Outlook Student Press

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utLook O Scholarly Excellence on Campus

Outlookpress.org April 19-26, 2010 • Vol. 42 Issue 14


Svensson on USA Today Academic Team Victoria Gomez Contributing Writer USA Today has picked sophomore Mark Svensson to be one of 20 students on its All-USA academic team for community college students. The list honors the top students from around the country for their scholarly and extracurricular achievements. He is also being recognized by Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), as a New Century Scholar, for being the highest scoring community college student in the state.

Paola Garcia

Accepted Onto All-

Academic Team Victoria Gomez Contributing Writer

Paola Garcia, an international student from Costa Rica, represented SUNY Rockland in Phi Theta Kappa’s (PTK) 2010 All-New York Academic Third Team. She had the opportunity to participate in the 92nd Annual PTK

Both award selections are the first ever for a student from RCC. “I want to be remembered as one of the top community college students to have come through Rockland Community College,” said Svensson. “[The] one who tried his hardest to serve as a model student leader.” On April 18, Mark traveled to a conference in Seattle where he met with Melinda Gates and the other 19 students on the All-USA academic team. “I have such a proud feeling for myself and the college,” Svensson said

News 3

about his recent PTK award selections. The purpose of PTK is to recognize and encourage scholarship among twoyear college students. This includes both academic and extracurricular. PTK was established in 1910 at Stephens College, a two-year woman’s college in Missouri, under the name of Kappa Phi Omicron. The society grew quickly and, in 1918, it became known as PTK and was organized nationally. “[His] Phi Theta Kappa honor is just one of many things Mark has See Svensson Page 3

Convention at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. At the convention, Garcia was able to work with members of other chapers from around the nation and the world. She also had the chance to meet with Rachel Maddow from MSNBC, Dr. Sanjay Gupta from CNN, and Wes Moore, the author of “The Other Wes Moore.” PTK recognizes and encourages scholarship and provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service. Students are not only recognized for having a high GPA but also for their involvement on campus life.

Water Justice Alliance Starts Raising Funds For Well in Africa

“I was inducted as a member of the Alpha Phi Sigma Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa during Spring of 2009. Before the induction ceremony, I was selected as vice president of the scholarship,” said Garcia. “I had the opportunity to actively participate during the induction ceremony in April of 2009, by reading the names of the 126 members who were accepted into the chapter.” She spent most of her semester focusing on the “Phone-A-Thon,” which encouraged the induction of more students into the RCC chapter. See garcia Page 3

Stack Your Wardrobe For Spring With Only Six Items Features 5

Andrew Newmark

Maegan Nevins

Paola Garcia

Honey Katzman

Collette Fournier/Campus Communications

Jackie Pentrelli / Outlook Student Press

Tania Panicucci-Roma / Outlook Student Press

Four Students Win Chancellor’s Award

Vera Then Contributing Writer On April 6, RCC students Maegan Nevins, Andrew Newmark, Paola Garcia, and Honey Katzman received The SUNY Chancellor’s Award at the Empire State Convention Center at Albany. Besides the four students, President Cliff Wood also attended the ceremony. The ceremony in Albany honored 228 students who have excelled both in and outside of the classroom. It recognized students from the 63 SUNY campuses throughout the state. The Chancellor’s Award for Excellence is a prestigious annual award given out by the SUNY Committee system to recognize students across the State of New York for their integration of academic excellence with leadership, career achievement, community service, creative and performing arts and/or personal achievements. It is considered to be the highest honor bestowed upon a student. A selection committee chooses which applications are sent to Albany for a second review process. The finalists are then recommended to the SUNY Chancellor, who then reviews the remaining applicants and selects the winners. The number of recipients is largely determined by the individual school’s student population size. Due to the large number of students nominated each year, selection is extremely competitive. This year’s honorees have an overall grade point average of 3.8 and are members of honor societies like Phi Theta Kappa and Phi Sigma Omicron. See Chancellor Page 3

Jet Lag Gemini Makes Surprise Performance Entertainment 9


April 19-26 Spring 2010

The Battle for Water Justice Begins at RCC

Haven Orecchio Features Editor SUNY Rockland students James Borchers, Mark Svensson, and Tarik Abdelqader have teamed up, forming the Water Justice Alliance (WJA) to advocate against the privatization of water and to spread awareness on the global issue of water scarcity. Outlook Student Press and the Anti-Slavery Committee sponsored a viewing of the movie “FLOW: For the Love of Water” to use as a platform for the launch of the Alliance. Pizza, snacks and beverages were sold, providing the initial monetary foundation to fund a well in Africa. This is just one of the goals of the Alliance. The students plan on hosting many fundraisers, panel discussions, and guest speakers over the next few years. “We take for granted the water

» svensson

continued from page 1 accomplished as an honors student,” said Coordinator of the Sam Draper M/TS Honors program Dr. Clifford Garner. “His legacy in the Honors Program is secure and he has left an amazing template for others to follow.” Svensson has applied for

» chancellor continued from page 1

Recipient Maegan Nevins, a 19-year-old student currently in the M/TS Sam Draper Honors Program, is majoring in Liberal Arts and Science with a 3.9 GPA. She is the Chair of the Student Activities Board and acts as a student representative on campus as well as for community events. Nevins also received a scholarship to study at Cambridge University. Her paper on artistic landscapes was ranked in the top three, out of more than 100 submissions in the arts category for Beacon Scholars in 2009. According to Nevins, any faculty member can nominate the students and after the nomination, each student has to create a portfolio that reflects their achievements and leadership skills. “It legitimizes all of the hard work I’ve been doing on campus,” Nevins said. “It felt good, it’s like getting an award for your hard work. I have never gotten anything like that before.” 20-year-old sophomore Andrew Newmark, is also an M/TS Honors Student, with a 3.9 GPA.

that comes out of our faucet every morning, without realizing that other people don’t have the same luxury,” said Abdelqader. “We’re here to bring this issue to the students’ attention and make a difference.” Formally public water sources all over the world have been privatized by companies such as Nestle and Coca-Cola, causing the surrounding population to have no access to one of the simplest rights of life: water. The Alliance believes that because these companies claim the rights to sell water, it causes many to not have fair access to the natural resource. After the streams and reservoirs are stolen from the citizens, the water is bottled and sold back to those who can afford it. Those who cannot afford the water are forced to drink from polluted streams, causing the spread of fatal diseases such as cerebral malaria, cholera, and typhoid guinea worm.

Every eight seconds somewhere in the world, a child dies from waterborne diseases. With every bottle of Poland Springs purchased, the unjust theft of water is supported, students say. Many Americans rely on bottled water as their only source of drinking water, not realizing that their tap water is just as clean. Dr. Elaine Padilla and Professor Christina Stern, brought their classes to the FLOW viewing. Both women are educated about the life-threatening effects water scarcity and encourage their students to educate themselves on the issue. The WJA will be holding a taste test between tap and bottled water today outside of the Student Union. The Co-Chairs believe that the results will serve as proof that Americans are buying in to a billion dollar industry that endangers lives with absolutely no benefit for consumers.

admission to Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown, and Virginia, but promises not to forget the path to excellence that RCC has provided him. He credits the college for getting him actively involved on campus. Furthermore, Svensson is an active member of many committees and organizations around campus such as Treasurer of the Student Government Association (SGA), Managing Editor of the M/TS literary

magazine Oxys, and Vice President of the Political Science and Pre Law Association. His involvement in the SUNY Rockland Anti-Slavery Committee, which he co-founded in Spring 2009, and has since cochaired, has been one of his most passionate projects. “As a human being, issues involving human rights violations must be addressed,” Svensson explained. “The practice of slavery has

He is the Student Representative to Rockland Community College’s Board of Trustees and is currently the Chair of the Campus Improvements Committee. Newmark is active in community service, particularly in fundraising for several campus institutions including RCC’s Campus Fun and Learn Center and the RCC Food Cupboard. Both students were nominated by Debra Balestra, the Director of Student Involvement, for their notable accomplishments in academics and for their impact on the campus. Since this is the most prestigious award given to SUNY students that recognizes all of their hard work, all recipients are very proud to have received such an honor. “It shows that what I have done so far actually matters and means something to the SUNY system, to the fellow RCC students, and to the community,” said Newmark. Paola Garcia, an international student from Costa Rica, is majoring in Computer Information Systems and has a 3.8 GPA. She was chosen to be part of the 2010 All-USA Academic Team and was nominated by her

Computer Studies instructor, Professor Lynn Aaron. Garcia was surprised when she found out that she was among the Chancellor’s Award Recipients. “This means a whole lot for me. I have been working very hard to not only excel academically, but to give back to the College community,” Garcia said. “I feel honored to be one out of four students from RCC that received this award.” Garcia was also the 2009 winner of the Hispanic Achievement Award Winner in Leadership Activities. The final award recipient, Honey Katzman, is a returning adult student majoring in Liberal Arts and Science with a 4.0 GPA. She wanted to earn a college degree after taking courses to become a Skywarn Spotter for the National Weather Service. She earned her degree in only three semesters and is currently working on a second associate’s degree in business. Katzman was one of 250 students in the country selected by NASA to be a National Community College Aerospace Scholar, and one of 60 students chosen to work with NASA scientists and engineers for three days at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

» Garcia

continued from page 1 Garcia is currently active in workshops and activities for our college community. On April 27, she will be leading a workshop based on the book “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, where students will learn the importance of balancing work with education. Garcia will also participate at the College’s “Celebrating Scholarship” Conference on May 1, where she will be part of a panel discussing gender roles in education. In addition to campus activities, Garcia also maintains a part time job and played for the tennis team, proving that it can be possible to balance responsibilities while excelling academically. Garcia has already received the Student Outstanding Service Award and the Hispanic Heritage Achievement Award in Leadership Activities. Even though she is graduating this semester, Garcia plans to stay active in

been around for over 5,000 years, and I believe as a student leader I need to help be the voice for the millions who have no voice.” Mostly, Svensson is proud that his hard work is being recognized and hopes that this will only be the beginning of his successes in academia. With over 30 clubs on campus, this top scholar encourages students to utilize their time at RCC by getting involved, so that they can enhance their transcripts

the RCC chapter as a Phi Theta Kappa alumnus. “I’ll always be available for our RCC Chapter and students who wish to learn more about this International Honor Society,” she said. Garcia accredits her successes to RCC and encourages all students to treat the college as a serious institution that will help benefit

“The key to success is to give your best in anything you do.” Paola Garcia, All Academic Third Team

their futures. She also admires the fact that students are able to become involved in numerous clubs and activities. “My suggestions to the students will be to get involved first, before getting to conclusions. Getting involved can open many doors and who knows, you might end up in Disney World, like I did,” Garcia explained. “The key to success is to give your best in anything you do.”

and their overall experience at the college. “The college can be a big asset to you. It saves you a lot of money and the more you get involved and commit yourself to your studies, the easier it will be for you to transfer to the college of your choice,” advised Svensson. “If you don’t use the time here to the fullest, you really are passing up on a tremendous opportunity,” he added.

SGA Executive Board Election Results Marvin J. Matthew President

Amanda Caggiano Vice President

Ashley Cole Treasurer

Vanessah Raymond Secretary

Ali Rizvi

Student Respresentative to the Board of Trustees


April 19-26 Spring 2010

Grandmother Earning Her College Degree At RCC Lisa Saunders Special to Outlook

Photos by Tarik Abdelqader, Jessica Gomez, Maegan Nevins

RCC Students Hit the Nation’s Capital Meetings with Government Officials and Visits to National Monuments Made for a Trip to Remember Ryan Buchanan Staff Writer A group of students representing SUNY Rockland had the honor of spending two days of Spring Break at our nation’s capital. The students were granted an exclusive meeting with Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic female on the bench. The students visited many national monuments including the Vietnam Wall, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, and the FDR Memorial. “On a scale from one to ten, this trip was a 12,” said Alex Sallahian. The trip, organized by Don Cairrns of the RCC Foundation, Student Government Association (SGA) President Tarik Abdelqader and Debra Balestra of the Student Involvement Office, gave students the opportunity to learn first hand about the workings of the government and meet government

Melissa Salgado-Cuellar Contributing Writer

“On a scale from one to ten, this trip was a 12.” Alex Sallahian, sophomore

officials. Participants included international students, members of the SGA, and others. The students left on March 31 and returned on April 1. The students were lucky to visit during Washington’s famous cherry blossom season, when 3000 cherry trees are in bloom. Given as a gift from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to the city of Washington, the trees honor the lasting friendship between the United States and Japan. They ended their first night touring the capital and enjoying dinner at the Hard Rock Café.

On the second day, the students embarked on a tour of the Supreme Court where they met Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a private room. “Talking to Justice Sotomayor was an experience I will never forget,” said Sallahian. Sotomayor spoke about her past and her reaction to being nominated. In response to what laws are going to be passed, Sotomayor also discussed the importance of having good ethics in decision making. She mentioned the fact that while some laws are not likable, they are still passed because they are just. The students came back having enjoyed a valuable educational experience. “I learned that it doesn’t matter where you are from. With enough determination, you can always reach your way to the top,” added Sallahian.

A 66-year-old grandmother of five has found a new direction through the S.T.A.R.S. (Services to Adult Returning Students) program at SUNY Rockland. When Veronica Chiarito of New City retired with time on her hands, she decided it was time to pursue her lifelong dream of taking a college course in painting. Having retired as a producer/director for Warner Brothers after 48 years in the animation industry, she felt unsure how she would fare in the college environment. “I graduated high school at the age of 16 at a time when only the boys in my family went to college. So I went straight to work for Terrytoons CBS in New Rochelle,” Chiarito said. “When a friend heard that I wanted to go to RCC to take a painting class, she told me I should contact Terri Kaye Needle of the S.T.A.R.S. program because she worked with returning adult students and would know how to help me.” Needle, Chair of the S.T.A.R.S. board, suggested that aside from painting, Chiarito should also take the Life Skills class to help her acclimate to the student environment. Needle also told Chiarito that she was eligible to receive financial aid and pointed her toward the Financial Aid Office. Chiarito still had other obstacles to face. “My fear was that I wouldn’t be accepted by the students. But in every class, there are a few students who come to me for advice, looking for a motherfigure. I’ve even become so friendly with one young student that she is taking an evening art class with me so we can continue to work together. “When I attended my first English class, I was faced with learning how to write a documented essay, how to type and how to use a computer—all at the same time! In doing so, I found a whole new world of possibilities. My first essay was chosen to be published in last year’s issue of the student magazine, Impulse. Isn’t that exciting? “It took me fifty years to finally find the time to go on to higher education. The decision to come to this campus and experience all it has to offer has proved to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in years.” Chiarito’s first two classes began in Fall ’08. She has now earned 34 credits and is taking 19 credits this semester. Returning adult students, and those considering becoming one, are invited to attend the weekly S.T.A.R.S. support group, which meets on Tuesdays, 12:301:30 p.m., in Academic I, Room 1116. For more information about S.T.A.R.S., or to receive their current newsletter, which includes information on how to overcome math anxiety, contact Terri Kaye Needle, Professor/ Counselor, Student Development Center, at tneedle@sunyrockland.edu and 845-574-4383.


April 19-26 Spring 2010

Decorating Your First Dorm Room:

A Guide to Collages, Trash Cans, and Zebra Sheets Chelsea Drake Contributing Writer Perfectly packaged comforters not yet slept in, neatly stacked towels yet to be unfolded, lamps, notebooks, and trash cans that have yet to see a gum wrapper, are all waiting to be part of your college dorm room or apartment when you transfer this fall. Are you burying your head in the covers when it comes to how much everything will cost? Decorating my dorm room is a crucial part of transferring to my new school, Fredonia, this August, especially because I will be so far from home. My room should reflect my interests while still providing a comfortable work area for studying. I’ve been running around frantically trying to find all the things I need without breaking the bank, but it’s exhausting! With only a part time job and a monthly car payment, I was forced to ask my parents for some assistance with my purchases, but when they found out how much of an expense things turned out to be, they began to regret their decision. It was time to eliminate brand names and start looking for the best buys. I was lost until Target lent me a helping hand. There is color in every aisle; blues, reds, stripes, polka dots, you name it. Even online shopping is a breeze through Target.com. This is probably the first time most students will be living on their own, so they should take the opportunity to put personality into

their living space. It is important to use the empty commercial dorm room as a blank slate and transform it into somewhere they will feel most at home. Bright colors like purple, aqua, and lime green will bring life into a previously dreary atmosphere. Hanging mirrors on the walls will also make the room appear larger. Be sure to organize photo collages of friends and family to always remind you that there are people who miss you. Posters are another way to add flavor to your room, but be sure that your dorm allows you to pierce the walls with tacks or screws. If you are forced to use tape to hang your posters, be sure to do so neatly or

it will make you, and your living space, tacky. I helped my boyfriend find all the essentials for his new off-campus apartment located in Buffalo, New York. Shopping isn’t quite his forte so doing his shopping online helped him a great deal. He found everything he needed with only a scroll or two and a credit card. When shopping online for furnishings, be sure to use reliable retailers so you can be sure that the quality of the items is guaranteed. Unlike other department store chains, Target provides quality and style in their product while still keeping low prices. Sometimes other companies can label their

products 20 to 30 percent more while still presenting the same fabrics. A twin-sized set of safari bedsheets at Bed and Bath will run you $79.99, while similar leopard and zebra sheets at Target are only $23.99. The brands Xhilaration, Fieldcrest Luxury, Home, and Room Essentials are all available in store and online. A printed comforter with matching pillow shams, two window panels, a couple of decorative pillows, a jersey-knit sheet set, and a lamp came to a total of $135. At most department stores that would barely cover the comforter. No matter what budget, there are various choices that can fit any personality and bank account.

For those of you who are venturing into your first apartment away at school, you may need a few extra things such as bathroom essentials, cleaning supplies and your own food to replace those meal plans and dining dollars. Simple necessities such as a bed set, towels, cleaning supplies, a shower curtain, rugs, trash can, and a couple bottles of shampoo and conditioner to start out, came out to only $200. The more design and detail, the higher the price, so sticking with crisp colors and simple accessories makes for a clean look and keeps more money in your pocket. The decision to have a roommate can have its downsides, but try to make it a positive situation by starting with a clean slate and presenting rules for the apartment that everyone will abide by. This kind of relationship will allow you and your roommate to cut the costs of food and cooking materials in half while also sparking a new friendship. Purchasing necessities shouldn’t be a headache, and lucky for you, it doesn’t have to be. More and more students are choosing Target when it comes to “back to school” or going off to college, but there are numerous department stores and websites that can provide all the essentials and accommodations you need for your dorm room or apartment. Know wherever you go, that quality, comfort, and design are all available at great prices. You just have to shop smart.

W C C h R u o K e Y d no n. n e wY . . . t t ou A Leesa Contorino Contributing Writer

You would rather drive to Wendy’s than spend money in the cafeteria

It takes you longer to find a parking spot than it does to actually drive to school You’ve taken a bowling or walking class to fulfill your gym requirement

You’ve taken one of each fluorescent drug pamphlets and made a rainbow

You won’t leave during common hour because you don’t want to lose your parking spot

You voted in an SGA election just to get a free frisbee

You’ve stood on line in the Tech building for 20 minutes, only to find out you didn’t have the right papers filled out

After two years, you are still discovering new stair cases

You’ve missed an important email because you refuse to use your SUNY G-mail account

You rarely go outside to move from building to building

You cringe when you see an RV in the parking lot

You know that “Batman” is more than just a comic-book superhero

You’re still not sure where they moved the printers in the library

You’ve taken a harder English class than your friends who went away to college You know not to even attempt looking for a free computer on a rainy day


April 19-26 Spring 2010

What’s So Hot About the

Proceeding from a two year SUNY community college to a four year SUNY school is a great way to continue saving money while obtaining a rich education, and transferring most credits. The State University of New York at New Paltz, located just an hour north of Rockland Community College, is a school to consider. Founded in 1828, this college is the 99th oldest collegiate institution in the country, according to the SUNY New Paltz website. New Paltz was chosen by the 2008 Kaplan/Newsweek “How to Get into College” guide as the “Hottest Small State School” in the nation. Since then, undergraduate enrollment has spiked to more than 6,554 students. Of first year students, 89 percent had GPA’s above 3.0, and 36 percent had GPA’s above 3.5, according to the College Board. New Paltz offers a 16:1 student-tofaculty ratio for a semester tuition of $2,485. Known for its outstanding liberal arts, education, fine and performing arts, business, and science and engineering programs, New Paltz offers degrees in over 60 undergraduate majors. Additionally, it offers over 130 extracurricular clubs and organizations, including The New Paltz Oracle, Circle K International, and NORML. SUNY New Paltz athletics include basketball, cross country, soccer, softball, swimming, and volleyball. The history of the college’s location, and its connection to nature, adds to its appeal. Founded in 1667, the town of New

Paltz is home to one of the nation’s oldest roads—Huguenot Street. The Mohonk Preserve and The Wallkill Valley Rail Trail are other local attractions. In town, one enters a time warp in which the tie-dye era of the 1960’s still thrives. With businesses such as The Groovy Blueberry, the town offers portals into the past. This spirit migrates to the campus’ Old Main Quad, where students are free to play frisbee, smoke hookah, picnic, and practice their instruments. New Paltz has created a flourishing Resident Hall Student Association to help make campus life optimal. There are 16 resident halls, offered in corridor and suite styles, and the college has a private complex on the edge of campus called “South Side Apartments.” However, some students decide to live in the town, where residents rent out summer homes during the school year. The Trailways Bus Station is located close to the campus. Conveniently, there is a bus that runs directly from the SUNY New Paltz campus to Nanuet, New York City, Long Island, New Rochelle, and White Plains. There are also various taxi services throughout the town, and an oncampus escort service for students who feel uncomfortable walking alone. Further, The New Paltz Loop can be ridden by students for free. So, getting off campus is easy, even without a car. Cars are not vital because everything in the town is within walking distance. The most popular venues on Main Street include Fat Bob’s Pizzeria, The Muddy Cup Coffee House, and The Gilded Otter Brew Pub; and of course, the most popular

Students relaxing in the grassy Main Quad on campus.

Charlene Martoni/ Outlook Student Press

Charlene Martoni Staff Writer

Charlene Martoni/ Outlook Student Press

“Hottest Small State School”?

The Samual Dorsky Museum, a place where students and local artists showcase work. night spots include Cabaloosa’s, Truman’s, P&G’s, McGillicuddy’s, and Murphy’s Pub. Approximately 34 percent of the applicants are admitted. The application fee for admission to SUNY New Paltz is $40, which may be waived for applicants with financial need. Of undergraduate students, 34 percent receive financial aid

in grants, and 66 percent receive it in loans or work-study jobs. However, non-needbased aid can be determined by academics, alumni affiliation, art, and music/drama. Transfer student applications close on April 1 each year. More information on SUNY New Paltz can be found at www.newpaltz.edu.

April 19-26 Spring 2010

6 y l l n l ’ O u The ies Yo

Features 4. Bright Handbag

r o g s n i s r Acce This Sp d e e N Brianna Lalji Style & Entertainment Editor

Topshop, $90

1. Straw Hat

Dress like Lindsay Lohan and wear this summer staple to polish off a bikini “beach” look. Or pair it with a sundress and sandals for a bohemian feel. Either way, you can find great deals on straw fedoras at Forever21! Keep a one on hand to cover up frizzy hair after rain, pair it with white jeans and topsiders for a hip-nautical look, or partner it with a simple tee and jeans. Lindsay Lohan

Although you’ll still see them around, winter’s black bags are so outdated. Toss the dull bags for new, bright and fresh bags. Just look at fashion icon Sarah Jessica Parker, who classically tied in the spring trends of 2010 with a neon pink bag and nude heels. Colorful bags are an instant mood pickup; and besides, a new purse is a great excuse to clean out old receipts and gum wrappers from the bottom of your winter dump. That’s one type of spring cleaning that’s actually looked forward to! Sarah Jessica Parker

3. Nude Heels Get your feet out of those Uggs and give those toes some fresh air with a pair of goes-with-everything nude colored heels. Your boots need a rest, so pair the nude pumps with a floral dress and tough motorcycle or denim jacket for an upbeat look. Stop by the mall and check-out the dozens of different styles- each store is sure to carry ‘em. Banana Republic, $99.99

Forever 21, $10.50

2. Breezy Scarf Add a lightweight scarf to everyday outfits as a great Old Navy, $10 accessory. The addition of a scarf will dress up any casual attire. Include one with your outfit to retain a touch of warmth when you shed your jacket, or throw one on to balance bare-legged shorts. Don’t hesitate to invest in a few.

5. Classic Trench The outerwear style of the season is a timeless trench coat. They aren’t just jackets anymore, they’re an investment piece with lifelong appeal. It layers over spring ensembles, yet shows some leg. Victoria Beckham sported Victoria Beckham one like a dress. We suggest thinking outside the beige box and opting for a punchy purple coat, like the belted number found at Target for $39.99. Forever 21, $39.99

Forever21, $5.80

6. Cat-Eyed Sunglasses

Aviators are out the door. These high corner shades are super sexy and mysterious, perfect for accessorizing! Olivia Palermo recently rocked a pair of Diane von Furstenberg specs. Get the look for only $5.80 at Forever21, but make sure you try them on first so you don’t end up looking like Stevie Wonder.

Olivia Palermo

Bear Mountain State Park: Vacation a Car Ride Away Brianna Lalji Style & Entertainment Editor As the great weather of spring closes in, students are planning their weekend trips to Seaside Heights and Six Flags Great Adventure. But one place that can kick off your weekend getaways is right in Rockland County’s backyard: Bear Mountain State Park. Just north of Rockland in the Hudson Highlands, Bear Mountain Park provides playing fields, picnic groves, boating, and hiking trails. An accessible location by car or bus, Bear Mountain is an ideal location for students and their families. Here is a closer look at some favorite activities to do at Rockland’s summer retreat. -Perkins Memorial Drive/TowerThe Perkins Memorial Drive and Tower is the first stop on our tour. This scenic drive is open most days (weather permitting) and closes at dusk. The drive leads to the tower that boasts a view from 1,305 feet above the Hudson River. The tower was built to serve as a weather station and fire lookout and it served these purposes until the 1950’s. The summit is an ideal location for sightseers to access a 360 degree view of the Hudson River, the Bear Mountain Bridge, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Storm King, and Fort Montgomery. Four states are visible: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, as well as the New York City skyline. The observation floor has interpretive displays that describe the panorama, which provides a view of the Taconic, Ramapo, Shawangunk, and Catskill mountain ranges. Perkins Memorial Drive and Tower truly are a highlight of any visit to Bear Mountain. -Cruise Night“Cruise night” is an excellent place to be if you’re a gear head or just want to check old classic cars from 1989 and prior. The fun starts May 5 and continues through Labor Day in September, every Wednesday from 6 to 9 p.m. There are also newer cars thrown into the mix and even motorcycles of all models and makes. They’re not all for show, however; some are for sale—so it’s a good market if you’ve been saving up for a new ride. The evenings are fun, there is food, a deejay, and little stands

selling vanity plates and die cast cars. -Hessian LakeHessian Lake is the place to go if you have your own boat. It is quite beautiful with the dramatic mountains in the backdrop. The lake is splendid for rowing, paddle boats, and fishing! Take out your paddle boat for a relaxing or romantic day in the water. Rent a row boat that can hold up to three people or a paddle boat that holds four. The fun costs around $3.50 per person and a $20 refunded deposit at the end of the hour. The experience is well worth the time. Boats are available from May to September, but until then owners can still take out their own boats. -HikingAlong Hessian Lake, there is a nice asphalt trail that leads into some wooded areas with huge boulders and cozy picnic spots. Here people relax on hammocks, barbeque, and fish. The hike is nearly four miles long—a good way to get back in shape and enjoy the outdoors. The Appalachian Trail runs through the summit of the mountain. It crosses the Hudson River, enters HarrimanBear Mountain State Park, where the first section of the A.T. was completed in 1923, then heads south through the newly protected Sterling Forest. -The Famous Carousel and PoolTake your date, siblings, or kids for a $1 five minute ride on the carousel. The revered roundabout features hand painted illustrations and 42 hand carved native animal seats such as black bears, wild turkeys, raccoons, foxes and bobcats. The Mountain pool is large with an array of different zones for different age groups. With plenty of life guards on duty and small fee of $2 for adults, it is a great way to cool off for a couple hours with friends and family. -Bear Mountain Zoo and Trailside MuseumsOne of the best features of Bear Mountain State Park is the Zoo and Museum. Nature study has been a part of the Palisades Interstate Park since 1921, when the American Museum of Natural History was installed. Four years later the museum began a program for the study of insects in Harriman State Park. Then in 1926,

the Commission added a bear den which turned into a small zoo as the facility took in injured animals. Today, the Trailside Museums and the Zoo inhabit 40 acres and house several species of local wildlife including bears, deer, otters, coyotes, foxes, owls, eagles and others. It’s a perfect way to enjoy summer time off rather than drive to the crowded Bronx Zoo. The trailside museums are nice as well. One is dedicated to amphibians, reptiles and fish, while another focuses on history and geology. The geological museum features mastodon bones that were excavated nearby. -Bear Mountain InnThe Bear Mountain Inn is one of the architectural jewels of the Palisades Interstate Park. Erected in 1915, the building is distinct with its rustic style that complements the surrounding forests and wooded areas. It was constructed with natural materials such as inkling stones and logs found around the park. Indoors are handcrafted chairs, sofas, tables and light fixtures that all fit the inn’s design. Stay at the Overlook Lodge and Stone Cottages, which are perfect local weekend escapes. A quick walk downhill from the Trailside Museum and Zoo is the boat dock. There are absolutely breathtaking views of the Bear Mountain Bridge and the Hudson River. For the adventurous ones, you can even stand on a platform and watch the trains zip by. -Fort Clinton/ Iona IslandWhile walking the trails, you come across Fort Clinton, originally named Fort Arnold. It was a Revolutionary War fortification commanded by General George Clinton. Fort Clinton is historically linked to the more popular Fort Montgomery but unfortunately, most of the original fort was demolished during the construction of Route 9W and Bear Mountain Bridge. There is also Iona Island, which was an ideal military post during the war used to stop British ships. In 1899 the Navy purchased the island where they stored, assembled and tested ammunition. During the First World War, most of the ammunition and explosives were removed from Iona Island. In part because of the facility’s long history, only six of the original 150 buildings remain. Today, Iona Island is home to migratory birds and even bald eagles. It has become a National Landmark and an important bird area.

Style & Entertainment

April 19-26 Spring 2010

April Films on Review

“Clash of the Titans” Jonathan Mallon Staff Writer

“Date Night” Jonathan Mallon Staff Writer Steve Carell is a former correspondent of “The Daily Show,” head of “The Office,” and an established comedy actor. Tina Fey is an “SNL” alum and former head writer, Sarah Palin impersonator, and creator of acclaimed “30 Rock.” But bring together these two comedians, and we have a comic failure titled “Date Night.” Carell and Fey play Phil and Clair Foster, an average married couple with kids and careers. Because of their mundane and exhausting lifestyles, they worry about their relationship and marriage, so Phil decides to take Clair to an upscale restaurant in New York City for a date night. When they find out that a reservation was needed, Phil and Clair pretend to be another party-of-two that the waitress calls. After dinner, they’re asked to step outside by two men who plan to kill them as a result of the couple’s faked identities. Mystery, action, and comedy follow, but unfortunately they are underplayed. The problem isn’t the two lead roles; Carell and Fey have chemistry in this film. They work well together, have great timing in their jokes and reactions, and come across as the kind, ordinary couple intended by the screenwriters. The problem with “Date Night” is everything else. Director Shawn Levy (“Night at the Museum”) intensified the characters rather than lighten them up. The flaw is evident in the supporting characters. The script doesn’t help either, with very few jokes accessible to an everyman, middle-brow crowd. Even comical cameos from stars like James Franco (SpiderMan) and Mila Kunis (Family Guy) fall flat with scarce jokes. With everything more intense than Carell and Feys’ characters, it takes much of the humor away from the film. There were a few recurring humorous moments. They aren’t gut-busting laughs, but they pass quality control. But overall, the “funny” in “Date Night” was hard to find, a rather significant failure for a comedy. No supporting characters are funny, and the dialogue has so little fun-factor that the joke’s on Steve Carell and Tina Fey. Even they couldn’t salvage this film. Unless you are a Tina Fey or Steve Carrell fanatic, feel free to give “Date Night” the boot.

Add “Clash of the Titans” to the long list of remade movies, and mark it as an awesome coming attraction. It is an all-out battle between humans and mythical characters, a loaded film that is certainly worth seeing. A fisherman and his wife lift a casket from the ocean, housing a deceased woman and a living baby, baby Perseus. As he grows older he becomes entangled in the action-packed conflicts between the god Hades and humans. Upon joining a militia, he embarks on an adventure to save his city, stop the Kraken and defeat Hades. With lots of action and fantastic special effects, the confounded plot was a bit too much. Aside from some entertaining dialogue, the story is incoherent and rattled with plot-holes. But a popcorn movie doesn’t need an Oscarworthy script, as long as the action delivers. But the action here isn’t as exciting as it could have been. At times, “Clash of the Titans” lacks suspense during attacks, and fails to bring much needed intensity. Salvation lies in the special effects, especially the final battle - the movie’s best moment.

The acting was decent as only Liam Neeson’s performance stood out. Neeson played Zeus, and had clearly trained hard to deliver “Release the Kraken!” as powerfully as he did. Sam Worthington of Avatar also brought an above-par performance to the film. 3-D was added to the mix, which resulted in the one-week release delay. But 3-D did not make this movie as massive as it could’ve been. “Clash of the Titans” was both a win and a disappointment. The special effects are great but the acting and the plot fall short. See it if you’re interested, but don’t overshoot with expectations.

“The Bounty Hunter” Adam Bierenbaum Contributing Writer At around the half-way mark of “The Bounty Hunter,” a run-of-the-mill romantic comedy, I stared blankly at the screen and thought, “why me?” Why does Gerard Butler, who mistook the box office success of “300” as a sign that we want to see him in romantic comedies, keep limiting his talents by taking offers for these roles? Why does Jennifer Aniston, who has always been funny and engaging in productions such as “Friends,” “The Good Girl” and “Office Space,” keep degrading herself in roles that leave the audience only noting how tight her clothes are? (For those who care, they are very tight in this film.) In “The Bounty Hunter,” Milo (Butler), a bounty hunter and fired cop, is assigned to apprehend his exwife, Nicole Hurley (Anniston), because she failed to show up to court for a minor traffic infraction. It would have been nice to know why Milo was fired from the police force. But, it could be for the same reason that lets Nicole escape right from his grasp on several occasions as he chases her around New Jersey. The two characters play a game of cat and mouse until eventually, he throws her over his shoulder and locks her in the trunk of his convertible. How few sparks fly between the divorced couple is a mystery; in fact, this film is so bland that they even work out their mutual animosity. “The Bounty Hunter” was unbelievably predictable and packed full with comedy clichés. But it was the lack of character and plot development that helped it hit rock bottom. We never find out what brought these two nut-

heads together in the first place or what the huge fight was that left them hating each other for so long. At one point, Milo and Nicole find themselves right in the middle of a suicide cover up that involves drug dealers and Milo’s former partner in the police force. It was apparent that screen writer Sarah Thorp tried to follow in the footsteps of “Mr. & Mrs. Smith,” by cleverly combining action, romance, and comedy. But the blend of genres turned into a flop on all fronts. The film is directed by Andy Tenant, who also produced “Fools Gold” and “Sweet Home Alabama.” Supporting roles were the only bright spots among the reel-full of blandness. Jeff Garlin as Milo’s boss and Jason Sudeikis as Nicole’s love-struck co-worker, both brought a few laughs to the picture, but even they could barely keep the film afloat. A movie is good when you don’t need to keep checking your watch to see how much longer until the end. Time doesn’t pass any slower than while watching the “The Bounty Hunter.”

April 19-26 Spring 2010

Style & Entertainment

Jet Lag Gemini Makes A Surprise Appearance Haven Orecchio Features Editor

Misha Zilman, the lead singer of Jet Lag Gemini, entertained his fans as he was carried through the crowd, as Vlad Gheorghiu offered his patented solos to compliment the brilliant complexity of the band’s songs. All month long the band posted hints as to where they would make their surprise performance. By 7 o’clock on April 16, their dedicated fans had learned the band’s location at King’s Daughters Library in

Garnerville, NY. Hometown favorites Ambient Ruins, Floral Terrace, and Sexy Heroes opened the show and got fans hyped for Jet Lag’s thrilling performance. “The clues on their Myspace were pretty obvious,” commented freshman Amelia Bainton. “It’s really great that they came back to play in Rockland.” As opposed to the usual high school crowd that attends Loud Noises, the audience was a bit

older due to the homecoming of one of the bands that fans grew up rocking out to. “I remember Jet Lag Gemini playing at shows in Nyack all the time,” said sophomore Andre Korchalovsky. “Now they are a signed band playing at big time shows with bands like the All American Rejects.” The performance energized the crowd and made for an inexpensive and entertaining Friday night in Rockland.

Photos by Brianna Morrell / Outlook Student Press

Jet Lag Gemini introduces new unreleased songs to hometown fans.

Floral Terrace’s Justin Olori (R) and friend Brian Milligram (L) cover Taking Back Sunday in a harmonized duet.

Ambient Ruins’ double bass rolls and metal distortions, make for a hardcore experience.

With witty lyrics, upbeat and catchy guitar licks, Sexy Heroes offered the most intense and lively set.

Genesis Inducted Into Rock And Roll Hall of Fame On March 15, Phish frontman Trey Anastasio inducted Genesis into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame during a ceremony held at the famous Waldorf Astoria in New York City. Getting inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame is the highest honor a band can receive. It’s not just a milestone for when nostalgia sets in. It’s an honor bestowed by the music community, acknowledging that the group or individual is truly unique, special and revolutionary— qualities that Genesis boast. Genesis is an English rock band that is

Bradley Zellman Staff Writer responsible for shaping many aspects of the R&R industry today and defining what rock means to music. Emerging out of an English boarding school in the late 1960’s, the band originally featured Peter Gabriel (vocals), Tony Bands (keyboards), Anthony Phillips (guitar), Mike Rutherford (bass & guitar) and Chris Stewart (drums). The band reached its greatest success when Phil Collins joined as the drummer and later became the lead vocalist. Genesis went through multiple incarnations, but always

stayed true to their philosophy, which according to Trey was to question and break every musical rule and boundary. Since the 60s, Genesis produced 15 albums, most of which went gold, platinum and double platinum. These albums featured pop hits that would go on to become classic hits. Songs such as “No Reply at All,” “Turn it on Again,” and “Watcher of the Skies” not only demonstrate the band’s ability to write groundbreaking musical material, but to do so in way that has crowning appeal to the masses. “Watcher of the Skies” is a

perfect example of their ability to even invoke visual imagery. As most fans would agree, Genesis is the only band with the ability to transform their musical instruments into paintbrushes of the mind. Genesis started rock trends that would be survived by future performers. Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett, featured techniques such as finger-tapping and sweep-picking that were later popularized by Eddie Van Halen. Their album “Duke” in the early 80’s, was one of Genesis’ first to feature a drum machine, a sound

that would not only become a staple of Genesis, but a tool used by other artists thereafter. The ripples Genesis created are still felt today, especially as they are inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame. Many mainstream and ProgRock belling England by the Pound,” “Foxtrot,” “Duke” and “Abacab” will remain aweinspiring. Having witnessed the spectacular achievements of Genesis, it is easy to believe that there may never be another Progressive Rock band with the mass appeal of Genesis.

Style & Entertainment


British Folk Punk Singer Frank Turner

April 19-26 Spring 2010

Talks Burgers, Love and Springsteen Jesse Strauch Contributing Writer

Outlook caught up with Frank Turner at Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, New Jersey, where later that night he would have his first sold out show in the U.S. Excitement led to a sleepless night after attending one of his best concerts and the privilege of holding a personal interview with the stellar musician. For those unfamiliar with Turner’s sound, the best description would be a stripped down punk-style with the sensibilities of folk music; better defined as, campfire punk rock. His songs are confessional and self-deprecating, but never lose the angry aesthetic of punk rock. Jesse Strauch: If you could work with any musician alive or dead who would it be and why? Frank Turner: (Laughs) Well there would be too many to mention, but I’ll pick two. The first one, which is kind of funny given where we are, would be Springsteen. I’m a massive Springsteen fan - just obsessive; I mean it’s kind of unrealistic. But the other one would be this English folk guitarist named Richard Thompson. He started his days as a guitarist for a band called Fairport Convention. They were like the original English folk rock band in like ‘68 and he has been doing solo stuff since the early 70’s. Richard Thompson is the single most incredible guitarist in the world. He does this thing where he uses a pick and finger picks at the same time. So he’ll play out a

rhythm on the bottom two strings with his pick and sort of counter point with his little finger. Basically when he plays, it sounds like four people playing guitar at the same time. JS: I know you’re touring all the time, so what do you eat? Just Pop Tarts and Hot Pockets? FT: It’s what you can get really. The problem with touring and eating is that your choices are limited by the fact of movement all the time. Your choice is sort of limited by where you are… it just depends on what you’re driving past. I mean, touring America you get very well versed in the difference between fast food joints. And different parts of the country are known for different things. Just stuff like you got In and Out Burger in California and there’s one called Five Guys or something? JS: That place is really good actually. FT: That place is f**king great. Really good burgers. JS: What’s the biggest difference between American crowds and European crowds? FT: Well I think Americans travel to gigs a lot more easily. JS: Yeah, we came from about two hours away. FT: Right, no one would do that in the UK. So, American crowds travel. But the other thing is —and this is obviously more personal to me—the band I used to be in, we weren’t big, but we were

well known in the underground to put it that way. Now that kind of died down a little bit because I’m bigger in the UK than Million Dead ever was by some distance. But for the last year I have felt like everyone is looking at me through the filter of the fact that I used to be in the Million Dead hardcore band. There are a ton of people saying “I’m much more into Million Dead” and it’s like “Cool, go and listen to Million Dead,” do you know what I mean? Don’t f**king waste my time. I mean I’m proud of everything I’ve done with Million Dead. But one of the things that is nice for me in America is that it’s kind of a clean slate. It’s a refreshing thing for me, in a way, not to answer questions like, “So why did Million Dead break up? Well I have answered this question 5000 times, and it’s none of their business. JS: I was wondering if there was a specific story behind “Take You Home.” I started thinking about it as you guys were playing it during sound check. FT: Well, first thing I should say is that any storytelling in my songs is literal because I’m very bad at fiction. So it’s all real events and stuff. Yea, I used to go out with this French girl, I thought she was great and then... actually the story isn’t really in the song. I recorded that album in two goes; we did sort of the acoustic songs first and then we did the songs with drums afterwards. After finishing the first session I jumped on a train that goes from London to Paris, to go and see her because I was on tour and in the

studio. When I arrived, I went to her house, got dumped, turned around, and went back to the UK again like f**king hell. And I remember asking “Have we got time to change any of the lyrics on that?” and he was like “Nope it’s in the can.” And it was like “Ahhh for f**k’s sake.” It kind of worked out quite neatly and in terms of the flow of the album that the song “A Love Worth Keeping,” is kind of about the fact that it didn’t work out. Yea, so it’s kind of funny. I don’t know, it’s just with that album. JS: I guess my last question would be if you could give a prospective fan one song to listen to, what would it be? FT: That’s too tough- I’ll choose two. I guess “The Road” is not a bad place to start. It kind of covers

most of the bases of what I do, so I guess I would say that. I find I don’t like to pick individual songs from my back catalog because it’s sort of like trying to choose between the children; it feels sort of wrong. I have to say the song that I have written that I am the proudest of is “Prof Rock” because I think it’s a great song that stands on its own. But, also that the people the song is about, was at a really special time in my life that’s no longer there. They’re all still alive, it’s just sort of like that moment in time when everyone was together... JS: Sort of like a snap shot? FT: Exactly. It makes me feel really nostalgic and happy and sad all at the same time thinking about it.

Devoted Fans Remake Trilogy Amateur Video Clippings Pieced Together To Form New Masterpiece

Jesse Strauch Contributing Writer George Lucas’ 1977 classic has been recreated by “Star Wars” obsessed fans around the nation. Do not fear, the movie is not another 3-D remake with enhanced visual effects and a butchered story line. Instead,

it was created by us, the fans, the bleeding hearts of the nerd community. Casey Pugh, whose name may very soon be heard echoing through the halls of comic book conventions everywhere, had an interesting idea. It’s one of

those ideas that makes you kick yourself for not thinking of first because it is so ridiculously awesome. Pugh and his band of Comicon rebels split the entire “Star Wars” movie into fifteen second clips and launched the website www.Starwarsuncut. com. When the website opened a little over a year ago, it was a very simple, no-frills site with a great premise: remake the original movie with the participation of the ever so colorful “Star Wars” fan base. Fans would log on to the site and pick as many as three of the 472 fifteen second clips

to remake in any fashion they wanted. Have you ever wanted to see Princess Leia with a beard? Or a chihuaha playing the role of Chewbacca? If you have ever answered hell yeah to either of these questions, then this excessive display of dorkdom is for you. Not all of the clips are live action, though—there are flip books and “Robot Chicken”style, stop-motion clips. The best one I have seen so far has to be a scene done entirely with brown paper bags similar to the Fandango commercials that you see at movie theaters. Once all the scenes are completed,

the site says, they’ll be stitched together and fans will be able to “watch the magic happen.” A four minute clip of the Death Star escape was recently posted on the website’s blog. The first public screening of this edit was held at the Copenhagen CPH:PIX Film Festival on April 19. No need to worry, though—New York screenings will be announced soon. There is also talk of redoing another great film, “The Empire Strikes Back.” This is extremely good news for me and other fans who missed out on the opportunity to participate in the “Star Wars” remake.


April 19-26 Spring 2010

Outlook Student Press James Borchers, Editor-in-Chief Jaclyn Sayegh, Production Manager Ziv Schwartz, Managing Editor Susanna Perlov, Opinion Editor Haven Orecchio, Features Editor Demi Moore, Art Director

Stan Morodokhin, Finance Editor Brianna Lalji, Style & Entertainment Editor Zehra Sheikh, Science & Health Editor Pinchas Lunger, Web Editor

Outlook Student Press is published every other week except during exam periods. It is an independent newspaper and public forum produced by students and paid for by advertising revenue and student activities fees. Outlook Student Press invites you to submit your opinions and ideas for publication. We strongly encourage letters to the editor. Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Outlook editors or staff. Submissions may be edited for clarity, length, style, and taste. Outlook does not accept anonymous submissions.

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Staff: Jessica Gomez, Ryan Buchanan, Brad Zellman, Jonathan Mallon, Ken Grand-Pierre, Andrew Newmark, Jeremy Pardo, Charlene Martoni, Kennedy Ogoye

Contributors: Jesse Strauch, Chelsea Snail mail:Outlook Student Press Rockland Community College 145 College Road, Suffern, NY 10901

Drake, Adam Bierenbaum, Jason Gonzalez, Brianna Morrell, Victoria Gomez, Vera Then, Leesa Contorino, Sarah Mangs, Mike Daly

Professor Fuentes, Advisor


Health Care Bill: Socialism in Disguise The Obama administration seems to have the country’s economic situation under control… perhaps a little too much control. Calling the Health Care Bill a “reforming legislation” is just a euphemism for what it really is: socialism. The bill was passed as part of an effort to decrease national debt and allow all citizens the right to receive medical care, but that also means cuts and new regulations that will inflict more harm than good on American citizens. The Medicare program will endure $500 billion in cuts, in order to help fund the program, which will lead to a raise in Medicare tax. And with the babyboomer generation approaching their retirement age, they can say goodbye to their anticipated benefits. Although universal health care may sound like a good way to ensure that every citizen is covered, realistically it means an increase in taxes and will lead to inevitable cuts in medical research programs. Even the United Kingdom and Canada, which are known for having universal health care, are beginning to privatize due to the amount of financial turmoil that their governments are facing and lack of quality patient care. Additionally, the reform will create unwanted changes to the medical field as well as to current and aspiring physicians. To help pay off hefty student loans, physicians will resort to specialty care, which could mean longer waiting time for patients as well as higher specialty costs. With the health care reform placing a focus on low income families being subsidized by the government, the phrase, “you get

what you pay for,” can turn into “you pay for what they get.” Basically, low income citizens who can’t even afford insurance will receive it through government spending and will have ultimate control over their health care resources. This could potentially take away from people who actually pay for their health care and are entitled to better services. Furthermore, decisions about health care costs should be between patients and health care providers. Once the government starts commanding the costs, it could lead to unfair changes in pricing which can stunt the chance for people to receive relevant care based on the services that they need. Although the United States is in need of some major changes, calling this plan an improvement would be a blatant lie. The health care bill is supposed to reduce the national deficit by controlling costs, but adding on an additional $940 billion is a risky investment that the American economy is not ready to make. The whole notion of creating “equal” health benefits for all citizens isn’t being achieved through the reform. Families that make an income of $250,000 per year will be forced to pay higher Medicare taxes and employers will be fined if they do not provide health care coverage to their employees. If this bill is supposed to benefit everyone, then why are people with a higher income paying more? This “reform” contradicts the basis of America’s capitalist economy and allows socialist ideals to filter through.


Student Loan Program Revamped Kennedy Ogoye Staff Writer In the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Congress rewrote the 40-year-old student loan program. This seems to be the first time that the student loan issue was genuinely tackled head-on. The previous student loan program relied heavily on private lenders, which allowed banks and other institutions to take advantage of students’ financial situations. In the old program, private lenders processed and managed many of the loans, which were backed by the government. The rates were high, and the application-filling process was overly complex. Students were left with a significant amount of debt repayment long after completing their college education. It was painful to see financial institutions straying from their responsibilities to provide affordable loans to students and instead using the loan program as a way to gain profit. How desperate were the banks that they resorted to burning holes in college student’s pockets? They also managed to manipulate the taxpayers’ money, which is an utter disgrace to our taxpaying society. The new program removes private lenders from the federal government loan system, giving the federal government more power to oversee how student funds are allocated. Now, all students who seek federal financing will do so through the Federal Direct Loan Servicing Program, which operates with the federal government as the lender. The main goal is to direct the estimated $36 billion in Pell Grants for students in financial need. The bill would also provide $4 billion to community colleges. The new legislation would direct about $19 billion for deficit reduction, and equalize expenses

for health care. The bill provides $1.5 billion to make it easier for student borrowers to repay their loans. Beginning in 2014, borrowers will devote not more than 10 percent of their monthly income to repay student loans. Noreen O’Donnell of LoHud.com, states that the amount of students graduating from college with a debt of more than $25,000 has tripled over a period of ten years. She also mentions that over 400,000 qualified students to do not complete the application process due to cost. Community colleges have seen an increase in enrollment these past few years, the reason being that it provides a more affordable education. Before the student loan program, the relationship between the amount of student enrollment and distribution of the grant was a disproportionate one. I cannot tell you how many times I have received a letter from SUNY Rockland, stating an increase in fees in order to balance the budget. However, the $4 billion in Pell Grants will help community colleges, including RCC, to eliminate any budget shortfalls. Although the loan program provides an immense amount of help for students, it outraged private lenders. Lenders claim that it would lead to job loss because this program allows more government involvement than the previous program. If they really cared about employment so much, then they would also care about college students trying to pay their way through school. An increase in enrollment in the community colleges increase is a good sign, but with no funds, it ends up restraining a system that is already short of funds. All the students should now be encouraged to pursue their dreams without being bothered by the unavailability of funds, and the fear of being unable to repay their loans on time.

Susanna Perlov /Outlook Student Press



April 19-26 Spring 2010

Job Fair Brings Job Opportunities to Students

Student gains information about working with Aflac, an insurance company.

Demi Moore/ Outlook Student Press

Students at SUNY Rockland had the opportunity on Tuesday, April 6, to meet with 16 various companies offering employment opportunities at this semester’s Job Fair. Students could freely walk around the Student Union and talk to the employers, schedule interviews, and hand in resumes. Even if students were in a rush they could stop by, grab the information they need, and apply later. “There are a lot of options which are good for students,” said student Melina Salvador who is seeking a part-time job. It was the 12th annual Job Fair sponsored by the College’s Career Service Center. The fair was open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. so that students had a chance to visit during the common hour or after classes. “The Fair [was] pretty good, I will apply for a job to stay for a couple of years,” said student Matt Roder. Many of the positions offered by the employers were flexible so that employed students could easily adapt their work schedule around their school schedule. Tupperware was one of the companies offering flexible positions in sales and team-leaders. “It is something one can do a couple of days a week,” said employer Janet Schwartz. “I’m sure three or four will get a job.” Due to the noise in the room employers did not hire on the spot, but organized interviews with promising students to give them personal attention later. Alyssa Mogensen, a representative for RCS, an inside-sales company, said she will be interviewing seven students. “You are the talent of tomorrow,” she said while adding that the students will receive complete training for the job. Spectra Watt, a company that manufactures solar panels, were seeking students who are completing their Applied Science Degree. The company is looking to build up a team from newly graduated students. Even though there was a diverse selection of companies, not everyone found something of interest. “Most of the jobs are directed towards something else than what I am majoring at RCC,” said student Eric Frech. “I haven’t found anything, but it gave me something to think about,” said student Matt Kalmus.

Demi Moore/ Outlook Student Press

Sarah Mangs Contributing Writer

Jawonio, an organization for adults and children with disabilities and special needs, offers student information on employment.

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Montefiore’s Institute for Reproductive Medicine and Health 141 South Central Avenue, Hartsdale, New York 10530



April 19-26 Spring 2010


From Impulse Magazine: To the Student Body and Faculty: Due to illness, the Art and Design course that regularly engages in designing and producing Impulse Magazine had to be cancelled. No other instructors, sections, or resources were available despite considerable efforts from students and faculty in Arts and Humanities. This situation could have become an unprecedented crisis, but we believe we have come up with a pretty good, if obviously not perfect, solution. 1. Impulse will come out next spring as a double issue, 2009-2011, that will incorporate into the larger double issue all of its already accepted submissions in poetry, fiction and nonfiction from this academic year. It will, of course, also offer work from 2010-2011. 2. With the assistance from the college newspaper, Outlook, Impulse will be

running a page of written work now accepted for this year’s issue. That means that every issue of Outlook will be presenting the work of students on a regular basis, from the end of this semester and through the fall semester of 2010. 3. All work that appears in Outlook from Impulse, will still be a part of the double issue. We’d all like to thank the SGA for its generous support and constructive suggestions. As ever, the clubs are the life blood of this college. Sincerely, • Reamy Jansen, Advisor/Professor of English (x4344) • Talia Blau, President, Impulse Magazine for the club’s board and members

Green Miles and You Your unmistaken footsteps played a cadenced tune in my ear Softened by my sealed window, yet to be open It stayed unlocked, through light and dark, As I waited for your fingers to appear at the frame, For the upper half of your body to appear Like a photograph I get to capture from my bed My scraped knees denoted my escapes Escapes from the constant voices shouting on The other side of my hole-filled wall Escapes from the broken dishes and wine glasses That once served as routine night gatherings The dying grass that tickled my toes As soon as I landed And the pull of my hand from your determined grip Left all my tattered possessions viewing my back Remnants of something that soon was my yesterday And we fled these main roads that held fractures on their centers And we gave in to the cold that gently cracked our skin Making our nest in mildly grown fields, Vacant and remote, That hid behind the unknowing shadows of our forest We bathed in unsoiled rivers

And saw our legs ever-changing with the small movings of waves You laid on the curvatures of tree branches While your chest was a foundation for my head And you held on to the tree’s limb as you securely embraced me The miles extended while we nestled further away from noise Where the grass grew darker in shades of green As time passed On what we knew to be as clocks But we don’t pay attention to each step our bare feet takes anymore Even when they are worn with calluses We keep them warm by the wood we meticulously assemble, On which fire emits and the flames remind me Of wax objects On hilltops which we climbed and made our temporary settlement Right before the dawn broke in the sky where We caught the sight of Mercury and Venus above the horizon, Floating specks near the peak of the brightening sun Where the streak of orange light lit in your eyes As I gazed into them and saw The entire illuminating sky look back at me -Ginger Tran

Moonshowers The wrinkles around grandmother’s eyes were like rings on ancient hardwood, Her neck drooped wearily, relaxed after years of maternal vigilance. I sat, and she told stories of starry veins that ran across the night sky As if the universe itself had begun to fray at its fiery seams Her words became myths and stories which grabbed our minds And with her fingers, she painted a dreamlike scene, of battle and growth and inferno, all black and shining like the armor of some ancient warrior Outside, the Earth seemed to take a breath The trees stood in silent anticipation, their hard bodies outlined in grey light, and off in the distance deer stalked through dry leaves, gazing upwards as clouds lofted high Where moonlight filled empty space. I climbed up onto my roof And lay there In the cold November darkness The first light was nothing more than the

blink of an airplane, Or the wink of some planet that lay against the backdrop of space But then each star shook off its face and the sky became an explosion, And light streaked Across the earth, and every sense I had hid behind my sight and peered out in awe And as my eyes struggled to understand what missiles these were that flew silently through the clear pond of space, I saw rhythms bigger than drums or heartbeats, Which journeyed out of heat deep underground And tore across lightless skies Cycles which ticked on the metallic gears of time Suns held in motion like jewels on a watchmaker’s velvet case And brilliance that shone into abandoned corners of my memory I lay there until each light had gone cold -Adam Holland

The Cold No wax-paper cover can make a metal slab feel warm When all that protects you is a paper gown And quaking limbs. A woman in green pajamas asks you to spread your legs For a second time And you can’t help but laugh at the irony Until she shocks you with a look of indifference So powerful that your jaw clamps shut on its own Tearing your tongue in two. So you sit quiet and watch as she prepares the murder weapons Silently, as she does everyday, Your right foot beginning to twitch as you imagine the pain So many women have felt before. When the white-coated man appears You let go of your tongue But his low words are meant only for the woman in pajamas And the murder weapons on the table.

One swift glance sends spinning cycles from your eyes To your stomach and threatens vomit. So you clench your eyelids shutNot wanting to witness the closest a vacuum has ever come To your groin. More cold metal tools against you Make you wish for heat, until your insides burnAnd red, raw, rotting life is pulled from within you, Your nerves so torn you cannot muster a tear… When he’s gone you are left alone With the frozen metal numbing your backside And your thoughts so focused they cannot help but wander To younger times when a white-coated man saved your life Not by killing another. -Chloe Cannon



Grad to Current Students:

April 19-26 Spring 2010

Put Up or Shut Up

Mike Daly Contributing Writer As I read through an edition of Outlook, I could not help but feel like I was reading a paper from when I was a student at SUNY Rockland. Parking is still an issue that plagues RCC’s most vocal students. First off, you should be so lucky to have such an issue. Driving is a privilege that every student does not have the pleasure to enjoy. Also, the vast amounts of parking lots provide more than suit the needs of the students. Even so, students still complain about not getting to class on time. Instead of driving around for twenty minutes trying to find the closest spot, take the bad spot and walk, you’ll be on time. Ironically, the same people who complain about walking spend large amounts of money upon gym memberships. Furthermore, all of the pissing and moaning over the cold air is ridiculous. You know it will be cold in January; dress for it. Furthermore, another article I took issue with was the criticism of Paterson’s budget cuts. It is without question that he assumed the governorship at the least opportune time and has done his best with it. Paterson is perhaps the first fiscally responsible politician; New York doesn’t have money and the state isn’t spending money across the boards. We should feel grateful to have a chance to force all our government agencies to cut the fat out of their budgets, but no, back to our ever-nagging vocalizations towards gaining

a free lunch. I also read complaints about tuition, but keep this in mind: RCC is still extremely affordable at 3.5k per year. That translates to $116 per week. Feel free to invest in yourself. That’s much cheaper than ‘real college,’ with the benefits of real credits. RCC even has a Foundation that provides scholarships for deserving students. Also, if NYS won’t pay, turn to FAFSA. If FAFSA is too hard to fill out, then college is probably not for you. If you don’t have the patience or intelligence to seek academic opportunities, cut your losses and get a job. Speaking of paying attention, heads up AntiSlavery Committee: Governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell, is bringing back Confederate History Month. Just when you thought slavery was dead for, I don’t know, over 140 years. Then again, this Anti-Slavery Committee needs to learn something: you, everyone, and I will, one day, be a slave to the dollar. We can only hope to be sold for a nice high price (hence: education). Now, I’m aware that this comes off as ignorant because this is very much a more complex situation than I am willing to denote, however, this is satire, and I don’t have to justify myself. I do note that my ranting is in the same vein as the RFK quote about criticism and love of country. You’re in college: if you haven’t realized that by now, then maybe you should pick up an application at the nearest McDonalds. I will also note that there are still some wonderful things about his great institution. Stop complaining, and go find them.

Susanna Perlov/ Outlook Student Press



April 19-26 Spring 2010

Apple’s Introduction of the iPad ... Jason Gonzalez Contributing Writer Apple introduced the iMac, iPod, iPhone and now the new revolutionary device, the iPad. Apple CEO and cofounder Steve Jobs announced the iPad in late January. Despite the negative commentary that it’s a glorified iPod Touch, the iPad has proved to be another gold mine. The iPad sold an astonishing 500,000 devices during its first days of sale, according to The New York Times. The iPad rocks a glorious 9.7 inch, multi-touch, high resolution LED back-lit screen that is great for watching HD videos on YouTube, and for many other forms of media content. The new HD gaming apps are some of the most appealing and popular so far. The iPad is very lightweight and sturdy, and applications are smooth, with no processor hesitation. The virtual keyboard is easy to type on in the portrait view; switching to landscape view makes it slightly harder to type on unless the iPad is elevated. The iPad runs both iPhone and iPod Touch applications. For anyone interested in word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations, the iPad has Pages, Numbers, and Keynote available for download in the app store for $9.99 each. The device is pricey, considering the fact that it has no multi-processing and it’s basically a netbook with flash storage. There are three current models available for purchase that can only connect through Wi-Fi. The base model with a 16GB storage capacity is $499; the 32GB model is $599; and for a whopping $699, you can have the 64GB model. The iPad does have a Wi-Fi+3G model that can be preordered online and available at the

end of the month in the stores. The 3G access comes with a tiered access plan. The iPad attracts a large audience of users in both college and work environments. The new iBooks application allows the downloading and reading of electronic books on the device. Many college students, including myself, would like Apple to start carrying college textbooks on the iBooks application. It’s easier to carry around the iPad than 50-pound textbooks. The iPad could also replace the traditional notebook by using the Notes application. Colleges and universities should purchase iPads and distribute them with pre-installed textbooks for

your semester as part of the tuition. Students could save the money spent on expensive laptops and the hundreds of dollars spent each semester to carry heavy textbook from class to class. Although the iPad comes with a large pricetag, it can be a good investment and purchase. Anyone interested in a Kindletype device or a substitution for a netbook should look into this device. With the price being so high for the average consumer, there is hope that the cost will come down. Even though it receives some negative commentary from individuals, unless you see it in person you can’t form a valid opinion about this new tablet device.

... And What it Could

Mean For the Future of Tablet Computers Jeremy Pardo Staff Writer Since Apple released its iPad tablet computer on April 3, a revolution in the technology market has been raging. In its first weekend, Apple has sold more than 500,000 iPads according to NYTimes.com. Other PC manufactures have been scrambling to release their own competing devices. Google is rumored to be looking into making its own tablet while Hewlett Packard (HP) is expected to release its iPad-like device, named the Slate, later this year. All of this commotion means that by year’s end, a wide array of tablets will be available with various features. But what is a tablet anyway? Tablets are the new buzz in the technology market. Unlike smart phones, they have full-sized screens but they don’t have a keyboard like a laptop. Due to the screen size and larger processor, they are more powerful than a phone while still being more portable than a laptop. When Apple announced the iPad back in January, they set the bar for the tablets. One feature that apparently will be a staple of tablet computers is an integrated E-reader. In E-reader mode, these devices turn into an electronic book, allowing the user to “flip” through the pages electronically. Along with tablets, many devices that are solely E-readers are likely to become widely available in the near future.

Amazon’s Kindle is one of these. Both Kindle and the E-reader built into the iPad have only black and white capabilities. In the future, both later editions of the iPad and competitors’ products are anticipated to have full color E-readers. Now that Apple has set the bar, many other companies are preparing to put their own spin on the tablet computer. Even before Apple announced the iPad, HP announced the Slate. The Slate is expected to be in stores within the next few months. While PC World called the Slate “underwhelming,” HP’s device does feature a multi-touch screen and a full color screen. It will run Windows 7, and while HP’s product is unlikely to be the future of tablets, it does pave the way for other companies to expand on the idea. One of those companies might be Google. The New York Times reports that Google is looking to make its own tablet computer or E-Reader. Although details of how a Google tablet might work are not known, educated guesses suggest that a Google tablet computer would use Google’s Android operating system (OS). The Android OS is Google’s phone operating system and is currently being sold on many different phones. The Android OS is very different from the OS used on Apple’s products. Android is likely to be the OS most widely used on non-Apple tablets. Not only would a potential Google tablet run Android, but Google is selling their operating system to other companies. This business strategy differs greatly from that of

Apple, which has gone as far as suing other companies for suspected patent infringement. As a result of Google’s approach to sharing technology, competing companies are choosing Google’s Android OS instead of building their own operating system. One such company is Notion Ink, whose Android based “Adam” tablet features a number of features that the iPad lacks. The Adam tablet will be much more “open,” meaning that there is less restricted content on the web. For example, Flash Player, a widely used video plugin used for streaming videos on the web, does not work on the iPad. Flash Player works without problem on the Adam tablet. The Adam also features a camera, a feature sorely missed on the iPad. Google’s tablet and other AndroidOS-based tablets will probably have all the company’s online services, such as Google Voice and Google Earth, integrated into the development tools for the device. Thus, outside programmers developing applications for mobile devices may be more attracted to developing apps for Android than for Apple’s App-Store. Perhaps most importantly, an Android-based device would most likely use a computer chip, not a cell phone chip, making an Android-based tablet a competitor with Apple’s iPad. In all, these are exciting times in the realm of mobile devices. By 2011, many different tablet models from various manufactures will be in stores, opening options for those looking to purchase a tablet computer, and giving Apple serious competition.

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