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No. 737 • January 25, 2024 www.outwordmagazine.com

“SIX” Ready to Slay in Sacramento page 14

Voter Registration Info page 6 Thrilling Theater for Black History Month page 12 Grrrl Power Takes Over page 14

Out & About with Matthew Burlingame page 18

Activating Taste Buds page 20

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A Call to Action:

Join NGAC’s Mission in Natomas


his could be your opportunity to shape the future of the Natomas community. As we reflect on the remarkable achievements of 2023, the Natomas Gardens and Arts Council (NGAC) extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to our success. Yet, as we celebrate these milestones, we face a pivotal moment in our journey. We have seen transformative leadership, with Amie T steering NGAC as the Board President for six compelling years. Heather Fargo’s dedication has also been instrumental. Their departure marks both an end and a new beginning, signaling a pressing need for fresh leadership and community engagement. Today, NGAC stands at a crossroads. We are short-staffed in leadership, casting uncertainty on our ability to sustain our past levels of operation. We urgently call upon friends and community members who possess leadership qualities, ready to champion NGAC into its next phase. Your involvement is critical for NGAC to continue enriching the Natomas community as it has for the past six years. We invite you to attend our upcoming meetings to help decide NGAC’s future. If you are interested in joining the board, volunteering, or taking on limited responsibility tasks, please reach out immediately. Share this request with your network; it’s a chance for inspired leaders to gain invaluable experience while serving the community.

A year old and flourishing, this habitat is a testament to community effort. Regular maintenance days, educational signage, and diverse flora and fauna make it a neighborhood gem. We thank our volunteers, Nancy, and Angela, for their dedication. Come enjoy or volunteer at this beautiful space! In conclusion, NGAC is at a defining moment. Your participation, leadership, and support can ensure that we not only maintain our current projects but also embark on new, exciting ventures. We encourage you to join us in this journey, lending your unique skills and passion. Together, we can continue making Natomas a vibrant, thriving community. Contact us to become part of this rewarding experience. NatomasGAC.org

Equality California and Silver State Equality Officially Endorse Biden/Harris for 2024


quality California and Silver State Equality, two prominent LGBTQ+ civil rights organizations, have officially endorsed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for re-election in the 2024 Presidential Election. Both organizations recognize the Biden-Harris administration as one of the most pro-equality in U.S. history. Executive directors from both groups praised the administration for its efforts in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. They highlighted the administration’s proactive agenda, which includes defending LGBTQ+ rights, particularly in response to far-right attacks and the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision on abortion.


The Biden-Harris administration’s accomplishments in favor of LGBTQ+ equality are numerous. They have enforced key provisions of the Bostock Supreme Court decision, ended the transgender military service ban, and worked to ensure LGBTQ+ students’ rights under Title IX. The administration has also appointed LGBTQ+ officials to high-ranking positions, supported critical legislation such as the Respect for Marriage Act, and nominated a significant number of pro-equality federal judges. Their actions in defending transgender youth rights and nominating the first out lesbian US Ambassador are particularly notable. This strong track record in advancing LGBTQ+ rights has led to the endorsement from Equality California and Silver State Equality, reaffirming their commitment to promoting equality in the White House. For more information on their endorsements, visit: eqca.org/elections and silverstateequality.org/elections Outword Magazine

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737


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New Poll: Steve Garvey Continues Momentum


n a new Emerson College Polling/Inside California Politics poll, baseball legend and US Senate candidate Steve Garvey increased his second place position ahead of California’s March 5th primary election contenders, and so we have gathered some information about those top contenders. As the election draws nearer, it is more important than ever to educate yourself about the candidates we will ultimately be voting for. This should get you started.

Outword Staff PUBLISHER Fred Palmer EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER Julie Ebe ART DIRECTOR/PRODUCTION Ron Tackitt GRAPHIC DESIGN Julie Ebe Ron Tackitt EDITOR editor@outwordmagazine.com

Adam Schiff

Representative Adam Schiff is a prominent figure in California politics, known for his role in the first impeachment of President Donald Trump and the investigation of the January 6 attack on the Capitol. His campaign for the Senate is focused on major reforms, including abolishing the Electoral College, expanding the Supreme Court, and eliminating the filibuster. Schiff’s legislative record includes the introduction of the “Protecting Our Democracy Act,” aimed at bolstering Congressional authority, limiting presidential pardon power, and enhancing whistleblower protections.

Steve Garvey

The List

Steve Garvey, a former Los Angeles Dodgers star and Republican candidate, has positioned

himself as a moderate, distancing from Trumpism. targeting voters in the San Francisco Bay Area, He is involved in a tight race for the second spot in particularly focusing on women and the LGBTQ the general election. Despite a relatively minimal community campaign presence, Garvey’s candidacy has seen a Barbara Lee notable rise in recent polls, challenging the top Representative Barbara Lee is recognized Democratic candidates in the race.

Katie Porter

Representative Katie Porter is known for her incisive questioning of bank and pharmaceutical executives, using her nowfamous handheld whiteboard. Her Senate campaign emphasizes bringing change and transparency to the Senate, with proposals like banning earmarks and prohibiting stock trading by members of Congress and their families. Porter’s campaign strategy has involved

Year of the Dragon The Enemy at Home John Krempel Mikuni Pavilions Ozempic Good Grief Jennifer Coolidge Candlelight: The Best of Joe Hisaishi Queer Youth of Color Succession AI-Generated Content Olivier Coulon Stanley Tumblers CATstravaganza

for her progressive and anti-war stance, notably her support for an immediate cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. In the Senate race, Lee has been actively engaging in ground campaigning, focusing on reaching out to working-class people, people of color, and young voters. Despite having less funding than her competitors, Lee’s campaign is leveraging her strong appeal among progressive voters

John Krempel art

ARTS EDITOR Chris Narloch SALES Fred Palmer CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Chris Allan Matthew Burlingame Diana Kienle Chris Narloch Lauren Pulido Ron Tackitt PHOTOGRAPHY Chris Allan Ron Tackitt ON THE COVER Adriana Scalice as Catherine Parr in The North American Tour Boleyn Company of SIX. Photo by McLeod9 Creative

ADVERTISING SALES Sacramento and Northern California (916) 329-9280 Fred Palmer

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January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737

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Voter Registration Info. California


e gathered some information about who, how and when to ensure that you are eligible, registered and informed for the upcoming elections and beyond. Hopefully this will be helpful for those that are not registered, or not sure of their current status, or are inclined to not vote. Right now your participation is more important than ever! Eligibility Requirements:

1. For Adult Residents: - Must be a U.S. citizen and live in California. - At least 18 years old by the next election. - Not serving a prison term or on parole for a felony. - Not declared mentally incompetent to vote by a court. 2. For Young Residents: - 16 and 17-year-olds can pre-register. - Automatically become registered voters at 18.

How to Register:

1. Online Registration: - Visit California Online Voter Registration (http://registertovote.ca.gov/) to fill out the form. 2. Paper Registration: - Get a form at county elections offices, libraries, DMV, or post offices. - Ensure it’s completely filled and submitted 15 days before the election. - Call (800) 345-VOTE(8683) or email the Elections Division for a mailed application.

Identification for Registration:

- Provide California driver license, ID card number, or Social Security number. - If unavailable, you’ll receive a unique voter identification number.

Special Circumstances:

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1. New U.S. Citizens: - Register and vote even if citizenship is obtained less than 15 days before an election. 2. Conditional Registration: - Register after the typical deadline at county elections offices. 3. Students and Overseas Residents: - Special guidelines for Californian students and citizens living abroad. 4. Military and Overseas Voters: - Specific procedures for military members and citizens residing overseas. 5. Voters with Prior Felony Convictions: - Voting rights restored under certain conditions. 6. Voters Under Conservatorship: - Voting eligibility determined by court orders.

Additional Resources:

- Military and Overseas Voters Information (https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voterregistration/military-overseas-voters) - Voting Rights for Those with Felony Convictions (https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ voting-rights-restored) - Voting and Conservatorship (https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-info/conservatorship) - New Citizen’s Guide to Voting (https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/outreach/pdf/new-citizenguide-voting.pdf) - College Students and Overseas Voters (https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/ voting-california/students) - Same Day Voter Registration Information (https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voterregistration/same-day-reg)

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January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737


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United Against Hate: California’s Proactive Approach to Combating Hate Crimes


by staff writer

n recent years, California has witnessed a troubling rise in hate crimes, echoing a national trend of increasing intolerance and bigotry. However, the state, known for its diversity and progressive values, is not standing idle. A comprehensive approach encompassing legislative action, community programs, and educational initiatives is being rolled out across California to combat this surge in hate-related incidents. The California Department of Justice’s latest hate crime report highlights a disturbing increase in offenses motivated by race, religion, and sexual orientation. This uptick has prompted state and local authorities to prioritize the fight against hate. One of the key strategies is the implementation of stricter hate crime laws. California has set a precedent by expanding the definition of hate crimes and increasing penalties for perpetrators, sending a clear message that such acts will not be tolerated. Beyond legislative action, community

This educational push extends beyond the classroom, with public seminars and workshops aiming to educate the broader community about the importance of diversity and inclusion. The state is also leveraging technology in its fight against hate. The California Hate Crime Watch, a mobile app developed in partnership with local tech firms, allows citizens to report hate crimes and incidents directly to law enforcement. This tool not only facilitates quicker responses to such crimes but also aids in the collection of data, helping authorities understand and tackle the issue more effectively. Law enforcement agencies across the state have intensified their efforts as well. Specialized hate crime units and improved training for officers in identifying and responding to hate crimes are part of a broader strategy to ensure a swift and effective law enforcement response. California’s approach to combating hate crimes is multifaceted and dynamic, reflecting the state’s commitment to its core values of diversity and inclusion. From legislative reforms to communitydriven programs and educational initiatives, the state is setting an example for the rest of the nation. The fight against hate is a continuous one, and California’s engagement is at the heart of California’s proactive stance serves as a beacon of hope. anti-hate campaign. The state has seen a It’s a reminder that through unity, education, blossoming of grassroots movements and and decisive action, communities can nonprofit organizations dedicated to overcome the scourge of bigotry and fostering understanding and tolerance intolerance. As California leads the way, it’s a among diverse communities. Groups like the California Civil Rights Law Group are at call to action for other states to follow suit, ensuring that hate finds no safe harbor in the forefront, providing legal support to victims and educating the public about hate any corner of the nation. In conclusion, California’s comprehensive crime laws. anti-hate strategy underscores the state’s In addition, many Californian cities have unwavering commitment to safeguarding the launched their own initiatives. For example, rights and dignity of all its residents. By Berkeley’s “Berkeley Stands United Against standing united against hate, California not Hate” campaign has become a model for only protects its citizens but also strengthens other cities. This program includes public the fabric of its diverse society, making it a awareness campaigns, community model for others to emulate in the pursuit of workshops, and school programs designed a more tolerant and harmonious world. to educate and unite citizens against hate. This resource is supported in whole or in part Such local efforts are crucial in creating safe by funding provided by the State of California, and inclusive communities. administered by the California State Library in Education plays a pivotal role in this partnership with the California Department of statewide effort. Schools and universities Social Services and the California across California are introducing curricula Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander that focus on the history and impact of hate American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate crimes, aiming to cultivate empathy and program. To report a hate incident or hate crime understanding among young Californians. and get support, go to CA vs Hate.


January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737

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“Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World” by Scott Shigeoka


reviewed by Terri Schlichenmeyer

uriosity killed the cat. That’s what Grandma said when you were a nosy little kid but hey, you needed to learn about your world. Asking questions, that’s what kids do – and so do savvy grown-ups. Curiosity may have plagued Grandma’s cat, but as you’ll see in “Seek” by Scott Shigeoka, a lack of it could do you harm.

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Author Scott Shigeoka. Photo by Matt Stomper.

His friends worried about him. When Scott Shigeoka quit his job to travel around America for a year, they figured he’d be the target of all kinds of bad things. As a queer Asian American man, Shigeoka wasn’t searching for himself, and he surely wasn’t looking for trouble. No, he was looking for strangers, to see what we have in common with one another. “I wanted to feel less scared and angry all the time,” he says, Shigeoka’s interpretation of studies is that our general lack of curiosity about one another “is literally killing us.” With that in mind, he left his home and his job and headed out to small towns in the south, a reservation in Minnesota, a Trump rally, and a retreat center with nuns and millennials. He squashed his inner negativity, bravely swallowed his reluctance, approached people, and cultivated his curiosity by speaking with religious leaders, zealots, and everyday folks. In doing so, he learned to D.I.V.E. into his outward curiosity. Detach, he says, and let go of “the ABCs”: assumptions, biases, and certainty. Even if you think you’re against racism, homophobia, or any other intolerance, you “still have unconscious biases that need to be... interrupted and challenged.” Learn to act with Intent. Know what questions to ask so that you can best learn about others and their thoughts. Show someone their Value

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737

by remembering that their political leaning, for instance, “is only one piece of a person’s life and personality.” And finally, learn to Embrace what’s in front of you. This will “open the doors” to “more fulfillment and happiness to your life.” Does it sometimes seem as though today’s world is filled with awkward moments? Like you want to communicate with people you meet, but the rules have changed? Or maybe you have and if that’s the case, then author Scott Shigeoka has a fix. In “Seek,” he shows how one tiny action can open great big doors. It seems kind of fun, actually: you meet someone new, show a gentle bit of interest and pay attention, ask a few open-ended questions, and voila! New friend or client. New, healthy lines of communication. New or enhanced working relationship. Big yay. And yet – while this book is very useful, easy to grasp, and enthusiastic, Shigeoka has very little cautionary words to offer readers who may be too eager. Some of the ideas here, in the wrong hands, may be perceived as obnoxious or threatening. Understanding when to back off might have been good advice here, too. Keep that in mind, know your target, open your heart, and have fun. If your curiosity needs fluffing up, “Seek” may be the purrfect book for you. outwordmagazine.com

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Photo from 2023 Business and Community Excellence Event

he Sacramento Rainbow Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce their upcoming Business and Community Excellence Awards, on March 22, 2024. This event is dedicated to honoring outstanding businesses, community and corporate leaders who have significantly contributed to advancing LGBTQ+ leadership and inclusion in the workplace and within our community. For more information on how to nominate someone, or purchase tickets and sponsorship opportunities visit: https://rainbowchamber.com/events/business-excellence-awards/

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A Cornucopia of Cast Recordings by Chris Narloch


lying to NYC to see theater can get pricey, but if you don’t have time for all that, cast recordings are a great way to get a taste of Broadway without the expense.

Last summer I saw half a dozen Broadway blockbusters in the Big Apple, and I have previously reviewed the superb cast recordings for “Parade” with Ben Platt, Lea Michele in “Funny Girl,” and “Sweeney Todd” starring Josh Groban and Annaleigh Ashford. Post-pandemic, Broadway is back big-time, and these wonderful cast recordings from 2023 are all the proof you need. Check them out if you haven’t already.

Some Like It Hot

One of my favorite classic movie comedies from the Golden Age of Hollywood is now a hit Broadway musical, and this is the time capsule version of its catchy, clever score, which was brought to life by the terrifically talented original cast of Christian Borle, Adrianna Hicks, and Tony winner, J. Harrison Ghee.

Kimberly Akimbo

The most poignant musical by far that I saw last year was this sweet story about a teenager who suffers from a rare condition that causes her body to age prematurely, so that she looks like an older woman while in her teens. The current Tony Award-winner for Best Musical, “Kimberly Akimbo” revolves around the title character’s relationships with her supportive young friends and her very dysfunctional family, a journey that the brilliant Victoria Clark, who stars as Kimberly, brings to thrilling life.


Probably the funniest Broadway musical I saw last year, this sleeper hit has now closed in NYC so that it can tour the country, and it also will be made into a movie, which I can’t wait to see. Filled with corny humor (literally and figuratively), the show takes place in small town USA, where a drought has imperiled the local industry – growing and selling corn. If you haven’t seen the great Alex Newell sing the show’s classic anthem, “Independently Owned,” you need to YouTube it, and get this wonderful disc, if you don’t have it already.

Merrily We Roll Along

10 Outword Magazine

This is the only production in this article that I have not seen, although I have enjoyed local versions of the musical in the past. “Merrily We Roll Along” is not my favorite Stephen Sondheim work, but its score does contain several fine songs, especially “Old Friends” and “Not a Day Goes By.” This new Broadway cast recording features a starry cast that includes Daniel Radcliffe and Jonathan Groff, and those famous names have turned the show into a red-hot, sold-out blockbuster.

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737

& Juliet

This very clever jukebox musical employs as its score the amazing music catalog of Max Martin, who has written and produced an unbelievable string of pop hits for everyone from Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson to Bon Jovi and Katy Perry. Those familiar songs provide the backbone to a rewrite of Shakespeare’s “Romeo & Juliet” where-in Juliet survives and is empowered to find out who she is, independent of Romeo. The feminist, funny, and queerpositive show has a superb cast, led by the fabulous Lorna Courtney as the title character, and the Broadway cast recording is a must-have.




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Thrilling Theater for Black History Month


by Chris Narloch

don’t know if it was intentional or just a happy coincidence, but three thrilling productions are being performed in Northern California this February that could not be more perfectly timed for Black History Month. Read on for details.

For Colored Girls…

A groundbreaking work in modern American theater, Ntozake Shange’s “for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf” is a choreopoem following seven women through a world of racism, oppression, and sexism. Filled with passion, humor, and raw honesty, they tell their stories and those of other women they know through a fusion of poetry, music, and dance. Don’t bother with the awful Tyler Perry film version, this work demands to be seen on the stage. The Celebration Arts production is directed by Voress Franklin and performs at the Guild Theater in Oak Park, in partnership with St. Hope, through Feb. 25. For more information, go to www.celebrationarts.net

The Wiz

The Tony Award-winning Best Musical that took the world by storm in 1975 is headed back to Broadway this spring, following a pre-Broadway national tour that has brought the show to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Theatre through this February 11. Wizard of Oz fan-atics like me are over the moon (and over the continued on page 20 rainbow) to have a major new production of this 12 Outword Magazine

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737






















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Grrrl Power Takes Over “True Detective” by Chris Narloch


ur girl Jodie Foster, who recently played the lesbian trainer Bonnie Stoll in “Nyad” on Netflix, is back in another strong role, opposite real-life boxer (and actress) Kali Reis, in Season 4 of “True Detective.”

After three seasons of mostly testosterone-driven mysteries, the fourth season of “True Detective” pivots to a woman-centric storyline helmed by a female showrunner (Issa Lopez). It’s about time, especially since the second and third seasons of the popular series were awful and uneven, respectively. I have high hopes for “True Detective: Night Country,” although I have only seen the first episode, which introduced multiple subplots and many characters. So far, I am more intrigued than hooked, although Reis and Foster are wonderful together, and Season 4 is undeniably ambitious and atmospheric. Although it was filmed in Iceland, “Night Country” is set in the fictional town of Ennis, Alaska, and follows an investigation into the disappearance of eight men who vanish from a research station. Is there any connection between that crime and the unsolved murder of an Indigenous local woman? We shall see. I do know that I will be glued to my TV on Sunday evenings until Feb. 25, when the sixth and final episode of the new season airs, on HBO and MAX.

“SIX” Gets Ready to Slay in Sacramento by Chris Narloch


f you don’t already have tickets to the next Broadway Sac blockbuster, you may be out of luck, but it’s worth a try calling the box office to see if any single seats are left.

A friend of mine who saw the show in San Francisco (and raved about it) described it as a hip history lesson if your history teachers were the Spice Girls. From Tudor Queens to Pop Icons, the six wives of Henry VIII take the mic to remix five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a euphoric celebration of 21st century girl power. Everyone is “losing their head” over this original musical, a global sensation that won 23 awards during the 2021/2022 Broadway season, including the Tony Award for Best Original Score (Music and Lyrics) and the Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Musical. Those lucky “subjects” with tickets can approach the throne this Jan. 31—Feb. 11, when “SIX” performs at the SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, courtesy of Broadway Sacramento. For more information, please visit www.broadwaysacramento.com 14 Outword Magazine

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737




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Sci-fi & Horror at the Movies Plus, George Clooney Directs


by Chris Narloch

ig screen films jockeying for your movie dollar this month include two sci-fi flicks – one a classic from 1968 – plus a feel-good sports drama from George Clooney, and the latest feel-bad film from Jonathan Glazer.

The Boys in the Boat

2001: A Space Odyssey

George Clooney is not a great director, but he has a love for old-fashioned, audiencepleasing, Hollywood entertainment, and I enjoyed this uplifting, inspired-by-a-true-story, sports drama more than I thought I would, considering its mixed reviews. Callum Turner and a boatload of other handsome, young actors portray the University of Washington rowing team who competed for gold at the 1936 Olympics, defeating Germany in front of Adolph Hitler. 40 or 50 years ago, when rousing sports films like “Field of Dreams” and “Chariots of Fire” were popular, “The Boys in the Boat” would have been a big hit, but times have changed. I wasn’t blown away by the movie, but I was entertained. In wide theatrical release.

If you read this before Jan. 26, drop everything and do not miss a rare chance to see one of the finest sci-fi dramas ever made, back on the big screen in 70mm, at Sacramento’s Tower Theatre (through Jan. 25 only). Keir Dullea and Douglas Rain (as the voice of HAL 9000) star for legendary director Stanley Kubrick, in a futuristic cautionary tale about the dangers of AI. Brilliantly blending horror and sci-fi elements, “2001: A Space Odyssey” no longer looks like sci-fiction in the age of ChatGPT, Alexa, and self-driving cars.

The Zone of Interest

The latest oddball movie from Jonathan Glazer (who made “Birth” with Nicole Kidman and “Under the Skin” with Scarlett Johansson) is this fact-based tale of the Hoss family, Germans who lived just outside the walls of Auschwitz in a comfortable home where they were able to ignore the horrors of the Holocaust happening within earshot of their bucolic existence. I.S.S. “The Zone of Interest” is well-intentioned and well-acted (especially by Sandra Huller, the Despite a cop-out ending, I enjoyed this intriguing sci-fi thriller about what happens great German actress who recently starred in “Anatomy of a Fall”), but I was totally turned aboard the International Space Station when World War 3 breaks out on Earth between off by the way it sidelines the suffering of the victims of the Nazis. Russia and the U.S. The crews of American and Soviet astronauts are both ordered to take The two or three non-German characters on screen are completely under-developed; the control of the I.S.S. by whatever means necessary, leading to deadly consequences. A skillful Jews in this dull, depressing film are treated like extras in their own tragedy. The film was cast led by Ariana DeBose and Chris Messina turns this provocative premise into a battle for still playing at Tower when we went to press. the future of humanity. In wide theatrical release.



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Elton John Reaches Milestone EGOT Status


orld-renowned global superstar Elton John joined Hollywood’s elite group of EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Award) winners after securing the EMMY Award for Outstanding Variety Special (Live) for his 2022 Disney+ special “Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium.” Elton John said, “I am incredibly humbled to be joining the unbelievably talented group of EGOT winners tonight. The journey to this moment has been filled with passion, dedication, and the unwavering support of my fans all around the world. Tonight is a testament to the power of the arts and the joy that it brings to all our lives. Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout my career, I am incredibly grateful.” The three-hour, historic, live-streamed concert event from Disney Branded Television and produced by Fulwell 73 and Rocket Entertainment gave Disney+ audiences a front-row seat to his electrifying and legendary performance as he bid farewell to North America. Heralded as one of the greatest send-offs of all time, artists, entertainers, and special guests, along with a packed stadium of fans and admirers worldwide, celebrated the music legend’s epic full-circle moment at Dodger Stadium, paying tribute to his 1975 performance that cemented his global success.

16 Outword Magazine

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737

Elton John

Having previously won two Academy Awards for Best Original Song for Rocketman’s [“I’m Gonna] Love Me Again” and The Lion King’s “Can You Feel The Love Tonight,” a Tony Award for Best Original Score for Aida and six GRAMMY Awards throughout his career, including the GRAMMY Legend Award, Elton John tonight joined the exclusive circle of only 24 stars who have achieved Hollywood’s highest honor.



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Please Support the Outword Rainbow Fund For 28 years, we have been Sacramento’s resource for LGBTQ+ information, politics, entertainment and we have helped connect and maintain our community. Because of the continuing trauma being caused by COVID, many of our advertisers are doing everything they can to stay afloat - that includes Outword Magazine. At the onset of the pandemic we changed our distribution model to an online-only affair. That helped us weather the storm, but we have since returned to both online as well traditional, printed copies. Thankfully, the responce we have recieved after returning to print has been fantastic! However, we are continuing to ask that you, our readers and advertisers help us with a contribution that will be used to keep the presses rolling. This money will assist with publishing costs, both in print and online, and help pay our production staff, staff writers and distribution costs among other things.

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with Matthew Burlingame

nother election year is upon us and already looking to be full of epic insanity. As we focus on local elections we need to look beyond slick ads and pretty promises and ask these wannabe politicians what realistic plans they have for the problems our area is facing like homelessness, gentrification and the revitalization of an accessible art community to name a few. It is imperative our concerns are heard as we move forward in one of the most pivotal political cycles we have ever faced. It’s also important to have some fun, and here’s some events to help with that.

Indulge in a night of laughter and luck at Drag Queen Bingo on Thursday, Feb. 1, from 7-9 p.m. Join us at Mango’s, 1930 K St., for an evening of fun hosted by the fabulous DoMe Moore. Arrive early, grab a drink, and secure your seat with first-come, first-serve seating. A $20 cash donation unlocks the excitement of 8 thrilling games. Don’t miss the chance to play and party with style! Rainbowchamber.com Join the fun on Sunday, February 11, at 8 p.m., at FACES Nightclub, 2000 K St., for a dazzling evening with drag performer “Plasma” from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 16. Be part of the glamor and excitement! A Meet-n-greet with Plasma starts at 7 p.m. Don’t miss the chance to meet the youngest queen of Season 16! FACES.net

Experience an array of exceptional performances at Crest Theatre, 1013 K St., in the coming weeks! Ryan Hamilton kicks off the excitement on Friday, Jan. 26, followed by Becky Robinson’s “The She Gone Tour” on Saturday, Jan. 27. Join Vir Das for the “Wanted World Tour” on Sunday, Jan. 28, and groove to “The Music of Steely Dan” with Steelin’ Dan on Saturday, Feb. 03. Don’t miss the entertainment extravaganza!

Harris Center for the Arts at Folsom Lake College presents Jim Brickman – Hits Live! In Concert. Photo by Jeff Klaum.

Morgana Grimm, and more. 21+ only. Get ready for an unforgettable evening of glamor, horror, and entertainment! Lovehorrrorevents.com

Join the Woodland Opera House, 320 2nd St. in Woodland, for a hilarious theatrical experience presented by Kevin & Lorie Haarberg and Roger & Judy Kohlmeier. “The On Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p.m. join the Play That Goes Wrong” runs through enchanting musical experience as Jim February 4, showcasing the calamitous Brickman performs “Hits Live! In Concert” at opening night of the Cornley Drama Harris Center for the Arts, 10 College Pkwy. Society’s production. Brace yourself for an in Folsom. Renowned for his romantic piano evening filled with mishaps, mischief, and melodies and engaging wit, Brickman madcap mania as the eager ensemble promises a crowd-pleasing event. Don’t miss navigates a whodunit with falling props, this captivating performance. collapsing scenery, and comedic chaos. Will HarrisCenter.net they make it to the final curtain call? Find out in this uproarious play! Join us for a special evening at our first Woodlandoperahouse.org fundraiser of the year! On Friday, Jan. 26, 2024, at 7 p.m., we’ll present a benefit Get ready for an emo revival at Harlow’s, performance of “Thurgood”. The event, 2708 J St., as The Emo Night Tour hits featuring sneak peeks of upcoming Sacramento! This 21+ event starts at 8 p.m., productions, special guests, and more, takes promising the ultimate tribute night to place at Celebration Arts, 2727 B St. Proceeds timeless emo music. The Emo Night Tour support theater improvements and Band will deliver the biggest emo hits, while educational programs for underserved school ENT DJ’s spin all the angst your teenage groups. Don’t miss this one night only dirtbag heart desires. Relive the glory of opportunity! Celebrationarts.net Warped Tour ‘08 without the dust and sunburn. Immerse yourself in the sounds of Embark on a night of bloodcurdling Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At ecstasy with “My Bloody Valentine Cabaret” The Disco, My Chemical Romance, and by The Scream Queens Gorelesque at the more, all night long, creating a dance club Historic Colonial Theatre, 3522 Stockton atmosphere you won’t forget! Harlows.com Blvd., on Saturday, Feb. 10. Join Dragula Season 4 Winner Dahli, Dragula Season 2’s Do you have events, birthdays, or Disasterina, and a stellar cast including announcements to share? Feel free to send Princess Bloodercup, Miss. Taken Identity, them to matthew@hengemedia.com.

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737



Thrilling Theater

continues from page 12

beloved show for the first time in 40 years, and I will be seeing it very soon. Newcomer Nichelle Lewis plays Dorothy, Wayne Brady is The Wiz, and the great R&B/dance diva Deborah Cox plays Glinda. Ease on down the road, and don’t miss it!


and More

Activating Taste Buds (ATB)


his exciting edition of ATB - the article, not the musician - highlights food with a little less pedigree than we have highlighted recently. That is to not say that it wasn’t delicious (prime rib from Jamie’s) or that it wasn’t just what was needed to help a refreshing beverage go down smoothly (snacks at the Merc). Both of these photos were taken by our overly qualified photographer and food critic, Fred. Don’t forget, if you would like to show off how “qualified” you are, just send us a pic of something that really hit the spot. graphics@outwordmagazine.com or #activatingtastebuds on FB.

MJ: The Musical

Michael Jackson’s unique and unparalleled artistry comes to San Francisco as “MJ,” the Tony Award-winning new musical centered around the making of the 1992 Dangerous World Tour, begins a tour of its own. Created by Christopher Wheeldon and Lynn Nottage, “MJ” goes beyond the singular moves and signature sound of the star, offering a rare look at the creative mind and collaborative spirit that catapulted Michael Jackson into legendary status. “MJ: The Musical” makes its San Francisco premiere at the Orpheum Theatre this Jan. 30— Feb. 25. For both “MJ” and “The Wiz,” please visit www.broadwaysf.com

Jamie’s on Broadway Friday Prime Rib Fred

Snacks at the Merc Fred 20 Outword Magazine

January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737


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HEALING TOUCH CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Darrick Lawson, 1919 21st St, Ste. 101, 916-447-3344 www.FixMyBack.com

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ROSCOE’S BAR & BURGERS 916-898-3631 Roscoes916.com SCOTT’S SEAFOOD - ON THE RIVER 916-379-5959 ScottsSeafoodontheRiver.com

ONE COMMUNITY HEALTH 1500 21st St., 916-443-3299 onecommunityhealth.com RIVER BEND MEDICAL ASSOC. www.rbmafamilydocs.com


HARD ROCK HOTEL AND CASINO HardRockHotelSacramento.com


FRIENDS OF THE SAC. PUBLIC LIBRARY 8250 Belvedere, Ste. E, 916-731-8493


CROCKER ART MUSEUM 916-808-7000 CrockerArt.org


CAMERON YEE, O.D. 6407 Riverside Blvd., 916-395-0673 DrCameronYee@aol.com


BROADWAY SACRAMENTO Safe Credit Union Performing Arts Center 916-557-1999 BroadwaySacramento.com CREST SACRAMENTO 1013 K Street crestsacramento.com HARRIS CENTER 10 College Parkway, Folsom, CA 95630 916-608-6888 HarrisCenter.net MONDAVI CENTER UC Davis mondaviarts.org

PEST MANAGEMENT EARTH GUARD PEST SERVICES 916-457-7605 contact@earthguardpest.com


PUCCI’S PHARMACY 3257 Folsom Blvd., 916-442-5891 www.puccirx.com


COLDWELL BANKER Mark T. Peters, 916-341-7794 www.MarkPeters.biz LYON REAL ESTATE Tanya Curry, 916-698-9970 TCurry.GoLyon.com MCMARTIN REALTY Brian McMartin, 916-402-4160 brian@brianmcmartin.com McMartinRealty.com

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HEALTH SERVICES CAPITAL CITY AIDS FUND 1912 F Street, 916-448-1110 PlayButPlaySafe.org


January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737

Outword Magazine




and More


Contact Julie Ebe to get your event on the Upcoming Calendar- Julie@OutwordMagazine.com

25 Prime Timers Lunch @ Buckhorn Grill on Howe 11am 26 New Year, Still Queer @ Lavendar Library 30 2:30 PM Happy Hour With Prime Timers @Bennett’s- Fair Oaks blvd.

February 1 DQB @ Mango’s 2 Happy Hour @ Roscoe’s with Prime Timers - 3PM 9 Outord Happy Hour @Badlands 11 Faces - PLASMA Meet & Greet- (RuPauls Drag Race) 20 Rainbow Chamber Networking Mixer @ Mansion Apartments 25 River City Brewing Co. Dinner with Prime Timers @5:30 22 Lunch with Prime Timers at Buckhorn Grill (howe) 11 am 1-31 SIX the Musical - Broadway Sacramento

2024 Pride Events 6/1 6/1 6/8 6/29 9/8

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2531 Broadway

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January 25, 2024 - February 8, 2024 • No. 737


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