DigitAG by Andrea Graziano

Page 124

The Geometry of Bending (2008-12-01 16:37)

[1] ”When you bend a thin strip of plywood you get an elastic and beautiful curve. What geometry does this curve follow? Is the curve different for different materials? Can the curve be calculated if you know the length of the material and the anchor points? Is it possible to calculate more complex situations with several forces in different directions? Can you make similar calculations in 3d? Can this geometry be useful in design/production?” Interessante [2]blog dell’architetto Mårten Nettelbladt di cui segnalo anche il [3]sito. 1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/STQFVhx6AfI/AAAAAAAAAiA/5P7MAavYNLk/s1600-h/thegeometryofbending. jpg 2. http://thegeometryofbending.blogspot.com/ 3. http://www.omkrets.se/

Britt Bell Design (2008-12-10 14:25)

[1] Leggo via [2]Dezeen del [3]blog di questa studentessa della [4]Victoria University School of Design i cui progetti mi hanno decisamente impressionato. 1. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8b3DosMhRWc/ST_Dz-eo8AI/AAAAAAAAAiI/eIHks2ERH3k/s1600-h/brittany_bell.jpg 2. http://www.dezeen.com/2008/12/10/seed-archive-by-brittany-bell/#more-21701 3. http://brittbell.blogspot.com/ 4. http://www.vuw.ac.nz/design/index.php


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