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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Vol. 24 No.41 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Established Since 1995 Friday, August 8, 2014

Susan Burton, Community Says Alex Johnson is the Right Choice for LAUSD By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief “Whatever it was that McKenna did at Washington Preparatory High School in the 1980s, it doesn’t seem to have made much difference these days.” Steve Sailer 2007 LOS ANGELES—The above quote is talking about Dr. George McKenna, District 1 candidate for Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Steve Sailer, the author of, was referencing data he had found of SAT scores for every public school in the 10,000,000 resident Los Angeles County. He said, “In 2004-2005, of Washington’s 404 remaining non-dropout seniors, 212 took the SAT and they averaged 369 Verbal and 362 Math, which is, like, not good. Only 8 of the 404 seniors scored 1000 or higher on the SAT (M+V), which is roughly the dividing line between kids likely to actually graduate from college verses kids likely to end up wasting a few years before dropping out of college.” McKenna’s campaign team has been extremely vocal and irate

over political campaign mailers from McKenna’s opponent Alex Johnson alleging false, misleading lies and innuendos; however, Sailer’s assertion that out of all the years McKenna has been in leadership in the public school system even after having held multiple roles beyond, “The McKenna Story” about his achievements at Washington Prep High School, it just doesn’t seem to have made much difference these days. It is these day, the here and now, that is critical and crucial to the students at LAUSD. Because of the continuation of failing statistics like those quoted by Sailer, Susan Burton, Executive Director, A New Way of Life, along with many others in District 1 are calling for new, independent, progressive and innovative leadership to LAUSD. Burton said, “I’ve watched Alex Johnson and I know he is familiar with the challenges. He will bring safety and resources that our children need. We will hold him accountable when he is elected to the seat for District 1.” Burton urges everyone to stand for the kids and make a change in LAUSD leadership by voting for Alex Johnson on Tuesday, August 12, 2014.

Courtney Asante, Mattel Forecast Analyst, to Speak at Neighborhood Youth Achievers Scholarship Award Luncheon By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LO S ANGELES— Neighborhood Youth Achievers (NYA) is proud to announce that Courtney Asante, a Western New York native, who recently relocated to the Los Angeles area to take her career with Mattel to new heights, as their keynote speaker for the 6th Annual Capital Campaign and Awards Luncheon during its Youth Appreciation Day. The event will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2014 at 11:30am at the Ayres Manhattan Beach Hotel located at 1440 Hindry Avenue in Hawthorne, CA 90250. Asante joined Mattel in 2010 as a Forecasting Analyst for Fisher-Price in the East Aurora, NY office. Since then, she has held positions in Marketing in both product development and brand management roles. She is currently the analyst responsible for Fisher Price Friends and Mattel Games Brand Forecasting. She is also the Vice President of Mattel African

Courtney Asante American Forum (MAAF) whose mission is to be an African American think tank resource for internal decisions at Mattel while building a winning culture through diversity awareness and the professional development of MAAF membership. However, when asked what she does for a living, the response is, “Bring Joy to Kids”. Asante has a B.A. in Economics from the University Please see Asante, page 3

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

(L-R) Alex Johnson, Susan Burton, Assemblyman Sebastian Ridley-Thomas and Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

Children’s Institute Inc. & Partners Gives Away Over 6000 Backpacks, Shoes in Watts By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief WATTS—More than 5,500 people had pre-registered for the Philanthropic Society Los Angeles’ (PSLA) Watts Back 2 School Giveaway in partnership with Children’s Institute Inc. (CII) held in the Ted Watkins Park located in Watts on Saturday, August 2, 2014. When I arrived on the scene at around 1:30pm, the line was wrapped around the soccer field with children and their parents waiting to receive the much needed items for when the children go back to school. This event is the collaborative effort of many partners who came together to provide school supplies, health education and information and other support services. Nina Revoyr, Executive Vice President, CII, was full of smiles when talking about CII and its collaborative partners like. Revoyer said, “We have partners here from Watts Gang Task Force representatives from all the housing developments, we’ve got people from First 5, Shields, WLCAC, Kaiser, Mattel so this is something we are collectively doing to be able to celebrate and give back to the community.” She pointed out the Rev. J.J. and Ms. Betty Day from the Watts Gang Task Force and Michael (Big Mike) Cummings. Ms. Day said, “We are in partnership with Children Institute and they are really doing some good things. The main thing is that they are doing the work and they are working with the children.” CII’s 3rd Please see Backpack, page 11

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Children and parents at the CII Back 2 School Giveaway in Watts on August 2.

Community, Leaders Mourn the Passing of Brenda Marsh-Mitchell By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES—The news of the death of Brenda Marsh-Mitchell on Monday left many in the community stunned and without words to express their utter surprise and feeling of loss. Marsh-Mitchell, affectionately known as “Brenda” by everyone, was an activist, a committed leader, a confidant and friend to many, will be missed as she served in so many roles. She was a mother to three daughters, a grandmother to two grandsons, an executive, an administrator, a board member, a servant, who through her work as President and CEO of Mothers-in-Action, for more than 15 years, ensured that thousands of boys and girls received much needed school supplies and more through the Mothers in Action army of volunteers with Brenda leading the pack. Voices of the community

Brenda Marsh-Mitchell along with elected officials expressed their heartfelt sympathy at the passing and for Brenda’s family. Danny Bakewell, Sr. Chairman and Executive Publisher of the Los Angeles Sentinel said in a brief statement: "I am deeply saddened at the lost of my friend and confidant Brenda Marsh-Mitchell. Brenda loved and believed in family and Please see Brenda, page 4

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Friday, August 8, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, To many of PACE NEWS readers they too, like many, are mourning the death of our Sister-in-Christ Brenda Marsh-Mitchell. Brenda is known for getting thing done. Keep the family in prayer as the God of all comfort comfort them. We never know the day nor the hour our heavenly Father will make our appointed time sure. It is up to Him who gives life and death in his timing. We are to stay hooked up to Him for He is the giver of all life. I am so grateful for everything that is going on with PACE NEWS. I do not take any thing for granted. It is all by God’s grace and it is He who makes all things possible. We to simply keep the faith. This is the final stretch into the race for LAUSD school board seat in District 1. The contenders are Alex Johnson and George McKenna. The time is now to Vote your choice.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

Alex Johnson’s Transformative Public Education Vision Offers South L.A. Voters the Best Path for School Improvement By Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas When voters in South Los Angeles vote on Tuesday, August 12th, they will be make a crucial decision about the future educational opportunities for their children in a community where families depend on their schools to provide the necessary learning that will lead their kids to college or a training for a career. Alex Johnson has the strong leadership capabilities South L.A. voters seek. He understands how to utilize public-private partnerships to expand educational opportunities in the very schools where they are needed most today while preparing for the education challenges our schools face tomorrow. Parents of children attending schools in South L.A. know their schools have allowed their children to fall behind their peers in other L.A. communities. They know their schools are under-funded and under-resourced. Class sizes are large while academic course offering are not. Alex Johnson is the best choice for voters seeking progressive leadership to replace the late Marguerite Poindexter LaMotte on the L.A. Board of Education. By any measure, Alex Johnson is a proven leader. He has a bold, uncompromisingly inclusive, and progressive approach to innovative education policy. Alex Johnson is committed to change and delivering results in a school district community that has been crying out for transformative change for the past 30 years. How many more years will South L.A. be the leader in student dropout statistics? How many more years will South L.A. Rank at near the bottom of district-wide high school graduates? The parents of South L.A. have waited long enough for change. Alex Johnson is a teacher, advocate, fighter and visionary. In a district with a 56% graduation rate, South L.A.’s next school board member must be prepared to implement education policies that will reverse that troubling trend and prepare our kids to be college-ready and career-capable. Alex Johnson is uniquely qualified and positioned to navigate the 21st century education issues South L.A. students face in and out of their classrooms. With a background that unites people and brings them together in a collaborative manner, Alex Johnson is poised to deliver positive change at LAUSD that parents and students can see and feel. It’s now up to the voters to recognize our community’s need for a new generation of forward-looking, forward-thinking education leaders. A former classroom teacher and adjunct professor, Alex Johnson has bottom-up approach to improving our schools. Parent involvement is one of the highlights of his education policy agenda. Alex Johnson knows that improved outcomes in the classroom are

directly tied to literacy and early childhood education. As a senior education adviser to L.A. County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas Alex’s worked to expand reading and summer literacy instruction through the Freedom School program founded by the Children’s Defense Fund. Alex secured millions of dollars in funding for quality preschool education opportunities for South L.A. children. Alex knows early learners tend to stay in school rather than dropout and early learners have a higher likelihood to graduate from high school. Literacy and early childhood education are critical in a school district community with the highest number of foster children and one of California’s largest percentages of African American students. What truly sets Alex Johnson apart is his experience and passion for protecting, preserving and advancing civil rights education gains that are so important to the children of South L.A. Alex Johnson will push LAUSD administrators to help teachers prepare students for the jobs of the future by emphasizing learning for high wage-earning industries and labor union apprenticeship programs by using ‘linked-learning’ that positions young people for college and a career. At this critical moment in our children’s lives, Alex recognizes that student safety must be a top priority. His insight and skill, acquired as an assistant district attorney where he fought to keep women and children safe from domestic violence, is key to his ability to combating bullying other threats and promote ‘safe passages’ that keep kids safe when they’re traveling to and from school. Alex knows that kids who feel unsafe will remain distracted from their primary mission: academic achievement and advancement. Alex will hold the LAUSD bureaucracy accountable, an essential element of protecting children. Alex will fight for a better school system delivers quality education and inspires the best from students, families, administrators, teachers, campus medical personnel, school security officers and support staff. Alex’s focus on the use of education technology and its potential to help close the achievement gap positions him to lead LAUSD into the future. Alex knows that technology – smartly applied – can help increase parent engagement, track student achievement and monitor teacher effectiveness. For these and many other reasons, I give my full support to Alex Johnson for LAUSD District 1 in his school board election on Tuesday, August 12. Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas represents the 54th Assembly District representing the Los Angeles areas of Beverlywood, Crenshaw, Hyde Park, Century City, Cheviot Hills, Palms and Westwood.

Making History is Not Enough By Raynard Jackson NNPA Columnist In many ways Obama’s presidency has been historic. - On June 19, 2008, Obama became the first major-party presidential candidate to turn down public financing in the general election since the s y s t e m w a s c r e a t e d i n 1 9 7 6 . - On Thursday, August 28, 2008, Obama became the first Black to be nomin a t e d b y a m a j o r U . S . p a r t y . - On November 4, 2008, Obama won the presidency with 365 electoral votes to 173 for Sen. John McCain, becoming the first Black to be elected president of the United States. Earlier, Obama won 52.9 percent of the popular vote to McCain’s 45.7 percent. Sonia Sotomayor, nominated by Obama on May 26, 2009, to replace retiring Associate Justice David Souter, was confirmed on August 6, 2009, making her the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice. - On October 9, 2009, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced that Obama had won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” - On November 6, 2012, Obama won 332 electoral votes, exceeding the 270 required for him to be re-elected as president. With 51.1 percent of the popular vote, Obama became the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to twice win the majority of the popular vote. During his second inaugural address on January 21, 2013, Obama called for full equality for gay Americans: “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.” This, too, was a historic moment. It was the first time that a president mentioned gay rights or the word “gay” in an inaugural address. But for all of Obama’s firsts, at the same time, he has left people scratching their heads, especially Blacks. How could the first Black president not even interview a Black female for either of the two Supreme Court openings he had to fill? After all, Black women were the largest voting bloc for both of his presidential elections (96 percent in 2012). Obama promised during his 2008 campaign that his administration would be the “most transparent in history.” According to a recently released report by the Associated Press, nothing could be further from the truth. The AP calls the Obama administration “the most secretive presidency in American history.” The AP analyzed 99 federal agencies over six years. According to their report, “the Obama administration censored more documents and de-

layed or denied access to more government files than ever before. In 2013, the administration cited national security concerns a record 8,496 times as an excuse for withholding information from the public. That’s a 57% increase over the year before and more than double the number in Obama’s first year in office.” According to several media accounts, Obama has launched more than 390 drone attacks in his almost six years in the White House, eight times as many as the Bush administration; and there have been more than 2,400 people killed in these air strikes, many of them civilians. Obama has signed at least three executive orders giving entitlements to homosexuals, at least two giving entitlements to those in the country illegally, and zero specifically for Blacks. Obama will go down in history as the first U.S. president to totally ignore his largest voting bloc and be allowed to get away with it. Obama will also go down in history as one of the most lawless presidents in history (Benghazi, I.R.S., NSA, etc.). He has done more damage to the U.S.’s standing in the world than any other president in history. No one fears Obama. Russian President Vadimir Putin thumbs his nose at Obama and marches into the Ukraine. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has total disdain, publically and privately, for Obama. Foreign leaders – including the presidents of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador – are not afraid to chastise Obama while standing on White House grounds when they disagree with his policies. Obama seems to think our sovereignty should be sublimated to other countries or their people, i.e., illegals in the country telling America they have a right to be in the U.S., feeling entitled to be in the U.S. even though they crossed our borders illegally or overstaying their visas. Obama thinks he is the president of the world, not just the U.S. This is one possible explanation for why he is so hell-bent on trying to give amnesty to those in the country illegally or unilaterally trying to make homosexuality a universal entitlement. He and the Democrats really believe that we are responsible for the plight of the world, even at the expense of ignoring our own citizens who are in dire need of jobs, food, housing, education, and a crime free environment. So, indeed Obama’s presidency is historic, but not for all the right reasons. Raynard Jackson is president & CEO of Raynard Jackson & Associates, LLC., a Washington, D.C.-based public relations/government affairs firm. He can be reached through his Web site, You can also follow him on Twitter @raynard1223.

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Friday, August 8, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Going Home Again: A Great Office is a Key to Success for New Home-Based Workers (BPT) - Whoever first said, "You can't go home again," probably wasn't considering the 38 million homebased businesses in the United States, or the approximately 37 million households that have active home offices. More workers are plying their trade from home, as employers recognize the value of flexibility for their work force and more employees decide to enter the ranks of American entrepreneurship. It's not just small business owners or lucky fulltime employees who are working from home, either; the Bureau of Labor Statistics says 24 percent of people employed outside the home work at home at least some of the time. If you're poised to become home-based, here are some things to consider as you're putting your home office in order: Location is key Without the need to fight rush-hour traffic during a twice-daily commute, you may think the location of your home office isn't that important. Actually, it is. Where your office is located in your home can affect your productivity and even your personal life. Choose a room that's in your home's heavy traffic

lanes, and you could face frequent interruptions. Park your desk in the game room over the garage and you may feel isolated from the rest of the house. Try to stuff a desk in a corner of your bedroom and you'll spend most of your life stuck in the same room - you may even feel less inclined to sleep there if you're always working in your bedroom. You'll need to balance personal and professional priorities in order to decide which room in the house makes the most sense for your home office. Good lighting sets the stage for success The harshness of artificial lighting is a common complaint among people working in offices outside the home. A window in one's office has long been a sign of prestige in cities across the country, and having abundant natural light in a home office is one of the many advantages of working from home. Natural lighting has a moodboosting impact that's been well-documented, making office workers feel happier, healthier and more productive. What's more, use of natural light can help reduce reliance on artificial lighting and trim utility bills accordingly.

If the space you've chosen for your home office is short on windows and adding them isn't practical, skylights can be a good alternative, not only for lighting but also to save valuable wall space for other uses. Adding Energy Star-qualified skylights, like those manufactured by VELUX America, can be as costeffective as installing quality vertical windows, without creating the hassle of opening a wall. If you opt for a remote-controlled fresh air skylight, you can also use it to enhance the indoor air quality of your home office. Additionally, many of the features that make skylights appealing in other areas of the house such as privacy in a bathroom or space conservation in a small bedroom - also make them a good choice for a home office. Finally, skylights can be a good investment for your home-based business. Adding no-leak solar-powered freshair skylights and energyefficient solar-powered blinds to your home office can qualify for a 30-percent federal tax credit on both products, including the installation costs. And from now until Aug. 15, there's also a $200 cash rebate from VELUX on solar powered skylights. Visit

Courtney Asante to Speak at Neighborhood Youth Achievers Scholarship Award Luncheon (Continued from page 1)

of Rochester, M.B.A. in Information Assurance from SUNY Albany, and a Management certificate from Cornell University. Raised by a single mother in the inner city of Buffalo, NY, Asante decided early education was her train ticket to success. Prior to her joining the Mattel family, she worked as a Budget Examiner for the New York State Division of the Budget Public Protection Unit. She enjoys recreational experiences with her husband and two sons, volunteering (time is the greatest gift to give), reading Black authors and Fairy tale/Fantasy literary works (Toni Morison rocks), roller skating (not inline skating---there is a clear distinction), karaoke (for a forgiving audience only), and board games (Scrabble never gets old). Her energetic personality coupled with her commitment to community and education has allowed her to form long standing relationships to make a positive impact within the community she works and

plays in. NYA is honored to have Asante join them in celebrating their 6th annual celebration to show appreciation for youth and their success. NYA Youth Appreciation Day luncheon is given in celebration for all NYA youth who fulfill the requirement of a 26 week Personal Development program designed to help mentor, tutor, and build character. This program also has a community beautification component which teaches civic responsibility. It culminates each year with a Youth Appreciation Day luncheon where youths are awarded bridge scholarships to college and awards for their achievements. Michael Wainwright, Executive Director, NYA, said, “We are excited that Asante is going to be the keynote speaker for our Youth Appreciation Day. It means so much for our youth to see role models like her. To see and hear from someone like Asante gives them a sense of hope, pride and admiration.” “It also let them know that through education their dream and goals can become

reality,” he said. Neighborhood Youth Achievers (NYA) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization which is an outgrowth of the successful Southeast Weed and Seed program. This national program was developed to weed out crime in inner cities and seed them with meaningful programs to make a difference in the lives of the residents of the community. Neighborhood Youth Achievers was founded in 2003 and it has served the community for the past 11 years. The population served by NYA and its collaborative partners are youths and young adults residing in South Los Angeles. T h e mi s s i on o f Neighborhood Youth Achievers (NYA) is to use education, training and counseling in order to effect the reduction of violence and its impact on the health and well being of the youth, young adults, and their families who reside in the targeted areas of South Los Angeles through the participation and collaboration of a multidisciplinary network of agencies. or to learn more about energy-efficient skylights. Want to see how skylights would look in your home? A free skylight planner app is available to show you, room by room, what's possible with skylights. Furnishings create a foundation Consi dering how much time you'll spend in your home office, it's important to invest in furnishings that will be functional, comfortable, inspiring and in step with your lifestyle. If you prefer to sit while you work on a computer, the comfort of your office chair will be key. Prefer to get in a bit of healthful exercise while you work? Consider an ergonomic desk that allows you to stand while you type. Many versions of standing desks also can be lowered for use while seated. Desks should incorporate storage and easy access to

electronic components. Office chairs should be comfortable and ergonomically correct. Be sure your furniture choices not only fit your needs, but the room's, too. A huge desk may make you feel like a Wall Street CEO, but your enjoyment will evaporate if you don't have space to walk around the desk in a small office. It's important to keep office furniture appropriate to the scale of the room you'll be working in. The number of people working from home continues to grow, according to Census Bureau statistics. One study by a Chinese travel website found that working from home increased employee productivity by nearly 14 percent, according to the Harvard Business Review. Ensuring your home office is set up to inspire can help you achieve greater productivity and satisfaction as you work from home.

Don't Go Back To College Broke (BPT) - Roughly half of all college students find summer employment, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While there are no statistics for how much money those in the lucky half were able to successfully save, it's safe to say that for a good portion of millennials, spending and summer fun, go hand in hand. TheMintGrad, a Northwestern Mutual online resource especially designed for the unique financial needs of 18- to 24-year-olds, has some tricks for helping college students stretch those summer earnings well into the school year. One method for preserving summer income earned is setting a savings goal. Whether it's a spring break trip, school books, or a deposit on an off-campus apartment, working toward something tangible is a great motivator. While putting away some of those paychecks may take a bite out of disposable income, students will be grateful when their spring break isn't being spent with their little brother in the backyard blow-up pool. The MintGrad's budget worksheet can help balance savings objectives with other expenditures. The good news is that while spending money is appealing at any age, Northwestern Mutual's recently released 2014 Planning and Progress Study findings indicate that millennials are ahead of the curve. Nearly 2/3 of respondents 18-24 said they were

disciplined or highly disciplined financial planners, more than their grandparents' or parents' generation. This means that with some guidance and support, millennials are well on their way to becoming the most financially responsible generation in history. The key is prioritizing what to spend on while eliminating those items that are not worth the investment. Some suggestions include: * Printers - Save space, money and the environment. If you need to print a paper, put your tuition dollars to work and use your campus' computer lab. * External hard drive The clouds may not be the best place for your head, but it's genius for data. Why spend a couple of hundred dollars on more stuff to transport to and from campus when there are options like Google Drive, Dropbox and others? * Fancy dorm decor While a dorm room should be comfortable, it is not a permanent home or a suite at a swank hotel. Considering that there is a strong chance that roommates and friends will trash some of your stuff, it makes sense to channel the money that would be spent on fancy bedding or wall decor into savings or something that will last longer than a few semesters. For more "just say no" items, check out this article on the Mint Grad at socialize/2013/09/10-thingscollege-students-dont-need.

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Friday, August 8, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Prayer Discount No Longer On the Menu at North Carolina Diner By Heather Adams (RNS) A WinstonSalem, N.C., diner will no longer dish out discounts along with dinner to praying customers. Mary’s Gourmet Diner had been offering a 15 percent discount for customers seen offering grace before meals during the past four years. The practice went under the radar until a Christian music radio station in Orlando, Fla.,

uploaded a photo of a receipt with the discount to Facebook on July 30. Then it went viral. The restaurant said the discount was given to customers at the discretion of the wait staff and was open to people of all religious beliefs. But that left out discounts for the nonreligious. Elizabeth Cavell, staff attorney at the Freedom From Religion Foundation, began hearing com-

plaints about the discount from state and national members. The Freedom From Religion Foundation is the largest national association of freethinkers, or people of no religious beliefs. She then wrote a letter to the diner’s owner, Mary Haglund, on Aug. 4, asking her to stop offering the discount. “As a place of ‘public accommodation,’ it is illegal for

Community, Leaders Mourn the Passing of Brenda Marsh-Mitchell (Continued from page 1) dedicated her life to serving and fighting for what is best for our people. We ask everyone to continue to pray for her family and friends as we all adjust through these most difficult times." Reve’ Gipson-Parks, Publicist for Frankie Beverly and Maze, said, “I never knew that one could have such loyalty, devotion and dedication for their boss as Brenda Marsh-Mitchell had for Danny Bakewell Sr.. It was unmatchable.” Congresswoman Karen Bass said, "It is with a heavy heart

The Reverend Rosalynn Brookins, pastor, Walker Temple AME Church in Los Angeles said, “A great oak has falling among us. Brenda modeled for us what the image of God looked like here on earth. She was always willing to fight for justice, she loved mercy and she was cloaked in humility.” Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas expressed his sorrow upon learning of the weekend passing of Brenda Marsh Mitchell. Assemblymember RidleyThomas said, “Brenda Marsh-

Photo courtesy: Los Angeles Sentinel Danny Bakewell, Sr. and Brenda Marsh-Mitchell that I learned of the passing of Brenda Marsh-Mitchell. Brenda was an absolute stalwart for our community, and for 25 years I could count on Brenda working to bring people together at community events to fight to improve Los Angeles. As the President and CEO of Mothers In Action she was always ready to mobilize the community whenever we faced a crisis or had a reason for concern. Many of us knew we could rely on Brenda to provide services, information and a mechanism for mothers to be heard through various outreach activities. "Because of her work with the 'Brotherhood Crusade' she mobilized thousands for the Million Man March, and she organized the feeding of hundreds of thousands through the annual homeless food program. "Los Angeles is simply a better place because of Brenda's selflessness and energy. My thoughts and prayers are with her three daughters and her grandchildren."

Mitchell was a force forgood and goodness in our community through her steadfast leadership and compassionate work with Mothers in Action, The Brotherhood Crusade, Los Angeles Sentinel and The Bakewell Companies.” “When you think of Brenda Marsh-Mitchell, you marvel at what one woman was capable of accomplishing for so many people. Ms. Marsh-Mitchell was comfortable and capable moving in the corridors of power but always used her influence to benefit others. She was dedicated to her family, community, work and faith. She will be deeply missed. I offer my condolences to her family members, close friends, co-workers and her community family that she helped and loved so much,” Assemblymember RidleyThomas said. Brenda Marsh-Mitchell served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Sentinel, special assistant to L.A. Sentinel President Danny Bakewell, Sr., spe-

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cial assistant to the President and Vice President of The Bakewell Companies and President and CEO of Mothers in Action of Los Angeles, a noted community service organization. She was, additionally, director of Community Relations and Vice President of Government Affairs for The Brotherhood Crusade, a respected South Los Angeles nonprofit community-based organization. As Founder andCEO of Parent Action Coalition for Education, (PACE), a 501 c 3 parent advocacy organization, I can recall once when there were some parenting issues whereby African American parents of John Muir Middle School were told that the Compensatory Education Advisory Committee (CEAC) meeting was going to be translated from Spanish to English language for the African American parents because the majority of parents in attendance were Latino, we organized a meeting and Brenda stood with the parents to ensure that justice prevailed at John Muir Middle School. Brenda was a fighter and

would not back down under no circumstances when something was wrong. The very last time I had the opportunity to see Brenda in action was several weeks ago during a press conference which took place at the Los Angeles Sentinel’s headquarters to call for an investigation of the California Highway Patrol officer beating of Marlene Pinnock. She was in the midst calling for justice to prevail. Funeral arrangements for Brenda are as follow: Brenda Marsh Mitchell Home Going Service Home Going Service, Friday-August 8, 2014, First AME Church-Los Angeles, 2270 S. Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA from 9:30am to 10:45am public viewing 11:00am service begins. Interment will take place at Inglewood Cemetery, 720 E. Florence Avenue, Inglewood, CA immediately following service. In lieu of flowers the family ask that you make a donation to: Mothers In Action c/o Brotherhood Crusade, 200 East Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90011.

Mary’s Gourmet Diner to discriminate, or show favoritism, on the basis of religion,” the letter said. “Your restaurant’s restrictive promotional practice favors religious customers, and denies customers who do not pray and nonbelievers the right to ‘full and equal’ enjoyment of Mary’s Gourmet Diner.” On Thursday (Aug. 6), a handwritten board near the front door announced that the restaurant would no longer offer the prayer discount. “While you may exercise your right of religious freedom at this restaurant by praying over your meal to any entity or non-entity. We must protect your freedom from religion in a public place,” the sign said. The restaurant declined to comment. Cavell was happy with the response and said the foundation first looks to resolve legal complaints through education. It has no plans to take legal action. This is not the first such restaurant promotion. In 2012, Prudhomme’s Lost Cajun Kitchen, a Pennsylvania-based restaurant, was offering discounts to individuals who brought in a church bulletin on Sundays. After complaints, the restaurant was forced to give the discount to anyone with a bulletin from any congregation, including atheist ones.

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Friday, August 8, 2014




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Friday, August 8, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS Diabetes-Related Amputations More Common in Poor Areas By Andrew M. Seaman NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People with diabetes who live in the poorest areas of California are about twice as likely to end up with their legs or feet amputated than those living in the wealthiest areas, according to a new study. Black people and those who spoke Spanish appeared to be at a considerable disadvantage when it came to the likelihood of diabetesrelated amputations, the researchers found. “I think our findings show that the medical safety net has big holes in it and people are often falling through those holes and losing their limbs to diabetes when those complications could have been

prevented with better care,” Dr. Carl D. Stevens said. That so-called safety net includes emergency rooms and government-backed insurance programs, said Stevens, the study’s lead author from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. He and his colleagues write in the journal Health Affairs that in past studies, lowincome people with diabetes tended to receive worse care for their disease, but no study had looked at overall poverty and amputations of legs and feet. People with poorly controlled diabetes are at risk for a loss of feeling and poor blood flow in their extremities - conditions that increase their risk for foot ulcers and infections.

Tear Here By Dean L. Jones, CPM While looking at a tiny single serve packet of Heinz Tomato Ketchup (0.32-Ounce), I wondered what it really meant when it says 'Tear Here'. The tomato ketchup ingredients listed on the packet state: tomato concentrate from red ripe tomatoes, distilled vinegar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, salt, spice, natural flavors (bell pepper concentrate), onion powder, dehydrated jalapenos. For all intents and purposes, one ketchup packet is a tablespoon (3 teaspoons), comprised mostly as carbohydrates coming from added sugars, rather than dietary fiber. The 3rd and 4th ingredients are added sugars, which is the equivalent of being 4 grams or one heaping teaspoon of processed sugar. From now, when you tear open a ketchup packet, perceive its' miniature size being over 33% processed sugar. On the subject of talking salt, each ketchup packet has 170 mg. of sodium, which is about 8% of the daily value a body should consume. Getting 8% of sodium from a petite packet is a large dose, particularly since there is no value of nutrients, plus, most people use multiple ketchup packets on their fries. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to update the Nutrition Facts label found on American sold food packages. It has been 20 years since the FDA required improved labeling to help consumers make informed food choices and maintain healthy dietary practices. A couple of proposed changes that caught my eye include the information about “added sugars.” Where the current label requires declaration of 'Sugars,' the proposed rule would require declaration of showing 'Added Sugars,' indented under Sugars. This way it is easier to tell how much sugar is naturally occurring and how much has been added to the product. Many human health groups like the American Heart Association, the American Acad-

Left untreated, they can worsen to the point where legs, feet or toes may need to be removed. For the new study, the researchers linked databases of community-level poverty, diabetes prevalence and diabetesrelated amputations for the U.S. state of California in 2009. They had information on nearly 1.9 million people with diabetes age 45 and older, including 6,828 people who had 7,973 amputations of their lower extremities in 2009. People living in the poorest areas of California were on average about twice as likely to have diabetes-related amputation of their lower extremities, compared to those living in the wealthiest regions, they found. The differences were even more striking between individual cities, Stevens said. “If you take the poorest town and compared it to the wealthiest, you get about a tentime increase in risk,” he said. What’s more, the re-

searchers found, black people accounted for only about 6 percent of all people in the state with diabetes, but they represented about 13 percent of diabetes-related amputations. Spanish-speaking people made up about 9 percent of all people with diabetes in California but accounted for 17 percent of all amputations. “This is what I would have expected to see,” said Carolyn Jenkins, a nurse scientist at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Jenkins, who was not involved with the new study, has done research on how to reduce diabetes-related disparities. “Through our REACH coalition we know that those amputation rates can be reduced, but it truly takes a village,” she said. The REACH coalition is an organization dedicated to eliminating disparities related to diabetes and other conditions among African Americans living in the Southern U.S. Jenkins said that to

reduce amputation rates, doctors and other healthcare providers must work together to improve care and education. Also, communities must work to provide culturally appropriate care and to build trust in the healthcare system, she said, adding that individuals and families need to help identify problems early. “Patients who live in low-income neighborhoods have less awareness of the disease and consequences,” Stevens said. He added that access to healthcare through insurance like Medicaid, the U.S. insurance for the poor, is also important. He’d like policymakers in states that chose not to expand their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act to see these findings. “While expanding health insurance is not the whole solution, it’s definitely part of the solution,” he said. S O U R C E : Health Affairs, online August 4, 2014.

WHO Declares Ebola Epidemic an International Health Emergency Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones emy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine and the World Health Organization believe it is important to decrease the daily intake of added sugars. Another proposed change in labeling is to show on packaged foodstuff that are typically eaten in one sitting be labeled as a single serving and that the calorie and nutrient information be declared for the entire package. For example, a 20-ounce bottle of soda, typically consumed in a single sitting, would be labeled as one serving rather than as more than one serving. For certain packages that are larger and could be consumed in one sitting or multiple sittings, manufacturers would have to provide “dual column” labels to indicate both “per serving” and “per package” calories and nutrient information. [Examples would be a 24-ounce bottle of soda or a pint of ice cream.] The change will help consumers see how many calories and nutrients they are getting if they eat or drink the entire package at one time. The more transparency in foodstuff packaging, the easier it will be to stay SugarAlert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

By Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) - West Africa's Ebola epidemic is an "extraordinary event" and now constitutes an international health risk, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Friday. The Geneva-based U.N. health agency said the possible consequences of a further international spread of the outbreak, which has killed almost 1,000 people in four West African countries, were "particularly serious" in view of the virulence of the virus. "A coordinated international response is deemed essential to stop and reverse the international spread of Ebola," the WHO said in a statement after a two-day meeting of its emergency committee on Ebola. The declaration of an international emergency will have the effect of raising the level of vigilance for transmission of the virus. The agency added that while all states with Ebola transmission - so far Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone - should declare a national emergency, there should be no general ban on international travel or trade. Keiji Fukuda, the WHO's head of health security, stressed that, with the right steps and measures to

deal with infected people, Ebola's spread could be stopped. "This is not a mysterious disease. This is an infectious disease that can be contained," he told reporters on a telephone briefing from the WHO's Geneva headquarters. "It is not a virus that is spread through the air." The WHO said the current outbreak was the most severe in the almost 40 years since Ebola was first identified in humans. This was partly because of weaknesses in the countries currently affected, it said, where health systems were fragile and lacking in human, financial and material resources. It also said inexperience in dealing with Ebola outbreaks and misperceptions

of the disease, including how it is transmitted, "continue to be a major challenge in some communities". Although most cases of Ebola are in the remote area where Guinea borders Sierra Leone and Liberia, alarm over the spread of the disease increased last month when a U.S. citizen died in Nigeria after traveling there by plane from Liberia. After an experimental drug was administered to two U.S. charity workers who were infected in Liberia, Ebola specialists have urged the WHO to offer such drugs to Africans. The U.N. agency has asked medical ethics experts to explore this option next week. (Reporting by Kate Kelland, editing by Kevin Liffey)

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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Three Time Award-Winning Production Returns to Atlanta and Los Angeles “Sunday Mourning,” an NAACP-award winning theatrical production, returns to the stage for two weekends this fall. Written by first-time playwright and former “American Idol” finalist Kinnik Sky, “Sunday Mourning” first returns to Atlanta for one weekend at the Porter Sanford III Performing Arts Center, Sept. 5-7, then moves on to Los Angeles for shows at the Nate Holden Performing Art Center . “Many great things have happened since I staged that first sho w in Lo s An gele s in 2011. “After two years of successful runs in Hollywood, I had the opportunity to take the play to Atlanta under my production company Dazzal Mi Entertainment where we sold out the theater. Now we're back in the Big Peach, and thanks to Marquis Boone Enterprise, we will stage five shows,” says Sky, who met Boone, when she lived in Atlanta. “After seeing the play himself, he decided that as many people as possible needed to see this show and wanted to know what it would take to bring it back to Atlanta,” Sky remembers. Boone, an Amazon bestselling author, is a spiritual adviser and mentor to a host of celebrities and pastor of the emerging Fresh Start church in Duluth, Ga. He joined forces with Sky's Dazzal Mi Entertainment to present a new version of “Sunday Mourning.” This time the show is directed by Nic Few, who holds an masters of fine arts in acting and directing from Brown University. The L.A. Times described him as “one to watch.” The cast features accomplished and award-winning stage, film and television actors Amin Joseph, Rhonda Morman, Roger Payano, Syr Law, Tabitha Brown and Jerrel O’Neal. “Sunday Mourning” explores the question: if the person in your life does not accelerate your destiny, could that really be who God intends for you? The Atlanta production returns with an 8 p.m. curtain on Sept. 5 and is followed by 3 and 8 p.m. shows on Sept. 6 along with 2 and 7 p.m. shows on Sept. 7. Back in Los Angeles, Wells Fargo joins Dazzal Mi Entertainment to present “Sunday Mourning” as the official opener for the 2014 NAACP Theater Awards weekend. The preview of this dramedy is Sept. 11 at 8 p.m.; opening night is Sept. 12 at 8 p.m.; followed by 8 p.m. shows on Sept. 13 and 14. “I am so excited and blessed to be returning to the Beverly Hills/Hollywood NAACP Theatre Awards. I am also humbled that they chose to showcase my inaugural production during their 24th annual theatre award weekend,” said Sky, whose production was nominated for seven NAACP Theater Awards in 2012 including Best Playwright. The show went on to win Best Supporting female and male awards. Sky, herself, collected the Best Female Lead honor. Noted producer Tracey Edmonds says, “The first word that comes to mind when asked to describe Sunday Mourning the Stage Play is superb. It is wonderfully executed and deserving of top accolades. As a producer, I am asked to view many projects. Every now

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(424) 200-1930 Christian Facility Available for Charter Schools, Meetings, Seminars and Banquets Seats Up to 100 People and then a wonderful surprise like ‘Sunday Mourning’ will cross my path, and I'm forced to take notice. To Sunday Mourning I say ‘job well done.’ How can I be a part of the ‘Sunday Mourning’ movement?” For many, becoming a part of the movement will be an amazing opportunity. I’m a believer, and I can confidently say after experiencing this production, you will be too.” Actress Meagan Goode and her husband, DeVon Franklin, senior vice president of production at Columbia Pictures, advise: “Make room in your heart and mind to experience a new thing. ‘Sunday Mourning’ is not a show that you want to miss. Brace yourself, we guarantee it’s going to move you.” Actor Flex Alexander

and his wife R & B singer Shanice Wilson says add their own praises: “‘Sunday Mourning’ is not like anything that you would ever expect. It’s simply amazing.” But the show’s creator is without a doubt looking at the big picture. “There are definitely plans for film and a Broadway run,” said Sky. In Los Angeles, Wells Fargo Wealth Management Group will host a “Touch the Sky” event on Sept. 8 to introduce their high net worth clients in the Hollywood community to Kinnik Sky as the up-and-coming new playwright/ producer For additional information, contact the company at

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Friday, August 8, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS Tony Todd To Star In Jack Johnson Play HOLLYWOOD— Opening Minds Productions is proud to announce that Tony Todd (well known from the Candyman films) will star in Ghost in the House the new play about the life and times of the first African-American Heavyweight Boxing Champion Jack Johnson. The one-man show recounts the racism and vindictiveness of White America against a man whose talents went way beyond the ring. Johnson was a musician, raconteur, entertainer, horse jockey, bullfighter, inventor, race car driver and secret agent during World War I. He was an infamous Lothario who flaunted his flashy lifestyle in the face of contemporary mores. Jack Johnson was the catalyst for celebrations, condemnations, deadly riots and outrage from all sides of the racial divide. He was also the most famous Black man in the world—and one of the most misunderstood. Ghost in the House is written by Ernie Hudson and Frank Megna and directed by Megna. The show will be offered to both amateur and professional theater organiza-

tions as a packaged, multimedia production. During its initial run, cultural and educational institutions will be given priority with a New York production as the ultimate goal. *The play will receive a special 4 show preview run at the Working Stage Theater, 1516 Gardner Street, West Hollywood, CA, 91311 beginning Thursday, August 14 through Saturday, August 16th at 8 pm and on Sunday, August 17th at 7pm. Tickets are 20 dollars. To RSVP online: h t t p : / / Both the script and a short video sizzle reel will be available upon request. The show will be available for booking starting in October. 2014. For more information please contact producers: Diana Ljungaeus at (310-210-1860) Bob Ladendorf at (323333-4696).On the East Coast contact Dr. James Ogden at (610504-3420 or 610-434-6252)

Thea Monyee Griffith and Israel Matthews Celebrates Birthdays On Same Day, July 30th

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Israel Johannes Matthews and Thea Monyee Griffith were born years apart on the same day, July 30th. Monica Griffith baked cupcakes and made delicious tacos for them to enjoy on their special day, July 30.

Photo courtesy: Diana Ljungaeus Tony Todd

Waters Marks 49th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act Los Angeles, CA– Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA-43) released the following statement today marking the 49th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: "Forty-nine years ago today, the Voting Rights Act was signed into law, putting in place sweeping new protections for minority voters in the American South who had been disenfranchised for generations by Jim Crow laws. The Voting Rights Act is still one of the most critical and successful pieces of legislation protecting the right to vote for all Americans. However, in June 2013, in a 54 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, the Supreme Court severely weakened this landmark law. "Prior to the enactment of the Voting Rights Act, voter suppression was rampant in our country. AfricanAmericans and other minorities were subject to outrageous ‘voting qualifications,’ in which they would have to guess the number of bubbles in a bar of soap or the amount of jelly beans in a jar before being granted the right to vote. Discriminatory enforcement of registration rules, poll taxes, and outright racial gerrymandering were commonplace. These were just some of the devices standing between African-Americans and their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote. As President Johnson declared that day, this landmark legislation was ‘a triumph for freedom as huge as any victory that has ever been won on any battlefield.’ "The poll taxes, literacy tests and voter intimidation tactics of nearly five decades ago have been

Maxine Waters replaced by unfair photo ID laws and limits on early voting. Still, the game remains the same: deny and prevent minorities from exercising their fundamental right to vote as American citizens. "Ever since 1965, the Voting Rights Act has been repeatedly renewed by wide bipartisan majorities in Congress. For example, in its most recent reauthorization in 2006, the Voting Rights Act was renewed for 25 years by a vote

of 390-33 in the House and 98-0 in the Senate. Today, it is vital for Congress to pass legislation that once again renews and strengthens the Voting Rights Act in order to fully ensure that every citizen has the right to vote. It's been far too long since the Supreme Court's decision. Congress has no choice but to act now. It is incumbent on all Americans to insist that Congress pass the Voting Rights Act."

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Friday, August 8, 2014

NATIONAL/REGIONAL & STATE NEWS U.S. Cuts Resources for Project Involved in Ebola Battle in Sierra Leone By Toni Clarke WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government will not renew funding for a major research project into Lassa fever, a decision that will, in turn, cut resources for a facility in Sierra Leone that is at the forefront of the current battle against the Ebola virus. The National Institutes of Health rejected a proposal from New Orleansbased Tulane University to renew the five-year contract which expires in November, according to a July 30 letter from NIH reviewed by Reuters. The expiring contract is worth $15 million. NIH declined to comment on the decision, citing "federal government procurement integrity rules." The f acil it y, at Kenema Government Hospital, was set up a decade ago to test and treat Lassa fever. Now it is being used to treat patients stricken with Ebola. Both are hemorrhagic fevers caused by distinct families of viruses. Ebola is the most lethal, leading to death in up to 90 percent of cases. Last week, the facility's director and chief physician, Dr. Sheik Umar Khan, died after becoming infected with Ebola. Its head nurse and two other nurses have also died, and some other staff are sick.

The Ebola outbreak, the worst ever recorded, has killed 932 people across Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. As part of the Tulane research project, which was designed to identify diagnostics and treatment for Lassa, researchers support the Kenema facility, which has a 5,500 square foot laboratory and similarly sized hospital ward. Blood samples from infected patients are used to develop tests and diagnostics. Funds from the Tulane project support most of the facility's operations, including $100,000 a year to supplement meager government salaries received by some 30 staff - including doctors, nurses, lab technicians and field workers - said Robert Garry, a professor of microbiology and immunol-

ogy at Tulane, who heads the program. The program also supplies laboratory equipment, including protective garments, pipettes, and all materials needed to analyze blood samples. It is unclear whether the facility will be able to raise funds from other sources to replace the Tulane project money. F U N D S A V A IL ABILITY In the letter to Tulane, a contracting officer for the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Liem Nguyen, said the proposal had been rejected “based on technical factors, scientific priority, and availability of funds." The proposal, the letter added, "falls short of those considered by NIAID to offer the best opportunities for the

Children’s Institute Inc. & Partners Gives Away Over 6000 Backpacks, Shoes in Watts (Continued from page 1) Annual Watts Back-to-School Giveaway is an exciting day for the children and families of (CII) in one of Los Angeles’ most high-need communities. With pre-registration tallied at 5,500, the crowd exceeded that number but thanks to the many partners, volunteers and sponsors, no one left without a backpack. CII provided well over 6,000 students, from Early Head Start through 12th

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Michael Wainwright and Nina Revoyr, Executive V.P., CII grade, with a backpack filled with school supplies as well as clothing, shoes, fresh produce, healthy snacks and more. CII helps children in Los Angeles’s most challenged communities heal from the trauma of family and community violence. A new child and family service center serving Watts and South Los Angeles is coming soon to 1522 East 102nd Street. For more information about CII visit their website:

Mattel representative Courtney Asante with sons Kaden and Kofi at the Children’s Institute, Inc. 3rd annual Back to School Giveaway with over 6,000 students (preschool through 12th grade) in Watts. At the last tent on the give-away track, Asante and sons helped students select shoes donated by Sketchers for a good first step to academic success! Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Rev. JJ and Ms. Betty Day

Neighborhood Youth Achievers & Grace Hopper STEM Academy volunteers.

most successful accomplishment of the acquisition objectives." NIH declined to provide further comment on the matter. Dr Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID, said he was unaware of the decision. It is unclear if U.S. government funding cuts for NIH in recent years contributed to the decision. The Sierra Leone facility’s resources are strained, members of Tulane’s team say. Dr Daniel Bausch, an associate professor in Tulane’s tropical medicine department, who was at the facility for three weeks in July, said last week that constant fatigue among overworked and poorly trained workers may have led to mistakes. He saw some staff not wearing protective suits. The number of patients in the ward has topped 50, far outstripping its capacity. Scientists and doctors from the World Health Organization and elsewhere have stepped in to help. Hemorrhagic fevers, which also include Dengue and Marburg, typically occur in tropical regions of the world and are spread by infected animals, insects or humans. Erica Ollmann Saphire, a professor at the Scripps Research Institute, which is also involved in the project, said the lab is the only one in Si-

erra Leone whose permanent role is to test for and treat viral hemorrhagic fevers. "It has all the instrumentation you need to diagnose diseases," she said. The program also spends $100,000 a year on a laboratory in Irrua, southern Nigeria. The lab diagnosed the first case of Ebola in that country. It is not currently treating any patients. Without continued funding, Garry said, researchers will be "scrambling" to find ways to keep the facilities open. Allowing them to close, he added, "is not an option." The Lassa ward at Kenema has been funded by the United States for more than a decade through a variety of grants and contracts, Garry said. He said he is hoping other organizations, such as the WHO, may help in the short term, and he is investigating whether there may be ways to pull funds from other projects to finance the Kenema operations.. Over the past decade, Tulane and a consortium of other institutions involved in viral hemorrhagic research has received about $30 million in NIH funding. (Reporting by Toni Clarke in Washington; Editing by Michele Gershberg and Martin Howell)

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BUSINESS & COMMUNITY NEWS Cassie Betts, CEO & Founder, District2.Co, Taking Fashion To New Levels By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief LOS ANGELES— Cassie Betts is CEO & Founder of District2.Co a privately held company in the greater Los Angeles area. District2.Co is an online platform for fashion designers to turn their creative visions into reality. Betts said, “We make apparel manufacturing easy, taking concepts from sketch-book to in-hand product in 1/2 the time @ 1/2 t h e p r i c e .” Betts said, “We are a Virtual Garment District making garment manufacturing easy. Essentially the 2.0 upgrade for the fashion & garment industry. Last December we launched our database in order to help connect designers with their service providers & suppliers. Garment manufacturers are a very esoteric group of individuals. They are underground & District2.Co makes them accessible to fashion designers across the globe. Downtown LA is the mecca of materials & manufacturers and we’re unlocking a lot of value for the world.” Betts and several of her associates including

Photo by Von Thomas Cassie Betts

Marisha Hutchinson took some time out to network in the community with local businesses through the Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation at the Buffalo Wild Wings in Baldwin

Hills. Recently Betts were one of the guest for a network mixer where she was afforded the opportunity to share her concept and creation with over 60 or more small business

owner including several banks who were on hand to give advice about financing small business. “We launched in stealth mode/ soft beta in order to gather feedback from the

market on what products & features to build out next. We are now manually generating revenue by helping designers turn their vision into reality in ½ the time at ½ the cost and as simply as possible. We’re building out technologies that will optimize & streamline the process with less variables, less errors & automated predictability,” said Betts. With 16 years in the industry, working with such companies as Disney, MGA, Warner Bros and having her designs grace the retail floors of Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, JCPenney, Macy’s, Kohl’s and Target (to name a few), Betts is a Fashion Virtuoso. She may look like a youngster, but millions of dollars in fashion industry revenue have stemmed from her fingertips. She is also a custom couture wedding & red carpet dress designer and a techjunkie. She partnered with the #1 web & software development company out of the Ukraine, with the simple task of evolving the Underground Fashion Industry. She also enjoys MMA, boxing, & reliving her video vixen days. [Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-2000]

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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190567 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTREYE Film, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190566 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTR Identity, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014165468 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Multiniveau 2. Vente Multiniveau, 2031 West 95th Street, LA, CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): Devon Anthony Harris, 2031 West 95th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Devon Anthony Harris Title: Devon Harris This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 18, 2014 Expires June 18, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN

Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of Earlene D. Brown Case No. BP-149133 To All heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Earlene D. Brown A Petition for Probate has been filed by Henry Brown in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The Petition for Probate request that The petition request authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. The Independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 7/28/2014 at 8:30 AM in Dept. 9 Address of court: 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Stanley Mosk Courthouse. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objection with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of the first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code Section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: Henry Brown, In Pro Per Address: 10526 Gorman Ave., Los Angeles 90002 Telephone: 323 564-0058 Filed Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles on June 25, 2014 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk by Andre Watts, Deputy. PACE NEWS Pub. July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014208834 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CooPick 2. Craigland, 1747 Genesee Ave, L.A., CA 90019; P.O. Box 91721, L.A. CA 90009 Registered Owner(s): Craig T Cooper, 1747 Genesee Ave, LA, CA 90019. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on April 1, 1990. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Craig T. Cooper Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 31, 2014 Expires July 31, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub August 1, 8, 15, 22, 2014PN

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