1923 02 19 The Tan and Cardinal

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FEBRUARY 19, 1923.

No. 18.

NORTH ERN TRIP J. STITT WILSON COMING Otterbein Representative Wins IS DISASTROUS ' Noted Lecture~ ; - Hold. ~ eetings The State Oratorical Contest Under Auspices of Chnstian lieidelbe

Grg arners Season's Only ictory at Varsity' s Expense­ Ohio Northern Wins.


H. W. Troop F ights Up-hill Battle

and Is Rated the Best O rator Varied Instrumental Numbers Will By Judges. Be Given Under D irection of OVERCAME MANY OBSTAC LES Josephine Cridland. Wilt Represent Ohio In the Interstate Contest for This Section at Indianapolis.

T l·I E T .-\ 1\ A ~ D C A R D l >! :\ L


the judges but only l\\'O men carried th ei r e n d of it through \\'ith a Professor Altman Sic~- froJll , laced. bang. ext Friday the club sing at l'rokssor A ltman is recovenng (Continued from page one.) . This is the Sl:cond time that Troop unbury. a severe attack of influenza. ce'n d an ex traordinary fitness for his ha · participated in the State Contest, t he -lllllll l"lliilll illll lea ding Amer- ai1d 1·11 .°,p1·tc of a sever e co ld last year, p· tour amo 111 1111 111111111 11111111111111111 1111111111111 11 111111111111111 11111111 1111111 11111 ·• §= . . " ica 1-c• cntr l'eges an,1ng11nivcrs1t"' . . he \\'011 second plact>. STITT WILS O N CO MI NG

•'n·si rlent '.\lc\lasters . of :Vl t. l Ilion Cnll •· i;!'C sa,·s: ·· 1 consider th at :Vlr. Wil,o n has. brought the moS t vital a nd r c: rti11Pnt n:essag-c that has been preentcd to our st udents during n:1Y t (\\'eh·c years here . The Hon . J. S ,tt \ \"il,on gave a • cries of addresses at

A banquet \\'as given the contestant and the heads of th e departm en ts of the co ll eges n:prescnted fo ll o\\'ing the program. : Professor Bromley mith, who s ub - : s t ituted he re during l rofessor Fritz's leave of abse nce last year. is no\\' up-

\lt . Unio n o llcge and st made a deep im pres ion upon our udents a~d facnd ,,It ,·. He combines nd scholarsh ip a fervor w ith a fine te erness. His O tterbein T heme. st th vc~rs os.f ,•r,mt,:n~ ornugh•I ,,.;tt, ud y """·pr of , o,=~\His".;,..,;M,

p lyi ng during the last se me st er a t H ei delb erg and \\'a s o ne of the judges. By virtue of h i vi c tor y, Troop wi ll reprc e nt Otterbein and th e co ll ege of Ohio in th e Int er t ate Co ntes t for thi sect ion to be held at Tndia napoli next

?- -1 ,t:r,. ~t,,,.,~ as a S11f'" ker ha e ma




_ :::


Sunday d inners will be served beginning Sunday Feb. 25 · Hours 1 to 1 :30 P . M . Sunday Evening Suppers will be discontinued for the present. Noon Luncheons , Dinners and S uppers.

Watch for Daily Specials



~ :

~ -~




de ay or June . 72 West Ma1·n S t. Westerville, , ; • th .: \fr. \\'i lson a prooh,.t of ,. hour. Glee Club 's F ourth Annual 1111111111 11 p;, ;1rld re«-- < ~t Ott<'rt,n;., ..-i JI lw ." Concert Given at Galena llllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllll 11 - - th e gen eral theme of "Con truct1ve 111111111I1U

~i~~~::~J}'.~~f: :~:.~~;g ~;,:2::::~::f~:;}:i~f:~fI:: ;_""STUDEN'T;S"'SPECIAL! I

a defi nite e lu tion for th e prob lems hi s concert given by the club in Galena. :


h earer mu t face in th e near future. 1 The clu b appear o n the vi ll age' LyWas Northwestern Student. ceum Co ur e as a r egular number. th Years ago as a stud ent at No r _ H a ndi capped by a ve ry mall tage, _ we ,tr- rn l niv c r si ty, Mr \ , i\s" n c-a•~" th e c lub wa s not at it be t. The into indus intimate ntac t with the ~ncl,a Harryhad Lauder and trial co orohlems presentcu )V\ I sard, th e de electio ired ens ffecta , la a nd pc wa th e s lum s and for ei1rn settled di . tri,t s ea ily the hit of the e vening.


of C hi cago, and h e decided to thr~w The club felt very much the ab se nce : h; nnPre-i e into the modern social of eneff from the tenor ection, but .,,.


2 P ants Suits and O vercoats


0.0 , $25.00, $30.



:: ~

M1·11ards Clothes Shopo Walk Upstairs and Pay Less.


Upstairs at Spring and High


:: _



conflict. After receiving his Master's th e new men ro e to the occa ion and lllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111 ~111 degr from nrthwestt'rn. h " ,.,- ., nrt ~ h i, a.tte ntion abroad , an d mad e four ~ I

We carry a complete line II a I of delicacies for all occa- .

trips to Great Britian w he re he was id e ntifi ed wit h r eligious a nd la bo r


mo,·ement ' gaining a t ?~forr\ unique knowl edge of th e British labor 111

\"('lllent. i: pon hi

. M re turn to Am e n a. r.



ilson wa elected mayor of Berke lev. a lif.. ho lding hi offi cr for tlirPP vc;r.. during which time be gained ; r"n utati o n a~ nn c of th e foremo. t puh \i spea k r of th e Paci~c c~ast. 1 H e was a tr m e ndou J)o\\·er rn 5 ttm,'.­ lating loya lty and pat ri t(, "?· Ht , on l v 11 wa ki ll <'d in an aviation ac­ cident at Math e r ' Fi,. Jd. acra m e nto.




Has Toured America. For two yea r . hi t1me has bee n in - n,tant rlPmand for rie of add r e · · oll eg-e t ud nt a nd he ha ' d umver . c. sookto·n cin th oll goe s an ,'fe t in a ll part . oE th Uni ted tate and Canada. Student au diences numberin g thou and ha ve g re. t d him both at conv o ation. and P tal ma. rn ct­ ing. in . uch in titution a the niveritv of Penn ylvania, Colga te, Ohio St;te. Ge_orgia. Tulan , Mi ouri, Bat , a lifornia and ma ny other · \ atch for forth r a nnoun cem nts a t hap e l durin t h e week.


For all that is go od to cat se~

College Jewelry

WILSON, The Grocer No 1 So. State St. ·Westerville, Ohio

I-:-~===~========~-==-Let us help you with your lunch . • . , supplies. There's spice m variety and

Stationery, New Parker Foµntain Pens guaranteed for

we can give you some good sugges­

25 year .


McElwee & Kinsel Call Citizen 21 or Bell 8-W.

All Text Books needed b .a

any class. Order now.

The Clean-up Man

o c REPRESENTATIVE WINS STATE ORATORICAL CONTEST Agent for Acme Laundry Co, (Continued from page one) bcin " ·ith th e ora ti on wi th which be w n the e_oll ge oratorical conte t and General Laundry Work for Ladies and r ecei e d thre vote: for fir st p\ac , one Gentlemen, for cco nd. a n 1 on for third. Ar. raham. r pr se nting Mu kingum , re­ ceived one vote for fir t plac , one c J. H. MAYNE ond, a fourth and a fi~h and won ec­ ond place. The Wittenberg _ :eprecn tativ cam third in th opm1on of 12 W . College Ave.

Westerville, O.

rsity Bookstore


Page Three


=....-. 1 : o

e::, ·


__ . . f ti , third g roup con- \ be shown in the College Chapel under Latin Literature in the college library. 1c · . 1] he sp irit o . . f I . • th e -uite o f vivid I 'the ausp ices of the Young-Budd Post, I hey have bee n se lected from rece nt s,s tm g O ( ances anc1 > • L · - · · . . ; .· ... in decided the local post of t he Amencan eg1011. pu)1 11cattons of th e Loeb Classical to ne pict u res 11~ 1 11111 1· "as .. . . . L . I1 I , O t i1 er numb ers o n [ hesc fi lm s s how ac tu al scenes ,ind ibrary whose founder wishes '"to co ntra, t \\" ll t ic are not the result of artificia l stagi ng. bring till' classics wi thin reach of readth e program. f The batt le scenes arc pict ures of ac - : r, tll ~11ch a "av that if they kn ew . de r e istance o t I,c evenE . Th e piece . d th :ual co n,ba t a nd were take n by came ra I on ly ng lis h they might have access . · I th th e mus, ca 1 an e . . C . . 111g, 1 ro m )O . fi I i mcll of the L. S. Signal orps dunng to th ctr s ub sta nce and 1f they had ever 1te na I t dpo111ts was t . tee h n1ca s an . ' T he th e war. T he fi lm s show hi sto ry act - ' learn ed Latin o r Greek they might



'22, ,22 Th . numbe r, the Gneg _Co ncert~- . id ua lly bemg made but a ll of the grue- read it agam in th e easiest way:· Edna II" e cngage~ient of Miss co nce rto was played wt th th e k r~ :~- . so me fea tures which might be objec- Till' t ra nslat ions by the mo t emine nt O ts I ti o nabl e fo r showin g to th e general sc holars a re g iven side by side with Bcniam· e 2.iger o f Attica. O~ to. a nd ,·,go r w hi ch much of th e word I0 111 111 tern R ~ public have been eliminated. rl so n, a student 'vVes- 1 .\or 11·egian composer deman s. Com- th e o ri gi nal La tin . land Oehs ~rve Medica l School a t Cleve - 1 , hill g el e could more nearly approac mandcr J . C. Roach says th at a nyo ne Apulieiu s-The Golden Ass. 1 ' 0 wa an d t th ·r1 s \ h t I effect than the or. . . . of the T. ' D no_unce O . e g t , the tru e ore e_ ra . Grabill. who sa11· se rvice a t the fro nt will recAugust1ne-Confoss1o ns. Tu d ·. Clu b at a m ee tmg last a ll. on whi ch Professor og niz e the faithfu lness of th e fi lm s. Ansonius. es ay evem M " D 11 · - t ' C vatory played . . . to ti ng. iss e mger sen Din,c tor of the onser ' Boeth1u s-T ra cts and D e Co nsolaAd mi ssio ll wi ll be 35 cent and tickets icn, a cake t · · h b · I t W e are tempt- · Which con a mmg t e ox 111 the o rchestra par s. . h. . can be purc hased a t the Chape l on th e , tione Phi loso phiae. . ' C · ,,. t I1e engagn 1n t · · d tail concern1ng t 15 • • •• to her . . ~ en nng II as gn d 1 cd 10 go mto_ e . Jay of e nt crta 111m cnt. . at ullu s. T,bu ll us. a nd Perv1g1ltum nd 111 ll1 ' a thi s was the anll o un cc- numbe r, with ,ts a ntiphona l p~ssa_ges. ________ Ve neris. · s r h )·thmtc vigor cnt of the be t rot ha I• its powerfu l th em es. tt . New B ooks I n L 1"b rary Fronto-Corrcspondcnce. '21 • tv.ir a d M · · g ne,,. b oo k s Suetomus. . 1 er o f 111tercs :i ncl it s coll tra st111 g tend er m elochcs. A. llu1111 t1n (Lera W-a;: )rs . W a lter Vv. Wa ll a_ce but suHi ce it to say th a t " ·as re nd ered. ha,· e been added to th e depa rtm e nt of Sencca-Ep istulae Morales. ha., ers of C1n c111nat1. Oh io. ·I le program. in a t r ul y d e announced the birth of a littl e .ts 11·as t 1, e II ,o aughter b F artistic manner. been nai;, dorHn. ·ebruary I t. who has lt _ .ntcresting to know t_hat prac- 111 111111111111111111 111111111 111 11111 11 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 111111111111!! 15 1 e elen V irginia. I t d : tica ll y a ll of Mi s Jon es· mu ica . s u y '22 · John W G · · • · . • d o n under the G1111me_ hi fi · eo rgc. who 1s crv111g has been carne b" ll 1 ath l ~ t Yea r a physica l director and diate sup ervisi o n of Profc sor ra · ·d f the trcct1c: c I le oac 1 at Indian a Ce ntra l Co l. h F e" · of us have a ny 1 ea O f hard work w 111c : &c. Indian · r . . • How many letters do you suppose go to the dead letter office daily be- : \i·ith apo 1s. Jncl1ana. 1s meet111g mendous amo unt o t lnct· good ucecss in his work th ere. is req uired to memorize a nd pres~n _ cause people, and mighty intelligent ones too, forget to put their ad­ iana Central h . If we could realize dresses on envelope in upper left corner and have not completed the that i tnu ch a . a new gym 1~as1 um ., n c h p rogram. aration are kctb appreciated and their bas- how many hours of prep address or have improperly addressed their communication? See that a11 lean, 1. d . Id erhap be more your mail is properly addressed. , : 0111 g well. necessary, we ,...-ou P . M. 07. Flo I . f e of th ese r ecital . J>cnn yd L. mith of Gree ns burg, app recia iv . . to be congratulated : I 1 her osfy van ia, i - a promi nent mem- Jon es ts ce1tam y ·t I th y I •e ll ren dered reci a · 0ciar e oung Men ·s C hri tia n As- upon ,er "' ii11111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii inter •on of that ci t y and is especially ----. bepac tied and influential in th e Boys' Local Post of American , r tnent of th e Association . Legion to Present War Films. "The Home of Quality"







= =

Proper Addressing M1«\RY E. LEE, P. M.

= =

= =


ond· ] . .Ray1u on d L ove. w ho is a sectterbein stt1d e11t \\J-·11 be offered loo-., 1·cyal ar tu_d ent in Bonebrake Theo- t lic opportuni· ty Tuesday aftern oon f . iu t Cnde:n•nary, Dayton, Ohio. has a nd eveni ng, February 20, \ · ~ee;fi cva n"cl· . a very success ful ser ies of ffi · I u S war fi lms w tc .., " I tic m . '.,. . . 'the o c1a "'inlcy h eeung at the Fort me• C Ur h . l sc rv· c near Dayton, which he 111 t r 0[ at pa tor. Professor Showti the c1111. . . . • 1e 111 . 11ary assisted h1111 111 ectrng .

The Union Announces The ~===============-::Arrival of The Go to Dr Keefer's l or


WEllen Jone s' Recital.

lan1bert c~.uc day evening, Feb. 14 in of 192J all Mi s E llen Jon es, Clas gave he r gra d uat1. ng rec1ta . 1 111 . J)I•ano. ' D Of. ~1i . to the un for tunate illness t11;1cc p on , th e recita l had bee n 01 of t'eb P0 ned ince it original date 1 t. llowever the program ~hich 11 - & for. O ow , wa • well worth wait-



Program . Allegro \Va!d stei n onata) Gigue in G Minor Ballade in G Minor Tanzwei e (S ." After Sundown (a) Eve u_it for Pianoforte) (h) b ning Breeze ((c) Love (d) ir Ca tie



New Spring Suits and Topcoats from Hart Schaffner & Marks and Fashion Park






dache Constienza, Hea ' pation or a run down Try the ''Nyal . . con d 1t10n.

Famou clothe from famou maker . The uit have more tyle and nap than before­ principally in the new orfolk , new port model - mart effects that claim the attention of y un o- men. The topcoat are of imported Engli h t"' eed mixture and plain effect . ew tyl ery­ one, featuring the loo em del that ar nJ ing a popular voo-ue for pnno-.

Remedies" . Meats of All Kinds Also Groceries at


l.t S11101<, \ .Osik 0 e "IVreaths Crn/eg \\"ski Vals e in E. Major

i:x vvres terville,

The Union Store for Men-Second Floor



Allegro Motto Moderato ~=~~~~=~====~~= ( torn Orch oncerto in A M . 0 16") ~ estral p mor, p. 1' Gl art on Organ by Prof. to he fir tnn Grant Grabill) ~ 0 Pe 11 group was heavy enough ~ East College Avenue UilJbers any recital program. Both e"er \verc. PHONES · \Ve l"k we 11 r endered. HowCho. • e M·1 Bell 84-R P111 b t s Jon es' playing of Citizen 26 ter than her Beethoven.


G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.

Long and High Sts.


:= ======================-;;;})


Page Four




is known. There i -· a: rea on for the fact that 'I •• 1s one of the mo t popular men on ' campu - and that rea on i -himJ'ubli heel \\' eekly in the interest of t11c Otterbein by the se,f. OTTERBEIK PUBLISHING ' L Ile Tan and Cardinal extend sym-1 130AlW :,.iathy to him and to. his fami ly in their V,e tcrville, Ohio Member cf the Ohio College Press bereavement, a.nd smce~e regrets that t Association .1c cannot contmuc to direct the pubSTAFF li ca tion of the paper. · H. R. Mills, '24 E:htor AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assista;;i···f~iii~·~··::::::::· Paul Garver. ·25 Contributing Editors, 23 1 Ha,·c. you. on your way to ~our Bonnibel Yanney, · Del no Adams. '2J sl'ven o clock clas e · recebnt ly, noticed~ Business Manager ........ C . G . Foor, ' 24 that the flag had not een ra1 e r

· · will chine. nor the corner. nor even a ribTl · I · dorm at 11 131111 1c new gir . rill just the led . "Twould be more con- , soon be a reality. The building ' vincing if vou had to be the ·'rubber b t build· doctor .. for, the tiff victims of the co,; t 200.000. and be the c. c capadc. ing on th camp u • Know that urgeon Powell's mou e story ha faded into the background before th more thrilling tale of the Rau mou e trap? Inquire of aum Hall dwellers for detail . R ea1·1ze th at 1t . co Id enu f to f reeze ea Foam on your window ledge?

:\ssi tant Bu inc

A k a f.ellow how he got to be uch fi d I ato be ne a \\·immer traffic coa n inearn that . ? he u ed P emce. Tell. a waiter that you wa nt a typo- I h 1 g rap 1ca error and wh n he ay , they hav , en"t any in ist that it's on the menu. Try it!



i\lanager F . ~l. l'ottenger, Cir. Manager.... U~rjorie Copelan d , Assis tant irculat1011 ~lanagers. Katherine Pollock, Edith yler,

, 25 '23 , 2-l '25 '23 Athletic Editor ··········AH· \ V.· _ . 1 · '23 Local Editor ............ , Alumna! £ ·ior ...... Alma (junner. ,91 Exchange E ditor •·- Ru th l<oberts. 24 Cochran Hall Editor-:Maqora \i h1· tier, '23



' .-\ddre all communicati.on to The Otte rbein Tan and C?rclmal, . 103 \V . ollege Ave., Westerville, Ohio. ub cription Price, 2.00 Per Year, payable in advance. Entered a econd cla s matter pt mber 25, 1917, at the po toffice at \Ve t rville, 0 ., under act of ~[arch 3, 1879. . Acceptance for m.ailing at pec1al rate of postage provided for in . cc. ct of Oct. 7 , 1917, authorized I 103. April 7, 1919. EDITORIAL The name of MERI A ·, whi ·h beloug to you, mtrs always exalt the ju t pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local di cri minations. -\ asbington.

:,. , Well we haven't noticed that ''10 · , · · h er an,d we h av.c b en Ioo k.mg en I.act. tor II daily. The flag 1s always ther adding it dignity to that of our campus. For th e benefit of those who may not know. thi duty wa performed voluntarily by certain tudents, now upper-cla men, until tudent govern-


\\"onclcr jut who your dear enemies arc? Go to a club basket ball gam e.

Know that in pite of the popularity of several new color certain people ment wa in tituted. Th Men's e n­ welcome th return of 'Reel".. ! ate then apportion ed that duty, wi th ; other . to the Fre hman cla and it Wesley Seneff Resigns. 11a become a cu tom that th e flag be J. \ Icy neff. editor of the Tan rai ·eel and Io,,·ered each clay by Fre h- and arclinal ince la t April, tender-, men . ~cl his rc · ig 1iati n to the P u bli ca tion t times thi year, thi custom ha · Board Friday morning R. R. Mi ll been carried out on ly pa modicaJ ly 1,-a I ded t fi ni h Lhe un expi red but. becau e i inv·e ligatio n through term of Mr. neff. · I I tnc Men·s 'e nat, th cu tom i ' bei1,g I K. K. Komedy! carried out by the Fr hmen in a prai e,,·orthy manner. \ hatever the cau for poor obs rvance o f the cu com. it bas been r moved and the cla i to be. commended. I thi cornparti,·ely new cu tom worthy of pre ervation? It is worthy of becomi.ng a tradition of tterbein? ·1a11d and look at the flag for ju t


Page Five

T H E T .A. N A N D C :\ I{ :) I N A L


R ic ha rd so n.

All men arc equal when it co mes to .

Patronize Our Advertisers!


:VJ iss . Na ncy~ Ruth Clema ns.

pay in g Sib y l debt s. La Ma rcha ndc de Ga tcux-Gen cva \\ 'a tch your lying. nex t T hu rsday is ; Bu s hey . I \\' as hirig ton' s birthda y. L e \ ·e ndc ur de Journaux- Anna ' A s sp rin g approaches thin gs ge t in- I I Erh Lear t . Commin s Voyageur - Mar y · tcres tin ge r and intcres tin ge r.


Eliza b eth Brewbaker. F'rin sta ncc on e iell cr sa id th a t a ll he Les Fourberies de Scapin. read th e spring st yles fer was to sec Arge nte, father of Octave a nd Der- ho w much outa styl e he'd be. bind te-J- L. Mayne. I - - --· I Ge ronte, father of L eandre and Hy aGospel Team Makes Progress.

we Want

Linotype student from


II cinte-H - 1{. Mill ·

a par t t•)file

Otterbein College.

The Otterbein Gospel T ea m is one 1 O ctav e. son of Argcntc a nd lover of of the college orga ni za ti on s that is H yac inte-H. K. Darling. seldom brought befor e th e stud ent ·L eandre. son of Gertrud e a nd lover body in a definit e way. Y ct. since its I organization it has to a verv mark ed I o f T crb einctte-M · Hite. · T erbin ett e. Egyptian a nd lover of degree, aide'd in th e dev elo~m ent o f Ll'a ndre-Nett1e Goodman. men who expect to ma ke Christi a n UC nd Hyacint e, daught er of Geronte a service a life work . During th e pres Jov er of Oc tave-T ura Bradfield. Printers of Tan and Cardinal ent year week-end trips have bee n Scapin , val et of Leandre a nd a ras- made to various churches to a ssist in caJ-\V. H. Camp. special services. Three o f the men arc DR. PAUL G. MAYNE, Dentist Silvestre. va let of Octave-\N. F. now filling pulpit s regularly. o ne is Bennett. G cl promot111g a rura I c h urch proj ect, · 9 .\ erin e. nur se of Hyacinte- la ys some have taken fu ll charge of the Office Hours : to 11 a . m., I to 5 p. m. Brownfield. musical part of eva ngelistic campaigns. th Carl, a rascal-E. J. Sto lt z. Every man who has repr esented the Bo Phon es- Bell 31-R, Citizen 370 team in any church has adv ertised Ot­ 17 Dc ux porter,;. Westerville terbein. The organization is. to the W . Colleg e Ave. last man, a booster for the old school. . C :iJp_l Team and Volunteer Band Hold Joint Session Cards bearing the title, '·I belong. The Gospel team and Volun teer H ow about you ?" made th eir appea r­ Banu m et in a joint meeting Monday ance on th e camp us Thursday. A Juan Rivera spoke to the campaign to adv er ti se C. E. was thus g . C'" '-' 11 111 · • a discustwo organ1zat10ns. H e gave uniquely staged by the estab li shment s,on of what in a general way the of ''Tag Day". . - of the mission fie lds expect na t 1v e, . H 'd th e missionary to do and be.. _e sa1 1 ~=============== th e nat ives expected the m1ss10nary to be a genuine Christian and to work with him and not for !nm. F or a goo d 1·me o f F res h C and.1es, type·wr1"ter;>. , Cla ss well Represente d . 94 ''They' re no Flies 011 the Class of Marshmellows, Chocolates, Bon Bons, ·11 · t c as the Etc have ne t ·94 ,. th e old song st1 is ru . . W, aC Ory e' f claims th e laure ls when it A full line of stationery, Crepe Paper · plied bUl·1 d c 1ass o comes to keeping O ttferbe 1n f st~~ sec- in all colors for the student t rade. v.·ith its amp les in th e orm O Jewelry, Cut Glass, Birthday Candles, . At JJresent there are Etc oncl ge nera t1on. • seven students in school who were members of the fly-less class.



. enix Club entertain ed th e ir t:dgii~ embers. H elen l(re bi ll. Mamie dinnergton a nd E lla .'\nd erson . with a theate Party at the :-.r a ra rnor and a I{ r Party afterward s. the ~:.:ie: and Marjora \l\' hi stlcr spent to e -end at th eir home in Day11 \Y

We are I d Mary 1\o g a to see O liv e Schu ll and · el back again. .. Loma p U.11 da owell sp ent Saturday and Y at her home ~ ary y. · al -o at ~nee and Ruth S treich we re V t11c1r homcs over the week-end. C1llla S . O~er th win ger, '22. visited friends e week-end . P -LAY CASTS CHOSEN --

1'hird y

W ear French Students Hard at ork on Class Plays t o be Given March 5.


B keye pr1ntingCo. • •

B. W. WELLS Tailor

Dry Cleaning, Pressing

The Var1ety • Store Have you seen the Silent We


T!ic date f h o t e French p lays has 0een ch S beca anged from March 6 to March f u e of a J Oruicr d ecture number on the Cho en ate. The casts have been !y and work · ·d on all th is progess1ng rapt The f ree of the play Cho en: ollowing casts have been





La Belle et La Bete

• The W esterv1lle II V ar1·et y St,ore


t an second-hand machines in stock. Cash

or Terms. Special rental rates to students.

- Y S- BI~ : le w/te-Dan Harris. If old Annanias or Sophirea. or eve n I~=============== O 11 1:: mm t arc M: hancl fat h er of the Beauty- IN h or Sampson or Capta!O J h t 1. cCarroll oa • a department B o1 e a d . mith were heading up tattty_M_: Francine. sisters of the here at Otterbein he feel su re that I Oyler rgaret George and Ruth hi s room mate would be ab!~ to m~Jor 87 N . Third St. Columbus, Ohio J;" ra.11 co1 · o11e of them without any b under an y <:lvin and Perrinet. neighborsI avanagh an d Don Howard. effort. Onyx and a ', l e Fe uth treich. . an he i. won. I Slllce we now ~ Uzette-R e . I have p club Uth and Noe la, maids of honor- Phoe nix socia grou h cl boiled d r1·11 ,d1y some of the a r nydcr d ' e g J organ l e p age-Fan cl n1ary Meyer. ..., profs. don't get together anc ,-ren · re tep hen s. DON'T WASTE ize a Hole-Proof club. bcu,~~ere Voi inc-Lucille Gerber. -,1 emc v • . , · gs eterna l, 'rt Day after day. hope sp nu ·t Don't throw away your old shoes. 01 111e-Eve ll yn Sager. l bcu.111 '.er Qldat-Hale Richter. uiide· r the little green cap, where re You don't discard your automobile bet er. Xlen1e Lanca - the fre hmen's weary h ea d · cause a tire wears out. Why throw 0 Jdat-Gcorge nd 1 ro· · Dora aid last week that . he . fou away a pair of shoes because the soles Qu.~t 1~111 e olclat-Harry Park . k . t as much perspiration to wear out? We can make them like Ser. riell)e · t B 1"ll's new at a very nominal • . to pnn o ldat-Thoburn Ke!- it . too h JU tuff as it did cost. " Shoe DENTIST Petit prmt er ~e i wondering if she takes Repairing Insures Health, Economy, nd nowh t'nic from cer tain recitation s C-omfort.''-H. E. C. New shoes cost 15½ N. State St. · nge a' muc p . 1 · Bell Phone 9 Ylvi· auvree Sylvie. · . r a h doe . too much these days, so that 1t pays to e, ch amber maid-Mabel Ca - to wnte. 11 cp - - aid . that be dt"d 11,t get the very last step out of every pair . Se!,

la 8Belie, I abelle-Edna Yaus.







The College Avenue MEAT MARKET

W. M. GANTZ, D. D. S


>4.actarn D Charhe ere7 poker but failed to eci}j I) arcourt-Reba Knapp. kno,~ 1:':~~:i:~ad co :t him to find ney_ arcourt-Katherine McKin- ay O -.[ it out. · f the original tendencies ,v arie th Pi rr ' e cook-Margaret Graff. Think O didn 't have to J anne, the ervant-Ethel Bear that primitive man e,

th e

dres maker -

orma worry about.



of shoes. Don't add to the infanile ~ortality of the shoe by discarding yours before they a.re worn out. 0 Westerville, O. STAR SHOE REPAIR 7 ACTORY 31 W · C 11ege A ve. 27 W. Main St. Westerville, 0 . Citizen P hone 110 DAN CROCE, Prop. Bell Phone 190



Page 3ix


SENIOR SPORTRAITS V arsi ty " O"• ;==F=o=ll=o=w=i=n=g=T=h=e--­



. unmus Whi le cas tin g about for an '1 ght th to vi..:timize for this ..:olumn . e th ou that thl·re arc sc \·cra l men among u. . en t Otter cverr day \\'ho \\'ere promrn t· CLIMAX IS REACHED BASEBALL SCHEDULE · by prontP bcin athlete in day gone ' f r ou . vc t1g-at1on . . . t the records -o bill, W ith Six High-class Teams on the In Both Intramural Basketball Or- , cd m m o athleti c professors: Altman: l,ra " At Home" List Is Completeganizations as Efforts to Pull Ros elot, Ditmer, a nd Martlll. Outlook Uncertain. Down Leaders Fail. , All but Grabi ll were footba ll W . R. Franklin. No. 3 . l1 the vars k ' The baseball schedule, now comIntc,est and enthusiastic rooting in All of "Tillie's" ath letic endeavor was He alone cavor ted wit 10 0 011 plete. looks like one of the best Otter- each of the intramural basketball ce ntered in football. A member of the nin e. \\'hile i\ilartin and Ditmer bein chedules that has been arra nged I lcagut:s reached the hi ghest point at- squad four year, regular center three a seco nd spo rt- track. d omplcte in recent years. Six home games taine<l thu s far this seaso n when team 1yea rs, and captain one- year is hi Of the five only Rosse lot c . e ' . onsccutl" with high cla s college nin es is it out- with mediocre landing made earnest record. hi s college course m c as tanding merit. ' 1 but futile attempts to pull the unchal- - - - ___ years. ~'1o~t of them cam e here. , _ 1 lengcd leaders from their lofty po i- NORTHERN TRIP prep ". They "preppccl" a "·ht~, col· . h went to tions. IS DISASTROUS tay ed out a whtlc.-t en . r <\It· THE SCHEDULE ln the Orga nizati on League it wa (C . • lege a \\'h1le.-and so on. Pro• beill ontinucd from page one.) · Otter Thursday night's game in which the man admit · that he wa 111 ff and April 14-Ohio Univ., th ere. riddled Coun tr}' Club team battled th \! ern end. 0 something over seve n year,, in· Apri l 21-Ohio \Vesleyan, there. Otterbein G. league-leading Annex crew to an over­ F . Ft. P . 011 but rduscs to volunteer an) r April 28-Ohio Northern. here. . I of yea tim e set to. The core wa eight all Crabb . r. f. .................... 0 4 7 May 4-Wittenberg, here. 4 formation about the num Jer at the end of th e regu lation playing Ander on, l. f., r . £. ........ . May 9-Wittenberg, there. l 3 3 he served with Varsity. period, but the Annexcr came through entlcmc11 h May 12-Antioch. here. A brief account of t e g fol· L. L. White, c. ············ 4 0 0 \\'ith a pair of fielders in extra frame, 8 1 . . . May 19-O hio Univ., here. as t l1e re cords revea . . "·a part1c1pat1on winning by a 12 to 8 count. Tl.e vic­ McCarroll, r. g . .............. 0 0 0 99 0 111 nd May 25-Deni on, here. lows: Altman subbed at c , ; •nt tory gives the Annex the Organization Schreck, I. g. ·······-·······- 0 0 . ·01 • '02• 0• J,ar of 0 0 regular right end 111 May 29- Ohio Wesleyan, here. title. R. J. White. 1. f. .........._ I · the ye 0 June 9-Muskingum. there. 0 2 H e wa captain d unng rai, ed The revamped To\\'n Tearn' effort Heitz, I. g. ...................... 1 1904. Publications of the day P 0 0 2 to pull the Bishop crew from leaderthe work of "Buckeye" highly.H , 1 as Tota ls ..... The home dates with orthern, An­ ship Saturday morning furni hed the work o f "Buckeye" highly .. \ound 7 5 ···-..··thrills in the Prune League. The ·····-··· 10 19 tioch and Ohio University fa ll on Sat­ . d,•d som e fine 11 After In 1900 Grabill game, probably the fa t t to date in Ohio Northern G. urday , the Wittenberg and Deni on F. Ft. P. work with the baseball team, teach· 1 games will b e played on Fridays, the older league, nded with count Ker chncr, r. f. 0 0 2 graduating in music that year; r five staTn dingp20 to LI7. Perlick, I. f..................... while W esleyan' s local appearance ~c­ 0 2 0 1,e 3 4 ing and tudying el ewbcrecl t 811 d rune cagu 11a two week curs on a Tue day. t u en to run before the inter-league game Money, c. ........................ 8 years. h • returned as a . ic ' 10 0 0 16 Since Prof. Martin is encountering nd a i tant prof., but fou tilt on March 10. mith. r. g . ...............- ..... 1 3 7 great difficulty in arranging track and 5 work out on the diamond. f ·()6 tennis schedule , and since the outWeek's Results. Haley, I. g. •··················· O 0 0 0 on. . 1,url· 11 During the baseba ea tanding performers in tho e sports Annex, 12; Country Club, 8 (over- Greer, r. f. ·- ·····-····-··-- 1 0 0 2 and '07, Grabill wa Otterbei:at ti111e have graduated, and there is little time). ing tandby. Box score of _t excel· pro pect of new men ari ing to take Cook House, 24; Alp , 4. Total ·-···--·-······-·····13 3 10 29 how that in addition to pitching · J.fe their places, baseball looms as first ,attcr. Sphinx, 23; Lakota, 8. Referee-Earle Prugh Ohio V 5 leyan. ' e - lent ball, he wa cleanup " 31•e ra e boice in pring athletic endeavor. Cook Club , 20; Kelly, 10. topped the Otterbein hitting The outlook for baseball is uncer­ Reed, 18; Dunn, 13. for the two years. ke j11tO Heidelberg, 35; Otterbein, 16. tain. Although six member of last Blendon, 29; Bach !or , 15. Prof. Ro clot fir t b;~; when year' varsity nine have graduated, the Bisho_p, 20; Town Team, 17. On Friday evening the Otterbein print 111 the fall of 1 g with crew truck a team. that ho d batteries remain intact. Moreover, • we un- "Fr enchie" was mentioned aton s of Week's Schedule. the cla of 1925 ha everal meJ1 who expected trengt h when the Heidelsea on other faithfu l subs. The bli hed Thursday at 2 o'clock­ demon trated ba eball ability that berg five wa ncouutered Th U . . e p- '03 and '04 found him we1te : :t p~ i· Town vs. Frie t. looked like varsity "stuff" in the inter­ 11 •cred1ated with putting up Dunn v . Cook. at left guard, however. of pra1 e. cla game last year. ea on be t game A d wa tt b • , . · n erson tiou he received a good har Bi hop v . Kelly. fessor, With the po ible exception of er e111 high co . h a pro •e fie lder . rer wit 4 Bachelor vs. McRill. Continuing here .as ,, with 11•£ minor hift , the sched ule will remain Recd v . Blendon. Ro clot "roughed it up s o Otterbein a given herewith. Track and tenoi 011 G. F. Ft. T . football boy through th ~ a~;t coach bedule will appear when a complete aturday morning­ I Crabb , r. f., I. f. ---········ O 4 Reed v . Bi bop. t hell the 7 draft ha been made. 4 'OS to •10. He wa a nder on, I. f. ·--····-······· 4 Town vs. Kelly. O o mo t of the time, although w 011 e11t 8 L. L. Wbite c • Bachelor vs .Cook. 1 O o 2 occa ion demanded, and th e.~~: a rcli' Martin Boehm Five Checks in Mccarroll, :. ~. ··::·········· B lendon v . Priest. o O O were willi ng ,he could tep 11 0 Victory Over New Albany High Schreck, I. f. ················- 0 O O O ular fray. t ,,er aTh Martin Boehm Acad my five _Final Group League Standing. 110 ~ · White, r. f., 1. g. ...... 1 0 o 2 oach Ditmer wa the ~ ~Y of 1 ca01 through with a victory ov r the Club W. L. Pct. g. ············-···-·-O o O tile, and best known athlet~~ DitJ!ler 1 C\ Albany High School quintet at Annex ······•···~·····-···-······-· 5 0 1.000 ' g. ··-·······-·····-·· 0 O o and reO' quintet. A early a 720 the local gym la t aturday night with · Cook Hou e --········- ········ 4 l . 00 copped the 100 ran in the ~ bein and . a meet between . Otter1,ool dur· a core of 19 to 17. .600 Alp ·········-- -·-·····-·-··-··-· 3 2 Total ····-····-··--·-··-·· 6 7 -16 Iay 111 4 On Friday afternoon the Prep lo t phinx ··-···~··-··-··-··-··-··- 2 3 .400 Heidelberg Deni on. He wa out of c G. F. Ft. P. ·o oul to Columbus Academy at Colum ­ Country Club -····-··-··- 1 4 200 l3 uehler, r. f. ... ing 'OS, '06, '07. Qtterbe' 6 bus. The score was 23 to 19. 0 3 Lakota ·--"-·······-···--···- 0 5 .000 0 12 Ditmer's real career , ~ wbell Rowald, 1. f. ···············-· 4 In both games the local men were 0 0 8 began with the fall of O ' tball- fl M cCd~rmick, c. ·····--····· 4 handicapped by the ab ence from the No Girls Games. . • 1·11 foo ugh the 0 0 8 made an end po 1tion 8 ar mg, r. f. ... !in up of nter Murphy. Gu t and No girl ' inter-clas ba ketball King more, r. f:·· ·····-····· O 3 7 3 played iu the backfield ti:; ser"inl Cavanagh appeared best in both con­ games were played la t week. The Monn, r . £. ·-········ 1 0 0 2 ~loriou seas~ns of '08 au d e~r Triangles forfeited to the Seniors ········-·········- 1 0 0 2 t ts. a captain during his laS t fy ;1,e Qt· while the Sophomore-Junior game wa; · d or !)JC J11' Totals In track, Ditmer 1. tie K. K. Komcdyl po tponed. 3 7 35 ~··-·-···---·l6 3 terbein 220 record, and was ) Rerferee-Mr. Dunlap, Denison. e\fell• (Continued on page .








H~;;; \





Page Seven


Men's an d Women's Social Groups Announce New Members. Total Membership of Z42. . l publishes . th The . Ta 11. an d Card1na for · th e 1n fornia tion of l:he student body e_ names of th e members of the Vanous social clubs. A Men's Groups. Co ~p Club-H. . Freeman, C. C. 11 ey, R Gi ll man J R Nlorr1· E ash 11 . ' · · ' · cast ' 1. A. Hite, D. U pso n, G. Lanter ;, R. Maso n, C. Barnhart, C. Rit­ R 'F · pson, l _ Routzahn, E. eibert, · aust.

Meyers, Ma~y Meyers, Genevieve Mullin, Emily Mullin, Katherine Pollock, Ladybi rd Sipe, Virgi nia Wolf. Phoe nix CJ ub-E 11 a A n d e rs o ·n, Est her Bearss, Veda Bearss, Lillian Carl on Marjorie Copeland, Lida ' · 0 1· Cumm ings, Ma mie E dgington, 1ve Given, H elen Krehbiel, Lottie Faye Menden ha ll, Ruby Somers, Gertmde eaman Ca th erine Somers, Lu t 1lle Wa r son', Ella Wells, Vera W r ight. Toma-Dachi Club-Marie Beelma n, Lois Bingham, Ruth Braley, Geneva Braley, Ruth Roberts, Lois Coy, Fern Coy, Atma Ehrhart, F lora Felton, Alice George, E l ic Hooper, Grace Hi ll Vera J obnson, Edith Oyler, ' . W th . ~-ra garet W LdMargu ente c en 11 , m. r

v/hnn e:x Clu b-J . B Crabb L L ne R J W. . . . . B. K ' D · . · hite, D. W. Blau se1·, C · arlin g, A. L. Mattoon H. C. ~o~~yx Club-Nola arn hardt, Ma.rarpen te \IH . arpenter ' D. R. garet Frazier, Marguerite Go uld, ~ I. . Cl1J.>P l11 r, \I v · ' Durr, Jen Jon e , A nne Jack on, Pa uhn e P. M ~ r. . • H . Camp. F. L. Bro\\"i~ arver, J . P. Wardell, E. D . Lambert;' Luci le Lambert, Kathryn Carp K. P. Prie t, T. Benn ett, W. McKinn y, Mary Meyei:, Margaret D. \\en.tcr illi ' L Rea o ner, G. Roberts, Norri s, Helen ~ai mer, He_Jen Rau, Wray Richardson, Efhel U lrich, K at hl ams, C. Wertz. ou ntry I b A . V h~ Milb G u ~ · W. E ll10tt, H. V. ~n Greenv.rich Club-Loi B icke l, N!a bel r A. T; ·. · Heitz. H. W. T roop, J. Bordner, Geneva Bushey, Lucile GerJ. R K L. chre ck, J . W. en.eff, ber Helen Gibson, Gertrude Myer s, head· Foe.I, E. D. taat , C. J. Broad­ ..., B C · E. McGuire, W . S. Wood, E. Lo:na Powell, Norma Richardson, P~tri !vanagh G. A . Cavanag h, M . 1-,'-uth treic h, · Florence Vance, m_ary Widdc ' N. 'Murphy, M. 0. Drury, C. Vance, Harriet Whistler, MarJora ocs,H..J. C· R oac · h, D . . H owar d . v\ ru stler. Cook Polygon Club- Jan e Barton, V irA I-la . ous Clu b-J. P. Sch utz, D . l.· 0 rrp1 · A · E. Roo e, T. E. Newell, Foor.· Rerry, Vv. H. Anderson, C. G. E. J. A{c G. And r on, M. Killinger, R4 flin· Carroll, F. Beelman, A. J. 1 ll. L ' · H. Richt r. A. L. R e n ner, I make thi yea·r lioov~ ~ughton, C. E. Stair, R. J. Gu r. · Youn , P. A. e well, ,, A .P ucce J nda · • oro ky, Earl Hoover. 1 \ ell ub-E . B. tud ebaker, . A. Ji:. p. R. Breden , M .B. Klepinger, h • . arlson 0 oda, F li , L · E . J o h 11 · 011, H • L • C. M · · Va le ntine, W. H . Morris, ""-r1. rnan . 8 owman · G • R . E astman, .R . H . l ' D. J . Cole . . akota Cl ub-] • I:. Axlin e, J. R . GoodricJ 1 On, £ c' P. J . liarri-, B. . JohnNewen· J· Loo111i • 1·,_,.L L . 'lv·f ycrs. L . J . Ji:. A 's W . E chbach, V. E. Myer ' ll n ~n cF ultz, G. R. l3echtolt, J. E. bach, E. Low ery, C. B. Eschch ll>artik . R. Gohn ' H . R . p t·fer, R . W . Chap °Ph, J . 'vV. Iludock, R, N. 13 ragg111 an, R M · W • H o rl acher, Em erson 1 Tinsley, John E. Mayne. Phin aCph llr, I · x . qcr1 ck T lu b-D · L . Ad ams, J . C . lier, 'vV. 'n · H . Bradrick, L. M. Col­ W. Fen . · Coon, R. . Co rnetet, R. Gib on, Wtck M ' W · R . F ran k 1·111, J'. "[ L • llery, l-1. n. W. Hancock, R. W. M ig­ Pot tenge· ''-· Mills , G . R . p·1erce, F . M . lR. tCph r. J. Ran ck ' D . L . Reck·. F . · Ji \)':n ' E. J . toltz, E . 0. Irey, · •vard. .


Resolve Now!


ginia B(ag~, R ut h Callahan, E lsie May Conge r, Mildred Conn, Florence Han­ sel, Evelyn Judy, Catherine · Loar, F lore nce Martin, Beth Mason, Omma Moomaw, Bonnibel Yanney.

FOLLOWING THE VARSITY " 0 " (Co ntinued from page sLX.) ber of the record-holding relay team. T hat team won the state champion­ sh ip ~n 1910. Prof. Martin was the last of our ''athletical s" to enroll as a n Otterbein stud ent. H e played right tac kl e with t he " I l " during '06 and '07, a nd hurled

the hammer, a nd shot, a nd a few other things a bout, in th e prin gtirne. Martin wa elected footba ll cap tain in the fall of 1907, but turn ed his eyes toward Springfield, Mass. where he went through th e "physical d irector facto ry··. H e returned to 0. . a coach in the fa ll of ' 13, and dir ected a thletics unti l the summer of 19 16. This is only a brief summary, but if any of th e foregoing ge ntlemen tell you that yo u are rott en, Mr. Athlete, you'll know w hat he has had in the way of experience to back up th<1t con ­ tention.





Students Attent•Ion •





= -


Now is the Time for all Good Students to come to the Aid of their . . 0 rgamzatJon or S oc1·a1 G roup and to Secure Evidence so as to be Able to Prove to Their Children · and Their Children's Children that O tterbein was Somewhat of an Institution in the good old days when they were students here by securing a group pictur~, Social, Glee Club or else, having it framed or store it away for that rainy day when time drags heavy and you are in Hong Kong or Quincy; Jl.. ANYHOW· You can leave your order with Al or Mack.

;; = = -

= = -




Thanks for past favors.






G '·

-A.rbutu Women's Groµps. Gtady B Cl ub-Re I e n .Breden. ~t11h CI rownfie ld, Mild red Clemans, avis Benian , Marie Comfort Ruth ' eat · ' ~al, lren Bice .Donald on . ,Alice Flealcour e all, H.uth Lucas Elizabeth Wah 1. ' Lenore Smith, ' Christena ll 1'aJi 111an re,vbak Club - Mary E lizaeth gridlanct er, Mabel Ca e l, Josephine tur,, .;., Thanet Cridland Helen A.U , , •aur ' P ne }.{ in e Knapp, Betty Mar h, eden AI~Yne, Mary Noel, Sylvia 0 \\· I' CIice an d er Ruth nyder. ~aret B ub-Zura Bradfield Marrook M ' • a rga r t Gcaff B lanche



Pies with the taste that tarries.

Blendon Res G. A. Cavanagh, Prop.


Page Eight


Football Men Visit Baker's. vi itcd Baker' Art Gallery in order with the basketball team. wi·11 go to Saturday morning all football men I that the annual football picture could Columbus Tuesday for th e same purof last fall who were awarded letters be taken. Men on the quad. away pose. I

Home Talent



,.._--===~==========·LAZARUS MEN'S STORE

The other day I wus talkin to Bill And he Vvu tellin me About a new denti He had discovered Said thet he put out A swig of licker After he pulled your tooth To orta offset the sho ck \Veil at this parti cular time Bill wusn't lookin As peart as he miteuv An when I ast him If the den tist Had run outa licker He te lls me no But he had run outa teeth. Darn Billi

High St. at Town

Columbus, Ohio


All the Spring Styles are $10 In Columbus only at. Lazarus

ART AND MORE ART "Art is long," the poet ha said; Time sli p by. youth soon is sped, But just the same t he other day, In quite an unexpected way. We ran upon a contradiction . f thi theme of rhyme and fiction, Time may be fleeting, we'll agree, But rt i easy as can be. , e found it taught in one short lesson, But we'll not try to keep you guessin'; Because you've read the es ay too, nd left your mark when you were through .


THE ERA Featuring a new tip with welted edge-another F lorsheim innova­ tion. Tony brown, calf, blucher, $10.

er u e


i~ reat it kindly, don't misue it. Already half the school has read it, Half the re t wi ll surely read it.



Though ' tis thumbmarked, torn and soiled, Though 'tis worn, 'ti till un poiled; You can't afford to pass Art by, So learn its "How" and "When" and "Why'', Take the book from off tfte helf And make an rti t of your elfl What, rt doe n't interest you ? fnd cd it doe , if not, then who? Art's not long nor arti t's few, Where now there's one, there hould be two. Well read the piece, now, don't shove, It's '"The Art of Court hip'' we're p kin ' ofl -D. L.A.

ESSAY ON WIMMEN While we are just a plain Matricu­ lated Student of ole 0. C. and don' t claim to be much on Journalistic Ethi or Etikette or wha t ch u mite callct, we do clame to have an occaional en c of umor and when we ee in our own third bes t fa rm paper in Ohio, if not in the little ole U . S. publickly known a t he P. 0. or P ub­ lic Opinion suthin like the followiri our wonderment barometer pops the top and we ju t have to pi ll out one of them thair o ld har, har I Here tis fer­ youc urv llance. " certain high achoo! teacher has resumed her duties a tbe high chool after a week's ill­

nesa with influenza." "What's wrong ith th


wo men?" - dv. -O laf.

Tony red calf, orange stitched. oft, plibale leather that will polish to perfection, $10.

THE VARSITY Dark brow n saddle on tony brown Calfskin. A oft-toe oxford that strike a new note in style, $10.

THE BEVELLER Tony brown or black calfskin­ a young man's oxford, with a tip that' a new Florsheim idea, $10.

From the maker w h o originates styles and sets the pace with new ideas.

THE SPEEDWAY hacle-a special Flor heim tanning fo r men who we lcome a change from the conventional, $1 0. A new reddish russet

We know of no other shoe that offers y o u s o m u ~ h com£ort, and so much wear, at so low a pnce. Florsheims - the famous shoes ad­ vertised 1n the national magazines, and known the country over as the shoes "for the man who cares. Mens Store­ Second Floor.

THE FESLER Of tony brown or black calf­ kin-an oxford of distinction to please the mo t exacting, $10.

THE PATHFINDER Of tony brown calf, black calf ~r patent leather. Rolled edge so e and mall brass eyelets, $10.

THE PARKWAY R u ia calf, back calf or .patent the leather. A world of style 111 narrowing lines to the toe, $10.

The Big Store of Columbus

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