Architecture Portfolio - Pablo Jaramillo [2015-2020]

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Pablo Isaac Jaramillo Pazmino | Architecture Portfolio [2015-2020]

Pablo Isaac Jaramillo Pazmino London, UK +44(0)7904926080

Academic 06



Re-Imagining the Box


Active Ecosystem


Community Development Centers




Acrylic Explorations


Augmented Isolation

Professional 136

Petroecuador Business Centre


La Victoria


Flat Renovation


UTE new Entrance

Academic 06



Re-Imagining the Box


Active Ecosystem


Community Development Centers




Acrylic Explorations


Augmented Isolation

Location Project Type Level of Project

Academic - 6

London, United Kingdom Academic Project | 2020 Master Thesis Project, 2020 - Research Cluster 9


Pablo Jaramillo, Ziqi Song, Xi He


Igor Pantic, Alvaro Lopez

ReBent The purpose of our cluster research is to explore the role of Augmented Reality in modern architectural design and assembly. Design languages and generation algorithms are created based on the different material potentials demonstrated by material experiments, which also conforms to the materialism in architectural design. Based on the practice of the initial research, the reBENT comprehensive project further explores an interactive relationship between AR technology and the design process. The project chooses highly resilient and cheap PVC pipe as the base research material, and uses the active bending property as the medium for interaction with AR. It proposes a fast and affordable system for creating complex concrete structures, by weaving a series of bent PVC pipes and rebars, which are used as a formwork for spray-on Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC). The project establishes architectural sliders, ranging from prototypes to architectural elements and habitable structures. In addition, an Augmented Reality app for Hololens is developed in order to guide the construction process and customisation. As a communication tool between customers and designers, the AR App can also become a medium for mature human-computer interaction experience, covering resource sharing and discussions in the early stage, project selection and optimization in the middle stage, and assembly guidance in the later stage.

Academic - 7

The Simulation shows the possibility of casting concrete onto the PVC Pipes. The following interaction show the digital result of this experiment

Material Simulated: PVC Tubes - 20mm PVC Resistance: Flexibility:

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After the digitial exploration we tested the possibility of spraying concrete onto the PVC Pipes. We needed to spray them with glue first to add adherence. After the glue aggregation, the concrete could adhere to the PVC Pipes

Material Tested: PVC Pipes - 20mm PVC Round Conduit Heavy Gauge White Resistance: Flexibility:

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Support Design

PVC Pipe Structure

Structure Assembled

Spraying Concrete

Final Result

We connect both Rebars and PVC Pipes to create complex forms of column

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ns, structurally capable to support loads without deforming its composition.

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Component Design

Structure Assembled

Spraying Concrete

Final Result

From the perspective of architectural elements, we examine the possibility of step to form the components. We incor

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f linear and loop geometry to form components. Concrete spraying is the last rporate Rebars as an additional material.

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Bending Active

The form finding process starts with the flexibility test of various types of PVC resistance and malleability. We constructed a sim

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C Pipes. We selected “20mm PVC Round Conduit Heavy Gauge White” due its mple model based on bending active properties.

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Polygon Guide System

We designed an automated generative system based on polygons. We ad

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Bending Active within Polygons

djusted the bending active constrains to follow the polygon aggregation

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Generative System Implementation

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Polyhedron guides

Generate curves

First stage - frame

Add surface guides

Second stage - frame + surface

Third stage - surface

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Structural System

20mm Conduit PVC Pipe - #7

TPU 3D printed Joint TPU 3D printed Joint

20mm Conduit PVC Pipe - #1 3mm Rebar - #18

3mm Rebar - #8

Six Layers of Concrete five Layers (minimum)

GRC Concrete

PVC Pipe-Rebar System Detail_01

GRC Concrete

PVC Pipe-Rebar System Detail_02

We designed a system that connects PVC Pipes with Rebars to be able to create not o spraying it. The system is made up of 3D printed flexible TPU plastic joi

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Structural System Implementation

Concrete joins the structura system

Concrete Spraying Simulation

only a stable structure, but also a system capable of allowing concrete to adhere when ints that allow the metal rods to follow the bended shape of the pipes.

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Augmented Reality implementation

AR Platform Interface - Polygon implementation as guides for PVC Pipe bending

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Holographic Representation of model to be constructed

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Material list and Model Preview

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Save Progress Menu

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Hololens Platform for model construction and assembly

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Use of Fologram App for component fabrication

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Conceptual Visualisation of PVC pipe - Rebar assembly

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Concrete Visualisation

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Pavilion Proposal In continuation of the pavilion construction, we developed more in detail the final proposal by aggregating extra components.


Third Layer - Walls

Chunk A

Sub Structure

Main Structure

Chunk B Ground

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Chunk C

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Glass House We proposed a possible inhabitable space, where the main structure supports slabs and are enclousure by glass. 1st Layer

First Chunk

Second Chunk and Lifted Updown

2nd Layer

Third Chunk 3rd Layer

Chunks and Slabs Assembly

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Assemble with Ground Plane

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Final proposal - House We decided to cut the slabs to obtain a continuous building. The elements that guide the composition are the forms obtained through the active bending of the proposed structural system. We divided bu chucks of fabrication to later connect them into one composition.

Chunk E

Chunk F

Chunk E

Chunk D

Chunk C

Chunk C

Chunk D

Chunk B

Chunk A

Chunk A

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Chunk F

Chunk B

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Location Project Type Level of Project Tutor

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London, United Kingdom Academic Project | 2019 Pre-MArch Design Project Dr. Paolo Zide

Re-Imagining the Box - A Caribbean Carnival This project was designed within the Bartlett-UCL Architecture PreMaster Program. The project criticizes the gentrification obtained from the implementation of Olympic venues in Hackney Wick. The urban analysis showed that the most vulnerable populations within this area are of Caribbean migratory origin. Through surveys and conversations with members of this community, the different factors that are causing this sector to mobilize outside of this neighborhood are the lack of spaces for productive and cultural development. Within the analysis of the Olympic venues, the coper box is one of the buildings with the greatest use. The democratization of the space is necessary where this proposal analyzes the possibility of opening the box for community use. Within the cultural analysis of this population, the sense of inclusion is its main factor, therefore, spaces are implemented to enhance the gathering of the neighborhood’s inhabitants. Three axes of potentialization based on the Caribbean culture are taken: carnival as a scene of activities, food as a method of production and exchange as a method of communion.

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Exchange of Activities

Carnival - Scenarario

Food - Communal Kitchens

Echange of Activities - Public Space + inner Market

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Box Deconstruction and Re-Assembly The spaces and the interior structure of the Copper Box are re-used to consolidate the proposed areas. Additionally, wooden elements are incorporated to create habitable slabs for different activities. These slabs are attached as floating elements connected to the existing structure

Displaced elements

Original Space Support Walls as DIvisions Connection with spaces

Structure as Configurator

Walls transform into slabs

Structure Hierarchisation

Walls transform into slabs Walls transform into slabs

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Spaces asending ordeer

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Location Project Type Level of Project Tutor

Academic - 56

Quito, Ecuador Academic Project Design Studio VIII - 2015 Arch. Kenny Espinoza -

ACTIVE ECOSYSTEM - Multifamiliar Social Housing + Urban Farm The project starts with an analysis of Solanda made in groups of two. Solanda is the first social housing large-scale urban plan in Quito, Ecuador (1980). 6211 units were built for 18000 residents, 38 years later, more than 80000 inhabitants lived within. The families broadaned thier homes, creating an overcrowding living situation being in constant hazard of structural failures. The original project consisted on four big-blocks; each with four small-blocks and equipped with recreational zones and parking sectors. One interesting fact was the implementation of pedestrian passages within, their purpose was to communicate each small block turning the whole neightborhood into a pedestrian area. Years later, due to the expansion of the houses, the passages were reduced from 6 to 2 meters wide. Therefore, the lack of natural light and ventilation, turned the passages not suitable for inhabitability and also a perfect place for robbery. The project was designed based on four lines of thinking: - Society: Inclusion of several types of families through a design that dehierarchize internal spaces for better adaptability. - Rehabilitation: The new design incorporates elements of the initial plan and current adjustments. - Technology: Constructive design with prefabricated components, grouping of wet areas and mobile internal elements. - Resources: The roof was organically designed to create a controlled micro climate within the project.

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This sector of the city of Qu time of densifying housin was decided to create im possible futu


Housing by lot


Blocks into Segments

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Blocks create spaces in be


uito requires control at the ng buildings. This is why it mmutable blocks to avoid ure crowding


Transformation Housing by block

Connection and Permeability Inhabitable Bridge + Public Space

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Rehabilitation The typologies were designed to break with the current overcrowding, proposing housing typologies for up to four occupants in the same built lots. Adapting new spaces to existing ones.

Third Floor Mixed-Plan

Green House Terrace and Residential

Second Floor

Residencial - Flats

First Floor

Residencial - Flats

Ground Mixed-Plan

Comercial and Resindential

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Accessible electrical and sanitary installations Wet Areas

T1 Type

TC1 Type - Mixed Typology 4 People 75 m2

3 People 60 m2

T2 Type

T3 -2 Type 4 People 75 m2

1-2 People 35 m2

T4 Type 3 People 40 m2

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Technology The prefabricated elements fit the previous structure of the houses. All elements were designed to connect each other.

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Resources The roof was designed based on environmental factors. First, the lightnign was taken into account in order to create a favorable microclimate for the vegetation of the urban farm. Second, analyzing the ventilation factors for the covered areas and nearby facades.

Thermal Analysis

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Wind Analysis

28 ° C 25 ° C 22 ° C 20 ° C 18 ° C

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Location Project Type Level of Project Tutor Awards

Academic - 72

Quito, Ecuador Academic Project - Undergraduate Thesis Project Design Studio II - 2012 Msc. Arch. Hernán Orbea - “Informalidad, Innovacion del Habitat - Informality, Innovation of the Habitat” - PUCE - Quito, Ecuador

Community Development Centers

The project develops three architectural projects in the areas of Health, Education and Comercial venues inside an informal sector within the Capital of Ecuador, Quito. The Health building works with the supplementation of the existing medical health. This new medical center implements not only new facilities; but, new health programs such as physical therapy; treatment of mental and motor diseases; and, family planning. The commercial venues integrate all the products found in the 3 neighborhoods such as carpentry; Handicrafts; textile production and handmade sculptures. At the end, the Educational center complements both centers to close the retributive cycle that the sector needs (technical center in areas of health, production and commerce for people with a school degree or not). The projects were planned in collaboration with the communities within the neighborhoods, the main idea was to integrate their ideas with the ones I was able to provide. This helped in the design and in the decision making process. A Bottom - up process was required to present the final decisions bellow: - The materials needed, have to be from the zone. That means the use of concrete blocks and wood. - Mimick the facades to integrate the projects with the type of constructions around the neighborhood. - Due to Topography, simplify the amount of effort made by a person to go through one block to another. - Create a cycle program that helps the community to maintain the urban planning and the projects as well. - Sustainable Design to avoid unnecessary costs and provide a different way to see construction in informal sectors.

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Health Centre

Block 01 Block 02 Block 03

Volume Blocks

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Public Space

Tri Partition

Elevation due to topography T3 - Terrazed Volume

Inhabitable Terraces

Filters to Separate Spaces

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I-Bean 240 Metal C-Profile black OSB Panel 9.5mm Vertical casement Window

OSB Panels 9.5mm

Polystyrene Sheet

OSB Panel 9.5mm

Finish Material Stucco Morter 1:2 Polystyrene Sheet

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Revoked Concrete Brick


Gabion Wall Ventilation Grid

Revoked Concrete Brick


Electrowelded Mesh

Morter 1:2



Finish Material

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P1 S/E

21 MARCH 6:00 am

21 DECEMBER 6:00 am

P1 S/E

21 MARCH 8:00 am

21 DECEMBER 8:00 am

P1 S/E

21 MARCH 10:00 am

21 DECEMBER 10:00 am

  


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Education Centre

Block 01

Vertical Circulation Volume Partition

Block 02 Block 03

Volume Blocks

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Volume Composition

Break Corner for Circulation

Break Volume

Isolated Element

Tri Partition

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21 MARCH 6:00 am

21 DECEMBER 6:00 am

21 MARCH 8:00 am

21 DECEMBER 8:00 am

21 MARCH 10:00 am

21 DECEMBER 10:00 am

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50 k m/ mh 0.0%

0.1 1% 0..0%

420%k m/ h 40 0.2% 0 1.0 0%

0.1 1% 0.0 0%

0.0 0%


3.6 6%

0.1% 0.2% 0.7%

0.9% % % 0.0% 21% 0%k m m// h 2% .1 2.2 2 2% 0.2 2% 2% 2% 8% 7% 3%3.1% % 0.8 5% 2.2% 2 % 0 2% 0.2 10 k4m km 801% 55% 5% .4 %/ h 0.1% % 0.6% % 0.7% 1. 3% 1.7% % % 1.0% 0.0 0% 0.0 0% 3% 5% 2.5 5%3.6%1.4 4%0.3 3% 1.8% % 0.1% 2% % 1.7% 1 .7% 2.2 1.1% % %81% .5% 0.4% % 0 % 2.2% % 0.2% % %3 8% 2.5 5% 1.6% 0.1 1% % %2 0.1% % 0.0% % 0.1 1% 0.7% % 7% 1..7% % 3 1% 0.0% % 0.4% % .8 8% 0.7% % 1.5 5% 0.1% % 0.6% % 0.4% % 0.0% % 0.9 9% 0.2 2% 0.1% % 0.2 2% 0.0 0% 0.0% % 0.0 0% 0.0 0% 0.0% %

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370%k m/ h 30 2.7% 2


hrs r 640+ 575 512 447 384 320 256 192 128 <64

VELOCIDAD (m/s) 40.040 34.675 28.312 20.020 0

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Commercial Venues

Sales Plaza 01 Block 01

Block 02

Sales Plaza 02 Space for events

Public Space in Terraces

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Activities among composition

Geometry creates filters of privacy

Terraces are use for public space

Final phase - Regulatory Axis

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Multipurpose Plaza

Commercial Plaza




Commercial Transitional Space

Top Entrance



Commercial Premises





Resting Area


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London, United Kingdom

Project Type Group Tutor

Academic - 100

Academic Project | 2019

Pablo Jaramillo, Anongnad Srisurayotin, Prapatson Lertluechachai Jakub Klaska, Martin Gsandtner

UNI Through form finding processes using components modeled in Maya, we developed the design of urban furniture and finally pavilions based on the abstraction of the sea urchin. Animal that protects its soft interior with thorns in its shell.

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Array of components

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Component aggregation process

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Component From fFinding Process

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Urban furniture

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First Pavilion - Pointed shape

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Second Pavilion - Star like composition

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Final Pavilion, presents the main concept of the project

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The pavilion could be constructed with 3D printing mixture of TPU and PLA plastics, creating an accurate texture

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Location Project Type Group Tutor

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London, United Kingdom Academic Project | 2019 Pablo Jaramillo, Jiaxiang Luo Igor Pantic, Alvaro Lopez

Acrylic Explorations This work presents various explorations with acrylic and PVC to form compositions that can mutate into architectural elements. The different compositions vary in shape, adapting to the limitations of the material. Finally, we chose acrylic rods to simulate the growth of anemone, obtaining different elements.

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Weaved PVC 1mm

PVC Strip 1mm

Twist on edge

Add bend to twist

Union of bend and twist

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Bend edges

Connections at edges

Bend - twist component

Component union

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Empty Space

Point Population

Connecting Points

Geometry Addition

Connections Purged

Inter-Connections with Circle Geometry

Use of acrylic sticks

Acrylic sticks are extremely flexible

Form of sticks

Create holes around geometry

Connection with geometry

Geometry has different scales

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Base and sub-base

Sub-base removed

Addition of circles

Addition of sticks

Final circles on top

Final Result

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FINAL RESULT Final Process

Small circles support more pressure

Nesting appeareance Larger circles bend due to stick pressure

Bended Sticks

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Flexible Geometry

Flexible joins

Circle holes as connectors

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Single Interconnections Complexity Points on Base Connections

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Single Interconnections

Single Interconnections + Sub Structure

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Rods already bended

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S connectors as first support

Connection among bended sections

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Location Project Type B-Pro Workshop Tutors WebSite Studetn Results Video

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London, United Kingdom Introductory Workshop - Bartlett UCL | 2020 Bpro Workshop 11 Pablo Jaramillo Pazmino, Mario Serrano Puche

Augmeted Isolation This workshop explores digital tools as the means to make the most out of quarantine. The goal is to generate and visualize interventions within interior living spaces. Augmented-reality and 3D scanning technologies have become essential in the empowering of individuals to document, understand, and transform the spaces they inhabit. In the past years, these tools have become increasingly more accessible. A recent augmented-reality exhibition created by Sebastian Errazuriz, allows collectors to visualize artwork in their homes. Technologies such as Fologram allow for this kind of interaction to be accessible to anyone with a smartphone. On the other hand, architects have been using AR to explore how construction can be accessible to everyone. Throughout various of her projects, Soomeen Hahm proposes the aggregation of smaller conventional elements to create intricate geometric structures. Students will use 3D scanning and AR technologies to document their living spaces and then develop interventions within them through the aggregation of smaller components. They will develop a feedback loop between Grasshopper and Fologram in order to do so. A grasshopper script for the aggregation of components designed by students will respond to geometries that are drawn on the room through Fologram. The students can then visualize how the components are aggregated in the room, and change aggregation parameters in real-time. The resulting aggregations will then be cataloged and evaluated through structural simulations in Unity3D. Ultimately the exercise will test the design of smaller components by evaluating their capacity to be assembled into structures and respond to different interior conditions.

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the aggregation works through voxels and meshes within them. Through a point cloud, the voxels that are within a form created by the student, are selected and the aggregation is activated in real time

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The aggregation can be modified in real time by reshapping the initial shape. After this, the point cloud is updated and the script starts the new aggregation without loosing the previous composition.

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The use of Augmented Reality and 3D Scannin of the room selected, allow the student to create a virtual environment inside their living spaces. This as a method to overcome isolation in an architectural way.

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Selected Student Results

Combinatorial Assemblage_Ghanem Younes

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Selected Student Results

Pipe Maze - Jiaqi Wang

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Selected Student Results

Ostal_Panagiotis Kalaitzidis

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Selected Student Results

Quarantine Life Intronspection - ZhengXian Zhang

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Academic - 134

Professional 136

Petroecuador Business Centre


La Victoria


Flat Renovation


UTE new Entrance

Location + Date Project Type Design by Client Budget

Professional - 136

Quito, Ecuador | 2016 Professional Internship Pablo Jaramillo, Matias Hernandez Petroecuador 5,450,850.00 USD


Atiko Studio


Arch. Cristian Castro -

Petroecuador new business centre + Gas Station renovation Petroecuador is a state-owned company dedicated of the sale of gasoline at national level. In search of the expansion of its services, Petroecuador seeks Atiko Studio for the design of its facilities. The design of the renovation of its gas station and the implementation of a new business center. To comply with the urban code of zona restructuring, the design of public space is also needed. Located in a troubled area due to vehicular high density traffic, the proposal seeks to solve the current circulation issues that the station presents. My collaboration with the compoany focused on the design of the one of the bussiness towes and the public space and 3D Visualisations.

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Spatial configuration of the designed tower




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Designed Spaces

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B 15











14 13 12











Local Comercial 1











































Local Comercial 2










B 16





14 13 12












Agencia Bancaria 2

Agencia Bancaria 1 22






Administración Recepción





Professional - 144















Professional - 145

Location + Date Project Type

Private Sector - Professional Project


Pablo Jaramillo, Alejandra Arellano

Client Budget

Professional - 146

Quito, Ecuador | 2017

Inrael Technological Institute

110,347.40 USD

“La Victoria - Food Stands and Public Space” The Israel Technological Institute contacted my colleague and me to carry out the architectural preliminary project for the rehabilitation of a heritage building of this institution. Within the building regulations on heritage land, the city of Quito does not allow changes that might mutate the facade of the building. Therefore, we designed permeable food stands to allow the visualisation of the building. All spaces face the main streets to promote a proper economic activity. According to the regulations a landscape design is also necessary without removing the inventoried vegetation of the property. Thus, the entire project is consolidated as a protective glass envelope.

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Heritage Colonial House - Circa 200 years old

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Proposal of food stands + landscape

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The OSB panels were used for the installation of services, they do not cover any visual.

Common Facade of Food Stands

Front and Back View of Stands

Kitchen + Table space

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Location + Date Project Type Desing Client Budget Company

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Jama, Ecuador | 2020 Housing - Professional Project Pablo Jaramillo, Daniele Rocchio Francisco Borja

350.000 USD MPAtelier Ec - Rocchio Arquitteto

Casa Jama A residential beach house for renowned lawyer Dr. Francisco Borja and his family. The residential project is located in a high seismic area, where its concrete structural walls as structural frame were designed to resist high instendity momentums. The house presents a triangular roof shape to deviate high intensity winds, and redirect them to the lateral sections of the house.

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Location + Date Project Type Construction Client Budget

Professional - 162

Quito, Ecuador | 2018 Private Sector - Professional Project Pablo Jaramillo, Alejandra Arellano, Juan Pazmino Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial (Equator Technological University)

108.698.32 USD


DISAAC - Arch. Pablo Jaramillo Figueroa


Dr. Daniele Roccio - Dean architecture faculty

Universidad Tecnologica Equinoccial (UTE) new entrance The project is based on the adaptation of the new entrance to the Equinoctional Technological University. The design is based on creating a scenic route for students where the transition from the main avenue is more subtle. For this, certain spaces were limited through reinforced concrete walls. These present two different pigmentations. The white pigmentation was used to mark transitory paths and the black to mark boundaries. The layout of the walls is related to the needs of the university to create security filters and wide visuals from the security post. In addition, a rusty metal tol was placed to alleviate the feeling of confinement of the walls.

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Security Post View

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Main Entrance

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Metal Tol as boundary + Path Frame

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Main security post

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Academic - 174

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