Ōtūmoetai College Coaches & Managers Handbook

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TOPIC ŌTC Sports Structure 2024 and Contacts Welcome to the Whānau This is who we are This is what we do (Coaches & Managers) This is what we do (Student-athletes) ŌTC Coaching Principles - Dr Wade Gilbert Strength & Conditioning - Global Perspective Communication - Heja FAQ’s ACC Concussion - 2024 updated advice Useful links & information School website Sports website Reporting an injury Physiotherapy ACC Sport Smart Resources Coaches, Managers, and Referee Resource Balance is Better Emergency Contacts ŌTC Sports Facilities Injury School Assistance PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 & 9 10 - 14 15 16 INFORMATION FOR YOU:

ŌTC Sport Structure 2024

For information regarding van hire, first aid kits, sports uniform, and equipment for your respective teams or student-athletes, please contact your designated TiC.

Teacher in Charge / Head of Code / Sports Dept


Adventure Racing



Beach Volleyball


Football Hockey




Strength & Conditioning

Squash & Tennis

Volleyball - Boys

Volleyball - Girls

Waka Ama

Head of Netball

Head of Rugby

All other sports

Sports Coordinator

Sports Coordinator

Sports Administrator

Director of Sport

Staff Member Email

Vaughan Smith

Stacey Shefferd

Dennis Playford

Tom Collier

Craig Grant

Mark Williams

Monique Geraghty

Lara Richardson

Sanet Bircham

Arden Carter

Ian Ridgway

Sam Loudon

Adam Braddock

Ashley Woodford


Helena Hoult

Jason Shepard

Sports Department

Dennis Playford

Emma Henderson

Chris Matheson

Ian Ridgway

vsmith@otc school nz





mwilliams@otc school nz









jtownsend@otc school nz





ehenderson@otc school nz




Kia Ora and Welcome!

We warmly welcome you, coaches and managers, to the Ōtūmoetai College Sports whānau (family). Your dedication and expertise are crucial to fostering a thriving sports program that embodies our school values and whakatauki: Kia Toka Tū Moana – Stand Strong Like the Great Rock in the Ocean.

This handbook outlines our core values and how they translate into the sporting context, guiding your interactions with athletes, colleagues, and opponents. Through your leadership, we can cultivate a positive and successful environment that empowers our rangatahi to excel.

Our Guiding Whakatauki - Kia Toka Tū Moana

Our whakatauki, Kia Toka Tū Moana, embodies resilience, strength, and unwavering spirit in the face of challenges. This guiding principle extends to all aspects of our sports program, both on and off the field.

Our Core Values in Action

We are committed to fostering a sports program that reflects our core values: Striving for Excellence, Working Together, Respecting One and All, and Standing Strong. Our coaches and managers play a vital role in shaping this environment and inspiring our rangatahi to excel both on and off the field.

Ōtūmoetai College Whakapapa

As coaches and managers, you play a vital role in our whakapapa (genealogy). You are integral in shaping the experiences of our rangatahi and contribute significantly to the success of our sports program. We value your commitment and welcome you as part of our whānau.

Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Toa! (Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Excellent!)

By working together and embodying our whakatauki, Kia Toka Tū Moana, we can create a thriving sports program at Ōtūmoetai College We appreciate your commitment to our studentathletes and your contribution towards their growth and success

This handbook includes the following information:

Sports offered at Ōtūmoetai College

Our story (This is who we are)

Expectations for coaches and managers (This is what we do)

Expectations for student-athletes

Communication protocols - Heja FAQ’s

ACC Concussion guidelines - 2024 update

Useful resources and support services - Injury / Physio / Links

Please note: This handbook is a general guideline Specific information and expectations for each sport may be provided by the relevant Teacher in Charge (TiC)

The Ōtūmoetai College Sports Department

Ōtūmoetai College
Sports: Coaches & Managers

In the 1600s chief Apanui Ringamutu of Te Kaha often felt like a miserable failure as his men had been beaten so many times in battles. Depressed, their mana was very low, and they had a low opinion of themselves. During another battle retreat, Apanui called out to the tohunga, a leader of the enemy tribe Hikawera, who was watching them.

“Aue! Why am I always such a failure as a warrior chief?” asked Apanui.

“That which you seek,” said the tohunga, “will be found by following the setting sun ”

On returning home to his pa, Apanui thought about what the tohunga had said. Finally, he decided that somewhere in the Western Bay of Plenty, in Tauranga Moana, there was someone who could give him the power to succeed, and to really become a toa.

Meanwhile in the pa at Matuaiwi in Tauranga Moana, a tohunga called Kinomoerua was in his kumara patch chanting a karakia to protect the crop from the kumara grub.

He owned a pet tui that could talk, and it followed him wherever he went The tui called out to him

“Koka ē! Tahia te marae – Hey Dad, better get the marae ready.”

This was how the tui warned Kinomoerua that visitors were approaching and he needed to get ready to greet them and offer hospitality.

Kinomoerua went back to his Matuaiwi pa and welcomed Apanui.

After speeches, Apanui told Kinomoerua why he had travelled there Could Kinomoerua tell him how to become a successful toa?

Kinomoerua said nothing, but led his visitor to look out over the harbour towards Rangiwaea and Matakana. As they looked, a bird swooped down out of the sky and dived into the water. It was a kawau, a shag.

Soon the bird reappeared above the water. It opened its mouth and ate the wind. It had failed to catch the fish it had been after Several times it opened its mouth and achieved nothing

“See that shag?” asked Kinomoerua “Don’t you perform like that, Apanui, it gets nothing, and like you, it gets nowhere.”

The pair paddled across the harbour to Maunganui, and beached their canoe alongside Mauao where the rocks guard the entrance to the harbour. They sat on the slope and looked down on the rock called Te Toka a Tirikawa, or North Rock, as it is often called now.

The waves crashed and broke over the rock in succession, over and over again. Each time the rock reappeared as the foaming waves poured on it

“See that rock?” asked Kinomoerua. “Look on Te Toka a Tirikawa and conduct yourself as it does. Ka ngaro ka ngaro, ka ea ka ea Te Toka a Tirikawa.”

Apanui was greatly encouraged and never forgot the vision of the waves breaking on the rock of Tirikawa. He defeated his enemy Hikawera of Ngati Porou and went on to further victories.

This is who we are 3

This is what we do (Coaches & Managers)

All behaviours should be underpinned by the college values of Striving for excellence, Working together, Respecting one and all, and Standing strong in order for us all to enjoy playing sport, have fun, and take part in healthy competitions

Here's what we expect from our dedicated coaching and management whānau as they lead by example:

Strive for excellence

Continuously develop your coaching and management skills by attending workshops, seeking mentorship, and staying updated on best practices.

Set clear and achievable goals for your team, and celebrate their progress and individual bests.

Foster a growth mindset that encourages athletes to push themselves and embrace challenges.



Collaborate effectively with fellow coaches, managers, parents, and student-athletes to create a positive and supportive team environment.

Communicate openly and honestly with student-athletes and address concerns promptly.

Delegate tasks and responsibilities to create a shared sense of ownership within the team.

Respect one and all

Lead by example and demonstrate sportsmanship at all times.

Instil respect for teammates, opponents, referees, officials, and spectators.

Promote fair play and create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Standing strong

Build mental and physical resilience in your student-athletes by encouraging them to persevere through challenges.

Be a source of support and encouragement, helping student-athletes overcome setbacks and develop a strong work ethic.

Maintain composure in the face of difficulties and model positive emotional management for your team.

By embodying these expectations and leading by example, our coaches and managers play a crucial role in shaping a successful and enriching sports program at Ōtūmoetai College.

Together, we can create an environment where our rangatahi can Kia Toka Tū Moana – Stand Strong Like the Great Rock in the Ocean!


This is what we do (Student-Athlete)

All behaviours should be underpinned by the college values of Striving for excellence, Working together, Respecting one and all, and Standing strong in order for us all to enjoy playing sport, have fun, and take part in healthy competitions

Strive for excellence

Build mental and physical resilience in your student-athletes by encouraging them to persevere through challenges. Be open and willing to learn.

Commit to every training session, fixture and tournament that I am selected for. Ensure I wear the correct ŌTC Sport uniform that I have been requested to wear

Working together

Work as hard as I possibly can in everything I do.

Play by the rules of my sport at all times.

Support those around me through my actions and words.

Respect one and all

Respect all official's, teammates, coaches, supporters and opponents. Be punctual to every training session and fixture.

Communicate directly with my coach, manager, or TiC if I am unable to attend fixtures or training.

Standing strong

Represent my school with the utmost pride, dignity, honesty and loyalty. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Never give up.

These values should underpin our accepted behaviours in and around school.


Dr. Wade Gilbert's Coaching Principles for Ōtūmoetai College

Dr Wade Gilbert, a leading expert in sport coaching and athlete development, emhasises principles that align well with Ōtūmoetai College's core values Here's a summary of his key coaching philosophies that can be applied by our coaching and managing whānau:

Focus on Athlete Learning:

Prioritise learning over winning: Strive to create an environment where athletes are encouraged to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them, fostering a growth mindset (as opposed to a fixed mindset focused solely on winning).

Use guided discovery: Instead of simply providing instructions, ask questions and guide athletes towards finding solutions themselves, promoting critical thinking and problemsolving skills

Provide immediate feedback: Offer constructive and specific feedback in a timely manner to help athletes understand their strengths and areas for improvement.

Motivate Your Athletes:

Find the "sweet spot" challenge: Balance challenge and accomplishment to keep athletes motivated. Tasks that are too easy become boring, while those that are too difficult can lead to frustration.

Build self-efficacy: Help athletes develop a strong belief in their abilities to succeed by acknowledging their progress and celebrating their achievements

Create a positive and supportive environment: Foster a team atmosphere where athletes feel valued, respected, and encouraged to support each other.

Embrace a Growth Mindset:

Lifelong learning: As coaches, continuously seek new knowledge and refine your coaching methods to better support your athletes' development.

Focus on improvement: Shift the focus from winning to continuous improvement, both for athletes and yourself as a coach

Celebrate effort and perseverance: Recognise and reward athletes for their dedication, hard work, and resilience in the face of challenges.

By incorporating these principles championed by Dr. Wade Gilbert, Ōtūmoetai College coaches can create a positive and enriching sports environment where student-athletes can thrive, develop their skills, and Kia Toka Tū Moana – Stand Strong Like the Great Rock in the Ocean!

Sports Coaches

Youth Strength & Conditioning: A Global Perspective for Ōtūmoetai College Coaches

Strength & Conditioning plays an integral role in preparing and maintaining our student-athletes athletic ability and performance for today and in the future. We take our guidance from the worlds leading organisations and practitioners. Here is a summary of the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA), United Kingdom Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA), and National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) viewpoints on youth strength and conditioning:

Core Principles:

All three organisations emphasise these core principles for youth athletes:

Long-Term Athletic Development (LTAD): Focus on skill development, building a strong foundation, and avoiding early specialisation.

Safety and Injury Prevention: Proper technique, appropriate progressions, and qualified coaching are paramount.

Individualisation: Consider age, maturity level, sport demands, and goals when designing programs.

Progressive Overload: Gradually increase training intensity as athletes mature, prioritising proper form over heavy weights.

Recovery: Schedule adequate rest and recovery for optimal growth and to prevent burnout.

Positive Training Environment: Make training fun and engaging to foster a lifelong love of sport

Specific Standpoints:

ASCA: Their Youth Strength and Conditioning Position Statement emphasises a holistic approach that includes physical development, psychological well-being, nutrition, and recovery. They recommend qualified coaches who understand youth growth and development.

UKSCA: Their Youth Strength and Conditioning Guidance highlights the importance of building a strong foundation through fundamental movement skills, plyometrics (exercises to increase power / speed-strength), and core stability work. They advocate for a coach-led environment that prioritises technique and minimises injury risk

NSCA: Their Youth Strength and Conditioning Position Statement emphasises the benefits of well-designed strength and conditioning programs for young athletes. They recommend starting with bodyweight exercises and gradually progressing to resistance training with proper supervision.

By understanding these global perspectives and tailoring them to our young athletes here at Ōtūmoetai College, we aim to create a safe and effective strength and conditioning program that supports long-term athletic development.

For more information on the latest stand point from ASCA and NSCA, please use the links below

Strength training for young athletes NSCA youth resistance training 7

OTC Sport has the Heja Pro subscription to allow communication between all team members, coaches, managers and parents under one application. See below for FAQ’s from the Heja website to help you get started.

You will need to download the Heja app to your phone before being able to join/create a team.

Heja's main features

�� Privacy

Only members of the team can see what's shared

Your team's private info is just that, private

Each member chooses what contact information is visible and who it's visible to

�� Team Schedule & Activities

A clear & easy overview of upcoming games & practices

Collect RSVPs to know who's going or not

Track player attendance (Pro package feature)

Smart, automatic reminders

�� Home

Share important information to everyone in the team

Share photos and videos (max. 5 mins) to the Announcements Page

Structured and easy overview of new information

See exactly who has seen what information

Get responses by comments or nice reactions �� ��

�� Direct Messages

One to one & small group conversations

Main Team chat group, already created for you

Easy and quick communication between coaches

Quick messages to parents or players

Coordinate carpooling, snack schedule or other

Team overview

Everyone can contact each other with ease

All parents, players & coaches contact info is in one place, always up to date



The majority of our teams will have Heja Pro. This provides parents, coaches, and players with the following additional features ��

Sync training and games with your personal calendar

View your teams Heja page from from your desk top

Track your child's play time and attendance stats

View, customise and RSVP in one master calendar - this master schedule is where activities from all of your teams are combined in a single list

Enjoy an ad-free experience


Q1. How do I invite/add members to my team?

Inviting members to Heja is super simple. Share your team code through text, WhatsApp or email to build your team

In Heja, every player, parent and coach needs to create their own profile In other words, you are not able to add someone yourself. Invite individuals to your team and get everyone onboard by following these three steps:


Click the ‘Team info’ tab on the page 1. At the bottom of this screen you'll see Invite players and parents, select that 2. Click Tap to copy or click Share team code via email, messenger, or any other channel you'd like and you're good to go!

Q2. Adding another Coach or Admin

We have Heja Pro and therefore have unlimited admins. I will need to add the code to each team to include them in our Heja Pro subscription. Here's how to make sure all coaches and admins are listed correctly

First, make sure the individual has joined Heja and that you are a team admin. Then, follow these 4 simple steps:

1. Click the "Members" tab at the top of your screen

2. Select the name of the individual you'd like to promote to coach/admin by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of their name

3 You will now see a few options One of them should be "Set as Coach" or "Set as Admin" 4. Click the option that applies

Q3. How do I send a Direct Message?

Here's how to send a coach or teammate a Direct Message

Select the Messages tab at the bottom of your screen > then click the pencil icon in the corner ✏ > from there, you can select individuals who you'd like to chat with.

Once you select at least one person, the chat bubble in the corner of your screen will highlight and you will see your selected members at the top of the screen.

When you have selected one of or all members you want to communicate with, just click and a new Direct Message screen will appear.

Q4. How do I add an event?

Here's how to create events in your Heja schedule.

To add an event to your Heja Schedule, first, make sure you're set as team admin, then click the "+" icon in the upper right corner of your Schedule tab to input the title, location, time & date, etc.

Here, you can also choose if it's a recurring event This can be found in the time & date section Just switch the toggle on.

Once you've filled in all the details, click "Create".




ThisguidelinedocumenthasbeenproducedtoinformandassistNationalSportsOrganisations(NSOs), andrecreation,educationandhealthorganisationsintheirdevelopmentofspecificpolicyforconcussionin community,non-eliteorgrassrootssport.

TheguidelinesareintendedtoprovidebackgroundinformationtoinformthedevelopmentofindividualsportConcussion AwarenessPolicies ACChasdevelopedaConcussionAwarenessPolicytemplateintendedtofacilitatethedevelopment andapplicationofasport-specificconcussionpolicy,withthepurposeof:



c Increasingawarenessoftheprocessbywhichaplayermaycontinuetoparticipateorreturntosportfollowinga suspectedconcussion.

Thisguidelinehasbeendevelopedtoensuresafetyincommunitysportwherethereisminimalandoftendelayedaccesstomedical support.Thiswillbedifferenttoenvironmentswherethereisahighlevelofdedicatedmedicalsupport,forexampleelitesport. OrganisationsshouldrefertoHighPerformanceSportNZ(HPSNZ)StandardOperatingProceduresfortheClinicalManagementof Concussioninelitesport


This guideline was produced by ACC in consultation with a panel of medical, sport and research experts and wasinformedbythe2022AmsterdamConsensusStatementonConcussioninSport NationalSportOrganisations(NSOs)andotherrelevantorganisationsshoulddevelopaconcussionpolicyandeducation strategytoensuretheirmembersandbroadercommunityareawareofhowtoappropriatelysupportsuspectedand confirmedconcussion.





•Thehighestnumberofsport-relatedconcussionsoccurinteam-basedsports(e g ,rugby,football,basketball)and frombikingandequestrianactivities.

Astandardisedapproachtoincreasingawarenessoftherecognitionandmanagementofconcussionwillminimise thelikelihoodthatindividualshaveapooroutcomefromtheinjury,supportsbestpracticeandprovidesconfidenceto parents/caregiversofyoungpeopleinvolvedinsport.

ACCcansupportNSOsinthedevelopmentofaconcussionpolicy,implementationplansandeducationmaterialwith reviewbyan‘expertpanel’ Thiscanhelpwiththegoalofensuringaconsistentlyhighstandardofrecognitionand managementofconcussionacrossNewZealand PleasecontactSportsmart@acc co nztorequestsupport




Concussionisabraininjurythataffectsthefunctionofthebrainandtheperson,andmayormaynotresultinalossof consciousness


a Aconcussionisnotalwayscausedbyadirecthittothehead Itmaybecausedbyadirecthittothehead,face,neck, orelsewhereonthebodywithan‘impulse’forcetransmittedtothehead.


c Aconcussiontypicallyresultsintherapidonsetofshort-livedimpairmentofneurological(braincognition)function thatresolvesspontaneously

general principles

recognise and remove: •


Extracautionisrequiredforchild,adolescentandfemaleathletesastheytakelongerto recover


If a suspected concussion occurs, after checking for neck injury, remove the athlete from play/activityimmediatelyandseekassessmentbyaqualifiedmedicalprofessional(doctor).

Membersoftheplayer’sandathlete’swhānauandwidercommunity(parents,coaches, teammates,sportingorganisations)haveanimportantroletoplayinrecognisingthesignsand symptomsofconcussion

IndividualsmustNOTreturntosport/activityonthedayofasuspectedconcussion. refer:

Individualssuspectedofsufferingaconcussionmusthaveanassessmentwithaqualified medicalprofessional(doctor)forconfirmationorexclusionofaconcussionandconsideration ofotherdiagnoses.

Thosewith‘REDFLAGS’mustseekurgentmedicalhelp(gotoanAccidentandEmergency clinicorhospital).

Ifthereissignificantconcernaboutthedegreeofseverityoftheinjuryitmaybenecessaryto callanambulance(111)

• • • • • • •

red flags (require urgent review)




Weaknessortingling/burninginarmsor legs

Deterioratingafterbeinginjured–increaseddrowsiness,headacheor vomiting.





Unusual behaviour (different from normal)


Anyonewhohasinadequatesupervision post-injury


Historyofregularmedicationusethat couldresultinprolongedbleeding(e g Warfarin,Aspirin)


Theeffectsofconcussioncaninterferewithanindividual’sabilitytolearnortofunctionwellat work

Returntoeducation/workneedstobegraduatedandworkactivitiesalteredtoreflectthelevel offunction Thisshouldbeguidedbyahealthcareprofessional(e g Doctor,Physiotherapistor OccupationalTherapist)experiencedinongoingconcussionmanagement.

Typicalmanagementincludesphysicalandcognitiverestfor24-48hours(includingreduced electronicscreenuse),priortoinitiatingagraduatedprogrammeofprogressivephysicaland cognitiveactivity

Strongevidencesupportsthebenefitsofaerobicexerciseatalevelthatdoesnotworsen symptomsduringtheactivityasanearlyinterventiontreatmentwithinarecoveryplan. Returntocompetitivesportmustonlyoccurafterprogressivephysicalactivity(seelaterstage explanation)andreturntoeducation/workandsocialactivities

Wheresymptomsareprolonged(e g >4weeks)orgraduatedactivityhasnotbeentolerated, thepersonmusthavefurtherevaluationbyamedicalprofessional(doctor)toreviewthe diagnosis YoushouldensurethepersonhasregisteredwithACCforsupport

Themedicalprofessional(doctor)mayreferthepersontoACCconcussionservicesiftheymeet certaincriteria Thisisaservicethatofferscomprehensivesupport(specialistPhysiotherapy, OccupationalTherapy,Neuropsychologist)toguidesymptommanagementandreturnto activity.

• • • • • • • • • •
• • •
• • • • •

return to sport

• Concussionmanagementshouldbeguidedbyahealthcareprofessional(e g Doctor, PhysiotherapistorOccupationalTherapist)experiencedinongoingconcussionmanagement Thisincludesthetimingofprogressionsandclearancetoreturntosport

Aconservativeapproachtoreturntosportisrecommendedforadoptionacrosssportsin NewZealand Returntosport-relatedactivityshouldbeprogressedmoreslowlywithchildren, adolescentsandfemales Thisapproachisalignedwithinternationalliteraturethatnow recognisesmoretimeisneededtorecoverfromconcussionthanearlierstatementshad indicated.Asafereturntosportfollowingaconcussiontypicallyoccurswithinonemonthof injuryinchildren,adolescentsandfemaleadults.

Allathletesdiagnosedwithconcussionshouldgothroughagraduatedreturntoeducation/ workandsportprogramme(Appendix1),guidedbyahealthcareprofessionalexperiencedin themanagementofconcussion(e.g.Doctor,PhysiotherapistorOccupationalTherapist)and implementedbythoseinvolvedwiththeteam/sport(e.g.coaches,physicaltrainer,teacher, parent/caregiveretc ) Athletesshouldhavefullyreturnedtoschoolorworkandsocial activitiesbeforereturningtocontact-basedtrainingorsport-specificcompetition Membersoftheplayer’sandathlete’swhānauandwidercommunity(parents/ caregivers,coaches,team-mates,sportingorganisations)allhavearoleinfacilitatingthe comprehensivereturntosportprocessbyprovidingsupport.

Itissuggestedthatany(player)whohassustainedmultipleconcussions(definedas≥3in oneseasonor>5duringtheirsportingcareer)hasareviewfromaclinicianwithexpertisein managingsport-relatedconcussion(forexampleaSportandExerciseMedicinePhysician, Neurologist,orNeuropsychologist)beforereturningtosport.

Clearancebyaqualifiedmedicalprofessional(fromageneralpracticeorprimarycareteam) isstronglyrecommendedbeforereturningtocontact-basedandsport-specifictraining(i.e Stage5),orfullcompetition(Stage6).

Thefollowingrequirementsmustbemetforanindividualtoreturntosport-specifictraining(i e stage5) Theindividual:

a hasreturnedtoandistoleratingfulltimeworkorlearning

b issymptomfreeandhascompleteduptoandincludingStage4

c isaminimumof14dayspost-injury(Day0=Dayofinjury)


a.TheindividualremainssymptomfreeatStage5ofthegraduatedreturntoeducation/work andsportprotocol.


c.Theindividualhasreceivedmedicalclearancefromaqualifiedmedicalprofessional(froma generalpracticeorprimarycareteam).

• • • • •

Day =Dayoftheinjury/concussion

graduated return to education/work & sport protocol

stage 1


stage 2

stage 3

stage 4

stage 5


Symptoms should be progressively Minimum of 24 hours between stages before progressing

If symptoms worsen drop back astage

Earliest Day14

stage 6

Earliest Day21


Relativerestfor24-48hours(i.elightactivitiesofdailylivingthatdo notprovokesymptomsareok)


•Gentleexercise(i e walkingaroundthehouse)


•Activitiesawayfromschool/work(introduceTV,increasereading, gamesetc)

•Exercise–lightphysicalactivity(e g shortwalksoutside)











•And≥Day14post-injury reintegrationintofullsport-specific trainingcanoccur





•ANDthe(player)hasreceivedmedicalclearancefromaqualified medicalprofessional(fromageneralpracticeorprimarycareteam)

Feigin,V,Theadom,A etal(2013) IncidenceoftraumaticbraininjuryinNewZealand:Apopulation-basedstudy The LancetNeurology,12(1),53-64

Theadom,A,Starkey,N,Dowell,A,Hume,P,Kahan,M,McPherson,K,&Feigin,V (2014) Sportsrelatedbraininjuryin thegeneralpopulation:Anepidemiologicalstudy JournalofScienceandMedicineinSport,17(6),591-596 doi:10 1016/j jsams.2014.02.001.

Patricios,JS.etal.(2023)Consensusstatementonconcussioninsport:The6thInternationalConferenceonConcussion inSportheldinAmsterdam,October2022 BritishJournalofSportsMedicine,57(5),695-711

Theadom,A,Parag,V,Dowell,T,McPherson,K,Starkey,N &etal (2014) Persistentproblemsoneyearfollowing traumaticbraininjurywithinapopulationbasedincidenceandoutcomesstudy

Kara,S,Crosswell,H,Forch,K,Cavadino,A,McGeown,JandFulcher,M (2020),Lessthanhalfofpatientsrecoverwithin 2weeksofinjuryafterasportsrelatedmildtraumaticbraininjury:A2yearprospectivestudy.ClinicalJournalofSports Medicine,30(2),96-101




improving 14

Useful links & info

ŌTC Sports Website

For more information on sport at ŌTC, our overview, structure, strength & conditioning, and much more please use the following link. ŌTC Sports Website Link

ŌTC School Map: School Map Link ŌTC Sports Facility Map: Sports Facilities Map

Reporting and injury

Link for injury report form - ŌTC Sports Injury Report Form

Alternatively you can email the sports dept - sports@otc.school.nz

Physio Treatment

Should an injury require a physiotherapy treatment we are fortunate to have an experienced physio on site at school. Student-athletes can book times during the school day to see our physio, Deb, for injury assessment, continued treatment, and fitness or game ready assessment.

Link for physio request form - ŌTC Physio Request Form

ACC Sport Smart Website & Resource

From competitive athletes to weekend warriors, ACC SportSmart is there to help everyone get the most out of their game and stay injury free. Please use the links below.

ACC Sport Smart Website ACC Sport Smart Resource

ŌTC Sports Coaches, Managers, & Referees

It’s important to us that we offer our coaches, managers and referees/umpires the opportunity to continue to learn and grow in order to develop their knowledge of the game/sport. Please use the link below to find out what courses, learning opportunities, or relevant guest speakers we or other local schools and organisations have coming up which may be of interest.

ŌTC Coaches,

Managers, & Referee’s


Balance is Better

Balance is Better is an evidence-based philosophy to support quality sport experiences for all young people, regardless of ability, needs and motivations. It is about young people staying involved in sport for life and realising their potential at the right time. See links below for useful information and resources.

Balance is Better Website Balance is Better Philosophy Balance is Better Principles


Useful links & info

Emergency Contacts

ŌTC Sports Facilities

In the event of an emergency regarding school property please contact one of the following members of staff; Mark Lunjevich (021 576 231) or Jim Allan (021 500 563)

Emergency (Injury)

In the event of an emergency requiring medical assistance please follow normal protocol and call 111

Emergency (requiring a school representative/assistance)

In the event of an emergency that requires the assistance of a school representative please contact one of the following members of staff; Ian Ridgway, Director of Sport (021 031 0370) or Russell Gordon, Principal (021 220 5542).

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