BELLO #214

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Can each of you tell us what this company means to you? How has this journey helped you individually? As partners?

Absolutely LOVE that you are making cosmetics for men. I mean we are all human after all and have skin! However, have you encountered people who believe men and makeup don't go together? If so, how did you handle it? Absolutely! This is the entire reason we created Tribe. As you said, we all have skin! This is the challenge we face every day through awareness, education, continuing to promote images normalizing the wearing of makeup for men. What kind of advice would you give to anyone starting their business?

This company is about changing the conversation and removing the stigma around men wearing makeup. As humans, we all want to feel comfortable in our own skin. Everyone has their own imperfections when it comes to their face, but why is it okay for half of society to fix those imperfections, but not the other half? Pergrin and I, along with every other guy, have at some point in our lives, used our mom's/sister's/girlfriend's concelear, because we were made to feel embarrassed to get our own. We want to enable men to feel confident in their own skin.

Matt and I have wanted to start a business together for some time, before we started Tribe. We continuously thought of different ideas, but nothing seemed to click, until we came up with the idea for Tribe because we were both passionate about helping other people. This was greater than us, this was beyond wanting to secure a financial future, and beyond simply just being in business together. This is a passion project, so this is our advice to anyone wanting to start a business - be passionate about it, because this is going to be your life.

Working on Tribe has really expanded our view on how much society shapes an individual with preconceived frameworks that are often not just, and are arbitrary to one idea. We think the world could be a better place if we joined the effort to take down some of these institutalized stigmas. In what ways did you each discover new things about yourselves? We both discovered the importance of friendship and spending some meaningful time on things other than work that truly enrich life. What do beauty and skincare mean to you? Beauty means to us- the freedom to put your best self forward, whether it's buying the clothes, getting the haircut, whatever it may be to make yourself feel that way. We chose to focus on what we considered the last frontier for men, your face.


Share with us what each of yours skincare routine is and what makes you feel the best. Having a fresh clean face and bright smile makes us feel positive and confident! Our skincare routine

September 2021


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