Truth's Fiducial Gauges

Page 73

Fallacious as fiction


somebody else.) This is the great Biblical motif that runs from Genesis and the Fall through the impieties and failures of Israel to the final consummation of the Old Testament in the New. It is the tension [antinomy] between man’s aspirations and man’s inadequacies, and it gives rise to the idea of hope. The Bible tells us man’s stories are more than fables, and his oldest myths are more than legends; they are intricately inlaid into the very foundation of the cosmos, and further-more, into a cosmology that plays itself out in the processes of each individual soul. In this, the Bible is the definitive epic of the West. King David had been dead two hundred years when the great Homeric verses of the ‘Iliad’ and the ‘Odyssey’ were first set down. The Biblical epic of which he is a central character was only halfway to completion. This epic moves us from Exodus to Job, from the tribal and collective experience to the individual, which in its singularity is universal in a way the narrowly tribal cannot be. And while this revelation is unfolding, another is moving parallel in the opposite direction: the great [categorically imperative] Covenant of God with Abraham is extended to Israel [and Islam] with Moses and then expanded to include the entire human race through Christ, so that we move from the individual [cardinal sovereignty] through the tribe to the universal. [Natural Antinomy is exacerbated, if not denied, by the fictitious organic dogmatic religious push and pulls on revelation (all of which is of nomos) and Christ’s Antinomy (anti-nomos) which by ontologism provides the antinomian influence on individual faculties of reason.] Hamilton’s broad powers interpretation of the Constitution in determining the powers of government (and corporate entities thereby licensed), as upheld by the Supreme Court’s ‘States Rights doctrine,’ constitutionally is based on this one sentence of Amendment 10:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States



respectively, or to the people. [So, why was , or to the people, overlooked?] Initiative, referendum, and recall actions are not only appropriate, they are necessary to ensure commonweal interests of human cardinal sovereignty. In my mind, a critical commonweal interest is subordinated by government’s Judicial function, which should be, but clearly is not, of the people, and for the people. Government, which is responsible to the people for its actions, must include adequate oversight control of government-licensed private fictitious corporate activities. This privatized legality can be redressed by common indictments, for any and all irrational acts, of either government or the licenced private organic agents. High on my list for commonweal indictment and redress is the Judiciary’s king like roles as the absolute arbiter of legality. Tautologically, irrationally ‘affirmed consequents,’ as principle, from which the legalization of Federalist fiction-based doctrinal definitions of ‘sovereign immunity,’ corporate veil,’ and ‘corporate due process,’ were deduced, which legally empower corporations, states, and ownership contracts: 146

sovereign immunity The principle that the federal and state governments cannot be sued without their consent. Based on the idea that the king can do no wrong. [This idealism was irrationally legally affirmed as principle from which the Judiciary deduced sovereign immunity and also legalized fictional mercantilism] This review of mercantilism is now appropriate: Particularly, as government considers adopting or licensing forms of mercantilism, for instance, the ‘fictitious legal nature’ of corporations, that state governments have licensed to compete equally as humans, should be carefully reconsidered.. Nature’s God did not create them and accordingly, they have no inalienable rights, coeval of government, as rights to free speech, which they often buy. E. K. Hunt wrote this, which added to Veblen’s views: 147

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