OUTLOOK - June 2024

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OUTLOOK (ISSN 0887-977X) June 2024, Volume 45, Number 6. OUTLOOK is published monthly (10 months per year) by the Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8307 Pine Lake Road, Lincoln, NE 68516. Printed at Pacific Press Publishing Association, Periodical postage paid at Lincoln, NE and additional offices. USPS number 006-245. Postmaster: Send all UAA to CFS. Free for Mid-America church members and $12 per year for subscribers. ©2024 Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Unless otherwise credited, all images are iStock. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. CONTACT us by email: info@maucsda.org or phone: 402.484.3000

“It’s very encouraging for me to come into this position knowing that God goes before me.” —p. 4



For the past 10 years I have had the opportunity to work with Dr. Vinita Sauder as president of Union College. She has a brilliant mind, incredible work ethic, is a visionary, gracious and kind and, above all, loves the Lord and our church. She led us through some of the most difficult years, dealing with COVID-19 and a shrinking young adult demographic. Despite the challenges, as a result of her leadership Union College has a new fitness center, new graduate programs, and a new name—Union Adventist University.

Following the announcement of Dr. Sauder’s retirement, many, many people prayed throughout the search process of selecting our next president. We believe the Lord has answered our prayers in the person of Dr. Yami Bazan, who is currently the associate dean for the School of Medicine at Loma Linda University. Dr. Bazan has a rich background of working with young adults as a conference youth director, as well as in multiple higher education settings. She is dedicated, passionate, visionary and has a reputation for thriving amidst difficulties.

Let’s all pray for Dr. Sauder as she begins a new life chapter and Dr. Bazan as she becomes the next president of Union Adventist University.


Incoming Union Adventist University president, Dr. Yami Bazan, is grateful for the mentorship of retiring president Dr. Vinita Sauder.

More on p. 4

Photo Courtesy Union Adventist University



President Gary Thurber


Hubert J. Morel Jr.


David VandeVere

Church Ministries

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GARY THURBER president


Dr. Vinita Sauder is retiring this summer after leading Union College as president for 10 years. After months of prayerful searching, the university’s Board of Trustees chose Dr. Yami Bazan as Union’s 30th president. Bazan has most recently served as associate dean for Student Affairs at Loma Linda University. In this interview, the two presidents discuss the joys and challenges of Adventist higher education.

SAUDER: Many of us on campus first got to know you in November when you spoke for a Power Pac weekend. We had just lost a student in a tragic motorcycle accident that week, and you were here with us through a very difficult time. My question is, before you came in November and got thrown into the deep end, so to speak, what did you know about Union?

BAZAN: I’d always heard about Union from friends as a little gem in the middle of the country with this beautiful

spiritual life and passion for service and missions. I had been to campus maybe twice before, but it had always been a fly-in, go to a meeting, fly-out sort of trip.

Having spent time with the community for those five days this past November, I went into the interview knowing this is a really special place. I didn’t know much about Union or Lincoln or Nebraska, but I had felt God’s presence on this campus through the students, the faculty, the church and even the Pathfinders.

SAUDER: You said in one of your sermons that you love God’s challenges and making a difference. This job is a challenge every single day. There are joys too, but it’s challenging now in Adventist higher education.

BAZAN: Challenges and joys—I want to hear about those. Let’s start with some of the happiest moments you’ve had while serving as president.

Courtesy Union Adventist University

Dr. Yami Bazan (left) is the incoming president of Union Adventist University. Dr. Vinita Sauder, who recently retired, was Union’s 29th president.

SAUDER: Many of my happiest stories start with talking to students.

I remember one year during registration, a mother and daughter came to my office. The daughter was an English major and her mother described her as an introverted bookworm. She was so concerned her daughter wouldn’t get out of the dorm and make friends. But I started seeing the daughter in the middle of every activity. I saw her at Handshake, vespers, kayaking and just hanging out with other new students. It was amazing. She had zero trouble making friends. That’s the magic of the community we have here at Union. And it has been a blessing to me to meet the shy girl at registration and see the woman she has become.

I love listening to students and parents. Whether it’s building a new athletic fieldhouse or remodeling residence halls, major initiatives on this campus start with simple conversations with students.

BAZAN: The students definitely blessed me! When I was on campus in November, a student would walk me back to my room after each meeting and pray with me. I thought the chaplain had assigned him to help me, but no, he was just being kind and making sure he prayed over me, all on his own.

SAUDER: We call it the Union Spirit

BAZAN: I experienced the Spirit before I knew about Union. Many of the people who have already made the biggest impact in my life have been Union alumni.

So many people have reached out to share their Union story since I accepted the job. My mentor in Adventist higher education, Dr. Sue Curtis, messaged me and let me know she is a Union grad. Also my mentor in academia, Dr. Barbara Favorito, texted me as soon as she found out and let me know she is an alumna. And Dr. Norman Powell, who has been dear to me since he was my elementary school principal, immediately messaged me and said, “Union is where Roxy and I met. You’ll love it there.”

Those are the joys, but we can’t forget the challenges. What are the greatest obstacles you see Union facing?

SAUDER: In the last decade, the Adventist colleges and universities in North America have seen an enrollment decline of 24 percent on average. That’s a real point of pain for our campuses. Union is right in the middle of the pack for that, but being the median isn’t where we want to be when it comes to enrollment losses.

It’s a challenging time right now. Nationwide, there’s a lot of talk about the value of higher education, and due to inflation, there is rising pressure on the family pocketbook.

These external forces make it even more important to maintain our unique spiritual environment, which sets us

apart from public universities. We have so many students starting Bible study and prayer groups, asking faculty and staff to be their spiritual mentors, and taking the initiative to deepen their own walk with God.

BAZAN: My desire is to make Union a resource so valuable to our churches and our families that students are attracted to come. We need to go to where they are and bring them into the Union experience by thoughtfully engaging with them. One idea is public high school Bible camps. When I worked for the Southern California Conference, I led out in junior high Bible camps, and Union could do something like that to connect with the kids who aren’t in the academy system.

A lot of us in academia are so used to the big campus churches that we forget our conferences are made up of a lot of tiny communities too. The gift of having worked at a conference office before coming to higher education is understanding just how open and welcoming those small churches are, and also how little our church members know about Adventist higher education. They’re not at a university church. They don’t know what’s happening on campus.

When I was at La Sierra, a group of 20 or so of us who loved speaking started traveling to any church that would have us. It was equally eye opening for us to learn about them as for them to hear about the university and Adventist education.

SAUDER: There’s such a good, tight relationship here already that you can build on. My first year as president at Union, Tom Lemon was the board chair. He told me “Union College is the apple of the Mid-America Union’s eye.” He said the school is crucial to the functioning of the entire Mid-America Union.

A lot of choices the team here faces have no perfect answers. I wish everyone could see how hard we work and pray to do the right things. Taped in the drawer of my desk is a handwritten note from John Kerbs, a president who retired 26 years ago. It’s The Living Bible’s paraphrase of 1 Chron. 28:20, “Be strong and courageous and get to work. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task, for the Lord my God is with you; He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly.” I hope that message will be as comforting to you as it has been to me over the years.

BAZAN: It’s very encouraging for me to come into this position knowing that God goes before me. Through you, I know He has sent someone down this road before me. I’m blessed to have a guide such as yourself, Vinita! You’re like Elijah to my Elisha. I’m grateful God has so graciously led my path in a variety of ways to be able to serve, whether it’s been education, ministerial and leadership. I’m so happy to be starting this next chapter, president of Union Adventist University, with your mentorship. My prayer is that God may continue to pour His blessings over this very special place.


New Name, Same Great Union

It’s official. Union College has become Union Adventist University. The change was voted by the Board of Trustees in October 2023, and the university’s faculty and staff have been working toward the transition for the last eight months.

“We believe this name will better communicate Union’s scope as we broaden our graduate offerings,” said Gary Thurber, board chair and Mid-America Union Conference president. “This name also allows us to be distinctive from the other colleges named ‘Union’ while reaffirming the connection to faith and service that welcomes all who want to experience an outstanding Christian education.”

Why stick with Union?

There is a proud legacy of service and leadership associated with the name Union College, and retaining Union as part of the new name honors the founders’ intent of uniting for a higher purpose.

Why add Adventist?

It’s who Union is, and always has been. The university welcomes students of all faiths, but is unapologetic in fostering a uniquely Adventist campus culture. Adding the word Adventist to the name clarifies the spiritual nature of Union, and alludes to the university’s goal to prepare students to fulfill the Great Commission of Matt. 28:19-20.

Why University?

With the addition of more master’s degrees, Union now aligns with the definition of university used in American higher education. In the rest of the world, the name college is misleading to even native English speakers from countries

like Australia, Canada and the UK, where it means a secondary school. Because the cognates of college in other languages also translate to high school, many international students exclude colleges from their search. For alumni who live in foreign countries, listing a bachelor’s degree from a college creates frustration when applying for jobs. In all of these cases, university more accurately reflects the scope of Union’s educational offerings.

Having a distinct name also adds clarity. Because there were four Union Colleges and many more with Union College as part of their name, searching for “Union College” without adding “Nebraska” often led people to the wrong website. Every year, alumni donate to the wrong school, prospective students and parents find the wrong calendar or tuition rates, and very confused athletes apply to play on the non-existent hockey team.

Once, Union even received feedback from the Adventist Accrediting Association that made it clear they had evaluated a different Union College’s website. This sort of confusion hurt the college’s ability to recruit students and fulfill its mission.

Finally, many prospective students and parents say the name university implies a higher quality of education than college. Comparative data demonstrates that the quality Union offers is top-notch. U.S. News awarded Union a raw score (74 out of 100) that was the highest in Nebraska and among all Adventist schools, putting Union in the top 6 percent of all colleges and universities in the nation. If the name suggests anything other than excellence, it is misleading.

Articles on these pages were writte by Scott Cushman, director of digital communication at Union Adventist University.

Courtesy Union Adventist University

I Union Adventist University Unveils New Logo

f the new Union Adventist University logo looks strikingly similar to the previous Union College logo, then Union’s designers have done their job. Having just gone through a well researched rebranding three years ago, university leadership wanted to keep as much of the look and feel of the 2021 logo as possible to make the transition seamless—and also less expensive.

The new logo places even more emphasis on Union as the primary element of the name: a reminder that whether a college or a university, it’s still the same school. The bold and angular design distinguishes Union from the typical serif wordmarks of many other schools, particularly those whose names also include the word Union.

The Golden Cords and the legacy of mission and service they represent have been the common thread in every Union logo throughout the years, and the two ribbons pointing upward that form the U continue that tradition. And, just as chapel services are uGathers, the intranet is uGroups, and events are streamed on UTV, the university emphasizes the U to represent its focus on you, meaning the individual experience of each student.

The Golden Cords and the legacy of mission and service they represent have been the common thread in every Union logo throughout the years, and the two ribbons pointing upward that form the U continue that tradition. The two-toned red shield with the ribbon U in it that the school has adopted as an icon for social media and athletics will remain the same through the transition. Just as chapel services are uGathers, the intranet is uGroups, and events are streamed on UTV, the university emphasizes the U to represent its focus on you, meaning the individual experience of each student.

Adopted in 1914, the college seal was being used as a logo prior to 1983. Now it is reserved for graduation and special events. A version with the new name will be used in the future.

The new Union Adventist University logo, adopted in May 2024, mirrors many of the elements that made the previous Union College logo unique.





In 2021, Union created a more distinctive logo to set itself apart from other schools.

In use from 2003-2021, two other Union Colleges followed suit adopting logos virtually indistinguishable at a glance in 2005 (New York) and 2016 (Kentucky).

Union’s first logo, used from 1983-2003, shaped the letters “UC” out of golden cords.



AdventHealth Complex | Opening Fall

Designed to give Union students more space for recreation and wellness, the AdventHealth Complex construction is progressing and on schedule to open in Fall 2024. The Reiner Wellness Center in the AdventHealth Complex will feature a 25-meter pool, walking track, multiple sports courts, a turf multi-use area and greatly expanded cardio and weight training workout facilities.

You can make a major difference in the experience of Union students by helping us finish the wellness center. Learn more about the project, watch a live cam of construction progress and give a gift at uau.edu/fit

Students and patrons use this temporary entrance to access the Larson Pool and weight rooms. This entrance will be closed off when the construction is complete. All the exterior concrete has been poured for parking lots and sidewalks. The front doors and windows are already installed. This rendering shows approximately what the front entrance will look like when the signage is complete. HVAC units have been installed and are operational. This open space in the upper level will house the cardio fitness equipment. A room directly below will hold the free weights and strength training machines.

The roof and wall panels are fully installed and the building is climate controlled so that work can proceed regardless of weather.

The roof of the original building has been replaced and the walls painted to match the new addition.

Updated Larson Pool

The Larson Pool inside the original Larson Lifestyle Center building has been reopened after a new roof and HVAC system were installed. Before contruction began, the Larson Pool offered more swimming lessons per year than all the YMCAs in Lincoln combined.

Landscaping now covers the old Larson Lifestyle Center entrance that was filled in.

A track

The entrance for the Nursing Program has been completed—including a mobility entrance and signage featuring the Union shield.

The concrete floors are poured and ready for the wooden floors to be installed to the right. Plans call for a multi-purpose turf area to be installed to the left.

surrounds the new building’s interior allowing walkers and runners to complete a mile in seven laps.

Heartof Education

Why teachers love teaching at V. Lindsay

Nestled within a community that values education and personal development, V. Lindsay School in Kansas City, Kansas, stands out as a beacon of innovative and heartfelt teaching amongst other schools in the area. Spanning from Pre-K to eighth grade, this multi-grade school offers a unique educational experience, deeply rooted in the commitment of its teachers and the involvement of its parents. It’s a place where education transcends the boundaries of traditional learning, fostering an environment of which teachers are proud to be a part.

At the core of V. Lindsay School’s ethos is its mission to harmoniously educate and prepare scholars to joyfully serve Jesus through holistic Christian education and intentional nurturing in a family-oriented environment. This mission guides every aspect of the school’s approach, from the curriculum to the daily interactions within the school community. Teachers at V. Lindsay are drawn to this mission, as it aligns with their own desire to contribute to the education of the whole child, encompassing academic, spiritual and personal growth.

At V. Lindsay, the remarkably low student-teacher ratio of 10:1 is more than just a number; it’s a philosophy. This intimate setting allows teachers to truly connect with each student, understanding their individual needs, strengths and areas for growth. Such closeness enables the crafting of personalized learning experiences that cater to the unique journey of every child.

Teachers at V. Lindsay cherish this opportunity to make a significant impact on their students’ lives, guiding them with precision and care that’s only possible in such a nurturing environment.

The warm and inviting atmosphere at V. Lindsay is not limited to the classrooms; it extends to the families of our students, creating a vibrant community centered around education. Teachers and parents communicate daily, forming partnerships that support the children’s learning and development. This collaboration is a source of joy for our educators, as they witness the positive outcomes of such involvement. As one parent aptly put it, V. Lindsay offers “the closest experience to homeschooling without a student actually staying home,” highlighting the school’s ability to provide a personalized and inclusive educational experience.

A Legacy of Love and Learning

V. Lindsay’s dedication to Christian Adventist education enriches the teaching experience. Our faculty appreciate the chance to integrate ethical and moral lessons into the curriculum, supported by the active participation of local pastors. This

spiritual dimension adds depth to our educational approach, allowing teachers to contribute to the holistic development of their students.

Innovation is at the heart of V. Lindsay’s teaching methodologies. With a collective experience spanning over 40 years, our faculty continually explore new and creative ways to engage students, incorporating technology to enhance learning at every level. This commitment to excellence and innovation is what attracts educators to V. Lindsay, offering them a platform to grow professionally and impact lives positively.

The rich history of V. Lindsay School, marked by countless success stories of our alumni, is a testament to the lasting influence of our educators. Our teachers take pride in knowing that they are part of a legacy that continues to thrive, as evidenced by our alumni who choose to send their own children to V. Lindsay, entrusting us with the next generation.

In conclusion, teaching at V. Lindsay School is a privilege and a joy. It’s a place where educators can fulfill their passion for teaching, supported by a community that values education, collaboration and personal growth. Here, teachers are not just imparting knowledge; they are shaping futures, guided by a commitment to excellence and a heart for their students. V. Lindsay School is not just a place of learning; it’s a home for education, where teachers, students and parents come together to create an unparalleled educational journey. V. Lindsay School is a community where educators can make a lasting difference, guided by a commitment to excellence, nurturing and the kingdom of God.

Schari Fontus is principal at V. Lindsay School and education superintendent for the Central States Conference.

Jessica Valentine teaches grades 1-4 at V. Lindsay Adventist School in Kansas City.

Florence Hall

I Tried? Kids Column

A pastor once told a story about a time when his young son was sick with a stomach bug. Have you ever been sick with the flu or had a horrible tummy ache where you threw up? It’s not fun, is it? Well, that’s what happened to this boy. He had spent the day throwing up and was finally starting to feel better.

It was late at night and the pastor was working in his office when he heard his son cry out, “Daddy my tummy hurts!” Oh no, not again, the pastor thought and ran down the dark hallway to the dimly lit kitchen to get a bowl.

“Hold on, Son, I’m coming!” he yelled. He could hear his son starting to cough and gag and as quickly as he could, he opened the cupboard, grabbed a bowl and sprinted to his son’s bedroom. He lunged toward his son and held out the bowl just in time to catch the boy’s throw-up.

While the pastor felt bad that his son was sick again, he was also pretty pleased with himself because he’d made it to the room in time to catch the throw-up. No sheets to wash or extra mess to clean up!

But all of a sudden, the pastor realized that his hands were feeling something wet and warm and sticky ... oh no! In his rush, the pastor had not grabbed a bowl, but a spaghetti strainer! Gross! He had tried his best, he thought he was ready, but it turns out he wasn’t.

Have you ever had something like this happen to you? Maybe not catching throw-up in a spaghetti strainer, but a time when you tried really hard or thought you were ready, but it didn’t work out? Perhaps you studied really hard for a test at school, but still got stuck trying to answer the questions. Maybe you practiced a lot for an upcoming music recital, only to get up front and stumble because you were nervous. We’ve all had times where no matter how hard we try, it just doesn’t seem to work out and that can be frustrating and discouraging.

When those moments come, I like to focus on God’s promises—truths that I believe and rely on, no trying required. I am so glad we don’t have to try to earn God’s love! He loves us, simply because He created us as His beloved children. Did you know that God loves you and thinks you are the coolest kid in the whole wide world? Here are some Bible verse reminders we can memorize for days when we feel

Play catch with a strainer!

Here’s a super fun spaghetti strainer game for a hot summer day! With an adult’s permission and assistance, take a spaghetti strainer and use zip ties to attach it to your bicycle helmet. Now get a bunch of water balloons (or bean bags) and take turns throwing the balloons and trying to catch them in the spaghetti strainer on your head. See how many balloons you can catch in a certain amount of time or create a relay race with your friends or family.

Chances are the balloons will pop and you’ll get wet, but that’s part of the fun! Each splash is an invigorating reminder of God’s amazing love for us!

like we’re stuck holding a spaghetti strainer:

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1).

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness” (Jer. 31:3).

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs” (Zeph. 3:17).

Aren’t those beautiful truths? Believe those words and receive them into your heart today. Now, who wants some spaghetti?

Courtesy Kelli Wasemiller


Mid-America Union Hosts Alive in Jesus Training

Nearly 50 children’s ministry leaders from across the Mid-America Union territory gathered on April 13 at MAUC headquarters for a free “train the trainers” event focusing on the new Sabbath school Bible-based curriculum titled Alive in Jesus being rolled out worldwide in January 2025. Coordinated by Tyrone Douglas, MidAmerica Union church ministries director and his team, the event was offered in person in both Spanish and English by North American Division contracted trainers.

To ensure our children’s ministry leaders are prepared

for a seamless transition that replaces the aging GraceLink curriculum, the NAD and MAUC are currently providing training for the Baby Steps (birth-12 months) and Beginners (1-3 years) curricula. The Kindergarten and Primary trainings are planned for later in 2025, with Junior, Teen and Youth launching in 2026.

Hands-on, engaging training

Children’s ministry leaders from around the nine-state territory of Mid-America Union stepped up to help train the trainers for each

conference. The day began with group singing, led by children’s ministry director for the Minnesota Conference Pastor Darnisha Thomas Joseph’s Other Coat was the title of the opening devotional thought presented by Douglas, with Roberto Correa, MAUC multi-language director, translating. “Joseph’s other coat was the divine favor of his heavenly Father,” said Douglas. “No one can take the invisible coat of divine favor that is upon our children ... When the tough times come children will choose to follow the God they learned about in their childhood.”

Pastor Samuel Nyarige from the Mount of Blessing Church in Minnesota has been a teacher for many years, but he is looking for new ideas and skills. Many pastors are disconnected with children’s ministries, says Nyarige, but he wants “to

connect all the way up” with every age group.

Commenting on the curriculum, one participant said, “I love it. It’s colorful, exciting, diverse and very engaging for children and their parents.”

This curriculum has been in development by a global team for the past five years. A number of churches, including some in MidAmerica territory, have been involved with the pilot program. Mid-America is the sixth union in the NAD  to receive the training.

View an introductory video and curriculum samples and download a brochure at sspm. adventist.org/ aliveinjesus.

Mid-America Pathfinders Experience the Bible on Stage

athfinder teams from each conference across the Mid-America Union territory gathered on March 16 at the College View Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, for the union level Pathfinder Bible Experience. A total of 23 teams successfully advanced from their area and conference testing to compete at the union level.

Following the testing, each conference had one or more teams earning a first place award, enabling them to progress to the division level testing on April 20 in Greeley, Colorado.

To see pictures from this year’s event you can visit the Mid-America Union Flickr site: flickr.com/photos/outlookmag.

Be informed and stay connected to what Pathfinders in Mid-America are doing: facebook.com/OutlookMag.

Venus Douglas
Courtesy Mid-America Union Conference

MAUC Executive Committee Honors Retiring Leaders

Members of the MidAmerica Union Executive Committee gathered on April 18, 2024, at union headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska, to receive updates, vote ordination/ commissioning recommendations from local conferences and launch a new scholarship funding initiative for Union Adventist University, formerly Union College.

The 38-member group is composed of institutional leaders, pastors, educators and lay members from all six conferences in the union.

The day began with biblical lessons drawn from the story of Jesus crossing the lake with his disciples, presented by Dr. Calvin Watkins, a vice president of the North American Division. With the theme of “Almost is never enough,” Watkins challenged the group to dream big and reach our full potential in Jesus Christ. “I want to go beyond my possibilities and walk in the promises God has for me,” he said. “We must act on the dreams God gives us.”

During his remarks, MAUC president Gary Thurber mentioned the upcoming retirements of Iowa-Missouri Conference president Dean Coridan and Union College president Vinita Sauder. Sincere thanks was expressed to both Coridan and Sauder for their years of faithful service.

Thurber shared updates on plans for the International Pathfinder Camporee coming to Gillette, Wyoming, in August, and the

Mid-America Union ministerial retreat being hosted in Kansas City in July.

The NAD’s evangelism thrust for 2025 titled “Pentecost 3,000” also received attention. Churches hosting reaping events may receive special funding from the NAD under this initiative.

Hubert J. Morel, Jr., MAUC vice president for administration, presented 11 ordination/commissioning requests from four conferences, three internship applications, one ministerial credential and one emeritus/honorary ministerial credential.

Morel also shared the union’s statistical report, which showed a slight overall increase in membership across the union’s territory in 2023.

In his financial report, MAUC vice president for finance David VandeVere reviewed 2023 financial results as well as comparing departmental ministries to their allocated budgets. A final vote approved the union’s 2024 budget. VandeVere also discussed specifics from the union’s Revolving Fund.

Finally, VandeVere referenced the vast labor shortage in all areas across the division and the efforts being taken by various unions to provide scholarship funds for students attending Adventist colleges and universities. “We hope to have a unified structure division-wide in the future that will be more sustainable.” said VandeVere. “You’re going

Retiring presidents

Dean Coridan (IowaMissouri Conference) and Dr. Vinita Sauder (Union College/Union Adventist University)

to be hearing about this for a number of years in the future as we seek solutions.”

Union College president Dr. Vinita Sauder, who retired May 31, reported that in addition to welcoming a new president (Dr. Yami Bazan) the school is undergoing a name change, becoming Union Adventist University effective May 5, 2024.

Sauder also gave updates on the Reiner Wellness Center, scheduled for an Aug. 18, 2024, ribbon cutting ceremony and grand opening.

Continuing on the theme of health, CEO of AdventHealth Rocky Mountain Region Brett Spenst outlined the strategic plans, projects and facilities of AdventHealth’s ministry, which continues to grow in multiple areas.

“AdventHealth’s goal for all their hospitals is to be either a 4- or 5-star rated hospital,” said Spenst. “All five of our hospitals in Rocky Mountain are currently in that category. We want to do this because Jesus’ healing ministry was perfect and our mission is to extend the healing ministry of Christ.”

Brad Forbes, president of AdventSource, presented a “show and tell” of new

resources being released by the NAD in the area of church ministries, children’s ministries, financial training, grief support, evangelism and event planning.

The final report was presented by Roberto Correa, MAUC multi-lingual, disabilities and Hispanic ministries director, who shared demographic statistics showing that one million immigrants enter the United States each year. “We have 23 language groups worshiping together on Sabbaths in Mid-America,” said Correa. He also notes that 37 percent of church attendees are currently ethnic minorities and across the division 60 percent of our members under age 18 come from ethnic minorities.

The next Mid-America Executive Committee is scheduled for Nov. 21, 2024.

Stories on these pages were written by Brenda Dickerson, communication director for the Mid-America Union Conference.

Hugh Davis

Boston Street Church Celebrates Pathfinder Induction Ceremony

God has been good to the Boston Street Seventhday Adventist Church congregation by increasing it in numbers, especially among the young people. According to Elder MSafiri , “because of this, we had to come up with a plan on how to start Pathfinders and Adventurers clubs.”

Pastor Brian Irby fully supported the plan. Brother

Innocent worked hard to invite other youths from Salt Lake City, Utah; Fort Worth Texas; and Michigan to come to the Denver area to motivate their fellow youth and to commence the Pathfinder club. Pastor Irby gave thanks to the Lord for blessing all the plans relating to the induction ceremony.

Now the Boston Street Church has a big army

of Adventurers and Pathfinders, and many young adults to be trained. Volunteers are needed, according to Pathfinders director Elder MSafiri. He also said, “I would like to thank Sister Rachel Banks, Pathfinder director for the Central States Conference, and her husband, master guide Earsul Banks, who presented the sermon, for

a job well done.” He also thanked Elder Ian Francis, Pathfinder area coordinator for the Central States Conference, for making the induction Sabbath possible.

Ian Francis is area Pathfinder coordinator for the Central States Conference.

(below, l-r) Elder Msafiri Lugoe, Pathfinder director for Boston Street Church, is grateful to Pastor Brian Irby and Sister Rachel Banks, Pathfinder director for the Central States Conference, for their support during the organization of the new club.

Photos Courtesy Central States Conference

A history of Lifehouse International Church’s journey From Group to Company

The Lifehouse International Seventhday Adventist Church recently hosted an anniversary celebration at our current location in Greenwood, Colorado. Following is a history of how the group became a company.

The organization of Lifehouse began in 2015 when the leader and the pastor of this group contacted Central States Conference leaders, headquartered in Kansas City. Pastor Robert Coronado , the multicultural director at that time, attended our first Sabbath worship on March 14, 2015, at our first location on E. Jewell Avenue in Aurora, Colorado, for the establishment of an official worship group in accordance with the rules of the conference. The group at that time totaled 38 members (seven families including adults and children).

On that same Sabbath, after long prayers in the sanctuary, we divided into small groups to ask for God’s guidance. The structure of the leadership was formed and officially Pastor Jantje Rumambi was appointed as a Bible worker under the guidance of Pastor Coronado and the Central

States Conference. Pastor Coronado proposed the name Lifehouse International Seventh-day Adventist Church, since there were already several Adventist groups under the guidance of Pastor Coronado with the name of Lifehouse, aimed at becoming training centers. We agreed since members at that time came from several ethnic backgrounds.

Within five months the group had reached 64 in membership, making the place of worship inadequate. In September 2015, Lifehouse moved to a second (larger) location at E. Hampden Avenue in Denver, Colorado. New family members joined Lifehouse and we hosted many joint events with other churches.

A few months later the conference appointed a new district pastor/leader named Pastor Rene Marquez, who specialized in increasing the activity of our youth.

In 2017 the church found another place of worship closer to where most of the members lived. The third location was at S. Tower Road in Aurora, Colorado.

That same year the church received a tremendous blessing when the Central

States Conference placed a new district pastor and multicultural director who was very friendly, funny and passionate in the work of God. Pastor Thomas Degyves brings many advantages, including the ability to speak Spanish fluently. Under the support, guidance and direction of Pastor Degyves, on May 5, 2018, Lifehouse was inaugurated by Pastor Cryston Josiah and officially became a company.

Due to the occupancy time limit at that location, the church decided to find a different location so we could continue our afternoon activities such as seminars, family and youth programs and choir practice. Temporarily, the church moved to a nearby location at E. Hampden Avenue in Aurora until the end of December 2023. By God’s grace, and with plenty of earnest prayers by all members, in February 2024 God gave us the most comfortable place of worship with very flexible occupancy. Now we are worshiping at 5101 S. Dayton Street in Greenwood Village, Colorado.

Back in March 2022, Lifehouse International welcomed Pastor Noldy Sakul and Pastor Robert Walean as

additional pastors. President of the Mid-America Union Conference Pastor Gary Thurber conducted the official welcoming ceremony.

In December 2023, Pastor Jantje Rumambi retired, but remains an active member and servant leader of our church. Members express deep gratitude for Pastor Rumambi’s faithful spiritual guidance and unwavering commitment. “Your tireless efforts have touched countless lives, leaving an indelible mark in our hearts,” said one member.

Realizing that Jesus could return at any time keeps the church focused. Our motto, “I want Jesus more than anything,” has culminated in multiple evangelistic events in Indonesia that resulted in nearly 130 baptisms, many of them young adults. Another event is planned for this year.

Information provided by Wayne Rumambi and Jantje Rumambi.

Read the full article

at: outlookmag. org/lifehousechurch-history
Photos Courtesy Central States Conference

Men’s Retreat Expands Faith and Fellowship

The Dakota Conference

Men’s Retreat, held at the Roughrider Hotel in Medora, North Dakota, is a key annual event for fellowship, spiritual learning, and personal reflection. The 2024 retreat, held from March 8-10, gathered men from across the region to deepen their faith and connect.

Pastor Mike Temple shared a pre-recorded testimony, recalling his neardeath experience from a heart attack during last year’s event. His survival, due to Medora’s first responders and a heart transplant, showcased divine intervention. “I died quite literally on the lobby floor just a few feet from where you are now,” Temple revealed. His story highlighted sacrifice, gratitude, and second chances, resonating deeply with attendees. Temple hopes to once again attend in person at a later date.

New Testament theologian Cedric Vine’s session offered a fresh interpretation of Matthew’s gospel, emphasizing that Jesus aimed to

transform nations, not just build a church. Vine discussed Jesus’ kingly nature, stating, “kings save; laws don’t,” urging attendees to consider the broader implications of Jesus’ kingdom.

Ed Dickerson challenged traditional prophecy views in his session titled “Soon,” addressing the concept of Jesus’ imminent return and how the term ‘soon’ should inspire hope rather than frustration. Dickerson’s message reminded attendees that life on Earth is brief and should be lived with spiritual readiness.

The retreat’s unique fundraising auction on Saturday evening supported the men’s ministry scholarship fund, ensuring financial constraints don’t prevent attendance. The auction, featuring items like a paper bag full of money, raises significant funds—typically between $3,000 and $5,000—and fosters camaraderie and generosity among participants.

Gerry Laundry, a scholarship recipient, expressed

his gratitude: “I have wanted to go to men’s retreat, but it was beyond me entirely. The scholarship solved the financial aspect.” Similarly, first-time attendee Theodore Hansen Jr. shared his enthusiasm: “My first time attending the Dakota Conference Men’s Retreat this year was an awesome experience! I made numerous friends and the meetings gave me new insights on growing closer with Christ as our leader.”

The retreat has been held for several years in the historic town of Medora where there are hiking opportunities. Many

attendees choose to drive through Theodore Roosevelt National Park before leaving the area, allowing them to reflect on the weekend in a tranquil setting. As the event wrapped up, attendees returned home spiritually enriched, reinforcing the importance of the Dakota Conference Men’s Retreat as a cornerstone for building faith and community.

Barry St. Clair is the Dakota Conference prayer ministries director and pastor of the Beulah, Bison, Bottineau, Goodrich, McClusky, Mitchell church district. Article condensed for space by ChatGPT.

Mary Rubbert

Hillcrest Student Takes Third Place at North Dakota State Spelling Bee

“Idon’t want to do it, Dad. Sorry…” is what I told my dad, Karl Tebelius, the night after Hillcrest School announced they would be participating in the Stutsman County Rural Spelling Bee. The annual spelling bee had always been a big deal for me and my family, but especially my dad, because it was so special to him to see me doing well in activities such as that. I had always shown interest in the spelling bee, but this year it didn’t seem so important to me.

In the weeks following the announcement, my parents, especially my dad, urged me to participate because it would be my “last chance” to do something like that, as I was in eighth grade. However, the more they urged the more I decided against going. Although I had the lists of the words at my fingertips, and they all seemed easy to me, the idea just didn’t engross me as it had in years past.

A few weeks before the spelling bee, most of my friends made it known that they would be engaging in the event, and even they

continued to goad me to join in the throng. As the final weeks before the registration deadline drew nearer, our teacher, because so many of our class members were entering the spelling bee, made our weekly spelling tests out of the words on the spelling bee word list.

After scoring A’s on those tests using the most difficult words, I realized that I could actually have a chance at doing well in the spelling bee. Anyway, the worst I could do was lose.

The day of the Stutsman County Spelling Bee came fast after that, and I found myself walking into the doors to take the written part of the test. The environment during the written exam was like a test at school—not stressful, not enjoyable either. However, the words came from the most simple word list, so I breezed through it.

After waiting a few hours, the results of the written test came back and I—and my friends and family—were excited to find that I had made it to the oral rounds! We all had a quick prayer huddle and I went on to win the country title!

A month later, I went to the Bismarck Event Center to participate at the state level. After qualifying in the oral round, I found my seat up front. When it was my turn I strode confidently to the microphone and, after much prayer from both me and my family in the crowd, correctly spelled my first,

second, third, fourth, and so on words. The more I got up to spell, the more the competition field dwindled. Eventually, after much tearing of paper in my pocket, praying every time I was at the mic and chewing on my sweatshirt strings, I was in the top four and qualifying for a trophy.

My rivals went from three spellers to two during more rounds of spelling. I finally stood up and spelled the word “attuned.”

“Your word is ... attuned,” the speaker announced.

“Attuned, a-t ... u-n-e-d, attuned,” I responded.


“The correct spelling is a-tt-u-n-e-d. Good try, though.”

Although it may seem like I would have been sad or devastated that I got so far and lost in third place, I was

ecstatic! I had done it! I took my trophy and papers for the State Spelling Bee and was on my way. As we drove home that day, I smiled to myself. I would’ve never made it so far if it hadn’t been for my teacher, friends, schoolmates and family, but, most of all, my dad and God.

This entire escapade taught me a few things, such as perseverance always pays off, and prayer pays off even more. I prayed more about the spelling bee in those short few months than most things I pray about, and God got me pretty far.

Kale Tebelius recently graduated from eighth grade at Hillcrest Seventh-day Adventist School in Jamestown, North Dakota. He plans to work with his dad on the farm this summer and attend Dakota Adventist Academy in the fall of 2024.

(above) Kale Tebelius earns a third place win at the North Dakota State Spelling Bee. (below) Upper grade students gather around Kale to pray before he participates in the Stutsman County Rural Spelling Bee oral round.

(below right) Hillcrest upper-graders came to support Kale: (l-r) Liz Rittenbach, Alea Kahler, Kale Tebelius, Clara Rittenbach, Matia Krapp and Anna Rittenbach.

Missy Brass Jodi Dossenko Susie Kahler


Students Look to the Skies and Order of the Universe During Solar Eclipse

Andrews Christian Academy  students have learned about the glory of God and the magnificence of the heavens.

Oreo cookies and the phases of the moon? This was an exercise to learn about the moon’s phases ... with a special treat at the end.  Ms. Schebo’s middle-grade students recently studied more about the heavens and

enjoyed a treat, too.

Early in April, the students donned their safety glasses to experience the stunning solar eclipse. What fun to study about the event and then go outdoors to experience it during the school day!

Mrs. Olson, principal of Andrews Christian Academy, said, “... there was lots of excitement when ACA students got to enjoy

the solar eclipse! We had interesting lessons, then went out to view it!”

Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.”

How amazing to know that the creator of the universe is a God of such precise order and beautiful splendor. Scientists predicted when and where the eclipse would occur and

how long it would last at every location.  The students at ACA were witnesses to His astounding greatness.

Carol Bradley is a member of the Cedar Rapids Church in Iowa.

Kimberling City Church Celebrates Baby

Dedication and 95th Birthday

On March 23, Pastor Robert LaCelle dedicated three-month-old Hazel Taylor Tun and her eightyear-old sister, Alice Kristen Tun. A small quilt, made by

Dorothy Israel, was presented to Hazel and a devotional book for young girls was presented to Alice. Wiley Tatum, a member from the Harrison Church in Arkansas, and friend of the Kimberling City Church, sang a dedication hymn, “Lead Them My God to Thee.”

On March 30, at their weekly fellowship dinner, the church presented Dorothy Israel a gift of $95, which was beautifully displayed on a lei decorated by Judy Shafer. An origami dollar

Dorothy Israel holds baby Hazel— youngest and oldest at Kimberling City Church.

bill from Patricia Hanson to “grow on”—was also presented to her as well as birthday cards. April 2 was Israel’s actual birthday.

Carolyn Sowards is communication director for the Kimberling City Church in Missouri.

Photos: Carol Bradley Photos: Judy Garcia and Marlyce Stockinger

Music Fest 2024 Themed Walk in the Light

“Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord” (Isa. 2:5)

(left) The band was led by Joseph Choi.

(below left) The choral clinician was guest Daniel Ikpeama from Lincoln, Nebraska.

(below right) Our teachers received pin awards for their years of service.

(bottom) Students from all of the conference elementary schools participated in the songs during this event held at Sunnydale Adventist Academy.

Photos: Caleb Durant


Kyle Smith Ordained at New Haven Commons

On March 23, 2024, New Haven Commons in Overland Park, Kansas, was filled with celebration and solemnity for the ordination of Pastor Kyle Smith and his wife Annie. The event encapsulated a journey of faith and dedication, highlighted by moments of spiritual reflection.

Pastor Kyle has touched many through his commitment to ministry, shaped

significantly by his upbringing in St. Louis by his mother, Tricia. His response to the call of service has been shaped by years of academic and practical preparation, culminating in his ordination.

The ordination was marked by three significant moments: the message by Japhet De Oliveira, the ordination prayer by Ron Carlson, and the charge by

Virgil Covel. De Oliveira’s message, “And He had to Pass Through Samaria,” provided a profound biblical reflection that set the tone for the spiritual responsibilities Pastor Kyle is embracing.

Following this, all pastors in attendance were invited to come forward and place their hands over Kyle and Annie for the ordination prayer, which was led by conference president Ron Carlson.

The ordination ceremony not only affirmed Pastor Kyle’s role within the church, but also celebrated the path he has walked so far. As the congregation joined in song and later gathered in the Commons lounge for a reception, there was a sense of joy and celebration for Kyle and Annie Smith’s ministry thus far.

Saul Dominguez is communication director for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.

Nature’s Melodies Unite Young Voices at Cantus Music Festival

Last March the harmonious sounds of children’s voices filled the air at the annual Cantus Music Festival, which brought together nearly 100 students from grades 5-8 in seven schools across the Kansas-Nebraska Conference. Spearheaded by Sarah Gilbert, Midland

Academy music teacher, and Renae Cross, College View Academy music teacher, the festival was the culmination of months of careful planning and passion for music.

The festival kicked off its planning phase last August when Gilbert and Cross began selecting a diverse array of songs that resonate with the theme “Nature Sings.” By January, they had reached out to several schools, including College View Academy, Midland Adventist Academy, George Stone School, Great Bend School, Wichita Adventist Christian School, Omaha Memorial School and Topeka

Photos Courtesy Kansas-Nebraska Conference

Topeka Church Celebrates 50 Years

In the early 1870s Seventhday Adventists from around Topeka, Kansas, were organized into a church. They met in rented buildings until 1882, when they moved into their own large frame church downtown, which served them well for nearly a hundred years.

Following evangelistic meetings in 1927 the building needed to be enlarged. This was accomplished by lifting the church off its foundation and rotating it, making rooms in the basement for the church school and Sabbath school.

However, in 1954 an opportunity came to buy the Quinton Heights Elementary school building, so the rooms in the basement could then be used exclusively for Sabbath school. The Quinton Heights school was old when they bought it. So with the encouragement of Elder S. S. Will, the current conference president, a vote was taken at a church business meeting on June 11, 1967, to buy land for a new church school. A 10-acre building site was located west of Topeka on a gravel road running through farm land, and was purchased for $9,000.

Pastor Fred Schultz did much of the work himself and urged the members with

Adventist Christian School, inviting them to join this melodious event.

Throughout the day, students explored and practiced six captivating songs inspired by the beauty of nature— from the intricacies of animal life to the awe-inspiring phenomena of storms. The theme also touched on spiritual elements, drawing

(left) The Topeka Church at 5th St. and Western Ave. from a drawing based on an old church bulletin.

(below) The Topeka Church today

expertise in carpentry to donate labor as well as funds, and in the fall of 1968 the Topeka Church School on Wanamaker Road was ready for the boys and girls.

The members knew they had outgrown the old church, but churches aren’t bought and sold every day. So God’s providence was evident again when, in 1970 before they advertised the church for sale, the church board was offered $30,000 for the old church building downtown.

With a few tears and regrets from the old-time members, the church on the corner of 5th St. and Western

from Psalm 127 to celebrate the sanctity of nature and our place within it.

One of the festival’s highlights was witnessing these young musicians, often accustomed to digital interactions, coming together in person. This event not only showcased their vocal talents but also fostered a sense of community among students

Ave. was sold with the provision that the Adventists could continue to use it for 18 months or until they could get a new church built. At least they had land beside the new school where the church could be constructed.

Pastor Dwight Taylor, the volunteers and hired contractors worked together, and the building slowly took shape. The final building cost was about $165,000. By 1974 everything was in readiness, and on March 23 the happy people braved an early spring snowstorm for the first meeting in the new church.

That was 50 years ago this

from different backgrounds. For many, it was a unique opportunity to meet new friends, connect over shared interests and enjoy the unifying power of music.

The Cantus Music Festival proved to be more than just a musical event; it was a celebration of youth, creativity and the bonds that music can forge. As the students stood

year, so on March 16, 2024, there was a big anniversary celebration where current and former members joined in reminiscing and sharing memories of God’s providence in choosing the site on a gravel road west of town, which today is a five-lane busy thoroughfare. Of course, through the years there have been changes on the inside of the building, but the mission is still the same—to have a place to bring families and friends for fellowship, study of God’s Word and progression of spiritual maturity.

Roxy Hoehn is a member of the Topeka Church in Kansas.

together for about nine hours throughout the day, their voices merged into a powerful expression of praise to God who created both their voices and all of nature!

by Saul Dominguez with information from Renae Cross

Photos Courtesy Topeka Church

Maplewood Academy Students Serve and Learn on La Vida Mission Trip

After mission opportunities fell through the last school year, Maplewood was eager to offer their hands and feet for God’s work this year. But where? There were many tropical and exotic options, but the staff felt strongly we should go where we were most needed. A unanimous vote revealed the answer: La Vida Mission in New Mexico. La Vida Mission is a selffunded outreach ministry that provides health, healing and happiness to the Navajo community. Every person we met there, be it staff or those they serve, was gracious and grateful. I watched my kiddos’ eyes light up with the giving Spirit as they dug out gnarled thistle bushes, felled dead trees, courageously sanitized areas contaminated with

virus-ridden mouse waste, and cleared out entire giant greenhouses in preparation for La Vida’s new permaculture initiative they’re hoping to get off the ground.

Each La Vida staff member,

showing God’s love and serving His people.

It was evident the love they emanated affected all of us. The three students I was working with one day to create, dig out and level two pathways up to a picnic area finally understood why we were there.

“This is the hardest I’ve ever worked in my life, but it’s the best work I’ve ever done in my life,” one exclaimed between laborious efforts with his shovel.

some of whom were graduates from La Vida’s high school learning program themselves, had an incredible story of how they got to La Vida and why they choose La Vida as their means of

(above) John Ruach and Carl Pellazar working outside

(left) Madi Hoffer and Samantha Pegueros stop to pray together.

(below) Jude Bacon and Erik Scoggins work on small engine repair.

Piper Hembre, a junior at Maplewood, was already experiencing the nostalgia and impact of a similar path. Her mother came to La Vida Mission on her own spring break back when she was a junior at Maplewood, and now here Piper was, building on the work her mom had started years before.

“This mission trip is something I am going to remember forever. It was definitely one of my favorite weeks I’ve ever lived,” Piper said. “I saw God pretty much everywhere, which was another good thing that made the whole week so, so good. I saw Him in the hearts of the people, in the stars, in our worships, in the work and willingness

Photos: Jeff Scoggins

Faith Encounter at Denver Airport

While traveling back from their transformative mission trip to La Vida Mission in New Mexico, 14 students and two sponsors from Maplewood Academy found themselves unexpectedly grounded overnight at the Denver airport due to a looming snowstorm. Little did they know this layover would become an opportunity for a divine encounter.

As a small group of five tired students roamed the airport around 10:30 pm, Maplewood Academy juniors Jude Bacon and Christian Valdez noticed a single stranger reading what appeared to be a Bible. Curiosity piqued, Jude approached him, initiating a conversation that would unfold into a profound exchange of faith. Soon, the rest of the small group joined them, prompting a call to the remaining mission

trip students, who swiftly joined them in this unexpected meeting.

The man, Devin, revealed himself as a Christian who had recently vowed to rekindle his relationship with scripture. Working at the airport, Devin’s break time had unexpectedly led him to this encounter with the Maplewood students. What started as a casual inquiry quickly turned into

a heartfelt discussion about their respective spiritual journeys. Devin shared that he did not belong to a church, but expressed his desire to comprehend the Bible before affiliating with a denomination.

Impressed by the students’ commitment to service, Devin listened as they recounted their recent mission trip experiences and the impact it had on

their lives. Baptism, spiritual growth and the importance of daily scripture reading were among the topics that bridged their conversation.

Samantha, one of the students, offered Devin a Bible study guide that she happened to have with her. For the next 30 minutes, amidst the hustle and bustle of the airport, this unlikely congregation delved into matters of faith and fellowship.

As Devin needed to return to work, the students asked if they could pray together. Carl led the prayer, sealing the bond forged in that fleeting yet profound moment. Devin expressed gratitude for the unexpected fellowship and finding joy in the company of these young people dedicated to their faith.

of our students. I would love to go again in the future and see what all has changed and stayed the same.”

This mission trip revealed things to each of us. My revelation goes something like this: If the future of the gospel rides on these kids, and wonderful people like those at La Vida Mission, we are in good hands.

What inspired you?

We asked each student who participated this question: “What was the best/most inspirational part of the mission trip?” Here are some of their answers.

• “The most inspirational

part about the mission trip was the people. The staff at La Vida Mission are very dedicated to helping their students get closer to God, and seeing them share their testimonies with us was very powerful.”

—Carl Pellazar

• “The best part of the mission trip for me was getting to see how the La Vida school is based entirely on donations and seeing how wonderful the people there are. They and the school were so inspiring and made me want to help them where I can even more than I already wanted to.”

Nevaya Cape

• “Although the people of La Vida Mission are poor and have gone through many trials, they still praise God for all the blessings they have. They are happy and grateful for what they have. This trip taught me a very important lesson in thankfulness.”

Jasmine Garcia

• “One of the most inspirational parts on this mission trip was the faith of the staff at La Vida. They fully depended on God and had a strong faith that He would provide for them.”

Nyadheal Dak

• “My favorite part about the mission trip was actually

at the very end. When we were in the Denver airport for a 10-hour layover, God showed us someone who needed some encouragement. I believe God changed our flight so we could meet this guy!”

Abby Cook (see story above)

Jesse Tasche is the assistant girl’s dean at Maplewood Academy.

Read the full article at: outlookmag. org/maplewoodacademymission-trip

Courtesy Minnesota Conference

Commentary: An Adventist Response to Christian Nationalism

In certain news circuits, American Christian nationalism is garnering a lot of attention. Many Seventhday Adventists inside and outside our conference have asked me for input on this issue for the last year. Two concerns have predominated conversations people have with me: What is Christian nationalism? and What is the best response an Adventist can have to Christian nationalism?

There are many different forms of Christian nationalism currently developing in the United States, and even more throughout the world. But the basic point of American Christian nationalism is that the United States was raised up by God and has been blessed by God, and, therefore, is unique among all the other nations (perhaps with the exception of Israel).

Consequently, Christian nationalism maintains the United States either is or ought to be a “Christian nation.” Whether this only means that the United States should adopt overtly Christian principles as its expression of government, society and culture, or go farther and adopt Christianity as its official religion, adherents to Christian nationalism believe it is imperative that Christianity define and shape what it means to be American.

Just as there are a few varieties of Christian nationalism,

so Adventists are responding to Christian nationalism in a variety of ways. For more than a year, I’ve had dozens of conversations on this topic with fellow Adventists from different political, educational and career backgrounds. The three most popular responses to Christian nationalism have been religiously, politically and eschatologically supportive, with the first and the third responses claiming the most endorsement among Adventists.

Some Adventists wholeheartedly embrace Christian nationalism for religious reasons. They claim we are in a war for the soul of America and “the only solution is to make America Christian again.” Apart from the debatable fact of whether or not the founding fathers and mothers of the United States wanted this country to be explicitly “Christian” and what that means, two millennia of church history demonstrate that forcing countries to be Christian may produce a veneer of Christianity, but generally results in compromise rather than conversion.

Seventh-day Adventists have always felt the strict separation of church and state that the Adventist pioneers practiced to be the most prudent course of action. The church, we believe, remains closest to Jesus when it is not trying to usurp the role of the

government or build a kingdom of God on earth.

from Pexels and Unsplash

Other Adventists embrace Christian nationalism for purely political reasons. This position maintains there is only one godly political party in the United States, and we need to vote for this party regardless of morality or Christian character among its representatives. They believe what is important is that politics will save the country; whether or not anyone practices godliness is a secondary matter.

But here is a truth Christians have repeatedly been forced to learn: politics can’t save anyone. Quality political reflection and application can at times improve life. But whether pagan or Christian, political parties, platforms or personas cannot change our hearts, transform our societies or save us from our sins. Only Jesus can do this work—and He doesn’t use governments to do it.

Finally, there are some Adventists who maintain Christian nationalism is detrimental to American government and society, but they support it anyway. The reasoning goes like this: Adventism has always viewed America’s future as turning from principles of freedom to becoming a persecuting power immediately before the second coming, so what if we help this happen sooner? If we can bring about the demise of America through Christian nationalism, we can speed up the end times and Jesus will come back faster.

Without even commenting on how unpatriotic this position is, what is theologically problematic is the focus on lovelessness and idolatry. Rather than showing concern for the well-being of others, this position actively seeks their misfortune.

Further, the idea that any

human actions can hasten or hinder the second coming of Jesus is built on the premise that we are somehow stronger than God because, in some way, we ourselves are God. This view is perhaps the most unchristian response Adventists could possibly have to Christian nationalism, due to its egocentricity.

So, what is a genuine Adventist response to Christian nationalism? How should we relate to it?

Don’t support it, defend it or join its efforts. Instead, provide the true solution by doing three practices. First, pray for your country, government leaders and fellow citizens. Pray for their welfare, wisdom and that they come to know Jesus.

Second, share Jesus with others. Talk about His matchless love, revel in the loving, merciful character of God, and regale people with what the Savior has done for you. This will uplift Jesus as the answer to our problems.

Finally, present the great controversy saga to others. The great controversy isn’t merely about a war between Jesus and Satan. It’s also concerned with who wants to dominate you, who wants to free you, who wants your good and who wants your downfall.

These practices give the best Adventist response to Christian nationalism by focusing on Jesus rather than our fallible human attempts to save ourselves and others. Since America was founded by people escaping persecution for their sincerely held religious convictions, let us guard against thinking we can somehow use persecution to change our country or bring people to Jesus.

Nathaniel Gamble is RMC religious liberty director.


A Legacy of Dedication

Pastor Ruben Rivera, Hispanic ministries director, retired in March from the Rocky Mountain Conference after 36 years of ministry.

Ruben was the longest serving conference director. His wife, Patty Rivera, who is currently the Hispanic women’s ministries director, and was a children’s ministries director, also ended her service at the same time.

Ruben’s entry into ministry began when he visited a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mexico City, Mexico, when he was a teenager. “I heard a pastor preach for the first time,” he reminisced. “I remember hearing him teach God’s Word and having a deep desire to do that someday.”

Ruben made the decision to be baptized at 16, the only individual in his family to have joined the faith. He quickly became involved with church leadership, becoming the Sabbath school director, assistant director of personal ministries, communication director, and head deacon of his local church while still a teenager. He was also a colporteur.

Although his family was

not originally supportive of his desire to study theology, Ruben chose to follow his calling and enrolled in courses at the University of Montemorelos in Mexico. He graduated with his bachelor’s in theology in 1985. While he was studying, he met his wife, Patty, who was an international student from Peru studying nursing.

During his summers as a university student, Ruben was a colporteur and traveled to Mexico, the United States and Puerto Rico sharing God’s word through literature evangelism.

Ruben’s journey in pastoral ministry began in 1985 in Mexico City, serving as an associate pastor before being entrusted with the care of seven congregations in the southern district of the city. After only a couple of years of service, they both moved to Illinois where Ruben attended the Northern Seminary to complete his master’s degree in theological studies.

Upon graduation, the Minnesota Conference offered him a pastoral position, where he helped to establish Hispanic ministry

in Minnesota from nine people to 60 in the first year. Throughout those years, Ruben and Patty had their three daughters: Evelyn, Vanessa and Joanna.

While serving in the Michigan Conference, Ruben completed an additional master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and his Doctor of Ministry from Andrews University.

He later transitioned to a pastoral role in three different districts with the GeorgiaCumberland Conference before joining the Rocky Mountain Conference in 2006. There, he began serving as the pastor of Denver Hispanic (Pecos) and Denver Central. In 2008 he was transferred to the Denver South Hispanic. In 2010, he began serving as the Hispanic coordinator for the conference, a position he held for the last 14 years.

Mic Thurber, conference president, reminisced, “To see a faithful and fruitful Adventist worker retire is always bittersweet. Ruben and Patty have been a wonderful blessing to the Rocky Mountain Conference for so many years. Their kind and

Jesus-like work among us will not soon be forgotten.”

Throughout his ministry, Ruben has written various articles for El Centinela (Spanish version of Signs of the Times) and Revista Adventista (Spanish version of the Adventist Review), and other publications outside of the United States. Last year he wrote the North American Division Missionary Book of the Year for Hispanic Ministries, entitled An Abundant Life. During his ministry he was a well-known speaker in the Hispanic community for retreats, training, teaching, theological symposiums, weeks of prayer and evangelistic series.

“From the first time I met them over 25 years ago, Pastor Ruben Rivera and his wife, Patty, have always been a tremendous and steady support to me personally,” said Mickey Mallory, conference ministerial director. “Their love for God and His people is very apparent in all that they do. What a joy it has been working together with them.”

Vanessa Alarcón is an elder and church clerk at Boulder Adventist Church.

(below, l-r) Vanessa Alarcón (daughter), Ruben Rivera, Patty Rivera, Jana Thurber (RMC Women’s Ministries director), Mic Thurber (RMC president) (right) Ruben and Patty enjoying Ruben’s requested pizza buffet for their RMC retirement celebration

Photos: Rajmund Dabrowski Photos: Rajmund Dabrowski

Making a difference for cancer patients Keeping Her Promise

alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

This quote from Mother Theresa has remained Diana Tamer’s guide throughout her journey from a biology and pre-med student in her home country of Lebanon to where she is today—a clinical oncology pharmacist with the AdventHealth Cancer Institute and a clinical associate professor with the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Pharmacy.

“Faith guides me in almost everything I do,” said Tamer, PharmD, BCOP, who first found her calling as an oncology pharmacist while volunteering in Beirut at the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon, an affiliate of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. “I love that AdventHealth Shawnee Mission is a faith-based organization where I am allowed to talk about faith with patients because I know the power that faith has in providing healing and comfort, especially when cancer is involved.”

After joining AdventHealth Shawnee Mission in 2017, Tamer recalled one of her first patients who was undergoing treatments for cervical cancer. Tamer spent four years with this patient, providing treatment to her, including trying non-traditional clinical treatments

and pushing to get her in sought-after clinical trials, even during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the patient passed away from her illness.

“Before she died, she told me, ‘Promise me you will never quit what you are doing, and you will continue to make a difference in people’s lives,’” said Tamer. “I did promise her that, and I told her that people like her make me want to continue doing what I’m doing despite all of the challenges.”

Beyond hospital walls

Tamer has kept her promise, broadening her work in the oncology space to go beyond the hospital walls. In July 2023, Tamer traveled to Ivory Coast in West Africa where she lent her oncology and pharmacy expertise, and her native fluency in French, to the BIO Ventures for Global Health’s African Access Initiative, which targets the cancer crisis in Africa.

While there, she helped develop and present a multi-day, multidisciplinary curriculum to healthcare workers based in the region on building the infrastructure necessary to sustain basic pharmacy services specific to cancer patients.

“I am doing what I love as a pharmacist and professor because I feel that I can impact more cancer patients by passing on my knowledge

to my patients and students,” said Tamer, “I’ve always dreamt of helping places that lack access to high quality healthcare, so this was an opportunity of a lifetime. I was going to do everything to make it happen.”

Back in Kansas City, Tamer is also actively involved in various community health initiatives, including providing cancer prevention education and screenings to underserved communities through UMKC’s Our Healthy Jackson County grant. Tamer is very excited for the OHJC collaboration to follow up on colorectal cancer screening patients screened in the community. She credits her colleagues at AdventHealth Cancer Center Shawnee Mission for allowing her to keep her promise to her former patient to be

able to make a difference in people’s lives.

“I have people here at AdventHealth I can rely on who allow me to go down the street to provide accessible cancer screenings to the community or to travel abroad to educate healthcare professionals to sustainably help their vulnerable populations for years to come,” said Tamer. “At AdventHealth Shawnee Mission, you never really have to ask anyone for help twice. That’s why at my heart I am AdventHealth.”

Fowler is director of communications at AdventHealth in Kansas City.

Diana Tamer, PharmD, BCOP Courtesy Diana Tamer/UMKC School of Pharmacy

Nepal Mission Trip with Dr. Raj Bolson

Taking part in a mission trip through AdventHealth can be a worthwhile experience for everyone involved—from the patients to the volunteers providing care. It’s an experience that stays with each participant long after the journey ends.

Recently Dr. Raj Bolson, an orthopedic hand surgeon from AdventHealth Medical Group Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at Castle Rock, jumped at the opportunity to travel to Nepal as part of her first medical mission trip with AdventHealth’s Global Mission program.

When Dr. Bolson first joined AdventHealth she shared her interest in participating in a mission trip to Rwanda in central Africa. At the time, however, the group that was going needed a trauma surgeon instead, so she wasn’t able to join. That changed when she received an invitation to serve on a mission trip to Nepal where a hand surgeon was needed.

“It worked out well. I was happy they remembered me and asked if I wanted to come,” said Dr. Bolson.

The mission trip included stops in Bangkok, Thailand,

Kathmandu, Nepal, and other locations during a week and a half approximately. The group included mostly team members from AdventHealth Littleton.

From day one after arriving in Nepal, Dr. Bolson set out to help. After settling down and unpacking, she met officials from Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital, a partner hospital that is part of the Global Missions program. By that afternoon, she had surgery scheduled.

For the remainder of the mission trip, Dr. Bolson participated in clinic activities and scheduled surgeries each day. She also spent time in the emergency room with patients.

“The patients were so grateful and kind. They waved at me after surgery and as I was leaving on the bus. It was really special,” said Dr. Bolson.

She also found time to share three presentations with the hospital team.

“I was very impressed with the physicians there and everything that they do for the patients,” said Dr. Bolson.

While this was her first medical mission trip with

(top left) Dr. Bolson teaching nursing students

(top middle) Dr. Bolson with a patient she operated on earlier in the day who had nerve injuries to his thumb (top right) Dr. Bolson (left) working with the Chief Medical Officer at the Scheer Memorial Adventist Hospital in Nepal (bottom) Dr. Bolson with her fellow orthopedic surgeons who were her hosts for the clinical aspect of the trip

AdventHealth, she can guarantee it will not be her last, thanks to the lasting impression it left on her.

“It was eye opening to me. I learned a lot and I felt grateful when I came back for the resources I have,” said Dr. Bolson. “It is an excellent opportunity to broaden horizons and gain perspective on healthcare in different parts of the world and it links

our health care community together across the world.”

Derek Kopp is a regional communications specialist at AdventHealth in the Rocky Mountain Region.

Learn more about AdventHealth Global Missions at AdventHealth.com/ GlobalMissions.

Photos Courtesy Raj Bolson, MD


Alder, Daisy (Maulsby), b. June 2, 1929 in Rochert, MN. d. Feb. 23, 2024 in Callaway, MN. Member of the Detroit Lakes (MN) Church. Preceded in death by husband Clarence; 3 sisters; 3 brothers. Survivors include daughters Marilyn and Betty Petersen; sons Terry, Tim, John, and Jim; 9 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren.

Dahl, Curtis Allen, b. July 10, 1947 in Granite Falls, MN. d. Nov. 10, 2023 in West Fargo, ND. Member of Fargo (ND) Church. Preceded in death by 2 sisters; 1 brother. Survivors include daughters Jennifer Rudnick, Amanada Brant, and Olivia Campbell; son Brandon; several grandchildren. Served in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam War in the Philippines.

Daniels, Mary Elizabeth (Harris), b. Sept. 6, 1932 in Rogers, AR. d. March 25, 2024 in Bassett, NE. Member of Valentine (NE) Church. Preceded in death by husband Duane; foster son John Kaeding; 1 sister; 3 brothers. Survivors include daughter Brenda LaMay; extended family member Becky Gustafson; 8 grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Dyer, Diana L., b. Dec. 24, 1943 in Los Angeles, CA. d. March 16, 2023 in Adams, NE. Member of Northside (NE) Church. Survivors include husband Richard; daughters Holly Statt, Heidi Morris, Lynn, and Shari.

Fairchild, Dale E., b. Sept. 16, 1929 in Lafayette, IN. d. March 27, 2024 in Shawnee, KS. Member of Chapel Oaks (KS) Church. Preceded in death by wife Chris; 1 daughter. Survivors include son David; 5 grandchildren; 1 great-grandchild.

Griebel, Catherine (Hewlett), b. Feb. 6, 1933 in Grand River, IA. d. April 5, 2024 in

Sioux Falls, SD. Member of Sioux Falls Church. Preceded in death by husband Alvin “Bud”; 2 brothers. Survivors include daughters Cathy Starnes and Lynne; son Merle; 1 grandson.

Gries, Virginia “Teter”

L., b. Sept. 2, 1946 in Sioux City, IA. d. Feb. 14, 2024 in Sioux City, IA. Member of Sioux City Church. Survivors include 2 sisters; 1 half-sister; 1 brother.

Haymaker, Jo LaVon, b. Feb. 14, 1933 in Greeley, KS. d. March 24, 2024 in Kansas City. Member of Chanute (KS) Church. Preceded in death by husband Don; 1 brother. Survivors include daughter Donna Jo Willis; 1 sister; 1 grandson; 1 great-granddaughter.

Macaspac, Ramon J., b. Nov. 20, 1959 in Pampanga, Philippines. d. Jan. 2, 2024 in Sioux City, IA. Member of Sioux City Church. Preceded in death by 2 sisters. Survivors include daughters Dorothy and Anna Grace; son Raymond and Richard; 2 sisters; 3 brothers.

Monahan, Patsy J., b. March 13, 1927 in Ira, IA. d. Feb. 26, 2024. Member of Newton (IA) Church. Preceded in death by son Rodney; 1 sister; 2 brothers. Survivors include daughter Melissa; sons Zac, Mike, and Josh; 4 sisters; 2 brothers; 11 grandchildren; many great-grandchildren.

Schaber, Colleen D. (Julius), b. July 6, 1936 in Clitherall, MN. d. July 3, 2023 in Lincoln, NE. Member of College View (NE) Church. Preceded in death by husband Ralph. Survivors include daughter Pam DeCamp; son Kevin Gilbert; step-children; 2 sisters; 3 grandchildren.

Schrenk, Evangelyn (Eichele), b. May 9, 1929 in Sykeston, ND. d. Feb. 26, 2024 in Bismarck, ND.

Member of Bowdon Country (ND) Church. Preceded in death by husband Alfred; daughter Lynette; grandson Brandon. Survivors include daughter Shelly Schaffer; sons Kevin and Lorren; 2 sisters; 2 brothers; 8 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren.

Spalding, Butch E., b. Sept. 17, 1948 in Windsor, MO. d. Nov. 21, 2023 in Windsor, MO. Member of Sedalia (MO) Church. Preceded in death by 1 sister; 1 brother; 1 step-grandson. Survivors include wife Beth; son Daniel; stepdaughter Sarah; stepsons Adam and Michael; 15 grandchildren and step-grandchildren.

Volsch, Betty (Hopkins), b. Oct. 5, 1935 in Cincinnati, OH. d. April 8, 2024 in Sioux Falls, SD. Member of Sioux Falls Church. Preceded in death by daughter Sharon

June 2024

Turner. Survivors include husband Grant; daughters Marilyn Whilden, Marsha Turner and Carol Fritza; stepdaughter Dawn LaCamp; stepsons Kevin, Cecil, and Miles; 11 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren.

Ziniel, Carina, b. April 11, 1945 in San Narciso, Zambales, Philippines. d. March 9, 2024 in Valley City, ND. Member of Bismarck (ND) Church. Preceded in death by husband Doug Zahn; 2 sisters; 2 brothers. Survivors include sons Dennis, Jr., Curtis and Chris; 5 grandchildren.

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Andrews University seeks qualified applicants: Andrews University is seeking qualified Adventists who may fill open roles in fulfilling our mission to Seek Knowledge, Affirm Faith, and Change the World. If this is of interest to you, please check out our current openings at: andrews.edu/jobs

AdventHealth University seeks a full-time faculty member to teach Introduction to Sociology online and in person and to team teach a graduate course on cultural and ethical considerations in health care. Applicants must have 18 semester hours of graduate-level sociology courses. A doctorate in sociology is preferred; however, a master’s degree will be accepted. For more information, contact Julie Cook at Julie.cook@ahu.edu or go to https://bit.ly/49YNTdp.

Southern Adventist University seeks qualified candidates for the following staff salaried positions: Chaplain–Office of Ministry and Missions. For more information go to sau.catsone.com/careers

Southern Adventist University seeks qualified candi-

dates for the following staff hourly positions: Automotive Technician, Lunch Cook/ Supervisor–Village Market Deli, Carpentry Technician, S.A.L.T. Outreach Coordinator for School of Religion, Alarm Technician, Dispatch Officer–Campus Safety. For more information please visit sau.catsone.com/careers.

Southern Adventist University seeks a full-time faculty in the area of counseling for School of Education/Psychology. A doctoral degree in counselor education from a CACREP-accredited program is required. Doctoral degrees in clinical or counseling psychology from APA-accredited program could be considered if applicant has been employed as full-time faculty member in a counselor education program for a minimum of one full academic year before July 1, 2013. Visit www.southern.edu/jobs

Southern Adventist University seeks a full-time program director to launch a new Doctor of Physical Therapy degree program. The ideal candidate will be proficient in managing the CAPTE accreditation process, new program development, and teaching graduate physical therapy courses as well as clinical practice. Also committed to mentoring advisees, nurturing student learning both in and out of the classroom, and disciplining students in Jesus Christ. Please visit www.southern. edu/jobs.

Southern Adventist University School of Religion seeks full-time faculty member to begin fall semester of 2024. Must be active member of Seventh-day Adventist Church in regular standing and should have Ph.D. (or be near completion) in New Testament. Demonstrate love for Jesus, strong commitment to authority of Scripture, and deep passion for Adventist

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Southern Adventist University seeks a full-time teaching faculty member in the School of Journalism and Communication. Master’s degree in Communication, or a sub-field of Communication, required (Ph.D. preferred). The successful candidate will have teaching and/or industry experience (preferably both) and be able to teach a variety of courses in digital and social media, communication, writing, public speaking, and/or photography. Visit sau.catsone. com/careers.

Southern Adventist University seeks a full-time teaching faculty member in the Department of Applied Technology, specifically in the area of Construction Management. Master’s degree in Construction Management related field is required. The successful candidate will demonstrate competency in the varied trade areas relevant to course content and, ideally, have experience in commercial construction. Candidate must be capable of mentoring university students and have a strong commitment to Christ. Visit sau.catsone. com/careers

Southern Adventist University seeks full-time teaching faculty in the School of Business. Candidates should have a graduate degree (minimum). Doctorate in business-related field preferred. Ideal candidates will have professional work experience in specified area. Candidates will be committed to student learning, engagement, and spiritual well-being. For more information, please visit our job board at sau.catsone. com/careers.




Oak Park Academy Alumni Weekend Sept. 27-28, 2024. All alumni, former faculty and staff are invited to this special reunion weekend. Honor Classes are: 1949, 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, and 1979. Location: Gates Hall, 825 15th St., Nevada, IA. For more information: Allayne Petersen Martsching, 402.312.7368 or email: allaynemartsching@ gmail.com.

Special Oak Park Academy Alumni potluck on Sunday, June 2, 2024 from 11 am-3 pm at College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave., Lincoln, NE. Use back door and go downstairs to dining hall. All alumni and former faculty and staff are invited. Contact: Lindy Jo Quam Markeson 402.238.8535 or lindyjomar@aol.com.

Save the Date: Aug. 16-17, 2024. Guthrie Center (Iowa)

Adventist Church Centennial Celebration Friday evening vespers, Sabbath program and concert. RSVP requested by June 15. Call 319.361.9648 or email ehaas777@gmail.com.


Please email information to Barb Engquist: Barb.Engquist@ maucsda.org. Or mail letter to: OUTLOOK magazine PO Box 6128 Lincoln, NE 68506

For more information call 402.484.3013.

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