Up Close with Fancy Feathers & Parrot Productions, see story on page 5.

Up Close with Fancy Feathers & Parrot Productions, see story on page 5.
By Kristen Eleveld
How can you combine education and entertainment to learn about some of the most beautiful birds in the world? For those in Gwinnett, it’s easy. You just have to contact Brenda Bean, who is celebrating forty years of expertise with parrots and all their needs.
As the owner of two companies—Fancy Feathers, a store that offers supplies and information to birds and their owners; and Parrot Productions, which educates the community about parrots and their skills—Brenda and her husband, Jack, have long understood just how amazing birds can be. She is particularly fond of parrots and has spent almost twenty years educating the Atlanta area and its surrounding community on the incredible feats these feathery friends are capable of, in addition to interesting facts about their personalities and needs.
Brenda is an expert on everything from parrot nutrition to the type of environment that will help these birds thrive, and she is eager to share that knowledge with the community around her, especially those who are considering getting a parrot of their own.
“Birds are similar to children,” said Brenda. “If they only have bad nutrition ingested, their outward actions are not calm, deliberate, and considerate. Often their personality is only a response to the environment. If they live in darkness, they become depressed. If their tummy hurts, they are inclined to be nippy and not nice. If they are hyperactive, it is harder for them to learn.”
Brenda says the easiest comparison is to think of these birds as a
five-year-old child--they have a full range emotions, fears, preferences, and very distinct personalities.
Often, Brenda finds that customers aren’t quite sure what to expect from being a bird owner, which is why she is so dedicated to helping her customers understand what they are getting into before they decide to buy. Parrots are often a lifelong commitment, and just like a puppy or kitten, they may take some time to settle into a new home.
“I have always believed a person can make a better decision with more information,” said Brenda. “Happy customers with happy parrots is my goal in both of my businesses.”
And when Brenda and her team are not helping her customers pick out the right food or toys for their parrots, you will likely find her out in the community, showing her parrots at a birthday party or demonstrating one of their incredible skills. She loves every moment of it—and the birds do, too!
“My favorite part of the educational entertainment of Parrot Productions is watching the awe on the faces of the children and adults when they actually have a bird on their arm,” said Brenda. “There is still the magic even after forty years in the business: eyes wide, mouth in an ‘O.’ The expression is eternal.”
Using her motto of “cuddle, touch and learn,” Brenda has spent the last four decades educating and instilling an appreciation and excitement for her parrot friends.
With hundreds of bird-safe toys, a large variety of food, and sharing education on how to help your bird through an illness, Brenda and her team offer a full-service experience to anyone who needs help caring for their parrot. She is a
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Gwinnett/NE DeKalb Community & Family Magazine — An EndResultz Media Company
Our Town Gwinnett is published and direct mailed to select homes in the Gwinnett/NE DeKalb area. Opinions expressed by the writers and staff are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Our Town Gwinnett reserves the right to edit and/or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our Town Gwinnett is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers.
Entire contents copyright 2025 by Our Town Gwinnett Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without written permission from the publisher.
Dr. Ryan T. Sauers Ryan@EndResultz.com
Creative Director Elsie Olson Elsie@EndResultz.com
Catherine L. Osornio Editor@EndResultz.com Cover
5 On the Cover: Celebrating 40 Years with Fancy Feathers and Parrot Productions
From the Publisher: Ryan’s Remarks
Wellness Matters: Tips for a New You in 2025
Happy 2025: New Goals in a New Year
One Man’s Opinion: The Benefits of Aging
Five Tips to Make Your Child’s Birthday the Best Ever
Catching Up with Quinn Windows
Getting to Know: Cooking for Caregivers
Gwinnett Technical College’s Associate Degree Nursing – RN Program Receives National Accreditation
Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful: Meet Garret Dufty
How Less Plastic Can Help Protect Your Family and Community
By Dr. Ryan T. Sauers
Goodbye, 2024. Welcome, 2025! I am excited for 2025 – a year of new hopes, dreams, healing, love, fellowship, friends, family, and goals – and I am thankful for everything possible with a new year.
I am also thankful to be alive and to be writing this column. I am grateful for family and friends. I am so thankful for our fantastic business and community partners, two magazines, and other media outlets. I am thankful for our fantastic team and for so many more things. You see, my friends, we all have much to be thankful for. As someone recently reminded me, as long as we are “on this side of the dirt,” there is time to be a blessing and make a difference in this world.
However, I am ready for the beginning of a new year. This column is written to inspire us to make 2025 an incredible year in the Our Town community. My question to you is simple: How badly do you want to grow as a person this year?
If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to achieve it. You will desire to solve things and make life better for everyone. In contrast, if you do not want something bad enough, you will find an excuse and complain about everything happening to you and around you. It is the way human beings are wired.
So, you see, we have two choices. The first is to stand around and complain and be frustrated about how things are. The second is to do anything in our power to develop a plan and/or find a way to improve things. In this new year, I challenge you to Keep Pushing Forward (KPF). KPF is what I tell all the graduate marketing and leadership students I teach. It is a mindset of finding a way to make things happen. It is the ability to believe in yourself, push harder, and dig deeper in every aspect of your life. We all can go deeper and find a way. Do not be afraid to fail. As our little @RyanTSauers @RyanTSauers
Continued on page 13
By Our Town Gwinnett Staff
If your New Year’s resolutions list is a mile long, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start. Let these three essential wellness tips set you up for a successful year and give you the power, energy, and determination you need to reach all your other goals.
Many people make the mistake of skipping breakfast, particularly if they are trying to lose weight. But breakfast is essential because it gives you the fuel and energy to power the day until lunch. This is important to help kickstart your metabolism and regulate your hunger. Don’t think you have time to prepare a healthy breakfast? You’re not alone. However, many are open to implementing this habit with quicker breakfast options, such as frozen breakfast foods, that cut prep time in half.
Eggland’s Best Frozen Breakfast Bowls, made with hearty ingredients, are ready to eat in minutes. Not only do the bowls taste great, but they are made with nutritionally superior Eggland’s Best eggs, which contain six times more vitamin D, more than double the Omega-3s and ten times more vitamin E compared to ordinary eggs, so you can feel confident that you’re getting optimal nutrition before taking on the busy day ahead.
Practice Self-Care
Between work, family life, and other commitments, carving out time for yourself can seem challenging. But a little self-care goes a long way toward helping you recharge and better manage all your responsibilities and stressors. Whether going for a run, taking a yoga class, doing arts and crafts, or reading a book, be sure to spend some time each week doing something you love that makes you feel your best.
Prioritizing sleep will improve every aspect of your physical and mental wellness and help you achieve all your other goals. Unfortunately, streaming devices, social media, and other distractions make it too easy to stay up later than intended.
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By Tana Poncsak
To many, a new year signifies a blank page or screen. To others, it means a fresh start. Whatever the onset of a new year brings to mind, it’s never the wrong time to reassess your life goals.
According to History.com and The History of New Year’s Resolutions, the first people to make New Year Resolutions were the ancient Babylonians about 4,000 years ago. Amid their celebration, they also saw the need to mark the beginning of the new year, making sound intentions for the year to come. And we continue to do that very same thing today.
What’s the difference between a resolution and a goal? A quick Google search describes a resolution as “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” A goal is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” Whether you call them resolutions or goals, what are some things you hope to accomplish during the new year?
Many people categorize their goals into different areas of life such as health, financial, professional, etc. Others have started to condense their efforts into a one-word concept for the new year. Words such as mindful, intentional, grateful, bold, and many others come to mind.
One thing’s for sure: as we say goodbye to one year and hello to the next, what most of us really want is for the new year to be better than the year before. But all the goal setting and resolutions in the world won’t help if once life gets back into full swing and there’s the daily grind to contend with, our intentions for the new year get lost in the shuffle and we fall back into the grip of our old habits. So here are some tips for making the most of your New Year’s goals or resolutions.
1. Set aside time to consider what you want 2025 to be like.
2. List your top priorities for the year and clearly define each goal. Don’t be vague. For example, “Get Healthy” is too ambiguous. Be specific and try to visualize reaching each goal.
3. Make a plan of action of how you expect to accomplish each goal.
4. Keep the list handy and refer to it often throughout the year. Track your progress.
5. Things change, so don’t be afraid to revise and update the list of goals as needed.
6. Finally, pick a time before making your new goals for the next year and assess your progress. Where did you nail it, and where did you fall short? And why? Don’t beat yourself up for what you didn’t achieve. Perhaps there was a good reason. Be sure to make notes and recognize where you saw progress. We hope you realize all your goals and dreams, whatever the new year brings. And we wish you a safe, healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year in 2025!
By Bill Crane
Having entered the “September of my years” as Frank Sinatra sings, or the 4th quarter of life as some others have less charitably put it, it reminds me of the importance of taking inventory and adjusting at the close of each year. It is not about how many more years of life we can squeeze out, but how much life, good work, and impact we can make with those years.
Though I have only once sent a telegram, I am old enough to have a lot of experience with landline phones and fax machines. I was self-taught on a Memory Writer, later MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, and all its many updates since. Never really an early adapter, I can download and figure out most phone apps, though I still hate e-tickets.
As we are often led to express that “youth is wasted on the young,” I will admit, in my late 20s, near the start of my career, while serving as Press Secretary for then Georgia Secretary of State Max Cleland, that each of the time we updated his bio over a fiveyear period, he would insist and right in the word “youngest” near the start of almost every title upgrade. Cleland was in his middle 40s at the time. Well… I get it now.
There can be quite a sudden shift from “Hey kid” to “Wait a minute, old man” much quicker than you might think. I am also someone who tries to find and seek the better sides of life, the more optimistic vision, and who believes that if people are willing to work together and make compromises, almost any objective IS achievable.
With that in mind, I thought I might share some of the benefits of aging, beyond AARP senior discounts and the occasional surprise of someone holding a door or an elevator and saying, “After you, sir,” though that latter pleasure is almost entirely limited to the South.
I am a bit too much of a control freak ever to be an easy-going or a WTH happens kind of guy, but age and some battle scars have taught me NOT to fight every battle, to understand that others have their own well-formed opinions
and preferences, as well as personal history and backgrounds. Living awhile has brought out the Libertarian in me, so you can do or think what you want to, as long as you don’t harm or take from others in the process of doing that.
I credit my mother with this one, but raising a special needs child, being a parent to two daughters, and now being a grandparent remind me daily of the many simple joys of life if we take the time to appreciate them. They also remind me that manners, kindness, and the empathy of living by the Golden Rule cost us nothing and can contribute so much to so many with only the slightest of efforts.
If you know, you know, and I mean no insult to those without children. But becoming a grandparent makes all that earlier rollercoaster ride entirely worthwhile. I can also mention and strongly recommend that as life partners pass or marriages dissolve, you can still marry into becoming a grandparent, one of life’s great shortcuts.
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By Jane Bishop
It’s a new year and an opportunity for a series of firsts! Consider how often we use first: first born, first of the month, first impression, first of many, and more. There can only be one first. So, as we enter the first days of a new year, it’s an opportune moment to reflect, reset, and renew. Consider shifting your focus to the word FIRST to guide thoughts and actions. To kickstart your thinking, ponder these F.I.R.S.T. thoughts.
Find Inspiration in Small Things: Being present in the small moments may hold the potential to inspire. Develop a habit to notice the FIRST smile in a day, the FIRST sip of morning coffee, or the FIRST sign of progress. These moments can evoke joy and motivation.
Initiate New Habits: We initiate new habits by disrupting current ones for 30 days. Start with simple changes. Whether it’s the FIRST ten minutes of your day spent meditating or the FIRST book you read this year, initiating small habits can lead to significant transformations. After the FIRST 30 days of disrupting habits and replacing them with new ones, continue for a second 30 days. Then, repeat the practice for an additional 30 days.
Reset and Refresh: What is the FIRST step required for you to press reset for the new year? Perhaps it is simply to stop, pause, and think. In that moment, focus on the FIRST thought that surfaces and consider how it helps with the reset and refresh.
Start with Self-compassion: When we extend compassion to self, it triggers our brain in a way that can help reduce stress, create clarity in thinking, and keep us aligned with our core being. The new year is an opportunity to FIRST practice self-compassion so that we can extend compassion to others. This practice may be a FIRST for many; however, it can provide a fresh start and a lighter heart.
Take a Bodacious Step: Take that FIRST bodacious step you have been avoiding and embrace new opportunities. Is it starting a new project, learning a new
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By Our Town Gwinnett Staff
Your child’s birthday is a special occasion that deserves to be celebrated with joy and creativity. As parents, we strive to create magical memories that will be cherished for years to come. If you’re looking for fresh ideas to make your child’s birthday unforgettable, look no further. Here are five creative tips to help you plan a birthday celebration that will have your child beaming with excitement.
1. Choose a Unique Theme: Setting a theme adds extra fun to any birthday party. Get your child involved in the decision-making process by allowing him or her to pick a favorite theme: a princess tea party, a superhero extravaganza, or an outer space adventure. Let your imagination soar and incorporate the theme into invitations, decorations, games, and even the cake!
2. DIY Decorations and Crafts: Add a personal touch to the celebration by involving your child in DIY decorations and crafts. Create colorful banners, paper streamers, or a photo booth backdrop. Encourage creativity by making handmade party favors or designing a special birthday crown. These homemade touches will make the event feel extra special and showcase your child’s artistic talents.
3. Make It an Interactive Experience: Engage the young guests with interactive activities that will keep them entertained and involved. Consider hiring a face painter or a balloon artist to bring an extra touch of magic. Set up activity stations where children can decorate cupcakes, make their own crafts, or participate in a themed treasure hunt. The more interactive the experience, the more memorable it will be for everyone involved.
4. Plan Unique Games and Challenges: Take traditional party games to the next level by adding a unique twist. Organize a scavenger hunt with clues about your child’s interests, or arrange a mini Olympics with fun challenges and prizes. You could also set up a game station where children can try their hand at carnival-style games or host a friendly talent show where everyone can showcase their unique skills. The key is to keep the activities engaging and inclusive for all ages.
5. Capture the Memories: Don’t forget to document the special moments throughout the celebration. Hire a professional photographer or set up a DIY photo booth with props and costumes for guests to enjoy. Create a memory jar where everyone can write a favorite memory or wish for the birthday child. You can also create a personalized photo album or scrapbook as a keepsake filled with pictures and heartfelt messages from the guests. With these five creative tips, you’re well on your way to planning a birthday celebration that your child will remember for years to come. Remember, the most critical element is the love and care you put into making this day extraordinary. Tailor the celebration to your child’s unique interests, engage the imagination, and focus on creating a joyful and inclusive experience for all. Embrace the joy
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By Kristen Eleveld
For over forty years, Quinn Windows has served the Gwinnett Community and beyond as they work with clients to bring them the best windows for the best price. Not only does Quinn Windows focus on the aesthetic of your windows, but they also provide important information on which windows will protect you the most. Now owned and operated by Conor Quinn, this company has continued to serve their community with dedication and expertise.
The process for getting started is simple. Most customers call or email to schedule the on-site estimate, which is always free. The majority of estimates only take around thirty or forty-five minutes, and there is never pressure to buy. Instead, Conor and his team work to make these estimates informative above all else, and invite potential clients to their showroom to see exactly what Quinn Windows can offer.
“We don’t do smoke and mirrors or pressure clients into same-day discounts to give them a ‘deal,’” said Conor. “We have never had to. We strive to put our best foot forward from the beginning.”
With this philosophy in mind, Conor and his team set out to give their clients the necessary information and expertise that comes with choosing the right door or windows to suit their needs. It’s never a one-size-fits-all solution. Quinn Windows offers a wide variety of options so they can find the right solution that meets their customer’s goals.
And while the name of the business is Quinn Windows, Conor and his team can help you with much more. Patio doors, entry doors, shutters – if you need advice, they have an expert who can help.
“I meet new people every day and we are challenged to come up with solutions for all types of situations surrounding windows and doors,” said Conor. “Every single day is different at Quinn Windows and is an opportunity to do things better and better.”
With his hands-on approach to business and his dedication to make sure each client’s individual needs are met, Conor has cultivated a long history of trust in Tucker and the surrounding area as he continues to provide the knowledge and service so many of us need. And as a family business, Quinn Windows makes it their mission to treat you like one of their own family members, which means they will not try to upsell you or rush your decisions. Instead, you can take the time you need to decide what you want, ask questions, and visit the showroom to get a full understanding of your options.
Get your windows, shutters, and doors up to date with Quinn Windows. More information at https://www.quinnwindows.biz/
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true advocate for each of her birds and hopes that more people will grow to understand just how amazing these parrots are.
So if you have questions about how to care for your parrot, call or text Brenda. If you are wondering whether owning a parrot is right for you, call or text Brenda. And if you are hoping to see firsthand just how amazing these parrots are and want to demonstrate that at your next event, you know what to do, call or text Brenda! She does it all and then some, all while advocating for her treasured feathered friends.
More information at 770-715-5337, https:// fancyfeathersstore.com/ OR https://fancyfeathersstore.com/parrot-pro-productions
By Victoria R. Crosby
Lisa Lowe has been in the food service industry for over thirty years. She has worked in restaurants, and for a major food service company, and spent a lot of time in the kitchen as a support chef in that company.
“I learned so much and loved it,” Lisa told me.
She worked with a nutritionist and learned about special diets for people with health issues, including cancer, and she developed a strong health care background.
Several years ago, one of Lisa’s in-laws was diagnosed with early onset dementia. Shortly after that she met two men at a conference who told her that their wives, in their fifties, had been given the same diagnosis, and both men had to quit work to care for the wives. So, a light went off in her mind and it gave her the inspiration to cook for people in need, and that was when she started her business Cooking for Caregivers. That was twelve years ago.
Her clients are mostly through word of mouth but also through networking with senior and other local organizations.
“Many want to keep families at home, and there are seniors who no longer can cook for themselves, and also some extremely busy younger families,” she said.
Lisa offers free consultations to potential clients. “I let them know who I am, what I do, how it can work for their situation, and note their food likes and dislikes, and any special dietary needs.”
She gives them all the information on her food plans before discussing price. She will plan the menu, shop for the groceries, set up, and prepare the meals in the client’s home.
Everything is made from scratch. Lisa uses no canned or frozen foods unless requested by the families. She prefers glass dishes when she prepares the food, and she labels and stores meals in the family’s fridge with directions on heating in the oven or microwave. Lisa will clean all dishes and pots and pans used in preparation, then sweep the floor and dump the trash.
When cooking for seniors Lisa prefers to deal with a family member as some seniors can be confused about heating their food. Her fees include the cost of groceries. Prices vary depending on how many people she is cooking for. Lisa shops at the Lilburn Farmers Market always on Friday afternoons. She takes into consideration people with dietary issues, such as sugar free,
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By Our Town Gwinnett Staff
Gwinnett Technical College’s Associate Degree Nursing – RN program has been granted accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) through 2032. This prestigious accreditation is a testament to the program’s adherence to the rigorous ACEN Standards and Criteria, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to enter the workforce and contribute positively to public health outcomes.
Dr. D. Glen Cannon, president of Gwinnett Technical College (GTC), states, “This accreditation strengthens the relationship between Gwinnett Tech and healthcare industry leaders; it gives added assurance that Gwinnett Tech graduates are employable, work-ready nurses.”
ACEN accreditation is a voluntary, peer-reviewed process that evaluates nursing programs against established standards of educational quality. The process includes a comprehensive self-study report, an on-site evaluation by peer evaluators, and a final review by the ACEN Board of Commissioners. This thorough evaluation confirms that Gwinnett Tech’s nursing program meets the high standards required for accreditation, reflecting its commitment to excellence in nursing education.
By achieving ACEN accreditation, Gwinnett Technical College enhances its reputation and reinforces its dedication to providing quality education that meets the evolving needs of the healthcare industry.
Dr. Yvonne Durrant, Dean of Nursing Sciences, added, “Continuing Accreditation for our GTC nursing program signifies recognition of quality and excellence. It also means that the program met rigorous standards set by ACEN, which enhances our credibility and ensures the curriculum is up-to-date, relevant, and aligned with industry standards. It also means we are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience that supports the success of nursing students and meets the needs of the healthcare community.”
More information at GwinnettTech.edu or call 770-962-7580.
By Our Town Gwinnett Staff
A dedicated team member for the Gwinnett County Government since 2019, Garret Dufty proves an ideal fit for the county’s hybrid nonprofit/ government organization focused on environmental education, advocacy, and engagement. After serving impactful roles for the Gwinnett County Departments of Parks & Recreation and Water Resources, Dufty will now fulfill the role of Environmental Outreach Program Coordinator for Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful.
In his new role, Dufty’s primary focus will be all programs and initiatives that involve water and water preservation. He will oversee the Adopt-A-Stream Program, Stormwater Protectors, Great Gwinnett Wetlands, Great Days of Service, Household Hazardous Waste, maintenance of the WaterGoat litter capture system at Bethesda Park’s Sweetwater Creek, and more.
“We are so excited to welcome Garret to the Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful team,” said Schelly Marlatt, Executive Director for the eco-focused nonprofit. “We have had such fun partnering with him over the last two years in his
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green friend Yoda says in Star Wars, “The greatest teacher...failure is.” Also, do not be scared to be your authentic and transparent self. Everyone desires to have genuine people around them. And if not, trust me – people will talk about you anyway, so why not give them a reason to talk?
So, here is a challenge for 2025: Plan your work and work your plan so you can grow—in all parts of your life—deliberately, purposefully, and intentionally. Control what you can control and leave the rest to the good Lord. This will lead to “success” in this new year (no matter what you encounter), and you will grow and help everyone around you grow to new heights.
Thanks for being part of our amazing Our Town community and for your ongoing support. Our team is so proud to bring you local and positive news (through all our media platforms) every month. Here is to a great 2025. And now, and as always, thank you for continuing with me on the journey of my town, your town, Our Town!
Department of Water Resources role. He is highly capable, as evidenced by his recognition with a 2023 New Trainer of the Year award from Georgia AdoptA-Stream. But more than that, he truly loves nature and the community he serves. When he’s not facilitating an Adopt-A-Stream workshop, clearing the nets of our WaterGoat, or helping the rest of our team at a cleanup or recycling event, don’t be surprised if you see Garret out hiking the trails at the new Harris Greenway or birding at Harbins Park. This man doesn’t just talk the talk. He walks the walk. He is a certified Master Herpetologist and Master Naturalist. He sets a fabulous example for others to follow.”
Born in South Florida, Dufty grew up in the City of Jefferson, Georgia, which he still calls home today. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in political science, he completed a year of service through AmeriCorps Project Conserve in Asheville, North Carolina. In this role, he first developed his environmental outreach skills as well as his volunteer leadership abilities.
Dufty enjoys hiking, gardening, spending time with his family, and cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs in his free time. He enjoys visiting local parks to study reptiles, amphibians, and birds native to Georgia.
Gwinnett County neighbors who would like to meet the newest member of the Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful staff can attend a future Adopt-A-Stream workshop or volunteer for the first Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful event of 2025 – the annual Bring One for the Chipper Event on January 25, 2025.
More information at www.GwinnettCB.org
By Our Town Gwinnett Staff
In a major policy shift, the United States is targeting plastic pollution at the production, processing, use, and disposal phases and backing a global treaty to reduce plastic production. Advocates are celebrating the move as a watershed moment and a step in the right direction toward protecting human health, communities, and the environment.
“As one of the biggest plastic producers and consumers, this helps put the United States on the right side of history,” says Lisa Ramsden, senior oceans campaigner, Greenpeace USA. “Not only does it show that we are willing to stand with countries that recognize that we cannot recycle our way out of this crisis, but it also aligns with the desires of most Americans.”
According to Greenpeace, here is what you can do to protect your family from harmful plastic chemicals and help advocate for a healthier planet.
As Ramsden points out, Americans are becoming increasingly aware of how plastic litters oceans, pollutes the air near production facilities, exacerbates the impacts of climate change, harms animals, and threatens public health. They are also catching onto the fact that most plastic never gets recycled. According to a Greenpeace International poll, almost two-thirds of Americans support a Global Plastics Treaty that would ban single-use plastic packaging.
“While the announcement from the Biden-Harris administration is encouraging, there is still much work to be done,” says Ramsden.
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low sodium, gluten free, etc. and uses herbs, which she grows herself, and spices for seasoning.
Lisa really enjoys not having to be a manager but someone who works for herself and sets her own schedule.
For more info visit https://www.facebook.com/cookingforcaregiversllc
• Encourage your favorite brands to reduce their plastic use and your retailers to stock their shelves with non-plastic packaging brands.
• Remember that plastics can harm human health. Plastics have been found in human blood, breast milk, placentas, lungs, and hearts. To protect your family, consider phasing out plastic food storage containers and using stainless steel or glass alternatives. Never heat food in plastic containers or drink hot beverages out of plastic cups. You can also filter your drinking water with a filter designed to remove microplastics.
• Know that the recent White House announcement is a first step and that plastic production lobbying groups are working to reverse course. You can encourage the government to back their promises with concrete action by signing Greenpeace’s “End the Age of Plastic” treaty at engage.us.greenpeace.org. To learn more, visit www.greenpeace.org.
“We have known for decades that plastic pollution is poisoning our bodies, communities, and oceans, and millions of people worldwide have called for our leaders to end the age of plastic,” says Ramsden. “Right now, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to put the world on a path towards a plastic-free future, but it will be up to all of us to ensure that happens.” (StatePoint).
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skill, or embarking on an adventure? Stepping out of your comfort zone can open doors to exciting possibilities!
Incorporating FIRST into your mindset can shift how you approach the New Year that will set in motion an adventure of potential inspiration, growth, and renewed purpose. Remember that every journey begins with a FIRST step. As you embrace it wholeheartedly, enjoy how it can positively reshape your life. More information at www.janebishoplive.com.
January 16th — March 27th
Time: 10:30am - 12:00pm
Location: First Baptist Church 165 South Clayton St. | Lawrenceville, GA
January 13th — March 24th
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: Zoom
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Setting an alarm in the evening can be a gentle reminder that it’s time to put down devices and start your bedtime routine, helping you create a more consistent sleep schedule. This will also eliminate exposure to blue light late in the evening, an environmental factor that has been proven to make it harder to fall asleep.
Achieving your goals starts with feeling your best. Make that happen in this new year by prioritizing the most essential health and wellness building blocks from sunrise to sundown. It will make all the difference in how you feel. (StatePoint)
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and wonder of childhood, and enjoy every moment of celebrating your child’s special day!
And from all of us here at OUR TOWN... happy birthday to your little one! May the day be filled with laughter, love, and beautiful memories.
Early detection of roof damage can save you from expensive repairs or full roof replacements.
Addressing issues early helps extend the life of your roof.
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Answers to the Mysteries of Life:
I still do NOT understand why women obsess over shoes, or how many of my friends can become more distressed over losing a particular football game than over losing a job. But I have figured out why weddings and funerals at times seem so similar and why your presence (when invited) is so essential at both, for different reasons. Having said “See you later” too soon to too many good people, I also believe we get to move on to a better place, though I am still figuring out what all I may still need to do to get there.
And perhaps leaving the best benefit of aging for last, having lost entirely too many friends, family (my own blood brother), and hundreds of acquaintances at entirely too young an age—still living certainly beats the alternative. My cremation is prepaid, and I hope the Irish wake is long, the bar is open, and the stories are funny...but I also still have a long bucket list and plans through at least the early 2040s—or so. Wishing you and yours all the best in 2025!
Bill Crane owns the full-service communications firm CSI Crane. More information at www.CSICrane.com
A thorough inspection ensures all damage is documented, making it easier to file successful insurance claims.
Proper documentation increases the likelihood of getting full coverage for repairs.