DigitAG by Andrea Graziano

Page 88

11. http://designreform.net/2008/05/15/rhino-implicit-history-and-flow-along-surface/ 12. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/05/parametric-rhinoimplicit-history.html 13. http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/2008/05/parametric-rhinoimplicit-history-01.html

Rhino News Blog (2008-05-30 10:03)

[1] Per chi ancora non lo sapesse da alcune settimane è attivo il [2]blog ufficiale di Rhino con tutte le news inerenti, disponibile anche in [3]Italiano. 1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/SD-1qSOxMiI/AAAAAAAAAXg/4HTNaTTyH2s/s1600-h/Rhino+news+blog.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/ 3. http://blog.it.rhino3d.com/

Workshop a Barcellona e Parigi (2008-05-30 10:08)

[1] Segnalo questi due interessanti workshop estivi: [2]RhinoScript workshop for professionals in Paris [3]LaN|ON-SITE: BARCELONA WORK/SHOP 1.


LaN-On-SITE-BCN-WORKSHOPsm.jpg 2. http://blog.rhino3d.com/2008/05/rhinoscript-workshop-in-paris.html 3. http://www.livearchitecture.net/blog/index.php?m=05&y=08&entry=entry080529-233924



NEWS 009 (2008-06-03 16:03)

[1] [2]livearchitecture - sinScape...or...The slippery slope of glutinous form... [3]g.d.e.s - Cellular automaton [4]Designreform - 3ds Max Tutorial - Modeling a Hexagon Screen [5]@cepp - Paul Mandler together with Christoph Eppacher [6]joshua howell - Hernesaari Urban Plan: Tower core and surface articulation 88

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