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“The Independent Newspaper that’s Setting the PACE as the VOICE of the Local Community”


Vol. 24 No.40 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043

Established Since 1995 Friday, August 1, 2014


Raymond Bell Wins 2 Emmy for the “Justin Carr Story” By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief

was a Meteor on the planet. He was an artist, dancer, singer, activist for people being picked on, he did it all as well as a champion swimmer.” “He was one of the most humble kids I ever seen in my life,” said Bell about Justin. Bell introduced Justin’s father and mother. Darrell Carr spoke first. He said, “Life isn’t always fair but what do you do? You can lay down and go to sleep and not do anything about it or you can stand up as we told our son to do and that’s how we raised him. Raising Justin Carr was an honor, a privilege.” He then reflected on a time the family was having dinner and he thought he was pulling a fast one on Justin by

LOS ANGELES—It was a night to remember for Raymond Bell, Susan and Darrell Carr. Bell brought home an Emmy from the 66th Los Angeles Area Emmy Awards for Light News Story-Single Report, “The Justin Carr Story” (CBS2 NEWS AT 11PM) CBS2 Bell, Producer and Suraya Fadel, Reporter, on Saturday, July 26, 2014. The “Justin Carr Story” featured a segment on the Carr’s 16 year old son, Justin Carr, a multi-talented teen, who died suddenly from cardiomyopathy, a weakening of the heart muscle that resulted in sudden cardiac arrest while participating in his

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen (L-R) Darrell and Susan Carr and Raymond Bell, Emmy Winner for “The Justin Carr Story” at the Brownstone Bistro.

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen Israel Matthews, grandson of Gloria Zuurveen, Founder/ Owner/ Publisher, PACE NEWS and Taylor Bell, daughter of twotime Emmy winner, Raymond Bell at Brownstone Bistro. high school swim practice at Harvard-Westlake. Bell and the Carrs’ arrived at the Brownstone Bistro on Pico Boulevard to a waiting crowd that cheered with them in their victory. For Bell, this was his second Emmy win and for the Carrs’ it was a victory because Justin was a winner in every thing he set out to do. The Emmy win was evidence as to how much “The Justin Carr Story” touched so many lives. Upon arrival, Bell humbly took the microphone and began to thank all who made his second Emmy win possible. He thanked the Carrs’ for allowing him in their home along with CBS reporter, Fadel to interview Justin, who is the grandson of Burl Toler, the first Black referee for the NFL. It was the story about Toler that Bell was interviewing Justin prior to his sudden death. He said without them none of this would have happened. He said, “The fact that they let me in their lives, sharing the joy of their son, Justin, who

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Tamala Davis, Tamara Lewis and Chana Braziel at the Raymond Bell’s Emmy’s after party at the Brownstone Bistro on Pico Blvd. in Los Angeles.

Photo by Israel Matthews (L-R) Darrell and Susan Carr, Tamara Lewis and Raymond Bell arriving from the Emmy Award July 26.

Photo by Ian Foxx (L-R) Emmy winner Raymond Bell and Gloria Zuurveen holding the second Emmy for Bell.

saying, “It’s your time to bless the table and Justin said ‘Ok daddy.’ Justin, who was four years old at the time, said a prayer blessing his Papa, his uncles, and everyone then he said, “And oh God, help us to achieve world peace.” Mr. Carr said, “It knocked me off my feet.” Mrs. Carr talked about how Bell had met Justin at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood. She said he was the only black kid there among the crowd of older white senior citizens. She said, before reading one of Justin’s poems which was found after his death, “It’s the worth night mare for any parent to have to lose their child let alone their only child and we just instilled in Justin that you don’t have to fit in. You can stand out, do your best and your best will be good enough. Don’t let other people determine how you act.” It was these lessons learned by Justin from his parents that propelled him to a higher calling to be the amazing person Bell had the immense pleasure of Please see Bell, page 9

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Friday, August 1, 2014

EDITORIAL/OPINION Publisher’s Column

Alex Johnson is a Contender, Not a Defender By Gloria Zuurveen Editor-in-Chief Alex Johnson, one of two candidates for District 1 of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), I am convinced after sitting down with him recently at his headquarters located at 5444 Crenshaw Blvd. just around the corner from my office, that he is a contender and not a defender in the race to fill the vacant seat that was held by the late Marguerite LaMotte.

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen President, CEO, Founder and Publisher

Hello Readers, Can you believe what the Lord has done for us by letting us see another month. It is the month of August already. I am grateful for God’s mercy and grace. He shed it abroad on me and all of you and you too are to be grateful and thankful. He didn’t have to do it but he did. If you are reading this you know he did. It wasn’t you who woke you up today. It was God. It was God who started you on your way today. Give Him praise and glory. He is worthy to be praise. He is worthy to be given the honor. God takes care of all our needs and some of our wants. We are to stay prayed up and never cease to thank you Him for all his goodness. He is God and beside Him there is no other. Other believe there are and that is alright too, but I know there is a Savior and His name is Jesus.

PACE NEWS is a weekly adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of Los Angeles Published By PACE NEWS PUBLICATION, INC 3707 West 54th Street LA, CA. 90043 Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157 COPYRIGHT ©2014 PACE NEWS PUBLICATION INC

Dr. Gloria Zuurveen Founder/CEO Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Malika Zuurveen Managing Editor/Advertising The opinions expressed by contributing writers are not necessarily those of


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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club

I am convinced of this because of how he expressed himself not with folly and flair, but with a strong conviction that he is the one chosen for such a time as now to be instrumental in instituting progressive ideas to move students in the District 1 from a dismal state of high drop out rate for the past 30 years to a state of exponential growth to meet the growing demand of a global world system. Johnson expounded on his background as a product of the public school system and about his mother, who were sitting nearby, worked as a LAUSD teacher for 13 years. He spoke with utmost enthusiasm and despite all the recent media games that has been played out denounces his character it didn’t appear to have phased him at all. He appeared poised, purposeful and focused. He said he has first hand experience of being in the classroom as well as on the policy making side as he served as an Education and Public Safety Adviser. One of his main role was to help fund safe passages and gang intervention program so kids could get to school safely. When asked about several pieces of his campaign mailers that has been declared by his opponent’s supporters as outright lies and untruths, he never missed a beat with his explanation. He said all of the facts have been referenced and cited accordingly. Johnson is certainly a contender and not a defender. He never tried to defend any of his methods throughout our conversation. He simply expressed himself as a contender who by, he said, prayer and talking to people before he stepped in the race and hasn’t looked back. Initially there were many others beside him and his opponent, George McKenna, because of his unwavering faith to pursue the opportunity to help steer District 1 into a more viable institution of learning for all. He has garnered the support of many in the faith-based community. The list is very impressive and speaks volume to Johnson as a man of substance, integrity and sincere about bringing resources to District 1. Bishop Kenneth Ulmer, of Faithful Central Bible Church, Bishop Charles Blake, West Angeles Church of God in Christ, Bishop Noel Jones, City of Refuge, Rev. Norman Johnson, First New Christian Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. Xavier Thompson, Southern Baptist Church, Pastor William Epps, Second Baptist Church, Rev. Melvin Wade, Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Rev. Edgar Boyd, First AME, Rev. Cecil Murray and a very broad coalition of supporters outside of the faith-based community. Johnson, who has been labeled as lacking in experience when compared to his opponent, highlights his roles he has worked in as an Assistant District Attorney whereby he prosecuted domestic violence offenders, he stood up for children and families who were victims of violence and abuse. He said he has worked with leaders as part of an education team so he get it. He understand the importance of teacher training and development. Johnson spoke proudly of Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas. He said Ridley-Thomas has produced results for this community and he is proud to be associated with someone who has brought back Martin Luther King Hospital. Not everyone can say that, Johnson said. After having taking the time to sit down with Johnson and to weed through all the rhetoric I had been hearing, I was pleased to now have a real since of why I am endorsing him for the next school board representative for District 1. He is nearer and closest to the hopes and aspirations I had nearly 20 years ago when I started PACE NEWS newspaper because of an outcry to call attention to the educational establishment that was content with the status quo and had no desire to consider letting bad to teachers go. PACE NEWS was birthed out of a need for change then and today it is my hope and prayer that Alex Johnson be the change for the kids in LAUSD District 1 come August Tuesday, August 12, 2014 because we need a contender and not a defender.

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Friday, August 1, 2014


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EDUCATION & COMMUNITY NEWS Steve Harvey Partners With Strayer University to Deliver National Call For Success and Transformation Through Higher Education By Patrick Washington HERNDON, VA ( Strayer University, a leading postsecondary institution for working adults, is pleased to announce a partnership with talk show host and entertainer Steve Harvey, who joins the University in a new initiative aimed at breaking down perceived barriers that can keep individuals from succeeding in their personal and professional lives. Dubbed ‘The Success Project,’ the partnership kicks off a year of national and local activities, which will raise awareness of multiple definitions of and paths to success, and enhance support for working adults pursuing a college degree through success coaching, among others. “Education is a key to success for many,” said Harvey, whose new book on the principles of setting and reaching high goals – Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success – will be released in September. “But it is important to recognize that there is no one path to earning a college degree nor to success. Working adults who are contemplating going back to school in order to further their careers and improve their lives often stop before they start because they are held back by doubts about whether they can handle it all or fears of being back in school after a long time away. “Every individual, how-

than those without a college degree,” said Dr. Michael Plater, president of Strayer University. “Simply put, education matters, and every working adult who is interested in earning a college degree should have the opportunity to do so. Our new success coach program will help adult students address a range of challenges, for example, caring for young children while earning a

'The Success Project’ with Steve Harvey & Strayer University

Talk show host and entertainer Steve Harvey (center) teams up with Strayer University -- a leading postsecondary institution for working adults -- to announce 'The Success Project,’ a new initiative aimed at sparking a national conversation about what it takes to be successful. ever, should embrace their unique circumstances, motivations and needs and set educational and life goals that are true to them. I’m proud to partner with Strayer University, which is making a commitment to helping working adults break down their perceived barriers and pursue their dreams of earning a college degree.” Strayer University Success Coaches Deliver More Than Career Advice In addition to the partnership with Harvey, The Success Project will introduce a team of professional success coaches who will provide mentoring and support to Strayer University students. Each student – whether

they are taking classes at a Strayer University campus or online – will be assigned their own personal success coach, who will assist them with financial advice, goal setting, career advice, time management, and other skills. In addition to helping to increase each student’s opportunity for academic success, coaches will help prepare them for the real-world challenges that are inherent in building a successful career while managing other life priorities. “We know that college degree holders have lower unemployment, higher salaries, a healthier wellbeing, and they are better positioned to grow their communities and the economy

Alums of Nation’s Oldest Historically Black Private College Fight for its Survival By Lisa Cornwell From the Tri-State Defender CINCINNATI — Alumni of the country's oldest historically black private university are committing money and other support to help their alma mater's fight for survival amid the risk of accreditation loss and financial deficits and low enrollment. The alumni association of southwestern Ohio's Wilberforce University, founded in 1856, says graduates have committed to raise $2 million in cash donations, including $400,000 pledged at last weekend's alumni conference. The university has already received $200,000 of that, alumni and university officials said Wednesday. The university also says it has a strategy for upcoming changes, including realigning Wilberforce's board, modifying facilities and academics, revising financial procedures and finding a president to move the school forward. Talbert Grooms, president of Wilberforce's alumni association, said in a statement that alumni believe change is a "critical part of staying relevant." Last month, the Higher Learning Commission issued a "show-cause" order, which stressed serious financial issues, lack of leadership and a deterio-

rating campus among other problems at the school. It requires Wilberforce to show why the commission shouldn't withdraw its accreditation. That loss would be a major blow. It could result in lack of eligibility for federal financial aid for the estimated 80 to 90 percent of Wilberforce students receiving such assistance and cause problems with transferring credits. Wilberforce must respond by Dec. 15 and schedule a commission team visit to the campus by Feb. 9. Interim President Wilma Mishoe has said Wilberforce is committed to complying with the commission's accreditation standards. But Richard Deering, president of the Wilberforce Faculty Association, says deteriorating dormitories, declining enrollment and accelerating debt over several years are huge obstacles. "It's not a matter of being pessimistic or optimistic," said Deering, who has taught at

Wilberforce since 1968. "It's the facts on the ground, that Wilberforce — for whatever reason — lost its way." The commission's June letter to Mishoe said Wilberforce ended the 2013 fiscal year with a $9.7 million deficit, and its proposed operating budget for 2014 was based on a 500-student enrollment — while actual enrollment was about 377. Wilberforce is unlikely to reach its projected 200-student enrollment this fall, the letter said. "The University has not demonstrated its ability to make adequate and realistic plans for the future," the letter said. Other small, underresourced schools face similar troubles, said Marybeth Gasman, a University of Pennsylvania higher education professor and an expert on historically black colleges and universities. But she says they have had a particularly difficult time because of disparities in government funding and typically smaller endowments than majority white institutions. "Wilberforce's problems have been known for a long time and are now coming to a head," she said. "Wilberforce must be willing to change, even if it means compromising and making some people uncomfortable."

degree. Success coaches will help students to find childcare and will advise on healthy and creative ways to balance work, family, and school.” Strayer University’s success coach offering provides a unique approach to helping students achieve success. SoulPancake Collaboration Brings ‘Success’ to Life In August, Strayer Please see Harvey, page 11

Billions of GI Bill Funds Go to For-Profit Schools Kimberly Hefling WASHINGTON (AP) — Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have flocked to for-profit colleges, including a troubled chain that is closing or selling its campuses amid a series of federal and state investigations. A report to be released Wednesday from the office of Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, a critic of the for-profit education industry who chairs the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee, finds that for-profit colleges received $1.7 billion in Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits in the 2012-2013 school term. About a quarter of benefits paid under the program went to the for-profit sector. Among the top 10 recipient schools in terms of GI Bill funds, eight were from the for-profit sector. One of them was Corinthian Colleges, a chain based in Santa Ana, California, that recently reached an agreement with the Education Department to sell or close its more than 90 U.S. campuses. The Education Department has said it has concerns about the chain’s operations that included allegations of falsifying job placement data used in marketing claims to prospective students, and allegations of altered grades and attendance. Since the new GI Bill rolled out in 2009, Corinthian has received $186 million in the new GI Bill funds, the report said. Last week, the advocacy group Student Veterans of America placed the schools under the Corinthian umbrella — Everest College, Heald College and WyoTech schools — on its “not recommended” list. Including Corinthian, the report finds that seven of the eight companies face investigations by states attorneys general or federal agencies for “deceptive and misleading recruiting” or other possible federal violations. Even as overall enrollment decreased at the eight schools since 2009, it says the number of veterans enrolled at these schools increased. The new GI Bill program provides the most generous school benefits paid to warfighters since the original bill was enacted in 1944. It can be used by a veteran or a member of the immediate family — and more than a million people have used it so far. For-profit colleges have been popular among veterans, in part, because of offerings in

skilled trades and flexibility such as online classes. Michael Dakduk, the vice president for military and veterans affairs with the Association of Private Sector Colleges, said in a statement: “It is no surprise that members of the military choose our institutions because we provide them with career-focused programs, important support services and flexibility they need to complete their education.” But, the for-profit sector has among the highest student loan default rates and lowest graduation rates in higher education and has been a target of Democrats. The Obama administration has pushed “gainful employment” regulations that would penalize career-oriented programs that produce graduates without the training needed to find a job with a salary that will allow them to pay off their debt. Harkin’s report finds that the average cost for a veteran to attend a for-profit college is $7,972, compared to $3,914 for a public college — about twice the price. The two top recipients of GI Bill money not in the for-profit sector were the public University of Maryland system and the nonprofit Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, according to the report. Earlier this year, the Student Veterans of America issued a report that said a little more than half of the veterans who got college money under the GI Bill since 2009 eventually graduated. The rate was lower than the graduation rate for traditional students, who generally enroll out of high school, but higher than for veterans’ non-traditional peers — those students who also tend to be older and have families and jobs. It found that about threequarters of the student veterans who graduated did so from public institutions. Another 15.5 percent attended private universities, while about 13 percent attended for-profit schools. Another group, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, has lobbied against what is known as the “90/10″ rule that requires colleges to receive at least 10 percent of their revenue from sources other than the federal government. Students using the new GI Bill don’t count toward the limit, so the veterans said they are aggressively targeted by the forprofit industry. ____ Follow Kimberly Hefling on Twitter: http://

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Friday, August 1, 2014

CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS Gallup: 'God Gap' Persists; Very Religious Are Mostly Republican; Non-Religious Are Mostly Democrat By Napp Nazworth The so-called "God Gap" between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll. Among very religious Americans, about half, 49 percent, identify as Republican or are likely to vote Republican. Among nonreligious Americans, also about half, 52 percent, identify as Democrats or are likely to vote for Democrats. This God gap, sometimes called the "religious participation

gap," has characterized party politics in the United States for at least the seven years that Gallup has been measuring it, Frank Newport, editor in chief for Gallup, pointed out in a blog post. Religiosity was measured using two survey questions. One asked respondents how important religion is in their daily lives. The other asked how often they attend religious services. With the answers, Gallup created a three category classification — very religious, moderately reli-

gious and nonreligious. Among the moderately religious, a plurality, 44 percent, supported the Democrats while 38 percent supported Republicans. Independents comprised a slightly greater proportion of the nonreligious, 15 percent, than the religious, 11 percent. Looking at race and ethnicity, the God Gap persisted among whites, Latinos and Asians, but not among blacks. Blacks showed strong support for Democrats, about 75 percent, re-

gardless of their level of religiosity. "From a practical politics standpoint," Newport wrote, "Republicans face the challenge of expanding their party's appeal beyond the minority of Americans who are very religious, and appealing to Hispanics and Asians given that even the most religious of these growing groups tilt Democratic, albeit not as much as others in these groups who are less religious. Democrats face the challenge of attempting to

broaden their party's appeal beyond the base of those who are moderately or nonreligious, a tactic that most likely will require effort to frame the party's positions on social justice and equality issues in a way that is compatible with a high degree of religiousness." The poll of 87,023 American adults was taken from January to June. The margin of error is plus or minus one percentage point.

Prominent Philadelphia Preacher Who Criticized Obama for Failing the Black Community to Resign Amid Church Turmoil By Leonardo Blair Facing mounting turmoil and disenchantment among his flock, the Rev. Kevin R. Johnson, prominent senior pastor of the storied 103-year-old Bright Hope Baptist Church in North Philadelphia who famously criticized President Barack Obama for failing black Americans last year, will effectively resign his post on Oct. 31. Several congregants of Johnson's church told the Daily News in Philadelphia that the pastor announced that it was "crystal clear" that the time had come for him to move on after a testy meeting with the church's leadership on July 17. "I have enjoyed Philadelphia," Johnson is said to have told his parishioners, "but the Lord has told me it is time to move on." He told the church that because his wife is "gainfully employed" as a lawyer, he would be taking his time to find another church. The same publication had highlighted significant turmoil at the church in an April 15 article citing ongoing personal and ideological issues between Johnson and his church. Johnson, 40, was introduced as the church's fifth pastor in 2007 by the-late Rev. William H. Gray III, who was a former congressman and the third generation of his family to lead Bright Hope. Johnson had previously served as an assistant pastor to the Rev. Calvin O. Butts at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York. According to the Daily News, tempers flared in March this year when a beloved assistant pastor who had been at the church for 48 years, the Rev. George F.

Taylor, 70, was allegedly fired for insubordination. A few days after the firing the ushers at the church staged a boycott while "several congregants in the pews showed their contempt by putting empty white envelopes in the collection plates." "It was the straw that broke the camel's back," one church member reportedly noted of Taylor's exit. Congregants in the article cited a whole host of issues with Johnson, including that matter of his political ambitions. Several of Johnson's congregants said they were upset with Johnson when he announced earlier this year that he would run for mayor. It was only after they reminded him that he pledged in 2007 that he would avoid politics that Johnson told them arrogantly that: "I changed my mind." In an April 2013 oped in the Philadelphia Tribune, Johnson criticized Obama for the lack of diversity in his cabinet and said he had "failed the black community." "For me, the absence of African-Americans in a second term is not only disrespectful to the black community — who voted 96 percent for President Obama in 2008 and 93 percent in 2012, but also underscores a larger problem of economic and job opportunities for the black community," wrote Johnson. "Indeed, if we objectively look at Obama's presidency, African-Americans are in a worse position than they were before he became president. At the end of January 2009, unemployment for African-Americans was 12.7 percent. Four years later, the situation is worse, and unemployment is higher at 13.8

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percent," he continued. "To my disappointment, the president has not only failed the black community, but also has failed to surround himself with qualified African-Americans who could develop policies to help the most disenfranchised. The president's agenda appears to be for everyone except Black people — his most loyal constituency," he said. Contact: m; follow me on Twitter @leoblair

(Photo: Facebook/ Kevin R. Johnson) President Barack Obama (r) greets the Rev. Kevin R. Johnson (l).

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Friday, August 1, 2014

HEALTH & COMMUNITY NEWS The Tween Years: How To Survive as a Parent (BPT) - There's the summer vacation you dream of: happy children playing games, parents relaxing, cheerful grandparents, smooth roads, short lines and easy-to-schedule outdoor sports and activities for the kids. And then there's the reality, which more closely resembles "National Lampoon's Vacation." The film follows the allAmerican Griswolds as they drive the family station wagon cross-country to visit the Walley World theme park. At one point, Clark Griswold (played by Chevy Chase) faces a mutiny by his "tween" children, who urge an immediate end to the vacation. Tweens, or 10- to 14year-old individuals "in between" childhood and adolescence, are notorious for mood swings. More than 20 million tweens live in the U.S., accord-

ing to an estimate by the 2010 U.S. Census. As tweens begin puberty, they face many challenges, including middle school, social issues, homework, and the stress of having responsibilities. At this stage of development brain and body development changes also occur that they may not understand. These changes are very normal. All tweens have mood swings to a certain extent. Changes in development during these years are present. There are other issues nowadays that tweens deal with that may not have been around when their parents were growing up such as the pressure to achieve. Many parents are preparing their children in middle school, if not earlier, for academic success and admission into a top university or college. This can exacerbate the mood swings stemming from the pres-

Elephant Ears By Dean L. Jones, CPM Fried dough is ever so popular at this time a year for those who visit county fairs and the like. Fried dough comes named in a large variety of ways such as fried bread, elephant ears, doughboys, scones, frying saucers, beaver's tail, and buñuelos. This foodstuff is virtually identical to each other, and somewhat recognizably different from other fried dough commonly devoured as doughnuts, beignets, and fritters. Speaking of elephant ears, which are made as fried flattened dough, butter, sugar, cinnamon, reflects on something I just read that the great Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin said. It was part of story where the Queen was in a New York Johnny Rockets chain restaurant (Lewiston near Buffalo) when the server told her that she could not eat her takeout order inside the restaurant. The Queen complained to management and described the worker's behavior towards her as "very rude, unprofessional and nasty." Consequently, management said the server was wrong and she had not violated any of the restaurant's take out policy. Und o ub t ed l y e ver yo ne knows that Ms. Franklin struggles with her weight, though, she has lost 85 lbs. since 2008, but still is highly vulnerable to slipping off the whole foods diet wagon. She stated on the television show The View, "I feel wonderful, I've got more energy, I've changed my diet, going to Whole Foods now, getting the best stuff … Dropped the chitlins, dropped the ham hocks, getting some — I won't say better food, I'll say other food." This sounds good, but according to the Associated Press, the Queen of Soul said she's looking forward to tracking down one of the powdered sugarcovered confections when she performs at the Ohio State Fair on Thursday, July 31, 2014. Additionally, the Queen of Soul is

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen

Dean L. Jones quoted as saying "I love the state fair, and I love the elephant ears." For the record, one elephant ear is over 500 calories and full of sodium and processed sugar. Health may be inconsequential when you are around 22 years of age, when the body has superb resilience, but not so much at 72 years of age. While everyone should live their own way, alternatively, being addicted to processed foodstuff is something that no one deserves being controlled by. Fried foodstuff is comparable to what tobacco companies produced heavily over the last century, putting their cigarette brands out there as something that was so irresistible that everyone should smoke in order to feel fresh clean pleasure. There are all sorts of reasons to justify eating anything, but sometimes we should proceed with caution on the type of foodstuff we place into our body. Fried bread and the like are the triple threat against healthy eating, where too much fat, sugar, and salt will eventually get us placed on the injured list, if we do not stay SugarAlert! Dean Jones, Ethics Advocate, Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), contributes his view on health attributes derived from processed foodstuff items.

sure they are under to achieve, not to mention extra-curricular activities many tweens are engaged in. At this age, tweens are discovering who they are and where they fit into the world. They are beginning to socialize with the opposite sex and are defining who they are through the clothes they wear and the music they listen to. They are building a self-image and comparing themselves to others their age. Tweens may be moody, pouting, even tantruming like when they were a toddler. Tweens will sulk and whine as well. Research has shown that this is how tweens communicate their anger, frustration and displeasure with certain situations. "At this stage, patience and understanding are important," says Dr. Toby Spiegel, assistant professor of forensic psychology at Argosy University, Orange County. Confidence is the key for teens to deal with

their emotions effectively. "Keep the lines of communication open. Empathize with their struggles and do not make light of them or laugh because it does not seem catastrophic to you. To a tween, everything is a lifeshattering issue. "Pay attention to your tween's mood and recognize signs of depression. Watch for changes in grades, changes in friends, as well as eating and sleeping habits. Changes beyond moodiness can be signs of something else. If you feel your tween is beyond simple moodiness, consult a mental health professional such as a psychologist or speak with the school counselor," adds Spiegel. It's also important to take the time to listen and respect what they are going through. Praise them, making sure that the praise is meaningful and descriptive. Help them build their self esteem. Teach your

tween to solve problems by brainstorming with them. Generally your tween should grow out of the moodiness by the time they turn 16. "Staying connected to your child at this time is extremely important," says Spiegel. "Knowing who their friends are and what they do in school will give you insight into who your child is becoming." Volunteer at the school, offer to chaperone school events, attend parent-teacher conferences and other school functions. At the beginning of the school year obtain the email addresses for your child's teacher. Send her an email introducing yourself and tell her that you are "hands-on" and appreciate being contacted to partner in your child's education. "Believe it or not, teachers like to know they can count on the parents regarding meeting their child's academic needs," adds Spiegel.

Sierra Leone President Declares State of Emergency Over Ebola By Umaru Fofana (Reuters) - Sierra Leone has declared a state of public emergency to tackle the worst ever outbreak of Ebola and will call in security forces to quarantine epicenters of the deadly virus, President Ernest Bai Koroma said in a statement. The measures resembled a tough anti-Ebola package announced by neighboring Liberia on Wednesday evening. Koroma announced he was cancelling a visit to Washington for a U.S.-Africa summit next week because of the crisis and would instead hold an emergency meeting with regional leaders in Guinea on Friday. Highly infectious Ebola has been blamed for 672 deaths in the West Africa nations of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, according to the World Health Organization. "I hereby proclaim a State of Public Emergency to enable us take a more robust approach to deal with the Ebola outbreak," he said in a speech late on Wednesday, adding that the measures

Sierra Leone's President Ernest Bai Koroma attends a meeting of regional group Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in Yamoussoukro June 29, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Thierry Gouegnon

would initially last between 60 and 90 days. "All epicenters of the disease will be quarantined." Koroma said that the police and the military would restrict movements to and from epicenters, and would provide support to health officers and NGOs to do their work unhindered, following a number of attacks on healthworkers by local communities.

He said that house-tohouse searches would be implemented to trace Ebola victims and quarantine them. He also said that new protocols had been established for passengers arriving and departing Lungi International Airport outside Freetown, but he did not provide further details. (Reporting by Umaru Fofana; Writing by Daniel Flynn; Editing by Toby Chopra)

Report Says: U.S. Government Seeking To Test Ebola Vaccine On Humans (Reuters) - The U.S. government will begin testing on people an experimental Ebola vaccine as early as September, after seeing positive results from tests on primates, according to media reports on Thursday.

The National Institutes of Health's infectious disease unit is working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to put the vaccine into trial as quickly as possible, according to CNN and USA Today.

The director of that unit could not be reached for comment. (Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Sandra Maler)

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Friday, August 1, 2014

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Friday, August 1, 2014


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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Raymond Bell Wins 2nd Emmy for the “Justin Carr Story” (Continued from page 1) capturing and showing so many people who otherwise may never have had the opportunity to become acquainted with such an extraordinary young man who was a scholar, athlete, singer, actor and an aspiring architect, the reason he had gone to the El Capitan Theatre when Bell met him. He was there to look at the theatre’s architectural designs. Yes, it was night to remember because the Brownstone Bistro on Pico in the Mid City area of Los Angeles lit up like Hollywood with Red Carpet and all thanks to Tamara Lewis, a very close friend of Bell and event coordinator along with a host of family and friends made it a first class affair and a winner like the “Justin Carr Story”.

Cultural Diversity Celebrated in Inglewood By Ricky Richardson INGLEWOODInglewood Cultural Arts (ICA), a non-profit organization provided a surge of energy to shine the spotlight on the City of Inglewood. The occasion was the inaugural Afro Latin Music

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Robin Alexis singing a tune with the Wisdom of Soul band at Bell’s Emmy party.

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Photo by Gloria Zuurveen (L-R) Raymond Bell and Ricky Williams at the Brownstone Bistro.

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Photo by Gloria Zuurveen (L-R) Benedict Baldwin, Verneeda Wilson, Tamara Lewis, Rainey Collins and Spear Collins during the after party for Raymond Bell, who won a second Emmy for “The Justin Carr Story.”

Photo by Ricky Richardson Kathy Hernandez

and Dance Festival, held on Saturday, July 26, from 12PM-6:00PM. The event

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen (L-R) Faye Casey, Tamara Lewis, Verneeda Wilson and Anita Finley. Limousine Entertainment Specialists

Photo by Ricky Richardson Batala Los Angeles

took place at the Amphitheater in Edward Vincent, Jr. Park (formerly known as Centinela Park. Everybody is feeling, Hot! Hot! Hot! The weather forecasters mentioned that we were in for a hot weekend. Please see Diversity, page 11

Photo by Gloria Zuurveen (L-R) George Washington, Leonard Williams and Ricky Williams long time friends of Raymond Bell came to celebrate his 2nd Emmy win.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

NEWS & VIEWS West Basin Municipal Water District Board Member Arrested CARSON, Calif. – West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) learned that Ronald C. Smith, West Basin Board member, was arrested on 26 July 2014 for alleged charges of misuse of public funds and giving false affidavits. According to court records, Director Smith has

been charged with the following crimes: Penal Code section 424 (A) – Two counts. This crime involves the misuse of public funds. Government Code section 1090 – One count. This section prohibits a government official from having a

Growing Your Business: Tips for Applying for Small Business Loans (BPT) - The outlook for small business is up with many business owners feeling good about the future of the economy, their financial positions and their plans for growth, according to Capital One's Spark Business Barometer. But for many business owners looking to secure capital to either start or expand their enterprise, the process can be challenging, particularly for those with a limited or negative track record, or poor personal credit. Fortunately, there are a variety of products and programs designed to help address those challenges and enable business growth, one of which is offered through the U.S. Small Business Administration (or SBA). SBA loans offer a number of key advantages, including longer payback terms and higher borrowing limits, which can be useful when financing necessities like real estate and equipment. For example, Freshbikes, a bicycle shop based in the Washington, D.C., area, worked with Capital One to refinance debt it incurred by expanding its business and opening new stores. This resulted in an improved payment schedule and additional working capital for the now-thriving business. Unfortunately, despite the many benefits SBA loans offer, few small businesses take advantage of them, and those who do say they find the process for applying for SBA loans "complex and confusing." In fact, Capital One's latest Spark Business Barometer found that a majority (79 percent) of small-business owners are aware of SBA loans, but only 9 percent have actually applied for one (and most business owners who did apply found the process complicated.) There are a number of ways to simplify the SBA loan application process, and given the SBA recently announced that they will extend fee waivers for loans meeting certain requirements, now is a great time to understand how these loans can work for your business and consider applying for one. Capital One has a few tips to keep in mind when ap-

plying for an SBA loan: * Know your business. The first thing any lender wants to know is how well you know your business. Do you know your cost of sales, gross margin, payroll expenses off the top of your head? * Look for a Preferred Lender (PLP status). Preferred lenders have more experience and authority in processing SBA loans, which is critical when it comes to navigating the SBA's requirements and procedures. Working with a lender who fully understands the process and can explain it to you will make life a lot easier. Since they are experts in this area, typically your loan will close more quickly, as well. Preferred lenders are usually listed on the SBA website for your state. You can always contact the SBA directly as well. * Come prepared. SBA loans require comprehensive document packages. Be prepared with full copies of your personal and business tax returns for the last three years, current financial statements and projections and personal financial statements. Check the SBA's website at for required documentation for the product that interests you. Having a complete package up front can save a lot of time. * Consider applying for a smaller loan. In an effort to streamline the application process, the SBA recently announced plans to maintain current fee waivers to make it easier to secure smaller loans for small business, including a 2 percent fee waiver for loans $150,000 or less. If you want to reinvest in your business, now is a great time to act. Capital One is committed to helping small-business owners achieve their financial goals by offering SBA loans with features or opportunities that might not be available through conventional loans, and helping small-business owners to navigate the application process. For more helpful information on managing a small b u s i n e s s , v i s i t www.capitalonesmallbusiness.c om.

Ronald C. Smith

financial interest in a contract entered into by his agency. Penal Code section 118 (A) – Four counts. This statue makes it a crime to file a false affidavit. West Basin does not know the facts that underlie these charges, and it should be pointed out that Director

Smith is innocent until found guilty by a court of law. “West Basin was disappointed by this news and it’s unfortunate for all concerned,” said West Basin Board President Donald L. Dear. “We want our customers to know that despite this situation, West Basin will continue its hard work and commitment to maintain our water industry leadership in water recycling, conservation and water reliability.” Director Smith was elected to the Board of Directors in 2006. Director Smith represents Division I, which includes the cities of Carson, Palos Verdes Estates, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills Estates and portions of San Pedro. By law, Director Smith remains on the West

Basin Board and can only be removed from the Board if convicted of a felony crime. Director Smith’s case is being handled by the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Public Integrity Division. The next legal action is a preliminary hearing scheduled for August 12, 2014. Director Smith’s biography can be found at “West Basin wants our communities and stakeholders to know that this situation will not impact our commitment to transparency and sound financial and resource management of public funds. We will continue to provide value to our customers by providing water reliability and drought protection initiatives,” said Gloria Gray, West Basin Board of Directors Vice President.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

NATIONAL/REGIONAL & STATE NEWS Obama Holds Town Hall with Young African Fellows By LaTrina Antoine Washington Washington, D.C.— From July 28 to 30, 500 participants in the Young African Leaders Initiative converged on Washington for the first Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders. President Barack Obama hosted a presidential summit and town hall to foster executive leadership training, networking, and skills building among Africa’s most promising young minds. “The spirit of this progra m re flects Madib a’s (Mandela) optimism, his idealism, his belief in what he called the endless heroism of youth, and so today with the blessing of the Mandela family . . . we are proud to announce that the new name of this program is the Mandela Washington Fellowship,” President Obama said during the town hall. The United States intends to double the number of fellowship recipients from 500 to 1000 by the summer of 2016, according to the president, and next year’s presidential summit will be held in sub-Saharan Africa. “The objective was to give young Africans the opportunity to come to the United States and develop their skills as the next generation of leaders in civil society, in business, and [in] government, and the response was overwhelming,” Obama said, referring to the 50,000 young Africans who

President Barack Obama speaks to participants of the Presidential Summit for the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders in Washington, Monday, July 28, 2014, during a town hall meeting. The President announced that the program will be renamed in honor of former South African President Nelson Mandela. The summit is the lead-up event to next week’s inaugural U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, the largest gathering any U.S. President has held with African heads of state. -

underwent some difficult and monotonous trials to apply for the program. He added that the initiative would also expand with online courses and training sessions for networking and staring up businesses. A White House press release indicated Regional Leadership Centers will be created in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa through a U.S. government, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), MasterCard

Foundation, and other corporation partnership. The U.S. government is also expanding support to entrepreneurs by connecting them to investors, advisors, and distribution networks, including a 2015 sub-Saharan Africa Global Entrepreneurship Summit, and three partnership opportunity delegations to Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Ghana over the next year, the release stated. “Our Young African Leaders Initiative is a long-term investment in all of you. And a

Steve Harvey Partners With Strayer University to Deliver National Call For Success and Transformation Through Higher Education (Continued from page 3) University will also roll out a new four-part video series with the popular YouTube entity, and creators of the critically acclaimed Kid President series, SoulPancake to explore the topic of success. The series, which is intended to show that there is no one single path to or definition of success, will unfold over four reality-based segments:


“Definition of Success” asks people of all backgrounds what it means to truly be successful. Responses range from thoughtful and poignant to lighthearted and humorous, exploring the many different ideas about what success looks like. (Debuts Aug. 12)


“Success Coach” asks current Strayer University students to identify individuals in their lives who have been essential to their success. Students are then surprised with a unique and moving opportunity to connect with and thank selected individuals on the spot. (Debuts Aug. 19)


“Share a Cup of Success” encourages two strangers to sit inside a larger-than-life pop-up cup of coffee and share a candid conversation about their personal paths to success. (Debuts Aug. 26)


“Shout it Out” invites passersby to overcome the fears that are holding them back from success and to proudly proclaim

their career dreams and goals into a giant megaphone placed in the middle of a busy city plaza.


(Debuts Sept. 2) “At SoulPancake, we create meaningful, authentic and engaging content that delves into what it means to be human,” said Shabnam Mogharabi, SoulPancake CEO. “We’re excited to partner with Strayer University to explore the topic of success and we hope to inspire viewers to not only consider what success really means to them, but also what next steps they need to take towards achieving their goals.” SoulPancake, which has more than 1.2 million YouTube subscribers and nearly 150 million views is a new media company, founded by actor Rainn Wilson. SoulPancake encourages individuals to explore ‘Life’s Big Questions’ through thoughtprovoking videos, elevated conversations, and creative and engaging activities. Celebrating more than 120 years since its founding in Baltimore in 1892, Strayer University offers relevant and rigorous academic programs to working adults, first-generation college students and others who may not have had access to higher education, preparing them for success in today’s competitive job market. Strayer University graduates earn degrees in programs ranging from business administration and ac-

counting to education and information systems. Steve Harvey is a media conglomerate whose career began as a stand-up comedian in the mid1980s. His career continues to flourish, becoming a top-rated radio host, fashion entrepreneur, New York Times best-selling author, popular game show host of the Family Feud, and 2013 People’s Choice Award winner as “Favorite New Talk Show Host” for his daytime show Steve Harvey. His commitment to helping others empower themselves through uplifting, educational opportunities inspired him to establish a number of philanthropic organizations, including the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation, which provides educational enrichment, global service opportunities, and one-on-one mentoring to fatherless children and young adults, as well as the annual Steve Harvey Mentoring Weekend For Young Men and Disney Dreamers Academy. Harvey was named Humanitarian of the Year for his philanthropic efforts at the 2011 BET Awards. For more information about Strayer University’s Success Project, visit or follow the conversation on Twitter at #StrayerSuccess. To view Success Project videos on SoulPancake’s YouTube channel, visit:

future that we can build together,” President Obama said. The fellows, arriving in the United States in June, represent all 49 counties in subSaharan Africa. More than 75 percent hold a mid-level or executive position, and 48 percent have a graduate degree. Twenty-five percent currently work in nongovernmental institutions and 39 percent operate their own businesses, according to a White House press release. In recognition of the U.S.-Africa Leadership Summit, {Silke Endress, Lifestyle of the Lady CEO, International Professional Women’s Magazine} hosted the Africa Ambassador Awards Reception, July 26 at the Law Offices of Cooke Robotham LLC in Northwest

D.C. Five ambassadors from Tanzania, Djibouti, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Botswana were to be presented awards for their achievements, successes, and impact in the private sector and with U.S. – Africa policies and relations. Due to foreign tribulations, Liberata Mulamula from Tanzania was the only ambassador to attend. “An event like this, it gives me an opportunity to reach out to the American public,” Mulamula said. In conjunction with the awards reception, the magazine is planning to take American professionals to Tanzania and Mombasa to initiate discussions to facilitate growth in the economy, healthcare system, and education systems, Cole said. A projected date for the trade mission is June 2015.

Cultural Diversity Celebrated in Inglewood (Continued from page 9) Edward Vincent, Jr. Park served as a perfect and pleasant venue, with its abundance of trees, similar to any tropical island represented at the festival. The shade that the trees provided contributed to a comfortable environment for a simmering afternoon of hot Latin rhythms at this family friendly festival. Beto Gonzalez, a Board member of Inglewood Cultural Arts served as Master of Ceremonies. Throughout the day, DJ Glenn Red provided a Global soundtrack of Afro Funke, samba disco, Batucada, Afro-Latin House rhythms to add to the festivities. The festival celebrated the cultural heritage of African American and Latin Culture through a journey of music and dance as well as the influence of Africans throughout the Diaspora. Attendees were able to witness the similarities of each vibrant culture and leave with a better understanding of each with this exciting educational cultural event. Batuque People led by Dana Maman kicked off the program with an enlightening voyage through Brazil with a set of Samba music and capoeira and various dancers. Their set list consisted of “Orixa” (with dancers throughout her set), “Samba,” “Capoeira,” and closed out their set with “Samba Reggae.” After a quick stage change, our journey ventured to Cuba with the always delightful and entertaining set with dancer Kathy Hernandez and drumming of Lazaro Gallaraga and Sitara Son. The crowd and I noticed the similarities (dances) of this group and the previous performers during their set on the tunes “Elegua,” “Bata for Chango,” “Bembe,” “Guiro,” “Rumba,” and “Comparsa.” The crowd and I jumped over to the Enchanted Island of Puerto Rico for a great set of music and dance performed by Atabey (Bomba). The crowd was not only thoroughly entertained during the set by Atabey; we were also educated about the different rhythms

performed for each song. Their set featured “Mayoral” (Holande rhythm), “Cimarrona” (Yoruba rhythm), “Van Buleadores” (Calinda rhythm), “Se Vre” (Sica rhythm), and “Zoila” (Cuembe/corve rhythm) to name a few. Our next cultural exploration took the crowd and me to Mexico for a set of Son Jarocho music, performed superbly by Conjunto Jardin. Their set consisted of “El Colas,” “El Pajaro Carpintero,” “El Chuchumbe,” “El Balaju,” “El Torito/El Toro” and closed out their set with “La Bamba” spiced up nicely with plenty of salsa rhythms. Los Angeles chapter of Batala drummers were a surprise addition to the festival. They thrilled the audience with some additional pulsating, samba rhythms from Brazil that resulted in an impromptu Samba dances throughout the park. Batala Los Angeles served as a perfect segue for Mexico68. This is a popular band from East Los Angeles with a fondness for Afrobeat popularized by the late great Fela Kuti from Nigeria. They closed out the festival on a high note with an energetic set of Afrobeat on the tunes “Kingdom Orators,” “Money Mast e r s, ” “ Al mi g h t y G . O.D. , ” “Quench” and Pay-triot.” The Afro Latin Music and Dance Festival was an ambitious enterprising project by Inglewood Cultural Arts which was a success by all accounts. Many people would agree with me that this could easily become an exciting signature event for the City of Inglewood, similar to the Market Street Festival and the short lived 4th Friday’s Food Truck Festival in the past. The Afro Latin Music and Dance Festival would also be a welcome additional to the thriving Afro-Latin music scene is Greater Los Angeles. The festival was sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Alliance for California Traditional Arts, the City of Inglewood, and the generosity of individual supporters.

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Friday, August February 1, 22, 2014 2013


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BUSINESS & COMMUNITY NEWS Bank of America Ordered To Pay $1.27 Billion for 'Hustle' Fraud By Jonathan Stempel (Reuters) - A federal judge on Wednesday ordered Bank of America Corp (BAC.N) to pay a $1.27 billion penalty for fraud over shoddy mortgages sold by the former Countrywide Financial Corp. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in Manhattan ruled after a jury last October found the second-largest U.S. bank liable for the sale by Countrywide of defective loans to government-

controlled mortgage companies Fannie Mae (FNMA.OB) and Freddie Mac (FMCC.OB) Rakoff also ordered former mid-level Countrywide executive Rebecca Mairone, who was also found liable and was the only individual charged, to pay $1 million, citing her "leading role" in the fraud and calling some of her testimony "implausible." While the bank's penalty was below the $2.1 billion sought by the U.S. Department of Justice, it marks another legal

defeat for Bank of America over its disastrous July 2008 purchase of Countrywide, which has cost tens of billions of dollars in litigation, loan buybacks and writedowns. Bank of America has also held talks on another, potentially multi-billion-dollar settlement to resolve separate government probes into mortgage securities, including from Countrywide and its Merrill Lynch unit. "BRAZEN" The case centered on a

African-American Homeownership Increasingly Less Stable, More Risky HOUSTON – While historical barriers that excluded Black America from the homeowner market for decades have crumbled, there are signs that emerging types of racial inequality are making homeownership an increasingly risky investment for AfricanAmerican home seekers. A new study from sociologists at Rice University and Cornell University found that African-Americans are 45 percent more likely than whites to switch from owning their homes to renting them. The study, "Emerging Forms of Racial Inequality in Homeownership Exit, 19682009," examines racial inequality in transitions out of homeownership over the last four decades. The authors used longitudinal household data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics for the period 1968 to 2009, with a study sample of 6,994 non-Hispanic whites and 3,158 black homeowners. Rice News video: African-American homeownership increasingly less stable and more risky The research revealed that despite modest gains in attaining homeownership over time, the racial gap in the likelihood of changing from ownership to renting began to widen in the 1990s. During the next two decades, African-American homebuyers were consistently over 45 percent more likely than whites

to transition out of homeownership. The authors claim that their findings point to a historical shift in racial stratification in American housing markets, from a system of overt market exclusion to, more recently, one of market exploitation. "The 1968 passage of the Fair Housing Act outlawed housing market discrimination based on race," said Gregory Sharp, a postdoctoral fellow in Rice's Department of Sociology and the study's lead author. "African-American homeowners who purchased their homes in the late 1960s or 1970s were no more or less likely to become renters than were white owners. However, emerging racial disparities over the next three decades resulted in black owners who bought their homes in the 2000s being 50 percent more likely to lose their homeowner status than similar white owners." Sharp noted that these inequalities in homeownership exit held even after adjusting for an extensive set of life-cycle traits, socioeconomic characteristics, characteristics of housing units and debt loads, as well as events that prompt giving up homeownership, such as going through a divorce or losing a job. Sharp said the deregulation of the mortgage markets in the 1980s – when Congress removed interest rate caps on first-lien home mort-

gages and permitted banks to offer loans with variable interest rate schedules – and subsequent emergence of the subprime market are likely reasons blacks were at an elevated risk of losing their homeowner status. In 2000, AfricanAmericans were more than twice as likely as whites with similar incomes to sign subprime loans; among lower-income blacks, more than half of home refinance loans were subprime. "African-American homeowners' heightened subprime rates were not only due to their relatively weaker socioeconomic position, but also because lenders specifically targeted minority neighborhoods," Sharp said. Sharp and his coauthor hope the research will prompt further analysis of additional factors that potentially contribute to racial disparities in homeownership exit, such as household wealth and residential location. The study will appear in the August edition of Social Problems and was coauthored by Matthew Hall, a demographer and assistant professor of public policy at Cornell University. A National Institutes of Health grant from Pennsylvania State University's Population Research Institute Center funded the research, which is available online at

Countrywide lending program that ended around May 2008, and which was known as "High Speed Swim Lane," "HSSL" or "Hustle." Investigators said the program emphasized quantity over quality, rewarding employees for producing more loans and eliminating checkpoints designed to ensure the loans' quality. "While the HSSL process lasted only nine months, it was from start to finish the vehicle for a brazen fraud by the defendants, driven by a hunger for profits and oblivious to the harms thereby visited, not just on the immediate victims but also on the financial system as a whole," Rakoff wrote. The Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank's liability was based on the $2.96 billion that Rakoff said Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac paid Countrywide for 17,611 suspect Hustle loans. Rakoff said this was the appropriate standard under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA), which was adopted after the 1980s savings and loan scandal and the basis for Bank of America's liability. The $1.27 billion penalty reflected findings by a government expert that only some of the loans had material defects, while others were acceptable, Rakoff said. "SCAPEGOATED" Bank of America has said no penalty was justified, and spokesman Lawrence Grayson said the $1.27 billion award "simply bears no relation to a limited Countrywide program that lasted several months." An appeal is possible, he said. According to her LinkedIn page, Mairone, who now uses her maiden name Rebecca Steele, recently started her own firm after working at Bank of America and then JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N). The gov-

ernment had sought $1.2 million from her. "Rebecca never intended to defraud anyone and never did defraud anyone," her lawyer Marc Mukasey said. "Unfortunately, more powerful people chose her as a scapegoat because they thought she was an easy target. We will fight on to clear her name." U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in New York said the verdict and penalties show that mortgage fraud "cannot be viewed as simply another cost of doing business in the financial world." Bharara said it was the first case to impose civil penalties against a bank and executive under FIRREA to punish mortgage fraud leading up to the 2008 financial crisis. "I don't see much downside to an appeal, if this is the first time a judge has imposed liability in this context," said Carl Tobias, a University of Richmond law professor. The case was originally brought by former Countrywide vice president Edward O'Donnell, a whistleblower who later joined Fannie Mae. He declined to comment. Rakoff began by noting that the Justice Department has not brought criminal charges over loan practices at Countrywide, widely seen as a key factor in the recent U.S. housing crisis. He also noted that Countrywide's three top officials, including former Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo, settled U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission civil charges without addressing whether they did anything wrong. The case is U.S. ex rel O'Donnell v. Bank of America Corp et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 12-01422. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Additional reporting by Karen Freifeld and Aruna Viswanatha; Editing by Bernard Orr)

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Friday, August 1, 2014


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BUSINESS DIRECTORY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190567 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTREYE Film, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014190566 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CNTR Identity, 3723 Buckingham Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90016 Registered Owner(s): Sharri Nash, 3723 Buckingham Rd. , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Sharri Nash Title: CEO This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 15, 2014 Expires July 15, 2019. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub July 25, August 1, 8, 15 2014PN

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014165468 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. Multiniveau 2. Vente Multiniveau, 2031 West 95th Street, LA, CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): Devon Anthony Harris, 2031 West 95th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Devon Anthony Harris Title: Devon Harris This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on June 18, 2014 Expires June 18, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub June 20, 27 , July 4, 11, 2014PN

Notice of Petition to Administer Estate of Earlene D. Brown Case No. BP-149133 To All heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Earlene D. Brown A Petition for Probate has been filed by Henry Brown in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The Petition for Probate request that The petition request authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. The Independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 7/28/2014 at 8:30 AM in Dept. 9 Address of court: 111 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Stanley Mosk Courthouse. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objection with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of the first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58 (b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statues and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code Section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: Henry Brown, In Pro Per Address: 10526 Gorman Ave., Los Angeles 90002 Telephone: 323 564-0058 Filed Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles on June 25, 2014 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk by Andre Watts, Deputy. PACE NEWS Pub. July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2014208834 The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. CooPick 2. Craigland, 1747 Genesee Ave, L.A., CA 90019; P.O. Box 91721, L.A. CA 90009 Registered Owner(s): Craig T Cooper, 1747 Genesee Ave, LA, CA 90019. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on April 1, 1990. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Craig T. Cooper Title: Owner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on July 31, 2014 Expires July 31, 2019. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub August 1, 8, 15, 22, 2014PN

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