June 27. In a 2012 complaint, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accused Taylor of running an $11 million Ponzi scheme mainly targeting AfricanAmerican investors. New Birth, led by embattled pastor Bishop Eddie Long who came to a secret financial settlement in a sensationalized gay

Ephren Taylor which allegedly targeted church congregations from April 2009 through October 2010.

New Birth and Bishop Eddie Long weren’t the only mega churches impacted. Members of Joel Osteen’s Houston-based Lakewood Church also invested with Taylor. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accused Taylor of running an $11 million Ponzi scheme, using investors’ money to pay off early investors and to hide investment losses. Taylor turned himself in to federal authorites in Kansas City and is facing charges of conspiracy and money laundering as well as mail and wire fraud. “Mr. Taylor came into our community, promising hardworking citizens a way to make their retirement money go farther,” said United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates. “The investments he pitched proved to be worthless, along with his promises.” Taylor, who called himself a “socially conscious investor” when he pitched his investment scheme to New Birth members, pleading not guilty in his initial court appearance. His next court appearance will be in Atlanta on June 27. New Birth, led by embattled pastor Bishop Eddie Long who crafted a secret financial settlement in a sensationalized gay sex scandal just a year earlier, also made a confidential financial settlement with a dozen former members who said Long encouraged them to invest money with Taylor despite several warnings that the investor was running a capital deficit. The members said they lost more than $1 million dollars. “It has always been our prayer for a resolution to this matter in which many lost their investments,” New Birth said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to anyone who suffered losses, and we pray for healing.” Prosecutors said many victims transferred retirement savings to self-directed IRAs. Taylor had clients use specific trust companies, one in Ohio and another in New Mexico. However, Taylor actually controlled their IRA funds, prosecutors said. Taylor allegedly used the money to pay salaries, commissions and personal expenses, and made payments to earlier investors, prosecutors said. The victims were also told that their funds were being used to invest in real estate, laundries, juice bars, gas stations and other small businesses, and that

Bishop Eddie Long, pastor of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in suburban Atlanta.

Ephren Taylor, the Kansas City man accused of scamming New Birth Missionary Baptist Church members out of millions of dollars of their retirement savings, has been arrested on a federal indictment charges. In total, Taylor, the former chief executive officer of City Capital Corp. of Overland Park, Kan., allegedly duped mostly black churchgoers nationwide of more than $5 million. Investigators with the U.S. Secret Service and the IRS accuse Taylor and coconspirator Wendy Conner, the former COO of City Capital Corp., of swindling 80 investors in Georgia, including members of New Birth in Lithonia, out of at least $2 million during Taylor’s “Building Wealth Tour,” which allegedly targeted church congregations from at least April 2009 through October 2010. New Birth and Bishop Eddie Long wasn’t the only mega church impacted. Members of Joel Osteen’s Houston-based Lakewood Church also invested in the scheme when they heard about it. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accused Taylor of running an $11 million Ponzi scheme, using investors’ money to pay off early investors and to hide investment losses. Taylor turned himself in to federal authorites in Kansas City and is facing charges of conspiracy, mail and wire fraud and money laundering. “Mr. Taylor came into our community, promising hardworking citizens a way to make their retirement money go farther,” said United States Attorney Sally Quillian Yates. “The investments he pitched proved to be worthless, along with his promises.” Taylor, who called himself a “socially conscious inves-

sex scandal just a year earlier, also came to a confidential financial settlement with a dozen former members who said Long encouraged them to invest money with Taylor despite several warnings that the investor was running a capital deficit. The members said they lost more than $1 million dollars. “It has always been our prayer for a resolution to this matter in which many lost their investments,” New Birth said in a statement. “Our hearts go out to anyone who suffered losses, and we pray for healing.” Prosecutors said many victims transferred retirement savings to self-directed IRAs. Taylor had clients use specific trust companies, one in Ohio and another in New Mexico. However, Taylor actually controlled their IRA funds, prosecutors said. Taylor allegedly used the money to pay salaries and commissions, and personal expenses, and to pay earlier investors, prosecutors said. The victims were also instructed that their funds were being used to invest in laundries, juice bars, gas stations and other small businesses, and in real estate, and that the promissory notes used would be extremely profitable. When the notes were due, the investors were encouraged to get new notes, which meant a delay in delivering proceeds on the notes. “This case demonstrates the wide-reaching effects of fraudulent investment schemes, its impact on innocent victims, our northern Georgia communities, and the importance of cooperation among our law enforcement partners to suppress this type of criminal activity,” said Reginald Moore, Special Agent in Charge of the United States Secret Service Atlanta Field Office.

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Friday, July 11, 2014




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Friday, July 11, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Mississippi Child Thought Cured Of HIV Shows Signs Of Infection By Richard Harris (NPR)—A baby who generated great excitement last year because it appeared she had been cured of HIV is infected with the virus after all, health officials say. This discovery is a setback for the child known as the "Mississippi baby." It also complicates efforts to test what had seemed like a promising new treatment for infants born with HIV. The was born to an HIVpositive mother in 2012. The mother had not received prenatal care, so wasn't identified as being positive for HIV until she was in labor. To stop the baby's infection, doctors tried an aggressive combination of drugs right after she was born. Normally HIV-infected infants would stay on the antivirals for life. But in this case, the mother stopped bringing the child to the clinic after 18

months. When the two showed up again, five months later, the mother said she had long since stopped giving the baby medicine. But blood tests showed no signs of HIV infection. Was it a cure? Hopes were high. Thousands of babies are born to infected mothers every year, mostly in poor countries, and it would be wonderful if a strong dose of medicine at the time of birth could eradicate the virus from their bodies. “ It felt very much like a punch to the gut. It was extremely disappointing. remained on the lookout for HIV infection. "Ever since we discovered this case in 2012, we've known that was a possibility," she said in a conference call yesterday. The baby was not put back on anti-HIV drugs, but doctors kept checking her for

signs of infection every six to eight weeks. More than two years elapsed with no sign of the virus. "So, last week was one of those regularly scheduled visits," Gay said. "The child came; she had no abnormalities on physical exam." But blood tests showed that the baby had an active HIV infection. The virus had emerged from some mysterious hiding place in her body.

"It felt very much like a punch to the gut," Gay said. "It was extremely disappointing." "We had been very hopeful that this would lead to bigger and better things," she said. And she also is disappointed "for the sake of the child, who is now back on medicine and expected to stay on medicine for a very long time." Based on the child's story, the National Institutes of Health had planned a huge study involving more than 700 other HIVinfected newborns. The strategy is to treat them with a powerful drug combination at birth and, assuming they show no signs of infection, take them off drugs altogether at the age of 2. "The study is still in play," says , director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "But we're now just taking a close look at

it ... to make sure that with the study we do it in an ethically sound way, and we get some answers to important questions." But bioethicist , at Boston University's School of Public Health, says in his view this study will not pass ethical muster. "To the extent that the justification for doing the trial is this one HIV-free child, and now it turns out that the child does have HIV, the trial should be stopped," he told NPR. Annas says we have an extra ethical duty to children. "We can't put them essentially in harm's way without some very good reason to think that they're going to benefit." The study designers will have to grapple with that issue as they continue to look for ways to treat children facing a hard future with HIV infections.

Mayor Garcetti Thanks LA Employers for Hiring 10,000

Crumbled Craving Youth in Summer Jobs Through the LA's Youth Initiative By Dean L. Jones, CPM A positive sign that bad eating habits are slowing as people who considered themselves hooked on cupcakes and related sweets have undoubtedly realized that too much processed sugar hurts. The well-known cupcake retailer called Crumbs had an eleven year run of offering giant 600-calorie cupcakes in a variety of flavors such as red velvet, fluffernutter and s'mores that eventually sold for as much as $5 each. Well, Crumbs Bake Shop bit the dust and closed down all of its bakeries from Los Angeles to New York. The closing of Crumbs is an indicator that consumers are making a mindful decision to reduce their consumption of processed sugary-filled items, like gratuitously rich desserts. The basic manner in which our bodies function require that what we ingest have a biochemical nutritional homeostasis, or balance. Eating processed sugar comes with consuming high carbohydrate foodstuff that have been processed, refined, synthesized, artificially flavored, and loaded with chemical preservatives, which in fact get us out of a natural balance. Take for example the scientific evidence showing how cancer, heart disease, and sickle cell anemia are deficiency diseases aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound, particularly found in the general diet entertained by a significant number of blacks. The result of these studies indicate a definite link between eating and illness, where the solution to these diseases is best found in the field of nutrition rather than drugs, blood thinners, and blood transfusions. Therefore, the better we control ourselves from poor eating habits, the easier it is to maintain a healthy standard of living each day. Sickle cell anemia is relatively rare in the Caribbean, which is primarily attributed to how the eating habits in this region make minimal use of processed sugars in their diets. Fortunately, the eating habits are changing in favor

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones of eliminating processed sugar and increasing nutrient fresh foods that helps with inhibiting cells from sickling in the blood, resulting in painful hemolytic crisis caused by the clumping of the red blood cells. Our cells, organs, tissues, and chemicals are formed in the body by energy, a vibratory frequency which reflects the thoughts, foods, and medicines we ingest and contributes to the structure of our vital force. Foodstuff makers advertise that vitamins and minerals are put back into their products before sending it to the market, thus, “enriched” is the word seen on bread, milk, and the like. But make no mistake about it; nothing is left but raw starch which has zero nutritive value. These starch synthetic chemicals (saccharification; gucose syrup, dextrose, fructose, dextrin and maltose) are injected, which form only part of the missing vitamins, and are not properly ingestible by human beings because they are not in balance. Crumbs crumbled, but there are thousands of sugar predators working to hook consumers. So at all times stay SugarAlert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

LOS ANGELES-Mayor Garcetti today joined Concilmember Paul Koretz and employer partners at Cedars Sinai Medical Center to celebrate meeting his goal of 10,000 summer jobs for youth through his Hire LA's Youth summer jobs program. Working with public and private sector partners, this year's program doubled the number of youth jobs available to young Angelenos aged 14-24. Cedars Sinai Medical Center is employing 30 young people through this program. The Hire LA's Youth summer jobs program provides job readiness training, on the job experience, and a paycheck to more than 10,000 LA City youth in what is for many their first job. Partnering with the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and financial institution partners, the program provides job application, resume writing, and interview skills training, as well as financial literacy train-

ing to help create healthy financial habits for these first-time earners. "I'm proud to announce that yesterday was the first day of work for 10,000 young Angelenos age 14-24 through my Hire LA's Youth summer jobs program," said Mayor Eric Garcetti. "Our youth are the key to the success and prosperity of our city, and Hire LA's Youth, a part of my Summer of Success Initiative, gives our younger generation the chance to leap ahead with safe and productive ways to learn, earn and play." The positive impact of youth employment during the quiet summer months is well documented. Studies show that early work experience significantly raises adult workforce participation rates and student graduation rates, as well as combating the "Summer Melt" effect, ensuring youth are ready to return to school. Youth will work for 120 hours over 6 weeks and will

earn $9 per hour. Hire LA's Youth is part of Mayor Garcetti's threepronged Summer of Success Initiative, which, along with his Summer of Learning and nationally recognized Summer Night Lights program, provides youth safe and productive activities during the summer months when school is out. For more information on the LA Summer of Learning online learning and badge earni n g o pp o r tun i t i es , vi s i t For more information on the Summer Night Lights programming and a list of the 32 parks open l a t e , v i s i t w w w . gr yd f o u n d a t i o n . o r g/ summer-night-lights. Employer and program partners present at the event included: Cedars Sinai Medical Center, the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, Bank of America, Tesoro Corporation, Cathay Bank, Kaiser Permanente, the McDonald’s Corporation, USC, and UCLA.

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Friday, July 11, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS Black Women Increasingly Becoming Victims of Brutal Violence By Dr. Elwood Watson Over the past few weeks, various media outlets have replayed the horrifically shocking video of a Black woman being brutally pummeled in the face by a California Highway Patrol officer. Such a horrific image sent shock waves as well as outrage through many communities in

America. The officer in question has been placed on paid leave. In response to massive public outcry about the beating, CHP officials responded that they are “investigating” the situation. I guess this is a step up from their initial response, which was to ignore the case despite the fact that the beating took place in broad daylight with hundreds of drivers and a few onlookers

witnessing the horrendous spectacle. The fact is that had it not been for the video going viral, this would have been another example of over-thetop police brutality swept under the rug and dismissed. The family of the woman in question has hired an attorney and is seeking monetary damages. In another equally disturbing video, an Arizona State University police officer

University Shows Support For Black Female Professor Who Was Body-Slammed By Police For “Jaywalking” Phoenix, AZ — A recent police confrontation where Arizona State University Professor Dr. Ersula Ore was body slammed to the ground for jaywalking has gained national attention and now more support from the University. Originally, the university administrators supported the police officer. But after a recent video surfaced on YouTube, the University has released an official statement showing more support for the professor. They had already released one statement, but according to their 2nd statement, they are going to investigate the matter more thoroughly. Then, they recently issued a 3rd statement showing more concern (possibly because of the national attention the incident has received). In fact, the case is being covered heavily on CNN, MSNBC, and other major networks. Here is the statement that the University sent to the faculty: Dear Faculty, I am sure that many, or most, of you are aware of the events that took place the eve-

ning of May 20, 2014 between one of our faculty, Professor Ersula Ore, and the University Police. I am also sure that those of you who observed the video and audio recordings of the incident were equally shocked and disappointed that this took place in our community. We ended up with an outcome no one wanted and should never have happened. Professor Ore is a valued faculty member at ASU. She is an outstanding teacher and mentor. The university remains supportive of her. The entire matter is being reviewed and a further state-

ment from ASU is forthcoming. In the meantime, I want to assure everyone that the behavior displayed in this incident does not reflect in any way the values and principles by which ASU operates. We are privileged to be part of an academic community where diversity, inclusion, tolerance, and respect are central to all we are and do. This is special. We all contribute to this set of values. I very much appreciate all that you do and, like you, hope for a positive resolution to this matter. R o b P a g e University Provost

Community Leaders Calls for Independent Investigation Into the Video Beating of Homeless Black Woman by CHP Officer (Continued from paged 1) introduced Burris, one of the lead of attorney in the case. Burris said, “This case have significant issues also not just brutality but issues of homelessness, mental illness and how do you treat the least among us and you don’t do that by beating them into submission.” “We need to consider putting systems in place where you have a form of rebuke,” said Burris. Bakewell emphasized further that Pinnock has been savagely beaten by the CHP, and whether the NAACP, National Action Network, Urban League, elected officials from Compton, Hawthorne, National Council of Negro Women, Mother’s In Action, Congresswomen Maxine Waters or Karen Bass, they were there for the express purpose of making sure that the community and the nation know that they are in support of the person who was savagely beaten by the CHP in California.

He said, “We are not satisfied nor will we accept an investigation of this case by the CHP.” “This is our mother, this is our sister, this is our children. This time it’s a black woman, last week was a black man. Last week it was our son, and we want to make sure next week it’s not us,” Bakewell said. “We have no confidence. This has eroded the confidence in the criminal justice system. Watching someone savagely beaten the way we have seen in this video, what would have happened had we not lived in the era of the video?” he said. Bakewell also addressed his concern that the officer’s identity has not been revealed. According to CHP report, the officer said he was trying to subdue the woman and prevent her from walking into traffic and Pinnock became “physically combative” during the altercation. Harper talked about the

new development in the case concerning the videographer. She said whenever a person comes forward the messenger is always put on trial and we don’t want him put on trial. Harper said, “Cause without him do you think that anybody would have believed Marlene Pinnock’s story, never would have believed her without video taped evidence.” “That’s why it’s imperative that these officers must start running their video taped camera,” She added. Harper said, “It should be a no brainer, he should go to jail. If he doesn’t go to jail, I was one of the first people to endorse Jackie Lacey… but if this man doesn’t go to jail, I will be on the top of the mountain screaming about him not being prosecuted.” Harper said there were three other witnesses in David Diaz’s car and other eyewitnesses are coming forward.

is seen body slamming a young African-American college professor to the ground as she was crossing the street. As was the case with the California Highway Patrol incident, until images of the disturbing incident were splashed over the Internet, little attention was given to the event. In fact, university officials initially sided with the actions of the officer in question believing that “the officer had acted appropriately” until mounting public outrage forced all parties involved to revisit the case. The officer in this case has been placed on leave. These are just two cases that due to the determined diligence and conscientiousness of certain individuals who were determined to expose such injustices, that they eventually received the intense level of attention and outrage they warranted. Other examples of Black women in recent years being targets of police brutality are: · Kathryn Johnston, a 92-year-old greatgrandmother, was shot five times and killed by police officers in Atlanta as they stormed her home without a search warrant. · A 12-year old from Houston was brutally assaulted by four of undercover officers after being confused for a White prostitute who was wearing similar attire · In Memphis, Duanna Johnson was sitting in an airport and was physically assaulted by two White police

officers. · Rekia Boyd was killed in Chicago by a police officer when they mistook her friend’s cell phone for a gun. · In Charlotte, North Carolina, Carolyn Sue Boetticher was killed after police fired 22 rounds in the car she was a passenger when the car failed to stop at a police checkpoint. · Sandra Antor, from Miami, was traveling to see friends when she was pulled over by an irate South Carolina police officer demanding her to get out of the car on the ground. Fortunately she survived. The last incident made national headlines and Antor settled out of court. While many people have expressed their outrage at such injustices, there have been those who have resorted to a “they must have done something to deserve it” stance. These are the sort of people who tend to view Black women (and Black people in general) as rude, combative, oversexed, elemental and not to be trusted. Such a retrograde mentality must be combated. Black women have just as much right to expect to be treated with as much civility and dignity by law enforcement as any other group of people. This is a necessary and mandatory issue that must be given full attention. Police brutality directed toward Black women (or any group of women) is unacceptable.

Congresswoman Waters Calls for Thorough Investigation into California Highway Patrol Beating (Continued from page 1)

he battle against abusive law enforcement for years and it seems as if some police jurisdictions haven't learned anything about the outrage caused by officers when they use excessive force and brutal tactics. My history of fighting against police abuse dates back to the extensive organizing and rallying to confront former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates in response to abusive tactics against African-American men and women in the Los Angeles area, including the killing of Ms. Eula Love. We marched and rallied at Parker Center Headquarters and called for the removal of Mr. Gates as police chief. We also drew national attention to the killing of Ms. Love and have continued our strug-

gle against police abuse in every instance where police use force to injure and kill innocent people. "I stand with the community in demanding a complete and thorough investigation of this incident. Based on the video shown of the patrol officer's forceful punching of Marlene Pinnock, this is enough to demand his dismissal. "Despite all of the work I have done to address the issue of police brutality in the past, I feel obligated to once again organize women in the community to speak out on this issue. We must demand justice and reforms that will create change within law enforcement to prevent this kind of abuse from continuing to happen."

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Friday, July 11, 2014

NATIONAL/REGIONAL & STATE NEWS Obama Administration Warns Money Low To Deal with Migrant Crisis By Richard Cowan and Julia Edwards

(Reuters) - The Obama administration warned lawmakers on Thursday that U.S. border control agencies would run out of money and migrant children would run out of beds if Congress did not approve $3.7 billion in funds to address an influx of people from Central America. Days after the White House put forward its request for emergency funding to address the humanitarian crisis at the southwest U.S. border, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson pressed the need for lawmakers to approve the request. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Customs and Border Protection would run out of funds by midAugust and mid-September, respectively, without the emergency cash, he said at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the request. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said her department would run out of beds in temporary housing facilities if the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border continued into August at the same rate seen in May and June. More children would be held in detention centers or "holding pens" at the border for long periods of time, she said at the same hearing.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testifies before a Senate Appropriations hearing on ''Review of the President's Emergency Supplemental Request for Unaccompanied Children and Related Matters'' on Capitol Hill in Washington July 10, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Yuri Gripas

The warnings from the officials came as support appeared to be growing for legislation that would make it easier for the Obama administration to deport thousands of Central American children who have migrated illegally. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner expressed support for changes to immigration law that would let the United States deport children from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador as quickly as it does those from Mexico. U.S. law allows Mexican minors to be sent back promptly, although there are some steps those children can

take to try to remain in the United States. A 2008 victims trafficking law requires that children from countries not bordering the United States, including those in Central America, be given added legal protections before they are deported. Regarding children from those countries, Boehner told reporters, "I think clearly we would probably want the language similar to what we have with Mexico." NEEDED FUNDS In a letter to congressional leaders last week, President Barack Obama proposed giving the Department of Homeland Security additional

Light Rail in the San Fernando Valley Sacramento (CA) – Recently, Governor Brown signed AB 577 to allow the installation of above-ground rail transit along the Los Angeles Metro Orange Line. AB 577 authored by Assembly Member Nazari an (DSherman Oaks) provides the flexibility needed to address the growing demands of public transportation in the Greater San Fernando Valley. Assembly Member Nazarian notes, “By repealing the ban of light rail instillation along the Orange Line, AB 577 allows the Valley to take

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the first step toward a 21st Century transit system, which will lead to greater connectivity to the red line and other transportation lines, throughout Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley.” Supporters such as, the Valley Industry & Commerce Association (VICA), a nonprofit business advocacy group located in the San Fernando Valley, have been fighting to bring light rail to the Valley for years. VICA’s chair Coby King stated, “The Metro Orange Line has been a victim of its own success, and

is now so overcrowded and slow it has to turn away new passengers. Conversion to light rail is the best option for the Orange Line, with its significantly higher ridership potential and low cost relative to heavy rail and underground subways.” This bill allows Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority to effectively address the growing public transportation needs of local governments, alleviate congestion and take advantage of available transportation resources.

authority to process the return and removal of unaccompanied children from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Obama, battling political pressure to halt the influx of child migrants along the Texas border with Mexico, asked Congress for the emergency funds earlier this week. Many Democrats and immigration advocacy groups have strongly opposed changing the trafficking law, but congressional leaders indicated they might not block such legislation if it is tacked onto the spending bill. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday she would prefer the law be changed to give Mexican children the same protections as those from Central America. However, she said the issue should not stand in the way of quickly getting Obama the emergency funds he is seeking. Harry Reid, leader of the Democratic-controlled Senate, said he would not block an amendment to change the 2008 trafficking law, but would have to see what comes to the floor. Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, said the administration could use a clause in the law that allows for exceptions under

special circumstances to speed up the deportations without changing the law itself. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors from the three countries have been caught trying to sneak over the border since October, double the number from the same period a year earlier. Both Democrats and Republicans have been pressing for changes to address the child migrant issue, but the money is not guaranteed. "We're not giving the president a blank check," said Boehner, leader of the Republican-controlled House. Boehner said the House should act on some sort of immigration legislation this month. He has formed a working group of lawmakers to study options. White House spokesman Josh Earnest, traveling with Obama in Texas, said the president was willing to negotiate on his request but noted it reflected the priorities Republicans have identified, including more immigration judges and additional border resources. (Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu, Susan Cornwell, Emily Stephenson and Steve Holland)

Clothing Line Causes Uproar as Black Boy’s Face Paired with Monkey’s Body By Terry Shropshire A children’s clothing line created a firestorm of controversy after a shopper saw a T-shirt featuring a monkey’s body was paired with a cardboard cutout showing an African-American boy’s face. The uploaded photo onto Twitter rompted a quick defense by the company, Just Add A Kid, which is chalking it up as “a total misunderstanding.” “We are looking into all the situations that occurred around

“The head shots on our hangers are intended (to) reflect the different cultures of our happy customers, and are distributed separately to our shirts,” the company said in the statement. “In this particular case, one of our retailers paired a particular hanger with a shirt without consideration for how it may appear to many consumers.We are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.” The problem is that the

this little incident,” company cocreator Lowell Cohen told the Daily News. “We’re looking at the vendor, we’re speaking to our employees.” The T-shirts designed by the clothing line feature cartoon character bodies ranging from surfers, cowboys, princesses, angels and various animals and occupations. In a later statement, the company said the pairing was “not authorized, condoned or tolerated” by the company.

vendor’s decision in how they pair the cardboard faces — featuring various ethnicities — to the designs. “Our designs feature multicultural skin tones and appropriately matching header cards (to) showcase children of the world,” the company posted on Twitter Wednesday. Just Add A Kid is one of the lines owned by the San Diegobased Thanks a Million, Cohen said.

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NEWS Ex-New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin Gets 10 Years In Corruption Case By Krishnadev Calamur Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison for bribery, money laundering and other crimes. He was of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes and kickbacks. The indictment included 21 counts. As NPR's Bill Chappell reported at the time, "Prosecutors also said such as free travel and played a role in funneling money and granite to Stone Age, a company run by his sons. The counts cover a large portion of Nagin's two terms as mayor from 20022010, a tenure that included the Hurricane Katrina disaster of 2005." Nagin was indicted in

January 2013. At the time, prosecutors said he engaged in bribery, wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy and filing false tax returns. The FBI, the IRS and New Orleans' inspector general all inspected the case. Nagin, as you might recall, became the face of New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit the city in 2005. He first ran for mayor in 2002 as a reformer, but as NPR's Debbie Elliott : "Nagin's second term was plagued with allegations of corruption, and frustration over the pace of the Katrina recovery. A number of contractors and one of the mayor's top aides have since either pleaded guilty or been convicted in a series of similar but unrelated bribery schemes."

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin leaves federal court after his conviction in New Orleans on Feb. 12. He was sentenced Wednesday to 10 years in prison. Gerald Herbert/AP

that Nagin faced 20 years in prison, but U.S. District Judge Ginger Berrigan said, "I do intend to downward depart from these guidelines." The newspaper notes the 10 years in prison matches the sentence handed to former Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards, who was convicted of corruption in 2000. But it's less than the 13 years handed to former Rep. William Jefferson for his corruption case. Nagin's wife and their children, , insisted the former mayor was innocent, and called into question the credibility of witnesses called by the prosecution. Nagin is to report to a minimum security lockup in Oakdale, La., on Sept. 8.

Community Expresses Outrage Over the Beating of Homeless Woman, Marlene Pinnock By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES— The senseless beating of Marlene Pinnock, a home black woman has ignited a storm of outrage from the community at large and members from the community are not short on words to express that outrage. Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation, said, “It is near impossible to think and criminally hammer someone at the same time, so the CHP officer caught beating a defenseless woman, surely was not thinking about safety, especially for those he is sworn to serve and protect. Alice Walker, 80, of

Tucson, Arizona and my mom said, “I live in Tucson and what I saw was worst than my days in Mississippi. He was hitting her all in head. Her legs sticking straight out behind on the side of the highway. It made me so mad. He was straddling her and using all his power to beat her.” Adrian Dove, Chair, Congress of Racial Equality, said, “The CHP generally has a good reputation but it was this same organization 50 years ago that started the Watts Riots.” Dove’s point is etched in the history books and I took a look. According to Wikipedia notes from early newspaper account, The riots began on August 11, 1965, in Watts,

a neighborhood in Los Angeles, when Lee Minikus, a California Highway Patrol motorcycle officer, pulled over Marquette Frye, who Minikus believed was intoxicated because of his observed erratic driving. Frye failed to pass sobriety tests, including walking in a straight line and touching his nose, and was arrested soon after. Minikus refused to let Frye's brother, Ronald, drive the car home, and radioed for it to be impounded. As events escalated, a crowd of onlookers steadily grew from dozens to hundreds. The mob became violent, throwing rocks and other objects while shouting at the police officers. A struggle ensued shortly resulting in the arrest of Marquette and Ronald

Frye, as well as their mother. Though the riots began in August, there had previously been a buildup of racial tension in the area. The riots that began on August 11 resulted from an amalgamation of such events in Watts, and the arrest of three Frye family members broke the tension as violence spilled onto the streets of Watts for six days. Dan n y Ba ke we ll, Chairman of the Board f the Brotherhood Crusade and Publisher of the Los Angeles Sentinel, call for calm during a pre-conference meeting on Thursday, but the tension like that in 1965 is here today said some like Linda Jay, activist and author. She said, “I think it was disrespectful. I think it’s

time law enforcement all over the country to get their act together. It should not take this long. Time after time they want to tell us it is justifiable.” Tamara Lewis, Executive Director, “We Are Our Brother’s Keeper”, said, I think its an atrocity that in 2014 these issues of racism and hatred remains at the forefront. The officers oath is to protect and to serve. He deviated from his duty to such extreme that it was inhuman.” “It is apparent he has underlying motives and an unconscionable mindset,” she added. Lewis said, “Women should not be victimized nore fall prey to such violence.”

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014161666 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Global Research Institute of International trade (GRIIT), 2342 S. Holt Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034; LA; P.O. Box 642445, Los Angeles, CA 90063 Registered Owner(s): Global Research Institute of International Trade (Gritt), 2342 So. Holt Ave., LA, CA 90034 California. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Partnership. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 4/10/2013. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Global Research Institute of International Trade (GRIIT) Title: President & CEO; Registrant Signature: Sarita Jackson, Global Research Institute of International Trade (GRIIT) This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 13, 2014 Expires June 13, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014165468 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Multiniveau 2. Vente Multiniveau, 2031 West 95th Street, LA, CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): Devon Anthony Harris, 2031 West 95th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Invidivual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Devon Anthony Harris Title: Devon Harris This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 18, 2014 Expires June 18, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN


The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Marketing Messiah Media Concious Content Prolific Products Superb Services 2. We Walk On Water Quenching Thirsty Souls Everywhere 3. The Holy Goldy-We Are One 4. The Beautiful Birthday Bible 5. Astrology Divine 6. L.A.’s Poppin!! Popular On & Poppin Population 7. Manly Cures 4 Mankind Heroic Manicures: Pedicures for Men 8. Let There Be Light Merch. 9. Seraphim Recordings Holi Holi Holi, 2746 Clyde Avenue, Los Angelesm CA 90016 LA Registered Owner(s): Shauna Chappell, 2746 Clyd Avenue, LA. , CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Shauna Chappell Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 16, 2014/Expires May 16, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 13, 20, 27 , July 4, 2014PN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014135931 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting 2. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3.Los Angeles Friends Meeting 4. Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of Pacific Yearly Meeting 5. Los Angeles Quaker Meeting (Friends) 6. Los Angeles Friends Meeting (Quaker), 4157 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90037 Los Angeles Registered Owner(s): Los Angeles Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 4167 S. Normandie Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90037. This business is conducted by an Unincorporated Association other than a Partnership The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 1939. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Douglas Barnett Title: Clerk This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on May 19, 2014/Expires May 19, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 6, 13, 20, 27 2014PN


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