1920 05 24 The Tan and Cardinal

Page 1

Guitner, Prof. Alma Sept. '20 \ . College


Tan and Cardinal Take Small End of 1 7 to 3 Score in Loosely Played Contest Saturday.

·1ry wa touched rather freely at ti111e and was put in several bad hol e by w o b b ly uppo r t.

Ohio Uni. A. B. H. \Vhi te, 2b............................. 5 0 t ckdale, 1b ....................... 5 l Ear.ich, 3b............................. ~ 2 l<ing, s. . .............................. 5 2 Bar to n, r.f. ........................ 2 Rum ey, 1.f. ······················- 5 2 Mo rgan, c.f. ........................ 5 2


~~\~;r, ::::::::::::~:=:=~::~:: ; i p~·

kennard, p. ············~····-······ 1 Otterbe:n A. B.


H. Gr;ibill. r.f. ········--·····-······ 0 Geor c, 3b. ·······-··-··---···· ➔ 1 !Continued on pa~e fiv e.)


College O rchest ra and Columbus Violin Choir Give Concert ~efore t!n Appreci2tivc A u!!k nc ~-


Page Two Quizz and Q uill Due Soon. The Q uizz and Qu ill magazine is . t ers an d w1. 11 _rn t I1c I1an d s o f t I1e prm k . d I ma e its cco_n . annua appearance om c t1111 e w,t h m th e next co upl e -weeks. The magazine will contain the be t literary productions of th e year produced by the students.

7I ,


LOCALS ! r, . . . : I~ J. \V. Fausey entc.rta 111 ed , . his. fri end, : Ruby L''v eer o f Oh10 11 1vers1ty over I th e we e k-end . I

I Anderson, who part icipated


Harold in th e High School me et for kron Centra l at Columb us on at uu rday . I vi ite d friends at Otterbe in Satu rday. •Beau tiful corsage. and bouq uets for and Sunday. Mr. Ander on is a n a ll ~ommencement. R. M . J o h n o n, i ro und ath le te and w ill be a t ude nt ;:agent.-. dv. ! he re nex t year.


N ext Issue on T uesday. 1[a ry an d Bill a nce wer e vi ited by x t wee k' s iss ue o f th e Tan and their par en t s of Gree nvi ll e, Ohio , o n <Ca r din a l wi ll app ear on T uesday on · Su nday. Th ey were a cco mpanied by -account o f Monday be ing a lega l ho li- J Mi ss H e len K e ste r. ,day fo llowing D ecoration D ay oon W a d e F· au ey wa ca 11 e d h ome u d bunday. Th e printers, o f cou r e, d en ly on Monday mo rni ng by th e erve ho lidays, so we a re put in th e critical illn es of 1-iis fa ther. agreeabl e po itio n o f be(ng co mp elled Edna and Ilo D ellinge r ent ertain ed 'to d o th e ame. the ir mother, frs . M. . D elli nger o f Sophs Win in Tennis. tt ica, Oh io, on Sunday. T h e op homore wo n in tenni from F• r e d "vv' n•g h t o f D ayton v1s1t · · ed E . . · "the F r e h m en 111 the fir s t match o f th e C L . d _ . H d d f d . oom1s on a tur ay. mter- c1a sen es. ow~r e ea te ;when it has a Ove rh ea rd a t t he dorm- ' I Ju t ha te C rabb 6 to l 6 to I w hil e B Ju e too k Leffel aero s too, 6 to 1, 8 to 6. O ~ly th e ,ta s_te ~f o1_ive a1~d !'~1 so , g la d , I j y~u know that ,one et o f do ub les wa playe d, go mg I don t hk e e m ca use 1f I liked em I d j appeal to you o th ophs 6 to 3. hav e to eat ' em a nd I ju t hat e 'e m." :,_ . ·


Everybody Likes Dainty Things-Especially to Eat




Ba cillu T ubercul o i ( in Pro£. I Have yo u een Hoffma n's J o n tee l I hear' la b.)-" I hear yo u ha d a pa rty 1 an ity a . e ? T hey're rea l piffy .dY. la t nig h t. M any th ere?" j Ba cillu P rodigio u -" a w. no t , man y. O n ly abo ut 3,000,000,000." ·Honor M em ory of Emery Farver. · h fac ulty , 1id . t ud en ts of the ni­ Jam e awye r of Oh io o rth crn v er sit y r e cnt ly paid hi g h hon o r to d o_ff to v i i Marth a k in11 r Emery Farv r; died 111 the ser­ over at u rday and unday o n the way f vice of h i country in France in J a nu - to hi home at Circlev ille, Oh io. ary, 1919. n April 23rd a tree wa ecil on ley is th e t hi rd tudent to -planted on th un iver ity camp u m mory f Mr. Farver. la e were have an inj ured ankl th i pring. He i mi d and appropriate ce reinonie di located hi left ankle Monday after­ accompanied the ctting out of th noon at the j umping pit w hil pole tree. Mr. Farver graduated from t­ vaulting.


terbein with c lass of '14 and wa a Wi llet-" You mell raduatc st uden t and in tructor in bu h:' h niver ity of lllinoi after h fin,lorri on-"Wi h I that." he re. ·lapping o qu ito t in th •'Horro , .

wrf t-

i11 th i t." o





dainty look and when '


it is as clean all through as a new pin, it a lot more-doesn' t it?

w·11· I Iams Ice Cream

~ clean. Y ou can count upon th at ab olutely. It i handled with all the care that a woman put on a lace gown.

It- ough t to be in your h ome ever y day. Th e childr n ought to have a much of it a often a they want it.

Keeps the face rosy

- smiling too

lilac '


Ii- lac

Both Phones 12

W est~ rville, O.

corge now D r bach of ircle- j . ville, h io, vi it d friend aro und I.. tterbein ov r the wr!ek-~nd. - - - -----------;-=-==~=-;--~..;:~;.~=========­ Dr• bach was formerly a membe r of !JUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II!! the cla of '19.

fr. I



t Antwerp. in i a Oi f r in , u.t liJ.nination · • lh per ·onuel 1 :~i•~tet :;a;a 1


dainty taste and


e11t tbi 1ite ic 1 e \

th th ( in e lab)-"I ere uch a l' ~ cadmium . ulphat ." : § .- ·'Look io your app ndi.x."

rd .{orri 1day at l er, wb I-road w · vin rapidly.


Where can you get one?

p nt aturclay t § hom in Dayton. :: in ju r d la l week • in I wa, i im- 1::

Let Joh11 on g t your A wer . - d .

a h of


: =

a t the







Boarding Club " Y" Contest I lll I I I I I II III I I I I I I I I I I I 11111111 11111 11 111111 11111111111 III III 111111111 111 1111111111 111111 1111111111 I I I({ ome oo fe llow , let' go. 100~

"Y" n xt Th u r day nig h t or "bu t". r :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;

, r port ma ur pirit.


Holfin er-"Dr. what , ould V :terville do in ca e of a fire?" " DDc" navely-"We' d be on th e -mercy of" t_hl e Lot:d, ~.s w e have .been or a goou ong unc.

•t t h pir.it; 61 w re pr eut la t ,-;; Thur day even in g . a n in r a ( I v r th p r ce din g T hur day v n in g. T h conte t tand ab out ev n w ith two mo r . n.igh t to g . p n­ na nt w ill be awa rd ed th w inn er. ta ndi ng fo r Th ur day, iay 20. Memb r Pre ent Pct Town ............ 30 22 .73 IMatto u ...... IS 9 .60 .60 Bradford ...... 15 9 .50 Prie t ............ I 9 7 .36 16-19 Bi hop .. .... .... 19 Pace ............ IS S .33 1-3


a rr a f ull lin an d

an li

rocen e f rui t convincecl . n e t ri d a h a

C, W. REED 21

ta te


Both P h ones N o. 6

-----= O


TTERBEI NHE D CARDINAL ~ANkly in the mteres • t b <rA ,.,.-.C.a W« · b Y the !isheed Otterbetn ISHI G

to find roo m you may kn w make them available fo


f and to th



front ·and we wond r if Otter-1 h d O ty f ' " '· hem ho"Jdo' t t,k, , defioite <,od oo a opportu of n at ~ou ay, tude_nt ? Here' th e question . 1f ever a que tion had °' . o,toP'>ct,c,t for r eal erv1ce the h boo I <iog, I , I wo id, , th; ooe ,h, . . h ; oo< 00 10 .'• PUSL fi . ' · Is ooc '"'PO , how"·" m th,s p,e ,,.,. tJ OARD orrERBEB . mg, " \Ve'« P,oud ol Ou, tioo of the m,ue, ~ u,g, '"Y dimt rville, Ohio Ima ~fate.r " but what d · I 1 We b e Ohio College Press . . ' we nee now 3Ct1on one way or another but mere y of t ' . . ' ' l,ttt, P<>ct ' " I de moom, lioo. <o p,e '"' fact ,o d , 11 ; ,e,de, to Assoc<>hon od of us fellow who ' " " " i"dgo >cco,d;ogly. 0



f New Line b d for Jewelry eVery O y d just ''"·'receive •





STAFF . • . . Chief .... J. R':;kifl H ~';';• •~ Sditor· ~ Editor.···· J. · ow ' •; i •.;::.ti.,g Ed•to,E!hu Huley, '2L o""' D. D. B<>oe '21 M ,g« .. w. N. Rob, ct,;22 st s~' ioe '22 ,si J J.P. chutz, '23 M r . .. Marvel Sebert, '2 1 C°CC,i,tionCicc! btioo M•~•glf - '22 ,' 4 c,nt E.!iy '23 F ook'. '22 th ie<i< Ed<W 0. t,offu, :22 1.,oca Ed itor ······ K I '22 I Ed1to~ ·· Ima Gu1toer, 97 1om•"' Editoc ........ P. . o • t"h",:''\,,11 Edito<; bin, Afb<ct, '22 ,he> . Jo··· ) . w. mff, '23 . ,.,,. Ed•W ···· L•~ mmonic,tioos to The ~ • ~ , ; • ,nd C,!din,f, ,1o3 W. 1


.:t:"~.'G;;;, ,,





,:t .

th,t O ""b,thm ""d , b;g "'w "gym" I Th, H ooo, y !em h, m»,y ,d- I fu, ' o, ' '" • m,.,. do,mho,y.- , h,,..,, . Th, , d,;m 1h,t to foce, , th le t how e tru tee that our town j tudent to take exam under the vigih, . •ccommod,i;Oo •·pleoty, by 1,01 <re of pcofe i to d, · · <umg "P mo« mom <h,o oo, d,o, , cdmio,t ""d" g"ud, ,h,i Commrncem,ot g""' "" fill. R><h« "ot , <he ,. , , opo" hi ' 10 00 0 01 op I 0 . • i, ... , ii? \\'h,f will '" do? owo " po" ;b;ii,,• bot to keep him Make_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ con tantly und r watch i, to put College Wor th While. cheat in 3f a premium and a · someH o w o h,,. do we " acti,1, »>d thing lo be b ' <ed of ;,. ··poll;"' 0 th ' Q"< ,;o", ··r. ol- ·om« hi"g di co ioo " nC' the prnf, o,, le ' Wo,tb While?" Th; ; , qo, tio" whma to pl,c the tode"t o" hi lh,t '"oot b '" wncd >like foe all ho..o, ,o c,11 •occh <he be t in , co ll e graduate and tudent - for trength en elf-control artd if th wo,th-while qo,lilie, of college . '"' h ,Hog by , d, m,te, c,o ·, tc,ioi" d no t com, foe m " ' ki,._, him to be , 1, ,d ' ' , p, b,t ,.,d th Y ' " oot howecd o" o like "'" o,;,1 o o<c, t scoo"d ·,hoot It to b •b ocb,d •t pie,."" No, wo old - eem, to , <ha it we """" <o wonh-wh;J, qo,liti, only com, by go ,h,oogh life wi1hoo1 b '" dilig "' ffo,t »>d hacd wo,k ,.,d w, h ,;d,d by th 1,w w h old i" colIi, tb,t w "" '" " " ··] Coll, ' 1, ' '" ;n 00, op to ·f · " ~,. k e?" fo th e affirmativ e only prop r tandard . Worth Whil 1 we nia e ollege \Vorth While." But then on th other id ay . 'rb end of th T I colleg year i comthat ch eater do exi t and be 111 g on apac • h day C3rcely reckoned with in order to d tY em to p,o . oo <h,it ~•d rught in- With <h, othe, '"''"' . 0 to th. e pa f t and a we . realize that ach w3y to mm1nl1z the ffort • L I e tt.Jng o t 1e un bring u lo r to malpractor i to watch over l,JJ m. th, end of th ye,c w top wb,t hall we do? Glob T,lk



IOur Store is

Oll"b"A"·• w,st"$,''l~· \1~,°·y"' "' ..:ub er · advance.

CoJlegiption Price, . ' P d cla s matter -'a)'able 111 ~ ----:--~=-:---::=-::::: g,te>< 25 :..----:--:::d a !917 secon,t the po toffice ternber . j 0., under act of 3

,1' W""IBA'· ,,•farch , ce f or

m ailing at .spe..:ial 1 cceptan ta e provided for m . ec. ,, , of lo!f 3, 1917, authon,cd


1' 1919.


pc>I '


EDIT ORIAL for the " Grads"

fo, obec ceficction. In pitc of all <he ,

' l•

" th

nd, w h,"'

here at Otterb in to promot


loyed pica ur e and in pite of all th e " plain fun" we hould and do have



ohi«t "

the best place to select suit­ ,pp, · able presents for Commence­ ment .

•h , y welcome. - J. G. H.

-~. ~I; • •

University Bookstore

Boost the " Y",-100 7,' this week ! WE'VE BEEN THINKIN '

A"'m week dc,w nm. fr • the fact' n»in lh,t Th,t Hmkk', poem, "G>thec Y< thom d,y to d, th 11 on>"" '"' "''"~f pcepu,tioo ,nd . , ' ' " noth , p,;m ' " " fo, rnsebud, while yoo m,y'' might >pply

B. W. WELLS "Tailor . ""'

3 r noun ce ments · ,g thick and fa t . • es re 5 co mu . •atur L "b ly can are PIannmg to nd t ie ~ig Week. Alumni .I 1 for plo II who a. h t>Y ·« th,< <hey w,I " w,t . strong. . E fcieod wn 1 u, d fo r all th1 . very one 0 r W<wan " 'stsg ;11 1 " ' , gmt I of <h, · rad f ho th I ,,8 • our mid t o r e ga a o us •·ole s1on · u t what about hth e recep-? "" will " "'"' 0 whrn , ,y com,. th 1ioo <h•Y b ,oy ,gaoi,ed ,ffo« to k \Viii ere re I that th ey r eally mean 111a ·e . t us and to the c oo . them ec h !? th s methmg b: ,b l, 10 took confidently

ouWrpre eocc ere, . to violets, which come walking into e are here how ever, to acqu1r W . . b h daily . attribute . . esterv1 e m great unc es · ce rtain of character and 1t 11 . i only by the acqui ition of th e th3t That it was "tres amusant" to hsee o<« college edos,tiou io tified. <ho gid, sc,mpe, md com up ' '_" . th, d , d,ttdhot, h d opon hmU>g <h,t • h,< w,s m With ,11 ,c- he,ds quamte an any attempt to renum r- t e orm.

\ ill ey C ,i,, enccmen t joy withdlO oo orry1ng d foutrwar . f0 abthe out week lceping accomw_ ? That c-

e sterville, Ohio if we cannot feel we have attempted That our shrubbery 1s begmmng to Bell PhoneW190 • • .. . • . b " (" . .t, . exe rt d out ma. ·11uum our b fEo rt work a transformat.:on m t e e ~ - - -Citizen - -- - - -llO Phone 111 attam1ng concentratton, 111tt1at1ve, campus. O

mod,i,oo ' M»>y of 1h, , lomoi, peod o; ,'.~ 1womc " , hesi<,te <o pl,n 011 t he occa0 both because th ey 1 . for me f iend living herehave on 10 th "o « •'"' '. impose fo, <he k5 whom ey wt, ,men<. P,s< ycm

frieod hip o, ,ny oth , o,., of , Th,< T,ytors Woods, s ;g W,Inot, <hoo >nd pdc,I, s gain from • col- M,ugec House ,nd Alum Cceek m I d I legeo education. we w 10 are un ere as men doing a rush.'ng business of late. ........




wee . ent er aut even th e hearty ho lhav e pr oven t ,a t nspeople will no t be )itality ourmee owt rooming demand , . of I lo 0 ;offi'"" · d pl,o of , tioo ;s " ' '" ' " '


1 carried out. h ss urance f rom ti e adWe ha~ e t e ha t a faculty-student min;s<nhoo '11 a b, ,ppoin<ed vccy committee wt this ituation. It now .. 1 of boon to liand le duty andhis _ pnvff1ebge ecomes ther to show stu Y coevery boo . teReport ex tra rooms that operaung. 1 e to this co mO

1111ur landlad y may ,av ' .f • Y o n orooms I poss1out. upGo ut of your way ou ble ble·ttee. an d hD e Ip

w, '"

" ' them wo old be· ope,ftooo d b .k n o a entor gaze ac up 11 th f e four Iyeard o d 0011 th to be f a book ocem , o , , ,n , cc t o o ><· ,i,w th, my;og oombec of y " pent here, it i ad if we ca1111ot fe e l that our ttm e pent ha een mi• b • oently wocthwhH,. It ; 1,m "'•bl,

Th,i ,n occuion,1 college singd · strengthens our yc ung voices an binds us closer together. . Id . sing Th,t. < htcmy woe ;s ,:, to th much m i:iot havmg op~or un 1 . read the Freshman English pub cations. . . . 11

Corner St.a te and Main Sts . Does Cleaning and Pressing on Short Notice.

C. W. Stoughton, M. D. 31 W . College Ave.

G. H. Mayhugh, M. D. East College AvCr. Phones 1 'zen 26 C"t1 ___________ ___ __ Bell 84-R

hoold .,k, b.,d, it we hm behind Th, St,ng Isn't Oocsl os ,oy ceg,ets, fo,get them ,od <omL, < c,11 fo, the ibyll Tho ' tHI mg o ur face the oth er way, re o Ive l having copies . . wa 1t1ng . . for t h em s hould to triv e o to conduct our e Ives t h at call at iby l office at once as rem ain · ' on our day of graduation we can ay ing copie , ill be put on ale oon. "A <h>t w, ha« pot fo,<h ooc be t lo Bo in, Mmgec Shot, s,ys, "M,kc College Wonh White." whole bloom;n• smeu of folk " ' - J. G. H. ' onna' be out-o'-luck if they h" don t hake a leg and g ra b off the e t i~g I --------The Hono, System. befoce we blow lap . om <he ny HOME DRESSED A subject that ha ~ecn. di cu ed office·•. Get that, o ld1er ? pro and coo for ome bme 111 the column of our variou college publica. The brai n j a g reen hou e for eed tions . i the Honor y tem in examiMAKE GOOD EATS nation . thoughts-not a mau o leum for dead idea .-As oc. Men. With emester exam on ly a few - - - -------:-kl Bell 46-W. Both Phones . again . comes Boost the " Y",-100 % this wee . week hence this que hon Citizen 92



!'age Four

CALENDAR TOILET ARTICLES-Face P o wders, Toilet May 25Waters, California Perfumes, V an ity Boxes, /c::;,--.._ :~ j 3:30-Interclass track meet. Flesh Brushes, Etc. 11. ...-....,...~ . \ I Wednesday, May 26' I ~. .\Vester\'ille High School en10r Eastman Kodaks and S upplies of all kinds. Phy, College Chapel. FILMS DE V EL OP E D AND PRINTED F riday, May 280 __0,, ' Tennis meet with Denison at GranUP-T O -D ATE P HARMACY ville. OPTICAL DEP ARTM E NT 'OS . The Reverend \Villiam E. \Vard . 1Saturday, May 29Eyes Examined Free, Eye Glasses and S p ectacles of all styles. pastor of the Coburn Street United j Track meet at St. 1[ary's. Dayton. , Satisfaction Guaranteed . . · . Wednesday, June 2Bre thr e n church oi Toledo, Oh10, has · R eci·tal, 8 :OO p. m.- G ra d uatmg . just been elected president of th e To- I School of :Xlusic. :-.,fiss Eubanks. ri al l : nion. Mr. \ Nard is . . C . ledo '[iniste ·' . , pianoforte: 1fi,s low. voice. having a very successful pastorate lll IF 'd J 4n ay, un e . . T 0 I do His church was one of the e 111 . · I h Baseball with h .enyon at Gambier. I ll lll ll llll l l l lllllllllllllll l lll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l llllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllll first · · · • Lucas county to r eacC 1 t he I 8 ..00 p. m.- 1,,eci·ra I o f 'f ,,, au d e Tl r ana- : q uota 111 the recent Int er- hurc watspupis, ,1 S ClOO · _-: 1, l\'IUSic. :1 1 O f ,, 1 \\' orld campaign for fu nd s. Satur day, J une 5'08 . .At the recent meeting of the Baseball with Goodyear at Akron. Central Ohio School Masters' Club W ednesday, June 9Professor Raymond D. Bennett of Graduating Recital. School of '.\lusic. Westerville, Ohio, was elected presi­ Miss · Eubanks. voice: '.\11 iss Sellman. : dent for the ensuing year. Professor pianoforte. ; Bennett is a member of the faculty of Saturday, J une 12I= 22 North High Street the college of educa tion of Ohio State Baseball w ith Capital, at \\' ester- : U niv e r sity. ,·ille. ,C b oh· Tenn is meet with Capital at \\'cs ter- 1: O Um US, lO _ '03. At a special service held yester­ ville at 10:00 a. m . 1§ : day at th e ~lills :\le-morial church in Lancaster, Ohio. where the Reverend Sw eet Peas, Fancy Roses, V iolets and : Zoology Ciass Picnic. \Vallin E. Riebel is pastor, the mort­ many postponements l'rofes- 1 Corsages a Sp,ec1·a1ty. gage on the church was burned. This sorAfter Shea r's Zoology cla ss \Vas finally I: is Mr. Riebel's first year in Lancaster pri\'ileged to make a trip to the Olenand he is meeting with exce ll ent suc­ tangy River in the in terest of bird ~ A nice line of Flowers for commencement. cess there as this service testifies. s tud y. The class is very fortunate in : , ~

! Tuesday,






= =


i~ Qua11·ty· I§

Flowers :


I~ =




having a member who has the privi- : nd lcge of us ing a very sple id cabin, § locat ed in onr of the finest spots for § camp in g, p icn icking and nature study _ that the s urr ounciing country affords . 7012 The rain did not dampen the spirits of the zealous st ud ents and they all fe lt ~ell repaid by the rar e s1Secimens of birds that they ~ere able to st udy under the direct10n of Professor Shear. After the two hour s' tramp and bird st ud y was ovrr. all returned : to the cabin where a f-ire had been '06. Dr. \Villiam A. Weber of Day- built in the big fire place and proceded § ton, Ohio, will deliver the annua l ad­ to get their supper in the se If serve Ill 1111111111111111! 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111 II IIII IIIIII Ill llllllllll dre before the Christ ian Associa­ style. The menu consisted of roast tions at York College, York. Nebras­ weiners. buns. pickles. marshmallows II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 ll!! ka, next Sunday, a a part of the exer­ and good, cold spring water. cise of Commencement week: . The class is indebted· to Miss Kittle ' 77 . Dr. Edwin L. Shuey o f Dayton f r the use of the grounds and cabin, 0hio, was in \,Ve . terville la st Thurs­ to Professor h ear for promoting the day for an important meeting of th e trip and to th e members of th e class Your Photo is the only thing your friends executive comm ittee of the college. who furnished the transportation and Dr. hu ey i presid ent of the board made arrangements for the eats. -:: Most all expre secl a desire to go O ne dozen Photo s m ake 12 appreciated presents. of tru te es of Otterbein. again. Have th e best '1~. Mi ·s Helen Converse of Cincinnati. Ohio, was a g ue t at the hom e Y. M . C. A. E njoys Excellen t M eeting. R. W . SC HE AR, O t terbe in Representative of her grandmother, Mr . C. P. Lan­ We h·ad another p lendid meeting at : don, on South tate treet, last week. Y . M. C. A. Thursday night. F. L. : TH E OLD RELIABLE '19. George L. Glauner, who has be~n office secreta~y of the Young Men's Christian As ociation at C leve land, O. since last September, wilt leave that work, Jun e first to enter upon the st udy of law in Washington D. C, ' 12. Mrs. Carl O . Smith (Myrt le Sa ul ) of Germantown. Ohio, was in vVesterville last Friday renewing old acquaintances. he is expec ting to attend the s u mmer sess ion of th e t: niversity of Virgin ia next summ er.

Ray M. Johnson 1·s Our Westerv1·11e Agent.

= Main 9095


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'17. The littl e daughter born last Robert gave a very fine dis cussion Tue day to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie A. on the subj ect, "I Believe in God." In the first place we believe in the Merrill of :--,Cas illon, Ohio, has been existen ce of a God, but a great many named Esther Marie. of us fail to connect thi up with any'10. amuel J. Kiehl, inS t ructor for thing that we hav e. in our minds. And a tin1e at Otterbe in and later at Ohio then we believe in the personal power late and now at Columbia taking of Goel. This is a duty of all Chrishis Ph. D., has ac~epted a profes or- tian . In the th ird place we hould ship there for n xt year. beli eve ,n God's plan for red emption. ' 17. Elmo Lingrel, former Otterbein Believing all these things it i then football tar and athlete made good our d uty to do everything we can to also as coach during the past season adv!lnce his kingdom. One of the by coaching his Walla Walla, Wa h- greatest conceptions man can get is ington high school basket ball team that God i a Father and that he will to the North West championship. treat us as s uch.


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Order Your ·Photos at Once = -------Sta t e and High Streets

ii111 11111 11111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111 1 1 yea r 's senior clas M usic S enio rs Entertai ned. in m usic. Covers Thursday evening. May 20th, Coch- were laid for Prof. and M rs. G. G. ran Hall dining room was the cene of Grab ill. Prof. and M rs. Ar thur R . a very pretty dinner party when Lor- Spessard, Misses F lorence Dixon , na Clow, Ethel Eubanks and 1fay '.\!lay Sellman, Lorna Clow, E thel Sellman entertained in honor of this Eubanks and Mr. No r ris Gra bill.



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Al brig ht of Ge r mantow n -

-~;,th:·:;,;t of Eve lyo Jody J,.t : ,ve,~· and Mrs. Mille r a nd Lf~ ":1ily o f ";-~1 bUS were g uests of

Co u W3ters on Sun da y.

ReaI NObby: -- = =_ -


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r,era_ Gica La Va ug h n Cam p be ll 1 id! s;e:y Hil deb ra n t v isi tded Rh ea iJJ hey last wee k-e n . {cCona ug . s of Edna Clark a nd w e reV irgil g uestCar_Mis Mi ll ersburg of pente r Clow Saturday and Sunday. r,ori1a . . 111 Bingham v1s 1ted his sister, a the week-end. :gdith ove r c ·ghtee n g irl s were de lightfully en..,i . 1 by Ruth Hopp and Marion

Chirtaware tatione


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-_ : " Come in and brows e around."

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Glen-tee· Place I~ $35 and =j=H t

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r,Jarvel == == kfa st aturday morning in honor brea - Edythe Eby. ofPu-shes last week were g iven by llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll llll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf I § De ior her mother; llino-rr Ed ia o I 1 July for he r guest, Rose Al- P resident Clipping er 1 : \ ' elma Swinger · for her . l Sophomore-P rep Game. § brig D elivers Addr esses Mo nday, May 17, the preps were 10th .. Ohla Cave for her gues,t .Miss 11 er.t c1... Evelyn . and President Clippinger is spend ing a eliminated from the interclass baseball 'fodhun R Margaret . f h . . enn 1son o busy spring. with the demand made c amp10nsh1p series when they were I§ ·fer for 1liss Sadie Pt I id. Rhea McConnaughey for 011 his time lJ h'1 b. h . defeated by the strong sophomore ag- : Cleve at · L . Y s 1g s are 111 the . b Iests and ~he oom1s. U 111't d E 11. g regat1 on y the score of tw enty to ber gu 11· k e '11 stment Movement, being one. . d floor push t I, W('e was . 1 __ _'J'hirb Ida .vlarie Snelling and Ev- tll~reased by calls for addresses at ! I he score is sufficient to tell the § of the battle. Needless to say given Y 1111g . . High chool· Commencements and story I Dar · ·1 th e yn _________ 1m1 ar occas1Qns. Last week he dee preps were no match for the fast : "Jo" Foor Leads Y . W. livered the graduating addre s at traveling second year men who are 1 § Jose phin e Foor was the leader of Edison. Ohio; he was also th e peaker mos~ly _ var ity ma terial. By the ' § bst w eek's very interesting and help. at several town hip commencements eli111111at1011 of :-.Jartin Boehm followI y \\'. Meeting. Her ubiect, in neighboring counties. Next Fri- ers the Seniors and Sophs are left in : fu . College- \V.11at ,.. . d ec d d ay even ing · -• wa 111 he add r csse the gradu- ti1e conte t f or t h e c lass title . "After . 1 11iss Fo6r concluded her re- ates of the Huntington, Indiana High Jn the interclass basketball series tunekt by quoting from Shakespeare's School and the following Tue day the Seniors prove-cl to be the tumbling ~;;lonius' Advice to L_aertes" \'ir- tho e _at Crooksville, Ohio. President bloc~ for the Soph. who ha_d already Sl1a,·lv favored \. \\'. with a C!tppmger has just ret urned from the considered that game as entirely won. gm1a . Th· . violin solo. great Sunday School Centennial at 1 . 1 game also sho_ul d be an mterest1ng one as th e Seniors also have sevN t week's meeting is to be led by Corydon . ex I I . ··11 Ewr)' her topic being. ''A - - - - - - -- era varsity men. H. h S Luci c ' \ Veil Spent." There are only ig chool Baccalaureate. "o date ha been . ct for the game ummer b u t It · f y Vv Sessions remaining this One of th e t · . . w1·11 1·k 1 e Iy b e announce d f or a ew . , . . mos impress ive se rvi ces some time this week. year so lets be there regularly. Jof the year was that of the Wester- / ·


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Marx and& = F h• I= as 100 park =











Smartest - - New MOdeIs, Fabr1·cs an· d == w·eaves --

Denn1son • 's Goods .

~ in



Graduatioll su1ts • ·for

Young Men,




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~ ~ We1l-Tailored = : §

Cut Flowers


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fre t week-end. 1,oo!!lis 5la;ve ly n a nd Clar li1G 1e Hughe § ~{isse H end erly a nd ardn er o f




th i11ol d W rig ht of D ayton

Page Five


J. and Sunday. turdaY 11 Ja t a was delightfull y ur- : faO' O ~1~day when he r moth er ·5ed thre e broth ers , and one ~{.r ..





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. M. ~ r vi it ed Edna §


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I ville High School Baccalau reate, held . P rofessor W agoner· Impro ving. . fron1 (Continued page one.) 111 th e lJn it ed B rethren Church last , 3 1 Sunday eveni ng. The proces ional of Martin, ss. ···················· O The latest reports from the hospital Miller, lb . ........ ········· •· ········ 4 0 0 the graduates wa a very attractive indicate that Professor Wagoner is Mignery, 2b. •···············•····· 4 0 0 feature of the program: spe.c ial music much improved, that he i ga111111g fox, c.f. ................................ -l 1 0 was rendered by Mis Mills and the str ength , and will possibly be brought Albright, l. f. •············•·········· I O O choir, and the Reverend E. J. Moore, to We terville next week. From this 1 Pace, I.f. ... 0 0 D. D .. delivered a very able sermon. we assume that th e worst is over, and Ulry, p. . ········•···-- ·· ··· -l O The largt! auditor ium was crowded al- t hat h is recovery is assured. Of course eneff, c. ..... ................ 3 1 I most to its capac ity, and not -one per- Otterbein wishes him well, and looks Howe ........ 0 0 ' son. it seemed, went away without an fo rward to his return to the classroom. Young. Kennard. and Iexp r ess ion of deep sa tisfaction with R. M. J ohnson for commencement rncff. the serv ice in all its details. flowers.-Adv.

Fine Suits

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Special Cakes for special occasions. FELLOWS ! Get your Bread for your clubs at THE W E STER VILLE B A KERY

RHODES& SONS The College A venue


Page Six


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Central Ohio's Big Store

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-\Yeltome --- Laza·rus Straws! : -


traw are read y!


They've marched right in and tak n po e ion of the d:en' Hat tore . It took ix men 10 hour to help them line up ver in the t ck r om for the trip to the Men tore. nd b re they are-66 ver c nceivable hape. -

m happy al)d ea 1ner.





tlen tor cheerfully br ak rank for the um-

n1 rr ,, and

haro- d.

eparate tyle -



h n rably

Sailors­ ennit , $3. To o Panama , $3.50. Golden Brown ove lty Braid and Sennit , $4. et}nit plit traw and Fancy Braid , $5. ·plit traw , Tu can , Luzon $6. anama and Bankok ailor , $7 .50. Panama and B·alibuntal ailor , $8.50. ankok ailor , $10. Balibuntal ailor , $12. Alpine, Telescope and Other Shapes. Toy_ Panama $3.50. anama and Le ·h rn $5, $6.50, $7.50, $10, $12, $18 and $25. alibuntal and Bankok $7.50, $10, $12, $15. -

(Men's Store-First Floor)





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