1922 01 30 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1


ar itta



No. 16.


VOL. 5.






President Clippinger Attends Alumna! Final Arrangements Made to Meet 1 Lutheran School On Debate Meetings at Alberquerque Lutheran Quintet Walks Off Easily Platform. and El Paso. In Day Is Set Aside Annually With One-Sided Contest Interest of Educational Horace W . Troop, as istant in the Word has been received from Friday N ight. Institutions. President Clippinger tating that his Public Speaking Department and De­ tour through the western states in the bate Manager, announces that arrange­ GAME IS UNINTERESTING 0. C. TO FURNISH SPEAKERS interest of Otterbein continues to be ment have been finally completed to hold a dual debate with Capital Uni­ Large Floor Is Confusing to Otter­ ucce in ev ry en e. United Brethren Throughout Amer­ Meetings of Otterbein alumni were ver ity of Columbu . With this de­ bein Lads-Final Score Is cheduled, the Otterbein debat­ held at Alberquerque, ew Mexico, bat ica To Co-operate In Recogni49 to 16. wher Jive person were in attendance ing program i filled, a triangle de­ nition of Education. bate with Ohio orthem and Heidel­ and at El J?a o, Tex.a , where eight Wittenberg won a deci ive victory "If we are to have Christian graduate met together. In number berg already being completed. over Otterbein Friday night in a Leader we must have Christian the meetings were rather unimpo ing, This i the first . time that Capit~I featurele s and loosely pl33/ed game. Education." That is the keynote to but in ent'husia m and pirit demon­ and Otterbein have ever met in a for­ During the fir t few minute of play Education Day which will be observ- strated they more than made up for ensic way Iand all will wait the out­ the local lad had the Lutherans ed everywhere throughout the United their lack of number . It is pleasing come with interest. Athletic rivalry worried by their persistent and Brethren Demonination next unday. to note that even a far from Ohio as between Otterbein and the Lutherans aggressive attack but before Jong tbe February 5. ew Mexico and Texas, there are Ot- i , of long standing and if this wbole­ "Godfrey-oiled"' scoring machine Tbe Board of Education of the terbein graduate int re ted and work;; ome rivalry can be carried into de­ tarted registering and th lead it bate an interesting cla b can be ex­ gained wa maintain,d until the end Denomination, realizing· the n ed of ing for the "old school". p cted· the night of the debate which concerted cooperation for the cau e A ptendid banquet wa of the game. of higher education inaugurated th Los ngcle where a loyal band of will be held some time in March. The floor wa o smooth. a ob ervance of Edu~tion Day a a forty-two alu1J1ni gathered to welcome emorial Hall, wh-er-e th ame-- ·was ll\eans of bringing before the Pre. id nt Cl.ippinger, ren w memorie Otterbeirr Womeas Club a played, that many tim Otterbein ~on i uency of the cnµrch th.c ign- of old Otterbein and di. cu s ptan for Columbus To Gi·ve die C II · 11 w O t rb · ' hA 11 ''Ct a , • Banquet. gain d po !', ion of th bait- onlv ti o eg,,. JO ~· ... • anc of the Chri tian lose it again because they were un;ble the production ot leader . :lid tian held at the Palai R yal Lo Angele , The Otterbein \Voman's Club of to tand up. bu iue men, tea her and preacher , and mo t of the Otterbein graduates olumbu and vicinity i sponsor for l;Iorn, the center, wa one of the and a • ·t ppo.rt atld ex- tudent from South en ali- the annual dinner party of OtterbeiJ1u '"bi noi " of b oppon nl . It was . a means o( enli trng J in the maintainence and expansion of f9rnia were pre ent. Dr. F . M. Eot- ites to be held at the Maramor in Coimpo ible to take the ba11 away from all her institutions of learning . tinger, 92, is president of the Alumna! lumbu on Saturday, February 4th at Ott b · ted As oc1·ation. T. E. Hughes, '05, was 6 p. m. All faculty, alum.ni and ex- him xc pt by climbing up on him . th er fi e111 is to be well represen 111 D toa tma ter. Others having promi- tude~1t men and women, of Colum- and that the referee di ouraged by on Education ay, une eld day F-L no•1t part in the program were Mrs. bu and vicinity, are ligible to attend, calling per onal fouls on tl1 attemp­ • =ruary 5. ~ Ch · for Allen Good, Mark Kempel, Emma ancl ar.e privileged to bring husband, ter . Wittenberg' entire offen e was n man. care ly urches have written Ul ett Eby, '03, W. Clair Roe, Bish- WI"f , sweetheart, or friend to make built around thi Barn (Continued on page eight.) (Continued on page two.) op William Bell and President Clip- th_e occa ion more enjoyable. Plat s -wil l be 1.50 per per on. pinger. end re erMUSICAL SESSION GIVEN vation by Thursday aftei:noon , Feb. OPEN SESSION HELD 2nd. to Mr . Jam s M . Davi , 1 64 W. :E:ltceUent Orations Feature Philo- Cap and Dagger Club Offers ~rd. Ave., Columbo , 0 ., or to Mrs. Annual Special Program Presented by Phronea's Program at Second Prize for Appropriate Design. eo. L. toughton 181 . State St., Philomathea On Last Friday e terville, 0. Installation Session. The Cap and Dagg r Club offer a Night. F· . ---. prize of one hining num" to the tud. ent p le d ges Made For Keeping hilomathea delightfully entertain­ roriday rught, January 27, the Phil_oId Pl nean Literary ocie~y he its who pre ent the be t d ign for a cut ed a goodly number of invited gue ts /:~nd In tallation Ses JOO of t!1e that can be u ed in its program and . Baseball Are Due Wednesday. at a pecial musical ses ion la t Friday in . ~nd, a u ual extended special other printed matte,r. The cut mu t ~ave you been wondering about night. As has been the custom for V1tation ): ·t rr· d d d I b that pl dge you made ome time ago A o 1 1en . involve a cap an agger. t may e everal year a special program of \VI. rthur E. Roo e gave a vocal solo,. in solid color or in more than one 1c;>r the ,roaintainei;i.ce of pring athl e- vocal and in trumental number wa 0/~h d lighted the audience. The color. Judge will be cho n from the tics? pre ented. The society did itself ait1ton ~£ the ev~ning w~re excellent patrons of the orga1,jzation, although ard bowing the amount of your ju tice in the pre entation of this pro­ and bowing_ com,~ reh ns~ve,, thought the society re erve . the privilege of sub cription have been made out a1id gram an~ ma!ntajned the usual high Ub. Preparation. Evolution was _the rejecting or approving. The contest attached to your regulation registra­ tandard m this type of entertainment. d /ect of the ,retiring critic's oration, will close on \Va hington' birthday. tion card, and you may. jn fact, you Program. le _1vered by J. W. Leichliter. Mr. will be expected to pay that pledge a Music . . Selected eichliter touched upon the various Li"brary Gets New Stacks. the same time you pay your tt~ition. Philomathean Orchestra Prev atT1ng notions of Creation, an d Violin Solo . . Selected cw tee! tacks have been added 1O Recital Wednesday Night. ed by showing that Evolution wa to the Claxton, P. E. econd floor of the college 11 ;Do not forget the music recital Vocal Duet-"The City of Rest" · · · h Ch n· ti no . wise incompatible w1t library. The stacks, five in number, I a?ity and indeed, the history of Evo- co_mp lete the Juli capacity of the tack cheduled for Wedne day night, Feb­ Bradrick, J. C. and Coon w D . ' .. · "fi c d"J ruary 1. It promise to be good. One M USIC cUtton a revealed by sc1entJ • · • • • Selected room , and provide room for all book number of e peciaJ intere t will be 13~~e_ry tallie remarkably with the now in the library, among which i Banjo Quartette Gri g's quartet "Peer Gynt Suite" to Vocal Solos-"Cheery Song" hca[ account. the large gift of Dr. Thomp on con­ Wright' ~ 1 he P r e ident' Valedictory1 by taining many new a.nd plendid work . be played by four of Mi · "Absent" M. Johnson, was titled, "The It i estimated that this additional pupils. Monn, C. B. The recital will begin promptly at Piano olo-"Sonata Opus 13" Ii ~sk on the Hip". With his usual space will take care of the library e Lvery and flu ency Mr. Johnson ar­ eight o'clock. (CoJ1tinued on page two. ) supply for the next two years. (Continued on page two.)






E DUCATION DA y ' Junior Class P ins Come ; Hope be shown and o rd ers taken each morn TO BE OBSE RV E D ! To Make Designs Per manent. ing after chapel for the fi rst week in

Question of Amusements Is D iscuss­ (Contin ued from page one.) Samples of the Junior class rings the second semeste r by A l Elliott. · ed In Last of Series of an d pins arc h ere an d o r d er are b e- You ca n al o be acco111modated by . · · · h' · spea.kers . an d memh crs o f th e facu It Y . · h b • d 111g taken. A very pretty design was I sc:emg him any time at 1s co nv entSermons. and student body ave een ass1gne · . ., , • · • · t - t f chosen by the commi ttee, the idea be- I ence . . B to various c1t1es, an mcomp 1e e 1I o I . . . unday mght. Dr. E. E. urtner, h' h f 11 . p. f 1ng that a regu latio n school class em- 1 Cash must be submitted before th e . h w 1c we pnn t as o ows. 1o . pastor of the United Brethren churc , S B d G 1. D blcm should be used from year to order is sent in. You must have your nave Iy, a 1011 . r. , ucyru s an deli,·e red a se.rmon on .. musements Jone , B ar b erton; p ro f . R...osse -1o t . year, . having the . ame emb lem and orde r in befo re February sixt h. Don t dwelling particularly on the modern G p f M . W d . 11 d each class substitute its numerals. delay your o rd er and be sorry th e rest _ . . , a 11 away ; ro artm , oo v1 e an . . \ fh 1s ermon was. th e last at a \ H e ena. ; p ro f . uvv· em . d , St er 1mg . d In this way the stamp could be retam- of your life · Make payme nt by check dance. . 1 an an I sene of. four, pre entm g the great . ht . T o Ie d o, ed at the factory and the . expense if possible · . · , Ch.1ppewa L a k e ; J . W . W ng • social evils of today. It t. " . R M Johnson Circe!- wou ld not be so g r ea t. This wou ld This is not an advertisement but wo mee 111.,s. . . · 1· · h " · " 1 Dr. Burtner b_egan by stating that I ville; Prof . A ltman. Columbus Grove as~ e immate t e squabblmg over only an announcement being made technically dancmg is nothmg more 1and Lima; Prof. chea r, Avondale .. de ign~ that each cla experiences. for your own good. No commission is th an an expression of feeling thro~g~ B. Columbus; Prof. Sanders. St. Clair Th e r-:n s ~nd rlngs can be had 111 being received by anyone. so be as th e rhythmi c motion of the body, _11 _is . venue. Columbu ; Earl Ford. Tyro; either gre.:n or roman gold . Pins rca onable a.s yo u possibly can in th e poetry o f mo t .ion. an d as sue h 1t 1s , J. G. Howard. Eldorado and :\'ew come at .'2.35 and rin "s at . 5.50 . Co n- order that everyone will receive sa h· sof course. an innocent am usement, for Madison; and Dr. Burtner, Cleveland . sideri ng the prace of r ecent years faction and 110 one will be unduly put anything that is a harmless plea ure --------this is very reasonable. Sampl es will out by your negligence. is j-u ti fie d because it is a pleasure. OPEN SE SSION H E LD Dancing in olden tim es is not com­ (Continued from page one.) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!! parable to th at of today. In Biblical raigned tho e w ho claimed P rohibition =_ =--= time dancing was not indulged in for the he~r pleasure of it but was S}'ffi­ a failure. H e proved statistically that bolic oi worship, ce lebration of vic­ the 18th Amendment has wro ught _ to ry grief and so forth. Then too, in o nl y good and was bitter in his iocolonial days in the United States, vectiv e of tho se who would make a such dances as the Virginia Ree l and farc e of a ll law a11d order by ridiculing th e p rohibition laws. . § the o ld Waltzes were relatively harm­ Jes , but they can be severely condem­ ned in that th ey were the foreru nn ers :::i~if!:~::i~~~i::::h::Ii::~1e~:: of the modern vu lgar dance. fallacies of the modern pi rituali tic ;; ;; The da nce of tod ay is the result of theory. Using arguments, not often _ :: sensmJJlism and is bo r rowed directly heard, he asserted the non-existence of :: from · the und er wor ld. It is ha rd 'to § ay whether jazz music came as a re­ all pirits until Resurrection Day, us- : sult of en uali tic dance or whether ~~!t~o/~:7~t; !~i~h~i~:v;~:~!~ §' the dance wa ca used by the appeal the u ual !in of thought held every-) : More Goods for Same Money. § createdi by jazz. one's clo e t attention. : :: In th e ea t, fifty-six citie have trict In ex:temporaneou peaking, i : Same Goods for Less Money · laws r egulating the dance. and 111 Ruth Rob erts represented Cleiorhetea § Cincinnati no dance hall can be and Miss Ve Ima Swi 11 ger spoke fo r IIIIIIIIIIII II Ill lllllll lllll II II Ill lllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllll llllllllllll e tabli hed near a church, library or Philalethea. cbool. And a dance hall cannot be conducted anywhere in that city withMUSICAL SESSI O N GIVEN !!,lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll




J us t TWO More Days


of the





out the consent of 66o/o of the nearby propert holders. Wben any pleasure must be regulated by law there must

(Contin ued from page one.) Beethoven

::,°~~;;:~::~:tt{££i ~,;:" i

a plea ur e with a dangerous tenuthoritie have aid that the d ency.

seu of the dance is wore thane thatcitment of liquor.

Mu ic

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Coon, W. D.


c.-...,.,~. ,.,

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5 :::~::.

Johnson, B. L. ocal So1o-"Molly-0"


F1·nal Clearance Sale

=--=== ·

,.The pictures of the groups taken for the Sibyl are out.


You will


Selected Even th private, so-call q "high Philomathean Orcbe tra w ant One Of your class, society, :la " dance wa arraigned by Dr. Regular members performed in the : Burtner on the grounds that at uch c t emnoraneou speak,·ng. • place, thing are done often that ., - - - - - - - : spee1al organization, etc. They ~====. ,:J would not be pei:mitted at all on a Meyers Talks On "P rayer". public, supe.rvi ed dance floor. Also ·11 b d. tho· ugh a dan ce IllaY be. :,tt ·niled only La t Thur day night in pite of the Wl e !Splayed by my self and fact that if was examination week, -_ by th<: elite oci ty it i hard to draw :: th e line between harm.fut and harm- Y. M. C. . met a u ual, and wa Johnny Schutz d . ==amply repaid fo r it trouble by Herunng the next le s dance. Often young people state ✓ bert L. Meyer who gave one of the : that they mean no harm by attending mo t impre iv and timely talk of two weeks. Th . . th e dance an d tl1ey o only with t I1e the year. e pnce lS reason::_ intention of ecuring legitimate plea-· Mr. Meyers dwelt on the need of :_ ======= sure. It i thi ·very innocence that "Prayer" . Telling intimately of the makes it dangero us for uch people. good p;ayer had don e in bis ow n life, Th e modern dance may not ca u c he closed by urging all to pray for ..,. the downfall of everyone taking part Y. M. C. A., that it might gain th e ~ =iil it, by any means, but the person grip it should have on the men of , th at can wit hstand the evils is th e ex- the schoo l. "Y. M. C. ." Meye rs aid, ~ ception and the exception does not " doe no t have the appeal to the ma- _ =justify th e evi l. J ust as liquor wa pro- jority that it o nce had and the only h ibited because it caused so many pco- thi ng we haven't tried is prayer and SPECIAL RATES TO OTTERBEIN STUDENTS ~ pie to fall, so . th e mo dern dance it's high · time we resor ted to that." should be abolished because it en-d so many persons D a tes mix with B lendo n pie.-Adv. an gers · 1111Ill1111111111111111111 II I 11111111 HII111111111111111111111111111 III I III I II I III II II IIH 11111111111 I I



.' •

a er s


R1• e Iable

{ allery ·


Student Representative ~


Page Three



Cordial Welcome Is Ext ended E very- ' where to President Clippinger On Trip. 2. Jan. 24, 192 To the Ta n & Cardinal: Last Wed nesday evening 1 had the l)lcasure of a visit with Mr. H. Griffith and fami ly, Glen Ream and fami ly and Hazel Pay11e Mil ler and he r husband , nearl y all of whom are Otterbei~ people, in Alb uerque, N. M. On Fnday a dinner pa r ty composed of eight Otterbein graduates and ex- tudents. was arranged at the home of Mr . Joseph Knox at E l Paso. Through the kindness of Mr. DeWitt Bandeen , '14, who is the business manager of the El Paso Chamber of Commerce. I was granted a pass over the Rio Grande to Mexican soil where I vsited the strange city of Juarez. The Los . ngeles banquet wa attended by forty-two Otterbein friends . College yells and songs abounded on the farth est sho re of the continent. Over fifty Otterbein graduates and exstu<lent are living in outhern California most of them within reach of Los Angele . My appointments here are numerous. Through the kindness


reet•1ng Cards


Preps Lose In Basketball. a n I daho mine 14,000 unde r ground. The "Prep" basket ball team pla_yed ! Another-Evidently tryin g to make a team from the Methodist • S. la st · deep thinker s of th e men. \ Sat urday night. The game was very \ - - -- -- -I We have a splendid line of greeting p atromze · o ur Ad vertlsers · ' car d s f or every occasion. . . Olle -sided ,, Kramer. of . the "Preps" M h ., Brighten scoring all of the ir pomts. urp y , starred for th e S. S. scoring ni ne = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the sick room by frequent cards with h · f h baskets whi le he wa in the g;ame. t e1r messages o c eer. Console the The whole M. E . team played well. · Special 25 discount on bereaved ; remember the birthday ; inThe "Preps" muS t be comme nd ed to spreads and affairs of all sorts. all White Ivory T 01•1 et vite for th cir effort to learn t h e game an d Then there are place cards at very low to entertam th ~ hyS t a nd crs. Th•~ . G 00 d S t h".lS week , at prices. Just as of yore. was 45 to 12. -------Dr. Keefer's " Come in and browse around" at Semester Bills Payable Now. ================ the same old place. Prof. W es t reports that payment of GLEN-LEE PLACE Get Your b ill s for the second se-me st er will he No. 22 North State St. in order beginning Monday of this week and co ntinuin g through the Textbooks week. Large Lucious Emperor Grapes, the pound .................................... ,... 30c Today M rs. H . H . Smith, '80, R ecovers. Excellent Large Eating Apples, the pound ........................................ 10c From The many friends of Mrs. Harriet Very Sweet Florida Oranges, Hively Smith, one of the oldest livin g the dozen - ····················· 30c and 40c g raduates of Otterbein. will be pleaJS­ Many Other Good Eats. ed to know that she has entirely r e­ MOSES & STOCK, Grocers Time. covered from her recent illness and is enjoying good health once more. By the bulletin board in the Adminis­ Mrs. Smith, a graduate in the class tration Building. Patronize Our Advertisers! of 1860, is strong and vigorous in mind and body and takes a very lively in­ lll ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljj==I ter est in th e coming Diamond Jubilee. -==







~£ ea:r ::::t~1 a~da;rite;.enT:: saves much time and energy. The ---loyalty of Californians for their CotFather-"You're very contradictory, lege is a great as that of the ea tern my son." folks. "No, I'm not, pa." My best wishes to all the stud ents 1 st-"How did you get on th e tugand faculty. o'-war team?" Sincerely, 2nd: "Oh, badda pull." W. G. Clippinger.


Prof. C. A . F ritz Is H onored. Word i recieved that Professor C:. A.. Fritz, who is on leave of abs ence . tudying at Harvard, has been initiated '.nto the Harvard Drama.tic Club. Ee 1 accorded this honor in recognition of the ability he demonstrated in everal plays given recently, in which h took an important part. The ?lays were presented in several lead­ ltlg ea tern cities, b ~rofessor Fritz was also honored by . tng asked to take the leading role ; Play produced in Prof. G. 'P. aker's "Workshop." The "Work­ h.o"" v .I known, all over the country a a unique feature of the drama es gi\r n at Harvard. There, pay are written staged. and produced entirely · d. by 'students under £he treetion professors.


Broderick L eads C. E. Meeting. En Ylve ter Brod rick led ,hri t ian deavpr Jast Sunday night. The ~en.era! topic under di cu ion was 1 Mf ion " and with th e cooperation o M·1 l'f s Helen Drury, who spoke on e and Chri tian work in P orto Rico, n/· _Broderick ab ly presented the ti 155100 ary cause. Taking his illu tra­ won fr om. re.al life in Africa whe re he t as bom a nd. r ea red, Mr. Broderick' c~lllarks wer e full of interes t. H e co n­ w~ d hi talk by s ugges.tin g that w n We co nsider the may b lessings we nioy here in a Christian college c e hould stop to thank God, to take oUr~e and to striv to do better.


~ _

= _

= :





= = =

- O u r new st or e, 35 W. B road St. , also at = 22 . High St., Columb u 0 .

"I'm a little stiff from football." "Where did you say you were c from .



"One finds it difficult in these times :::: to dre s as one ought." "Oh I don't know, I have a suit of clothe for every day in the week." "Really?" "Ye , thi is it."


Poetes (calling on new paper edi­ tor)-"Who was that polite little boy who showed me it? :!: Editor-"Oh, that' the pagedevoted l § to women."

Cor sage and Fancy R o e A Specialty. 1

it our new t ore when in the city.





I our agent at West erville.

ii 1111 111111111 111 111 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IT Mother (re_provingly)-"When I wa young, girls never thought of do-====== = == == =========== = = = = = = = = = ing the things they do to-day. Daughter-"Wetl that's w hy they ~~ didn't do them."

C1tLLI·N G c~·Ros

J us t after the choir had sung i~s anthem the minister announced as his tex t "Now when the uproar had cea 'ed." The sin ger s bided their time patiently and when the_ sermon was over rose an d render ed m m ost m elo­ dious fashion a noth er anthem begin­ ning: "Now it is hig h time to awa ken after sleep ." She-"What's H 2O ?' H e-"Water, silly." She-"Then what is C H20 ?" H e-"Wh y sea wa te r , of cour e."


'Fhe Buckeye Frinting Company JJ 11111 H1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111



With FL0


Johnny Mayne


Repr~senting The Stli 1Avenue Floral Co. of Columbus, O.


_ _

O ne-I see a vocatiqnal school Jo,r its empJ~y~es has been establis hed in iii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii


a thief. he steals knowl edge that is not \ gardless of everyth ing, hold s tenaci- \ cize t h e paper. BE A KN OCKE R. his. What a ss ur'a nce have w e that o usly to w hat he know s tru e a nd r ig ht. Look o\·er the i Qkcs co lumn a nd so m eday h e will not steal a thou san d j _Ther e are ~any mottoes t hat one frown-=---noth ing fu nny in it, you -know do llar s just a s cleverly as he com - might loo k to 111 t he struggl e for sue- some of th e cle ve r est jokes, yo u ar e Publish ed Week ly in th e interest Of . milted thi s th ef t. j cc.ss and certai nl y one of th e best o nes the wittiest person; yet you never O tterbein by the OTTERBEI PUBLISHING Per haps a g irl for whom you i:; '' H ave Convictio n s". 111 an y thing yourself. BE .-\ 1 hand Wes!~vfii,DOhio have had the highest regard is sitting I --------CRU MB . · Co 11 ege Press ! in the examination room. She has hact (AMP US (HIT (HAT I Tel l the staff that th e paper is -fo1e ; MemJ:ier of the Ohio opportunity to study but allowed it to , · _ ___ I tell your class mat es th a t it's rott-en. Association - ---~~~~~--~~~~~- slip by, frittering her time on trivia Ii- I • BE A GOOP. -. . . . - <l s If exams don't do anotllC'r thing If you cant • gd a Jump · · f , STAFF tics. At exam111at10n tune s h e hn . on yoursel . . t. they at least keep Zepp 111 pocke t an d make your paper a success then Editor ...... ....... J. Gor d on H owar d , '22 herself s1tt1n g next to a person w110 . · Ed'itor . ........ J · W · S ene ff ' '23 has put faithful . · . ' Ass1st_ant. work on preparat10n. I money sel lm g test books. be what your krncl ought to be-:\ .








Contnbutmg EditorsGrace H . Hill '23 How easy it is for the gir l to cast an I They say th at to t he mother of a , CORPSE!!!! Horace W . Troop'. '23 occasional glance over her neighbor's large family life is ju st on e darned _ .. Philomath Chimes.'· B us~ness Manager .... J. P . Schutz, paper and gath er enough of t h e con sock a ft er another. As sistan t Busm ess M anagerNs- II , text to "get by" . A littl e thin g oer\\. •d f d Patronize Our Advertisers! T. E. ewe , 23 . · c a 11 1' av e I eas o uccess an Clifford F oor, '24 1 haps. hut th ieve r y, at any r ate. greatness ,but our idea of the real Cir. M anager ······ _Harriet L . Hays, '22 1 Years may pass. h ut try as y ou will. thing is to get our nin e o'clock lesson As sistant C irculatio n Man.agers- , th e m emory o f little thin gs seen and dning eigh t o'cloc k 1 Lucile Ewry 23 . . . ' c ass . Katherine Pollock'. '24 h ea rd during exam111at10n week can : . . . A 1 1 • Ed't A vV. Elliott '23 never he effaced. Examinations do By way of p epp m g up re c,tatt o ns. \!;~~ t A~i1:tf~---Eclitor. ' ' m o re than d emons trat e t o professors ~ome aclvoc~te. new m ethods_of teac h- 1 H. V. Miller, 23 th e ex tent 01 one's know ledge, they 1n g. o th ers ltm,tecl numbers 111 classes, Local Editor_ ............ M . M . C~llins, ,2'' reveal in a never to be forgotten way an d still oth er s the ni fti es t and classAlumna! Ed1t?r ...... _Al_m_a Guttner, ,973 th e r eal characte r that is camouflaged iest text books. W e h u mb ly suggest Exchange Ecl1to r, V1rg1111a Snavely, 2 bl k ff d · b £ Cochran Ha ll E ditorbe n eat h our "company manners." ac co ee erve JUSt e o r e c 1ass. Al ice Davison, '23 _________ W e find the following in look ing Literary E d itor ----···---- H. R. Mi lls, '24 "Have Convictions." thro ug h an o ld issue of a co ntemporAddress a ll comm unications to The "To si t in silence wh en we sho uld pro- ary sheet. Cer tain ly, fo lks, o ur local fri ends of t he wea ker sex have a few Otterbein Ta n and Cardinal, 103 W. test, College Ave., Westervi ll e, Ohio. Makes cowards out of men. The b lessings. "A r ticle 5. U n de r no conSubscriptio n P ri ce, $2.00 P er Y ear, hu man r ace ditio ns are g irls allowed ou t of th e payable in advance. Has climbed on protest. halls after sun-down unl ess t hey wear



Meats of All Kinds A lso G • t rocenes a

wO L F ' s


Westerville, Ohio ================~ G.

E nter ed as second class matter S eptemb er 25, 191 7, at t he postoffice at Westervill e, 0., under a ct of March 3, 1879. .. . Acceptance for ma1h ng at special rate of po tage provided for in Sec. 1103 Act of Oct. 3, 191 7, au thorized A_pril 7, 1919.


EDITORIAL We sleep, but th e loo m of life never stops; and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down is weaving when it comes up to-morrow.-H enry Ward Beecher. E xaminations ! Perhaps when you read th ese lines examinations will .be over, and noth­ ing left but a sa d memory. It is doubtful whether anyone enjoys examination but they seem to be a n cessary evil to be tolerated by both faculty and students. The chief, and r eall y only, excuse for having ex­ am inations is to give the professor an o p 6r unity to determine one's ta us as a scholar. As a rule, ex erve thi purpo e. a ination But there is ano her thing that ex­ ami nation accompjish, and that is, th ey reveal character. The profe or eldom profits by the little things that corne to the surface during examina­ tion w k, but to tudent remarks ca ually dropped here and there, neaking little trick played in the ex­ a minatio n room, a re accurate indica­ tors as to the rea l man o r w oman that is h idde n be neath t he uave exter ior t hat i o n disp lay most of the time. Perhaps you h ave hith er to tr u t ed a fe llow ·studen t, consider ed him w orthy of you r r es pect. Then you o verh ear him relating how h e copied ha lf of h is examina t io n from hi text book. Every bit o.f r espect is sud­ den ly wiped away. S uch a p erson i


Henderson, M. D.

Hours By Appointment.

The few w~o dar e. mu st speak a nd th e r egulation cowbell a round t heir s peak a g a111. nec ks. Gir ls caught m uffli ng th e bell s will have th eir throats cu t fo r the fi r st To right th e wrongs of many." Whoeve r it w as that utter ed those offense a nd fo r a seco n d violatio n w ill be deprived of their powder puffs for d t h k h t wo r may no ave nown ow ru 1y two da b " ys, or 0t h · be poke, for though said in five simple T h - - - - , - -- - Jin es, th ey contain su bj ect matter for se rmons, editorials and lectures withe W eeks W orst Joke. East College Avenue out end. It summarizes the old, yet Sh e-What do they call littl e b lac k · · "H ave C onv1c· I cats PHONES ever new. acl momtton, H 111 Ireland?· ticns" er-I don't know. What? Citizen 26 Bell 84-R · . . . . She-Kittens, of course Occas1o nally we find an 111d1v1dual · who live only fo r th e present without O ur "W eakly" Proverb. interest as to what th e futur e holds, Each flea believes that he lives on but this creature is found so seldom DENTIST that for practical purposes he does not the mo st wond erful dog in the world. That' patriotism. cxi t. Most of us hope some day to 15 West College A ve. do something great, to give the best Bell Phone 9 Citizen Phone 167 · us, to per for m some excep- " D The th at's 111 . ,, Poet Laureate Speaks. 1 · 1 service · f or man. D ou b t 1ess men ,.a r m g. he cried in tend er ton es, ttona 1 an d women a Iways h ave had these "Tl n ever loved but thee." For all that is good t o eat see same thoughts, yet in the long run i en we muS t part," the maiden how few, pitifully few , ever achieve said, t heir goal. Many as have had visions ":--; 0 amateurs for me." 1 of wonderful things to come. how few have ev~r r ealized these things actualObservations of Abner. ly. (By "Doublay'' .) Any number of people have worthy I set by th' winder atnbitions, vhich serve as goals and Watchin" th' now, blow aro und th' are plendid thin s in themselves, but corner 31 W. College Ave. too few have had convictions which O' th' house. give strength to achieve the goal. Any . An there was one little leaf WESTERVILLE, OHIO man w ho ha s gained any m easure of What hadn't got tucked in with t h' success has had "convictions". H_e is rest .Bell Phone 190 Citizen Phone 110 filled with the feeJjng tha t he is per- Under th' snow forming a service t hat is indispen- An' it b lowed ro un<;I an' roun d an' a b le. H e knows that he is right a nd r ound is w illi ng t o defend him self against W it h th' snow Lookin' so cold an' lonesome like a ll comer s. He bas convictions. ow, while in college, is the tim e to That I'll b e dog-goned fo r m conv ictions; firm, solid notion lf 1 didn' t git to feelin' as to w hat i rig ht and w rong, for in Sor ter sorry th e days ahead many testing times will F er th' por e little cuss ! come and with out strength g ro~nd ed "How t o K ill This Paper." in sturd'y convi ction s we be­ come mere straws in t}le w ind. No Don't subscribe for the paper, bor­ one admires the namby-pamby, but all row a classmate's. BE A SPO N GER. have r espect for th e man, who r eever hand in news items but criti-

109 S. State St.


G. H. Mayhugh, M. D.


W. M. Gantz, D. D. S_.


WILSON, The Grocer No. So. State St. Westerville, Ohio



Stoughton, M. D.

B. W. WELLS Tailor

Dry Cleaning, .Pressing RHODES & SONS1.

The College A ve~u~ . MEAT ·M ARKET.



I If iii Il•ffRAMURAL INTERCOLLEGIATE (Edited by A. W. ·Elliott)



Saturday's Results. From the tim e Otterbein has been Mc Rill. 21: Reed, 10. an ath leti c school she has drawn a Blendon, 30; Cook, 4. good ly supply of trained athletes from ~Iattoon, 19; Holdren, 2. the local High School. She has been Priest, 42 ; Bishop, 7. especia lly fo rtu nate in this resp ec t in the spor ts of basket ball and base Standing. ball. \Vesterville High has never w. L. Pct. boasted a footbaJl team until this fall ~fcRill .......................... 4 1.000 0 but there have been several local lads Priest ...................... .... 3 1 .750 who have been developed in the sport Blendon ........................ 3 1 .750 -of football after entering college. Recd .......................... .... 2 2 .500 .Right now th e high school is enjoying Cook .............................. 2 2 .500 a very successful ath letic career in Mattoon ........................ 2 2 .500 every line of athletics. While h er B isho p .......................... 0 4 .000 football team did not win many games Holdren ........................ 0 4 .000 it formed a neucleus of what will in time be a clever team and many of Saturday's Games. those men will enter Otterbein for 8:40-Bishop vs. Mattoon. th eir college · traini ng. 9 :20-McRill vs. Priest. Of recent years there has, developed 10 :00-Cook vs. Reed. -a very friendly feeling between the 10 :40-Holdren vs. Blendon. college and hgh school athletic teams. very satisfactory arrangement is GROUP LEAGUE being carried . out in the using the The Week's Results. gym. The \\'csten·ille authorities re­ phinx, 31; Annex, 10. cognizing the handicap under which Country Club, 26 ; Alps, 7. the college is working ar'e very fair Annex, 2; Cook House, 0 (forfeit). in their co-operation with the use of Alps, 2; Cook House, 0 (forfeit). the gym and in arranging for the practice periods. . Standing. In Mr. Parks the high school has a W. L. Pct. very competent coach and a man that 0 1.000 is trying in every way to develop the Sphinx Club ··············- 4 Country Club .............. 2 1 .667 right kind of attitude between his Alps .............................. 3 2 .600 players and the college players and is 3 .250 cooperating in every way in order to Annex ····-····-················ 1 4 .000 Cook House -·············· 0 maintain a high standard of pleasant r elations. Games This Week. .Vhen the college is favored, (as wc Monday eveni ng: hope she will be in a few years,) with 7 :20-Country Club vs. Annex. a new spacious gymnasium we hope 8:00-Sphinx vs. Cook House. -that we will be able to give the town Saturday morning: boys even a better chance to have the 8:00-Annex vs. Alps. advantage of an up-to-date gym. It is to be hoped, ho,vever, that by that DARN BILL! time they too will have a new plant The other night for themselves. Bill and me As you are thrown in contact W1 th Were playing in the band. the high school boys do not lose an The piece opportunity to give th em a helping We had just .finished hancL 'in every way. Th.u you will be Didn't go very well dong a good tur,n for a .fine bunch of nd lads and may be planting a seed of The prof. hope in some youth.'s heart to have .a Was lookin' sore. de ire to become a mem~er 0 ~ Otter-1 Bill says. (He plays a trombone) bein's student body and give hi talent "What's the next one?" to ,,the furtherance of our "building-I Prof says " The_ Ma idens Prayer" up program. Bill scratched his head And said; Girls To Be Awa rded " O 's" "Gosh! I just got through playin' Outdoor O's will be g ran ted by the that" Girl ' Leaders Corp to any college Darn Bill! girl who hikes 200 mile& the second eme ter. The hike mu t b e of four J ean-"That fellow spends money mile each-either by four mile square like water!" ' I abelle-"How's that?" or taking ~wo nule square. twice in th e J ean-"A drop at a time.' same day.

Page ;Five

CLUB TALKS Are We Playing ,the Gentleman? l," nsportsmanship or selfishness, which ever yo u may wish to ca ll it, is harbored by some yo ung men even after they have entered college, as was manifested by the action of certain in­ di,·idual students in the basket ball ticket sale a week ago. The true college student showing his sports­ manship and gentlemanly character \\·aited patiently from twelve o'clock and some even from ele\'en o'clock a. 111., in order to secure his ti cke t justly. Xow just about five minutes before the ticket _a le began these men who had waited patiently were pushed side by men who obviously do not recognize the rights of others. This spirit is not true college spi r it and is frowned upon by every well thinking college man. One of the lessons of li fe is to know how to respect the rights of others, and if thi s characteristis ha not already been acquined, his daily con tact w ith men who do ha ve this spirit sho ul d aid him to adjust him­ self to this envi ronm ent. L et us hop e that thes e wi ll recog­ nize their menace to good social con­ duct a nd adju t themselves accordin g­ ly. If this does no t co rrect the r owdy­ ism an example of which took place on above date, then the management should take steps to insure that such an exhibition shoul d not be r epeated. P. J. Miller.

Week-end Basket-Ball Scores. Wesleyan, 29; D enison, 23. Case, 27 ; Heidelberg, 21. Ohio U., 36; R e erve, 28. Akron, 23; Case, 16. Wittenberg, 49 ; Otterbein, 16. Capital, 37; St. Ignatius, 35. Antioch, 23; Wilmington, 22. Muskingum, 29; St. Ignatius, 27. Oberlin, 26; Michigan Aggies, 25. Wesleyan, 25; Michigan Aggies, 21.


Fun? Life would indeed be pro aic, were it not for pure fun. To some people is given the ability to put joy into life. However it is a fact that much of our so-called fun isn't funny. It is this fact alone, no doubt which makes us appreciate a real joke, and when one is brought to our attention, it is well to make note of it for it is indeed a rare and prec.ious thing-this ab ility to play a new, and at the same time, extremely funny jolce. I refer, of course to the clever stunt of remov­ ing from the hall tree two hats be­ longing to caller at Cochran Hall last Sunday. The fact that the orig­ inators of this act have placed them­ selves in the ame class with those who deliberately take that which does not belong to them, and are judged accordingly, does not detract in the least from the value of this practical joke. Congratulations jokester -you win the plate glass sandwich. '22.

Gym Leaders Play Columbus "Y ". • ext Thur day night, February 2, at eight o'clock, a volley ball team composed of member of the Boys' Leaders Corp will play a team from the Columbu Y . M. C. A. Thi i t11e fi r t attempt of Otterbein s tudents to pr omote this phase of athletics. A good game i a sured by the Columbu team. Come over and get inter­ e ted in "the old ma,n's game," there, is really more to it than you might think. Coach Metcalf of Oberlin ha re­ igned as football coach ther e. He gees to Minnesota as track coach.

Spring Suit Samples are here.

$25, $30, $35 Fit-We mea ure you the Royal way. Fabric-

nd pick a cloth that uits you to a "T".

P rice-- o higher than a Ready-made and cut and sewn ,to stay. A correct fit guaranteed.



Page Six

Mr. Clois Dellinger of 0 . S. U., Vi r­ .!,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!!,. ginia Snavely, Harriet Hays, Zura ~ Braidfield, Genevieve Mullen, Mildred ~ Gre sman and Beatrice Fralick were in for dinner.


= -----

According to prov1s1ons recently adopted th e Ed!itor-in-Chief, Bu ine Manager and Assi ta.nt Business Manager of the Oberlin College Magazine, a monthly ·literary publi­ cation, are to receive compensation for their effo rts. The Editor, Busi- :: ness Manager and his assi tant are to : receive 40 %, 40% and 20 % re pectively, of th e first $125 profit that the • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - magazine returns. Heretofore service With the sunny unday th ere ap- on the staff has been gratis. peared not only Mr. Lerew but all the koda.k "fiends." Varsity Girl Basketball is becom- ing quite popular at Wittenberg Col- Rev. M. A. Wagner, pastor of Ar­ lege, Springfield. On the night of lington St. U . B. Church of Akron, 0., January 20, the Wittenberg girls _ wa visiting hi daughter Kathyrn this played the girls team of Antioch Col- _ week. Mr. Wagner also attended the lege, Yellow Springs, on the latter's _ O hio Mini ter ' Convention at Colum­ floor. bus. Deni on niversity ha just comTbe rbutu s Club gave a push Fri­ pleted a "Posture Drive" under the day evening for Loi s Hughes and her auspice of the Woman's Athletic De- mother. Mi s Hughes is leaving partment. Competition will be be- Tue day for her home. Although she t~·een classe , each girl striving to do • will not be in chool the next semester her bit. A secret committee will ren- _ she expect to return for next year's der a final decision. Dr. Kornhauser, work. of Denison, says," "Calling a ttention Beware of the tatooed ladie of the to in.correct posture is undoubtedly a : harem! Their fir t appearance in good thing and will erve a a timu- _ civilization occu rr ed on third floor of •~ lu to many who, by cooperative ex- _ Cochran Hall. rci e can make a marked improvement in thei r health and appearance. : Marjorie Copeland and Mildred Swab pent the w ek-end at Delaware Marshall College has taken an imwith Phyli Stout, a forms r Otterbein portant tep in giving incentive to _ student. good scholar b.ip. E cry year a gold _ The greate t detriment to tudy in a medal i . to be awarded to the student, dormitory i the odor of popcorn or who in addition to _participating in fudg floatin g on the atmosphere with­ athl tic , and winning b.i letter in out any vi ible ign of the food it elf. one or more sport , al o attains the _ Dr. onway aid, "Where there i a highe t cbola t.ic standing for the enneed there i a fortune". Well then tire year.


. ~===~~===~~








Smart, Well-Tailored Suits and Overcoats



High-Grade Clothes Made to sell at $35 and ,40.




Here' a wonderful chance to ave on arm tylish Overcoats for the remainder of thi on and other ea on to come. nd many of the uit are 1n t and weights uitable fo r pring wear· that's conomy. Both Suits and at are in thi ea on's be t model ; hand tailored of good allwool fabric . ize for men of every build. 50 and 55 Hart chaffner & arx HandTailored uit and Overcoat reduced to $33. =

here is a fortune. consumers.


Make u some odor

nder th·e provi ioii of the will of the iate Z. L. White, Columbu , bio, hio Wes\ yart Mabel Ca sel, Ruth Snyder, B lanche niv r ity will re\Villiam on, Kay Sellman and Mary ceive an e tale amounting to 1,5 ,Elizabeth Brewbaker s12,eot the week- 000. end in Dayton while Etbel Ulrich went to her home in Cleveland and The rJ1ivcrsity of Nebra ka ha deFlorence Hansel to hers in Logan. parted from the ordinary in establi h-

: _ _ -

; ~ § §


E ~

~ I=_=



Columbus, O .


] :;n,

:1:1:" I



good as it sou nds. Besides the week­ end guest, Mr. Charles Staacke and


=:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl_::::::=I


terbein people Friday evening in honor of her gue ts, Miss Edna Lyon her sister, and Miss Thompson, bo th oi North Baltimore. Apple pie a-la-mode and coffee, that was the last course of the Cochran Hal t' Sunday dinner and it was as

High and Long Streets


Ill Ill llllllllllllllllllll II IIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII II Ill lllll llllllllllll lllll II Ill 1111111111111111111111111111

M 1- s Edna Streich, '08, of Ports- ing a chool of Training for Diplomouth is vi iting her sister Ruth. matic Service. The training fit stu- . dent to become ecreta.rie in the Three girl s were made exceedmgly . , erv1ce. happy when M r. F . M . P ottmger, 92, of California who was inspecting their w·1tten b erg 1s . d . 't h omg 1 s are to . h h h d f · h d t t d room w h ic . e a 'furms e s a e I k th fi ht' f f th h Id b eep e g mg o rces o e L u th erthat as a Ch nstmas g1 t e wou uy · Ch h t t d d · all ~ an_ d urc up ar , numeric d . o1ls an Th a new rug. Dean M cF adden and tne C 11 .y O fo rtunate occupants selected a rug an _e ucabooa Y· .e e~e 15 carrymg on a sy temabc campaign to _ laS t week. recruit ministerial tudents and conMiss Elva Lyons entertained the ducting whirlwind drive in all the girls of Saum Hall and five other Ot- yno d co-operating with the college.

l .

I_I~!!!~~ .Jq•.•.<,

-· -· --







Chiropractic spinal adjustments will relieve that nervous conditi"on and put you full of "Pep". H onest understanding of facts makes · · · t elli gent d ec1s1on. Let me explain to you how poss1'bl e m


L E'


= : ::: -



~==== Conservatory Registration. Professor G. G. Grabill announce Lady Attendant. that he will be in bis studio all day Office, Blendon Hotel Hours.. 2 to 5 and 7 to 8. == W ed ne day, F e b ruary 1, to care for second semester regis tration in the . :: 11 1 Conservatory of Music. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl,


Blendon for be t in eats.-Adv.

Patronize Our Advertisers I

Patronize Our Advertisers I

Page Seven



Wooster Also Struggles With Problem of Chapel Decorum

44 North State Street Unde r the leade rshi p o f th e Student Counci l, Otterbein has attempted, Eastman Kodaks and Supplies of all Choice Brands of Cigars, Fine Pi111Cs, durin g the past year, to improve its kinds. Films Developed and Printed. Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Smokers' chapel decorum and also to eliminate Supplies. after chapel meetings as far a po si- Parkers' Fountain Pens, Even Flow OPTICAL DEPARTMENT ble. Ink Pencils, Sheaffer's Ever Sharp Eye Glasses and Spectacles, Eye As Otter _ein i trying to work ou t Shades and Goggles. Examination Pencils and Leads. Fine Papeteries, free. All work guaranteed. Give us '72. Mrs. Lillie Resler Ha r ford of thi s problem, it is interes ting to note that other college are al o taking a Etc. a call. Omaha, ): ebraska . who ha been pending the winter wi th her sister, imi lar tep. Wooster ha recently Mrs. R. P . Miller, (Lydia Resler) of passed drastic r e olutions in regard to Philipsburg, Penn ylvania, came to chap el conduct. Accord in g to t'he ================================= Ohio last week. She spent a few "W ooster Col lege Bull etin," in essence g11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111_111111111111111111111111111111111111 days with her b rother, Frank J. Res­ th e new program calls fo r changes as ler of Columbus, Oh io, and th en went far reachin g in effect as such majot _ on to Dayton to atten d some impor­ movements like the s tudent govern- _ tant meet ings of th e tru s tee of the ment or• the honor system. T he r esolutions as submitted to the "\Voman's Mis ionary Association of the l:nitcd Brethren Church of which tudents by the tudent Senate contain an article which read : "Be it : s he is president. furth er resolved that the following re' 10, ' 10. Ro coe .. Wa les and Waldo olutions be adop ted by th e studen t : V. \Vales. who were commonly known body: (a) Tha t there be no talking of : among O tterbein people as th e Wales any kind w hatsoever, fr om the mo- § twin are now co nn ec ted with the ment of ente ring chapel to the end of : publi~ schoo l of Young town . W. the ervice. (b~ That there be no V. '\,\'ales i servin g for th e school congrega tin g in the aisles." Otterbein : year a principal of th e Oak Street students, profiting by th e e sugges­ School and his brothei: is principal o f tions and carrying out th e recom- : th e Roosevelt School. m endatiorl s of the Student Counci l at '95. Mrs. W . C. Whitney (Edith Otterbein co uld mak e the chapel ser- _ Turner) of lorth State Street, en­ vice become a tim e of true worship, tertained at dinner last Thursday except, of course, when it is, set a ide evening Dr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Burt­ for some other recognized purpo e. ner the Reverend and Mr . H . Ale'xander Smith and the Reverend L ibrary Secures New Books. and Mrs. vVilliam E. Bancroft. Miss Barnes, lib rarian, a nnounces ._ '78. Mrs. S. W. Keister (Mary the recent addition of the following Nea e) left last Saturday for Chicago, books to the College Library. ~ where he will visit her son, Profcs or lark-When You Write a Letter. A lbert S. Kei ter and family. Brea tedncient Time . a nd r on-In cct Pe t . ' 12. Virgil B. Mayne, who wa aleeby-Evolution the Ma ter Key. ;; preaching in Colorado for several aleeby-Doo't Worry. years, is now tudying in the theolo­ r ewrnan-Readings in Evolution, gical department of the niver it y of Genetic and Eugenic . California. Robin on-Dome tic Architectur e. '85. Mrs. Wendell P. Kincaid (Min­ Brook -Labor' ha ll nge to the : nie Beard) i now living in Charles­ ton, West Virginia. She is teaching ocial Ord r. gricultural : Martin-Botany with mu ic an d acting as piani t in the pplication. Humphrey' Memorial Methodist harp-Cyto logy. Epi copal chur ch, South, in that city. Thatcher-Cherni try of Plant Life. _ '15. Mrs. Darrell Drucker (Dorothy Kaupp-Anatomy of the Dome tic _ Gilbert) and her little on of Daven• Fowl. ii 1111111111111111 III II III I I I I Ill llll 1111111111111 III III Ill II IIll II I I 1111111111111111111111111111 II II II I ~ I port, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. Drucker' Robinson-Medieval and Modern father and i ter, Mr. Frank Gilb rt Time. College Delegates Meet. faci litie . For two years the increas- ' aud Mi J anet Gilb rt in Dayt n Palmer-Foll y of - ation . Two thou and delegate from the ingly large clas es in Bacteriology Ohio. Tau ·g-Principl of Economic . colleges and univer itie of Greater have been hand icapped seriou ly by a Ely-Outline of Economic . New ork will a emble in the Great lack of prope r equipment for sterifiz­ Miss D orothy Dilgard V isits. Ferr y-General Phy ic . H all of the College of the City of Jew Dorothy Dilgard of Go rmonia, Taft-Technique of fagean try. York to pa re o lutio ns concerning ing. The new apparatus i electrically . Va., vi ited Mi s irg inia Wolfe Tarkin gton-Alice dam . the entrance of the nited tates in­ heated. ov r unday. Miss Dilgard is nuw Canfield-Brimming Cup. to the coming Genoa conference. travelin g with the Leiter Light Opera ingh--"Dry" m erica. Other meetings will follow throughout Company of Chicago, as oprano and uthall- Mirror , Pri m the country, when the opinion oi oloi t in Gilbert and ullivan' popu- Le n e. eve ey college on international que lar opera "Ruddygare." tarling-Techni al Electricity. tion will be secured, and finally tft The n:onotony of Sunday evening Eddington--' pace, Time and Gravi­ tabulated result will be pre ented to Expert work done and guaranteed to dat wa b_roken by th e privil ge of tation. Pre ' ident Hardin by a delegation of hearing Mi s Dilgard in the parlor Flynu-Influence of Puritani m. tudent r pre entino- the va<rious secfor a short time. Carpenter....:.. ,piritual Me age o( tio11s of th country. be 5atlsfactory or your money back. H r charming per onality as we ll a Dante. h r voic , won tne admiration of latt ry-Poetic Origin and the tnany and we hope that she will re­ ];lallad. Bacteriology "Lab" Adds Equipment. turn to We terville again. Hulb crt-Engli h R,eformation and• long felt need in the Bacteriology "Dead men tell no tales." eith~r :Puritanis.m. Laboratory ha been filled r ece ntly oy Star Shoe Shop 24 W. Main St. <L deaf men and anybody can be deaf . Fo dick-Meaning of Service. Fo dick-Manhood of. the Master. the pu r'c ha e of adequate sterilizing ====~==~=======~ to tale-bearers.


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OTTE RBEIN BOWS I I I I I I Ill I I I II I l I II I I I II I IIII I I II I I I I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII TO WITTENBERG : (Continued from page one.)


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had five fie ld goal to his credit an<l Compton four. During the last part :

We are g lad to know - that Roy Peden is steadi ly improving, and v:e hope he will be back in college n ext W ednesday. Crabb • of Fremont, v~;ited B urnell Crabbs last




ever did he come down the floor ~ farther than the center. Wh eneve r 1 they found themselves in a, tight place th ey pas ed the ball out to him and 1 wv rked it in agai n. Hum1non and Mong 1 were hi gh sco rers for the oppos1t1on, ' each r egistering fourteen points. Criss


o.f the game Godfrey substitu ted all second team men but one. Captain White made half the points for Otterbein and p layed a ve ry co inmendab le game. Both Albright and Anderson we re being " spotted"; '·Ex" was able to register but one basket and " Andy" failed to ring up any at all. Crabbs and George, who played almost all the game, were more or !es new and inexperienced on such a large ·floor and weren't able to ge t in clo e eno ugh to get any bas.k ets. Crabbs, however, acco unted for four points by shooting fou r out of fi ve foul . Mi gnerey who got into the game for

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Wednesday. Homer Cherri ngton spent th e week end at his home in Logan, Ohio. ~ : Hal Goodman went to his home 111 A kron, Saturday. §::, "Caesar" Johnson, the renowned Snipe-Hunter, "pulled the wool" over a while slip ped down the side at his bis enemies' eyes last week when he " te n flat" pace and sneaked a shot. Th e game was remarkably clean, or returned to W es terville several hun­ at least the referee seemed to think so dred fathom s ahead of his escorts. for he called but one personal on : :: ·"Toi abl e David," which was shown \Vittenberg durin g th e whole game. : at th e Colo nial Theatre all la st week That there should have been more llllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf was of pa rticular interest to th e I called was the candid opini on of Virginia students at Otterb ein . everyone including th e Lutheran Otterb ein students feel that th ey players themselves. Of course, we THIRTY, TWENTY AND TEN Speaking of JealousyYEARS AGO AT OTTERBEIN have peen enthralled during th e past wouldn' t have won the game o n the People everywhere (Taken from the fi le of the Otter bein week with exams. foul goal that we · might have thrown but it ould have helped to lessen a Are always getting jealous Aegis and Otterbein Review) Mr. George L. Glauner, of I\ewark. little the ya wning g ulf between the was a visitor at O tterbein last week. Of one thing and another, January 1892. scores. It is rumored, hither and yon, that Inability to penetrate Wittenberg's J. R. Kin g preached at orth Berlin Of one (or two) person, George is expecting to euter Ohio defense to any great ex tent and failur e Pr,esbyterian church. State University in the near future. ( O r another) ; to break under the basket account W. E . Bovey and " hi lady" went Amon g the several students leaving chiefly fo r the onesided score. But when it comes to Columbus, Saturday, to hear the Otterbein at th e end of the first Line up. To real heart rending emester, are Ralph C. Knight, of Otterbein B. F . P. Bostonians. Parker burg, W. Va., and Wilbur H . F. P. B. Nolan R. Best and G. L. Stoughton Honest to goodness Swanso n, of Youngsville, Pa. We o have been admitted to the enior 0 Schreck, r. g. -·-······-·-······· 0 are sorry to see the e representatives 8 Class, wh ich now numbers 26 mem- Sincere jealousy there must be 0 White, L. L., I. g. ·····-·-- 4 of the " Little Mountain" and th e 2 bers. 0 A lbright, c. ······--·---··- - ·- 1 Something real about it. "Key tone" states leave u , but expect 4 Crabb , r. £. ·-··········-···-'·- 0 4 L. L . Barnard was chosen captain to e them back next year. 0 Ander on, I. f. ········-····-·-- 0 O of the football team for the coming It was ju.st this way : 0 Otho Zimmer motored to Brook­ George, r. g . ---···············- 0 O year and M. B. Fanning wa elected We heard a young college lady 2 manager. 0 Migner, I. f. ·········-··-····-·-·· 1 ville, Ohio Sunday. 0 0 White, R. J ., I. £. ··-··-·····-··0 Remark to a friend of her's, and A number of Otterbein boy 4 16 Total ·-········-··-·-··-······ 6 January 1902. girls eel brated aturda.y by going to B. F. P. Pre ident George Scott attended the " Do you know that the only Columbus to see "Kazan", "Theodora" Wittenberg 10 funeral of Bishop Hott at Dayton. Thing that ever made my "Tol'able David,'' ect. 0 Criss, r. c. ··-·--·-·-····-·-······-- 5 0 8 Compton, I. g. -·······-······-· 4 Dr. T. J. anders, F . . Thomas, L. H. S. Gruver, '021 and farie Kemp, Mother jealous was Blendon 2 '00, were married at Dayton, Ohio, 0 D. Harri and J. P . West attended Horn, c. ·-······-······-····-··-·· 1 14 December 26, 1901. 6 Home Baked Pie." the cerc.monie incident to the for­ Mong, r. f. ·-····--···-···-······ 4 0 14 mal opening of the new Cleveland Hummon, 1. f. ··--··-- 7 Yes, remember the Blendon Restaurant I I January 1912. Discount Building in Cleveland la t Tompkins, r. f. ····-·--···-- 0 0 0 Heberling, 1. f. --···-·······- 0 Dr. T. J . antler recently returned Where the serve the pies week. 0 0 e s, r. g . ·····-··-··--······- 0 from a trip up the Ohio River from An organ recital given by 0 0 Repp, 1. g. ·-··-····-····--····· 0 incinnati to Pittsburg. The round "That made mother jealous." 7 49 Helen Vance, '19, at the Oakwood Totals ··-····-··- --···-··-····21 trip•, almost a 1,000 miles of travel, M,ethod.ist church in Columbus Janu­ Referee--Mahrt, Dayton. tate room and board was $14.00. ary 16 attracted very favorable com­ Umpire-Bacon, Dayton. David Seneff, '97, the great football ment in musical circles. star recently visited his brother, B. L. ''Watchword" Mentions I. C. U. Otterbein. Go pel Team conducted Seneff. Miss Agnes Wright, In tructor in "The Watchword" of last week con­ eight mee tings res ulting in fifty-three Piano, accompanied the soloists at a tained quite an extensive article on Ba ket ball scores for the month of c?nver ions at O tnander, Ohio. G. paffor d, R. E. Penick, T . IL banquet of the Exchange Club of Co­ Indiana Central University. Accord­ January were: Otterbein 34, Bliss D . ing to the write-up, that U nited Breth­ College 24; Otterbein 24, Findlay Col­ el on did the preaching and A. D. · lumbus, held at the Chittenden Ho tel r n institution is a " real place" and lege 36; Otterbei n 49, Heidelberg 23. Cook did the personal work. last Thursda.y night. Otterbein can be glad to have denom­ F ir.st string players were : Gammill, inational affiliation with .it. Campbell, Roger , F outs and Cook Dates mix with Blendon pie.-Adv. Blendon for best in eats.-Adv.

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= For Sale by

Blendon Restaurant H. Irwin


Blendon Restaurant

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